#she just never made any moves because she was happy with armin
blueeyedwriter · 10 months
Mistletoe - Armin Arlert AU
Summary : The whole friend group has a Christmas party to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year…who knew at this party, you’d also have the most wonderful kiss of the year with your best friend?
Notes : sorry everyone I DISAPPEARED for like…a month? Literally no creative energy flowing through me BUT i did want to make a short Armin AU fic because i love Armin and quite honestly would love to kiss him under the mistletoe too. Remember you can send requests to me!! Enjoy!! ❤️💚
You were consumed by Christmas lights, loud music, and spiked eggnog as you were dancing your way throughout Eren and Mikasa’s house for their annual Christmas party. Ever since they got engaged and moved in together, the Holiday parties were hosted at theirs because it was most convenient for all the friends to fit under one roof. Everyone loved coming to their house for a party, because they were also conveniently the most festive hosts. They always had enough food, alcohol, and holiday spirit for twice the amount of people who came.
Your eyes scanned the room as you were trying to locate your best friend, Armin. You, Armin, Eren, and Mikasa have been a friend group since before you could remember. It was never awkward tagging along with Eren and Mikasa, because you had Armin. And not in the romantic sense, unfortunately, but it never ever felt like you were third wheeling because Armin made sure you had additional company too.
“Where could he possibly be?” You grumbled, turning the corner into the kitchen and finally spotting his bright blonde head of hair. Next to him, his long time crush Annie stood giggling and holding her drink in one hand, while twirling her hair in another. You rolled your eyes and decided maybe, it wasn’t a good idea to intervene whatever moment they might be having.
But, Armin spotted you before you could turn away, “Y/N!” You could hear the alcohol slipping off his tongue, and it made you softly smile because Armin rarely drank or allowed himself to have fun, “come over here!”
You didn’t want to, but you knew Armin would be upset if you didn’t, so you awkwardly made your way over to him and Annie. Annie smiled widely as you approached, not upset by the halt in their private conversation, which eased a weight off your shoulders.
“My girl,” Armin smiled as he threw an arm over your shoulder and pulled you close to him, “I feel like I haven’t seen you at all tonight!”
You chuckled as you tried to release his hold, but half his body weight was now on you, so you just let him have this moment of contact, “hey Armin, is Annie over here just letting you pound drinks one after another?”
Armin and Annie both laughed, and you softly groaned because that wasn’t you trying to be funny, you were just trying to tease them.
“I’ve been a good boy!” Armin protested, burping mid sentence, “I’ve only had about four beers…”
Annie interrupted, “and you’re on your second spiked eggnog now!”
Armin gasped, “Annie! You weren’t supposed to expose me like that!”
His grip around you tightened, and you couldn’t tell if it was from the alcohol, or his nerves. You supported him as best as you could, noticing his cheeks were turning a light pink. Definitely because Annie made him nervous, and a small piece of you wished it was you making him blush like that.
You loved Armin, and never wanted to cross any boundaries. He’s liked Annie ever since he realized what romantic feelings were, so you pushed any minor ones you had for him away, just wanting your friend to be happy. It was the least he deserved, after girls seemed to repeatedly reject him left and right. You never understood, because Armin was handsome in the innocent and royal type of way. He reminded you of a soft prince, who would never do anyone wrong. Not on purpose, at least. He never ever did you wrong.
Annie’s gaze diverted and her eyes widened, your head turning to see what, or who, she was looking at.
“It’s Reiner! I’m gonna go catch up with him,” now her cheeks were a light shade of pink, “I’ll see you guys later?”
You nodded sadly for your friend, but then realized he didn’t seem all too badly concerned by Annie leaving his side for Reiner’s attention. “Absolutely!” He said, a big smile beaming on his face, “talk to you later Annie!”
As Annie walked away, you nudged Armin with your shoulder, “you idiot! Why’d you let her walk off like that?”
Armin smiled lightly, looking down at you, “I wanna spend time with my girl who makes me feel like I’m always at the sea.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the cringey, yet sweet, compliment he gave you. It was effortless with him, but you never took anything from it because it’s how you and Armin have always been. Flirty, but strictly platonic.
“Alright you drunk boy,” you started to lead Armin out of the kitchen and towards the living room so you could rejoin your group of friends, “let’s go see where Eren and Mikasa are.”
Armin followed your lead but gasped loudly once you got into the hallway that leads into the living space. You had no idea why he gasped, and then abruptly stopped, until your gaze followed his towards the ceiling.
And hanging right down from it, was mistletoe. Of course Eren and Mikasa had mistletoe in their house. And of course, you and Armin were now under it.
“Y/N!” He exclaimed, “look! We have to!”
“Armin,” you started, allowing him to move so he was standing in front of you. He placed his hands by your waist, and the shift of energy in the room caught you by surprise once his hands touched a part of your body they never have before.
“Pleeeeaase Y/N? It’s just an innocent kiss! I’m drunk, make a drunk man happy!” He was practically begging now, and you sighed. You knew he meant it not in the way you would, but you just had to bury those feelings deep down again to make him happy, even if it makes you hurt on the inside. Like he said, you just wanted to make drunk, and later sober, Armin happy.
“Fine!” You caved, “but just one quick peck. Don’t want people to think I’m dating you!”
Armin smiled from ear to ear, and he quickly connected your lips with no hesitation. It was sudden, and you expected him to just pull right back after they came together for that second, but then he pulled your waist closer to his. He trailed one hand up your back as the other stayed placed on your hips, until his hand was in your hair and your lips were parting slightly for more. Your hands flew to wrap around his neck, as you felt his tongue swipe your teeth. You slowly opened your mouth more, allowing his tongue to start wrestling yours. Breaths were heavier now. Hearts were racing faster. You could have sworn you heard a soft whimper once you pulled away for some air, unable to contain yourself.
Armin continued to look down at you, until he went back in, this time only placing a quick peck to your lips before pulling away again.
“You,” Armin started, “are the sea. I could get lost swimming in you. Why haven’t you let me do that before?”
“I-I,” you were so flustered. You had no idea Armin could possibly feel the same way towards you. And to compare you to his favorite place, the sea?! “I just…I thought you wanted Annie for the longest time. We’re just friends, or I thought that’s all you wanted to be.”
Armin softly smiled as he brushed your cheek with his hand, tucking some hair behind your ear. It felt surreal how just a few minutes could change an entire dynamic, one that was in place for so long. But, this was a nice shift. One you have been waiting quite some time for.
“Yes, you’re my best friend,” Armin started, “but I have wanted to kiss my best friend for a little while now too.”
You chuckled softly and gave Armin a playful shove, as he grabbed your wrists and pulled you close to him again.
“Hey, Y/N and Arm-“ you heard someone, Eren, start to say as they turned into the hallway. Your eyes widened as you locked eyes with him, and he definitely understood what was happening before him.
“Oh, finally! Thank God for mistletoe!” Eren shrieked, turning back around, “Mikasa! They finally kissed!”
You and Armin started bursting out laughing from your friend’s reaction, your eyes meeting his, and his lips already coming down for another romantic kiss under the mistletoe.
It was a very Merry Christmas indeed.
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everlark777 · 11 months
holding you is like the new past
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chapter eleven
when i reached our apartment building i practically took two steps at a time. i was praying mikasa was home. i couldn’t just text her this, she would need an explanation. it dawned on me that i would have to tell her about armin, but what would that be. the whole situation was moving so quickly it made my head spin.
i reached up to touch my lips. i could still feel where his mouth had been. i shuttered remembering his hand on my face. i wanted this so bad, but armin didn’t know, couldn’t know how much i wanted this to work. i stopped at the front door to our apartment and took a deep breathe. i would just stick to telling mikasa about eren and worry about the rest later.
i walked in the apartment slowly. mikasa was laying on the couch watching tv with titan in her lap. she looked worn out. i knew this week has been taking a toll on her. i walked over and took my rightful place on the couch, putting her legs in my lap.
i reached over and paused what she was watching.
“wait, it was just getting good,” mikasa cried out.
“aren’t you going to ask about my day,” i said with a wide grin spreading on my face.
“you know the rules, no disturbing other roommates when she is watching her favorite show until at least the episode is over,” mikasa folded her arms in her lap.
“i am most certain i have never heard of that rule,” i shook my head.
“well, i am adding it now.”
i looked at mikasa and knew that i wasn’t going to be able to bring it up naturally.
“eren likes you,” i looked over at mikasa expecting happy tears. maybe her jumping up and down, but instead she just looked like she was going to be sick.
her face was steady as she looked at me then. slowly i could see realization dawning on her.
mikasa shook her head, “i heard eren and shut down.”
“what do you mean he likes me?” mikasa’s face was a mixture of shock and disbelief.
“i talked to armin today, because of class,” i quickly added, clearing my throat.
“and, he said eren kept him up all weekend because of a girl.”
mikasa looked at me as if she was going to hit me.
“that proves nothing, it could be about anyone.”
“wait, wait you didn’t let me finish,” i said putting my hands up in defense.
“i know for a fact it is you, armin told me.”
mikasa raised an eyebrow, “why would armin tell you that?” her eyes got big like saucers.
“did something happen at the party.” she practically jumped up out of her seat.
my face turned beet red and i turned to face the couch.
“maybe,” i muttered.
i turned to face mikasa again, “but i have no clue what’s going on, so don’t expect double dates.”
mikasa stood up then. “i have to go talk to eren.”
at that moment my phone buzzed with a text from armin.
“too late,” i said, grinning ear to ear.
“he’s already on his way.”
later that night as i was getting ready. it dawned on me that i had no clue what i was going to be doing. after thirty minutes of pulling every item of clothing out of my closet and deciding it was the most horrendous thing i had ever laid my eyes on, i decided i needed to text armin.
“so, what should i wear tonight?”
armin responded to me almost immediately.
“doesn’t matter, you will look radiant regardless.”
i stared at my phone, other than it not being much help, i couldn’t believe he had just texted me that so casually. other than him kissing me i didn’t have much insight on how he felt.
i couldn’t help but still feel so confused over the whole thing. i have had my fair share of relationships, but none like this. i felt an overwhelming sense of urgency, like if i didn’t cling to armin for dear life, i would wake up tomorrow and this would all be a dream.
i looked around my room and took a deep breath. it would all be okay. he asked me to kiss him and he asked me on a date. i felt a smile slowly creep onto my face and felt a sense of calm wash over me. this would be like any other date, but with armin. the only person i’ve ever felt this much for, and i was back to panicking. this was going to be a long night.
i walked inside the coffee shop. it was towards the end of the night, but a few college students working on classwork were sitting around the shop. i looked around trying to spot armin before spotting him towards the back. he had a serious look on his face as he was finishing up a task. he was wearing a crewneck with a collar and i almost swooned. i kept my eyes on him watching him as he finished up. i had a soft smile on my face when his eyes met mine. when he looked at me i felt time slow down. his face broke out into a huge grin a sparkle in his eyes that wasn’t there a moment prior, and i knew that we were going to be fine.
i slowly walked over to him, never breaking eye contact before slightly leaning over the counter.
“hey.” i said.
“hey,” armin’s smile could light up the entire room.
he took off his apron and walked around the corner. when he got close to me i reached up and kissed him. i could feel armin’s breath hitch i knew i caught him by surprise, but after a brief moment armin leaned into the kiss wrapping his hand around my waist. armin pulled away bright red.
“you look nice,” he stumbled out. i watched him glance around the room towards his coworkers and saw them all staring. a blush crept across my face and i looked down at the floor.
armin let out a laugh, “pay them no mind, they have better things to do,” he raised his voice making sure they could hear him before turning back to face me, his ears still a little pink.
“so eren and mikasa?” i questioned.
“yep, eren and mikasa.”
“i told mikasa no double dates, but i don’t know it could be fun,” i said speaking aloud.
armin’s eyes widened, “we haven’t even been on one date, yet you’re already planning more?”
my face fell, “i just thought, sorry…” i trailed off. i had gotten too ahead of myself.
armin reached out and grabbed my face, “i would love to go on a fourth and fifth date with you don’t worry.”
a smile crept back on my face as i met his eyes.
“you ready to go?” he asked.
“ready as i’ll ever be,” he grabbed my hand rubbing his thumb along the side of my hand and it felt like sparks as he pulled me out of the cafe.
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salted-fish-girl · 2 years
It's been a peaceful week. Scratch that. Everything is perfect. 
After leaving her home and cutting ties with her "family" and "friends", she still goes to school and thrives. Yen and her (followers) friends still create trouble for her now and then, blocking her, forcing her to talk things out with Yen Reeder. 
"You shouldn't be heartless with your sister. She's so broken up about you."  
"I'm sure Yen would never hurt you purposely. If only you would stop being stubborn and let her explain." 
And her personal favorite. "Yen's your sister, you kind of deserve it anyways. Whoring yourself with a janitor just because Yeager likes her better than you." 
Time to test out the skills Ren's been teaching her. After confirming they are not on school property, she punched Floch square in the face. Kneed him in the groin. Kicked him a couple few times after he tried getting up. 
"Anything else?" 
He didn't say anything after that and she left. Floch never went near her again, he always walks the opposite direction should they cross paths. 
They were mistaken to seek any sort of compassion or care from her. They made that distinction clear enough that even Mikasa can't deny the schism that no amount of effort or devotion would ever bridge. 
Her mother loved her new husband and his daughter more than her. Six months after Kevan Ackerman's death, her mother brought Gary Reeder into the Ackerman mansion. 
A nine year old Mikasa saw how happy her mother was so she suppressed her discomfort and didn't say anything. She just lost her father, she wasn't going to lose her mother too. They moved to the Reeder mansion not long after the initial introduction. Alone in a new room, she opened her luggage to see that the framed photograph of her father that she packed was gone… She now knows that love is a conscious decision that you make everyday and every single day, she wasn't the choice. 
Everything got ripped away from her so suddenly. When she looks out of the window, she won't see Eren anymore, or be able to read books with Armin. Sure, they'll see each other in school but it's different… 
Mikasa never hated Yen regardless of what others might think. If anything, Yen brought her comfort at those difficult times. She's always so happy and carefree. She never asked about her father, instead she asked about her fianceé and friends. Ranging from what they are like to their hobbies. 
Her step sister Yen Reeder has this strong gift of being loved and adored by everyone. It was the third time she got rejected visiting the Yeager estate. Yen interjected saying she wanted to meet my fianceé and friends. I was so happy to finally see Eren again that it didn't bother me at the time that my mother could say no to me three times when she promised I could visit Eren anytime but say yes to Yen the moment she asked. 
Armin and Mikasa went to get some drinks only to find them playing inside the house. Her and Armin scramble to make sure they don't break anything. 
"Don't be such a killjoy, sis!" 
"We're just having fun!" 
Yen's a combination of charming and opinionated. She has a lot of admirers, friends and enemies alike if that makes sense. In Yen's fights, she constantly gets roped in, it was worse if Eren's somehow involved… She would bend her back to protect them whilst Yen always comes out unscathed no matter what happened. Mikasa? Not so much. Everything was about her. There is no sugar coating it, that's their relationship for the most part. She was always stuck in her shadow cleaning after her. 
At that time she didn't want to admit it but it was so obvious. Eren and Yen's getting closer to each other paralyzed her, it made her think that she's just trying to find reason to hate Yen. 
"You're just imagining it, she probably doesn't know." her mother said after she confided to her about Yen going to her fianceé's estate without her. 
"I'm sure she didn't mean to, Mikasa." she just blinked. Armin liked Yen. At first, she was excited for her blonde friend but now… 
"This is for your own good. I didn't tell you I'm coming because you kinda deserve it… You're too dependent on Eren." 
It's always the same with Yen Reeder. It's a cycle of getting wronged, getting hurt, being overlooked, chastised for getting hurt in the first place, feeling bad for feeling bad and finally apologizing to her stepsister. 
She's sweet… but that doesn't change the fact that Mikasa will always be one of the broken people left behind on her trail. 
Armin… It was unfortunate but the die had been cast the moment he chose to go along with Yen's plan to 'save' me and almost got me expelled. He was my oldest friend but I wasn't about to let him disappoint me again for the last time. His best friend and the girl he loves versus me. Of course, he'll choose them so I acted like he never existed in my life. I stayed away from our circle of friends. Friends or not, it never made a difference. Nobody listens to me or makes me feel less alone so why should I keep them in my life? 
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moondaythe13th · 6 years
Ironically enough, if Armin was still an option, even if I love him really much, I’d have no problem in making Kymo go for Priya instead.
It’s funny, really. It just hurts less when it’s still my choice.
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brightymir · 2 years
𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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cw: canon violence, language, manga spoilers
genre: angst
characters: eren, mikasa, armin, levi x gn!reader
a/n: a little something as the part 2 concludes. also, this is a confirmation that i, indeed, am unable to write anything happy for snk. thank you and i hope u enjoy this :) notes and rbs are appreciated!!
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❀ eren jaeger
the first time he sees it, eren thinks it must have been a trick of his eye, an illusion made by his mind. he thought it must have been the fatigue catching up to him, the nightly terrors affecting him, the impact of the past months' events dawning on him. he convinces himself that it was just that, there was no reason to be irrational.
but how could something be so vivid?
how could you be so vivid?
how are you appearing from the corner of his eyes with that soft smile on your face? appearing in front of him like it was something you were meant to do? because it clearly wasn't.
dead people don't appear in front of someone.
especially you. he clearly saw you reduced to a pile of flesh and blood that day, reclaiming shiganshina. he saw your body lowered onto the ground as the makeshift coffin got covered by the soil. he knows the feeling of your name engraved on the tombstone by the number of times he ran his fingertips through it.
what more does he need to finally accept that you're no longer? that you're gone. no longer returning.
what do you need from him?
he's bothered enough by his past mistakes, and he keeps being bothered and attacked by the future he saw. so why do you need to add to that headache? why are you still bothering him?
do you enjoy tormenting him? seeing him miserable and pathetic? do you revel at the sight of his disheveled self and the lack of his self control? perhaps you were laughing at how much he resembled his pathetic excuse of a father, only, he was much worse.
but he thought you love him. so, if you love someone, why would you appear in front of them when you shouldn't be? why are you holding him back?
why do you caress him ever so gently at night? why do you hum that melody that he always fell asleep to whenever he was distressed? why do you talk to him at the most random times and encourage him all the time like you did when you were still alive?
and it's like, you were still there.
still with him and everyone else. still breathing and dedicating your heart for a cause. still traveling down the same path with him side by side.
it's like you never even left him in the first place. it's like he never saw your sunken eyes, pale skin, the gear that pierced your flesh, and the dried blood that stained your uniform.
it's like you were always there for him. because it was true, you never left his side until the day he passed. because you were always around, even though he never acknowledged your presence, though he always thought of you as a hallucination, you remained beside him.
oh, and nothing could compare to the bliss he had when he felt the familiar steel blade brush his neck.
and he ran to you with open arms. without a care in the world.
he was the boy who sought freedom, and he knew that he could finally be free with you.
in your arms as you two flew in the sky, limitless.
