#she just knew by looking at them they weren't human 💀
princekirijo ¡ 1 year
Katsuro: Hey, why do Aigis and Labrys's leg prosthetics look so weird
It's really funny to me that Katsuro has just like. Never realized Aigis and Labrys are robots I love that 😭 this is conversation is even funnier because like Yuna very much knows. No one told her she just figured it out by herself 💀 she also definitely knows Katsuro doesn't know so she's just messing with him now 😭
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cyren-myadd ¡ 4 months
I wonder if the treatment of Sully's kids and Spider will be different during captivity. I can just see Quaritch trying to make Spider as comfortable as possible, trying to feed him the "homemade" food from the previous post while Lo'ak and Kiri are in the most uncomfortable position on the ground and getting some leftovers or nothing at all 💀
Spider squirmed uncomfortably against the thick rope binding his wrists together— and then immediately felt guilty for it. Across from him, Kiri and Lo'ak were bound with their wrists and ankles twisted awkwardly behind their backs, sharp rocks digging into their knees. Tight gags bound their mouths shut, so their communication was limited to terrified looks whenever they made eye contact. Half-dried blood oozed from cuts they’d gotten during their capture. Spider didn't have a right to complain about his wrists, not when his friends were hogtied like yerik carcasses ready for the cookfire. He wasn't even sitting on the rocky ground; a soft, woven mat beneath his knees protected him from the cold floor of the cave they were kept in. A part of Spider wondered why their captors would treat a full-blooded demon more gently than two half-breeds, but that question was ignored in favor of trying to figure out what the hell was happening.
Around them, strange Na'vi with pale blue skin and black war paint moved around the cave, preparing weapons and other supplies. If Spider had to guess, he'd say this was a war party from an unknown tribe, but unfortunately, he didn't have enough information to guess what they were doing so close to home, and more importantly, why. Normally, the sight of a Na'vi war party, even an unknown one, would've been good news, but the fact that these people had kidnapped him and his friends gave him the sneaking suspicion that these warriors weren't here to help Jake fight the RDA. Even more worryingly, Spider spotted human-made guns and grenades amongst the supplies the warriors were moving around, meaning someone had taught these people how to use Sky People weapons.
The sound of voices made the three of them look up. On the opposite side of the cave, two new Na'vi entered the war camp, and the way the other warriors gathered around to greet them respectfully told Spider they must be important. One was a female Na'vi with the same pale blue skin as the others. Even from across the cave, Spider could make out the ornate red headdress and intricate paint patterns she wore, marking her as high status; a tsahik or olo'eykte. Her companion was dressed in much plainer clothing by comparison; the same loincloth and simple paint design all the others wore. However, no amount of unfamiliar paint and regalia could hide the familiar blue stripes of a forest Na'vi. Spider exchanged a confused look with Kiri and Lo'ak. What was a forest Na'vi doing with these strange warriors?
The female leader addressed her warriors calmly while the forest Na'vi stood rigidly at her side, his tail lashing in clear agitation. Then, one of the warriors pointed towards the spot where Spider and his friends were tied up. Before the warrior even finished raising his hand, the forest Na'vi made a beeline right towards them.
Spider hissed through his teeth. There was something eerily familiar about the way the Na'vi stormed in a straight line towards his destination without caring if he got in the way of others. Slowly, Spider shook his head. The human weapons, taking Kiri and Lo'ak hostage while treating Spider with kid gloves... In his gut, he already knew who it was, but his mind wasn't ready to accept the ugly truth yet.
"Spider!" It wasn't until the Na'vi— no, the recom, yelled his name that he was forced to face the truth. There was no mistaking that low drawl.
"Quaritch," he didn't whisper it so much as soundlessly mouth it when the man skidded to a stop in front of them. The confrontation he'd been dreading for months was finally here, and he had no one to blame but himself. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see matching expressions of horror on Kiri and Lo’ak’s faces. The monster from their nightmares was standing right in front of them, and they had no idea it was Spider’s fault. Lo’ak tried to say something, but it was muffled through his gag. He strained against his bonds, tail lashing furiously, and Kiri pressed her shoulder against him in a weak attempt to soothe him. Thankfully, Quaritch ignored them, and instead knelt before Spider.
Spider tried to shrink away from him, but there was nowhere to go. Quaritch took him by the shoulders and gently turned him this way and that, eyes and fingers roving over his body and his exopack for any sign of damage.
"You good, kid?" He asked, lightly tugging Spider's arm so he could get a better look at a nasty scratch he'd acquired when the strange warriors had abducted them. Once Quaritch determined the scratch wasn't life threatening, his ears sagged in relief and he clapped Spider on the shoulders.
"Yeah, you're good, you're good," he answered his own question in a low mutter, more to himself than to Spider. A low, relieved chuckle escaped his lips, and then he smiled. Spider could count on one hand how many times he'd seen Quaritch smile, and most of the time it was more of a cruel grimace than a smile. This look was different— it was genuine. He smiled down at Spider like this was the best day of his life. No one other than Kiri had ever looked at him like that, and it made him want to burst into tears and attack him and bury his head in his chest all at once. Instead, Spider did nothing but return his look with a baleful stare.
Quaritch tentatively reached out like he was going to cup Spider's face in his hand, but Spider bared his teeth and jerked his head away. To his relief, Quaritch let him go. His smile turned slightly sad, but also unsurprised at the aggressive reaction.
"Ma Kwarit." Spider looked up as the leader of the warriors approached them. It took him a moment to realize "Kwarit" was her attempt at pronouncing Quaritch's alien name. The woman stared down at him with an unreadable look on her face. Her eyes were somehow both hot and cold; bright orange-gold like a fire, but there was no warmth behind them. Spider glared back at her with the fiercest look he could muster, and clenched his hands to stop them from shaking.
"Varang, I apology for running." Quaritch greeted her in broken Na'vi.
The woman, Varang, waved away his apology dismissively. "These children, they are the ones you sent my warriors to look for?"
"Yes. My son," Quaritch patted Spider on the shoulder with one hand before gesturing at Lo'ak and Kiri with the other, "and children Toruk Makto. Your warriors is good."
"They are the best," Varang agreed. She didn't sound boastful when she said it, as if she were simply stating an immutable fact. Her fiery cold eyes roamed over Lo'ak and Kiri, taking in their half-breed features, before coming to a stop on Spider. It was a challenge to hold her gaze without flinching, but he did his best to meet her eyes with a steady glare.
After a long moment of analyzing Spider's face, she said, "I do not see you in the face of your son, but I see your fire in his eyes."
To Spider’s mortification, Quaritch chuckled at that and ruffled his hair. “Yes, he gets from me.”
Spider hissed at him and jerked away as hard as he could. He ended up accidentally scraping his injured arm against the rock wall and his angry hiss turned into a grunt of pain.
“And when he becomes angry, he is so determined to get his way that he will hurt himself in doing so. That is something else he has in common with you,” Varang observed, the barest hint of a smile twitching at the corner of her mouth.
This time, when Quaritch laughed it was slightly more forced. “He need medicine. Call healer. And food.”
“My healers have never helped a Sky Person before. They could harm him as easily as heal him. The same can be said of our food.”
“Son is smart. He know what help and what hurt Sky People. He know what to eat.”
“Wait—” Spider interrupted, and he found himself pinned under Varang’s intense hot-cold gaze once more and it almost made him lose his nerve. “I see you, Varang.” He greeted her as best he could with his hands tied. “My friends also need food and medicine. Please.”
Varang’s hairless brow raised a fraction of a centimeter. “He speaks better than you do, ma Kwarit.”
“That’s because I taught him to speak. And I can tell he hasn’t been practicing.” Spider added.
