#she is having such a terrible time with how snowy it is still
moraypower · 2 years
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"WHAT?! It can't stay cold out here forever, I'm going to become a SQUIDSICLE! I'm gonna shout at 'em EVERY NIGHT until they give us the heat back!"
Don't look now, but the word gullible is written on the ceiling.
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seungsuki · 5 months
groceries - sunday restock with your boyfriend (f!reader)
warning: none
note: i manage to sneak in bachira hehe.. wonder why?
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sundays are nagi seishiro’s favourite day. just relaxing and being lazy was something the 190 cm striker loved. top that off, you would baby him and take care of him so he would be well rested for the brutal training monday would force on him
but today wasn’t his favourite sunday 
seishiro spent his day trailing behind you like a lost duckling. it was a nice afternoon and you thought today was the perfect day to restock on groceries. that’s how you both ended up in the bustling supermarket near your place. you pushed the trolley along the isles while nagi in his true nature, clung onto you like his life depended on it. 
his head rested on your shoulder as his arms wrapped securely around your waist forming a somewhat comfortable back hug. you swore seishiro purposely made sure his warm breaths were extra slow to annoy you but you weren’t gonna let him win. you had to restock groceries today or else both of you would be too busy to find any day. 
“do we really need to waste time buying food?”, seishiro spoke as the both of you navigated through the shelves of cereal 
“yes we do- oh found it!”, you smiled as you retreated something you searched far and wide 
“a cereal box..? that was something you wasted so much time on?”, seishiro asked confused
“it’s not just a cereal! it’s a collab with txt!!”, you groaned remembering how terrible seishiro is with names 
“nevermind we’re almost done and then we’ll go home you big baby”
you chuckled when you heard a small ‘yay’ from the laid-back koala you called your boyfriend. he even gave you a small kiss on the neck to celebrate his so-called victory. you couldn’t help but roll your eyes with a small affectionately sigh. you placed the cereal into the cart and strolled away. moving from aisles you’d either have seishiro acting like a cringe teen making fun of the brand names or seishiro mumbling in your ear about how terrible his team was to him (they don’t let him sleep during breaks). 
while you love nagi seishiro with all of your heart, it was these moments that made you want to question just how much of a hassle life was for him. you wonder sometimes.. if you had never asked him out, would he still be alive? yeah he had reo and all but you can’t help but wonder if seishiro had some sort of issues in the past 
you shook your head trying to forget the negative thoughts clouding your head. this was a topic you’d definitely bring up for another day. 
“angel, can we get ice cream too?”, seishiro suddenly added as he watched you pick up the nuggets packet 
“ice cream? yeah sure sure.. anything you want sei”, 
after checking everything in your cart, both of you lined up to pay for your groceries. you recalled a story to seishiro about your university friends trying to force you into acting. your friend dramatically added about how the theatre club was in danger, forcing you to skip your volleyball club practice.
seishiro hums to your story, even though he looks like he doesn’t care, you best believe that he loves gossip. he picked this from reo, another guy who was always hungry for gossip, even if he doesn’t know that person at all. finally, after what seems like eternity, it was your turn 
“good afternoon! hope you guys fin- nagi? no way! whatcha doing here?”, the yellow highlights haired cashier asked 
“bachira.. why are you a cashier?”, seishiro asked puzzled as he frees himself from you 
“oh i picked up a part time job to help my mama. who’s she? hey it’s nice to meet you! i’m bachira!”, bachira introduced himself as he started to scan the products
“i’m [name]... you’re seishiro’s friend?”, you asked, receiving an enthusiastic nod from bachira 
“i didn’t know you had friends other than reo”, you asked again but to the snowy bangs boy 
“i’m trying”, seishrio replied with a shrug 
bachira chatted away with you while preparing your bill. he even added his ‘bff discount’ for the both of you which made you laugh at his antics. waving him goodbye, seishiro and you left the store. it made you feel happy, knowing that sei made friends at blue lock.
it’s not like you hated reo or anything. if anything, you were thankful at how he was always with your lazy genius but you wanted seishiro to branch out. hearing from bachria about his new friends gave you a sense of relief that he had other people to count on 
“you look funny”, sei spoke trying to read your mind 
“i’m just happy”, you said adding a small smile 
“what is there to be happy about? i’m so sad i had to leave my warm bed for this”, seishiro groaned 
“i’m happy you have so many friends. you have so many people who care about you!”, you countered 
“i should be careful! they might steal you from me”, you jokingly added, nudging the soccer player 
“what’s there to worry about? you’re prettier than them”, sei bluntly said making you go red 
“h-hey! don’t just go around saying that!”, you nervously laughed away the butterflies that erupted 
“i'd rather be with my pretty girl than sit with those idiots. it’s a hassle”, sei sighed nearly dropping the bag he was holding 
“let’s just go home and i’ll give you some ice cream with extra sprinkles” 
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© seungsuki 2024-25 -- do not repost, translate, alter, etc on any platform without permission. Any characters used in my work do not belong to me, they are created by their original creator
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delulujuls · 10 months
emotional support rivals | ls18, sp11
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hi! i dont know how to comment on this one, basically i thought that i would try to tame sergio and lance a bit because i know that some people may not like them as much. but they did pretty well here!
anyway, enjoy!
summary: reader is having the worst day of her life aka first day of her period, lance and sergio dont know how to act but they tryna be supportive
warnings: none i think
pairing: lance stroll x fem!mclarendriver x sergio perez
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This day was terrible. And that was it.
But you might ask, how could a day be terrible when it hadn't even had a chance to start? Y/N just felt in her bones that this would be the case. She also knew her current schedule of duties, which considering the current jetlag that weighed heavily on her mind, added quite a bit to her already full plate.
Of course, days like these were allowed to exist; balance in life was the norm. Nevertheless, Y/N fervently wished for this one to, as soon as possible, come to an end.
Unfortunately, a quick end was out of the question, as her alarm had just rung. She struggled to open her sleepy eyes and saw the gloomy 6:30 on her phone's display.
She sighed and sat up in bed, feeling an unpleasant sensation in her stomach. She was familiar with this feeling and it signaled one thing and one thing only.
"Oh no, it can't be."
Y/N muttered under her breath and quickly reached for her phone, opening one of the apps. The notification confirmed her worst fear. "Your period may start today!"
"Fantastic, just fucking fantastic."
In a already bad mood, she tossed her phone into the pillows and got up with a symphony of groans, sighs and curses. As soon as she got out of bed she checked the sheets but the snowy white fabric assured her that today would be a one big roulette of waiting for her period to start.
When she showered and got ready to leave, she also packed her emergency kit for days like this. She had to use it partially though, because the pain in her stomach was simply unbearable. And it wasn't the typical stomach ache that everyone thinks of when they hear 'oh no, my stomach hurts' but this stomach pain was the Lance Stroll of all stomach pains. It doesn't seem to hurt too much, but it spoils your whole mood with its terrible nature.
Since talking about Stroll, it happened like that she still had practice laps that day, which she failed to pass while everyone else did. As it turned out, the same task was waiting for Lance, because in the cafeteria, apart from the busy employees, there was him. And that damn Mexican, too.
"What time are you supposed to be on the track?"
Checo asked from behind her when she was grabbing breakfast from one of the swedish tables.
"What happened to 'hi, good morning'? 'Buenos dias,' at least?"
She muttered, pouring syrup on her pancakes.
"Normally you don't talk to me, so I figured there's no point in trying."
He replied, somewhat thrown off by her response.
"Hello Sergio, nice to see you too and yes, it just happens that we're stuck with each other today. I'm on at 10am, you're ahead of me at 9, and that Aston idiot is at 11."
Y/N said sarcastically, putting on the nicest tone she could muster.
Sergio didn't know how to respond, so when she turned to leave for her table, he simply stepped out of her way.
Lance ate in silence, observing the scene quietly. He was watching the McLaren sun, today completely covered by stormy clouds, going away and sitting alone. Inadvertently his gaze met with Checo, who just shook his head and returned to choosing his breakfast.
Y/N sighed heavily, sitting at one of the empty seats. She ate absentmindedly, not used to the absence of Oscar and Lando. They had different things to attend to that day, so it wasn't unlikely that they wouldn't even cross paths. Maybe it was even better for them; each of them would probably receive a monthly dose of sulking. The charms of being the only girl in the company could be really tough at times.
And it's not that Y/N was a pain in the ass only for Oscar and Lando. She got along well with most people she interacted with daily. A few times she even went out with other girls; she wasn't limiting herself to the company of guys only. Unfortunately, Oscar and Lando had happened to take a particular liking to each other, which made the trio basically unseparable.
There were people with whom she didn't have frequent contact, or with whom she only exchanged smiles in passing but she had never had the chance to exchange a word.
It's also known that in life you can't be liked by everyone and not everyone can be liked by you. In this case, there was no magical exception. It just so happened that she would spend today in the company of those people who sat at the other end of the cafeteria, occasionally throwing her stolen glances.
After finishing her meal, the girl got down to her duties, wanting to bring this day to an end as quickly as possible. At the appointed time, she appeared on the track, quickly changing into her racing suit. She put on her helmet and after a brief discussion of notes, she sat in the car. That's when she felt that something was wrong. The worst-case scenario flashed before her eyes.
"Can I quickly go to the bathroom?"
She asked, looking at the technician nearest to her.
"We're a bit behind schedule. Can it wait?"
Y/N resignedly nodded. She knew there was nothing left to salvage.
She adjusted her straps and when she got the signal to leave the garage, she drove outside and headed straight for the track. After the radio test and receiving permission to start, she clenched her fists and roared the engine.
She was angry and as it's known, there's nothing worse than a female rage.
She was angry at this day, at herself, at this damn car. She was angry at the bloodstain on her damn orange suit, even though she hadn't seen it yet.
She was so hormonal that if it weren't for the helmet restricting her movements, she would have screamed at the top of her lungs.
However, female anger was priceless.
"Best lap time, I repeat, best lap time."
She tightened her grip on the steering wheel, not responding to the message.
In moments like this, she didn't care about anything. And it's pretty well known that a person who doesn't care has nothing to lose.
When the session ended and she received the message that she could pull into the pit lane, she complied. Mechanics rolled her into the garage and only then did it dawn on her that her hands were still clenched on the steering wheel. When she managed to free herself from the car, she immediately checked her seat. She cursed under her breath and took off her helmet, placing it aside. Quickly grabbing the nearest rag, she began to wipe away the stain of shame on her seat. The technician, whom she asked about going to the bathroom before the start, when he realized what had happened and what she was doing, just gave her an apologetic look.
She unzipped her suit and slid its top off, covering the stain on her backside. Zac wanted to congratulate her on the result and discuss the outcomes, but she apologized and grabbed her emergency kit, heading straight to the bathroom. She changed into her unstained clothes, guarded against another unpleasant surprise and bundled up the suit, muttering under her breath that a visit to the laundry awaited her later that day.
When she returned to the McLaren garage, Zac, upon seeing her, immediately smiled.
"Young lady, you charmed us today! You literally flew in that car!"
"I guess that's good, I think."
The girl replied, mustering a smile as she glanced at the monitors in front of her.
"Good? It's brilliant!"
Zac replied with a smile and checked his notes.
"After checking the car, I would ask you to put on your suit again for a moment because we need to do a few more laps on different tires."
"I thought that was it for today."
Y/N replied, looking at him.
"Now, you were driving on mediums; it would be good to know what time you can achieve on the hard compound."
The girl tightened her suit under her armpit.
She started, but it felt silly, so she lowered her voice and approached him, "My suit is not suitable."
"How so? What happened?"
He frowned and looked at the bundle she was holding.
"I won't be able to drive in it anymore today."
Zac looked confused, so she just said "period" without using any words. He quickly understood and immediately nodded his head.
"Ask someone if we have another suit in stock. It would mean a lot to me if we could finish these tests today."
Y/N nodded and walked away, sighing heavily when she was out of his reach. However, as it turned out, racing suits are not as straightforward as one might think and the only McLaren suit in this garage was hers—rolled up into a ball of shame and unfit for use. One of the women upon hearing her situation only gave her a comforting hug and suggested borrowing a suit from Sergio or Lance, taking advantage of the fact that they were only drivers nearby. The situation was exceptional and it was all about internal measurements.
Disheartened by the fact that she would be forced to confront the men, she left the garage and looked around. Checo and Lance were sitting nearby, chatting in front of the Aston Martin garage. Y/N gathered herself and approached them, causing them to immediately pause their conversation.
"Can I borrow a suit from either of you?"
"You drive for McLaren, not for Aston or Red Bull."
Sergio said, taking a sip from his bottle. The girl involuntarily clenched her fists. Be professional, she thought and took a deep breath.
"If I didn't have to, I wouldn't ask. I need a suit; mine... is not suitable for driving."
"What happened?"
Lance asked, glancing at her. His expression lacked the hint of malice that Sergio currently possessed.
"I just need one; is that not enough?"
"Give a good reason and I might even give you mine."
Pérez said, crossing his arms.
"I just got my period which means my suit is having a fucking bloodstain on my ass and even though I feel like they're cutting me in half completely alive I have to do some extra laps because this fucking fat idiot didn't think about pitstop to change my tyres and let me go straight to the track" Y/N she spoke quietly and calmly, but her voice was dripping with fury "So do me the pleasure and let one of you give me your overalls before something hits me, for fucks sake."
Lance and Sergio stood still. Sergio's face lost its fierce expression and Lance suddenly realized that he had started holding his breath out of stress.
"I'll give you mine, no problem."
Stroll spoke up, starting to unzip his suit.
"Yours is light, you idiot; if something happens again, everything will be visible."
Pérez scolded him and turned his gaze back to the girl.
"Wait a moment; I'll bring you mine right away."
Y/N nodded and watched him leave.
"Do you feel very bad?"
Lance asked, looking at her. He couldn't wrap his head around how the girl standing in front of him, bleeding and all, could endure such a great strain and still set the best lap time.
"It's been better."
She sighed.
Lance, not knowing exactly what to do or how to help, reached out his hand with a bottle in it. Y/N looked at the bottle first and then at his face. Seeing that he was genuinely concerned, she whispered a quiet 'thanks' and took the water from him.
Sergio returned shortly after, handing her his suit.
"I hope it'll fit well for you."
The girl handed back Lance his water and thanked Pérez as well.
"Good luck, tigresa."
Y/N nodded at them one last time and returned to the garage, changing into the borrowed suit and taking her place in the car again.
As she sat there, waiting for permission to leave the pit lane, she noticed that she wasn't angry anymore, at least not as much as she was some time ago. When she drove out and headed towards the track, she passed Lance and Sergio once again, who were giving her thumbs up.
For the first time that day Y/N genuinely smiled and who would have thought it would be thanks to her rivals, who had now become her emotional support ones?
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batchilla · 2 months
Chapter One - Till Death Do Us Part
Till death do us part. The words swim in Jason’s mind as he lays in bed beside you, the wedding band heavy on his finger, a once comforting weight now seeming to burn, as though the metal of your shared promise made manifest was burning the very flesh of his hand, stoked by a fire of guilt and worry. 
Till death do us part. 
Sometimes, he had wondered how he got so lucky, how you could be so foolish as to pick him. 
He was scared, he was broken, he had done terrible things. He didn’t deserve anyone as good as you. As kind. As … forgiving. He might have deserved you once - he had met you a lifetime ago, a bright eyed boy wonder still growing into his mantle as Robin, a teenage Jason Todd so sure he could change the world, because he was Robin, and Robin made him magic, a force for the better. Maybe that version of him deserved you. But that boy is long dead. 
Till death do us part. 
Except you hadn’t. He had died. You were parted. Yet when he came back, there you were. Reaching out a hand of love and understanding as soon as you knew who he (as the Red Hood) was. Batman - No, it was a personal, emotional call - Bruce. Bruce had called you in, because if anyone could help pull him out of the spiral he’d been in, you could. You did. You didn’t save him - no one person did. His family did, and he did. 
Till death do us part.
You were family, he’d realised. His rock. His best friend. A title that felt utterly shallow compared to what you were to him. Roy became his best friend… and you his world. His family. You were more than just his girlfriend… and after a proposal on the snowy grounds of Wayne manor on christmas morning, his fiance, and then his wife… Until the day the doctor confirmed your pregnancy, you had made up the whole of his world, which only grew when little Mary was born. 
Till death do us part. 
You’d always known the risks. Even when you were kids, when he was still Robin, rescuing you every few weeks when your mothers position as a judge got you in hot water, you had been aware of how much worse falling for him could make things for you, and you had fallen regardless.  You knew when you first held his hand and kissed his cheek, first been spotted by the Gotham paparazzi with a Wayne, first helped stitch him back together after a patrol gone wrong, you knew the risks. To him, and to you. You might be used against him. He might not come home one day. 
Till death do us part.
Jason turns to his side, watching you sleep. You looked so happy. So peaceful. You looked like you knew you were safe - and you were. He’d die again before anyone touched you. Either of you. 
He stands, slowly and quietly, so as not to wake you as he creeps down the hall to the nursery, where Mary lays sleeping. The room is glowing faintly green from the glow in the dark decals on the wall, and the unicorn nightlight by the bed illuminates her sleeping face. He doesn’t lift her out of the tiny, child size bed - she was a light sleeper, and given she was rather energetic, getting her to sleep again would be difficult, as tempting as it was to hold her in his arms, never to let go. 
He’d cried when you told him, and when he held her for the first time - and quite a few subsequent times. She had grown so much, and yet she was still so small. So small. A sad smile comes to Jason’s face. His little cherub… his baby girl… he’d never, ever forgive himself for what happened today.  
Till death do us part. You both had wanted this. He had wanted a family with you. In his dreams, Mary would be the first of at least three. Maybe when they were older they’d take up their own mantles - maybe they’d live normal lives. He’d adore them regardless. He’d watch his kids thrive as he didn’t get to until Bruce. He’d be the father he never had, loving and attentive, and thanks to his … previous extra legal activity and Bruce’s habit of spending his billions irresponsibly when it came to his kids, they’d want for nothing.  You’d move to a city a little safer for raising kids.  He’d retire the Red Hood when you both got older and you insisted, protesting, but secretly glad to finally be able to spend his evenings curled up by the fire with you. Maybe he’d write a book. Maybe he’d get a dog. There were a dozen maybes that were each as lovely as the last, but the only certainty he’d known for this beautiful future he’d dreamt up is you’d be at his side. 
Till death do us part, afterall. He’d meant his vow, just as you had meant yours.
Today, that had changed. Roman Sionis had changed it. It had been a standard patrol, when a man in a dark suit approached. Best Jason could tell, which really meant the best Oracle could tell, was the man was a PI, a civilian. That plausible deniability on whether or not he truly understood who exactly had paid him was the only reason he was still breathing. It had been a close call. 
The man had handed Jason an envelope, inside it a blurry photograph. 
It was you, sitting near the window of the penthouse apartment Bruce had given Jason and you as a wedding gift, feeding Mary. A message scrawled in black ink on the back lists your name, your place of work, and a musing that it would be a terrible thing for an example to be made out of a pair of innocents if the Red Hood couldn’t stop sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. 
Jason still wanted that life. Roman Sionis had made it clear it could never be. 
He’d kill him. Code be damned, no one threatens his wife and child. 
But that would take time, time where you and Mary would be in danger. 
 You had known the risks, on one level. Both of you had. But when it became real, no longer theoretical…
Staring down at his sleeping daughter, Jason makes a choice.
The next morning when he drops Mary off with Alfred at the manor, so he knows she’s safe, and so that you too can properly talk, without needing to worry about her while you have what is surely to be the worst morning of either of your lives. “Thrilled as I am to see the young miss,” Alfred says, taking the bottle bag, Diaper bag, stroller, cuddly robin toy and the child that bears his mothers name, handling the sudden handoff with deft proficiency, “Might I suggest master todd that if you and Ms Todd wish for alone time you kindly call ahead?” On another day he might have laughed, but not today. 
His shoulders slump ever so slightly, and he shakes his head. “Not exactly that kind of alone time Pennyworth.”
Seeing the look on Jason's face, Alfred quickly hands little Mary off to a passing Cass, ushering Jason into the kitchen and pressing a cup of tea into his hands. “What’s happened lad?” It rushes out of him like word vomit, like bile forcing its way up his throat as he recounts it all. 
The photo. Roman. The threat. As long as you are with him, as long as he is in Mary’s life, as long as Roman Sionis is alive, you can never be safe. How he needs to divorce you, and how he needs Bruce’s help, Barbra's help, hell, Dick’s help, everyone's help, to make the story convincing enough for Roman, and how he has no idea how the fuck he’s going to tell you. 
He hopes desperately to be scolded that he’s being dramatic. For Alfred to say something pompous about how he’d be a fool to do this. The way Alfred instead rises from his seat at the table and pulls him into a hug, is the final nail in the coffin for that hope, as Jason cries into his grandfather’s shoulder. 
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weasleykisses · 9 months
You’re So Pretty IV (Remus x Reader)
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You’re So Pretty IV
A/N: final chapter to the series. Happy ending bc I’m a sucker for love. You and Remus are desperately in love with each other, and it was only a matter of time before someone said something. *Not edited*
Might write a Sirius alternate ending to this if I get the inspiration.
Word count: 6.1k
Y/N had been a bit down in the dumps since Remus ran away from her after sharing another one of their little moments together. She just couldn’t understand why he was always running away. He wasn’t the most outspoken or extroverted of the group, but surely he felt comfortable around her. They were best friends.
When they studied together, she tried her best to act normal, like his behavior wasn’t killing her inside. She was frustrated with him, for how indecisive he was acting and how he kept tugging at her heart string just to let them go without warning. She talked to him at meals like normal, and shared her desk with him in classes they shared, but things felt so strange.
Her heart beat so swiftly when he was around she thought she might have a heart attack when their hands skimmed over each other’s or when his eyes lingered just a bit too long on her. She even felt flustered when he offered to share his textbook in Charms, something completely normal for the two of them any other time.
This was becoming ridiculous, really.
She didn’t tell the other girls why she cuddled a particular sweater of hers when she laid in bed, terribly worried about her relationship with the boy who used to wear it. She certainly didn’t say it was because it was laced with the scent of Remus Lupin. It had been his until he gave it to her on a snowy cold day in Hogsmeade.
She dreaded the day it might lose his smell and lose his touch, then she’d have to find something else of his to latch onto.
It would just be another reason for the girls to joke about how she fancied him. She never admitted it to them, refusing each time they brought it up. Yet, they persisted as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. She felt hopeless against the onslaught of suggestive looks they gave her when she was around the boy. She couldn’t even study with him without one of the girls suggesting she was going to spend the whole time staring at his ‘cute’ face.