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❀ mikasa ackerman
she knew you were real, she never doubted those images you showed her, not even once. she acknowledged your presence and never made any move to eject them or turn them down, because she was well aware that it was you. you looked pale, but she knew that it is you.
you’ve always been her ever since that day. 
and you never ceased to appear before her day by day. 
you appeared before her whenever you pleased, and she gladly took in your presence and admired your figure. and she knew she should not, oh well, there is nothing that could stop her anyway. 
but she reached a point where she wished you would stop. 
she acknowledged to you and your presence, your scent, and every little thing about you. but it did reach a point where she wish that it would just stop, she wish that you would hold your operations and just leave her on her own devices. because she can't be drunk on you, she can't be dependent on you.
what more does she have to do to make you stop? should she gouge out her eyes to stop herself from seeing you? or cut her ears to no longer make your voice audible? 
her headaches are bad enough that it prevents her from doing her everyday tasks without a problem, but you just had to make yourself seen and those little images of you from every corner of the room. you almost always push her to a brink of no return.
you love her, she loves you. you know her better than anyone else, you know that she’s not the strongest, so why do you keep tormenting her? 
whenever she finds you sitting next to your tombstone atop the hill beside the tree, she doesn't say anything and instead opts to sit beside you in silence. and whenever she catches you beside her daughter, humming a melody to calm the little child, she doesn't mind.
and it’s like, you were still there. 
still with her and the others, doing your work as a diplomat alongside armin. because, that job fits you, that was your rightful place.
if only you were still here. 
however, mikasa came to know that you're not going to stay for long, and you finally relented. you finally found it in yourself to let her go after nine years into your death. it brought tears to her eyes, and excruciating pain to her heart.
the next time you appeared was decades later, as she was rocking on her chair, her eyes drooping like the sun in the sky. 
she saw your mist figure, reaching a hand to her as she breath her last. 
oh, how wonderful. 
she can finally be herself again, no more a scout veteran, no more mikasa ackerman. 
just, mi casa. 
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❀ armin arlert
the first time he sees you was during his attack on liberio, after all the damage he inflicted and all the lives he took. amidst the sea of flames and lava, ashes and cinders, smoke and blood, you looked so clear and prominent in his eyes. in the vast area of crimson, you were the only pale white in sight. 
and at that, he and his titan shed even more tears.
especially when you gazed at him with awe and pride.
he did not know how he managed to make it through the night, with sasha’s death, your appearance, eren’s return. it was a lot to take in a single night, alongside the endless worries he has for the future. 
and then you began to show more often. 
you visited in his dreams, popped up in the meeting halls, watched from afar during the time he trains. he basks in it, he craves it and loves your presence, he adores it so much. his days would be incomplete if you didn't appear before him. before he knew it, he became dependent on your presence. 
he was addicted to you. to the ghost of you. to your image, your voice, your aura. he's drawn in to you and your remnants, hiding in the comfort of whatever you give him.
it was alarming, and bad. how armin seemed to never function as well as he did ever since he got drunk on your makeshift existence. his behavior has the others worried but they choose to keep quiet about it, thinking that things might be taking a toll on him.
he craves your presence. needs it. longs for it. because, why would you only appear now? he was already at the verge of finally getting over your death, but you just had to pull him back, didn't you?
but he didn't mind. he missed you so much. he yearned for you for so long. he engraved every little thing about you. your voice when you'd talk to him. the feeling of your cold mist on his skin whenever you caress his face. your warm tears falling on his hand whenever you think he's asleep.
and it's like, you were still there.
because in every nook and cranny of every room, he can see your shadow. in the skies, fields, mountains, even in the midst of war and purge, his ocean eyes always finds you.
even though he knew he shouldn't. he's the new commander of the scouts, so there's just one more thing important than you.
oh? he fell unconscious during the battle? god, why are you still there again? he needs to fight with eren? damn it, why are you there as well? he needs to think straight, he doesn't need you.
not anymore.
because he's the hero who saved the world. the leader of the paradis island who'd continue the peace talks. he wields so much authority and power. so, why should he be dependent on a false image? on a mist? on a hallucination?
he's so much more than a man who's addicted to his dead lover's apparitions.
so, you served your purpose already. you got him through the war and the hard times.
it's about time you leave him alone.
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❀ levi ackerman
he was not one to believe in such things. he saw you once after your death? huh, must be his eyes playing a trick on him. or maybe it was the fatigue. it was quick, the way his eyes flew to your form before he looked the other way. sure he had seen his dead comrades before too, but he did not dwell on it. 
he’d get nothing from looking for too long. 
so it’s better to look away than to immerse himself in it. 
but even though he doesn’t look at you, he does not reject your existence nor your presence. he sees you, he feels you, but he makes no move to acknowledge you. but he also does not make any move to get rid of you. 
that was enough for you, though. 
just watching from afar was enough for you. your gaze always falls on the scars on his face, softens whenever you see him smile the slightest while spending time with gabi and falco. you smile to yourself at the thought that no sacrifices has ever gone to waste. 
even though you knew that everyone’s demise brought pain and struck a hole in his heart, you didn't bear any regrets nor blame. levi finally felt at peace and content, and you’d make sure no one takes that away from him. 
for levi, even if years have passed and his wounds have turned into scars, the pain of yesterday was still alive and fresh. still haunting him wherever he goes. it doesn’t help that you were always around, the corner of his eye always catching your figure in the shadows. 
he’s in a dilemma. he doesn’t know what to do with you. he likes that you’re there because he finds comfort in your presence. but he also hates that you’re there because you keep reminding him of the past he wishes he could rewrite. 
and it’s like, you were still there. 
only he wishes you aren’t. 
do you regret giving up your life for him that day? do you wish to rewrite whatever you have done? do you wish he was the one who died instead? these thoughts kept him awake at night, and he’s always unable to get a blink of sleep. 
you always sat by his windowsill, trying to decipher that look on his face and the thoughts on his mind running a mile per minute. 
and you only realized what you should do when you hear his whimpers and pleas for forgiveness one night where he miraculously was able to fall asleep. 
tears rolled down his face the same time your essence began to fade. 
you knew deep down that levi was already fine without you. and by staying around, you were only tormenting him.
so levi ackerman woke up the next morning, in his cold room, alone. 
with a lukewarm cup of his favorite tea on his bedside table.
which he never told neither falco nor gabi about. 
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© 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐘𝐌𝐈𝐑 2022 - all rights reserved. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or share my work on other platforms without permission. thank you.
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folklorelise · 4 years
The cadets are turned into kids and think you and Levi are their parents
In the same universe where they called you “mom”, (they are around 3 and 4 years old)
Also— this is adorable (this is from an eruri doujinshi by hitomi which is called curtain call)
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Eren had an experiment that went wrong. He transformed into his titan form and then suddenly he shrank into a tiny titan. Then he escaped Hange and ran away.
“Someone finds Y/N right now! Eren only listens to her!” Hange yelled at their squad.
When you heard about what happened, Levi looked for Eren with you. When you found him in your office, he was not alone. He was not a titan anymore too. All the cadets were like Eren– tiny little babies.
“MOMMY!” Eren screamed pointing at you.
“Oh no.” you mumbled seeing them all run to you.
They were all hugging your leg, trying to get you attention. Jean started to cry after Eren pushed to the ground. You wanted to pick him up but there were too many kids around you.
“I got this.” Levi assured you and picked Jean up.
Jean stopped crying and stared at the captain frightened. Jean looked at you and reached out his arms towards you. You took Jean in your arms but everyone else started to scream “me too!”.
“Levi,” you said to him, “maybe we should do groups and you take half and I take the other half?”
“No. You can’t leave me alone with them.”
“I can’t work like this.”
“I’m sure Erwin would understand. I’ll tell him.” Levi offered walking away.
“Levi! No! Come back!”
“I told you mommy doesn’t want to stay with us.” Connie cried to Sasha.
“What? Of course, I want to be with you!” you reassured them. “I just don’t know what to do.” you mumbled to yourself.
“I’m hungry.” Jean said, still in your arms.
“Of course, you are.” Eren said, “that’s why you’re so f–“.
“Eren I swear to Erwin’s eyebrows if you finish that sentence, I’m going to throw you in the dungeons!” you snapped angrily.
Jean on the other side started to cry again knowing what Eren wanted to say. Eren started to cry silently too, looking at the ground.
“Sorry mommy.” Eren sobbed, “don’t be mad please.”
“You should apologise to Jean.” you said calmer.
You put Jean down and Eren hugged him and apologised shyly.
“That’s better! Now take each other’s hands and we’ll go found something to eat okay?”
They all nodded, you took Armin’s hand on one hand and Sasha’s on the other one. Eren surprisingly took Jean hand and you all went to the mess hall. Levi was already there with Erwin, with food for the kids.
“We thought that would help.” Erwin explained while the kids run towards the food. “There’s a tray for each one of you, so no need to fight.”
Erwin and Levi walked towards you and sighed.
“What do we do?” Erwin asked.
“I can’t work with them around. I also cannot take care of them alone. There’s eight of them!”
“Armin, Mikasa and Bertolt shouldn’t be a problem – they’re good,” Levi stated, “Jean and Eren would do everything you say. Sasha, Connie and Reiner… tire them until they're too exhausted to move.”
“I still can’t do that alone! You have to help me.”
“I have paperwork to do, and Erwin has commander things to do.”
“I wish I could help,” Erwin intervened, “but I can’t, I still have work to do and…”
“Erwin, it’s fine.” you said gently, “but Levi you cannot leave me alone.”
Erwin left after Levi finally agreed to help. You both sat down at the table.
“Oh no.” Levi sighed once he saw the mess they did while eating. “Stop eating with your hand and use the spoon.”
“Sorry daddy.” Jean apologised but kept eating with his hands.
“What did you call me?” Levi asked.
“Oh, it’s not like he never said it before.” you said.
Levi took Jean on his lap and started to feed him. Reiner, Bertolt and Armin were eating calmy, Sasha ate too fast while Connie was trying to protect his food from Sasha. Mikasa was feeding Eren because he gave his food to you.
“Eren I’m fine, you should eat.” you told him multiple times.
After lunch, they were all too excited and energetic unlike you and Levi.
“I’m too old for sh!t.” Levi told you.
“You kill titan for a living! This should easy.”
“Is it though?”
“Let’s just play with them a little until they get tired so they can sleep.”
The whole afternoon was spent playing hide and seek and tag. Which was not the wisest idea since Armin and Reiner ended hurt. Only a few scratches on their knees and elbows but that made you worried sick. After dinner in Levi office with the kids, they were starting to get tired.
“Mommy,” Mikasa called you by pulling your sleeve, “I want to sleep.”
“Me too!” Reiner said by sitting on your lap.
“A story!” Connie screamed excited which made all of them chant this.
“Alright! Alright! Do we have that kind of book in the library?” you asked Levi.
“Well, I can invent a story – that’s not an issue.”
Levi and you sat on the bed and they all crawled on you and between. You started your story and very soon after, they all fell asleep.
“How was your day?” Levi asked you.
“Tiring. What about you?”
“It was fine. And it made me think…,” Levi paused, “never mind.”
“No, tell me.”
“Maybe we could have our own.” Levi shrugged.
“Is it something you want?” you asked.
“Is it something you want? Because if you do not want any, it’s fine too.”
“I don’t know… maybe?”
“We don’t have to talk about it now.”
“You’re right, but I want to talk about this. Someday.” you smiled.
After this little conversation, you both fell asleep. In the middle of the night, Levi woke up because someone was awake – Armin.
“Bathroom.” Armin said once Levi was awake.
Levi stood up and took Armin in his arms and went to the bathroom. After Armin finished, Levi helped him wash his hands and went back to bed. But before Levi could lay on his bed, Reiner woke up with tears in his eyes.
“No, don’t cry.” Levi warned him and took him out of the bed. “What’s wrong?”
“Nightmare.” Reiner confessed sobbing.
“It’s not real – it’s a dream. Go back to bed.” Levi said before going back to his bedroom, but Reiner stayed behind sobbing. Levi sighed before picking him up. “Stop crying, you don’t want to wake mommy, right?”
“Fine then let’s go back to bed, alright?”
That was only the beginning of Levi’s night. After Reiner went back to sleep, it was Sasha’s turn to go to the bathroom.
“I knew it,” Levi said to himself, “I mean after all she ate, that was only a matter of time before she goes number two.”
Then it was Bertolt who had to pee. After him it was Connie who was a little thirsty. Mikasa had to go to the bathroom too. Only Eren did not wake up. When Levi finally went back to bed, Eren woke up.
“Don’t tell me you need to poop too.” Levi warned him tired.
“I want to sleep with mommy please.” Eren asked.
“No place, maybe another time, now sleep.”
-          That one time you had to leave for an expedition
The next expedition was a short and simple one. Yet every squad leader had to be there, including you. You were obviously reluctant about it because of the kids.
“Who will take care of them?” you asked Levi.
“There are nurses. Don’t worry about it.”
The first few days, the kids were all sleeping with Levi and you but then, Levi told them to go and sleep in their bedroom because with them around, you could not do anything else than sleep. You promised to them that you would visit every night before they go to sleep and that night, you told them that you would not be here for a week or so.
“No!” Jean screamed hugging you, “don’t leave me please.” he begged on the verge of crying.
“Mama!” Armin, the youngest cried, rubbing his eyes. “don’t go.”
“I will be back very soon; you won’t even notice my absence.” you told them.
That night you proposed to have them back in bed with Levi and you so they would stop crying. The next morning, once it was time to leave, none of them wanted to let go of your legs.
“It’s fine, I’ll be back very soon.” you tried to calm them down. That did not work. “Fine I won’t go, let’s all go back to bed okay?” you said to them which made them stop crying and run to your bedroom.
Once they all left, you went back on your horse and left with the rest of the survey corps outside the walls. When the kids realised that you were not coming started to cry again and did not stop until they fell asleep. The nurses that took care of them were starting to get worried but after a few days, they started to play and eat again without any protest.
Once you were back, all the kids were waiting for you at the entrance of the wall. They were screaming “mommy!” when they saw you. Jean screamed “daddy!” when he saw Levi which made people around gasp. They did not know that these kids were in reality survey corps members. Sasha and Connie went on Hange’s horse while Armin and Bertolt were on Erwin’s. Jean and Reiner were with Levi while Mikasa and Eren were with you.
“We missed you a lot mommy!” Eren said happy to see you.
“I missed you too.”
For a week or two, the kids would not let go of you because of that expedition.
-          That one time you got mad at them.
The only time you got mad at them was when they all started to fight each other. Levi and you were doing paperwork outside because it was a sunny day and the kids wanted to play outside. You were peacefully reading your reports when they started to shout at each other. You were not worried about it because they were always shouting, but when you saw that they started to cry and push each other you quickly went over where they were.
“What’s happening here!” you screamed.
They all stopped except for Eren and Jean who were still fighting.
“Hey! Stop!” you yelled but none of them listen to you.
Before you could get mad, Levi took Eren in his arms which stopped the fight.
“What is wrong with you?” Levi reprimanded them. “What were you two thinking? You could’ve got hurt and you could’ve hurt your friends and worse of all, you weren’t listening to Y/N!”
Jean and Eren turned to you but you were already gone.
“Where’s mommy?” Jean asked shyly.
After Jean and Eren both apologised to each other, they went looking for you.
“Is mommy mad?” Eren asked.
“Yes.” Levi answered.
“She doesn’t love us anymore?” Jean asked with tears in his eyes.
“Of course, she does, now let’s find her and apologise.”
They could not find you anywhere. Even Levi did not know where to look. He asked Erwin and Hange but none of them saw you. Jean would not stop crying because you were not there.
“Mommy doesn’t love me anymore!” Jean kept saying.
At night when they all went into their bedroom, they found you on their bed.
“Mommy!” they all screamed happy but stopped on their way when they saw that you were not smiling.
“What happened today was unacceptable. I am disappointed.” you said. “I hope that won’t ever happen ever again.”
“Sorry.” they all apologised.
“Where were you?” Eren asked.
“Out, I needed some time alone.”
“Are you mad at me?” Eren cried.
“No… Not anymore, and I am not mad at you too Jean. But next time you do this, there will be consequences. Now go to sleep, all of you.” You stood up, ready to leave.
“No stories?” Reiner asked.
“Please.” they all asked with a pout that you just could not resist.
-          That on time Levi had to calm Eren down during a meeting.
That day, you had to leave to visit a family member who was going to give birth. You left without saying anything to the kids otherwise they would not have let you. Levi’s squad was responsible for the kids when none of you were available.
They were all running around when Eren fell from the top of the stairs.
“EREN!” Petra shouted petrified.
Eren started to cry, and he would not stop. The squad tried everything, but nothing would stop Eren’s tears.
“We have to bring him to the captain.” Eld said.
Eld took Eren and went to the meeting room. He knocked on the door and opened it just enough so Eren could go in.
“I want mommy!” Eren continued to cry.
Levi picked him up and put him on his lap.
“She’s busy today, what happened?” Levi asked him softly.
“I fell.” Eren sobbed.
“It’s fine, you can stop crying and tell mommy later that you acted all strong because you’re almost an adult now.”
“I’m a big boy now.” Eren admitted hugging Levi.
All the squad leaders were speechless in front of this because they never saw the captain acting like this before. He was so delicate and sweet towards Eren. Then the door opened again, and all the other kids barged in.
“I’m sorry captain, but they all wanted to check on Eren.” Petra apologised.
“It’s fine.” Levi said before putting Eren down.
The rest of the meeting was spent with the kids playing under the table, around Levi. Once you came back, you found Levi asleep on his bed with the kids around him. You tried to be as silent as possible, but Levi woke up.
“Hey, how was your day?” you asked him not without a kiss.
“Fine, and you?”
“Boring – you weren’t there.”
“Mommy!” Eren called you reaching out his arms.
“What happened to your knees?” you asked him when you picked him up.
“I fell but I didn’t cry.”
“Riight, because you’re so brave.” but Eren had already fell asleep again.
-          Random HCs
Armin loves the commander; he is always clinging to him.
Eren always wants to impress the captain by eating alone and cleaning.
Jean is your boy; he always wants to stay with you by pretending to be injured or something.
Sasha and Connie love Hange because they get to help Hange with their experiments.
Mikasa only loves you.
PART 2 is out, check out the MASTERLIST!
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emeren · 3 years
such a tease - eren jaeger
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👗 anon request <3
pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader 
word count: 4k
content warnings: 18+, smut, choking, degradation, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, jealousy, possessiveness 
notes: this was an anonymous request and lemme just say, i was SO excited to write this one. i’m unfortunately not super happy with how it turned out, but i’ve been swamped bc school just started back up!
SUMMARY: reader decides to tease eren by wearing a skirt without any underwear for the day, causing her very jealous boyfriend to act out in an unexpected way. 
one look in the mirror was all it took for you to quell your nerves. your fingers ran over the expanse of the pleated skirt, smoothing out any wrinkles and creases. this was bold, even for you, but you knew exactly what you were doing. 
eren had never been particularly shy about his protective nature; he was always making sure people understood you were his girlfriend, wrapping his arm around your waist or glaring at men who stared a little too long. 
you loved that about him, but you loved pushing his buttons even more. he had a bad habit of being an argumentative, hot headed little shit, and teasing him like this was asking for some rough, animalistic gesture. that was exactly what you wanted. 
you’d never neglected to wear underwear in a skirt this short, the fabric stopping just below your ass. you knew you’d have to be careful or you would end up flashing jean or armin, and that would drive eren up a wall. 
you hoped eren wouldn’t notice until you were all out; meaning there would be nothing he could do about it. teasing him was one of your favorite things to do. 
you heard your phone buzz quietly from your bed, picking up the small device and seeing eren’s name at the top. 
lil shit <3: get ur ass out here we’ve been waiting forever 
the eye roll that naturally came to you was strong, giving yourself one final once over in the mirror before heading out of your apartment. you couldn’t help the nervous smile that teased at your lips once you left the building, connie’s beat up minivan sitting at the curb. riding in his car was never the first choice; it was musty and had suspicious stains on the carpeting, but it was the only one that fit all of your friends. 
connie laid on the horn as soon as he saw you, the rest of your friends yelling from inside the vehicle as you approached. you could see jean in the passenger seat, jogging up to the rear door with a knot of nervousness in your stomach. you placed one hand on your thigh to keep the skirt from riding up as you slid the van door open. 
sasha and mikasa were stuffed in the small backseat, armin and eren sitting in the middle row. it was comical to see eren in the spot generally reserved for the smallest passenger, but you had no doubt that he wanted to sit in the middle because of you. he was petty like that - a trait that made teasing him all the more fun. 
