#she doesn't do much in public outside of basketball
findafight · 2 years
Nobody really knew why freshmen Steve Harrington and Tommy Hagan were having some kind of vicious spat, but they all knew it was happening. Couldn't be ignored, really. They were the up and comers for Hawkins royalty, and if small town highschool gossip loved anything, it was drama between popular kids.
It comes to a head one day in the parking lot, Tommy and Carol badgering when Steve blows up at them, for all the school to see.
"just because you're both content to be fucking miserable, doesn't mean I have to be! I want something outside of this damn town, the least you could do is actually give a half hearted 'good luck' but nooo. Couldn't even pretend to give a shit about what I want. Couldn't even be bothered not to shit on it. Fuck you both." He turns around and somps back into the school, sending his peers a tittering about what could possibly have lead to such a public falling out.
He gets all the way to Ms. Ingrid's art room before he takes a breath to steady himself. There's another student in there, working on some project or another late, and Ms. Ingrid is marking at her desk. Steve knocks on the door.
"Steve?" Ms. Ingrid asks, looking up from her work. "What are you doing here after school?"
He swallows. "I wanted to talk to you about swimming."
She blinks "well, sure. You'll be on the team again next year, right? You've got a beautiful butterfly." Ms. Ingrid did that, talked about swim strokes like they were works of art and her swimmers were painters, saying magnificent, gorgeous, amazing, beautiful! It was weird, look at sports like that, but Steve thinks he gets it, a little.
"yeah. I want to. But-uh. More than that." He scratches his cheek, nervous. "The Olympics are in two years this July. If I work for it, do you think I could make it?"
Ms. Ingrid watches him for a moment, and Steve fights not to fidget.
"it's just- I told Tommy and Carol I wanted to and they said it was stupid, that no one cares about swimming unless it's the Olympics and even then it's just for the medals, and that I probably wouldn't make it anyways so why even try?" He's rambling, he knows, but he's just shattered whatever friendship he and Tommy and Carol had and he wants someone to tell him he can do something. "But I want to. I love swimming, and I want to do it forever. And-and you said having a goal was important, for everything we do, so-I just really want to go to the Olympics. I want to be more than whatever Tommy and Carol think I should settle for, for being king of the school or whatever people want to call it. I want to stand on a podium and get a medal but more than that I want to go to the Olympics even if I don't win. I want to dive from the blocks and swim."
There are tears in his eyes, as Ms. Ingrid comes around her desk and places her hands on his shoulders. "It'll be a lot of work, Steve. Are you ready for that?" He nods. "A lot of early mornings or late nights, probably cross training. You might not have time for everything else you want to do-"
"I think I just lost both my friends so it's not like I'll have much to do."
She sighs. "You'll still have all your school work, might not be able to join basketball again but that's something to decide later, and actually travelling for meets is expensive."
"that's fine. I can handle that. But. Ms. Ingrid. Do you think I can do it?"
Slowly, she smiles. "Yeah, Steve. I think you can do it. And I'll do everything I can to help you there."
Steve grins, all teeth.
A month later, in May, Jaquline Ingrid gets a visit from Mr. Raul Foster, the head PE teacher.
"Jackie, I got a...well not a favour to ask. More of a proposal. Yesterday I got a call from James, down at the middle school, saying he had a kid that was all limbs and no coordination to go with them, and that he's worried she'll injure herself if she does anything more complex than running in gym class. She's moving up to ninth grade next year, so it was a heads-up." He sighs, arms crossed. "Now, we all know you've taken the Harrington kid under your wing to get him to the Olympics, and I figured hey, you can't be with him at every practice. Why not give him a, I dunno, spotter? Timekeeper? Someone at the pool with him to keep him in check, who also needs gym credits because she might brain herself accidentally?"
Jackie laughs. "Raul, seriously? The kid isn't even in highschool yet, and you're trying to pawn her off to me?"
He scratches his head. "I just figured maybe we introduce them now, you give them a few different workout routines for the summer, and let them figure out their dynamic without the pressure of adults always watching. Give you a break."
And, well. It's not a terrible plan. Not at all. Steve's been determined, yes, but she can tell he's lonely. He ditched Tommy and Carol, fully committed to proving them wrong, and seems hasn't been close to anyone else in school. It might be good for him to have a friend. Jackie huffs.
"fine. Honestly, Steve probably needs someone around his age that isn't gossiping about him and Tommy or about how he's the Harrington heir or whatever. What's our klutz's name?"
Raul smiles, obviously releaved. "Robin Buckley."
Based on this
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bubuslutty · 2 years
Apple Bottom Jeans
pairing: frank castle x fem!reader x billy russo
word count: 1.3k
tags: mafia!au, billy never betrayed frank, f oral receiving, face sitting, no dialogue, 3rd person perspective, no use of y/n
warning: not proof read because if I don't stop obsessiving over it, it's never getting posted. sorry for any mistakes you find. it's just 1k worth of brain rot sprinkled with horny and my love for clothes
Summary: billy and Frank are obsessed with anything their girl wears as bottoms. if they could keep their eyes glued to her ass and legs for the rest of their lives, they would.
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There's a lot of things Frank and Billy love about their girl. But one of them must be her sense of style and choice of clothing.
She dresses well, in all colours and textures, she has money and she makes sure to spend it on herself, to spoil herself with all types of shoes and jackets.
But this is specifically about her choice of bottoms, be it shorts, skirts or trousers. Her boys love it all.
Their girl wears slacks with a blazer and white button up on days where she needs to dress professionally to meet clients. Sometimes it's the ones that are tight around her hips, ass and thighs and a bit loose down at the bottom. Billy loves how it accentuates the shape of her legs, and how her thighs look wrapped around his waist when he catches her in a corner to kiss her senseless.
However, when she's in a certain mood, she wears shorts with her blazer. The same fabric as the slacks would be, just so much shorter, leaving the length of her smooth legs naked. Frank would notice her walking around with her hands in her pockets, button-up open midway with nothing underneath, and the sleeves of her blazer rolled up, chin tilted up, glaring and speaking in that serious cold tone to clients on hard days.
Frank would obsessively run his hands on her inner thighs when they're sitting, constantly trying to wiggle his fingers inside the leg holes to just touch her. 
Billy loves it when his favourite girl shows up to work in a tight skirt, with a blazer, or just a button-up shirt, tucked in. Her skirts are usually short, stopping just below her ass, paired up with boots to her knees, which end up distracting Billy for the rest of the day. He's shameless in his staring as well, checking her backside out every time she walks by, leaning back and stopping mid-sentence to just stare at her ass if he doesn't sleep with her in the same bed every night.
When they're not working, she usually wears leggings, sweats, jeans and comfortable basketball shorts, outside in public when they're running errands or out eating.
Frank thanks whoever created leggings every single time his girl is hanging around the house, the fabric stretched and hugging every single dip and swell of her skin. If he doesn't grope her ass or swats her thighs at least once, is he really doing his job as a boyfriend?
He also loves her in basketball shorts because she's comfortable in them, and they're easy to take off. But he likes her in them because she manages to look younger in them, hair natural, face bare, wearing a random t-shirt, shorts and socks. And the sight always makes him want to protect her even more and keep her happy for the rest of their lives. 
Frank and Billy both agreed once that she looks especially delicious in girl boxers. She wears them for comfort around the house, but also to work out in the gym down in their basement. Her boxers leave nothing for the imagination because they show everything. It's not her fault that her pussy's just puffy and it always manages to be visible when she wears tight boxers. The swell between her legs is practically a honey trap, because everytime she wears nothing but her boxers, Frank and Billy are ready to do something stupid.
