#she didn't have any tender spots and can eat and drink okay
melodiesofmidnight · 10 months
having an elderly dog is taking your dog to the vet every few weeks because they hurt and having the vet diagnose them every few weeks with Being Old
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anonymousbardd · 6 months
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꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: The Life Created (2)
- The First Trimester
↳ Various x FemReader
- The following characters are Gun Park, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo, Jake Kim, and Vin Jin
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ʚɞ ┊: Gun Park
↳ Every night I would wake up and run to the bathroom throwing up everything I ate that day, and Gun would always be next to me holding my hair.
Gun had quit smoking when he found out I was pregnant, he began to cook me meals and help out in any way he could.
When my breasts started to get tender and swollen, I felt a bit flustered, Gun reassured me that it didn't look bad.
He would often massage me, every part of my sore body.
There are times he would gently massage my sore and swollen breasts, he would place soft kisses on my neck and chest.
Gun would always make sure that I don't feel uncomfortable and would do anything to lessen the pain I would be feeling.
He was always by my side and would get me some snacks whenever I craved something to eat.
ʚɞ ┊: Goo Kim
↳ Goo had put me on bed rest, he wouldn't let me leave unless I needed to throw up or pee, he took care of the chores, of the food and he took care of me.
I would hear him complain because a task is difficult, but when I'd offer to help he'd respond to me with, "Shut up, you're pregnant! You shouldn't do things that may cause you stress!"
And then once he realised that he raised his voice he would huff and apologise for yelling at me.
Every night, he would crease my legs and kiss my face.
Goo tried his best to tend to me whenever I needed it the most, there are times his hands would travell on my most sensitive spots and start teasing me.
He usually whines because he misses me, and my body, but he's patient enough to go through the whole pregnancy with me.
ʚɞ ┊: Samuel Seo
↳ Samuel started waking up alongside me whenever I felt like throwing up, he'd rub my back and hold my hair as my head was inside the toilet bowl.
He's been getting me things I need and has been doing his own research om how to take care of some who's pregnant.
He takes his time with me and is ways prepared no matter what.
Whenever he goes to work, he'd call frequently, even while he's fighting, and if he isn't able to call he'd apologize later on.
My Samuel has been so nice to me, and I really don't know how to make up for it, all he tells me is that it's okay and the child I'm carrying is a blessing enough.
ʚɞ ┊: Jake Kim
↳ "Jake! Can you please get me some water?" I shouted, my fiancé came out of the bathroom half naked and dripping wet just to get me some water.
Jake has always been there for me, he, Lua, the big deal, they've been doing everything they can to help me.
He's been spoiling me with kisses and affection, sometimes he'd whine saying that he misses me.
When my boobs started to get swollen and tender, Jake's been snatching every chance he gets to grope them.
At some point, he'd ask if it was okay if he fucked my chest, I told him no countless times but then he'd start begging.
Eventually, I gave in and he began to touch my breasts and please himself using my body.
He'd clean up using his tongue, licking every inch of my tits.
I was sensitive, and it felt good too, but it was a bit unfair.
ʚɞ ┊: Vin Jin
↳ On my first trimester, I'd constantly get morning sickness and nausea, Vin would be there and he'd try to consult me, but it ends up being annoying because it's clear he isn't enjoying it.
"Vin... Can you please fetch me some water...?" I quietly asked, my dearest boyfriend, who's sat on his beanbag let out a groan and stood up to get me a half full glass of water.
I couldn't do anything about it, it was clear that he really wasn't ready for this type of life style.
"Marry... I don't know how long I'll be able to stay sane for!" I complained to the blonde woman in front of me, she was sat on the couch drinking soda while listening to my complaints.
"Vin is sweet and all... But it's clear that he's not really interested in helping out much... He doesn't have an idea what to do..."
Marry sighed and placed her hand on mine, "You know how that dick is, don't worry, I'll be here to help you out."
The next few days, I haven't been seeing my boyfriend much, it made me feel depressed and it felt like I was all alone during this.
But then one night, I had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for Vin, as I quietly slept, I felt two pairs of arms snake around my waist.
My eyes fluttered open and I saw Vin carrying me to our bedroom, he placed me down on the bed and placed a kiss on my forehead, "You're an idiot..." He muttered.
He then sat down near me, his hands were holding mine, "I'm sorry... I really should start being more responsible now that I'm going to be a father."
Vin sighed and laid down next to me, he pulled me closer to him, I felt his breath tickle my skin.
"I'm sorry, I'll do better, starting now."
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Note: "Nyahalo everyone! Sorry for being a bit inactive... I've been pretty busy w/ my exams and we had to go something for a few days.
Worry not, I'll try to finish up a few fics so that I'll be able to upload a bit more.
Also, Ik some people request some smut w/ pregnant reader but tbh I don't really know how I'll begin one w/ somebody pregnant, because the thing running in my mind is it'll be harmful to fuck when there's baby :').
Either way, hope y'all like this."