It was nights like these, quiet ones with just the girls, when she felt the most vulnerable to their jokes. In the privacy of their own dorm, anything they said could be kept secret, just between the four of them. There was no way any of them would let the sensitive information slip out of that room.
Marlene would stay up at night gossiping about boys despite her obviously having a crush on Dorcas. Y/N never said anything about it. That was something she had to figure out on her own terms. Still Y/N found it adorable whenever Marlene would look at the other girl with starry eyes.
Beside her, Dorcas would sit braiding Marlene’s golden hair into intricate plaits for the next day. Lily would be up finishing her homework but chiming in whenever Potter was mentioned. Always the bookworm with a bit of an adventurous streak coming from James Potter’s everlasting crush on her.
Finally, a sweet Y/N laid in her bed staring at the ceiling with that sweater clutched to her chest, listening to the gossip her friends passed around. She would chime it sometimes, gushing about the boy she fancied. Talking about how he made her smile and laugh so much her cheeks would be sore. Talking about the way he was the perfect guy, personality and looks wise. She loved talking about that special someone. It made her heart race and her cheeks burn with passion.
That special someone was obviously Remus Lupin, even if she never specifically said so. Tonight, however, she wasn’t so cheery about her crush, in fact, she was rather quiet. The other girls talked freely amongst themselves while she kept silent in her bed, just pondering what she was to do about everything.
“I just wish Sirius would quit fooling around and ask me out,” Marlene groaned. “He’s so hot, I get dizzy just being around him sometimes.”
“You said that about Thomas Brookstone last week,” Dorcas teased, rolling her eyes at the incredibly flaky nature of her best friend. She finished her long plaits and moved on to the large curler she used on her bangs. Y/N was always a bit jealous of Marlene and her golden blond hair, hanging to her middle back and sparkling in the sunshine.
Marlene was quick to defend herself, “It was a moment of weakness; you know my heart belongs to Sirius Black.” Yeah, right. Sirius was cute, for sure, but he wasn’t boyfriend material.
Y/N loved Sirius. He was a great friend, albeit a bit too flirty at times. He was charming and she could understand why Marlene would fall for him. Just like she could tell why Lily had taken a liking to James even if she denied it adamantly. Y/N thought James was just as swell as Sirius, being some of her closest friends outside the girls’ group.
She listened silently to her friends bicker on about crushes, Sirius and James, some talk of Dorcas potentially dating Peter, those kinda things. Nothing too important.
With a frustrated frown, she stared up at the canopy of her bed, her eyes trailing along the gold embroidery against the red velvet. It was dreadfully stressful. She felt completely sucked into her own little world, her heart beating steadily in her chest.
She brought the sweater up to her face and sighed at the scent, as if Remus was there laying with her right now. He smelled like books and cocoa and this strong cologne she loved.
“You’ve got any thoughts, Y/N?”
She snapped out of her haze, jumping from her place flat on her mattress to prop herself on her elbow. She shoved down the sweater, attempting to hide it under the covers. “Oh, about what exactly?” She asked, cringing now that they knew she was daydreaming again.
“About Sirius.”
“What about Sirius?”
The girl waved her hand through the air dismissively. “Nevermind. You’re always lost in your own thoughts, aren’t you?” Marlene laughed.
It was true. She got lost quite a lot, drifting between the real world and her imaginary one. One where Remus held her tightly to his chest like the night they danced around the common room to the record player all night long. One where Remus kissed her and held her cheeks in his strong, calloused hands.
Y/N was quick to reply, hoping she was correct in her assumptions. “I definitely think you should ask him out. He totally adores you.” She tried to be a good friend, really. Yet, she had no idea if the boy liked Marlene back. He never mentioned or hinted at it, from what she could tell.
“He’s like that with every girl.” Dorcas finished her friend’s hair, finally setting down her brush. “You’ve got to find yourself a new person to fancy. He’s too much of a player, practically romancing the entire student body at this point.”
“Not me,” Y/N replied.
Dorcas laughed, as did Lily. Her brows furrowed, confused at what was so funny. Was there something she was supposed to know? She squirmed a bit in her place on the bed, her eyes trailing to the carpeted floor.
Marlene answered her questions though. “Hun, Sirius flirts with you the most out of anyone, for obvious reasons...”
“Trying to make a certain someone jealous.”
“I never know what you’re talking about. Someone? Like who?”
“Just lay back down and keep daydreaming, Y/N. We know you’d rather be with your little boyfriend,” Dorcas told the girl, brushing off her oblivious nature. “Well, not so little, quite tall actually.”
“Shush. You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. I don’t have a boyfriend.” Y/N did take the opportunity to lay back on her bed again, head hitting the plush pillows.
“I bet you’re thinking about him right now. Can’t ever get that boy off your mind.”
She clutched at the sweater under the blanket, holding it to her chest. They always made fun of her for her crush, nearly every chance they got. Really, Y/N was content just holding his sweater close and seeing him during the day. She was particularly proud each time she managed to get him to smile, a real genuine one. He was so dreamy when he smiled.
A soft curve to her lips indicated that she’d fallen victim to another fantasy, thinking of his grin, saved just for her. He was so handsome, with his fluffy brown hair and turtleneck sweaters. She thought of the way he bit his lip when lost in thought, reading a book or listening to an interesting transfiguration lesson.
Not that she stared at him all class. That would be weird. But it would explain her needing tutoring in the subject.
She was consumed by him, everything about him down to his tiny imperfections. He was mysterious in a way that peaked her interest, and snarky with people he didn’t like. He was kind to her, and tolerant of the rest of the group. He was just so perfect. So devilishly charming in his own special way.
Her heart beat faster and she felt heat rising to her cheeks. Her fingers dug into the jumper in her hands even tighter, wanting to bring it up to her face and hug it, getting a piece of Remus before she saw him the next morning at breakfast.
After seven long years of knowing the boys and rooming with the girls in the Gryffindor dormitories, she wondered if it was time to come clean. It felt like the stars were finally aligning in her favor. Her grades were better than usual, she had the best friends in the world, Christmas was right around the corner, and she was unbelievably happy, if not for the stupid Remus situation.
Her friends sat around Lily’s bed, going on about boys again, not that she was keeping track. She could barely pay attention, her mind was on the boy she fancied. He made her so dumb. So distracted she might as well give up on thinking about anything else but him.
The other girls already knew. It was only a matter of time before her heart had swelled so much that it burst. She needed to confide in someone.
“I think I’m in love with him,” Y/N whispered, interrupting their conversation..
Dorcas raised a brow, lifting her eyes from a magazine in her lap. The other girls didn’t bother sparing more than a glance before going back to reading. “Seems you’re the last to find out. I think even James was able to deduce that before you,” the blonde laughed.
“I know you like to make fun of me, but it’s serious.”
“And we’re serious about just pulling the poor boy into a broom closet and snogging him,” Dorcas added, “Remus isn’t so scary.”
“He cares for you so much, Y/N,” Lily assured, resting a gentle hand on her friend’s knee soothingly. It was quite obvious to everyone else except for the girl in question. If only she could clearly see in from the outside, through the eyes of anyone else there. “You should just say something to him.”
Y/N took a deep breath and sighed. “I’m just so scared to lose him. Remus is like my best friend.”
“And so she finally admits it,” Marlene giggled, “Remus loves you. There’s nothing you could do that would scare him away, sweetheart.”
It was only a bit reassuring to her, the things the girls said. It was easy to say those things when you were looking in from the outside, supposedly unaffected if disaster were to strike. If he were to be disturbed by her confession and turn her down, forever making their relationship complicated and uncomfortable.
Tears filled her eyes and she sniffled, covering her eyes with her forearm to keep the tears from dripping down her cheeks. She was such a crybaby. Remus didn’t want a crybaby. He wanted a smart and confident girl. Someone that would raise him up, not drag him down. Y/N was far too messy.
“I-I just love him so much. He means the world to me. I can’t risk ruining our relationship,” the girl whimpered. Marlene was quick to take a seat on the edge of the bed, running a soothing hand through Y/N’s hair. “He’s just so perfect and I’m so awkward. He doesn’t want me.”
“Don’t cry, please. It’s gonna be okay, I promise,” Marlene hushed.
Dorcas added, “If he breaks your heart, Lily will hex the shit out of him anyway.”
Y/N pulled the sweater out from under the blanket and pressed it to her face, taking in the scent and the feeling of the fabric against her skin. “He gave me this jumper, you know. I was supposed to give it back, but he never asked and it smells so good, just like him. I lay here every night thinking about his smile and his laugh, and his sweet honey-brown eyes. I think of his voice and his fluffy hair, and the way he always has chocolate frogs in his bag for when I’m sad. I just love everything about him.”
Marlene swiped her fingers under her eyes, blinking back some tears herself, “Damn, Y/N, you’re gonna make me all emotional.”
“I was wondering why you kept sleeping with that jumper. Figured you were just cold,” Lily hummed. “I think that’s really sweet. You should tell him what you just told us.”
“You’d melt his icy, cold heart, babe,” Dorcas said.
“You’d be surprised. He’s been sending me very mixed signals recently, and I really don’t think he’s interested,” Y/N confessed sadly, pressing her face into her pillows. “We get so close and then he just runs away. It’s like he’s scared of me or something. I-I don’t know what to do!”
“He’s a complicated guy. I think you should go find him. Figure all this out, like, right now.”
“It’s past curfew,” Y/N argued.
“Since when do those boys head to bed at curfew? They’re probably up talking about some stupid stink bomb prank or whatever,” the blonde argued back, “Maybe they’re like us and talking about their own crushes. Who knows?”
Again, Dorcas was right. Those boys would never fall asleep before midnight. They were probably wide awake plotting some shit while Remus read in his own bed, pretending to be disapproving of their behavior. He liked to prank and go on mini adventures, just didn’t want to stoop to their level of idiocy.
“Well, go on. Get to it,” Lily practically ordered, waving her hands towards the door. “I can’t stand seeing you drool over this boy any longer.”
Y/N didn’t stand up right away, not until Marlene took her hands and pulled her from the bed to her feet. She wore her pajamas with cartoon monkeys and bananas on it, and she wondered if she should change. It was kind of embarrassing after all.
“Really, I don’t have to tell him tonight. I’ll do it some other time, I swear,” she tried to say but was interrupted.
“Nope. You have to go now. We’ve decided that’s best for you.”
“Don’t you think this is rather sudden?”
“Don’t make excuses. If you come back to this room without shagging a certain bookworm in the broom cupboard, you’re sleeping on the floor.” That made her feel heat in her cheeks and she choked on air, coughing suddenly from the vulgarity of her friend.
Marlene pushed her out the dorm room and shut the door, making sure to lock it from the inside so she couldn’t get back in. They weren’t lying. If she didn’t do this, she might be sleeping on the couch in the common room for the night.
With a deep breath, she stood up a bit straight and walked towards the boy’s dormitories. She felt wrong being there, a girl sneaking into the boy’s dorms in the middle of the night. If someone saw her, they might think she was a massive pervert.
She rounded the corner, her eyes catching sight of the third door to the right, precisely where all four of the infamous marauders slept every night. Quickly, she scurried over to the large round door and stood in front of it, her fist hovering a few inches from the wood. She was afraid to knock. What if they were sleeping and she woke them? Would Remus be grumpy? Would James whack her over the head with a slipper?
She shuffled nervously, before hesitantly tapping on the door, praying that no one heard and she could just turn around and tell the girls everyone was asleep.
Only, that’s not what happened. She heard a loud crash from inside the room followed by some hurried talking. Footsteps approached the door and cracked it open just enough to peer out and see her dumbass standing there in her stupid pajamas, twiddling her thumbs.
It was Peter. She smiled awkwardly at him, and he let out a loud breath of relief.
“Y/N, I’ve never been so relieved to see you,” the boy exhaled, opening the door just enough for her to slip inside. She stared at him, confused at what he meant by that. He took her wrist, peering left and right in the hallway for watching eyes, then tugged her into the room. He shut the door behind her and flipped the lock shut.
She stared at the short boy, her mouth open but her brain empty of words. “Peter, what are you on about?”
“Y/N! Darling! What a coincidence you show up at this hour. We were just about to get you-“ Sirius started, until Y/N interrupted, her eyes latching onto the bubbling brew on the floor before her. It was smoking and quite grayish-green for a proper potion. She wondered what they could be up to at this hour.
“What are you guys trying to brew?” She peered around the room at the boys. James and Sirius were leaning over the pot with confusion on their features, James clutching at the recipe in his hand while the other held a wooden spoon. Peter was pacing, as the boy does when he finds himself at all stressed. Remus sat in his bed watching from the sidelines, presumably having been reading the book that he now sat at his side.
Tonight he must have been wanting to avoid their shenanigans for a change. He did that sometimes, when he was tired or he had been studying for a long period of time beforehand and wanted to relax.
“Healing potion, although we seem to have fucked up somewhere along the way,” James said warily, staring down into the disgustingly thick, bubbling liquid that burned from a makeshift heat source on the hardwood. “We have a prank coming up soon that might require some if it comes back to bite us in the ass.”
She hummed, reaching out to take their recipe from his hands and read the fine print, something the four of them seemed to ignore. It wasn’t that she doubted their ability to brew a complex potion such as this, it was just that they didn’t have experience with healing brews like she did, in fact, it was the one thing she actually enjoyed brewing. Everything else went over her head.
Perhaps that’s why they seemed relieved to see her. She’d made the potion for Remus in times of need quite a few times. “I don’t know why you didn’t just ask me to make you some in the first place. You know Slughorn lets me use the classroom when I ask,” she commented.
“You seemed stressed. We didn't want to bother you.”
“Nonsense. I’m always willing to help friends, even if it’s for less-than-honorable means,” Y/N brushed off their worries. She reached down to their pile of ingredients and took a pinch of mint leaf, tossing it into the pot and stirring with the spoon five times counterclockwise. “I should be able to fix this right up with a few tweaks.”
She added a few more things, stirred the pot and waited for the color to change and the bubbling to die down to a low simmer. Finally happy with the results, she spooned a bit into a vial and held it out to her friend.
“Oh, thank you, sweet angel,” Sirius replied, quite pleased , “Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
She giggled, nodding her head at his words. “All the time.” He stepped forward carefully to take the potion vial from her hands and tuck it into his pants pocket for later. James spooned the liquid into a few more potion bottles he had sitting off to the side, putting them into a little sack to save for later.
She turned away from the pot, suddenly stuck in the precarious situation she came here for. She wondered if she could somehow sneak out without finishing her seemingly impossible task.
Peter furrowed his brows, now concerned with things other than an explosive, unpredictable potion that was previously in their room. “Y/N, why were you outside our dorm this late anyway? It’s almost midnight.”
“It’s a long story,” she replied, now thinking about why she was sent there in the first place. Her cheeks bloomed as embarrassment flooded her features. She wrung her hands in her lap, staring down at the monkey print on her favorite night shirt and pants. Everything is interesting when you’re trying to avoid the inevitable.
“We‘ve certainly got the time,” James chirped, setting his broom on the floor and plopping into his bed. “It’s awfully out of character for you to be sneaking about after curfew.” She cringed at his words. James was right. She would never leave her bed at this hour normally, especially not to show up at their room unannounced. She wrestled with her options on how she could explain herself without seeming like a bumbling idiot.
Her eyes flickered over to Remus, who appeared to be reading a book, distracting himself from the chaos at hand. Only each time she turned away, he peered back to see her pretty face. That innocent smile and her sparkly eyes.
“Didn’t even bother getting dressed. Must have been urgent,” Sirius inquired further.
She stood from her spot on the ground, her eyes staring off at the wall, and then at the floor, anywhere but in the eyes of one of her friends. “I came to see Remus.” Her words were very quiet, almost incoherent. Still, they all heard her. The boy in question peered up from his novel with a brow raised.
“Oooooh,” James cackled, “What did you do this time, Moony?” His friends teased him. Out of all of them though, Remus was probably the least likely to offend one of the girls and get a scolding. James and Sirius definitely outranked him on the mischievous scale.
“It couldn’t have waited til morning, Y/N?” He asked, voice seemingly caught in his throat. He swallowed thickly. What could she possibly need at this hour? From him of all people?
“Um, no. It’s rather important, actually,” she replied, a bit of nervousness in her voice, leading to some shaky words. “Let’s go outside for a minute, if that’s okay with you.”
He set down his novel on the nightstand beside his bed. He felt embarrassed as the guys winked his way and made crude gestures as he walked behind her out the door. His face was no doubt turning a light shade of pink just at the thought of her desperately needing to talk to him in the middle of the night.
He shut the door behind them, looking down at her expectantly. “So, what did you need?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck. She noticed the way his hair fluffed up at the touch, and it made her heart beat just a bit faster than before.
“It’s a lot. Do you want to go to the sofas to talk?” She asked, but really she felt like she was just stalling what was bound to happen. He nodded regardless, and they found themselves seated beside each other on the velvety red sofa in front of the always-alight fireplace.
She crossed her legs under her and grabbed a pillow, hugging it to her chest. Her eyes stared at the wisps of fire crackling beside them. Remus found himself growing concerned at the look in her eyes, seeing the fear and confusion in her gaze.
“You know I trust you more than anyone, right, Rem?”
“Yeah,” he lied. Images of her and Sirius whispering in the common room and the hallways and during class when they sat beside each other lingered in his mind as he agreed. Sometimes he worried he would always be second place to his raven-haired friend.
She took a deep breath before burying her face into the pillow she held, wishing she could just scream into it and run back to her dorm room to sleep away this nightmare of a confrontation.
She lifted her eyes to meet his, and she couldn’t help feeling at ease seeing his soft brows and caring gaze back. “I like someone,” she confessed, “I like him a lot, like really bad.”
Even if her voice was muffled by the cushion, he heard what she said. His heart dropped in his chest. He knew this was coming, but he didn’t expect it so soon. He wasn’t prepared. All he could muster was a pathetic, “Ah, okay.”
“I want your advice.” Another pang in his chest. Was he really going to sit here and help her fall in love with another guy? He wanted to die right where he sat, that way he wouldn’t have to endure another second of this torment. “How do I tell him?”
“Guess it depends on the guy.” The guy she fancied was most definitely Sirius, if she liked someone in the group. James was off limits because of Lily being her best friend. Peter wasn’t her type. Remus barely thought of himself as a romantic person; he was neither charming nor charismatic, simply himself. He abandoned her the other night while the record played. He was barely best friend-material, far from boyfriend-material.
Sirius was handsome, charming, flirty, and just around wonderful. He noticed the way her smile dropped when Sirius left them alone in Hogsmeade. He saw the way she smiled whenever he called her that silly nickname. He watched everything happen right in front of his eyes, and he couldn’t do a thing about it. Remus was too afraid to.
“How would you like a girl to confess to you?” she asked further.
He sighed, staring over at the fireplace now. “I suppose I’d want her to be comfortable with me first. Comfortable enough she could just tell me without being nervous. I’d hate to make her feel intimidated,” he explained, “It would have to be private. Not in front of the guys, they would mock me endlessly.”
She urged one last time, wanting to squeeze out any more information he might be willing to give out, “Anything else?”
“I’d like to hear why she chose me. I’m not exactly the friendly type. Nor the funny type. Or the charming type. I don’t have much going for me,” he commented. When he looked back over at her, she was staring down at her hands wrapped around the pillow. She twiddled her thumbs nervously like she always did when she felt some anxiety rolling in.
“And what if she was in love with you? It wasn’t just a crush, it was more than that, has been for a while?”
He felt like crying. He didn’t know why. He was the one that pulled away when they almost kissed the other night. He was the one that brushed off her nicknames and her soft touches, the sweet cheek kisses she gave him when he sat on the couch and she approached silently from behind. He was the one that let her go into the arms of someone else. He let her fall in love with some other guy, and now he felt like a clown for wanting to cry over it.
Remus was beginning to think he just had shit luck, some kind of curse possibly.
“If someone told me they loved me, I would hope I loved them back. I’d hope they’d let me spoil them, kiss them, admire everything about them.”
“And if you didn’t love them back?” She was scared of his answer for this one, knowing there was quite a large possibility that he didn’t love her back. In fact, she was confident that he couldn’t love her. She was so silly and naive, and he was mature. He was so smart and handsome. He’d want someone better than her.
He thought about it for a moment. “I’d much prefer to keep a friend and pretend it never happened than to lose them entirely. I suppose we’d look past it and move on.” It was hard to say what exactly he would do. He’d had random girls come up to him and confess their crushes to him, but it was never anyone he was close with, nor anyone he had to interact with again.
She buried her face into the pillow one more time. Trying to calm her breaths so she didn’t seem suspicious. He wanted her to be relaxed when she confessed to him. She had to be comfortable, and normally she was comfy with him. It was just now she felt herself crumbling under his gaze.
“Can I ask who it is?”
She shook her head, biting her lip to keep herself from saying something stupid. It was taking quite a long time for a Gryffindor girl to muster up the courage to confess her love to a kind boy like Remus. She was never very brave or strong. Not like Lily, Dorcas, or even Marlene.
“Remus,” she started, trying to find the words on her tongue. “Do you like anyone?” She mustered out, somehow finding a way to avoid her confession once again.
He nodded. She was sitting right in front of him, hugging a pillow for dear life as she talked about being in love with some other bloke. He just prayed it wasn’t one of his friends. The heartbreak he would feel knowing she liked Sirius that way would be indescribable.
She felt scared now, even worse than before. She wondered who she was competing with. Probably Dorcas. She was so confident and intelligent, and she had beautiful braids that fit her features perfectly, looking like a goddess every day. Maybe he liked Marlene. Marlene was nice, and oh-so pretty. She could hold a conversation about just anything.
What could Y/N do? Not much.
“Do you think she likes you back?”
“No. Even if she did, I couldn’t be with her.”
“Why not?”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes shut tiredly. “I’m a freak, Y/N.”
Her eyes widened, and she shook her head furiously. Her hand extended to hold onto his, running her thumb over his knuckles in an attempt to comfort him. Her eyes lifted to meet his, and he could see the conflicting feelings running through her mind.
“You are not a freak. Never say that again.” She was stern with her words, giving his hand a squeeze as she did so. Y/N wanted to reach out and cuddle him to her chest, telling him everything was going to be okay. That he was wonderful, and the man of her dreams.
“I could kill you. You do realize that, right?” He asked, and she just rolled her eyes.
“Yes, and James could come down here and Avada Kedavra me out of existence. Every full moon you come back to me worse than any of the others, so if anything, I’d say you’re more of a threat to yourself than anyone else.”
“Still, I hardly deserve it. She’s just so…” He peered over at her and then back to the fire. “Perfect.”
