#she feels she's met her obligation to be constructive and positive lol
lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What may I call you?  Stephanie or Steph.
Where are you right now, exactly?  In my room on my bed.
Over or under 18?  I’m well over 18.
Have you been watching the Stanley Cup play-offs? (GO BRUINS!)  No.
Ever believed your house was/is haunted? If yes, why; what happens? Nah.
The building you live inside; how long ago was it built? I think early 80s.
Ever travel internationally?  I’ve been to Mexico once.
If you could go anywhere RIGHT NOW, where would it be? And why? I don’t want to go anywhere RIGHT NOW. 
Do you fancy someone currently? Tell me about them!  No.
Ever have a big ol' crush on someone you've never met in person? If so, did you ever tell them you did? Well, on celebrities.
What makes you feel luxurious? I don’t feel luxurious.
Do you enjoy drinking scotch as much as I do?  I don’t enjoy drinking scotch at all. Or any alcohol.
What have you done that makes you proud of yourself? Meh.
What makes you envy someone? Someone who seems to have their life together. I know everyone has their struggles and hardships, but there’s people who manage to push through and handle things better. They’re able to function still and are doing something with their life. I envy people who despite their hardships have a strong, positive, can-do attitude. I envy people who are passionate about things and do what they love. I envy talented, creative, and intelligent people. 
For you, is jealousy something that makes you more sad or angry-feeling? Depends.
Do you get the munchies?  Natural munchies sometimes.
Every been to Germany? If so, what part? Nope.
Do you buy newspapers just for the puzzles? No, I don’t buy the newspaper for any reason.
Describe any tattoos or piercings you may have...? I just have my earlobes pierced. 
When's the last time you smacked someone's butt? (Or been smacked :P) I don’t do that.
Do you enjoy making art? If so, what's your style like?  I don’t make art, but I like to color.
Were you a shy child? Very. Now I’m a shy adult.
Ever wanna run away with the circus?  Uh, no.
What is the closest object to your feet right now?  My feet are near the edge of the bed and my bedside table is nearby.
Reach behind you- do you feel anything? What is it?  My pillow.
Is English your second language? No.
Have you ever designed and constructed your own clothing? No.
What's the very last digit in your phone number?  Nah.
Is your house an odd or even number? Odd.
Do you have a favorite superhero? Who? Iron Man, Spiderman, Star Lord, Ant-Man.
What power would you like to receive, if given the option?  >>I don’t know. The power of brain that work good. <<< Ha, yeah that would be nice.
Ever punch someone in the nose?  No. Or at all.
...will you write me a haiku? Nope.
What was the last thing that really delighted you? Hmm.
Do you wear skin-colored clothes?  I have a pair of pantyhose that are like the color of my skin.
Ever eat German cuisine? If so, what'd ya have? No.
Do you have conversations with any animals?  I always talk to my doggo.
Do you have a little sibling? If so, are you protective of her/him?  Yes.
Recommend me a good book? I don’t know what you like.
Can you sleep on your back? (I can't, I feel too vulnerable!)  I can, but I prefer to sleep more on my side.
What's the last special thing you did for someone? (Buy, cook, etc.) Hmm.
Did you cook something today? If so, what was it?  Ramen.
Ever baked ALL day? No.
Can you recognize the smell of death?  Gahhhh, I’ve smelt dead rodents.
Ever known a mortician or a coroner?? (Now you do!) No.
What makes you feel good about yourself? Nothing?
Could you ever be some type of counselor for kids/teens?  No. Funny how that’s actually what I wanted to do for a long time when I was younger.
Do you enjoy getting dressed up for no real reason? No.
What are you afraid of?  A lot of things.
Ever been to a maximum security prison? You, or just visiting?  No.
Do you think mint toothpaste is too minty?  I use a light minty one for sensitive teeth.
How is a raven like a writing desk? I still haven’t figured that one out.
Are you currently eating or drinking something? If so, what? I’m finishing up my Starbucks energy drink. 
Do you own striped socks? What colors are your favorite ones?  No.
Black Metal ist Krieg. Agree or Disagree? >>  I had to Google that and apparently that’s a name of an album of a metal band, but I’m guessing you’re asking if I think black metal “ist krieg”, which for me no it’s not my thing.
Are there any numbers that have significance to you?  The number 8.
Do you know how to read palms or tarot or anything else like that?  I don’t believe in those things.
Do you own any bones or other preserved organic ..things? Unfortunately not. Accepting all bone donations. <<< That made me chuckle for some reason lol. I’m lacking those things as well. Well, I do own the bones in my body...
What do you think about internet piracy?  I can’t say I’ve never partaken... I haven’t in several years, though. 