Varang exhaled heavily through her nose, which was probably the closest thing to a laugh he’d get from her. That was a good sign. Something Spider had learned during his captivity was that it was always better to get on the good side of those who had power over you. It had worked with Quaritch— maybe a little bit too well considering how things turned out.
“Please?” Spider asked Varang again hopefully.
Varang turned to Quaritch, and to his dismay, he realized she was leaving the decision up to him. 
Quaritch eyed Lo’ak and Kiri’s many scratches and bruises apathetically before he shrugged. “They look fine to me.”
Varang nodded to one of her warriors. “Bring a bowl of food and a healer for the Sky Child. Leave the other two alone.”
“No!” Spider protested, but Varang was already walking away, taking her entourage of warriors with her. Lo’ak caught his eye and shrugged weakly as if to say, well, at least you tried.
“Dammit,” Spider curled in on himself and kept his eyes trained on his bound hands. He couldn’t bring himself to look at Kiri and Lo’ak. Silently, he prayed Quaritch would leave with the others, but unfortunately, his prayers went unanswered. Quaritch stayed right where he was. Mercifully, he didn’t try to touch him again, but he kept taking deep breaths like he was about to start speaking but always stopped himself.
“What?” Spider snapped after what felt like the hundredth aborted attempt at speaking.
Quaritch’s ears flicked back in surprise at the sudden word. “I was just— Spider, listen— I want to— we need to have—“ he interrupted his own stammering with a frustrated hiss and ran his hands through his hair. “Jesus, I sound like an idiot.”
Spider exchanged a bewildered glance with Kiri and Lo’ak. None of them, not even Spider, had ever seen Quaritch look nervous before. It wasn’t an emotion they thought he was capable of. Spider looked up at Quaritch warily, wondering what the hell he was trying to say. If he didn’t know better, he’d say Quaritch was trying to apologize to him.
After an unbearably awkward silence, Quaritch reached into a small pouch attached to his belt and pulled out a spartan fruit. He passed it to Spider while avoiding eye contact, almost shyly. “Here.”
Spider stared down at the fruit in his lap, confused. Spartan fruit didn’t grow in this part of the forest, and judging by the fruit’s slightly battered appearance, Quaritch must’ve been carrying it around with him for a while. Slowly, Spider raised his gaze from the spartan fruit to squint up at Quaritch.
“It’s a spartan fruit.” Quaritch told him, as if Spider wasn’t the one who had taught him that. “You told me it was your favorite.”
Spider said nothing.
The longer he remained silent, the more fidgety Quaritch got. His tail swished behind him and he struggled to meet Spider’s eyes for more than a few seconds at a time.
“I just— I just thought you might want it.” Quaritch scratched at the back of neck while avoiding eye contact again.
They lapsed into another silence that was so awkward it was almost painful. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Lo’ak scrunch up his face at him as if to say, what the hell is happening? All Spider could do was shrug.
Finally, Spider cleared his throat, moreso to interrupt the horrible silence than because he wanted to say anything. “Um… thank you.”
Reluctantly, he took the fruit, telegraphing his movements so Quaritch could see what he was doing. When he saw Spider had accepted his gift, he smiled another genuine, not-evil smile.
With his fruit in hand, Spider slowly got to a crouch and started shuffling away from him. Quaritch frowned. He let Spider move away without a fight, but kept a narrowed eye on him, ready to grab him if he looked like he was going to bolt— not that there was anywhere to bolt to in this cavern full of enemies.
Spider made a big show of moving slowly so Quaritch wouldn’t get any bad ideas about his intentions, and came to a stop next to Lo’ak. Then, before Quaritch could realize what he was doing, he pulled down Lo’ak’s gag and raised the fruit to his lips. Lo’ak started scarfing it down like it was his last meal.
“Dammit, Spider, that was supposed to be for you!” Quaritch seized the strap of Spider’s exopack and hauled him back before Lo’ak could take another bite.
“I don’t want your damn fruit, I want to make sure my friends are okay!” Spider snapped.
Quaritch yanked the half-eaten fruit out of his hands. “Your little friends will be just fine without food for a day or two. As long as their daddy cooperates, they’ll be back home before they know it.”
“My dad’s gonna kill your ass again!” Lo’ak yelled now that his gag was off. He strained against his bonds like he wanted to throw himself at Quaritch.
“Shut up.” Quaritch said irritably.
“Fuck you!”
Quaritch brandished his knife threateningly at Lo’ak. “You keep your mouth shut or I’ll make that hand look like a real Na’vi, boy!”
Despite the threat, Lo’ak looked like he wanted to snap back at Quaritch anyway. Kiri tried to say something through her gag and pressed herself against Lo’ak’s side. Behind Quaritch’s arm, Spider desperately shook his head, praying Lo’ak would listen to reason. Thankfully, he did, though he let out one last angry hiss before settling back next to Kiri in defeat.
His surrender sent an ugly smirk shooting over Quaritch’s face. “Well, would you look at that. A Sully can learn to follow orders. Ha!”
Quaritch’s mean-spirited laugh was interrupted by the arrival of a young woman carrying a medicine bag in one hand and a bowl filled with different kinds of food in the other. Clearly, whoever made the bowl had no idea what was safe for humans, so they’d compensated by putting in a little bit of everything.
“Here we are! You, girl, heal up now please my son.” Quaritch ordered in Na’vi so bad that even Spider had trouble deciphering it.
The poor healer stared at Quaritch in confusion. “I do not understand your speaking.”
“He told you to treat their wounds first, then me.” Spider “translated,” nodding urgently at Kiri and Lo’ak.
The healer turned towards Kiri with her bag at the ready only for Quaritch to grab her by the hand and pull her back.
“No, no, no. Not them. Him. Him only. Do not listen what he say. He lie.” Quaritch said very slowly.
The healer still looked confused, but she opened her bag and knelt next to Spider. She hissed softly through her teeth as she examined the nasty cut on his arm. “I do not know what to do. His flesh is not of Eywa. I am afraid I may hurt him.”
“Listen him. He will say you what safe use.”
“You want me to listen to him?” The woman’s brow furrowed in confusion. “But you just told me not to. You said he lies.”
“Listen to him!” Quaritch repeated. He banged his hand against the floor in frustration, making the poor healer squeak in surprise. “Go on, Spider, tell her what to use.”
“Hmm…” Spider made a big show of peering into her bag. His sharp eyes instantly identified which plants were safe and unsafe for him to use, but he feigned confusion with a shrug. “Huh, that’s funny. I can’t seem to remember what’s safe for me. Oh well…”
“Spider…” Quaritch bared his teeth in a wolfish smile— now this was the smile Spider was used to seeing from Quaritch, the same one he had whenever he got a lead on Jake or threatened an RDA grunt into submission. “Tell the nice lady what to use on you. Now.”
The borderline demonic smile sent a chill through Spider, but he held his ground. Remembering how pathetic Quaritch sounded when he asked Neytiri to let him go gave him strength. As much as Quaritch liked to threaten him with “old school ass whippings” Spider was confident Quaritch wouldn’t actually hurt him— at least, not physically.
Spider bared his teeth in a smaller, less-pointy version of Quaritch’s evil smile. “Maybe if she helps my friends first, it’ll jog my memory.”
An ugly, forced chuckle escaped Quaritch’s teeth. “Oh, so that’s how you want to play it, huh? Fine! Nobody gets medical attention now.”
Spider forced his expression to stay calm. He folded his arms behind his head and laid back against the damp stone. “That’s fine with me. I guess I’ll just lay here in this cold, dark cave with my open cuts. Sure would be a shame if I got an infection. Did I ever tell you that humans are way more likely to die from infections than Na’vi? Our bodies just don’t fight off bacteria the same way.”
