#she has all her lives dw. i see no reason to only give her 5...
theaddersclaws · 2 months
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Moon 77, Part 3 (final), prev | next
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youremyheaven · 4 months
Saturnian Women: Bad Girls to Trad Girls? 👀😲👩‍🏫
Saturn is the planet of discipline, restriction and rules. Saturn is considered a "strict teacher" who uses discipline, difficulties, delay, duties, dealings, and denials at times to ensure that the student really imbibes their lessons.
There has been much discourse lately on Saturn mahadashas and tbh, I would say to not worry about it too much. Saturn punishes but it also rewards, so if you stay true to its teachings, i.e, keep your head down, do the work and stay firm but humble, Saturn will give you success in proportion to your efforts.
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Jennie, Vishaka Moon, finished her 19yr Saturn mahadasha in 2019 and you can clearly see the many themes of Saturn that played out in her life. She spent 5yr living overseas by herself as a child with another family (Saturn deprives you, to some extent, of your family's love and support) and after she moved back to Seoul, she began living at the YG dorm and trained for 5 years and 11 months, which is one of the longest training periods among popular idols today. She has talked about how she's never lived at home or had the experience of living with her family until she was 18-19 and she's always sounded bittersweet about it but all her hard work paid off. Today she's the face of K-pop, one of the most successful idols of all time, an icon and an it girl. She gets torrential amounts of hate over her "attitude" for the supposed partiality that YG had towards her and yes for being "lazy". This is Saturn's harsh energies coming through. Are Jennie's performances lacking from time to time? Yes but is she the only idol whose performances feel meh/"lazy"? No. Is she the only one who gets brutally called out for it? Largely, yes. Saturn does not allow you to get away with your skimping and most definitely does not let you take shortcuts.
The reason most people suffer during this mahadasha is because its human nature to want instant gratification and choose the "easier" option. But yk who does not like that? SATURN. This planet is all about being principled and doing things the "right way". You cannot do something immoral and expect to get away with it during this mahadasha but another thing about Saturn's influence is that it often makes natives deliberately "rebel" or step out of line because they internally crave punishment and want to be disciplined. Think of Saturn like the dom in a BDSM relationship and yourself as the bratty sub who's always asking to be punished. Its kinda like that. I've noticed this with many Saturnians as well as people experiencing Saturn dashas, they have no intention of being "bad" or doing the "wrong things" but they do anyway?? because they want Saturn to discipline them and put them in their place. Often times these natives choose the "harder" path subconsciously by forgoing many chances to choose from other options. They really want to prove themselves "worthy" and "deserving", sometimes to their own detriment.
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Karina from Aespa, Punarvasu Moon is also currently undergoing her Saturn mahadasha and so is Wonyoung, Purvabhadrapada Moon (they'll both finish their Saturn mahadashas at around the same ish period of 2031-2032). They're both incredibly successful so if you're experiencing this dasha, dw about Saturn depriving you of success bc its not true. You just have to work hard.
Wonyoung started training at 12yrs of age when she was a few years into her Saturn MD and Karina also started training during her Saturn MD (she was 16 tho). They both spent yearsss training and became massively popular upon their debut (Saturn rewarding hard work) but often got unwarranted hate for absolutely nothing because Saturn "punishes" you to keep you humble in the face of massive success. With Wonyoung, I feel like her Magha Sun (leo rashi) works in her detriment in this dasha because she can be very self indulgent, come across as pompous or bratty or arrogant and Saturn does not like those things 😬with Karina, she received hate initially but things were cleared up and it was understood that those rumours of her being a highschool bully were fabricated along with those fake screenshots and some of her old classmates spoke up about her virtuous character and how kind and sweet she actually was. This is again, Saturn's karma coming thru. Good karma will help you out of tough places in life. Karina has kept her head down and worked hard, people criticized her initially for being a bad dancer but now she's known for her stage presence and x factor.
She's now known for her kind, humble and goofy personality because that is who she really is. Saturn rewards those who remain down to earth and humble and all the love Karina receives now (she is the most followed 4th gen female kpop idol surpassing Wonyoung in less than a year) is part of Saturn's rewards. However, she still faces challenges, like with her dating scandal or with her Chinese boycott last year but again, its her willingness to stay focused and power through that has helped her navigate those situations with grace. She hasn't been dragged the way Jennie or Wonyoung has been. I also think her having Mercury & Venus in UBP (a Saturn ruled nak) has helped her embrace Saturnian principles easier than the other two but she also does have a debilitated Saturn so ://
I think Jennie has had it especially tough because she's Uttarashada Sun and Sun & Saturn are enemies so she's struggled to be as grounded and docile as Saturn wants its natives to be.
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If you think about it, there is a reason why all the Kpop it girls have Jupiter ruled Moon and experience Saturn mahadasha at the height of their fame. For starters, the Korean music industry is very "restrictive" in nature and idols are very tightly monitored and controlled (all Saturnian themes) and those who thrive the most in this system are Jupitereans who are undergoing their Saturn MD. They learn to channel the expansiveness of Jupiter through the restrictions of Saturn. Think about how Jennie, Wonyoung and Karina have all been deprived of creative freedom, how their labels pick and choose their endorsements and limit their interactions and in general, despite being young, rich and famous, they live like blue collar workers in some ways?? This is all Saturn's effects. It makes you work hard, rewards you for it but does not let you indulge too much in it.
There is a reason why Jupiter moon is soooo common among popstars. Performing in front of packed stadiums with 50,000 fans is an experience only few get to have in this world and to get that, you have to toil day and night through punishing schedules and constant travel where you dont enjoy yourself materially. This is a very blatant manifestation of Saturn restricting pleasure and enjoyment. (Jupiter ruled Moon natives experience Jupiter dashas first and then its followed by Saturn mahadasha, so usually at their peak, they're undergoing their Saturn MD)
Now, I want to mention something Claire Nakti mentioned in her Saturn men video, she said that Saturnian men are often extremely rebellious when they're younger and deliberately "act out" because they crave the punishment and discipline that Saturn imposes on them. They subconsciously want to be put in their place. This sounds hella masochistic but I think its helpful to think of it in terms of BDSM dynamics (dont laugh lmao). To an average person, its confusing as to why someone would want to be spanked or tied up or hurt or be in "pain" or be submissive but some people genuinely derive pleasure from being in that position, that's what's fun for them. They "ask for punishment" bc they enjoy being "punished". I dont want to say Saturnian individuals are kinky masochists who deliberately do things that will lead to terrible consequences and harsh punishment but tbh, there is no other explanation for their behaviour. I suggest watching Claire's video where she cites manyyy examples of Saturnian men "acting out".
In Claire Nakti's video about Saturnian women, she mentions how these women are more at ease with following traditions and submitting to them than others because they find it 'freeing' to obey.
But tbh, although women internalise their qualities more in general, I think Saturnian women are just as likely to have an "unruly/rebellious phase" before they embrace the rule abiding nature of Saturn because the truth is limitations are what gives us true freedom. Saturn teaches us that if you have "too much", you can feel confused and lost. it's more important to have "enough".
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Hwasa, Pushya Sun
Hwasa is a great example of Saturnian natives and their need to both rebel and conform. Hwasa belongs to the group Mamamoo and although they're all talented, they weren't as successful as other Kpop groups in the mid to late 2010s, esp since they also came from a smaller company. In 2018 at the MAMA awards, she performed in this red latex bodysuit and went instantly viral and her performance became vvv controversial since its practically unheard of for a kpop idol to reveal this much skin or put on a performance that is very sexually provocative. she received a LOT of flak for it, people bodyshamed her, slut shamed her etc but this also brought a lot of attention to her and her group and people started taking more notice of them.
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Hwasa was on the cover of Cosmopolitan later that year (you have to be a pretty big deal to land mag covers in Korea esp when you have sooo much competition from sooo many idols/actors etc, Hwasa was up until then just an idol from a smaller company whom others often criticized for not being "pretty enough").
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Hwasa continued to "rebel" by posing semi nude, appearing on the cover in what Koreans considered "immodest" clothing etc. But some of the criticism subsided bc as more and more people discovered her music, her talent as a singer and performer stood out so they started praising her for her talent & hard work (Saturn rewarding hard work).
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she continued to receive a lot of flak for her outfit choices and Hwasa it seemed was almost hell bent on pissing Koreans off by doing exactly those things that they shunned. She was criticized for this look as her bra is visible through a sheer top and what did she do next?
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she went to the airport in a white top and no bra 😂😂needless to say K-netizens were PISSED OFF. but at the same time she started making appearances on variety shows where she gained praise for her humility and lack of pretence. (Saturn punishes but rewards)
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this is an excerpt from her 2020 interview with Cosmo (the Cosmo cover above is from her 2019 cover), here we can see Hwasa admitting that "one year ago I was more daring because I felt like I had to be that way no matter what" which reflects on how many Saturnians are rebels without a cause. She then says that "As I go on, I feel like I'm being more strict with myself" showing the progression from the rebellious, unruly phase to one that embraces strictness and discipline. This does not mean becoming a doormat, it means you become more gentle and patient. Its through suffering (which Saturn def brings about) that we learn grace.
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I think Hwasa has described it well.
Saturn is considered the most aggressive and cruel in Indian astrology. It symbolizes karma and rewards or punishes based on one's deeds.
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Selena Gomez, Pushya Stellium (including Sun & Rising)
When her Revival album came out in 2015, Selena was 23 and trying her best to shed her Disney girl image. So she did what most child star turned popstars do, she posed nude. This was very out of character for a girl who wore a purity ring until she was 18 years old and was generally perceived as the "sweet innocent" one among all Disney stars.
During a roundtable interview in 2022, she said
"I actually did an album cover and I was really ashamed after I did it," Gomez said. "I had to work through those feelings because I realized it was attached to something deeper that was going on. And it was a choice that I wasn't necessarily happy that I made, but I think that I've done my best, at least I try to be myself. And I'm not an overly sexual person, sometimes I like to feel sexy, but that doesn't mean it's for somebody else. It can be for me. Now I understand that there are certain boundaries that I need to set for myself, and I respect and adore so many people, but I’ve got to do what’s best for me."
Obviously the need to "rebel" against her Disney sweetheart image was imbedded in her by the people who work with her, like her management team but Saturn's most powerful tool is regret. You do things without much thought or act out or act rebelliously and through regret or after suffering its consequences, you learn to draw boundaries and impose limitations upon yourself. Just because you can do certain things does not mean you should do them. Saturn teaches us this by limiting freedom.
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Miley Cyrus, Anuradha Sun & Mercury
We cannot talk about Disney stars gone wild without mentioning Miley lol
She was the biggest Disney girl of her time and worked vvv hard, doing world tours starting from her early teens and then filming the show, girlie basically never had a minute to spare. Once the show was up, she was in a hurry to shed her Disney image and lets just say... she embodied Saturnian rebelliousness to its extreme.
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Miley lost her virginity to Liam when she was 16 and by the time she was 19, she was engaged to get married to the only guy she ever seriously dated. She definitely was embracing "tradition" etc so her "rebel" era was a sharp left turn. She went from being a teen bride to twerking in nude latex on stage. For the next couple of years, Miley smoked weed, embraced a hip-hop sound, wore little clothing and "rebelled". Her rebel era marked the end of her relationship with Liam and interestingly enough, the end of her rebel era was marked by her renewed relationship with Liam.
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She entered her soft girl era and started to shed her "rebellious image" and found balance
“I carried some guilt and shame around myself for years because of how much controversy and upset I really caused,” she says. “Now that I’m an adult, I realise how harshly I was judged. I was harshly judged as a child by adults and now, as an adult, I realise that I would never harshly judge a child.”- Miley said in her British Vogue interview
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Miranda Kerr, Pushya Rising
If you watch her interviews from the late 2000s and early 2010s, she's super flirty and now she's more mature and ladylike which is kind of a superficial evolution of Saturnian influence.
Miranda is rumoured to have been the world's most expensive yacht girl at one point in time. She accepted $8.1 million worth of jewellery from fraud Malaysian billionaire Jho Low. All these gifts were seized by the government later on bc Saturn does not let you keep things you obtained illegally or in unprincipled ways.
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In 2014 during an interview for British GQ (these pics are from the shoot) Miranda said:
"The older I get, the more confident I am about asking for things I enjoy," she said. "One thing I've noticed is now that I'm having less sex my body isn't as toned. The more sex I have, the more defined my arms and stomach get. Orlando and I always had great chemistry. One-night stands aren't my thing. I made Orlando wait for six months until I even kissed him… I always ask for a critique on my performance. I always want to better myself in every way."
She also said,
"Let's put it this way, I've had an orgasm in the air before. Alone. And together." 😲😲
This is sooo remarkably TMI for a woman who now presents herself as so poised and ladylike??
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After she started dating her now husband Evan Spiegel, CEO of Snapchat, they remained celibate for the 2years they dated prior to marriage and Miranda said they're "very traditional".
Interviews of Miranda now make her sound like one of those femininity coaches on YouTube.
"My grandma taught me that men are visual and you need to make a little effort," the model said in an interview with The Edit. "So when [Evan] comes home, I make sure to have a nice dress on and the candles lit. We make time to have a nice dinner together. At work, I'm like, 'We need to do this!' and, 'This needs to happen!' But at home, I slip into my feminine and empower Evan to be in his masculine."
In another interview, she said:
"Don't feel like you have to do and be everything. Let the man do some things for you, because if he cares for you, he will want to. When I get home, I'm not the boss like I am at work — I slip into a more feminine role. I take everything off and put on my Stella McCartney silk robe. I'll put on a red lip or red nails, and it lifts my mood. Sexy underwear also gives you a spark. I collect underwear from my travels. Lace, lingerie, bodysuits ... they're like souvenirs."
And in yet another interview, she said:
"He would rather me hug him than give him foot massages. He's like, 'Can you just come and cuddle up? Can we just snuggle? I don't need a foot massage.' I'm like, 'Come on, it's good for you!' … He's very loving like that. I'm a very lucky girl."
She went from being a "rebel" to living like a trad wife.
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Eva Mendes, Pushya Moon
She's yet another Saturnian who had a rebellious early career ("rebellious" for a woman basically means capitalizing on your sex appeal) and then embraced a more "traditional" life.
In 2020, she said:
"You can’t do sweatpants,” she said on Extra while promoting her makeup line, Circa. “Ladies, number one cause of divorce in America, sweatpants, no!” 
This is again an example of a "femininity" minded person who thinks women have to "ladylike" (Saturn embracing traditional gender roles).
She took a 10yr break from acting to focus on being a mother and said that if she returns to acting she wont do "violence" or "sexuality" which she did do prior to her marriage and motherhood. She also got married later in life and had this to say:
“When I was 40, it was a big deal for people when I was pregnant, and it wasn’t for me,” Mendes said. “And then I was 42 and I was pregnant with my second one and people were like, ‘Oh my God, you’re going to be so tired. That’s why people have kids in their 20s.’ I was like, that’s the most sorry, asinine thing I’ve ever heard.”
She continued, explaining of parenting, “It takes more patience. In my 20s, I shouldn’t have even been around a child. I was just foul-mouthed and smoking. I could not have raised kids in any other era of my life but now, for sure.”
She's indirectly referring to a more "rebellious" phase of her life and how now she has the patience to be a mom. one thing Saturn teaches you is patience, thats for sureee.
Saturn influence also causes delayed marriage.
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Madhuri Dixit, Pushya Moon was 32 years old when she got married (in 90s India this was ancient and not as "normal" as it is now).