“And you aren’t?” She stared into the fire, too afraid to make eye contact. “Remus, you are so kind to me. You’re so charming and smart.” He felt himself blush at her generous compliments. It wasn’t often someone said such nice things about him. It meant so much, especially coming from her.
“Thanks. You’re not too bad yourself,” he replied calmly, but inside he felt his little heart might implode from joy. It didn’t take much for her to get his heart racing.
She continued, this time her voice just above a whisper. “I could fall asleep listening to just your voice, or your laugh. I’m addicted to hearing it.” The room was quiet save for the crackling of the wood logs in the fireplace and her quickened breaths. He didn’t say anything. He really didn’t know how to reply to that.
She took his silence as a means to keep going, to just display her heart for him to see. It was such a vulnerable moment, one where she felt weak. Powerless. Desperate.
“I spend my nights thinking about you. I hope you don’t mind, and I promise I’m not a weirdo, but I kept the jumper you lent me at Hogsmeade. It smells like you and I’m terrified it’ll lose your scent. I sleep with it just to pretend you’re close to me,” she confessed, feeling the fear leave her body the more she spoke. It was relieving to finally get this off her chest. To tell him everything she’d been keeping to herself.
“I’m not very good at this sort of thing, so forgive me. The girls just told me if I didn’t tell you tonight they were gonna lock me out of the dorms for the night. I know you just said not to be intimidated, but I am. I’m so scared, I’m shaking,” she commented, raising one of her hands to show the tremors that ran through her arm into her shaky wrist. “I’m so hopelessly in love with you, Remus. I don’t know what to do with myself.”
“This isn’t some sort of elaborate prank, right?”
“Of course not. I’m not cruel.”
He leaned back on the couch and shut his eyes, keeping himself calm to avoid the tears that would inevitably gather in the corners of his eyes. He was so lonely. He was so scared of everyone hating him one day and leaving him behind. He never even imagined a girl as beautiful as Y/N walking into his life and falling in love with him for who he was.
“Remus? Are you okay?” she questioned nervously, worried that she really had ruined everything despite what he said earlier about pretending it never happened and moving on with their lives. She reached out to rest her hand gently on his upper arm.
He turned to her, looking down at her shy self hiding behind a throw pillow. She was so adorable, so perfect and pretty he felt like he was living in a dream. He tried to pinch himself awake, but she stayed the same.
Remus really didn’t know what overcame him in that moment but he felt himself lurch forward, hands going to cup both her cheeks. His lips found hers, and his eyes squeezed shut. It wasn’t until he felt her kissing back with just as much fervor that he relaxed. Her lips moved slowly against his, so soft and plump against his chapped ones.
She pulled away for a moment, her lips just barely touching his as she laughed, “Guess you love me back?”
He just kissed her again. And again. And maybe a few more times after that.
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makipedia · 2 months
francis forever. (ellie x reader)
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living in a never ending memory.
fear not, I haven’t dropped this fic (yet🌚); booty cheeks ending again 🙏, mentions of suicide so fair warning, longer chapter this time ☠️
Winter time being your favorite season didn't come with the joy of snow getting everywhere in your clothes—specifically your shoes or sometimes when it would fall into the gap your hoodie and get all up in your bra. Your skin felt as if it would freeze and chip right off. Making a stop to make snow angels in the middle of your patrol on this hell of a snowy day was seemingly a terrible idea; clumps of snow found its way into your beanie and even into your pants. Gloves couldn't save your hands from shivering; the precipitation got into the crevices of those, as well, leaving your entire body shivering and trembling all over. You could and couldn't blame yourself; making snow angels is a must for you every time it snows out in Jackson.
Ellie offered to switch gloves with you, insisting on it, in fact. You had to decline since you and her had different glove sizes, as well as the fact you didn't want her hands to be cold. You'd put up with your own near frost bitten fingers but god forbid Ellie willfully get it herself.
By the time you and Ellie actually got to creek trails, you'd stopped to take off your gloves and see how bad your fingers were. The impact of the snow rubbing against your skin left an angry discoloration on your knuckles and your fingertips, making you let out a sharp sigh as you tried to swat the snow out of your gloves. You brought your hands up to your face and blew hot air onto them, then rubbed them together to keep the heat going against your skin.
"Don't you always keep an extra pair of mittens in your pack?" Ellie questioned as she rode up next to you, watching you examine your hands. You spared her a glance and bit your tongue in irritation that you did not in fact have an extra pair of mittens in your bag. You sighed as you swatted your gloves again, watching remnants of snow flying out of them.
"Not today," you reluctantly stick your hands back into your gloves. Fortunately all the snow was gone, but they were still unbelievably cold and wet, making you hiss quietly. "I'll have to check for a spare when we get to the lookout."
"Where even is the lookout?" Ellie questioned. Her face scrunched up as the temperature dropped a few degrees, her shoulders squaring. She watched you weakly grip Orion's reigns, the small fog exhaling from your lips, the constipated look coming back on your face. A cheeky grin made its way onto her own face, a quiet chuckle waving over to your ears, earning a side eye from you.
"Hey- my suffering from my damn near frost bitten fingers isn't funny, you know."
"It's not that," Ellie rasped out another drawn out chuckle. You rolled your eyes halfheartedly and gently swatted the reigns, sending Orion trotting down the small river leading to another snow forest. Ellie and her own horse, Shimmer, followed after you, cracking the ice collecting over the stream of water and crunching the snow. "You're looking constipated again. That's like your default look."
"It's not!" You turn your head and look at Ellie with a frown. A pout shows on your face unintentionally, making Ellie snort out a laugh, thus earning another eye roll from you. You turn your head back around to face forward, guiding Orion to turn up towards a hill, gripping the reigns tighter.
"Do you think Dina and Jesse are done for real this time?" You call out. The fact that Jesse and Dina were on and off all the time gave you the impression that they weren't really done yet. Jesse acts all nonchalant, but something in you tells you that he cares about it more than he dares to show. You weren't sure about Dina. You were sure she had her eyes on Ellie last night while you and her were dancing. The ugly taste of jealousy on your tongue made you scowl; thank god Ellie couldn't see it, you didn't need another thing for her to tease you about.
"Jesse says they're done for real. I give them a week and some change until they're back together." Ellie was never one for gossip. It wasn't her thing—talking about other people behind their backs like that. But when you were around, and when she got the impression you were in the mood for gossip...well, she just might dye her hair black for the occasion to go along with her gossiping.
"I think Dina's got her eye on somebody," you nibble on your lip after you let that little piece of information slide. The thought appeared in your mind's eye like counting sheep that you gave away the fact you were a little bit jealous that Dina most likely had the hots for Ellie. You weren't even sure why; you and Ellie weren't...dating...so you felt embarrassed that you were feeling jealous for essentially no reason.
"Oh yeah? You think she's into someone already?" Ellie quips, a smirk making its way onto her face. You practically feel her lopsided smile radiating from behind you, and you roll your eyes. You click your tongue at the humor you feel that she finds in your quiet jealousy that watches from outside the glass. You're quick to change the subject in fear that this would lead to you confessing your jealousy and further giving Ellie something to tease you for.
"You ever think about Cat?" Your sudden change of subject has Ellie's smirk falling. Her eyebrows furrow slightly, a sigh escaping her that makes your own frown turn into a small smile. You internally laugh at her—just to get back at the underlying humor that she previously found at your declaration about Dina.
"Not really...I mean, there's not a lot to think about," Ellie answers with a shrug. She frowns slightly. "Why are you just now bringing up Cat?"
"I dunno. You never really talked to me or Jesse about her," you nibble on your lip as you try and picture Ellie with Cat again. Your right eyebrow curls as your lips lift into a look of disgust, the ugly taste of jealousy on your tongue again like expired coffee. You try and swallow it down in hopes your stomach acid will dissolve the excess hateful saliva previously collecting in your mouth. It doesn't leave.
"Okay...then what do you think about Cat?" An accusatory tone took over Ellie's voice as she lifted an eyebrow. You sighed, your shoulders slumping. The weight of the question weighed a lot heavier on your shoulders than it did when rolling off of Ellie's tongue. For a half second you wondered if there was a wrong answer, then for the other half second you thought you were overthinking it. It's just Ellie, nothing she says really requires much overthinking. But it's Ellie.
"I never really cared for her," you stiffen up, squaring your shoulders and straightening your posture. You swallowed a lump in your throat almost painfully. You adjust your beanie over your head. A cold sweat was gathering on your eyebrows, which you wiped away with your glove. "I mean, she was nice. She was a very good artist...that tattoo of yours looks...okay. But I just don't care for her."
"You're so mature," Ellie rolls her eyes. A blank look rests on her face as she brings a hand up to scratch her bottom eyelid with her finger; an idea crossed her mind like a lightbulb turning on over her head. "And what about you and your past relationships, Y/n? Why is this all about me?"
"I've never had one," your cheeks heat up. You thought you looked and sounded like a total loser—never having a relationship in your entire life before—in front of Ellie after already having a girlfriend once. Soon your entire head feels hot—your neck practically boils and your scalp could steam if it wasn't freezing out here. The truth was you were "busy" with doing your job and tending to about thirty people a day and being eaten up inside by your social anxiety and the constant sadness hanging over your head because of that—it was just an endless cycle.
"You've never had a relationship before?" Ellie asking it like it made you an outlier made your heart clench. You heard the disbelief in her voice which to you was a bit strange. Ellie would've thought you'd at least had one or two, but none? Never? Zilch? Bupkis? Outrageous! She thought everyone in Jackson would be fawning over you at one point or another; thinking back to last night at the Winter Dance, she thought wrong when she remembered you approaching her alone. That nervous smile on your face and the confused shuffling of your hands around her neck the whole dance.
"Nope!" You let out a fake chirp to hide that you were nearly dying inside from embarrassment. The thought immediately came to your head that Ellie now saw you as a hermit homebody weirdo who had absolutely no game. Which was a fact. "I never really thought about having one."
Ellie had a gut feeling that you were lying right through your teeth about that. That chirpy voice didn't fool her.
"Then...what in the world was that kiss last night?"
You groan as Ellie brings up the kiss. You hoped with every bone in your body that this ass-freezing weather that she would forget about it and focus on getting her teeth to stop chattering. You mentally cursed for putting yourself in that situation starting with that damn kiss. You should've thought ahead before going in completely blind and kissing her; now she's talking to you about it, alone, with no Jesse to save you or Seth to call you slurs again.
"...curiosity," you finally manage to squeak out. A raspy chuckle makes its way to your ears, which were fuming from the tips from embarrassment.
"Yeah, right. Curiosity," Ellie giggles. "Man, you're funny."
"I'm serious," you counter. You pull the reigns gently to turn Orion in to a small town, trotting towards a building with an open garage. You pause for a moment as Orion gets into his place and let out a deep sigh, closing your eyes. Your breath comes out as a small fog from the condensation of the cool air. This was probably the most you've ever talked casually with someone in over a month; the exceeding capacity of your social time was overwhelming.
You heard Ellie say something to Shimmer along the lines of don't get into any trouble, listening to her hop off and land on the asphalted floor. You opened your eyes and let out a shaky breath before lifting your leg over Orion's head and hopped off. You turned to the satchel on his side and flipped it open, pulling out a small jar of pills, needles and a thing of thread; you turned your backpack and let it rest on your chest, zipping it open and stuffing them all in the front pocket with the bigot sandwiches you stuffed in there and a walkman you always kept in there for when you had the time to listen to music.
"I wanna show you something, Ellie," you called out after closing your backpack and throwing it back over your shoulders. Ellie whipped her head around and looked at you, watching you walk over to a room. "It's a really nice view. It also helps with my anxiety."
The building was almost falling apart. The wall was torn open on the side, the metal bars sticking out of it and all. Another view was seen from the hole in the wall, which showcased the forestry covering a chunk of Jackson. Snow covered the ground all over, piling up towards the gap where the majority of it gathered and let to the top of a hill outside. The room you were strolling over to was seemingly a storage room; a shelf stood against the wall congruent to where the door would've been (after evidently getting blown off its hinges). A small, vertical gap in the wall adjacent to the entrance allowed you and Ellie both to what you were talking about, a veranda with a view of another side of the forest that you and her previously trekked through.
"This really is nice," Ellie says it like she didn't initially believe you. She watches you lean against the ledge of the veranda on your forearms.
"Would I ever lie to you?" You turned your head and looked at Ellie with a soft grin. Your eyes were noticeably smaller looking, your eyelids were hooded, the smile on your face looked lazy. In her own eyes, you looked a little...high.
"Indeed you would," Ellie lets out a chuckle as she waltzes over to a spot next to you, leaning against the ledge. Your heart suddenly raced in your chest; it wasn't like how it normally would be. Most cases it'd be racing so fast it'd make you lightheaded or your chest would start to ache. Unlike most of the near heart attacks you've had, the racing this time was pleasant. It wasn't a nuisance or a hindrance to whatever you were doing; maybe because you weren't really doing anything at all. But it felt nice to experience a drumming heart that didn't work the tissue of your heart until you were weak.
"Jerk," you laugh softly, your elbow gently nudging Ellie's arm playfully. "I don't lie. Lying is a sin."
"I didn't know you had beliefs," Ellie teased.
"I don't," you shrug. "A man who judges your every move and sentences you to eternal suffering for simply not believing in him is not a man worth my worship."
"That's deep," Ellie looks down at the view of the trees and their snow covered leaves. An ice-caked pond could be seen in the distance, a mountain, some birds flying. She could definitely see how this was calming.
"There are certain philosophies I think, though," you add, huffing softly as you link your hand with your other, your leg bouncing lightly. "This world is so messed up and cruel that only a man could've created it."
"Preach," Ellie chuckled at the irony in her dumb joke. "I mean— yeah, I agree."
"I know what you meant, Ellie," you shake your head playfully as another smile graces your face after falling previously. "I prefer facts over belief."
"I wouldn't really expect anything else from a doctor," Ellie comments. And then her face falls when she gets the idea that she said something wrong, immediately turning her head to look at you. You don't mirror her in enough time for her to process that she's perfectly fine.
"I mean— not like that, obviously. Some doctors can be Christian or religious, too— it's just, you're not like them. I mean—! Fuck..."
"It's okay," you rest a hand on Ellie's shoulder. Her entire face heats up and turns a shade of red from embarrassment; now she has a glimpse of what it must be like for you every single day. She sighed deeply and looked away at the scenery again, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I don't care."
"I just didn't want you to think that I was implying something different, you know?" Ellie let out another breath, one that she didn't know she was holding.
"I already said it's alright," your hand reassuringly pats Ellie's shoulder. A warmth creeps up in her body from hearing your tender voice and feeling your gentle hand. She looks at you and a soft blush dusts her cheeks a pretty shade of pink.
"Where do we sign in?" Ellie changes the subject. You figure it's because of embarrassment; a wider grin breaks out as you chuckle quietly. You push yourself off the veranda and walk backwards towards the gap in the wall, tilting your head towards it.
"C'mon," you turn to face the wall and squeeze into it, sliding past the gap and into the storage room again. Ellie followed after you a moment later; the tips of her ears were bright red, and a pout was molded onto her face. She shuffled through the room and back out towards the bigger hole in the wall, looking down and watching you push a pallet out of the way.
"Didn't you used to do this route with someone?" Ellie inquired as she reached down and helped you with the pallet.
"Dina and Eugene when I was still in group patrols," you let out a huff as you crouch down. The cold of the snow, even with boots on, made your toes curl as you and Ellie crawled through the small crawl space that led to some tiny hallway. The wall next to you had a rope hanging off the edge of it which was tied to a pole against the wall over it.
"Eugene, right! Aw, he was funny."
"Yeah, he was," you chuckled as you stood up straight after getting out of the crawl space. You dusted off your pants after getting some snow on them from crawling, then walked over to the rope and gripped it tightly. "You know that radio I built and left in the Tipsy Bison?"
"What about it?" Ellie lifted a brow, grimacing slightly at the mention of the Tipsy Bison.
"Eugene helped me build that. Dina, too."
"Oh, man! I should've known it was you who left it there. That music from last night was kinda bittersweet," Ellie chuckled heartily. She watched you hop up and climb the wall with the rope, eventually pushing yourself up and over the edge.
"Quick question," you narrow your eyes as you stand off to the side and look down, watching Ellie start climbing up the rope.
"Are you wearing the same clothes from last night?" You narrow your eyes playfully and smile. You knew very well that Ellie was, in fact, wearing the same clothes from last night. You didn't bother to say anything until now; you thought she looked cute.
"Hey! It's not like we're at a fashion show or some shit," Ellie grunts as she pushes herself over the edge and climbs onto the floor with you. She looks at you with a halfhearted frown. "We're here to kill infected, not to look snazzy."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm not complaining, Ellie. Sign us in," you laugh softly as you push open the door, walking in and strolling around the room. You waltz over towards the window near the sign in book and squint your eyes look out at the town in the distance.
"What even is this place?" Ellie questions as she looks around and finds another room; she lifts another eyebrow in curiosity and opens that door, finding what she thinks is a lounge room. Two small couches and coffee table, a nightstand, a desk, and a tiny bookshelf.
"It used to be a radio tower, I think," you call out. You turn your backpack around so it rests on your front again, zipping it open and pulling out your binoculars. You hold them up to your eyes and look out the window again.
Ellie walks over to the nightstand in the lounge room and picks up the bong sitting on it, chuckling. She shakes her head as she looks around it. "I'm gonna assume this bong was Eugene's."
"I don't know, actually," You pull away from the binoculars and turn your head to look at the wall that Ellie's standing behind. Your gaze switches to her as she walks out from the corner and over to the sign in book.
"Do you have any on you? Y'know, weed? I heard it can be…medicinal.”
"Literally all of Wyoming is covered in snow," you turn around to look at Ellie as she signs you both in. You let the arm holding your binoculars fall to your side as you give her an incredulous look. "You really think I have weed on me?"
"There's Community Greenhouses in Jackson, you know," Ellie retorts as she sets the pencil down and closes the book.
"I'm not using those," you shake your head softly as you turn back around to face the window. "Last time I used them to grow Marijuana, someone stole it. It was only seeds!"
"Like, actually pulled them out of the soil? Who would steal hemp seeds?" Ellie narrowed her eyes as she strolled over and stood next to you and looked out the window. You held the binoculars to your eyes again for a moment before passing them to her.
"People will steal literally anything for any reason. Either way, the only stuff I have are painkillers and antidepressants. But those are mine."
"Antidepressants?" Ellie turns to look at you as she takes your binoculars. She holds them to her face and looks out the window. "What for?"
"Ellie," you nudge her shoulder gently with your elbow.
"Right, sorry," Ellie grins. After a moment of silence (and Ellie looking around aimlessly with your binoculars, which were freakishly good), she cleared her throat. The quietness between you two was making her mouth go dry. Her feet started shuffling and her leg started bouncing slightly.
"What's wrong?" Ellie asks as she pulls the binoculars down. She looks at you, watching you stare out the window and looking at the scenery. You turn your head and glance at her, your expression lifting after previously falling and looking like you were constipated again.
"What?" You lift a confused eyebrow.
"The antidepressants. Something's obviously wrong," Ellie straightens her posture and squares her shoulders again immediately afterwards. "I don't mean to pry...but I won't be able to stop thinking about it if I don't at least ask."
"It's fine," you huff. Your heart suddenly sank in your chest as you bit your tongue. Talking about your anxiety and depression was never really your thing. Every time someone would ask you if you were okay, you'd practically shut down. You just couldn't find it in yourself to say what the other person probably wanted to hear. You wondered if it was because talking about mental health was an awkward thing for literally everyone, or because the words you would put it in would result in you being put in the Talk Circle. (a small group in Jackson where a handful of people sit in a circle and talk about their feelings; you thought it would just make your embarrassment rise to an all time high)
"It's...for social anxiety...and depression, obviously," you mutter. The words you're supposed to say are clogged up in your throat as your breath hitches and comes out as a small fog. "I've been getting them from Maria since I first came to Jackson a few years ago."
Ellie started to feel bad for asking. She nibbled on her bottom lip as she listened to you. Knowing you had social anxiety was one thing, but actually hearing about it and the depression that comes with it makes her feel weird on the inside. Like the feeling you were talking about found its way into Ellie like a virus.
"I'm not gonna ask why," she mumbled, scratching her nose with her finger nervously. "I don't wanna intrude, y'know?"
"It's just you, Ellie," you glance at her. "It's not like I'm shouting it out to the whole world."
"Yeah, but still," Ellie shrugged in an attempt to make herself look as normal as possible and to not look worried.
"But still, I know you're curious," you nudge Ellie's shoulder with your elbow, giving her a small smile. "I won't tell you until you ask."
"Why not?"
"It's kinda rude to just dump all that onto someone without knowing it's okay."
"Well— I mean, you know I don't care. About you trauma dumping or whatever. It's not gonna scare me off."
"Oh, I don't care if it scares you off," you shake your head playfully. You turn around and lean the side of your body against the window and cross your arms, nibbling on the bottom of your lip. "It's just what you'll see me as when I'm done."
"Wouldn't scaring me off be worse?" Ellie questions. She watches you nibble on the flesh of your lip, taking note of the way your leg bounces slightly. When you part your lips to let out an exhale she sees the slight carnage made on your flesh; her heart sinks in her chest. She shakes her head and ignores her own question. "Whatever. It can't be that bad. If you killed someone, then I hate to break it to you but I think everyone who goes on patrol has killed at least a few people."
"It's actually not that," you sigh as you bring your hand up to adjust your beanie over your head and scratch your hairline. "It's related to that, though."
"Did you watch someone die?" Ellie guesses. You glare at her for a second, giving her the impression to just shut up and let you finish.
"I did. But...I've never killed anyone before."
Ellie furrows her eyebrows, her nose scrunching up as she gives you an incredulous frown. You've never killed anyone? Not one person? Not even in self defense? Everyone she knows has killed at least one person. You've made it this far...travelled all around the country to get to Jackson...and you never got into a situation where you were required to kill? Confusion was an understatement, though she guesses that with so much land you crossed you might've just gotten lucky and made it to Wyoming in peace. Were you a pacifist? You couldn't be; you're as trigger happy to kill infected as the next person in Jackson.
"Never? Like, not one person?"
"Nope. I save lives, I don't take them," you inhale sharply. Your hand clutches the medical badge on your right sleeve, your head turns to look out the window and at the town in the distance. You could feel Ellie's confusion and practically hear the questions swarming in her head. You looked back at her with a knowing expression. "Ask away."
Ellie let out a dramatic huff as she fixed her gloves over her hands to make the atmosphere between you two less awkward; to no avail.