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damiano-mylove · 3 years
How you met them and what dating the members of Måneskin would be like
GN!reader, slight NSFW for Damiano *Masterlist*
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You'd definitely meet Vic at the grocery store
She goes grocery shopping every Saturday at 10 am, and you don't know that because you're creepy, you know that because you do as well (being an adult and such)
Over time, you'd both start to notice seeing each other at the same times and places
Vic would eventually come over, after having traded more than a dozen looks with you
At first, she would give you a random complement (that made your heart soar for reasons unbeknownst to you at the time), and you would immediately compliment her back because there are so many things to complement about the unknown girl at the shops
Those random complements would soon turn into full blown conversations that you both looked forward to, every Saturday at 10 am
Conversations turned into doing your grocery shopping together
Vic would ask you to lunch after one of your grocery shopping adventures, which you gladly accepted given the beautiful woman had stolen your heart at first glance
Lunch would go absolutely swimmingly, and it became the new thing
Your relationship with Vic would evolve from doing your grocery shopping together, then having lunch, to basically spending every Saturday together, then seeing each other other days of the week
One night, having drinks at Vic's place, just the two of you, Vic would join your lips together in a sweet harmony that felt all too right
You brushed off the night as drunken kissing
But she held you hand at lunch that following Saturday, and asked to kiss you before you parted ways
The conversation was bound to happen, and it did. After that, you and Vic were officially an item
She introduced you to her friends, and you did the same - your group loving Vic, and her's loving you
Dating Vic would be full of gentle love bites on your tender neck, fruity red wine, painting your nails matching colours, and late nights
On those late nights, Vic would hold you close, a film playing softly in the back, while her attention laid on you
You, her person, her rock. You made Vic's heart go ablaze and she wouldn't trade you for the world
Nor would you for her
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Thomas gives off strong Boy-Next-Door vibes
One day, your interest was sparked by moving vans outside your window - someone was moving into the flat above you
It was a very loud day (furniture scraping the floors, heavy boxes being dropped, many feet with much too heavy footsteps) but you were baking
You had a function to attend to the following day, so your day was already planned as a day for baking your famous biscuits that literally everyone loved
Ingredients may have a price tag, but kindness does not. Once all the noise subsided, you brought a plate of cookies up to your new neighbour (hoping to at least buy their friendship so they wouldn't annoy you constantly)
When Thomas opened the door, your stomach immediately turned to static
He looked a little tired, no doubt from freshly moving in, but his beauty was still breathtaking
Thomas smiled at you sweetly and thanked you profusely for the biscuits - he told you about how his grandmother made the same type and he loved them
The next day, right after you'd come back from your function, Thomas brought you back the plate with a bashful smile - 'The biscuits were divine, better than grandmama's'
You giggled at his statement, then invited him in for tea and to finish off the biscuits that were "left over" (you'd actually saved them for yourself, but there was no one else you'd rather share them with)
Happily for the both of you, Thomas accepted the invitation, and he stayed in your flat, drinking tea with you and eating biscuits, till the wee hours of the next day
You and Thomas shared smiles from your balconies and the street below, but when you'd be walking the stairs together, it always turned into an invitation for a drink, or to watch a game, or just a chat
About a month and a half of friendship, Thomas asked you to the cinema
You gladly went with him
In the middle of the film, your hands bumped together, both reaching for the popcorn on your lap - resulting in heated faces and looking away
Thomas walked you back to your flat that night, leaving you with a kiss on the cheek and legs made of jelly
That next day, Thomas asked you to dinner
'Is this a date or just a hang out?'
'It can be whatever you'd like.'
To no one's surprise, you chose the former option
You never officially confirmed your dating status, but you'd figure Thomas introducing you to his family as his partner was confirmation enough
Dating Thomas would include him singing you mellow songs in the evenings, longing glances shared across rooms, lots of tea at all hours of the day, and extremely stupid jokes that turned sickeningly sweet
Those jokes would occupy your mind for days on end, cherishing every single joke shared
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As cliche as it sounds, you'd meet in a bar
There was a game on between Lazio and Milan - and you both were dragged there by your friends
People clamored around the bar and television screens, screaming and yelling, and everyone decked out in jerseys (the Lazio jerseys outnumbered the Milan jerseys 3:1)
Funnily enough, you met Ethan in the corridor for the toilets
'With a line this long, I might as well piss outside'
For a first impression, Ethan really did make an impression. One that made you laugh and his cheeks tint red at the knowledge that someone heard him say that
It sparked a conversation while you both waited in the long lines
You discovered that neither of you held too much of a love of football, which absolutely tickled you that someone was in the same boat as you
Ethan waited outside the washroom for you, then suggested you both go outside for a smoke
With a drunken smile (the only way to get through a football match is to drink, lets be real), you agreed and told the friends you came with where you'd be disappearing to
Outside, you and Ethan shared three fags each and lots of laughter and conversation
Surprisingly to Ethan's friends, when everyone came pouring out of the bar after the game finished, Ethan had you pressed against the wall in a heated kiss
While being the most shy member of the band, Ethan reacted the most prominently to liquid courage, which you were more than okay with
You traded information, and the next day, you woke up to a sweet text from Ethan, asking you to a cafe to get to know each other in a sober environment
No complaints, you went
Ethan was just as funny as he was last night, and neither of you stopped smiling the entire time you were together
You saw each other quite often after that; sharing the occasional kiss, but full of laughter and stupid faces in silent moments
Eventually, you got brave and asked for Ethan to be your boyfriend
His face and ears went bright red, and he immediately looked to his slender fingers, chuckling nervously - but he happily agreed
Dating Ethan would include a hell of a lot of cuddles, lots of reassurance, few kisses but very meaningful kisses, and more laughter than you've ever shared with anyone else
Ethan will make you one of the happiest people on Earth, and in exchange, he is the happiest, just to have you in his arms in the mornings (even if you drool on him in your sleep)
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Without a doubt, you'd meet Damiano at a bar
There wouldn't be a game one, it was just a Friday night, and you felt like cutting loose with your idiot friends, whom you very much loved
Damiano would spot you immediately
You, of course, had already spotted him, but your friends were drooling over him, and every single person in the bar was as well, so you just put him out of your mind
That is, until he swaggered right up to you while you were grabbing drinks for your friends who were all on the dance floor
His expensive scent intoxicated you better than any booze behind the bar, making your skin tingle immediately. Damiano radiated heat, but that could've just been how warm it was in the bar from all the people
As the bartender was mixing your drinks, Damiano asked you your name
'A beautiful name for a beautiful person'
You thought he was just looking for a one-night stand, which you were actually quite down for
However, the night was still young, and you still had drinks to deliver to your friends, so you thanked him for the compliment and sauntered off to your friends with the drinks in hand
They called you a myriad of names for you basically turning Damiano down to do what? To dance with people you'd known for years?