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Salma Hayek, UBP Moon
there isn't enough dirt on Salma to show that she had some "bad girl" past to move beyond but she struggled for many many years. her life really exemplifies the delayed success of Saturn bc saturn truly rewards patience
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Rani Mukerji, UBP Moon
She got married when she was 36yrs old and is married to one of the biggest film producers in India.
The themes of Saturn delaying marriage but ultimately pointing to marrying into wealth has been true in the lives of many of these women, including Salma who is married to a billionaire.
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Ellen Pompeo- Anuradha Moon
She was 38 when she got married. Another thing I've noticed with many Saturnian women is how they struggle to conceive or have issues with their fertility (usually caused by the delay in marriage as they're older when they become mothers).
Salma has talked about how she struggled with gestational diabetes when she was pregnant and how she wishes she could have had more children. Rani Mukerji has spoken about her struggles with fertility and how she lost her second baby to a miscarriage, 2/3 of Ellen Pompeo's kids were carried by a surrogate.
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Monica Bellucci, Pushya Moon
She was 35 when she married Vincent Cassel and had her daughters in her 40s.
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Hillary Swank, Pushya Sun
She was 44 when she married her current husband. (She did get married at 23 and was married for 10yrs , which means they separated after her Saturn return)
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Jennifer Lopez, Pushya stellium
She married Ben Affleck when she was 53
She was 35 when she married Marc Anthony with whom she has 2 kids and was married to for a decade. All her other marriages were brief and short lived, pointing to how Saturn makes you get rid of anything that isn't "right" for you
Usually whenever Saturnians get married young, they end up getting a divorce. This is a massive generalization and obvs wont apply to every Saturnian but I've seen this with many people, even Miranda Kerr who married Orlando Bloom in her 20s ended up getting divorced after her Saturn return.
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Sophie Turner, UBP Moon
Sophie started dating Joe when she was 19 and married him when she was 21 and he was 28. According to rumours she felt really trapped in the marriage and felt like she hadn't experienced much life. She went from being on a TV show for 10yrs and missing out on normal teen experiences to being a wife and a mom. Many have accused Joe of grooming her as well. They've ended up getting a bitter divorce as well.
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Mariah Carey, UBP Sun
She was 23 when she married the CEO of her label who was 20yrs older than her. He had known her since she was a teenager 🤮🤢🤢Mariah has, like Sophie described feeling "trapped" in her marriage and how she had "no freedom". Tommy is famously controlling and kept her under lock and key pretty much. He is now married to Mexican pop star Thalia who was once a huge name in Latin music and is now virtually absent from public life. So his tendency to keep his wives locked up wasn't limited to Mariah, I guess.
Mariah divorced Tommy when she was 29 during her Saturn return as well and he made her life hell for the next few years (do not marry and divorce your CEO kids)
All throughout this post I made mentions of how Saturnians "rebel" and then "embrace tradition" but what is "traditional" isn't always "right". These two things aren't synonymous. Hwasa went against tradition by dressing sexy. Would that be considered scandalous in say, America? No. She went against the tradition of her culture. But it did not make her actions "wrong".
But sometimes this tendency to obey traditions can manifest in more extreme ways and make someone have very right wing esque or conservative views, even.
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JK Rowling, Pushya Sun, Saturn in 1h (in Purva bhadrapada)
Rowling was once a beloved author who was known for her highly inspirational rags to riches journey. She became the first writer to become a billionaire. But now, she's known as a transphobe and many of her former friends and allies have distanced themselves from her. Its crazy bc she almost exclusively tweets about trans people and has made it her life's mission to talk about who is a "real" woman and who isn't (Saturn's desire to conform to traditional gender roles) but her transphobic era seems to be her rebellious Saturn phase where she is seeking punishment. It literally makes no sense as to why out of the blue one day she started to tweet and say these things and why she's sooo insistent on her views but its like she's digging her own grave.
Saturnians often do bizarre things that seem like obviously bad ideas to others and suffer terrible consequences for it because they crave Saturn's harshness. She could've never written another book after Harry Potter, fucked off into oblivion with all her money and farmed strawberries for the rest of her life with her legacy intact but Saturn has stripped her of it. I wont be surprised if in another 10yrs or something, she comes forward to talk about how embarrassed and ashamed she is of whatever she's doing now as this is also a pattern among Saturnians to feel guilt and remorse for their past and apologize for it.
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Oprah Winfrey- Anuradha Moon
Oprah hasn't been fully exposed and cancelled yet but I hope she gets what Ellen got because she's such a vile, toxic hateful person.
Oprah has a long history of platforming some incredibly toxic people, leading to a lot of pain and suffering. The relevant one right now is Dr. Oz who used his Oprah-given influence to sell scam miracle cures and other supplements.
Worse (in my opinion) is Dr. Phil, who has used his Oprah-provided stage to send children to “reform schools” in exchange for kickbacks. Many (included the infamous catch me outside girl) have claimed that these institutions are hot beds of physical and sexual abuse. There are also allegations that Dr. Phil actively aims to make guests on his show appear less well adjusted so that he can yell at them. Famously, a winner of the show survivor who was struggling with alcoholism claimed that Dr. Phil’s staff gave him a bottle of vodka to drink before the show so that he would be drunk and look like shit to justify Dr. Phil berating him.
Oprah also dedicated two shows to a man known as John of God, heavily implying that he may actually be able to heal sickness through faith in God. He was, obviously, a grifter who would perform dangerous surgical procedures (and would cut people’s eyes with sharp objects) on people without a license. He was also a serial rapist, and several women have claimed they traveled across the world to meet John of God due to Oprah’s show only to be raped.
This example is more fitting of the traits I explored in part 1 of my Saturn dominance post where I talked about how many Saturnians seem to be scammers and liars.
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Grimes, UBP Sun
for an edgy alternative indie artist, Grimes has surprisngly trad views
In one interview, she said:
"I kind of like the patriarchy, I like the supply chain, food, Uber, roads... umm, civilization, you know there's a lot of good things that came from it. I think it's sort of oppressive and overly dominant, and if you don't include women in things they can easily become toxic, you know."
she was married to elon musk so im not too surprised that her worldviews are...weird... (she likes the patriarchy bc it gave her uber,,, gotcha...lol)
Sometimes honestly, esp in today's world where everybody has more social freedom esp in America and can do whatever they want, a lot of people "rebel" by embracing tradition. Grimes is actually deploying Saturn's need to rebel against the order by peddling her faux trad views.
The current tradfem movement (that I predicted 2 years ago😌) is a reflection of how each generation rebels differently. You give someone a lot of freedom and they do whatever they want with it but soon enough fatigue sets in and you desperately crave structure and order, so you discipline yourself and restrict yourself. in an era where dating has become so toxic and loveless, a section of society embraces a 1950s type tradwife lifestyle to go against the norm.
there will be a part 3 that expands on Saturn's manifestations further but this is it for this post<333 tysm for reading<33
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
I Am Human!
Asylum of the Daleks... first episode of season 7
and how did it hold up you ask?
.......................... well
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 3/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored): 4/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 4/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 3/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 2/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 6/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 5/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 5/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 3/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 5/10
FULL RATING: 40/100 (if I can count….)
OBJECTIFICATION: Hey guess what Amy's job is now? she's a model, because why not. and that means that when they all get kidnapped she's conveniently dressed like a model for the whole episode
But guess what there's another woman in this episode, known as Souffle Girl for a lot of it (sigh) or "Oswin." and she drives a lot of the plot as well -- now what would a woman who's crashed on a planet and is (as far as the audience knows when she's introduced) hiding from the Daleks be wearing? why, a casually sexy short red dress of course
wonderful way to introduce someone who'll possibly be important later on in the story, maybe even a companion in the future or something, seems like a very character-based choice in this scifi narrative...
there's also a third woman in this, who broke out of a Dalek prison camp (why would the Daleks have that?) and has a tragic backstory about her daughter still being there, but has actually been infected with Dalek nanoprobes and is a Dalek sleeper agent in disguise and she is introduced... in sexy heels and a sort of leather gear look (I will never technically hate a bit of leather fetish gear, but M*ffat is so utterly swagless and heterosexual, and it's very obvious by the way this woman is designed and poorly written -- when you're breaking out of a prison camp and you're on the run and your priorities are getting a decent pair of sexy heels for your outfit)
PLOT-POINT: AMY! IS SAD YOU SEE! BECAUSE SHE CANNOT GIVE RORY CHILDREN (not "have children for herself" but Give Rory Children)! AND SO SHE PRETENDED NOT TO LOVE RORY ANYMORE IN BETWEEN SEASONS! FOR FUCKN! REASONS I GUESS! (no I know the reasons, the reasons were "we need to inject some Drama into these two because two people in a relationship isn't interesting enough" and "I don't know how to write a woman")
(jeez fucking adopt)
(this a few episodes after we had quite a sweet episode about the importance of accepting your non-biological kid....)
Amy is also a model now, as mentioned, because idk. we don't know what Amy likes or is passionate in or good at, because this hasn't been important, and will continue not to be important, because why would Amy's interests and abilities be important in a show about her character's life
now the other character, Oswin, does have some emotional stuff going on, it's kind of the linchpin of the story, and it's genuinely the best part of the episode in my opinion, but man. the "I'm now no good in this relationship and will never talk with you about things while we're married, because I cannot bear children" just overshadows everything
COMPLEXITY: so the Daleks need the Doctor to do something for them, and therefore kidnap him and the Ponds in order to do it. they kidnap them really easily, kind of undermines M*ffat's whole previous narrative about needing to breed some super-assassin or whatever in order to kill the Doctor, the Daleks could have done it in a heartbeat, but I guess things only matter insofar as this particular plot wants to get something done. who cares what happened before (no matter how stupid that previous plotline also was, it's kind of M*ffat's whole thesis for why River Song is so interesting and impressive)
ANYWAY they get kidnapped and the Daleks ask the Doctor to help them with something they can't do I guess? - disrupting a forcefield so they can destroy a planet that houses insane Daleks...
this is... getting stupider. I can accept Daleks so consumed by hatred that other Daleks can't manage them.... sort of... and I can accept that they've put them on a planet because they want to preserve Pure Hatred.... sort of..... but now they're just like "anyway, we'll destroy it now, and we need your help to do it, and you'll do it because these Daleks are so much worse than other Daleks, take our words on it"
so they go on the planet, and there's that woman at the centre and that mystery I find genuinely quite compelling -- how did she survive down there for so long?
the rest is just aesthetics to try and make those other Daleks more impressive, and Amy/Rory drama, and it's all needlessly convoluted for something quite simple that maybe also doesn't... quite work when you're looking past the curtain
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: for something meant to do a lot, it does so little. the only really meaningful thing is that there's this person called Oswin and she's dead, but in the last scene she looks straight at the camera! what does it mean?! (watch and find out and it'll all come together at last, now where have I said that before -- ah yes, after every flipping M*ffat episode this era)
also Amy slaps Rory... twice... this is something that M*ffat loves to do that makes me immediately wince, and hearkens back to the numerous "jokes" that Rory is afraid of Amy and that she hits him...
COMPANIONS MATTER: I mean are Amy and Rory still really companions? they feel so out of place in this episode, they might as well not be there at all
I guess Oswin is technically a form of future companion and she's important, but she's not a companion yet (or is she) (or is she another mystery in an enigma in a strange set of circumstances that are all about the Doctor.... KEEP WATCHING TO FIND OU- *M*ffat stabs me in the back*)
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: not so muuuch, except for the part where I guess he's the only one who could possibly perform a relatively simple task (I mean, minus there being curaaaazy Daleks about, but still), and OH THERE'S THIS FUCKING ADDED BIT OF WEIRD (and I hope never to be repeated) LORE THAT THE DALEKS CALL THE DOCTOR "THE PREDATOR"
someone needs to do a stupid edit with eleven's baby fave on a predator's body running after some screaming Daleks
also there's this shot of an explosion that the Doctor causes (killing a bunch of Daleks Interrupted) and Amy is fainting because she's being infected by nanoprobes, so the Doctor is walking dramatically from the explosion with her attractively limp body in his arms
AH I ALSO FORGOT, there's this bit where the Daleks are like well the reason we keep the truly fucked up Daleks around is because we find their hatred so beautiful, and the Doctor answers something to the effect of how just when he thought he couldn't be more disgusted with them, they find a way to outdo themselves
and the Dalek says that the Doctor would make a great Dalek, because he hates so much, and it's like. on the surface this reflects the s1 episode with Nine. except that episode is a whole build-up, a whole Arc, a bunch of things that culminate in a beautiful scene. it's not just thrown out there to make the Doctor edgier and otherwise not important
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: I know there's a bunch of Dalek designs in this one that are loyal to Classic designs of Daleks from various episodes/arcs, but also it's giving me surface/in service of all kinds of new shit that M*ffat wants to add to Dalek lore (that if I'm remembering correctly doesn't really matter in the long run)
eh, call me pedantic, but if you're rewriting a bunch of lore and inserting old designs in favour of that new lore, it better be good and this... does not impress
“SEXINESS”: there's some dumb shit that I think immediately makes Oswin the potential future companion (who is dead, but maybe not hmm) into another M*ffat quip machine rather than a character
Oswin: Is there a word for total screaming genius that sounds modest and a tiny bit sexy The Doctor: Doctor, they call me The Doctor Oswin: I see what you did there
all of these lines spoken in the rapid speed of when you're rehearsing lines and need to get used to them, or the way that a bunch of directors mistakenly thought made things wittier during a certain point in time, but just made you feel like they were rushing through something that they knew sounded stupid
Oswin also gets this bit where she's trying to help Rory hide by giving him directions over a mic and she mentions her first kiss was some guy, and then she says: Actually her name was Nina. I was going through a phase. Just flirting to keep you cheerful
we'll leave it at that
INTERNAL WORLD: I'm not a fan of the Dalek Asylum as concept, in case you couldn't tell. I think there's numerous conceptual pitfalls and that it's totally irrelevant anyway, because it gets blown up at the end
it's also just kind of boring on the inside after all that build-up. what do Gone Girl Daleks do inside the super scary prison they're in? nothing much. just vibin'. actually scratch that, that's great, I wish they'd been chilling more
POLITICS: in the absence of anything overtly/deliberately political, we ask several things: is Oswin just going to be a mashup of Amy and River Song? Why women are written Like That? does it make sense that there are Mad Daleks, rather than just idealism schism as is how these things have been portrayed before? and if so, why is Madness something M*ffat is interested in and how does he tend to portray it? has M*ffat ever written more than one draft? (that's not political
FULL RATING: 40/100 (if I can count….)
lookat that, it's higher than The Husbands Of River Song (I damn with faint praise)
okay good stuff... genuinely the final conflict with Oswin, I like it, I do
the bad stuff: listen let's not linger on the incredibly sexist writing of Amy Pond any longer (until next episode, we'll see), let's not question why M*ffat writes the dynamic between Amy/Rory differently to most every other writer during his run, let's not question such silly concepts as Dalek internal politics, let's just ask why -- with so much flash and grandstanding -- are so many M*ffat episodes in this era so boring?
*deep breath* and so we begin s7
with mostly nothing
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darabeatha · 8 months
📋+ four, for any muse uwu
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Send “📋+a number” for assorted facts about my muse!
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Arjuna has willingly attempted to kill himself twice by walking into a pit of fire.
One time it was when Arjuna was challenged by a monkey to make a bridge out of arrows because Arjuna kept saying that he could make a sturdier and better bridge than the ones the monkeys did so they both did the bet and Arjuna was like 'if my bridge collapses i'll kms and jump into a pit of fire' and lo and behold, he ends up loosing so my guy was not going to hesitate to commit to his end so he lit had to be stopped from walking onto the fire.