“hey guys,” you smiled, sliding into the van as your friends all greeted you at once. your eyes were on connie, who was craning his neck to give you a rather incredulous look. 
you felt eren stiffen as you sat down, reaching for the seatbelt. connie decided to speak up before you had a chance to question it. “dude, come ooooon. what the hell took you so long?” 
“sorry, i was distracted and my phone was on my bed,” you explained, connie resolutely rolling his eyes in response. 
“let’s go already, i’m starving!” sasha wailed from the back, shaking your seat in front of her. you giggled at her desperation, finally turning to your boyfriend as connie sped away from the curb. 
you were surprised to see that eren was already staring at you, a weird glint in his eyes. you gave him a smile, trying to act innocent. “hi.” 
he didn’t say anything, just looked forward and placed his large hand on your bare thigh. it wasn’t that it was unusual for him to do so in front of your friends, in fact it was normal. you just weren’t used to him placing it so high; so high that the tip of his pinky dipped beneath the fabric of your skirt and threatened to inch towards the apex of your leg. 
had he already noticed?
“took you awhile to get ready,” eren commented, his words only being heard by you as everyone else in the car chatted about going bowling. you glanced back up at him, eyes scanning his face. he was wearing a black t-shirt and sweats, the customary ‘i don’t care about anything’ outfit he always seemed to adorn. the cold metal of the ring on his middle finger did little to ease your nerves. 
“yeah, i was just thinking about some stuff and got distracted,” you lied, smiling up at him. he was looking at you from the side of his eyes, jaw clenched. 
“really?” he breathed, his hand shifting ever so slightly up your leg. his smallest finger teased at the crease of your thigh, head leaning down to whisper in your ear. “were you thinking about some stuff or were you forgetting about some stuff?”
your breath hitched, face growing hot as you struggled for something to say. connie, once again, beat you to the punch. “oi! lovebirds! no canoodling in my back seat!”
“we weren’t canoodling,” eren sneered, pulling away and moving his hand to just above your knee. he squeezed the skin generously, your slight embarrassment about eren’s public displays of affection quickly wearing off. “i was just saying, it looks like she forgot a coat.” 
jean snorted from the front seat. “yeah and because you’re a dumbass who doesn’t wear one either, i’m gonna have to give her mine later.” 
jean’s lighthearted words lit a devious lightbulb in your mind, the gears of your plan now in full swing. you leaned forwards, wrapping your arms around the back of the chair and consequently jean’s broad chest. you leaned your head to the side, a grin on your face.
“you really are too sweet to me, jean-jean!” you cooed, the feeling of eren’s grip tightening on your thigh an indication of just how well this was working in your favor. jean chuckled at the familiar nickname, hand coming up to pat your arms wrapped around him. 
you let go and slid back into your spot, eren’s face clearly peeved at your display of affection. for once, you had the upper hand. and you were going to milk it all the way. 
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the local bowling alley was a small, dank building that prided itself on its catering towards college students without much else to do. as connie skidded to a stop in his self-designated parking spot, the legacy of the building seemed to live up to its expectations. 
eren hadn’t said anything else on the ride over, just kept his hand protectively (and respectfully) placed on your lower thigh. you were much more careful sliding out of the car this time, hand blatantly coming down to cover your ass. you knew that eren was watching you, as he was quick to follow you from the vehicle and stand behind your brazen figure. 
he wrapped his arms lazily around your waist, resting his chin on the top of your head as you waited for your friends to pile out of the car. you’d grown accustomed to his touchy nature, suddenly deciding to press your ass against his groin. the gesture was small, but you could feel eren’s dick harden within his pants. 
“careful!” he hissed, hopping back in an attempt to shake away his sudden erection. you snickered to yourself, giving him a glance over your shoulder as you followed your friends into the building. 
the interior was the same as it’d always been; drowned out with black lights and the smell of wax. it was the kind of atmosphere that reminded you of your earliest days of childhood; attending large birthday parties and eating way too much cheaply made cake. 
the attendant was a short man named george, one who’d acknowledged connie’s arrival with annoyance. 
“head to our usual lane guys,” connie pointed, a grin on his features. you all made your way towards lane ten, eren in a sulking tow behind you.
as everyone began to sit down, jean motioned for you to sit next to him. “each side will be opposing teams. we’ve gotta be on the same team, per usual.” he called innocently. 
you and jean had dominated your friend group bowling tournaments each time before, and you figured this would be no different. you started towards him, surprised when you felt eren’s hand wrap around your wrist. 
“she’s going to be on my team this time, if you don’t mind,” eren stated in a quipped tone, something that would normally go undetected by jean due to their frenemy behavior. you knew that eren’s words were coming from a place of jealousy, sincerely trying to hide your sadistic grin.
jean scoffed, shaking his head. “yeah, right, jaeger. she’s going to be on connie and i’s team, like always.” 
you nodded your head in agreement, spinning to face your boyfriend. your skirt lifted ever so slightly at the action, eren’s teal eyes snapping to the garment with an annoyed perseverance. “don’t worry, i’ll take it easy on you.” 
he knew what you were doing. he knew that the thought of a part of you - a part specifically reserved for him - nearly on display for anyone who cared enough to pay attention, was enough to fill him with a primal sense of possessiveness. 
eren had never been particularly good at hiding his emotions. in fact, he’d been known to let them consume him in an embarrassingly juvenile way. as you sat down next to jean, your bare leg bumping his, eren couldn’t suppress the annoyance that washed over him. he folded his arms, the thought of your tight little- 
“eren?” armin called out, eren snapping from his lewd thought process. you took notice, leaning down to tie your bowling shoes. “did you hear me? i said here’s your shoes.” 
you listened to eren clear his throat and apologize, deciding to chat with jean and connie as everyone got ready to play. 
the final straw in your plan hadn’t even happened on purpose. it’d come to you itself, as if the powers that be were purposefully trying to get you rammed into oblivion. it came after the first few rounds of bowling, after a few near misses with jean regarding the skirt, each one sinking eren further into his foul mood. it came in the form of a lanky, awkward looking employee. 
he couldn’t have been any older than eighteen, carrying sasha’s order of nacho fries and your coca cola. he’d meant his comment to be nice as you got up to grab your drink. he hadn’t meant to say something that would send your childish boyfriend over the edge. 
“oh, uh, i like your skirt,” he’d commented awkwardly, scratching at the back of his neck. you smiled politely in response, eyes flitting over to eren. and if looks could kill, that awkward teenage boy would’ve been dead on sight. 
eren’s eyebrows were furrowed, jaw clenched tightly. you felt your cheeks heat as he made eye contact with the boy, standing from his seat. eren was tall, looming behind you as he protectively wrapped himself around your figure. 
“thanks,” he said flatly, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. you held your breath at the feeling of eren deeply exhaling against the sensitive skin, large hands squeezing your hips. the boy quickly looked at the ground, nodding before deciding to leave. eren waited until he was gone to remove himself from you, an annoyed twitch in his eye. “fucking little pervert.” 
you rolled your eyes, taking a generous swig from your coke. “he was just being nice.” 
eren glared at you, watching as you started back towards your friends. “nice my ass. i know you’re doing this just to rile me up.” 
“what ever do you mean?” you snickered, purposefully swaying your hips as eren scoffed, plopping back down in his seat. 
you made your way over to your teammates, sitting down and watching armin finish his turn. a couple minutes went by, chugging your coke and getting ready for connie to take his turn. 
“i think i’m gonna go use the bathroom,” you hummed, jean nodding his head in understanding. you waited until connie tossed the bowling ball down the lane, effectively missing all of the pins. you knew you’d drank the soda way too fast, standing from the bench and making your way towards the dimly lit restrooms. 
they were dark inside, with red lighting like something out of a sex club. you pushed the heavy door open, quickly locking it behind you and relieving yourself. 
as you washed your hands in the sink, you thought about just how riled up eren was getting. it was humorous, in more ways than one, but you couldn’t help the slight guilt that crept up the back of your neck about your actions. 
but then again, it wasn’t like eren wasn’t known himself for being a tease. you couldn’t count the number of times where he’d purposefully made you jealous or grabbed your ass in an inopportune moment. so what was the harm in giving him a taste of his own medicine? 
you flattened your hands against the skirt, making sure it was straight before unlocking the door and heaving it open, stepping out into the dark hallway. 
you jumped back at the appearance of a dark figure leaning against the wall, defensively clutching your chest as you stood in front of your slightly amused boyfriend. 
“mind if we chat?” he asked, voice edging an emotion that you knew you couldn’t get into at the moment. your eyes glanced down the end of the hallway, no one in sight. you looked back to him, his pink lips turned upwards, the word ‘gotcha’ written all over his face.
“we should probably head back out there,” you mumbled, trying to ignore the way eren was sizing you up. he just smiled, pushing himself from the wall and taking a step towards you. all of the confidence you’d had in your teasing flew out the window, swallowing at the downfall of your plan.
“don’t worry. i told ‘em my mom was calling,” he purred in response, index finger coming up to gently trace against your jaw. it was his turn to be smug; everyone in your friend group knew that carla’s phone calls were a draw out, lengthy affair. he’d trapped you. 
you held your breath as he stepped forward, slowly tilting your jaw to place a deceivingly sweet kiss to the skin. you felt embarrassed at the way your cunt throbbed at the action, his lips moving to tease the shell of your ear. “but what about me?” 
“what about you?” eren sneered, his voice turning slightly sour, fingers roughly gripping your jaw as he placed a kiss right below your ear. “this is what you were asking for, wasn’t it? now be a good girl and go back into the bathroom for me.” 
you hesitated for a moment, thinking about your friends bowling a mere 100 feet away. eren’s eyes were dark, and the churning you could feel at the pit of your stomach was only making it harder to resist. 
all it took was the thought of eren bending you over the sink, fucking you stupid for you to demurely shift in place, turning to shove the bathroom door open once again. you could feel your neck burning at the thought of how easily you’d just submitted, but you wanted this. more than anything. 
the bathroom was no desirable place; it smelled like generic soap and had discarded pieces of toilet paper on the ground. eren didn’t seem to care, gingerly locking the door behind himself before roughly shoving you forward facing against the cool, knock off linoleum countertop. 
you could feel his hard dick pressing against your ass, your reflections in the dirty mirror lit under the red lightbulbs. he was commanding; aggressively grinding himself into you, your skirt beginning to ride up at the motion.
eren made eye contact with you in the glass, one hand coming forward to tilt your neck to the side. he slowly brought his lips down, peppering the skin till his mouth met the base of your neck. he made sure you were watching as he pressed his tongue flatly against the skin, your breath hitching as you watched him drag the wet muscle up to your jawline. 
“you’re such a tease,” he growled against you, rolling his hips into your ass. you could feel your skirt starting to ride up even more, the cold air uncomfortable. “’s’hot, knowing your pretty little cunt is so exposed.” 
his hand on your jaw slipped around your throat, squeezing lightly in warning as he flipped the edge of your skirt up.
you squeaked as his other hand snaked between your legs, middle two fingers slowly sliding themselves between your already soaking center. he rubbed at your clit, breath hot against your neck as he forced you to watch him through the mirror. 
“look at how pretty you are,” he mumbled as he plunged his two digits inside of you, the sudden sensation causing a gasp to leave your lips. he wasn’t playing nice; roughly digging his fingers all the way to the last knuckle. his other hand squeezed your throat tighter. it hurt, but you couldn’t help the way your cunt clenched around him, chest tightening. “so pretty for me. n’only me.”
he slowed his fingers, pumping in and out of you, the sound of your slick causing him to grow impossibly harder. the feeling of his cock pressed against the flesh of your ass sent another throb to your cunt, eren smirking in response. 
“needy for my cock after teasing all day?” he asked, stuffing his fingers particularly deep, a strangled moan slipping past your lips. you struggled to nod your head against his grasp, the feeling of his fingers sliding in and out of you at such a rhythmic pace causing you to grind your hips against his hand and subsequently his cock. 
he quickly pulled his fingers out from inside of you, hand growing tighter around your throat. “you were such a little whore today. a little whore who needs to learn a thing or two.” 
you could feel tears prickling in your eyes, eren’s hand that was wrapped around your throat coming up to pry your mouth open. you didn’t have a chance to react before he was slipping his sheen coated fingers past your lips, the saccharine flavor hitting your tastebuds. 
“suck for me, pretty girl,” he said lowly, hooded eyes watching you in the mirror. you did as you were told, wrapping your lips around his knuckles and swirling your tongue around his fingers. the taste wasn’t completely pleasant or unpleasant, your mouth releasing with a smack. 
eren pressed down on your tongue with his fingers, saliva filling your mouth before he dragged the two digits down your chin and throat, leaving a shiny trail in their wake. 
he brought his hands down to roughly grope your chest, your own hands pressing against the countertop to keep you steady. eren gripped the hem of your sweater, forcing the fabric up to your midsection. 
“off, take it off.” he demanded, leaning back from you but still keeping his groin pressed against your ass. you were quick to oblige, pulling it over your head. as you did so, you could feel eren palming your ass under the skirt, his dark eyes fixated on the sight of your little skirt riding up on your skin. 
you dropped the sweater to the ground, knowing you’d regret it later, but you couldn’t be bothered. eren didn’t wait, letting go of your ass to unclasp your bra, the undergarment falling into the empty sink. he palmed at your newly exposed breasts, fingers pinching at your hardened nipples. 
he was watching you in the mirror, the sight of you batting your eyelashes with your saliva on your chin only making him more possessive. it sent a twitch to his cock, hands releasing from your chest to shove you against the cold glass. 
“want me to show this pretty cunt who it belongs to, hm?” eren nearly growled, the thought of jean or that employee ever being lucky enough to see you like this pushing him over the edge. 
you tried to nod against the mirror, your breasts pressed against the cold material only aiding the way your center throbbed mercilessly for whatever eren was about to do. his hand came up to fist your hair, the other haphazardly yanking down his sweats and boxers. 
you could see his veiny cock slap against his stomach through the mirror, the tingling in your clit multiplying at the sight of it. eren smirked at your staring. 
“fuck,” he hissed, his gaze drawn to your skirt pooled around your waist, glistening center ready for him to abuse. and he couldn’t wait any longer, rubbing the tip of his cock between your legs. 
a gasp ripped through your throat at just how deeply eren thrusted into you, his hips hitting your ass with a loud smack. it hurt; his brows furrowed as he completely pulled out from you, just to ram himself back inside your tight cunt. 
“what’s wrong?” eren asked breathlessly, pounding into you as hard as he could. you were jerking against the mirror, mouth open as your nose began to tingle; a tell-tale sign of tears. your boyfriend had a sadistic smile on his face, a piece of hair falling from his bun to rest against his forehead. 
“ah- hurts,” you gasped out, the sound of eren pounding into you filling the small space. eren hit you with a particularly deep angled thrust, the tip of his cock brushing your cervix. he tightly fisted your hair, yanking on the follicles as hit other hand gripped your waist for better leverage. it hurt so bad, but so good.  
“look at you, look at you take my cock like this,” he said, voice gravelly as he began to buck his hips faster. you could feel the hot tears rolling down your cheeks, eren’s hand around your waist moving to guide your knee up onto the counter top for better leverage. the pain lessened with his movement, his animalistic thrusts growing pleasurable. “such a good little whore. a little whore who’ll only let me fuck her like this, hm?” 
you moaned out against the glass, eren yanking your hair as an indication for a worded response. “yes-yes. all for you, only you.” 
eren groaned out at your words, his head leaning back as he slammed into you from behind. he was blurry as your breath fogged the glass, but just the image of him bucking his cock deep within your throbbing cunt was enough to have you seeing stars. 
he was filling you up so nice, pressing himself against you as the veins in his arms grew prominent. you could feel him twitching inside of you, your own center clenching around him as he made sure you knew you were his. 
“such a little tease, showing off her pretty little cunt like that,” eren moaned out, shamelessly loud. he buried himself within you, your eyes rolling back in your head as the building anticipation between your legs became too much to bear. 
“eren-” you heaved, him quickening his pace, hitting your cervix over and over. it was enough to make the tears come back, your vision becoming hot white as he bucked his hips once more, stuffing his cock impossibly deep within you. your orgasm didn’t reach its climax until you felt eren’s length twitch, effectively filling you with his cum. 
the high was incredible; the cold mirror a stark contrast to the hot, burning sensation as eren thrusted out his own climax. 
the two of you stood for a moment, mirror foggy and bathroom humid as you recollected your composure. when eren did pull out, he watched his cum slowly drip down your thigh, fingers attempting to stuff it back inside of you. 
“don’t let it drip out,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to your sweaty cheek. you could only roll your eyes, peeling yourself from the glass. he gingerly pulled his pants back up, delivering a swift swat to your ass as he stood straight again. 
“y’know, you should wear skirts more often.” 
“you should get jealous more often.” 
“sounds like a deal to me.” 
<3 <3 <3
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
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♡   —   pairing: eren x reader
♡   —   tags/warnings: mentions of cheating and alcohol. side aruani and yumihisu. honestly just a feel-good fic, with humour and fluff <3
♡   —   a/n:  honestly, this is the most “romantic comedy” fic i’ve ever written and i love it <3 shout out to @ofoceansandtombstones​ that beta read this one mwah thank u
♡   —   masterlist
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There was an ill taste in your mouth that wouldn’t go away, no matter how many drinks you had. And you already had more than a few. From your spot on the table, you could see your friends dancing and having the time of their lives. You really wished you could join them. Nevertheless, you had wasted all your energy forcing a smile and clapping along during the ceremony. Once you had arrived at the hotel reception with the rest of the guests, you had slid a bill to a kind waitress and told her to keep the drinks coming. 
Ymir and Historia were dancing in front of you. Stoic, sour-faced Ymir couldn’t help but smile as her sweet girlfriend twirled and giggled, her cheeks red and eyes just the tiniest bit unfocused. Next to them, Sasha, Jean and Connie were owning the dance floor, moving in sync to the happy music. A grin formed on your face as you saw Connie lifting Sasha up and her almost falling to the floor. Jean was holding his stomach as he laughed loudly.
On a nearby table, Mikasa looked over at them, a small smile on his lips. She was sitting next to her girlfriend, who was holding her hand as they watched their friends dance. You saw her girlfriend leaning over to her and whispering something in her ear, to which she chuckled. It was so strange -and so beautiful- to see Mikasa laugh that it took you aback. And apparently, also the girl she was with, because her lips slightly parted as she watched her in awe.
“How’s the party animal doing?”
You looked up and saw Eren staring down at you with a funny expression. He was wearing black dress pants and a white shirt. The first two buttons were undone, and he was carrying his suit jacket over his shoulder and a beer on his other hand.