"I know not everyone is accustomed to just...killing people. But how?"
"I traveled with my dad the whole journey here," you tilted your head toward whatever direction you thought Jackson would be in. "He did all the fighting and the killing. Wouldn't let me hold a gun until I was sixteen."
"Same with Joel," Ellie snickered quietly. Her eyes drifted back up to you just in time to catch the warm look on your face; a rare sighting considering you're always looking so anxious or nervous or some sort of negative emotion. "What's your dad like?"
"He was...awesome," you smiled fondly for a moment. "He taught me everything I know about being a medic. And some other things, like mathematics and science and reading. He basically home schooled me while traveling."
"He sounds like a nerd," Ellie quips as she chuckles under her breath. She looks out the window for one moment, admiring how pretty the view looks outside before looking back and watching a small tear roll down your cheek. She frowns instantly. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," you blatantly lie, your hand rubbing your eye and drying it up as you sniffle quietly. You glance at Ellie and give her a shaky smile as if to tell her that you're alright. She didn't believe you.
"It's obviously not nothing if you're crying," a thought occurs to Ellie. She narrows her eyes and pushes herself off the window, standing a little closer to you. The thought keeps circling in her head that your crying involves your dad. She knows her train of thought is intruding yours, but the curiosity and the guilt are eating away at her heart as she watches your eyes begin to gloss over. The red tint taking over the corners of your eyes irritates her; the tears she wishes she could wipe away never dare to roll from your eyelids, as if to taunt her and keep her on her toes.
You look away and let out a shaky exhale, your hands trembling as you reinforce your arms and stick your hands under them to warm them up. "He...he died. To infected."
Ellie felt her heart squeeze in her chest. Infected or hunters or other violent forms of humans were the most common causes of death. Along with disease and famine and dehydration and insanity. She felt the need to at least pat your shoulder to let you know that she's there if you need her to be; the urge dies as quickly as it sprouted when you add on.
"He killed himself by walking into a hoard of infected," you move your hand to clutch the medical badge, clenching your jaw and fighting back tears.
Your heart began racing in your chest similarly to last night; another cold sweat was gathering on your forehead and eyebrows that you didn't bother to wipe off. Your breath was coming shorter and shorter. Your body felt dizzy like you were stuck in a tornado. Panic took over you. Your lungs were weak and begging for air that the oxygen in the atmosphere wouldn't let you have. You were sure you had to get out, to get a breath of fresh air or you'd pass out right in front of Ellie. The image of passing out in front of her and making you look stupid made your heart race even faster. The panic was practically blocking your eardrums, you couldn't hear Ellie's voice trying to calm you down. The touch on your shoulder felt numb. The image of your father walking himself into that hoard, the infected feasting on his flesh and ripping apart his limbs and tearing his intestines out of his body played in your head like a movie your amygdala wouldn't let you forget. You could still hear the screams in your head and bouncing off the walls of your skull, ringing in your ears. The blood. The infected. The guts. The screams. The blood. The infected. The guts. The screams. The blood. The infected. The guts. The screams. The blood—
"—Hey! Hey, it's alright," Ellie caught you just as you were about to collapse. The slightest change in altitude made you feel lightheaded. You caught your breath, panting sharply. Your hands rested on Ellie's arms as she held you upright, your body against the wall for support. Your eyes focused on her face; your breath was still shaky. Your lips were quivering as tears glazed over your eyes again. You felt as if you got punched in the gut and your stomach acid was about to come up.
Your eyes widened as you pushed Ellie out of the way and darted for the trash can in the corner of the room, vomiting and crying into the trash bag. Your salty tears were dropping onto the pile of throw up on the bottom. The smell filled your nose and made you cough up another small wad of vomit before you turned your head away. Ellie's grip on your hair loosened; you didn't even realize she was holding it back until you felt a tug on your scalp from whipping your head around to look for her.
"You alright?" Ellie asked awkwardly, squaring her shoulders. She crouched down next to you and let your hair go, her hand resting comfortingly on your back and rubbing it gently.
You huffed softly as your eyes trained on her again. A calmness washed over you; your eyelids were heavy, your body felt exhausted. Your brain felt like oatmeal. The part of your brain that was still intelligible was telling you that you were too much, that you were a burden for Ellie and taking her with you to creek trails was a mistake. The glint in her eyes brought a sense of relief to you, making your body feel limp as you leaned your head against her shoulder and letting out a tired sigh.
"Peachy," you huff, making Ellie chuckle softly as her hand softly pats your hair for a moment, letting you rest on her and rely on her for comfort.
"You wanna rest for a little bit or do you think you can keep going?" She murmurs quietly into your ear. Ellie's hoarse voice was something your heart never got tired of; the low tone and the goldilocks-raspiness of it always made your chest feel warm and fuzzy.
"I'll be fine."
"Bullshit. I mean, we can go back to Jackson if you need to. You can trade with someone else and you can rest up."
"I said I'll be fine, Ellie," you pull yourself up from Ellie's shoulder. You scratch your neck nervously. You somehow find it in your spine to stand up, fixing your backpack over your shoulders and reaching into the side pocket. You pulled out a small thing of gum, opening it and popping a piece in your mouth. Occasionally you’d find little accessories on patrols around Jackson that weren’t expired like that gum you pulled out and you’d keep it for later use.
“Let’s keep going on patrol.”
“At least rinse your mouth out…that ain’t gonna do shit when there’s still barf caked around your mouth.”
Your cheeks heated up immediately as you looked down in embarrassment. You brought your glove up to wipe the vomit off your face with a cringe as you let your embarrassment take over you for a moment. You mentally noted to yourself not to touch your face again with that glove.
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creative-heart · 5 months
hello ! i didn’t know that you were taking requests omg i would have spam you sooner. i don’t know if you have seen enzo’s last ig story in snow but ommmg if you could write a fluffy request based on that story
like reader wakes up and she doesn’t find him, she just found a little note that he went walking into the forest so she goes back to sleep and when she wakes up after, she opens her insta and found his ig story. immediately she tells him to come back in their apartment bc she’s terribly afraid he might get lost in the snow or catch a big cold
he’s like no never im strong and i survived lsdln lmfao but when he comes back even though he doesn’t want to admit it, he’s completely frozen and he starts to sneeze and he’s starting to be really sick so reader has to pamper him 🥺🥺 warm a hot bath for him, prepare a soup or a tea, put him in bed.
like i just imagine them being in bed after he supplied her to stay in bed and reader telling him next time stop playing enzo the snow king bc look at you right now baby you have fever and you’re hiding inside my sweater 😭 and him still doesn’t want to admit that he took a big risk for his health, being like « who told u i’m not faking being sick just to sleep under you pullover next to your/my 🍒 » 🤭🤭
okay my imagination might be too big lol
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Lucia’s Notes: I love this request dear nonnie, because I feel like he’d be like a little boy when sick. I hope you enjoy this little drabble.
Content Warning: I don’t think there are any warnings, this is just fluff.
Word Count: 690
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"Winter's warmth"| Enzo Vogrincic
You wake up when the lack of Enzo’s warm body against yours hits you like a ton of bricks and turn around looking for him curling more into the blankets to shield yourself from the cold of the outside world. As you look around you find a little note on his bedside table and grab it to read it “Morning honey, woke up early and decided to take a stroll around the woods, love you xo. En” You look out the window and see the clouded snowy picture burying yourself back into your blankets and going back to sleep.
An hour or so later, you finally open your eyes and grab your phone to start roaming all the social media and messages you might have missed. When you finally fall onto Instagram Enzo’s story is the first one up there, you click on it to see what your fugitive boyfriend’s been up to while you slept in. One look at his snow-covered hair is enough to make you shoot up on the bed sitting up hastily calling this crazy man you call yours. As soon as you hear the click on the line of the call being picked up you say “Enzo Vogrincic Roldan, what the fuck are you doing out there with this snowstorm!? You’re gonna get sick, you could get lost even!” the tone of your voice rising in alarm at the thought of your boyfriend wandering too far from the apartment you rented for your holiday and not being able to find his way back safely. 
You hear his low melodious lazy laugh on the other end of the call “Good morning to you too chiquita, don’t worry about it, I’m not far and I’ve figured out how to get back, and as to getting sick, I would never, I survived filming La sociedad, remember? I’m immune to cold” You roll your eyes at his stupid bravado “Don’t roll your eyes baby, I’m fine, I’ll be there soon with some pastries for breakfast, you get some coffee started, will you?” you sigh getting up “just come back love”. As you hang up you get up putting on one of his sweaters that are just lying around the room before heading to the kitchen smiling at the fireplace in the living room. Just as you’re pouring the mugs of hot coffee Enzo walks into the apartment ruffling the snow off his long raven-colored locks and trying to muffle a sneeze so you won’t hear it. You shoot around as he’s failed to conceal it from you. “I’m just fine babe, don’t look at me like that” Enzo retorts to your arched brow.
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Later on that day you can see him shivering and sneezing more frequently and look at him “Ok, that’s it, you’re coming down with a cold love, I’ll draw you a warm bath and make you some tea with honey for when you get out” And he knows by the look on your face to better not argue it and nods softly “thank you love”. 
Once he’s out of the bath and you’re both cuddled in bed with your tea mugs as you play with his unruly locks absentmindedly you whisper “Now, could you stop playing Enzo king in the north and not go out in the snow next time? look how you’re feeling now, you have a fever, you’re even hiding in my sweater like a little kitten” you kiss his forehead to check if the paracetamol you gave him has started working yet. He shoots his face up to look at you, glossy eyes trying to look offended by what you said, “But I’m not sick baby, I just enjoy cuddling my girlfriend and snuggling away on my…sorry, your boobs”. You laugh at his silly statement and nod softly “I’m sure that’s it baby”. You keep playing with his hair seeing him slowly drift off to sleep as you admire his peaceful features tracing his nose lightly with your finger and smiling to yourself wondering how you ever got so lucky to get to share your life with a man such as this.
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P.S: This was just adorable to write, I had the silliest smile on the whole time. I really hope you enjoyed it.
Taglist: @madame-fear @cyliarys-starlight @luceracastro @castawaycherry @lastflowrr @espinasrubi @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred @deepinsideyourbeing
46 notes · View notes
clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
NWhile you're doing pokemon, might i ask, for a platonic headcanons ofseeiven, Penny and Nemona x reader,
where reader's showing them the snowy cat weasel legendary pokemon that was sealed away(i forget names atm-), i can picture arven at least being concerned seeing the dex's entry for it as reader's just all "oh but it's a sweetheart! Don't be so worried!" as theyre giving the pokemon that no doubt would absolutely cause a devastating avalanche if the reader wasnt there scritches and pats/lh
feel free to ignore just thought it could be amusing!/lh
-salt anon(stay safe btw!)
This is perfect timing bc I caught Chien-Pao today (and also Ting-Lu, my fav) after struggling and restarting the game a lot
After Ms. Raifort piqued your interest in the "Treasures of Ruin", you set out to free them from their confinements, knowing these poor things were taken advantage of centuries ago.
You believe they could still be helped. It wasn't too late! All they needed was love and friendship, things you were more than happy to provide.
Of course, pulling the stakes that sealed the Icerend Shrine and challenging Chien-Pao afterwards was no cakewalk, but you caught it after convincing it to come with you, promising to give it a better life.
The feline ice-type was surprisingly quick to warm up to you after you gave it a bath during a picnic, figuratively melting its icy heart. 
You took great care in shining its sword fangs, smiling when it purred in thanks before taking a nap in the grass, curled up.
It becomes harder to believe this sweet creature had a hand in destroying an entire kingdom.
Soon after, you decided to call your friends so they could see it for themselves.
As expected, Nemona was the first to arrive, psyched to see a Pokémon she's only heard about in books. 
She could immediately tell it was quite strong (despite it being cuddled up to you when she got there).
"..and you're gonna let me fight it one day, right?" She dares to ask, taken aback when Chien-Pao wakes up and looks at her in disdain.
You just laugh and shake your head, giving the Ruinous Pokémon chin scritches. "Unless you wanna be swept away by an avalanche..I don't think so. Besides, I think it's been through enough fights in its life."
Not long after her arrival, Penny and Arven show up, completely shook(tm) at the existence of this bizarre Pokémon.
Penny’s surprised it was just stuck in its own little cave all these years, while Arven’s curious about what the Pokedex says about it.
But when he finds out..well...to say he’s just “concerned” is a huge understatement.
He’s downright scared for you, having no clue how you tamed it and fearing the repercussions of freeing it.
“...[y/n], this thing is more than just a Pokémon..it’s...it’s got a bunch of souls in it--angry souls of people who hated that “king”. It also causes terrible avalanches and-”
“Oh give it a rest, Arven...does this look like the face of someone who’d cause terrible avalanches?” You pouted, holding either side of Chien-Pao’s face as you stared at him. “Do you see any hatred here? Because I don’t.”
When he has no answer, you resume patting its head, treating it like a big ol’ kitty that was simply misunderstood.
Even Penny becomes brave enough to pet its back, only to freeze when it sends an icy gaze at her. “Uh....sorry...?”
She thinks she did something wrong and is about to invoke the wrath of this ancient beast....
Until Chien-Pao purrs and nuzzles her cheek, invading her personal space just like Koraidon/Miraidon did all those times, causing you to chuckle and shake your head.
You could only hope to nurture the other three in the quartet into sweet and cuddly creatures like this one.
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isolaradiale · 7 months
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"The subject of humanity has been a hotly debated one for a long time, in fact. For example: Ofiuco is not "human" but she had developed "humanity". One doesn't simply need to be a human to exhibit it. So under what circumstances might that "humanity" be tested? Perhaps... an event that must be survived at all costs? And can this humanity be retained if one's container is changed?"
It finally seemed like the cold winter's grasp was finally beginning to loosen its hold over the city. How was it that an island that had to be so relatively close to the equator even experienced winter in the way that it did? A question that plenty had asked themselves who lived in the city and yet the only answer was just to not worry about an answer.
At the stroke of midnight on that Friday night things began to seem odd. Had a new chill set in? Things became very cold very quickly, with frost gathering on windows and a terrible blizzard raging. But to make matters worse? Power across the entire city flickered and immediately shut off and communications were powered down. It became concerning because how would they brave the cold if it continued? Maybe things would look better in the morning?
It might have. If the morning ever came.
6am came and went. Then 8am. And 10am. And while the blizzard had finally calmed and opened up the sky, the Northern Lights that had emerged merely continued to dance across the starry sky. The city was frozen over and blanketed in an excess of snow. Everyone's lives were clearly at risk.
Everyone's phones should have been drained of their power and yet a voice called out from the phone's speaker. The screen would flicker to life it taken out, and options were displayed. Creatures. Animals. Were these supposed to be the "Guardians"? What did they do? Could they help? Who had sent them? With little other option, many began to make their choices and were rewarded with a warmth that allowed them to go on.
But with time? More than mere warmth would be provided to them. Accepting the help of a Guardian came with an undisclosed cost.
How much of your humanity are you willing to shed to survive?
Haunted by an eternal night, the entire island has fallen to a deep, dangerous cold overnight while simultaneously being buried in a heavy snow. The city's power and communications systems have also gone down with no signs of being restored anytime soon, making things rather dicey since temperatures are dropping as low as -37F (-35C). Adding to all of this? Abilities don't seem to be working. Needless to say this is a matter of survival.
But the city and the surrounding branches have become a proper arctic biome. While powerless buildings still tower high above, wildlife typical of a frozen climate that couldn't have even existed before thrives. And the night sky is filled with stars and the Northern Lights when not covered with snowy clouds.
And so it's a good thing that a mysterious benefactor has prepared a way for the citizens to survive. Taking temporary control of the otherwise inactive cellphones, they offer the people a choice. Choose a Guardian. And beneath that text? A list of animals that thrive in cold climates.
Upon selecting one of these animals you'll receive a number of benefits:
the extreme cold feels significantly less taxing, making surviving easier
you'll be able to sense others who have chosen a guardian nearby, making it easier to find and collaborate with others
you'll be able to sense sources of food, although in some cases it will need to be hunted
This all sounds convenient. Maybe a little too convenient for there not to be a trade off and, typical of the antics of the Stars, there is. As the minutes, hours, and days tick on it becomes difficult to ignore the signs. Perhaps your ears become similar to those of the Guardian you have selected, or maybe you grow similar fur at first. But with time these traits spread and worsen. And some instincts begin to develop that could hardly be considered "human". Seemingly you have borrowed the power of your guardian...
...But at the risk of becoming the very same critter you've selected. Because what can survive better in the extreme cold than a creature who evolved to thrive within it?
Which animals can be chosen for our characters? You can select any animal so long as they survive in cold climates normally! Things like arctic foxes, snowy owls, seals, whales, penguins... You aren't limited to mammals alone so long as you abide by that rule when picking them! However they must be real animals that actually exist, not things like dragons or yetis.
How quickly do the side effects occur? It's up to you! You could have them onset immediately, or have them develop gradually over the event's course. There's no timeline beyond what you personally would like to do with them!
Can we choose more than one animal? Can we switch them mid-event? You cannot select more than one animal at a time. However you can swap your Guardian one time during the event if you aren't feeling it, or if you want to try something else.
What if my animal is already not a human and aren't affected by the cold enough to select a Guardian? The cold is so deep that it should be enough to bring about substantial risk for most citizens even if they aren't made uncomfortable by the cold itself. Machine lifeforms would function less efficiently, and even the more adept to the cold might struggle with all of the snow. If you need a reason to make your character select one, you can always speak with some friends or contact the masterlist for an idea in a worst case!
Do I need to select a Guardian for event participation? You don't! You could have your character not pick one at all. That said, you could also have them pick one and not show any side effects, as...
What is the minimum and maximum amount of side effects we can inflict on our characters? As mentioned previously side effects aren't required and you could leave your character unaltered! On the opposite end, you could completely shift your character into their Guardian animal if you'd like. Anything in between is fine too, so go as little or as hard as you would like!
"Instincts" are also mentioned. What would those entail? Essentially these would be things that would make them act more like the animal they are becoming. Like burying food in the snow to keep it safe, or hunting using certain methods if their animal is a born hunter. Again, these are optional and you could shift your character into an animal's form while retaining their human sense.
So powers aren't working during this event? Nope! But any weapons your character has retained are still available!
Would characters who are non-biological in nature gradually become biological? That's up to you! If that's an angle you'd like to explore with your character becoming flesh and blood then feel free!
Will the event have a part 2? No! However we will be posting "weather events" over the event's course that will change the conditions in the city in extreme ways temporarily, be it a blizzard or an even deeper chill. It isn't necessary to acknowledge these if you don't want to though!
When does the event end? The event ends at 11:59:59PM on Friday, March 29th.
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I read Clementine Book Two so that you didn't have to: an in-depth review from a fan of the Telltale games.
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Rating: 2.5/5
Spoiler free review: While better than Book One, it’s still not great.
“When is it safe to fall in love? After another brush with death, Clementine and her new friends are rescued by an island community led by an enigmatic doctor named Miss Morro. But, just as Clementine’s scars are finally beginning to heal, the safety of the island is called into question and Olivia reveals a shocking secret. With her world falling apart, Clementine must choose—keep running… or dig in and fight?”
Some things are improved with Book Two, and some things are worse.
The art style looks nicer, particularly with the establishing shots and environments. It’s cleaner without losing the grunge that comes with a post-apocalypse. The characters look better, even though they still sometimes have potato heads. Once again I wish this was done in color because I know how great Tillie Walden is with her coloring, but this is the walking dead and color would be too hopeful, I guess.
The pacing is better, but still not good. I had an issue with pacing in Book One where it dragged, then it gave me whiplash in the last few chapters. It was all over the place. This feels smoother, yet it’s the same issue as before: chapter seven feels like whiplash as everything spirals, then we go into a slower ending.
The dialogue is still awkward in a lot of areas; sometimes it tries to be whimsical, which is something prominent in Tillie Walden’s other works where it lands, but here in this setting it feels cheesy and unnatural.
There are a lot of flaws with Clementine’s writing, though, but that’s a given when you’ve played the games. If you haven’t and you don’t have context for her established character there, then I think this will feel like a natural progression from Book One.
The new cast is likable, but I have a few issues with Miss Morro’s role in the story. Olivia gets some much-needed development, but not all of it necessarily for the best.
The romance between Clementine and Ricca progresses, taking up more of the spotlight than it did in Book One. I went into Book Two with an open mind about clemricca. I can set aside my bias for clouis, I can tuck violentine, gabentine, and any other Clementine ship away to give clemricca a chance to show me it’s a good relationship. Except I don’t think it is. I have a lot of problems with it.
As for the actual plot, I enjoyed the island setting and the community, but it feels like a massively missed opportunity. The ending is… a lot.
My full detailed review is below. I give a quick recap of Book One and spoil everything for Book Two.
A Quick Recap of Book One
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You can read my full review of Book One here, but to summarize:
Clementine left Ericson because she was unhappy. She felt like a liability to the group, so she’s traveling on her own when she comes across a group of Amish survivors. While there, a doctor treats her leg and gives her a new prosthetic, as well as some other supplies. Out on the road again, she meets Amos, an Amish boy set out on his Rumspringa to help build houses in the mountain in exchange for a ride in a plane.
Clementine and Amos become buddies by the time they make it to the mountain. There they encounter the twins, Georgia and Olivia, and Ricca, another survivor looking to help with this building project. Clementine decides to stay and help, too, since she’s untrusting of the twins and wants to look after Amos. They build in terrible, snowy conditions. Clementine, Amos, and Ricca form a little friend group all while Amos and Olivia grow close… apparently, it’s barely a thing but it’s important to know.
Clementine and Ricca also grow pretty close. Ricca confides in Clementine that her vision is worsening, and she fears she may not find another pair of glasses that work for her. She has some past trauma with her sight given her brother broke her glasses so that she had no choice but to rely on him, and once she found a new pair, abandoned him to set off on her own.
When Ricca falls into a pit on a trip to get a generator, Clementine reveals that she named her new leg Kenny. Ricca climbs up out of the pit and promises to look for help, but Clementine decides to explore and gets surrounded by walkers. Luckily, she’s saved by a man named Tim, who gets bitten. Tim gives her some encouragement about building a better world, and she leaves before he can turn.
Georgia and Olivia get into a fight, but everything else seems well and good: they got the lift working with the generator, and Olivia tells Clementine that she plans to leave with Amos. But then Georgia pushes Amos off a cliff, and then tries to kill Clementine and Ricca.
From there, everything goes to shit and they manage to overpower Georgia. With her and Amos gone, that leaves Clementine, Ricca, and Olivia as the survivors. They go back to Olivia’s place and it’s revealed that her mom was actually a walker this entire time and building the houses was pretty pointless. Good thing Olivia knows how to fly a plane, though—the three escape via plane. That leads us into Book Two.
