#she is so chronically offline though
asfdhgsdkjhgb · 2 months
my girlfriend (chronically offline) recently got a flip phone and she made a picture of us the background of it :((
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starlvcied · 3 months
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characters ; izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugou, shoto todoroki, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, tenya iida, hanta sero, mina ashido, tsuyu asui, ochaco uraraka, kyoka jirou, momo yaoyorozu
g/n reader, no warnings.
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✮⋆˙ - izuku midoriya : izuku physically cannot stand still. he has to be moving somehow, but he isn't really aware of this. he tends to have a habit of playing with his hair, whether it's running his fingers through it or twirling his finger around a few strands, you find it being the cutest thing ever. you never point it out though, because you know he would burst into a flustered mess and stop whenever he catches himself doing it. you find it cute, but he would find it so embarassing.
✮⋆˙ - katsuki bakugou : we all know this man is great in the kitchen. so, whenever you catch him cooking a meal for you, (or himself, mostly himself...) all you could do is smile. on one occasion, you were out running errands. you had come across an apron with the lettering "kiss the cook" on it. you picked it up with a smirk, imagined how he'd look in it, but you had figured he would just scold you for it. so, you put it back.
✮⋆˙ - shoto todoroki : he's so chronically offline. whenever you ask to do something trendy with him, he tilts his head at the idea and raises a brow at you. whenever you use any form of slang, he's just as confused. you try to explain, he still doesn't get it. urban dictionary is his best friend. the reason you don't explain this kind of stuff to him is because of that silly, clueless face he makes when he has no idea what you're talking about. it's a foreign language to him, but he tries his hardest to understand you.
✮⋆˙ - eijiro kirishima : kiri loves to manhandle you. tossing you over his shoulder, tackling you, throwing you onto the couch, anything like that leaves you a giggling mess. he knows you love it, too. he enjoys it just as much as you do.
✮⋆˙ - denki kaminari : he is always smiling. that has to be one of your favorite things about him. he has the teethiest smile after he does literally anything, especially when he does things to impress you. he has the most contagious smile you've ever seen. you love to see him smile, and you would do anything to make sure he's always cheesing.
✮⋆˙ - tenya iida : he is so damn respectful. i know we all are aware of this fact already but i want to put emphasis on it. walking down the street, he'd always help an elderly person. walking in/out of a store, of course he'd hold the door for the person behind you. he never forgets his manners. this is your favorite part about him, all you can do is admire.
✮⋆˙ - hanta sero : sero is not afraid to make things for you. you having a bad day? oh, he actually made you guys matching bracelets. he has a bead and string collection because he knows you love jewelry. he's also great at origami, he's always available to give you something. he can definitely crochet. you still sleep with the fat elephant he made you. you think its adorable, and you keep everything he gives you.
✮⋆˙ mina ashido : you love it when she asks to dance with you. she holds her hand out to you with a grin before pulling you into a tight embrace. it doesn't matter what the fuck kind of music is playing, megan thee stallion or lana del rey, you two will be dancing. she asks you so unexpectedly, but you don't complain. there will never be a boring moment with mina.
✮⋆˙ : tsuyu asui : tsu isn't much of a talker, but that definitely changes once she's with you. you guys have occasional yap sessions, some of them pertaining to nothing specific at all, you two just talk just to talk. you wanna gossip? she's all ears. you have something on your mind you think is stupid? she needs to hear it. she always listens to you, even if what you say makes no sense. she's so interested in what you have to say, you never feel like you're talking to a brick wall when you're with her.
✮⋆˙ - ochaco uraraka : karaoke. car karaoke is your guy's personal favorite. only one of your hands on the wheel, all four windows down, music to the max. usually, you would find this embarrassing. but ochaco always seems so happy singing with you. katy perry, wave to earth, laufey, taylor swift, red velvet, any artist of your choice. she loves listening to music with you, often sharing earbuds. but she definitely prefers borderline screaming in the car with you. you secretly admire each other, taking short, (maybe not so short) glances at one another. the way she's enjoying herself makes your heart melt knowing how comfortable she is with you.
✮⋆˙ kyoka jirou : she obviously plays her instruments to you. you love when she shows you snippets on some things she's been working on. the way she's so passionate and absolutely amazing at the thing she enjoys leaves you in a trance. her voice is music to your ears, and a soft smile grazes her lips when she notices how hard you're staring at her. if she could play you songs forever, she definitely would.
✮⋆˙ momo yaoyorozu : like sero, her love language is gift giving. since she's rich, she used to often travel before attending U.A. she has countless souvenirs from a variety of other countries, some you didn't even know existed. she also loves taking you on shopping sprees, she doesn't mind at all. momo does so much for you, and all you can do to return the favor is show her an endless amount of affection. you feel guilty she does all this stuff for you, but she assures you that it's okay and she loves doing this for you and seeing you happy. your heart drops to your knees. (in a good way, of course. <3)
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whereserpentswalk · 7 months
You know a girl whose going to be uploaded into a computer soon. It's pretty common nowadays, like not so common most people know someone whose had it happen to them, but common enough so that everyone knows about it.
She says she has to do it for her job. Like, it's not required, but every aspect of her job is 100% online so it's just more convenient for her employers that way, making her a lot more enjoyable. Plus not having things like sleep or food to worry about would cut costs a lot. And she might eventually be able to get a new body once she gets promoted a few times.
You feel really sad for her. You know a lot of people who've had to become cyborgs or even full robots for both work and personal reasons. But being fully uploaded into a computer with no way of accessing the offline world is way to drastic a move for most people to go to, even out of desperation. But while she's still here, you try to get to know her, since you won't have her for long.
She seems really nice. Graduated from a top business school, but she seems to actually be pretty class conscious. Mabye she though gaining power in the system would help her help the world, she wanted to work for an eco friendly company but that didn't pan out well.
She's trying to spend her last weeks with a body as best she can. Sometimes that just means hanging out around the city, you try to take her around to places she might enjoy. You grew up here and she didn't so of course you know a lot of really cool places to see. You took her to neighborhoods you love walking around, to little corners you can only see in person, and little shops that can't be replaced by websites. You take her to a meusum, and spend so much time looking at things that hit diffrent when you see them up close, massive radiant paintings, and glistening gems, and alien fossils, all of them soon to be gone to her, when everything is equally far away.
You spend time doing things with her body that she won't be able to soon. She tells you not to feel sad, that she chose this, though she seems a bit sad herself. She savors the sensation of sleep while she still has it. She trys all kinds of food that she won't ever taste soon, she's laughs a bit that there's no use in dieting now. She asks you to cuddle, and you cuddle her, because you know she needs that human touch while she can have it. She asks to have sex, you had to get neutered for your last job so it doesn't normally interest you anymore, but you'll do it for her. She doesn't want to leave this body having never known how it feels and you understand. When she falls asleep in your arms you call her pretty, and hearing that about her face makes her cry.