Quaritch stared him down, teeth bared and tail swishing. For a moment, Spider thought he was really going to risk it just to spite Jake’s children, but then the moment passed and Quaritch snarled in frustration. “When did you get so manipulative? Has Sully been teaching you this shit? Fine. You, girl, heal children Toruk Makto first. Then my son.”
Spider smirked as he watched the exasperated healer finally get to work on Kiri and Lo’ak’s injuries. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.
With an irritated grumble, Quaritch got to his feet and fidgeted with his loincloth. Clearly, he wasn’t used to wearing it yet. “Alright, I gotta leave you alone now, but don’t go getting any big ideas, ‘cause I’ll be back soon. If your ass has moved an inch from this spot when I get back, you won’t need that paint to look blue anymore, you read me?”
“Lima charlie, sir.” Spider replied with as much sarcasm as he dared.
Quaritch narrowed his eyes at the disrespectful tone, but must’ve decided it wasn’t worth it to say anything. He turned to leave, but hesitated, his back to Spider.
“Spider… son… when I get back, we’re gonna have a talk, alright? We just— we need to talk.” He said without looking at Spider.
“Okay,” Spider said, more to get rid of Quaritch than anything.
Quaritch hesitated a moment longer like he wanted to say something, but instead he left without saying another word. As soon as he was out of sight, Spider scooped up the bowl of food and scrambled over to his friends. He yanked off Kiri’s gag and started feeding her and Lo’ak while the healer patched them up.
“Are you guys okay?” Spider asked.
“We’re fucking fantastic, bro.” Lo’ak answered, and Spider instantly felt stupid for asking such a question.
“We’ll live,” Kiri replied before turning to the healer and switching to Na’vi. “You should mix yalna bark with the fireflower root— it will stop the bleeding faster and clean the wound better.”
The healer’s eyes widened as she realized the wisdom to Kiri’s words and did as she instructed.
“I can’t believe Quaritch is going after Dad again. That asshole just doesn’t quit!” Lo’ak said frustratedly.
“I know.” Kiri agreed. “And he was acting so strange… Spider, what do you think he wants to talk to you about?”
Spider shifted uncomfortably as Lo’ak and Kiri watched him. “I don’t know. But it doesn’t matter, cause we’re not sticking around to find out. C’mon, this lady doesn’t understand English. Let’s come up with a plan to get out of here.”
💙I hope you enjoyed! Please comment or reblog to let me know what you think, or send me a writing prompt if you want to see more💙
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recreationalfanfics ¡ 2 years
Hi 💞I just discovered your account and I read all of Ror yandere's posts and I think your writing is the best I've ever read for Ror ✨✨. So I decided to place an order. This is the first time I order on any account 😅 So what about yandere poseidon, Thor, Buda, hades (if you don't read the manga, put Loki instead of him please) with a reader like Hinata Hyuga, shy, sweet, and heir to a powerful clan, but people think she's Weak and they prefer her sister, and she loves someone other than the yandere, and that other person is not aware of her feelings, and he loves another girl. You can choose if the reader is a god or a human. English is not my first language, so sorry if it is not understood 💀💀
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chsjgjejc, she's so pretty I'm gonna cry
Yandere! Buddha x Hinata Hyuga! Reader:
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- He loves you from right off the bat okay, your beliefs align so well with his and while people seemed to be ignorant about your strength, though he supposes thats what he liked most about you. You weren't just a demure and anxious woman, you had so many more layers to you.
- You were loving, absolutely passionate about those whom you loved and cared about. From your first fight, you showed your true strength and it really impressed Buddha.
- I'm gonna be honest, his feelings for you were genuinely wholesome and sweet from the start. He liked you and he was nice to you, yet when he tried to approach you romantically; you didn't shy away but confidently told him there was someone else. He was dissapointed...ah...so you already had a s/o? He shouldn't be surprised, you're amazing-
- Oh...they weren't your s/o? That's...interesting. He starts to look into this mortal that you seem to be so infatuated with and, well, he doesn't like what he finds. This person has the most desirable person in the world at their feet and they just act like she isn't there???
- How!? Buddha's world light's up once you enter the room. Everything around him seems brighter and more full of life, much so to the point that he notices when you're not around him, everything feels more lonely and sad. It doesn't make sense how they have you in the palm of their hands and yet, still want to have someone else.
- Buddha's obsession LITERALLY starts because of this, he is so close to winning your heart, he knows it! Every shy smile you give him when you compliment him, the way you blush but thank him when he hands you a snack, and how you confide in him. He nearly has you, his heart at his fingertips. But then that person just smiles at you once and you're cruelly pulled back to them. Maintaining a one-sided loyalty.
- Buddha is definetly one of the more smarter yanderes, he could actually manage to manipulate you into giving up your crush. Yeah, he might stalk and spy on you in secret but he'll project his yandere tendencies onto you. Saying how he's concerned with YOUR obsessive behavior (all while keeping his own a secret) and manipulating you saying it was selfish of you to hold onto them when they want someone else. He asks: "Do you truly love them? Because if you were, you'd let them find their happiness...even if it doesn't include you..."
- If he manages to get through to you, perfect! He just needs to capture your interest which isn't hard (look at that man and tell me you wouldn't fall in love, I dare you) since he'd help you recover from your broken heart and put all the broken pieces together. He is now the one you look at during fights, he is now the one you devote your endless love too, and it gives him such an ego boost.
- Yeah, maybe he didn't take his own device but in his defense; you were already the perfect and ideal match for him and he knew you'd love him back...he just had to get rid of the little nuisance that was keeping you from realizing your true feelings.
- If there is the slight chance you do realize he's trying to manipulate you or that your feelings are too strong for your crush, he will just straight up tell you that they DO NOT LOVE YOU. THEY WILL NEVER LOVE YOU. NOT THE WAY HE DOES. Why...why can't you see that???
Yandere! Poseidon x Hinata Hyuga! Reader:
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- He admired you so much and loved you so dearly, in his mind, he hated all humans but maybe...maybe YOU were the one destined for him, you did not digust him at all, and while everyone in your clan had exceptional talent, YOU were the best, even being deemed as "The Bykaugan Princess".
- When you enter Ragnarok, you do it to protect humanity but also for love...Sadly, not for Poseidon's love but for the love of a human who didn't even notice you! One who you gave your heart and soul too and yet, they didn't even spare a second glance in your direction.
- While Poseidon loved you, he hated the person you fell in love with because they reminded him of every aspect he hated about humanity. Their arrogance for taking your love for granted, their ignorance as they never noticed the longing looks that you gave them, and their obnoxiousness as they casually brushed you off. YOU WERE FIGHTING IN RAGNAROK BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO PROTECT HUMANITY, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY: THEM.
- It IRKED Poseidon because he was jealous of a human. He doesn't blame you for having a crush on them, he sees how gentle your heart is and how your kindness is simply too much for your heart to hold for itself so you share it with others.
- No, he was upset at everyone around you. Those who talked down to you, looked down at you for how you acted (even though you couldn't help but be a living symbol of elegance and perfection) but if they had watched you like Poseidon had, that you were far from what they thought about you. You were mighty and you were strong, especially for those who you loved.
- He wanted to romance you, he truly did. He showed his softer self to you when he was able to be around you and tried his best to not look so intimidating but it just wasn't enough. For some reason, that disgusting person you adored was taking Poseidon's place in your heart. It was their fault he couldn't court you like how he wanted because they somehow made you obsessed with him!
- He had to resort to such nasty methods. Maybe he kidnapped your sister like how Toneri did and made you marry him to garuntee her safety. Maybe he threatened to use his position as a God to make sure your little crush suffers, hell, you did kill one of his fellow Gods so he's sure he could get some other God's in targeting your crush as revenge.