The Plot: I'm on an island of grief, surrounded by an ocean of disappointment
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Before I dive into individual characters, the romance, and other thoughts, I want to go over everything that actually happens in this book.
We pick up only weeks after the events of Book One; Clementine, Ricca, Olivia, and their cat, Dr Barnwell, survive crashing the plane they took... somehow. From what I can tell, there were no injuries due to that so props to Olivia for not only knowing how to fly a plane, but crash land it good enough to not die.
They've landed somewhere in Canada, which is where Ricca's originally from. The three girls and their cat are on what looks to be a roof, talking about how they need to get to the coast since Clementine feels they're getting closer to something. Then we get the first inklings of romance in the air with Clementine being a little optimistic, and Olivia telling Ricca it's because of her.
This leads into the section of pages that was teased prior to release. They're going over their multiplications when they see a rabbit. Ricca chases after it because of course you want to send the person with the worst eyesight to catch dinner, but I suppose if she didn't go, then Clementine and Olivia couldn't talk about how not okay Olivia is.
Which makes sense; her twin sister, Georgia, murdered Amos, her... boyfriend? Honestly I don't know if we can even call him that, the Amos and Olivia "relationship" in Book One was underdeveloped and practically non-existent... yet it has great consequences that we'll get into... oh boy, will we get into it, ugh.
But Olivia's feeling like the screw up of the group; she's worried that she'll ruin Clementine's plans; "I'm bad luck. I'll... just hold you two back." / "Georgia and Amos are dead. I keep waiting for them to be next to me when I wake up, but every morning they're not there. There's no place in the world that will make that feel okay."
Clementine has no time to comfort her as Ricca's lost the rabbit to a herd of walkers that chases them into this little shack. They grab a walker and begin smearing its guts all over themselves.
The manage to escape. It's raining as they try surviving off dandelions and acorns, and they're out of willow bark, which is the stuff Rabby gave Clementine in Book One to help with pain. "Kenny" has felt so uncomfortable since the plane ride, and I've been uncomfortable ever since Clementine decided to name her prosthetic after Kenny, of all people.
But never mind that, it's time for Clementine and Ricca to share a moment in the rain. On top of her leg hurting and Olivia struggling, Ricca's eyesight is getting worse.
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And then Olivia gets grabbed by a couple of men. They demand that Clementine and Ricca drop their weapons, and Olivia asks them to not hand over the hatchet since it belonged to Tim... this is the last mention we ever get of Tim.
And they get away from them super easily.
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These men never come back and have zero impact on the story.
Our three protagonists take refuge in an abandoned home where we see them bandaging their wounds. And this is where cheesy dialogue that might sound better in another work sounds less great here:
Ricca: Why is every day so hard? Clementine: It won't be like this forever. Ricca: The world might not give us a choice, Clem. Clementine: Then I'll change the world.
...Right. Also, take note that Clementine and Ricca's hands are touching. The build up of the romance isn't terrible, honestly... I just wish the actual couple wasn't Clementine and Ricca, but I'll get more into that later.
They're getting closer to the ocean when they hear other survivors above them... and just like that, Clementine's feverish. She can't get up from the ground, her leg looks terrible, and she starts blacking out. It's jarring how out of nowhere she's suddenly in terrible condition. I think we're to assume that the lack of rest, being stuck in the rain, and being covered in walker guts made her condition decline, but when you realize just how bad it is... it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Ricca and Olivia do their best to carry her. Ricca begins singing a Jewish song about angels, and they make it to the beach. There's a boat in the distance that they have to flag down if there's any hope in Clementine surviving.
This is very dumb on their part. Olivia just runs into the ocean screaming, Ricca goes to help, and they leave Clementine on the beach with the cat... bad idea.
And we get our first dream sequence.
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When I said I wanted Amos back, I meant that I wanted a big reveal that he survived the fall and was back for revenge, but nope! In Book One, we had Lee showing up in these bits, but he doesn't make any appearance in this book. Neither does AJ.
My extreme disappointment aside, Ricca and Olivia scream at the boat for help. But the waves are strong, and Clementine ends up swept into the ocean... dreadful sorry, Clementine. Who could've seen this coming?
Don't fear, though, she gets grabbed and pulled into the boat... and we fast forward to a month later. Yes, really.
Clementine wakes up in a new room, a comfortable bed, with a lovely view of the cliffside and ocean. She's been in a coma for a month... a month! Olivia's been feeding her and changing her bedsheets the entire time which... I don't think that's how that works?? You can't just spoon feed someone who is in a coma? You need feeding tubes? Which she wasn't connected to any! And with the way Morro explains her condition later, by all accounts, Clementine should be dead!
But why did she black out and fall into a coma, you ask? Her leg had a massive infection. I guess she wasn't cleaning it properly.
Whatever, Clementine still maintains her protagonist powers, so she's awake and well. Suspension of disbelief, y'know.
They're in this place that isn't actually given a name. It's made up of five little islands that almost connect, but they only use one. They farm, compost, build; every week there's a list of chores that everyone signs up for, they all have their own little houses and areas. They don't have to worry about walkers too much, other than when they wash up on shore from the water. It's a pretty damn nice set up... sure hope nothing bad happens to it.
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Olivia's happy to see Clementine when she wakes, but they can't get Kenny back on. Clementine's rolled out of the house in a wheelchair to go to a birthday party. At this party, Clementine and Ricca reunite with a hug, and we're introduced to our new group of eight survivors:
Emi - She picked Clementine, Ricca, and Olivia up in her boat as she's the only one not afraid to go out on the water and fish. John - Morro's son. He does a lot of work on the island, like building walls and taking care of the cow. Amir - A young boy who lost his arm when he was bitten by a dog and his father didn't believe him. Shu-Fen - but they mostly call her Fen. She's quiet and keeps to herself. Ginette and Giles - a old, married couple who only speak French. Mercy - a young girl that Ginette and Giles take care of. Morro - she's not at the party, but at this point we learn she's in charge of things around here. Also, she's a doctor.
It's a lot of characters thrown at you all at once, but they're fairly easy to pick apart and remember. Definitely easier than trying to keep track of Georgia and Olivia in Book One.
So, what's the deal with this birthday party? Not everyone in this group could remember their real birthdays, so they decided to make one new birthday for everyone. There's cake, games, little party hats, all around good time.
But Clementine's not convinced. She's uncomfortable, she's asking a lot of questions, and this is where we start to see some tension between her and Ricca.
Y'see, Ricca really likes this place, and wants to settle here. Remember, while Clementine was in her coma, she and Olivia have lived here; they've already settled in nicely. They live in the house that's on the highest cliff and is deemed quite safe.
But Clementine is naturally suspicious of everything and is looking for something to be wrong, like that there's only one boat- one escape. This is an ongoing thing where Ricca wants to act like everything is fine, everything is safe, this is what they were looking for to begin with... and Clementine doesn't want to ignore any possible red flags; "Everything is fine until it isn't."
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Clementine can't sleep and takes her wheel chair outside for some fresh air, and there she meets Miss Anne Morro. It's actually a well done interaction where we see these two poke and prod at each other the way two strong, leader-like personalities would butt heads. It's also just a little... unsettling. Morro's got that vibe, y'know?
We learn that Morro used to be a pathologist who performed autopsies, but she knows enough to help the living. She says she surprised that Clementine survived given she was nearly septic and she didn't have much in meds... if Clementine was nearly septic and in a coma, she should be dead but it's fine. She just really wanted to survive, I guess. That's what Morro believes it was; "You must've really wanted to stick around." / "You held on like some one with unfinished work."
Morro asks Clementine if she's going to stay as a lot of resources went into keeping her alive, and Clementine points out that was Morro's choice; "Don't pin your regrets on me."
Morro tells her that, while trustworthy, Ricca and Olivia are depressed, and insinuates that Clementine probably is, as well.
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Morro smirks, and tell Clementine she'll be expected to work, and that work is everything before leaving Clementine to watch the sunrise alone.
We then get another time skip. Amir shows up on his bike to tell the girls that walkers breached the wall at Borgot. The three of them agree to go help, but they've all got issues; Clementine's been off her feet for weeks and Kenny's not fitting right, Ricca's vision isn't great and it being so gray and rainy doesn't help, and Olivia's been throwing up all week. But it's fine.
They get down there and meet up with Fen, who is surprised Clementine's there to help. Clementine snaps at her that she's been dealing with this shit just as long as she has and can handle a few walkers. She's just gotta get her sock that Ginette's knitted for her first. Ginette also gives her a new hat, the one we see her wearing on the cover of this book.
There are a lot of walkers by the time Clementine gets there. Ricca can't see anything, so Clementine tells her to go to safety... and I want you to really keep in mind how much this book tries to hammer in that Ricca can't see, okay?
Once the walkers are dealt with, we learn from Emi that all of the walker bodies are dragged to Morro so she can "deal with them." Emi thinks it's a waste of time given she's the one who provides the food for everyone, I'm sure it's annoying for her to know what Morro does. John and Fen are too busy helping Morro to help gut fish, so Clementine volunteers Olivia to help with that.
Clementine goes to find Ricca in this little shed where she's working on a project. Clementine tries to comfort her, but Ricca says she just needs to wallow for a little bit and clear her head while she works. She won't let Clementine see what she's working on.
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Clementine asks Ricca to meet her on the docks at sundown, and I'm forced to roll my eyes because the miscommunication is exactly what you think it is; Ricca assumes this is a date, but really, Clementine wants to check out Morro's place to see what she does with the dead.
We get Amir's backstory behind his amputated arm: He got bit by a dog, but his father thought it was a walker bite and he was too little to stop him. His father drowned right before this boat crashed on the island. He and Clementine has some cute banter about how she grew taller and waited for her stump to grow, too.
Then we get to know Fen a little bit more- She's originally from Taiwan, but her family was on vacation here with the apocalypse hit, and she's been trying to piece together a world map so she can make it back home. Emi's helping her build a boat but she's still unsure. The map's... well, it's inaccurate.
That night, Ricca and Clementine meet up. Ricca's clearly cleaned up for a date and expresses her disappointment when it's an investigation instead... Clementine's oblivious to this. Truthfully, I feel sorry for Ricca here. I mean, it always sucks when you're excited for something, like a date, only to show up and oh... it's not what you wanted.
Emi comes to pick them up in her boat, and Ricca asks Clementine what it's going to take to convince her that they could be okay here.
But here's Clementine's concern- She's liking the island, but not enough to settle yet. Ricca's eyesight is bad, her prosthetic isn't great. Olivia's depressed. What if there's more out there for them, like an eye doctor or schools? Something even safer?
Ricca isn't satisfied with that answer. In fact, she's kind of hurt with the way Clementine said, "I don't want us to miss out, make the wrong choice."
They go to Morro's place, who is annoyed at being interrupted and tells Clementine her suspicion is tiresome. Turns out Morro's just doing autopsies on the dead. Doesn't matter how degraded they are, she examines each one, takes note of defining details, items on their person, etc. They're assigned a number and buried. It's a lot of work that Clementine questions.
Clementine: Why? Why spend all this energy on them? Morro: They are people. They deserve to be remembered. Clementine: They deserve to be thrown back in the sea. Each of these "people" has maimed and killed who knows how many others... Morro: And? Clementine: And!? In case you hadn't noticed, that corpse and ALL the others are the reason our parents are dead and the world is a pile of garbage. Morro: On this young man I found a medical bracelet. He was allergic to penicillin. I also found a ring in his pocket. Older style. Perhaps it belongs to his mother. His first death was a bad one. Burns, from what I can tell. Anywhere else, he'd decompose and disappear. But instead he washed up here. Kind of like you and your friends.
...okay, we're doing this, I guess. I don't think I need to say that TFS did it better with James and his viewpoint on walkers; how it was deep rooted in his trauma from time with the whisperers, and was meant to make the player think about what actually happens when you become a walker... Are you truly gone? or is there still a piece of you inside that walker? And it showed how far James was willing to go for his fucked up vision of "peace," but it made sense with his character.
This is meant to show how Morro is older, doing autopsies used to be her job, and so she has a different view on the dead. Clementine, however, was raised in this world and has no other view outside of "they're monsters."
But here's the deal, I don't believe Morro's intentions are purely about doing what's "right" for these people. It's about ignoring the real problems on the island and trying to make herself feel like a better person... which I don't think she is. I mean, did'ja see that final jab at Clem? Morro's kind of a passive aggressive ass, and believe me, it's going to get worse.
But Emi shoos them out, and they meet up with John, who is also working this late at night. Ricca steps away from the group and asks Clementine what's out there since everything's fuzzy. It's the graves where all the walkers are buried. Ricca admits there's something off about Morro, and that maybe she's missing something about this place. Maybe it's not safe, but she's scared to start over again, scared of waiting for Clementine to figure out what's wrong and they'll have to leave.
Then Clementine tells her they can stay.
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When I say that I think Clementine's a little fickle with Ricca, this is what I mean. She's watching everything on this island like a hawk, looking for something to be wrong, worried that there might be something better out there... and then she does a 180 like "Okay, we can stay. Didn't realize this was wearing on you."
But that stance isn't going to stay the same! She goes back and forth on things, then we get this:
Ricca: You can still surprise me, Clem. Clementine: I'm sorry that it took me a while. That I made you wait. Ricca: Oh, come on. You know I'll wait for you. Clementine: I know you will.
Put a pin in that exchange; it's important and makes me upsetti spagetti.
Speaking of upset, by now we're at Chapter Four... this chapter makes me unhappy for so many reasons.
The group is waiting for dinner, and we see Clementine's learned how to knit. Amir comes in and tells everyone that the boat is at the beach but Emi and Olivia are no where to be found. He looked everywhere for them but it's so foggy that he couldn't find them. Something's wrong, but Morro is weirdly against sending out a search party... and we see the way she treats her son.
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Uhm, first of all, rude. Second, it's gonna get worse.
The group goes searching. Clementine and John talk about Morro, and he says that she's only a jerk to him. She wasn't always that way, but after his sister's bite, she changed.
His sister, Sarah, snuck out one night and came back with a tiny bite. This was back when they didn't know what that meant, so Morro bandaged it up and they went to bed... only for her to turn and eat nearly everyone: his dad, his other sister, Fen's parents... but Morro was able to save him and Fen. And even though all of that happened, they still live in the inn because Morro told them they need to face it.
How funny given Morro doesn't want to face certain things later.
Then Clementine guesses why she does autopsies on the walkers: if Morro looks at each one, then she'll never miss another bite.
That makes no sense.
They're already dead. It doesn't matter if they're bitten. Pi and I were talking about this the other night; wouldn't it make more sense for Morro to be obsessed with checking the living for bites? Every night, they're to report to her office so she can examine them for any bite before they're allowed to go? Who gives a shit if a walker has a bite? What's that going to do for you? Everyone else on the island wants to burn the dead and not waste that much time, but Morro just doesn't listen.
Again, this is why I don't believe her intentions with it are pure. Morro made a mistake that wasn't even her fault, and she lost most of her family because of it. That's traumatic, and this is probably her way of working through that, of "atoning," but she's neglecting the living because of it.
Also, she treats her only living son like shit, so honestly? Fuck her. John doesn't deserve it. I'm team John, he's chill.
He then goes on to explain the backlog of walkers behind the graveyard.
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...an entire community of walkers backlogged, you say? And Morro keeps putting them off? I'm sure that won't be the downfall of this group, Anne.
John and Clementine eventually find Emi and Olivia in the lighthouse. They go there to chill after fishing, and Olivia's upstairs getting some air. Clementine rushes up there and we get the first big twist. Are you ready? I bet you're not.
Olivia tells Clementine she got bit.
Except she didn't.
Olivia: I got bit. It's over. Clementine: What? You- show me, Olivia! Where? I'll cut it out! Olivia: I don't know what happened! Clementine: Where!? We have to hurry! Olivia: You can't cut it out, it's inside! I'm starting to turn already, I feel it! Clementine: It's... inside? Olivia: Something moved in me, it's the start of it. I'm becoming one of them. You know, I really liked being alive. Clementine: Olivia, show me where it moved. Olivia, clutching her stomach: Here. Clementine, sobbing and hugging Olivia: Okay, okay, don't worry... it's not a bite.
I... have so many feelings about this.
Just in case you don't get it, Olivia's pregnant. With a baby. And she thought it was a bite.
Remember how I said Amos and Olivia's "relationship" was important? Apparently they had sex in Book One and now she's pregnant. With a baby.
But... why?
I will tear into this more in Olivia's section, but know that I am unhappy. And so is Clementine. She goes off by herself, climbs a hill to overlook the backlog of walkers and just starts screaming at them.
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....she says as if this is a new concept to her?
And y'know... given she already raised a baby- you remember Alvin Junior, yes? AJ? Yeah, the kid she left at Ericson? That one, she raised him from when he was a baby, so you'd think she'd bring that up in all this anguish.... but she doesn't. Which is bizarre. This paired with the fact that there are no mentions of Lee makes me think we're moving farther and farther away from the games, trying to establish this as its own thing. Which is fine for those who haven't played the games, but it's a glaring issue for those who have.
Anyway... dream sequence. This time Clementine and Ricca are on a boat that has a bed. It's snowing, Ricca tells her to come sleep, but there's a walker in the bed. It's so... honestly, the only way I can describe the imagery is it's so Tillie Walden, and that's a positive thing, that's a compliment.
The next morning, Olivia doesn't want to talk about her pregnancy. She's going down the "la la la I'm not ignoring this except I totally am la la la I'm going fishing" route, and storms out. Clementine tells Ricca about it, we learn Ricca tracks their periods, and Clementine asks if you don't have a period when you're pregnant... I think Kate must've missed that bit of info when she was giving her the talk in ANF.
Clementine mentions she saw a baby born but blocked it out because it was so scary... either she's talking about Christa, or Rebecca. Christa's the only one we know she was there for since for Rebecca's, she could either help Kenny or help the group, but she wasn't actually there for the birthing process... she was likely watching Sarah get eaten alive, assuming she lived that long.
But that's not important because Ricca's upset again.
Ricca: Do you regret all this? Staying? Clementine: No! No. We'd have problems like this anywhere. It's more that... I've been distracted. I know we've been, like, um... and I want to do stuff, but I need to make it safe first. Once everything is safe, then we can, um... Does that...? Ricca: Oh. Clementine: Ric? Ricca: I think Olivia had the right idea. I'm gonna go. Clementine: Ricca, I didn't mean- Ricca: You did mean it. Go fight your battles. They'll keep you company. Clementine: I- [interrupted by Ricca slamming the door]
What the fuck, Ricca?
I'll be honest, the first time I read this, I had to reread it, like, ten times because I didn't understand why Ricca was so pissed. But just wait, we'll get it to. I keep saying that, but I need you to trust me on this.
So Ricca storms out because reasons, and Clementine goes to talk to Morro about the backlog of walkers. Morro doesn't want to deal with the walkers right now, even though she knows they have to be dealt with eventually. She believes there are more important things that need done first; "Summer is precious here. There's grain to harvest, fish to cure, wood to store. If this isn't done, winter will end us. On top of that, we're behind on herb collection. We're behind on the sea walls. We're behind on laundry."
Gee, I bet y'all wouldn't be so behind if you spent less time on autopsies and more time helping out, Anne.
But Clementine's not having any of it, nor should she.
She knows there's no secure way to hold walkers, and can't wrap her head around how adults can read, write, and know so much that she doesn't and yet still not grasp the way this world works now. So, she'll take care of it.
What could possibly go wrong?
Clementine recruits John and Fen to help her build a tunnel with a door that'll let them control how many walks come out, that way they can deal with them slowly but surely. John's pumped about getting to help so that he can show his mom that he's not a screw up. Some time passes, they build the tunnel, and Morro tells Clementine to be careful that she doesn't lose herself in her work.
This book's definitely making Clementine and Morro character foils, which I like.
On the beach, Clementine and Olivia show just how much they know about pregnancy and their bodies... as in very little. Morro told her "some wild stuff" about the cervix and uterus, and then Olivia's like "she kept asking me about my last period, and I was like, um, why?" She doesn't even know why her period is important! This sweet summer child! How did she and Amos even figure out how sex worked!?
It really showcases how young Olivia is, though. Apparently the baby will be here in about four or five months. It's so... casual? I don't think the whole group knows, but Morro and Emi do and no one is like... "hey, there's gonna be a baby, we should probably prepare for that."
I guess we don't have time for that, though, because we have more clemricca drama to deal with.
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Deep breath... okay. It's raining. Clementine's in her wheelchair. She goes to the little shed Ricca's used for her secret project. She won't let her in, by the way, even though it's pouring and they're both getting drenched. This is the conversation:
Clementine: I, um... Ricca: What? Clementine: I don't want you to think that anything is more important to me than you. Ricca: That's kind of how you made it sound. Clementine: What I meant to say was that I want this island safe for us. We can't do anything if we're dead. Ricca: What do you mean "do?" Kiss? Date? Talk about how we actually feel? The dead decide when that can happen!? Clementine: ... Ricca: I love you. And I'm pretty sure you love me, too. But you're not making me feel loved. You're making me feel like you just want to protect me or... Clementine: But I do want to protect you. It's all I think about. Every minute of every day. Ricca: I don't need saving, Clem. I need you to love me. And I need it to be always. It can't start and stop. Clementine: ... I... Ricca: Oh my god, maybe this has all been in my head-- Clementine: Ricca-- Ricca: I get it, okay? Clementine: If I let... if I let myself... Ricca: Forget this. Clementine: You said you would wait for me! Ricca: That's not fair. You want me to wait for the impossible!? Clementine: No, I-- Ricca: I'm done, Clem. Clementine: Ricca, don't go in yet, please, we can talk more-- Ricca, going back inside: What else is there to say? [slams door]
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I..... hate this.
Again. We will dive into it in the Ricca/clemricca section, just know that I hate this so much... but wait, there's more coming!
So Clementine's left in the rain, crying, and I'm trying to keep my composure over all of this. Then we cut to her sitting on the beach, presumably the next day, where Giles and Ginette find her and Clementine breaks down crying in Ginette's lap.
We've made it to chapter six; they have the walker tunnel built, they're stabbing the walkers through it, and they're taking the bodies to Morro because of course she's still doing her autopsies. Fen tries to talk to Clementine about Ricca but she's not having it.
Morro's grumpy about this whole situation. When John offers to help her, she's just an asshole to him. She's going off about how this and that needs to be done, and Clementine stands up for John.
It doesn't go well.