Eventually it's time for her to go. You give her one last hug, hoping she can carry it as the last thing she feels. You take the train with her to the uploading station. She seems to have regrets, seems to not want to go through with this, but she's committed to it now. You tell her she can still back out, and find another way to live, that it's not to late as long as she's in her body. She tells you to stay strong for her when she's gone.
When she uploads herself she leaves the first pick of parts from her body to you. It was a healthy one, really nice for her age. You take her reproductive organs so you can finally be unnutered again, and take her eyes to cure nearsightedness, and a few muscles to undo chronic pain. It hurts to know you're taking her apart like that, but somebody was going to, and it's not her anymore. At least you'll carry a bit of her now.
Now that she's uploaded you talk to her a lot through social media. She seems like she misses a lot of the world. You try and show her what you can through photos, and talk to her as much as possible. She misses hugs more then anything, and tells you how boring life is without sleep. You wish you could have done more. She wishes she had listened.
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livwritesstuff · 7 months
I've had a consistent thought in my head of the girls learning more about the upside down.
Like they know a bit: uncle Dustin still lives in Hawkins doing research on something, they've seen their dads and they know about the scars and their disabilities. They know something happened to their entire family and they know there was an earthquake that wasn't really an earthquake. But they've never learned more than that and they'll never know the details as long as Steve and Eddie have a say.
But at some point, each of them realizes that the monster hunter jokes that their dads make aren't really jokes.
In general, I think Steve and Eddie’s sentiment surrounding how they address the not-so-pleasant aspects of their past with their daughters is that they won’t lie (because that’ll only come back to bite them in the ass later), but they’re also only going to tell them as much of the truth as they literally need to.
Not that Moe knows any of this.
All Moe really knows is that her dads went through some scary-ass shit when they were her age and they don’t really talk about it.
Still, Moe has eyes. Maybe she didn’t realize it when she was little, but even just the sheer amount of scar tissue her dads have isn’t exactly normal. When she asks where they got them, though, all they ever say is that a monster tried to eat them.
Moe also knows that the reason Pop doesn’t usually join them on shopping trips at the mall is because they can trigger bad migraines, and she knows the reason he gets migraines in the first place is that he’d taken too many hits to the head in too short a time, but when she asks how he’d gotten a concussion and then a TBI and then two more concussions in the span of four years he always just says something like picked a fight with the wrong Russian spy, or something like that.
And it’s public knowledge that Dad was accused of murder when he was in high school and nearly died before the charges got dropped, but when she asks about what happened, he gives her some spiel about curses and demons and portals to alternate dimensions and monsters (again, with the monsters).
They’re kidding, Moe knows. They’re giving obviously fake answers because…well, for a lot of reasons, she can imagine– not wanting to relive whatever actually happened, not wanting to put their own trauma onto Moe and her sisters.
Honestly, Moe doesn’t really even bother asking about it anymore because they clearly don’t want to talk about it, and if it really was that bad, she can’t even blame them. Besides, she’s pretty sure that dads are supposed to be total mysteries to their kids, so…whatever.
The story of what happened in Hawkins, Indiana starts to gain some public attention again while Moe is in high school – one of those true crime conspiracy theory-type stories people make Reddit threads and YouTube videos about, and apparently (because Moe has no interest, but Robbie likes that kind of stuff) Dad almost always comes up in them, Pop sometimes.
Around that time is when Moe’s dads start to get all kinds of media requests – not that Pop had any idea. He’s basically chronically offline, so no one is really able to track him down other than finding his work email on Psychology Today, but he’s got filters set up to send that shit to spam so he doesn’t even have to see it. Dad, on the other hand, is (supposedly) well-known for his books or whatever, so he doesn’t have the same kind of anonymity. He got all sorts of calls and emails from people wanting his first-hand account, but he always refused to participate, told them to lose his number and never contact him or his family ever again.
That’s the kind of thing that really rattled Pop – Moe didn’t like that. He’s kind of an immovable object in that way, so seeing him rattled just seemed wrong.
They’d even needed to threaten legal action against one online tabloid who just wouldn’t leave them alone – not that Moe is supposed to know about that, but she’d eavesdropped on a phone call between her dads and Uncle Dustin, who seems to exist as a central point in it all even if Moe doesn’t know why (maybe it has something to do with how her dads always complaining about how he still works for that lab, whatever that means).
“Are you ever gonna tell us what really happened?” Moe asks one day, when it’s just her and Pop in the car on their way home from a basketball tournament in Connecticut.
He sighed, not taking his eyes off the road.
“Hon, can I ask you to stop and consider that maybe we have been?”
And for her dad’s sake, she does, she makes herself run through the mental log of all the lore or whatever she’s unlocked over the years.
Monsters, Russian spies, superpowers, demon-animals, curses, portals to alternate realities, government corruption, evil scientists.
Bullshit, she’d always thought, but…her dad had never bullshitted her before. Why would he choose to start with this?
Moe looked back at him, some kind of question on the tip of her tongue even though she had no idea what to ask, and this time, Pop spared a glance back.
“I’m not telling you everything,” he warned her as he looked back at the highway stretching out endlessly ahead of them, and Moe tried to keep any signs of disappointment off her face, “But I’ll tell you some.”
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ridreamir · 8 months
If you're still taking requests, could I ask for some general HCs for Kieran and maybe Drayton that take place at bb academy? If not feel free to ignore this :)
A/N: Hey! Yeah of course! I'm struggling to write the Kieran fic because I think I'm way in over my head (I'm freezin' up lol the pressure to figure it out is getting to me) so I guess I can take a break and write some headcanons instead!
I'll write for 'em both, but it's post-DLC, I hope you don't mind! Potential spoilers ahead!
These ones are a little silly in retrospect! I did em fast too, so I hope they're not too bad :p
Kieran's secretly your top fan. Not that you notice because there's no way he'd let you catch him, but he's literally dropped what he was doing to run to the entrance of the academy because your name was announced over the intercom. If you're having a match he'll actually full speed sprint to through the school just to be there, but any time you look over he instinctively hides, flush with embarrassment. You don't come and visit him in his dorm room often since you're on such different schedules, but he's had to flip over his pinboard and hide his piles of notes because they're all about you and trying to understand your strategies and, well, other things... His sister won't stop bugging him about it 'bein' weird', but she knows he's flat obsessed with trying to figure you out! The league club has a social media that posts all of your recent matches, and he's had to beg Carmine to show him how to use the phone app because he's new to having a smart phone and Arceus does he have to watch every single one. He didn't even want a phone until now, but he can't believe he's been missing out all this time. No wonder everyone has one of these things! She was reluctant, but it's Kiki after all... It should be fine, right? Well... that was before all the pinboards and sticky note nonsense that looks straight out of a detective movie or something. He's the type to not like posts because he's scared of what you might think, but accidentally hit the heart button on a match from like a month ago. He definitely drops his phone on his face and panics, trying to undo it as fast as he can. Little does he realize that it's actually Lacey who's in charge of the social media account and not you, and also that she can see who's the most active on the page.
