deservioli · 2 years
can i get fucking uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh none pizza with left beef
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deservioli · 2 years
how about a Marketable Peppino Plushie(TM)? I heard those are popular out there lmao
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"Making a lot of anything to sell except food isn't an option. Unless one'a you is willing to pay for all that."
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deservioli · 2 years
peppinos pizza would do better if they had toys like happy meals do. I wanna order a pizza and have it come with a Super Mario action figure!!
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"You think I can afford putting toys with the pizza? I can barely make the dough."
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deservioli · 2 years
All that lost food - Peppino's already mentally striking out every missed sale and now unusable pizza from his Sell This Much To Keep Your Shit list, and if he wasn't nearly red from anger, he'd probably be going pale. Someone has to teach this little thing a lesson.
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There's a reply in his mind about not caring whether they're a rabbit, a duck, a unicorn, whatever, but he doesn't get a chance. The WHUMP of too strong little lapin feet hitting his gut makes him choke instead, dropping the other to let his arm cover his stomach. If they're a rabbit, can't they just run away? That'd make getting them out of here so much easier.
If they won't run, though, Peppino'll just keep trying to get them out himself. Even while trying to defend himself, his other arm sweeps out towards this fidgety lil' beast's ankles, going for another grab. If they can't kick, they can get thrown out through a window faster.
Oh, he's lucky Yuck's mouth is currently full of pizza - and also that they were momentarily lost in the (tomato) sauce for a moment there - because otherwise nothing could've stopped them from biting his sausage fingers off. Alas.
Not that any of that keeps Yuck from squirming in his grip. One hand is struggling to keep the pizza they've already looted in their pockets while the other is scratching its way down the table, trying to reach out for even more pizza. And in the meantime, they've managed to thickly swallow what they've already eaten before sneering at the other over their shoulder.
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" I'm a rabbit, you MORON! "
Well, allegedly. But they definitely have the feet of one, and they put them to good use as they resort to kicking backwards as hard as they can until they hit something. And don't be fooled by their size; if they do hit something, it will hurt.
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deservioli · 2 years
That thing - whatever's hot on his trail - has a mouth, so it makes since that they'd be able to speak. What Peppino expected, though, is some variation on a threat, and not yelling at him to slow down. It's startling enough to crack through his stressed-scared brain at the very least, and so he digs his feet in, coming to a skidding stop just outside of his own restaurant. Safe!
From crashing into the door, anyway. He whips around to face the now not-so-threatening yellow orb-fella, seemingly completely fine despite all that running. He's just annoyed now.
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"I'm in a little bit of a rush here, amico; what - what do you want?"
It was becoming very apparent that he might not be able to catch up to this guy after all; as the distance between them slowly grew and grew. How on EARTH is he so fast?? Pac’s never seen anything like it- not from a human anyways. Well, hopefully they would reach their stop before his power pellet ran out, else he could be in trouble.
“Hey!! Slow down!!”
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Was all he could manage to yell out, praying on the slight (and frankly, unlikely) chance the other would just maybe listen.
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deservioli · 2 years
peppino's pizza is a lot like little caesar's where it tastes a lot better if you don't have someone next to you telling you it sucks
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deservioli · 2 years
@pvachypessa liked for a starter
Intensely slow days at Peppino's means that the man himself is allowed to not pay too much attention to the front counter. Sitting on the floor behind it, a magazine in his hand to boredly flip through, it takes a few moments for his brain to register that the door bell's tinkling means someone's come in. Ah, what's 30 seconds of waiting compared to how long their pizza'll take?
"Scuza, un momento," he grunts as he gets back to his feet, dusting himself off and lifting his head--
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Ah. So he's fucked up by making her wait. Peppino's face twists from shocked and concerned to the most apologetic grin he can manage, reaching up to almost take off his hat before stopping - he is not letting her see his combover - and instead twisting his hands into his somewhat stained tanktop instead. He's the worst.
"So - so sorry for the wait! Slow, and it's - ah - you know what, nevermind. What - what can I do for you?"
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deservioli · 2 years
With all the focus and stress going on in his brain, Peppino might not even realize that he actually just shoved away some stranger. Can you blame him? He's a busy guy. What gets his attention back from the need to just get back to the pizzeria is some weird sound coming from behind him and getting steadily closer, and his head whips around to try and catch sight of whatever the hell it is.
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Hey. That was a bad idea. Letting out his typical a fearful yell, the sight of a big mouth'd circle getting closer to him doesn't exactly make him want to stop and ask what's wrong - if anything, Peppino just gets faster, heels nearly kicking up sparks at this point. While this is helping him, now both he and his pursuer, get back to his restaurant quicker, they're both going to have to come to an abrupt stop very soon.