The other time was when some guy was lamenting the death of his kid, that he died as soon as he was born and that no one cared. Arjuna finds this guy (a Brahmin) and takes pity on him and assures him that he will protect his next kid like 'dw, the next kid you have will live' and he vows that if he fails to protect this kid, he'll end his life by jumping into the fire (again) Long story short, when the time comes for the kid to be born, Arjuna visits the house of the guy and his wife and makes the house secure by making an enclosure with arrows yet the child still dies and not only that but the body also disappears??? the guy is obviously furious bc wtf arjuna u were supposed to prevent this from happening u suck so arjuna naturally (and once again) was ready to jump into the fire because how embarrassing right, but he was prevented from doing so by God Krishna who then took him to meet god Vishnu who upon getting told what happened was like "oh krishna and arju! i just took those kids just so i could see u guys again! it was nice seeing u, now go take the two kids back home :D" and so the whole thing was fixed.
Arjuna fought against crocodiles, 5 crocodiles
Basically it was during the time when he and his brothers and wife got exiled and as Arjuna was wandering on his own around the forest to gather resources, he found a sort of monastery (Ashram) and was like 'oh cool! maybe i'll be able to ask for food here' and as he entered, he saw many sages who were all tensed up and rushed towards arjuna and begged him to help them. Their problem was that these sages said that in the monastery, they had like 5 ponds that were used for bathing purposes but for some reason, crocodiles took over the ponds and for each pond there is a crocodile who eats anyone who gets on the pond, so naturally arjuna goes over to help. Because he had once received a blessing from the princess of the snake kingdom that no water or aquatic animal would be able to defeat him, Arju confidently enters the pond and catches the first crocodile and yeets it out of the pond. As soon as this crocodile is out of the pond, it turns into a woman who asks for his help as it turns out that she and her other 4 friends have been cursed for disrupting a sage who was meditating and because of this, they were all cursed to turn into crocodiles and can only be freed from the curse if someone takes them out of their ponds so Arju went ahead and went to each pond and yeeted all 5 of the crocodiles out and thus ends up saving all the women
Helps with burning a forest and proceeds to get thanked afterwards???
So the story involves Agni the god of fire and how in order to finally satiate his hunger, he needs to devour the forest but he can't do this because each time he attempts to do so he is stopped by Indra, so one day he meets arjuna and krishna and asks for their help, and they both agree to help and they thus end up battling against Indra as well as other gods and demons and animals and snakes, and Agni ends up eating the forest. It's because they help Agni with his indisgestion that Agni arranges for arjuna and Krishna to meet up with Varuna who ends up giving them celestial weapons, in the case of Arjuna, he gets his famous bow gandiva + the two endless quivers he has (that he carries in his fate interpretation!)
He's very skilled with origami
Not related to the Mahabharata but it's a personal headcanon that because of how precise and observant he is (as well as his perfectionism tm) he makes the cleanest folds and can make about any shape
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Since the whole "Dream Blunt Rotation" thing is going around, I thought I'd share mine
For some background, I've never smoked (weed, tobacco, or otherwise) and don't really plan to (except maybe weed once or twice because I mean I live in Colorado whaddya expect) but if I did these are the people I'd pass the blunt to. I'm also including the location the smoking is gonna happen, the snacks we've got on deck, and the background music we're gonna have on a nice, calmingly low volume.
The Smokers:
Link (The Legend of Zelda)
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He's normally a silent guy, and I feel like that wouldn't change if he was smoking the Mary Jane. If anything it'd be a calming experience for him, which he definitely needs after saving Hyrule in multiple lives. Only downside is if it's BotW/TotK Link he'd get a killer case of munchies.
2. Nick (Left 4 Dead 2)
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I can definitely see him as the type to smoke tobacco cigarettes on occasion, but not exactly be a weed guy. He's an asshole when he's sober, sure, but when he's high I feel like he'd mellow out a bit. Wouldn't get the munchies as much as someone like Link would. He'd probably just sit there and be high, maybe eat a thing or two.
3. Quinlan Vos (Star Wars)
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A more obscure character, even in Star Wars (most casual fans, like those who haven't seen the Clone Wars series, probably don't know him). But he's 1) my favorite Jedi character aside from Ahsoka, and 2) probably the type to get EXTREMELY philosophical when he's high. I can see him smoking weed in his free time already, and free time is something he has a lot of considering he's not exactly your average Jedi.
4. Callie (Splatoon)
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Callie is the BEST girl in Splatoon (yes, better than Marina, fight me). She'd probably get super sweet (even more than she already is) when she's baked, super cuddly, and killer munchies. Would probably gush at Quinlan Vos getting all philosophical on her. She'd probably also suddenly be super clingy and touchy with everyone (which I personally wouldn't mind).
5. Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
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Similar to Link, I just wanna give bro a chance to relax a bit. He'd probably be a philosophical stoner like Quinlan Vos, but he'd say the stupid shit like "Duuuude...isn't lasagna just spaghetti cake?" And make everyone laugh even though it sounds so dumb.
6. Palutena (Kid Icarus)
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She's a goddess, shawty needs to relax and let Pit take care of things for a bit. Would probably also be a very clingy stoner like Callie, maybe even get a bit clingy WITH Callie and everyone else in the group (again, I would not mind one bit). She'd also get real bad munchies, meaning Link may have to be on cooking duty despite having food on deck and being high. And that could lead to disaster. But that's just part of the thrill.
The Location:
Area Zero (Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)
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Aside from the wild Pokemon roaming around, I think Area Zero would be the ideal place for this pot-smoking party to go down. It's so damn ethereal and we can just bask in the Terastal energy while we also bask in the devil's lettuce.
The Snacks:
Wendy's Baconators
Cheddar and Sour Cream flavored Pringles
Homemade brownies (not edibles dw)
IBC cream soda and root beer
The Music:
Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes (album) - Jimmy Buffett
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No particular reason for this one, I just really fuck with Jimmy Buffett music (also this album includes Margaritaville)
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skzfairies · 3 years
sooyoung’s relationship with nct dream!
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✿ mark
he was actually the first one to introduce himself to her in the dreamies
he was really sweet towards her but wasn’t like, over the top, he was kinda chill yk
and that just made her feel so comfortable because she had so many worries about joining nct dream as a girl, she knew monique would also be there, but they weren’t in the same unit so it was very nerve racking for sooyoung
and this girl was like, 15 and she was being thrown into debut suddenly with a bunch of boys, and it was very overwhelming
but mark assured her that it was all okay, and that everyone wanted her there, and that she deserved to be here
if she was ever having any problems with anything, he would always try his best to help her out, or direct her to someone he knew would help her
and now they are the bestest friends, sooyoung admitted that out of the members he feels like an older brother the most to her :D
their always goofing off or messing around, but not like bouncing off the walls together, they just make jokes to each other and burst out laughing
they have so so many inside jokes omg
and whenever they randomly make eye contact, they would always burst out laughing, they literally can NOT be serious around each other ....
mark is basically the reason she knows so much english 😭 she literally just repeats whatever he says and then studies it later....that’s basically how she learned lmaooooo
✿ renjun
renjun ALWAYS clowns her, like she could just be breathing and he would make fun of her (all jokes ok he loves her)
and she’s just like .... did i ask
but she always gets him back :D
she doesn’t roast him, but rather she EMBARRASSES him
if renjun teased her a lot in a video that was uploaded fhat day, she would go on vlive and tell a VERY embarrassing story of renjun and go in COMPLETE detail and then she’s done she’s like “how are you guyssss?”
once renjun saw that she was doing that and he went to where ever she was and complained about it and she just laughed at him while he was begging her to stop 😭
they love each other i promise
they also play fight a lot, like they could just randomly be hanging out in the living room and they would just randomly start fighting each other until they called a truce
sooyoung always wins ☺️, you gotta learn a few tricks if you spend the majority of your time with seven boys
also, when sooyoung got confindent and comfortable with speaking some mandarin, she randomly started speaking it renjun
and he was SO touched like 🤞 he was in shock he was like “when did you- how- what?” and she was just like “ i wanted to learn some so i can talk to you and chenle, i don’t know much but it’s a start!”
and renjun just hugged her, he didn’t know what to say and he was like I LOVE THIS GIRL SO MUCH
no bcuz sooyoung literally deserves the world okay shes so sweet
and renjun would teach her and help her practice when he saw her studying and they just have little conversations with each other in mandarin, and it’s so cute hehe
oh yeah stargazing is a thing for them heeh, when neither of them can sleep because their stressed or it’s just not happening, they both go outside and attempt to watch the stars, even if you can barely see them since their in the city :/
✿ jeno
they stay up so late playing games whenever they are off and always regret it in the mornings 😭
when she first started playing games w him she was rlly bad and jeno would always beat her and he was SO SMUG ABOUT IT and he was like “haha loser💪”
and sooyoung being the hard worker she is, she practiced her gaming skills for a few months and watched a ton of vids and jeno would ask her to game and she was like “no, not yet.” “i’m kidding your not a loser!” “i’m not playing w u until i can beat ur ass!”
and then a few months later she finally asked him to play
and jeno was like YAY ☺️☺️
and he kept on hyping himself up,,, and then sooyoung beat him
she ended up beating him 4/6 times they played 🤞
and sooyoung was just like :))) it’s okay jeno, maybe next time!” and she skipped out of his room happily while jeno was still like :0
he sat there in shock for awhile...
song writing besties 🤞
he actually helped her a lot when she was first learning, and when she completed her lyrics she had him check them over
same for him, she would always read over his lyrics he written, and sometimes she recorded a guide for him !
they always bounce ideas off of each other whenever their stuck, and then their like “damn we rlly are big brain 🤞”
she fell in love with them, and his cats were instantly drawn to her
jeno has like 100 pictures of her w his cats he’s like :)) my childern
after meeting them sooyoung wont stop asking for asking for pictures of them or asking if their okay 😭
jenos like “do you love my cats more than me?“ and shes like “YUP:D”
✿ haechan
oh my gosh someone seperate them
these two are so chaotic omg
they are always coming at everyone’s throats omg
they roast the shit out of everyone 😭😭
whenever they are together there’s always loud laughing, BECAUSE HAECHAN IS JUST SO FUNNY OK
completly random but they look so cute and pretty sitting next to each other :D
haechan does tease her, but it’s not as much as the other members and she’s like :) “i’m special”
he’s always hugging on her and she either has two reactions:
if she’s sleepy and haechan throws himself on her she’s like ??? who tf is on me ??? and she looks so confused while haechan is moving around on her to get comfy and hes lowkey screaming and shes like 😳 i just woke up, and then she just goes back to sleep
if she’s wide awake she will scream and laugh and jokingly push haechan off of her until she gives up and just hugs back onto him, and she pats his head and goes “haechannie, your so cute :) i love you!“
its kinda a suprise that he’s older than her because he acts SO CUTE AROUND HER
and normally sooyoung would judge tf iut of u if you acted cute around her but wirh haechan she gets SO SOFT
like internally screams with haechan looks at her with a soft expression on his face because HE IS JUST SO CUTE AWH
another gaming duo <3
although it’s harder to beat haechan for her 😭😭
she’s only beat him like 5 times of the 6 years she’s known him 🤞
they also stay up late together, like they’ll be facetiming and they will litwrally just talk about ANYTHING and laugh their asses off
he lets her ramble about the random facts that she knows or the show she has been watching and jes just like :D your so cute, even if she repeated the same thing 2828 times or is not making any sense at all
haechan and sooyoung are so soft for each other 🤞
but they also arent afraid to roast tf out of each other 💪
✿ jaemin
these two are the sweetest omg
like they are SO CLOSE
and they are always together omg
like they always hang out in either one of their rooms and chill, it’s mostly her room tho because she complains about jaemins bed 😳
jisung feels like jaemin is his roomie too because he’s in there so much :0
dw sooyoung and jaemin are considerate 🤞
if jisung is sleeping and they wanna have a deep ass talk then jaemin will drags her to his room, because lets say jeno is a heavy sleeper (idk if he is but lets just say he is ☺️)
they are ALWAYS cuddling, like whenever she walked infront of his and he is sitting down, he’ll pull her to either sit next to him or his lap, it depends if cameras are around 🤞 and then once she’s sitting he’ll wrap his arms around her and just cuddle until they get uncomfortable lmao 😭
sooyoung will not fall asleep on any other member but jaemin, it’s just a thing idk, not that she’s not comfortable with the other members she just prefers to cuddle w jaemin since they cuddle so much hehehehe
whenever they are out walking in the streets and she’s tired she’ll grab onto jaemin’s shirt and he just down at her like :0 oh my god your so cute i just wanna protect ☺️, and he just puts his arm around her shoulder while she holds onto him :( i love them their relationship is so soft
ohhhhh jaemin made her go bike riding w him one day and she felt like she was going to DIE, her legs were so sore afterwards but jaemin was semi fine, and she was just like 😡i hate you.
she always asks jaemin to edit her photos for her, cuz she doesn’t know how hmph, and jaemin offered to teach her so she was like ☺️ okay so she sat in a chair next to him, and she ended up falling asleep.... whoops
jaemin was like “so you just do this to remove any- sooyoung?” and he looked down and sooyoung had her head against her knees, and she was OUT, like jaemin tried everything to wake her, so he ended up having to pick her up and put her on his bed while he finished editing her pictures 🤞
best boy jaemin YUP
i could write for AGES about them because i just love their relationship so so so much but all you guys need to know in summary is that they are such a soft friendship, they can always be seen cuddling together, they talk about almost everything, and their just besties :D
✿ chenle
01 liner babe’s yup !
they were close before debuting because they were close in age, and when they found out they were debuting they were like YESSS I KNOW YOU 😟😟
they call themselves twins hehe, even if they aren’t even born in the same month 😭
if they say they are twins, they are twins.
sooyoung also has a higher pitched laughed, so whenever they laugh, it’s VERY high pitched
also they love to randomly harmonize?
like they could just be sitting in the waiting room and then they would just sing in harmony and then go back to whatever they were doing :0
ohhhh and they LOVE doing tik toks together
they will do covers of dances together or those silly duo ones and it’s so FUNNY because they are both so chaotic and it’s so cute
they really killing everyone w their cuteness 😭😭😭
he was also so shocked when she spoke mandarin to him, even if it was just a little bit and kinda awkward because she had just been studying to for a few months (she started studying it in january 2021!) and he was like 😟😄😄
he also gave her a big hug but he was way more entergetic than renjun, he shook her back and forth and yelled in her ear, NOT ON OURPOSE
he was just excited 🤞🤞
ohhhh they also post lil duets together :D and it’s so CUTE
like their both bare faced in a dim lit vocal room and one of them is playing the piano, and they just sing, and it’s so raw and beautiful, OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM
vocal icons
✿ jisung
at first he was kinda shy around her, since hes normally shy around new people
and sooyoung was like, i understand, but shes an extrovert so she tried her hardest to be friends with everyone and talk to everyone, and jisung was like ???? how are you so talkative ???
the first thing he ever said to her was “your shirt’s cool, i like shinee subaenim too!” and it was really quiet and sooyoung was like “thanks ☺️”.
she was wearing a shinee tshirt btw, she’s a big shawol 🤭
they eventually got close though, i mean your bound to be when your with them all day yk
but sooyoung was so soft and gentle w him and reassuring him that it’s okay that hes a lil shy and he just felt comfortable around her, even if it was kinda hard to have conversations
now their inseparable!
