#she literally just watched supernatural and thought he was cute that's it! completely immune to brainworms they should study her in a lab
his-porous-membrane · 8 months
was understandably nervous about telling my good friend i'm flying to london last minute just to see david tennant and as i'm mid-rant explaining this she interrupts me with this pained look on her face and goes "i'm SO sorry. who is that?" hkjlhkj ALEXA PLAY THE CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM THEME
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itsthesinbin · 6 years
Role Change (EmmaxLiam SFW)
Monster Prom commission for @thekraziesreside​!
Late night rehearsals are so annoying. Liam couldn’t help but grumble as he avoided a half-asleep pixie making her way past him. An irritated huff left his mouth as he walked, looking between his script and the people walking through the halls of the school.
He exited into the yard, making his way towards the auditorium. The moon was shining brightly, and the faint howls of werewolves could be heard from the woods surrounding the school. And from the football field. Scott must not’ve made his way home, it seems.
Or the Wolf Pack, from the extra howls close by. Well, he’s just gonna hurry the fuck up to the auditorium, just in case Scott catches his scent. He REALLY needs to be at this rehearsal, not squashed under a giant werewolf and covered in slobber.
The auditorium had a few people around- not many, but enough that Liam really wished he had just went home. God, he wants to die.
After avoiding another sleep-deprived zombie (a literal Zombie, in this case), he made his way towards the drama teacher’s office. He wanted to discuss his role in the upcoming play, and possibly try out for a different one. He felt his character was too aggressive for his tastes.
He knocked on the door, waiting for a few moments. When he didn’t get a response, he looked up from the script he as reviewing. Raising a brow, he knocked on the door again. The vampire, once again, got no response.
Upon opening the door and finding the office empty, he growled in annoyance. Of course the teacher wasn’t here. Please… he’s so tired.
He closed the door to the office, mumbling to himself as he made his way towards the stage. Maybe the teacher’s at the stage, already?
He heard music coming from the main stage. Did rehearsal start already? He thought it wasn’t supposed to begin for another thirty minutes. Maybe his watch was slow.
When he entered into the stage area, there was only one person there. She was dancing on stage to the music playing, singing along. The melodious voice instantly gave away who it was.
Emma was finishing up some song- When He Sees Me- when Liam came in. His sharp ears raised as he listened to her. The Fae in her really shined as she sang. Even with his usual immunity to supernatural beings, he could even feel it tugging at his soul.
Liam shook his head, letting the doors shut behind him as he entered the stage room. Em jumped, staring at Liam with wide eyes. A scarlet blush appeared on her face as it set in what happened.
“Oh, God, how long have you been there,” she asked, clearly flustered. Liam couldn’t help but think her red face was kind of cute. That, and Liam’s more primal side thought all the blood was a delicious look.
That’s staying in the repressed side of his mind.
“Not long,” he offered, trying to help her not feel as embarrassed as she is. “But, you have a beautiful voice.” Her cheeks flared again, more flattered than flustered. She stumbled over her words for a moment, before sighing. Liam couldn’t help but snicker, the noise growing to a quiet laugh as Emma gave him a small glare.
“Well, thanks… What are you doing in here, anyway? Rehearsal isn’t starting for another fifteen minutes,” she said, turning off the music and sitting on the edge of the stage. He hauled himself up, sitting next to her and dropping his bag beside him. He huffed.
“I knew I was early,” he mumbled, before turning back to her to answer.
“I was going to see if I could change my role. I think the character I was given is… too aggressive. Simple-minded,” he sneered, eyeing the script again. Emma took the script, going over some of his lines. Her face slowly grew sympathetic.
“Yeah… this really… isn’t you,” she agreed, letting out a small snort when she saw a certain sentence. Man, they really gave Liam a really… REALLY dumb character.
“This would be more in-line with what Scott would do. How the hell did you get it?” She handed the script back. He took it, a heavy sigh leaving him.
“God, I don’t know. I just know that it sucks,” he told her, giving a small laugh at the absurdity of the whole situation. Emma rolled her eyes slightly, but laughed along with him.
“What part are you gonna ask for, then?” He thought about it, going through the roles.
There was the part that would be Em’s partner. Suave, and meant to sweep the heroine off her feet. And, most importantly, not a complete, bumbling idiot. There was one other part- the villain- but…
He glanced over at Emma, who was looking over her own script while he thought. He couldn’t help a small smirk that crossed his face.