She thinks it's cute, and since she loves cute things, she's letting it be for now. She's always giggling and hiding her smile when he pops into the clubroom to check and see if you're there. Most of the time though he ends up running off before he can say hi because he doesn't want to talk to Drayton.
Since he's gotten the phone he hasn't stopped checking it and he smiles like an idiot any time he thinks he's alone. (News flash, he's really bad at hiding what he's doing. Like he could be in the middle of the cafeteria where everyone sees him watching your battles back to back like they're a tv series.) The only reason nobody really thinks much of it is because you're practically a celebrity and not even just in the Academy but, like, big time. And Kieran is probably one of the only people to not know because he's been so chronically offline. You act so low-key, talking to someone like him like he's just, just another person that it's shocking news to find out that the whole world has probably heard your name by now! As in, his (best?) friend!! (Friend??) It gets kind of annoying now how people follow you around asking to take photos with you like you're some kind of, of tourist attraction and not a person! But there's only one thing that's worse, and it's-
"Hey bud, ready to battle?" Drayton! Kieran's... Kieran's... worst nightmare!! Drayton's gotten really buddy-buddy with you over the time that Kieran and Carmine were on break, and he's not happy about it. Unfortunately for him, Drayton's all too aware of Kieran's contempt and loves to push his buttons. As if calling him "Ex-Champ" all the time wasn't enough, you've been helping him with his homework and sparring together every day! What he wouldn't do for you to spend that much time with him...
And it grinds his gears how often Drayton nudges you or ruffles your hair like you're some sort of pet, though you never see the way their pupils shrink at the sight of each other. Kieran here, hiding behind whatever he can to stay out of sight and Drayton who knows that he's there and makes direct eye contact with him. It's infuriating the way his smile quirks just a little when he catches Kieran spying.
As if he's saying look all you want, look at what you can't have.
And Kieran takes that as a challenge.
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butch-reidentified · 9 months
# of Asks currently pending in my inbox as of 8/11/2024: 534
1. What is a woman?
Deep dive into my perspective on gender identity ideology (GII) & my response to an anon regarding "autogynephilia"
Argument for Using "Cis-Identifying"
Pitch: New Terminology to Replace "[Biological] Sex"
And related: A conversation with a "NERF" about radical feminism, gender identity ideology, and what we/I actually believe.
2. Inform yourself on some of the work I've done for trans people before you continue the trend of cowardly hypocrisy.
3. My thread responding to the way much of the tumblr trans community handled my sharing my story of surviving the 2016 Pulse Nightclub shooting (often by stealing my lived trauma and removing my url) is easily one of the most - if not the most - important posts pertaining to trans discourse I've made to date, and Tumblr won't let me pin it. Of course. So here it is. And a bonus: This lovely ask.
4. Hope for Women (this is a very new project, WIP)
5. Comparative Analysis of Cult-like Patterns in Gender Identity Ideology, Radfeminism
Another post (not mine) listing indicators something may be a cult
6. Response to an anon asking why radfems team up with conservatives (spoiler: we don't), including THE QUESTION I have about gender identity ideology that would make me change my views completely if answered; response to a similar anon simplifying the differences between TRA, radfem, & conservative views on gender.
About Me:
I am a butch lesbian, married to a badass gnc (but not butch) radfem lesbian goddess whose misandry surpasses even my own; she does have tumblr but rarely uses it - @psychichologramnightmare is hers. I'm 27/Taurus/May baby, though I'll be real, I've never liked astrology and found my birth chart n whatnot always laughably wildly inaccurate to me (sorry astrology girlies). Former competitive rock climber, still in love with hiking and climbing. Wilderness survivalist. Trained & armed woman, advocate for female-only firearm ownership.
My wife and I run our own business, and bought our first home together at 24 & 25 respectively - it's a lovely 4/3 on a quarter acre where we have 5 mango trees and more, plan to start growing our own food and herbs, foster kittens, and provide free housing (and more) regularly for those in need. We do a LOT of IRL feminist action/work/organizing. I post about some of that work pretty often, but I couldn't possibly post about all of it (even if it were safe to do so). I am basically organizing (mostly offline, but some online as well) full-time now.
Survivor of abuse, CSA + captivity, trafficking in my teens where I was forced into porn as a minor, the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando 2016, and more. I am no longer affected by any of these in any negative psychological manner. I own my past, every moment of it, and wouldn't change a thing I've experienced. What I often tell people is, "I'm not glad it happened; I'm glad I was there."
I got my Bachelor's in Neuroscience/Neuropsych, used to work in a top neuro research lab, and have been a coauthor on a peer-reviewed scientific journal publication. I wrote my undergraduate thesis on POTS, ADHD, some of the relevant epigenetics, and norepinephrine dysregulation. I was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos & POTS in 2015, before pretty much anyone had heard of them (including most doctors). My POTS is very well-managed now, but chronic pain from EDS is more of a struggle. I recently went for testing for EDS subtype and was diagnosed with Type IV/vascular-type EDS (VEDS).
I practice "witchcraft" (kind of...) as a form of artistic expression. I don't subscribe to any literal metaphysical/supernatural/whatever set of beliefs or narrative, and have had a lifelong inability to believe in such things, but I am passionate about lesbian-centered/lesbian-exclusive (esp butch & gnc lesbian) witchcraft. I am also using this practice in part to connect further with my ancestors and their culture & way of life, but this would take a full essay to elaborate on/explain.
Adoptee with complex history. Working through a lot of feelings surrounding my ancestry - one birth parent was white, other was almost entirely indigenous Mexican (Nahua), and I have like zero personality traits in common with the former but have only been able to meet them irl not the other side - and the fact that my adoptive family (white) has not always handled things well in raising adopted kids. I only learned my full biological family history as an adult and was lied to by them about it my whole life. Which, looking back it feels like I always knew on some level, as adoptees often seem to, and it puts a lot of my childhood difficulties etc in context. Adoption-critical but not abolitionist - I plan to adopt with my wife in a couple years. I've talked a fair bit about my experiences, adoption trauma, ethical adoption, and more. Check out my tags such as #ethical adoption, #adopted, #adoptee, and so forth (tagged on this post for easy accessibility).
