#she gave me a caprisun after
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i was violet from american horror story for halloween when i was 17 and i still think its the funniest thing ive ever done (get it. bc my names tate)
#ignore the twilight filter#met the hottest guy ive ever seen at this show#and got stuck in a pit and pulled out by a drunk woman in fairy wings that proceeded to feel me up but in like a wierd almost motherly way#she gave me a caprisun after#am i oversharing.
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A Phone Call Away.
Roman Reigns x Black Female Reader
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; oral (female receiving)
“Now that Roman is on a hiatus from the ring, you would think that would stop the busy nature of this man… but boy were you wrong.”
A/N: Is your girl back or WHATTTT?!??! Heyyyy y’all, I missed you guys so much and I missed writing for you guys. Thanks to all of those who checked up on me (I promise those messages didn’t go unseen). I truly appreciate all the love still shown on my stories but I am back and better than ever. School has been really tough for me and I nearly dropped out, but BITCH I pulled through. I’m moving onto my junior year this fall and I couldn’t be happier. To express my happiness, I wrote this about the ONLY Tribal Chief. Mr. Roman Reigns. Hope you enjoy 😘😘😘!!
GIF: @rashyford
Roman Reigns… or as you like to call him Joe. You’re doting husband and father to your three kids. A man with a multitude of talents, charms, and good looks. You won the lottery with this man and he feels the same about you. Joe has never had a problem making anything happen for you or your kids. Yet, he can seem oblivious to all of you.. and you know why?! It’s because of that damn phone.
Yeah, Joe’s an amazing and caring man. But that phone stays strapped to his ear while attending to you or the kids.
The kids want him to open a Caprisun, he’s on that phone. You want him to take out the trash, he’s on that phone. You want him to change the baby’s diaper, you guessed it… he’s on that phone.
Although these tasks do get done, he never makes eye contact with any of you and seemingly gets annoyed anytime one of you walk up to him. So you weren’t surprised seeing your 5 year old daughter come up to you with an attitude as you were breast feeding.
“Baby girl what happened?!” You questioned as she crossed her little arms and huffed out a deep breath making the strands of her hair on her forehead rise into the air fall back down.
“Papa’s till on the phone.” My god did that little girl look like a spitting image of Joe whenever he caught an attitude. Your baby is one hundred and ten percent a daddy’s girl so to see him not give her the attention she wants made you upset.
“Listen baby okay, mommy’s gonna put your baby brother to sleep and I’ll deal with papa for you. Go upstairs and play with your big sister.” She gave you a sweet little smile and nodded her head in agreement. You watched as she ran up the stairs eager to play dolls with her big sister.
Once your baby boy wasn’t latched on anymore, you went upstairs to place him on the bed you shared with Joe. You placed a pillow fort around him to keep him safe and turned on the baby monitor. You checked on the girls quickly and made your way back downstairs.
You find Joe in the living room with the dogs surrounding him as he watched the NBA Draft. You could overhear him talking about WWE can further the Bloodline story even more before his return. Now assuming he’s talking to Hunter, you placed your hands on his shoulders and began slowing massaging before he turned around to face you as he gave a small smile.
You make your way around the couch and sat next to him. His eyes still glued to the TV as he placed one of his hands on your thigh, caressing it ever so gently. “Joe… you think you c—.”
Joe lifts up the hand that was on your thigh and placed in on your mouth in order to motion him telling you to be quiet. Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head as you couldn’t believe he just shushed you.
After you could his meals, massage his back after a match, wash his laundry, and pushed out his big headed kids.. he had the audacity to shush you.
Two can play at that game.
Knowing how much Joe can’t resist you, you can’t believe you didn’t think of this earlier to get this man off the phone. As Joe moves his finger away from your lips and places it on his own thigh now, you lean back into the headrest of the couch and spread open your legs.
Joe doesn’t take much notice until he hears you fumbling with your pants. He turns his head slightly as witnesses you bare from the waist down and your perfect pink magic spread before his eyes.
You giggled as Joe completely disregarded the draft completely and stared in awe. You lifted up slightly to take the hand that was once on your thigh and placed his hand near your dripping cunt.
On command, Joe automatically makes his thumb prominent and places it on your beating clit, rubbing in a circular motion. You drop your head back and moan as he continues to play with your pussy with his thumb. Dragging your essence up and down your slit. He soon seems to be losing memory of his call and he begins spitting out “yeah’s” and “mhmmm’s” to Hunter giving the most vague answers to his suggestions and questions.
Joe bites his lip as he looks you in your eyes, giving him the cheesiest grin knowing you’ve basically won the battle. “Yeah, I totally understand.” He says into his phone once more before he puts it on speaker and then mute and places his phone on your stomach.
The heat of his phone makes you hiss slightly and then you begin to hiss more as his tongue comes into contact with your drooling heat. He begins eating you out like a true champ. He nuzzled his face deep into your wet heat and flicked your clit with his thumb. Your back began arching off the sofa as you were beginning to reach your climax.
But a loud voice parades inside your mind as you try to enjoy yourself. “Roman, Joe. You there?!” Joe looked up at you and it was almost like his eyes were telling you something. You watched as his hand that was holding your thigh open, comes near his phone as he presses the mute button once more.
You quickly shut your mouth as Joe removes his mouth from you but keeps the assault on your little clit going. “Yeah I’m here. Umm… what’s gonna happen with my wiseman??!” You watched intently as he pressed the mute button again and goes back to town. He takes his tongue deep into you as Hunter is on the phone blabbing about what’s gonna happen with Paul.
Just as he was wrapping his summary of the wiseman’s future, your legs began to shake and sputter as you finally reached your climax. Your legs clamp around his head and breathing heavy. You let out one deep breath as Joe removes your thighs from around his head and looks as you with a devilish smile as you essence coated his entire beard.
He picks his phone up again and removes it from mute. “Yeah, that was a great convo. We got a lot done, but listen boss man duty calls I gotta get into daddy mode. Mama’s had enough for today.”
You shook her head in agreement as Hunter expressed his understanding. They bid each other farewell and Joe threw his phone behind him. You laid with her legs still spread open, pussy on display for his viewing pleasure staring a hole into his eyes. He lifted his brow at you as if to question what the next move was.
“Ummm if you want more of this sir, you’re gonna have to get myself off your face and go play with your baby girl cause you really upset her today baby.” He hung his head low as he understood the damage he’s caused by focusing on his phone too much.
“Alright I will baby.” He playfully closed your legs for you and you giggled as he placed a blanket over you. He stood up and as he went to walk away, he bent down to whisper in your ear.
“Just know when you want that part two, I’m a phone call away.” He reached for his phone and waved in your face as he chuckled on his way up the stairs.
That man crazy as hell..
Not gonna yieeee… I’m happy to be writing again 😂. Shout out to @thesamoanqueen @mzv11 & @msbigredmachine your stories really motivated me to get back into writing and it helped me realize writing isn’t dead 🫶🏾🫶🏾!! (Jey fic next, cause that’s my baby, YEETTTT!!!)
Hope you all enjoyed 💕💕💕!!
MY TAG SQUAD: @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @nayys-world @mzv11 @babybatlover @vogueyonce @harlem11680 @seeingstarks @thewarlordsworld @alyyaanna @southerngirl41 @christinabae @pitlissa22 @thealliasylum @fame-ass-ers @iluvthebloodline @jeyusos-girl @ah-fin3sse @solosikoasgf @msbigredmachine @rollinsland @angelicflower2020 @theogsamoanqueen @saintsvenust
*If you want to be added to my tag list, don’t be afraid to let me know!!
#roman reigns#roman reigns oneshot#roman reigns imagines#roman reigns fan fiction#roman reigns smut#roman reigns fic#roman reigns fanfic#roman reigns x female reader#roman reigns x reader
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Pulling the old 'Percy Jackson-esque story about Irish mythology & foster kids (Irish gods had a long tradition of fostering, foster connections were more important in those myths than most biological ones even)' story out of storage for no particular reason but mostly to inspire me to work more on it this week.
Santiago Garcia was twelve when he discovered his foster mom was a goddess.
At first, there was nothing particularly momentous about the day. If there had been he probably would have at least dressed up a little. Well. Okay, probably not. But he definitely wouldn't have answered the front door.
"Hello there," said the old dude on the other side, wearing a painfully fake smile that just screamed Stranger Danger. "I'm looking for your mother. Is she home?"
Santi squinted up at him and took an extra long slurp of Caprisun as he debated his answer. "Well, my mom's dead, so you're either not looking for her or you really suck at finding cemeteries."
"Fair enough," Old McWeirdo said with a laugh. The kind fake mall Santas laughed, for the whopping top dollar of fifteen bucks an hour, while badly hiding their resentment for the kids who didn't ask to be the reason they were barely making minimum wage while wearing itchy fake beards. It was around this point that Santi decided he officially didn't like this guy. At least now Brigitte couldn't say he wasn't giving people enough of a chance: he gave the dude a whole ten seconds.
"Is the owner of this house home then?"
Santi gave the matter another solid Caprisun slurp of consideration, and shrugged. "Lemme get her."
He moved to step back from the door, but when the trying-too-hard-to-be-friendly neighborhood creeper moved forward at the same time, he switched gears and shoved a foot against the back of the door to keep it from swinging open any wider.
"Sorry mister," he said with a painfully fake smile of his own. "I'm not supposed to let strangers in the house. Pervs and ax murderers and all that. Y'know how it is."
Enjoying the mild moment of surprise lifting the dude's snowy eyebrows halfway up his forehead, Santiago leaned backwards into the hall just far enough to yell down the length of it: "Brigitte! There's a weird old guy at the door for you!"
Then he settled in to wait, beaming innocently at the guy now eyeing him with an appraising gleam in one rheumy eye. "Smart lad. Commendable instincts."
"Cool. Didn't ask."
"Santi, what have I told you about answering the door - " came Brigitte's aggrieved rant from behind him as she emerged into the hall via the kitchen. But she cut off before she even got close to working up a good steam and Santi twisted to watch her come to a stop just behind him. Her usual smile was swapped out for a frown - one that skipped him over entirely, and framed their 'guest' squarely centered in its bullseye. She wiped her hands dry with a dish towel before slinging it over one shoulder and brushing her red hair out of her eyes with the back of her other arm.
"Uncle Auggie," she said after moment. "It's been an age."
Santi frowned then himself. He may've only been living with her for all of six months, but he'd been pretty sure he knew all of her moods by now. This edge to her words though? It was one hundred percent new. To him at least. But apparently not to the cautionary tale on the stairs, considering his smile didn't so much as flicker at the less than warm welcome.
Not phased in the least, Allegedly-Uncle-Auggie just kept smiling that dumb smile that usually only ever meant one of two things: either no one was home behind it, or someone was home but someone was a liar. Santi did not like that smile. He did not trust that smile. He subtly sidled back a step and allowed Brigitte to slip between them. He would of course, later deny upon pain of death that he felt in any way in need of his thirty-something year old foster mom's protection or some ridiculous nonsense like that, but like. That was Later's problem.
"You know how it is when I get carried away with my studies. I lock myself in my room with my books and by the time I look up again, its been another ten years or more. Everything's gone and changed when I wasn't looking."
He nodded down at where one of Brigitte's hands had found its way to one of Santiago's shoulders, without either of them noticing. "But then of course, some things, it seems, never change at all."
This close to her side, Santi felt more than heard Brigitte suck in a sharp breath, disguising it behind a more even, more deliberate inhalation the second she came aware of it herself. She squeezed his shoulder reassuringly, and then said: "Santi, could you please go to your room? I need a minute with my uncle."
Later, he would wonder what possessed him to say the following, like he was some kind of idiot. He was not normally any kind of idiot. Really, he wasn't.
"Wait, he's seriously your uncle? I thought you said you didn't have any family."
"I lied," Brigitte said evenly, still not tearing her eyes away from their visitor. Whose smile, in turn, still had not wavered even a centimeter. Ugh. So creepy.
"You always were as creative with the truth as with everything else," Uncle Awful - sorry, Auggie - said with what was probably supposed to sound like affection maybe?
"This isn't a scheduled reunion, Uncle," she said. "Let's not reminisce."
"Right. Leaving. Got it," Santi muttered under his breath. The frost from that cold front paradoxically lit a fire to his movements and he turned to head up the stairs to his room. "Guess I'll leave you two alone then. But only cuz I'm gonna go figure out what you owe me now for lying to me and stuff, cuz like, 'we gotta have trust Santi,' remember?"
"Excellent use of leverage," Uncle Auggie called after him, leaning into the doorway to shoot him a conspiratorial wink that he most definitely did not order. On account of how they were not now (or likely to ever be) conspiring. He had standards. Probably. He'd never had to use them for this particular scenario before but he was pretty sure he could find them if he looked and this guy would not be making the list.
Brigitte's hand slammed into the side of the door, creating a barrier between their line of sight.
"He doesn't need your approval."
"Daaaaaang," Santi whispered to himself then, and he took the stairs two at a time.
Once up the stairs and around the corner though, Santi stopped and huddled against the wall, listening to the movements from below. Look, clearly weirdness was happening, and as a resident of this house, especially a newish resident who was still undecided as to whether or not he even liked it here….he had a right - no, a mandate - to figure out just what that weirdness was. And more importantly: if it was the kinda weirdness he wanted any part of. And since apparently he couldn't trust Brigitte to not just like, lie to him....he had no choice but to snoop.
His logic here was sound, okay? He'd definitely thought this through.
Pressing his ear up against the wall at the top of the landing, he strained to listen to the hushed voices going at it back and forth down below. That part didn't really work. It was a lot of stairs, and its not like he had super hearing. So, when the little he could hear - and also the shadows on the wall - all added up to Brigitte surprisingly not kicking The Uncle Nobody Thought Was Worth Mentioning (And Probably For A Reason) to the curb?! And instead letting him into the house, where their footsteps then headed off down the hall towards the small study where she usually graded her students' homework and stuff? Well really, at that point he was left with no choice but to sneak back down the stairs and edge as quietly as he could towards the study and the angry noises coming from inside.
If you're gonna do a thing, you might as well do it to the best of your ability or else why're you even doing it at all? That's just commitment, and like, commitment's a good thing, obviously. Everyone knows that.
Again, no matter what anyone might claim later, every single part of this had been very intelligently thought through. Well reasoned from every angle.
In fact, Santi was leaning towards rating his decision making thus far as stellar.
And if later, looking back on this moment with future friends only to have them use it as an example of how 'hubris' was not just a thing to be wary of when dealing with Greek gods, well. Nobody said they were going to be good friends.
But of course, all of that was also Later's problem. We're getting a bit ahead of ourselves, and today would have more than enough problems to keep Santiago Garcia busy for quite some time.
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Backbuner Accident
Chapter One
“To Kenny! Freshly eighteen and he just won custody of our favorite little Karen!” Stan cheered with a big grin, one arm wrapped around Kenny’s shoulder pulling him closer, the other holding up a Caprisun pouch as if toasting. Karen smiled rolling her eyes as she munched on her bag of cool ranch Doritos.
“I thought I was the only Karen you knew!” Stan shrugged his grin not leaving as he let go of Kenny and ruffled her hair.
“And that's why you’re my faaavori-te!” He said dragging out the ‘a’ and emphasizing the ‘t’ she groaned pushing his hand away.