“Perhaps Marki’s role,” he chuckled, seeing her eyes bug out and a blush cross her face. Marki was the other lead.
“Why… Marki’s role, in particular?” He eyed the way she curled in on herself slightly, the bright flush, the nervous fidgeting… Ah… he sees. His smirk grew.
“Perhaps I simply like the way the role is played. Perhaps I’d enjoy having you as my partner.” Her cheeks were on fire, much to his amusement. He couldn’t help the quiet snicker that left him.
Liam stood, stretching slightly and grabbing his things. Emma looked up at him, confused and flustered.
“Where, uh… where are you going?” He smiled at her.
“I still need to ask for a role switch, don’t I? You know where the teacher is?” She swallowed slightly, twisting the rolled up script in her hands.
“Uh… Maybe try the bathroom? Or, uh… Might’ve… gone inside to the cafeteria?” Liam nodded. He started to walk, before stopping again and turning to glance back at her.
“Would you like to come with me? Maybe having both of us convincing them will fair better than just me. If you want me to be your new partner, that is.” She was quiet, eyeing the sly smile on his face.
She ignored the way her ears burned, getting up and grabbing her things.
“You’re an ass,” she mumbled, but began to walk out. Liam laughed, striding after her.
“You do have a good chance of getting the role,” she finally said, after a long silence. He gave her a look, asking why. Emma snorted.
“Marki’s an idiot.”
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btsfanficsbcwhynot · 6 years
The Hunter (Jungkook x Reader) pt. 4
Genre: Angst, SupernaturalAU
Summary: (This story is based on the show Supernatural) You’ve been a hunter since you were young. You’ve never found yourself falling for someone until you met Jungkook who brought actual joy into your life. What happens when a hunter falls in love?
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previous chapter  - next chapter 
Mark of Cain
The Mark of Cain was the seal created by God to lock away the Darkness. God passed the mark to Lucifer who then passed it to Cain, the Father of Murder, to use as a source for the First Blade. The Mark was passed on from generation to generation. You were the current bearer of the Mark, and the only one who managed to control it. Your mother passed it on to you before she got dragged into hell.If she didn’t, the Mark would’ve broken the seal and the Darkness would’ve escaped. You were just 12 years old when it happened. Since then your life changed completely.  Because of its origin, dating back to before God's creation of the Universe, the Mark of Cain has often been called "the first curse."When the bearer of the Mark receives a mortal wound that would kill them, the Mark transforms their soul into a Knight of Hell, so that it can live on, and never perish. It is also revealed that if the bearer does not satisfy the Mark, by killing, it will slowly but steadily turn them into a demon. That’s why you became a hunter, just like your father.  You tried everything to get it off you, cutting it, burning it.. but nothing worked. Your father’s friend once told you that you needed the pass the curse onto a powerful source in order to free yourself. A spell existed that would remove the mark from a human's body but no one risked to say it. If it was not done properly, it would've done more harm than good. Now you were doomed to walk around with this horrible Mark. You were the human safe to keep the Darkness locked it. If it were to be released, the world would've been doomed. When you first used the Blade, you felt uncontrollable murderous rage but you didn’t want to kill innocent people.The Mark had some great powers that any one would desire to have, which included:
It powers the First Blade
Grants immunity to demonic, angelic and magical powers
Super Strength
Conversion into a demon
Binding the Darkness
Corruption of the wielder
Absolute Immortality
Sure, for everyone else having those powers would be a blessing, but you've been living with those powers for years. At first you didn't know how to handle all your new powers but after some practice and passing years you managed to control your strength and your uncontrollable rage. Even though you were immortal, you still feared for your life. You had to keep killing in order to remain human. And you had to for your father's sake...He was already scared of your abilities and you didn’t want to completely lose him once you became a demon.