Once, while she was in the gym, punching away at a sandbag, Frank and Billy suggested that both of them will spare in the ring, and whoever wins will get her to sit on their face. She agreed. 
But none of them yielded after 10 minutes of sparing. The longer they kept at it, the wetter she was starting to get. And also lowkey worried, because both were serious as fuck about winning. 
She ended up stopping them midway and playing rock paper scissors because she didn't want them bruised and sore on a weekend. Frank won and had his face ridden that day in the middle of the ring. Billy got his turn after they showered in the evening, in the living room. 
Not only Billy loves her short skirts, but also the long ones. One Halloween party at a château, they all decided to dress like in the show, Game of Thrones. Frank ended up as a knight, with the armor and the sword, Billy was a prince, with a dark velvet jacket, golden buttons, dark trousers and a sword at his hip. She was dressed as a princess, with a beautiful dark dress, a corset wrapped around her waist and a small tiara in her hair. 
Her skirts were layered and long, the fabric soft and expensive. She looked absolutely stunning, as if she came straight out of the show, or any fantasy show for that matter. That night, she ended up with her back pressed to a tree in the garden, skirts hunched up at her waist while Billy was on his knees, face buried between her legs, eating her out as if he was both starving and thirsty for a hundred years when he was sipping at wine 10 minutes ago inside. 
But it was totally another thing when they're at home, under the sheets and she's wearing a pair of panties. They could be soft, made of cotton, pastels or dark in colour, or they could be lace, also in pastel or dark colours. She had all of them. Frank loves buying her new panties he finds online and thinks they'd look cute on her, and makes her try them on everytime. A small fashion show if you will, of her holding her sweater up and turning around in her new panties, showing them off to Frank as he sits at the edge of the bed and admires his girl. 
Or she could be wearing a pretty pair of panties under a pleated skirt. And Billy would be wondering what pair of panties is she wearing that day, are they pink? Blue? Black? And then he'd watch her randomly bend over while she's cleaning the living room, picking up a stray pillow and feel his cheek heat up at the peak of her panties. And then he would have to leave the room, so she wouldn't catch him staring and call him a pervert or hit him with a pillow. 
It's not his fault he's literally obsessed with anything she wears. Billy is a weak man to the woman who holds his heart in her hands.
Sometimes when they would go to a bar, she would wear a pair of low rise jeans with thongs, the strings hugging her hips. And it's even worse, because not only Billy and Frank would be staring, but so is the whole bar. So they would be extra touchy during the time at the bar while she's having fun with her friend, Peter, laughing and talking about anything and everything. 
And other times, she would wear a black bikini under jean short shorts, one of Frank's flannel shirts, open and hanging off her shoulders. With a pair of cowboy boots and a cowboy hat on her head. She would be glowing and giggling at the bar with Peter at her side, the two talking and dancing together to the music. They would be playing pool and make everyone do a double take everytime they walked by. And it would drive both Frank and Billy up the wall. 
Their girl could do whatever she wanted, but it was just how everyone was staring, and how some men thought it'd be a good idea to approach her and try to buy her a drink. No matter how many times she would tell them she's taken, and not matter how many times either Frank and Billy had to walk up and say she's taken to the men's faces. They still wouldn't understand. Maybe it was the alcohol in their system that made them stupid, but either way Billy was ready to shoot someone in the face and Frank wanted to try this new trick he learned last week to break someone's neck.
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tag list (pls ask to be added or removed): @awkwardalie @enretrogue @itwasthereaminuteago @snowkestrel
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Bracket D Round 1
Poll 26
Amanēas (@kohkum) vs. Westley "Wes" Weston (@daddyplasmius)
243. Amanēas (@kohkum)
She/Her but also culturally it doesn't really matter to her. But also autistically if you switch it up too often she'll kill herself
Shes preoccupied with ideas about becoming god so this win would bring her one step closer to that. Think about it. A vote for her would be a vote for feminism or orcs or something. She beat the shit out of the equivalent of a 12 year old to prove a point about the whole god thing but the 12 year old bit off two of her fingers and mangled a third with a rock. They're on good terms now though so its ok. But look at that dedication. Who wouldn't want to vote for that. She also killed maybe a billion people along the way to prove the point as well but thats Ok. She had a really cool giant sword while doing it and also she doesn't do that stuff anymore shes reformed. Shes so ok. Vote for her. Cmon. Shes not going to ask you shes too autistic to speak frequently. But I'm not (lying) so I'm asking you. I'm being so nice right now. Cmon. Make her god. Pretty please? Shes tits out all the time its pretty cool. If she wins this I'll stop making her heterosexual I'll make her a lesbian instead. So vote for her. I think I've lost the plot here. Vote for Amanēas 2023!
shes hairless due to regular shaving because otherwise she pulls all of her hair out. shes got seal eyes. and her nose doesnt have like much going on its just two nostrils that can seal close when needed. shes got a scar on her scalp thats formed a depression. and multiple beaded earrings from her in-laws. and then an eyebrow piercing from her husband. bulky weight lifter build going on. her skin is a purple-grey with pink undertones. and her eyes are a dark brown. and shes got silly angry eye brows. i dont know what else to say. i could just say shes an orc but the thing is she isnt like the popular interpretation of an orc or even the original interpretation because i found those racist and wanted to see if i could write orcs that werent. but anyways she's beautiful to ME !
244. Westley "Wes" Weston (@daddyplasmius) - the entire Phandom I guess
Wes Weston is thee OC of all time. He belongs to the entire Danny Phantom fandom as a whole & is so well known we have tricked people outside the Phandom into thinking he is canon.
Wes Weston was created in 2014 when a tumblr user noticed him in the background of a single shot. He was given the role of "one guy who knows that Danny is Phantom" as a joke, named Wes Weston, & his character quickly rose to fame with the Phandom.
Wes evolved from simply "guy who knows Danny is Phantom" to ex-popular kid on the basketball team, who was ousted for claiming the hero of Amity Park could be that loser ghost hunter's son Fenton. He took up photography in order to get proof. He could never quite get it any, though.
Eventually, he learned that his father's boss, Vlad Masters, is the same as Danny, with an evil ghost alter ego. Of course, no one believes him except for his brother Kyle, who knows that Danny is Phantom too but thinks it's cosplay because he doesn't believe in ghosts, only aliens (& weed).
By this point, anyone who's heard his spiel has started a meme that Wes must be so hellbent on proving Fenton is Phantom because Wes himself is trying to hide His identity as Phantom! They even have the same butt.
Danny gets tired of trying to hide his identity from Wes, and because no one believes him anyway, Danny just stops pretending around him, to Wes's eternal frustration.
Wes slowly comes around, learning that there is a reason Danny is hiding his identity from the greater public (threat of vivisection from both his own parents & the government). Whether they become friends & Wes joins Team Phantom or they stay relatively neutral to each other is up to the lucky person who's adopted Wes Weston as their OC!
Wes looks similar to Danny, except he has red hair, green eyes, freckles, & is a bit taller.
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female-buckets · 3 years
I dunno if youre still looking for ATM suggestions but the one with Jimmy Butler was very good as well (I didn't love the DT one, which I know is blasphemy, but I found it became the Sue and DT show and you could see Megan becoming forgotten in it - which seemed to lead to her getting louder and I found it all uncomfortable. The other episodes were better about keeping everyone in it. Your gf and her friend spending hours reminiscing over stories you weren't there for on IG isn't my idea of fun)
Nah, no way. DT is the best one. I could listen to women tell stories for hours on end. That sounds like an ideal evening to me.
But, if you got tired of DT after that live, don't worry. She's not on social media. She's done three podcasts her whole career and she'll step back from public life completely after retirement. You won't see or hear from her again after this year.