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And Clementine snaps at her with, "Your daughter getting bit really didn't convince you how dangerous walkers are? But I guess you didn't take that situation seriously, either."
Not gonna lie, I applaud Clementine with that one. But Morro's not going to just take that sitting down. She tells everyone to get out, and poor John is gripping his head, wide eyed, crying...
But Morro, suddenly calm, adds, "Oh, Clementine, I'm sorry to hear about the little break-up. My marriage didn't work out. My only regret is not leaving him sooner. I suspect you might be like me. We're just not suited for love. Better to realize that while you're young. Some things about yourself, well... you just can't change."
Ma'am, you are an asshole.
John is literally right that, and you just casually drop that you wish you'd left his father sooner even though he was eaten by walkers, eaten BY YOUR DAUGHTER who turned, and that you're not suited for love like??? Is that why you treat your son like shit??
Oh, but you're suuuuuuuch a good person for doing these autopsies and burying the dead, right?
Also, this is the second time someone's questioned Clementine's ability to love in this series. The first was Georgia before she was killed: "You've never loved anyone, Clementine, I can see it. You have no idea... how far I'll go... what I'll do..."
Hey, speaking of Book One- hard cut to a dream sequence with Amos and it makes little sense. Clementine's asking him how he and Olivia made their relationship work, they made it look easy and never seemed scared but like..... what relationship?? I have read Book One 10+ times! The relationship was practically nonexistent! He made a comment about her bright eyes and she invited him behind the curtain with her! Then suddenly she wants to go away with him back to his town!
But in this dream sequence, Clementine asks if she's too broken for this romance with Ricca, asking why she's so scared and shit, and just-
Clementine: Am I too broken for this? Amos: You think Ricca isn't broken, too? The only difference is that she isn't ashamed of her scars. She wants to face her fears with you. Not for you. Clementine: She deserves more... so much more than me. Amos, holding a baby??: She deserves the world. And that's you, Clementine.
I'm at a loss for words, I am so tired...
Ricca and Olivia find Clementine passed out in front of Ricca's shack. Fen told them what Morro said and apparently Ricca threw a plate at her head. Finally, she does something I approve of.
Ricca finally lets them in her shack to see the big project she's been working on- a synagogue; "It's like a church, but for Jews."
It's actually a really nice set up she's made, and it feels like Ricca's the only one who has the baby in mind since she's still trying to figure out a crib. She made groves in the floor so that she can move around even when she can't see. She talks about how this is a place for all of them where they can celebrate holidays, rest, pray, sing', etc. She's hoping to have a bat mitzvah one day, so the girls suggest they have one right now for the three of them.
So they gather together, light a bunch of candles, wrap themselves in blankets and put flowers in their hair. Ricca starts by reciting what she can remember from the Torah, and translates what she can for them; "Some of it is peace and God and stuff, then rest I really don't know. I just know that saying the words makes the ground feel... deeper. And it makes the sky seem so much higher up. I guess what I've learned is that I'm actually really lucky. To be here, right now. To have found you guys, this island. The mountain."
Now this is some development with Ricca I like. We've gotten snippets of Jewish culture with her character throughout these two books but this is the first time we've actually explored it and what it means to her.
Olivia goes next; "'It's not gonna be easy, it's gonna be really hard.' It's from a book we read in Vermont. Oh, and my favorite word from the dictionary. Speckle. It means 'a small part of something.'" She shares that she's thought about how everyone starts out as a baby and someone kept them alive without them even asking, and she's thought about them being super little when they had nothing to worry about... I'm sure this is all coming from the fact that she's soon to have a baby.
Now it's Clementine's turn to talk, and she asks to see what Ricca wrote down. It's a paper of words and phrases, symbols, and such that she could remember, and Clementine focuses on, "May there be abundant peace."
And this makes her realize that she does love Ricca.
....wait, what?
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My head hurts. Breathe, CJ, breeeeathe.... It's fine, it's only Clementine apologizing even though she did nothing wrong. It's only us ignoring the fact that Ricca was out here pulling the, "I guess you never really loved me" guilt-trip because Clementine wasn't moving at her pace, it's fiiiiiiiiiine.... I'm not upset, I swear.
So... Clementine and Ricca confess they love each other and are officially girlfriends now, and we get more cheese from Clem; "Making it right between us... it feels like the whole world's been saved."
Oh boy. The girls talk about how they feel more adult after their bat mitzvah.
From here, we get into chapter seven where shit hits the fan. The problem I had with Book One had to do with pacing where it had this slow beginning and middle, and then crazy shit happened all at once toward the end... while the pacing for this book is a little better, this is where we just into that whiplash, "what the fuck, how did this happen??"
The girls fell asleep and now it's night. Everything seems chill as they deal with a stray walker and talk about Morro, and we get this line from Ricca, "Anyone who is mean to Clem is dead to me." which I find hilarious since that's literally the attitude the twdg fandom has. But the irony of that aside, shit's going down because they're surrounded by walkers.
The backlog of walkers got out.
There's hundreds of them.
Dr Barnwell, the cat, is back at the house so Ricca offers to go get him while Clementine and Olivia go to Morro's place where they assume everyone's held up... Remember that- Ricca, the one who can't see in the dark, is the one to go get the cat. They plan to meet at the docks.
Ginette, Giles, and Mercy are dead, being eaten by walkers outside of Morro's place. John's also dead inside, having been bitten. That's FOUR off-screen deaths, and lemme tell you, I'm pissed that John's dead. Morro's just standing there while while Emi watches the door and Fen holds a sobbing Amir.
Morro's still an asshole even when her son's dead, she's like, "My sweet, dumb boy." Lady, you were awful to him this entire book!
It turns out John was so upset last time we saw him that he convinced himself he could take all those walkers on, so he made the tunnel bigger for more to come through. He got overwhelmed and couldn't shut it down, got bit, panicked, and ran to his mother. Then he died on the floor. Just like that.
I..... am so upset about John, y'all.
The group plans to take Emi's boat and get outta there, but guess what? Morro's not going; "I'm not leaving my son."
She knows he's going to turn and doesn't care, AND this action of hers indirectly gets Amir killed. I'm serious. She's staying, so Amir starts throwing a fit that he wants to stay with John, too.
Before they go, Morro tells them to get to PEI, since years ago she traded with an herbalist named Saa who could potentially help them.
They leave, and a crying Morro goes to John while walkers break through the windows. She's dead.
Can't say I feel bad about that one, Anne, got gonna lie...
But then Amir gets killed when he continues to scream about going back to John. He gets away from Emi, goes back to the house and opens the door to find John as a walker. Walker John attacks Amir, killing him.
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Characters are just dropping at this point, and we're not done!
Emi's crying out in distress, Clementine has to hold her back, and they all gotta make a run for it. They make it to the docks and Ricca's not there. Clementine refuses to leave her behind, and they get overwhelmed... and Emi saves Olivia, but gets bitten. Emi grabs a bunch of the walkers and drags them all down into the water with her... and she's gone.
I need to stress this... everyone except Fen from this new group is dead now, all killed in a SINGLE CHAPTER. This isn't like S2 where everyone from the cabin group eventually dies; that happened over the course of the season with each death hurting more and more until it all ended with Luke's death on the lake, and by then you're so numbed by the loss... this is just boom boom boom, DEAD.
And guess who shows up. They try to fake us out by making us think Ricca's a walker, but no. She's fine, and she has the cat.
Tell me... how the fuck did Ricca navigate the island in the dark to grab Dr Barnwell and make it to the docks in time when she can't fucking see anything??? HOW??? This book has hammered home that Ricca can't see. She can't see in the dark, she can't see in bad weather, she can barely see in the light! You expect me to believe she did all of this without getting chomped? That she made it back in time? UGH.
John's dead. Emi died to save Olivia. Amir's dead. Giles, Ginette, and little baby Mercy are dead....... but somehow, somewhat, Ricca managed to survive, I'm.......... I'm not saying I want her dead, I'm saying I'm upset laughing right now.
Anyway... that bullshit's over. Chapter eight, three weeks later, they're in this community looking for Saa. Their boat got stolen, they're living off rotten potatoes, and they still haven't found Saa. Clementine and Fen wander around until someone can point them in her direction, and they find Saa and Derrick.
Saa's a woman in a wheelchair, both legs amputated from before the outbreak, and Derrick seems to be her right-hand man.
Saa has Derrick get them a supply bag and lets them on her boat. She's planning to leave town and shows Clementine and Fenn her world map. Remember how Fen was trying to piece together her own map? Yeah, she gets overwhelmed when she realizes just how off her map was. Taiwan's farther than she expected, so she leaves believing she'll never make it home.
By the way, I am happy Fen survived. I think she's a neat character and I'm interested where Book Three takes her character.
Saa's quite likable for a character introduced so late in the book. She talks with Clementine about how amputees existed before the dead rose, and Derrick comes back with a box of supplies. We learn that Saa wants to go to Greenland since she got a letter from a friend who went there, and Clementine's surprised that letters are a thing.
Also, Saa's crew might be dead. She doesn't believe they are, but Derrick does. This gives Clementine a lightbulb moment, and she offers her group to be Saa's new crew.
Saa: Woah, woah, we need five experienced hands, not two kids. Clementine: Olivia is experienced! She knows boats! Saa: Are there five of you? Clementine: Yes! Saa: Are you lying to me? Derrick: Definitely. Clementine: No! No, it's just... Only four of us can help. One isn't born yet. Derrick: Oh my. Saa: No. No.
But don't worry, Clementine sells the group well enough that Saa reluctantly agrees. I guess we're going to Greenland in Book Three.
They camp, and in the morning Clementine drags Ricca and Olivia to this person who takes polaroid photos... because there'ssomeone who just does that, I guess. Then they head to the boat. They set sail, it's a grand ol' time.
Then Clementine and Ricca have their first kiss.. and we head into chapter nine.
I think everyone's heard of chapter nine by now, but whether you've heard of it accurately is another story. Do you know how many comments I've read on reddit about this chapter that are just... false?? Spreading misinformation?? It's ridiculous.
Clementine and Ricca have sex this chapter, but there's no sex scene. It doesn't even show any kissing. It's literally a fade to black. It's not explicit, and no, reddit, it's not like 50 Shades of Grey, you dumbasses.
They're laying together in what I assume is their room on the ship, talking about scars, and this is how conversation progresses:
Clementine: Back in Vermont when we’d bump into each other in that tiny cabin… my whole face would feel hot. Ricca: I remember. You were hard to reach, then. Clementine: I remember. Ricca? Ricca: Hmm? Clementine: Have you had sex before? Ricca: Yeah, have you? Clementine: No… I’m still not totally clear on what it is… Ricca: A lot of it is instinctual. Clementine: Bullshit, maybe for you. Ricca: I’m serious! You and the other person respond to each other. Clementine: Stabbing walkers in the head when they’re trying to kill you is instinctual. This… this is… so overwhelming. Ricca: Doing anything for the first time is… Think about the first time you shot a gun, or started a fire. Clementine: I remember my first walker… I was so scared that day. That year. Ricca: You were alone? Clementine: I was. But I’m not now. I don’t have to figure this out myself. You’ll show me everything? Step by step? Ricca: Of course. We can take our time. Clementine: Doesn’t it feel like… like we have to hurry? Do everything we can as soon as we can? Ricca: Why would we need to? I’m not going anywhere. And we are in the middle of the ocean. Clementine: I know, I know, it’s not that, it’s… Whenever I feel happy, when it’s peaceful like this, it always seems to get cut off. I want to make this feeling… this night… last. How do I do that? Ricca: You mean… How do we stop time? Clementine: Yeah. Can you teach me that, too? Ricca: Hmm… Clementine: I’m not asking for much, just for tonight to last a little longer. As soon as the sun comes up, there’ll be so much to do. Ricca: For you, Clementine. I’ll have a word with the sun… and ask for a little more time.
Clementine wakes up the next morning to the sunlight pouring in through the window with tears in her eyes.
The end; to be continued in Book Three.
That's the whole plot. That's everything that happened.
It's a lot. Book Two's longer than Book One, but I found myself enjoying it a little more... but with that comes even more disappointment than before. I can see a good, solid story here but it wasted a lot of opportunities. I hate that it introduced a new cast of characters just so it could kill all but one of them off in a single chapter, that hurt. The romantic subplot is bad because, in my opinion, the couple involved shouldn't be together. There's stuff to like, hence why I've given it a higher rating than Book One, but it's bogged down by some major flaws.
But let's get into the character's now.
Dreadful Sorry, Clementine...
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The best way I can describe Clementine is she's incredibly inconsistent with the game's depiction of her, but she's consistent between both books. Ignoring the games, this feels like a natural-ish progression of her character from Book One.
I believe I mentioned this in my review of Book One, and if not there I've said it before, but this Clementine is like if we skipped TFS. Book One felt like we picked up right after ANF, except Clementine decided not to go after AJ and instead went off on her own, that's how angsty she was... even though that doesn't make sense because we know she was at Ericson and AJ was the one to cut off her leg. It's a regression you won't notice if you haven't played the games, but most of us have. That's why people call her Tangerine. We're backtracking to tell the same character arc in a different, less compelling way.
There were more points in this one where I feel the real Clementine peaking through, though, usually when she's sassing Morro. But the rest of the time it's just a shell of who she once was.
I will say that I find the approach to Clementine's knowledge... interesting? She's definitely dumbed down a little, but it feels like a situation where the book needs the reader to know something and uses Clementine to get that information across, resulting in her looking dumb. Remember when she didn't know she needed to wash her leg in Book One and everyone threw a fit? It's like when you're watching a movie and a character pulls the, "As you know," out; if the character already knows, why are you telling them? You're not, really, you're telling the audience. It's the same vibe; we need to know she needs to clean her leg.
But here we get to also look at Clementine's lacking in educational knowledge. I've already read some people being grumpy that she struggles with reading and writing her name, and fair enough... but remember that Clementine's education stopped at first grade. I think these books are trying to tell the story of someone who grew up in this world... as in Clementine's not exactly practicing her reading and writing every day the same way an average student does in the modern world. She's going to struggle. That's something the games just ignore and make her read super well, and they did the same thing with AJ. No five-year-old can read that well, especially if taught by another less educated person, c'mon now.
Also, y'all crack jokes about how Clementine has a first grade education and can't do math and shit but then the comic presents that in a more realistic way than the games and suddenly you have a problem? Mmhmmmm.
I like that Clementine airs that frustration with Morro about how adults know how to read and write and they know all these things she doesn't understand, but she has the knowledge of how to survive in this world better than any adult because she grew up in it and has little knowledge prior to this life.
She's also paranoid for a lot of the time on the island, which makes sense. She's witnessed enough community failures to be wary of things seeming too good to be true. Plus, she was in a coma. She has every right to wake up unsure about everything, and it's annoying that Ricca and Olivia never stop to consider that they've had a month to settle in and get comfortable, Clementine hasn't. She's trying to catch up. Ricca especially gets annoyed that she won't just hurry and feel safe already and that's a whole can of worms I'll get to.
This book hones in on Clementine becoming an adult after growing up in this world...whatever that means. By now I think we're to assume she's 18, and it gives us two growth scenarios where Clementine has a birthday and a bat mitzvah, which I think is supposed to show a "new chapter" in her life, so to speak.
This book also tackles her falling in love like it's the first time... which I guess means we're dealing with a single Clementine from TFS. I mean, if we have to do this, I'd prefer that. So y'know... anyone acting like this series made Clementine a "cheater," that's inaccurate and you know it, you're just trying to make everything worse than it really is.
I just wish Clementine fell for someone who didn't twist things to be her fault or guilt her into moving at a pace she clearly wasn't comfortable with. Then the book acts like Clementine had to have an epiphany that she does really love Ricca as if that's growth like.... stop. Stop trying to tell Clementine she's incapable of love as if romantic love is the only valid love that everyone has to learn to have. Clementine did love. She loved Ricca and Olivia as friends in this shitty world; she loved Dr Barnwell; she loved Amos enough to dream about him in order to seek his comfort, like... this Clementine is capable of love.
She apparently didn't love anyone at the school enough to stay but ahem not the point-
I can tell that Tillie Walden's not as comfortable writing for a character that's already established versus her original characters. It's so easy for everyone to throw around "this is just fanfiction!" like it's an insult [how ironic given the fandom tends to thrive on fanfiction but sure lets use it as an insult when convenient] but let's be serious about that for a moment.
There's a certain skillset in writing what's considered "good" fanfiction; I believe anyone can write fanfic, but tastes will always be subjective as not everyone will agree what's in character or not, and not everyone finds the same prose enjoyable. There's always room to improve when you're writing fanfiction, but not everyone will like your stuff.
I've read a lot of what I'd consider bad fanfiction in my time; clunky and awkward prose, unnatural dialogue, unappealing storylines and decisions, characters behaving in ways they never would in the source material. We all know how the thought of "They wouldn't say that," can take you right out of the fic you're reading.
When writing, the source material is a helpful tool that I encourage all fanfiction writers to take advantage of. The characters already have an established voice that you have to mimic, mannerisms and facts of their life to consider, and there's a lot of interpretation at play. Based on what you know of them, how would they react in this situation, or that one? If you're familiar enough with the source material and have the dedication, you can create some amazing stories.
I don't think Tillie has the right "toolbox," if you will, for fanfiction. She's skilled in writing her own characters and stories, something that's impressive as not everyone can do that, but she clearly struggles with Clementine. She's played the games [yes, I believe her when she says she played them, keep your snark in your lip] but she hasn't played them the way fans and fanfiction writers have. She's not using the source material the most effective way, and that might be on purpose, honestly. She only uses enough to remind us that this Clementine's originally from the games, but not enough to make her convincing.
All in all, Clementine's the most developed character in these books, obviously, but she's not as great as she could be. She's definitely more tolerable in Book Two than Book One.
Oh, Miss Morro, how you've disappointed me...
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I don't like her.
I got beef with Anne.
I so desperately hoped she was conducting science experiments on the walkers. I wanted her to sew body parts onto walkers to see if they functioned; to see her create monstrosities for the sake of science or whatever other bullshit.
But no, she's just an asshole doing autopsies on walkers to make herself feel better while ignoring the big problem that eventually lead to their downfall. She mistreats her son even though he does most of the work around the island.
And she knows there's a lot of work to be done but spends that precious time doing these autopsies despite everyone knowing it's a waste of time... then she has the gall to lecture Clementine about not wasting time. She's passive aggressive, aloof, and just... unpleasant? Even when she's being nice, you get the sense it's fake.
While she's a better "antagonist" [if you can call her that] than Georgia was in Book One, she's just another disappointment. Why not go ham with it? We're on an island that seems too good to be true, you've got this old woman who leads the group but goes off to her little shack at night to work with the dead, you've established there's only one way of escape and that's Emi's boat... make her fucking crazy!
I get we're trying to be deep and psychological with her trauma over losing her family after she disregarded a bite, but it falls flat. You can't just make her an asshole the entire time and then her son dies and she's suddenly like, "ah, my poor, dumb son... I'm gonna stay here and be eaten by walkers now, I don't want to go on."
Imagine this, m'kay? Remember how I said she should be more concerned over checking the living for bites? Say she's obsessed with doing that and everyone sees her point since they don't want a repeat of what happened... then one of them does get bitten, either by a walker or something else, and they gotta deal with it... and then it's revealed that Morro used them in her experiments when Clementine finds them as a walker with parts sewn onto them and shit. Have John be in denial that his mother's doing anything fucked until he has to face it head on! Have everyone turn on Morro! Make her dangerous!
She's not a compelling character, she's just a bitch and I don't like her... and that's the wasted potential of this book right there.
Ricca upsets me
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Okay, listen... I don't like Ricca.
I don't think anyone does, but I don't think any of you understand, y'know? She isn't a bad character just because she isn't Louis or Violet, or because you're pissy about the comics existence.
There are layers to why I don't like her. This is a "you don't understand her like I do" situation, except most people use that phrase when they're up their own ass and wholeheartedly believe their interpretation of their favorite is the only correct one, but me? I'm up my own ass about this character I don't even like!
Most of y'all haven't read the comics like I have. That's why you're here. Either you've read through them once or twice, you've only read other peoples reviews and formed your opinions based on them, or you've watched a video of someone reading the comic and they've influenced your judgement.... but me? I've studied these comics! I've read them critically, analytically! I went into this with an open mind about Ricca; I gave her a chance! I gave clemricca a chance! Which is more than I can say for most of you!
And all I've gotten in return is a headache!
Let me get the good out of the way, because there are things about her character that I do like. If you'll recall in Book One, Ricca mentions that she thinks she's the last Sephardic Jew left, and in this book we see her singing Jewish songs, she builds her own synagogue, and we get the big bat mitzvah. I really like that it wasn't just a throwaway detail that Ricca's Jewish, and that we get some exploration into that side of her.
Her worsening eyesight was interesting for me as someone who also has terrible sight and needs glasses to function, but it kind of gets ruined when we've built it up for so long only to toss it out the window in the end. She's supposedly blind at night, yet she made it through a herd of walkers back to their house, grabbed the cat, and made it back to the docks in just in time leave with everyone?
Absolutely not. The only way I could see that working is if she had a way of knowing where she was at all times without her sight, like what she did in her shed with the floor. It's unclear if she's covered herself in walker guts, but that's another way she could've made it without getting bitten... but that still doesn't help that she cannot see and doesn't have a means of seeing without her eyes.
Sorry, this is supposed to be what I liked... I do like the glasses stuff, just not when it's inconsistent. Ricca also has some funny lines here and there, she's definitely a little snarky and sarcastic at times. She's hardworking, and picks up the slack when Olivia's too depressed to do anything, which I appreciate, but... that's it. There isn't a whole lot else I enjoy about this character.
Everything I dislike stems from her relationship with Clementine.
First of all, they have little to no chemistry when it comes to romantic banter. It's bizarre, though, because I believe the trio's friendship more than I believe Clementine and Ricca have some sort of deeper connection. Without Olivia there, it's awkward.
Clementine's focused on the island, determining if it's safe, looking for something to be wrong or dangerous. Ricca wants to turn a blind eye to any potential danger as she wants this island to be their safe place to settle, and gets irritated with Clementine's paranoia.
And just... it pisses me off that Ricca tells Clementine that she'll wait for her. At this point, it's pretty obvious that they have romantic feelings for one another, for some reason. But, Clementine's rather fickle about it due to fear. Ricca telling her that is meant to be this romantic notion that she loves her enough to wait until Clementine's ready for a relationship... except no! When things don't go the way she wants it, Ricca throws it back in Clementine's face and it's so shitty!
Clementine wants to protect her and Ricca acts like that's a bad thing? You don't feel loved because Clementine wants you to be safe? You don't need saving?? Girl, you DO need saving because you can't fucking see! We've spent this entire book establishing that you need help because of it! And then you use that to tell Clementine that you need her to love you always!