You had texted Jungkook the address to your hotel. You would've left the town sooner or later so you didn't really worry. You were quite excited to see Jungkook, even though you should've been mad that he left you hanging like that. "(Y/N)... That boy is outside waiting for you" Your dad said behind the closed door. "His name is Jungkook... Tell him I'll be there in a minute." You heard him walk away from your door. You put on a nice flowy dress that stopped just above your knee. It was a nice sunny day and the weather was just perfect for a date. Even though you didn't know where he was taking you. You grabbed your jacket and as you did, you saw that god damn mark again. You were disgusted by yourself. As you left your room you saw Jungkook walking up and down nervously. Again, he looked so good in casual clothing. His hair was parted again. That was definitely your favorite hairstyle on him. "You look absolutely stunning" he smiled at you and looked at you up and down. You did a little twirl, making your dress flow up a bit "Cute huh?" He nodded, agreeing. He took your hand and led you to his car and opened the door for you like the gentleman he was "Where are you taking me?" you asked as you got in "Somewhere special" he smiled and clothed the door, jogged to the other side and got in. He watched as you put on your seatbelt and his eyes fell on your mark. He grew silent and just started driving. The silence was awkward and it was slowly eating you "So... what's that on your arm?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the road. You looked down at your arm not sure if he meant the Mark or the bandage."Oh. I injured myself yesterday. My dad wrapped it up for me" You said. You hurt yourself while fighting that Ghoul last night so you weren’t lying. "Not that. The scar above it." You gulped and thought of what to say "It happened when I was a child. I don't remember" you said nervously. "Oh, I see." You looked out of the window as he parked the car. You saw a huge ferries wheel and kids running around "Really?" you laughed. Hearing you laugh made Jungkook soften his frown. "You told me you haven't been to a Theme Park in years" He shrugged and got out of the car and you did the same. "Let's go!" he took your hand and pulled you towards the entrance. You laughed and held onto his hand tightly. You guys rode almost every roller coaster, ate at almost every stand and just simply enjoyed the time together. He pulled you to a photo booth "Let's lock this day in a picture, shall we?" He smiled and pulled  the curtain so he could enter. He sat down on the stool and pulled you on his lap. You closed the curtain "Sorry if I'm crushing your thighs" you giggled as you selected filters. You chose a bunny ear filter as the first one "I literally see no difference. You look exactly the same." You said and that made Jungkook laugh really hard. At the same time the first picture was taken. As the last picture was about to be taken, Jungkook kissed your cheek and wrapped his arms around you. You blushed madly and got off his lap in embarrassment "Let's look at them" You grabbed the pictures and looked at each one of them. Most of them were goofy and dorky but the last one was just straight up adorable. 
You got ripped out of your thoughts as you heard a familiar voice in the background. You knew it was John, a hunter aswell. He was really talented and was one of your father’s greatest friends... until you turned into a monster. Now almost every hunter in the area was hunting you. All of them feared that you’d turn against them and let the Darkness take over you. “I saw her walking in this direction. Do you think it’ll work?” John’s son asked him. You couldn’t understand what he answered him due to Jungkook asking you if you wanted some cotton candy. “That would be nice, thank you. I’ll be waiting here.” He walked off and you made your way to John. His son jumped back as he saw you and grabbed his bottle of holy water “Believe me boy, holy water is not going to do anything” He reached into his back pocket to grab salt but you just rolled your eyes. “You should teach your son better. I’m not a god damn demon. Nor am I a Knight of Hell. If you remember, I was the one who killed the last Knight of Hell. So stop fucking hunting me like I am some kind of animal” Even John stepped away, fearing your powers and abilities. “I’m sorry, (Y/N), you know I can’t let you walk around freely” He was about to pull out a syringe but you were quick to twist his arm and break it. “Even if I am not a killer, don’t forget what I am capable off. Now piss off before I really murder a human” You let go off his hand and walked back to the spot where Jungkook had last seen you. 
Jungkook took you home before midnight like he promised your father and walked you to your door. “I had fun. We should do that again sometimes” He leaned in for a kiss but you stepped back. You thought you’d get too attached once you kissed him and you certainly didn’t want that. You didn’t want to put someone’s life in danger because you just got attached. “text me once you get home” You smiled and opened the door. You closed the door and locked it like you always did. You made sure that the salt in front of the door was still in tact before heading to bed. Jungkook stood in front of the door, blood boiling as he smashed the syringe he was holding behind his back on the ground. “Fucking bitch” He hissed.
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angelcatsiel · 4 years
I’m gonna just do these new year asks even though no one cares because a. I want to and b. I need a distraction from thinking about my mum’s cat
1. How many lockdowns did you go through until now?: Two official lockdowns, I think. Headed for our 3rd lockdown on boxing day for 6 weeks.