Anyway, Diana would never leave someone out of a conversation. She wants everyone around her to feel included. She asked for Megan's input on everything. She brought up her favorite memories of Megan. She talked about topics Megan could relate to. When Megan talked over her and derailed the conversation away from her stories, Diana didn't mind. Penny actually had to stick up for Diana in that live to get her to finish stories. Diana would've let it go otherwise.
In all the soccer ATM's, Sue got sidelined completely. In 3.5 hours of Syd Leroux, I learned Syd's entire life story. Every last detail. And I barely heard from Sue.
In 4 hours of DT, we got egg pizza, Turkey, Maradona, and constant Megan. That's it. DT's done a lot more in life than put eggs on pizza. She grew up with a very different culture and language from everyone around her. She moved back and forth between the US and Argentina as a kid. And she loves talking but rarely talks about herself. She was willing to share things about herself on that live, so I wish we got to hear it.
I wish Megan let Sue and Dee tell stories the way Sue let Syd and Megan tell stories.
The Jimmy Butler episode is good. Megan's much more likable. She only had one major party foul at the end. Not a great look for Megan. Luckily for the NBA player involved, most people didn't catch what she said. But for the people who did catch it, yikes. The NBA is a different culture than the WNBA. You gotta respect there's money, reputation, sponsorships, and all kinds of things on the line. You just can't go around sharing a NBA guy's business like that.
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myoddessy · 2 years
hola 🌝 could i possibley request some poly!lumax dating hcs if you’re comfortable with it?? thanksss!!!
it takes too much time to talk about how you guys actually got together so i'm going to go straight into the hcs but it must be said that lucas is down bad for you both.
a bit like i said in the poly!blyer hcs, whenever you guys cuddle you and max take turns being in the middle.
they've both lost so much and risked much more because of the upside down and everything that comes with it, that they need to feel as if they're protecting you by having you in the middle.
but max will often wake up in the middle of the night after having a nightmare that you and lucas died alongside billy and she just needs to hold both of you ( and you both to hold her ) to remind herself that it wasn't real and that you're safe.
building from that, if you guys aren't all sleeping together, or whenever max has to spend a night alone, expect a panicked 3am phone call or her knocking on your bedroom window because she needs to know you're safe.
you'd probably be the mediator between them tbh. especially with them being rlly on-and-off in s3, they'd realise how stressful it must be for you when they fight so they end up being a lot more mature about things.
they'll still start really petty and lighthearted arguments with each other about what movie to watch or who gets to be partners with you for a project in school but it's always entertaining because you know there's no actual threat behind it.
when max broke up with you both just before s4, it was really tough for you and lucas but you pulled through and obviously never stopped loving max because you knew she just needed time to heal.
max wouldn't really show it, but she really appreciated the way you two would smile at her when you crossed paths. it showed that you still cared and were willing to wait for her. but when you're finally back together, you're better than ever.
max was never really the type to show affection through words and because of the times you were in, it was difficult to show affection physically in public too. it was a lot easier to be touchy with you because she could play it off as best friends if the situation ever came to that. but with lucas it was a lot different because people knew you and him were together while max was still healing.
lucas' solution to this? you both sitting on his lap when you're in private or around the party ( but expect lots of teasing if you're around them ) you on one leg, max on the other, with lucas' arms around your waists.
it's literally his favourite thing ever because not only does he get that pride of being with the two most stunning people in hawkins, but it's easier for you both to show him affection which will always make him smile.
they think the world of you. you're their glue and they love you eternally for it. honestly, if anything happened to you, they'd never recover. they'd stay together because they know that would be what you wanted but it wouldn't ever be the same.
thankfully they'd rather cut off their limbs than let that happen, so it's nothing to worry about.
they both take turns kissing you. i can definitely imagine lucas getting annoyed at max for 'hogging' you and trying to pull you away but max doesn't let him and just giggles into your kiss.
they have an unspoken procedure for when you get cold when you're outside.
first, jokingly poke fun at you because they told you to bring a jacket or something warm.
second, lucas gives you his jacket ( the one he got from the basketball team and the comfiest thing on the planet ) while max takes your hands in hers to warm you up.
and third, they loop your arms between theirs so that you're sandwiched between them as you walk.
altogether, it's such a loving relationship and all of you would do anything for each other.
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Aomomo headcanons because I love fluff and am not ashamed of it. Also when I say Aomomo I mean as best friends but idc. You can see it as romance.
As we know, Momoi is absolutely shit at cooking. Therefore, for both of their sanity and health, Aomine had to learn to cook. He's pretty good but always uses a bit too much spice. Momoi doesn't mind. Sometimes she asks for cutesy foods. Most of the time he refuses because that's for kids, but sometimes when she's had a bad day he'll make her bunny apples and sakura-shaped stuff.
When they're in the same room, they just naturally gravitate towards each other. Half of the time, it's intentional, but the other half, they just find themselves shoulder to shoulder without noticing nor knowing how they got there. For an outsider it can be confusing or funny to watch (Too's team thinks it's pretty funny and will sometimes put some minor obstacles between them just to see them unconsciously side-step the obstacles to, again unconsciously, get to each other. Sometimes they get called magnets because of that)
So fucking protective of each other. That's something you wouldn't necessarily guess bc Aomine doesn't looks like he cares and Momoi looks exasperated with him half the time. But if you touch one of them, the other will literally destroy you and it will have devastating long-lasting effects and yet you will have zero proof of anything.
They cut each other's hair :)
Literally zero physical boundaries between them. They're super touchy and sort of never got that cuddling in public is weird. A good side of this is that it deters their respective admirers.
Aomine knows how to braid hair because of/for Momoi and will never admit it even under torture.
You'd think a boy like Aomine would find periods gross, but actually he was there when Momoi got her first period so they had a freak out over it together and also got over it together. In the end Momoi is such a big part of his life that periods are just a normal, regular thing for him. He's a bit nicer to Momoi when she gets cramps, she takes care of him when he gets basketball injuries so it only makes sense that he'd help when she's the one in pain! (nobody believes Momoi when she says that Aomine actually brings her chocolate and hot pads when she's on her period).
Finish each other's sentences!
Maybe just a little bit codependent ig
When they get ice cream they always take a lick of each other's ice cream first. At some point they tried to pick out weird flavors to gross each other out but they both ended up disgusted and with ice cream on their noses. Win-win.
When they were kids, Aomine called Momoi moon-related nicknames, in revenge for her calling him Dai-chan. Cause of the Tsuki in Satsuki. When he became taller and she didn't, he teasingly called her "little moon". He doesn't really do that anymore but sometimes, when he's sleepy or tired or overexcited he'll let slip a "little moon", "moonlight", or "Lua". It's a bit embarrassing for him, but Momoi thinks it's very cute (except the little moon one. I'm not short, Dai! Uh, yes you are, Satsuki)
They basically share Momoi's parents since Aomine only has his dad and his dad is shitty. At least half of Aomine's weeks are spent sleeping at Momoi's home (it's his home too at this point, he even has a room).
Momoi felt very weird when the boys in school went from accepting her into their basket teams to rejecting her because she was a girl to ogling her because she had curves. She really appreciates how Aomine has always behaved the same with her - he didn't treat her differently despite the fact that her body had changed and she's grateful for that. She's really pretty, and the stares and catcalls can get a bit much.
Aomine could not get anywhere without Momoi because he never remembers which train or bus to take to go anywhere. He could take the wrong one on accident and end up in the opposite part of Tokyo (and did so once, in fact. It was pretty comical. It's not that he has a poor sense of direction, it's actually pretty good, he just never remembers which bus is his.)