she always laughs whenever he breaks something, but she always grabs it and sees if she can fix it for him, while laughing
for the first few years of their debut jisung was like her lil bro, she would always tease him or fool around him
and now its the reverse 😭
jisung always roast her or teases her, and it’s so subtle she would just laugh whenever he said something and then after awhile she realizes what he just said so she’s like ... ☺️😟😳😕
jisung always pats her head when she has her mouth open after he teases her, and is like “hehe, love u”
“sure you do jisung, sure you do.”
she gets him back by blasting twice or shinee and dancing on her bed until jisung gets out of bed and turns it off 😭
she never does that when he’s sleeping because she doesn’t actually wanna make him mad 😭
they have never fought and she’s not willing to loose that streak
jisung compared their hand size once and it litteraly made sooyoungs hands look like a baby hand and she was like ... i hate it here
now he always asks for a high five and then he laughs because of the size difference
and she gets SO MAD
“stop falling for it 🤷‍♂️”
jaemin actually had to hold her back from running after him after he teased her
not that she would hurt jisung....she would just hit him a few times
jaemin scolds her for fighting the members he’s like “we do not condone violence in this household!”
then she goes “condone violence my ass! just let me flick him.”
jaemin doesn’t let her flick him 😭😭
she does it before jisung goes to sleep tho 💪
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entities-of-posts · 3 years
alright. ask and you shall receive (also i saw ur tags, dw abt carbon monoxide. we got a carbon monoxide detector and it works perfectly fine)
honestly im not really sure where to start so i guess ill just list off some of the weird shit we’ve seen entity wise (not counting the mimics bc i think we already talked abt them)
glow in the dark baby: my personal favorite tbh. either manifests as an orb or a floating baby that glows blue. we’ve only seen this fella once or twice
furnace room man: fuckin. forgot what we named him so we’ll just go with that for now. anyways he’s like… some dude with some really bad burns and melty flesh. generally harmless, he just hangs out. the more friendly cousin of whatever else lives in there (we know nothing about them other than the fact they only tolerate our cats but absolutely HATE everyone else. the other things living in there, not furnace man)
chase: lives in our bedroom closet. creepy. we’ve never seen him fully, all we know is that he’s short and has a lot of hair covering his face. we always keep our closet closed so we never really hear much of him, but one night we accidentally left it open and the ENTIRE night he just kept saying “hey. hey come here. come into the closet” and we just. rolled over and went back to sleep because what the fuck else are you supposed in that kind of situation?? woke up a few hours later to see both of our cats on our bad hissing at the closet so there’s that
the observers: what their name suggests. they just watch people and follow them around. they don’t hurt people but when they pull up in numbers it’s SCARY. one time we got up late to get some water and there were 5 or 6 of them sitting around the coffee table. they don’t have any facial features or any defining characteristics besides being really tall and just being.. walking shadows, but i could see their heads move towards us so we BOOKED it back to our room. few seconds later they were outside our door just….. Staring.
weird guy: we think he might be a mimic but he’s actually come out during the day so im giving him his own category. anyways one time we were putting the dishes away and felt something fucking MASSIVE and soft brush against our leg. thought it was one of the cats but it reached too high on our leg to be one of them so we just went. ok whatever this might as well happen. continued putting the dishes away and we could see something huge running down the hall in the reflection of a knife we were holding and nearly damn dropped the thing on our foot. he looks like some weird… man bat wolf thing? idk. very physical entity. very vocal also, he can mimic our cats meows and also giggles a lot
victoria: awful. if i remember correctly she’s extremely pale, has long hair, and the rest of her body from the torso down is. gone?? anyways she likes to hang out in dark rooms. whenever we’re home alone at night she’ll try to get us to come into one of the rooms with her. i dont think she’s been around that much lately? but when she used to be, if we ignored her we’d wake up with some pretty nasty scratches on our arms and legs
michael: MAN FUCK THIS GUY. he just looks like a tall malnourished blonde man w no eyes or lips. he’s bound to the bathroom for whatever reason, but god fucking FORBID you cross paths with him when he’s in a bad mood. he pushes people, pulls their hair, grabs their arms or waists. he’s awful. we can deal w victoria but michael 2 are straight no’s from us
michael…. 2 i fucking guess: don’t have a name for her but basically she does the same thing as michael except she just kicks anyone’s ass that goes in the basement. most thing she does is stare at you, but if you look into her eyes you feel sick as shit out of nowhere
that’s… all i can think of off the top of my head. im not even sure if were rambling about these for shits and giggles trying to assign entities to them or finally letting this all out for our sanity and confronting it on a serious note but. well. it’s certainly there ig
The long awaited sequel to this ask! Long awaited mostly because it took me two days to get to it in the pile of statements, but still.
Well there’s… stuff going on here for sure. The mimics you talked about previously sound like the Stranger type, which could apply to Weird Guy and possibly Chase as well? The weird disappearing room in the first part of your statement could be Spiral, and frankly so could your whole closets-lined basement - I wouldn’t be surprised if opening those doors at just the right/wrong time lead to interesting developments. Victoria sounds like she’s got an affinity for the Dark, and so do the Observers just from their description as shadow beings but the fact that you described them as constantly watching points to the Beholding. Glowing Baby sounds like the light at the tip of an anglerfish’s lure, so do with that what you will. The Michaels seem to have some Slaughter in them but tame enough that you live to tell the tale, and Michael 2’s sickening stare could fall under the Corruption, or maybe the Spiral or the Vast if it’s more like vertigo/the nausea from a rollercoaster? Furnace man sounds like he got Got by the Desolation, but seems too chill to be Of it, though the same might not be said for his “cousins”.
Final diagnosis: you live at Hilltop Road. Or rather, a place of similar level of Bullshit, though you seem to be alive and… well? So whatever’s going on there probably isn’t as dangerous. Probably. Good luck?
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angelicimagines · 3 years
Hello there! Love this blog! Do any of the mods have general headcanons on what the V3 cast was like pregame? Thanks!
I’m gonna let the other mods add to this if they want to, because I only have a few head-canons of the characters pregame.
Such lovely headcanons you have there mod Chihiro, I'd be a shame if someone wee to…add on to them.
–Mod Shuichi
Yes it would be
Wouldn't it
-Mod Kaz🔧
Shuichi Saihara
Shy and reserved
He just likes watching anime alone honestly
He’s scared people will judge him, but he can rant about anime endlessly if you get him talking
Has a resting bitch face pretty much all of the time so it's very hard to read him
Will be more expressive when he's talking about his interests or you are sharing yours
Rantaro Amami
Slightly rude on the outside, but he has good intentions
Inside him there are two wolves, one that wants emotional connection and one that fears it, it's a constant battle
Has an arsenal of sarcastic comments at his disposal at all times
Vibes in a 7 eleven at the ungodly hours of the night and trauma dumps on the cashier, you have to apologize to the poor cashier
He gets very huggy sometimes but will deny everything to hell or say it's not a big deal and to not read into it
Very Forgetful. I mean he will not remeber your name for the life of him
Kokichi Ouma
He doesn’t really mind what other people think about him
He's a big daydreamer so he doesn't really see where he's going, he bumps into people and things a lot because of this.
Gets dragged around on some very questionable adventures with the rest of his friends and you and he just has the time of his life
He gets whiny when you don't hug him enough, he likes his cuddles man
Kaede Akamatsu
She means well and cares about her classmates but won't hesitate to kill a bitch
She's just done with everyone's antics, but if someone even looks at one of her friends the wrong way she won't hesitate bitch
Will die before she admits it but she likes flower crowns, make her one and she will be indebted to you forever
She's the class rep/president and thrives in that position, Kokichi is jealous
Shuts down when you compliment her genuinely, she doesn't expect it
Ryoma Hoshi
He is done, with everything tbh
Loves his classmates don't get him wrong, but they're just dumb as bricks
Basically everyone's tutor, he says he doesn't get paid enough for it
Sometimes indulges himself in some minor crime with you and it results in y'all running around town and almost crashing the car
Designated guardian of the class and hates his position, complains to Kirumi
Angie Yonaga
Really sweet and kind!
She loves to help other people accomplish things, but she can be a bit possessive.
Can be seen as a bit pushy, but will back down if you say you're uncomfortable
She wants to rant about her interest in religion but she fears being annoying since she's shut down a lot, if you indulge her she will love you forever and be your own personal cheerleader
She likes to bake cookies and will give you some if you're nice to her (they may or may not have her blood in them but who knows)
Kaito Momota
Dude's a dick, a fun dick but a dick nonetheless
Play fights a lot which usually ends up with him pinning you to the ground and saying some suggestive comment
Encourages the buffoonery that the class gets up to and is the self assigned leader of their misadventures
Show him genuine kindness and you will have a bodyguard, will even tone down the shitty attitude if you ask him nicely
He likes going out at night and just walk through town enjoying the stars and the night sky
Gonta Gokuhara
Scary dude, class transportation
Resting bitch face 2.0, but unlike Shuichi he will be more expressive
Likes nature and will take you outside for hangouts, he finds it peaceful and relaxing
Will infodump about his interest to the people he's close to and will in turn protect them from bullies and such
Do not bully Gonta's friends, that boy puts his muscle to good use and has possible rage issues
Miu Iruma
Less vulgar than in-game Miu but still lives in the gutter
She's smart in very specific and concerning subjects but won't remember what she read in her history textbook
Will tell you how to get away with murder in 5 steps or less but doesn't know when Japan got its independence
Second in command on the class's missadventures, has to be kept in check to make sure nothing blows up
Laughs like a 7th grader when you say something remotely suggestive, "that's what she said" following 90% of the time
Kirumi Tojou
Quiet, worried mom friend, partner in crime with Ryoma
Psychologically analyses her classmates for fun and calls them out on their bs, lovingly tho
Has a heart attack whenever a class trip is announced, contemplates buying leashes for them
Likes to make you tea as you two complain about your classmates to each other, sometimes others join
Tutor 2.0, teams up with Ryoma and Shinguuji and they are basically responsible for the class passing the year
If you insult her she'll Just insult you back until your begging for her to stop, most likely Captain of a debate club
Doesn't say a lot but when she does, She Talks
Tenko Chabashira
She's all over the place, all the time
She might look scary but she has the Mii theme song playing on loop all the time
Gets attached to the first person who shows her affection like a puppy
She likes plants and taking care of plants, I feel like they calm her down. She also likes green so she might be biased
Is on the hunt for the class cryptid because she's skeptic on the supernatural/paranormal
Himiko Yumeno
Resident cryptid
One time, Miu saw her sneaking into the dorm kitchen at 1 am and convinced the class that she saw a ghost/cryptid
Gets random surges of energy and starts like 5 projects that she almost never finishes
Really likes cotton candy, will make you buy her some whenever y'all go out (she shares it dw)
Is not opposed to cuddling but prefers headpats, she melts with em
Most forget he's even there because he's so quiet
Kind of rude and has little patience, so he buts heads with the more rowdy classmates
Basically a glorified babysitter, hates his job
Likes singing and has a decent voice actually, will sing to you to express his emotions
Very smart but refuses to tutor anyone because "google exists"
Korekiyo Shinguuji
He's a loner mostly because he's so off putting sometimes
Discusses philosophical and moral questions without prompting that lead to class debates, he thrives
Writes poetry when he's bored, it's surprisingly deep and well written
If he likes you, he will compare you to the 7 Wonders of the World, calling you the 8th one
Has very clean handwriting or writes in hieroglyphics, no in between
Maki Harukawa
She's quiet because she's kind of scared of her classmates
Has a lot of siblings and is the neighborhood babysitter, she gets along well with children
Gets adopted by Kaito and you and goes along with his antics, actually enjoys it
A regular in the class tutor service, taking care of her siblings takes up a lot of her time and effort
Is a cat magnet for some reason and that makes Ryoma give her discounts
Tsumugi Shirogane
Degenerate weeb (affectionate)
Also a regular at the tutoring service, she daydreams a lot and by the time she stops the lesson is over
Unspoken bond between her and Shuichi, takes a weeb to know a weeb
Likes doing people's hair and makeup, she'll make you look fabulous
Makes various origamis for her friends and you
-Mod Chihiro
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stealingpotatoes · 4 years
I am OBSESSED with your Desmond lives AU!! I want Shaun and Rebecca to be able to give Desmond all the hugs, I want Desmond to be able to choose to be an Assassin, to be able to help save the world again. Also, I am very curious about how you would resurrect Desmond, because I’ve had similar thoughts on such an AU, but I currently stick it near the end of Valhalla with the stuff that happens there. If you ever feel like expanding on it, I'd be super excited to see more!!!
first of all, AH THANK YOU!!! Yes those are ALL points that are very important to the Des Lives AU! Second of all, thank you so much for this ask in general!!! I was hoping someone would send an ask like this so I’d get an excuse to talk abt the AU more lmao XD!! I made this AU back in March last year, so there’s no Valhalla stuff in it, and it’s set right after/ during the Odyssey DLCs. 
The long story short for my Desmond Rez (rezmond, if you will) is “shroud of eden, abstergo, and some Isu bullshit”. The long story long, however, is uh- you know what? I’m going to use this opportunity to explain the vague story I worked out last year -- but dw, I WILL get to the full ressurection explanation I thought through. However... I’m gonna have to tell the story in smaller parts because I’m lazy and can’t be bothered to write the whole thing out right now. So rez comes later and not in this post. 
also uh-- before we start: I’m going to apologise for like… everything about the way I wrote this. It’s sort-of half fic, half that-way-your-friends-colloquially-tell-stories-that-you-can’t-keep-up-with. Mainly the latter. If you can make sense of this babbling, well done.
 Anyways, without further ado, welcome to:
On the 21st of December 2012, Desmond Miles dies. 
It’s not for nothing -- his sacrifice saves the entire world from a solar flare -- but he is dead. big ripz. The Assassins, his family, do not manage to recover his body. Abstergo gets it first. The Assassins hold a funeral as best they can. They mourn (all in their own ways), they keep fighting (for his memory), and they try to move on (they can’t). 
On the 21st of December 2012, Desmond Miles died -- so when he shows up in a city in October 2018, almost 6 years later, it’s a bit of a shock for everyone. What’s even more of a shock is the fact he’s glowing like an Isu and has some abilities he DEFINITELY didn’t have when he died.
So Desmond wakes up in the middle of some city in he doesn’t know where (yeah ok i just never really worked out where the secret lab would be), with 1. no idea of how he got there and 2. no idea why his arms are glowing like that. He doesn’t get much time to think about it because then there’re a load of Abstergo goons with guns surrounding him. Des may have no idea what’s happening, but he knows one thing: when u see an Abstergo, it’s on sight. So he’s fighting them -- which is admittedly not fun or easy when you’re in the middle of a road and only have your fists as weapons. It’s not going well and then someone definitely manages to shoot Desmond which is very bad -- but then Des feels some very weird (but not unfamiliar) feeling and when he looks up from the bullet wound, every one of the Abstergos are on the floor???? He doesn’t think to check if they’re dead, just legs it out of there lmao. 
Elsewhere, in an Assassin safehouse in an undisclosed location (can you tell I just didn’t think about the geography of anything), Mr Shaun Hastings is chilling on a balcony after a mission well done. Good for him. Then Rebecca Crane (queen ilu) yells “Shaun?” from inside. 
“Come inside. Now.”
Shaun immediately does so because he assumes it’s important or they’re under threat. “What happened? Have we been compromised?”
Rebecca doesn’t answer. 
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Shaun says, mostly joking and with a little smirk -- though Becs looks spooked. 
“Desmond’s alive.”
Shaun’s not smirking anymore. “What?”
“Desmond’s... he’s alive.”
“What are you talking about? Are you high?” he’s totally about to look at her eyes to see if they’re all dilated and druggy. 
