#she cosplayed nepeta for their production of cats
felsicveins · 3 months
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We've mentioned Cory's friends before but now we have them! Andrew is an actor/ singer and he's in a lot of the local productions. Lloyd is also an actress but she helps out with tech/ set stuff. Webber... Really only got involved once Cory started working for Brozone... For obvious reasons. He was a gaffer or something idk
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cerulean8looded · 5 years
okay that one i literally made bc i look like john, love just dance, and want to be loved but here we fuckin go
25. John being a just dance twitch streamer and all the boys being gay for it i mean youtubers au
so im thinking that all of them make WILDLY different content. lets start with the beta kids.
so john has a gaming channel, clearly, and he decides he wants to lose some weight in a fun way that also helps his channel, so he starts the just dance thing. other than that, he mostly plays things like minecraft, five nights at freddys, all your basic bitch stuff, along with a fair few horror games. he really likes minecraft and sims 4 though.
rose has a witchcraft channel. she practices witchcraft and makes videos about spells and sigils and crystals and all the other cool stuff that goes along with that. i dont know much about witchy stuff anymore, its been a while since i was into that stuff, so id have to do a bunch of research for her.
dave has two channels: irony channel and music channel. the ironic one is where he posts anything to do with sbahj, and just generally fucks about, does weird trends and stuff. he never shows his face on his music channel, never shares his name, and it’s all remixes, so no one hears his voice either.
jade has the most chaotic but pure channel. she does anything she feels like doing, from kids show reviews to “Look at this cool pumpkin i grew” to “heres my favourite gun”. she has no theme, and never plans to change this.
aradia is similar to jade in chaotic energy, but she tends to stick to stuff like creepy antiques she finds, weird animal bones from the fields she just wanders about in and that kind of odd stuff. she also talks about dark conspiracy theories a bit.
tavros mostly focuses on animals; animal care, animal facts, how to spot animal illnesses, how to deal with hostile but injured animals in the wild, what to do if you see an animal you think might have rabies, all that kinda shit. theres always at least one animal in every video, whether its a ferret in his lap, a cat walking over him, a snake around his neck, a guinea pig on his shoulder, and so on.
sollux does a gaming and tech help channel. he plays any game that people claim is difficult and tends to beat them so fast people think he’s hacking. he slaves over every fnaf game to try to beat the custom night first. as for tech help, hes basically that guy who runs the channel on how to fix discontinued apple products.
i lost my fucking karkat paragraph, im furious. basic recap of what i lost: he does general content like dan howell and phil lester kinda, with a couple staple series, such as his rant series, where his followers give him a topic and he rants about it for about twenty minutes (after editing). he also does livestream versions which can sometimes last for several hours per rant.
nepeta does cosplay videos with whoever she can rope into helping her (usually terezi, vriska, equius, or feferi) plus a lot of fandom videos in general. she usually comes off really lighthearted in her videos, but she also makes a lot of important comments about fandom culture and shipping wars etc. on her second channel she does vlogs, which exposes her absolute gremlin side. these vlogs often feature things such as her climbing up a tree, getting stuck, and screaming until equius saves her.
kanaya does makeup and fashion advice videos, mostly with a vampire theme to them. occasionally she’ll do cosplay makeup too. her favourite videos to do are when her subscribers send in pictures of themselves and their closets, along with some general information on what they wont wear and all that, and she gives them advice on how to spruce up their look a little and declutter their clothes, etc. she likes feeling like shes making a difference to people.
terezi focuses on true crime mostly; cold cases, current cases, sometimes she runs through the process of solved cases. she prefers to do unsolved stuff, since it gives her the ability to talk about her own theories on it, and she does often get it right, but for particularly interesting cases she will do a video anyway. she also does a little bit on mental health and the reasons behind crimes and shit.
vriska is another kinda general youtuber. she does whatever the hell she wants, plus anything anyone says she cant do. she also lets some of nepetas fandom stuff leak into her content. no one really knows how she got so many subscribers. she also has the most merch out of all of them.