Aomine has ADHD and Momoi is autistic. They are neurodivergent solidarity and help each other deal with overstimulation and other complicated situations! Momoi gives Aomine her class notes and he sometimes talks to people in her stead when she doesn't wants to talk.
Hyperfixation on basketball go brrrr
Also they're both learning sign language for when Momoi goes non-verbal for a while. Surprisingly, Aomine's pretty good at it.
Aomine's dad is from Brazil, so Aomine knows portuguese. Momoi does too, because she's known him forever and thought learning another language would be super cool. So now they kinda have their own secret language (because nobody speaks Portuguese around here) and when they master sign language it'll be two secret languages!
Not really a headcanon I guess, but the image of kids Aomine and Momoi dancing and singing together is just pure serotonin.
Please do add more! :) I'd like to hear what you think about them!
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glitterslag · 2 years
Give us some jealous Eddie headcanons
Thanks for the ask my dear 💜 once again I've written a whole ass essay>>>
Eddie's a jealous person, but he keeps a lot of that bottled up inside.
Before he and Chris were official, obviously he'd be jealous having to see her with Jason. Especially because Jason likes to flaunt their relationship all over the school. I'm talking canoodling up against the lockers, the whole nine yards. Towards the end, Jason knows his boyfriend status is in real jeopardy, so he's much more physical with her in public, too. Like a dog trying to mark its territory (gross!). But of course, Eddie can't say anything about that. All he can do is suffer in silence and try not to look.
I think it's a bit of a double whammy for him because he knows he could treat her better, he knows they're better for each other than her and Jason every could be. That's why it's so maddening. But at the same time, he's crippled by self-doubt and insecurity, so he can't help but compare himself to Jason.
He's never looked up to the popular crowd in the same way other kids at school do, so it's not that. He wouldn't be caught dead playing basketball, or exhibiting "pep" (the horror!). But Eddie knows he's a burnout. He knows his grades are down and that he's heading nowhere fast, even if he does manage to graduate this time. He's never thought of himself as very good looking, either, not in the cookie cutter, prince charming way that Jason is. So all of that combined means he doesn't think he'd be worthy of someone like chrissy. It just wouldn't make sense.
Chrissy pretty much loses all her friends at the end of the school year, what with her being grounded, breaking up with jason and isolating herself from everyone by refusing to come to social events (even after she's un-grounded). During the summer before college, Eddie is practically the only person Chrissy sees outside her family, and maybe Tina occasionally (I think out of all the cheer girls, she'd be most concerned for Chris, and force her way into her world whether Chris wants it or not). Anyway. Because of that, Eddie isn't exactly competing for her attention at this point, so jealousy probably wouldn't be something that played a huge factor in their relationship that summer. I think if anything, though, Eddie can be prone to obsessing a little over Chris's past with Jason, wondering how he's comparing. Whether he took her out on better dates. He probably was able to spend more money on her ((as if chrissy cares about that, but from Eddie's perspective it's a big deal and he's feeling inadequate😥)). I feel like something Eddie has always dreamed about being able to do is to hand his girl a wad of cash and be like "here baby, go get your nails did." But he pretty much thinks he'll never be able to do things like that for Chrissy.
I don't think he'd dare say any of it out loud, though. He's honestly just enjoying things while they last. He knows Chris is off to college in the fall, and he has no expectations that things will carry on beyond that. He has a finite amount of time with her and he just wants to make the most of it, so he tries to push bad thoughts out of his mind.
The pair of them get really close really quick, though. I mean, they already were close, but now that schools over and Jason's out of the way and they don't have to impose boundaries on their friendship anymore, it's different. They see each other most days while Chrissy's parents are at work. They talk on the phone or the walkie talkies for hours every night. That's not to mention the making out and... other things they've recently started doing, too. Chrissy even sleeps over at his house if she can get away with it. It's not often, but if her parents are ever working late, or if she can manage to feed them a lie, then yeah. She's packing her overnight bag.
So by the time Chrissy does leave for college, it's not so easy to just let her go gracefully, like Eddie had planned. He's upset, but he doesn't make her promise him anything except that she'll call. Keep him updated about how her life's going. And at first, she does. But that drops off after a little while, which I talk about in this fic.
He'd even talked about driving up to see her (it's not far, totally doable to go there and back in a weekend) and she'd seemed keen for it. But when nothing more gets said about it after she leaves, and what with her going silent on him and all, he doesn't wanna suggest it again.
By the time Christmas rolls around he's pretty sure she doesn't want him after all. He's sure there are other boys who've caught her attention, ones far better than him. Smart, nerdy boys destined for law or finance. Hot, sporty, scholarship boys on her track team. Squeaky clean fraternity boys he knows her mom and dad would just eat up. He probably tortures himself thinking about it, inventing brand new ways he's never thought of before in which these figments of his imagination could be better than him.
In reality, poor Chrissy's spending more nights alone, crying in her dorm bed, than she is socialising. College has been hard. She's not the star cheerleader anymore. Not that she'd really wanted to be, going in, but she finds she wants to cling to that identity for comfort. Only she can't anymore. Little fish, big pond, all that stuff. Classes are tough. She's lonely. You'd think that would only make her hang on to Eddie all the more, but it does the opposite. She's embarrassed. She's supposed to be having the time of her life, and she really, really doesn't wanna have to tell him that's not true. It's not like he would judge her or anything, but she's putting a lot of pressure on herself to thrive, because she's expecting everything to be the same as in high-school. Expecting it to be as easy to make friends, to "succeed" (whatever that means). So she tells him half-truths. And then she stops talking to him at all.
Eddie's pretty intuitive, though, and his jealousy is trumped by his concern for Chrissy. He loves her, only he hasn't told her yet (and like hell does he plan to). She comes home for a while and she caves and tells him a few things, and he understands her a little more than he did before. They both resolve to make more of an effort during her second term. They make a go of a relationship. Chrissy promises she'll make a go of college. Stop sitting out on the sidelines and be brave and just throw herself into it. Eddie promises he'll drive up when he can, swizzle weekends off work where possible.
After that, there's probably always an undercurrent of jealousy still, probably on Eddie's part (she's away all the time mixing with these college guys, and it's not that he doesn't trust her, it's more that he's aware his girlfriend is beautiful and he knows they'll be looking at her and he can't stand the thought). Something he's learning about himself is that he can lean a bit possessive at times. I guess it only comes out when he's in a relationship. He feels like he only just got her - the best girl in the world, the ones he's been dreaming about for over a year - and now she might get taken away from him by college and all of these new possibilities. Of course he's freaking out.
I think all of that starts to die down once they've been together properly a little while. Once he realises she isn't going anywhere.
Eddie doesn't know if he'll ever understand why it's him she's chosen, when as far as he's concerned she could've had her pick of any guy in the Tri-state area. But if there's one thing he does know about Chrissy Cunningham, it's that she sucks at lying. With him, anyway. So he thinks he's gonna have to start accepting that she does want him. That this is happening. He's gonna have to make sense of it somehow.
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luparaneo · 3 years
tfw a name for an OC finally hits you out of nowhere as you're about to fall asleep
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Gal's brother will now be known as Liam, a corruption of "Lamia" from the character he's going to be based on. A personality rough draft is as such:
When you compare the two Liam is almost just as much as a goofball as Gal is; he's loud, rambunctious, and as siblings do is prone to teasing his space cadet of an older sister. He's more grounded on Earth than she is and is studying biology for college. His vision is otherwise average, but he always wears sunglasses in public during daytime hours. And if you thought Gal was tall (she's 5'11"!), wait 'til you meet her brother! He clocks in at around 6'7", and yes the two have always been first picks on basketball teams in school growing up.