I spent many years surrounded by majority-trans-identifying friends/acquaintances both irl and online, deeply involved in trans spaces & activism, and even identified for a bit & was on T for a while. I am not "uneducated" or unfamiliar with trans-identifying people, their experiences, or gender identity ideology in general. You, like me back then, very probably have been lied to about radfems ("terfs") and what we believe and fight for. I am happy to talk in good faith (provided you do the same) 1 on 1 with anyone who is curious about what we actually believe and what we stand for, what common radfem takes on gender identity ideology & trans identity actually are and why.
I have a history of purely physical sex dysphoria (physical sensation like pain or itching). I got "top surgery" (elective mastectomy) due to this and other reasons: constant painful breast cysts & very large breasts (DDD even when I weighed under 100 lbs). I was not trans-identifying by the time I got this surgery (though I tried to briefly identify as nb/transmasc just bc I felt obligated, but hated it). I have never wanted to be a man socially and genuinely hated the very thought. I came out the womb feminist, got in trouble throughout primary school for fighting boys who tried to pull sexist bullshit, always lowkey believed in female superiority (I mean just look at our biology, lifespans, pain tolerance, the things we've done throughout history despite violent patriarchal oppression...). I spent years preparing myself. I read from & spoke to women who regretted this surgery, challenged myself at every turn, dove deep into my mind and thought processes, tried alternative treatment attempts, worked with a non-affirming therapist, made sure my past traumas were fully healed, and waited until I was in my mid-twenties so my brain was more or less fully matured. I have no regrets about it. I still have some (still purely physical sensation) dysphoria ("phantom male genitals" type of thing) at times, but have come to manage this very well. More on this here.
Formally assessed psychopath & participant in research by leading psychopathy experts (read on before jumping to conclusions). Check out this post and my #psychopathy tag (tagged on this post for easy accessibility) for info, particularly about high-EQ female psychopathy, & to find out everything you think you know about us is wrong 💕 (what you know about male psychopaths is usually right tho 💀)
Note: When it comes to politics, I strive to discuss exclusively that about which I am *uniquely knowledgeable* - by which I mean, essentially, that I (believe I) have something to contribute that is unlikely to be found on every other blog. I do not and will not make posts or reblog posts about topics I do not feel this way about. You are not entitled to know my views on every hot-button issue, and I have no intention of speaking on that which I know little about, or that I don't know enough about (through study or personal experiences) to contribute something you can't get a thousand other places.
Tag Guide (WIP):
#mine -> original posts, including ask responses
#ask -> ask responses only
#anon hate, #anon love -> should be self-explanatory. anon love does include some non-anon love for simplicity.
#catposting, #dogposting, #petposting -> images of cats, dogs, and both, respectively (not always my own)
#Wilder wives -> posts pertaining to me & my wife (last name Wilder)
#mvawg, #mvaw, #male violence -> male violence against women/girls
#what we believe -> fairly new tag for posts trying to educate on what radfeminism is actually about/damage control for disinformation & misinformation about it
#ethical adoption -> my takes as an adoptee on the issues within the adoption industry & how adoption can be done ethically
#nahua, #nahuatl, #mexica -> ranges from personal journal style posts about my process of reconnecting with the Nahua community to sharing facts about the language (Nahuatl, pronounce it Nawat) and stories from Mexica mythology etc. posts I make specifically as part of the facts-and-stories series are tagged #indigenous reconstructionism.
#trans violence -> violence committed by trans-identifying people, including threats of and graphic violent fantasies (primarily misogynistic ones)
#trans misogyny, #trans lesbophobia, #woke misogyny, #woke homophobia, #woke lesbophobia, etc. -> what it says on the tin
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canonically47 · 9 months
social media headcanons for tdi gen 4 :3
nichelle: has instagram, twitter and tiktok. has a massive following which only slightly decreased after her hollywood fail. she posts pictures of herself and her friends on set or out in the city, and her story is always photos of herself with a song in the background or some important cause. she actually cares about those causes and boosts them as much as she can.
julia: has instagram, twitter and tiktok. tells people to kill themselves uncensored which has caused her to have her accounts banned so many times that she has lost every follower. somehow the super fans of total drama still found her current account and she is bathing in the attention she is receiving. whether it’s love or hate, she likes every comment, and insults haters.
bowie: has instagram, twitter and tiktok. he has a lot of followers due to being the first openly gay contestant, and also a lot of haters for that exact reason, whom he cusses out daily, and so do his fans. some argue he’s toxic; others may say he just doesn’t take anyone’s shit.
MK: has instagram, twitter, tiktok, reddit and tumblr. she uses anonymous or small accounts that never link back to her personally. nobody has found her accounts and it is driving them crazy. doxxes people.
zee: has instagram, tumblr and pinterest. he just posts pictures of himself or of nature that he’s taken. sometimes he gets on instagram live high out of his mind and rambles about the meaning of mankind’s existence for three hours, then it’s radio silence from him for months. he also likes a lot of posts that talk about how confusing gender is, which has led some fans to believe he may not be very cisgender. when asked “Hey Zee, sorry if this is too invasive but are you a boy or are you under the trans umbrella?”, he replied “idk i may be under the umbrella when it rains too hard haha”.
caleb: has instagram, twitter and tiktok. very active on social media and has a large following. he posts motivational gym videos and gets a lot of ‘sigma alpha males’ in his comments, which he deletes and blocks. he likes a lot of cute animal videos, especially cat ones. his most viral video is him with his four kittens and their baby mama.
ripper: has instagram and twitter. used to have reddit but deleted it after getting together with axel. he used to have a large following of mysoginistic boys but he’s deleted his accounts and created new ones to start fresh and try to he more mindful of what he posts. you could say axel has helped his mindset in a lot of ways.
axel: has instagram and twitter. posts pictures of her cats or of her and ripper. she follows some of the previous contestants, including duncan, leshawna, gwen, brick, jo, shawn and jasmine. also posts workout videos and has a lot of incels but also thirsty girls in her comments. people often harrass her or ripper upon finding out they are together because “he doesn’t deserve her” or “she can do better”.
chase: has youtube, instagram, twitter and reddit. fucking insufferable. follows every previous total drama contestant. obnoxious content. lots of hate. videos are made on him and they are not good. hope he dies.
emma: doesn’t have social media; took a break from it and deleted all her accounts after chase’s incel following found her and harrassed her because she left him.
priya: doesn’t have social media. she just watches training videos on youtube.
millie: doesn’t have social media because “it greatly affects her generation” and she is “better than that”.
damien: doesn’t have social media and is chronically offline. nichelle once asked him what he thinks about some tiktok drama and he asked, genuinely confused, what tiktok is. begs people at school to tell him what ‘rizz’, ‘sigma’ and all other slang means, rarely gets an answer and, when he does, it just confuses him more.
scary girl: doesn’t have social media accounts. she uses socials to stalk people, though. if anyone challenges her she appears in their nightmares that night. chase has made a video on her being some demon. even his haters agreed with him.
wayne: has instagram. posts pictures and videos about hockey or including him and his friends. his pfp is him and raj at one of their games. he replies to almost every fan that has found his account.
raj: has instagram. his private account deeply saddens and annoys his fans. he posts the same things wayne posts and puts a lot of pride stuff on his story.
