#she likes short fat italian guys. peppinos just like mario if he was way worse
deservioli ยท 2 years
@pvachypessa liked for a starter
Intensely slow days at Peppino's means that the man himself is allowed to not pay too much attention to the front counter. Sitting on the floor behind it, a magazine in his hand to boredly flip through, it takes a few moments for his brain to register that the door bell's tinkling means someone's come in. Ah, what's 30 seconds of waiting compared to how long their pizza'll take?
"Scuza, un momento," he grunts as he gets back to his feet, dusting himself off and lifting his head--
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Ah. So he's fucked up by making her wait. Peppino's face twists from shocked and concerned to the most apologetic grin he can manage, reaching up to almost take off his hat before stopping - he is not letting her see his combover - and instead twisting his hands into his somewhat stained tanktop instead. He's the worst.
"So - so sorry for the wait! Slow, and it's - ah - you know what, nevermind. What - what can I do for you?"
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