#she deserves to have cute coffe and drawing days
finalgirlmoment · 10 months
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Annabeth Chase if y'all ever gave her one moment to chill
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chessalein · 1 year
Another AU with Jackie and Nori
What probably no one knows is, that in my little head, there is an alternate Universe where Jackie's and Nori's meeting is way less sad and dramatic.
In this Universe, Nori moved recently to NC to live with her friend Maya (she calles her sometimes Bee because of "Biene Maja/The adventures of Maya the Bee", some people noticed and think her nickname is "B". She is a merc.).
They live in a two-bedroom apartment somewhere in Heywood, becaue Maya thought it might be much saver than the other places for her friend that isn't used to this hellhole of a City. Their apartment has a balcony that goes into an alley, maybe even a little courtyard. And sometimes she would just sit on this balcony and read her books or draws into the night. Its a cute little place she made cozy for her. Fairylights, flowers, cute table and chairs and what not.
So some night when she gets her stuff to get ready to chill the heck out of the night, she hears someone blubbing around, swearing in spanish and not sounding like they had a good time. When she looked down, she sees a man who seemed to need to sit down because he isn't able to stand anymore.
Maya told Nori "Don't bring ever of these druged junkies that sometimes walk through down there into our apartment. I don't want to come home and have to scratch your organs from the wall. I mean it!"
Of course Nori doesen't want to have this poor person down there killed by someone that would mugg him and then decorate the streets with their organs. So she does the only thing she could do.
She yells down to him and asks him if he is drunk or high. Jackie was confused as heck because he was so drunk he wasn't even sure if the voice he just heard came from his head or a real person.
After getting him to look up, he asks her in his flirty tone "Why ? because you wanna come down to me?" She is like "Yea. But it depends if you are drunk or high"
He tells her that he is "very very very very very veeeeery.... uh... drunk!"
Drunk. Not high. Means its okay. (She knows its still not very smart to do but she wants to help so...yea)
So she comes down to him with a glass of water and a cup of coffe to give him some. She noticed that its working, but not that good so she tells him that he has the choice between: she calling him a taxi so he could go home, or he comes up to her place where he could sleep for the night and to sober up.
Jackie who is a smartypants is like "yea but... how do I know that you don't kill me and sell my organs" to a woman who only reaches to his shoulders and who he could shoot to the moon with one good slap. But he is right (Children, never go with people you don't know) and she points out all these things and explains to him why she wants to help and he likes that. So he comes up with her. She makes him coffee and gives him food that would cancel out the alcohol a bit, they talk more and soon she goes to bed, he sleeps on the couch and its fine.
The next day he hears Nori and another woman argue in the kitchen.
"What if he was high!?"
"Don't worry. I checkted that before I went downstairs."
"You did? How?"
"I asked him." And Nori says that with a very proud face because she thinks that was a super smart move.
Jackie joins them, Maya tells him that he can be lucky that he is THE Jackie Fucking Welles one of the legends of NC (yea, in my AU he will be a legend of NC no matter what, because he deserves it) because otherwhise he would have a pistol in his mouth the moment he wakes up.
But, lucky them, they all get along niceley, he gets Maya, he appriciates Nori who wants to do good for the people and after an awesome breakfast and more friendlyness from the two nice woman, he goes home. Sometimes when he comes by that little alley, he lookes if Nori is outside and if she is, they would talk over the balcony. He knows he could come up if he asked, but he kind of liked that stopping by to chat a bit and then be on his way. It was like a little powerbank loadup.
At some point Maya got Nori to join her clubbing. They have the deal that Nori would come out of her shell once a month and they go somewhere under people but not where THAT many people are. So they go to this small club not manny know of and stuff goes wrong. Someone must have put something into Noris drink, Maya isn't anywhere to be found and wouldn't pick up her phone. So Nori calls the only person she knows in NC that she could trust: Jackie.
