#she has her scales now baybeeee
cindernet-explorer · 8 days
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welcome-to-the-cafe · 3 years
SHANG-CHI (2021) Review Pt. 1
Woooo I admit I was more hyped for this film than I had any right to be. Hyped and nervous. This was the media piece that had the potential to be the first "good" piece of Asian-American representation in a long time. It seemed things were falling in place: they got a Chinese-American dude to play the lead. They got a Chinese acting legend to play the villain. Asian-American women for strong supporting roles. They had an Asian-American director. Loads of Asian stunt actors and coordinators. Asian-American musicians for the soundtrack. But still...
I was nervous because of the narrative arc I glossed from the trailers. I expected it to be another american-child-beats-traditionalist-parent story, where the new American experience conflicts with and overcomes the evil (and weird) native heritage. It seemed that's what Shang-Chi, the American boy, would do to his ancient Chinese father. I was very glad that was not the case.
The relationship between Shang-Chi and Wenwu, and the two of them to Shang-Chi's mother, is the central component of the movie, and I was glad it was well written and acted to be very compelling. I greatly enjoyed the two parallel internal conflicts, though I have issue with how they were resolved. Wenwu was a ruthless immortal warlord, but gave it up for the wife, cuz that's the power of love baybeeee. Unfortunately, is past beefs catch up to him and his family, and return him to his old ways...but not completely I think, because now, he loves his son. And Shang-Chi, despite being trained into living weapon, loves him back, though hates him for making him kill. Their fight at the climax is a culmination of their sadness and rage, using the more violent style (Shaolin I think?). Wenwu is a master of this style, and so overcomes his son with it and nearly kills him. This is completely counter to Wenwu's goal of reuniting the family, really showing how far he's gone. Shang-Chi ultimately uses his mother's Tai Chi-based style to defeat his father, and spares him, telling Wenwu to let go and accept his wife's death. *Chef's kiss* delicious, and nearly perfect.
And then comes the dumb CGI monster ...
I actually like that the Ten Rings are directly tied to the evil supernatural monster, and that the monster manipulates Wenwu with his grief. However, I don't like that the monster's physical form is Western-style giant ugly bat thing. Actually I don't like that the monster has a physical form at all. I think it should've been some evil spirit that takes the form of the mom, and then possesses Wenwu via the Ten Rings. Possessed Wenwu and Shang-Chi would then duke it out...ok that would be a detailed rewrite, I will stick with a review. The big CGI monster was dumb. The smaller CGI monsters were also dumb. And the dragon...ok I think the dragon was dumb too. There were a lot better ways to "revive" Shang-Chi after getting beat up initially. It had no character, and no big plot connection. The climax should've been purely emotional kungfu, not a messy CGI hurricane.
Now onto the secondary characters.
I think Xialing and Shang-Chi's relationship was powerful and weighty, but wasn't given enough time, and wasn't resolved that great. Being on a flying dragon and "letting go", is not nearly the same as abandoning her for 10 years. They needed a real heart-to-heart, where they practice kung fu together. In addition, Xialing should've been there to confront Wenwu; after all, he is her dad also. And Wenwu should've acknowledged her too, after shunning her for so long. Damn!
Katy was...funny but she felt more and more extraneous as the movie went on, mostly serving to provide funny reactions. The old lady telling her to "aim for one thing" as a resolution to her main internal issue (fear of failure), felt cheap, like a checked box. Can't we leave that for the next movie? She did give us some of the funniest and relatable bits as a Chinese-American, such as when Ronnie Chieng said "Oh I don't worry I speak ABC", or when Wenwu assumed the warm-but-stern-friends-dad role to her, or the pronunciation struggle on the plane. She didn't have much role in Shang-Chi's character arc, except for serving as the audience for Shang-Chi to reveal his big secret to.
Ok I'm getting really bothered by "Shang-Chi" with the dash and double capital letters. The other characters all use pinyin format, and it's just weird for Shang-Chi to remain in the archaic romanization. Which is...a bit emblematic. Hm...
My main complaint for Ying Li (the mom) was she seemed too...angelic. Her scene with the young Shang-Chi seemed like something out of a mainland Chinese television commercial. But maybe it's appropriate, since she's dead, and that's how everyone remembers her? The way she died, face-up, no visible injuries, with a still-spotless white wushu uniform, was kinda...funny almost. The situation of a bunch of normally dressed gang members strolling into a mansion garden, fighting a wushu-garbed woman...also kinda funny. Her chemistry with Wenwu though, damn. That was some classic kungfu flirting.
Razorfist was funny. "That's my car!", him getting his life saved and accepting truce, him taking the blade off of a dragon-scale sword, all good moments. I'll allow him as the token diversity.
Oh I nearly forgot about Trevor Slattery. Yeah I'll allow him too, he and Morris were unobtrusively funny.
Death Dealer was done dirty. Such a cool design, and he's the first to die pathetically to the gross tentacle bats.
A dumb thing: I actually thought Michelle Yeoh would be the aged-up Fala Chen, because from the trailers I was under the impression Yeoh would be Shang-Chi's mom. Of her character, I liked her important role in helping Shang-Chi connect with his mom's memory, but I feel she should've been introduced earlier.
That's it for the story and character notes. Second Part will be about the meta stuff, like representation, orientalism, casting, etc.
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deathvalleyusa · 5 years
I love their relationship(even though it’s over for now) What I wanna know are; What’s the dirtiest thing Billy’s ever done/given or said to Chrissy? Did they ever go on ice cream dates? What’s the most vulnerable Chrissy has ever been with billy? What’s chrissys biggest insecurity? How do you think they would’ve been if Chrissy had gotten pregnant? On a scale of 1-10 how upset would billy be if Chrissy got in another relationship? Would Chrissy sleep with Steve? What’s chrissys star sign?
What’s the dirtiest thing Billy’s ever done/given or said to Chrissy? the scene i wrote in the photo booth at Starcourt is hard to top lol. Chrissy’s gonna remember that for the rest of her LIFE
Did they ever go on ice cream dates? they did tons of times. there’s not much to do in a town like Hawkins, so regular dates to the local ice cream place was a must. they’d trade off who got the flavor of the day and who got the safe flavor choice.
What’s the most vulnerable Chrissy has ever been with billy? any time she’s cried in front of him (when it wasn’t his fault). Chrissy is not someone who likes crying in front of people, and feeling comfortable enough to let loose emotionally in front of him was huge for her.
What’s chrissys biggest insecurity? the way other people perceive her. she thinks people think she’s stupid, a party girl with no personality, a slut. she tries really hard to not show that those assumptions about her hurt. 
How do you think they would’ve been if Chrissy had gotten pregnant? it would’ve been a big freakout moment for them if that had happened. Chrissy would’ve gotten an abortion. they’re both self-aware enough to know they’re not ready to be parents.  
On a scale of 1-10 how upset would billy be if Chrissy got in another relationship? a solid 8. he’s still hoping she’ll forgive him, but if she decides to date someone else, he knows he can’t stop her. Billy wants her to be happy.
Would Chrissy sleep with Steve? NO. sleeping with Steve would be like sleeping with her brother. 
What’s chrissys star sign?SCORPIO, BAYBEEEE
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