“Jeeze, did someone switch out Stan’s Caprisun with alcohol.” Kyle called out with a raised eyebrow, earning laughter from their friends. Stan gave him a fake hurt look leaning forward and placing a hand on his chest before letting out an over dramatic gasp.
“How could you Kyle? I’m simply overjoyed that the courts ruled in our favor!”
“Kenny’s favor, you mean?” Craig asked bored from his and Tweek’s spot on the big bean bag chair.
“Bah! Same thing besides, Kenny knows We’ll be helping him every step of the way! Even while he and Kyle move to Jersey.” Tweek snorted but nodded in confirmation.
“Y-ya! You know we’ll always do our best to help out! Of course I can’t really help while at the shop but I’ll help when I can, and Craig will too! Gah! Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t mean to speak for you I just meant-” Craig pulled him close placing a kiss on the top of his head.
“Yep, even though I still hate you all for stealing my money and abandoning me-”
“It was Cartman!” Kyle cried out only to get flipped off by Craig.
“Besides, I know I’m your favorite cousin!” Stan said with a grin thinking of his aunt that hated his father as much as he did. Craig flipped him off as well, rolling his eyes.
“Sorry you’re gonna be his in-law when we get married honey.” Tweek smiled slightly, shaking his head.
“It's okay, Stan’s not that bad. I’m more worried about you Uncle…GAH!! W-What do you mean married!!! Craig! We are too-too young to think about marriage!” Tweek exclaimed, grabbing Craig’s jacket, shaking him in his panic. Stan snorted, turning back to Kyle and Kenny with a grin. The two returned the smile rolling their eyes as Tweek continued to panic, and Craig’s soft insurances were drowned out.
“Besides that, you two are ready right? I know we have everything from the cellar packed up so Kenny and Karen are good to go but what about you Kyle?” Kyle shrugged signing as he thought about his mom and dad.
“Everything is good but my mom keeps trying to add more like my baby pictures.” Stan snorted as he finished his Caprisun.
“Why?” Kyle made a face taking the empty pouch and throwing it away for Stan. “Thanks man”
“Because, ‘Kyle, what if you meet a pretty Jewish lady and she asks to see them and you don’t have them prepared!’ were her exact words.” Kyle said mimicking his mom’s high pitched voice, causing Kenny and Stan to laugh.
“Dude, what did you say to her?” Stan asked as Kenny grabbed his own pouch from the table, sipping on it.
“That Kenny and I were in a gay relationship and running away together, so the baby pictures didn’t need to come.” Stan burst into laughter, which only grew louder when Kenny’s laugh caused him to spray the juice he had in his mouth all over Clyde.
“Dude what the fuck!” Clyde screeched jumping up causing more laughter from everyone.
“Sorry sorry!” Kenny said over deep breaths as he failed to stop laughing.
“This is so fucking gross, god-damnit.” Clyde complained as he stomped towards the bathroom. Scott following after him trying not to laugh, he paused patting Kenny on the back as the other began to cough slightly.
“That was fucking hilarious. So you really told her that?” Kyle nodded, grinning as he thought of what happened a few days ago.
“Looked like she was going to have an aneurysm and screamed for my dad and Ike to come down. Then I had to deal with a two hour long talk about being gay in a world like ours and to make sure I’m careful.” Stan laughed, shaking his head a clear picture of what happened playing in his mind.
“What did you dad say?”
“Oh come on Sheila, two men masturbating together isn’t gay. I do it all the time with Randy.” Stan gagged, shaking his head as he turned slightly green.
“Dude. I wish I didn’t ask, couldn’t you just say I didn’t want to know?” Kyle grabbed him by his jacket pulling close as he glared.
“If I have to live knowing that my dad masturbates with your dad. You do too Marsh.” Stan turned greener, shaking his head as he tried to lean away from his SBF.
“That's right you’re suffering with me now.”
“Well fellas I have no clue what's going on, but Wendy and I have the pizzas!” Butters announced trying to deescalate whatever he had walked in on, holding up the two boxes he had. Wendy was standing behind him with an amused smile on her face as she held two more boxes. “Oh! Bebe and Heidi are on their way!” Wendy nodded, moving around Butters and placing the pizza boxes on the table.
“Heidi’s therapy session ran a little longer than planned.” She explained before shrugging her jacket off and placing it on the couch, her hat soon following. “Where is Tolkien? Nichole for that matter too?” Kenny grinned, raising his eyebrows twice before pointing towards the ceiling.
“Upstairs in his room.” Butters looked at the ceiling curiously, tilting his head.
“Oh Hamburgers, they won’t get any pizza if they don’t come down. I’ll go get them!” Stan was quick to grab Butter’s shoulders and steer him to the couch when Clyde had been sitting.
“Nooo, don’t worry we’ll save some for them! Just relax and enjoy the party with no Cartman!” Wendy rolled her eyes at the mention.
“How did you guys keep him from finding out anyway?” Stan grinned, crossing his arms looking rather smug that his plan had worked.
“Let’s just say I put some work in and forged some fake government documents so he thinks his old friends the Jakovasaurs are out in the woods. He left at 9 a.m. according to his mom to find them.” Wendy laughed, grinning back at the thought of Cartman running out in the woods. She shook her head turning to Kyle and Kenny.
“Well, forget about that bigot, it's time to celebrate! This is after all the last party you two will be at for a while, let's enjoy it!” Kyle and Kenny grinned in return, as Wendy moved to the stereo and played her usual party playlist.
“She's right! You three literally leave tomorrow, and I wont get to see you until I graduate so lets make the most of it!” Stan said, trying to keep himself in high spirits as he hugged the two. “Let's party!” Kyle nodded, throwing an arm around Stan’s shoulder and fist bumping Kenny.
“Stan’s right, let's celebrate!”
“And thats the last box. Glad to have your friends shit out of my cellar.” Randy grumbled as he placed the last box into the UHaul Trailer. Stan glared at his dad, flipping him off when the man turned and walked back into the farm house.
“Good to know Randy will never change.” Kenny joked as he helped Karen out of the UHaul, he smiled watching her run to Stan. Stan grinned and crouched down slightly, opening his arms accepting Karen’s hug and lifting her up off the ground.
“Kare-Bear! I am going to miss you so much!” He glanced at them before fake whispering to her. “Way more than those two losers over there, but you can’t tell them you know how emotional they get.” He said earning a middle finger from Kenny and eye roll from Kyle. “You’ll make sure they stay healthy for me right?” Stan asked as he placed her back on the ground, smoothing her hair down gently. “Kyle is pretty good at it, but he’ll overwork himself, and you know your brother even better than me. Promise me you’ll threaten them when they over work?” Karen nodded, holding out her pinky finger, and Stan responded quickly wrapping his pinky around hers.”
“It's a promise! And I don’t have to worry about you! Tricia promised to keep an eye on you since you have a shit dad!” Stan gasped dramatically at her cussing causing the girl to snort and roll her eyes.
“Let me guess, her words?”
“Her words.” Karen confirmed nodding with a serious face causing Stan to laugh.
“Well I promise you I’ll take care of myself. You make sure they don’t overwork themselves, because I have no doubt they will work themselves to the bone.” Karen and him shared a conspiratorial look before they turned back to each other nodding. “I will see you as soon as I graduate.” He kissed the top of her head making a dramatic kissing noise, chucking at her annoyed groan as she tried to swat him away.
“I’ll be holding you to that Stanny.” She said before hurrying to Kenny’s truck climbing in back. Stan took a deep breath before turning to his best friends.
“This is it, the start of our plan.” He said trying to hide the fact he was upset. Kyle smiled softly, moving closer, pulling him into a hug. “ I just have to wait a little over a year to join.” Kenny smiled, joining the hug.
“Don’t worry Stan, the year will fly by in no time. Kyle and I will even keep a calendar with your graduation marked, that way we’ll be here right after.” Stan smiled, hugging the two tightly not wanting to let go. “Then we’ll leave this town and only return when someone dies in the far far future.” Kenny and Kyle pulled back sharing a grin with Stan.
“My bet is Cartman, but then again I don’t think any of us will show up for his funeral.”
“I’ll be there just to dance on his grave.” Kyle said with vindictive gleam in his eyes as he thought about it. Stan laughed rolling his eyes.
“Alright, alright, you guys need to get on the road or Kyle will be late for his orientation.” Stan was silent for a second, his smile dropping slightly. “Now don’t forget to text and call me, and keep me updated on everything even if Kyle loses his Trapper. Kyle rolled his eyes while Kenny laughed.
“We will. Take care Stan, we’ll be back for you in a year.”
#south park#stan marsh#kyle brovlofski#kenny mccormick#karen mccormick#tweek x craig#tweek tweak#craig tucker
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AURORA Huge LED Display of Inspire in Korea | Media Art 4K HDR
SUNDAY - 14 JAN 2024
THAT's - 30 MIN - AWAY
I - GAVE - HIM - $4 - CHANGE
$0.05 - MASTERCARD - $50
HIM - BACK - $60 - HE - SAID
HIM - OF - $60 - CASH - AND
I - TOLD - YOU - I - DON'T
IT's - $48.88 - I - TOLD - YOU
SAID - $50 - IT - WAS - DARK
CARD - SAID - 25.00
I - WANT - MY - $60 - CASH
PREMIUM - $15.85 - AND - XO
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Case Study #1

(A Kindergarten classroom in a small suburban town in Pennsylvania. The classroom is dark, a teacher enters and switches on the light. She tidies around and sits at her desk. For a moment, she glances at the clock. It is close to the first bell. She sighs in annoyance. Enter Grace. She walks over to her cubby and notices that the coat she left at school yesterday is missing].
Help! Help! Mrs. Jenkins, help!!
[MRS. JENKINS jumps up in surprise.]
What?! What?! What happened, Grace?
My coat is gone, I think someone stole it!
It’s not in your cubby anymore?
No! I told you, someone stole it! [gasps] Caroline definitely stole it! I know she’s been after me. Ever since the museum field trip with all those old people, she hates me!
[rolls eyes]
That’s ridiculous, Caroline is perfectly sweet. What about that time she gave you her sandwich?
It had gluten in it, she was trying to kill me!
[MRS. JENKINS glances over the classroom and sees GRACE’s hot pink raincoat on the rug in the reading nook.]
Grace, did you look in the reading nook??
[GRACE quickly turns her head and runs over to the reading nook to grab her jacket.]
Ugh! I can’t believe Caroline. I knew she was out to get me.
[MRS. JENKINS shakes her head and sighs. LUCY and BROCK enter with complimentary lunch boxes. BROCK pushes LUCY to get to his cubby first.]
Hey! Mommy said if you keep pushing me, she’s gonna take away your TV privileges!
[Shouts] Does it look like I care?!
Brock, stop being mean to your sister and find your desk.
Okay, Mrs. Jenkins…
[NICKY and CAROLINE enter, holding hands. GRACE rolls her eyes. MRS. JENKINS looks over at the lovebirds.]
Okay, everyone. Go to your seats. We’ll wait for Sebastian, but I've got a surprise for the rest of you!
Ooh! New scented markers??
Or is it new rulers?
Oh yes, Lucy! Just what we need for recess, rulers…
[GRACE and LUCY glare at each other.]
MRS. JENKINSNo, no, settle down. I think he’s on his way actually.
[Moments later, MR.DANNY pokes his head into the door]
Is it me you’re waiting for?!?
[The kids look over at this new person they have never seen before. There’s an audible gasp. BROCK stands up to get a better look.]
Who is this, Mrs. Jenkins?
He looks funny [giggles].
[The children note his stiff demeanor; the khakis are foreign to them.]
Kids, this is Mr. Fellows. He will be your assistant helper for the next few weeks. Tell us about yourself, Daniel.
Hi, kids. I’m in college, do any of you know what that is?
Of course! I’m Lucy! I want to attend Harvard, but my safety is Barnard! [under her breath] If they can ever get their rankings up…
[whispers and giggles] Nerd. You always have to ruin everything.
Well, both of those are very good schools, Lucy. I wish you luck! You guys can call me Mr. Danny, what are your names?
[He gives an uneasy smile to the children. SEBASTIAN walks in late, as usual. He looks around, surveying his kingdom.]
Who’s this square?
I’m Mr. Danny, your new class helper.
Hmm…the square speaks.
I was just explaining to the others, Sebastian, that he will be helping me out for the next few weeks. Please sit down and join your classmates.
[SEBASTIAN resigns to his navy blue name card in the prime corner of the table.]
Alright, kids. Get ready for snack time.
[To GRACE] I brought carrots and hummus, what’d you bring? [asks with intent to annoy her]
GRACE My mommy packs me breakfast, so it’s a surprise every day. [She opens her pink glittery lunchbox.] Oh look, my mommy packed THREE fruit roll-ups and a note with a Caprisun!
[LUCY rolls her eyes and walks over to her square on the rug.]
Oh, well maybe she wants you to share!
[GRACE and the others join her on the rug.]
Are you kidding? My mom knows I love all of my snacks. Well…unless Nicky wants some?
[In a calm voice] That’s okay. Caroline packed some extra snacks for me.
[Under her breath] Of course she did, she’s always thinking two steps ahead.
[MR. DANNY pulls up a chair on the rug and they sit in a circle.]
So tell me what you guys have been working on in school so far.
Well, what have you been working on in this so-called “college”?
How do you not know what college is boss?!?
Uhhhh… I ask the questions here, not you.
Mr. Danny, we have been learning the alphabet, although I already know most of it.
Well, that is wonderful, Lucy.
She’s lying, I bet she can’t even get past B.
Yes, I can. A, B, C..
Alright, nerd, we get it now shut it!
Ok ok kids, you need to quiet down so I can take role call now.
[listing the names off] Caroline
Present, Mrs Jenkins!
And Sebastian…
Ok now that we know you are all here, let’s have a discussion with Mr. Danny about why he’s here.
None of us care though.
Yeah, what he said.
Guys, can you just listen for once?
Shut up!
Haha, it’s ok. I’m here because I love teaching and seeing children get inspired at a young age. I was like all of you once and I can tell you now that you guys all have bright futures ahead of you.
[In a questionable tone] So, what you’re saying is you’re here to spy on us?
DANNY Haha no. I’m here to help you guys get the most out of kindergarten you possibly can.
[The kids finish their breakfast with DANNY and go about their usual activities and then leave for recess. We see Danny take a few quick notes and then start placing out the cars]
After recess.
[MRS. JENKINS enters the classroom. She again sets up, waiting for the kids to arrive. CAROLINE and NICKY enter together, holding hands again. GRACE is not far behind.]
Excuse me, lovebirds. Some people are actually trying to get to class. [rolls eyes]
[giggling] Oh Grace, you’re too funny.
[LUCY runs in with BROCK lagging behind]
No no sweetie, you are actually ten minutes early.
[laughs] Haha fooled ya!
[LUCY shoves BROCK and makes her way to her cubby]
It was just a joke, jeez!
[MR. DANNY enters]
Hello, hello everybody! Are we all here?
[ad lib] No, not Sebastian.
[SEBASTAIN enters, right on schedule]
[jokingly] Look who decided to show up. Right on time too because I have gifts for you all!
If you all look at your square on the rug you will find your very own toy truck.