“Someone’s gotta keep an eye out for everyone,” you replied with a shrug. Eren scoffed and took the seat next to you on the empty table, leaving his jacket on the nearest chair.
“I mean, I know attending your ex’s wedding isn’t bound to be a good time, but you’d think you would try to put on a happy face.”
You rolled your eyes. “Hey, at least I’m here.”
“After Mikasa tried her best to convince you during a whole week,” he said. You turned your head to Eren, eyes wide open. “What? Of course she told me.”
“That little… That’s it, I’m going to tell her girlfriend about that one time Mikasa got drunk with us,” you muttered angrily, standing up. Eren was quicker and pulled you back to your seat.
“You and Armin broke up a year ago. Why are you so upset he’s moving on?”
Before you could answer, the music stopped and the dance floor erupted in applause. Eren and you watched as Armin and Annie walked in between their guests, greeting everyone as they made their way to the bride and groom table, covered with a pearl cloth and decorated with the finest flowers. Every detail screamed elegance and you knew Armin had been the one to decide most of it. It had his taste written in every napkin and strategically placed flower.
Armin’s smile was almost too big for his face and if you had to guess, those small red marks on the external corner of his eyes meant he had been crying just a few minutes ago. You rolled your eyes. So sentimental. On the other hand, Annie’s smile was far less noticeable, but for someone who always repressed her public displays of emotions as much, that little smile must have felt heavenly to her new husband.
Husband. You took a big gulp of your drink.
“I’m telling you this because I care for you,” Eren said, redirecting your attention to him. “You’re looking like a petty ex.”
“Rather be petty than a cheater,” you shrugged, finishing your drink. You gestured to the waitress and she immediately walked to you, handing you a full glass. Thanking her, you wasted no time in taking a sip.
Eren’s eyebrows were deeply furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“Armin never told you why we broke up, right?”
Eren scooted his chair closer to you and you bit back a laugh.
“He said you just weren’t good together,” he said, trying to remember his friend’s words. “And you said something similar when I asked you back then. Where does this ‘cheating’ thing come from?”
You let out a long sigh. “Maybe it wasn’t cheating. Not by definition, at least. But when your boyfriend starts dating someone else a week after you broke up a two-year-long relationship and he gets engaged four months later… you draw your own conclusions,” you explained, taking another sip of your drink and making a grimace. “Fuck, this one’s strong.”
After not getting a response from Eren for a long moment, you finally turned to look for his emerald eyes. You could almost see the numbers flying around his mind, trying to make sense of everything you had just told him. It was endearing.
“Wait, no-- wait,” Eren gestured at you with his hand. He stopped himself again and took a sip of his beer. “The first time Armin told me about Annie was in February. I remember it clearly. We were shopping for Mikasa’s birthday gift and then he went to pick something for Annie. And you guys broke up around Halloween, that’s the time I found you crying-- in Jean's backyard during our costume party.”
“We had a big fight at that party. We hadn’t broken up,” you clarified with a smirk. “He broke up with me after Mikasa’s birthday party. The same party he convinced me not to attend.”
Eren’s face dropped once all the pieces clicked together. He turned his body to look at the bride and groom table, where Armin and Annie were taking a sip of their champagne glasses and talking to each other enthusiastically, while the rest of their guests kept dancing.
“That son of a bitch,” he breathed out. You burst out laughing at his reaction. “No, I mean it! I really thought you had broken up during that Halloween party! You didn’t upload any more photos together, I don’t even remember even seeing you together--”
“I told you, we were fighting and… not in the mood for photos or public dates. Most of those months were spent at his apartment, fighting over really, really stupid things or just not texting each other for days,” you explained. “Honestly, when he broke up with me he made the decision I was too afraid to take. He was right, we weren’t good for each other anymore. But... fuck,” you chuckled icily. “I wish he would have broken up with me before getting with Annie.”
Eren listened in silence, his eyes still on his friend. You gave him time as you kept drinking, your gaze drifting to your friends again. You really wished you could have the energy to join them and forget Armin and Annie. It was true you didn’t love him anymore, yet seeing them together only made you remember how you had been fooled by someone you thought loved you the most.
You had had many dates ever since, but no one ever stuck. It was fun, getting someone’s attention for a couple of weeks, but then you couldn’t help but ghost them, putting up shitty excuses like wanting to focus on yourself and not having enough time to spare with them. You had lost so many amazing opportunities with both boys and girls that a couple of months ago you had decided to stop dating at all. It was lonely for sure, but at least you didn’t find yourself feeling guilty for not being able to open yourself up emotionally for someone else.
“Want to get back at him?”
You turned to Eren so fast you almost hurt your neck.
“I have an idea. Just play along,” he explained, standing up.
“Eren, hey, what are you--”
“Everybody! If you could give me a minute please!”
You watched horrified as your friends started turning to you and Eren, confused at the commotion. Eren kept waving his hand, gathering more and more people’s attention, Armin and Annie included. He even gestured to the DJ to lower the music and she complied. In a few seconds, all the guests of the party were looking at you, who was still sitting down with a confused expression, a drink in your hand. Once he deemed enough people were looking at him, you saw him fumbling with his hands nervously.
“Eren,” you called for him again in a whisper, but all he did was take the drink you had in your hands and put it on the table.
“Sorry for interrupting, I know a lot of you were having a lot of fun dancing. But all I’m asking is one minute of your time. I hope that’s okay with you guys,” he grinned back to the bride and groom table, where they were as confused as all the guests around. “I have something really important to say.”
“Eren, no, you can’t tell them about--”
“No, no, give me a moment,” he hushed you again. The DJ walked to both of you and handed an inalambric microphone to Eren.
You didn’t like how devilish his smile turned.
“Great, thanks, this is much better,” he told the DJ, who just kindly smiled at him. “Anyway, I don’t want to take much of the bride and groom’s time, so I’ll try to be concise. The thing is…” he said, turning to face you. “I love you.”
Your mouth flew open as you heard multiple gasps coming from the guests. Yet, you couldn’t bother with looking anywhere but Eren’s eyes. What was he doing? Since when did he have feelings for you? If he wanted to say something, he could have easily said something a few minutes ago, when--
Just play along.
Your questioning glare turned into a big smile and you noticed Eren softly nodding at you.
“You already know how much I love you. Honestly, I never get tired of telling you so. And hiding our love from our friends has probably been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Sorry about that, Mikasa,” he said, gesturing to the woman.
You could imagine your friend’s dumbfounded face, but you knew better than to turn and check for yourself. You knew you wouldn’t be able to hold in your laughter.
“So I’m here in front of all our friends and some other guests I don’t know to ask a simple question.”
In a swift movement, Eren got down on one knee. Your hand flew to cover your mouth, trying your best to hide any trace of laughing on your face. The flash of the cameras startled you for a moment, but that only meant Eren’s plan was working. The excited murmurs and squeals only fueled Eren, as he pulled up a ring and showed it to you. You immediately recognized it as one of the rings he had been wearing a few moments ago. 
“Would you marry me?”
A huge, honest grin made its way to your face and you nodded quickly. You grabbed the microphone Eren was holding and spoke right into it.
“Yes, I’ll marry you!”
You hadn’t listened to a crowd erupting in applause and cheers as loud as the guests at Armin’s wedding when Eren slid his ring on your finger. Once again, the flash of the cameras were right into the both of you as you leaped into his arms. He stood up while holding your body close to him, even giving you a small spin and you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
When he finally put you down, the music resumed and all your friends began running to the both of you.
“You’re fucking crazy,” you whispered to Eren, holding his face between your hands. He laughed.
“Kinda ruined the reception, huh?”
“When the fuck did this happen?” Jean inquired as soon as he reached you.
“Dude, why didn’t you tell us?” Sasha whined, with a small pout. “But congratulations!” she quickly followed, hugging you tightly. As you hugged her back, you felt someone taking the hand that was now wearing Eren’s ring.
“This is one of your rings,” she noted, shooting Eren a dirty glance. He lifted his hands in surrender.
“Hey, I didn’t plan this! But I will get her a prettier one soon,” he said, winking at you. You laughed and shook your head.
“Nah, I like this one,” you replied. You shared a knowing grin and soon it was Connie’s turn to hug you.
While you were hugging your friend back, you saw in the corner of your eye Armin getting up from the table and starting to walk to both of you. Your smile immediately vanished from your face and once Eren caught it and followed your eye trail, he understood the reason why. You heard him mutter a curse before he pulled you from Connie’s embrace.
“Well, we’d love to stay, but my fiancée and I want some time alone.”
“C’mon, you haven’t told us yet how you got together!” Sasha complained.
“Next time, we promise,” you hurriedly assured her.
Eren picked his suit jacket from the table and before Armin could reach your group, you quickly walked away, exiting the hotel. Eren whistled to a taxi and you jumped inside, telling the man behind the wheel to drive. Loud laughter filled the vehicle as soon as it began moving.
“How-- how did you even have this idea?” you asked him, holding your stomach as you laughed. “Dude, Armin looked so upset, we totally stole his thunder.”
“That was the plan,” Eren shrugged, a winning smirk on his lips. “Knowing the gang, everybody’s going to be talking about us and the engagement for the rest of the party.”
“Remind me to never have you as an enemy,” you chuckled, leaning back on the car seat. Letting out a long sigh, you took off Eren’s ring and handed it to him.
He shook his head. “Nah, keep it. As a souvenir of today,” he winked.
“Thank you,” you smiled. You put the ring on your thumb this time, since it was too big for your ring finger anyway. “You didn’t have to do this at all, and yet--”
“It’s okay,” he assured you.
“No, really. It’s just-- I’ve been having a tough time since the breakup,” you admitted. “To have you doing this for me means a lot. Makes me feel someone really cares for me. I never said anything to anyone back then because Annie is also a part of the group and I thought…”
Eren leaned his head towards you.
“You thought…?”
“I thought you would pick her too. It’s stupid, I know,” you shrugged, turning your head to Eren. “But Armin had just broken up with me and a week later he was already in public with Annie. Back then, I thought everyone knew we had just broken up and if no one had said anything was because they didn’t care. So I just… stopped hanging out with all of you as much as I did before.”
“Yeah, I noticed that,” he muttered.
“You did?”
Eren nodded. “That’s why I asked Mikasa to pressure you into coming to the wedding. I hadn’t seen you in a while.”
“You could have just asked me to hang out, you know,” you teased him. Eren chuckled, pushing some of his loose hairs behind his ear.
“I think we know by now I don’t take the conventional route.”
“Yeah, all of the guests know that too,” you quipped, making both of you laugh.
This time, when the laughter came to an end, you realized how close your faces were. Your noses were almost brushing as you both were lying your heads on the back of the car seat. You looked into Eren’s emerald eyes and noticed he wasn’t looking away from yours either. Was it the alcohol that made his cheeks turn a lovely shade of pink? If it was, then you could say the warmth crawling up your face was its fault too. It had to be the alcohol, or else, you would have to also ponder about the reason your heart was beating out of your chest at having your friend so close to you. He was handsome, he had always been and you knew this. But why were you losing all your composure just now?
A brief look at Eren's lips gave your thoughts away and, in less than two seconds, he was pressing his lips against yours.
For a spur-of-the-moment kiss, as you thought this one was, it was rather soft. Eren kissed you as if he thought you were the most expensive and fragile thing he had ever seen. But of course, this was just a product of the adrenaline and the fact that -as far as you knew- he hadn’t been dating anyone as well, right?
Your small theory crashed and burnt when you felt his hand softly cradling the side of your face. No. This wasn’t an adrenaline kiss, neither one that you gave without a thought. Maybe it had been unprompted and maybe you hadn’t seen it coming, but it sure as hell seemed he did. Eren’s lips gilded against your with ease, revealing a soft tenderness you didn’t know he possessed. You kissed him back, matching his rhythm as you softly pressed your hand against his chest.
Eren pulled away from you softly, and if his longing eyes were any indicator, a bit reluctantly.
“Hi,” he breathed out, making you grin widely.
“Hi,” you replied. You gently caressed his cheek with the knuckles of the hand that was previously resting on his chest. Eren took it and kissed your palm, making your heart flutter.
“Sorry to interrupt kids, but where are we heading?”
The voice of the taxi driver startled you, making you pull away from Eren. He chuckled at your reaction and then looked back at the man.
“Take us to that pizza place near the central park. Gotta have a celebratory dinner with my fiancée,” he said cheekily, taking your hand into his. You squeezed his hand back, his ring digging a little on your skin.
“So young and engaged already? Congrats!” the driver said, turning left and heading towards the direction Eren had given him.
“Thank you!” you smiled brightly at Eren while he took your joint hands to his mouth and placed a kiss on your knuckles.
A part of you knew you weren’t taking that ring off anytime soon.
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eremiie · 4 years
ok ok so can you write a nsfw about armin being a little jealous about your outfit before a party and fucking you stupid until you can’t speak to let you know you’re his😋😋
thank youuu
speak up;
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❥ armin x reader | nsfw | 2.5k words
❥ content: choking, semi-public sex, armin is a menace, armin is also a sneaky bitch, armin gets jealous🙄
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armin didn't like the eyes on you.
they were too many people rubbing against you. he could practically feel the sweat rubbing against your skin as you danced with the crowd, the people stepping on your own pretty toes, and he could almost hear the slosh of people's drinks in their cups as they moved around the floor.
armin never really had a problem with eyes on you, as a matter of fact— it always made him feel a small sense of bashful pride. it was like recognition that yes, him, armin arlert had you in his hands. that you were his, and he took pride in that, he loved to show you off in the most subtle ways, and loved hearing compliments about you from others.
but today was a little different, for one, he didn't want to be at this party. he was only there because you and eren had dragged him to it. the two of them claimed that it'd be nice to see him out for a little bit and not in the comfort of his dorm, as if he never got out. he was sure they failed to realize that he out of all their friends was the one most likely to agree to any gathering they wanted to go to. that he was usually present, and happy to come along.  
you tried dragging him out to the crowd with you but he was fine with where he sat next to mikasa and jean. he kept his eye on you though, watching the way your hips moved with the music and the way your face was graced with this constant smile. you were clearly enjoying yourself, clearly enjoying yourself maybe a little too much that you weren't aware of the guy behind you, smiling back down at you with his drink in hand, the liquid in the cup too close to tipping over and spilling on you.
it'd be a shame if it did, you looked too pretty. your dress was too pretty. it came up mid thigh, a pretty baby blue color that complimented your skin all too well— not to mention his favorite color of the lot. the dress showed your cleavage coming down to reveal a bit of your stomach just between your breasts while the sleeves and the rest of the dress were tight around your body.
armin remembered complimenting you on your attire just earlier before the party, giving you a sweet smile and telling you how beautiful you looked. but now, since he wasn't enjoying his self it was a shame that other people got to enjoy how good you looked and he didn't. that other people got to be so close to you, feeling the fabric of your dress against their skin and not his.
armin didn't like sharing. what was his was his, and he didn't see a reason it had to be anyone else's.
he almost wanted the guy next to you to spill his drink over you so he had a reason to drag you to the bathroom, and help you get cleaned up. scold you for being too close to everyone else, although there wasn't necessarily an issue with that, he knew that if he selected his words carefully he could make even the dumbest things come from his mouth sound plausible.
maybe if he stared long enough the cup would tilt over.
"armin, are you okay?" his head whipped to the side, practically jolting at the sound of his name. he was clearly too caught up in his own thoughts, and mikasa must've caught him staring a little too hard your way.
he blinked a couple times, rubbings up and down his arms from where they were leaned forward on the table, collecting himself. he smiled at mikasa, nodding his head. "yeah! i'm fine, why what's up? are you okay?"
mikasa studied armin for a couple seconds before clearing her throat and reaching for her drink seated in front of her. she took a couple sips of the clear liquid, shaking her head as the drink washed down her throat before setting it down on the table with a reciprocating nod. her cheeks were slightly flushed, maybe from the temperature of the room, or the alcohol in her system. armin couldn't figure why as he was too lost in his own head only moments before. "yes, i'm fine. you looked a little upset."
"really?" was he that obvious? "me? upset? i've just been sitting here, i'm not upset."
"well, i know you didn't want to come, so i was just checking up on you."
armin hummed in response. she wasn't wrong, he didn’t want to be here. mikasa was just as observant as armin, so he let the conversation go, something else was occupying his thoughts anyways.
when he turned his head back to where you were previously dancing you weren't there anymore— neither was the guy you were dancing with, and armin's eyebrows came together, clear confusion dancing across his face while the cogs in his brain worked.
he glanced back towards mikasa, pushing his chair back and standing up. "where's _____?"
she fiddled with the handle of the glass in front of her, shaking her head at armin. "she went to the bathroom when we were talking."
armin breathed out a sigh of relief. how did he miss that? he wasn't insecure, no— it's just that there's a plethora of things that could've happened to you of course, the world was a crazy place after all. he found comfort in knowing you weren't too far from him. he trusted you, yes, but sometimes the thoughts in the back of his head made out the worst outcomes.
"thanks, i'll be right back. i have to use the bathroom too."
armin hadn't drank anything all night, actually, and mikasa knew this. there wasn't even a glass seated in front of him like her, but she brushed it off, averting her attention back to jean next to her.
the blonde swiftly made his way around the crowd of people until his hands were smoothing over the front door of the bathrooms. he saw the sign— there was a clear stick figure symbol of a woman on the door but he put the thought to the back of his mind. he already was making up an excuse if anyone had asked, although he knew that there'd be a rare chance of anyone else in the bathroom with you.
you didn't bother glancing to see who was at the door of the bathroom, continuing to dry your hands at the hand dryer. you couldn't help but remember when armin told you that hand dryers were actually less sanitary than drying with actual paper towels. the thought made you giggle to yourself.
you hadn't really seen armin all night, but you also didn't have to worry about this too much, as you looked to the side, armin's figure stalking towards you in the long mirror above the sinks.
you practically jumped out your skin, not expecting armin to be in the bathroom with you. you weren't even worried about the fact that he was in the women's bathroom yet, just the fact that the second your boyfriend was on your mind he was creeping up on you.
"armin!" you sighed, turning around and dragging your hands down the sides of your dress to rid your hands of the excess moisture. "what are you doing in here?"
armin looked up to the ceiling for a brief moment before grabbing your hand, pulling you more towards him. "what are you doing in here? isn't this the men's bathroom?"
you shook your head at armin, pressing yourself against his chest. you really did miss him, you felt away from him for almost too long. "did you read the sign? this is the girls bathroom, hon."
"must've missed it." he murmured, hand smoothing over the back of your dress. "you know what else i missed?" when your head lifted off his chest to look up at him he moved both of his hands to your sides, softly pushing you backwards until your backside was met with the counter of the sink.
his lips pressed against your own, only a quick peck at first, a smile gracing his face at the simple gesture. your eyes dart towards the door for a second but before you could say anything armin connected his lips with yours again, taking your jaw between his cold slender fingers.
you could feel the soft locks of his hair on your forehead, and smell the familiar scent of fresh linen drifting off of him. it was comforting being in his presence again, almost like all your thoughts melted away whenever he came around. he brought a sense of security with him— you almost were no longer worried about someone walking in. of course the thought did still linger on your mind.
his tongue slipped into your mouth as he held your jaw gently before kissing the corner of your lips, your cheek and then your ear, turning your body around, the two of you facing the mirror. he pressed up against your backside, his lips pecking your neck before resting on your shoulder for a brief moment. "missed you so much."