He is there in like 10 Minutes from the other side of the city, picks her up, let Vik Check her through to see whats going on. They find out that they hand stuff out in this club without people knowing and that isn't THAT bad, but Nori seems to be alergic to it or at least of stuff thats in it.
The next morning she wakes up in Jackies huge villa he build for his Fam. Maya calls back Jackies number because she had no idea where Nori is and was already afraid that it could be someone from the hospital. He tells her all that happend, tuns out that Maya had a geat time beeing high and absolutley forget about bringing Nori while beeing high. Thinking she is save at home because Nori doesen't like clubs and all. Of course Maya is super thankful that Jackie helped her out, and that she picks her up as soon as she feels like its okay to drive.
When Maya comes to Jackies place of course she is like "WOW" because its a very cool place. Jackie, Nori, Valerie and Vik are using the pool when she arrives. And when Jackie brings her to the pool she is like:
"Why do I have the feeling like I'm a mom that picks up her child from her way cooler, divorced dad?"
Yea, thats kind of how far it goes in my head till now.
Not that dramatic, all are happy, all are good. Maybe I need this to balance out what will come in my story. I don't know.
I really like Maya, she is such an amazing friend who tries her best to look out for her friend thats in this city because of her, and wants to build this save space for her without keeping her in a cage. Slowly getting her used to the city and the darkness of it.
Just kind of wanted to share it with you all :) Thought you might like it.
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
sugary sweet
shinso hitoshi x fem!reader
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[a/n: alrighty so I know it seems like I’m spoiling my baby @shinaus​, and I totally am because she deserves the world, but I promise that I’ll get back to normal requests and some ideas I have soon BUT for now, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE! 🥳 Here’s a little gift for you, I just wanna say that I appreciate you so so much 💓 you’ve been here since the start pretty much and I thank you for all the kindness and support that you’ve given me, I’m so excited to see how our friendship will grow as we both progress in our blogs. i love u 🥺 here’s a little soft boy shinso for your birthday, and for anyone else who wants to read, so enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´- ]
He knew who you were, he knew your name and order by heart. You came in almost every morning before your 9am lectures, then you would come in for lunch and do some homework before going back for your 1:30 lecture. So when you came in at 8am on the dot, your drink was all ready waiting for you.
“Morning Toshi.” He blushed at your sleepy little smile.
“Good morning (y/n).” He slid the cup of iced coffe to you. “And happy birthday.” He then slid a cake pop over to you. He hoped he got the date right, he vaguely remembers when you told him but he’s guessing that the expression on your face meant that he had been correct. The fact that he remembered your birthday made your poor little ole’ heart beat erratically in your chest. The way he tilted his head just enough to make him look like a confused kitten hadn’t helped either.
“O-Oh thank you, I can’t believe you r-remembered.” Your smile grew a bit wider when he looked away, sheepishly rubbing his neck.
“It’s nothing, really.” He noticed his cheeks starting to feel hot so he scrambled to change the subject. “So uhh what’s the rest of your day look like? You gonna go party it up at the club with a few friends?” The way your face fell just a bit made his heart ache.
“Well uhm not exactly, I actually didn’t plan on doing anything today.” There was a small silence that followed directly after you had said that because he was hoping to hear a ‘just kidding’ leave your lips but it never did.
“Seriously? You’re not gonna do anything?”
You shook your head.
“You’re just gonna go to your 1pm lecture later on then go home?” He honestly couldn’t believe it.
“Well not exactly. My professor actually cancelled so I’m just going to my morning class.” That still didn’t seem like a good plan. You sipped on your drink while he looked deep in thought. Seeing as this had happened from time to time during your many idle conversations, you just patiently waited until his idea was formed.
“That just won’t do.” He clicked his tongue, head shaking in disapproval. “I’ve got a plan.” You were intrigued to where this would go so you motioned for him to continue. “I get off at like 2:30 so why don’t I pick you up then and we go have some fun. Hmm? Whaddya say?”
