#she gave me the weirdest look XD
smolboireblogs · 2 days
Please reblog for more votes!!!
I’m just really curious to see if there are others like me who do this ;v;
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay just, like, Stiles on this bus the entire freaking time has been AMAZING. His concern over Scott, his observation of Ethan and Boyd and Isaac, and just his general adorable good humor.
First of all, the fact that he knew Allison and Lydia were following them the whole time is amazing. They're several cars back at this point, but he's been onto them since minute one and I love that so much.
Second of all, his concern of Scott is literally the best thing ever. Like, he's being a good friend and still letting Scott call the shots to some degree and letting him avoid the topic at hand, but never once does he let the whole situation sway too far from the forefront of his mind--especially not with Scott still in all that pain.
Third of all, THE WAY HE GETS THE BUS TO STOP OMG! His whole thing with the coach is comedy GOLD, and then the face he makes when he gets that idea about Jared... But the true, true best part of this whole thing is the way he smiles like a crazy maniacal scientist the second he sits down next to Jared.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 7 months
Lol how do i explain this chain of events...
there's no way i can make it brief xD So..today i was in an odd mood, feeling so sensitive that any time someone talked to me i almost flinch from how overwhelming it is. And a certain heaviness. sunday is slimbo's only day off tho so i wanted to hang out. We decided to draw, and as we were finishing setting up i suddenly remembered my stereo & how i havent used it all winter. i grabbed it from my room n put it on slimbo's bedroom floor , i was sitting next to it as we focused on drawing for a few hours n listened to CDs.
then as we were about to eat dinner slimbo suggested we watch sopranos. i was reluctant due to my mood today, and ok hear me out: Something about sopranos has like, consistently felt really psychic to me, cus i dont watch it that often but every time i do it's like. that episode will be freakishly synchronized w something happening in my life at that moment. usually in a metaphorical way. Could just be power of suggestion but ive never rly had that with a show before except for a few animes.
ANYWAYS..i agreed to watch it because i felt it to be fateful that slimbo suggested it. like Ok what message is this supposed to send me today, might as well see since i'm already in this strange mood. We sat on the ground where i was drawing and started watching. and ofc, (spoiler warning,) ofc the last ep we watched was the one where junior shoots tony, so this episode is the one where tony's dying in hospital (and having his prolonged dream sequence). Which, if you know me, you maybe know about my Core Wound, but if you dont, well, it definitely involves hospitals and death and fathers. So i'm just sitting there watching like LMAO 🙂 Ok Guess this is what's on tonight's agenda Let's Gooooo 🙂
and i can see slimbo keeps looking at me with an expression like "we can turn it off" but i was like nah im going to watch this im curious now. (i havent seen season 6 of sopranos in 6 years and its the season i have the least memory of because when i watched it i was high as fuck on opiates due to getting my appendix removed (awful experience) so it kinda feels like my first time seeing it). i keep watching and THEN. THE WEIRDEST SHIT OF MY LIFE OCCURED
the fucking scene. Where carmela's in the hospital room with tony and she receives a stereo from chris. she takes it out of the box and i'm like wait....it's only showing the back of it at first, but it looks so familiar, i look over to my right where my stereo is coincidentally sitting on the floor next to me with the back facing me. it's the same. then i see her open the cd slot. ITS THE EXACT SAME FUCKING STEREO SAME color SAME model SAME Everything !!!! and the part that freaked me out most is that my stereo is always just sitting on top of my tv i almost never move it even when i use it but at that moment it just happened to be sitting there on the floor RIGHT FUCKING NEXT TO ME !!!
idk. it gave me kind of an adrenaline rush. it freaked me out. like that is bizarre i dont know. especially with the context of the stereo in the show and how it's there in the hospital to play music for tony as he's basically dying. hospital scenes r always like, intense for me on a cellular level. but that just kinda blew my mind. i got this stereo from a thrift store 2 years ago i had no idea it was in the show lol. IDK. i feel like there's a message here. something to do with my dad and healing and music. See im telling you like.....sopranos makes me consistently feel that God is joking around w me, its ususlly just a feeling but today it was tangible. so.... o_o
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o-wyrmlight · 1 year
Hello. Me again.
I wanna do a bunch of comics as I replay the games so I won't answer everything XD but to answer a basic question;
You can play as a male or female Shepard, but Bioware intended the main character to be female. But because video games they were afraid dudebros wouldn't want to play a female lead so they just gave you a choice. Both are called "Shepard" because it's the last name. (Femshep's first name is Jane).
There is also character creation. So you can create a Shepard OC. but Shepard is one of the weirdest main characters I've ever seen, because as the years have gone on... instead of people leaning more into the self insert style of mass Effect, default Jane Shepard has become more and more popular. So these days most art and fanfic will write her as a default instead of a player/reader insert. it's fucking wild!
Also I am still in ME1 so she's still in uniform, but uh... that doesn't last.
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........also yes I own the hoodie....
As for everything else... I selfishly don't want to spoil?? Even tho you can literally google it?? 😂 Because I wanna draw it because who boy.... do my babies have a storm coming....
I see! That is super cool, though--I like that female Shepard was intended to be the more canonical between the selectable characters. I wasn't 100% sure about it because I do remember seeing a mention or two about an option between male and female, but I've really only ever seen concept of female Shepard.
And I also think that it's super neat that Shepard's default is so popular! It's sort of a double-reverse of what you'd expect, and people are so baller for that, to be honest.
It sort of reminds me of how--when I play a Legend of Zelda game--I'll usually default to the names I can chose as being the canonical names. Link as Link, Epona as Epona, etc... same with the Pokemon games.
I think part of the reason for that might also be due to consistency. It seems like Mass Effect is a chronological series that takes place over the course of a period of time that features the same characters, so it'd make sense for the main character to remain the same over time.
You look at game series like Fallout, customization is much easier to get a hold of because each game (if I'm correct) features a new main character. It allows for more customization of the experience to fit around the character, but since Mass Effect is in that chronological story that follows the same or a similar cast, it's easier to have an agreed-upon default than it is to have a thousand or so different Shepherds, especially since they all end up sharing the same name (which takes away a part of that customization process).
It could also be that, as Shepard is the name given to the character, it feels ingenuine to a lot of people to have them deviate from their default--as if it's changing their identity. Already having the name implies that the character doesn't exist in a vacuum--they already existed before in the context of the game.
I! Am! Rambling! But I do find it super interesting to think about this!
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starblue2406 · 2 years
Stories from mini-hell II
At this moment several memories come to me. I was recently suggested a very interesting, rare AU, which I definitely agree with and occasionally I will give it some content. But it's definitely not the weirdest one I've ever gotten into.
There are three AU's that have come out of this fanfic so far, but the weirdest one was the AU proposed by Paola.
It all happened one Wednesday, I was leaving the art workshop where we both stayed after class and while we were walking down the stairs to leave the school and before running away she said to me: "Hey wey, how about we give them kids?".
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I could only answer "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?!"
She ran away, got into her family's car and I could not inquire more about the matter and I could only comment to Elgu between laughter and absolute confusion.
The next day at the workshop, I saw her again and now I had to finish with those weird incognitas she left me.
She explained to me that she was very excited to give …. Offspring to our dear protagonist couple (God, even after so long it is hard for me to talk about this without dying of laughter because of how rare it is or how uncomfortable I feel, but it is something that should not be lost in just the anecdote).
At first I flatly refused, I have never been a fan of giving children to a ship and even more if it is impossible, either by biology, history, rules of the universe of the work and the internal logic. What she was proposing was totally sending the above points out the window. It definitely threw me off because she wasn't talking about a hypothetical concept but some scenario she was imagining directly in the story.
It was a very weird thing for me personally and I definitely didn't agree with it at all. After a while of her insistence she finally managed to convince me and I agreed, but I gave her the suggestion that this hypothetical weird case was more of an AU than a timeline or something close to the story.
She agreed with no problem, she just wanted to see Arceus and Damos living as a beautiful family with two cute babies... As if Arceus didn't already have enough with the ones he made himself.
In the end I made my contributions too, because I definitely like this kind of stuff in any of its forms, no matter how weird it may seem to me.
But despite this we could never create a base for this idea, what I mean is that we could never create a scenarie where this as a mini story so that this concept could exist and have some logic, but we could never create it because of our vague ideas about this. The most I could come up with is that Arceus was in a project to create two new legendary pokemon (gods), but Damos for a series of mistakes triggered that these future legendary pokemon were not only of Arceus and these being half human-pokemon and not being "finalized" gods had to be bred from scratch and without a concrete duty.
It's nice to see the AU's that fans of your story come up with no matter how weird they are. Actually of the three this one is the weirdest, the others one I half created and the other one I definitely like a lot. Still this kind of thing in the end always paints a smile on my face.
Nevertheless, it still surprises and disturbs me xD .
Remaining records of this event:
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Well, let's start here. Since we are very original, we wanted the children's names to be a combination of the parents' names, starting with "Damar", a cute little girl. I wanted it to be "Dagmar" (not to be so obvious), but Paola said no and it stayed that way.
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Then he made his adult version... What can I say?... He looks a lot like Daddy Arceus...
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And I'm not too far behind in this matter. I also made my "Contribution"(?), Paola likes the twin or two-child theme, I guess because she is from a family of four siblings and has a twin, so it's to be expected.
So I decided on this design for "Arcamos" (I didn't name him, I swear). The couple's second child, she was delighted to see that he looked more like his human daddy. My god what a fucking cringe that was xD.
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Of all the drawings in this AU this is the one I like the most, since that's when I was able to put a little bit of my touch on the whole thing. Giratina would definitely make fun of Arceus for having offspring with a human that he valued the least as a species... That's the best thing I did in all this
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I have nothing to say about these other drawings, I can only say that Paola asked me for them and I drew them with laughter of internal suffering.
I'm regretting as you have no idea to write this in this blog,but still I do it so it doesn't get lost in my memory and because to be honest this experience was also something beautiful.The fact of seeing Paola excited and comforting me while I was dying of laughter because of how strange this thing was is very beautiful.
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akaiamedama · 4 years
Of crocodiles and rings and a possible connection to a teased weakness
Crocodile is a guy that is real extra and dresses sharp and loves his bling bling, right? He’s a man of high standards, so of course, he’s gotta wear bling to show that. Other bling loving characters are Capone Bege and Blackbeard for example. All three of them like to show off that bling. Now why do I mention the other two? Coz look at these three bling loving gentlemen, wearing rings on every finger and tell me where the difference lies. I’ll wait.
As opposed to Bege and Blackbeard, Crocodile doesn’t wear a ring on every finger. Obviously he cannot wear 10 rings coz he only got one hand with 5 fingers but he also never wears 5 rings. No, no. This guy, ladies and gentlemen, kinda makes it a point to always leave out one finger and that’s the ring finger. Ha- interesting.
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Now, of course this could be mere coincidence. But let’s be realistic here, it’s Oda. He clearly has a reason for it as he’s been true to this detail ever since Crocodile was introduced over a decade ago and the only real question is ‘why’?
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Why would Crocodile do that? He clearly loves wearing rings so why not wear them on every finger? Why leave out the ring finger for crying out loud? If one wanted to leave a finger without a ring, one would probably leave out the pinky or the thumb but who puts rings on every finger and leaves out the ring finger? I tell you who.
Crocodile. That’s who.
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If you’re one who believes in symbolism and all that stuff, then you’d probably find it interesting that the ring finger symbolises releationships with others especially romantical ones as it is seen closest to the heart and therefore or because of it is the finger a wedding ring is worn on. In most cultures the engagement ring is worn on the right hand and the wedding ring on the left as the right hand is often the ‘physical’ one and has a greater visibility. It’s probably interesting to note that the left hand is considered to represent your character and beliefs. Ha. Interesting that Crocodile is missing that one, huh? Anyhow, in Crocodile’s case left or right hand doesn’t really matter as he only has one left (duh) so an argument can be made that sides don’t matter and the importance lies on the finger itself.