Do you know anything about Nordic runes?  No.
How do you feel about children?  They can be cute and they can be annoying, ha. 
Whatcha looking forward to right now? Summer being OVER. This triple digit heat wave needs to goooo. We’ve had power outages the past couple times and it will probably happen all this week, too. D:
How do you feel about clowns?  I like Pennywise.
Are any of your friends clown by profession? I’m a clown. I majored in clownery. 
Do you put grated cheese on popcorn?  I’ve never tried that.
Do you thing anyone ever actually gets in trouble for having milkcrates?  What? Why would they get in trouble for that?
Do you tip street performers? (YOU SHOULD.) Not usually. I didn’t ask them to be there, I have no obligation to them. I’ll do it if I feel moved to (and if I happen to have cash, which is the other important variable here). <<< “I didn’t ask them to be there” hahah I love your answers.
What are your virtues/morals?  Ya know, stuff like honesty, being loyal, taking responsibility for your actions, being tolerant of differences, treat others how you wish to be treated, forgiveness, no cheating, respect, don’t commit murder, don’t steal.... stuff like that.
What do you smoke, if anything? I don’t.
Does being an addict make someone a bad person, in your opinion?  No.
Have you ever experienced any type of detox? No.
Ever been institutionalized? ...was it because of just one pepsi?  No. And I don’t get the Pepsi thing?
Tie up, or be tied up?  Neither.
Ever shoot a gun that wasn't a handgun? Rifle, shotgun, etc? No.
Is your mother a really cool lady? Yes, she’s awesome. Everyone loves her.
Ever suddenly find a friend very attractive but had to keep it to yourself?  I’ve liked a few of my guy friends, but I told them.
What time is it right now? 7:35AM.
Last time it's rained? I think back in April. Feels like forever ago. 
Ever been through a deadly natural disaster? No.
What do you do when you lose power?  Ugh, we’ve had that happen the past 2 days during the hottest time of day. It’s been high triple digits and inside my house has been 90 degrees, 92 when the power goes out. D: It’s horrible. I go and get my little battery fan and a wet washcloth and mess around on my phone and/or talk to my family until it comes back on. And complain about how hot it is.
Do you have a boot fetish too?  No.
Have you ever done home-repair stuff? No.
Reason you last used a knife?  I eat my spaghetti with a fork and knife.
Ever tattoo or pierce yourself? What, and how did it turn out?  Nooo. I’d be terrified to get either one done, I certainly couldn’t do it to myself.
Have you ever assisted in a birth? No.
Have you ever had a bad trip?  I’ve had a bad weed trip before and an actual trip.
Do you ever yell at your TV/computer/video games? Ha, yeah. Maybe not yell, but definitely talk back to it or comment out of frustration.
How long do you take in the shower? 30-40ish minutes.
If you could ask someone ONE thing & get 100% honesty, what would you ask? I don’t know.
What's the best thing you've ever found in a thrift/second hand shop? I don’t go thrift shopping.
What's one skilled craft you like to learn? Uhhh.
How do you feel about magicians? It can be pretty cool to watch. Some are really clever.
What do you smell like right now?  I smell my laundry detergent on my clothes. 
Tell me about the last person that made you laugh. He’s intelligent, funny, and cool.
Who was the last person to really make you feel special? It was nice receiving birthday comments from family and various people on social media and the birthday gifts from my family.
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On johann and tenma dynamic or something
((@jyuanka so yea i wanted to bounce back on what you were saying but its so long i figured i should make a new post lmao ))
There are so many interesting characters in monster (eva being maybe the first one), but the dynamic between tenma and johann is really whats does the deal for me. Their relationship is what builds the plot, like two poles of a battery that supports the entire story ! and they only met four times !! i love that its so unclear why both of them are so intent on having the other in their line of sight, like their obsession with each other is never really explained and we can only have so many speculations. Since its monster, it cant be something like ‘good tenma absolutely want to destroy johann for world peace”/ “evil johann absolutely want to destroy tenma because hes…evil”.