Fortunately, walking off hadn't deterred Damiano
His eyes were on you for the entire night, until you built enough nerve to approach him
It didn't take too long for him to offer to bring you back to his place - you didn't need more than a second to accept
That night didn't lead to sex, however. Damiano thought you to be drunk to give him any meaningful consent, so he just left you to sleep in his bed, while he took the couch
When you woke up, you wrote your number with the lipstick in your purse on his bathroom mirror, and you left without a sound to wake him up
He called you that same day and invited you to the bar again
The entire weekend was spent going to the bar, sleeping either with or at Damiano's, which suited you just fine
Unfortunately, you had an actual job that required you to go to work, so when he invited you out on Sunday, you had to decline, then again on Monday
Tuesday, however, you invited him to your place for a couple drinks and you ended up falling asleep on his shoulder on the couch
Damiano woke up with you for your job and stayed with you as you got ready that morning, smiling at you through the mirror of your bathroom
Soon enough, your nightly encounters turned into real dates that changed location and theme constantly
Damiano was spontaneous and you loved it
He'd call you the cutest pet names under the sun, and bring you everywhere you were willing to go with him
Damiano never called you his partner; you were his lover
When you'd be alone, he always referred to you as 'Y/n, the light of my life, the only flower in my field, the cream in my jeans'
Made you blush like mad, but that was Damiano's favourite part
Dating Damiano would include doing each other's eyeliner, lots of PDA, reading side by side on the couch with a record playing softly, never falling asleep alone
Sleeping beside Damiano was like sleeping next to a furnace, so blankets were never needed, but cuddling was required
if it sucks, y’all gotta tell me😩🙏
for @fairyth0rns , i hope you like it
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levis-hazelnut · 3 years
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Summary: After being so busy with work since she was born and realising how quickly she's growing, Levi spends time with his daughter while he still can.
Warning(s): none, just diabetes because this is so sweet and fluffy. But please do tell me if you spot any!
Taglist (fill out this form) or send in an ask: open!
Status: ongoing
part 4 > part 5 > part 6
series masterlist
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"I'm home," Levi announced in a moderate voice as he entered the apartment, gently kicking the door behind him before he slipped his shoes off. There was a squeal of 'Daddy!' and a force nearly knocked him over but he was able to catch his balance. Looking down, he saw a head of hair similar to his as he felt arms around his legs. A smile crept onto his lips and he crouched down, kissing his daughter's hair which is when she looked up at him. "Hey, princess. Where's Mama?"
"In the bedroom, sleeping."
"What were you doing this whole time?" he questioned, standing back up and shrugging off his blazer as they both wandered to the living room.
"Mama picked me up from nursery and we came home. We had a snack before she went to put Eren to sleep. And then, I was playing with my toys. I got hungry, but I didn't want to wake Mama up," she murmured, walking beside her father. He slightly frowned since Mikasa has most likely been hungry for a couple of hours now.
"Let's go get you some food then," Levi stated, grabbing the child's hand and leading her into the kitchen. He hoisted her up so she could sit on the counter, and she started to swing her legs back and forth, her heels lightly tapping a cupboard. "What do you want to eat?"
"You know you can't have cake right now, my princess. Should I make you some pasta?" The male sifted through a cupboard, finding a packet of spaghetti.
Levi got out all the other ingredients and began to cook. He left the pasta to boil before grabbing a glass of water since he had been deprived of food and drinks for several hours, seeing as how he had a lot of work to do. He gave his daughter some water as well before he continued to cook.
While he was focusing on preparing the food, his mind wandered to the conversation he had with you a few weeks ago - about how he wasn't able to spend much time with Mikasa. And maybe he'll be able to make up for that now. She's getting older and the days go by so quickly that Levi can barely comprehend that she's now four years old. It'll only be a matter of time before she's going to high school and slowly separating herself from him and you, like most teenagers do.
"... Daddy?"
"Do you love me or Eren more?"
"I love both of you equally," Levi replied, looking over his shoulder so that he could see Mikasa.
"You can't do that, Daddy."
"Why not?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow and slightly smiling.
"Because Eren's more annoying than me. He always cries," she pouted, causing her father to chuckle softly.
"Fine... Don't tell anyone, but you're my favourite," he said, ruffling her hair as she giggled. "And I'm always going to love you, and protect you."
"Yay! I love you, too, Daddy!" she squealed, jumping onto him and he caught her, settling her onto his waist as she wound her arms around him, grinning into his chest. "Wait... Do you love me or Mama more?"
"I'm not going to answer that."
"Because..." He couldn't think of anything to say.
"Is it because you love Mama more?"
"My love, the pasta is boiling," a soft, slightly tired voice spoke from behind, causing both of the ravens to stare in your direction. They noticed your fatigued expression, yet there was a tender smile sitting on your lips. Your husband gazed at you for a few more moments before registering your words and placed Mikasa back onto the counter before he went to turn off the stove. Approaching your daughter, you ran your fingers through her hair. "I'm sorry I didn't cook anything for you, sweetheart."
"It's okay, Mama. Daddy's making pasta, anyway."