equius makes videos on whatever happens to be his current hyperfixation at that moment. hes the most inconsistent. one week hes picking apart the homosexual subtext in certain scenes of jaws, the next hes teaching you how to put together a microwave. he does a lot of lgbtq+ videos too; his most popular video is of him and nepeta and some others at pride and most peoples favourite part is nepeta racing around a small clearing with equius on her back while vriska cackles behind the camera
no one is really sure what gamzee actually does. his videos are all filmed on a phone camera and are never edited. he doesnt have an intro or an outro. sometimes it seems like he forgot to start filming until halfway through whatever he was talking about, but he never repeats the bits the camera missed. theres no theme, no clear goal, no one knows whats happening and theyre pretty sure hes high in every video. one time he posted a video that was over 48 hours of the phone just pointing at a wall, which appeared to be covered in blood just out of sight of the screen (as in you could see the edge of it but not the actual blood) and there appeared to be a hand sitting at the corner of the screen. everyone was fucking terrified for a while, but the next video posted to his account was karkat explaining that hed had a bit of a mental break and thrown a jar of jar at the wall (the “blood”) and that the hand was just a doll. hed taken out his phone to film a vent video, but promptly forgot about it, dropped it, and went to do something else. he finally remembered over two days later, posted it without thinking and called karkat. a few weeks later he started posting again like the whole thing never happened.
eridan’s content mostly focuses on harry potter and magic (which he definitely doesnt believe in because that would be ridiculous), but he makes a lot of environmental PSA videos about littering and pollution and stuff. in his fandom videos he comes across as just really excitable and doesnt seem like he cares about much else, but he really shows off his intelligence in PSA type videos. he also posts a lot of videos of him just talking about whatevers going on in his life, usually whenever he gets a new crush. his most popular video is the one he made right after seeing johns just dance streams for the first time, because he looked like he was about to cry or scream the whole time.
and feferi! her content mostly focuses on social and political issues. she talks out against “canceled”/purity culture a lot and tends to end up involved in discourse for it. shes that person in the middle of the argument whos literally only stating facts and saying that we shouldnt jump to unnecessary conclusions, but somehow ends up being accused of being jack the ripper or some shit for it. she isnt afraid to share her honest opinions and makes sure to remain as polite and level-headed as is humanly possible when responding to others.
i was gonna do the alpha kids and dancestors too and like share some plot and that kinda stuff but this is long as fuck, so we’re gonna stop here for now! feel free to request again for even more info dumping. also i just wanna say that i planned none of that gamzee stuff i had no idea what i was doing when i started that
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momestuck · 6 years
Let’s read Hiveswap Friendsim - volume 15!
Just to clear up a misconception - this is Hiveswap Friendsim, not to be confused with Hiveswap proper, which is a point and click adventure game spinoff of Homestuck, of which so far only one volume has been released. So Friendsim is basically a spinoff of a spinoff!
The characters in Friendsim are apparently set to feature in Hiveswap volume 2, although the actual events of Friendsim may not have happened exactly as portrayed. It’s impressionistic, or something.
I suspect this explanation may be more confusing than clarifying.
This volume is called Of Creatives, Conventional and Otherwise.
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Charun looks like some kinda gardener, and Wanshi evidently has a book (the title of which seems to be ‘DIARY [of a] CULLABLE WIGGLER’).
Charun is by Kieran Miranda, who previously wrote Azdaja (the DBZ guy) and Stelsa (Tyzias’s gf with the pink coat).
The protag begins this arc by questioning their entire character trait!
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They’re having a day in due to depression.
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Unfortunately, we can’t sleep for long. Someone is crawling about in our ceiling!
...or not in our ceiling, but in the edge of our room, anyway. We poke our head out of some kind of telescope- or camera-hole. And meet...
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This person! Pizzicato strings (hey I know some music words). This piece is actually by Toby Fox, of Undertale fame, who also did music for Tegiri, Lynera and Galekh. Huh.
The protagonist grumpily asks if they’re here to move in or something, and Charun says some words at last.
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It turns out they were here to take this strange lens thing. But now they’re stuck.