“No Shaun, I mean it!” Becs harshly shoves her tablet into his hands. 
Shaun doesn’t really know what he’s expecting to see when he looks down at the screen. What he’s not really expecting to see is Desmond Miles, who’s been dead for six years, fighting a load of Abstergo people -- while lined in Isu markings (also he’s not wearing a shirt forgot got to mention). ??? But wtf??!?! Desmond’s dead. That’s...
“It’s security camera footage from [the city]... About two hours ago.” Rebecca then swipes through more footage with shaky hands and explains that Des very violently burst out of an Abstergo facility in the city with glowing eyes and light leaking out of him (almost like an Apple of Eden). Then the glowing eyes and shining lights shuts off abruptly and Des is standing in the middle of the road looking very confused at his precursor-ass arms and chest. But Shaun is barely listening to what she’s saying and barely even looking at the screen. 
“Where did you get this?” Shaun asks with a hollow voice, not looking up. 
“The Initiates.” (bc who else)
Shaun looks at it again, then at Rebecca, and he’s mildly aware of the fact he’s slightly tearing up; “That’s fake. That can’t be him. He’s dead, Becs. We both saw the…” They both saw the autopsy footage the ac4 researcher got from Abstergo -- or at least, tried to watch it; they shut it off as soon as Shaun ran to the bathroom to throw up and Rebecca quickly joined him. They spent the rest of that night crying and drinking way too much. 
“He died.” Shaun concludes firmly. 
And so Becs is all like “yeah but what if he didn’t?? We need to find him. We need to investigate this.” There’s a determination in her eyes and Shaun knows he’s not going to be able to convince her to drop this -- not that he would. Desmond might be alive, and there is no way they’re going to leave him again. 
They’re both standing there in pure shock and confusion, not saying anything. 
Rebecca’s comm device lights up and starts buzzing, snapping them out of their general ????-ness. Becs goes to her desk to grab it, glances at the caller id and then shows it to Shaun. It’s William Miles. 
The two of them share a Look. They know what he’s calling about -- what else would it be? There’s a stilted moment of neither of them doing anything before Rebecca finally accepts the call. “William?” 
“How quickly can you and Shaun get to [city]?” William sounds shaken -- probably the same way Rebecca and Shaun are -- which is a very weird way to hear the Mentor of the Brotherhood sound. He’s seen the footage, hasn’t he? 
“In a few hours,” Rebecca replies. 
“Good. You need to get there as soon as possible.” 
Everyone’s silent for a few moments. 
“Is this about Desmond?” Rebecca asks. Dumb question. 
There’s a pause. “You’ll be briefed on the ground.” And then he hangs up before Shaun or Rebecca can yell at him.
This is all moving very fast. Shaun and Rebecca share another look. Guess they’re going to [city].  ???
Fast forward several hours and Rebecca and Shaun are in The City [might just have to make the city london bc it’s the one city i actually know well -- however for plot reasons we’ll see later, a swiss city might be better… moving on!]. They get to an assassin base and meet up with Galina Voronina and 2 local assassins. Idk if you’ve read the comics, but to sum things up quickly, Galina and her team were investigating and then ended Project Phoenix -- so Galina now really wants to find out if the whole Desmond thing has anything to do with that. 
Galina also wants to help Shaun and Rebecca get their friend back. They’re her friends, but equally she just lost one of her teammates to Abstergo (while ending Phoenix like 2 months ago, in the comics) and is uh- idk how to say it but she wants to help Shaun & Becs who have a chance to get their lost teammate back.
What follows is cool gang-gang trying to track down any trace of Desmond. You’d think it wouldn’t be hard to find a person who literally glows, but Desmond’s had centuries of Assassin training and knows how to hide lol.. which is making the Assassins’ job harder lol. 
What’s making it even harder is the Assassins know they have to be quick because they know Abstergo is gonna be looking for Desmond too -- and they have way more resources and stuff. That being said, they’re also currently dealing with the fact one of their building and a decent amount of their guards just got absolutely mullered by weird-glowing-desmond. 
The third issue with their entire thing is that they have no idea what they’re going to find when they find Desmond -- or if he even is Desmond. Is he going to be the man they knew but with weird powers? an Abstergo isu-clone? evil? they don’t know, and so they know they’ve got to be wary with him. 
The Assassin gang spend some time (a couple of days at the very most) trying to track Desmond down. Rebecca is using all the tech she can get her hacker mitts on to find a trace of him and equally throw Abstergo off Des’ trail. 
Soon enough, they get a solid lead -- don’t ask for the specifics, i don’t know them. But they get a lead, and it winds them up in an abandoned apartment building or also abandoned building site or something (a building in the city where there aren’t any people, basically). 
Galina scans the place with Eagle Vision and she’s like “There is something very strange about this place.” (someone?) But she doesn’t see a person-shape anywhere. The 5 of them are hopeful but somewhat on edge. 
They go about searching for any sign of Desmond. Galina’s pretty sure her Eagle Vision is just… Messing Up A Lot lol. Like something’s trying to heck with it. So she’s not quite sure it’s working correctly when a load of red figures appear somewhere below them. 
She becomes a lot more sure when the red figures come into sight and START SHOOTING AT THEM! IT’S ABSTERGO!! CRAP! they found them!!
The assassins get down and a really cool fight scene w them vs the Abstergos in the building/ building site starts playing out. Woo Shaun and Rebecca electro-hidden-blade moments!! The fight splits the squad up and Shaun and Rebecca are away from Galina & the others -- but they dispatch the Abstergo guards near them.
They’re about to radio in that they’re all okay/ check if Galina & co are also good when they hear a slightly-too-loud footstep. They whip around to see an Abstergo guard aiming right at them, too far for either of them to get him before he shoots them. crap crap crap.
They would have been shot -- if someone hadn’t come up behind the Abstergo guard and snapped his neck (ouch). 
The Abstergo drops to the ground, revealing the person who saved them and… Shaun and Rebecca stare in shock. 
They’re both looking at Desmond Miles. 
Desmond Miles, who is very much alive (and wearing a hoodie that is 100% stolen). And… with a load of glowing yellow lines on his face. But it’s Desmond -- it’s Desmond for sure. Holy shit.  
Desmond doesn’t seem so shocked, only relieved to see them. Then his expression turns into serious confusion; 
“What the fuck is happening?”
ok sorry leaving it there for now! hope you enjoyed what is here will continue soon
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sunny-sings-sooth · 3 years
more oc asks💅
color codin: pink is for the character the question is bout, orange is for other characters mentioned.
is amy in aiwin's pov a good person, or is she more grey? does he have any strong opinions on her? is he neutral w her?
what would ya say is aiwin's fatal flaw(s). like wraght, greed, peide etc,
how was his childhood? was it good, or bad? did it affect the way he sees the world and people now?
w whitch animal do ya associate him w? can ya explain why?
what are his opinions on the gods? more specifically apollo, hermes and dio?
how did amy meet aiwin? what was her first impression of him was? her first thought?
whitch color do ya associate w amy? are there any reasons for it?
did amy ever recieve a formal education? did she ever went to school, or did hermes teach her everything?
if amy could change one thing bout herself, what would it be? would it be her looks? her personality? her childhood?
what are her deapest fears? her darkests insecurities? what would amy consider worse than death? or maybe even hell?
Chaos my dude you’re a real one
1. Aiwin starts off with seeing Amy as basically a child who doesn’t understand that people aren’t inherently good and that you cant just hurt yourself to help others. A naive idiot who confuses the hell out of him. As time goes on, this perception changes greatly, can’t say much without spoiling
2. From the seven deadly sins it would be envy for sure. He’s envious of all the things he can’t have: comfort with his emotions, a childhood, friends. Outside of those I would say just his inability to allow himself to healthily feel emotion. Man hasn’t cried for years but really needs to.
3. Oh man. It was bad. Very bad. Forced to suffer high expectations and not allowed to thrive, soon became a victim of child abuse, then forced to become an assassin. This all planted some terrible toxic masculinity standards in his head and trust issues.
4. Well he’s known as ”Huntsman” as in the huntsman spider. These spider don’t even have to set traps for their prey because they’re so big and fast that they can just run it down. I think that really fits Aiwin because he’s super dangerous and a balance of strength, speed, and “venom” like them.
5. Oooh this is a fun one
Apollo: Initially despises Apollo because of the whole drama with Amy. Eventually he grows to respect the man since Apollo helps Aiwin with all the chaos the other two gods cause. Apollo helps Aiwin process emotions and Aiwin helps him with the issues with Amy. Apollo basically adopts him.
Hermes: Aiwin cannot handle this man. Aiwin likes things neat and orderly, Hermes is chaos. The god causes him so much stress poor dude has a will written where he gives everything to Amy. He does admire Hermes‘s intellect and when he’s actually not dealing with the mess he likes to learn stuff from Hermes.
Dionysus: It’s like Hermes but with no redeeming qualities. Aiwin cannot stand Dionysus, as the god has made it his mission to crack through Aiwin’s uptight shell. He actually kinda looks down on the go, writing him off as dumb and a nuisance. Dw, he will have this ideology challenged.
1. Can’t say much without spoiling, but he’s her math tutor. She thought he was quite intimidating and was surprised to find him actually quite nice.
2. Yellow, firstly just cuz of the whole sun thing, but also because it fits her duality: warm and bright on one end, dangerous and overwhelming on the other. Also deep red/reddish orange cuz of her rage.
3. She has gone to actual school but retained nothing from it (except maybe from music classes). Anything important to her she learned from Hermes (thievery, hacking) or taught herself (playing the guitar, dancing).
4. Lot of contenders but I think top would be her brain. She thinks she’s very stupid and that’s what’s causing her to screw up so much and cause so much harm. She wants to be smart and clever like Aiwin and Hermes but her brain is just built for different types of intellect, which she fails to see.
5. She‘s afraid of living a worthless life. That one day, when she takes her final breaths, she will know she did nothing but cause pain. She despises so much about herself: her idiocy, her body, her messed up brain. Being totally alone is worse than death to her, and considering Hermes can’t visit often, she faces that a lot. Being purposeless is also worse than death, and she struggles with that too. She’s basically living in her own little hell, and when the story moves on and more people get dragged into her mess, the self blame and hatred only grows.
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bensiskos · 3 years
Which oc is most likely to order coffee black? Which oc when, if presented with the opportunity, would fistfight a Starfleet admiral on a live news broadcast? Which oc would win that fistfight? Which oc has their own ideas for a starship build? Which oc has ideas for a starship build that would never fucking work if put into practice? Which oc would whip everyone's ass at monopoly? Which oc do you think I would pick up off the floor and cuddle so sweetly? Which oc has the biggest action figure collection? Which oc can't sleep with the lights off? Which oc sleeps with a stuffed animal? Which oc thinks going to a beach is the perfect first date idea? Which oc thinks the beach is terrible? Which oc would stay up until 1 in the morning making picrews of their own little ocs? Which oc has escapism issues? Which oc brings all the best weed to parties? Which oc doodles on their hands? Which oc fantasizes about setting up curtains with someone they have a crush on? Which oc skips the curtain fantasies and goes straight for the wet dreams? Which oc claims with every fiber inside them that replicator food isn't as good as prepared food? Which oc thinks that last oc is crazy and replicated food is just fine? Which oc would get black out stone faced drunk in the back of Quark's and try to hit on Rom? Which oc would hit on Rom sober? Which oc would hit on Morn sober? Which oc would have told me to fuck off fifteen questions ago? Which oc loves orange juice? Which oc can't stand orange juice? Which oc would have ended the dominion war months before it actually ended? Which oc would have extended the dominion war? Which oc spends all their time on space Instagram posting selfies and decorative food that tastes like trash? Which oc forgets to brush their teeth?
Alright ok let’s do this (Thank u so so much for all the questions lmao <3)
1. Matos, they enjoy coffee with a lot of sugar and honey, but will take it black occasionally.
2. Adem, he has a lot of rage at starfleet for many different reasons (family issues, war issues, etc) and enjoys defying authority, the only person in command they listen to is Matos tbh
3. Breba <33 he loves coming up with really extravagant engineering ideas and then draws like 2 pages of their design and never touches it again because he’s 10
4. Breba again, Dave finds his drawings (and manages to decipher them) and is like. U wanna try building this in the holosuite? Of course, as holosuites do, it goes completely wrong
5. Hmmmm Breba Maybe because he’s a ferengi, but tbh probably Lowver, she has a good mind for capitalism I think, she might cry if xey win tho
6. Breba. I think you’d give Breba a nice good uncle hug.
7. Kahdghsjk I keep answering all of these with Breba… but it’s true he has the largest action figure collection
8. Lowver, while I headcannon vorta r sensitive to light she Hates the dark and refuses to go into dark places without someone with xem . She has absolutely done that thing where xey jump into another persons arms.
9. Breba obvs he has an adorable little bear <3 and also Solar! He has a small stuffed bird toy he got when he was very little and he’s kept it for a long time, Solar really enjoys keeping things I think
10. Miyar, while she hates Going Places she does enjoy sand and water and sun, and misses Cardassia very very much, so if she ever did manage to get a date she’d take them somewhere like that
11. Lowver. She can’t swim
12. Hmmmmmm maybe solar?? He’s a creative person, but also very punctual so he wouldn’t stay up that late so idk
13. Oh Adem def <3 he refuses to think about the actual world around her and will spend entire days in sickbay talking to Miyar just to like Not Have To Be There, I think Adem becomes an honorary medical officer after a bit
14. Matos <3 she takes it for medical reasons but also will give you some (if you are of legal age for your species)
15. Brebaaaa my beloved <3 Dave gets him a set of skin safe markers and lets him go wild
16. T’athy lmao, she thinks she wants to Work and Command but what she really wants is like. A home. She also loves home decor even though she won’t admit it
17. Eh
18. Matos or Miyar, it’s the one thing they agree on
19. T’athy and Adem, but for different reasons. T’athy says the replicator is fine, it’s just fine. And Adem claims replicated food is BETTER then prepared food
20. Miyar if she was feeling Incredibly Self Destructive, dw Adem will help her get home
21. None of them but Breba will ask Rom many many questions about engineering and be extremely excited to see another ferengi in engineering
22. … Matos
23. Adem, he loves talking about herself but refuses to get into anything feelings related
24. Lowver :3 she likes fruit but not really sweet fruit
25. Breba, he doesn’t like sour things
26. Matos in spirit but Miyar maybe actually could’ve helped if she wasn’t um. self centered and evil
27. Uhh Lowver probably because she was a dominion worker before she got better lmao
28. Adem <3 like I said, enjoys escapism and replicated food
29. Breba, he just forgets sometimes!! Dave always makes him do it tho
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oikawa-tuwu · 4 years
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Kitchen (gn!Reader x Osamu)
Rated T, 1.5k words
Not Home for the Holidays Masterlist
"Can I hide in here?"
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You spend most of your time surrounded by people. Entertaining guests and providing homey hospitality is half your job after all. Therefore, you tend to relish the time you have to yourself. Cooking dinner, like you do every evening, is one of those times.
Unfortunately, it seems like one of your guests didn't get that memo.
“Can I hide in here?”
You blink. One second ago, you were alone in the kitchen, washing vegetables for dinner, but now there’s a man, tucked against the wall of the kitchen, glancing fearfully into the hallway.
“Not from the cops, I hope.”
“No,” the man says, even though the intensity wedged deep into the furrow of his eyebrows says otherwise. “My brother.”
Ah. He’s one of your guests. Now you recognize him as one of the twins that you checked in yesterday, the one that slapped his brother on the arm as you led them to their room. You never did get an explanation for the assault, but hey. Siblings.