You pecked her cheek before nearing your beloved, looping your arms around his torso from behind and lifting your head to rest your chin on his shoulder. He briefly inclined his head in your direction to peck your lips before turning his attention back to cooking. Closing your eyes, you took in the warmth of Levi and breathed in his cologne, realising he was still in his suit.
"How long were you standing there for?" he asked as he continued to make a tomato sauce.
"Since you said: 'And I'm always going to love you and protect you'..." you told him quietly. "I love you so much, Levi. Mikasa and Eren are lucky to have you as their father."
"As I always say, I barely do anything for them. It's you that's always there for them."
"And as I always say, you do more than you think."
"Whatever. I need to cook."
"Let me do it, babe. You haven't even changed or showered. And it's my fault that our child is starving."
"Don't worry about it. You're tired, just go to sleep. Unless you haven't eaten either."
"I haven't, but I only need sleep."
"Eat something."
"I'm fine. I'm going to end up falling asleep halfway through eating."
"Fine. Don't wait for me to come to bed. I'm going to shower and eat."
"Mhm. Don't do any work, you're tired as well," you murmured, retracting your arms from him and walking back to your room to collapse onto your bed.
"... Mikasa?"
"Go sit down at the table. Dinner's ready."
She nodded as Levi made a plate for his daughter and placed it on the wooden surface in front of her.
"I'm going to go have a shower. Once you finish eating, brush your teeth and go to bed, okay?"
"Okay. Thank you, Daddy."
"You're welcome, princess."
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Taglist (fill out this form) or send in an ask: @jeanscowboyhat-levisteacup @svftackxrman @universallychaoticpan @lanatheawesome @iworshipyelena @purplecandygerl @peculiarinsomniac @xoxohollands @rexgoesrawrrrrrr @hangjie @animebae100 @notgoodforlife @coffeeforday @oh-theseus @resonancesoul @ruthbestboi @l0velysnk @levisbrat25 @fandom-addict19 @may-machin @xsugarysweetsx @awkwardllama1 @kiyakemi @youraggedybitch @levisblackbabe @roralore @usernamehere91 (crossed out names can’t be tagged)
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anne-white-star · 4 years
Young Jon pertwee x waitress!reader 
Notes: reader is a waitress jon saves her from a scary situation and more will happen read to find out😊
Please ignore any spelling mistakes thank you 😊
There are hystorical mistakes im sorry about that i tried my best
Warnings : cursing nothing bad or explisit
Words : 2067
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It was 1947 2 years After the war of 1945 people wer trying to pick back up their lives. A lot of buildings were destroyed many people died, lots of people fled and fought the war it was a big chaos the last 5 years, but things were calm now.
Jon pertwee came back home from the war after serving as a marine in the navy on the HMS Hood also in the ww2 many of his men died one of the only survivers of his group was him and Ian Fleming. (I hope i got it corect if not my excuses)
"Hey jon! How are you doing mate?" Jon turnd around at the mention of his name.
"Oh hey ian, it has been a few years" jon grabed his hand and shook it "im doing fine how about you?".
"im doing alright, im just trying to pick my life back up you?" They started to walk next to echother.     
"Yes me to the past years have been really tough" as they both crossed the street jon his eyes fell on a bar/restaurant/pub "shall we go get a beer? Than we talk further".
"Sounds good im always if for a cold beer" ian laught
Walking in they were greated by lots of men sitting and drinking their fill, waitresses were serving food the bar tender was filling their beer mug. And there were a few cooks in the back prepairing some food. They sat down at a table and a women walked up to them.
"Hello welkom to the fox and hounds my name is y/n and i will be your waitress this afternoon would you like to eat or drink something?" She grabed a pen and note book out of her apron ready to Wright down their order. (The Fox & Hounds is locaded at 29 Passmore St, Belgravia, London SW1W 8HR, not far from jon his old home at 66 Chester Row it was build around 1960 but lets pretend its older)
"Umm yes" jon looked at the menu
"I'll take a pint" ian said
"I take one as wel"
Y/n looked up from her note book "anything ells?"
"No this is fine" jon smiled at the women
"Alright two pints coming up" she walked back to the bar to get them
"Are you starting to like her don't you?" Ian asked
"I saw the way you looked at her"
"Oh be quiet you" jon punched his shoulder while grining  
"So here you go two pints that be 2s 4d"( its origanaly 1s 2d im not british i Googled it but i really don't know how this works it was after the war) she smiled and put them down on the table before them
"Here you go i pay for both of us" ian said to her and smiled
Y/n took the money from the table and put it in her apron
Jon started to drink his beer and they talked with echoter for about 30 minuts when
"Hey let me go aaahhh!!!"
They both turned around to look where the scream came from, when they turned around they saw y/n being hold back with a gun pointed to her head
"Give me all the money out the register or the pretty girl will pay with her life"   
"Please let me go" she asked while crying softly
Jon put his beer mug back down on the table and stood up "let the girl go"
"Hmpf" "what are you going to....." the man was caught of guard by jon punching him in the face "agh!! you fucking cunt!" the gun fell out of his hand and His hands flew to his nose. Jon grabed the gun from the ground and went to stand in between y/n and the man.
"Now put your hands up turn around and face the wall" jon pointed the gun in the back of the man "someone call the police"
Ian walked up to y/n and sat next to her on the ground "are you alright?"
"Yeah yeah im fine..... i just need a moment" *sigh*
About 30 minuts later Two police officers stept in "Good afternoon we got a call for a attempt of robbery and a hostage"
"Yes sirs here he is" jon said while still pointing his gun at the man.
"Alright we take it from here thank you so mutch for keeping him under controle" one of the police man took handcuffs and arested the man.