[The kids look to find red and blue trucks scattered around the rug, one assigned to each of them.]
Go on now, take your truck!
[DANNY watches in amazement as the kids run to their toys, excited to see what color they got. Mozart plays in the back.]
I got red! What’d you get Nicky?
[NICKY opens his mouth to answer, is interrupted by GRACE] Use your eyes, Caroline. He got blue. Just like me!
[CAROLINE looks at the red toy in NICKY’S hand, sad]
Don’t worry, red’s the better color anyway.
Yea you’re right. Red is better.
In your dreams, Brock. [He turns toward NICKY and high fives him]
[shyly laughs] Yeah totally.
Ok kids I know this is a very exciting moment for you all but let’s not say that any color is better than the other.
[DANNY pulls her aside]
[whispering to MRS. JENKINS] Oh, they’re just playing around. Kids will be kids, am I right?
[MRS. JENKINS decides to resign and rest her eyes behind a book. Letting the kids play with the trucks while DANNY watches.]
Don’t we have the better color, Nicky?
Yeah, I guess so. But I think red’s pretty cool too.
Nicky, don’t believe her. We have Lucy on our team so that means we’re the smart color.
Well just because Lucy’s smart doesn’t mean you all are.
[gasps loudly] you don’t mean that.. Right?
Uh, I think he does. Sorry Care, you just got the wrong color.
Red is NOT the “wrong color”, right Brock?
Yeah, [to SEBASTIAN] you just want to feel better about your stupid color.
[in an aggressive tone] Who you callin’ stupid? Stupid!
[DANNY is hesitant to step in as he wants to see where this will go.]
Guys guys calm down. Just because Brock is so blatantly correct and Sebastian is an imbecile, doesn’t mean you heathens should resort to violence!
Wow, Lucy taking Brock’s side. Never seen that before.
Well, she knows I’m right.
Guys, relax. They’re just toys. They don’t mean anything.
Yeah, I agree with Nicky. We can’t let this divide us.
What? You were just saying that red…
[drops her truck]
Oh no! I dropped my truck. Nicky… please help!!
[Nicky starts to reach down to pick it up but Caroline grabs his arm to stop him. ]
Yeah, you’ll need that truck… to drive yourself off a cliff!!
[CAROLINE lunges for GRACE and pulls down her blonde tresses against the desk, epic brutality.]
STOP! Guys guys stop fighting!!
Big man, huh? Want to stop the big fight, huh? Look at you!
[SEBASTIAN then punches BROCK while LUCY looks on in absolute horror. She decides to calm herself like her therapist would advise with Piano Concerto No. 1 in E Minor Op. 1 11 on her iPod touch. The music plays through her earbuds, but the audience hears it as the scene starts to transition to an epic slo-mo beatdown. DANNY looks up from his notes, realizing this could be a lawsuit, and goes to stop the fight. Although, his experiment is seemingly a smashing success.]
Take this, loser!! [Music fades out, and we go back to normal speed. SEBSTAIAN throws BROCK’S red truck at BROCK, but he ducks last second, and it hits MRS. JENKINS in the head, waking her up.] Whoops…
[DANNY is already pulling them apart from each other.]
I don’t know what happened. They just started fighting and getting out of control.
Who started this??
[points to CAROLINE] She pulled my hair first!
[ad lib, everyone wants to plead their case.] No she started it! He punched me first! She was making fun of me!
Well, regardless of whose fault it was, you all participated. Very disappointed in ALL of you
Actually, Mrs. Jenkins, I did not participate.
Everyone, quiet down and give me back the toys. I can’t believe this happened! I expected better from this smart bunch.
[Whispering to NICKY] I don’t know if it's just me, but I think that square is up to something….
Well, thank you, Danny, for trying to show them some fun. Sorry they couldn’t handle it, you’re such a sweetheart.
[the kids go back to playing as return to their previous personalities]
[to BROCK, very macho as before] C’mon man, let's go on the ipads
[beat before replying] Okay!
Hey Nicky, do you wanna go play “family”? I’ll make you some breakfast in the kitchen!
[blunt] No. [turns to CAROLINE] Hey Caroline, do you wanna go play “family”? I’ll make you some breakfast in the kitchen.
[CAROLINE smiles brightly as they both make their way to the play “kitchen” in the corner of the room as GRACE sits down, pouting]
[snatching the ipod out of Lucy's hand] Give me back my ipod.
[taking it back] And since when is it your ipod? Mommy and daddy got it for both of us, and unlike you, I don’t fill it with stupid mindless games and dumb music. I use it to listen to Beethoven and complete the times’ crossword puzzle.
[a small ad lib argument ensues as the two go back and forth about whose ipod it is, who deserves to use it, quickly interrupted by DANNY]
Hey, hey! Weren’t you two JUST getting along?
[BROCK taking the ipod for a final time]
That was before when we were on the same team. But now she STOLE my ipod and I’ll never like her ever again!
[He goes back to sitting with SEBASTIAN]
[to LUCY] But you guys are supposed to be friends now. And I thought Caroline and Nicky were done? And Brock stood up to Sebastian! Did that whole thing change nothing? What happened?
Well…[contemplates what he said for a beat] C’mon Mister, we are just kids.
[DANNY looks around defeated and LUCY goes back to bother BROCK about the ipod. The lights go down on all the kids interacting exactly as they did in the beginning.
Link to video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TxQDauVovLObWzmJUCKxuBB-z4vkAGaP/view?usp=drive_link
0 notes
I have more.
The Guide is a day walker. It was my friend that worked this out not me but in one of the pictures from The Lamp she’s outside. Probably related to how Guillermo is a different type of vampire because of his slayer blood and the guides relationship with the Van Helsing.
Guide reads the ravens bedtime stories.
Charmaine worked out the group are vampires, she assumed saun knows and is keeping it secret to protect them so doesn’t ever bring it up. Saun is oblivious and very much thinks Laszlo and the others are human
Guide grabbed Colin by the collar and gave him a stern warning that Nadja is hers and he better not try anything once she’s got her body back after Dolly-In-Nadja tried to sleep with him. She was very jealous and didn’t know whether she’d enjoy watching it or not but she went anyway
A lot of the guides victims get freed because she says she’ll let them go if they promise to hang out with her and they all say they’ll come back to the council to have a movie night with her the next Friday. None of them do
It’s got to the point she has to have blood got for her or she doesn’t eat. The wraiths bring her blood in the pouches that hospitals use for blood transfusions and she drinks them like caprisuns
WWDITS headcanons
The Guide uses they/she/it pronouns, Laszlo is genderfluid and uses all pronouns, Colin Robinson uses he/it pronouns.
Nandor uses he/him and Nadja uses she/her, but that is not to say they are cis. No vampire is truly cis because of now societal norms change over time, fitting the associations and ideology around a gender during their human lives does not mean they do in the modern day and with the amount of gender norm changes they've seen it's easy to feel disconnected from gender as a whole. Also gender is mostly based on human society, and of course vampire society is very different.
For similar reasons all vampires are neurodivergent. Societal norms have changed so much over time that it is hard for them to seem 'normal', super vampire senses give them sensory overload, and they all follow strange certain rules and routines (of course ones that they have to do as a vampire e.g. not going in sun or not entering rooms unless they're invited, but also completely independent personal rules like Nandor only reading letters in the sitting room, in order to keep their sanity in an everlasting life in our ever changing world)
Nadja and Laszlo have ADHD obviously, Nandor has autism and ADHD, and the Guide has autism and OCD (but her OCD is basically canon so), Colin is autistic
I know this is canon but I just want to say it. Nadja, Nandor, Lazlo, and the Guide are pansexual. I personally see Colin as a sex-enthusiast aro-ace, and obviously Guillermo is gay
A lot of the main group are actually just a big polyamorous relationship. Laszlo, The Guide and Nadja are getting it on, The Guide and Nadja are getting it on, Laszlo and Nadja, Guide and Marwa, Guide and Marwa and Nadja, Guide and Marwa and the Djinn, Guillermo and the Djinn, Guillermo and Nandor, Nandor and Laszlo, Laszlo and Nadja with Sean and Charmaine. I could literally go on all night
Nadja and Guillermo kicked ass together in London. I wish they had given us a full season of that year because I want to know more. They did face masks and cried about being separated from their boyfriend and bitched about their boyfriends and got absolutely shitfaced together. Guillermo had to save Nadja from getting into several fights whilst she was drunk, both with humans and vampires alike. They were just besties
NADJA CAME HOME FOR A REASON AND YOU CAN'T CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE! Also whatever the reason was I think Guillermo doesn't know, she found a way to hypnotize him and make him forget, hence why she goes back to being bitchy to him in season 4. I don't know what I think the reason is yet but I'm taking suggestions.
The Guide and Van Helsing wiped out the majority of the vampiric council when they got arrested over the affair. They weren't going down without a fight and they fucked shit up. The Guide was the OG "you killed all the other most powerful vampires so we're putting you in charge because A) that's fucking impressive and B) you're literally the only option right now. The only reason she wasn't put in charge in charge was because she was fighting with a vampire killer to protect said vampire killer and vampire killers are a big no no. Also said vampire killer died and she was captured in a very violent manner and the trauma is what made her forget, not simply the shame
Nadja originally either did or intended to join Lilith's coven, she definitely practiced witchcraft even before she was turned
Nadja didn't learn to read or write until a fair bit into her vampire life, perhaps after she met Lazlo, and still struggles with it
Nadja and Lilith were in love
Marwa, the Djinn and Guillermo have a "I hate Nandor" support group, occasionally the Guide will show up too
The Wraiths are all actually physical manifestations of the Guides mind. No I will not elaborate
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May I offer a prompt of how the turtles would be with a mom friendTM? you know the type I mean? like.... I think they might benefit from that kind of friend in the group lol (also I love your stories, your such a cool writer keep up the awesome work!)
Rottmnt headcanon: mom friend TM
And thanks so much!
Mom friends are severely underrated XD
-Okay these boys need a mom friend badly
-but that’s where you come in!
-as the mom friend you keep them safe in many ways
-starting with this guy, he never really wanted a mom friend
-when April first brought you over he was cold
-didn’t even bother talking to you
-you were determined to befriend him, even though he left whenever you tried to talk to him
-you became comfortable with the turtles quickly and the others accepted your mom friend nature
-not Donnie though
-he didn’t hate you, sure, but you were too much
-you were too overbearing and too nervous for his safety!
-you’d make him wear a helmet when he used his jet pack
-you made him put on SUNSCREEN whenever he went outside
-you told him to be careful when rewiring a project even!
-it’s like you wanted to ruin his bad boy image
-he hated it and wanted you to stop being so smothering
-…until he realized that attention and moral support comes with the smothering
-the moment he realizes that he’s all for it
-he’s no longer hiding his inventions from you so you won’t bug him, but he’s seeking you out for your advice and praise
“Hey so I made this and… I don’t know…”
“Wow you built that? It’s awesome!”
“Really? I mean, I know, I just wanted to show you that it was.”
-praise ain’t something this boy has
-have you SEEN how his brothers react to his ideas?
-he needs this
-with praise comes affection
-I’m talking homemade snacks and questions that his brothers never ask
-you’re there if he needs a cup of coffee or if he hasn’t eaten in a while or taken a nap
-“don, it’s been two days since you slept go to bed.”
-“I’ll make a cup of coffee for you after...?”
-“*hisses but less intense*”
-you may be good at making snacks and everything
-very good in facts
-but the questions are probably his favorite part
“Woah what’s that supposed to do?”
“Well it’s a device that’s meant to fix all the broken McDonald’s ice cream machines.”
“That’s amazing! What did you use to build it? How does it work?”
-you’re actually trying to learn about his work!
-you’re trying to learn about him!
-he loves it
-and he loves that you’re careful to
-it’s a nice change from his brothers
-you’re someone he can depend on
-doesn’t matter if it’s missions or just being a good friend
-and I mean it when I say depend
-you’re there when he needs help rewiring something or just to simply talk about his dumb dumb brothers
-honestly April isn’t even mad that Donnie stole one of her best friends
-she knows he needs this
-Donnie fully learned to trust you after the purple dragons mishap
-you told him they were untrustworthy but his heart was dead set on that satin jacket
-when he came back to the lair, late at night, with no satin jacket and a handful of his missing tech, he found you raising an eyebrow at him from where you had sat to wait for him
-he knew from then on to trust you and your opinions, even though his often got in the way
-you can often be found sitting on Donnies bed while he works, offering your company and comments
-Normally no one else is allowed in while he works but that’s just because they don’t have anything positive to provide
-Raph IS the mom friend
-your mom friend energy and his mom friend energy just work together so well together
-I’m talking planning missions together, figuring new ways to trick his brothers into being responsible, cleaning the dishes, and even making snacks together
-“so the mission is tomorrow right?”
-“yep! Should we bring apples with peanut butter or pretzels with hummus?”
-“well Donnie doesn’t like peanut butter, but Mikey does, so both?”
-“awesome! And you’ve got the water covered?”
-“dude I even have caprisuns packed so we’re ready!”
-the others find it to be too much with the two of you but Raph really appreciates the help
-especially during the pizza puff episode
-oh that part nearly set you on fire with worry
-Raph had never seen you that worked up
-you had a fan for Leo, a bowl for Mikey, and a bag of fruit snacks for Donnie
-Raph has to activate his supreme mom friend energy to get you to stop hovering over them
-that meant literally dragging you away from them so they could figure things out on their own
-he’s seen you be a mom friend to them all the time
-but never once for him
-you two were like... co mom friends working together to stop the younger irresponsible three
-until Raph got separated in the sewer
-oh man you were torn with worry
-you nearly destoryed the place looking for him
-and finding him all savage like that... ack that was enough to practically shatter your heart in two
-once he stopped trying to barbecue villains and destroy his brothers you took him to the lair and helped him calm down
-you even turned on a movie for the two of you so he could relax
-it was nice to have your best friend and partner in stopping crime back
-Raph of course was embarrassed because it’s HIS job to help everyone, not the other way around
-after much assurance you had him convinced that you didn’t mind
-he was grateful to have you and your help
-he just wished you didn’t worry quite so much
Leo 💙:
-this boy is soaking it all up from the start
-someone to compliment him?
-someone to help him out?
-someone to admire his achievements?
-oh he’s all for it
-he’s showing off skateboard stunts, he’s doing flips, and he’s randomly pulling you to him and creating a portal
-usually you end up somewhere sketchy but sometimes it works out
-you always have to be ready though
-one minute you’re walking to the projector room and the next you’re in New Jersey with a sheepish looking red slider
-his only problem is now he has to be more careful with skateboard tricks
-he’s fine with a helmet but when it comes to you hovering next to him while he’s going down the skate ramp...
-eh he’s not so fond of that
-home made gifts and cards?
-always appreciated
-but you constantly trying to protect him from things he knew how to do?
-just no
-now he only feels like he can skate if you’re not there or if he goes to a skate park without telling you
-you figure out quickly and still worry that he’ll mess up a flip
-doesn’t matter if you’re watching or not
-you’re the mom friend
-your job is to worry
-you promised that you’d stop worrying about him if he can back
-you didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable in his own home!