The narration uses ‘they’ pronouns, which we haven’t seen since Cirava, so that’s nice :)
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Their quirk is speaking very slowly, with lots of pauses, marked by ‘..’ - just two dots - on either side.
Apparently the reason they want it is ..............................art.
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We get our first choice. Interesting or weird? I’m inclined to be nice. Let’s say interesting. Kind of damning with faint praise there though, I guess.
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Charun picks up on our like... noncommittal use of ‘interesting’. They say...
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And that’s pretty much shot our chances of friendship.
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Well, let’s be more engaged. Sounds weird, ya weirdo, etc.? Engaged.
‘Haha.. yeah..’ is about what we get for that.
There’s a dig at the format.
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Instead, our choice is...
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Let’s go with... two dots?
They’re apparently too tired to lug this lens back down the tower. We get another set of options (guessing .. vs .... was a fakeout)
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Let’s carry it! I want to see what they do with it.
We make our way out, and get the long shot of our watchtower again.
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Charun, it turns out, lives in a cave just down the road from our watchtower. We get a very detailed background.
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Back to back, the difference between this background - lineart, cel-shaded - and the previous one - painted, kind of impressionistic - is striking.
Notably, there seems to be a troll back there, looking out from over a pile of stuff. Also is that like... bug thingy Charun’s lusus?
Charun inquires as to our opinion of their art. We flounder.
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Charun calls us on having no idea what we’re talking about. But this prompts the protag to decide this would be a great time to learn how to make art.
We get some wisdom... “All art.. is dicking around..” True words.
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But apparently we’re overthinking it. Our second attempt...
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Soon enough, they decide to join in. We collaborate...
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I’ve seen that episode of The Get Down.
Our results seem to be worth it.
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The narrator celebrates.
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I’m actually kind of put in mind of some words by Porpentine here.
Build the shittiest thing possible. Build out of trash because all i have is trash. Trash materials, trash bodies, trash brain syndrome. Build in the gaps between storms of chronic pain. Build inside the storms.
And this masterpiece created...
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Well I guess we go for a joyride? That seems entirely unrelated to what happened in the episode, but what do you know.
So now let’s propose finding some more portable trash, I guess. Which is another colourful background...
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Apparently the background artist for this episode is Phil Gibson. This is a river which is accumulating a pile of rubbish on the bank.
After extracting a promise not to share this secret location, we get to work.
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They get us to install instaGram.. uh...
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PincerSpam. We check out their aesthetic...
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Apparently they’re friends with Cirava. That’s cool :)
At that point, we stumble on some familiar faces in a cave. Awkward segue, but what ho.
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What sort of lethal shenanigans are these two up to today? Apparently their quarry is expected to be somewhere in this dump. Uh-oh... hope it’s not our new dear friend Charun.
Charun, meanwhile, has found some kind of gadget with a satellite dish. The protag figures it probably belongs to whoever Azdaja and Konyyl are tracking, and Charun asks us to distract them while they run away with it. Before we can refuse, they’re off.
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And that’s that. Meanwhile, Azdaja and Konyyl seem to be tending blackromwards so... yeah. That’s a thing.
Now for a very small troll. Wanshi is written by Lalo Hunt, who wrote Tagora, Tyzias and Galekh. Really likes to write the nerds, huh.
We decide to spontaneously pop down to the library.
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The narrator makes the same observation as me about the shelves...
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It turns out this shoe is on a troll, hiding inside this shelf to read ‘Scribblejournal of a Cullable Wiggler’. Guess they changed ‘Diary’ to ‘Scribblejournal’ during production at some point.
Wanshi’s theme has soft piano music. It’s titled ‘idk man you name it i’m tired’. Oh, that James Roach and his wacky song names!
We decide to butt in on her reading.
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On realising how young Wanshi is, the protagonist muses that they’ve managed to befriend a few other kids, and we get a very interesting bit of narration...
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So our protagonist dreams about the failure branches? Given the connection between dreams, death and the Furthest Ring, that fits.
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Since she’s a Jadeblood, she’d likely know Bronya, right. I’m very curious about this brain room. Let’s go there first.