Usually when he’s being pushed around, it’s coming from his enemies in a fight. But this?
It was just an average day out for him. A nice, simple and SLOW stroll outside! But it was cut very short when he was shoved to the ground rather harshly by someone he’d never even saw coming. It happened so quickly he had to spend a second processing the events as he watched the stranger run off.
“The NERVE of some people these days!!”
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He scowled, getting back up and dusting himself off. Whoever this man was, he’d dampened his mood and he would KNOW it. Or, atleast Pacman could ask why it happened. Either way, he was gonna find this guy.
He pulled out a power pellet and swallowed it without hesitation, giving himself the energy and speed to be able to at LEAST catch up in some way. He shifted into his classic form, and the yellow circle began chase while letting out a very loud “WAKKA WAKKA”, whatever that meant.
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deservioli · 2 years
Oh, good, they're going without a fuss. That's the easiest that's ever been. It gives Peppino just a second to turn around and try and walk towards the back--
Before he hears the sound of extremely visceral pizza-eating and whips himself back around, letting out a horrified screech. THAT FUCKING THING'S GETTING THEIR DISEASED LITTLE CLAWS ON EVERYTHING.
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Clamoring onto the counter himself, Peppino makes a grab for the back of their gi, intent on ripping this little rabbit away from all his hard baked food by the scruff of their outfit. "YOU! OFF - GET OFF - VAFFANCULO, RAT-!" If they weren't holding at least fifteen dollars worth of now ruined pizza, they'd be getting flung out the door ears-first.
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Hm, yeah, okay. A justified reaction really, even when they haven't actually broken anything yet. Surprisingly enough, Yuck doesn't say anything as they're yelled at; they just shrug and walk towards the door. That's...uncharacteristically calm of them.
...Oh. Oh, they're coming back, very fast. Oh, they're jumping up the counter--
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Aaaand now they're just stuffing every slice of pizza they can get their grubby paws on, both into their pockets and into their mouth. See, now THAT'S a more realistic reaction coming from them.
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deservioli · 2 years
"Cos'è questo? The hell is th- recording? Who would be trying to--"
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Connection terminated.
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deservioli · 2 years
@lapinferno liked for a starter
As if having Brick around wasn't bad enough. Peppino's not about to turn his pizzeria into a zoo, or rescue, or hive for pests, or whatever; no matter if the beasts making their way in are sentient or wearing clothes or not.
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"No, no," Peppino starts with a snap of his fingers, pointing back out the door. "Out! Uscite di qui! Away!"
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deservioli · 2 years
@pacman-fever liked for a starter
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He'll be honest, he hadn't really thought that any cheese people-slimes-whatever the hell they were called, had left the Tower after its fall besides Vigilante. Then again, it's not like he ever cared much about all that anyway.
What Peppino does care about is not missing a call on his way back from a delivery - stupid scooter, breaking down whenever he needs it - and it's all instinct that has him slamming a hand into this yellow circular whoever to shove 'em to the side.
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deservioli · 2 years
call out post
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deservioli · 2 years
@youwantyoudont liked for a starter
"Un momento," Peppino calls from where he's shuffling somewhere behind the counter at the sound of the front bell tinkling. It's not as though he's unused to having to make orders until damn near closing time, but those were usually from calls rather than anyone stopping in.
When he finally comes out to the front, he's dusting his hands off on his tanktop. "Sorry for the wait, what--" His head lifts, and Peppino's mouth instantly shuts into a thin, barely perceivable line. You have to be fucking kidding him. Two and a half beatings, and this guy can't take a hint? Despite all his struggling to not immediately jump the counter and fling him out of his restaurant by the neck, Peppino manages to grind his teeth together into a flat grin. Just ignore anything weird. Maybe he'll leave.
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"What - what would you like?"
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deservioli · 2 years
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hi all. thanks for being interested in anxious italian man. i should try and get things going probably, so please like this for a starter. (alternatively, feel free to dm me to discuss smth.) tysm
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deservioli · 2 years
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i always hate-a dis part.
18+ unaffiliated rp blog for Peppino Spaghetti from Pizza Tower. written by a similarly scared fat guy.
permanent semi-hiatus, one liners/para/multipara, crossover & au & oc friendly. i don't bite but he might.
don't get what the whole cowboy thing is about...
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deservioli · 2 years
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think ill leave this one on the back burners thank you
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