-he agreed and you did your best to keep your promise
-until he actually messed up a flip
-you don’t know WHAT he landed on but it must have been sharp because there was a LOT of blood
-maybe you thought there was a lot because you were so worried but still
-you hadn’t even been in the room but you heard his shout (and crash) and you came running
-oh he was lucky you carried gauze and everything in your bag because other wise they’d have to go buy some
-you chewed him out while patching him up, much to his displeasure
-you’re both sweet and sour about it
-“I’m fine! Look, nothing’s broken!”
-“I TOLD you that you could get hurt! I TOLD you it wasn’t safe! Why did you not listen- I’m sorry does that hurt? I’m sorry!”
-“yeah it does hurt-.”
-“than you should have listened to me!!”
-for a while he’s bitter that you were just waiting for him to mess up
-clearly you thought he was just a big clutz to you
-but after a while of him avoiding you and pouting you brought it up again
-“I’m not just waiting for you to fail you know. I just want you to be okay.”
-“that’s not what it feels like! You clearly don’t trust me!”
-“life happens, Leo! Doesn’t matter how skilled you are! You’re an amazing skater but sometimes mistakes are made!”
-ha that changed his tune quickly
-“you think I’m an amazing and skilled skater?
-you just rolled your eyes and left, not saying anything about his comment
-didn’t matter
-this boy is all smiles for the rest of the day
-he was on board from the very start
-he’s got cuddles, piggy back rides, and his own art fan/critic
-lots of baking and cooking together
-maybe even drawing if he’s lucky
-only problem?
-you don’t trust him to go out on his own
-even if it’s just to grab a video game from the store or pick up pizza
-“I’m just going down the block!”
-“what if someone sees you?”
-“I’ll be careful!”
-“just let me go with you.”
-“no! I can do this on my own!”
-you’re always offering to give him a ride or tag along just because you don’t want anything to happen to him
-that means, of course, sneaking out
-not for a long time, just enough to get some air
-but that also means you’re staying up late waiting for him to come back
-he’s your buddy!
-you can’t let anything happen to him!
-he didn’t know about it until he found you cashed out on the couch with the lamp still on
-normally you gave him an excuse about why you were still up, such as a late night snack or a movie
-but your phone and the tv were both off
-he decided to think nothing of it until he noticed that you were grumpier in the mornings
-he didn’t want his actions to affect you so he started coming back earlier
-even texting you and telling you he was fine
-you two talked and set up a deal
-he could go out by himself and you wouldn’t stay up late waiting for him as long as you had his location on your phone
-it was easier for both you from then on
#rottmnt mikey#rottmnt x reader#rottmnt raph#rottmnt oneshots#rottmnt leo#rottmnt imagine#rottmnt headcannons#rottmnt donnie#rottmnt#rottmnt incorrect quotes#rottmnt movie#nickelodeon#tmnt fanfiction#rise of tmnt#tmnt x reader#tmnt headcanons
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Batboys with a Short S/O
Such a cheeky bastard when it comes to your height
“Dick help me with this!” And you’re just bouncing to get the object from the top of the fridge.
“Nah I prefer to enjoy the view.”
He’s not the only one who enjoys the view.
Before the two of you were dating, you would sometimes stare at his bubble butt which he’ll feel like someone was staring, turn around, and then you would just avert your eyes.
You never get caught.
He’s punny too
When people mention your height he just gasps and...
“She’s not short! She’s just fun-sized.”
Don’t get me started with stores.
If he’s paying for the groceries and you’re next to him, he’ll just look down into his wallet and be like-
“I believe we’re $3 short.”
Oh how much you wanted to smack him for embarrassing you like that
Forehead Kisses
He also loves to pick you up.
Throws you over his shoulder, places you on his shoulders in crowds, and places you on his lap at home.
At the end of the day, unlike his brothers, he’ll help you up the shelf.
But on patrol, he would check up on you to see if you’re safe on your nightly trip to the store.
If someone is going to try something, he tends to handle the situation by snatching the offender in silence so you don’t have to worry about anything.
Type level 1 asshole
When you’re struggling for something on the shelf
-remember Jason is the tallest out of his brothers-
He would take that object...
“Aw thanks Jay-”
And place it a shelf higher.
“-Oh Screw you!”
He likes to see you mad
Oh I’m sorry
He likes to see you...
Like Dick, he throws you over his shoulder
Cuddling and fitting in one bed is never a problem
You and Jason winning against his brothers in the game Chicken Fight
Make fun of him when he’s hitting his head against the door frame when he’s entering a room.
Him adoring you when you’re in his jackets or hoodies.
His clothes + your tiny physique = absolute perfection to him.
Best ways to mess around with you is by smacking your ass then run off as you chase after him with your short legs.
Like Dick, he checks on you during his patrol.
But if he isn’t there, he knows you can handle the situation.
I mean, he trained you so hard that you could actually flip him and catch him off guard when he’s not going easy on you.
But if something bad happens, like a villain decides to kidnap you and you can’t take them, then you click an alert on your phone that’ll not only notify Jason but also the Batfamily that you’re in deep doo doo.
Let’s just say, you’re in for a show.
You being more worried about the villain’s well being than your own because knowing your boyfriend…it’s not going to end pretty.
Jason will get very, I mean very angry and he won’t hold back to the smartass who decides to take his loved ones.
He might as well leave a message for the other villains....
Aw you’re so adorable
but he’s SUCH
Like when you both were ordering some food
“And what would the lady like?” The cashier asked.
“A small fry.” You facepalmed.
“Ok what about dessert-”
“-Strawberry shortcake.”
When you’re helping Alfred cook meals, Timbo just pops in, takes a cookie, and stare at you.
“Do you want a stool hon?”
You throwing your wooden stick at the laughing boy
EVEN when you’re giving him a kiss he had the AUDACITY to even-
“Do you need a ladder?”
You pushing him and walking away all angry while he rushes to your side to apologize while chuckling.
He sometimes leans on you and make you an arm rest but you just elbow his dumbass to stop.
Gives you piggyback rides
Stays close to you in crowds.
When he loses you, he’ll always find you since he’s one hell of a detective.
But if you’re ever kidnapped, he’ll get a slight panic attack but always find you.
The funny thing is that he doesn’t give a shit when cornering the crook that decides to lay a finger on your hair.
He also trains you and gives you amazing spy gadgets for self defense.
You used to have peppers pray but now you got a penny in your pocket that you take out, click, and ta-dah! A bo-staff that comes with optional electricity currents.
When you both were younger, you were taller than him by a mere 3 inches.
But believe me when I say this
When he is at the age of when his growth spurt ignites
He starts to make fun of your height.
“Oh I didn’t see you there L/n.”
“I was right in front of you, you troll.”
“Oh is this the last Caprisun you were trying to get from the self?”
“Yeah, can you give it to me, ple-”
“Finder’s keepers.”
But once he becomes 19 or so...he’s huge.
Taller than Jason and his dad.
Someone help your poor soul that you only grew a couple more inches while your significant other is tall as a mf mountain.
For arguments, even when you're right, you would shiver a little from him hoovering over you.
But don’t worry, he backs down when you’re right...sometimes...
Does he still make fun of your height?
It runs in the family, he’ll say something about your height here and there. but not as often as he did in the past.
“I didn’t know you could stoop so low for pickpocketing that dwarf back there.”
“What? I didn’t pickpocket-Ooooh...You think you’re so funny.”
He really loves you but he doesn’t like to do PDA.
The sole reason why doesn’t do it often is because you pull him down to your level.
If that ever happens he would glare at everyone around the perimeter to mind their own business.
When you hug him you can hear his heartbeat.
People are so confused of how you, a bright smol bean, is dating a tall, cold-hearted, and stoic man.
But if they are very curious for the answer, they prefer to ask you.
When you and Dami are both are outside on a sunny day, his shadow is your shade. You would tease him about that and he just walks faster so that you would suffer with him.
Like his brothers, he trained you to self defend and gave you emergency devices that you can activate if ever in tough situation.
But he still worries about you, he checks up on you from time to time.
If anyone dares to bring harm to you, he’s going to pull a Batman move.
Like if you’re walking back to your car and someone decides to hurt you or make a wrong move then Damian will legit dive down, grab the person in silence, and pull them back up to the roof for a “friendly” interrogation or leave them to hang upside down while the police finds them.
You getting kidnapped is pretty rare.
Considering the fact that he scares the hell out of Gotham(more than his dad),he hides any tracks of you interacting with him as batman, and most of the time you’re in the Manor.
#batboys x you#batboys x y/n#batboys x reader#batfamily x reader#batfamily x y/n#batfam x you#dc x y/n#dc x you#dc x reader#nightwing x reader#nightwing x you#nightwing x y/n#dick grayson x reader#dick grayson x y/n#dick grayson x you#red hood x reader#red hood x you#red hood x y/n#jason todd x y/n#jason todd x reader#jason todd x you#red robin x you#red robin x reader#red robin x y/n#tim drake x reader#Tim Drake x Y/n#tim drake x you#damian wayne x reader#damian wayne x you#damian wayne x y/n
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nattie!!! can you do 21, 26, and 35 please <3
Anything for Gi💖💖💖 also love seein ur name pop up 🥰🥰 makes my heart happy
21. Plans for the Weekend
Well I'm actually heading on vacation with my family so just hanging with them and having the greatest time
26. What are you craving right now?
strawberry ice cream probably because I'm crochet a strawberry cow rn or also a quesadilla because CRONCH
35. Who/What was the last person you cried in front of?
wow okay thats a good one uhmm last thing I cried infront of was my old room when we moved because that was my childhood room and everything so seeing it completely blank and empty got to me
last person, probably my sister after that crappy day at work, I was just emotionally drained and needed to vent. She just kinda sat there and listened while i cried but then she gave me a caprisun so 🤷♀️
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Why Oliver March is My Current Top Suspect for the Leader (Even though I love him)
Buckle your seatbelts kids and get ready for my hot mess of a PH theory. I wasn’t sure where to put this and I just wanted to get my thoughts out. I’m in the last year of my media studies and production degree so I’m putting my 3 years of tears to use and have been brewing this theory since reading 85. Now let me clarify: I adore March, but the more we see, the more suspicious I become (especially with ep. 82 & 85), and while many think this may mean death or something tragic, I’ve been thinking of the possibility it’s something much bigger (Note: lots of speculation here so prepare for a lot of what if’s and I’m only using content up to ep. 85).
My thought process regarding the leader:
The leader is a rather dehumanized villainous entity. With them being anonymous and the reader not having a face to place with the actions, it’s easier for us to take the leader’s actions at face value. We are provided no means of sympathizing or empathizing with their actions and instead, our story follows characters who have been traumatized by said actions.
Therefore, to provide readers with the greatest impact, the leader would likely be a character who up until the discovery of them being the leader, the reader viewed them positively. A character already humanized. Already trusted. And this would be both in terms of how the reader views that character, as well as other characters in the story. It would leave the reader reeling, trying to figure out why such a character would be the leader.
And keep in mind: PH has used this approach with Harvey; the audience liked him for the short time he appeared before being caprisunned and we were shocked to discover his involvement in the PS. Additionally, we’ve had characters dehumanizing and humanizing with Kieran. He’s introduced as this deadly assassin who kills brutally, with the greatest death toll in the PS. But he becomes humanized through his interactions with Lauren, so much so that both the reader and Lauren forget his occupation and are provided a chilling reminder in ep. 43. However, even after those horrible events, as we learn more regarding his character in season 2, we begin to empathize with his actions and reactions (though we don’t condone them). It demonstrates a duality, a mix of light and dark, seemingly contradicting one another. Because people are complicated.
This is also why I can’t buy into the idea that Tristan or Stefan is the leader, in fact, I don’t think either one is even involved with the PS. For Tristan I think he comes off suspicious because A) he’s meant to be a red herring but B) LAUREN’S PARENTS WERE APOSTLES AND YOU CANNOT TELL ME HE DID NOT KNOW. THEY LEFT AT ODD HOURS OF THE NIGHT ALL THE TIME AND LIKELY GAVE LAUREN TO TRISTAN TO PROTECT HER FROM THAT LIFE. HE PROBABLY THINKS LAUREN IS PS. But anywho. As for Stefan, he’s already been villainized through his treatment of William. The audience doesn’t like him for this reason and is then inherently suspicious of him because they dislike him. So for me, it feels too obvious. (I have an additional theory that he was involved with the print shop shooting, assisting Lizbeth (from what’s alluded in 64 with Lauren’s parents and 68) as chief of police but that’s for another place another time.)
What we know about the leader:
- It’s a he
- Has to be part of the older generation (would have needed to be an adult about 15 years ago)
- Was a member of SD
- Knew Lauren’s parents
- According to Hecate, he is closer and more similar to Lauren than she thinks
So why March? (It’s not just the villain scar)
- His speech to Kym and Will in 60 had me SUS. It felt very contradicting (he acknowledges the flaws in the system while saying they must continue their jobs, which is valid, but his phrasing was still off to me) and generally in any mystery drama if I see a character go on a moral rant of sorts, my sus radar is dialed up to 11. Unfortunately, we don’t know how much of it was true and lies because Lauren wasn’t around but if he is the leader I’d find it so fascinating if everything he said is the truth. The idea that this terrorist does have sound morals would be SO INTERESTING and kind of fitting? The leader having a strong sense of justice or strong morals would make him more similar to Lauren as Hecate said. But more on Hecate later.
- As confirmed by 85, he knew Lauren’s parents. He even says they worked together on cases. Through their work together, did they start to realize the flaws in their system? Was there a case that was just too much? SD formed?
- The death of his daughter does kind of fit the SD timeline. (She died in xx11 the pamphlets are dated xx14 but SD was likely formed slightly before the release of the pamphlets but that's not yet really confirmed). We don’t know how her illness killed her (could be class-related. Like because of their class status perhaps they didn’t have access to the resources that could have saved his daughter? Who knows. He said they did all they could. March is likely middle class similar to Kym but we don’t know for sure. And even if he is middle class we don’t know if this was always the case, like if he was middle class at the time of his daughter’s death.)
- Additionally the death of his wife. The date is blocked and as others have theorized I find it very possible it could have been SD related. But this sentence is chilling: “She fell into the bloody hands of criminals that have been plaguing Ardhalis for too long.” March doesn’t specify these criminals as the PS. So could he mean the royals? (Literally everything he says to Lauren in ep. 85 could have a double meaning and it bugs me so much like he never specifies the criminals he’s referring to. And everything he says sounds like the monologue of a villain who sees themselves as a hero because they haven’t realized how far gone they are. But that’s just me. ) If she died in the print shop shooting could this have been the catalyst to drive March to become the leader and start the PS? Losing your daughter and wife is a lot to take and could drive anyone over the edge. Point is: if any of this speculation is true, it would give March motive for becoming the leader.
- Also March mentioned how Lauren reminds him of his daughter which could then explain why Lauren hasn’t been touched by the PS cause at this point the girl should have been caprisunned a while ago if she wasn’t being protected from the inside.
- To build on that as well, if March is the leader then he has kept an eye on Lauren since she joined the force aka since she would have become problematic for the PS (cause you can argue being the daughter of apostles may not automatically make her a threat since she was a child at the time. But being the daughter of apostles and joining the police force to take down the PS? Now that’s an issue). March says in ep. 60 that Lauren was one of his recruits meaning the leader could have had his eye on her the entirety of her time in the APD. Just something to consider.