The way it looks right now is that he’s making a statement leaving out the ring finger and there are a few possibilites here. Of course it could be a family ring and he could be from an important family but really, not only would that be a bit to similar to Doflamingo, it would also not make sense to not just replace the family ring on the occations he’s not wearing it. But he never wears a ring on that finger so one can only come to the conclusion that there’s some sentimental thought behind that.
The most logical would be that there is a ring he believes should be on that finger. Either he’s keeping it free for a future event coz he doesn’t have the ring yet (which I doubt) or he’s keeping it free coz technically there already is a ring for the finger. This could be a ring he doesn’t have anymore and regrets it (like he lost it with his left hand or threw it away) or a ring he does have but decides not to wear for his own reasons. Whichever it is, it clearly has such an important value that he doesn’t just covers it up or replaces it. 
Now, given the ring finger and it’s symbolism the thought of a wedding ring isn’t too far fetched. We don’t know enough about his past to say that he could never have been married so I think it’s worth looking into.
Let’s just imagine for a second, that the ring missing is indeed a wedding ring, what could that mean?
He could have had a wife but she died and even though he’d technically not be married anymore, people who lost their partner almost always keep their wedding ring as a memento. If they move on, they don’t wear it anymore but they often keep it. This could give another perspective to the ‘wounds’ Daz was referring to after Marineford as he was clearly not talking about Luffy’s physical wounds but about the emotional wounds that came with losing a loved one.
Crocodile could have had a wife but she betrayed him and he took the ring off as to break the relationship and connection. Then the choice to not wear a ring on that finger in the future could serve as a reminder to himself not to trust people, not even those close to you. This could possibly explain his huge trust issues.
However, these two scenarios, while possible, don’t strike me as the most likely simply due to the two following scenes:
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“If you want to protect something, do it right!!” 
This could be totally random and only refer to the moment at hand but it could also indicate that he knows a thing or two about how to successfully protect someone. Which leads us to the infamous
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“I know one of his weaknesses ...!! But if he cooperates with us ... then I won’t say anything about it!!”
Think about it, the biggest weakness ANY pirate of Crocodiles caliber could have is a loved one or people they care about and their identity and location to be known by the public or enemies (marines, pirates etc.) because no matter how powerful a pirate you are, if information like that was to spread and reach the wrong ears, this could have catastrophic consequences for you and the people you care about. It’s used over and over in OP stories like when the marines hunted down Gol D. Rogers offspring and slaughtered all newborn who could potentially have been Roger’s child or when the marines swore to kill Luffy for being Dragon’s son or when Zeff was used as leverage to force Sanji to comply. I doubt anyone knows Usopp is Yasopp’s son or that he had a woman and child in Syrup village otherwise someone would have probably attacked them to get back at Yasopp. Maybe that’s one of the reasons he left them. As to protect them.
Ivankov and Croc met years ago when Croc was still considered a rookie, so in his early/mid twenties. If there is indeed a ring to that finger and the person is still alive, Ivankov could know her identity or location and this could totally be the weakness Ivankov was refering to. Of course this only works if the person is still alive. 
Now I know, you’re probably scratching your head, thinking I might be a bit nuts going this direction considering it’s Crocodile we’re talking about but really, think about it. His choice of jewelry is mega weird so what could be the reaaon for it? Also it’s hardly the weirdest theory out there (looking at you femCroc theorists).
This would also tie in neatly with why he decided to have his Baroque agents working in teams of two with male/female. I mean, unlike other characters, he clearly doesn't seem to see women as the weaker sex and him having his agents work in pairs has to be grounded somewhere. Maybe he was raised like that and his parents where a good example of how well men and women complement each other or maybe he made the experience himself. If so, I tend to think that he wasn't betrayed by the woman... or maybe he was and that's one of the reasons why he was so paranoid and basically expected Robin to betray him. All possible, really.
It’s also apparent that Oda incorporates marriages a lot more often nowadays than he did in the early years of One Piece. Mr 9 and Mrs Mondey got married on a cover page and have a baby, Capone got married and his henchman Gotty married too, Sai and Baby 5 married, Sanji and Pudding were meant to marry and let’s not forget poor Senior Pink’s backstory. 
Last but not least, I’d like to point out a seemingly random fan question Oda answered in an SBS which seems just kinda odd once you consider everything I said above.
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Now the question focuses on “they never had a child” and “I wonder what faces their children would have”, yet Oda starts with “They’ve been to weddings before ...” ... WOW. Really? Why would he say that? XD No one even asked about weddings. Funny. So they’ve been to weddings, huh? As what? Guests? Grooms? You know? It doesn’t seem to mean anything but if you consider Crocodile’s rings and such imo it’s just a weird thing to say. Then the mysterious “I wouldn’t say whether they had children or not ...” ..... 
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Note: Especially during Alabasta Oda often forgets to draw Croc’s rings at all or accidentally leaves out the wrong finger but he is consistent with the rings since Impel Down. He still forgets them from time to time but he doesn’t switch the fingers anymore so one could reason that he had a vague idea of Crocodile’s reasons behind the rings when he introduced him but only solidified it or gave it more details once Croc showed back up. The anime and games however often just leave out the wrong ring probably thinking that it doesn’t matter.
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sybilmarlowe · 3 years
Since I joined the One Piece fandom, I was asked different times which character I ship with Doffy the most. Given I'm usually into self insert things, I'd firstly go with "my OC, of course 😛"... But let's talk about what I think of Doffy's most famous ships 😁
DISCLAIMER: all of what follows is TOTALLY my own opinion, don't want to judge anyone who thinks differently than me. OP is a fictional world made of fictional characters and anyone can ship whoever they likes!
So, here's the ships:
Doffy x Viola
Ok, let's start with what many people's don't want to hear: this ship is canon. Yeah. Like it or not, it's a matter of fact.
I honestly like them together, they're a weird couple but somehow they work. I like to imagine how could have been the dynamic between the two of them, and I'm more than sure there was nothing abusive from Doffy's side. I mean, sexually at least. I agree with the fact destroying one's whole life and Country is pretty abusive, but I'm quite sure the feelings between Doffy and Viola have been real for a while. Maybe the concept could sound trivial, but no one chooses who to love and Doffy has many characteristics which may definitely make a person fall for him. Not totally sure HE has ever truly loved her, but I like to think so. After all he does have a weak side and Viola might have been one of the few (even thanks to her powers) who managed to see it and knowing him deeply. This surely strenghtened their bond and it might have finally resulted in love...
My vote is a 8/10
Doffy x Cora
This is incest. I know. And it's indeed problematic and controversial. Irl a thing like this isn't exactly acceptable.
BUT as I told before, OP is pure fiction, so... I have to say quite like them tbh. In my opinion, as long as a relationship is adult and consensual there's nothing deeply wrong in it IN FICTIONAL WORLDS. (I know, there are fanfictions in which their relationship is abusive, but since we’re talking about headcanons here I like to think it’s not). Have you watcher GoT? Cersei and Jamie were one of the best written pairings in the whole series, the same goes for this situation imo, we have all the conditions to make this ship a sensible one.
They’re a realistic couple cause they went through a lot of difficulties together and, even if they chose different paths of life, their bond is very very deep. Their love is a desperate one, like “you’re the only one in this world I can REALLY trust”. This from both sides. The difference is that Cora is a pure person who just want to love and being loved while Doffy... well, he’s not exactly mentally healthy and he’s like “all or nothing”.
A lot of angst and stuff, of course, for this reason my vote is 7/10
Doffy x Crocodile
I’m sure someone out there is going to want my head for what I’m about to write, the DoffyxCroco fandom is huge after all... but... 
I don’t like this ship at all. 
Given one can ship two people with no reason or just because they wear matching colours and look good in fanarts (?) imo DoffyxCrocodile has no sense. They interact, yeah, but nothing about their dialogues or shared scenes makes me thing they could be a good couple. Even that most famous encounter at Marineford which made fanpeople scream... They looked just like contenders who quite disliked eachother, nothing less and nothing more :/ and Doffy saying “I’m jelous!” just gave me the same vibes of a childish sacrastic way to piss off a person, pretty much like the stupid classic “you fight like a girl!”. 
They’re aesthetically beautiful, nothing to say, they’re both among the most handsome characters in OP  and have a similar story, so I’m not saying I don’t understand the reasons of those who ship them... Just... I want ships to be stronger and more credible than this :/
6/10 just because they look good in fanarts XD
Doffy x Luffy 
This is pretty diffused, but..... why. 
I mean... what happened between the two of them which could have made them fall for eachother?? D: Have you ever tried to date a person after trying GearFourthPunch them out of the troposphere? °A° (Also, Luffy could LITERALLY be Doffy’s son. This is weird. Not the weirdest thing, but still.)
Srsly... If you like them together I ask you to tell me which dynamics are there behind this ship. Cause I really can’t see WHERE do you see even a little trace of feelings between the two of them D: 
Sorry D:
Doffy x Law
Gods, yes. YES.
This ship HELLA works from every single point of view. Doffy and Law are two of the most (if not THE MOST) well written characters in the whole series. They have a complete and complex background, a deep and multifaceted personality and, above all, an extremely strong bond. 
Ship them or not, they’re literally OBSESSED by eachother for different reasons.
 Law is the ONLY man Doffy considers almost his equal, he thinks he’s like the only person worth being his right hand man and I’m quite sure he’s galvanized by the idea Law is the one who’s gonna sacrifice his life to make him immortal. Like... a great life to complete an even greater one? This is insane. And yet beautiful. 
On the other hand, Law’s thoughts have been completely centred on taking revenge on Doffy for 10 years. Like, he was literally obsessed by that man, consumed by the hate he felt for him which obscured anything else, even his maniacal good sense in the end. 
Turning this all into a tragic and tormented love story is as easy as drinking water. A long-term reciprocal hate mixed with a deep admiration for eachother (even from Law’s side, after all Doffy was the one who thaught him almost... everything?) which slowly turns into something terribly different. Imagine the tension between two arch enemies who have to admit their hate melted into passion... and yet still have this latent feeling of wanting the other’s death.......
Don’t know what’s your opinion about this kind of stories, but for me, the self proclaimed Queen of Angst, in love with the most tragical Theatre and Literature... THIS IS GOOD STUFF. 
Doffy x Trebol 
What tHE ACTUAL F***K. 
Doffy x Bellamy
Please, no. 
Alright, I hate Bellamy. He’s exactly the kind of character I find terribly pathetic and incomplete. He barely has a personality of his own, he’s a wild fanboy with nothing original (not like Barto. Barto is the best fanboy ever. All my love goes to Barto.). 
Now, he spent all his 34 years of life trying to... imitate Doffy? And yet he doesn’t even manage to truly understand him. So he’s worse than a fanboy, he’s attracted to the idealization of a man who’s not even half of the things he expects him to be. This is sad. Really sad. And call me a sadist, he deserved being humiliated imo. Maybe this helped him open his eyes and getting a life. Seriously. 
It goes without saying I totally can’t see how a relationship between him and Doffy could work. Doffy despises him, the only kind of plot this thing could have is a quite abusive one :/ and since I deeply dislike abuse.... no. This ship is totally out of question.
Doffy x Monet
This is another ship which barely touches the canon. I sincerely think the "love" between the two of them is pretty much unilateral. Doffy respects Monet, he deeply appreciates her abilities, intelligence and loyalty, she's clearly among his closest subordinates, but... He doesn't love her in a romantic way. As for Monet, she's totally in love with him, she'd kill and die for him. And in fact that's what she does in the end.
Monet is not among my fav characters, but I still feel quite sorry for how things went for her. She gave her everything away for a helpless, almost obsessive, love.