But when out in in public, Liam's personality completely flips on its head. Due to childhood events Liam does not, cannot, and will not speak verbally under any conditions, either using body language or curt ASL (last resort, usually to his sister) to communicate with others. However, he has trouble with the facial expression part of ASL sometimes. He often gives other people the vibes of an anxious snake ready to strike, so Liam doesn't have many friends though he does have them. Thankfully, when she's around his sister speaks more than enough for the two of them and can read him like a book. This is the only face that anyone outside of Gal (and later Firamon) knows of him. While he's by no means a violent person, Liam's imposing height and that Silent Anger he has often causes people to switch into their brown pants if they get on his bad side.
He's unlikely to have any Digimon of his own, but if he did they would likely be based on the various Somnium forms. Maybe there's a flower theme thrown in there for Raisins(tm), uwu.
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msladyrosa · 4 years
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I'm here to tell a story that my heart is screaming at me to tell.
This is me. I fucking hate myself, just as much as I fake loving me. I don't think I've ever been this contempt as I was in these photos. I'm awkward and I fake confidence by throwing sarcastic and snarky comments. My coping mechanism consists of lying and just hiding behind my fake me. I've created a confident, pretty and delusional front that isn't me, but it's just as real as the raw version. My raw is ugly and disgusting and I hate it. I hid it and for the love of the non existent God there is, I wish I didn't have the raw side. I write in my skin, because if I went back to cutting, then I would no longer have pretty skin that people can love. I love eating, but I don't do it, because of the fear of losing my 36,28,42 measurements. I'm suicidal, but heavens forgive if I make a joke about it in order to cope with my insane itch to make my skin purple. My arm hair is soft and the last time I shaved I was scared that someone might see the thin, white lines that are underneath. My body is sexy as fuck, but Heavens forgive me if I actually feel comfortable in it. Thoughts of "they'll be fine without me" or "it's better if I'm not here" are drowned by the words I told someone who was a suicidal as me, "killing yourself would not make the pain disappear, you're just passing it on to someone else". I'm such a fucking hypocrite, or is it just a twisted way of actual introspection? What is wrong with the way I walk funny because I'm dizzy for the lack of food is that people notice. Oh great deity in the sky, please allow them to notice, but forgive them is they dare to ask what's wrong. I look happy and relaxed in the photos, hell yes, but not I'm an anxious mess that's writing this in the middle of a mental breakdown. Parents are never the one's to blame, no forgive them for not validating their children's emotions and struggles. No, strict parenthood creates strong-willed, rightful and successful people that think of themselves as worthless, weak, pathetic excuses. Oh we lie, and we lie good. Ask actors if they had strict parents... You'll find none, why? Because strict parents will inforce you an internalized fear of failure outside of social norms and acting is "a waste of time" to their standards. Support doesn't come from the right sized bra, but it sure as fucking hell is welcoming to be held and somehow relived from a burden you didn't fucking asked for. I was so happy ya'll. I was in cloud nine. That day I had a date with a guy I like that I thought was way out of my league, I lied my way through his pseudo intellectual remarks and he believed it.
We know how to lie so good and so true that eventually you lose track of your actual motive to do it in the first place. Society wants you perky and pretty, fuck yeah they do. How do I get all perky and pretty when I only see disgusting, overdosed surroundings? It's easy to get worried when you finally realize somethings not right. It wasn't right to be kneeling at someone's feet screaming a nasty and raspy wail of pain. 10 years it took me to fucking do that and yet nothing really changed. Now I'm just looked at with pity and the quizzical look that can only mean "when is this one gonna blow up again?" Oh, honey, I won't, you're just worried that you're just realizing this now. It's easy to be outside and just stay that way.
I was so happy, all the time. I was forced to lie in order to move forward. You love me? Yeah, as long as you earn it. Are you proud? Sure, as long as you don't fail. Am I okay because I feel like this? Well, it's fine as long as you keep it in. It's beautiful. "As long as..." my reality had always been subjected to a condition, and clause, a fucking constant reminder that I have to earn my happiness. I have to earn my own idea of self worth that is diluted through your standards. I have to earn reassurance from the people I surround myself. I must assume the best case scenario but I can't be surprised when it's the worst outcome.
Having loved a mad human made me realize how flawed I am. I was happy. So, so happy I forgot I wasn't. I tortured myself through endless nights of doubt, starvation with a full kitchen. Sleepless nights contemplating self harm and then decided against it because I had work and the cute client at work would see how damaged I was. I tortured myself with the idea of loneliness in a see of people, only to realize I've been in that see long enough that I grew a tail and fins. I was plagued my guilt because I didn't love them, but when exactly did it go from happy to uttermost bullshit? I was so happy I forgot what sadness was.
I was so happy it started hurting. Hurting when I failed to do something. It was excruciating when I was not able to buy a car because I had noticed I had spent my money of pleasing those who swore they'd provide for me. I was in pain when I showered and instead of singing, I just blasted music loud enough so that nobody heard my hyperventilating bitch ass. I was in so much pain that I welcomed it as my way of happiness. I loved my pain, because I've had it my whole life.
I had it when I was in forth grade and in order to fit in I had to go a sneak around to kiss a boy, and I didn't want to. It was there when I was accused of fighting other girls, but in reality I was trying to establish my self worth, so I was punished. In fifth grade I loved a boy so much I had written beautiful words to describe how much I loved his smile, and so he said I was stalking him and he got scared; 2 months later I was in a shrinks chair talking about it; fast-forward to last night, that same boy explained to me how much he wanted to fuck me now that he had lost weight. Middle school was terrible. Seventh grade, I was constantly degrading myself because another pretty blonde chick was only my friend when she could laugh through me. I insulted a perfectly great teacher because she noticed my self destructive behavior. Eighth grade came and I was lost with a blonde boy. He was beautiful and I was not. He was friends with the girl that swore fielty to me and he chose someone else and because he chose the pretty pale skin on someone else, I settled for the kid that wantedto finger me in the bleachers during recess. Ninth grade came and I was failing classes, parents were strict and hurtful, but they aren't to blame for my shortcomings. That's when I found myself in the arms of the pretty blonde thing I had fallen for. The pretty girl had him in public, I could only have him when we snuck around and he would hold me and kiss me like holding on to his life line. I was letting him touch me, but my self hatred didn't know no boundaries so I suck to my knees and gave my first blowjob at the top of staircase wearing only a lazy purple bra and the school uniform and the shame I'll forever wear because I did it without wanting to, but because I was expected to.
I was so happy to be out of there, that I ended up sinking deeper into my lie. I was smart, new and vulnerable. That's how I met the wholesome boy I called my first boyfriend who was nice and respectful, but he was as ugly as they come. I was a queen to him, but he was looking more like the ogre on the fairy tale and there came my vanity, my ego, my selfishness. I was brutal and I couldn't care less. High school started with a bang with the boy I played with, and when he got to close to my actual raw person, I kicked him out with a bang and he cried. I just stood there not knowing how to react, so I just went on to the next person I could lead on and play. Junior year I knew was difficult, and a black boy with a nice boy and a promising basketball future came around, I once again craved approval and degraded myself to it. That's how I ended up sneaking around 10 minutes before my parents picked me up. In the second floor, I'd found myself again on my knees, and expected to give a blowjob in exchange for attention, and like before, I was hidden, and I expected to be I had tears in my eyes, but because of my shame. Senior year came in, and the black boy with the attractive body was replaced with another, but this one only had pretty eyes and the promise of spoiling me with his family's money. Once again, I said yes when he said he wanted me to be his girlfriend, at least this time I was not hidden, but I was back in the cycle and I ditched my best friend in a movie theater so that I would be in the backseat on a Dodge, sucking my pseudo boyfriend's dick with tears on my eyes, not becauseofhis size, but becausethe disgust towards myself. Like before, I was expected to do so, and so I did.