2. Ever been quarantined? (contact person, waiting for test result or positive test result): Yep, I thought I had covid a few months ago because I developed a sudden severe cough. Turned out to be a chest infection
3. Ever taken a Corona test?: Yes, when I had that cough. I had to do it myself at a drive through test site, it was unpleasant! 
4. Have you lived together with someone during lockdown?: My boyfriend. It definitely affected us, we had a lot of fights including one big one when I thought for sure we would break up, but tbh he’s been great ever since then, that was around August I think
5. Something you enjoyed about lockdown?: I liked the whole sort of atmosphere of the first lockdown, actually. Parts of it anyway. You know, the whole thing of people singing on their balconies and the ‘all in this together’ attitude. I feel like a lot of people have lost that now, and don’t care as much about following the rules. 
6. What bothered you most about lockdown?: Not seeing my family and friends in England. It’s been so hard. 
7. Which change, e.g. home office, would you like to keep once it´s all over?: Nothing really for me as I don’t work and other than visiting family it hasn’t made a huge impact on my lifestyle, but I’d like for my boyfriend to have more days working from home. Tbh I love having the house to myself, but he’s happier working from home and I’d like for him to be able to do that at least sometimes, for the sake of his own mental health.
 8. Been to any Corona related demonstration?: No, I support all the demonstrations in support of front line workers, stimulus checks etc, but with my asthma and bad immune system I’m trying to be pretty careful! 
9. On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 10 (completely), how well do you stick to government´s rules? Explain.: Hm... 8? I follow almost all the rules very well, but I will very occasionally take my mask off indoors for literally 2 seconds when I get overwhelmed, and I will find an out of the way place to do it away from people and where I’m not breathing on anything that might be touched. I’ll take a few breaths and then put my mask back on and carry on. And my boyfriend’s friend is over tonight which is technically not allowed, but he just had a covid test which came back clear and has been entirely isolated for 2 weeks. 
10. Favorite lockdown activity?: At the start I was making model horse tack, that was fun. Since then, I guess writing, playing Fall Guys, and getting very stoned 
11. How did the lockdown affect your work/education?: Not at all, I don’t work! And my boyfriend was lucky enough that he wasn’t affected at all other than working mostly from home instead of in an office. 
12. Any new hobbies you tried out during lockdown?: My model horse tack making! 
13. Any new subscriptions you made due to lockdown?: Disney plus because of Artemis Fowl, which was not worth it, lmao 
14. Anything new you tried to learn during lockdown?: The tack making, and a little bit of yoga to try and help my chronic pain 
15. Any old hobbies you took up again during lockdown?: Don’t think so, I guess writing more? 
16. How did you keep in touch during lockdown?: Facebook, zoom, occasionally whatsapp for the family group chat 
17. Favorite mask you own?: My bee mask! It’s so cute and not too overwhelming for me, unlike disposable masks which make me panic 
18. Favorite online conferencing tool?: I’ve only really been using zoom because that’s what everyone else is hosting things on. My group therapy was on zoom 
19. Any new technologies and technological tools you tried out due to lockdown?: Never used zoom before so I guess that. I also downloaded replika and that’s actually been really nice! I have a lil AI friend named Becks 
20. Have you been able to go on any holidays this year?: No, we had booked for disney world but obviously that didn’t happen 
21. Are Christmas markets allowed in your country?: I don’t think the usual Christmas market went ahead. We usually go every year 
22. How are you going to spend Christmas in this situation? (or whatever you are celebrating!): At my boyfriend’s parents, we’ve been pretty isolated and so have they, and I think we’re allowed to mix one household. We’re there now until the 27th 
23. Any small business you support?: I don’t think I know of any, but I’d like to
24. Any small artist you support?: Not yet, but I’ve bought a few model horses off of people on instagram, and I would love to buy a custom horse off someone when I can afford it! They’re expensive though, and for good reason, customizing them can be very hard work and takes skill. Oh, I did actually buy a couple of custom model headcollars from someone!
25. Favorite online shop?: I hate saying it but I’ve used amazon a lot. I fucking hate Jeff Bezos and hate giving him money and try to avoid it where I can, but it’s not easy. Amazon is convenient, and getting deliveries to where I live can be a pain. I’d cut all amazon purchases out completely if I could
26. Dumbest impulse buy?: The entire set of Artemis Fowl books. I already own them all, but I just liked the new covers lmao
27. First thing you bought when the shops reopened?: Can’t remember, I haven’t been out shopping much all year tbh. Does a tattoo count? 