"Also here is his gun" jon gave it to the other officer
"Thank you sir, we will take care of all this".
After the police officers took the man away jon turned to y/n sitting on the ground with a blanked over her shoulders. "how are you feeling?"
"Im feeling better now thank you" *sigh* "i just feel a bit scared now to get home"
"Where do you life?"
"About 30 minuts away but i have to be at work tomorow"
"If you want you can stay at my home i don't live far from the restaurant"
"That would be Nice sir"
"Oh please don't be so formal just call me jon"
"Thank you jon" y/n smiled at him.
Ian had been gone for a few hours after the insedent, after y/n her shift they walked to jon's house
"So this is my place" jon unlocked the door and let her in. "Make yourself at home"
"Its quite lovely" she looked around, y/n put her bag down and hung her coat on the coat rack.
"You must be hugry" jon said while walking to the kitchen "what would you like?"
"Hmm is (favorite food) alright?"
Jon laught "sure but i don't know how to make that, perhaps you could help me?"
"Of course i will help you jon its the least i can do" she went to stand next to him.
After they were done preparing the food they both sat down and started to eat
"Hmm this tastes great"
"Im glad you like it jon"
When they were done with eating their food y/n went to prepare herself for bed "where can i sleep jon?"
"you can take the bed y/n i'll take the coutch"
"Are you sure?"
"Its fine don't worry, good night dear"
"Good night".
The next morning both jon and y/n had breakfast with echoter and talked about all kinds of stuff
"i can't thank you enough for helping me out yesterday"
"Oh its nothig i dealed with worse"
"You fought in the war din't you?"
"Unfortanetly yes" jon looked down sadly "so many died, i lost a lot of comerats in battle"
Y/n grabed his hand softly in hers "Im so sorry, that you had to go trough that jon"
Jon smiled at her "Its alright I only hope this never happens again"
Y/n looked at the clock "oh goodness i have to get ready my shift starts in an hour" she stood up and went to get ready for work.
The few days that y/n had to work she would sleep the nights at jon's house so that she could be at work on time when she had off from work y/n would go back to her own home. Jon had to admid the days when she wasn't there during the late afternoon and diner it was quite lonley, but the days she was at his house they enjoyed cooking, reading and playing games to pass the time.
6 months had passed sinds the incedent at the fox and hounds and y/n and jon got very close with echoter they became great Friends even to the point that they both fell in love with one another but both din't know it that they were.
"Hey jon in a few days there will be music at the fox and hounds and i was wondering if you would like to go with me?"
"Sure it sounds like fun"
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The evening came around and people were dressed up formal y/n was wearing a long black dress with long white gloves and golden wristbands plus a pearl necklace around her nek her hair was in pretty waves down her back. They were enjoying them selfs when the bar tender came up to y/n
"Y/n can i talk to you for a moment"
"Alright sure, i be back in a few minuts jon" they both walked to the back of the restaurant "whats wrong?"
"Wel i got the news that the last person who was suposed to sing could't come because their car broke down"
"Oh no what are we going to do"
"Cant you go up there?"
"What me? Really?"
"Yes you, i have heared you sing something while being in the back your voice is very pretty y/n"
"Hmm... Alright i'll do it"
"Thank you y/n you are a life saver"
About 30 minuts later it was time for her to come one the stage
"Ladys and gentelmen may i have your atention for the last act y/n y/l/n"
(Play the song from here if you want)
🎶He was a famous trumpet man from old Chicago way
He had a boogie style that no one else could play
He was the top man at his craft
But then his number came up and he was gone with the draft
He's in the army now, a-blowin' Reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
A-toot, a-toot, a-toot-diddelyada🎶
Y/n looked over the crowd trying to find jon
🎶Ai, ai, ai, ai, ai
Have you ever danced in the tropics?
Well that girl's a fool
With the Gaucho?????
Of the South American way, hey!
Ai, ai, ai, ai. ai
Could you have ever kissed in the moon light
If you never kissed
Who knows what you've missed
In the South American Way🎶
Again looking around she still could't spot him
🎶Bei mir bist du schoen
Please let me explain
Bie mir bist du schoen means you're grand
Bei mir bist du schoen
Again I'll explain
It means you're the fairest in the land
I could say "bella, bella"
Even say "wunderbar"
Each language only helps me tell you
How grand you are
I'll try to explain
Bei mir bist du schoen
So kiss me and say you'll understand🎶
"Okay guys, grab your gal and hit the floor
'Cos here's that beat you've been waiting to swing to" said the bar tender to the crowd of people
🎶Who's the lovin' daddy with the beautiful eyes
What a pair o' lips, I'd like to try 'em for size
I'll just tell him, "Baby, won't you swing it with me"
Hope he tells me, "Baby, what a wing it will be"
So, I said politely "Darlin' may I intrude"
He said "Don't keep me waitin' when I'm in the mood"
In the mood
In the mood
In the mood
It didn't take me long to say "I'm in the mood now🎶
She finaly spoted him in the crowd he was looking at her with a dreamy look.
🎶If you ever go down Trinidad
They make you feel so very glad
Calypso sing and make up rhyme
Guarantee you one real good fine time
Drinkin' rum and Coca-Cola
Go down Point Koomahnah
Both mother and daughter
Workin' for the Yankee dollar🎶
🎶Oh, Tico Tico, tick
Oh, Tico Tico, tock
This Tico Tico, he's the cuckoo in my clock
And when he says "Cuckoo"
He means it's time to woo
It's Tico time for all the lovers in the block
I've got a heavy date
A tete-a-tete at eight
So speak, oh Tico, tell me is it getting late?