“H-Have some fun? But what would we do?”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” He cheekily winked at you. “So? Sound like a plan?” As much as you’d want to argue that you didn’t want to waste his time, the little grin on his lips was enough to draw out a ‘yes’ from you.
After talking for a bit more and exchanging phone numbers, you left the coffee shop and made your way to the lecture hall. It was surprising to say, but you couldn’t concentrate for the life of you because you were excited. You were excited to hang out with Shinso, even if that little voice in the back of your head was saying he was doing it out of pity. You pushed the thought away and once the lecture was finally over, you rushed over to your dorm, excitement rushing through your body when your phone buzzed with a few texts from him.
From Toshi:
I should be by to pick you up around 3pm
Make sure to wear something comfortable
You had about an hour and a half to kill so you got some notes out of the way before starting to get ready. Now, did comfortable mean some sweats and a hoodie? Or did he mean more along the lines of a t-shirt and jeans? Opting for the safe option of jeans, you started to get ready. Your heart was thumping in your chest once more. It kinda felt like you were going on a date. You had let your mind wander for a bit, so much so that the second time the doorbell sound echoed through your place was what pulled you out of your trance. You quickly made your way to the front door and opened it to reveal a casual Shinso standing behind it. He looked quite good, well he looked good ALL the time but it was different to see him out of his work uniform.
“You ready?” Not trusting your words, you nodded and followed him out of the building. The both of you had walked in a comfortable silence before he turned to look at you. “Alright, so first item on the agenda. I thought we could go get some ramen because I don’t know about you but I am starving. But if your not down for ramen, I am so down to go for anything else.”
“No no, ramen works. I actually didn’t eat lunch so that sounds amazing.”
After having an amazing bowl of tonkatsu ramen and a pork bun or two, the both of you continued your journey.But as the two of you approached, you could tell exactly where you were headed.
“No way...” The way your eyes sparkled at the sight in fron of you made his heart pick up the pace. “I-Is this the Sakura festival?”
“You bet it is! I actually-“ He froze when you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him close to you and whispering a ‘thank you.’ Once you pulled away from him, he could see that a few tears had run down your face, she he carefully moved his hand to cup your cheek while his thumb had moved to get rid of those pesky tears. “Now come on, let’s enjoy the festival.” The softness of his voice made you swoon and since the both of you arrived when the festival had started, you both instantly made your way to the entrance. Now if you were to ask when exactly he had slid his hand into yours and intertwined your guys’ fingers, you wouldn’t be able to say when. It seemed like that’s how it was the whole time, not that either of you were complaining. When he’d softly run his thumb over your finger in an almost comforting manner, or when he’d squeeze tighter whenever the both of you were walking through a particularly crowded area, it all seemed like a natural reflex.
He had watched you eye a specific plushie a good 6 times before suggesting going over to the booth to play the game. It had seemed easy enough, get all four of the plastic rings around the neck of a milk bottle. Oh how wrong you were. You had played three rounds and lost three rounds. He hated seeing the pout on your face when you hadn’t made any points so when the both of you were waiting in line for some taiyaki he said he had to go to the bathroom and went off. You didn’t think much of it, too busy mourning over the loss of your desired plushie.
Meanwhile, Toshi had gone back to the booth to try and win the game. So far, he was four rounds in and still hadn’t made enough points. Just as he was going to give up, the booth attendant gave him a free pass at the game seeing as he had already spent so much money, so this time around he took a different approach. Instead of rushing into it, he took his time with each toss. So when he had made all four rings, a huge grin split his lips as he pointed out his prize.
“I wonder if he ate some bad shrimp in the yakisoba from earlier.” You mumbled to yourself. Even if you were still waiting in line, there was only two more people in front of you.
“Hey (y/n)!” You turned to the source of the shout and your jaw dropped. There stood Toshi with the cute squid plushie you wanted.