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Her quirk, apart from the little bookending []s, is capital Ws and lowercase everything else. She’s five and a half sweeps old, which is almost the age of the Homestuck cast when we first encounter them (so she’s about 12 in human terms).
We wonder why she’s wandering outside the caverns. She explains...
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We make our way to the brain room. She asks us what a ‘brain’ is - because of course Trolls say ‘thinkpan’.
Considering that there’s no reason for Alternian and English to be the same, I kind of half suspect Doc Scratch has just been fucking with us all this time.
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Unfortunately, we can’t enter the thinkpan room, and there’s a scary looking guard there. So we move on. Apparently the reason she was escaping was to go to ‘beastcon’.
Oh god have we found a troll furry.
Apparently she writes ‘soldier purrbeasts’ fanfic. Hmm... not sure what that is. It could be this series of YA books?
We hear what the Jades have been saying about us.
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I’m not sure what it is we know, except for occasionally being able to give out fairly good relationship advice, but who knows? Our reputation precedes us.
She asks us to take her to the con.
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I want to see this con. We make a hurried escape from the library as the guard approaches.
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Of course the anime nerds would go.
We head off, guided by Gorgle Maps, and Wanshi excitedly observes the world outside the brooding caverns.
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Alas, on the way to the con, we find a dead troll.
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For once, we’re with someone who isn’t utterly desensitised to brutal violence.
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She shakes it off relatively soon, and we reach the con.
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Honestly I’m not exactly sure what this is a parody of, if anything specific. ‘Anime con and renaissance faire’ indeed.
Apparently the attractions include cholerbear riding and a... ‘coslay competition’. Which is entirely different, we soon learn, to ‘cosplay’. We consider calling Bronya to pick her up, when...
a rampaging bear interrupts the conversation.
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Whoops. Not exactly a place for kids. We throw her in a bush and... grab a katana? That’s just lying around? Yeah good luck with that...
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We fucking stab a bear with a katana to protect a small child we met less than an hour ago. Alternia must be getting to us.
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Unfortunately, sheer guts doesn’t save us. We get crushed under the bear.
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That’s one way to go out, huh. Well, I guess Wanshi learned way more about death than she bargained on.
OK, side branches. First, asking if Bronya is around instead of taking her to see the brain room.
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Snitches get stitches.
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Well, the kind you get from running, anyhow. Wanshi’s out.
OK, now to actually befriend her and survive the process. We’ll pretend to take her to the con instead of actually going.
The narrator tries to figure out how to refuse her request.
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We narrowly escape from the guard - which Wanshi terms ‘bonding hijinks’ - and take her on a roundabout route home. She gets to enjoy the sights.
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The protag is so endeared that they decide to take her to see their crashed spaceship. This reminds them that Vikare exists and they haven’t texted in ages.
I guess Vikare isn’t just forgettable to the readers!
Anyway, after pocketing a few of the remaining bits, Wanshi asks us to get a move on to get her to the con.
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So we fess up.
She’s not pleased.
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We have a slump. There’s an allusion to that ‘bitch of an Earth’ line that didn’t quite make it from ‘popular Tumblr post’ to ‘meme’.
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Though she’s still pissed, she appreciates our honesty. Some Social Commentary...
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At that point, we get some texts from Tegiri and Polypa, respectively telling us to come to the con and stay far away. Seems the whole cholerbear incident does happen in both branches this time.
This, at least, cheers Wanshi up a bit.
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Anyway, though she didn’t get the chance to make friends at the con, she’s got us. We get invited to RP with her...
...as cats.
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She’d get on well with Nepeta, huh.
We learn a little about Soldier Purrbeasts.
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Warriors is a series of novels  published by HarperCollins.
It is written by authors Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, and Tui Sutherland, with the plot developed by editor Victoria Holmes, who collectively use the pseudonym Erin Hunter. The series follows the adventures of four, later five, clans of wild cats—ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, RiverClan, and SkyClan, who will not be introduced into the territories until "A Vision of Shadows" —in their forest and lake homes, who look up to StarClan, the spirits of their warriors ancestors, who guide the four clans. They also follow the warrior code, a set of rules established in order to keep the clans as civil factions.