- And going back to Hecate's words, he’s more similar to you than you think. March and Lauren share (seemingly) similar morals and additionally he is close to her just as Hecate claimed. Also if any of my speculation regarding the deaths of his wife and daughter are correct it would have put him in a similar position to Lauren, the difference being her enemy is PS and his being the royals (but also as we’re starting to see with Lauren learning more information, I think the royals are starting to become an enemy in her eyes the same way PS is. Again if any of this is correct it just furthers similarities between the two).
- This could then also be the betrayal alluded to in the cards; one of Lauren's mentors has been the leader this whole time. The betrayal is either past or future but March being the leader could count as both. He betrayed her in the past by ordering the death of her parents and may betray her again in the future as he continues to play the role of leader
- Plus this would also mean the leader has been present in the story FROM THE VERY BEGINNING MARCH WAS IN EP 2 HOW WILD WOULD IT BE IF WE’VE KNOWN THE LEADER THIS WHOLE TIME
- AND IMPORTANT NOTE: WHY IS MARCH NOT ONE OF THE PEOPLE LAUREN SUSPECTS DURING EP. 82 YET HE HAS HER BACK SIMILAR TO WILL AND KYM. "LAUREN OPEN YOUR EYES" BLINDEST OF THEM ALL TYPE STUFF. (Also with Lauren being the blindest of all, it led me to believe anyone Lauren is suspicious of, is not the one to betray her. I feel like it would have to be someone so unsuspicious, Lauren doesn’t even think of them. Which can be said of March; we literally have a whole scene in ep. 82 demonstrating how close they are and how a level of trust exists. Yet panels later, it doesn’t even cross her mind that he could betray her).
Now possible flaws in this theory (there are more I’m sure but here’s a few):
-Why voice support for lune and their actions: Lune’s actions have yet to affect the leader (at least to our knowledge) and have technically been helping the leader. The leader views Apostle 7 as an issue so obviously whoever the leader is, they won’t take issue with Lune taking down this problem for them. When first telling Lauren about McTrevor, Kieran said he was surprised he hadn’t been sent by the leader to kill him off yet. And when the 11th precinct received that first Lune letter about him, March was the one to voice that they should follow Lune’s orders. If he’s the leader, this could explain why he wanted to follow Lune’s orders and dispose of McTrevor without PS means. This is a possible explanation anyway.
- Why send moles into the 11th precinct if the leader himself is already there: I boil this down to a matter of seeming less suspicious. Like why possibly risk the exposure of your identity if your organization consists of hundreds of potential puppets who are easily disposable?
-Why place the PH in the 11th precinct if the leader is there: Okay this plays into another theory I have regarding Kieran. We know there are boatloads of parallels between Lauren and Kieran which left me thinking Kieran has had a similar Tim Sake type incident. What I mean by this is that Lauren’s whole deal with Tim Sake was heavily guided by her personal anger and resulted in distrust from her superior, Hermann. I think Kieran had a similar incident with killing that one person without orders, in which his actions were guided by his personal anger and resulted in distrust from his superior, the Leader. So we know from 83 Kierans been overseas for a while (Why? Was there a mission or did the leader need Kieran out of Ardhalis? Both?) and his comment in 64 (“I wonder how much longer his patience will last”), as well as the comments made by Bella and the messenger at various points regarding Kieran following and not following orders (ep 5 and 72-73?), further my thinking that the leader may be SUS of his best player. So what do you do with someone you’re suspicious of: you keep them right where you can see them.
- The one flaw I have yet to work out an explanation for is why order the death of lune? Regardless of who the leader is, this is a question I’ve mulled over since the end of season 1. J’en sais rien mes amis mais on verra.
Closing Thoughts:
Hopefully, this didn’t sound like the ramblings of a sleep-deprived senior (even though that’s exactly what this is haha) and hopefully, it gave you some stuff to consider. Up until this point, I never spent much time contemplating the leader, partly because I didn’t feel like we were far enough in the story to have enough evidence against one person. While much of this is speculation, I still think it’s the soundest case I have for any PH character we’ve met thus far being the leader.
#purple hyacinth#ph webtoon#lauren sinclair#oliver march#kieran white#webtoon#purple hyacinth webtoon#this is a lot#dont hate me i just cant accept nice things
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t w e n t y o n e | kdrama

summary: “why do yall act like you’re in a kdrama?”
pairing: y/n x jeno
warning(s): none
main masterlist | kdrama masterlist

Donghyuck woke up that Saturday morning really tired and lazy. He was supposed to go to y/n's house but decided to text her and tell her to come to his house instead.
y/n rolled her eyes at Donghyuck's text and her and her brother got into the car and drove to the address Donghyuck texted her.
"Wooah, look! This house looks like the one in the drama we watched yesterday!", Mark exclaimed as his eyes widened looking at the houses in Donghyuck's neighborhood as he drove, all excited like a five years old.
Mark stopped at Donghyuck's gates as y/n got out to push the intercom's button, she said her name and the gates slid open. y/n got back to the passenger seat and Mark drove into the property. Donghyuck's house was much different from Jeno's but still fancy with that big ass fountain that her brother had to drive around. Mark stopped the car in front of the house and someone came to open the door for them. Mark and you gave each other a look like 'a valet driver?'
One of the maids accompanied the two of them in the house and downstairs. the vibe was darker, there was no window since they were basically in the basement level. the maid stopped in front of a door, bowed, and left them. y/n knocked on the door before opening it slowly. Music could be heard as they opened the door and their eyes widened at what was in front of them. Donghyuck was calmly scrolling through his instagram feed and listening to music while sitting in...."You have a whole ass studio in your house?", y/n asked, rhetorically.
"Dude, that's so cool.", Mark said, eyes wandering to the equipment.
"Yeah, I arranged that myself a few months ago.", Donghyuck proudly said.
The three of them then started to discuss about the multiple songs that could suit Donghyuck's and y/n's voice, even doing some tryouts. Donghyuck's studio was really well equipped and Mark was filling like a fish in a luxurious aquarium.
"Jeno and Renjun ask if they can come by to hang out.", Donghyuck said after reading his texts.
"Sure, tell them to bring snack though or they're not coming in.", y/n said.
"You know that's my house right?", Donghyuck asked, chuckling.
"Yeah, I didn't say they couldn't come into your house, they just won't be able to come into this room. They can still hang out in front of the door though.", y/n answered playfully, "Oh by the way why didn't you sign up for the contest the previous years?"
"Mmmh, I guess I was never really confident in my voice.", Donghyuck simply answered, sipping on his Caprisun.
"You? Not being confident in something? That's new.", y/n said, chuckling at the unusual idea of an unconfident Donghyuck.
"I know right?", he replied with a chuckle.
"You can be confident in your voice, trust me. It's really special with the most unique tone I've ever heard.", Mark said, making his sister raise an eyebrow at him.
"Dang, you never complimented me like that.", y/n said with a hand on her heart in a fake hurt tone.
By the time Renjun and Jeno arrived y/n and Donghyuck were back in the recording booth, this time for one of Mark's demo. The two boys quietly sat on the studio's couch, enjoying the snacks they bought while listening to their friends' voice.
"You two actually have a chance to win. Who could've thought?", Renjun playfully said.
"Careful, Huang or you're going to catch those hands- oh, snacks!", y/n got distracted by the snacks on the little table in front of the couch which made everyone laugh, "Who bought this?", she asked, holding up her favorite snack. Jeno raised his hand and y/n pointed at him with a smile, "You're the best."
"Did you find the song you're going to sing for the contest yet?", Renjun asked, munching on his bag of chips.
"Actually, yes.", Donghyuck said with a smile.

a/n: this one is just a little filler/boring chapter, the next one is the interesting one 😏
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#nct dream#nct dream fluff#nct dream angst#nct dream crack#nct dream series#nct dream au#nct dream highschool au#nct au#nct highschool au#nct dream scenarios#nct dream imagines#mark lee#huang renjun#lee jeno#lee donghyuck#lee haechan#na jaemin#zhong chenle#park jisung#mark#renjun#jeno#donghyuck#haechan#jaemin#chenle#jisung#lee jeno scenarios#jeno scenarios#lee jeno imagines
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Whumptober Day 20
Lost → excerpt from ch4 of the RK-YK500s (After a sudden mysterious autoimmune illness befalls the RK series, they are temporarily housed in YK500 units while a cure is found.)
Whumptober Masterlist | 20/31 of RK900 short stories
↳ on Ao3
Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging × Kid Fic ×Post-Pacifist Best Ending × Hurt/Comfort × Father-Son Relationship × Gavin Reed Being an Asshole
Ronan sits in the front seat of Detective Reed’s car and looks out the window as they leave the apartment complex. It’s starting to lighten up outside, the sun finally starting to fill the city and banish the dark of night. It snowed all last night and everything is buried under a blanket of white. He thinks it’s very pretty.
“Come on.” Detective Reed jerks his head as he parks the car at Starbucks. Ronan unclasps his seatbelt and opens the door, shoes crunching in the snow as he hurries after him. A blast of warm air hits him as they enter the cafe, and he sticks close to Detective Reed’s side as the man joins the queue for the counter.
“Aww Reed who’s this little guy?” The barista grins down at him. “D’you want a hot chocolate? Hot milk?”
“No thank you, I’ve had my breakfast.” Ronan answers, and the barista laughs delightedly.
“I’m just stuck with him for a while.” Detective Reed rolls his eyes. “I’ll get the usual but make it a venti. Fuckin’ briefing at work this morning.”
“Hey, language!” They chide, and Ronan’s not sure why. He knows what expletives are and how they’re used for extra emphasis. They wait at the other end of the counter for Detective Reed’s coffee, and once acquired, they head back to the car.
“Ah shit!” He curses just as he’s about to unlock the vehicle. “Fuck! I left it on the- ah shit.” Turning to him, he points down the road. “Ok listen I have to go home and grab something. Precinct’s that way, you might as well head over while I go back.”
“You want me to walk to Central Station?” Ronan blinks, frowning as he sets the objective.
“It’s like ten minutes walk that way, c’mon, we’ve done this a million times now.” Detective Reed unlocks the car and gets into the driver’s seat. “Tell the Captain I’ll be right there. I won’t be long.” He shuts the door and backs out of the customer parking bay and Ronan is alone.
He knows where Detroit City Police Central Station is: 1301 3rd Avenue, Detroit. It is, on average, about a ten minute walk from his current location. It is not a difficult objective to complete only Ronan’s unsure why Detective Reed said they’d done it a million times now which can’t be possible because Ronan doesn’t remember ever coming here. Well. He can do this. Calculating the route isn’t so hard when he puts in the starting location as the Starbucks address and the destination as Central Station. Ten minutes walk and then he will have achieved his objection. It’s not so hard! Is it?
He feels his stress levels starting to rise and he doesn’t know why because there shouldn’t be anything to stress him out. More and more citizens are out and about; there’s a lot of people and some of them are looking at him as he walks down the street. Down this street and then turn left at the end. Easy. Only...it’s not? And he doesn’t know why it should be easy but isn’t. He clenches his hands and it feels wrong not to have Connor to hold onto, or even Hank. It feels lonely and scary and Detective Reed isn’t here and there’s no one he knows and there’s no one to hold onto and-! His face is wet and he can’t breathe properly and his stress levels are climbing higher and higher and he wants Connor! He wants Connor to hold his hand! Or Hank! Everything is too loud and big and scary and Ronan hates it, he hates it, he wants to be inside with The Void and his aeroplane pyjamas that are soft and warm and he doesn’t want to be out here alone!
“Hey are you okay?” A woman asks him gently and Ronan looks up at her and can’t see her face properly because his eyes are wet. “Oh sweetheart, where are your parents?”
“C-c-” he hiccups and tries again. “Central Station!”
“Central-” she pauses, then nods. “The police station! Did your parents teach you that for when you get lost? What a clever boy you are.” She’s dressed like a businesswoman with a long coat, and she removes her scarf to wrap it around his neck. “Come on, I’ll take you there.”
It doesn’t feel like ten minutes, it doesn’t feel easy, it feels so long and horrible and Ronan cries and rubs his eyes and tries not to be so loud because a nice lady is going out of her way to help him complete a stupidly simple objective. She coos at him sympathetically, squeezing his hand and rubbing it with her thumb and reassuring him that it’s alright, it’s just up ahead.
Hank scratches his beard and glances at his phone again. Reed’s late. At least he had the good grace to tell someone he’s running late, so Hank can’t really fault him for that. He glances over to where Connor is sitting in his usual chair, sipping on one of those android caprisuns. He let him choose what he wanted to wear today, and the boy chose a white turtleneck with a denim jacket lined in shearling. He even tied one set of shoelaces all by himself after Hank tied the other one. Hank manages to resist reaching over to muss his curls, but only just.
“Sorry, sorry! Forgot my fucking badge on the counter.” Reed announces as he hurries through the security gates, coffee in hand. “Figured I’d need it if we’re questioning people.”
“Alright, come on.” Jeffrey waves them over. “About time.”
“Where’s Ronan?” Hank looks behind him, expecting to see the boy toddle in like a duckling.
“Oh, he’s not here yet?” Reed looks at his desk. “Huh.”
“...Why would he be here?” Hank asks slowly, and a nauseous wave roils in his stomach as Reed shrugs.
“Because I sent him here?” Reed answers matter of factly. “Precinct’s what, a ten minute walk from Starbucks? I thought it’d be better if he headed here while I doubled back.”
There’s an uncomfortable beat of silence and Hank’s own face of horror is mirrored by everyone else in the bullpen.
“You left a fucking child-”
“Reed why the fuck-”
“Gavin he’s six-”
Everyone erupts all at once and Hank reaches him first, and Reed’s lucky he put his coffee down a second before Hank grabs him by the lapels and gives him a violent shake.
“I’m going to fucking skin you alive Gavin Reed, you absolutely fucking fuckwit!” He bellows, and the murder must be in his eyes because Reed looks like he’s about to turn tail and bolt.
“Why are you making a big deal over this he’s a fucking android!”
“He’s a six year old android!” Hank yells, shaking him again. “You left him on the street! All by himself! Would you leave a child out on their own in public?!”
“But he’s an android why couldn’t he have made it back on his own?!”
“Because he’s a six year old android!” Hank slams him against one of the boards, pure rage in his veins. “You better get the fuck out of this office and find that boy or so help me god Gavin Reed I will end you!”
“Lieutenant, if I may.” It’s Beth, one of the android receptionists. She waves him over. “A kind citizen just dropped Ronan off. He’s with Stephanie right now.”
He drops Gavin and rushes to reception, and there’s Stephanie crouched under her desk comforting a crying Ronan and Hank’s anger vanishes in an instant. He shrugs off his jacket and drops to one knee to wrap it around Ronan, gathering the boy into his arms.
“I didn’t complete my objective! I couldn’t do it!” The boy cries into his shoulder, little body wracked with sobs. “I’m meant to do it by myself!”