If something between the two of them really happened for real, I think it was merely physical.
For this reason, tough I have to admit they'd actually look beautiful together, I can't ship them :/
Doffy x Vergo
Ok, I dislike Vergo. He's quite a flat character imo, don't even like his design 😅 I don't ship him with Doffy for this simple reason, but being honest they could perfectly work as a couple.
Vergo was among Doffy's very first "real friends", he was among those who were considered a family by him and, most importantly, he was the only one around his same age. They literally grew up together, likely supporting each other, and I wouldn't be honest if I said this has no chance to be a good assumptipn for a love story. A quite simple and basic one, if you want, but it's the most realistic kind of bond two people can make.
Still not shipping them, my vote is a honest 7/10.
Guess that's all?
Let me know what do you think about this 😆 do you agree with my votes? Or there are some points you totally disagree with?
Well, anyways. I had fun 😂
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project-paranoia · 3 years
Live Watch: S.C.I. Mystery Episode One
I enjoy camp because I've always enjoyed analysis and examination.  I enjoy looking at something from all sides, testing it with my fingertips. When I was a child I would sit for hours just looking at something until I had it all held in my mind and I felt like I understood it.  Camp necessitates that understanding the way that imitation and - good - parody requires it.  To quote Susan Sontag - who articulated what camp is so well - Camp is "a sensibility that revels in artifice, stylisation, theatricalisation, irony, playfulness, and exaggeration rather than content."  Because of this camp takes on head to head gender, sexuality, expectations, any sort of defined norm and sequins it up then shakes it down until understanding comes out.  When understanding something there are three major ways to work your investigation - what it is, what it's imitation is - the close but not quite, and what it isn't.  Camp handles all three, to quote again: "Camp sees everything in quotation marks. It's not a lamp, but a 'lamp; not a woman, but a 'woman.'"
Why are we talking about camp?  Because SCI Mystery is some of the best kind of camp outside of drag or screaming about wire hangers.  It deals a lot with mental illness in a way that would destroy a serious show, but in this one "mental illness" is a metaphor for being marginalised and a way to talk about the mouse and cat in the room.  This show is about being queer.  About being gay loudly and quietly, about resisting specific labels and needing them, about the threat of a cure and the blessing of acceptance.  All the messy realities of queer life as varied as queer people. Like Lil Nas X's Montero, you can appreciate the effort without being comfortable with it. While the show's allegory of mental illness when many queer people are still told they are ill is done well and there is reason to the choices and tone, things are said which can be hard to hear.  Knowing they're there because they're hard to hear and have been heard doesn't help everyone.
With all that said, it's also a fun, silly bl drama.  Don't let the analysis scare you off.  While the information about camp can be something to be aware of, all this show requires to be enjoyed is a willingness to be amused and spooked in turns.
You know the drill, spoilers below!
* I have memorised the youku sound, I have a triggered response with it. Not all triggers are bad, this one reminds me of Guardian
* Welcome to episode one where we just leap in!  But don't worry, one of them has a cute earring and they are colour coordinated.
* Watching from youtube the episode is 38 minutes long while most of the others are 45.  Attach whatever emotion you want to that fact.
* The exposition is handily delivered by asking a question which tells us some things, thank you show, I appreciate it
* First episode and he's already giving his partner an in case I don't come back letter to be opened if he dies
*  Wait for me!~  Go!~~
* Slow walk with dramatic music: 1 (don't make this a drinking game You Will Expire) this time with bonus almost looking back
* I've seen a similar shot on Hawaii Five O
* Don't explain what's happening, just knock everything over with a jump kick in some absolutely spotless white tennies
* Running with dramatic music with bonus looking back: Does it count?  We have yet to hear back from the judges
* They leap into the water with an explosion behind them, we are less than 2 minutes in and I love that for them
* At first I thought the boats were making a big heart before I remembered that I am very silly and they are not doing that
* This one is going to be long
* I can see his pockets through his trousers, why are his trousers so thin?
* It's not kissing to dramatic music in the surf if it's CPR
* Each story line has its own intro and that's very sexy of them
* Slow walk/dramatic music: 2-6
* These people are totally goofy and and yet the Seriousness
* Two Weeks Ago!
* The police school bus has arrived to shoo away the crows circling around Dr. Zhan staring (dramatically) at the body
* Sport scar policeman dresses even more unprofessionally than Zhao Yunlan who at least looks like a detective who was jumped by so many criminals he just gave up wearing a suit and went for jeans. Chief Bai's clothes are so thin, I'm under constant anxiety someone is going to tear them off.
* Also several of the cast pictures on MyDramaList look like the pictures your auntie insists taking to send to your other aunties and I love that for them
* Triple axil spin from the victim, the judges are loving it - this is the camp I'm here for
* The dramatic slo mo and music budget for this show was so big, just as it should be
* He's mad because he's angy
*  Master Psychiatrist can tell all about the killer from crouching by the body, it's a trope and this is one of the few places I like it because it serves the show instead of the show serving it
* When you're almost boyfriend is going away for reasons and it's not your decision but you can't go with him because of your job so you're just low key bitter about it
*  "You can't control me"
* The pettiness between these two
* Professional women who worked hard to get where they are still are constantly obsessed with boys according to most cdramas
*The male posturing in those three second has accidentally circled back around to being gay in the way those bro shows accidentally do and I love that
* I live for this 80s-90s police chief perm
* The Pettiness
* I always tend to like doctor characters, I don't know why.  Even when they aren't my favourites I like them.
* She's kind of adorable, I like her (I've seen a lot of this show and every time I say I like someone it ends badly ;-; )
* "the victems"
* If you love Creative English, this is the show for you!
* Chief Bai's crew is trying so hard to get them back together
* Dr. Zhan is so good at psychology he can tell what someone looks like from some tire tracks - this trope is used all the time in crime shows, but they push it a little farther in SCI and it really helps the viewer know what the rules for the show are
* The scene in the psychiatrist's office hearkens back to queer coded villains and the way they're treated in old black and white horror cinema - but done so artfully it's almost invisible.  It's incredibly well done, and the awareness of tropes and types all throughout the series is tremendously successful as much as it's campy fun.
* There's also the trope of someone who manipulates someone into feeling like they've been "purified" and then weaponises them against the "filthy". And of course the fact that the killer's blade is a mirror - that he's killing in others what he sees in himself. This trope hasn't just been queer-coded but has been applied to any sort of physical or mental disorder. Thesis have been written about this trope and the anxiety attached to it. I can't write them better and this is long enough, it's just a small part of the excellent handling of the themes showing up in this genre and I wanted to point it out because it deserves appreciation for the skill and knowledge in the writing.  
* The whole you need evidence vs you're saying psychoanalysis isn't trustworthy feels very much like a coded angry exes discussion
* I love the establishing shots, so good
* He kind of deserved that door to the face, what was he even doing
* Police violence in crime shows is supposed to be a release for the viewer, but many countries have issues with police violence so it hits wrong.  Here it's far more performative in a way that at least has some awareness
* The weirdest phone call, you call someone to tell them something important and they say two things to you and hang up
* The tongue thing, why always the tongue thing?
* When a serial killer tries to compliment you by calling you a carnivore and you shut down the whole alpha male supposition by calling yourself a vegetarian
* At this point I've written almost fifteen hundred words and taken almost two hours to watch 23 minutes
* This is my life, these are my choices
* Dutch Angles
* You could make this conversation about being gay, I have had this conversation about homosexuality before
* Unfortunately while I had it I was on the bus trapped in a window seat
* The conversation didn't end with me saying something cool and everyone clapping
* They just got off the bus to go to work
* The banality of evil, yo
* Her shorts are Incredibly Short, good for her
* "arrest the perp behind my back" that's his job, broheim
* He doesn't ask why she checked behind their ears
* DUN dun dun!
* Slo mo file drop, and of course the file is blood stained and aged
* Chalk Art of Doom
* Chinese word play!
* Caught almost putting his coat over his crush, embarrassing XD
* Backstory!
*  I love all the little character details, I could quote lines I think are funny all day but that would start getting silly
* Bai Yu Tong is marked as clean and having OCD but we don't see what's apparently a huge character trait at all other than the all white, do love that he's good at cooking
* Dr. Zhan: Brilliant!  Genius!  Cannot feed himself.
* Dr. Gong has indifference level 100% which is true and also I love that for him
* I love that Wang Shao part of the team because he's good at making friends, I love that for him
* Poor Zhao Fu: scared of ghosts and dumb and sweet?  At least he has an 8 pack
* Jiang Lin is very tropey except the mention of her nearsightedness
* Ma Han's height 1.7m and legs 1.8m is hilarious and I love it
* I stopped recording the slo mo walks, but if you were drinking along with them you might be dead so I really appreciate you taking time out of your afterlife to continue reading.  We appreciate all our ghost readers
* And that's the first episode!  Thanks for making it to the end!
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Episode 41 was another fun one! It doesn’t seem related to the main plot, but that’s ok because we needed more world-building. And it does give us a bit of character development. Most importantly of all, it’s the DESPERATELY needed Sora-focused episode. And it’s all hers. We really needed this for Sora and I’m really happy with how it went down. It’s a simple, easy to follow story, and yet it was still cute and funny and good for Sora.
My one complaint would be that, though it’s great to see Sora be awesome and see her friends appreciate her, she didn’t seem to have something she needed to “overcome” like Jou and Koushirou, or something she had to prove like Yamato and Mimi. There’s definitely an important theme for Sora which, like the others, is related to her Crest. It just didn’t have the gravitas I felt it needed. It was a much sillier episode than Yamato’s, for instance. (But nowhere near as silly as Jou’s.) Still, overall very good.
Pic of the day:
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A vision of perfection.
More below!
First off, the animation in this episode is really nice. Almost uniform througohut, and some seriously great expressions. CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE
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The kids are taking a break (yay!!!! again!! I sweat the producers are reading my blog, HELLO PRODUCERS, THANKS FOR GIVING ME EVERYTHING I ASKED FOR, lol). Taichi and Sora spend it teaching the Digimon to play soccer. Interestingly, some of the Digimon evolve in order to play x’D I guess I can see why Gomamon can’t really play unless he’s Ikkakumon. Plus Tailmon is already Adult level anyway.
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It’s really fun to see how much Sora and Taichi both love soccer and love playing it together. Koushirou has a cute moment explaining to the others how awesome Taichi and Sora’s teamwork is.
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Sora blows the whistle on Tentomon for grabbing her because you don’t do that in soccer. I think this is a little unfair given that Tentomon can’t really kick the ball that well since he’s got bug feet xD
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The whistle Sora has, for some reason, is Jou’s, given to him by his brother so that if he runs into a bear in the woods, he can whistle for help. Lol. That is adorable and hilarious. Still wish it was Hikari’s whistle though
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Speaking of Hikari, she and Takeru are happily engaged in making flower crowns together while Patamon smushes the grass.
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All of a sudden, these weird, veiny meteors come crashing from a huge island floating in the sky, leaving a crater in the field. Could be dangerous!
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Taichi: I’m not afraid. Besides, I’m curious.
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Yamato: Be careful, Takeru.
Takeru: Yeah, be careful, Hikari.
omg too cute
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I mean look at these expressions and body language. It’s fantastic. I love how Taichi looks like he’s trying not to get too close as he pokes the object with a stick and how Koushirou is like hiding behind his computer lol.
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They discover it’s not a meteor, but a fruit. (And look another adorable Taichi face!) Question is, is it edible?
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Agumon: Sure is!
Taichi: D:
no seriously I love Taichi being freaked out by his own partner. Lol. It’s one of the best things about Taichi & Agumon. I ate it up in Tri lol
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So, I expected Yamato to be the downer of the group here along with Jou, but he’s just concerned that the fruit is too small for everyone to share. Aw what a mom.