"missed you too, min." his hand teased its way down the slit between your breasts, finger tips grazing over the soft fabric of your dress, you could feel them oh so gently over your skin, as if he was trying to be gentle with you. his head buried into your neck, inhaling your smell and relishing in the feeling of you against him. you were thankful to be with him once more, but you could tell he wanted something more just by the way his body slotted with yours. "but, not here."
armin pouted, hands dancing their way down to your thighs until they were pulling at the hem of your dress, simply snapping it against your skin over and over again. "come on, nobody will come in." he stared at you through the mirror, grinning at you while his blue eyes steadied on yours. they reminded you of the dress that was clad against your body, such a pretty shade. "plus you look beautiful, baby."
with the way armin peppered your neck in kisses you almost didn't realize the way your dress began to slide up your thighs and over your ass, until you felt armin's hands palming the soft plush of your thighs, a content hum rumbling deep in his throat.
you knew he was hard to stop once he started, he was clearly a little desperate to have you— although you weren't sure why. it wasn't usual for him to be so eager to have his hands on you, for him to be so touchy. he knew your personal space and your boundaries; not that he was pushing them, it was just odd to see him so bound on being close to you like this.
"thank you," you tried to further push the thought of the door opening at any second to the back of your brain while armin payed attention to your lower half. his hands tickled your sides as he pulled your underwear down by hooking his finger the band and pulling until they were dropping to your ankles, your body shuddering at the cold air meeting your cunt. "armin—"
"so beautiful." his gaze was trained on you, glistening with your slick, and his hand pushed your back further down until you were leaning against the sink counter, armin's hands working at your ass. "gonna make you feel so good, right? want me to make you feel good?"
when you felt his thumb prod at your entrance, and the fumble of his belt and jeans you let out a small gasp, immediately biting your lip and answering with an "mhm" which he took as an okay. once his pants were gathered around his waist he wasted no time lining himself up with you, inching his way in with a loud groan that he was sure nobody could hear over the music just outside the bathrooms.
armin wasn't afraid of getting caught, it was something he liked about the thought of it— the thought of someone, anyone walking into him fucking you hard, your body bent over the sink counter. it would only go to show that it was and would always be him fucking you, not some random intoxicated guy who managed to get behind you on the floor, not anybody, just him.
he didn't even realize that he was fucking into you harder, faster, until he heard cut up whimpers of his name from you, your hand reaching back to try to grab at his thigh. "armin," you managed to get out as you watched him through the mirror, his eyes meeting yours. "fuck."
the sight was nice, blonde hairs that hugged his forehead bouncing with every one of his thrusts, a blush crawling over his porcelain skin with one of his hands on your hips pulling you back on him and the other pressing into the small of your back.
your lips were parted, tits jumping with every stroke of his as you laid your head against your arm that was folded underneath you, taking armin almost effortlessly as if he was made for you. it felt so good, like he said it would, and you didn't doubt him for a second. he always knew how to fuck you just right, how to make you dumb just from his cock, no matter the occasion.
he grabbed your hand trying to reach for him and folded it over your back where his hand was previously. seeing you held down under him, for him, made something twist in his stomach, his dick twitching from inside you.
you winced at the angle, opening your mouth to speak but nothing coming out. armin spoke for you though, leaning down to your ear, only causing you to wince from the strain on your arm. "what's that?"
your eyes squeezed shut at the sensation, him stretching you out nicely, pulling out until you were only full with his tip until pushing in deep, sliding against your walls. his hips met your ass with every thrust and you let out a broken moan when he used his free hand to wrap around the back of your neck and pull you up until his breath could be felt against your ear. "you wanted to say something?" the new angle made his cock rub against that sweet spot inside of you, and when your body jerked the first time he hit it, he chuckled.
"min," you groaned, eyes fluttering to watch him fuck you from the mirror. his balls slapped against your ass every time he pumped into you, and you let your eyes roll back and shut again. you could barely form words, you knew your sentence would be jumbled. you knew it wouldn't come out right and armin felt pride in that.
"speak up, i can't hear you..." his voice still held that sweet undertone, almost condescending how he spoke to you. like he knew the affect he had, he knew how well he was fucking you. he let go of your arm and moved his hand to pull the slit of the dress to the side, one of your tits falling out, and armin letting his hand knead the soft flesh, giving him more leverage and pulling you closer to him. "am i fucking you that stupid that you can't even speak?"
with the way he spoke dirty in your ear, how he toyed with your sensitive buds, the way your slick pooled between your legs, and the way he used you how he wanted, attacking your neck with more kisses. soft pink lips sucking at your skin, nibbling and pulling with his teeth, it was all overwhelming. pleasure flood your body, and before you knew it you were tumbling over the edge, your orgasm crashing over you like a wave.
"armin!" was what you said when it hit you, squeezing around him too tight for his comfort, but he didn't slow down, continuing to fuck into you without faltering too much.
he was close himself, lip between his teeth to not make too much noise. but when he looked into the mirror and saw your fucked out expression as you continued to grind against him while riding out your orgasm, it seemed you were almost asking for more. he came abruptly, eyes widening as he shot into you, his cum hitting your cervix. he was not expecting to come right then and there.
another soft moan left your mouth that was barely audible over armin's own moans. "god, baby..." he panted, trying to catch his breath. his orgasm was intense, his body feeling ahead of his mind— like he needed to catch up to it as he was moving too fast and on his own when he was fucking you.
"i need more," you were still swiveling your hips against armin's, your hand that wasn't sitting behind your back toying at your clit as you stared at him with that same desperation he had earlier. now he had you hooked, and with the way his cock sat inside you, yes, you wanted more from him.
you were needy now, and armin had no problem giving you more either— after all you were his to pleasure and be pleasured.
his chest was still rising up and down as he tucked himself in quickly, helping you pull your own underwear up and your dress back down over your ass and over your breasts.
"let's get out of here and you can have more."
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pleasantanathema · 4 years
Santa Daddy | Jean Kirstein x Reader
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Pairing: Jean Kirstein x Reader
Rating: Explicit 
Warnings: Daddy kink, dirty talk, thigh riding, mutual pining, friends to lovers (or, rather, idiots to lovers), lots of holiday fluff
Word Count: 6k
A/N: This is my Secret Santa gift to @whats-her-quirk​ 🎄💕 June, thank you so much for being a wonderful friend; I was truly lucky and privileged to get you as my Elf for Secret Santa! I hope this fluffy (and dirty) little fic with our best boi Jean brings you some holiday cheer! 
           There were only a few things in the world that made you happier than watching Jean Kirstein smile. Like most of your friends, you’d met him through work, but there was always something so special, almost magical, about seeing his darling smile and hearing his boisterous laugh. And you rarely passed up on a chance to see delight spread across his handsome face, which is why you couldn’t say no when he asked you to join him on a get-a-away with your friends for the holidays.
           The inquiry came after you mentioned how you wouldn’t be able to make it home for the holidays due to a winter storm blowing in. It would be the second season in a row that the weather kept you from visiting home.
           You could still hear his voice in your head, “alone? For Christmas?”
           He’d then insisted you join him and his friends at Sasha’s family cabin. It was tradition for them, a gathering of misfits finding communion together out in the wilderness for a few days before the new year. You had taken trips with your friends before to amusement parks, festivals, even to the beach at Armin’s request, but something about being invited to an intimate setting to celebrate holiday traditions had you anxious.
           So, there you were, swaddled in blankets, listening to Eren bicker with Mikasa while Sasha and Connie bustled in the kitchen to make eggnog and treats. Armin had declined to join, citing that he’d seen too many horror movies about young adults alone in cabins to feel comfortable making the trip.
           And, true to form, Jean was running late. He was always late, his mind constantly moving a mile a minute unless he consigned himself to much needed rest and relaxation. Though, this time, you felt a little lonely while waiting for him on the couch, like there was a small part of you missing as you watched the snow fall outside.
           “So, none of you guys go home for the holidays?” You looked over toward the modest, plastic tree that Sasha had thrown down from her attic to bring a little holiday cheer to the living room, a few poorly wrapped presents and bags nestled under the branches.
           “Well,” Eren cleared his throat, “we are orphans.” He pulled at Mikasa’s scarf for emphasis.
           “Oh fuck, yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
           “Don’t worry about, he just always brings it up to get sympathy gifts.” Mikasa sighed, jerking the red cloth from his hands and scowling. Eren only laughed, brushing a stray hair from his face that had come loose from the bun at his nape.
           You sunk a little deeper into the cushions, eyes glancing out the window in hopes you’d see headlights flash in the driveway.
           “Do you think Jean’s okay? He should’ve been here a while ago and the storm is getting closer.”
           “Jean, Jean, Jean,” Sasha trotted into the room, balancing a mountain of sweet-smelling cookies on a plate, “you’re always worried about him.”
           “Someone should be, guy’s an idiot.” Eren chimed in, green eyes shining from the low flames rolling in the fireplace. He and Mikasa were sitting in the floor, a game of checkers spread out before them, with more stolen pieces resting near the cunning Ackerman’s side of the board.
           Eren wasn’t wrong, but over the years you’d known your group of friends, you’d noticed just how much the man in question had grown. In his early twenties, Jean had been quite the bumbling fool, having literally met you by bumping into your shoulder while leaving work, only to look at you and mumble “god you’re beautiful,” before issuing a quick apology as he rubbed at his neck sheepishly. You’d never mentioned the moment again, though your stomach still churned with a slight thrill every time you thought about it.
           But over the years he’d managed to turn that puerility into something much more charming. He was more refined, almost infuriatingly suave, easily gaining attention from anyone and everyone. And though you sometimes hated to admit it, he’d captured your thoughts as well.
           You kept your budding crush on Jean Kirstein close to your chest, not admitting it to any of your close friends. You always figured he was out of your league, seeing that he had a new, more beautiful girlfriend just about every other month. But, despite your simmering feelings, you still allowed yourself to get closer and closer to him over the years—some might say he’s your best friend, but you might call him your most treasured vexation.
           Another hour or so went by, your time spent nibbling at cookies and reminiscing with everyone about another year passed.
           Then the door finally opened, cold air gusting into the small living room as Jean stomped his damp boots on the entry mat.
           “Have you guys opened presents yet?”
           You glanced over the back of the couch, heart tugging in your chest as you noticed snow dusted in his long hair and a sizeable red and white polka dot package in his hands.
           “No because Christmas is tomorrow, or did you forget that too?” Connie said it with crumbs in his mouth, feet kicked up on the coffee table.
           Jean laughed, running a hand through his hair before wrapping the gift in his arms like it was something valuable.
           “I know, I know, and sorry I’m late, had something important to go get.” He smiled, bright and cheery, hazel eyes bouncing between his friends and the carefully guarded box, “I ask because…uh, this needs to be opened kind of soon.”
           “Is it perishable?” Sasha perked up, already ready to go make room in the fridge if something delectable was waiting as a gift.
           “I mean…you could say that? It may or may not be alive.” He was laughing, that kind of infectious laughter that had everyone in the room grinning whether they wanted to or not.
           Jean didn’t set the present down to even take off his shoes, instead tracking snow in with him and plopping onto the couch with flurries still on shoulders. He nudged your knee with his, pushing the present toward you. You pressed your lips together, hands getting sweaty as you pieced the puzzle together.
           “Is that…?”
           “Yeah,” his grin was pulling at his cheeks, eyes so sincere and happy and it almost startled you, “it’s for you.”
           The top of the box moved, the green bow popping on top of the polka dots.
           You moved the gift into your lap, pulling off the top to find perky ears and green eyes peering up at you—a kitten, grey and striped, with long, white whiskers and a pink bow around its neck greeted you with muted curiosity. You just stared at it for a moment, and it stared back, like you were both wondering just how it got into your lap.
           “I just,” Jean was getting nervous, carding his fingers through his hair again as he waited for your reaction, “I wanted to make sure you’d never spend another holiday alone, you know?”
           You carefully picked up the little cat, watching how it stretched and yawned as you pulled it from the carefully lain blanket inside its temporary home.
           You smiled, pulling the warm little bundle to your chest.
           “Um, Jean, this cat has six toes on her paws,” you said, pressing your thumb gently against one of the extra appendages in question.
           “Six toes?!” Sasha was jumping up from her seat, bounding over to kneel in front of you and pluck one of the kitten’s paws into her fingers. The cat quickly pulled its paw back, little black toe beans curling to its chest.
           “Yeah, it’s what drew me to her. She’s extra special…” you could’ve sworn you heard him mutter something under his breath, a little musing of “just like you,” but any hushed murmur was overshadowed by the ohs and ahs of your friends gathering around to look at the adorable little creature.
           The kitten had been lulled to sleep by the car ride from the shelter to the cabin, content to just curl up in your arms as inquisitive fingers prodded at her little kitten mittens and the silky, white tufts in her ears. Even Mikasa was enraptured by the tiny animal, taking the time to retie the little pink ribbon around her neck to make a bigger, prettier bow.
           You noticed how your friends were whispering, cheeky grins pressed against eager ears as they looked between you, the precious kitten, and Jean on the couch. You were starting to feel like you were missing something, or maybe that you were at the end of a joke you hadn’t caught on to yet.
           “Thank you,” you whispered to Jean after the fuss died down, everyone returning to their seats and back to their previous fixations.
          You’d mentioned perhaps wanting a cat a few weeks ago; it was just a silly, off-hand comment you made over coffee about how you’d once read that people with cats live longer because they pick up on the nine-lives of their feline partner. You didn’t believe it to be true, but you’d mused about the idea of having a cute kitten of your own to snuggle up with on lonely nights.
           “I know it’s sudden and a lot of responsibility, so if you don’t want her—”
           “No,” you cut Jean off, bundling the kitten a little closer in your arms, your heart singing as you felt her start to purr, “no, I want her, she’s perfect.”
           Jean finally started to get settled himself, standing up and shrugging off his jacket. He was in a tight turtleneck, coal black threads stretched to their limit across his broad chest and shoulders, hugging his trim waist. You were careful not to stare for too long as he stretched his arms above his head to shake off the weariness of his drive through the snow.
           He always looked like he stepped out of a fashion catalogue, fresh and so put together that sometimes you were tempted to snap his photo when he wasn’t looking; he just looked that good all the time. He loved to wear designer clothes and keep up with the latest menswear trends, and tonight was no different, that beautiful black turtleneck (that was covered in grey fur) undoubtedly belonging to a designer whose name you probably couldn’t pronounce.
           “What are you gonna name her?”
           He sat a little closer this time on the couch, a brawny arm outstretched behind you as he leaned over to scratch at the kitten’s chin.
           “I don’t know,” you admitted, gazing down at the serene, sleepy face in your arms, “I’ll have to get to know her first.”
           “Well, I’ve been calling her Frankie.”
           “Frankie?” You smiled through your confusion, the name sounding oddly right.
           “She was pretty wild in the car and kept meowing when Frank Sinatra was on the radio.”
           “I see,” you laid the kitten down into your lap, sweeping your fingers through her fur and watching as she curled up into a tighter little circle, “well, I’ll consider it.”
           You felt warm, heavy fingers brush against the back of your neck, Jean absentmindedly painting figure eights into your prickling skin. Heat flushed to your face as you realized just how close your bodies had become—his thigh was pressed against your own, dark jeans tight and hot, the scruff of his cheeks brushing against your own as he toyed with the sleeping cat’s tail.
           There were voices all around you, the muffled sounds of your friends relaxing together falling almost on deaf ears. Your whole world felt like it just revolved around this couch, like nothing else mattered beyond the simple touches to your skin and the drowsy kitten beneath your hands. He never wanted you to spend another holiday alone, you replayed his words, the sweet sentiment finally settling into your spirit.
           You could tell everyone was starting to get a bit sleepy, a few hours spent drinking spiked eggnog and chasing the new kitten around with a feather toy having left you especially exhausted. Your head was a little swimmy as you bid everyone goodnight, the grey tabby cat following closely on your heels to your bedroom where Jean had already brought in a litter box and a bed for her to sleep in. Jean, underneath all the designer bravado and smiles, was perhaps the most thoughtful person you knew.
           But despite the heaviness in your head, you couldn’t seem to sleep. You tossed and turned in the bed, occasionally picking up your phone to scroll through it or just watch the time tick by. You had a lot of thoughts mulling around in your mind, most of them revolving around the man sleeping just right across the hall.
           Never in a million years did you expect Jean to walk in with a beautiful, perfect kitten as a gift. The little thing was back to sleeping again, this time curled around one of your feet, each exhale a little purr against your toes.
           You’d carried the weight of this crush around for too many years. You rubbed your palms against your eyes, sighing as you came to terms with your feelings for Jean for what felt like the thousandth time. Your pining was starting to take its toll, too, what with the sleeping giant so close yet so far away.
           And you still felt like you were missing something.
           Throughout the night, your friends had seemingly been playing coy, teasing Jean about getting you such a big, sentimental gift. Maybe they had all caught wind of your suppressed feelings and were poking at Jean for even daring to indulge you. Now you were just getting frustrated with your thoughts, sighing as you tried to squeeze your eyes shut and force yourself to sleep.
           But then you heard a little sound, the soft buzz of your phone against the wood of the night stand.
           Jean: You awake?
           Your heart skipped a little in your chest as you saw his name flash upon your screen. You texted him nearly every day, yet he never failed to send a little jolt of adrenaline down your spine.
           You: Yeah. Can’t sleep.
           Jean: Me either. Cabin is too fucking cold.
           You: I have a kitty asleep on my feet, definitely helps beat the chill.
           Jean: A warm kitty sounds nice right now.
           Only a few seconds passed before the next message appeared.
           Jean: Wanna come keep me company?
           Your thumb hovered over the keyboard for a moment, your mind not even thinking about the words in front of you. Instead, you were picturing Jean in his bed, hair tussled with his own phone in his hand as he texted you, light spilling over his bare chest in the dark. You wondered what he was thinking—maybe he just wanted you to bring the cat over to see him for a bit, or maybe his mind was wandering in the same place yours was, which was picturing him naked beneath his sheets.
           You set the phone down, momentarily starting to panic.
           You hadn’t prepared for this, hadn’t prepared for the possibility that Jean might be asking you to come get in his fucking bed with him. Thank god you took a leisurely shower earlier—and you still smelled good, you checked.
           You stood up from the bed, watching the kitten stretch and quickly fall back asleep on top of the blankets. You bent down to slip on your pajama pants, but then found yourself debating if you should just leave the flimsy material behind.
           If this was what you were hoping it was, walking in without pants would send the “I got the hint, I’m here to fuck,” message loud and clear.
           But if this was just “hey pal come keep me company, I’m bored,” walking into his room in nothing but a shirt and panties could be quite awkward.
           You decided to hedge your bets, stuffing your pajama bottoms back into your bag as that lingering liquid courage from the eggnog set in. If worse came to worse, you could always say you forgot to pack them.
           You carefully closed the door behind you, making sure the cat didn’t follow.
           Then, it was literally just a few steps to Jean’s room. Conveniently, his door was cracked. Did he get up and leave it open for you? Did he always sleep with his door cracked? Or had he planned all along to ask you to come over?
           You shook your head, taking a deep breath. Those inessential thoughts needed to be quieted.
           The door creaked as you slid past it, the old hinges signaling your arrival and making Jean’s attention whip towards you. His phone was still in his hand, like was watching your messages and too-eagerly anticipating your reply.