The man in front of you shifts his feet a little, glancing back out into the hallway, and you remember that he asked a question. While you're not exactly used to having an audience while you cook, you also can't find a reason to tell him to leave, so you shrug and the man sighs, carefully closing the door behind him.
“Thanks. I’m Miya Osamu, by the way.”
Miya nods his head in greeting, sliding into one of the barstools at the end of the kitchen island. He pulls out his phone and you continue washing potatoes. It’s quiet, and a little awkward, but not unbearable.
Then, Osamu’s phone starts to ring. Well, vibrate, to be more accurate, spasming violently in Osamu’s hand, and it startles him so much that he almost drops it, before catching it in his other hand and trying to pretend like that slip never happened.
Meanwhile, the phone keeps ringing.
“Are you gonna get that?”
“Nope,” Osamu says. He flips through something on his phone, and the ringing stops, even though his phone on the counter stays lit up with the notification of an incoming call from contact name: Asshole.
“Is there a particular reason why you’re trying so hard to avoid your brother?”
Osamu scowls, and somehow scowls even harder when his phone lights up again. Incoming call from Asshole.
“It was his idea to come here as a sibling bonding vacation,” Osamu says, emphasizing that last part with unenthusiastic air quotes. “I haven’t spent this much time with him since we were in high school. I just need a second alone.”
“Sounds like you two are close.”
Osamu makes an uncommitted sound, somewhere between a grunt and a huff, and rejects the next phone call that comes in. “If you call driving each other up the wall everytime we’re in the same room as each other as close, then yeah.”
“Distance helps with that,” you say, as you pull out a cutting board for your freshly washed vegetables. “If you spend enough time apart, you’ll start to appreciate the time you can spend with each other.”
At first, Osamu doesn’t respond, just watches as you slowly begin to chip away at the mountain of vegetables you need to chop for the stew. Hesitantly, he finally asks, “Do you want help with that?”
“This is kind of what you’re paying me for,” you laugh. “Besides, no offense, but my reputation as a host is dependent on evenly cooked vegetables, so if you mess up...”
“I own a restaurant,” Osamu says, deadpan. “I don’t think I’ll fuck up chopping carrots.”
With a shrug, you get out a second cutting board and knife, sliding it across the counter. “If that’s how you want to spend your vacation.”
Osamu washes his hands, cracks his knuckles, and gets to work. He’s quick with the knife, quicker than you, so you start on the actual base of stew as he works, dicing and chopping. You're a little surprised at how... nice... it is to cook with someone else for a change, working in silence as you both attend to your tasks.
After cooking the floured beef, you add a few splashes of red wine and keep stirring. Once it's ready, you add the broth, and wait for it to come to a simmer.
Osamu, on the other hand, made quick work of the pile of potatoes, onions, and carrots and he quietly slides the pile of diced produce towards you.
“Stew?” He asks, peeking into the pot with a watchful eye.
“Yep. It’s cold outside, and this stew recipe is pretty hearty, so…”
“It’s a good idea,” Osamu says, with a quiet, fond smile. As he talks, one hand reaches up to rub at the back of his neck, a strangely endearing nervous tic. “My mom used to make stew for us after we got home from spring nationals every year back in high school. It smells like her recipe.”
“Do you want to try it?” You ask, digging for a spoon in the silverware drawer. “Obviously, it's not done, but…”
Osamu accepts your offer anyways, and takes the spoon from you, closing his eyes as he lets the beef broth and wine run down his throat. “Tastes like her recipe.”
“Do you mind getting out the tableware? Bowls are in the top cupboard to the right of the sink.”
“And you sound like her, too,” Osamu grumbles, but he laughs when you do, and obediently traipses across the kitchen.
The quiet returns, briefly, but this time it's tainted, distantly, by the sound of someone yelling. Although muffled, it sounds vaguely like they’re shouting a name, so you tilt your head and listen harder to make out the syllables.
“‘Samu!” The voice yells again, significantly louder this time, as the speaker gets closer to the kitchen.
“Is that-” You start to ask, but the scowl on Osamu’s face answers your question for you. Before you can think better of it, you point to the door in the corner of the room. “You can hide in the pantry?”
Osamu blinks, and it takes him a second to process the words, but then he grins, darting into the tiny space and shutting the door just as the kitchen door opens.
“Is Osamu in here?” The other Miya asks, grinning as he leans into the kitchen. “Looks like me, except dark hair and less handsome?”
“Hm,” you hum, as you go back to stirring the stew. “No, I haven’t seen anyone like that.”
The blond Miya nods thoughtfully, but, unfortunately, doesn’t leave. Instead, he slides into the seat that had been previously occupied by Osamu, still sporting that same mischievous grin. “The name’s Atsumu.”
“Nice to meet you. You know, my brother is a chef.”
“Really?” You ask, biting your lip to keep from laughing. “I didn’t know that.”
“Yeah,” Atsumu continues, his smile growing. “He’s good, too. Makes the best onigiri I’ve ever eaten, which is good, because if he quit playing volleyball to do something he sucked at, I think I would have to disown him. Did I mention that? We played volleyball together. He honestly could have gone professional if he wanted to, like me, but I suppose I can forgive him since he’s so successful-”
“Miya,” you interrupt. “Are you talking up your brother to me?”
Atsumu shuts up, and has the decency to at least look a little embarrassed, as his cheeks flush a little and his grin loosens up just the tiniest bit. He rubs his neck, a gesture that you saw only a few moments earlier on his twin brother, and says, sheepishly, “You got me. But… just between you and me,” he takes a second to glance about the room, like confirming his brother wasn’t actually in the room and he just hadn’t noticed the first time, before leaning forward and stage-whispering conspiratorially, “he thought you were cute when you checked us in yesterday.”
“Did he now?”
“Uh-huh,” Atsumu says, that mischievous glint back in his eye. “But you didn’t hear it from me.”
And with that, Atsumu winks, rising from his chair and leaving back through the door, giving one last wave before it closes shut behind him.
You give it a moment, but when the pantry door doesn’t open, you say, “You can come out now, Osamu.”
“I don’t want to,” comes the muffled response.
For the second time, you have to bite your lip to stop the laugh that threatens to escape. “Not even if I offer you another taste of the stew?”
Slowly, the pantry door swings open. Osamu walks out, one hand self-consciously running through his hair, not quite looking you in the eyes.
“Is it possible for you to forget everything my brother said?”
You tilt your head, a teasing lilt to your words as you ask, “You think I’m cute?”
“When you’re not conspiring with my brother,” Osamu replies, shuffling his feet in a way that could only be described as quietly self-conscious. “Then yeah. I think you’re cute.”
For some reason, the admission takes you by surprise, and your cheeks flush even though you were the one that goaded him to it in the first place.
“Well,” you say, clearing your throat and looking back down at the stew. “I guess you made an effective sous chef, Miya, so if you would like to return tomorrow, I won’t complain.”
Osamu smiles, and you’re pleased to note that his eyes drift up from the floor to you, frown sliding into something more like that playful grin like his brother’s just a second ago. “I guess that depends. What’s on the menu?”
“I was thinking… onigiri. Know anyone that could help me with that?”
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(A/N: Its not my favorite I've written, but it's done! Also shoutout to my mom for dealing with her daughter running into the living room and demanding she recite a stew recipe from memory. Which she did. I also posted this to AO3, so you can find the link to that on the masterlist! See you on 12/5 for Tendou's! Dw, the next ones will be more holiday/winter inspired than this one ;) )
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
alrighty, review time!
Do you think Donald wrote the song? He did write a song when he was younger and the lyrics fit him best
I love that Donald is the sane man of the Caballeros
Why did you choose the bathroom? That’s really weird and kind of perverted
I love the picture of a rubber ducky in a top hat on the wall
Just how big is that bathtub? Four grown men were able to fit in it at the same time
Never mess with a man who has a demon-ghost butler
“That’s the FOURTH rich guy’s bathroom we’ve been kicked out of.” I...I would like to know about the other three. And again, WHY THE BATHROOM?!
“We just need someone to listen to us!” Donald giving us the theme/moral of the episode
Was Louie just waiting out there?
Louie looks like a drug dealer. He also looks a bit like the reboot version of himself from that poster in Quack Pack
“And you’re willing to do whatever I say, at any cost whatsoever?” “Well, not any...” “QUIET, DONALD!” Guys, you should listen to Donald, he knows Louie better than you
Poor Donald, the only sane man here
I love the stickers on Louie’s laptop. I wonder if he actually knows how to hack
I love the stupid “it” trends. Hats-Hats and Invisible Piercings, what will they think of next
Of course Dewey would keep up with an IT list. He actually cares about his image/how his peers view him
The lead singer of the Feather Weights looks like a punk girl version of Drake. I’m gonna go with them being related somehow. Or they used to date. Or they go to the same hair stylist. THEY ARE TIED TOGETHER SOMEHOW
Yo-yo tricks were more of a 2000s thing, Dewey (seriously though, does anyone else remember when yo-yos were SUPER POPULAR for some reason?)
Panchito is so ridiculously EXTRA and I LOVE HIM
“These are my people.” Oh sweet Dewford, they wish they were on your level
“Internet fame-the most important fame of all” Well it’s the most achievable
And then Dewey just rolls off screen
“If only someone had a super-elaborate scheme to get in...KA-BOOM!” Dewey’s not the only showman in the family
This show LOVES some big boards
Why/when did Louie plan all of this? I mean he did want the Caballeros to make him their manager so he could get a cut, but why?
Already you can see that Louie’s pride is gonna get in the way
Again, Donald is being the responsible one
I love their signatures. Panchito’s is like a 12 year old girl’s, José’s is curvy, and Donald’s is the least showy. And I love that Panchito thought “Don” was enough lol. He is close to Launchpad levels of ditziness
The pictures Louie uses on his board are GREAT! I love fridge-raiding Panchito
Agent Dewey-License to Chill. Dewey, that was two episodes ago
“I have a very special job for you.” “Oh-ho ho-ho, special.”
Luis P Canard. Is that a false identity Louie already had or did he make it up for the party? Or is there an actual Luis P Canard?
Huey looks SO CUTE! Though he should have known something was up when Louie asked him to forge a signature. Do you think Huey has forged other documents with or without knowing it?
Louie looks good with that black “lipstick”
“Welcome to the scheme.” “What scheme?” “Nothing.” “TELL NO ONE.”
Gyro Gearloose-Kid inventor. Does that mean he was a child prodigy or that he LITERALLY invents kids? Or both? The possible clone’s tube had K.I.D. on it. I bet this will be explored more, probably next episode
I love how they all stare at the earpieces when Gyro says the DEFINITELY won’t explode 
I love that the lion statues have sunglasses and there’s a statue of a ballerina hippo from Fantasia
How do ducks whistle if they don’t have lips?
Daisy-smiles, Donald-I WOULD DIE FOR YOU
I love Daisy’s fake laugh
With both of them in tuxes you can really see that Dewey and Louie have different body types. Louie has broader shoulders.
“I’M GONNA DANCE DOWN THE RED CARPET.” No Dewey, that’s for the after party
It’s the PEP guy! I feel like he’s gonna become a villain with how much he’s been embarrassed (and he already LOOKS like a cheesy superhero show villain)
Dewey has made a LOT of enemies
“New plan-Dewey is NOT going to the party!” DAMN, THAT’S COLD
“This is the Dewey-est party in town!”
“Oh, WHY was I cursed to be so FLASHY and UNFORGETTABLE?!” I love my dramatic son
Why did the Caballeros have to switch hats?
Ok, real talk? That party looks boring as fuck 
I like that there’s sweat when Dewey pulls off his helmet. It’s the little details
“Everyone listens to my plan.” Dewey looks PISSED
“The plan to wow Glamour with our haunting melodies.” Panchito is Drake/DW if he was a Latin Lover. THEY NEED TO MEET. IT WOULD BE HAMMY AND GLORIOUS
“You mean our SICK dance beats!”
Donald is like “girls, girls, you’re BOTH pretty”
But seriously, they need to decide what direction they want to go with their sound
Donald is ALWAYS the voice of reason (except in The Town Where Everyone Was Nice, he got a bit caught up in that lie)
“I will charm my way on stage with my golden voice.” #youtried
That smirk José gives him, beautiful
“Easy, grownups.” YOU JUST GOT DISSED BY A 10 YEAR OLD!
“So I’ll dazzly Daisy with my hip, cool yo-yo tricks.” I would have liked to see how that played out
Does Louie have some kind of dirt on Jane? Why does she keep helping him out? Why does she call him “Mr. Duck?”
Glamour is a BITCH. And it seems like Daisy might share the same luck as Donald and Della
Donald was posing all cool
Why send Donald in to do the most important part of the plan? At least have someone with him. Louie should have gone with him so Donald could distract Daisy and Louie could use his pickpocket skills to get the pass. Louie did not account for the variables
“Ooooh PHOOEY.” I love that all of the Duck family say Donald’s catchphrase
I love Louie’s other distraction ideas-explosion, food poisoning, SET FREE A WILD MONGOOSE, ghosts, ANOTHER explosion 
I’m pretty sure Donald got a boner when he saw Daisy DESTROY that vase (I also found it hot). He was scaroused
OUCH. That HAD to have hurt/broken SOMETHING
How did Louie get that picture of Webby? Hell, how was that pic taken in the first place?
“WHEEEEEEE” Webby knows what’s up
“MY FAULT! It’s...your bag.” Oh Donald
“My band is sorta...crashing the party.” DONALD YOU ARE TOO CUTE
The yo-yo just rolls away
Louie, you hurt Dewey’s feelings! Also, your plans are pretty ridiculous too, including the one you are currently trying to pull off. There had to be a better idea than a harpy
“I don’t want to be at Funzo’s forever.” “Why not?” Oh Webby, so innocent to the horrors of minimum wage jobs. Also it’s nice to see Webby being able to have an ordinary conversation with someone
It’s equal parts cute and sad how long Dewey takes to count
Manny is 0 for 2 when it comes to being the muscle (I’m counting him vs Mega-Beaks as well)
“That was odd.” You have no idea
Donald sees Daisy as the GODDESS she is. GET YOU A MAN LIKE DONALD
I KNEW IT! I KNEW SHE WANTED TO BE A FASHION DESIGNER! It was like the only guess I got right so let me have this
“Nobody listens to me either.” Awww
“They don’t understand me.” AWWW
“Well that’s weird, I understand you perfectly.” MY HEART!!!
I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH! And when it changes into how Daisy hears him...chef’s kisses. It reminded me of Remember Me from Coco and I Love You Too Much from Book of Life
Real talk-the song really got me. I feel a lot like Donald. A lot of times it feels like no one is listening or understands me because my thought process is a bit different. Or they can understand but they don’t care, like how Daisy feels. When Donald sings for her, I teared up because I want to be comfortable enough with someone to let down my guard like that. Music is a big part of who I am so I would love if someone sang for me even if they don’t have the “perfect” voice. I want someone to feel comfortable enough with me to let down their guard and be real
Daisy is a woman of ACTION
Do you think she’s been stuck in that elevator before?
“My kids!” “Wait, you have kids?” Whenever Donald calls them his kids I gain 5 years to my lifespan. I can’t wait for Daisy to officially meet the kids
“Oh no, not again!” Starting to rethink your life-choices aren’t ya?
I love Mark. He’s so stupid and out of touch with the real world
“Oh Gravesy! Long time, no crime.” GRAVEBEAK LIVES ON!