It’s also pretty funny that, when a floating island appears and a mysterious fruit falls down with enough strength to leave a crater in the ground, the kids’ reaction isn’t to wonder about what’s going on, but to try to figure out how to eat it lol.
At this point they’re just so used to floating islands that it’s lost all novelty. They’re like, “oh, floating island, been there done that”
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Agumon comes up with the obvious solution and Taichi and Sora fly up to the island together to get more fruit. Why only two of them go... is convenience for the episode xD
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But it does lead to some good Sora moments and Taichi/Sora friendship. First, Sora is absolutely adorable. Even Agumon comments that she seems in a really good mood and Taichi can tell it’s because of how much she loves playing soccer. The way Sora talks to him, all fast and excited, is just so cute. You can tell she really loves soccer, especially with Taichi.
This episode kinda made me ship Taiora ;_; it was honestly more Taiora than any one episode in the 99 show...
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Meanwhile, another giant object starts falling off the island towards the rest of the kids, and Palmon makes THE WEIRDEST SOUND. Like SO WEIRD. I think Yamada Kinoko passed out and made this noise while recording or something bahahahaha
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Anyway it’s a refrigerator. Now appliances are falling out of the sky. I don’t understand why it makes the same size crater as the fruit despite being way heavier.
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OMG baby Taichi’s hairrrrrrr I cannot
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Soon they come across Flymon (why do Sora episodes always involved bugs...? This is the third time lol) who’s abducted a very helpless looking Digimon. They decide to help. Agumon gears up his Baby Flame but is stopped by Sora, who realizes that if they attack they might hurt the victim as well. I assume this is meant to tell us that, while Taichi’s brave and a strategist, another pair of eyes from someone like Sora whose first priority is others’ welfare is a big help.
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... except that Sora’s plan for “tackle them” doesn’t seem to me that much better xD It still results in the poor abducted Digimon falling through the sky to her doom... I guess it’s better than falling out of the sky and alsobeing on fire tho
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They catch the Digimon, who is Pomumon and just as pathetic as he looks. Meanwhile they’re being attacked by... Tropaliamon? Tropicanamon? lol I already forgot, a big bird with the ability to MELT ENTIRE FORESTS.
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Pomumon explains that Evil Tropical Bird-mon and his Flymon invaded the island and started turning all the Pomumon into fruit. When the fruit ripen, they eat them. Pomumon is now the only Pomumon who hasn’t been fruit-ified.
Agumon: ... so... does this make me a cannibal?
Taichi: Maybe now you’ll be mindful of what you eat!
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Okay and now the most AMAZING interaction ever, between Yamato and Mimi, and seriously it is a TRAVESTY that they don’t interact directly in the 99 series, I mean LOOK AT THE GOLD WE GET HERE,
Mimi says she hopes there’s fruit or juice in the fridge. Yamato makes an expression like someone just insulted his mother.
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They then proceed to argue over what constitutes “juice” and Yamato’s all fired up about it and Mimi’s just like “lol not listening”
IT IS HILARIOUS. Quality content. Mimato shippers eat your heart out
And... this is all they do for the rest of the episode. bahaha. I DON’T EVEN CARE. I love the idea that they fought over this the WHOLE time and never even opened the fridge. The others just had to listen in baffled astonishment xD
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Taichi and Sora fight Evil Tropical Bird-mon to save the Pomumon, but Taichi and MetalGreymon get knocked into the pitcher plant that turns Digimon into fruit.
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Metla Greymon doesn’t quite fit into the fruit, his horns are really stretching it out lol.
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i really shouldn’t be as amused as I am
now... I have to say it - the one thing here is, the show has already played its trump cards like Omegamon and WarGreymon. I am sure they have more in store before the end, but the point is, it’s hard to believe Taichi is struggling against Digimon who seem like they shouldn’t have a chance against him. It’s like, you can defeat DoneDevimon, but not Evil-Tropical-Birdmon? You can escape the influence of Millenniumon’s miasma, but not a pitcher plant?? lol
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Sora gets ANGRY when Taichi becomes Taichi-fruit. Her Crest of Love glows and brings out Garudamon. Taiora fans around the world screamed.
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One way or another, this leaves Sora on her own (yay). And she is a busy girl. She wants to save Taichi first, but Pomumon also needs her help, and Garudamon needs her support while fighting the enemy.
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Pomumon: don’t worry about me! I can fly on my own! *fails miserably*
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Sora’s face says “I just don’t understand this world,” lol
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They are then attacked by Flymon, and Pomumon still pretty much expects Sora to protect him. Sora’s like, “Fine, I’ll deal with Flymon, but you have to go save your friends,” and when Pomumon asks how, she just says “GOOD LUCK” and tosses him away, which honestly made me laugh out loud, you go girl
she’s like QUIT BEING SO USELESS DO SOMETHING ON YOUR OWN and just chucks him
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Pomumon, despite being useless, is able to free one of his comrades. After a brief discussion about how useless they are, they go to save the others.
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
think about it every night and day
spread my wings and fly away
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Sora thinks back to yet another soccer game where another student did a foul, I guess, on Taichi, and knocks him to the ground. Seeing Sora get so angry and protective of Taichi - omg, it totally squeezes my heat, gah. And it also makes her look so cool. Not just the girl in the back who comforts you when you fall down - also the one who runs up and tells the bully to back off!
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that hair tho
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Even though he’d been hurt, Taichi encouraged Sora not to quit playing and to win the game. In present time, Sora recalls that instance and uses it to push herself onward:
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At this point, I could’ve gotten annoyed: as much as I loved the Taiora friendship and seeing their teamwork, it’s Sora’s episode, and I didn’t want her to succeed because of “what I learned from Taichi.” However, it’s very similar to Koushirou’s episode, where it was the faith Taichi had in him that gave Koushirou the confidence to find the courage he already had. It’s similar for Sora. Plus, since she’s got the Crest of Love, it makes perfect sense that love for her friend would be a motivating factor here.
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On top of that - the things Sora thinks about Taichi are then echoed by Garudamon, only about Sora. Sora won’t give up because Taichi never does - and Garudamon won’t give up because Sora never does. You can see the chain reaction: friends building each other up through their support and faith in each other. Very sweet.
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buhahahahahaha the freaking taichi blueberry
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I really expected Taichi would be a little more wigged out about having been TURNED INTO A FRUIT,  but once he’s free he’s like “Thanks, now let’s get back to the fight!” lol
to be fair there were only a couple minutes left in the episode, no time for freak outs i suppose
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They save MetalGreymon who goes to back up Garudamon, but then Sora comes up with a plan.
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Of course, it’s related to soccer.
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Obligatory Cool Girl Soccer Star Sora shot
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They kick the ball to lead the Pomumon’s seed? attack directly into Evil Tropical Bird-mon’s mouth. This... seems to be our kids’ favorite play this season, lmao
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While choking on seeds, Garudamon and MetalGreymon launch their attacks and finally defeat him. Yaaaay goodbye weirdass fruit transmogrifying cannibal Digimon bird thing
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Taichi tells Sora she’s awesome T______T It’s soooooooo sweet. My Taiora heart leapt
and my Taishiro heart whispered “he said カッコよかった to her but saves すごい for Koushirou <3 “ lol
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Soooooo cute. MVP
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Garudamon agrees that Sora is awesome
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Ending card
So... the honest truth is yeah, this episode wasn’t necessary for the plot at all, and it would have been nice if it had been. But not all of the others’ center episodes were plot-related either. The important thing was for it to be wholly Sora’s episode and give her some Crest-related development. It did both those things.
I really would have liked a conundrum for Sora to fix, but I think the problem there is, since before now she wasn’t getting attention at all, they hadn’t set much of a foundation for that conundrum. The first time around, it was “oh, Sora is kind, so she wants to help anyone she sees” and there was a bit of personality clash with Yamato. Though it was small, it was a good bit of development and useful for two characters. It also led to Yamato and Sora’s friendship strengthening. With Taichi and Sora, we’ve been told they’re friends and teammates, but have not seen many strong examples of that. And, if there’s a fight between them, it could easily turn into a Taichi episode... that’s what I think anyway. So I guess the focus point for this episode was showing how Sora’s deep love for her friends strengthens her already, and maybe there’ll be more complex problems in the future, perhaps when she gets her next evolution... We’ll see.
Anyway. Good episode. So glad to see this show seems to be pretty solidly back on the rails. We only have like 20 episodes left though, seems like a lot but it’ll go fast.
That’s why I’m a bit surprised to see that next week looks like another not really plot-related episode:
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Takeru and Yamato are going to a theme park. There’s no context for why they’re not with the others, but my guess is Takeru wanted to go and Yamato took him... easy as that xD I guess we’ll see, but I really hope this doesn’t mean the team is splitting up again.
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However, we really do need quality time with Yamato and Takeru as well, so I’m all for this. It’s like the show really has got some self-awareness about how lax it’s been developing characters and relationships thus far and is now cranking it HARD to fit everything in we’ve been missing. Good.
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
They announced Precure 2021!!
Tropical Rouge! Precure. It will be a tropical/ocean theme and I believe it will have either a 4 team cures (pink, blue, yellow/orange and teal) or a duo with a red cure as a sixth ranger. What are your opinions/theories?
Oh shit, it is that time again, isn’t it? I totally forgot with how screwy year this year has been. ANN didn’t even mention anything. (@_@ ;;)
Well, anyways, since the trademark is out, speculation is all fair game until December or whenever we get the next messy quality leaks at the soonest.
Before that though, I just want to comment about the HealPre movie poster:
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I really like the kimono design integrated into the magical girl outfit. Seriously, I wished they could’ve saved this idea for a full-cour season instead of using it as a movie-exclusive form. That would’ve been awesome~ && imagine the crazy hair but decorated with kanzashi. *sigh* <33 ...only in my dreams, I guess. T_T
Other than that, I am also psyched for the (random) return of the Yes 5 girls. I have no idea what they’re doing here but hey, the Maho girls saved the KiraPre movie for me with their cameos so I’m totally cool with Yes 5 dropping in all badass if HealPre’s movie ends up being just so-so.
Alright, now that that’s out of the way...
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Precure 2021, otherwise known as
...admittedly, it’s not the weirdest title we’ve ever gotten but still, Toei at it again with its obsession over weird 3-4ish syllable salads. Ah, how I miss the times when we can just attach one simple word before “Pretty Cure” and that would’ve been enough. :P
Also, how the hell are we going to shorten this? TroPre? TropicPre? ToRuPre? PikaRuPre? Too long! Why must you make the little things so difficult, you bastards?!?! (ꐦ ಠ皿ಠ )
Judging by the title, we’re probably all correct in guessing one of its motifs will concern the ocean and when most of us think “tropical” mixed in with Precure, the first image that pops up would be Aloha Precure:
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[ Hey girls, how you doin’? ^^ ]
But for me? My first thought was this:
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But in all seriousness, we’re likely not going to have these two as the protagonists because
1) They’re not Japanese or Japan-based.
2) They’re from a different Precure season altogether.
3) This is Toei we’re talking about. Looking at how one-shot Sunset and Wave were, do you really think they would go ahead on a tropics theme with any interest in anything outside just the aesthetics/marketing appeal of it? Uh, sadly, NO.
So sorry to dash your hopes if you had any but even if we are lucky enough to get a main Cure who is of Polynesian descent, we probably won’t be spending parts of the season actually exploring their ethnic background.
Though I’d still hold on to the possibility of Aloha Precure maybe getting a cameo. And more importantly, getting another dark-skinned Cure who isn’t just tan from staying out in the sun too long because I really, really, really want that, too! (>.<)
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Ok, ok, back to motifs and themes.
So ocean. And there’s a seashell symbol in the logo so when we think of those things, we think of mermaids (and therefore, Cure Mermaid).