           “Hey,” you whispered into the darkness, wincing as the door kept groaning as you pushed it shut behind you. You leaned against it for a moment, too nervous to just waltz up to his bed and fall in. You chewed at the inside of your cheek as you waited for him to break the silence.
           “Aren’t you cold?” He whispered back, shifting in the bed.
           His figure was illuminated by the pale, grey light from window, the snow clouds still keeping the moon suppressed in the sky. Like you’d imagined, he was shirtless, all those hard-earned muscles on display from where he was propped up on his elbows, sheets low against his waist.
           “I thought you were cold, Mr. No Shirt.”
           “You’re not wearing pants.”
           “I’m not wearing pants,” you parroted back.
           You watched the smile spread across his face, that darling, infuriatingly pretty smile that made you a little too happy in this moment.
           He pulled his sheets back in invitation, revealing that he, too, was not wearing pants, only clad in blue boxer briefs that were sinfully tight around his upper thighs, etchings of Calvin Klein pressed against his lower stomach.
           His hands were on you before you even settled onto the mattress, warm and greedy and pulling you flush against his body. All those worried thoughts you had before vanished under his touch, the message you had been missing suddenly loud and clear: you weren’t the only one hiding your feelings. All those veiled emotions came alive beneath wandering hands, your fingers digging into the meat of his shoulders as his found the flesh of your thighs.
           “Was this what you were thinking about when you invited me here?”
           You breathed in the smell of his warm skin as you settled against him, notes of his cologne still lingering against his body.
           “This is what I think about all the time,” he confessed, nudging his thigh between your legs.
           You couldn’t stop the moan that fell from your mouth as the muscles of his thigh pressed against your aching core.
           “Me too,” you were pulling his face down to yours, thumbs against his cheeks as you pressed your lips to his.
           A satisfied sound rang from both of your throats, lips melding and slanting against one another hungrily.
           “Why didn’t you say anything?” His words were lost within the kiss, being swallowed down as you kept drinking him in.
           “Why didn’t you say anything?” You echoed back, gasping as his hands slid underneath your shirt and began to wander across your belly, reaching up toward your ribcage.
           You both knew the answer to that: you were idiots, too scared to admit feelings even though they were clearly on display for everyone around you. But now the question didn’t matter, all the answers you wanted about to be shared between your anxious bodies with starved kisses and touches.
           You shamelessly pressed yourself a little harder against his thigh, sighing as your pussy found relief against his leg. He groaned at your action, moving his thigh back and forth a little bit to see how you would react. When you whimpered, your own thighs squeezing around his, he smirked, repeating the motion of sweeping his thick, sturdy thigh back and forth between your legs.
           “You like that?” His head was tilting down, teeth nipping at your jaw and down your neck as your head fell back against the pillow.
           “Y-yes, feels so good.”
           His hands were still traveling, wandering across your heated skin like he wanted to map your curves into his memory. He groaned against your throat when he discovered you’d also forgotten to wear anything under your t-shirt, his thumbs lazily brushing the undersides of your breasts.
           You felt like you were burning beneath his sheets, like he was painting fire against your skin with every touch. His large hands engulfed your breasts, carefully kneading and rolling your soft flesh in his palms. He was eager to kiss you again, to slip his tongue past your parted lips and get addicted to your taste.
           Jean pinched and pulled at your hardening nipples, greedily taking your little mewls into his mouth. He touched you like he already knew you, pulling at your body like you were the perfect little sex doll on strings for him to play with; rocking you on his thigh, tugging at your nipples, tongue dancing in your mouth, his hair tickling your cheeks, his cock hard and hot against his stomach.
           Your panties were getting more and more wet by the second, the soaked material sinking into your folds as you rubbed yourself against the downy hairs and rounded, solid muscle of his upper thigh. His boxer briefs were bunching closer to his hips, pre-cum already staining against the fabric where his cock was imprinted into the threads. You slipped your hand down his impressive chest, fingers dipping into the elastic of his briefs.
           “Oh fuck,” he groaned against your lips, pulling back to suck in a breath as your fingertips brushed against the head of his cock, “fuck you’re so hot riding my thigh like that, so fucking wet.”
           “You did say you wanted a warm kitty.”
           Your words had him pinching harder at your nipples, making you gasp as he chuckled.
           “Mhm I can’t wait to play with your kitty, make you mine,” he punctuated his sentence by bouncing his leg up, sending electric pulses of pleasure racing over your nerves.
           You responded by pulling his cock from its confines, wrapping your fingers around it and tugging at the silken skin. God he was thick, barely fitting in your palm as you moved your wrist up and down. You suddenly felt so small against him, realizing that he was dwarfing you just by lying next to you in the bed. His long, thick fingers could spread across the entirety of your chest, the thigh sliding against your pussy was enormous, but it felt like it belonged there; you could get used to riding him like this.
          You both fell into a frenzied, delirious rhythm, your bodies bucking and panting as you found bliss against each other.
          His hands slid down your body, leaving your tender breasts and searching for a new home. He found your hips, fingers digging into your skin as he rocked you back and forth against his thigh himself, using the strength in his forearms to have your pussy pressed down against him in the most perfect way to have you seeing stars and whining his name.
          “Gonna cum, baby? Gonna cum just from riding me?”
          “Fuck, yeah, yes, please, make me cum like this.”
          Your hand had gone slack against his cock, your mind almost unable to concentrate under the waves of pleasure building and coiling inside you.
          It felt too good to have his rapacious hands on your hips, grip mean and tight as he basically fucked you against his thigh. You wanted to scream, your other hand clawing at the back of his neck for stability.
          “Baby,” he breathed, peppering a few kisses along your cheek, “could…could you call me daddy when you cum?”
          There was a hesitancy in his voice, like he was ashamed to ask such a thing.
          Your lower belly clenched, heat racing across all your nerve endings like he’d just poured sin straight out of his mouth.
          You nodded your head for him, uncontrollable moans and gasps getting in the way of your own words. The thought of calling him daddy, that sent something wicked down to your pussy, had your fingers squeezing and tugging at his cock again and your eyes falling shut.
          It felt like your sanity was breaking, like reality was splintering and this wasn’t real—you were dreaming again, weren’t you? But then you felt his cock twitch in your hand, felt your swollen clit brush against your panties and his thigh, and you were thrusted back into the actuality of your situation. You were with Jean, he was groaning in your ear, and you were about to cum all over him.
          “D—da…,” you were choking, so overwhelmed with a final cresting of bliss that you almost felt like sobbing.
          But he just clutched you more tightly, pressed you harder against him, whispering your name in encouragement to let yourself go for him.
          Then, you lost all of your sensibilities, euphoria washing over your body as you snapped and came undone with a little whine of, “daddy,” against his lips. You slowed the rocking of your hips, your heart beating out of your chest, your pussy pulsing and clenching as you rode out the last remnants of your orgasm.
          “Holy fucking shit that’s so hot, you’re so hot,” he mumbled, one of his hands smoothing against your cheek.
          “Wha—,” you smiled, shaking your head as you caught your breath, “what are you doing with a daddy kink, Jean?”
          He mimicked your smile, hands moving to slide your ruined panties down your legs and removed the rest of your clothing as he repositioned your bodies. You let him move you around like a ragdoll, so delirious in your afterglow that you barely even registered how he was hooking your legs onto his shoulders.
          “Do you not like calling me daddy?” There was a seriousness laced into his tone that told you he’d drop it if it made you uncomfortable.
          “I like it,” you fisted one of your hands in his hair, bringing his lips to yours for a slow, messy kiss, “just didn’t expect it.”
          “I’m full of surprises, baby.”
          You felt the head of his cock nudge between your wet folds, his hands back on your hips where they belonged. Your head fell back against the pillow as he started to push inside of you, stretching your walls and making your toes go almost numb from the pleasure. You felt like you were splitting apart, like a fissure was forming down the middle of your body, stemming from where he was spearing into you.
          With your legs on his broad shoulders, he was pushing you into the mattress, his hands urging your hips to relax and let him sink into your warm heat.
          “Ohhhh fuckkkk daddy,” you couldn’t help but to whine, all your senses suddenly overwhelmed again. You were drowning in him, falling deeper and deeper into the throes of heaven with every inch of his fat cock slipping inside of you.
          “God you’re so tight,” he presses his forehead to yours, keen eyes watching how your lips were falling apart and your eyebrows scrunching together in pleasure, “that’s right, daddy’s going to take such good care of you.”
          It felt like all your history with him was being wiped away, like this moment wasn’t about two friends fulfilling all their years of mutual pining, but instead about a new relationship blooming between two bodies full of lust and desire. This was about Jean fucking you senseless, about him taking control and finally having what’s belonged to him for longer than he probably even realized. You wanted to lose yourself to him, lose yourself to his appetite and just let him devour you.
          All the air left your lungs when bottomed out inside of you, your walls clenching and sucking him in. He stayed still for a moment, nearly lost himself at the feeling of your cunt wrapped so tightly around his cock.
          “So fucking perfect,” he groaned, dragging his cock out of you slowly before pressing in again, your cunt greedily sucking him back in.
          “I always have been,” you teased, one hand lost in his hair while the other slid down the expanse of his back. You bucked your hips in his hands, coaxing him to keep moving.
          “Oh fuck. Good girl.”
          His praise made you feel drunk, liquid heat rushing to your ears and between your legs.
          He began to snap his hips, repeatedly burying his cock into your depths, the angle of your body making him hit that fleshy patch inside of you. You cried out at the feeling of being so stuffed, your walls burning from the intrusion but that coil inside your belly tightening again, hotter and more intense than before.
          “Mhmmm, such a good girl, I promise,” you pressed your lips to his in reassurance, letting your breathy moans fall into his mouth as he started to get a little rougher. His pace was steady, solid, a hard motion of his cock thrusting in and out of you, each push and pull full of purpose and passion. Every plunge was making your lower stomach spasm, making pleasure burst across your body so forcefully that you felt that urge to cry again.
          “Wanted to fuck you for so long,” his face was tucked underneath your chin, mouth trailing across your throat between his words. A particularly hard suck against your neck had your back arching, breasts flattening against his chest and your nails clinging to him.
          Jean sat back on his knees, big hands smoothing down your thighs as he looked to where your bodies were conjoined, watching how your pussy enveloped his cock with every thrust of his hips, sweet skin encasing all of his length. He looked enraptured by the sight, groaning and hissing every time he pressed inside of you.
          Then his eyes were flashing up to your face, softening as he took note of your blissed-out state, your face flushed and your lip between your teeth.
          “So pretty,” he mused, a palm ghosting up to your chest to toy with one of your tits as he found a new rhythm.
          You were ensnared by the scene before you as well, eyes wide with delight as you admired the man before you. Jean felt unhinged, electric between your legs, like he’d finally let go and was pouring all his clandestine secrets into your willing body. His chestnut hair was swept over his shoulders, the muscles in his arms and across his body rolling, rounded and thick like he was marble come to life. And his face was smooth, pretty, concentrated, cheeks dusky with a dark blush as he found euphoria from within your body.
          Your hips began to match his thrusts, bucking up into him in order to feel his thick cock fall deeper into you. His strong hands encouraged you, gripping into the supple flesh of your thighs as he pressed himself into your wetness, faster and faster with every thrust.
          “Daddy,” you called out to him, having to bite back a grin as you observed how quickly you earned his attention, “you feel s-so good,” your hand was traveling down your chest, trailing over his fingers on your breast before snaking down to your clit, “p-please let me cum again.”
          You had an inkling that he would take over for you.
          His thick, long fingers hovered over your own, carefully aiding in swirling over your aching clit. You hissed, recognizing the buildup to orgasm pooling within your belly.
          Jean’s other hand slid higher upon your body, fingers lacing around your ribcage, framing the underside of your breast. He began to forcefully pull your body into his, sliding you upon and down the sheets and upon his cock. You cried out, legs tightening at his waist, pulling him closer, deeper, begging him to devour you and take what he wanted. His thumb was almost impatient on your clit, now circling so quickly that your body was shaking, lower stomach clenching and unclenching repeatedly like you were lost in a reckless tide.
          “Shit, I’m not gonna last with you squeezing me like that, baby.”
          Your mouth watered at the thought of him finding that ultimate pleasure inside of you. Your ears became tuned to the chorus of resonances between your legs, the sweet, wet sounds of skin against skin, of slick at the base of a fat cock, of Jean grunting your name like a lost prayer.
          The final chord of your sanity was threatening to snap, you could feel it again, like he was pulling the strings of your body too tightly and you were going to splinter and break with just the right swipe of his thumb.
          “I-inside,” you mewled, unable to keep your eyes open any longer as your thighs began to quake, “daddy—oh fuck, fuck—cum inside me, please,”
          God you were so fucking close to falling off the edge, and he could feel it, using his grip to bring you even harder and faster down onto your cock to get you careening and falling again.
          Your push into oblivion came when you heard him pleading, almost whining, above you, sweat dripping down his skin as his syllables flowed together, “please, please, please, fuck, cum for daddy, cum for me, please.”
          You could both feel it, how you creamed around his cock, pussy sucking him in so deliciously tight that it caused him to lose all control. His fingers dug a little too deep, his cock throbbing and pumping deep inside of you with his release. It was like the world went quiet, like a blanket of snow fell onto your bodies and hushed your sounds and cooled your skin. You could feel the heavy weight of him inside of you, like he was meant to be there. Your body relaxed, feeling like you were sinking into the mattress and he was the only thing keeping you from being lost.
          When he finally pulled his spent cock from inside you, he wasn’t gone long. His hands were back on you again, pulling you in for simple, affectionate kisses and rubbing tenderly at the places he’d perhaps explored too roughly.
          “Jean…” you cut yourself off with a yawn, fatigued limbs winding into his own.
          His thigh found its home between your legs again, both of you groaning with a mixture of lust and disgust as you felt his cum drip into a mess between your thighs.
          “Whatever it is can wait until morning, we need to sleep.”
          “Oh fuck, it’s Christmas.”
          He nuzzled your cheek, lips searching for yours.
          “Mhmm, Merry Christmas, baby.”
          You laughed, laying your head against his chest.
          You weren’t sure how long you slept, but it felt like you spent a small eternity in Jean’s bed before your eyes opened again. When you awoke, he was already awake, sitting on the edge of the bed with the kitten in his arms. She was ready to play, striped tail swishing as he dangled a toy mouse just out of her reach.
          “What time is it?” You stretched, suddenly all too aware that you were still very naked beneath the sheets.
          “It’s only eight, everyone else is still asleep aside from Mikasa who actually went for a run in the fucking snow.”
          Jean smiled, hair tucked behind his ears, and you felt your heart skip a beat as you realized just how madly in love with him you were. You always aimed to make him smile, to hear him laugh, but to see him gazing at you in the morning sun with pure adoration shining in his hazel eyes had you practically melting into the bed.
          “I meant what I said last night, you know,” he said, turning the kitten loose to run across the bed.
          “You said a lot of things last night, daddy,” you teased, watching his cheeks turn a pretty pink at the mention of that name.
          “I meant about you never spending another holiday alone. Because, you know, I’d like to…” he trailed off, rubbing at the back of his neck like he was genuinely nervous.
          You sat up, running a hand down his arm before kissing at his shoulder, momentarily getting lost in the smell and feel of him.
          “Yeah, I’d like that.”
          No one was surprised that the two of you, and the kitten, spent every single holiday together thereafter, mostly naked, and always smiling.
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blueroses789 · 3 years
I wish I could be stronger
Mental health issues
Domestic violence
next chapter: Stronger
Chapter 11/?
Mina’s move, Eren’s realization and Mikasa’s desires : Chapter 11  
Note:  So this chapter is Y/n free (sorry guys). But I want to get into the heads of Mina, Eren and Mikasa. This chapters a bit shorter than my other ones. I am trying to update more often because I got some inspiration for this story. Anyway, happy reading😘🤗! 
Mina sat beside Eren on his bed. He had a troubled look on his face. Did Mina feel bad for putting these thoughts into his head? A bit. But her hatred for you outweighed any feelings of guilt she had. She was quick to speak to Eren after your breakfast. 
“ I mean it’s a little suspicious, don’t you think it’s a little suspicious that the second she gets back into your life, you and Mikasa break up?” Eren looks down at his hands. 
Was this true? But then again, there wasn’t really any evidence. And he still wondered who had given him that valentines day card if it wasn’t Y/n. He looked at Mina’s scowling face. 
“Why are you so obsessed with Y/n?” The second he said her name, Mina’s eyes lit up with rage. 
“Because I know her.” Eren raised an eyebrow. 
“Know her?” Mina’s body seemed to be shaking with suppressed rage. Mina had never liked Y/n. That much Eren knew. But as to why, he didn’t know. She had been your friend a long time ago, and then suddenly she turned against you, as well as Historia. 
“Look, there's no evidence. Just lay off, will you?” Eren was tired of this conversation. He hadn’t invited Mina over just for her to nag him. He was so tired these days and wasn’t in the mood to deal with conflict. Plus Mina had no evidence that Y/n was up to anything. 
“Look Eren-” Eren shapely turned and glared at Mina. She realized she’d gone too far. 
“Get out.” Eren hissed.    
It didn’t end there. Half an hour later Eren was calling Armin as he paced around the room. Mina had left the second he told her to, scurrying out in a hurry. It took him a while to calm down. Afterwards he decided to call Armin to vent. He considere Y/n, but felt it was a bad idea. She didn’t need to get thrown into this. He then thought of Mikasa, but that was a bad idea. So next on the list was Armin. 
“She just went off on how Y/n was this…manipulator or something. I mean what's her deal.” There was silence on the phone for a few moments. 
“I’m not sure why she has an issue against Y/n…..has Mina done anything else other than gossip about Y/n?” Eren layed down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. He thought about it. 
“Well…she was the one how told me Y/n had a crush on me. And later Y/n supposedly sent a card-” Eren sat up. 
“Holy shit.” 
“Sorry?” Armin asked, not clearly seeing Eren. Eren said nothing. The realization seemed to stun him in silence. 
“Armin, I’ll get back to you.  
Mina was shaking with suppressed rage. Like hell Y/n was just going to waltz into his life. Fuck, that friendship had ended six years ago, so how could it just start up again? The thought of Y/n being happy, with anyone, made Mina so so angry. 
It was a month into Kindergarten. Mina shyly sat in the corner waiting for someone to approach her. She wistfully watched the other kids having fun. She wished that one of them would come up to her. 
“Hi!” A girl her age walked up to her. She was around the same height with a cute blue dress and the prettiest e/c eyes she had ever seen. It wasn’t the colour that had entranced her, but the kindness in them. 
“Wanna play with us?” The girl gestured to a small yellow carpet where a girl with blonde hair was organizing blocks. Mina looked back to the girl and smiled. But she had one question. 
“What's your name?” 
Ever since that day Mina had followed the h/c haired girl. At some point Mina’s feelings became less platonic. She found herself blushing when Y/n so much as looked at her. When she described her feelings to her parents, she was told what a crush was. Being shy at the time, Mina didn’t say anything. Well, it seemed she wasn’t the only one. One day when Mina was coming back from the washroom, she noticed Historia and Ymir chatting in the hallway. Usually Mina would just walk on by, until she heard Y/n’s name. Against her better judgment, Mina listened. What she heard next would change the course of Y/n and Mina’s relationship. 
“Y/n going with me to the Valentine’s day dance!” Historia squealed. Mina’s stomach dropped. She had wanted to ask Y/n, but it seemed Y/n didn’t like her. 