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kayliraine · 3 months
🎸⭐️ EMA Band AU || character headcanons (pt. 2):
pt.1 pt.3
strap in, i accidentally made this kinda long loll
🗝️🥁 | Eren:
Eren gets a guitar for his birthday in late elementary school and doesn't really touch it much until one day when Mikasa comes over and tells him how cool it is. Then he starts teaching himself.
Eren plays a song in their middle school’s talent show because he secretly (but oh so obviously) wants to impress Mikasa, but his hands are so shaky and he’s so nervous that he kinda bombs it. Jean makes fun of him, and without hesitation, Eren goes swinging.
Heated, Jean makes a snarky comment about drums being a better instrument for Eren because it’d “help him vent his anger issues.”
Months later, Jean buys him drumsticks as a joke gift for a Secret Santa event. Eren takes this as a challenge.
Fast forward to "Mikasa and the Titans" as a band, Eren is their drummer and he’s amazing at it (though he will never, ever thank Jean for the inspiration).
He occasionally helps write songs too, but he’s not as good at expressing himself, and his writing is kind of juvenile.
Armin still encourages him to try, and together with Mikasa, he embellishes and translates Eren's verses.
Eren also knows how to sing but doesn't like to as much. It feels like more of a private thing to him.
Sometimes Armin will write songs for him though because he loves his voice. These songs are usually slower, more somber, and quite stripped back. Often it’s Eren singing with his guitar, Armin on keys, and Mikasa harmonizing with him.
During performances, Eren sings his one or two songs last and it’s always a surprise to the audience when he stands from his drum set. No one expects it, but he’s really good.
When he sings he goes off into another world and it’s almost as if he forgets he’s on stage.
He’s definitely the most mysterious of the group—he probably posts the least on social media, but he's still a fan favorite.
On the side, Eren posts some metal covers on youtube. He doesn’t advertise it at all—even Mikasa and Armin have to come across it themselves without him telling them. (Mikasa gets very upset he kept it a secret and he has to apologize profusely.)
He has an impressive metal growl akin to his canon titan roars.
🧣🎸 | Mikasa:
As a kid, Mikasa is by no means musically inclined. Her parents force her to do piano lessons for a while, but she quits out of frustration.
This all changes in elementary school when she sees Eren get a guitar, inspiring her desire to learn as well.
At first, she borrows Eren's guitar a lot and gets him to teach her chords and strumming patterns (and he likes to act all annoyed about it, but it's so clear he enjoys helping her).
Eventually, her parents buy Mikasa her own guitar for her birthday, and from then on, she starts learning more on her own. Sometimes she and Eren still play together though.
Mikasa is a fast learner and incredibly determined, so her skills progress quickly and she’s soon surpassing even Eren. (It makes him feel a little bad, but that feeling is almost immediately replaced with strong admiration.)
She starts learning how to sing too. She develops a silvery, sweet, and clear tone that grows more intense when she sings passionate songs.
At some point, Armin confides in Mikasa his hidden passion for writing poetry, and Mikasa creates melodies on her guitar inspired by his work—sometimes even singing his words aloud. (It makes him feel flustered at first, but it soon evolves into the two of them creating experimental acoustic songs together for fun.)
Mikasa has an undeniable stage presence. She is confident, and the way she plays the guitar as she sings seems almost effortless. She has a very devoted fanbase of people who simp over her and her cool energy.
Mikasa manages their group’s Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter accounts, (because Eren is too chronically offline to understand marketing, and Armin is a bit of a boomer with internet jargon and memes). so the fans get to interact with her the most.
She posts a lot of OOTDs and sneak peeks of upcoming songs on her Instagram story.
Many of their fans rely on her stories to get a glimpse of what Eren is actually like because he never posts and has a habit of blocking people on Twitter who say things about their band that annoy him (i.e. rumors about him having a thing for Mikasa because of the way he looked over at her during one of the recorded performances…).
Mikasa takes her musical career very seriously and is constantly on that grindset mindset.
She’s always coming up with new melodies on her guitar and sending voice recordings late at night in their group chat. It’s something fun for her to do and it comes so naturally.
🐚🎹 | Armin:
Armin takes piano lessons as a child and is literally a prodigy. He plays at all of their school’s holiday ceremonies and even participates in (and wins) competitions.
He is extremely talented: he has perfect pitch, starts learning to compose his own songs at an early age, and gets amazing grades on top of it all. He is a hardworking kid.
Along with his musical interest, Armin has also always been interested in literature and writing (He grows up to be an English or Linguistics major for sure).
He goes everywhere with a book in hand.
He enjoys telling Eren about the books he reads, and Eren listens diligently. It’s easy and comfortable to tell him things as he always seems genuinely interested in what Armin has to say, no matter the subject.
Armin develops an interest in poetry in middle school and even starts a journal where he writes his own.
He’s extremely shy about his writing at first, only really showing Mikasa because he's too embarrassed to show Eren (not because he thinks Eren will make fun of him—he just really looks up to Eren).
Mikasa inspires him to combine his two passions of music and writing by composing pieces to accompany his poetry.
It moves him how Mikasa is so captivated by his writing that she wants to help him with his music too.
In their band, Mikasa is the main singer, but Armin can also sing a little. He has a higher range and does harmonies for her in some of their songs.
It's not his thing though, so he doesn't sing otherwise.
Armin has to force Eren and Mikasa to study with him sometimes because they tend to neglect their schoolwork due to their extreme engrossment in their music.
Despite his devotion to school, Armin still does a lot of work for the band when he has time.
He’s the one who contacts venues in the area for them to perform at. He handles a lot of their social ventures despite his anxious and non-confrontational nature.
Armin really enjoys being in the band—he likes being around his friends more than anything in the world. And hearing his written words turning into beautifully layered noise makes him giddy to no end.
AAA THANK YOU FOR READING ASKNSJK EMA band inspired playlist :) :
also if you guys have any questions or thoughts about this au, don't hesitate to ask!!! I like to talk <33
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freak-attorney · 3 months
Random Ace Attorney headcanons!!! :D
Feel free to leave ur own in the notes or if u agree/disagree!!
(Also please keep in mind that I'm basing these off of the first trilogy since that it all I've played so far!)