Heavens above forgive the religion to blame women for sin and lust, but instead punish us for the boys who couldn't keep their dicks to themselves. The end of senior year came, and I was relieved, but then I fell for the guy my parents liked. Humble background, similar interests, and a promise of stability. I was ditched because for him I was a whore and his friends told him so, I accepted the insults and insinuations.
I was so happy, I forgot the rest. College was great and a religious nut job, a platonic love, a semi smart dipshit with the complex of being over everyone in experience, a quiet mature man that treated me with decency, the suicidal broken guy who needed healing #1 and the suicidal broken guy who needed healing #2, later, here I am.
I was so happy in these pictures, I had no idea was contemplating my own disappearance. I write this with migrane, blue ink from a ballpoint in my thighs, with nostalgic memories of moments where my mind wasn't this crowded. I was so happy it hurt. I guess that my logic dictates that happiness is painful and that my pain can bring me joy, but fuck I was so happy.
I had everything. I was pretty, I was smart, I was important. I'm still all those things, but right this very second, I'm happy, and painful so. Heavens above forgive for I have sinned...
I dared to fail... I sinned
I dared to fall into lust... I sinned
I dared to judge... I sinned
I fucking dared to wake up every miserable day... I had sinned.
I dared to be painfully happy... I sinned
I lied... and so that's my greatest sin of all.
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crimsonheartstuff · 4 years
Sakuno Ryuzaki X Seijuro Akashi
Prince of tennis/Kuroko no basket
Untitled story.
A/N: I don't own anything. This is my first time writing a Fanfic. I've been looking for this ship but can't find any so I make one...
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The winter cup just ended when Akashi saw for the first time
Seijūrō Akashi still can't believe he lost. His teammates already left. He is alone, sitting at one of the benches outside the staduim. He is looking at the cloudy dark sky.
"Um... h-hi" Seijuri look at the owner of the voice. A girl with two long braided hair, holding a white handkerchief. He blink several times, wondering what she's doing. "I- I saw t-the game" Seijuro almost cringe, but he is too amuse with this girl's blushing face "I.. also lost several games, when I'm.. just starting to play tennis" after hearning the said sport, he notice the tennis bag behind the she is carrying "I... actually still lost.. especially with my nii-sans.." Seijuro watch the girl take a deep breath "w-what I..am saying is, its normal to lose.. and cry... here its all yours" the girl put the handkerchief at his hand, he watch the girl run away. It takes a several moments when he realize, that he is crying. But now, his heart fells so light. He looks at the white handkerchief. Its just a plain white handkerchief with a big S at the corner. Akashi Seijuro smiles again.
The second time Akashi Seijuro saw her is on Tetsuya's birthday.
The Generation of Miracles + Momoi and Kuroro decided to spent kuroro's birthday playing basketball at one of the street court. He enjoys playing basketball after the winter cup. And he enjoys it more now he is playing with his friends like oldtimes. He saw Momoi sitting and watching them, he talks with the rest they decided to let Momoi play with them, she is also part of the team. Akashi decided to sit on the betch and watch his friends play, the boys are letting Momoi score every basket, and when Momoi missed, they all laugh. They continue playing when Kise stumble, all of them run towards Kise.
"I'm guys.. I just fell" Kise cheerfully said. Aomine notice a yellow-green tennis ball beside Kise.
"I think this is the reason, but how this ball end up here?" Aomine ask no one in particular. "Well I think we should take a break" everyone agreed, they walked to the bench, to take some break. When they heard a childrens laughter not far from them.
Mindorima picks the tennis ball "may be, this tennis ball is theirs. I give this back to them" but everyone wants to come, so they all follow the laughters. They didn't have to walk that far, just few steps they are already at the public tennis court.
Seijuro's eyes went wide. She is there, wearing a tennis attire with her hair in two buns. She is teaching 10 kids, how to play tennis. Seijuro didn't notice his friends are already walking towards the group of tennis player, he is busy watching her smiles at the kids succesful shoots.
"Ne, Aka-chin, don't you want to come?"
Seijuro blink several times and nod. The girl saw them waking and smile at them. His throat are too dry to greet her.
"Ryuzaki-san" the group look at koroko with confused face, "this is yours?" Then Kuroko show her the tennis ball, Seijuro watches her expression change, from confuse to happy to relieve.
"Hai! Kuroko-san" again the girl smile, but this time for Kuroko only, and he is not happy about it "though I wonder why you have it"
"Maybe one of the kids hit the ball to much, it end ups at basketball court" kuroko said.
"Ah.. Go-Gomen" the girl, who is Kuroko called Ryuzaki bow at them. Her voice, is more beautiful than he remembers.
"Ne, ne.. don't worry, no ones hurt" Kise said, too cheerfully for his liking "b-buttt how fo you know kurokocchi?"
Seijuro is waiting for the voice again but Kuroko answered the question "I apologize for my behavior, let me introduce her, -" once again the girl smiles at them, "This is Ryuzaki, Sakuno, she is the vice captain and one of the founder of girls tennis team. She is also my classmate. Ryuzaki, they are my teammates at middle school. Kise, Midorima, Murasakibara, Aomine, Akashi and Momoi-"
"Girlfriend, I'm Tetsu-kun's girlfriend" all of them sighed except for kuroko who doesn't show any expersion. The girl, Ryu-Sakuno just smile
"Oh, I know, Kagami told me"
"WHAT!" Kise and Aomine shout, the kids just look at them then continue playing tennis. Seijuro release his breath that he didn't know that he is holding.
Momoi just blush "Kagami likes to tease kuroko about his girlfriend, so the whole school knows about your relationship." Sakuno bow at them "It nice to meet you"
"I-its nice to meet you too" damn.. did he stutter. He hopes that no one notice.
Momoi finally recover and grin at Sakuno, "yeah, its nice to meet my boyfriend's friend"
"Ryuzaki, we don't want to distract you with you tennis lesson, we're going back to the basketball.. see you tomorrow" Sakuno just smile at them and wave. Wait is Sakuno looking at him?
"Ne, Tetsu we don't know you have other friends aside from your teammates." Aomine ask.
"Ah..." Kuroko answered.
"Ne..ne kurokocchi I'm curious hows your life at school, tells us about" Kise beg, Momoi has a hope in her eyes, and he also wants to know about Sakuno.
"Come on, tetsu-kun, we are also on break"
Kuroko just sighed and started telling the story, Seijuro listen carefully and take every information about Sakuno. Sadly, Kuroko didn't said anything about Sakuno or her personal life. Kuroko just said that they are a big group of first year, from different club, they become close because of Sakuno, and they all spent their sunday together, either playing different sports or having an advance study. They usually hang out at Kagami's house, 'cause he lives alone or at Sakuno's 'cause her parents are nice. And tomorrow is another celebration of Kuroko's birthday with the whole 1st year group, since kuroko's day is already full, with them this morning and this afternoon with basketball team which was organize by firsr year basketball member.
The group decided to joined the party this afternoon.
The third time he saw her is at the National Championship of Tennis (Girls divition).
Akashi is forever thankful for Momoi's unending source of information, they are now sitting and supporting the Seirin girls tennis team, which is compose of 7 first year with other Seirin first year. The first year group promise to support each others match, and that is the reason why Sakuno is at the wintercup even though she is a tennis player.