“It’s okay kiddo, no one’s mad, no one’s mad I promise.” Hank hushes him, rubbing his back as he squeezes him close. “It’s okay, you’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
“I didn’t complete my mission!” Ronan hiccups, clinging to Hank like a lifeline and Hank makes a mental note to skin Gavin with a butterknife later. “Detective Reed told me-”
“Detective Reed is a-” deep breath, sharp inhale. “-unused to caring for YK500s. He gave you a mission meant for older androids, not little children.”
“But it was easy, he said-”
“It doesn’t matter what he said.” Hank spits, and the boy stiffens in his hold. He sighs heavily and presses a kiss into his hair before he can stop himself. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is you’re here, and you’re safe.”
“I’m sorry.” Ronan mumbles, and Hank pulls away just far enough he can look him in the eyes.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, Ronan, do you understand?” He wipes the boy’s tears away with his thumb. “You’ve done nothing wrong, absolutely nothing.”
Swallowing thickly, the boy sniffles back the last of his tears and manages a nod. He rubs his eyes before leaning forward and wrapping his arms around Hank’s neck again.
“There there, I’ve got you kiddo.” He soothes, standing up and simply carrying him into the bullpen. He avoids looking at Reed because he knows the moment he lays eyes on him he’ll fly into a fit of rage and murder may be committed. “I have to go and talk to Captain Fowler and do some work, but Connor will be right here with you.”
He glances over and Tina quickly wheels Ronan’s chair over to Connor’s desk, and Hank gently lowers the boy to sit. Reluctantly untangling his hold on him, Hank smoothes the boy’s hair back and thumbs away the last of his errant tears.
“Connor, you’ll look after your brother won’t you?”
“Yes Hank!” Connor nods eagerly, already reaching across to hold his hand. Ronan’s lower lip trembles for a moment, before he steels himself and squeezes Connor’s hand. “Ronan, you must replenish your fluids! Here, have one of mine.” With his other hand, Connor plucks out another pouch from his backpack propped on his desk. “I’m going to let go so I can put the straw in, okay?”
“Okay.” Ronan sniffles as he nods, and Connor pokes the straw into the pouch before offering it to his brother.
“Here you go.” Ronan takes it with one hand and seeks Connor’s hand with his other, big grey eyes still glassy with barely restrained tears. Leaning over, Hank gives them both a kiss to the crown of their heads, nosey colleagues be damned before following Tina into Fowler’s office.
#rk900#gavin reed#hank anderson#connor rk800#Detroit: Become Human#kidfic#whumptober#annie writes: dbh
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Moving houses wasn’t considered a tragedy; tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions were all tragedies. They were all extremely serious and devastating to be considered one. And yet there you were, staring at your new house with a large box in your hands, practically reeking of misery. Logically, you knew why your parents up and moved your small family from the busy, largely populated city to the quiet suburbs with its tight-knit community–rent was disgustingly high in the city but a mortgage in the suburbs, while not dirt cheap, was certainly worth the money when they did the figures. But still. Your whole life was in the city. It wasn’t like you had many friends or anything, however the few that you did fortunately lived within walking distance.
At least decorating your room would be fun. Your brother wasn’t as artistically talented as his close friend, Ten, but he had better artistic skills and vision than you did. You knew that he wouldn’t disagree when you’d ask him to help. At least you hoped so, anyway, because Taeyong had the tendency to be too absorbed in whatever game he had just recently purchased. His newfound love seemed to be Animal Crossing at the moment as he talked about it non-stop. In the off chance he’d decline, you would probably just resort to searching up a Bob Ross painting tutorial on YouTube. Although you hoped you wouldn’t have to. You wanted to spend some quality time with your brother before he inevitably disappeared in his room to play his games or produce some mixtapes in his makeshift at-home music studio.
“Isn’t it fantastic?” Your mom breathed out enthusiastically as she came up from behind you, a small box in her hands. Not wanting to see her face wrinkle with a frown, you decided to agree.
“Yeah, it looks great.”
If she heard the melancholy in your voice, she chose to ignore it.
It had been a few months since you moved in and you tried adapting to your new life in the suburbs. Not changed that much really–you still just stayed inside your room alternating between reading books and watching movies on Netflix. What did change was that you could no longer just walk up to your friend’s house when you were bored. Facetime was fantastic and everything but could only do so much. You loved your friends. Really, you did, but the commute to the city was almost two hours by bus. What made it even worse was that the bus was infrequent, showing up either a few minutes early or vice verse. In rare occasions the bus wouldn’t make an appearance at all. Your older sister sure was lucky that she had a stable job and could afford to maintain her life in the city.
Deciding that you needed a change of scenery, you abandoned your seat by the window and made your way to the kitchen where you found your mom chopping up some vegetables. When she declined your offer to help her, you beelined towards the fridge to grab a glass of water before sitting down to watch her as she hummed, skillfully cutting the carrots into thin strips.
“Honey,” she said as she dropped the knife on the chopping board, looking up to face you. “Do you ever get bored in the house?”
You shrugged noncommittally. “Sometimes.”
“Well, what if I gave you a task?” You scrunched your nose. The last time your mom had given you something to do because you were ‘lazing around’ it ended up with you almost breaking your arm, and probably your leg, because the ladder wobbled. Fortunately Taeyong was with you at the time and was able to help break your fall. “Please? Our neighbor, Mrs.Na keeps asking me about ‘the child that keeps looking out the window wistfully’ and I think that you could use a bit of fresh air.”
“So you want me to,” you said slowly while practically disappeared into the chair, “make friendly with the neighbors?” She tittered at your reaction. But could she blame you? You weren’t a social butterfly or anything. In fact it was even amazing that you had friends in the first place considering how introverted you were.
“No. Not if you don’t want to. I was thinking more like you could fix up our front garden.”
The garden wasn’t horrendous looking. At least you didn’t think so. Sure, there were some weeds that littered the majority of the grass and there weren’t any flowers, but not everybody could have beautiful front gardens like Mrs.Na! Her sons was super conscious about how their garden looked. It was a regular occurrence to see one of them, usually the one with the bubblegum pink hair, water their plants at least three times a day while you were reading by your window, with a large smile on his face. Although you weren’t sure that plants needed to be watered that often, their garden was super lush and vibrant. Maybe they just had a magic green fingers and that was why none of their plants died of over-watering and always looked spectacular.
You eyed your mother suspiciously. “And it isn’t because you want to have the best front garden in the neighborhood.” Your mom was as competitive as they got; any time a festive season was due she had to outdo the rest on the street with the decorations that she hung up, she never let you or any of your siblings win at Mario Kart and you remember when you were younger, you had to have the prettiest lunchbox in the class. There were more instances you could think of but those remained vivd in your memory.
The smile that she let out was a guilty one. “Well, maybe just a little.”
You snorted, knowing that the opposite was true. “I’ll do it but only if we buy Disney Plus.” You had been bugging your parents to buy the subscription for a while, needing to fulfill your love for Disney movies, but they didn’t budge no matter how hard you pleaded. If you received allowance you would have subscribed the day it became available but you didn’t and Taeyong, sadly, had to decline because of his recent gaming purchases. You waited patiently as she mulled it over.
“Alright kiddo. You got yourself a deal,” you whooped loudly, “but the garden needs to look fabulous.”
You mock saluted her as you hopped off of the seat. You had garden plans to make.
It was disrespectfully hot when you decided to put your plan into motion. The sweat trickled down your back as you tried to remove your first weed. You had been at it for a few minutes but it didn’t shift, not even a little bit, and you were getting more and more impatient as the seconds flew by.
“Can’t you help me?” You whined, gloved hands still gripping tightly onto the annoying little plant, as you turned to look at your brother who was sitting on the steps.
Without raising his eyes from his phone he said, “nope. It’s your job. I’m just here to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.”
You mimicked him silently as you returned your gaze to the weed, hoping that your glare would somehow disintegrate it. The annoying thing was that you had everything you needed except, apparently, a small digging spade. Grumbling to yourself, you exerted what you hoped was enough energy as you pulled harder. Nothing. It didn’t even budge. You folded your arms as you scowled, watching as it danced with the breeze. It definitely seemed to mock your failure with each movement that it made. Wiping your forehead you stood up and marched back inside your house, making sure to lightly kick your brother on the way in, and determinedly searched for something that could help you dig out the little monster.
Deciding that one spoon disappearing mysteriously wouldn’t be noticed by your parents, you grabbed one and stomped back outside. Taeyong slapped your leg as you passed by which made you stick your tongue out at him–not that he noticed, too engrossed in his game. As you began harshly shoveling at the soil surrounding the weed, you reasoned that your mom couldn’t be annoyed at you if she were to find out about the spoon. She was the one that wanted the prettiest garden after all.
It felt like more than an eternity had passed before you successfully managed to rid the garden of its weeds. The sun was setting and while your parents told you to head back inside, something about removing all of the weeds made you more motivated to execute the plan that you had for your garden. As you bagged up the remaining stems, you heard footsteps approach you from behind.
Taeyong squatted beside you, holding out a Caprisun. “You did a great job.” He smiled, ruffling your hair affectionately when you took the juice pouch from him. “Let’s go back inside. You can continue tomorrow.”
“Looking good.” A voice that definitely did not belong to your older brother commented. Whoever the person was had to be lying to you, seeing as your flowers were only cute little sprouts. Standing up and turning from your position near the steps that lead towards the door, you found yourself staring at Mrs.Na’s sons. They stood side by side on the pavement, just a few inches from the grass, surveying your garden.
“Thanks.” You mumbled, growing self conscious at your work the longer they looked at your unblossomed flowers. It had taken a few weeks but the garden was finally starting to take shape; you mowed it to perfection, planted the seeds strategically and planned to convince your parents to add a wooden bench just beside the steps so that you could read while bathing in sunlight. Maybe you could even purchase a bench from IKEA, assemble it with Taeyong and somehow convince him to paint it so that it can have some personality.
The pink haired teen, you weren’t sure but you suspected that they were around your age or maybe even a bit older, smiled brightly. It was the smile you saw when he watered his flowers. You returned his smile, albeit awkwardly, and hoped that that would be the end of the conversation. Your hope was brutally crushed when he strode towards you, stopping just a few meters away from you before thrusting his hand out.
“I’m Jaemin, your neighbor across the street. Nice to meet you!” The smile still sat on his face and you briefly wondered if his facial muscles ever grew tired. “That’s my best friend Jeno.” He continued when you shook hands.
You nodded at his not-brother, geez you were so embarrassed that you assumed that they were related, who remained at their original spot. You held your smile as you met his eyes which earned you one of his own–he had a pretty smile. It was a smile that took over his entire face, his eyes adorably disappearing into little crescents. Jeno apparently deemed the small interaction between the two of you as an okay to head over to stand beside his best friend. You felt a little dazed the longer you looked at his cute smile so you averted your gaze back to Jaemin.
“Your garden is prettier.” You complimented, hands wringing the t-shirt you sneakily took from Taeyong–it was an old one, anyway, so hopefully he wouldn’t notice that it was missing from his closet.
Jaemin visibly preened, his smile somehow growing even wider. “Thanks! Hey, we were on our way to grab some milkshakes or something,” he side-eyed Jeno who nodded slightly. “Want to come with us?”
You blanched at his suggestion. What on earth possessed this guy and his best friend to compliment your garden and invite you to their hang out? Was this a common thing to do in the area? Although you doubted it seeing as they only approached you now and your family had moved in months ago. Unless, maybe, they were waiting until the perfect time to corner you? Whatever the reason, you had to reply because they couldn’t smile and wait patiently forever.
“They’d love to!” You turned immediately and stared at your mom incredulously. “What?” She asked as she smiled serenely. “They look like nice young men. Now go and get changed while I get them something to drink.”
The days that followed the impromptu hang out were fun. It was routine at that point to care and maintain your garden during the morning and then seeking out Jaemin and Jeno for company when it was the afternoon. While you and Jaemin bonded over horticulture, the teen freely offering advice on how to care for your plants and asked for your opinions on pots, you and Jeno preferred to spend your time with each other by talking about various books or him playing his guitar as you tended to your garden. Jaemin regularly teased the two of you for being ‘boring nerds’ but neither of you cared because you both knew that he was aware that his extroverted-like nature could be overwhelming at times for the two of you.
It was the afternoon and, like clockwork, you collected Jaemin from his house so that you could both walk to Jeno’s house down the street. Jaemin chatted animatedly, comfortably filling up the silence like he always did, not stopping even as the two of you approached Jeno’s house where your friend was waiting patiently at the steps on the porch of his house.
“So what are we doing?” The black haired teen asked as he jumped up and made his way towards you. He and Jaemin did their handshake when he was close enough.
When they were finished he smiled radiantly at you, raising his hand. The gentle high-fives he gave you every time he saw you was something that you always looked forward to. There was nothing special about it or anything, you just liked the feeling of his hand against yours–which you knew was absolutely pathetic. Sometimes, though, when you were feeling particularly courageous, you folded your fingers so that your hands would interlock. It was something you did quickly, fold and then immediately let go because you knew he wouldn’t return it anyway, so there was no point in making things weird.
Your brain almost short-circuited when this time it was Jeno who folded his fingers, smile turning shy, but you managed to fold yours as well. You supposed that the two of you looked stupid; two teenagers staring at each other with their hands interlocked in mid-air however you couldn’t find it in you to care. Not when your heart was beating as fast as it was, your hands becoming clammy.
“Oh get a room!” Jaemin exclaimed as he pretended to gag. The two of you jumped apart, avoiding eye contact as your pink haired friend snickered. While Jeno started a play fight with him, you took the time to calm yourself down. When they finished, they looked at you.
“What?” Hopefully there wasn’t a flush evident on your cheeks or something because you would be mortified.
“It’s your turn to choose something for us to do today.” Jeno replied, peeking at you through his lashes.
You tilted your head slightly as you thought. The three of you had already gone to the cinema and ice-cream parlor that week because that was what Jaemin had chosen to do two days ago and yesterday, when it was Jeno’s choice, the three of you went to the small museum before he requested that the two of you model for him so that he could work on his photography skills. There wasn’t much else to do so you were stumped.
“How about we build something from IKEA?” Your parents caved in and bought the bench however Taeyong declined your invitation to assemble it because of work. At his refusal you immediately began to sulk but quickly cheered up when he promised that he would paint it when he had the chance.
“Do you mean the bench that your parents bought the other day?”
Pleased that Jeno remembered the tidbit of random information, you beamed. “Yep! So, what do you guys say?” They chirped their agreement and with that, the three of you spun around and walked back to your house.
“Are we nearly finished?” Jaemin asked from where he was laying down on the grass, resting his face on the palm of his hands.
Jeno clicked his tongue at response. “You mean are me and y/n nearly finished.” He corrected as he continue to twist the screwdriver. Jaemin pouted which made you huff out a laugh. He was the one who eagerly volunteered to read out the instructions as the two of you assembled it, imitating a loud buzzer when either of you did something wrong.
“Don’t worry, we’re almost finished.” You assured him then you turned to face Jeno. “Can I have that screwdriver when you’re done?” He nodded in reply. As you waited, you allowed your eyes roam his figure; from how his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and then all the way down to his bicep and hands. Your eyes averted immediately to the large tree behind him when he moved suddenly. “Thanks.” You said as he held out the tool towards you. The two of you held eye contact for longer than necessary, your hand over his as you swiped the screwdriver from him.