If I'm on time, cuckoo
But, if I'm late, woo woo
The one my heart is gone to may not want to wait🎶
🎶In Spain they say "Si, si"
In France you hear "Oui, oui"
Ev'ry little Dutch girl says "Ya, ya"
Ev'ry little Russian says "Da, da"
When the song was over people clapped and cheered for her performance. Jon walked up the stairs of the podium.
"That was amazing y/n i din't know you could sing so wel"
"Thank you jon it means a lot" y/n smiled
"I want to ask you a question y/n"
"Yes jon go ahead"
"Would you like to be My girlfriend?"
"I would love to"
Jon kissed y/n a top of her head knowing that this women wil be a great joy in his live.
The end
I hope you all enjoyed reading 😊
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Unbelievable || Dustin H. x Fem!Reader
Requested: @im-eating-rn Hi!hello!May I request? A little Dustin x reader where nobody of Dustin's friends believe that he got a girlfriend who goes to a different school but he actually does? they always meet in the arcade? And then maybe Dustin finally set up a meet up with his friends and his little gf at a party? And everybody is start asking since when and how? And Dustin's mother (bless her sweet soul I love her) is just like "oh yeah they are together since idk... hi y/n sweetheart!" I just love them.
A//N: this prompt is absolutely freaking adorable and I love it but I apologize in advance if any of the interactions between reader and Dustin seem forced. I'm so used to writing the reader as Dustin's sibling so this was tricky to write😂
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"Come on, Dustin! I bet they're just teasing you. They're your friends, I'm sure they believe you," You rubbed your boyfriend's back soothingly, trying to comfort him.
"You'd think so," he sighed, putting his head in his hands. "But I know those assholes and I can tell when they're teasing and this is not it."
You continued tracing circles in his back, falling silent but still offering your support.
He took his head out of his hands and smiled, looking at you.
"Then again, I can't say I blame them."
"What do you mean, hun?" You asked, brow furrowed.
"You are pretty unbelievable"
You blushed furiously and you felt your chest grow warm.
"Oh, Dustin." You smiled brightly and leaned in giving him a tender kiss.
The two of you pulled away, and you intertwined your fingers with his and rested your head on his shoulder.
"So why don't we set something up?" You said simply. "A little get together at your house. You can invite your friends over. And I can swing by and meet them. Besides some homework I gotta get done, I'm free Friday. What do you say?"
He looked at you adoringly, as usual, and smiled.
"That sounds perfect. Have I ever told you how awesome you are?"
Your face scrunched up in a playful manner, you peered up at him. "Not today, you haven't."
Your head moved with his shoulders as he chuckled. "You are unbelievably awesome."
You could hear the smirk in his voice, and you smiled as your eyes focused on a random spot on the wall.
"I can't wait for you to meet them" he said contently. "And for you to wipe those smug smiles off their faces."
You giggled picturing the sight. You couldn't wait either.
"No offence Dustin, but do you want to head to the arcade or something?" Will asked timidly. "There's not exactly a lot to do here,"
Dustin, whose eyes kept flickering to the door, something his friends picked up on, brushed off the comment.
"Uh yeah, maybe later though" his voice sounded distant, he was distracted.
"Dude, what is up with you?" Lucas asked.
"Oh, it's nothing," Dustin mumbled.
He shook his head briefly, taking his eyes off the front door and stood up. "I'm gonna get something to drink, does anyone want anything? I've got cola,"
"I'm good," Mike shrugged.
"Same here," Lucas said.
"I'll have a cola," Will said.
Dustin nodded and retreated to the kitchen, leaving the three boys who looked at one another.
"Something's not right, man." Lucas whispered.
"Yeah something's definitely up," Will said.
The boys fell silent when they heard footsteps approaching and sure enough Dustin emerged holding two cans of cola. He handed the can to Will who mumbled a thanks.
Dustin made his way to the couch and just before he could sit, the doorbell rang. He jumped up quickly and scrambled to the door, his friends sharing weary looks.
"I think you guys will find my guest very interesting." He said smugly, over his shoulder.
He grasped the doorknob and swung the door open, Dustin spoke confidently. "Hello, my lo-"
In front of him stood a very confused mailman holding a package.
Lucas and Mike stifled their laughter and Will was having difficulties keeping the amused grin off his face. He hid behind his drink and took a sip.
"Um, package for Mrs. Henderson?"
"Great, thanks, okay bye." Dustin took the package swiftly and reached for the door to close it but the man spoke up.
"Sir, you have to sign for it."
Letting out a weak chuckle, Dustin quickly grabbed the clipboard and scribbled his signature with the attached pen on a chain, and shoved the clipboard back into the man's hands and hurriedly shut the door.
Sighing, he leaned against the door, thankful that the exchange was over with. But when he saw the peculiar look on his friends faces he knew what was coming.
"Just save it alright?" He grumbled.
He trudged back to the couch and landed on the cushions and let himself sink into the pillows.
"You were saying?" Lucas quipped, quirking an eyebrow and smirking.
"Shut it, Sinclair."
Lucas chuckled and Mike got up and took a seat next Dustin on the couch.
"You wanna tell us what all that was all about?" He asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Before he could answer, a brief series of rhythmic and gentle knocks came from the front door.
Dustin, who recognized your pattern of knocks - something he picked up on somewhere along the way - and he knew this was Y/n.
Plastering on a smug smile, he looked to Mike.
"Why don't you find out yourself?"
Mike frowned, and looked over his shoulder to the door, briefly making eye contact with Will and Lucas before looking back to Dustin.
"Please, be my guest." He urged.
Dustin gestured to the front door and Mike stood, making his way over to answer it.