“Seriously? You won this for me?” He could see the way the tears in your eyes shone in the low light of the booth lights but you were far from sad. There was a genuine smile on your face as he nodded and held it out to you. He watched as you grabbed it and hugged it close to your chest. His chest filling with warmth as you nuzzled into the soft fabric of the squid.
With taiyaki, milk tea, and squid plush in hand, the both of you looked for a place to settle on the grass and get ready for the fireworks show to end the night. The both of you had settled against a tree trunk, sitting side by side. Shinso had grabbed your legs and rested them over his. Subconsciously running his hand over your knee as he munched on his taiyaki. 
The both of you chatted as you waited for the show to start but as time went on, the colder the summer breeze got. He noticed that you were shivering quite a bit so he softly shoved your legs off of his lap and opened his arms. Your confusion was quelled when you saw his open arms, you ungracefully fell into his chest and wrapped your arms around his waist to absorb all the warmth he had to offer. He just chuckled and shook his head while holding you tight, rubbing your back in small circled to generate as much warmth as he could. He tried not to think about how you felt while pushed up against him, how he could just lean down and place a kiss on the top of your head.
Sadly, this hadn’t lasted very long. The moment the fireworks started you had sat up to be able to watch them clearly. As much as he wanted to watch the fireworks display, the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ from the crowd enticing him to look, he just couldn’t tear his eyes from you. The way the explosions in the sky lit up your face, the pink tint on the apples of your cheeks and your nose, the way your eyes were wide with wonder, and the way your lips were curled up into a little smile. You were way more breathtaking than any firework could ever be.
“(Y/n)?” You tore your eyes from the glittering lights and turned towards him, blush painting your cheeks an even darker red when he was closer than you expected. Both his hands came up to hold your face, the pads of his thumb gently running over your cheeks. “Can I-.” He swallowed nervously, leaning in close enough to where your noses were touching. “Can I kiss you?” The fact that he even asked made you giggle.
“Of course you can, silly.”
Once he got the ‘okay’, he tilted his head a bit and brought you closer, your lips meeting his in the sweetest and softest ways possible. Your lips moving in sync as the taste of chocolate still lingered on your tongues.
“Mmm I knew you’d taste sweet.” He chuckled once the two of you pulled away.
“Oh yeah, how sweet?”
“I’d have to say sugary sweet but maybe even sweeter than sugar. I’d have to get a second taste to know for sure.” He shrugged innocently. You fondly shook your head, a squeak of surprise when he pulled you onto his lap. His hands were holding your hips while your arms wrapped around his shoulders, your fingers fiddling with the ends of his gravity defying hair.
“Happy birthday (y/n)...” you bit your lip to hold back your smile before releasing it and diving into another dizzying kiss.
Best. Birthday. Ever.
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Nobody Asked for it, you got it
 Fic Recommendation list :D
Like the title says no one really asked for it, but I felt in the mood to do one so why not? Lots of fandoms are here, so feel free to read through and see what there is that catches your interest ^^
There are links to both FanFiction and ArchiveOfOurOwn ;)
Minecraft: Story Mode Movie Mode - The first Watching the Game fic on FF (and one of the only 3), Movie Mode is a well written fic by @Toni4eyes, who captures the characters in an amazing way. In-Progress
The Return of the Lost - If you’re favorite episode is 6, then this little capturing moments of Stampy, Stacy, and Dan’s lives is absolutely for you. It’s very sweet, and though it’s currently only six chapters long, this fic by MitziRae is sure to capture you hook-line-and sinker
Building Blocks - If you love imagining the Old Order adopting the New Order, than look no further than this fic written by @raintagwasalreadytaken. Honestly, all of her fics deserve to be on this list, but due to conservation of space I’ll just link this one and let you guys discover the rest of her works on your own
Hybrid: Cinematic Mode - Similar to Movie Mode in the fact that it’s a watching the game, this piece by @arizaluca is simply stunning. Featuring the gang watching, not the original game, but in fact an alternate universe of Ariza’s (a hybrid universe).