Their relationship changed. Mina started to distance herself with Y/n. But this wasn’t the end. Now every time she was Y/n with Historia. That was when the rage set in. Rejected love hurts. And for Mina, it turned her into Y/n’s worst enemy. Even after the initial crush ended, she resented Y/n. Not that Historia escaped either. She made sure to give the blonde a hard time, even going as far as to date her sister Abel before cruelly dumping her. But it was what she did to Y/n that gave her the most satisfaction. 
People had always said she was petty, and they were probably right. Because Mina Carolina never let a slight go unpunished. And it reared its head when she saw Y/n with Eren. 
 When Mina found out Y/n had a crush on Eren in the fifth grade, her insides clenched painfully. Like hell Y/n could get what she wanted. But Mina had no proof, so she couldn't really do anything. It was only in grade seven that Mina took her chance. Eren had never shown an interest in Y/n. But seeing how sad Y/n was made her feel happy. Now she knew how it felt. When Mikasa and Eren got together, Mina suddenly had an idea. Eren had always been rash, acting before thinking. All she had to do was convince Eren that his relationship with Mikasa would be in jeopardy if he was around Y/n. The last straw was the Valentine’s day card that Y/n “sent”. And that, Mina thought, could be the end of it.  
Mikasa was curled on her bed with a cup of tea. Jean sat on the end, listening to her rambling. Rambling and Mikasa were two things that Jean didn’t know went together. She was usually composed and self assured. Now, her hands were slightly shaking. Gray eyes darted nervously around the room. 
“I don’t know if she likes girls though. What if I ask and she avoids me?” Mikasa asked nervously. 
“I mean, if you really like her you should.” 
“But Eren might be hurt. She’s his friend too.” Jean felt annoyance surge inside him. So what if Eren was pissed. They weren’t together anymore, so who Mikasa went out with was none of his business. 
“Well she was your friend first. Plus Eren only recently reconnected with Y/n. He’s got no claim over her.” Jean pointed out. Mikasa set her cup down. 
“I just don’t know if I’m ready. But what if someone else gets her.” Laying down, Mikasa curled up on her bed. Jean got up and sat beside her. 
“You know….. I have a solution. I can help move you into Y/n’s line of vision.” 
“I can be your wingman.” Jean grinned. 
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levisgirll · 3 years
Hello! Can you please do a Levi headcanon/scenario where he hurts his crush's feelings and makes her cry but later regrets it and tries to apologise to her? Thanks!
𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 (𝙇𝙚𝙫𝙞 𝘼𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙭 𝙁𝙚𝙢!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)
➡text: Hello there!! And omg of course I would be happy to write this out 🥺 the fact that to see levi apologize or own up to his mistakes is something that I would like to even write about- so thank you for this request! I hope you love it anon ♥ (incoming some fluff and you wont regret it!)
synopsis:  it was a long tiring day and with under pressure levi ackerman had, he accidently said something to y/n (his crush!) which hurt her feelings. levi feels terrible and to make it up for it, made y/n realize that levi and her might share the same feelings for each other.
fluff, angst, aot world, imagine fanfiction ♡ —
It was a long stressful day at the Survey crops headquarters building, and Captain Levi was assigned with many paper work to get done with.
The last expedition made Levi worry quite a lot for Y/N and her safety. Sure she was skilled, and a fast thinker but that still did not stop Levi from worrying about her. It was because he was the captain he had to worry about his squad....right?
But after Y/N getting hurt on the last expedition because she is kind of ‘reckless’ to what Levi thinks and used as an excuse, his heart sank and he then realized not only did he care about her too much, but he also developed feelings for her and with time it grew. Just her presence, the way she was, caring, friendly, confident, her natural beauty and a badass made him fall for her more.
But ever since on that day, he blamed himself for her getting injured because she was on his squad team.
The upcoming expedition was next month and he was becoming even more stressed and load with paperwork because it was a bigger mission this time they never had. Y/N obviously noticed that so after having a chat with Hanji she went by to his office and entered inside. They become more comfortable with each other so she was pleased to enter his office whenever she wanted to.
“Hi Levi, how are you?” she said with a bright smile, trying to light up the mood that was surrounding in his office.
“What do you think sherlock?” He spoke in a sarcastic tone and then let out a deep sigh. “O-Oh, Um I was wondering if you would like some help with the paperwork? I am free the whole day.” Her kind gestures always somehow warmed his heart, he liked the fact how in her free time she would always visit Levi and try her best to help him. But tonight was different, it was too much pressure loaded on him, he was not thinking straight.
He didn't respond to her offer and instead he got up from his seat behind the desk and gave her a piece of paper. “Read.” Was what he only said.
You took the paper from him and noticed....you were removed him Levi’s squad! “W-What....why.” You said so quietly but it had a very unhappy tone.
“You know why. You are too reckless, and I don't want that in my squad.” He lied and looked away, it was not because of your recklessness and never was because you were brave and perceptive. But in fact, it was because he wanted to keep you safe and away from harm because this time his squad was placed on the front and he moved you all the way on the back where it was safer. He does not want to lose you.
“I-I don't understand Levi...I though you trusted me-”
“Yea I don't trust you, and I clearly don't have time for you either.” You couldn't believe what he was saying to you, this behavior was out of nowhere and it made absolutely no sense! But, he was your source of motivation and inspiration and when he said that to you, it shattered your heart to pieces. You thought he had faith and trust in you and that's why he added you to his squad, you thought....you were important to him. Well, was important.
“Levi, please this makes no sense. At least explain to me why!” You yelled out, demanding an explanation for what the hell was evening going on.
“Don't argue with me.” He now gave you one of his hateful glares, and you know in a million years you would never be getting that from him, you were completely taken aback now. “Leave now! That’s an order L/N”.
You eyes were widen now, and your eyes were slowly starting to tear up. These words, completely damaged you and your feelings, he even called you by your last name which he never does. You never felt so hurt and your stomach sank which left you static and....heartbroken. Hearing this is a ego-killer for you. The paper you held slowly fell off from your hand, and you brought your hand up to cover your eyes and started to softly sob.
He noticed that quickly, and he wanted to come and comfort you but before he could do that you stormed off, slamming his door, y/n never wanting to see his face again.
Levi took a moment to process everything and then realized he had actually messed up everything. Both of you were so close and the bond and moments you both shared, Levi cherished that deeply. But, he ruined everything, shattered the bond, and now actually ironically losing you. He clenched his fist and closed his eyes tightly, “Fuck...The fuck is wrong with me?! Why am I so damn emotional.” And it was a fact, he was that when he bottled everything up and then let out his steam saying some bullshit.
It was days, and he didn’t even see or hear about Y/N. He did not get any sleep, staying up, overthinking his stupid mistake and regretting this all. His gilt, anger towards himself and grief started to grow by each day, hating himself how he hurt the person he had a crush on and someone he adored a lot which then lead to him thinking how to come to you with his true and deepest apology.
He tried to catch any chance to get you whenever you are alone and say apologize, but whenever he saw you, you would just jolt and try to run away and leave the place.
He then noticed from Hanji and the other scouts such as Armin and Mikasa that you were clearly avoiding Levi. He caught you by chance one evening as you were sitting down in the mass hall eating your sandwich alone so cutely and he just missed seeing that sight whenever you both had breaks and he would watch you eat cheerfully but....you were so down, that spirt was gone.
He was approaching you, and you then noticed that and felt your stomach sink, ‘Is he coming to me? Wait...he is, it’s only me here!’ You thought in your mind, panicking and not knowing what to do.
”Good evening.” He uttered, but you noticed there was some nervousness in that tone.
You did not look up at him and you left your sandwich that was half eaten on the plate, and got up. You lost your appetite, and you proceed to leave the mass hall, but you stopped in your steps when you heard Levi yell out. “No...d-don’t go. Please just stay for a bit.” The way he said it, was under such pain and he it sounded as if he was begging you. He really struggled doing this, but he would do it regardless if it was just to speak to you again for a bit.
He caught up to you, and took your wrist while his thumb was caressing your skin. You were still looking down, not wanting to see his face because you knew if you did now, you would tear up again.
“Can we talk please?” He said really quietly, and if the mass hall was not empty you wouldn't be able to grasp what he had said. Levi was clearly tensed and not sure if what he was doing is right, he never done this before, apologizing and talking about his feelings. But he would only, and only do this for the person he loved. Y/N.
“What do you want?” it came out more coldly then you expected and that made him hesitate. He remembered the image of your expression and you sobbing that day and it is still graved in his mind. He cant seem to get it out his head and he wanted to hear your forgiveness so it could go away.
“I fucked up, I know. But fuck, I...miss you.” He finally said, in a nervous and stuttering tone. He now moved his hand from your wrist to your soft and cold hands, and you could feel his warmth, warming your hand.
He brought up his other free hand and placed his palm on his forehead. Clearly this was hard for him and he felt such a jerk and an idiot cause all his words is now gone and he wasn’t sure how to say how apologetic he was and how you meant the world to him really.
But he know thought, How could he do this to someone who regularly checked on him, cared for him and also actually saw him as a normal person unlike the other scouts who thought he was heartless and just labeled as ‘strongest solider’. Y/N was the only who truly cared for his wellbeing and he admired that a lot. “Hey....I’m sorry. Everything I said wasn’t right. T-To be honest it was your bravery that made me fall for you...and care a lot more about you. So, please tell me What should I do to make it up for you?”
This caused you to finally look up to him and staring at his grey eyes, and after such a long time you were able to see his face clearly and close up which never fails to make your heart skip a beat. You stared at him for quite awhile, kind of surprised to what he said and the fact he was holding your hand meant a lot. But Levi took this as you still not wanting to talk to him, he wanted to say more and better things but he was quite bad formulating any more cause it him nervous and afraid to say something else to upset you further. He really did care about your feelings. “I won’t go....till I hear your answer. I waited long enough.”
You spoke, and after a long time hearing your voice this nearly made him tear up and that was because you were a big part of his life. “I can’t stay mad at you forever, so I forgive you. But, you hurted me and I cant forget that easily. But for now, Just....hold me.” You went near him and now placed both of your hands on his chest. He did not waste any second and pulled you in for a hug. It was probably his first time hugging you like this and he never knew it would make him have this fuzzy and sweet feeling like this. Of course, he would hold on to your waist, arm and shoulders sometimes during battle or when you needed some support to get up and move. But this was different, and he questioned himself how he never considered that.
Y/N and Levi both finally made up with each other, and he was really grateful for that and even the fact you forgave someone like Levi, he felt really lucky.
Of course, it will take some time for you to accept his apology, but he wont give up just yet and he really makes an effort everyday, you guys took it slow and he is more than willing to wait for you ♥
As, regret and remorse can lead a person to feel sorrow, this can cause a sense of sorrow for hurting someone such as Levi’s crush, and even though it was bad, this lead to him finally confessing and saying his true apology if it weren’t for this. Time is a healing process after all.
Once you finally sat down with Levi and talked back (after the countless times he tried to initiate a conversation or start something such as cleaning together but never got much a reaction from you) and had a small conversation with him asking how was his day. This melted his heart and he actually felt really happy inside that you finally started to speak to him. He missed your company, your sweet voice, and....that smile.
You surprised him further when you gave him tea (because he gave you so many things to somehow make you smile) and his eyes lit up, Levi never felt so happy in the last few weeks. Then he knew, that you. y/n, was his light and source of happiness. He drank the tea slowly cherishing it.
wow okay this was kind of emotional then I excepted it to be, but I honestly see a scenario like this happening where levi struggles and tries his best to own up his mistake and apologize and he would only be like this if it was to his crush and someone he loved cause this man gets nervous <3 so please y/n, give him some more hugs, he might not seem to ask for any but he is deeply inside craving for it. It’s his best comfort as it is coming from you! Anyways, please leave a like or a reblog if you enjoyed this and I hope you liked this anon 💖
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Lmao imagine Eren and mikasa already been going out for a couple months and then the next surf competition is coming up. New rookies arrive and one of the rookies has his eye on mikasa 😂 Eren worried b/c he knows Mika has a thing for surfers ( though he trusts her but still doesn’t want her to look lol) and b/c he was a rookie once that swayed her the same way that this new rookie is trying to 😂
He's not worried, he's not worried, he's not worried.
His heart continues to beat erratically as he looks around the beach, trying to find his beloved girlfriend. Fuck, he's worried. It's not that the thinks Mikasa would ever cheat on him, because he doesn't, she's made it abundantly clear, just how much she likes him. In the backseat of his car, in the lifeguard's office, in her bed, in the shower, and even just this morning in the pool locker room before she'd unlocked it for the public. She's made it abundantly clear, she fucking likes him. But it doesn't change the facts. Mikasa has a thing for surfers.
He hates how the knowledge bounces around in his head, hates how Porco had even gotten into his fucking head. Usually, he's strong, self-assured, a few words from Porco, his new rival since stepping onto the scene here in Shiganshina wouldn't have phased him in the least. But when it comes to his beautiful female love interest, the sexy as hell lifeguard that's a million miles out of his league, he's just the slightest bit insecure. Especially knowing she used to fucking date Porco of all people. It had started small, just a few 'sloppy seconds' comments, a few to many quips about Mikasa's body for him to be happy, but then, to Eren's horror, the knowledge had been substantiated by about every other surfer in Shiganshina, even Armin.
"Yeah, she used to date Colt too, it was an improvement from Porco at least." "I think she dated Jean for awhile when he first started surfing, before he moved on to standup paddleboard yoga."
"Then of course, it was back to Porco, they never stayed broken up for too long, but then again, they never stayed together often either."
All these little tidbits of information, the rising tide of unease, knowing he hadn't won today, that there's a few new rookies in town, thinking back to the anniversary of their first meeting, almost a year ago today. What if she sees someone else? What if she falls head over heels for some new rookie surfer? Mikasa has a weakness, and it's playing on every insecurity he's ever had.
And now, after his competition he can't find her, not in her usual lifeguard's chair, Jean having taken over for her early, and not waiting for him at his locker either.
Eren clutches his board closer to his side, tugging nervously at the zipper of his wetsuit, where is she?
He spots a crowd surrounding the new rookie surfers, only one of whom he'd come second to, a beefy blonde called Reiner and Eren's nerves skyrocket because what if she's changed her mind, what if she wants this hot young new beefcake called Reiner, what if she's fedup?
He's about to head towards the ever growing crowd, to see if his worst nightmares are coming true when he's accosted by small delicate hands and he almost screams as manicured fingers toy with the zipper of his wetsuit, tugging it down. "C'mon rookie, take it off," she whispers seductively in his ear, "What's the fun of losing if there's no consequences." Eren turns around in relief, finally spotting his girlfriend, wearing little to nothing except the teeny tiny red one piece swimsuit she parades around in, claiming it's a lifeguard's suit. Privately, he thinks the fact that he can see both ass cheeks almost entirely on display, and her hipbones, negates it as a work uniform.
Mikasa tugs him down by the collar of his suit, playfully tugging the zipper down, "C'mon rookie, whats the fun of losing without any consequences? Naked mile?"
She taunts him but Eren can only grin, allowing her to tug the suit down slightly, exposing his chest and pectorals, her smug grin widening with every new inch of skin. He can't resist, his hands finding her hips, "I think maybe the rookie needs a break, gotta lick my wounds you know, I lost after all." Mikasa pouts at the reminder, before telling him seriously, "It wasn't really fair though, your wave was shit."
"I know baby."
Her pout turns into a mischievous smile as her arms tangle around his neck, "Maybe the lifeguard should make you feel better huh? Poor baby lost, does he need some comfort from his girlfriend?" Mikasa giggles, a beautiful tinkling sound at how aggressively he nods, "Then let's get you back home huh Eren, and I'll show you who the real winner is in my eyes." He doesn't so much mind losing on days like this, because he found the real prize after all, 12 months ago on this very beach, he got lucky and snagged her before someone else could. he has the best prize of all and of this he has no doubt.
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papijean · 3 years
behind the lens [bonus]
I feel like some of you may have some questions about the series so I made up these bonus remarks to clarify some answers. If I missed something you want to know, PLEASE feel free to ask me. :) 
(But if you like the open ended questions or don’t like my final choices feel free to ignore this)
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1. Eren never had feelings for reader, he is in fact just a toxic motherfucker. However, he hated the idea of Jean being with her so much he tricked himself into thinking he did have feelings.
2. Jean had genuine feelings. He was very upset to find out Armin and Reader began dating especially since it seemed to come out of nowhere. However, he kept quiet about it and tried to move on.
3. The reason Porco was so nervous about bringing up Paradis_Finest wasn't because he knew who it was, but because he was ashamed to admit he too had a little bit of a crush on him. Bi King.
4. Ymir passed the stats class with a C+ and she got blackout drunk to celebrate. Historia had to take care of her all night.
5. Conny, Porco, and Jean all got an apartment together when Sasha moved in with Niccolo.
6. Mikasa didn't like the idea of Armin and Reader dating at first because she didn't want it to ruin the dynamic of the group. However, she slowly became happy for them the more she saw them interact.
7. Porco, like Jean, was a little upset about Armin and Reader dating, it took him less time to get over it than it did Jean. He was just glad to be part of some great friend group
8. Reiner can't look reader in the eye anymore. Everytime he tries he just thinks back to the party.
9. Levi needed to switch offices because he can't get the icky feeling of people fucking on his desk off of him. Also, Armin got a key to the office simply by asking one of the janitors in the area. He lied he forgot his backpack in the room. The reason he picked levi's office was to spite him due to the reader's desire to get railed by him.
10. Eren heard Armin and Reader fucking before they announced they were together. He ignored Armin for a week straight after he lied to him about who he was sleeping with. It wasn't until he told his friends about the new relationship did Eren forgive him.
11. Eren suspected it was reader in the last video of Paradis_Finest, but he was never certain about it. Even if he knew it was you, he never put together that the real owner of the account was Armin.
12. Armin still makes lots of tapes but he no longer posts them online. He loves to watch them either together with you or on his own when he's bored. He'll never admit it, but he's addicted to watching them - watching you.
13. Reader and Armin decided together that they would never tell their friends about Armin being Paradis_Finest. Maybe when they were old and it was something they could laugh about but not any time soon.
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
Could you Maybe write a headcanon about Levi and erwin taking in the reader after her parents died where she is living with all the scouts/cadet corps and just Like them being her two fake overprotective dads? (You Can add a Lil erenxreader if u want)
If you dont wanna write this thats totally fine, ily <3
“Father Figure,” Erwin x Levi Headcanon
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I actually really like this ideaaaa, I can imagine Levi and Erwin being over protective dads.
Summary: headcanon of Erwin and Levi as overprotective dads after they take baby you in after your parents die.
Warnings: noneee, just fluffy dads
When Levi found you in the streets, skinny, on the brink of death and crying after witnessing your parents die from starvation, it had gave him horrible flashbacks from when he was in that same position.
He didn’t hesitate to take you in and raise you as his own, you even got comfortable enough to call him dad but they were times when you would switch between dad and Levi which he didn’t mind.
Once you became of age, you had tried to convince Levi to let you join the scouts but he continuously said no which made you bicker with him.
You definitely got your stubbornness from him 100%. The small arguments between you two were entertaining like two children fighting over the last slice of pizza until he would get irritated and made you clean.
When the new set of cadets came in, it wasn’t long that you became close friends with Eren, Armin and the rest of them since you were around their age but Levi had always tried his best to keep you separated from the cadets, it only made your dream to become a scout increase.