- He hated seeing that fearful look on your face but when you finally submitted to him, he couldn't deny it made his heart beat faster. He knows you only went because you care too much about people but he isn't too upset because he knows, after a while, you will realize that HE is the one you should be obsessed with and loyally devoted to because unlike that pathetic human, he will return it ten fold♡
Yandere! Loki x Hinata Hyuga! Reader:
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- Aw, you're a pathetic little mouse, aren't you?~ You started out as an obsession right off the bat to him, honestly. Your eyes are what caught his attention but you were so timid and neglected, poor thing♡ He approached you long before the fights started but saw you during the preparations of the whole thing and ah, you were simply too adorable to resist.
- But then when he sees you fight with the Gentle Fist technique for the first time then he is obsessed with you, so the little mouse does have some fight in her, huh? And yet, as soon as the battle is over and he pins you to the wall after your victory. You start to get nervous and stutter and he chuckles and murmurs a: "How precious~" before he lets you scamper off like the cute mouse you are.
- He borders on the line of being all lovey dovey with you and being absolutely mean to you. Like, you're upset because you realized Brunhilde meant to pick your sister instead and asked if you were willing to trade but you just tried to argue that you can handle it...well, tried. You ended up nearly in tears so Brunhilde left to "give you sometime to think it over." which really meant she just couldn't deal with you.
- "Aw, poor little mouse, once more; only the second choice to their big sister." Loki teased. You tried to wipe your tears, not wanting him to he mean to you like he usually is but you couldn't stop them. He just feigns another sound of sympathy as he reaches over and brushes your tears away with his thumb and squishes your face cutely as he smiles, "If it helps, I think that you're much better than your big sister. She's so mean and boring, but you're simply adorable."
- His bullying can also stem from the fact that you love someone other than him, which pisses him off. Usually, he'd be angry at you but he's even angrier when he sees that the person you've given your heart too DOESN'T EVEN WANT IT. AND YET YOU NEVER GIVE UP TRYING TO PROVE YOURSELF WHEN LOKI IS RIGHT THERE. Okay maybe he's a little mad at you but only because despite your all-seeing eye, HE IS BETTER FOR YOU. Yes he's a little mean but that's just because he loves you♡
- He'll bully your crush out of you too. Mocking you for wanting someone who doesn't want you, how you should just give up on them because they're never going to notice you, not the way that Loki does. They will never love you.
- And as your once more crying from his hurtful words, he once more pulls you into a gentle and loving hug and nuzzles his face into your neck: "Aw, they're never gonna want you. Not when that girl is a much better match for them. So you should just give up and be with me instead! I can be so much more for you♡"
- He truly does envy your crush, though. When you're not being sad, you truly are beautiful. The shy yet dreamy smiles you have, the way your eyes flare with admiration and pure love, your face becoming so beautiful that no painting or photo could truly capture your beauty. Loki gets upset when he gets reminded that its not for him.
- He will shape-shift into your crush sometimes as a cruel joke but you never fall for it because of your eyes, but he'll taunt you with it and be all: "Would you give me a kiss now, (Y/n)? Hmm? If I looked like them? If I acted like them?" and you just look him dead in the eyes, your confidence coming out as you glare and say: "No, because my heart belongs to them. And you will never be them."
- You're so pathetic in his eyes. He could destroy you for talking to him like that and you both knew it, yet you risked it all because you loved this person with such passion from the depths of your heart. You fought for humanity not just because it was right but because they'd be destroyed along with it and you'd never let any harm come to them. You will unfailingly run to them again and again just to get your heartbroken but you're willing to endure it because you love them. And as Loki feels what could only be described as heartbreak from your words, he realizes that you've made him just as pathetic as you are...
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flowerslut ¡ 5 months
what are your headcanons in regards to when alice and jasper first met the cullens? what was the cullen’s reactions? were they intimidated by jasper, confused by alice? how long did it take for jasper to get comfortable?
I mean, alice timing her and jasper's arrival so that emmett and edward weren't around has always been suuuper telling. because like, yeah. I fucking BET that if alice and jasper showed up out of nowhere with everyone home, between emmett's 'act now think later' tendencies and edward being able to see into jasper's head (which I'm sure was full of tense, uncomfortable "if it comes down to it I can just kill them and we can dip" thoughts), in combination with the entire family just taking one LOOK at jasper, it would not have gone smoothly in any way 💀
I mean, in breaking dawn even BELLA perceives jasper as a scary/dangerous threat on an instinctual level that she hardly understands!! and he's her best friend's husband! who she's known for over a year!!! no matter how much he's chilling out the atmosphere there's no way esme, rosalie, and carlisle aren't at least a liiiittle nervous about him. alice could have shown up nude and covered head-to-toe in human blood and i'm confident they would have still been more uneasy about jasper. (don't mind me linking more of g's posts. she's the only person I know who would have all this evidence documented lmfaooo ♡)
but thankfully, because of alice's and jasper's gifts, those two should be able to nail introductions 10 out of 10 times with a 100% success rate! if alice can pick the best possible route to take and jasper can keep the atmosphere light and relaxing, then they could probably charm their way through any 1950s entryway! I highly doubt jasper did the same midnight sun baseball scene camouflage, but I'm sure he did plenty of tension-smoothing.
I personally enjoy that they planned to show up when it was only carlisle, esme, and rosalie home. in midnight sun, alice fucking glomps edward (no, I won't apologize for using this word because I swear to god it's literally what she does) which he only responds positively towards because of their weird, instant psychic connection that lets her bombard him with LOOK-I-SWEAR-WE'RE-GONNA-BE-BEST-FRIENDS-I-LOVE-YOU-ALREADY visions. tbh, I think it's edward's absence specifically that alice probably needed. sure, emmett would've automatically perceived jasper as a threat alongside the rest of the family, but I bet that alice knew that if she could just get jasper through the door, and get carlisle to hear them out, then dealing with edward (and his ability to see what goes on in that nightmare's jasper's brain) would be muuuuch easier.
to answer your more specific questions: rosalie was definitely the very last person to be "okay" with their presence, but I'm sure she was fine with alice first, and that it took emmett to get her to be okay with jasper, too. it probably took jasper ages to adjust to living peacefully alongside 5 strangers—I'm sure these difficulties were probably exacerbated by alice being comfortable and happy right off the bat. and i'm sure the reason that jasper finally calmed down and relaxed into his new life with the cullens had to do with a combination of his trust in alice, his respect for carlisle, and the improvements that vegetarianism had on his mental health (we, as a fandom, forget too quickly that this war criminal has a canonical eating disorder and that's so INTERESTING AND FUNNN)
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youremyheaven ¡ 3 months
Jupiter women can lowkey be like this too. Idk about the Freud stuff, but jupiter is the husband. When their dad fails to display positive jupiter traits and becomes arrogant, withdrawn and selfish, they become their own dad. So they embody or atleast attempt to embody positive jupiter traits of generosity and virtue. Now that I’ve typed that out, it doesn’t sound as relevant as it did in my head 😭
However I do think that what OP was describing is more of a Bharani thing than anything else. I’m sure other venus naks do it too but still.
Bharani has major connotations to childbirth and so many women make sacrifices when they have children, some are forced to leave education, some develop long term health problems, and some struggle to leave difficult relationships since children complicate that kind of thing. Before medicine advanced it was somewhat common to just die entirely bc of childbirth.
So therefore I think a lot of Bharani natives (esp moon bc we’re talking about mothers) are overly aware of the sacrifice their mothers made and it weighs on them. It becomes their “burden” as the translation of Bharani, “she who bares” takes on a literal and metaphorical interpretation. So basically Bharanis like to acknowledge the people who came before them and their sacrifices but they can have a bit of a chip on their shoulder bc of it. Inheriting their karma in a sense.