[...y’know, I’m starting to believe they’re just basing all the new seasons on the Go!Pri cast like StarPre for Twinkle. Heartcatch, however, pre-existed Flora so I don’t know where that stands but all that’s left would be Scarlet so I guess Precure 2022′s either going to take place in Hell or somewhere freezing like a mountain YES, WE’RE GONNA FIGHT ELSA! >:D or the north/south poles]
Chances of one of the Cures being a mermaid then? Maybe even the midseason one? Pretty damn high.
Chances of the magical items having something to do with pearls? Feels a little like Mermaid Melody but as long as they don’t throw any blatant idol tendencies in my face, I’m good.
Chances of TroPre (name pending) actually focusing on the nature of the ocean and taking time to explain in depth its sealife, ecosystems and the man-imposed problems that exist within it? *BIG SIGH*
Honestly, as much as I would love for Precure 2021 to branch out from what HealPre started with its health/environment approach (which was quite the disappointing cop-out but that’s a discussion for another place and time), I doubt we’re going to get that no thanks to the commercialization aspect of it.
And I don’t blame the writers (entirely), I blame their higher-ups who probably meddle with the story and demand for more cutesy, pointless fillers instead because y’know, toy sales first, unfortunately. :P
But ok, even if I don’t get the science side of it, that doesn’t mean it won’t be enjoyable. But with only just a logo to go off on atm, it’s hard to predict what we’re really in for next year.
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Except for the fact that we can already tell how many starter Cures we’ll be getting.
[Sorry it took so long to get to this part, anon]
Pink is a no brainer, there can’t be a Precure season without a Pink lead (bah).
And look at how solid the azure/blue and teal/green is. Those are locked in for sure (HURRAH! ANOTHER GREEN CURE~! xD).
Now yellow...or is that orange? Personally, I think it’d be great if they dropped the Yellow Cure this year and gave it to the Pink Cure as a sub-color instead because unlike the blue and teal katakana, the pink/yellow/orange ombre of the bottom line is not as distinct from one another as the former are. But I doubt it because when you say “tropic” you think of “sun” too so can’t be without the yellow Cure, after all. Ugh.
Finally, there’s that striking red at the end of “Rouge” that looks like what would happen if an exclamation mark and a sea slug had a baby together and put an obnoxious bow on it. :S
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With “rouge” in the title [sorry, not you Rin-chan but hey, Rin-chan~! :D], it seems we’re pretty much guaranteed a red Cure as well. I just hope she gets a more creative name than just a synonym of the color red because while “Cure Crimson” cue JoJo jokes I don’t understand sounds cool, it’s lazy.  (-_- ;;)
So in total, a maximum of 5 Cures. No, I will not be leaving room open for a possible 6th one cuz that is just one too many Cures and we don’t need that. WE. DON’T.
As for anon’s theory on a duo team with the Red Cure as the sixth (you actually meant third, right?) ranger...really, I’d much prefer a smaller team. I love the idea of starting the season with just a pair of Cures like the good old days. I love the idea of both of them having two theme colors (pink/yellow and blue/green) each instead of one. I’d look forward to a midseason Cure this time because the chemistry would actually be more manageable to work with and develop when it’s not such a huge crowd. So that the new girl doesn’t have to go through all her members like required shifts instead of having more organic interactions with them.
...but that’s just my hope. I know as much as the next person on what Precure 2021′s gonna be like which is pretty much “nothing at all”. *shrug*
We’ll see.
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intothewickedwood · 4 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 5x12 Souls of the Departed
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Currently reading (well, listening) to The School for Good and Evil Series. It’s so good! It’s basically Wicked the Musical and has a fairy tale element like OUAT. Can’t recommend enough!
I had the weirdest dream last night that Ouat’s Gothel was hiding behind my bed at my old house trying to scare me. She stayed up all night with some blankets, waiting to pounce. Also, she was naked. Jesus Christ, wtf is wrong with my dreams?! I do not see Gothel in that way at all!! I was so freaking disturbed! @fairytalepsuedonym​ this is all your fault for putting that dirty hippie witch bitch on my mind lol xD! /jk
Also guys, we’re getting Disney+ today. I’m so excited! Let me know if anyone has any recommendations.
And you know what I just thought of? It looked like they were implying that Merida and Lord Macintosh were gonna be a thing (possibly? I think it’s up for interpretation) but he outright shot an arrow at one of her brothers and wanted the others dead too. Merida would never! Her brothers mean too much to her to forgive such a thing. Also, she gives me gay vibes. I don’t make the rules. Alistair makes all the rules. 
Back to the rewatch.
Oh yeah! This is the 100th episode! The compilation for 100 episodes was so freaking epic!
Neal! Is that really him though?
She’s staring at his lips lol!
Omg! Emma would have come back for Neal if she could. That means she believes they were true love, and she could have split her heart with him, right?
So, he appeared to her? 
Omg! The way Emma is stroking his face and is staring at him, you’d never know she was working on saving her boyfriend lol.
You know what would have been so much better? If the underworld was perpetually dark and foggy (within reason) like the sims 4 Forgotten Hollow. That would have looked so much cooler!
Here comes the red filter. As a gifmaker and even as a viewer I wanna scream every time I see it but at least it’s not the Dark Swan arc.
I said it before and I’ll say it again: they should have let Regina’s and maybe even Rumple’s victims confront them! That would have been interesting to watch play out. I know we got Regina’s dad and Peter Pan but give me a family of Regina’s slaughtered villagers. What would their reaction be to seeing her?
Eww. I hate the way she dips her finger in that pie.
Guys. It doesn’t matter that you have Regina surrounded, she has pyrokinesis and telekinesis! Y’all are screwed! She blew the flames out? She had the advantage! I’m glad she didn’t hurt them of course, but as someone writing a book that consists of characters with magic abilities, you’ve gotta know when a powerful character has the advantage and when to use it. Where was Snow dodging a fireball as one of her arrows flies at Regina and it pauses in mid air only to sore back at Snowing and their friends, but they manage to outsmart her somehow? 
Woah. This is the boldest Henry Sr. has ever been. He’s really trying to help Regina out here. 
Cora!! My love!! I missed you!!
I love the Blind Witch. Does she have a name? I enjoyed her in ‘Regina Rising.’ I remember she’s quite a bit older than Regina
The Blind Witch: “What can I get you? Do you like gingerbread or children?” Omg Snow’s like “what the actual f**k??”
James, why are you like this?? Get off her, dude.
Those key rings are cool.
Why the hell didn’t Emma just tell Henry she saw his dad? I can think of absolutely no reason why she would keep that from him.
Lately all Robin has done is make random comments pointing out the obvious. “It’s uncanny. It’s so similar yet so off.” Yes, Robin we established that 9 minutes ago. His next line will be, “Goodness, is that a tree over there?” or “Regina, you were the Evil Queen”, mark my words. Where has his personality gone? I was never a big fan but at least he was kinda arrogant and cheeky before, at least in season 2 and 3. Now he’s just a dude that points on the ground and tells you there’s a stone. And they have the chemistry of a banana and a cheese cracker.
“Her puny army of sweaty little child beasts.”
Are those black roses? 
I may be wrong but wasn’t Cora trying to get Regina to stop hunting Snow White and find true love instead in 4x20 or am I making things up? And I wonder if this is before or after she appeared in 4x20. 
I just love Cora so much.
Is that how she got to the EF in 4x20? Through a looking glass?
The fact that she could so easily cross realms suggests that she willingly gave Regina her space. Which is something! But it feels like she’d have ulterior motives for that. Also Jefferson and Rumple would be screaming if they knew it was that easy to cross realms.
Regina: “are you threatening me?” Cora: “No. Of course not, never.” But you literally are though.
Peter Pan! He was under-utilised this season. Come on! They could have done so much with him! I’m glad at least Cora and Cruella got decent screen time.
Imagine watching OUAT for the first time with this episode and you see this full-grown man refer to a teenage boy as is father. I would be so confused lol.
I wonder if Rumple / Rumple’s father hail from Dunbroch originally. You know, with the Scottish accent. I’m kinda thinking about headcanoning that now. At least, I think Malcolm had a Scottish accent?
That got me! I forgot Cora had glamoured into Henry Sr.! I thought Cora had shapeshifted into Snow to trick Henry.
Oh, so Henry Sr. contacting her was the reason Cora could walk through the looking glass. If only someone had contacted Jefferson. And I’ve just remembered that in 4x20, she said a white rabbit brought her to the EF.
Killian looks creepy as hell here!
Lol Cora, you let Henry wrap the heart? What did you expect to happen!
Why did Regina need Snow’s heart to kill her? She could have easily killed her without even touching her. 
What the hell does Snow think is in there? She looks terrified.
Archie, wtf were you doing between Snow’s titties?! And what were you doing with a match? Gonna set some titties on fire xD? I bet she could never look at him the same again. 
He doesn’t want Regina to kill Snow because he thinks it will make her dark forever? What about all the other people she’s killed?! That makes no sense!
Okay, given that Grace didn’t seem to physically age much between the flashbacks in 1x17 and the present day in 1x17, this probably happened after the flashback’s events in 4x20. 
According to wiki, Regina’s birthday is February 1st. I’m only learning this now.
I’ve never seen Henry Sr. so bold and Adam end to help Regina.
Okay, so Regina shrunk Henry with her magic but she needed a mushroom to return him to his normal size?
Don’t lock him in that box omg!!
Cora: “when are you gonna get it in that thick head...” she’s so casually abusive.
Random thought but why is Henry’s surname Mills? It just seems like it’d be Cora’s surname. Maybe he took hers on but that seems strange for a Prince to do.
Cora, don’t!
Henry’s alright!
Aww. Henry got to meet his 3rd Grandpa! He’s so happy she named him after him. 
I’m tearing up.
“Remember who you are, Regina.”
Henry, honey, you need to go home.
Is that Persephone?
Oh my God! I’m so excited for the Cora and Zelena stuff!! By far my favourite thing of the season! To hear Cora say Zelena’s name- the fact she knows her name- I’d waited for so long for this! It left open so many questions!
And Hades infuriated with Cora on the love of his life Zelena’s behalf!! He loved her so much and would do anything for her. I don’t ship it as much as I initially did because of how it ended but that man freaking loved and cherished Zelena. He wanted everything for her. She desperately needed that and it was an emotional experience to see her get it.
That’s like her worst nightmare, being a peasant again. 
I can’t with the flame hair.
I forgot this episode was pretty good. I didn’t remember liking it but Cora saved it for me. I forgot she was in it because I have probably watch season 5 the least as I try to avoid it lol. 
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holeinotomemind · 4 years
Shaw: I Do?
WARNING: Marriage :P
Also posted on AO3 [here]
Summary: The filming in Las Vegas about weird weddings wrapped up successfully with Shaw's help, subbing in for our sound engineer who had a family emergency. As it happened to be his birthday today, I figured we can go out and celebrate, but It seemed he had something else on his mind.
Words: 2,656
Notes: Special thank you to yunyu and WonderfulShining for the inspiration.I was a bit sad, although it was expected, that Shaw didn't get his own wedding karma. And after discussion on the discord channel and reading WonderfulShining's fic A Jolt to the Heart (also on AO3), I was inspired to write my own.I know some things don't technically make sense in this fic, but just go with it ok? XD And sorry in advance for any errors and grammar and stuff... this wasn't beta-ed. T_T
The new series on interesting weddings around the world was wrapping up quickly after the last several weeks of filming. We finally landed a few days ago at our last stop in Las Vegas, where the weirdest and wackiest weddings took place.
Today was the last day of our shoot and I couldn’t help be feel a little sad about it. But I was also glad to be heading back home soon, especially after the several hiccups we encountered during the last week. I’m more than ready to spend a couple of days just relaxing at home back in Loveland City.