Mike had no idea what to expect, but when he opened the door he was still surprised to see a girl their age, standing on the front porch. You looked as if you were just as confused to see Mike as he was to see you.
You recognized him almost immediately from the pictures you had seen. It was just odd having someone else answer the door that wasn't Dustin.
He always answered the door when he was expecting you. Even the times where you could hear Mrs. Henderson call out to you that she would get it, it would usually be followed by a muffled thud and a slew of curses as Dustin scrambled to get there first.
You smiled politely. You recognized Mike from the pictures around Dustin's house and you figured they had been giving him crap or something and that's why Mike answered the door.
"Hi, you're Mike right? I'm Y/n," you stuck our your hand out for him to shake and in his confused daze he shook your hand as if he was on autopilot. "Where's Dustin?"
"Over here, Y/n/n." Dustin called wistfully.
You smiled, and rather than wait for Mike to let you in - it didn't look like the thought ever occurred to him - you stepped passed him, knowing you were invited anyway.
You stepped into the front room and you noted the delayed sound of Mike closing the door behind you and he wandered past you and back to his seat.
You looked at each of the boys, Will and Lucas gaping at you as well.
"Hi there," You met Will's eye and smiled. "You must be Will and that would make you Lucas?"
They each nodded respectively and Dustin got up, joining your side. He gently put his arm around you, a gesture you welcomed.
"Gentlemen, this is Y/n," He wore a beaming smile, looking at you fondly before looking back to his friends. "My girlfriend"
"Wait, seriously?" Lucas asked, dumbfounded.
Your smile grew brighter, albeit a bit smug, and you nodded proudly. "It's true. We've been together for some time now."
"So," Will spoke up. "You're the Y/n?"
"The one and only. And it's my understanding that you guys have been a bit "skeptical", you made air quotes as you said this, but out of politeness you kept them hidden at your sides. "about me and Dustin?"
Lucas opened his mouth to speak but the words seemed to have died on his tongue.
The guys did believe you existed of course. You and Dustin had met at the arcade, fighting over who got to play dig dug first. You had both gotten to the machine at the same time, but fought over it.
Dustin didn't argue that much, and gave the machine up to you. Not that he thought you couldn't win on your own or anything, but because he was more than fine waiting his turn for it if it meant having a reason to spend more time with you. A fact he had kept to himself. You two ended up taking turns on the game, each of you trying to beat each other's scores. Dustin had caught his friends up the next day at school, inadvertently gushing about the awesome girl he met at the arcade the previous day.
This adoration for you continued for weeks, the guys quickly lost interest and got fairly annoyed. He would find a way to bring you up in any conversation. "Y/n said the funniest thing today," and "I wish Y/n was here, she'd know just what to do," or "It's funny you say that, Y/n was just telling me about..." Eventually, one of them snapped one day, making some comment about he needed to get over her and Dustin retorted that as a matter of fact, he asked you out for a lunch date and you said yes.
A mixture of bad timing and irritation from the guys' side is what caused their disbelief. That and how highly he spoke of you. Surely no one was that perfect.
Any time he mentioned you from then on, something you did or said, anything involving you his girlfriend, they just assumed he didn't want to be caught in an embarrassing lie and kept up the act. For the sake of his dignity.
Yet they still couldn't quite shake the doubt that had taken root in their minds. Small parts in the back of their brian fed them alternate scenarios, any suggestion that could possible make sense all because if they admitted they were wrong they knew they had been bad friends.
Maybe you were just doing Dustin a favor by coming here and saying these things. Hell, maybe you found out he liked you and you didn't recproacte the feeling and as an act of pity, you agreed to lying for him just to shut them up. It was a definite stretch, but it was possible right?
No matter the doubt, however crazy the scenario, it didn't do anything to help the guilt that settled heavily on their concious. But in the whirlwind of it all, their attention was pulled to the front door for the third time that day to see Mrs. Henderson walk through the door, coat on, groceries and her keys in her hands.
She smiled brightly and greeted the boys, who politely greeted her back and when she saw you her lips stretched into a big grin.
"Y/n, honey! What a lovely surprise!" She set down the grocery bag and walked over to you.
She enveloped you with her signature mama bear hug and you gladly accepted the familiar embrace.
Pulling back, she inspected you, plucking a few cat hairs from your shoulder that had attached themselves to you during her hug. You were not fazed by this, you had gotten quite familiar with her motherly behavior. She went nuts for you when you met her and everytime you were around she doted on you more than she did Dustin if at at possible.
"Oh, how have you been sweetheart?"
You smiled warmly. "I'm great thank you. How are you?"
She gushed. "Oh I'm just fine, thank you sweetie. So tell me, what are you kids up to? Dusty, have you offered your friends a drink yet?"
"Yes mom," he said, a hint of impatience in his tone. "I was just introducing them to Y/n,"
Dustin made firm eye contact with each of his friends, reveling in the fact that they were finally listening.
"In fact, we were just clearing up some questions they had." He smiled smugly at his friends and they struggled maintaining eye contact.
"Oh, I remember when Dusty here was so excited when he first told me you guys had finally planned a first date. Gosh, he could not stop talking about you honey," Her loving gaze shifted from you to the other boys. "He was so nervous too."
"It was so adorable," She giggled. "Hard to believe it's been almost a whole year now, isn't it?"
When they heard this from Mrs. Henderson, that was the final confirmation. Lucas, Mike and Will all felt immediately crushed by guilt and sent their friend many apologetic looks and apologized profusely the rest of the night.
In fact, it took them a very long time before they finally stopped apologizing. Even a scattered one here and there months after it happened.
Of course, that may or may not have had something to do with the fact that you never let them forget it.