So when they experience that humiliation from their abusive parent they “eat the pain” as part of the burden they bare. Fighting back will always lead to more suffering for them despite their anger and resentment (aries). In mythology Yama was about to kick his mom but even though he holds himself back, she still cursed his foot.
Yama’s father ☀️ ☀️ also got mad at his mother for struggling to look directly at him and cursed Yama as a result, which is such a good example of the dynamics their parents have and how they suffer from it.
In conclusion, Bharanis are stoics become pushovers with daddy issues. Sorry for the unsolicited lecture, it may happen again
Nahh you're right. Jupiter women and their daddy issues are well documented (by me lmao 🤣🤡) they do become excessively giving because their dad's weren't giving at all 😤
Jupiter is a masculine planet for a reason after all. Reminds me of Rekha, Purvabhadrapada Moon. She and her siblings were the illegitimate children of a famous actor and he never acknowledged them publicly. Her mom had many other kids from other relationships etc and they were dirt poor. Rekha even went to school with her father's legitimate kids and other kids in school knew about the whole situation and called her a bastard 🥺🥹
She started acting at the age of 13 to support her ailing mother and 6 or 7 siblings. She hated being an actor and was severely exploited in the industry, esp since she had no mentors or father figures :(((( in turn she made sure none of her siblings ever had to work in the movies to make a living and supported everyone financially until they settled down 🥺 she in turn never got married or had kids :((( (she was manipulated into marrying a guy once and he committed suicide and she was hella traumatized by that as well, but that's a separate story 💀)
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Here's a pic of Rekha with some of her siblings (2 or 3 are missing in the picture)
She does embody that Jupiter woman being the man trope.
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(This is Rekha & her mom Pushpavalli)
Despite everything, she's never spoken ill about her father or even her mother, who clearly made her the scapegoat and placed undue pressure on her to provide even though she was a literal child. She even named her house after her mother 🥺
I agree that Bharanis are in a unique position because of their mythology and in general I think Bharanis are more dignified and humane than other Venus naks
They're outcaste naks who know what it's like to be the outsider and work their way up
But yes they're pushovers with daddy issues 😭😭😭😭
I lowkey like how empathetic they are to women bc of what they saw growing up 😔😔 like they're genuinely just like "no this is not how it should be, women need to be worshipped period, my woman will never suffer this way" and 🤧🤧😩😩😩i fall for that shit lmao
I had a recent experience with a Jupiter conjunct Purvashada Rising man who thought that broke men did not deserve to have women 💀💀💀 he said men who cannot provide have no business dating or marrying 💀💀and that "real men" should never ask for a 50-50 and put the burden on his partner and if he truly loves her, he should want her to be relaxed and enjoy life. He said things like "what's the point of me working so hard if my family isn't enjoying themselves and having a good time, my wife can do whatever she wants and I'll support her but she will never have to work to pay the bills" and ngl I love this mentality lmfao 😂🤣🤪🤭
Venus men being scarred by incompetent dads and overcompensating by being the provider and father they never had is >>>>> 🥵🥵🥵🥵so sexy of them tbh
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lowkeyrobin ¡ 20 days
Charming x female reader where reader is one of Ariel’s sisters and charming asks her to castle coming but she thinks he only asked her bc Ella turned him down so he like assures her he wanted to go with her
ooooo okay ; btw I only write gn / they/them readers so sorry 😔 ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; also I couldnt really wrap in anything about being a mermaid at all but I mentioned the many of sisters so 😔🙏 ; and I'm sorry this is lowkey awful uagshhh idk why writers block is so picky w what I can actually write
summary ; you think charming only asked you to go to castlecoming with him because ella rejected him
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; I use christopher bc that's his name in Brandy's Cinderella so.. though I usually just call him charming 💀 looks weird on the list/title without something else there idk
word count ; 410
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Ella had turned Charming down to go to Castlecoming. In her belief, she didn't like the whole fancy parties and royalty thing. In her eyes, Bridget was the only good royalty in the world. Everyone else was stuck up and mean.
You couldn't blame her for thinking that, though.
As one of Ariel's many siblings, you had a good input on how royalty worked, considering you were royalty of the sea, and your sister married into human royalty. Lots of crowns in this family.
But, after being rejected, Charming knew he'd just have to man up. Ella said it herself.
"Go ask Y/n. We all know you wanna go with them"
It was not fine. He didn't know how to ask you, nor did he even have the guts. He asked Ella because he still wanted to go with someone, but he was too nervous to ask you of all people.
You didn't think of yourself as unapproachable. You were nice, and you'd never given him a reason to be nervous around you. Well, maybe his infatuation of you created it.
But, with some careful thinking and meticulous planning of his words, he was on his way to ask you to Castlecoming. Now, you knew Ella rejected him, you were passing by as she said no, so you knew that he'd missed his opportunity to go with her.
That's why you didn't believe him when he asked you.
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He approaches you with a nervous stature, gripping his skateboard in his hand. You sit by the fountain outside, gazing into the water.
He sits beside you, silent for a moment. You send him a little smile, acknowledging his presence. He rests his skateboard against the fountain, sitting criss-cross next to you.
"What's up?" you ask.
"Not much" he shrugs. "I have a question for you"
You tilt your head. "Yeah?"
"Uhm, would you consider going to Castlecoming with me? You're really nice and cool in general, I think we could have fun-"
"Hold up" you cut him off, blinking in confusion. "Ella rejected you, why are you asking me? I'm not gonna be some backup because you got rejected"
"Oh my gosh" his expression quickly turns to one of embarrassment. "You weren't a backup option, I'm sorry. Ella was my backup option, I was just too nervous to ask you in the first place. I'm sorry"
You're both silent for a moment.
"Yeah, I'll go with you"
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reticent-writer ¡ 1 year
Hi I love the request they made with an S/O that looks like Cruella de Vil, so I could request a scenario where the S/O is like Mother Gothel from Tangled who is extremely concerned about being young and beautiful. How would they react upon learning that their S/O had betrayed the Demon Slayer Corps, and handed over Kagaya's location to Muzan in exchange for eternal beauty and youth?
◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ coincidentally I was just thinking of something like this but with genshin
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He would try to get you to understand that you are perfect the way you are you don't need to change anything but you
It's was started when shinjuro called you ugly. A small comment that Kyojuro thought wouldn't bother you b/c of previous interactions with his father
You were a lower rank demon slayer but you knew enough about demons to know that they didn't age and they could change their form to whatever they wanted
You got obsessed with the idea and told rengoku... That didn't go over well. He now had to choose between you or the people, he chose the people
It was fun when he would come home to you, Makio, Suma and Hina waiting for him so you all could do a skin routine
You would rub the stress and wrinkles right off of them
You were the oldest wife but you weren't that old. He wished you could see yourself through his eyes
You ran from the house and everyone was in a panic. Soon demons started to come near kagaya's house.
Everyone fought to save them but sadly no one survived
On the spot
He'll cry while killing you but he has to do it (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ)
He can't risk everyone f
He knew which path you were going down
How could he not, you were obsessed with your looks
He didn't let you lose your humanity
He had to become a murder to keep you from going even further into the deep end
No one knew were you went and Obanai was starting to distance himself
(This man have been through enough💀)
He is distraught
He'll try to reason with you. If he's words did get to you, he'd never let you go and make sure that you are always taken care of before himself
If his words don't work I don't think he would kill you as a human
If you were a demon he'd hesitate but in the end you'd be dead
Poor girl can't catch a break(none of them can)
Once she realizes that what you want to do is beyond the point of going back she will poison you with something that ja painless
She'll give you a proper burial and set up a small shrine in her room to give her a reminder of how demon zzlayers have to make hard choices
She wonders if she never become a demon slayer she would end up like you
She won't kill you
She can't
She'll feel guilty for letting you go and cause so much trouble but she just can't do it
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whyreyousoobsessedwithme ¡ 9 months
Lookism 479, 480 and 481 edited
Struggled to type this because I'm sore from my physio therapist appointment
- OK, so we know Jerry also knew Jinyoung and that his father was murderd. We also know there's this mysterious reporter Kim who might have some clues.