“Boss,” Kiki squealed. “That dress is cute!”
“Thanks!” I blushed a little as I tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear.
The off-shoulder lilac dress I was wearing was bought last-minute yesterday in an outlet mall when I was suddenly told that today’s bride had a fallout with her bridesmaid and needed someone to stand-in for her last minute.
The A-line dress was beautiful with just enough beaded flower patterns above the waist that twinkled under the light without being too flashy and the dress covered just above the knees accentuated my legs while still remaining modest.
Initially, I was a bit concerned that the bride may want me to wear a plainer dress, after all, I was only a stand-in bridesmaid, but considering how extravagant the original bridesmaid’s dress was, I felt confident that she wouldn’t be upset about this. Plus, Shaw said since I was paying for it out-of-pocket, I might as well buy something I like. And I sure did fell in love with this dress as soon as he pulled it out of the rack.
I checked with the film crew to make sure everything was ready before heading over to Shaw , who was acting as our sound guy today. When Herts had to drop everything to fly back home due to a family emergency last week, I was forced to ask Shaw to help us out.
He agreed, on the condition that he got to spend a few extra days here after the filming at the expense of the company. He mentioned something about a band headlining in one of the hotels here, but I couldn’t remember which one. At the time, I was so glad that he agreed to help that I didn’t listen to the exact details, but now that I thought about it, we might be expecting a big bill from him after all this.
“Hey, how’s everything going?” I asked him.
“Everything looks fine,” he answered before looking my up and down with his arms folded. “Not bad.”
“Kiki said it was pretty,” I told him, trying to give him a hint.
“Of course,” he smiled lopsidedly. “I picked out the dress.”
Not getting the desired answer, I pouted. As I turned around to find the bride, I heard Shaw chuckled behind me and I knew he did it on purpose. The little brat knew I was fishing for his compliment, but he just refused to give it to me.
Acting like a child myself, I half stomped my way over to the bride’s room.
The bride, in her extravagant red wedding gown and black leather jacket, turned towards me. “Here comes my bridesmaid!”
“Congratulations on your big day!” I hugged her tightly.
She beamed at me with the brightest smile I had seen even though her slightly shaking hands told me she was getting the wedding jitters.
The director came in with Homer, our cameraman, and asked her to talk about her story. After all, this was made in a reality show format, so the audience would like to know how she was feeling.
Sitting on the other side of the room out of shot of the camera, I watched her talk about why they chose to be wedded by a KISS impersonator in Las Vegas and how their family had opposed the idea at first.
It had been extremely interesting listening to every couple’s unique story during the last several weeks of filming, but today, my mind drifted elsewhere.
Today was a special day. True, it was the last day of filming, but it was also Shaw’s birthday. While I was happy that he was here and I could celebrate it with him, I hadn’t had the time to prepare for anything. After all, I didn’t expect to be able to see him until after I returned to Loveland City until a week ago, and I was too busy to plan anything for him this last week.
But most importantly, he was turning twenty-two today, the legal age for marriage back home.*
I shook my head violently, my face beet red at the thought. What was I thinking?
Kiki gave me a strange look when she poked her head in the door as I was smacked myself in the face several times. “Err… Boss, you ok?”
“Yeah… I was just waking myself up,” I gave her a lame excuse.
“Sure,” she wasn’t convinced but didn’t press the issue. “I came to tell you we’re all ready to go.”
With that announcement, the wedding ceremony officially began.
Carrying a small bouquet of red and black roses, I slowly walked down the aisle as loud heavy metal music played in the background. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw the groom, dressed in all black, waiting at the altar, eagerly looking pass me for the bride.
As the KISS impersonator and the bride came into view, the groom let out a quick laugh and all three rose their hand to give a sign of the horn and stuck their tongues out. But that lasted only for a moment before the groom’s gaze was fixed on his bride. His face lit up, grinning ear to ear as she walked down the aisle, the KISS impersonator all but forgotten.
I stole a few quick glances at Shaw, who was carrying around the microphone. Unlike his normal playful expressions, he had a look of serious concentration on his face.
Smiling to myself, I wondered what he would look like on his own wedding day. Would he wear a proper suit? Or would he insist on wearing his leather jacket? Would he look at his bride with the same admiration as the groom did today? Or would he carry a smug look as he often did?
As if hearing my thoughts, Shaw looked over at me and smirked before returning to his work. My face flushed red and lowered my head immediately.
There was no way he could have known I was fantasizing about him being the groom, right?
Mortified at the prospects that he might know what I was thinking, I kept my head down until the crowd started cheering and I realized the groom was now kissing his bride passionately.
I bit my cheek to prevent my brain from wondering about how Shaw would act in this situation and told myself to focus.
The ceremony ended without a hitch with the minister, who was impersonating another KISS member, yelled something and everyone got up from their seat to get ready to take pictures. Several guitars were shoved towards the wedding party and everyone made faces at the photographer’s request.
Homer came over with the director to request for the couple to comment on their experience before everyone was invited to head over to the reception.
Since I was only a stand-in bridesmaid, I didn’t follow them. After congratulating the couple again, I snuck off to check in with the film crew again.
“That’s a wrap, everyone!” The director yelled out after we confirmed we had all the footage we need and everyone cheered.
Kiki hurried towards me with a bounce in her stride. She was visibly excited that the shoot was over. “Got plans tonight, Boss?”
I thought for a moment before looking down at my watch and smiled at the time. It was still early, perhaps I could still get a reservation in a nice restaurant to celebrate Shaw’s birthday tonight.
“Yes, I have plans,” I replied to Kiki’s dismay.
She muttered something before she shrugged and skipped over to Bao Bao.
As I craned my neck to look for the birthday boy, I heard him calling my name. He was standing with someone I don’t recognize.
“Come over for a sec,” Shaw called out to me again.
“Is there something wrong?” I asked as I hurried over, my heels hitting the red carpet thinking that perhaps something went wrong with the sound equipment.
I stopped a few feet from them and looked at him questioningly. Instead of answering, Shaw grabbed my wrist and yanked me towards him.
“Say I do,” he ordered out of the blue.
“What?” I blink in confusion.
“Why do you have so many questions?” He tsked annoyingly. “Just say it!”
“I... do...?” I complied in an extremely unsure tone, still confused as ever.
At my words, he smiled. It was a smile so bright I never saw before, like a ray of sunshine it warmed my heart. Dazzled, I stared at him and almost missed it when he said, “I do, too.”
Before I was able to react, before the man, who I did not recognize, finish saying “you may now kiss the bride”, his lips were already on mine.
Cradling the nape of my neck with his gloved hand, he tilted my head back further to deepen the kiss. His other hand splayed across the small of my back, pressing me close to the warmth of his body and I melted against him. His kiss was like a storm, engulfing me, forcing my senses to focus on nothing but him.
Loud cheers and whistling snapped me back to reality. Pushing away from him, I blushed bright red as I realized my staff had, apparently, been watching us. Some wore expressions of surprise, some had huge smiles, some had tears in their eyes… and then there was Minor, who looked absolutely mortified and was sweating profusely.
“What just happened?” I looked back towards Shaw and demanded. I had an inkling, but it was so farfetched that the possibility of it happening was close to nil.
Again, instead of answering the question, he took my hand and led me toward the back of the altar, where two documents laid side by side on top of a huge amplifier speaker.
Releasing my hand, he bent down to quickly signed his name on both, then shoved the pen towards me.
“Nooooo!” I squealed as I read the title on the documents and threw the pen away as if it was on fire.
“You’re too loud,” he complained, rubbing his ear with his finger. “You’re going to blow my eardrums at this rate.”
“But… but…” I couldn’t find the right words to say, so I frantically waved my arms at the documents that were titled “Marriage Licence” and “Marriage Registration”.
He chuckled at my reaction, no doubt finding it extremely amusing.
“Don’t laugh!” I smacked him on the chest with the bridesmaid bouquet I was somehow still holding on to. “Explain!”
“You,” he pinched my cheek, “are asking too many questions. Just sign the papers!”
“No!” I object again, though this time it sounded more like a whine than anything.
“No?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Of course not! You’re wearing a hoodie and ripped up jeans, and I don’t have a wedding gown.” I gestured between him and myself, saying whatever that came to my mind. “You never proposed and there’s not even a ring!”
He burst out laughing again as I glared at him. “Is that why you’re saying no?”
Reaching towards me, his fingers circled my wrist and gently guided my hand up and that was when a saw it. A small elegant diamond ring and a platinum wedding band sat beautifully on my ring finger, the diamond sparkling under the lights of the wedding hall.
I looked back and forth between him and the rings. They weren’t on my finger before, so he must have snuck them on me when he kissed me a few moments ago. I blushed at the thought that he was able to distract me so much with only a kiss that I didn’t even know he had put the rings on me.
A small smile crept up my face as I stare at the rings on my finger, but I quickly suppressed it.
“You still never proposed,” I muttered with a pout. Why did he just assume I’d go with his spur of the moment wedding plan? “You can’t just assume I’ll agree to this.”
“Fine,” he announced before picking up the documents and holding his hand out to me. “Give me back those rings and I’ll go shred these marriage documents.”
Immediately, I shot out my hands to snatch the papers from him and held them against my chest with my right hand covering the rings.
“No way! You gave them to me, they’re mine now!” I declared shamelessly, throwing his pet phrase back at him. “You can’t take them back!”
“Oh?” He smirked at me knowingly.
Concluding that I was never going to win against this brat, I glared at him one last time before picking up the pen I threw away a moment ago and signed the papers.
“Congratulations,” the minister smiled at me as he took the documents and handed me a ring. “We’re doing this out of order, but you may still want to put the ring on him.”
The wedding band on my palm was bigger than the one my finger but was of the same style. As I held it up for a closer look, I realized there were small engravings on the inside of the ring.
It wasn’t anything fancy or romantic, just our initials and today’s date, but it warmed my heart. This was no spur of the moment decision, he had planned this in advance.
I smiled at him as tears blurred my vision. I should have known. After all, the rings on my fingers fitted perfectly.
“You look terrible crying and grinning at the same time,” he tsked and criticized as he normally did, but the hand that wiped the tears off my cheeks were warm and gentle. “Are you going to put that on me or are you just going to hold on to it forever?”
Letting out a little laugh, I slipped the ring onto his finger.
Shaw leaned in and kissed me again, this time tenderly. As I stood on my tiptoes to return his kiss, I heard Green Day’s Holiday being played in the background.
That was the song he was listening to when I met him for the first time on the bus.
Laughter bubbled inside me as I giggled into our kiss.
“What was that?” He gave me a face, but couldn’t stop smiling himself.
I stood on my tippy toes again, stretching towards him with my hand cupping the side of my mouth and whispered in his ear, “I was thinking, you’re turning twenty-two, what should I do to call dips on you. Who knew you were even more in a hurry than I was.”
He flicked my forehead playfully before interlacing his fingers with mine and started pulling me along with him, “Let’s go!”
I smiled as I jogged behind him, the film crew waving and cheering for us as we exited the venue.
Throwing his skateboard on the ground, he jumped on, dragging me along with him. I should have protested, but at this moment, I was so happy that I didn’t care. I hung on to him as we sped down the road.
There was no proposal, no elegant wedding dress, no romantic venue, no heartfelt wedding vows, not one thing I dreamed of for my wedding as a girl. Yet, it was absolutely perfect, because the groom was my one and only Shaw.
More notes: *Since MLQC is a Chinese made game and Loveland City is based on Shanghai, I'm just going to keep the legal marriage ages of China, which is 22 for males and 20 for females. Hope there weren't any OOC moments.