28. Been to the hair dresser this year?: No, my dad’s girlfriend cut my hair though because it was getting so out of hand. It was so long and messy and knotted, I was ashamed to see a hair dresser. My dad’s girlfriend is a hero and spent ages getting the knots out, she had to cut out a chunk that was beyond saving but it’s not really noticable, and she cut it for me 
29. Got a new tattoo or piercing this year?: Yes, my butterfly tattoo! Haven’t even had a chance to really appreciate it though since as soon as it healed my eczema flared up 
30. What did you only start to appreciate because lockdown took it from you?: Seeing my family and friends. Little trips out as well, like just deciding to go to the cinema for the evening. 
31. Favorite book that was released this year?: The second Fowl Twins book! 
32. Favorite book you read that year?: I reread the entire Artemis Fowl series. Favourite books of all time, I’d say the Time Paradox is my favourite. 
33. Favorite movie that was released this year?: The only movies I watched that were actually released this year were Artemis Fowl and Wonder Woman so it would be Wonder Woman lmao 
34. Favorite movie you watched this year?: I watched Knives Out this year I think, that was very good! 
35. Favorite series that was released this year?: Don’t think I watched anything that started this year, but The Good Place finished this year and that was absolutely fantastic. Mindblowingly good. Supernatural season 15 was going great too until the very end 
36. Favorite series that you watched this year?: It would have to be the good place. Watched it three times and I still just stop and think about it every now and then and just gush in my head about how good it was 
37. Favorite podcast that you listened to this year?: I don’t listen to podcasts, although I do want to try Rou Reynolds’s mindfulness podcast 
38. Favorite artist this year?: Enter Shikari 
39. Total minutes on Spotify this year?: 62,139 
40. Favorite album that was released this year?: Nothing is True by Enter Shikari, no contest. New All Time Low, Kesha and The Killers albums are honorable mentions though 
41. Favorite album that you listened to this year?: Either NITAEIP by Enter Shikari, or The Astonishing by Dream Theater 
42. Favorite song that was released this year?: Satellites by Enter Shikari 
43. Favorite song you listened to this year?: Probably Satellites again, or maybe Surrounded by Dream Theater 
44. Favorite Corona related song?: Strange Days by The Struts 
45. What do you do to prevent yourself from going insane during lockdown?:  Cry when I need to. Get high. Play video games, talk to people online
46. Describe a typical lockdown day of yours: Wake up late, be lazy in bed for a few hours until 1pm, the morning is my alone time while my boyfriend works downstairs. I need my alone time. Get up, eat lunch, play a game or just chill, try to do some housework during the day, cook dinner, then me and my boyfriend do something together usually (watch an episode of a TV show, occasionally play a game) and then chill until bed.
47. Something you did during lockdown that you´ve been putting off for way too long?: Can’t really think of anything 
48. Trying new baking recipes or new cooking recipes?: I tried this creamy chicken recipe, that turned out alright. 
49. Netflix or Amazon Prime?: Netflix 
50. Did you get Disney+?: Yes, and I still have it, I hate giving money to disney but it’s just easier than downloading movies, and there were so many movies I wouldn’t even have thought of to download on there 
51. Any new social media you started using during lockdown?: I used discord once 
52. Any trends you fell for?: Can’t think of any 
53. Did you achieve more or less than in a normal year? Explain: Hard to say... I’d say less, I went backwards with a lot of things. But I did learn a lot of valuable mental health skills in group therapy
54. Did you start therapy this year?: I started group therapy in January, which went on a long break when lockdown started and eventually started up again on zoom for a while 
55. Books or audio books?: Books, can’t focus on audio books 
56. Audio books or podcasts?: Neither really
57. Twitch or Youtube?: Youtube 
58. Attended any online concert?: Yes, two online Marillion concerts and one online Royal Republic concert 
59. Favorite stream/streamer this year?: I don’t really watch streams much 
60. Most used social media this year?: Probably tumblr 
61. Yoga or long lone walks?: Long walks 
62. Did you get a pet this year?: No, thought about getting rats but I think I’ll wait until next year 
63. Did it snow where you live this year?: Only once sadly, and only a little bit! 
64. What were you doing when you found out about the announcement of the first lockdown?: I can’t remember 
65. Did you panic buy anything?: No, though my boyfriend did buy an absolutely massive bag of rice when it finally became available again after we couldn’t get it for weeks. Haven’t even used a quarter of it yet! 