“Your welcome.” Jeno responded quietly, his eyes searching your own.
From your right, you heard Jaemin flop onto his back and release a loud, groan that spoke of long-suffering.
Unable to fall asleep, you scrolled through your phone aimlessly. It was four in the morning and the entire house was asleep. As you were about to click a random YouTube video that was in your recommendations, you received a text from Jeno. You smiled goofily at your screen as you tapped your reply to his question. Just as you were about to start the video, there was a light tap on your window. You waited, hoping it was just in your imagination or a bird that crashed into your window by mistake. Another tap convinced you to slowly get off of your bed and check the winow.
Jeno stood on your lawn in a puffer jacket and sweats, camera strap hanging on his neck. “Come with me.” He said, keeping his voice low.
“Where?” You inquired, already ready to grab your hoodie and your shoes.
“It’s a surprise.”
The surprise ended up being a forty-five minute away. The location he lead you to was on top of a steep hill, where a large cherry tree stood. The hill overlooked the neighborhood and, if you squinted hard enough, you could just about make the outline of your house. The view was very pretty. You made a mental note to read in the shade of the tree some time during the week or maybe even host a picnic there.
“Why’d you take me here?” You questioned, turning to look at Jeno.
“I thought that we could watch the sun rise,” he kicked at the air lightly, fiddling with his camera. “And that maybe I could take some pictures of you?”
“Okay,” you agreed easily, loving how he beamed at you in return. You sat on the grass, patting the spot next to you, and hugged your arms against your chest. Resting your temple on your knees, you caught Jeno looking at you. “What?” He shook his head. “So how’d you find this place?” You asked. You were mesmerized by the way he spoke, calm and gentle as always. Sleep was threatening to possess you but you fought against it, not wanting to miss anything.
When the sun made its slow appearance, Jeno hopped up and held his hands out to you, pulling you up when you grabbed onto them. Him taking pictures was nothing new but you felt a little bit antsy because it would be his first time taking pictures of you without Jaemin. As you contorted your body to create a variety of silly poses, you tried not to think about how intimate the whole situation felt. It was probably all in your head anyway.
“Wait, just two more.” With that, he let his camera go and retrieved his phone from his pocket. He took a photo of you and then he walked up to you, put his arms around your shoulders and snapped a quick picture.
The walk back involved plenty of saccharine smiles, bashful gazes and Jeno handing you his puffer jacket to keep you warm. You didn’t feel brave enough to take his hand on your own or kiss him sweetly like they did in the movies when you were saying goodbyes. But as you stared at your ceiling, smile so wide it hurt your cheeks, you wished that you did.
“What are you guys doing?”
The two teens stopped bickering, Jeno placing something behind his back. You quirked a brow but took a seat in the booth opposite them, anyway. Jaemin wanted to watch a movie again and so to pass the time, the three of you decided to grab a milkshake in the diner before the screening.
“Oh no,” Jaemin gasped dramatically as he patted at the pockets of his denim jacket. “I forgot my wallet at home,” you shrugged, offering to pay for him immediately. “No, it’s alright. I’ll just go and grab it. Ow! Jeno, what the hell!” You glanced at the aforementioned teen, who smiled innocently before wincing. “Well,” Jaemin sighed as he stood up, “I’ll just head out.” Jeno covered his eyes with his hand, avoiding the look that his best friend gave him. As soon as he disappeared, Jeno’s phone buzzed numerous times which made him mutter something you didn’t catch.
“Okay,” you said, dragging out the word. “What was that all about?”
“Who knows?” You remained somewhat suspicious. There was something going on, you were sure of it. “I, um, ordered your regular for you if that’s alright?”
You nodded an affirmative and allowed a beat of silence before you spoke again. “He’s not coming back, is he?”
Jeno sputtered. “I– Well, you see–” You giggled at him, causing him to whine out your name as he hid his face in his hands. “There’s something I need to give you.” Then, without further hesitation, he produced a mason jar from behind his back. “It’s a terrarium that I made for you yesterday.”
You took it from his hands and held it with caution as you inspected it. It was very pretty. The plants that he chose were extremely vibrant, the stones different colors and he even placed a cute little cat figurine that was made to appear like it was sleeping.
Removing your gaze from the mason jar, you met his eyes. “Is this why you couldn’t hang out with us yesterday?” You asked softly. When he nodded, you returned your gaze to the mason jar so that you could continue to stare at the terrarium in wonder. “Oh my God,” you breathed out, gently placing the container onto the table. “This is totally a date, isn’t it? That’s why Jaemin abandoned us the minute I got here.”
Jeno fidgeted with his fingers as he met your eyes, clearing his throat before he spoke. “I wanted to ask you before, you know the day we watched the sun rise together?”
“Jeno that was two weeks ago.”
He winced. “Yeah, I know. I chickened out last minute.”
“Oh my God,” you repeated, eyes widening. “If you had told me this was a date I would have dressed nicer. Jeno, how could you do this to me?”
“So you don’t mind that this is a date?”
“Jeno, sweetie, I’ve had a massive crush on you for ages now. I’m surprised you didn’t notice or I didn’t accidentally tell you.”
A goofy smile lit up his face. “Oh.” He looked extremely pleased, like a dream of his came true. You supposed it probably did. “You look great, anyway, so it doesn’t matter. You always look great.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t stop the smile that emerged. “So does this mean we can hold hands on the table as we share the same milkshake and stare adoringly into each others eyes?”
Jeno threw his head back to laugh and you were quick to follow. “If that’s what you want.”
Later that evening after your date was over and the two of you were sitting on the bench, the one that Taeyong successfully gave some personality, you kissed him softly like you wanted to weeks ago. And as you watched him walk away, him repeatedly looking back at you, you startled when you saw Jaemin waving his arms erratically on his porch. When you acknowledged him with a wave of your own, he gave you a huge thumbs up.
“Finally!” He hollered before breaking out into a silly dance.
“Thank you!” You yelled back.
Finally indeed.
#yall i bought a ticket to wayv’s online concert !!!!#I AM SO EXCITED LIKE OMG#I CANT BELIEVE ITS THIS SUNDAY SMDMFKD#i also downloaded the lysn app so that i could apply to be in the video call thingy#well its not a video call but i forgot the word for it because my brain has stopped working#buT Y E A H#i wanted to watch all of it but like ???#i dont have €32 just laying around you know#so i had to pick and choose and it ended up being wayv 😔✌🏻#oh yeah this was supposed to be a pocket sized!jeno fic#but that isnt what happened?????#idk what this is tbh 🥴#but i do hope yall like it !!#also lmk if any of u guys are gonna watch wayv this sunday so we can cry tgt#okay im gonna shut up now dkdkdk bye 🤪#anyway here come the tags:#nct scenarios#nct#nct au#nct writings#nct dream#nct imagines#nct x you#nct x reader#lee jeno#nct jeno#nct dream jeno#jeno scenarios#jeno imagines
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Indigo Rivers of Blood
(CH2) School)
Indigo woke up to the sound of their alarm. It blared loudly. Indigo turned off the alarm and sat up, rubbing their eyes. They checked their phone to see the time. It was 6:30am. Indigo sighed.
They got up out of bed and walked to the bathroom. They brushed their teeth and then walked to the kitchen.
Indigo looked in the fridge and ate some yogurt. They grabbed a muffin from the pantry and wolfed it down. Indigo grabbed their lunchbox and packed a peanut butter sandwich, a caprisun, and some raspberries. Indigo grabbed their backpack, shoved in the lunchbox amongst other things for school.
Indigo then changed their clothes. They decided to wear black basketball shorts and a green shirt with a smiley face. Indigo grabbed their phone and put it in their pocket. They put on their shoes. By the time Indigo was ready to go to school, it was 7:00am. Indigo's mother had texted Indigo the directions to the school. Indigo's mother was already at work.
Indigo grabbed their backpack, swung it on their back, and walked out the door. They looked at the text messages, and realized the school was very close. Indigo ran to the school, not wanting to be late, and when they got to the school, Indigo stared at the school. It was gigantic. A wave of nervousness went through Indigo. Indigo shook off the feeling, and walked through the doors of the school. Indigo saw groups of other highschoolers. As soon as Indigo walked past them, the groups of highschoolers stopped and stared at Indigo. Some kids pointed, some kids whispered. Not only were the highschoolers talking about Indigo being the new student, but also, the flowers growing out of Indigo's body. Indigo walked to the front office to get their schedule and locker code.
The office door was open. The secretary was there. She was a toad. She was also old. Indigo walked in the office nervously.
"Hi! I-um- need my schedule." Indigo said.
"Oh, you must be the new student, right? You're Indigo?" The secretary asked. The secretary stared at the flowers growing on Indigo's face.
"Yup." Indigo said simply.
"Okay, here's your schedule," The secretary said, handing a piece of paper with Indigo's schedule and locker code to Indigo. "And your locker code."
"Thanks." Indigo said politely.
The secretary nodded, and Indigo walked away. It only took a minute for Indigo to locate their locker. Of course, as Indigo squeezed through the crowded hall many highschoolers stared at them. When Indigo got to their locker, they put in the code, and opened the locker. The shoved their backpack in, and grabbed their books and stuff. They closed the locker, and stared at their schedule. Their homeroom class was close by.
Indigo sprinted to the classroom, clutching their books and schedule. When Indigo got in the classroom, they checked their phone. It was 7:30am. Indigo was just in time, with five minutes to spare. The homeroom teacher greeted Indigo. The teacher was a dog.
"Hello. You're Indigo, right?" The teacher asked.
"Yup." Indigo said.
"Your desk is over there." The teacher said.
Indigo walked to their desk. It was in the middle of the classroom. Indigo set down their books on the desk. They started putting the books in the desk. As Indigo was doing this, the classroom began to fill up with other highschoolers. Some whispered to each other, some stared, and some completely ignored Indigo.
Once everyone was in their seats, the teacher said, "Hello, students! We have a new student. Indigo, please come up to the front of the class."
Indigo nervously walked up to the front of the class.
"Now Indigo, please tell the class a little bit about yourself." The teacher said.
"Uh- hi-" Indigo cleared their throat. "I'm Indigo, I just moved here yesterday, I use they/them pronouns. I really like rootbeer and pizza."
"Why do you have flowers on your face?" A student asked.
This caused a ripple of students whispering to each other.
"I was born like this." Indigo said. They flicked their tail, the scales on their tail making a loud thud against the floor.
Everyone in the classroom flinched. Everyone other than Indigo and the teacher. Someone in the back of the classroom shrieked.
"Settle down! Settle down!" The teacher exclaimed sternly to the students. The teacher turned to Indigo and said, "You may return to your desk."
Indigo walked back to their desk and sat down. They listened to what the teacher said and stuff.
After about half an hour, homeroom class was done, and the class exited the classroom. Indigo grabbed their books and noticed a shiba inu staring at them. The shiba inu had dazzling green eyes. The shibe was also wearing a green and white striped crop-top and jean shorts that had the bisexual flag and the non-binary flag patters stitched on. Indigo nodded a greeting to the shiba inu, and walked out of the class. Indigo walked to their locker, putting away the books they didn't need for the next class, and grabbing the books they did need. Indigo's next class was English class. Indigo checked the time. It was 8:05am. Indigo closed their locker, and began to walk to the English class classroom. It was all the way at the end of the hallway. Indigo huffed a sigh and sprinted. As they were halfway to the English class, Indigo saw a white wolf cornering the shiba inu from earlier. Indigo swiveled their ears to hear what the wolf was saying to the shiba inu.
"....Come on, you know you want me..." The wolf was saying to the shiba inu.
"....Can you just leave me alone, PLEASE....!" The shiba inu growled at the wolf.
"Shut up, slut. You know you want me." The wolf said to the shiba inu, in a demanding tone.
"...leave me the fuck alone.." The shiba inu said to the wolf.
The wolf raised his hand and slapped the shiba inu in the face. The shiba inu looked shocked. Indigo ran over when they saw that happen.
"The fuck is going on over here?!" Indigo growled at the wolf.
"None of your business, flower-face." The wolf growled.
"He was hitting on me, and then he slapped me!" The shiba inu said.
"Shut up, slut!" The wolf said. He reached over to slap the shiba inu again, but Indigo grabbed the wolf's arm before he could touch the shiba inu.
"Don't touch the shiba inu." Indigo growled. "Or else."
"Or else what? Hmm? What could a weakling like you d-" The wolf belittled Indigo.
Vines from Indigo's face began to wrap around the wolf's arm. The wolf had a brief look of terror on his face before it was replaced by a smirk. The wolf began to struggle of Indigo's grasp. Then the vines wrapped tighter. The wolf's smug look then dropped to terror again.
"LET GO OF ME!" The wolf shrieked like a little kid.
"I thought you were the big bad wolf! Why are you so scared?" Indigo teased the wolf.
The wolf attempted to punch Indigo with his free arm, but Indigo just wrapped vines around that arm, too.
"If you promise not to bother the shiba inu anymore, I'll let you go without a gaping wound." Indigo said, with the last part in a weird voice.
"Okay, fine! I wont bother the slut anymore!" The wolf said, terrified.
"If I catch you harassing the shibe, you wont have a tail." Indigo threatened.
The wolf nodded fearfully, and Indigo let him go. Once the wolf ran away with his tail between his legs, Indigo and the shiba inu realized that there was a small crowd gathered around them. Indigo stared at the group, their intense purple eyes sparked fear in some of the students in the crowd. The crowd dispersed, and Indigo turned to the shiba inu.
"Are you okay?" Indigo asked the shiba inu.
"That was badass." The shibe said. "Also, yeah I'm okay."
"Thank goodness that you're okay." Indigo said. "Anyway, what's yer name?"
"I'm River." The shiba inu said. River checked their watch. "Oh shit! I gotta head to class!"
"What time is it?" Indigo asked.
"8:30!" River said.
Indigo frantically picked up their books and stuff.
"Do you have English class?" Indigo asked.
"Yup." River said hurriedly, picking up their books.
"I also have English class." Indigo said. "Here, I'll carry some of your books for you."
"Thanks!" River said while Indigo picked up the books off the floor.
Indigo and River sprinted to the English class. Luckily, they were on time, as the bell just rung as soon as they entered the classroom. Indigo gave River's books back to River, and River walked to a seat at the back of the classroom.
The teacher, who was a fox, nodded a greeting to Indigo, and pointed to Indigo's desk, which happened to be at the back of the room next to River's desk. Indigo walked over, and set their books down on their desk. Indigo shoved their books in their desk. The class went smoothly.
After English class came Math. After that, It was lunch time. Indigo put their stuff away in their locker, and grabbed their lunchbox. They sat down at a table with River and some other students. They talked, and Indigo made friends with a few of the other students. Indigo got River's phone number also. Indigo made a group chat with River and some of the other students.
After lunch was Science. That class went smoothly. When that class was over and it was the end of the school day, Indigo got all their stuff and walked out of the school.
As Indigo walked out of the school and began to walk home, they realized someone was following them. Indigo turned around, tail lifted defensively. It was the wolf from earlier.
"What is it that you want?" Indigo asked, mildly irritated.
"You need to be taught a lesson for what you did earlier." The wolf said.
"I defended River. I don't think that warrants a 'lesson'." Indigo said.