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Thank you so much for answering my question! It is really kind of you. I have 2 more if it is not a bother: Do you know Haikyuu? I have seen lots of ships on your tumblr and considering what kinds of ships you like, Haikyuu has SO MANY potential for you. :) And the second question is, what do you think about Mikoto and Reisi from K? I only saw Sarumi posts, so I am curious.
Oh heHE, let’s start with k project. Honestly Sarumi is the only ship I care about in this anime, I mean every other couple there for me is very undeveloped for me. Sarumi is like true love shit, I wasn’t expecting them to even go there, and when Misaki said to him “I want you to have a real home you can come back to and that’s me” my jaw was on the floor. I mean, they’ve seen each other at their worst and still loved each other (honestly the whole Fushimi’s father storyline and Misaki holding him through it was just too much for my heart). So they’re the only romantic ship for me in this anime.
Mikoto... wasn’t he in love with that guy who he took into their clan to protect? Who was killed? The one who lalala played the guitar whatever was his name? And that’s why he didn’t want to live after that, only wanted revenge and then finita? No?
Red king and blue king did have a sexual tension in that lighting a cigarette scene, other than that... they just “fought” with each other lots and I don’t even see much relationships or like anything that would make them a good romantic couple. And even if I pretend  that they loved each other... Mikoto asked him to help him killing himself? That’s like assholishness level 200 to me. I never got this idea of asking your loved one to finish your ass... like bitch, maybe it sounds good for you but did your selfish ass think about how your other half is going to live with that? So that’s a huge no for me. 
But seriously I like don’t know what to look for there, I don’t see it. I hope he’s in heavens with that other guy, but also I don’t really care, cause Fushimi was like the only thing why I sat through the whole thing, cause lord that hour of watching that girls watermelons I could’ve spent more productive (like man I was trying not to fall asleep during some useless episodes, I don’t even know why and what for some characters were even there), BUT but it was all worth it, cause there is one character who was written so good and so complex and he’s so well done that I don’t even mind.
Now before I go to Haikyuu... I think my problem is that unlike many I don’t ship every bromance just bc it’s a good bromance. Because sometimes there are some great bromances but they give out like zero romantic vibes. For example, Stiles and Scott: would totally die for each other, hug each other a lot, have no problem with saying I love you, but they’re like best bros, there is nothing romantic there. Like Stiles can ask Danny or Scott if they find him attractive, but he would never ask Derek about this, you know what I mean? They’re like me and my sister.
So for me there is a huge difference between bro things and gay things (like I only partly joked while making that rinharu post). And some couples are clearly crossed that line in some weird moments. Because things like high fiving each other and hugging each other don’t make anyone gay. I don’t know if that makes sense for anybody else... but those who have siblings or bffs will get what I mean. 
Like classical example is Rin Matsuoka. When it come to Sousuke he easily writes him letters and calls him like I feel with my best friend. I can call anytime and be like “bro, I’ve missed you”. Cue the 3x03 weirdest scene when Rin misses Haru and is afraid to call and tell him that. That’s the proof here that they’re clearly something weird there, cause if they were just friends he would be like “hey, bro, missed you” which will never be the case here.
Or can you imagine Rin and Haru seeing each other and being like “yo man” and fist bumping and hitting each other? I’ll bet 1000$ that you can’t. Rin can hit Sousuke in the shins, and ruffle Nagisa’s hair, but Haru would never get this from him. And spoiler: it’s not cause he hates him xD
Also I think the easiest example is Kuroko. (and please, don’t think I’m judging ppl for shipping stuff, I mean to each their own, it’s just my opinion). It’s the anime where people ship everyone with everyone just because of hey... bromances, while in my opinion most of them have seriously nothing gay about them and most of them just do normal bro things. Like how can Kuroko and Kagami be seen as smth romantic I still don’t get. Or like Aomine and Kagami thing??? They are like freaking twins. Same with Kise and Kasamatsu, Midorima and Akashi ships and many others.
Like we see Kuroko and how he behaves with everyone. Firstly he was shadow for everybody: Kise, Aomine, Kagami and he was good with every one of them. Kuroko is a people’s person, he is caring, he thinks about others a lot, he cares about everyone including Haizaki who is an ass tbh, so it’s also nothing special (I mean that way you can ship him even with Kyoshi xD). Aomine is special for Kuroko bc he understands him the most on the field, Kise is his main rival, Kagami is his least problematic light, Murasakibara is his favorite as a person... etc, this way you can ship Kuroko with anyone. 
But... someone gets what none of them get. Like Kuroko never checked anybody out or said compliments... but he did think Akashi looked yummy in his kimono at the festival. Kuroko never told anybody a zillion words “it’s all because of you” speech... except for one person. None of them made his heart crack and cry rivers when they left him... except one. And I just loved how we get this with everyone:
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And then suddenly this happens:
Tumblr media
Lol okay, blue-shems. He gives him his food and asks questions about “who’s his type and his special one”, like... you know he doesn’t do that with anyone else. And Akashi is not his bestie. So yeah, explain this as “bromance”.
Same with Akashi. He forms the new team. He actually misses Kuroko so much that he goes and finds a copy of him. The ONLY GOM member he can’t go without and it’s proved after Kuroko asked him on the interview “who is the person you scared to lose the most” and Akashi answers “you.. it’s you, Kuroko”. Now... hold the horses. We all know that Midorima is his bestie, there’s no contest there, which brings us to the fact that he places Kuroko higher than his best friend which makes Kuroko his... what exactly? 
It’s just some things can’t be BRO things.
Like when you cover your eyes and going “dude, don’t show your package in public, zip it, no one wants to see that”, that’s what I’m like when I accidentally see my sister’s boob. That’s how Makoto behaves when he sees naked Nagisa and Haru who’s undressing.
Opposite to Rin oggling Haru half naked and Haru shaking before touching Rin. That’s clearly not how you feel about your “just friend”. Everyone who has bffs must confirm that they don’t get nervous about touching them or them touching you cause you’re comfortable with that. Does this make any sense? I hope, it does. I’m not very good at explaining.
Now about Haikyuu. Haha I’ve been avoiding this so much, cause I didn’t want ppl to throw stones at me. I’ve tried.. I really tried to watch it twice. Once I got to ep8, 2nd time I asked my sister to watch with me (cause it’s funnier that way, that’s how we got through durarara without dying xD) and I still gave up after ep14.
It’s not only just that I was bored and I thought it’s gonna get exciting but it didn’t (bc I’m more of an interesting characters > an interesting plot person), it’s just.. it was episode 14 and I didn’t even find any character who would interest me cause they were so cliche. Especially Hinata. He’s like that super typical main from what I called the “never give up it’s such a wonderful life” bunch that I really deeply respect, but kinda so very tired of them lol. But he’s also from the loud bunch.. and I think I still hear Asta’s voice sometimes, even though I’ve dropped Black Clover after ep10 like a year ago xD
Now I can’t make judgements about the whole thing cause I didn’t watch it, but from what I saw (I mean “shipping scenes” from tumblr) and asked from ppl who has seen the whole thing (one huge fan and another one - not a huge fan, my sister), I got the idea that this anime is more bromancy that romancy. And there are no couples there like “without you I have nothing to aim for and I want a future with you” or “you made my life a dream and you’re the light of my life and I’m scared to lose you the most” like there are in free or knb. 
Now my sister has finished it 4 months later and said that it was just okay. And I was like “okay, but what about ships?” because I’m willing to close my eyes on the plot of the ships are good. And she went “well... two mains, I guess” and she was so apathetic about it that I was like “If she who ships much more than me is like that then I won’t see anything there” xD
But... like if you have anything to say to convince me or interest me in it, I’m willing to listen. If you have smth that would make wanna try for the 3rd time, I’ll even record how did it go xD.
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1, 8, 6, 17, 18, 21, 35, 40, 47, 55, 60, 62, 68, 85, 88, 94
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Coffee/tea cups! I love collecting them and I have twenty five different cups. My favourite is my Steven Universe and my alpaca one!
8. movies or tv shows?
Mostly tv shows because I love more content and if I don't like the movie then it's harder for me to sit through it but I still wanna, you know? And second seasons will always be better than sequels.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
I would say Tomboy? I wear a lot of shirts and hoodies and I don't have the emotional or mental strength to make enough effort to dress nice enough for grunge or pastel styles and I'd rather be in my pajaymas. My favourite item of clothing is a giant cat sweater I got from Japan that goes to my knees that's super fluffy and has paw coverings over my hands and even a tail with it.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
My trainers since I hate new shoes and I literally wore my last pair until water filled them sksksk it's either boots or trainers that I don't stop wearing.
18. ideal weather?
Thunderstorms! I love sitting inside with the rain pounding against my window and I always get excited when I hear thunder and see lighting out in the distance.
21. obsession from childhood?
You already know about MLP so,,,winnie the pooh. I love it. I'm so soft for Winnie and I cried when his movie came out, not to mention the fact that I own my prized Winnie the Pooh Tsum Tsum and kept all of my childhood books of him.
35. average time you fall asleep?
2am? I stay up to chat to everyone and in my worse nights when I'm really into a thread idea or I can't sleep then I'll stay up until 4am. Quarantine has made that habit much worse seeing as I don't have to get to much.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
A student poured white board cleaner into my nineth English teacher's drink and she had to get her stomach pumped.
47. favorite type of cheese?
Mild cheddar! I'm sensitive to foods and also I'm that kid who if hungry and alone, I'd eat an entire block of cheese.
55. favorite fairy tale?
Little red riding hood! My dad used to tell me it and then have the big bad wolf eat everyone in the end because I always like him the most XD
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
O hh!! A classic Japanese school dorms and I'm the classical daydreaming student but soon there begins a series or supernatural events and I'm left in the centre of it as i increasingly wake up in odd places with torn clothes and....boy, I sure hope that's ketchup spilled on me....
62. seven characters you relate to?
1: Tulip from Infintiy train - we had the same situation with our parents and it was...nice to see someone deal with parents that don't care for each other anymore and it's nice to see it thought out carefully.
2: Steven from SU - Particularly in SuF. I'm rather calm for the most part and my parents often ranted about their problems to me and I felt like I had to take care of it. I don't get angry all that often but when I do it tends to be very explosive and I felt a lot like a monster as kid. Especially with his schools treated me by putting me outside or in an empty room for a few hours alone.
3: Coraline - The mother thing is obvious but we're also both very sarcastic and would absolutely love dancing rats and would absolutely go down a magic chimney for a magical world. Also talking cats!!
4: I feel like I need to include a ghibli character like @awkward-snake-girl did! So Haru from Cat returns - Both messes and we both like the idea of being able to nap all day as well as regretting somethings we could have done. The only difference is that I'm not a coward and I'd absolutely marry a cat.
5: Jaskier from the Witcher - Sometimes you just wanna go on adventures and write songs about the super ripped hot guy and I think that was pretty neat of Jaskier to follow his dreams for.
6: Sokka from Atla - Yeah absolutely vibes. We're the jokes and meat guys because I'm hysterical and I literally eat nothing but meat because I'm a carnivore apparently. The idiot of the group yet the one with the most common sense? At least online vs real life because I'm stuck with my mum who doesn't think dinosaurs existed and my friends over who was sexier; Pennywise or Ronald McDonald.
7: Jonathan Sims from Tma baby!!! I cannot say ENOUGH how thrilled I am to have actual ace representation that isn't a side character or a character that's often written as robotic or childish? A lot of ace people are expected to have no emotion or to not be ready for an adult spectrum of emotion (actually said to me once) so it was SO refreshing to have someone who's written out more than those two boxes! Plus Jonny allows everyone to explore the spectrum of asexualtiy with Jon so I get my repulsed Jon aND my sex positive Jon! Also horror podcast hnnng RIP to Jon but I would gave taken up those eyes baby.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Sakura sauce on Macdonald's. Oh my God don't put flowers on your macs.
85. fairy tales or mythology?