Rebel of Sky City - You love writing or drawing that Sky AU for MCSM AU Month? Then Rebel of Sky City, written by shielddrake42 needs to be your next stop. Featuring Jesse, the daughter of Isa, and Lukas, the son of Milo. Need I say more?
Fingerpainted Bruises - Also by @toni4eyes, unless you’re like CaptainSparklez and think Radar is evil (still laughing about that from his walkthrough btw) then stay away. But if you’re like the other 99% of mcsm s2 players, and think Radar is a precious bean whom Jesse should adopt to make Ivor a grandpa, then you MUST read this fic, as well as its sequel Makeshift Band-aids
Danny Phantom
Jack’s Wish - Who doesn’t love a good reveal story? Well this one, although perhaps not the BEST written, is still one of the best plots I’ve seen. 
Frequency - Yup, another reveal fic. Expect it from me alright? I’m freaking addicted to them. This one has a bit more of an eavesdropping plot, but it’s still pretty good.
How to Train Your Dragon
To Start Anew - Hasn’t been updated in three years, but it’s time travel. ‘Nuff said.
Justice League (the cartoon, not the new movie)
Privacy - It’s cute, just...just read it alright?
Legend of Zelda
Dimensional Links - Ever want all of the Links to meet up? Wish granted right here. It was updated this year so I THINK it’s still going, but don’t quote me on that.
The Wolf - The fic you all wanted the moment you played/watched Twilight Princes, even if you didn’t know you wanted it.
Different - A fox growing up as a cat, learning she’s a fox, and all hell breaking loose. I’ve been reading this fic since my early days on FF (when i was twelve.)
Tigerclaw’s Second Chance - Exactly what it sounds like, a Time Travel piece in which Tigerclaw is given a chance to change things
Resilience - This is a really good fic involving a Windclan kit being taken to Riverclan, becoming a medicine cat, and lots of other crazy things.
Young Justice (show not comic)
That Torturous Thing Known as Time Travel - Read somewhere private so WHEN you start laughing, no one thinks your crazy ;)
Look into the Future - Exactly how it sounds
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Weaver of Silk and Dreams - There are no words that can properly describe this amazing alternate universe, so just go and read it for yourself.
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
The Marinette Project - Pure fluff and romance involving MariChat, Adrienette, Ladienette, and LadyNoir. Quite possibly the best and sweetest Ladybug fic I’ve read. Bring your toothbrush.
I’m into Fitness - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Movie Night - Kinda rushed, but still hits all the right points. Also (as far as I’m aware) the first watching the movie fic for this fandom, so give it some slack ;)
Piece by Piece - Single Gray Dad AU that is just the cutest thing ever <3
Move on Up - The ending is really rushed (at least for me) but this is a really cute Breek fic (branch x creek) and a really clever soulmate au
Blood is Thicker than Water, but so is Sludge and Tar and the horrible coffe dad tried to make one time - Do I really need to say anything?
The Pain in our Tears - Just a cute little headcanon that I totally agree with
They’re Us -- Young Justice meets Justice League. Hasn’t been updated in a while, but still worth your time reading.
Lean on Me - Smurfs Meets Trolls, with the cutest crossover pairings to ever exist. 66 Chapters and still going strong. (does have some chapters you may want to skip, but there ARE alternate versions on FF)
Bluetiful - The inspiration for Lean on Me, this is probably the only Smurfs meets Trolls fic rivaling with Lean on Me for best fic award.
Green Ninja - All of the Lego Movie worlds combined (Lego Movie, Lego Batman Movie, and Lego Ninjago Movie) focusing on Lloyd (green ninja) and Ma and Pa Cop. It’s much better than I make it sound ;)
Brick by Brick - Teen Titans meets Young Justice, in the form of mind-swapping.
Whooo that’s a ton of fics xD Took literally over an hour to write this lol
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