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jace-the-writer-guy · 4 years
Aliah: "Alright, so before Krawsor is a steak that is literally steaming from the spices on it. Before you take a bite, the innkeeper hands you a potion vial filled with a cool blue liquid..." *Puts on a deeper voice* ""Here ya go. This'll be for after ya take a bite o' that. Drink it down now,, and it'll keep ya from-""
Kuro: *Speaking in a slightly deeper vouce as his dwarven character* ""Ha! I don't need any of that! I'll torture myself if it tastes good!""
Aliah: "Are you sure about that?"
Kuro: *Nods* "Yup! Krawsor's got high constitution."
Aliah: *Shakes her head a bit* "Alright then, roll a persuasion check because this guy is really insistent on you drinking the potion."
Kuro: *Rolls a d20 die and laughs* "Nat 20!"
Aerial: "Heck yeah! I wanna see how this goes!"
Aliah: *Chuckles a bit* "Okay then, that's a natural 20 persuasion... The innkeeper let's out a sigh and shakes his head," *Gets into character once more* ""All right then, good luck. Just don't call the guard on me."" *Goes back to her normal voice* "You take a bite?"
Kuro: "Hell yeah I do!"
Snow: *As his character in a lighter voice, making it sound as feminine as he could* ""By the gods, this won't end well...""
Aliah: "Since you have a high con, I'm gonna let you roll with advantage."
Kuro: *Rolls a d20 in his hand and drops it on the table* "Alright, let's see what I... Nat 1..."
Aliah: "That's alright. Advantage, remember?"
Kuro: *Rolls another d20 and his eyes widen* "Another nat 1!? What the fuck, dice!?"
Aerial: *Bursts out in uncontrollable laughter* "Ohhhh my god, that's freaking hilarious! I really need to get Ebony in on this!"
Kuro: "Oh I'm so fucked..."
Snow: "You asked for it, big guy."
Aliah: "Now now, hold on. I still need to roll a d100," *She holds the larger die up* "Are you ready to see your fate, Krawsor?"
Kuro: "No backin' out now..."
Aliah: *Rolls the die and she gasps* "Ooooh my gods..."
Kuro: "...What is it?"
Aliah: "That... would be 100. Max severity."
Snow: "Oh yeah, you're fucked."
Kuro: "I'm regretting my decision already."
Aliah: "Krawsor..." *She begins to giggle* "Oh Light. K-Krawsor, you grab the fork and stab the tender, steaming meat and you lift it up to your mouth. You can just feel the spices already, and you take the absolute biggest bite you can. You chew on it for several moments as the savory juices fill your mouth and the meat feels like it just melts. It's absolutely delicious."
Kuro: *As Krawsor, hesitantly* ""Mmm! Thish ish damn good! I don't she wha-""
Aliah: "But, soon after you swallow that first bite and go in for another, and that's when you feel your entire mouth start burning up. It gets unbearable after just a few moments and you start choking, and you choke more and more as the intense, insanely hot mix of spices just cover the insides of your mouth and down in your throat. It burns like a red dragon breathed lava down your throat, and you start coughing all over the place. You can feel your consciousness slowly fading from the agony, and you fall backwards very comically out of your seat as the other taverngoers and your companions watch."
Kuro: "Holy fuck, they serve this!?"
Snow: *As his character* ""Oh for the love of Kuu, you dense fuckwit..." Lanisti grabs that potion and just dumps everything down Krawsor's throat. "They make this potion for a damned reason!""
Aerial: *In character with a deeper voice after she got over a fit of laughing* "Ha, Kraw ya idiot! This is why mom couldn't leave ya alone around hot food! Hahahahaha!"
Aliah: *Keeping her laughter held back as she held her hand ove her mouth* "This is just great, oh light," *Clears her throat* "Okay, so Lanisti takes the potion from the innkeeper while Bolgrin is just laughing his ass off, and pours it straight down Krawsor's throat. It immediately starts easing the searing pain in his throat and he stops choking after several moments. He lays on the floor for several more moments before his strength returns to him and he feels like he can get back to his feet."
Kuro: *Dumbfounded by everything that happened to his character and he just shakes his head for a moment before he gets back to the game* "Okay, okay... I get back up to my feet and I cough a few times... "Uuugh, what'n the name o' Valienca was that?""
Aliah: *As the innkeeper* ""That would be the Dragonfire Steak. You're lucky you didn't die from that, y'know. People have when they didn't drink the potion."
Kuro: ""Well... Now that I got that blue shit in me, I'm diggin' in! This steak is amazin'!""
Snow: *Shakes his head* "Lanisti just narrows her eyes at Krawsor. "I can clearly see why Bolgrin is the smart one out of you both... I'm going to my room for the night. Please try not to do anything stupid, Krawsor.""
Aerial: *As Bolgrin* ""That'll be hard for him to do!""
Aliah: "Okay, I think that's a good spot for a break," *She starts giggling again* "Oh Kuro, you could have been very screwed there."
Kuro: "How screwed, exactly?"
Aliah: "Well, since it was a max severity on the d100, I was about to have you roll a death saving throw because one, you didn't drink the potion and two, Krawsor took a huge bite of the steak. If you failed that save, then Krawsor would have died if Snow didn't make you drink the potion before that point."
Aerial: "Oh my gods, that's brutal!"
Kuro: "Seriously!"
Aliah: *Laughs and grins* "Well when an innkeeper has you take a potion in order to eat something, you should probably take the potion."
Kuro: "I think I see that now."
Snow: "Yeah, you should definitely take the warnings. You're gonna end up getting yourself killed." *Grins*
Kuro: *Laughs* "Yeah, probably."
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