...sounds like I was write to guess it was a parody of this franchise?
The narrator kind of struggles to get it.
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But with some prodding from Wanshi, we purple up our prose and find our way to suitably overblown dialogue. Even if it’s ‘not really a starcaste approach’.
Eventually, we get back to the Jade caverns, and find Lynera at a full five knives.
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Luckily, our presence calms her down somewhat - as low as two knives! But before we can leave them to sort things out, Wanshi has a gift...
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That says ‘Soldiers’. So yeah, definitely a parody of Warriors. These books were first released around 2003, roughly contemporary with books like Mortal Engines, The Edge Chronicles, Artemis Fowl, Alex Rider, and Maximum Ride. Given that, I’m honestly surprised I never read them! Maybe it was more of an American thing.
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And like that, we’ve made a friend. uwu
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We’re in the endgame now. Expecting I’ll finish this... probably not tomorrow, but likely Friday.
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Halloween Costumes for Humanstuck AU?
OK Rapidfire before this becomes too irrelevant:
Aradia: Either Mareep or Lup from the adventure zone. If we’re going for more generic, maybe a banshee
Tavros: He’d either do a group thing with Aradia (Tauros maybe) or do professor X from X-men
Sollux: Doesn’t dress up for halloween. If it’s required he wears a striped shirt and 2 eyepatches and says he’s a pirate like that one flash. somehow this doesn’t go poorly too often.
Nepeta: Any anime catgirl.
Terezi: Either a group thing with whoever Nepeta does, an Ace Attorney (or maybe fire emblem) character, or a group thing with Vriska
Vriska: Either a pirate, her current DnD character, or a vogue elf from TAZ so she can jokingly aggress Aradia.
Equius: Centaur, Horse, Maid, or a gundam.
Eridan: Equius’s unused gundam costume, Tuxedo Mask (so he can annoy Nepeta), or his DnD character but with much lower production value than Vriska.
Feferi: Mermaid most years, occasionally spices it up with a pirate to match Sollux.
Damara: The edgy murder girl from a currently popular anime, or occasionally an Ampharos if Aradia bothers her enough.
Rufioh: Gets talked into being the ass half of Horuss’s horse costume every year.
Mituna: Megaman
Meulin: Does the sunny optimistic protagonist girl of whatever anime Damara does by pure coincidence.
Latula: Currently popular video game waifu (ie D.Va, the robot girl from Nier Automata, Bowsette). Also has a pokemon trainer costume for group stuff with anyone who cosplays pokemon.
Aranea: Muffet from Undertale
Horuss: The front half of the horse costume. It’s like, upsettingly well made.
Cronus: Greaser. Every. Year.
Meenah: Claims she’s too cool for a costume, gets annoyed when nobody asks her to do a group costume with them, disrupts half the groups costume plans for something of her own design.
And as a special bonus, some non-trolls:
Caliborn: Jason. At least one of the weapons he carries ends up being real and nobody’s sure if it’s intentional.
Calliope: Either also one of the pokemon, or a popular character. Previous cosplays include group stuff with one of the anime people, Palutena from Kid Icarus, the two stark girls from GoT, etc)
Jasprose: Cheshire cat every year, it’s like a semi-ironic thing at this point
Davepeta: It varies so much there’s no real pattern except that they cosplay Frisk from Undertale every other year.
WV: Iron Man Mayors don’t wear costumes for halloween.
PM: Just puts on some dog ears and has WQ do basic makeup, calls it a day.
WQ: Any Fairy Godmother/Good witch from fairy tales
WK: Doesn’t dress up but wears a harlequin hat.
BQ: Period wear (ie flapper dress) or fairy tale villainess (ie Maleficent)
BK: The burger king A zombie under BQ’s control, or a vampire
HB: Rambo or The Terminator
CD: Pumpkin or some kind of rodent character (Hammond/wrecking ball, teemo, etc)
SS:  Ernie Doesn’t dress up for halloween
DD: Bert  Doesn’t dress up for halloween
Ms. Paint: A werewolf
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