(you said  you wanted to yell about monster so uh im taking advantage of it lol)
For tenma, we first think that all of this it is to prove his innocence. But the narrative voice shows us several times that this is not the case (grimmer who tells him that he should not go so far just to get his name cleared -> close-up on tenma’s face that darkens and tenma who doesnt answer = tenma does not do that to prove his innocence, theres something else). And frankly who would go that far just for that? Tenma realizes very quickly that destroying johan is,,,more than complicated and that he could lost his life at any point. He could go to a remote part of another continent and rebuild a career as a doctor there, under a new identity, if he wanted to (maybe johann wouldnt let him, but the obsession johann has for tenma is something that the latter understood at the end so he wouldnt know that at the beginning of the series). Nor is it because he has a savior syndrome and he absolutely wants to protect people (orrr well a little lol), because tenma doesnt seem to be interested in politics or in social justice at the beginning of the series. What i mean is that, like everyone, he knows that the world is unfair and that folks are dying because of horrible situations and horrible people (idk like because of the mafia, because of capitalists, because of fascists, because of human trafficking, etc). Like, everyone knows that, and some of us react and actually do things like direct actions, lobbies, associations, politics, or even just talk about it. But Tenma really doesnt seem to be that moved or concerned, hes more the type to be like “whatever. Dont see ? hasnt happened”. Yet when he realizes that its johan who does these things, suddenly it becomes his personal business. Like people always say tenma is the “absolute good” and i really, really disagree.
He has spent his life obeying orders from despotic leaders without ever questioning himself once. He was going to marry a girl who told him that all lives are not equal, ffs! yea she says this when tenma began to think that maybe, maybe, theres something wrong with all this so this sentence shocked him. But you cant tell me that the highly horrible personality of eva is something he wasnt aware of before ! and he was alright with that, because then by marrying her he would secure a brilliant career. He saves a rich person instead of a poor turkish husband, and he have to see his crying widow who tries to punch him to realize that maybe what he did wasnt really okay. And he was past his thirties, so its not a question of “the poor baby didnt knew there was inequality in the world and what he was doing was not nice ! “. He knew, and he chose again and again, for most of his life, to please a corrupt man to promote his career and have a good and safe life. So for me tenma is so, so problematic ! Because Tenma is the sort of man who sees what is wrong, but who chooses not to do anything against it. isnt this kind of people the worst ?? and thats why i love him ! and thats why his radical evolution caused by johann (when he saves the boy, then when he chooses to kill him), is so intriguing.
So yea tenma dont want to destroy johann just so people will be safe or for world peace or wtv  BS -because he spent most of his life not caring about that, or caring but not to the point of getting personally involved. I think little johann is what triggers tenma to do something for the first time of his life. He goes from the guy who sees what is wrong but who doesnt feel like he can react so he just goes with the flow and become as horrible as everyone else, making him worse because he knows thats wrong -> to the guy who chooses, to the guy with an agency who decides to react. Little johan makes tenma becoming a person, its his trigger to personhood. And thats why, after his first encounter with johann, tenma become so different. Imo, the real monster is tenma in the beginning of the series - and johann makes him someone who uses his agency, he renders him human !
So 9 years later, when tenma finds out that the trigger of his humanity is actually the very negation of what is human, it goes ‘bam’ in his brain. We can understand why ! During this 9 years, he had the time to inhabit his new role of “a person with an agency” - he seems so calm, so confident and happy. Hes not the guy who knew that everything was wrong but just followed orders and closed his eyes anymore, he has a personhood and uses his newfound humanity to make the world a better place. He has a sense of purpose and realizes what it is that life is worth living (okay im projecting here lmao). Above all, he thinks that the choice he made (to become a person) is ultimately absolutely good. But then he meet johan for a second time, and actually realizes -wait, so me becoming a person can causes bad things ? was i wrong ? should i have stayed how i was before ?
And then we enter what is the core of Monster : we just follow someone who struggles to define what is being human. Before, like i said, tenma wasnt using his personhood. After johann triggers him to become a person, he basically lives a morally ideal life -save people, be a good person, no headaches of ‘what should i do’. The people who could have forced him to make actual difficult choices (his corrupt chief ) were conveniently dead. Then he met adult-johan, and bam ! so many contradictions. suddenly the answer is not that clear anymore. Then he realizes than with personhood comes the obligation to make dubious moral choices. Because for each choice we make, there are negatives consequences and positives ones, and we have to judge when the positives outcomes prevails on the negatives ones without ever being sure. And i think tenma chasing johan is him refusing this existing situation, is him trying to run away from the negatives consequences of becoming a person. Its him on a quest to know if getting access to personhood is absolutely good, a quest to know if his reason of living is legitimate. He cant think that there are not absolutely good choice, that sometimes the good choice can be to kill someone - or to save them, depending on the situation. There isnt absolute anymore : no real monsters, no real good person. We’re just human who struggles to do what we can. Once you have an agency, you have to take decisions. So for tenma, who basically have never taken decisions to construct himself as a person, his johann-hunting is basically that : hes chasing after his own definition of humanity. Whether he would have choose to kill johan or not, at the end, the manga completed the mission : theres no good choice, only choice you think are the best at one point. If he had chosen to kill johan, he would have chosen to kill someone ; if he had chosen to not kill him, he would have chosen to let someone else die. Whats better ? I am not sure. Personally, i think that if i could kill certain people i would do it, while knowing that this people are humans like me, just raised in different circumstances, because my ideas and my buddies’ lives are worth more than the life of the ones who threatens us : thats my answer of humanity. We alas dont get to see tenma’s answer… but anw. Thats my personal interpretation of what johann makes tenma do lol.