- What is the Era of peace?
- Jerry's father had an abnormal body.
- Why does no one know anything about Daniel's connection with Jinyoung? I'm so done. I don’t even care about that anymore.
- Now that lineman's training, I would like to see him go against some of the worker guys that beat him.
- Dj being shady ass hell as usual 🙄. I don't think Daniel should trust him, he's being too trusting. James knows so much but refuses to tell him anything. He's using Daniel to get to jinyoung so he can learn the secret behind the 2 bodies. I know deep down Daniel doesn't trust him that much, but he needs to stop giving James even the tiniest bit of info.
- I feel like Lightning Choi is in danger now that James knows about him.
- oh my God, he really is living by the junkyard💀
- these guys just keep getting stronger, why is his back so huge, it looks like an extra layer of skin😮‍💨
- tf do they mean by " the time has come for us to try to kill each other". As if they weren't giving each other permanent damage. Honestly, gun and Goo's relationship reminds me of 2 siblings, goo being the younger one who is not used to being independent until one day he decides to leave the nest. This whole meeting felt like a family low-key falling apart, goo leaving the family but deciding to visit his brother one last time before leaving. Which makes me think about the whole theory of someone dying and it showing guns' true personality. I originally thought that it was hinting towards Olly and how gun surprisingly has respect for the dead. But now I think it's goo who's going to die. These panels are honestly so well done. The bittersweet smiles and how human they look in here. You can tell they don't want to kill each other.
- I feel gun will eventually betray Charles because he took it too far or hold back while fighting goo. That or there'll be a change of plans like in the workers' fight with dg.
- I think gun was genuinely happy to find someone on his level. Maybe he was used to people always agreeing with everything he did or said, so befriending someone like goo was a breath of fresh air.
- Watching this interaction also reminds me of Crystal. It honestly looked like she had a good relationship with James,Gun, and Goo. Calling them hyung and conversing normally. She seemed like the little sister of the family, and Charles is like the power-hungry dad tearing it apart. I almost felt bad watching the junkyard breakup, but then I remembered they're both awful people. The one I truly feel bad for is Crystal. She didn't ask for this, she didn't join Charles because she had a choice.
- The whole thing with Eli deciding Hudson will stay, and the whole " ... so I'll let you borrow one room" thing is pissing me off. Why is he the one making all the decisions, Sally did a lot for Hostle, but somehow, she's just being pushed aside. Ptj wtf. Throughout the entire Hostle arc, it was just Eli getting the credit for half the shit Sally did it was literally her idea to give the runways a home. And the point system shit was not only an Ok idea, but it wasn't even his original it was just something he saw while living on the streets. The fact it's all "Eli this" and " Eli that" is so fucking annoying. Ptj literally showed Sally putting in the work and pushed all the credit toward Eli. Like if you want it to be about him actually make it about him
- Gyeol doesn't deserve his brother.
- Every one of these guys have insane methods, like how do you expect him to talk when you shove his glasses down his throat.
- I used to think Charles's weakness was his daughter but now I don't think he gives a fuck about her.
- How did dg record the evidence though?
- hey I have that flash drive too
- I think dg was testing the waters with the whole flash drive situation to see Eugene's reaction to him knowing jinyoung.
- Mandeok is like Regina George, his hair is full of secrets literally
- Now they're calling it anxiety attacks instead🫥, ptj please research mental health
- is it me or James feels guilty for killing Gapryong and jinyoung going insane? This makes me think that after that incident James started hating Charles.
- that's some tacky ass writing he has there on his car
- that's the worst marketing strategy I've ever seen
- how did jibeom get so big😃
- Someone said the new guy looks like the lovechild of dg and Eli and now I can't unsee it
- To think Vin killed a king
- I was right about the cult theory
- This is why education is important, people think anything is evil, acting like they're not the devil themselves.
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enha-doodles ¡ 2 years
Pairing : 6yearzxreader! Genre : fantasy and Yandere coz why not💀
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"Oh hello jay" you said smiling to him when he sat down on your table with your other friends during lunch . He is a part of your friend group and you all always eat together . Your school is filled with different creatures , werewolves , faries , witches , all except humans . The weak and selfish creatures are too much to handle . Jay lovingly smiled back to which you blushed a bit but it wasn't that noticeable . "Hello y/n , how was your day" he asked digging in the food . "It was good but I have the cleaning duty today" you stated clearly upset that you have to clean the library , like why does school make students do work ? That's child labour and the point that they have to do it for free just didn't make sense to you . Well people have opinions . He chuckled at your adorable reaction and said "don't worry I'll accompany you today , I got some work in library" you squealed in happiness before side hugging him since he was beside you , sparkles coming out from your wings from being relived , it always happens when you are too happy . "thank you , thank you , thank you" you weren't exaggerating it was just coz you didn't like to be alone especially in the creepy looking library . "Is the fairy scared?" Teased one of your friend , sunoo who was an angel . You scoffed playfully " nah I just want some company , it's boring being all alone and working your ass off like a maid Mr angel" the table erupted in laughs as you sipped your choco milk while grinning . Jay smiled while his fangs were on view , adoring you with the most loving face which girls in your school die for , after all the vampire was famous for having everything. While he was too busy staring at you , he saw someone at the back and jay's face darkened . Sitting far away , the wizard could only smirk at his enemy enjoying his time and having fun with you . They both liked you and knew about each other's crush too. Heeseung and jay were enemy's since childhood as their parents are rivals . They were friends at some point but then jay got to know the real reason why Heeseung befriended him . He wanted to bring down jay's parent's company to make his parents proud . They had a fight and jay ended up breaking the friendship with a punch straight on Heeseung's jaw which has a slight scar bcoz of jays ring . They hated each other very much .
You were at the library cleaning a shelf when you felt someone behind you , when you turned around , the person was too close to you caging you with his arms on the both sides of your head . Damn he was tall . "What?" You asked confused as to what was happening right now while backing at whatever space was left . The guy only smirked , you were too cute , the only one thing in his mind was 'you will be mine little fairy' . Before he could say anything he was pushed off by jay who came back from the restroom . He was angry at how Heeseung could corner you while he was gone just for 2 minutes . "Fuck off Lee , if I see you around her one more time you will be dead . Do your cheap shit with other girls " he spat while pulling you behind his back . Heeseung laughed "what ? scared I'll steal your little fairy ?? News flash park she isn't yours" jay huffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes "she isn't yours to play around as well , scram off and mind your business mister magician" Heeseung glared at him "I was minding my business , while you poked your nose in mine " you had enough of the fighting and stepped up "okay do this while I'm not with you guys , I have things to do and places to be so let's go jay " . You dragged jay away while both of them were thinking about how the fantasy of you being theirs is gonna bring so much danger and fight . You will have to choose between the two and there will be a bloodwar . Bloodwar between a vampire and a wizard for love .