Feel free to ask/request any other specific headcanons from me :D
Phoenix Wright
Barely passed the LSAT
Used to have panic attacks in court (is now in therapy)
Always has a hair tie for Maya
Has learned how to do Pearl's hair for her
Chronically online
Finds millennial humor funny
ADHD undiagnosed
His hair ALWAYS has traces of gel in it
He's a dog person but loves cats
His suit is always a bit wrinkled
Survives on red bull and microwave dinners
*finger guns*
Love language is physical touch and acts of service
Falls asleep at his desk every night during a case
Needs 5+ alarms to wake up in the morning
Uses concealer to hide his eye bags
Doesn't floss
Sleeps like a starfish
Has sweat stains on several shirts
Naturally wavy hair but he straightens it
Miles Edgeworth
Always hours early to a case because he's very anxious about being late
Sometimes wishes he had a different career (outside of law) but never even considered it an option until recently
Very argumentative over silly things, eventually apologizes with a small gift or note
Love language is gift giving
Enjoys parallel play.. like he enjoys just having someone in his office while he's working even though he doesn't acknowledge them
Has good stamina from always using stairs over elevators
Can cook very well, enjoys cooking for others
Autistic (late diagnosed)
Has a collection of fidget toys that only a few people know about
Chronically OFFline
Enjoys animal crossing and other peaceful games
Has excellent hygiene
Started dying his hair grey as soon as he found one strand of grey hair
Makes a photo album for Franziska for her birthday each year
Has a blanket that he's slept with for 10+ years
Keeps every trinket that Pearl or Maya might give him
Has fresh clothes and toiletries at the office in case he sleeps there
Prefers gold over silver
Is a cat person but is okay with dogs (he thinks dogs are messy)
Has an ironing board in the wall of his office
Probably gay or somewhere on the aroace spectrum
Wears a full face of makeup to court (gatekeeps his sweat proof foundation)
Sleeps curled up in one corner of his bed
Maya Fey
Loves to do cartwheels (can't actually do a proper cartwheel)
Tries learning Japanese on DuoLingo (can't keep more than a 5 day streak)
Taught Pearl basically everything she knows
Love language is quality time
Is very good at rhythm games
Has "childish" interests like Sailor Moon, Hello Kitty, My Little Pony, etc.
Enjoys older arcade games like Galaga, Frogger, and Mappy
Wanted to be a veterinarian at some point but is a bit too squeamish for that
Is ALWAYS late even if she plans to be early
Sleeps with a night light
Has a collection of rocks that Pearl gave her growing up
Loves abstract art
Hugs very tightly
Since Mia's death her last words to anyone close to her when they separate for any amount of time is "I love you" just in case
Is naturally unorganized but started keeping a planner when she started working with Phoenix... she sometimes forgets the planner exists but she TRIES okay??
Dick Gumshoe
Love language is gift giving and acts of service for SURE
Would gladly give someone his umbrella in the rain knowing he'd get soaked
Doesn't know how to cook because he doesn't have the resources but he'd like to learn
Forgot to put water in his ramen once and almost burned his apartment down
Doesn't always shower because his water gets cut off
Smells pretty rank but Edgeworth gifts him nice body sprays sometimes
Always makes sure Edgeworth is up at a reasonable time for a case/trial even though he really doesn't need to
Always chewing gum
Dream car is a Jeep Wrangler
Memorizes little details about people to give them good birthday/holiday gifts
Gets very excited about fortune cookies
Loves buffets
Gives the BEST hugs
Is scared of thunderstorms and terrified of hurricanes
Really appreciates small gifts like keychains or trinkets
Lets Maya and Pearl paint his nails
Has really large and calloused hands
Sleeps all snuggled up hugging a pillow
Used to collect magnifying glasses
Bites on his pencils/pens
Franziska Von Karma
She wears press ons
Stalks the social media accounts of her clients
Sleeps in a grandma nightgown
Has two planners: one physical and one on her phone
Really wants a pet rabbit
Has so many decorative pillows on her bed and arranges them every morning
Hits people next to her when she laughs
Quietly gives gifts for holidays/birthdays without making it a big deal
Casually gives super expensive gifts
Plays Genshin
Forces Edgeworth to watch reality TV with her (Say Yes to the Dress, My Strange Addiction, ANTM, Jersey Shore)
Really likes horror movies but can't handle too much gore
Classically trained in ballet
Enjoys photography
Watches the Kentucky Derby every year
Basically raised Miles when Manfred didn't
Knows how to sew but doesn't have the time
Collects Monster High dolls
Likes dogs but LOVES cats
Finds dumb people really attractive
Needs complete silence when doing paperwork or she can't concentrate
Autistic (undiagnosed)
Doesn't plan on ever getting married
Probably one of the only characters that gets proper sleep
Prefers pleated skirts over pencil but wears them in court to look professional
Hates the texture of chiffon fabric
Always wearing a different pair of earrings
Has a couple small tattoos but covers them well
Has the sharpest eyeliner known to man
Fluent in a few languages including Mandarin Chinese, French, and Italian
That's all for now!!
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heartofmorioh · 6 months
I was bored, so here are some NPMD headcanons
Steph -AFAB, she/they -biromantic, bisexual, and polyamorous -She can pull anyone and everyone -she dyes her hair a lot -They do really good makeup and put makeup on the rest of the nerdy prudes -She kinda smells like nutmeg? -She plays a lot of video games -Lowkey a twitter comedian -Allergic to cats and pollen -Likes sweet foods more than salty -Their favourite movie is Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Pete -AMAB, he/they + neos -biromantic and bisexual -the most responsible out of the group -not when it comes to Steph though, he would do anything for her -he would jump off a bridge if they did -Steph sometimes puts makeup on them and no one wants to admit it but they would make a really pretty girl -He reads a lot of classic novels and writes like dissertations on that shit for fun -most likely out of the nerdy prudes to join the smoke club -Spends like 75% of his time day dreaming but also somehow takes impeccable notes in school -They like the spring but get major allergies -falls in love super easily -enjoys gardening -Left handed and has pretty handwriting -favourite colour is green
Ruth -she/they/he + neos -She could be trans or cis i honestly don't know -biromantic and bisexual they will take anyone who will have them -Charlotte’s younger half-sister -Theatre kid till the day she dies (literally) -Knows a lot about mushrooms -can read tarot cards -Listens to old weird music like Kate Bush, showtunes, or like......fucking Hazbin Hotel music -Bo Burnham liker -Changes her name a lot but never sticks with it -Knows a lot of obscure plays -also falls in love super easily
Richie -AFAB he/him -bisexual and demibiromantic -He’s really not all that concerned with romance -He kind of has a thing for Steph though (everyone does) -tries to get his friends into anime but none of them really understand it -he’s an anime guy, ruth's a theatre guy. they may be besties but they just don't quite understand each other -Reada a ton of comic books -plays Pokémon -beats everyone at Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart EXCEPT Steph -one time he beat Paul (his uncle) at Mario Kart and Paul had a midlife crisis -he makes kandi and gives them to all his friends -Gets gender envy from anime characters
Grace -AFAB, she/her -lesbian -Okay she's the other most likely nerdy prude to join the smoke club -i have this idea in my head of her and Pete becoming stoners together -her and Pete are besties kind of -Really just a bundle of anxiety -knows a lot about botany -has like six versions of the same exact outfit -rides her bike everywhere -Has the shakiest hands of all time -Gets really nervous around Steph -stress baker
Max -AMAB, he/him -biromantic and bisexual because I said so. bi rights. -Unironically down kind of bad for Grace. She sort of hates him and is sort of just scared of him -possibly the worst cook known to man -okay so in my head he tries to impress Grace all the time but it never works -also has a lowkey massive crush on Kyle.....why else would he be so adamant that he can't date Brenda -Chronically offline. He won't STOP touching grass. He doesn't own a phone -has no concept of personal boundaries -Kind of a theatre kid. Secretly.