“When are you going to let me join the scouts, dad?” You brought the topic up once again, he was sure this was the millionth time this month you had brought it up but he was obviously being dramatic
“I’m not letting you join, Y/N. That will always be my final answer.” The annoyance in his tone was obvious and he had stared over at you, making you let out a groan.
“Why are you so afraid of me joining? I learned from the best and you’re keeping me trapped in here like a dog!” You certainly pushed his buttons even to the point where he would ask himself why he picked you up and took you in but of course he never regretted that decision, he loved you like his own.
“I’m not letting you go out there and risk your life under my watch, Y/N.”
“As if you don’t leave me here to risk your life and leave me wondering if I’ll become an orphan again.”
Levi grew quiet, he knew you were right but he never really went deep into thought about it and he couldn’t help but feel guilty once he saw it from your point of view.
“I doubt I’ll be dying anytime soon, too good at my job.” He said with a snarky attitude, his eyes moving back down to the papers in front of him.
“Doesn’t matter, you shouldn’t be hypocrite. I want to join the scouts.”
“I said no.” Levi shot you a hard glare, making you close your mouth and breathe in through your nose.
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore, get out of here and go do your chores.” He simply said, using his hand to gesture you off and that had made you upset, mumbling words he couldn’t make out while you stepped towards the office door.
“Hey,” He spoke up again, making you turn around and you had gotten scared that he heard your mumbles and was probably going to add more chores to your list.
“I love you, alright? I’ll think about it.” Levi had a huge soft spot for you, his heart weighed heavily to even think about his own child joining the scouts. He wanted you to be somewhat normal and live a normal life.
“Really? You’re serious?”
“I might be but I can’t promise that I would agree to it, Y/N.” He said in a grumpy tone, a groan leaving his lips when you ran over to hug onto him.
“Thank you, dad.”
You certainly kept Levi on his toes and always gave him headaches to the point where he would miss the times you were young, adorable, didnt argue back, cuddling into him as you slept instead being a pain in the ass teenager but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Erwin had somehow ended up at the scene. After wall Maria had fallen, they went through to try and find any survivors and that’s when his laid upon you. You were in your crib, quiet and completely unharmed.
Both of your parents were nowhere in sight and he had feared that they’ve been eaten by the Titans. He didn’t want to take you in, he had tried to fight the urge to have his emotions connected to his job but once he lifted you up in his arms, your big eyes instantly melted his heart.
After that, you grew up under his roof and under his supervision. It had taken him years for him to be comfortable enough to tell you that he wasn’t your real father and that your real parents had died, you were around 16 when he first sat you down and told you.
But that didn’t change the love you had for your father, you were very close with him and he made sure to be the best he could be, better than his dad at least.
Since you had lived with Erwin, you were always around the scouts and the cadets, you even had a small crush on Jean and once your father found out, he definitely started playing the overbearing dad to the point where he would watch you closely and even told the scouts to not entertain you.
That really didn’t stop you nor Jean from being friends and even flirting here and there but Jean would get scared every time Erwin would give you that deadly look.
After that, he tried to keep you away from the cadets/scouts and gave you more chores and stuff to do like go into town to shop, to do things where it would be far from the cadets and he would even force you to eat in his office with him instead with the others, it had gotten on your nerves but you were smart enough to not talk back and defy him in anyway, Erwin can definitely be harsh with punishments and treat you like a cadet.
But Erwin also was too soft when it came to you, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you or make you hate him because you grew up to be a well grounded person, you grew up around the sweetest and smartest guy from the scouts and you learned hell of a lot from him.
“I seen you with Jean today.” Erwin spoke as he ate his food and you tried to avoid the topic, acting as if you were just asking him questions.
“I was just asking him where the cleaning supplies were, he had them last.” You cleared your throat, the little lie he can easily see right through.
“You don’t have to lie to me, I raised you better than that, Y/N.” He raised his eyebrow, giving you another chance to tell the truth.
“Sorry, dad.” You mumbled, picking at the food on your plate to keep yourself distracted from not making eye contact with him.
“Look, I hate to be the bad guy here. I didn’t want you to be so involved with the scouts like this but I guess it was unavoidable when we live here. I just don’t want you to involve emotions when it’s not promised that he’ll make it back alive every mission.” Erwin had to be nice, only for your sake but deep down he wish he could lock you away from all the cadets.
“You’re acting as if I’m about to marry him.” You snort out a laugh, looking up at him and he chuckled.
“Certainly not, that would be over my dead body before I allow that to happen.” He admitted, making you furrow your eyebrows.
“You’re so dramatic. I’m not dating Jean.” You rolled your eyes, he was always dramatic you thought. He always watched over you like a hawk and you never really understood why when you were perfectly safe living inside the base.
But deep down Erwin always feared that he would end up losing you. Even though he always told himself, no emotions or personal feelings when it came to joining the scouts and becoming commander but now his life revolved around you, making sure you were safe, healthy and happy above all but what he also feared the most is that he won’t make it home one day to you and that’s why he’s always so loving and over protective.
That’s why he constantly wants to spend time with his only child, he didn’t want you to feel how he felt when his father disappeared. So when it came to you hanging out Jean a little too much, the father instinct kicked in and he tried to get between, afraid of losing you to not only Titans but to another man.
I hopeeeeee this turned out good for you🥺🤧 feel free to send in more requests.
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folklorelise · 3 years
The cadets are turned into kids and think you and Levi are their parents (2)
Here is PART 2 of this!
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— You were mad at them.
Since the cadets turned into kids you were more stressed than usual – between taking care of them all, doing your paperwork in time and helping Hange with theirs, it was a lot. Adding to this, your sleeping hours were cut in half as well due to kids never sleeping. You were overwhelmed and on edge, ready to snap at any moment.
“Levi,” you called him after lunch, “can you watch over the kids for a few hours? I–.” you took a deep breath, “I just have to take a bath and rest a little bit… it won’t be long!”
“Of course, take your time.” Levi kissed your forehead before leaving your room.
Levi went to the children’s room while you went to relax a bit.
“Where’s mommy?” Eren asked when Levi came in alone.
“She’ll come later.”
“I want mommy now!” Jean shouted frowning.
“Stop whining or she won’t come here at all.” Levi told them which made them all shut up.
They continued to play together when Jean came to Levi. He struggled to climb on the couch but succeeded and sat on Levi’s lap. He turned around so he could face Levi and asked.
“When is mommy coming here?”
“I don’t know.” Levi answered calmly.
“Play with us then!” Jean pouted. “Come with us.” Jean stood on Levi’s lap when Levi ignored him.
“No. Sit down or leave.” Levi told him in a harsh tone. “No, don’t cry.” Levi’s voice softened when he saw Jean’s tears. “I’ll come and play ok? Just… don’t cry.” Levi stood up with Jean in his arms.
For a few hours, Levi had to play dolls with the kids who were really into it – imagining complex stories, doing voices etc. It was dinner time when they all started to get tired of playing.
“Where’s mommy?” Armin asked shyly.
“Aren’t you all hungry?” Levi quickly changed the subject.
“Yay!” they all shouted.
“I’ll go grab something to eat then, don’t move.” Levi ordered before leaving the room.
When Levi left the room, Eren stood up and told the others that he was going to look for you. Sasha, Connie, Mikasa and Armin were against the idea knowing that Levi would not be happy about it, then there was Jean who agreed with Eren.
“Fine, we’ll leave without you!” Eren opened the door with difficulty.
Mikasa quickly followed Eren and Jean as well as Armin because lately, Armin got the habit of following or imitating Jean. Wherever Jean went, Armin would follow – whatever Jean was doing, Armin would do the same. Jean felt irritated when Armin follow or copied him, but he never said anything. He did once – the first time – and Armin cried which made Jean felt bad and he swore never to make Armin cry again.
“Where is mommy?” Armin asked.
“I don’t know.” Eren said.
“Just go to her room.” Mikasa commented.
They all run to your room and it was not locked. You were trying to sleep in your bed after a few hours of work when you suddenly heard the kids yelling.
“Mommy!” Jean yelled, jumping in your bed.
Meanwhile, Levi immediately regretted his decision when he came back to only two kids out of six. He asked them where the rest of them went and Sasha told him that they were looking for you. Levi took them with him and directly went to your room. Armin and Mikasa were clinging onto you while Jean and Eren were shouting and jumping on the bed.
“Stop jumping on the bed or you’ll break it!” you desperately tried to stop them.
“Eren! Jean! Stop.” Levi ordered in a harsh tone which made them immediately stop. “Y/N,” Levi said more softly, “are you ok?”
“Is mommy sick?” Sasha asked.
“No.” you said.
“Then come play us!” Eren shouted.
“Stop screaming.” you warned him. “And let go of me.” you told Armin and Mikasa but none of them listened to you.
“Kids, come here and let’s go.” Levi tried.
“NO!” Eren shouted loudly, “MOMMY! Come play with us!”
“Mommy!” Jean joined Eren.
“Stop calling me that!” you shouted back which made everyone shut up, “I am not your mother so all of you… just –.” you felt tears falling down, “stop.”
“Mommy?” Mikasa whispered worried.
“I heard shouting outside.” Erwin came in. “What’s happening?” he asked worried.
“Take the kids with you.” Levi said. “And close the door please.”
Erwin did not questioned Levi’s request and took the kids with him in his office. None of the kids wanted to leave you, but Erwin easily took them in his arms. Levi walked to you and wrapped his arms around you.
“Hey, it’s ok.” Levi murmured. “Let’s sit down.”
Levi brought you to bed and sat next you and let you cry on his shoulder. He would just hold you close to him until you stopped crying.
“I feel like shit.” you sobbed. “The kids probably hate me by now too.”
“They don’t.”
“Did you hear what I said? Th-they’re kids! And I- I just yelled at them.” you lamented, “I am the worst mother ever, and they’re not even my real kids!”
“I’m sure everything will work out.”
Erwin on his way to his office with the children saw Hange and brought them with him. Erwin, with Hange’s help, tried to cheer the kids up but they would not stop crying – they wanted to be with you and Levi.
“Is mommy going to leave us?” Armin sobbed.
“No!” Erwin said quickly.
“Y/N, she loves you all very much.” Hange said. “But you have to understand that she was… mh… very tired and she had a lot of work to do.”
“And sometimes,” Erwin continued, “you just have to let that person alone.”
“We have to leave mommy?” Connie asked.
“Yes,” Hange said, “but not forever. It would just be for a day so she can rest.”
“Is mommy not going to be our mommy because we made her upset?” Jean asked shyly.
“No, of course not.” Erwin reassured them. “I’m sure she’ll come back soon.”
Erwin and Hange stayed with the kids until night before Levi came in to put them to bed. Once they cleaned up and changed, they all went to bed without protest.
“Ok, I’ll turn off the lights.” Levi walked out.
“Daddy.” Armin called him before he closed the door, “Is mommy not going to say goodnight to us?”
“She’s n –.” Levi thought about it, “I’ll go and ask her.”
Levi came back to your room and you were already laying in bed, comfortably installed under the blanket. Levi sat next to you and rested his head on your stomach.
“The kids want to see you.”
“Aren’t they upset?” you worried, putting your hand through his hair.
“No, they’re just… they want to see you.”
“I should go then.” you stood up. “I’ll be right back.” you kissed him before leaving.
You walked very quickly toward the kids room and when you opened the door, you noticed they were all still up even though the lights were off. Sasha was the first one to see you and she jumped out of the bed to hug you.
“Hey.” you smiled, kneeling down. “Aren’t you sleepy?”
“No.” Sasha smiled.
“Let’s go back to bed alright?”
You sat down on the bed next to all the kids – they were all staring at you, waiting for you to talk first.
“I’m sorry about what happened earlier.” you apologised. “I should never have yelled at you kids.”
“Don’t stop being my mommy please.” Eren frowned.
“We’re sorry mommy.” Jean said with teary eyes.
“No don’t be.” you comforted them, “I love you all very much.” you smiled.
You opened your arms and they all came to hug you, smiling and happy.
— They sleep between you two — captain dad and squad leader mum.
Armin had a nightmare about you leaving for an expedition and not coming back to him. He had Levi coming back devastated and not talking to him or anyone. A stranger – someone from your squad – had to tell him the news that you were never coming back. He woke up panicked and ran to your room. You and Levi agreed that the doors to your room would always be opened if there were any problems.
“Mommy! Daddy!” Armin came in crying.
“Armin?” Levi woke up. “Hey what’s wrong?” he put Armin between you too.
“What’s wrong?” you asked still half asleep.
“Mommy!” Armin cried next to you which woke you up instantly.
“What happened?” you panicked. “Armin, it’s ok.” you patted his head, “I’m here.”
“You didn’t come back.” Armin sobbed.
“What?” you whispered looking at Levi.
“I don’t know.” Levi mouthed.
“Armin,” you wiped his tears away, “what happened?”
“Bad dream.” Armin sobbed harder. “You were n-not here and daddy was s-sad! An-and he wasn’t w-with me!”
“Armin, it’s ok.” you reassured him, “I’m here and daddy’s here too.”
Levi laid on the bed and put Armin next to him. You took the blanket and put it on the three of you and soon enough, Armin calmed down and fell back asleep. In the morning, Armin was found to be sleeping on top of Levi, with his hand resting on Armin’s back so he would not fall.
“This is too much for my heart.” you whispered to yourself.
Jean had been feeling slightly sick for the past couple of days but did not tell anyone. He stayed in bed when it was time to eat dinner and you were worried at first which made you bring him dinner but he was asleep already. You brought back the tray and gave it to the kids who were not against the idea of eating more.
Jean woke up in the middle of the night, still slightly sick and extremely hungry. He discreetly go out of bed and went to your room. When Jean came in, he noticed lights were still on – Levi was still awake, probably working.
“Daddy?” Jean asked timidly. Which startled Levi.
“What are you still doing up at this hour?” Levi whispered, scared to wake you up.
“I’m hungry.” Jean admitted.
“Come here.” Levi put away his papers.
Levi took him in his arms and put him on the bed between you two which woke you up.
“Mh. What’s wrong?” you mumbled.
Jean turned his head toward Levi so he could answer for him.
“Jean’s hungry.” Levi said.
“Mh – I’m up.” you dragged yourself out of bed slowly. “I’m going to bring you some food alright?” you patted Jean’s head and noticed his forehead was a little hot. “Are you sick Jean?” you asked worried.
“No.” Jean answered.
“Jean, don’t lie. Are you sick?” Levi asked again.
“I don’t know.” Jean said looking at his hands playing with the blanket.
“Jean,” you said softly, “it’s ok. I’ll go and bring some hot tea too alright?”
You went to the kitchen and prepared some food and started to boil some water as well. You took two cups – one for Jean and another for Levi - and poured some water in it with the tea leafs. You put the smashed potatoes and the vegetables on a plate and put everything on a tray before going back to your room. Levi started to feed Jean while you prepared a cold towel for Jean.
“Jean, what did you forget earlier?” Levi said when you came back.
“Thank you mommy!” Jean smiled.
“You’re welcome baby.” you smiled back.
When Jean finished eating, Levi offered to cleaned it up while you put Jean to sleep. You thanked him and went back to bed. You put the cold towel on Jean’s forehead and laid next to him.
“You can sleep now.” you rest your hand on Jean stomach.
“Good night mommy.”
“Good night.”
“Good night daddy!” Jean said when Levi came back to bed.
Just like Armin, Eren had a nightmare that night. When he first woke up, he tried to go back to sleep because he did not want to bother you nor Levi. But after thirty minutes of trying, he went to your bedroom. This time, both of you were asleep.
Eren hesitated a second about whether he should wake you up or not. He quickly decided not to and laid on the floor. Levi woke up not too long after Eren came in because he was thirsty. He only noticed Eren’s presence when he came back from the kitchen.
“Y/N.” Levi whispered
“Eren’s on the ground.”
“Mh.” you mumbled, “What?” you asked again a minutes later – your eyes wide open.
“Look.” Levi pointed at Eren.
“What is he doing on the ground?”
“I don’t know.”
“Bring him here.” you told Levi.
“You do it.” Levi argued.
“I’ll wake him up.”
“And I won’t?”
“You never did when I used to fell asleep in your office.” you reminded him.
Levi miraculously brought Eren on the bed without waking him up and put him between you two. During the night, Eren ended up on Levi’s left side meaning Levi was in the middle. While he had his arms around Eren – so he would not fall – you had yours around Levi.
— Sasha and Connie would often sneak out and sleep with you and Levi.
— Mikasa never did. When she had nightmares she would only hug her teddy bear closer. She was scared to bother you. Once she did wake Sasha up and slept closer to her.
Shorter Stories
— Mikasa was known to be always quiet – she was afraid to bother people especially you or Levi. Even when she was hurt, she would stay quiet. Once during a meeting, she accidentality cut herself with a piece of paper. It was Eren, ten minutes later who had to tell you.
“Next time, you tell me immediately ok?” you told Mikasa as you cleaned the cut.
“I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
“You had to leave for me.” Mikasa explained.
“You are more important than the meeting, so next time just tell me alright?”
Mikasa only nodded and followed you back to the meeting.
— Jean is known to be a momma’s boy – he would always stay with you and play with you rather than Levi. He often cried when you had to leave without them. He loved to be held by you, he knew how to walk perfectly, but he would rather stay with you.
“Stop spoiling him.” Levi would often say to you.
“I can’t help it. Jean is adorable!”
When others were watching over the kids, you were the one Jean would be asking for, not Levi which surprised you when Hange came because Jean hurt himself while playing.
“Jean’s at the infirmary – nothing serious though!” Hange quickly added.
“I’ll go.” you stood up.
“Mh…” Hange stopped you, “he asked for Levi.”
“Are you sure?” you asked them.
“Oh,” you gasped dramatically, “did you hear that?”
“What?” Levi asked ready to leave.
“My heart being broken by that kid.” you threw yourself back to bed.
When Jean got better, he immediately came back to you. You tried to be mad at Jean – in a playful way – but when you saw him nearly crying, you apologised and let him stay with you.
— The kids were staying with you in the morning, and it was decided that Levi would watch them after lunch because you had work to do with your squad. You were holding Eren in your arms and he refused to let go of you when Levi arrived.
“I want to stay with mommy please!” Eren cried holding onto you.
“Eren,” you calmed him down, “I will be back really quick, I promise.”
“Noo!” Eren cried as Levi took him.
Eren was desperately trying to hold your arms, but Levi was swift. Eren leaned over and grabbed your hair and pulled it which made you scream and lose your balance.
“Eren!” Levi yelled putting him down. “Y/N, are you ok?” he knelt down.
“I’m fine.” you reassured him, “it’s ok.”
“Mommy?” Eren hesitated.
“Eren,” Levi started, “go to your room with the others.” but Eren did not move, “right now!” Levi ordered.
“Levi.” you put your hands on his face, “I’m ok.” you turned to Eren who was now crying silently. “Eren, it’s ok, I’m fine.”
“’M sorry mommy!”
“It’s ok, now go with daddy and listen to him ok?”
Eren nodded and took Levi’s hand and left.
“Sorry daddy.” Eren sobbed.
“Mh.” Levi answered. “Don’t ever do that again am I clear?”
Short HCs:
— Sasha’s birthday happened that year when they were still kids. You all baked a cake together.
— Connie would often draw pictures of you all as a family during meetings.
— Erwin loved staying with the kids. He would often put them to bed.
— Hange loved the kids too – they would always play with them outside with Moblit, Mike and Nanaba.
PART 3 (coming soon)
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