"Satsuki why you even drag me here" Aomine complained. Which is followede by yeah from Midorima and Muraskibara. Satsuki just rolled her eyes, and gave Murasakibara new sets of candy.
"Shh, Dai-chan shut up, we are supporting Tetsu-kun's friends" Momoi said, but she is not watching the game, she is looking at kuroko who is sitting beside her. Kise is shouting so loud cheering.
"Shut up Ahomine, some people are trying to much" Kagami said, while wathing at the game, singles 3, Seirin lost at Doubles 1, but won on doubles 2.
"Why you even watch this, this game is so boring"
The group heard someone cleared their throat. All of them up, at the seats behind them, they saw a group of men, glaring at them, the men are scary, specially the guy with oval glasses.
They continue to watch the game, the Seirin won the singles 3, the singles 2 will start soon when he heard the men at the back talking.
"Eh? The captain will play the singles 2? Why not the Saku-chan, she is the vice captain right" after hearing the word Saku-chan the other first year of seirin look at the source of the voice.
"We all know that Sakuno is a better tennis player, but we also know that she doesn't what to be the captain" the man with eyes closed said.
"They don't have a coach nya"
One of the first year has a guts to ask the group at the back. "Excuse me, do you know Ryuzaki-chan?"
"Nya,.. yes we know her and Mera-chan the captain, they are our kohai way back in middle school nya" a man cat answered. "Now, now start watching the next game, Mera-chan is an amazing player"
And they went back watching the game, its true, she is an amazing player but she is againts a third year, Seijuro look back at Sakuno and watch her, she watch the match calmly like the another match, (yes he's been watching her since the first match,) after several minutes, Seirin won, Sakuno offers a towel, he watch them talk and look at the opponent.
Sakuno walks to the court, and face them, she wave at their area and everyone shout and cheer.
"I still can't believe Echizen break up with her" one of the man behind them said.
Seijuro recognize the name, Echizen, a Pro-tennis player. She is Echizen's ex-girlfriend. She likes a tennis player. Yes they are already broke up, but what if she still loves him. Different scenario played at his mind, but this end instantly when he heard the umpire.
Seijuro watch her play. He can't believe it, she plays so gracefully.
He watch every moves. Every shoot. Every jump.
How can she dives in ground so gracefully?
Her smile. God he loves her smile.
He loves her dance at the court.
He loves her shoots.
He loves her determined yet face face.
God He loves her.
Oh God he loves her.
Damn. He loves her.
She won the game.
She won his heart with out doing anything.
Seijuro bid goodbye with his friendd, he doesn't know what to do. He can't face her now.
He walks aroud without destination, he ends up at a flowershop. Saw a flower on a small poy that reminds him of Sakuno, didn't think twice to buy the flower.
Now he has a flower, but don't know what to do. Pathetic.
The fourth time he saw her is at the interhigh, Rakuzan High vs. Too High,
He is sick, but he needs to play.
They are losing, he doesn't have enough energy, he is sick.
The ball went out the court, Seijuro decided to pick the ball, and he saw her.
She is at the entrance, she is holding the ball, she walks toward him and give the ball.
"There are still time, to win this game" she said to him. Only him. Looking at his eyes and smiling at him.
Seijuro nod and smirk "watch me win this game?" She nod and smile.
The game end, they won, he won. He look at sakuno who is smiling, then start walking out. Seijuro didn't wait for his teammates, he picks his bag and start running.
Seijuro saw her at bench sitting, looking at the starry sky. He sits beside her. Still watching her face.
"Congrats on winning" then sakuno look at him "I don't know you well, but I know you will win that game" she said smiling.
"T-Thank y-you"
"You're sick right?" They sakuno puts her hands at his forehead "and you didn't take a bath..." Sakuni said with a cute pout.
"Sorry, if I smell" Seijuro said with a slight blush.
"Its okay, but you need to rest"
"I will... um can I get your number?" Sakuno nod, and that is his best night.
After a months of texting and calling, they will finally meet, and hang out, just the two of them. And this is the day that he will ask her to be his girlfriend.
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rossjohnlungan · 5 years
Hello Philippines, hello mga ka bansa. My name is Ross John P. Lungan and I live in Benito Soliven Isabela. And I have different hobbies; Playing basketball, and watching movies. I also love cooking,and playing beat box. It is hard to express yourself hahahahahaha. But I will try my best to do this blog. More information about me. I'm the youngest in my family and I'm the tallest in my siblings and also in family of Lungan. My favorite subjects are Mathematics, Science and PE. Every individual have strengths and weaknesses. One of my strengths is my family. Because my family is very supportive of what I'm doing now, like in my school they always cheering me up when I'm down and when I'm stress they always makes ne laugh and happy to forget all my problems especially in my schoolworks. They always motivate me to strive more in my school. Co'z it is for my own goods and in my future. And one of my weaknesses is also my family because I'm not comfortble if I don't see them. I'm sad or I feel bad if I don't see them. I can say that they are my weakness because, what will happen to me if they're not around. Yesss I can say that I'm indipendent but its different when you always see them. Because my environment here in Tuguegarao is differ from the environment in our house. Cut that DRAMA HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!. It's only a commercial but it is also a part of myself. Let's continue my blog. If I'm bored, I have the attitude that its better to sleep than to make a non sense things like GALA GALA HAHAHAHAHAHA. Atleast while you are sleeping it makes you comfortable and you get enough time to rest. Love yourself because HEALTH IS WEALTH. Your body and nutrition is your wealth. And after sleeping I go to the dining room and I will cook PANCIT CANTON for my snack hahahahaha. What a nice hobby sir!!!!hahahahaha. Then after eating I go to Municipal coliseum to have an exercise. Playing basketball is considered Exercising. More information about me. My name is came from a greek word "rosos" which means "handsome" hahahahaha I'm just kidding 😂😂😂. My name is came from my Father naming MARIO T. LUNGAN supported by my Mother naming LENI P. LUNGAN. That's my FATHER'S AND MOTHER'S NAME. I forgot, I'm 17 year of age and I have a girlfriend. But it doesn't mean that I will not focus on my studies. I know my priorities and having a relationship with others doesn't mean you can't finish your school. Its a motivation to strive more and to study well to get high grades for you to pay off all the efforts and sacrifices of our beloved parents and to make them proud and to have a better future. One of my goal is TO MAKE MY PARENT PROUD OF ME. Finish your college is the best gift to our beloved parents. I'm so proud of my mother because eventhough she is widowed she can handle our family and she gave our needs not only our needs but also our wants. My mother is my hero ❤❤❤. And for my conclusion "ALWAYS COME UP WITH A GOOD DECISON" CO'Z OUR DECISIONS ARE VERY IMPORTANT. IF WE MAKE A GOOD DECISION WE WILL NOT REGRET IN THE END. GOD BLESS US ALL 😇😇😇
Answer the following questions:
• Where do I see myself 10 years from now? Is my learning in SPUP vital to where I'm leading to?
- I see my self as a good public servant. Yes
• Was STEM the best choice after all?
- Yes because I know STEM strand will help me to pursue so my dreams in my life.
• What course will you take in college? Why?
- Seriously till now I can't decide of what course I will take in my college but I want to become a good public servant someday.
• What topic would you like to learn more in this subject?
- How to make an website and how to edit different pictures
• I chose cellphone because it has many purposes.
• You can use cellphone in communicating others.
• In your studying, in your assignments if you need to search you may use cellphone.
• You can watch movies and you can downloads all your wants but remember the internet tips.
• You can make an power point. If you don't have laptop, you may use cellphone. Then after making your power point you can transfer it in a flashdrive. To copy it in the laptop for your power point presentation
• Cellphones can also use in editing such as videos, pictures, etc.