Taglist : @axartia @nikipedia07 @lovesickxmina
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beautifulblhell ¡ 3 years
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Christmas Presents
Pairing: Hogwarts Slytherin!Ran x Gryffindor!Reader
Summary: when you try to break your ‘promise’ with Ran
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A/N: My friend sent me this fanart of Ran in Slytherin uniform and I had to get it out of my system 😭🤣
Also to me this feels really rushed and messy so I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to work on this before Christmas, and it’s just not working for me right now (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)I might come back some time next year and re-write it properly for myself but who knows... 💀 my whole writing quality has been slipping downhill lately... much like my life 💀😭🤣 Part of: @hanayanetwork
Tags: fluff, humour, light swearing
WC: 3103
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He had flipped your world upside down.
Figuratively and literally.
“Put. Me. DOWN!” Your loud yells ricocheted off the stone walls. Every word was punctuated by your fist striking his back, but to no avail. He completely ignored you, and continued talking with Rindou.
“-is still in hospital,” Rindou was saying at the side, as if his brother wasn’t carrying a screaming and kicking human on his shoulders.
“Such a shame~” Ran mused, though there wasn’t a single ounce of pity in his voice.
It was Christmas morning, and the great hall, which was usually abuzz with the chatterings of the students who had stayed behind, was silent as the snowfall outside. The only sound that could be perceived were the voices of your two kidnappers. Barely audible underneath your angry screams.
They sauntered down between the tables, conversing as if they weren't abducting someone from their breakfast.
“Ran Haita-!”
Yet before the last syllable of his name had fallen out of a furious Professor McGonagall’s mouth, both brothers had already crossed the hall and disappeared from her sight, leaving only a stunned silence in their wake.
“Did you see McGonagall’s face?” Rindou was cackling uproariously as they descended down the stairs to who-knows-where.
At this point you had stopped struggling. It was futile anyway. Might as well conserve your energy for later.
“Sure did, never seen her so angry before.” Ran breezed through the stairs with you still on his shoulders.
You were pretty sure that Professor McGonagall’s wrinkles deepened every time she saw them.
Not that you could blame her.
Ran Haitani, the captain and beater of the Slytherin Quidditch team, and his younger brother by one year, Rindou Haitani, the other beater on the team.
There wasn’t a soul, nor ghost, who didn’t know that the Haitani brothers were trouble.
It was one of the school’s biggest mysteries as to why they were never expelled.
A lifetime subscription with no cancellation, Ran had replied when you had asked if you could excuse yourself from their ‘friendship’ after receiving a month of detention when Argus Filch found you, just you, in one of the forbidden areas. And they had the audacity to ask what was wrong the following day, as if they weren’t the ones that forced you to go along with them on their ‘explorations’ in the middle of the night, then abandoned you behind.
The only thing that stopped you from snipping off Ran’s braids that night was that you didn’t have access to the Slytherin Dungeons.
A wintry gale bit into your skin. Rindou had pushed a groaning door open. After taking a few more steps, Ran finally hauled you off his shoulders and placed you on the ground. The thick snow crunched underneath your boots.
You looked up at the grey sky. Snowflakes fluttered onto your face. You were internally counting backwards from ten to stop yourself from committing homicide, when Rindou cut in your thoughts just as you reached nine.
“Why do you look so miserable?” He sounded genuinely baffled.
You regarded him in disbelief, wondering who and how many times he was dropped on the head when he was a small. “Miserable? Miserable?! What should I look like then, after what you’ve just pulled?!”
You could almost hear the buzzing of the gossip circulating in the great hall right now, and you knew the news would disseminate even to those who were at home. Never underestimate the speed that gossip can travel.
Rindou held up both of his palms in an attempt to reflect your anger, and pointed at his brother. “It was his idea.”
You knew that already. You blew your messy hair away from your face in an angry gust of breath, but the wind rushing past whipped them back into your face.
So even dear mother nature was against you today.
A hand reached out and tucked a strand behind your ear, his warm fingertips brushing the shell of your ear.
“Who’s fault do you think my hair is like this?” The struggle had made your hair look like a bird's nest.
“And a merry Christmas to you,” Ran replied cheerfully.
You exhaled sharply through your nose, your energy had already started to deplete with the few words you’ve exchanged with them.
“I’m going back.” You spun on your heel, and started to stalk towards the entrance. A scarf lassoed around your neck and jerked you to a halt.
“Hey lemme go!” You struggled to try and pull free.
“If you don’t comply, I’ll carry you on my shoulders again.” The sing-song voice came closer to you.
Your eyes flickered to the entrance, wondering if you could sprint back-
A hand was placed on your shoulders, and a voice by your ear whispered threateningly, “You can’t outrun me.”
His face was so close to yours that you could see each individual eyelash framing his eyes. Your heart did a flip. “I wasn’t planning to.” You took a step away from him, and folded your arms defensively.
“Sure you weren’t,” Rindou snorted, to which you gave him a flat stare.
“And are you sure you want to go back right now?” Ran asked with a grin.
Hearing it brought forth the vivid image of your shocked classmates’ faces into your mind. You clutched your head in your hands and let out a groan of anguish. It was a scene that you would relive every time you closed your eyes.
“Fine then.” You stomped towards the forest.
“Where are you going?” Rindou asked sceptically. He kicked up a cloud of snow into the air. It foamed a white mist as it descended slowly back onto the ground.
“To a secluded forest so I can live the rest of my pitiful existence as a hermit.” You snapped.
“I’ll come with you.” Ran strolled up to you, almost as if he was doing you a favour, and not because he was the cause of your current headache.
You narrowed your eyes. “Last time I checked, hermits lived alone.”
“In what? The book of Rules Of Living As A Hermit? Rules are meant to be broken anyway.”
“I-“ you threw your hands up in the air in frustration. It was either that or around his neck. “Why are you so annoying?”
Ran cocked his head to the side. “No one has ever told me that.”
“No one has ever told you that in your face.” Because most students would rather dance on Professor Snape’s desk in a pink tutu than to cross either of the Haitani brothers.
That earned a snigger from Rindou.
At this point you were shivering. The sweater you had on offered not much of a protection against the coldness.
“Look, if you are planning to drag me somewhere, at least let me go back and get my jacket.” And I’ll hide in the Gryffindor common room for the rest of the day, as per your original plan.
However, Ran saw through you immediately. “We know the password to the Gryffindor Tower,” he said smugly.
You weren’t surprised. Your shoulders sagged.
“You cheated,” you said in a last effort to try and bail yourself out of this. But you knew you were fighting a losing battle.
It all started a few weeks ago, when you accidentally let it slip that you were going to be staying for the holidays. Ran had pestered you to agree to go on a date with him on Christmas if they won against Gryffindor in the Quidditch match. You had finally relented, half because you wanted him to shut up, and half because you thought you could be smug and rub it into his face when he loses, since the team you had this year was the best in decades.
Ran only blinked at you in confusion at your words.
“Don’t pull the selective amnesia card on me! How many players did you injure?!”
He shrugged nonchalantly, and brushed off a layer of snow that had accumulated on his braids. “It was an accident.”
“Accidentally on purpose.” Your lips were pressed in a grim line as you recalled the match. Or if you call it more appropriately: the slaughter.
It wasn’t simply because of how many chasers both of them had managed to injure with the bludger, Rindou had shielding him from the referee and teachers stand while Ran knocked the Gryffindor seeker off his broomstick with his bat.
Only the students saw, but no one was willing to risk being on either Ran or Rindou’s bad side. That was equivalent to boarding the express train to doom.
“A win is a win. Not our fault if your team members are as fragile as your emotions,” Rindou rubbed his hands together and blew on them. “Shit, it’s cold.”
“Well, thank you for noticing I’ve got fragile emotions,” your acerbic voice stabbed through the air. “Could have put that in consideration before what you did earlier, no?”
“Wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t try to hide from me, would it?” Ran grinned knowingly at you.