The wolf growled. He flicked his tail, and two other wolves walked out of some bushes. Both had the same pure white fur that the first wolf had.
"Wow. You're so weak that you have to have not one, but two other wolves protecting you." Indigo laughed. "Not only are you weak, but you're lazy! Grow a pair of balls, dude, and fight me like a real wolf."
The first wolf growled. The other two also growled.
"Bone, Cloud, go teach the fox a lesson!" The first wolf growled.
"Got it, Kyle!" One of the white wolves, Bone, said.
Cloud, the other wolf, nodded.
Indigo burst out laughing.
"Ey, what's so funny?" Bone growled.
"K-Kyle?! What the fuck kinda name is that?!"Indigo stuttered from laughing. "And don't get me started on 'Cloud'! And seriously, Bone? Your parents couldn't come up with something creative?"
Indigo's laughter filled the wolves with even more anger. Bone ran at Indigo and tackled Indigo to the sidewalk.
"Ack-" Indigo yelped.
Indigo hissed and bit down on Bone's shoulder, drawing blood. Bone yelped. Indigo scrambled out from under Bone. Bone jumped up and attempted to punch Indigo. Indigo dodged. Cloud then came after Indigo, but Indigo pushed him down and punched him in his face. Indigo saw Cloud's phone on the ground, and stomped on it, breaking it. Bone pushed Indigo, and Indigo stumbled and fell on the ground. They were back up in seconds. Indigo whacked Bone in the crotch with their tail. Bone stumbled away, with tears in his eyes and an extremely pained expression. Cloud bit Indigo's arm, drawing blood. He looked confused when he realized Indigo's blood was blue. While Cloud was momentarily distracted, Indigo took that opportunity to kick Cloud really hard in the gut. Cloud groaned in pain, clutching his belly. Indigo whacked Cloud with their tail and Cloud fell to the sidewalk, his head hitting against the concrete. Cloud whimpered, got up, and ran away. Indigo stared at Kyle. They growled and walked closer to Kyle. Kyle whimpered and began to back away.
"Don't bother me again." Indigo snarled. There was some of their blue blood dripping all over the sidewalk. But, the sidewalk was mainly covered in the white wolves' red blood.
Kyle sprinted away, leaving his scent of fear behind. Indigo then began to walk home. They were exhausted, and covered in blood.
When Indigo finally got home, they put their backpack and phone down on the floor of their room. They walked to the bathroom, and took a shower. Indigo watched the blood go down the drain. After they took a shower and dried off, Indigo got dressed in a comfy short sleeved shirt and short pants.
Indigo did their homework, and after that, they walked outside. Indigo decided to go swim in the canals. They jumped into the canal with a splash. Indigo swam for a while. They swam for three hours. After that, Indigo went inside the house, took another shower, and checked the time. It was already 6:30pm. Suddenly Indigo's phone beeped. They got a text message from their mother. The text said 'I'll be home at 8:00, Make yourself some food or something'. Indigo texted back 'Ok'. Indigo decided to go get some pizza.
Indigo grabbed $30 from their wallet, and decided to go to the nearest Tripoli's. They looked on google maps, and saw that the nearest Tripoli's was near the highschool. Indigo walked to the Tripoli's. They bought a pizza and a can of rootbeer, and then walked home when they got the pizza and rootbeer.
Indigo ate three slices of Tripoli's pizza and guzzled down the rootbeer. They left two extra slices of pizza for their mother. By then, it was already 7:00pm. Indigo decided to spend an hour playing minecraft. It was 8:07pm when their mother came home. Indigo heard the car pull up and the door open. Indigo walked out of their room and nodded a greeting to their mother.
"There's two slices of pizza left, if you want those." Indigo said.
"Thanks." Indigo's mother said.
Indigo walked back to their room. They played minecraft for another two hours. Then, when Indigo realized the time, they saved and quit, turned off their computer, and jumped onto their bed, falling asleep almost immediately.
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The Story Of My Addy, In Honor Of Her Birthday.

(VERY long post.)
Growing up, the three American Girls I wanted most were Addy, Kirsten, and Cecile. However, Kirsten and Addy were always the top dolls I wished for, they probably tied in first place. I remember being about six or seven and flipping through my first American Girl catalog I ever received, along with Kit, my first American Girl. After staring at her respective pages, I flipped through the other Historicals. I was never too interested in the non-Historical aspects of AG as a kid (other than Mckenna), I was what one would class as an aspiring history buff. I thought all the dolls were gorgeous, but Addy in particular caught my eye. She was stunning.
I thought Addy was beautiful, and her pink meet dress was quite similar to a couple of my childhood dresses. If I wanted to be atmospheric I’d probably say I was wearing my favorite pink sundress the first time I was introduced to Addy, but realistically I was probably wearing my frog rain boots and my lobster pajamas. I had a fascination with footwear as a kid, particularly boots, and Addy’s shoes reminded me of Doc Martens. I had always wanted a pair of black boots, and I thought it was sick that Addy had “Docs.” I thought she was the most stylish out of the historical characters. I thought Addy’s hair was the prettiest out of the Historicals as well, it looked very soft and reminded me of my best friend’s hair. I also thought Addy had the prettiest face out of the dolls, I loved her nose and her eyes.
However, the people around me didn’t see Addy the way I did. I suppose you could call it a tradition for the girls of my elementary school to huddle around a new American Girl catalog when it released. My peers often marveled over the blond or light-red haired Truly Mes, and occasionally the GOTY. They rarely paid attention to the Historicals, and when they did it was usually a doll like Julie. When I brought up how pretty Addy (or Cecile) was, and how much I loved her, the girls would laugh at me. There soon became a group of white girls in my school who would laugh at me for wanting a black doll. They would call Addy horrible things, anything from saying she looked “dirty” to calling her the n-word. They said I probably only wanted Addy so “I could have a slave.” I would defend Addy and tell them that they were wrong, but if anything that made them more antagonistic towards her and me.
I was a very shy, anxious, soft-spoken kid, and so thinking about telling an adult made me want to vomit my Caprisun. The adults of my elementary school were also extremely dismissive of me anyway in some cases, and would become annoyed with me for reasons I won’t get into, other than that I was a “problem” child as a kid due to my home situation, being bullied, and not being accommodated in school for my disabilities. I knew I wasn’t going to be taken seriously by my teachers, and I didn’t want to gather up the courage to open up to one of them only to be dismissed. There were some adults that did see what was going on and would tell the girls to stop, but more often than not when the adults did witness the girls making fun of me, they’d turn the other way, or even condone it. Many adults asked me why I didn’t want a doll that looked like me, or asked why I didn’t want a “pretty doll.” There would be adults who would warn me that I would ruin Addy’s hair and that Addy’s hair was to difficult for me to take care of. Adults would often try to sway me to like another doll, usually a white, blonde-haired one.
I began to keep my love for Addy a secret. As an elementary schooler, I didn’t understand why everyone was upset with me for loving Addy, but the reactions from the people around me made me feel as though there was something wrong with myself. There wasn’t really anyone telling me that the people being racist towards Addy were the problem and that I was not the issue. My eight-year-old brain basically came to the conclusion that people wouldn’t be yelling at me if I wasn’t doing something wrong, and for a while, I felt ashamed for loving Addy. I still did love her however, and I would quietly stare at her page in the catalog for hours, becoming extremely upset with the fact that I would never have her. I adored all her outfits, they reminded me of the ones my mother and grandmother would sew for me. I wanted her Christmas Dress, Sunday Best, and Nightgown especially. I begged for a nightgown so I could be like Addy. I wanted Ida Bean and Addy’s lace-up boots. Basically, anything Addy related? I wanted badly, but I always kept it a tight secret.
An activity my family would often partake in growing up was going to the thrift store during half-off weeks. On one of these trips, my mother found quite a few historical American Girl books, including a copy of Meet Addy and Changes For Addy. There was also a copy of Merry Christmas Kit, Molly Saves the Day, Meet Felicity, etc... But I was extremely excited for the Addy books in particular. I carried my copy of Meet Addy everywhere, from the time I was in about fourth grade, until the time I was eventually pulled out of public school in the middle of grade seven. I always had it in my backpack, and I was to busy reading it to pay attention to the kids who liked to make fun of me (or my teacher trying to teach me for that matter, my book got taken up on multiple occasions.). Meet Addy and Changes For Addy were the only Addy books I was able to read until recently, except for the times I would skim through her books when my mother went to the library. Only this past year have I been able to actually sit down and read her entire central series rather than skimming/reading random chapters.

Addy’s books were my only meaningful education on slavery and the Civil War for a long time. Before I was homeschooled, my education on the topics were often skittered around, or had details omitted to make my state appear less complicit (Where I live, all history education in public school revolves around our state, excluding things such as world history. At least it did when I went to public school.). My elementary school only had thirty minutes of allotted time for history or science instruction, and even then it was treated as optional instruction. The allotted time slot was often used for extra math instruction, test prep, or free time. I’ve had to retake much of my history education when I became homeschooled, because the education I received in public school was poor. Before Addy's books, I had been taught that ‘slavery wasn’t that bad,’ and my first actual look into the topic came from her series. My only meaningful history instruction for a long time came from the American Girl books, but Addy’s were especially important due to how little education I got on the topics of slavery and the Civil War, and also due to how much misinformation I was taught when we did discuss these topics in class.
Addy’s books made me love her even more, and she was definitely one of my first crushes as an elementary schooler. I thought she was beautiful and strong, and I wanted more than anything to be like her. All my pink dresses became “Addy dresses” and I would pretend to dress up as her. I liked to draw her and write stories about her. My grandmother at one point gave me a doll outfit that was (coincidently?) extremely similar to one in an illustration in Addy’s book, and I loved it to pieces. I somehow found out about Addy’s stilting outfit, and that started my multiple-year fascination with stilts and begging my parents for them (I never got them). I learned to play mancala primarily because of Addy (and also for the fact that the kids at my summer camp that year based your popularity off of if you could play or not).
Addy was a strong character who was both a child and a girl, which I didn’t see much of, and I looked up to her immensely. She was also black, and although I’m not, seeing a strong girl character who was also in a minority meant a lot to me as a disabled kid. I was used to reading books about white, able body boys who were tough and strong, I rarely saw books that had girls who were strong, and if I did they were often adults, as well as able body and/or white. The disability representation in Addy’s books was also extremely well written, especially in comparison to much of the disability “representation” I was exposed to as a kid. I liked to read the chapters with M’Dear in Happy Birthday Addy, or the later books with Sam whenever my mother took me to the library. I was used to disabled characters “overcoming”, or being pitied in the books I would read, but M’Dear and Sam weren’t like that.
Eventually, I grew up never receiving Addy, and was pressured to put my dolls away. It wasn’t until a couple years later I would bring my dolls back out. My sister had her own American Girls at that point, so there was no weird obligation to let her play with my old ones, and I was no longer in public school where I would be made fun of for liking dolls. I had missed my dolls all the years they had been put away/given to my sister and I was so happy to finally have them back. After a while of having my dolls returned to me, Melody was released, which is really what completely brought me back into American Girls. Growing up, I wanted a Civil Rights American Girl badly. I am neurodivergent, and as a kid, I had a hyperfixation with the Civil Rights Movement. I wanted a Civil Rights American Girl almost as much as I wanted Addy, Kirsten, and Cecile, but she didn’t exist yet.

I immediately knew that I wanted both Melody and Addy in my collection as soon as possible (I had gotten Kirsten at that point. I wanted Cecile as well, but she wasn’t at the top of my mind as she is retired.). Although I no longer had a strange sense of reputation to uphold with my peers at public school, I did have a girlfriend. As a young teenager, I was so enamoured with the thought of having a girlfriend, that I often rushed into relationships with extremely toxic people, and this girl was no different. Aside from the usual “dolls are creepy” narrative, she also told me that she found Melody and Addy to be racist and that they offended her. She was very adamant that she would break up with me if I got Melody or Addy, and this scared my young teenage self who wanted a girlfriend (To this day, I do not know her exact issue with Melody.). I still got Melody that year, unbeknownst to her. I kept Melody a well hidden secret from her, but she had scared me enough to where I was afraid to get Addy at all. At this point I had started researching Addy constantly, and I knew the discourse surrounding her. I didn’t want to make my girlfriend at the time upset, so I held off on getting her. I have an AG store close to where I live, and I went a couple times after getting Melody and every single time I wanted more than anything to get Addy.
It would be a couple years before I would get Addy, as I got her this past January. I had started to become very antsy to get her, and in my wait for her had welcomed both Nellie and Josefina into my collection. About last September however, I made the mistake of bringing up how much I wanted Addy on an activism account I ran on Instagram, and immediately had people flooding me with all the usual Addy discourse. It took a long time to recover from that, and I had to shut down that account for a couple months. Since then everyone has cooled down about Addy, and I have some people who even follow me specifically for Addy. I’m not ashamed to admit that account has turned into more of an Addy Appreciation Account rather than an activism account.
My quest to find the perfect Addy became all I would talk and think about. If you were within a mile of me, you KNEW that I wanted Addy, and I wanted her badly. Shout out to my friends who allowed me to talk from sunrise to sunset about Addy with no breaks for multiple weeks in a row. I was constantly looking on second hand sites, thrift stores, anywhere I could to find the Addy I wanted. I had my heart set on buying a pre-Beforever Addy at that point, and I was doing everything to find a listing that was affordable and that I loved. Then came the day where I found an Addy listing that I immediately fell in love with. I don’t know what exactly it was about the listing, but I wanted THAT Addy. Unfortunately, the site wouldn’t let me check out and I was incredibly upset to the point where I had multiple of my own friends, and even people I didn’t know on my Instagram account mentioned earlier offer to buy me an Addy doll. My “activism” account is relatively large, and there was a group of people ready to all chip in and help get me Addy. I had people ask if they could buy the listing that I wanted, and then ship her to me. Addy was all I could talk about at that point, and I had only talked about her/posted about her for at least a month. It only made me more upset to find out that the listing I had wanted had been sold. Plot twist! It was my mother who bought her.
(This is the first photo I ever took with Addy, I didn’t think I had saved it, but my friend did!)
I cried for about two weeks until she arrived. I was so happy I was finally going to have Addy, I couldn’t believe it. I thought for so long that I would never be able to have her. When she finally arrived it was love at first sight. I didn’t cry immediately upon unboxing her, I was trying to keep my composure, as I was filming unboxing her to put on my Instagram. Mostly so my friends could see, but also because I wanted to keep the moment, and because some of my followers were interested. I cried after turning the camera off, however. For the next couple of months I was extremely protective of my doll, I had the fear that she was just going to be taken away from me again. I took her everywhere with me around the house, she slept with me, ate dinner with me, would attend my online classes and sweep the porch with me. I didn’t like going out in public when I couldn’t have Addy nearby, I still don’t really, not that it’s much of an issue as we are quarantined for the time being. I’m planning on getting a mini Addy that I can keep in my purse sometime.
Addy doesn’t stay on my shelf with my other dolls, she sits on my bed. Someday I hope to have her complete collection. That’s a far off, possibly unreasonable goal, but I don’t mind. My more attainable goal is to read all of Addy’s books, which I’m about halfway through doing. I recently got my first official Addy dress, her Christmas Dress, which she is currently sporting as we speak.

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