I love Mark’s hoverboard crashing and catching fire in the background. And then it chases Slash
Haha, Mark’s name is Markus. What a dewb
I was rooting for rich lesbian aunt, but mom works too
Graves is SO DONE with these people
Dewey is all of us
Poor Louie. His self confidence is the most fragile of the kids
THEY’RE HOLDING HANDS! And Mark seemed into it ;)
“I want to look away but I can’t” CALLING IT NOW, THIS LINE’S GONNA BE A MEME
I want Dewey’s yo-yo skills to be a reoccurring thing
That’s one of the things he has in common with his uncle-being a performer even if they aren’t the best at it
Louie’s face as he sneaks away is great
“The failure of it is ridiculous...and BEAUTIFUL!” Gonna use that to describe myself from now on
Daisy, maybe you should let the man get rid of them
I like the “totally not Pirates of the Caribbean” music that accompanies José when he’s fighting
“Nice singing.” “Nice moves.” NOW KISS
“Oo, nice dagger.” Webby, not the time for that
There is NO WAY that the scene with Gabby and Webby isn’t foreshadowing SOMETHING
“I gotta get out of Duckburg.” Jane starts a GoFundMe page to get out of Duckburg when she gets home
It was then Donald realized that he had met his future wife
It was then Daisy realized she had met her future husband
“LOVE YOUR BLOG” Who knew Manny kept on on the latest trends
Glamour probably realized those fuckers were crazy so she should back off
Manny is one suave motherfucker
Glamour playing with the yo-yo while Mark acts like a spoiled brat
“Our brotherhood is the greatest scheme of all!” SO FUCKING WHOLESOME! MORE LOUIE AND DEWEY PLOTS
“HEY, YOU’RE MESSING WITH MY MOJO!” Don’t be a hater, Manny!
“I could listen to it all night.” DAAAAAWWWWWWW
GAAAAAAHHHHH THIS EPISODE WAS SO GOOD! I love that there was a common theme of feeling like you aren’t being heard. Daisy felt like she was too unimportant to be listened to, Louie doesn’t listen to Dewey because he feels like Dewey isn’t serious enough, and NO ONE listens to Donald because his voice is hard to understand. In the end they all get heard, with Donald and Daisy getting the bonus of finding someone who understands them. The two of them really are relationship goals. I cannot WAIT for more wholesome Donisy content. This one bumped Quack Pack down from my favorite so far.
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gatecoeur · 4 years
I have a very random question, and it's that if Arrie was in the form of another creature (like a snail, which can ingest things like rat poison) and she ate some rat poison, because she's a snail, but then she turned back into a human before it was completely digested- what would happen to her?
{ holy fucc it’s a wild anon }{ bro dw i’m glad you asked this cuz it’s actually been on my mind for a while }
Long story short anon, it would be a bad time for her for sure. Forewarning, my knowledge in biology and anatomy isn’t the best, as I haven’t studied the topics in over 5 years, so please take the following headcanon with a grain of salt.
See, there’s only so much that Arrie can adjust while in a human form. Maybe she could give herself a hardier stomach lining so that she can give herself stronger stomach acid to break down food better, and maybe even give herself a liver that can filter out toxins better, but in the end, those are only small fixes in what is a larger problem - in the end of the day, she’s still working with a human body, with human bodily functions and systems. She can only push said systems to human limits. She can’t just replace her entire digestive system with that of another animal, because:
Arrie doesn’t have the perfect knowledge of every single animal’s anatomy. Her body is the one that has that perfect knowledge, if that makes any sense. She just has to think of an animal form to shapeshift into and her body kind of just fills in the gaps for her, hence why shapeshifting too fast could be deadly if the differences between the forms are EXTREME - if she’s letting her body fill in the gaps, it has to have time to do so.
Even if Arrie was to consciously adjust a bodily system to the point where it was no longer a human system, it would fuck up all of the other bodily systems connected to it (i.e. pretty much all of them lmao).
To put it this way, Arrie replacing her organs with those of other animals would be like saying you wanna make a plane out of a car. Both are vehicles that require similar systems, like engines and wheels and certain considerations of aerodynamics, but the differences in those systems are enough that in the end, you’re either going to end up with one or the other for things to function properly.
Plus, Arrie can’t stop things from being toxic to a human body. She might be able to slow down or lessen their effects to a degree, but eventually those effects WILL take hold, again for the reasons mentioned above.
I didn’t know that snails could ingest rat poison. What actually got me thinking about this tho was that in canon, Arrie has eaten carcasses before as a means of survival - it’s VERY much a last resort thing for her to do, but given her metabolism, it was a necessity when she found herself exposed to more extreme environments during her time on the run. 
So, for example, let’s say Arrie ate a carcass in a vulture form. Vultures have some of the most powerful digestive systems on our planet because they evolved in a way that allows them to eat ANYTHING, even long after toxic bacteria, rabies and all sorts of other diseases have taken hold of a carcass. To break it down even further, vultures:
are immune to A LOT of deadly microbes,
have species of deadly bacteria living in their lower intestine that would kill other scavenger animals, never mind us,
and have incredibly acidic gastrointestinal tracts that would probably burn right through us,
Among other things, I’m sure. IF Arrie wanted to change back into a human without getting sick, she would have to wait until her vulture form properly digested and filtered everything she had eaten. I don’t know how long it takes vultures to do so, but due to Arrie’s metabolism, she can do so in almost half the time, so yeah. 
The same logic applies to any time she’s in a non-human form, ingesting anything that would be toxic or harmful to the human body. 
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ancientwastedlores · 4 years
The Support System (Ch: 7)
SUMMARY: The Avengers have managed to collect all the infinity stones across the universe, and are currently keeping them in far corners of the world, only for research and to see if they can improve the planet and its people. Reader is a researcher with Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, as well as a field agent. Loki is currently serving time for his actions in New York City in 2012.
A/N: Find this chapter on AO3 here. This chapter has less Loki, only because I want to get a sense of Y/N’s character without Loki around. But dw, the next chapter will have Loki :) 
AO3: The Support System  Tumblr: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 
Warnings: N/A Audience: general.
You do manage to arrive in Dubai at night time, and it looks every bit as breath-taking as you expected.
After landing, the door is popped open by the hostess and a man walks in with a clipboard, wearing a S.H.I.E.L.D windbreaker. You see to your surprise that it’s a familiar face. ‘Fury!’ you exclaim.
He nods at you and takes a seat. ‘Right, they’re all based in International City, which is quite a drive from here’.
‘International City?’ Clint asks. ‘Yeah, they have sectors of houses and shops within it, all built to represent different countries of the world’ you provide.
‘Looks like you got yourself a tour guide, then’ Nick points at you with his clipboard. ‘You are tourists, nothing more. You’re staying at the Premiere Inn. It’s not fancy, doesn’t have to be. It has to be close to where they are. They’re expecting visitors from London tonight, and meeting at a club in the middle of Dubai, but there will be no arms exchanges there. However, to be sure, I will be there with my team. The rest of you will be stationed in disguise in and around the China cluster, where we are expecting it to go down. Don’t go heavy on the equipment, take what’s quick, light and effective. These things happen in public there, so let’s keep casualties to a minimum’ he stands up, ‘you’ll be taking a tour bus to the hotel, I suggest you all change out of your gear, and then get your stuff in the bus. You’ll hear more from Stark later’ he salutes the group and leaves the flight.
The group, everyone except for Nat, Clint, and Thor, are in awe.
‘He is SO COOL’ one of the agents exclaim. ‘I know; he just saunters in with all that swagger…’ another agent gushes. ‘Alright then’ Clint says, rolling his eyes. ‘Change, let’s move’.
You’ve laid out all the weapons you got for the mission out on your bed. A proper arsenal. Nat’s bed looks the same, knives, tazers, blasters, guns and various other things strewn across her bed.
‘Okay, when we say light… how light are we talking?’ ‘Anything we can conceal under a dress or a jacket’. ‘So these are out’ you sigh, throwing your katanas to the back of the bed, disappointed. ‘We're fighting men, not alien monsters, you can't use those' she says, chuckling.  'Let me dream, Nat'. You pick up another weapon. ‘If I wear a trench coat, I can take the Chitauri M4’. ‘I don’t know how people perceive trench coats here, but I give you my blessing’.
She grabs a small silver and blue handgun, which you recognise as being another Chitauri weapon that blasts an incapacitating screech in the direction it is pointed, rendering the victim completely helpless.
You decide on a C M4, a few knives concealed in your jeans and socks, your trusty Vibranium gloves, and two guns that Stark made which never run out of bullets.
Then you wait.
Dubai sure is glamorous, but the spot you’ve all been assigned sure isn’t.
Of course, arms dealers aren’t trying to bring attention to themselves either.
You’ve stationed the ten people under you to various spots around the area, and are sitting in an outdoor coffee shop with Sam, overlooking where the exchange is expected to happen.
‘Got eyes on the entrance?’ Nat asks over the comm. ‘Yeah. I got a guy at the entrance pretending to wait for an Uber’. ‘Copy that. Nick said they’re on their way here, so any second now’.
You lean back in your chair and take a sip of your coffee.
‘How do you know so much about this place?’ Sam asks. ‘I used to live here’ you say. ‘Spent about five years here with my family before moving to New York three years ago’. ‘How was it?’ ‘Amazing’ you smile. ‘Gets hot as hell, but the winters are fantastic. And it’s so safe’. ‘Are you forgetting why we’re here’ he motions to the building across the street. ‘Well, I mean it’s one of those cities where women can stay alone and no harm comes to her. You can walk the streets alone at night and people don’t approach you. You can leave your laptop out in a coffee shop to visit the bathroom, and no one touches your shit’.
Sam looks sceptical.
‘You telling me no one even messes with your shit?’ ‘Yup’. ‘Are people just honest or do they assume they have more money than you anyway?’ ‘Wow, probably the latter’ you laugh. ‘Heads up, we got incoming’ you hear Clint on the comms. ‘Hey, where’s Thor?’ you ask. ‘You mean Dr. Donald Blake?’ Sam points at a guy in glasses across the street, leaning on his umbrella.
‘Pulling up at my 9 o’clock’ the guy you stationed to “wait for an Uber” says.
Three black Nissan Patrol Platinums pull up to the entrance.
‘When we moving in?’ Sam asks, ‘We can’t see past those cars’. ‘I do not have eyes on them. Clint?’ Nat says. ‘I see them' Clint replies, 'move on my signal’.
You set your coffee down and position yourself to stand up any second.
The cars drive away, and you see a group of men, dressed quite casually, cross the street and head to the coffee shop where you’re sitting.
‘Hold it’ Clint says.
They sit down and order some coffees. And you notice the other patrons of the coffee shop get up and leave as soon as they order their coffees.
‘Okay… what’s happening’ Thor says. ‘Obviously these guys know something we don’t’ you say. ‘The whole street has cleared’ Nat observes. ‘So it’s just us and them? Yeah, not suspicious at all’ Sam cracks. ‘Let’s move in now’. ‘I don’t see any weapons. We aren’t moving till we see arms’ Nat says.
Sam leans back in his chair, but you keep your position.
‘They may not take out any if they see us’ you point out.  ‘They know of four people watching them’.
You take a deep breath and stand up. ‘Send a black sedan for the agent across the street in five seconds. Thor, move out’. Sam stands up with you and you walk down the street.
You’ve left a microphone at the table where you were sitting, which is able to pick up audio from the next table.
They have a discussion in a foreign language.
‘He just asked him to check the surrounding buildings’ Nat says. ‘Are you in there?’ you ask. ‘You know you can't ask me that’.
You sigh and lean against the wall, waiting. 
After ten minutes of complete silence, Nat’s voice comes on the comms. ‘I see the weapons, we’re moving in. Two of you, move in from the east’.
‘Copy that’ you remove the C M4 you’ve been hiding under the coat and grin. ‘Finally, baby’. ‘You know; the love you have for weapons that tear people apart kinda turns me on’ Sam says. ‘I bet it does’ you wink. ‘Let’s go’.
Oh, do bad guys never learn.
You take a look of the aftermath of the fight and laugh to yourself. You strap the C M4 back in and cover it with your coat. Stark foundation is already on the scene cleaning up the mess, and the cops have arrived to arrest the dealers. No casualties since the street was clear... well, except for the arms dealers themselves. 
After some negotiating between Fury and the cops, Fury manages to get full custody of the weapons to ship back to New York. Nat walks up to you. ‘Are you sure you don’t need to see a therapist?’
‘What’ ‘You were enjoying yourself a bit too much’ she points out. ‘Damn, there’s nothing wrong with that’ Sam defends you. ‘I’m fine, I just like a good fight, is that bad?’ ‘I guess not’ she looks at you up and down again, then walks back. ‘Anyone injured?’ you call out.
You get No’s as a response and officially call the mission a complete success.
‘Can we not stay for a day?’ you ask Fury, on the way back to the hotel. 'We're ahead of schedule'.  ‘I would say yes, but Stark is impatient to open up his new toys, and says he promised you and Romanoff a crack at it first’. ‘Right…’ suddenly you no longer care about staying a day. ‘We’re cleaning up faster than expected’ Fury says. ‘Usually we just watch for about two days and then move in, but I got here first so this one went quick. You’re on your own in Hong Kong’. ‘Thanks Fury’ you smile at him. ‘For all your help’. ‘No problem. I’ll see you around’ he lets you off at the hotel. The rest get down and head to their rooms. ‘At least we spend the night in beds that aren’t flying’ Maria says.
Everyone agrees as they enter, say their goodnights, and retire for the night.
The operations in Hong Kong, as promised by Fury, takes longer.
Nat, Clint and a few other agents were doing surveillance while you stayed in the stakeout van reading your papers for two days. No reason you can’t get ahead with the stones while you wait.
You hoped to have a breakthrough while sitting in that stuffy van with four other agents. None. You couldn’t even contact Stark to see how far he had gotten, but you suspected that it already took a lot of his energy not to pop open the crates with the weapons and go nuts, so maybe he hasn’t actually done anything about the stones.
Day 3 in Hong Kong, Day 5 of the mission: Nat enters your van.
‘They’ve already made the sale, so we have to split up’. ‘Can we do that?’ you put your papers aside. ‘Won’t we fall short?’ ‘We don’t have time to strike them separately, they can easily alert each other. It has to be tonight, and we have to split up’.
You nod, understanding.
‘I’ll go with Clint and Hill and 10 agents, Sam and you can lead the other 10. I’ll get the dealers, you get the clients’. ‘Who gets Thor?’ ‘Um…’
You can’t split Thor. And both of you need Thor, in case there is some sort of alien tech humans can’t touch.
‘You can take Thor’ you offer. ‘No, that’s fine, you take him, and we’ll wait for him to clean up with you and come to us’. ‘That’ll take too long, I have my Vibranium gloves, I’ll handle our clean-up’. ‘We don’t know if Vibranium can withstand the…’ ‘Why don’t we toss for it?’ you take out a coin. ‘Heads, you get Thor, tails, I don’t get Thor’. ‘Do you think I’m stupid’.
You grin. ‘Seriously take Thor. If it turns out I can’t use the gloves, I’ll hold the fort down till Thor comes to us’.
‘Fine’ she gives you a small salute and proceeds to leave. ‘My crew will move out in fifteen to their base, you stay here. The clients are right in this hotel…’ she points outside. ‘We strike at the exact same time’.
‘We’re in position, where you at?’ Clint asks over the comms. ‘Um. Yeah, we can't move in right now’. you say. ‘What? Why?’ ‘Oh I don’t know, maybe because there’s a wedding happening!’ you roll your eyes. ‘There’s too many people in there’. ‘Do you see the clients?’ Nat asks. ‘Coffee shop. They’ve left the bags behind the counter though’.