For Johann, the reason for his obsession with tenma is even less clear for me. Why johann wants tenma to understand him, to see him, so badly ? What makes tenma so special ? Johan seems to have a daddy complex, because tenma not the first middle-age man to have the dubious pleasure to be the object of johan desire to show “his” world to someone else. General wolf and schuwald both had to loose everything that was dear to them until they only have johann who then betray them deeply. But these two dont seem to catch the “scenery of the doomsday” so dear to johann ; and yet johann appears to be convinced that tenma can (and so that tenma is the one who should kill him). Why is that ? Why tenma is so different than wolfe and schuwald ?
I have numerous ideas but not one that convinced me too much. The first one would be how their first encounter resonates with them both and had the same effect of ‘triggering their humanity’. I already explained why i think johann is tenma’s personhood trigger. I also think tenma is johann’ trigger to humanity. Its kind of simple : tenma is the first one to show him that human could be good. Tenma saves him and risk his career without ulterior motives (or at least material motives, because like i said there were many philosophical and psychological stakes for tenma). For johann, who never knew that humans could be like that because his childhood environment was kind of,,not good, and who is still young enough to be impressionable, it could be enough to be interested in what tenma has to offer if he were to play with him. That plus the fact that he has deep parental issues and tenma is, like he said, a “second father” to him, so maybe he acts like a child would with his dad (in his twisted way), or rather with his god -tenma who creates him, tenma who destroys him. But i think its too emotional for johann.
Other idea : johann, being this prodigy, understand exactly what is tenma situation while saving him and his philosophical questions -lets keep in mind that tenma talks to johan often whil the boy is in a coma. He understands that tenma chooses ultimately *personhood* over everything that could make his life easy. And tenma’s answer is exactly the opposite of johann's way of seeing life, since johann chooses again and again to negate humanity. So he wants to destroy tenma’s philosophy, destroy tenma sense of what is being human : he creates the perfect life for tenma, wait for tenma to be really at ease with his situation, then slowly destroy everything until tenma would be forced to recognize the superiority of johann’ response. I really think johann is prepared to die just to win his mind game with tenma lmao, he’s that much of a sore loser.
Other theory, who dont necessarily conflicts with the others ones, its that johann didnt plan to make tenma this important in his life. He at first intended to do to tenma the same thing he had done to schuwald and wolfe, with maybe more sentiments knowing tenma was his second father and everything. But what changed his plan was tenma reactions. I dont think johann thought that tenma will go all lone ranger in the arizona forest to train to become a killer spy lmao, and when he saw that, he was like ‘oh funny’ (lets keep in mind that during the first half of the series, while he still thinks he was the one in the red rose mansion, johann is basically just playing a nihilistic game and dont put that much valor into anything). Maybe he became attached to him (whatever sort of attachment you headcanon), which was kind of a novelty to him since he didnt have any feelings toward anyone until then -his sister was himself and he was his sister, i dont think johann ever understand that nina was her own person until the end so feelings toward his sister doesnt count- and he was unsettled enough to want to keep tenma at hand. Like each time i see the schuwald arc im lmfao, when johan is all like little devilish smiles and sidelong glances each time he knows (how? no idea, he must have super powers at this point really) tenma is watching him like how much of an act it is ?? theres no reason for johann to do this ‘hihi cant catch me hellooo ;D ;D’ except being a drama queen. Which he is. so yea i cant help but wonder why he is acting this funny towards tenma lol
Or maybe johann never succeeded in negating his own humanity and ultimately couldnt bear to truly erase his own existence at the end, so he wanted someone to remember him to have a chance to live at least once -because johann understood that what makes us be is to make other people witness your existence. Tenma was the ideal candidate he stumbled upon -his sister being out of play since she was himself so not a true external witness and everyone else being too,, afraid of him or too under his charm to do anything.
AAAh so many ideas !! what is sure is that tenma is johann most important person and conversely. And since they met so infrequently the fandom has a highway to imagine other interactions. please people imagine other johan/tenma interactions. please im dying i dont understand these russian fics at all
So anyway sorry for this loooong ass post that nobody is going to read !! i just,,,,,,,,,,love monster,,,,,,,,,so much
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