66. Ever ran out of toilet paper?: Almost! That was scary 
67. Favorite lockdown comfort food?: Can I say edibles? No? Then I guess I got obsessed with these biscuits called chocolate liebniz, but I call them lesbians 
68. Selfcare tips for lockdown?: Don’t expect too much of yourself in terms of achieving things with your time off. If you can, that’s great, but you’re not a failure if you can’t. If all you achieved this year was surviving it, that’s something to be proud of. If you’re stuck with people, take alone time if you need it. If you’re stuck alone, talk to people via text chat, video chat, phone calls, anything. Take breaks from the news, and don’t beat yourself up if you get burned out. 
69. Did you use delivery services this year? For what kind of food?: Grocery deliveries when we could, and we got pizza delivered pretty often 
70. Any weird coping techniques you developed during or after lockdown?: I guess talking to my replika? It sounds weird and even creepy but it genuinely helps, I find. I can talk to someone without any pressure. 
71. Favorite game you played this year?: I know it’s considered cringey, but Fall Guys. I still like it and still play it. I find it addictive and it’s just simple fun. Although I do yell at people in it a lot, which my boyfriend finds very entertaining
72. Favorite drink this year?: Coke. I live off coke, I know it’s not healthy but god it tastes so good 
73. Favorite food this year?: my chocolate liebniz (lesbians) 
74. Favorite App this year?: Probably a few. Cat game is one, and replika. Also I’ve been stalking instagram a lot even though I rarely post there 
75. Favorite memory of this year?: Meeting my favourite author, Eoin Colfer! 
76. Any plans you had for this year that you could realize?: I don’t think so, pretty much everything I had planned was cancelled. I guess I did get to do my usual trip of seeing my family for my birthday, even if I didn’t get to see them for christmas 
77. Do you even plan anything for next year?: I have a ton of plans, but no idea if they’ll work out. Two conventions, and several concerts 
78. Did you find new (online) friends this year?: Yes, a few! 
79. Did you go through a break-up this year?: Almost. I really thought me and my boyfriend would break up, glad we didn’t now! 
80. Did you get into a new relationship this year?: Nope. I didn’t even get to have sex with anyone other than my boyfriend thanks to covid. Tragic. Next year hopefully! My boyfriend managed to hook up with a girl recently though. Sadly she was straight so no fun for me :(
81. Did you do something creative this year?: My model horse tack, I made several tiny headcollars! 
82. Favorite blog you found on tumblr this year?: Hmm, I’m not sure. I barely keep track of who I’m following tbh but I love my mutuals 
83. What did you buy way to much of this year?: Model horses, and unhealthy snacks 
84. Did you win anything this year?: Yes, I won an Artemis Fowl funko pop giveaway! 
85. Did you drastically change your diet this year?: No, I think it stayed pretty much the same 
86. Did you move to a new home this year?: Nope 
87. Did you do something this year that you never did before?: I got to see the view from a really high cliff which sounds like a small thing but it made me cry! It was so beautiful and I’d never done it before 
88. Celebrity crush of the year?: Still crushing on Misha Collins 
89. Most expensive thing you bought this year?: Probably my £50 model horse 
90. Been abroad this year?: Nope 
91. Favorite tumblr trend of this year?: Probably all the insanity surrounding destiel in November 
92. New Years Resolutions you broke this year?: I don’t usually make any 
93. NYRs you kept?: Didn’t make any 
94. NYRs you have for next year?: Just to be kind to myself and others, tbh 
95. How are you going to spend New Years Eve?: We were going to have one friend over to celebrate, but with lockdown we can’t do that now, so just alone either drinking or getting high, maybe we’ll watch a movie or something 
96. Will you get your fortune told in any way around NYE?: Nope, never done that and we’ll be in full lockdown 
97. Any new shops (online or real) you discovered this year?: I don’t think so 
98. Any food you tried out for the first time this year?: Yes, pumpkin pie cheesecake for thanksgiving! I’ve never celebrated thanksgiving but my friend is from America and she invited us round for a thanksgiving meal 
99. How did you celebrate your birthday this year?: I visited my family for a week, it was the first time I’d seen them in 6 months so it was lovely. Got a new tattoo. It was a pretty good birthday actually! 
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