• May you use cellphones in taking a picture not only in taking a pictures it can also use in shooting if you don't have DSLR, GO PRO or other technology may use in making a movie.
• But remember, cellphone has disadvantages. Users get addicted especially online games. Students may fail in their subjects, get a low grades because they are addicted in playing online games. Most of us especially students who addicted in their gadgets, when they wake up the first thing they do is to check their social media accounts and texting their girlfriends/boyfriends. We are becoming lazy interms house hold task, reviewing our lessons, making our assignments. And because of too much addiction in using our cellphone or gadgets, we can't avoid using of cellphones.
• Using cellphones or having a cellphones have so many advantages but I will not mention it anymore.
Blogpost 3-5
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In a room, there was a mother and a child. The child name is Jack. Ever since Jack was born he wasn’t go outside the room. He didn’t see real trees, real rivers, real animals and he also didn’t see other people except her Mom and Dad. Yes, he has a Dad. His Dad was the one who always locked that room and he is the one who knows the code of the door that’swhy Jack and his Mother cannot go outside.
As years passed by, Jack wanted see real trees, real rivers and animals but his Mother cannot find a way for Jack to go outside.
Enable for them to escape from the room, Jack’s Mother has a plan. Jack will play sick so that if his Father came home he will found out that Jack is really not and he need to go to the hospital and in that way Jack can call help but that plan failed
The next thing that Jack’s Mother plan is that Jack will play dead. Before Jack’s Father cake home, his Mother trained him what to do. That plan succeed. And his Dad convinced that he is died. The Father carries his son rolled with a floor mat to the room from his car to bring him to the hospital. While driving Jack escaped from the car and there is someone who help him and call a police.
And from that, the police officer also find his Mother. And they live freely outside that room.
Guied questions:
1. What life lessons can be learned from the movie?
The moral lesson I learned from the movie is that, lesson to love the people around you and don’t you ever take away their nights to live free.
2. What part of the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
The most powerful part in the movie is that Jack escape from his Father’s car while driving and he call for help. I found it powerful because eventhough Jack’s life is it in danger, he find a way to call help just for his mother to escape too.
3. Who was your favorite character in the movie?
My favorite character is Jack’s Mother. Because she will do everything just for her son to escape from that room.
4. Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
From the current situation, the others find a way ti escape from the hard situation they face right now they’re ready to do everything for their love ones to have a good life free from any harm.
5. If you had a chance to ask a character in this movie a question, what would it be?
If I had chance to ask a character in this movie I will ask Jack’s Father and that would be... Why did he do that to his Family?
Miracles from Heaven
There was a family named Bean family who always praise God together. Family that always do good things. But one day their 2nd daughter, Anna got sick. And that sickness challenge their faith to God especially her Mother, Kristy. They go into different hospitals in Texas but no doctor can tell them the condition of Anna.
Until Kristy was searching online and she saw Boston's children hospital. She started contacting the doctor who are in charge for the new patient.
Several months later, Anna's condition is still the same and because of this, most of their assets are sold. By that, they decided to take home Anna.
One day, while Kristy have a phone call, Abbie, the first child of Kristy ask Anna to play with her.
They so big and old tree in front of their house and they decided to climb on it. While they are sitting in a branch, the tree is suddenly cracked so Abbie told Anna to get away from it. Accidentally, Anna fall inside the tree. After a few hours, the Police came and they got Anna.
And there's a miracles. After falling from above 30 feet the doctor says Anna is alright. No scratch and no fracture. The other day, Kristy observed that Anna's condition is becoming well. So they go to the Boston's children hospital again to make sure if Anna is really in a good condition. And the doctor says " She is".
Because of that, they will praising God together again and they share experiencesto others and serve as an inspiration to others.
1. What life lesson can be learned from the movie?
Guide questions:
Don't lose hope and always have faith to God because nothing is impossible.
2. What partbof the story told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
The most powerful part of the movie is that Anna got sick. This is the beginning that the characters struggled. And by this, it serves as an inspiration to everyone because it shows there the things that they must do when hard situations come.
3. Who was your favorite character in the movie? Why?
My favorite character in the movie is Kristy, the Mother of Anna. Because eventhough the situation challenge her faith to God she always keep praying. Ang she will do everything for the seek of her daughter.
4. Did anything that happened in the movie remind you of something that has occured in your own life or that you have seen occur to others?
Many people experiencing struggles in life and also me. I was young my Grandmother had a stroke. I felt aad in that time because I guess that would be her last time in this world but becuase of faith she survived and until now she is alive.
5. If you had a chance to ask character in this movie a question, what would it be?
If I had a chance to ask a character in this movie that would be Anna Beam and the question that I will going to ask her would be... " When she got seek, is there a time in her life that she wants to GIVE UP"
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There was a child named Anggie. He is not that Handsome and he is not that ugly, it just that he has a survey from his face because when he was born it has a caplication and it causes 27 surgeries for him to survive.
When he became older, he always had a home-schooling and he never experiencedgoing to school himself. At his fifth-grade his parents decided to go him in school.
At the first day of school, he experienced discrimination from the others because of his face. But behind these, Anggie keep studying so that he will excel.
As they passed by, Anggie had a friend named Jack will. They ate very close. In Halloween day, Anggie hear that Jack will is a backfighter. And from that Anggie don't want to trust anybody again. There was no days that Anggie didn't encounter discrimination and bullying.
Here come a child named Summer. She decided to haved friends with Anggie. At first Anggie don't want to because of what happened to Jack but at last he said yes.
But that, Jack realizes his fault so he said sorry to Anggie and ask him if they can be friends again and Anggie said " okay "
Anggie came through many discrimination but he used this as a inspiration to graduate with an award.
1. The moral lesson is that NEVER GIVE UP
2. The most powerful is that when Anggie graduated with an award. Because it shows there that eventhough other people discriminating you never give up. And in the end you will succeed. It doesn't matter what you look like but it matters how you treat other people.
3. My favorite character in the movie is Anggie. Because he didn't let other people to push him down, unless he used them as inspiration to reached his goal
4. My brother, they always bully him because of his body and the way he play in basketball game. Until now they always bully him when we are playing.
5. Anggie. "Did you try to report them in the Principal's office?"
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female-buckets · 3 years
The moment I saw someone call sue sue rapinoe when receiving the 25 at 25 was the point I tapped out of wnba twitter. Yes sues profile has raised exponentially since dating megan rapinoe (whos profile raised exponentially after getting attacked by the president then winning the ballon d'or) but that doesn't mean she isn't deserving of basketball accolades. But also, we always should be sceptical of the overdue attention to white players, just not to the extent we reduce her to her relationship.
We should be skeptical when we don't see black female athletes getting ESPN features, fashion sponsorships, luxury sponsorships, etc. We should be skeptical of those companies and show them significant public pressure. But putting that public pressure on athletes makes no sense.
Also, not one WNBA player receives too much attention.
And the Sue Rapinoe thing? There's a touch of homophobia in there, too. Sue's profile raised a bit, but she never reached Candace Parker levels. Her media engagements were not all about Megan, either. Sue was in the media at about the same level she was before the Storm rebuild. She hosted the All-Star game. She did a little more here and there because she needed to let people know "guys! We're back! We're good again! Don't sleep on us!" But to the public, a gay person doing 1 interview feels like a straight person doing 10 interviews. If you do anything while gay, people feel like you're "shoving it in their faces" or whatever.
DT only does one or two things a year outside of official Mercury media availability. But since she's doing those one or two things while gay, people feel like she's doing 10-20 things.
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