Ricca's so awful in this moment. Then she accuses Clementine's feelings of not being real just because she's not responding the way she's "supposed to," and that's cruel.
"I'll wait for you," is a lovely lie, isn't it? Pretty, but hollow. You don't get to say that and then when Clementine calls you out on it, throw a fit that she's in the wrong for making you wait for the impossible, as if you're a victim in all this!
Ricca, Clementine doesn't owe you shit. She doesn't owe you a relationship just because you supposedly love her. Hell, if you did love her, you wouldn't be acting like this! If Clementine isn't ready to kiss, or say she loves you, then she isn't ready and pressuring her is bullshit.
"Oh we should talk about how we actually feeeeel~!" Fuck off, Ricca, she told you why she's scared of having a relationship right now and why she wants to island to be safe.
Can you imagine if Louis and Violet behaved like this? Imagine ep2, Clementine tells them, "Hey, I like you but I want to make the school safe, we need to deal with the raiders first before we focus on us," and they were like, "I'll wait for you, Clem." Only for ep3 to come around and they're like, "That's not fair, you want me to wait for the impossible! I? I'm done, Clementine, your feelings for me weren't real!"
But Louis and Violet never did that because they respected Clementine as a person with autonomy! If she rejected them romantically, neither blew a gasket. Neither accused her of toying with their feelings. The only time something like that comes up is if Clementine romances Violet and then lets her get taken by raiders, but in Violet's defense, I think she has a good enough reason to throw that around, y'know?
Ricca's just being mean. She's intentionally trying to hurt Clementine's feelings because she's sour that the relationship isn't progressing exactly as she wants it and she's tired of waiting.
But the worst part? The book presents this as Ricca being right. At the bat mitzvah, Clementine realizes she loves Ricca and that she was wrong and I'm furious. Not a single mention of Ricca's shitty behavior, no apologies for the guilt-tripping or being vindictive, nothing! Clementine was wrong to prioritize the island's safety over her feelings for Ricca! What a lesson she's learned, folks!
How.... dare you, frankly. I hate it so much. It's acting like it's this deep relationship that's exploring conflicted feelings and handing all these emotions with care but... all I see is Clementine having valid reasons for not wanting a relationship right now and Ricca guilting her until she changes her mind. Clementine shouldn't be the one apologizing here.
I guess we gotta talk about chapter nine now.
I don't want to say all of you have blown it out of proportion, but most of you have. Clementine and Ricca have sex. It's not explicit. Nothing is shown. There isn't even any kissing. There's cheesy dialogue. It's a fade to black. I don't think it could've been done any more tastefully than that.
If it wasn't Clementine involved, not a single one of you would've batted an eye. But because y'all are white knights who put Clementine on a pedestal, her fictional honor is apparently at stake and here we are.
Look, I'm no prude, okay? I read and write Dragon Age fanfiction, and sex can be a big part of those games, for better or worse. I've read my fair share of fics with smut in them, and I'm writing a Dragon Age fic with sexual content in later chapters. I'm not here to clutch any pearls or act like exploring sexual topics is a bad thing, because it's not.
I don't love that this is in a book rated ages 14+. I don't think it was necessary, but I understand why it's here in the context of "Clementine's stepping into adulthood in a world where death forever lurks." I just wish the target audience for these books was older, like... if you're going to include sex and a teen pregnancy, your audience shouldn't be middle grade.
The reason it feels icky to me is I don't like the couple or how they got together. This isn't a good relationship. It's not built on a foundation of trust. The sex is consensual, which is good, but I can't help feeling like Clementine deserved someone who respected her more than Ricca does.
So yeah... Ricca's not a bad character just because she's not Louis or Violet. She bad because she's selfish to her core, but the books portray her as selfless and right.
And to everyone screaming "but Clementine's not 18 yet is she???!?!? UNDER AGE SEX!?!?!?!" I argue that you don't actually give a shit about ages. Y'know why? Because not one of you, not a single goddamn one of you, has had the same energy about Olivia's pregnancy. Amos was 16 when he and Olivia had sex in Book One, and I have feeling she's also around that age.
Y'all really glossed over that, didn't you? So no, you don't care about whether or not a character's old enough for sex. If you did care, you would've been just as alarmed, if not more, about Olivia and Amos... but you're not because you don't care about Olivia, she's not you're precious widdle Clemmy.
Olivia's pregnancy bothers me way more than Clementine and Ricca having consensual sex... which is a great segway into--
Olivia is my new child and that's why I'm mad that she's probably going to die in Book Three
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I like Olivia a lot, actually. I'm adopting her. She's my child now, and her baby is my grandchild.
But I'm pretty sure she's going to die. It's predictable, y'know? So predictable that I hope Book Three subverts expectations and this isn't the case, but... my prediction is Olivia will die giving birth to her baby, leaving Clementine and Ricca to raise the baby.
Insert Amos Junior [AJ 2.0] joke here.
Olivia gets some much needed character development in this book. She's showing signs of depression; it's hard to get her to do anything in the beginning and Ricca has to pick up her chores. It's understandable, given her twin sister murdered Amos and then died, too. Her mother's a walker, she's lost everything.
It isn't until she and Emi go fishing together more that she comes out of her shell. I wish we got to see more of her and Emi's friendship, actually. Especially since Emi gave her life and boat to save her. She's kind and naive, a lot like Amos was but in a different way. Olivia's more aware of how shitty the world is than Amos was.
The pregnancy is bullshit. I hate it. Why are we doing this again? And with a teen pregnancy? Why are we bringing in another baby after we jumped through hoops to make Clementine leave the first baby behind? It's not going to end well. Either Olivia's going to die, or that baby is. These comics, and TWD in general, aren't above killing off kids or babies. What are the odds that both Olivia and the baby survive? That would be too happy for our nearing conclusion.
And with how little Olivia knows about sex, periods, and babies, and that Amos came from an Amish community, it's amazing that they even figured out how sex worked to begin with.
Thinking back on it, is THAT why Georgia pushed him off the mountain? Not only did she feel he was trying to take Olivia away, but he slept with her? That actually makes a little more sense! Too bad Georgia never bothered giving us that reason, huh?
It's just... this pregnancy is such a heavy thing for Book Three. Poor Olivia's doomed, and she's the only likable one of the trio.
I don't blame Tillie for this, or for anything else in this comic, since she's not the only one making these books happen. Skybound approved this, her editors approved this, everyone involved thought, "yeah, pregnant Olivia, good idea, that'll bring some tragedy." and I'm just sitting here with my head in my hands like, "noooooooooooooooo...."
These books already took my son away, wasn't that enough?
Speaking of-
Until I see a body, Amos ain't dead in my heart
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We have one more book left, just let me hold out hope that Amos survived the fall and will come back as twist antagonist in Book Three, okay? Mark my words, if he comes back, Book Three will get an immediate 5/5 stars, regardless of the other bullshit.
Amos is just a vision in Clementine's dreams this time around. I miss my boy, he didn't deserve this treatment.
And now watch, the book will be cheeky like "You want Amos back? Here's AJ 2.0, that still counts!" Not what I meant!
This review's long, let's lightning round the rest of the characters since I don't have that much to say about them that I haven't already said
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--I'm happy Fen survived and look forward to seeing what Book Three does with her, assuming it doesn't just kill her off or some other bullshit.
--I'm pissed John died. If we're going to kill everyone else off anyway, why couldn't Fen AND John survive? He worked his ass off on that island and his mother treated him like shit. To kill him off-screen's bullshit. Would've been way more compelling to have him survive and face the guilt of losing his mother even after the way she treated him.
--Emi's another great character that hurt to see go, but it's fitting that she saved Olivia and gave her the boat before taking the walkers down with her.
--Amir's great. Also pissed he died. Shitty way to go. Did we really need to see walker John eat him?
--Ginette, Giles, and Mercy are just kinda there. They're not too important, but it's still sad to see they got eaten alive by a herd of walkers... especially Mercy.
--I'm actually excited for Saa and Derrick. I hope they play a big role in Book Three and this isn't a Christa and Omid situation; as in they're around for five minutes and then die/separate from the group. They seem really chill and I look forward to hearing more of their backstories.
In conclusion, it's not great but it's better
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Even though the clemricca romance legitimately pisses me off, I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. I definitely had a different attitude going into it versus how I went into Book One which I think helped me have a better time. There are things to like about it if you'll give it a chance, but I understand why people aren't.
It has issues with pacing, character development/progression, and the romance. I hate that everyone but Fen from the new group got killed off. I hate that we have a pregnancy plot now. I'm disappointed with Morro as a character and antagonist.
But the art's improved greatly. Olivia's a better character now. The new cast is quite fun and likable prior to dying. There are themes and elements that are explored and done well.
The hate Tillie gets for these is absurdly gross. They're just comics. No, shut up, they're just comics. The games still exist. Tillie didn't ruin them, and in my opinion, if you truly believe she did ruin the games, that's a you problem. That's you letting these books ruin the games for you. No one's out here making you read them. No one made me read them, I chose to do that just as I chose to see them as not canon. Sending hate and threats to her and Skybound does nothing but prove what a piece of shit you are. By all means, hate the comics all you want, that's your right, but leave real life people out of it.
I've said this before, and I'll say it again: Clementine isn't real. I get that she's important to you, but she's a fictional character. She's not going to come to life and reward you for your twentieth comment on Tillie's instagram calling her vile names or threatening to find her for what she did. Clementine isn't going to like your video of you screaming into your mic about what an injustice these comics are, and she's not going to sign your petition to get the comics cancelled.... because she's not real. Go outside. Touch grass. Remember that you're only alive for a short time and try to do something of worth with that knowledge.
We only have one more book in this trilogy left, but do y'all really think it'll end there? Do you think Skybound will give a shit that fans hated the comics and will respectively leave Clementine alone? No, that's not how money's made.
I hope once Tillie's done with this series, she continues to have a great career. It's strange, like... I'm of two minds where I want Book Three to be super good in hopes that fans will just leave her alone... but then there's a little gremlin inside me that also kind of hopes she gets a final fuck you in aimed at the fandom. I'm sorry, the fandom's been embarrassingly terrible to her and they deserve it.
I hope she kills Clementine off... yeah, I said it. She won't because Skybound definitely won't let her, but it would be so good. I say kill Clementine off, turn her into a walker, let her eat AJ 2.0! No happy ending for anyone, just a middle finger!
Literally everyone else would be fuming and frothing at the mouth with shit posts on reddit about how Tillie "rUInEd" TWDG and then killed Clementine off and I would be in my corner just cackling and applauding her.
"How can you say that, CJ?? you fake fan???"
Look, my Clementine's still at Ericson, vibin' with AJ and Louis. Willy made her a new leg, she didn't name it Kenny, she named it Legolas [she still doesn't know who that is even after Aasim and Louis explained Lord of the Rings to her]. She and Violet play competitive cheater's uno every Thursday. She's living her best life.
Comic Clem's another Clementine to me entirely. If she lives, great! If she dies, oh no! Anyway-
To wrap this up... Clementine Book Two has issues, there are missed opportunities, and I think the romance is bad. But there's enough good here that made it enjoyable enough. I don't feel right about giving it a 2/5 stars, but 3/5 feels too high, so 2.5/5 feels right.
I also encourage people to actually read it for themselves. Don't just take my word for it, or reddit's, or whatever. Read it yourself and form your own opinions instead of parroting someone else. It'll make for better discussion rather than a cesspool for hate.
When Book Three comes out, I'll read and review that one, too. As of right now, we haven't heard anything about it, but I'll be sure to keep an ear out and share the news with y'all.
Now I'd like to hear from you; did you read Book Two? What are your thoughts? Do you agree or disagree with any of my takes? Feel free to send in asks or leave comments below.
Thanks for reading! 💚
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4suitedplayingcard · 6 months
Various Punch Out Headcanons I have that I felt the need to share or else my brain would explode :p
All of the boxers (who didn't originally live in New York) pretty much just live in hell NY now cuz of their boxing career. They do visit their families during vacation and all that, but for the most part, they just stay in New York.
Piston Hondo finds it hard to make friends with people who are around the same age as him and younger because he finds them harder to understand/relate to (and also a bit more judgemental), so he mostly hangs out w/ people who are much older than him, with the only exception being Great Tiger.
King Hippo thinks that most beds are uncomfortable and will sleep pretty much anywhere except on a bed. On the floor, the couch, a pile of leaves, a comically small pillow, etc etc.
Aran Ryan has a bad habit of eating non edible objects out of intrusive thinking (and also spite sometimes), he's eaten things ranging from twigs to hand sanitizer to cigarette butts and has been sent to the hospital a couple of times because of it.
Don Flamenco is obsessed with skincare, mostly due to the fact that he looks like a middle aged man with his toupee off. The second he gets his paycheck, he immediately spends most of it on various scrubs and lotions. He even almost went bankrupt on numerous occasions because of it
Bear Hugger had been friends with Ms. Bear even since he was 12 years old. He found her all alone in the forest on a snowy day when she was a baby and his parents agreed to keep her until they find her a new home (which obviously didn't work out)
Super Macho Man is a nepo baby. His mother was a movie actor while his father was also a heavyweight boxer, which caused him to get a lot of attention from not only his peers at school, but also media outlets too.
Glass Joe has terrible eyesight and mostly uses contact lenses wherever he goes, though he does occasionally wear glasses sometimes (mostly at home or whenever he's run out of contacts).
Bald Bull is VERY reluctant to touch, even the slightest little bump in can cause him to flip out. He only makes this exception to people who are super close to him, but even then, he doesn't want any physical contact for too long or he’ll start to lose it.
Even though Von Kaiser wasn't actually apart of a war, he was enrolled in a boot camp for a few years of his life. It was hell and he still has nightmares about it to this day…
No matter how much sleep he gets, Great Tiger usually ends up sleepy at some point during the day. He's tried every to get him to sleep better, drinking warm milk, staying away from electronics an hour before bed, taking melatonin, but he still ends up tired in the middle of the day sometimes and it drives him mad.
Y'know those scientist that you see in Soda Popinski’s title defense slideshow? Well those are kind of his dads. He was left on the doorsteps of a lab when he was a baby, and all of the people in the facility have been taking care of him ever since.
Disco Kid has a brother a few months younger than him who used to be the boxer known as Kid Quick. They both started Boxing at around 18, but Kid Quick ended up quitting early in his career to focus on something more mundane. (Yea ik I made a lil shitpost drawing a few weeks ago about Kid Quick being pre-transition Disco Kid but shhhh-)
Mr. Sandman is the only boxer in the entire organization that's not only married, but also has a kid. He has a wife named Alena and a daughter named Chelsea, they all live with Sandman in NYC. :)
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ohnoanalien · 1 year
@journey-to-the-au has an awesome fake marriage AU, and as someone with PTSD this post really touched my heart in ways I can't explain. My writing's not as good obviously, but it's a little 'thank you' gift for giving us such great content! Enjoy!
TW: PTSD, flashbacks, phantom pain, panic attacks
It didn't take long for the Monkey King to notice something was wrong. As he walked through the halls of the Jade Emperor's palace, each fiber on soft carpet felt like long-dead grass.
The noblemen around him shot unwanted gazes. On the average day they buzzed like a swarm of gnats– annoying, but harmless. But all too suddenly, eyes pierced through the dark like cold spotlights. And the world blurred like a crude, two-dimensional set on a stage. 
He fought the urge to cradle his head.
No. No no no, not now--
"Wukong!" The Great Sage blinked back a dizzy spell, a soft beacon of light cutting through the audience. Earth Reaching Willow greeted him with a soft smile, hanfu gliding across the snowy fiel-- the floor. He shot back a wide grin with a bit too much teeth, unsure if her presence was a saving grace or a terrible nightmare.
"How is Flower Fruit Mountain, darling?" Earth Reaching Willow's dark eyes flicked briefly to the immortals that surrounded them, staring openly.
Keep your composure. Don't look weak. You were-- will be fine.
"Are you alright?" Willow whispered, interrupting her husband's thoughts.
In return her husband smiled wider, wanting to die.
"'Course I am!" He rested his hands on his hips. Willow didn’t miss the way the Monkey King’s tail wrapped tight around his waist, itching to lash like a broken metronome. "What makes you think I'm not?"
It seemed like they were the stars of the banquet, hushed chatter muffled into wine glasses. But his ‘beloved’ persisted. "You just seem...what’s the word. A bit off-color?"
"Pfft! Off-color?" A seething pain rattled Wukong's skull, and his pained smirk reached his ears, "I'm alright! I'm alright! Nothing to worry about, Master!"
The voices went silent. The palace went still. The Great Sage felt his face warm, slapping a paw over his mouth.
The pain was unbearable. Colors and lights began to morph and shift, and the ground rocked beneath his feet. He allowed himself to be pulled by an unknown force, and marble hallways stretched into a dirt road. No, no they were by a snowbank. Or was it a monastery?
The chilly air did nothing to dull the pain, gasping for air as Tripitaka’s eyes continued to change color and shape. Dark to light, scared to angry. Over and over until his mind began to crumble, disorientation clouding his vision.
"Poor thing." A soothing voice called from the flashback, cleaving the delusion open like a knife on the butcher's table. "How are you feeling?"
"I was-- I'm-- I'll be--" Wukong scrambled to collect his pride before it could fall any further.
"It's alright, it's alright. Just calm down and--"
"Don't you dare tell me to calm down!" Wukong snarled. Rage snaked up his throat like a trapped beast. "I am the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, and I am no mere monkey!"
His eyes stung, desperately scraping at his head, searching to rip off a phantom crown. And ignoring the stinging, self-inflicted wounds that bloodied his claws. "I was the one who single-handedly took down the entirety of Heaven! I was the one who journeyed for years-- nnh! I-- I'm not-- I don't care about the pain!"
A muffled voice called above the panic.
"I don't care! I don’t care! So just make it stop!"
"Wukong!" A panicked voice called.
Earth Reaching Willow.
He cracked open an eye-- dammit, he was crying on the floor. His old friend kneeled on her knees, robes pooling around her like a waterfall. Delicate hands reached out, then pulled back. "Sun Wukong, Vengeful Fighting Buddha. Lovely monkey. Listen to me and listen well. You have to care."
For the first time in his long, long life, the Great Sage was speechless.
"You have to care." She repeated, tears spilling down her cheeks, "You have to because you're hurting yourself."
A terrible realization weighed on Wukong's heart, and he touched a shaking finger to his forehead. Blood seeped through a perfect, golden coat, and he breathed in the iron scent that burned his nose.
"I. I'm sorry for worrying you." He croaked. “I was lost.”
"No need to apologize, my friend." Earth Reaching Willow placed a hand to her chest, "I am no different. During my own panic attacks, my father would constantly tell me to 'calm down'. I'm ashamed I did the same to you."
"But this isn't about me." A shaky, pale palm wiped at her cheeks. "Tell me how to help."
"Don't worry! Don't worry! I'm fine." Sun Wukong threw on a smirk, sewn in place with string and prayers.
Earth Reaching Willow shot back an unimpressed expression. "Wukong."
Mortification spread like wildfire across his face. Wordlessly, the stone monkey stared at her lap. And before he could open his mouth, Willow gently pushed him downward.
"Lovely monkey." She whispered, pressing a kiss to his temple-- worry unraveling as a relieved sigh brushed her ears. "You may have a position to uphold, and I may not always understand what you’re going through, but I promise you are safe with me. I will hold you if you need to cry. I will listen if you feel alone. I will give you your space when you ask for it. But please, for my sake, ask for help. Don’t try to hold up a century’s worth of pain and false pride by yourself. Let me keep you safe, as you have for me."
Gentle touches turned into strokes. And even when choking sobs wracked the walls, Earth Reaching Willow hummed softly, brushing aside the tears that soaked her fingers.
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toasterdrake · 9 months
Can I request a doric x reader during the whole arena sence they get separated btw the reader has a displacer beast,and when the reader sees the one that's in the arena the reader thinks it's thier displacer beast cuase at somepoint it also got separated from the reader.So when it tries to attack them,thier confused and holga and doric help defend the reader from the displacer beast.and at the end the two reunite and there's a lot hugs from the two along with hugs from the displacer beast idk what to name it XD
I'm sorry if this is confusing I've never requested for things before andi have terrible skills for asking for things
when i realised how close i had been to finishing this... i had to wrap it up immediately and post. don't worry about requesting, you did a great job! personally, i'm always thankful for details. it gives me plenty to work with. i hope you enjoy!
Doric x gn!reader with a displacer beast companion
Dark fur, shimmering blue. Six legs, bristled tentacles. Yep, a whole displacer beast.
Relief floods you immediately. Thank the gods, you aren't alone in this crazy maze any more. A friend at last.
"Anjani!" You call, delighted, and reach out.
The displacer's jaws snap by your hand; you snatch it back a second before losing your fingers, reflexes kicking in.
Or not.
This beast doesn't have the notch in its ear Anjani has, nor the right shade of eye colour, upon closer inspection. Too close for comfort. In your desperation to see a familiar face, you had neglected to run immediately.
Displacers are known to play with their food, so at least you have time to fruitlessly beg the gods for mercy. Unless the beast is hungry... who are you kidding? A rich man keeping exotic pets for sport never feeds them properly. A flaring anger at injustice burns your belly, then is forced to cool when the displacer lunges forward.
Where the hell is Anjani, or Doric? Where are your companions? You have to regroup, have to take down Forge.
First things first, you have to survive.
Scrambling backwards, you barely avoid the displacer's daggers of claws. Barbs latch in your clothes, yanking you back within its reach. Now is the time to pray to your gods, you decide.
Somehow, they answer.
Brandishing a plain iron sword over her head, Holga swings down with a fierce cry. The displacer snarls in pain and recoils. Oozing blood, its severed tentacle flops to the ground, wriggling but useless.
Doric crashes through its dissolving displacement creeping up behind you, snowy feathers rippling. Evidently, she's found a way to lose the magic suppression bracelet. Now she flexes her power. There's hardly enough room in the maze's corridor for a full-sized owlbear, but she still manages to bat the displacer beast against the far wall. Bones crunch sickly, and it lies still.
Already shrinking to her usual form, Doric spins on her heel. Her eyes are wide, hair ruffled about her shoulders. She looks beautiful.
While Holga watches the displacer for movement -- there is none -- Doric meets you in the middle of a hug brimming with relief. Arms locked around your shoulders, she presses herself as close as possible to your body, reassuring herself you're with her and alright.
Alas, you're forced to break apart quickly when the walls start slamming down.