Nat lets out an irritated sigh. ‘The dealers will move out any minute, we don’t have time to lose’. ‘Well, I can’t move in with a troop of 10 men with guns while there’s a wedding happening’ you say. ‘No worries’ Sam says. ‘I got ya’ll’ he winks at you. ‘I can practically hear Sam wink’ Nat says. ‘What is it’.
Sam removes a cylindrical object from his pocket, similar to the dealer boss in Queens.
‘You took the force field activator!’ you exclaim. ‘Sam…’ Clint warns. ‘We’re gonna discuss this later’ Nat says. ‘We’re moving in right now’.
 You wave your hand and let your crew out of the van. Your agents move out from the other surveillance vans and all enter the lobby in formation.
The clients have taken notice of the group move into the coffee shop, and they all stand up, cocking their guns.
Sam moves in before you, holding the force field activator behind his back. ‘Don’t make this difficult man’ he says.
‘I think it’s going to be difficult for you’ one of them say. ‘There’s a wedding happening in the hall across from this coffee shop, you wouldn’t want those many casualties, would you?’
In response, Sam smashes the activator on the ground, pushing a shield around the agents and the clients. One of the clients shoot, and Sam ducks, causing the bullet to ricochet off the shield and bounce back to hit the guy who shot it.
‘Smart move, jackass’ Sam laughs.
The clients charge, one of them yelling for someone to secure the bag with the weapons, but you’re already behind the counter.
‘Hi!’ you tell the man who tries to grab the bag, and hit his nose with the butt of your gun. He falls back, his nose bleeding.
‘Oh damn, I’m sorry, I know how much that sucks, I had a chronic nose bleed problem as a child’ you quip, dragging him behind the counter by his right leg. He kicks you in the stomach, screaming. 'But I wasn’t a little bitch about it’ you aim your gun at his head. He stops and glares at you. ‘Good boy, I’m gonna tie you up now’.
‘A little help?’ Sam yells, holding off two goons.
You stand up after having tied the guy and throw two silver balls at their torsos.
They scream and drop to the ground, sparks all over their body. ‘Oh shit no!!' you exclaim, 'I had something better, okay, next time you need a hand, call me’.
Sam gives you a thumbs up without even questioning it and runs off to help the other agents.
‘Listen, I’m gonna go help my friends’ you tell the guy tied and gagged behind the counter. ‘If you cooperate, I’ll put in a good word for… oh wait, you’re a terrible person. Never mind’ you jump over the counter, and in one swift motion, push yourself off with your hands and drop kick a goon.
‘Oy! Get this asshole’ Sam yells, motioning to a guy he’s holding by the throat. ‘You have the situation under control’ ‘Yes, but I wanna see what you got’
You grin and take out a little metallic disc from your pocket. ‘Drop him’ you say. Sam obliges.
You throw the disk at the man, and as soon as it touches him, a cage forms around his torso, extending to his arms, forcing them behind him. The metal extends to around his legs, forcing him to kneel on the floor, and finally, a slab of metal clangs around his mouth so he can’t talk.
‘DAMN what the hell is that’ Sam clearly looks impressed. ‘Little gift from Strange. He used it on Kaecilius’ you grin. ‘It used to be bigger, Stark made the whole cage sit in a tiny disc’. ‘I don’t know who the Kae dude is, but that’s dope as hell, I want one’.
Another mission wrapped up, and two days before the expected date!
The flight back is relatively chill. You were expecting celebrations and drinks and singing, looking forward to it almost, but this vibe is not bad either. There’s some soft lounge music playing in the background while everyone reads, writes, is in conversation, or just looking out the window. You, as usual, sit across from Nat, who is trying to sleep before landing in New York in the morning. You can’t seem to fall asleep though, so you decide to sit with some research papers.
An hour in, and you realise your heart’s not in it, in fact you’re even a little sick of it. You take out your TV from the armrest and watch an older episode of Doctor Who, almost missing Loki sitting next to you asking questions. You had gotten into the habit of giving his palms a little massage while engrossed in the show, so you start massaging your own as you watch the shenanigans of the Doctor unfold. 
Five more hours before you land in New York. You put the TV away and look around for anyone awake to talk to. Everyone is tired out and asleep, so you pull your blanket up to your chin and try to sleep too.
Lmk if you want to be tagged when I post new chapters, and fic requests are open. 
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annakie · 5 years
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An Annotated Mass Effect Playthrough, Part Five
Will we make it off the Citadel in this update??
List of Posts: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Flux is my favorite bar in all of the first game, I know there’s not many to choose from, but I like the music best, everybody’s clothed, everyone’s having a good time, there’s slots upstairs for entertainment, there’s dancing, and plenty of space to chill out in.  Also the color scheme is great.  It looks particularly great now with the graphics mod improvements.  
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Doran gets a nice glamour shot here.
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I’m a tattle tale who always turns this guy in.  I agree with Kaidan...
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Also I really love Rita’s quest with her sister.  She loves her sister, Jenna  wants to be helpful, even Doran’s like “Hey I’d love to give her her job back.”  Everyone here is pretty wholesome.  And Jenna gets one of the best surprise appearances in ME3 if you do things right.  ME1Recalibrated fixes the bugs with her quest, too!
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Speaking of bugged quests, Hello Conrad!  ME1Recalibrated fixes Conrad’s bug, and even if it doesn’t, ME2Re does.  The only bad thing about that is it makes his apology for accusing you of something you maybe didn’t do make no sense.
Everyone else was sure Conrad would turn out to be evil, too, right? Instead making him into just a big lying dummy with an advanced degree was a great move.  I was kinda hoping he’d show up in the Citadel DLC.   
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Harkin is JUST the FUCKING WORST.  I’m always tempted to let Garrus cap him in ME2 because what a waste of air he is and doesn’t learn his lesson.  
This is also maybe the most overt place where FemShep experiences sexism.  I mean, don’t get me wrong, there’s some pretty shitty sexism sprinkled throughout the games (as discussed a bit last post) but ugh this guy, if I could shoot him this game, I might.  At least on renegade playthroughs.
Speaking of Garrus...
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Finally, an alien who wants to hang out with us.
As primarily a Kaidan-romancing gal, who tends to keep up with the Kaidan Alenko tag, especially back in the heyday of tumblr, for a while, loving Garrus was... difficult.
In October, when I was finishing up my latest ME3 playthrough and also cleaning up my blog, and also rewatching Doctor Who and thinking a lot about Rose Tyler and Martha Jones, I posted a long thing in a post about Kaidan and Garrus and badly behaving fanbases, which I don’t feel like typing again.  Here’s the whole thing, but I’m going to pull a part of it into here.
I love Garrus, so much.  And I was thinking with this whole parallel DW rewatch / Mass Effect replay think I’m doing right now how both Rose Tyler and Garrus Vakaraian are characters that were ruined for me for awhile due to their respective… overly enthusiastic fanbases who a small percentage of were dicks to people who loved other characters.  The Kaidan tag (and from what I understand Thane got some of this too, but not nearly as bad) was a pretty hostile place for awhile (and yeah I used to regularly check the Garrus tag too and there was a small amount of tag-invasion there but uh, like 5% of what the Kaidan tag got) which made loving the character of Garrus a lot harder for awhile.  But when actually watching seasons 1 & 2 / the end of 4 of Doctor Who, or actually playing the ME games, those characters are awesome.  
Fanbases can be amazing or terrible, and time and time again I think you start to realize that no matter how great a fandom is, there are going to be a few people who can only enjoy themselves by feeding on drama, or on lifting up what they love by stomping on other people/characters/plotlines.  
It’s not fair to characterize everyone who loves a popular thing as someone who does this.  It’s also hard to avoid completely because there will always be jerks, or young/new people who don’t realize what bad form they’re showing.  I did learn by trying to fight it for a year or two, that responding might help that one person not do it again, but it’s not going to stop overall.  
Anyway, don’t be a dick about the things you don’t like.  
It’s sad that even thirteen years past the release of ME1 and eight years past ME3 some people still need to have this fight online.   It’s basically impossible to enjoy like, any non-curated Mass Effect space online because of pissing contests or people spouting the same boring opinions.  Which they’re entitled to.  I’m just real tired of “Kaidan is boring!” “Ashley is a racist!” etc with no further depth of thought being given.
The ability to mute / block people and get away from the worst of it is one of the reasons I’m still on tumblr.  Especially always mute/block “confessions” blogs.  Yeesh.
I’m glad Garrus is here, and I’m glad he’s on the team.  What’s funny though, is that people tend to forget that Garrus like, wasn’t really all THAT popular of a character before ME2.  I know I was only in the fandom for a year before ME2 but I dug in pretty deep in that time.
It wasn’t until he gets his face blown off and starts talking about Old Times that a lot of people started to REALLY like him.  He’s still great in ME1, but not like, elevated to god-tier that so many people did post ME2 release.  But in ME1 he IS neat because he’s really malleable.  Probably the companion who can have the biggest personality shift depending on your choices.
Also, I remember a time when the people who wanted to romance Garrus were like... outliers?  I remember thinking “GARRUS?  As a romance?  That’s... weird.  Who would do that!?”
OH HOW I WAS WRONG.  But that was before reach and flexibility.
Hey I even have a Shep that romanced Garrus in ME2 and ME3.  And I loved it!
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Were I to replay a different Shep, she’d be my first choice.
So yeah, I love Garrus, I keep Kaidan in the squad all the time in ME1 and the other spot I try to rotate everyone else somewhat��evenly, but you’ll see plenty of him.  Then ME2 he’s by my side most of the way.  And an awful lot in ME3, too.  But I’m happy for him to get crushed on by Dr. Michele and glad to see him and Tali find happiness in ME3.  SO that’s the path we’ll be going down if we get that far here.
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I love the Destiny Ascension flyby moment on the Citadel, and it’s so easy to miss.  Also really hard to get good screenshots of.  Thanks Flycam.  Don’t pay attention to the untextured wall in the first pic, just look at the pretty lights!
Let’s go get another squadmate!  This time, a not-as-initially-friendly alien!
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What an amazing entrance for Urdnot Wrex.
“Do you want me to arrest you?”
“I want you to try!”
Hell.  Yeah.
Here’s where the somewhat in somewhat evenly comes in.  I probably do favor Wrex and Ashely in the squad in ME1 a little because... well you know what’s coming for Ash and Wrex you get the least amount of time with by far of the other companions.  Also, he’s just... great?  A tank, with some biotics and a shotgun... okay well so am I as a vanguard, but Kaidan has just enough tech powers for us to muddle through where we need to when Wrex is in the squad and he’s so much fun to have around.  His “Fuck you, I don’t care” attitude is great, and his growth story throughout the trilogy is one of the best arcs a character gets, imho.  I just really love Urdnot Wrex.
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This is a real nice flight control office you’ve got here, C-Sec.  It would be a shame if someone planted a bug in it later, since literally anyone can just walk on up here uncontested.
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This entire area really is so pretty though.
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I always pump points into Paragon as much as possible from as early on as possible, and saving these poor guys’ lives is one of the big reasons.  They don’t need to die.
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Ash usually still stays in the party up to this point, though sometimes it’s Garrus.  Fist is still a dick in ME2 but he doesn’t need to die here, sorry Wrex.
...raise your hand if you still occasionally forget to pick up Emily Wong’s evidence and have to reload.  I remembered!  ...once I was almost out of Chora’s Den and had to turn around this time.
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Kaidan?  Kaidan my love?  My darling... perhaps YOU shouldn’t be the one standing in the middle of the corridor with no barrier or protection?  (I suppose I could scooch over but then I’d look less badass for these screenshots.  Naaah.)
It’d be a shame if someone properly lit the corridor so we could see what’s going on.
But hey... TALI!  Tali Tali Tali!  The first quarian we see, and only one for... awhile?  Is there another quarian in this entire game? I’m trying to remember and seriously can’t think of one.
Anyway, I love Tali, but another character you really need to ignore their most rabid fanbase portions of.  Yikes, Talimancers were really something back in the day.  The biggest problem I have with Tali being in the squad is that normally she’s REALLY useful against Geth and... not so much against just about anything else.  She gets sidelined on my team more than I wish she would.  Especially since she doesn’t show up until very late in ME2 and late-midway through ME3.
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Finally, the proof we need.  And the game continues to introduce new concepts to us with the Conduit and we hear the word Reapers for the first time.  We also get a loredump on the quarians and the geth.  
Tali’s voice doesn’t have quite as heavy of an accent in ME1 as it does in 2 and 3.  I guess we can assume she’s lost part of it while on her pilgrimage?  Picking up the local dialects a bit?  The next two times we see her she’s just spent a lot of time with her own people.
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Tali’s suit and omnitool look SO GOOD with the updated textures.
I swap Ash out and Tali in at this point, and usually finish up a few more quests along the way.
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Ah, Septimus.  You lovesick fool.
Honestly, the very best thing with Septimus is to bring Garrus here if you’re gonna romance him, have Garrus laugh at him for coming undone for love and then... well, ME2 and especially ME3 happen.  But still.  Septimus... always needs a kick in the pants but will get around to doing the right thing.
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Hey here’s a cool thing ME1Recalibated does -- Morlan carries a Squad Iconic Armors stock, so you can always find tier-appropriate default look armor for you and all the squad.  Very cool of you, Morlan.  You are currently my favorite store on the Citadel.  Now stop sending me spam, I didn’t sign up for your mailing list.
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Look, I have questions about what exactly Xeltan told the consort and how... all that... works... but... I don’t think I actually want to ask them.  Just.. let’s all shut up about all of it, it’s over now.
BTW, according to one of the novels, Councilor Anderson finds Ambassador Cayln super annoying.  I need to re-read that book.
OK fine... I’ll go talk to the Council.
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Coming at ya with Actual Proof and a quarian tagging along to back up the claims, the Council is ready to listen.  And while not surprising that it’s finally time to become a Spectre, the actual ceremony is really well done.  With the swelling theme music blaring, and all three councilors stressing what a big deal this is and what will be expected of you, you really feel the weight of this moment.  People take notice.  Although apparently later, Kaidan or Ash get an entire televised event around becoming a Spectre, I guess there’s no time for that right now.
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It definitely feels like the game so far has been building towards this moment, not only with POUNDING it into your brain about who Spectres are and why they’re so important and letting you know you’re being evaluated... but it feels like there’s been a shift in the game after this moment.  It’s A Big Deal.
I didn’t finish all the sidequests on the Citadel yet, they can wait, I’ve been here long enough.  Let’s go check out the new cool stuff we can buy.
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ME1Recalibrated adds in this Spectre Armor.  Eeehhhhh... no thanks.  We’ll stick with Onyx.
I did cheat myself in a bunch of credits and picked up Spectre weapons though. This ain’t no tryhard playthrough.  
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Well OK, we can finish ONE more quest.  Thanks, startlingly loud and triumphant music queue that’s never used again!
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Man, this would be SUCH a good pic of the Normandy if... the airlock didn’t go straight through the ship.
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We’ve got a ship of our own!  And most of our squadmates to put on it!
Sucks for Anderson to be sidelined, though.  We already love you, Anderson!
It’s cool to get a bit more of the Saren & Anderson backstory here for real.  Still, I enjoyed the book more.  Maybe I’ll do a re-read of all the ME books here soon.
Udina... just keep being you, I guess.  
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Okay, whew... we made it off the Citadel.  Now I gotta actually play some more to have more updates to post.  Might be a few days.  Have to actually go back to work tomorrow. :p
Let’s probably do like one sidequest then go get us an Asari!!
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