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danidandandadididan · 1 month
1. Her human name is Emina Avdić. Avdić is just a common name from the area, though Emina was shamelessly stolen off of Šantić’s poem of the same name.
2. Relationship wise she is in the same spot as Srpska, which means everyone sort of finds her annoying except one person, but even then it’s a love hate relationship, that other person being Enis. She does love him but he might find her as a bit of a bother, I don’t think Herze would mind her much though.
3. Speaking of Enis, she’s more conservative and more religious than he is (tho that’s not a hard thing to beat, he’s basically secular)
4. She does look up to him, probably as a kind of islamic father figure (because uncle Turkey doesn’t care about her anymore) but i think she realized he isn’t as serious as she is about this whole Islam thing
5. She kind of dislikes everyone around her quietly, like they all know about it but she isn’t screaming it out as most of them are.
6. She shows that hate in little actions, or just by being straight up unpleasant
7. I have yet to decide wether she lives with Montenegro or Serbia? I guess both, maybe she just switches around if the other gets too annoying to deal with. Im edging to just say Serbia because then she’d be the opposite of Srpska but we’ll see
8. Typically they both make her do chores around the house, Monte especially, because it’s “a woman’s job to do so”, Vuk cares less.
9. Sometimes she does visit the BiH household though, she probably prefers staying there rather than with Serbia or Montenegro but I don’t think they let her go often
10. She might get along with Kosovo, fuck they might be related because of the Albanians that came to Sandžak in the past
11. Taller (~175 cm?)
12. Long legs and slim figure, typical beauty standard especially because she’s blonde
13. She wears converse, it’s all she ever wears in modern day LOL
14. She always has her white headscarf on, it’s like her distinguishing feature
15. Tho in general she typically wears lighter clothes, possibly with red accents.
16. Heterosexual most definitely
17. She doesn’t get laid anyways she’s too proper for that
18. Her and Srpska are around the same age (so I guess similar to Kosovo and Vojvodina in physical age as well?), they both appeared at the start of the Ottoman period
19. she was just quickly adopted by Turkey and kept safe like that
20. During this time period she was mostly shielded by him, though in the 1800s she met Ilija for the first time after he was islamized fully and most likely became a janissary. To keep it simple they dated and were smitten with each other
21. It’s true that janissaries actually couldn’t get married or well… date, though at this time the janissaries did start breaking the rules and rebelling against the sultan, so it could personify that
22. They fell apart after he ran off to start his own uprisings, she just felt betrayed
23. To this day she reminds me of all the glory he lost, so they basically hate each other now 💔
24. Tho, „Emina” by Šantić was also probably Srpska talking about her
25. She’s the reason he became an incel
26. She has a silver ibrik (same one mentioned in the poem haha) which she uses to beat people with when it’s full of water, mostly Montenegro and Serbia.
27. Chronically offline, she doesn’t know what a tik tok is
28. She loves reconnecting with nature whenever she’s upset
29. In fact she wants to live by herself, but she’s too poor to afford anything so she’s stuck with the two idiots for now
30. She likes gardening i feel
31. She appreciates ethnic music over anything else, buttttttt I think she’d also like Zabranjeno Pušenje
32. She prefers being outside, not in the city way but in the villager way
33. Not shy, just aggressively introverted, in the meaning that she pushes people she doesn’t know well away, in the literal sense probably
34. She plays sudoku :DDDDDDDD
35. Very clever and probably kicks ass at chess also
36. Fluent in Bosnian and Turkish, probably knows some albanian, arabic a teeeenyyyy tiny bit also
I might expand on her relations with the others furthermore, especially srpska cause i didn’t give their lovestory justice
Good night chat
Tumblr media
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angelosearch · 7 months
I wanted to share something my therapist and I discussed today that perhaps will be helpful for others.
So I have been having a great time lately, sinking deep into fandom, writing, and creating art. It's been invigorating. I am so inspired and I feel as though I have found my people.
But I told my therapist that I had a lingering sense of guilt about it. Does socializing on Tumblr make me a shut-in? Does having a lot of internet friends make me chronically online? Is it a bad thing that I look forward to spending weekends writing and painting and listening to music instead of going out with friends or traveling?
She asked me: Why would it be bad? Who told you that?
"Dateline, probably," I said. "Chris Hansen."
Truthfully, I did an independent study of technology and rhetoric in college and I know, from a psychological perspective, there are some things a digital relationship just can't do for your brain. So Sherry Turkle is probably the other answer.
But what is community? How does it form?
Communities typically form around a common geographic location, goal, or interest. Your neighborhood is your community. If you like soccer, maybe your community is your sports team and those who cheer for it. If you want to celebrate a certain deity, your community may be the people you do that with. These forms of community normally have clear physical meeting locations.
"But your main interests are consuming and creating media," my therapist said. She's not wrong. "Where can you go for that community?"
In the physical world, there is no space or infastructure to support communities around all interests. There are video game clubs, sure. There are meetup groups for certain shows. But these communities are often small, transient, gatekept, inaccessible, or in far-flung parts of the country. I am sure all communities have those issues in some respect, but really - where can you physically and consistently meet up with people interested in a variety of media for free in a physical space?
Libraries? Maybe?
The internet is the space for my main interest. This is where I can go to be myself and be excited and know that I will be celebrated for it by people who feel the same. We are a community of people who love FFVIII or writing or media of all types. There shouldn't be shame in that because it is a goddamn miracle that this space exists and I can share it with people of all ages all around the world.