Mythology! There's so much exciting details in those and I'm always amazed that once people worshipped these gods.
88. your greatest wish?
I wish I didn't cry so easily.
94. favorite season?
Autumn! My birthday is in it and usually it's a nice mix of warm and cold enough that I can wear sweaters, not to mention Halloween is fun to look at, even if we don't celebrate it much in England.
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Birthday fic for Buttlord
So, day late, dollar short, but cut me some slack I have TWO birthdays to celebrate the 28th and I’ve been out for the past 12 hours doing so XD
Happy birthday @justcallmebuttlord​, have some cute twin bday fic ^^
“Happy birthday to you,”
“Happy birthday to you,”
“Happy birthday dear Lynnie,”/“Happy birthday dear Lyssie,”
“Happy birthday to us.”
Alyssa and Lynnea Ostenmeyer could be forgiven for being confused when they walked downstairs to a veritable feast waiting for them for breakfast. They glanced at each other, identical confusion in their eyes. Finally, Alyssa shrugged, making for the table to sit down. This was hardly the weirdest thing that had happened since the ill-fated ‘hero’ game. With their father having taken up cooking instead of pot brownies, they had a lot better meals (with a lot less drugs slipped into their meatloaf).
“Good morning girls!” Kelly sing-songed, coming into the kitchen.
“Morning mom,” Lynn replied, glancing at Alyssa, Did we slip into an alternate timeline in our sleep or something?
Alyssa shrugged, face clearly as confused as Lynnea felt. Both of them were distracted as two piled high stacks of pancakes were set down in front of them.
“We forgot to tell you, we’re having the house cleaned today, so you’ll have to spend the day out,” Chris said from the counter, cracking a couple of eggs into a bowl of batter, “Hope you don’t mind!”
So, same thing we do every weekend, then? Alyssa took a bite of bacon.
Kelly and Chris shared an indecipherable glance over their heads, “Well, once you’re done with breakfast, get dressed and head out. We’ll message the two of you when it’s all done, okay?”
“That was weird, right?” Lynnea asked as they stepped down off their front porch steps, “Like, that wasn’t just me?”
Alyssa shook her head. No, definitely weird. Mom and dad are up to something.
“...you don’t think we have to move again, do you?” Lynnea asked, voice suddenly taking on a panicked edge, “I thought we’d been taking care of the government guys so they wouldn’t notice.”
No, I don’t think so at least, Alyssa cocked her head to the side. It was enough to get Lynn to relax as they headed down the street.
“Wanna see if the guys are busy?” Lynn asked, not waiting before heading across the front yard to Butters’ house and knocking on the door.
Both twins were grateful that it was Mrs. Stotch who opened the door, “Oh! Hello there you two,” she greeted, “I’m afraid Butters is --” Please don’t say grounded, “--n’t home right now.”
“Oh, that’s alright,” Lynn said, hopping down the steps, “He’s probably at Cartman’s if he’s not here.”
Alyssa nodded, leading the trudge through the snow this time to the next house down, “Hello Dee, Lynnea. I’m sorry, but Eric’s gone out already.”
Curiouser and curiouser, Alyssa thought, nodding and going back down the driveway to meet Lynn.
“Cartman too?” She asked, surprised. Alyssa nodded, “Kyle and Stan’s, maybe?”
Alyssa frowned slightly, but nodded, following her sister down the street.
“Okay, what the fuck,” Lynnea asked emphatically as Mrs. McCormick shut the door, “Is going on today? Butters, Cartman, Kyle, Stan, AND Kenny are all out?”
Can’t get ahold of Clyde’s gang either, Alyssa turned her phone screen toward Lynnea, showing unanswered messages to Clyde, Token, Tweek, and Craig.
“Tricia, Karen, and Ike aren’t answering me, either,” Lynn said, frowning at her phone, “Well… alright, fuck the boys too, they can do whatever it is they’re doing without us. Feel like hanging out with Wendy?”
Wendy’s always cool, Alyssa nodded, watching as her twin’s fingers flew over her phone keyboard, then pause.
“Wendy’s busy too,” she said, “And she went offline after I messaged, what the heck? Since when does Wendy Testaburger go radio silent?”
Ooookay this is officially donkey balls levels of weird, Alyssa frowned, looking at her friends list. Their usual gang of miscreants was all offline… or invisible, she wasn’t sure which.
“This blows,” Lynn muttered. They had relocated to the park, with Lynn peeking into the girls room to see if there’d been a meeting today she didn’t know about in the Sunshine Sparkle Club, but they’d found it empty. So now, they sat on the swings in sullen, confused silence.
Fuck ‘em, Alyssa reached over to squeeze Lynn’s hand, Not the first time we’ve gotten by alone. We don’t need those cock guzzling taint munchers anyway.
Lynn squeezed back, her grip noticeably weaker, as she continued to scroll through her phone. Alyssa rolled her eyes, and grabbed the phone with her free hand, “Hey!”
No more phone for you, you’re just getting upset.
“At least give it back so I can play something while we wait,” Lynn pouted. Alyssa gave her a flat, disbelieving look, “I won’t even open facebook or instagram, okay?”
Uh huh, Alyssa didn’t believe THAT line for a second, but she handed Lynn her phone back. Probably a wise choice, given that it was nearly another two hours before their phones simultaneously ‘pinged’ with messages from either parent that it was time to come home now.
“I’m half tempted not to,” Lynn admitted, skipping a rock across the top of the pond, “But they’d probably just come looking for us like the time we got lost in the forest.”
Given that they discovered that the forest was full of non-linear paths, satanic fauna, and aggressive wolves. Alyssa wasn’t necessarily complaining about THAT particular rescue. But the two of them threw the last of their gathered pebbles skittering across the top of the water’s half-frozen surface before heading back to their street, and past the bus stop back to their home.
Lynnea got to the door first, skipping over all the icy bits of the walkway up the stairs, and stomping her boots free of dirty snow on the mat before shoving the door open and --
Alyssa isn’t sure which of them react first -- either way, they both had the SAME reaction; time freezes, suspended with the smell that could burn hair off anyone too close by. It was probably a good thing that they were both immune -- sort of -- by now to their particular brand of… superpower.
“Wha -- oh my god,” Lynnea said, as they surveyed the scene that they had just ripped one on, “Oh my god. It’s our birthday.”
...fuck me running, it is, Alyssa realized, looking around the living room.A banner hung above the kitchen doorway reading HAPPY BIRTHDAY in vibrant letters, a veritable mountain of presents below it on the table. It looked like EVERY kid their parents had ever seen them so much as look at for more than a few seconds was in there.
There was a sniffle from beside her, and Alyssa looked over to see Lynn tearing up, “Wh -- whoa, hey, what’s with the waterworks?” she asked, safe to speak with no one to hear her but her twin.
“We -- we’ve never celebrated it before,” Lynn hiccuped, wiping at her eyes.
Alyssa didn’t have time to say much else -- she could feel the air straining around them, like a rubber band about to snap. It was always disconcerting to snap back into place as time began to flow forward again, even if she hadn’t really moved all that much.
“Aw, dude, c’mon!” Stan said, waving a hand over his nose as, with time unfreezing, the smell of using their powers hit the rest of the party as well. Alyssa shrugged at him, scooting around the gaggle of girls that had surrounded Lynnea the moment they’d noticed the burgeoning waterworks, Motherfucker you all should know what happens when you surprise us, you’re lucky you didn’t get hit and we were still out on the step. Now one of you want to explain the fresh FUCK is happening here?
“Your parents invited all of us over,” Kyle expounded without much more prompting than her raised eyebrow.
“Why didn’t you two ever tell us when your birthday is?” Stan asks, which gets him a look, “Okay, why didn’t LYNN tell us when your birthday is, wise ass?”
Alyssa shrugged, You never asked.
“Lame excuse man,” Kenny said, “Wendy had to dig this shit up and suggest the party to your parents.”
And depending on how this goes, I owe that girl SO many cookies, or a punch in the face, Alyssa glanced over the boys’ heads, at the gaggle of girls surrounding her sister, who looked a lot less wet-eyed now, laughing and accepting gentle scoldings for likely the same thing the boys were digging at her about. Wendy caught her looking and grinned unapologetically, ...maybe cookies AND a punch in the face, she amended privately.
“Whatever, not like it’s a big deal anyway,” Cartman grumped, distracting her from Wendy and her smug ass grinning, “No kewl party has girls at it.”
“Dude. They’re twins. And Lynn’s a girl,” Craig deadpanned.
“Y-yeah, it’s b-both their parties, of c-course the girls are gonna be here,” Tweek said.
Cartman huffed, “Whatever. I’m gonna be over HERE, NOT getting cooties,” he said, shuffling off to the other side of the room.
“Ignore him,” Kyle said, rolling his eyes, “He’s just bitter that you two get more presents.”
“And that people actually want to give you presents that aren’t off an itemized list,” Kenny snickered.
Alyssa raised a brow, Okay, gonna have to fill me in on that one --
“Who wants to break the pinata?” Chris called from the direction of the backdoor.
--after I beat a paper mache donkey to death, move it assholes.
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the-final-raven · 4 years
Hey! for the arcana questionnaire, 101, 85 and 42 (I hope I got the right ones :'))
Ahh hewwo! Thank you for the ask and sorry for the wait! 💜
42) Do they sing or play an instrument?
She sings!
Specifically she's more of a sea shanty type, with Julien's influence. The two of them would sing together back when they were on the ship, and even sometimes now she'll sing while Julien plays his instrument that I... do not currently remember the name of. XD
She does a little bit of both, actually!
She plays the violin, I feel that that fits her personality the best. Her father was the one to teach her! More often than not she plays strictly for family (Asra is included in this) or friends, she's not one to perform for people. It makes her shy.
She's self taught in singing, and usually only sings to her parents, or Asra. She's really shy in that respect.
She never had the patience to learn an instrument, and singing was never their forte.
Actually, she's much more of a dancer. She'd dance the night away if she was able to.
85) Strangest thing?
Hands down Julien is just about the strangest thing to Idella. He just... amazes her on an astronomical level
There's a lot of reasons, besides the obvious thing of Julien being absolutely WACK in the way he acts.
"How can someone this smart be this stupid?"
Being pretty magically inclined, she sees a lot of weird shit.
Marrying ASRA she's seen a lot of weird shit
However the weirdest I think she's seen has to be that scene when the Magician looked like Asra and they had a ✨twin moment✨
"Hope that didn't awaken anything in me."
You know, THAT kind of strange.
To them, the strangest thing has to be Lucio.
I know, another person, but hear me out.
(I haven't gotten far in Lucio's route and I know this changes, but also Donna will NOT have cared to really get close enough to understand that. This'll absolutely be some Lucio slander time)
Lucio has everything. He's a COUNT. There's a huge party to celebrate his birthday and every single minor good thing that happens to him.
He has a beautiful wife.
Literally anything that he could have ever wanted he gets
and yet he's still such a god damn greedy motherfucker
101) Mythological figure
Siren, for obvious reasons.
That's what Quinton called her, and she can for lack of a better word charm speak
She's almost exactly like a siren already, though a lot nicer and a lot less murder-y
A dryad- basically a nymph or a nature spirit
She's always been drawn to nature, and hell nature is what gave her her abilities- it's what brought her back to life the first time
The least she could do was be a being of the forest
Any creature that protects humans would work
The interesting thing about most mythology is that depending on the myth a creature can be a help of a hindrance
In Chinese mythology dragons can be very helpful, whereas in European cultures dragons are monsters who destroy crops and burn down cities. Whiiiiiiiich makes it really hard to find something for Donna, but by the same token I think a dragon would work
Celandine has a pretty fiery personality, and she's a protector, but will just as easily kick your lights out if you're an asshole. Depending on the myth, again, this could work
Also... dragon brain go burr... so...
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