You scowled, but averted your gaze. It was true, your plan was to inhale your breakfast at light speed, then spend the rest of the day hiding in the Gryffindor Common room. But your plan had been foiled. Amidst the sea of students, Ran had spotted you instantly and carried you away.
“Anyway, I gotta go, it’s freezing and I want to go back to sleep.” Rindou yawned to prove his point.
“It's only nine o’clock,” you said incredulously.
Rindou threw a snowball at Ran. The latter caught it without even looking at him. “Yeah, but we were up all night.”
You turned towards Ran with a smile, a tiny flicker of hope was in sight. “So you must be tired too, why don’t you go back to sleep as well-”
A cloak wrapped around you and pulled you towards him. The distinct smell of the cologne Ran wore filled your nose. Rindou rolled his eyes at the sight, and then turned to leave with a wave.
“Have fun!” He called out. Mostly to his brother.
“Hey wait wait wait! We can’t walk around like this!” You spluttered.
Ran had covered you both with his cloak, which was surprisingly big enough for both of you.
“Who gives a shit what other people think?” He reached out and wrapped the scarf properly around your neck this time.
And before you could protest further, he had dragged you off towards Hogsmeade.
With no other choice, you walked alongside him. But because of the small proximity, you had to huddle against him. Your fingers brushed against his.
“Woah, your hands are freezing!” He exclaimed.
“And I wonder who dragged me out here in the first place.” You grumbled, ready to shove your hands in your pocket, but his long fingers reached out and laced with yours. “Hey, what are you doing?”
“Taking responsibility until your hand warms up.” He threw you a wink. The heat from his hand travelled up to your cheeks, and you turned away in a huff so he couldn’t see your blushing face.
And it was afternoon when you finally sat down to have a break. Ran was humming under his breath, his grin never faded. You never thought shopping was going to be this tiring.
He had brought you to a boutique first, and had asked you to try on dresses and coats one after another. Then, finally, just when you thought he had settled on one, he purchased them all.
“You look pretty in all of them,” he had said when you tried to protest. Somehow, it equally flattered and vexed you whenever he called you ‘pretty’, because you had no idea if he was serious or not.  
So here you were, at The Three Broomsticks. It was packed to the brim, and the atmosphere was convivial. Ran had managed to grab a corner table. By ‘grabbed’ you meant he sauntered up to the table, and the occupiers had hurriedly scrambled up and left when they saw him.
He had wanted to take you to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, but you had pointed at your boots, and said, “Go there and I’ll throw these at your head, Ran Haitani.”
You knew that Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop was filled with couples spending Christmas together today. No way were you going there with Ran.
Ran returned to the table, carrying your drinks. He placed a cherry syrup and soda with ice in front of you.
“Because a certain weirdo likes to drink cold drinks in the winter,” he said as he placed a cherry syrup and soda with ice in front of you.
“What’s wrong with drinking cold drinks in the winter?” You pulled your glass towards you as Ran sat down opposite you.
You regarded Ran over the rim of your glass. In the light, his lilac eyes twinkled, and his beauty was captivating. But you’ve been with him long enough that whenever he opened his mouth you were ready to sigh.
Ran caught you looking at him, and he smirked.
“Falling for me?” He teased.
“Falling in despair, yes,” you took a gulp of your drink. The cold liquid hit your throat, making you shiver.
“So what’s the reason you are staying behind this year?” Ran asked.
“Inheritance dispute. My grandfather just passed away, and all my aunts and uncles are fighting over it. I offered to stay here away from the bloodbath that’s gonna ensure, and mum agreed.”
“Wasn’t he super rich? Didn’t he leave a will or something?”
“Rich from all his hoarding, yes. He died suddenly, but knowing him, he probably didn’t leave a will on purpose.”
“Do you think he’ll turn into a ghost just to watch the drama?” His eyes twinkled with mirth.
“Knowing him, he might come back to life after they finally reached an agreement, going ‘haha, you thought’.”
Ran laughed, and you felt your mouth following the sound of his laughter and curved upwards too.
Time always seemed to wind faster whenever you were with him.
By the time you were trudging through the snow on your way back, all the lights had flickered on.
“Look,” you said. You were both still huddling underneath one cloak with your hands entwined. Ran had refused with that perfect smile of his when you asked if you could wear one of your new coats. You gestured towards all the bags he was holding for you. “You got me so many things, isn’t there something you want as a christmas present? Because I’m gonna feel bad if I just accept all of them.”
Ran came to a halt. Out here, there was no one in your vicinity. Only you and him. The snow fell quietly. He turned towards you. “What if I said I want a kiss as a present?”
Your breath halted. Because while he still had the same carefree look on his face, his purple eyes were gazing at you steadily. He stepped closer. You didn’t know what to do. You always liked Ran, but to you it was only a one-sided crush, and it wasn’t something you were willingly to risk your friendship for. Because as much as he annoyed you, somehow, he became a vital part of your life. Which was why you wanted to avoid the ‘date’ today, as you didn’t want your feelings to develop.
You dropped your gaze. “If this is a joke it’s not funny,” you huffed, turning away. But your foot hit a fallen branch hidden underneath the thick snow, and you tumbled onto the ground.
Luckily, the thick layers of snow cushioned your fall. However, when you opened your eyes, Ran was hovering above you. His arms caged your smaller frame.
“What if I’m not joking?” His voice lost its usual playfulness. One of his hands brushed against your cheeks softly, as if you were something fragile, something that he shouldn’t be touching. The white puffs of clouds from your breaths coalesced as he leaned closer. Your heart was thumping three thousand miles a second, so loud that you were sure he could hear it, yet you couldn’t look away from him. Not when the only one reflecting in his clear purple eyes was you, swimming in an emotion you didn’t dare to name.
He leaned even closer, his braids brushed against your temples. You closed your eyes. The world was silent.
“Cold!” You screamed.
Cold snow had been stuffed down your collar, and Ran was laughing so hard he almost couldn't hold himself up.
“You-” A storm of expletives exploded through your mind, but none of it came out of your mouth. What you did next surprised even yourself.
Perhaps fuelled by your annoyance, and at all the time Ran had teased you, you jerked him down by his braids, and slammed your lips together. It only lasted for a second, yet you knew you would never forget the soft feeling of his lips on yours. You pulled back, at first enjoying his shocked expression, then, as the reality of what you did sank in, your grin faltered. You could feel your cheeks burning up, and you hurrendly tried to push him off you and run away.
He didn’t give you a chance.
His mouth was instantly on yours again. He held the back of your head, so you couldn't pull away as he pushed you back into the snow.
You shoved against his chest, trying to push him away and stop yourself drowning in him before it’s too late, but his hand found their way to yours, fingers slipping in between yours and held it on the snow covered ground.
Your heart fluttered like the wings of a hummingbird. You opened your mouth to gasp for breath. He took the chance and slipped his tongue inside you. The kiss was urgent, desperate, with none of the fineness that he usually showed, almost as if he was devouring you whole.
You weren’t sure how the snow around you wasn't melting, because you felt like you were burning up inside out. Your mind was white. Nothing mattered, except the sweet taste of him, and how right it felt. As if two stars finally aligned in the heavens.
When he finally let you up, your chest was heaving, and your panting could be heard in the small space between you.
He brushed his thumb over your lip, a smirk came back on his face, but his features were softer.
“Not a bad present at all.”
You grabbed a handful of snow and shoved it down his collar.
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Side note: Okay when I tell you how devastated I was when I didn’t get a Hogwarts letter when I was a kid LMFAOOO😭😭 I was checking the mail ✨religiously✨but nope, no owl came to deliver it *sobs*
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Masterlist | Support | 2021.12.11
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