So, Chris Hansen, Sherry Turkle, and everyone who snickers at my internet usage: yeah, maybe there are some things I can't do/have online. But there are some things I can't have offline either!
I am not chronically online. I am enthusiastically online. I love this little corner of the internet and it's okay if it sometimes feels better than doing stuff "irl." I can enjoy being here and not feel guilty and still go afk and "touch grass" or whatever. Both can be true.
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shellxrls · 4 months
jj is so chronically online I fear he’d do something like this.
LMAOO when u sent this i was literally talking to my friends ab how chronically offline some of them are compared to me & how they’d never understand if i one day started speaking brainrot language. so i showed one of them this video and i think i saw her brain explode in real time & it was sooo funny cuz she looked at me like “😨 u just spoke another language wtf was that?”
anyways storytime aside jj def goes around saying “erm what the sigma 🤓👆” and eventually someone (me) kicks him in the balls for it.
i feel esp bad for johnb though cuz i’m sure he bears the brunt of it cuz of how painfully offline he is.
jj prolly goes up to him w a new horrific word every day, “hey jb y’know what gooning is? you should look it up i feel like it’d be something along your vibe bro.” and jb googles it like the grandpa he is and returns horrified ab to start lecturing jj on his perverse mind.
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
really thankful that 3 of my friends are chronically offline and probably dont even know who dream is, and one used to be a big dsmp stan in 2020 (she was a dnfer) and has not talked about mcyt since mid 2022
I'm like somewhere in the middle of this i think
My best friend/roommate is part of the kpop/thai drama side of the internet so she barely knows anything about mcyt except for what I tell her (and vice versa) so she just enjoys dream content casually with me
(my mother is chronically offline and is a VERY /srs dnfer though and that is a very fun time lol)
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A few angsty facts about the tfp au!
Sometimes Starscream misses her older siblings, even if she spent a lot of her life pushing them down to claw her way up in life. He does not regret it though.
Breakdown still has nightmares about getting captured by MECH, and he's rightfully wary of humans. This will not fade, even as he grows more familiar with the kids and Fowler.
Slams hood of megop these two can fit so much chronic pain that will be tough to resolve
oh i don't know maybe the fact that tHE MATRIX WAs LitERALLy killing Optimus and bringing him back just to win arguments???
Soundwave will call Miko by the names of his offlined cassettes sometimes.
During the comm blackout a lot of vehicons honestly thought Fowler was dead.
Bumblebee will not have his vocalizer magically fixed and does not need his voice back, and he does not need to forgive Megatron.
Arcee has pretty bad separation anxiety when it comes to Jack and June, considering what happened to her previous partners. She does not need to forgive Starscream.
Bulkhead worries about the day that Wheeljack doesn't come back. Conversely, Wheeljack worries about the day where there won't be anyone to come back to.
The team on Griffin Rock worry a lot about Bumblebee while he's on the mainland, and desperately wish they knew more if what was going on. Even as they're put more and more into the loop, they're never going to feel like it's enough.
The night when it truly hit the rescue bots that Cybertron was gone Heatwave cried. Like honest to goodness messy crying.
Before the elite triad arrived on earth, a lot of the autobots assumed Elita One, Jazz, and Prowl were dead.
Jazz fucking missed Orion, and was so emotional when he found out Optimus came back right this time.
Pharma's crippling ptsd in regard to Delphi and Tarn.
The DJD is still here functioning without Tarn (well until they try to fuck with Arachnid anyways)
Knockout and Breakdown will offline, yes, but it will be together. Till death do us part, and even then they will still be together.
Me, who is an angst machine of xyr own.
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sleeps-au-bag · 5 months
sue times aka tsukasa's opinion on the twst characters
yume asta: likes her a lot, especially since they've both been isekai'd. finds it somewhat odd and a bit annoying she keeps up their idol persona all the time though.
grim: neutral. grim doesn't seem to like him but he doesn't really care. he also causes a lot of sue's headaches due to his loudness.
ace trappola: his roommate. at first he didn't like her but after book three they become awkward friends. he does know he'll get into a fight for her and she'll do the same for him.
deuce spade: also his roommate. appreciates his efforts in becoming an honors student. finds him to be a great study buddy. friendly teasing between the two of them.
riddle rosehearts: proud of her. before her overblot, he was really scared of her and actively avoided her. after her overblot he's been helping her be more kind to others and is proud to see her grow.
cater diamond: he's really confused about him. he can understand his surface personality pretty well. when he looks more into his senior, he always comes out confused.
trey clover: neutral as well. don't get him wrong, his senior's a good guy, it's just that he doesn't really find any appeal in him. he only ever talks to trey when he needs help.
jack howl: scared but friendly. the only reason why he feels fear around jack is because of the rabbit instincts. find him very pleasant to talk to when he gets past his prickly exterior.
ruggie bucchi: unknown. they've never interacted with each other before.
leona kingscholar: fear. he doesn't know if it's because of the overblot or the rabbit instincts. he tries to steer clear of leona as much as possible.
floyd leech: hates him. he finds floyd incredibly annoying to deal with. he also finds him quite boring to be honest.
jade leech: also hates him. jade's vibes are off so he never interacts with him. he also remembers about what jade said about his friend one time and never forgave him for it.
azul ashengrotto: can he say he hates octaniville safely? finds azul's pursuits in capitalism boring and a waste of time. he also doesn't forgive him for trying to steal ramshackle away from yume.
jamil viper: unknown. his character is very conflicting, so his thoughts about jamil are also pretty conflicting. he hopes that jamil finds the freedom he's looking for.
kalim al-asim: likes him but also kind of pities him. finds him as one of the few nice and kind people at nrc, even if oblivious. he also pities kalim because he knows the stories of what happens to heirs of highly valuable families.
epel felmier: finds his toxic masculinity unbearable. would probably get along great with him if it wasn't for that. other than that, no opinion on him.
rook hunt: tries to actively avoid him at all times. it's hard trying to talk to KAITO and miku without the hunter overhearing things. his vibes are also really off.
vil schoenheit: admires his acting a lot. he keeps imagining roles that would fit the housewarden very well but keeps the ideas to himself. admires him from a distance.
ortho shroud: he's a really cool friend. chronically offline and literally always online friendship vibes. ortho was the second to figure out the isekai stuff so he fills tsukasa in on twisted wonderland information which he's grateful for.
idia shroud: has literally never seen the guy.
alexander goldenheart: he's like his older brother in a way. sees him as a very close friend and confides in him a lot. the first to figure out the isekai stuff so they always stick close by each other.
sebek zigvolt: he finds it hard to get a good opinion on the half-fae.
silver: great senpai! he likes his calm energy which is helpful for when he feels overstimulated. everything feels a lot better.
lillia vanrogue: has not met him.
malleus draconia: hasn't met him either.
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