Weaving through the remainder of the labyrinth, barely outpacing the shifting walls, luck carries your reunited group unharmed to the center. Edgin and Simon emerge from a different corridor at the same moment, a displacer beast on their heels.
Holga goes to leap to their defense, but you throw out a hand to stop her. This time, you're certain. Anjani would have killed them by now if she wanted to.
Bringing your fingers to your mouth, you whistle. Anjani skids to a halt and changes direction as fast as a giant six-legged panthera is capable, amber eyes lighting up when she clocks you.
Bowled over by a muscled bundle of dark fur, the wind is knocked out of you, until you recover and giggle at the sandpaper of Anjani's huge tongue. Finally, in this madness, you feel safe. Both your girls are with you.
Pulled down by a tentacle across her shoulders, Doric yelps, crashing into fur and bodies. Anjani lays a huge paw on her stomach and purrs; you bury your face in her hair. She frees an arm to hold you.
Then, the moment of reunion must pass, and your quest continues.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 1 month
I Am Blackened Bones (Last Part)
Her re-coronation ceremony comes with a festival. The first one that she had attended in ages. The servants had made good on their promise, she had been buried under so much silk and fabric that it was almost suffocating. Her head was heavy with golden combes and elaborate, dangly hair sticks. And then beneath a crown. But she had looked beautiful. Felt beautiful. But it wasn’t exactly practical attire for a festival and so she has dressed herself down. Something simpler, more comfortable and breathable but with a nice touch of elegance.
She isn’t sure that she wants to stand out, but she seems to do so all the same. Looks and murmurs aren’t lost on her, although she can never quite make any of them out. She thinks that that might before the best, despite Katara’s reassurance that they are just curious to see how she is doing and what she is like.
Azula tucks her hands into her sleeves and pauses to look around. Zuko and Mai have yet to arrive with TyLee and that adds a whole level of anxiousness to her already edgy mood.
“It’s weird being back at home, isn’t it?” Katara asks softly. She already knows the answer.
Weird, she supposes, is one way to describe it. “I don’t feel like I belong here anymore.” She has been gone for long enough to have forgotten the do’s and dont’s. Long enough to make a fool of herself, trying to fit back into the standards that she had once upheld.
She laughs too loud. Her posture never seems to be as poised as it had been. She she talks too much when she gets into a conversation Her clothes seem far too elegant for her even when she is dressed down. She says the wrong things and at the wrong times.
And Katara seems to find it terribly endearing. She finds it rgayer humiliating.
“Of course you belong here, you're their princess. And they seemed pretty happy to have you back during your re-coronation ceremony.”
“Right…” Azula mumbles.
“They’re probably just curious to see your firebending performance tonight.”
Azula isn't sure if she is ready to give them something else to talk about. Isn't sure if she is ready to show off her white fire, everyone had made such a big deal of her blue fire. But she does enjoy feeling the heat of her flames on her face, had always enjoyed the thrill of a display well planned. Which, evidently, is the other problem; she usually plans her choreography at least a few months in advance. She says as much to Katara.
Katara who gives her one of those soft smiles and laughs. “I thought that you said that you wanted to be more spontaneous and whimsical like the spirit. Well here's your chance! These shows are all about creativity anyways.”
Azula bites her lower lip. “Yes. I suppose.” But it still makes her stomach flutter. It is quite a risk to make her first festival fire dance an impromptu act.
Azula worries too much. Overtones things that need not be over thought. Her firebening is nothing short of mesmerizing. Mesmerizing and masterful.
Everything is an art from her breathing to her hand gestures to her firebening itself. She has adorned her hands with elegant armor. The sort that makes her hands look like long silver claws. It was certainly a unique choice to dress in silvers, blues, and whites instead of a Fire Nation red and gold. But it suits her well. And it suits her fire well.
Each and every gesture is deliberate and elegant. The twist of her wrist, the quick flick and pulling back of her arms, the roll of her hips. It takes katara a moment to realize that she is mimicking the swish and sway of the north sky curtains. That her arm gestures wave like those lights and her fire fur also and unfurls just as the colors had weaved in and out of one another.
Sparks look like crystals of snow. And smoke rolls across the stage like seafoam crowning a wave. And Aaula stands at the center of it all, hair fluttering, forks of lightning crackling around her. She is in her own snowy, stormy sea.
She looks upon the crowd, fierce and focused. Her fire reflects in her eyes, putting a confident twinkle in them that almost fools Katara. If she hadn't heard it from Azula’s own lips, she wouldn't think her nervous in the slightest.
Her fire snuffs out and her hair settles over her shoulders. She ends with a graceful bow and closes her eyes as the crowd claps for her.
“Well she certainly hasn't lost her touch.” Mai comments.
“It comes naturally to her.” Zuko replies.
But Katara has a feeling that she will still complain about how rusty her skills have gotten because of disuse. Katara can't tell the difference. If anything, she seems better connected to her fire than ever.
She is more nervous to see TyLee again than she had been to perform. Perhaps more nervous than she had been to speak with Mai. But it is one last thing. One last thing that makes her feel jittery.
TyLee looks perfectly content just talking with Katara, Zuko, and Mai. It gives her the impression that she is intruding on something when she walks up and greets them.
“That was an amazing show.” Katara says.
“Thank you.”
“Sparkler?” Zuko offers.
“Those are for children.” Azula replies.
“I’m pretty sure that the label says not to give those to kids.” Sokka points out.
Azula shrugs. “Father let me use them all the time when I was a child.”
“He also let you go to war when you were a child.” Sokka quirks a brow.
She snatches a box of poppers and tosses one at his big toe. He gives a satisfying “yowch!” She takes another and tosses it at the pavement, watching it give flash it’s split-second spark. “Zuzu and I used to throw these at each other all the time. And when father told us to stop we would throw them at him.”
TyLee giggles. “Oh yeah! That was so funny!”
Azula nods.
“You two were little menaces.” Aang says as Toph cackles, “no wonder Ozai was so angry all the time.”
“He didn’t need our help.” Zuko grumbles. “We threw those poppers at each other and we turned out fine.”
“Did we?” Azula quirks a brow. “You have anger issues and a need to people please and I have…whatever it is that causes a person to see things that aren’t there now and then.”
“You’re also a people pleaser.” Mai shrugs.
“Speaking of which…” She turns to TyLee. “It’s good to see you again, TyLee. Katara and I were going to go get some tea and kebabs. Do you want me to bring anything back for you?”
“I’d like to go with you guys. I can never decide which kind of kebab to get.”
“But the fireworks display is about to start.”
“As it does every hour.” Mai reminds her. “The main event isn’t until midnight so…”
“But we’ve never missed an hourly show.” Azula replies. “Except, of course, for the past few years when we didn’t attend the festival.”
“Well then I guess the three of you better hurry back.” Mai shrugs. “We’ll go set up the picnic blanket and what not.”
“Top of the hill, under the maple tree?” Zuko asks.
“Top of the hill, under the maple tree.”
And so they split off. She, Katara, and TyLee follow the scent of sizzling meat and chili pepper and the others follow the blinking of the fireflies towards the hill.
“How have you been, Azula. I heard that things have been really…strange for you.”
“Yes, a little bit.” She finds herself toying with the excess fabric of her kimono’s sleeve. “I…I got to see a few new places. The Spirit Oasis was nice—I was unconscious or freezing while I was there though so I didn’t get to take in the scenery all that well. But the Water Tribes have these lights that dance in the sky. Have you ever seen them? I think that you would like them!” Maybe she should give TyLee a turn to speak. But TyLee seems perfectly content to listen to her talk about the lights. “I based my performance off of that. Maybe we can all go one day. Me, you, and Mai. Like old times.” She would quite like that.
“That sounds nice, Azula. But I would like to…get used to talking to you again.”
It is TyLee’s kind way of saying that she needs to build trust again. And Azula can’t blame her. She feels somewhat the same. They have to get used to each other again. She has to get used to the Fire Nation again. She also has to get used to herself. She likes to think that she will keep good company on that journey.
“What about you, TyLee? What have you been up to these days?”
“Oh! All sorts of things! I was with the Kyoshi Warriors for a while, as you know, but then I saw this traveling circus and I just couldn’t resist. I kind of missed that, you know?”
Azula nods. “That suits you much better than being a Kyoshi Warrior…or someone who just follows me around. You’re a skilled combatant, but you aren’t a soldier.”
“None of us were.” Katara adds and Azula nods her agreement.
“I’m so much happier with that traveling circus. We go everywhere and see everything and they are such a fun bunch!” TyLee declares.
Truly it sounds like the perfect path for her. Azula hopes that she can find her own now that she has the time and mental fortitude to do so. “Have you ever played any Caldera City festival games, Katara?”
“I did once about a year after the war. Turns out that you need to be a firebender to win most of them.”
“Hmm. Yes. That’s right. Our games are fire based. However, I imagine that, now that we have more waterbenders and earthbenders who attend, we probably have more diverse gaming options.”
“Is that your way of asking if I can win you one of those?” She points at a fluffy pile of plush toys.
“It might be, yes.” She pauses. “It, of course, is also an opportunity to prove that I am better than you at a game of flaming hoops.”
“That’s a firebending game.”
“The hoops don’t necessarily have to be on fire.” TyLee smiles.
“But then it is not a game of flaming hoops. It is just regular hoops.” Azula frowns. She clears her throat, “not that I particularly care what kind of hoops they are, so long as I get a prize.”
“She cares a lot.” TyLee whispers. “It’s going to bother her all night if you play flaming hoops with hoops that aren’t flaming.”
Katara smirks. “Well I guess I know what I’m doing tonight.”
Does Azula win their game of hoops? Only three out of five times. It would seem that Katara is quite better at it than she had anticipated. Has she acquired one large komodo-rhino plushie, three smaller ones, and a sky bison plushie? Most certainly. She gives the sky bison to TyLee who snuggles the thing all the way back to their spot on the hill.
Did they forget the tea? Yes. Did they also forget the kebabs? Also yes. Are the others quite disappointed? Quite. Is that humorous? Indeed.
Sokka loses their game of drawing straws so he has to walk down the hill and fetch their tea and kebabs. At least he does not have to wait in line. At least there are going to be at least three more shows before the main event.
Azula leans herself against Katara. Lets the waterbender wrap her arms around her the way that she had back when she was just some confused and curious fire spirit. It is comfortable. A nice welcome home. A promising welcome.
There is noise all around; booms, crackles and pops. Sizzles, drum beats, and laughter. Chatter, chimes, whistles, and smokey hisses.
Azula had missed home so terribly and it doesn’t truly hit until now. She is thankful for that. Thankful, also, for the realization that her yearning for home means that she still belongs here. That her flame is still strong. She isn’t entirely certain of where she will go from here, but wherever she goes, she will travel whole and hopeful. Authentic and cherished.
She looks at Katara. The fireworks twinkle in those pretty blue eyes, bathe her soft skin in flashes of pink, green, and gold. It is not unlike the sky curtains. Azula turns her own gaze back to the fireworks.
She stares up at them with Katara’s hand in one of her hands and several komodo-rhino plushies in the other.
She used to know all about komodo-rhinos. She still knows all about komodo-rhinos.
20 to 55 inches. 4 tons. Black or white komodo rhino. 59 inches. 7 tons. White or black komodo rhino. 39 inches. 7 tons. Greater one horned komodo rhino. 60 inches. 10,000 pounds. Caldera ash komodo rhino.
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krikeymate · 1 year
so i was watching some tlou edits today and i had the most terrible idea..
something kind of like joel’s death. with sam. with tara being held down while screaming for sam to please get up.
boy i hate angst (this probably gives away who i am) but i’d like to see your fantabulous writing with that situation!
Hi, the fuck? Double whammy.
The temperature difference is the first thing she notices.
The sudden heat from the building is a sharp contrast to the snowy landscape outside, it leaves her body tingling, fingers and toes numb.
That must surely be the cause of the shiver that runs down her spine.
The room is empty, but only recently so if the melting slush that’s been stepped across the room is anything to judge by. It’s hard to say how many footprints there once were, puddles fusing together in the warmth.
But there’s too many, she thinks.
Sam, and Sidney, and… others.
Tara struggles to swallow, breath catching in her throat.
It’s just the cold.
It’s just the cold.
There’s a noise, muffled, unclear.
She wants to call out. She should call out.
She can’t.
Tara creeps through the doorway silently, gun clenched tight in her hands.
Sleeping bags. Half a dozen of them, all spread out around a fireplace, burned wood still dimly aglow.
This room is as empty and quiet as the last, signs of life with no bodies to fill them.
“Sam,” she whispers to herself, “where are you?”
It feels wrong. Abandoned. Worse yet, abandoned in a hurry.
That’s never a good sign.
She doesn’t even know if this is where Sam and Sidney ended up. They could be anywhere, it’s been hours after all, and tracking has never been Tara’s speciality. Sam was the tracker, the one with the good eye.
If Tara had been the one missing, Sam would have found her by now.
A thud has her spinning on her heel, gun nearly flying out her hand as she turns.
She should know better. What a stupid mistake to make. It could have cost her her life, had anyone been there.
But the noise isn’t coming from behind her, it’s coming from below. Now that her ears have trained onto the noise, Tara can’t unhear it.
She goes searching and finds the stairs to the basement behind lucky door number three, and takes a moment to breathe and settle her shaky hands before her descent.
The dread she had tried to ignore earlier is a chain now, nestled across her tense shoulders. Every step she takes feels heavier than the last.
The groaning of the wood beneath her feet sets her heart racing.
She doesn’t know why her hand trembles as she reaches out for the door handle.
She doesn’t remember the last time she felt so scared. She doesn’t remember the last time Sam wasn’t there, just within reach in case she needed her. Even when they were fighting, Sam was still there.
Then Tara hears a familiar whimper from behind the door, and finds her fear isn’t important anymore. The door flies open.
She can barely comprehend the scene before her.
Sam’s here.
Lying on the floor.
There’s so much blood.
Too much blood.
Between them stands a silhouette.
Shadowed and still, other than the drip drip drip, a golf club in their hand, repurposed into a tool of violence.
It makes Tara burn.
With teeth bared, she raises her gun and steps forward, only to be thrown to the side as something collides with her.
Stupid girl.
They aren’t alone. Remember?
Tara disregards the gun now skidding away from her, and with a heavily practised motion, has her favourite knife in her hand – a gift from Sam long ago, regularly sharpened, and cherished – and thrusts it behind her and into the neck of her assailant.
The body falls away, but she has no time to breathe, to move, before an elbow cracks into her face and another takes its place.
“Get the fuck off me!” she yells as she struggles against the knee on her back and the hand pinning her head to the floor. “Sam!”
The woman holding her down laughs.
“I’m so glad you’re here to see this,” she says, fingers twisting into her hair and pulling. Tara can practically hear the grin in her voice; the manic tone holds no anger for her fallen companion, only glee at her presence.
Tara doesn’t have time to wonder why.
“Ethan,” the stranger calls out to the figure, slamming Tara’s head back down into the floor. “It’s finally time to end it.”
Ethan turns to them and smiles down at Tara, teeth bloody like the rest of his face. Her stomach lurches as she realises it’s blood splatter.
“Gladly,” he replies softly. “Don’t worry Tara, we’re not going to hurt you. We just want to settle a debt.”
He speaks with a gentle cadence, but his face tells a different story. Dark and predatory eyes, a sharpness to his toothy-smile, an unnatural giggle as he drags a hand along the wet club.
“SAM!” Tara cries out, feeling desperate in a way she’s never felt before.
Ethan smacks the club against the floor.
“Sam, please get up, Sam please, Sam fucking get up!”
Her sister groans, dragging her head to face her. It looks painful. She looks like she’s in so much pain. It brings tears to Tara’s eyes as she struggles against the stranger’s grip.
It’s useless. She’s too strong, Tara’s too weak.
“Tara…” Sam whispers, fingers twitching as she tries to reach out for her.
Ethan stomps on the reaching hand, delighting in the way Sam whimpers.
“STOP IT!” Tara begs. “Please, please stop, I’ll do anything, please don’t hurt her.”
Ethan laughs harshly, persona forgotten.
“Oh, it’s too late for that Tara. Samantha here took our brother from us, now you’re going to learn what it’s like to lose someone you love.”
He swings the club before Tara can even scream out.
She finds herself frozen as he swings again and again.
All she can hear is the crack of metal against bone, the stranger above her giggling into her ear, the sound of her own sobs tearing themselves from her throat.
By the time he’s done, Ethan’s gasping, face orgasmic as he takes in the carnage.
All Tara can focus on is the shattered remains of her sister’s skull. It doesn’t feel real.
It can’t be real.
This can’t be real.
Tara thinks this image will burn behind her eyelids for as long as she lives.
She hopes it isn’t much longer.
Ethan lazily tilts his head towards her and taps the club against the floor, considering.
He says something. She can feel the woman respond, vibrations against her back, but Tara can’t hear a thing.
She feels deaf and mute and blind, stuck in the moment the club struck, that she lost her sister.
She didn’t do anything. She should have done something; she could have done something. Why didn’t she do something?
She feels her head tilt up, something hard and wet beneath her chin.
Tara looks into the eyes of the man who took her sister from her. She memorises every feature, the pattern of blood spread across his face, the knowledge of who it belongs to.
“I’m going to kill you,” she promises, voice barely a whisper.
“Good luck with that,” he laughs, and he swings.
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quailxcrossing · 3 months
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you're right i was sillybrained and thought my asks were on but they weren't! thank you for tagging me regardless I really appreciate the questions and my brain is WHRRRING
[60] If they were to commit a crime, what kind of crime would it most likely be? WINNIE
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As awful as it sounds right off the bat, Winnie's most likely crime would be physical assault </3 she's a very highstrung and defensive person, and when she feels threatened she goes for her physical qualities first- she WILL bite people. this has helped her greatly in the past, when she was in real, high-stress high-danger situations, but now that she's trying to adjust to Normal Life, she's still unlearning that she can't bite people to make them leave her alone!
(i'll do 17 for Runo on a separate ask! just to save typing space :3) [30] What are their most healthy and most unhealthy coping mechanisms? RUNO
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Oh Runo LOVES coping mechanisms...he's got a lot....but yes. For healthy, I'd say his most bestest one is letting himself play- he's not really a parent who sits back with a drink and watches his kids from a distance; he loves hanging out with them and playing their games, he lets himself be silly with them and not care about passerbyers! Not only is it just, a lot of fun, but it's helping him experience a lot of childhood he didn't get to, and process how much he needed an engaging parent and now he gets to do all the things he wanted to! Although, at his own slower pace. He's not as high-energy as either of his children, but when he's included it just heals his whole brain. his wife Peony enjoys these family activities too <3
for WORST...okay the worst.......needs a slight trigger warning for s/h --> he bites, sadly not in a silly way, but when he's really feeling it he bites his arms to calm down. sometimes when i draw him without long sleeves, you can see bruises or lacerations on his wrists/hands. he tries to hide this from his family best he can- he doesn't want his kids worrying about him, or picking up the habit. its a form of NSSI which is an autistic trait i relate to heavily but man. man i wish he'd stop doing it :<
[11] What are small things that make them happy? TAI
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(this art is by my friend @/foolishly-snowy !) oh man this guy needs some joy in his life. small things....i almost just said his daughter, but that's a pretty big thing, no? small things would be...clever tattoo designs (he loves tats so much, boy i'm begging you to get more of them, he loves fantasizing about the big arm/chest pieces he wants someday) or when he gets to dress up a little fancier than usual (formal work events are his favorite thing, despite unpopular opinion- he just loves a nice clean suit and feeling put together!) and...walnuts? he loves walnuts....his husband Spiro really likes cooking, and it's not uncommon for him to make Tai cinnamon toasted walnuts to take to work which always make the 15-hour shifts so much better when there are walnuts in his bag
[3] What emotion is the hardest for them to deal with? RUSE
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RUSE!!! hi ruse hiii ruse hi babygirl....hmmm....all of them? Ruse isn't great with emotions...being raised sheltered, friendless, and ostracized, then she became a squire, then a knight, all while being sheltered, friendless, and ostracized. She tries to keep her emotions in immaculate little boxes, but she is TERRIBLE at this. the hardest emotion to keep in her boxes is guilt, for sure. she feels very guilty to want things, or need things, or desire anything, or take up anyone's time. :( it eats her up. she feels like she must have a purpose for existing- luckily, she's got actual friends around her now, trying to teach her it's okay to breathe and exist and take up space! it's okay to be a soft little mouse.
[2] How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone? BAAREE
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oh Baaree you mean the world to me. Baaree was raised in royalty. she was taught to be perfect, and polite, and proper, and quiet. she never had any room for messy emotions or speaking her mind, but she didn't mind it too much. nowadays, she has been cast out from her kingdom for a crime she DID commit, and everyone treats her like dirt, but she keeps her head the same as ever. polite. perfect. proper. she's got a bit of a rude tongue to her though, which is slipping out more and more, the farther she walks from the castle.
when alone, baaree is about the same. polite. proper. but she's unraveling, slowly, from the experiences she's having in public. she's still treading carefully, but she likes to hitch up her dress and run, let herself get messy and dusty, and get angry and hissy and stomp around in private.
[7] Are they a good liar and what would they probably lie about? EVIE
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ohhh evie.....she's a pretty moderately bad liar, she doesn't do it often because she doesn't like to lie! she prefers to stay quiet and avoid questions. but what's funny is, the picture i used as her icon, she sorta is lying-
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she's silly.....she really is head empty, quite often. so she doesn't have the means to lie extremely complicated or keep up with the lie. she can make up a white lie on the spot, but holding on threads for a long period of time? forget about it! [24] How hard it is for them to not allow their emotions to cloud their judgement? EVIE pretty good, actually? this might have to do with the head empty, no thoughts thing. Evie can be pretty silly and emotional, but she's also good at seeing things as part of a bigger picture- she's pretty logical in that manner! it's her friend Sigourney who has a REALLY hard time not letting her emotions get in the way; Evie often has to clear her mind for her.
[57] What was the most stupid or dangerous thing they have ever done? GOAT
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well, if jumping to punch a guy you just force your best friend to stab your arm and kill you on a whim isn't dangerous enough- and then the many, many escapades he's going to go through later down the line, which all involve him jumping headfirst into fighting someone he reeeeally shouldn't fight (may i remind you, he is 4'11'' and twig-shaped)
so maybe this isn't the MOST stupid thing he's ever done, but when he was 16 he stole a sports car from the family he was staying with, took it on a high-speed joyride around the city with his foster sister, and then crashed it Calvin and Hobbes style into a ditch. he didn't have a driver's license btw. never took any tests either. he was winging it and boy was he WINGING it. how they walked away from that laughing their heads off is beyond me
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