#shayla x zevran
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galaxywhale · 2 years ago
3. for alistair and malinda, cause idk her very well yet, and 30 for shayla/ zevran pretty please <3
Thank you Nelke ♥️♥️
Questions from [here]
3. What was their first impression of each other?
Honestly I don’t Malinda very well yet either (she’s an Aeducan for context though) and I’m still working her out 😂 and she’s still pretty new so anything I say about her may completely change still BUT
Malinda first thinks Alistair seems quite capable at dealing with people because he stands up for himself during the original introduction, followed immediately by uncertainty because he then starts joking about things and she’s just not sure what to think.
Alistair thinks she’s very small and he’s impressed with her braided hair (and he continues to be). He’s also curious where Duncan met her and he thinks she’s very well spoken and clear and can tell she a little reluctant to talk about where she came from and can’t quite work out how she feels about leaving (mostly because she’s very intentionally trying to hide it).
So basically they’re both impressed and confused by each other and can te there’s more there that they need to (want to?) find out :)
30. What are their respective love languages? Do their love languages work well together?
I’m always bad at remembering what these even are 🙈 but I think both of them work pretty well together and enjoy just spending time together with casual physical touches. They’ve both been through a lot and they’ve both helped each other so a lot of healing and enjoy just being able to feel safe and comfortable together
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kirkwallgremlin · 4 years ago
4 for all of the ship questions? 🥺 for any of your choosing 🙏🏼
Thank you Isa <3 <3 I picked Shayla (Tabris) and Zev bc I’ve been thinking about her a lot lately and working on developing their relationship in my mind <3
Pre-relationship: Who felt romantic feelings first?
I think Zevran starts to feel something first because Shayla is very resistant to to Zevran at first - she feels she can’t trust him and that he’s dangerous to keep around. Then she starts to care about him but both of them complicate the romantic feelings by denying them for as long as possible so I’m not really sure who’d feel them first and it wouldn’t necessarily be the same as who accepted and acknowledged them first 😅
General: Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
I don’t think so 🤔 Although Zev’s past is complicated, he had Taliesen and Rinna, and although I’ve never really worked out the details, Shayla had at least one semi-serious girlfriend in the Alienage, plus... I’m still working out the specifics of Shayla’s engagement but I think she did genuinely care about Nelaros.
Love: How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
I think they’re more of a casual affection kind of couple, they won’t do any PDA kind of stuff but they’ll linger near each other with light, casual touches and sit so they can reach each other, have their legs touching, etc.
Even in private, they’ll cuddle but its more one person lying on the other as they both do their own thing in comfortable silence kind of thing.
Domestic: Do they have any pets?
Shayla spends half the blight trying to get the mabari to stop following her after Dog decides Shayla is her human but she slowly gets attached and when they leave after the end of the Blight, Dog goes with them. They spend a lot of time travelling after that and I’m not sure they’d get another pet after the Dog passes away though - Shayla has never been an animal person and I think she’d be happy with just Zev <3
ship questions
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galaxywhale-moved · 5 years ago
(biiitchofcambridge) tell me about ur multiple warden au!!!!!
Thank you for asking!! The two main wardens are Frankie Brosca and Shayla Tabris.
Frankie is the leader, she feels she owes the Wardens (and Duncan) everything for her first real chance to do something with her life and she’s devastated when they’re lost. She and Alistair connect over that (which leads to their growing relationship where they both fall in love) and she’s determined to prove herself worthy of the wardens.
In comparison, Shayla was conscripted and feels it was the choice of be a warden or die. She’d have run before the Joining if given enough time and a proper chance to think about it. She’s resentful of Duncan and the wardens and don’t get on, especially when they all go and die on her and leave her with even more responsibility she never wanted in the first place. She’s not a fan in particular of Alistair - he represents everything she hates, men, humans, wardens, nobles and he’s so frustratingly optimistic. She romances Zevran and he helps her process her anger and let go of the unproductive anger while holding onto her passion for justice and change. 
Frankie and Shayla don’t get on, they have completely conflicting views and have to learn to get along.  
There’s also Thaddeus Amell - he’s not a warden till near the end of the game/story. He just kind of... follows them, and they keep him much like they do with Dog lmao. Tad’s my himbo OC, he’s a giant dumbass with a heart of gold and I love him. He romances Morrigan, who originally tries to insult him much like she does Alistair but it backfires because he’s pretty much like huh yeah you’re right haha. He’s hot, so she guesses he can join her in her tent as embarassing as she finds that and then oh no feelings. 
Other than that, everything is pretty much following canon except there’s 3 of them after the circle! Frankie ends up Warden Commander with Alistair, Shayla and Zevran take off to do their own thing, and Tad finds Morrigan and they raise their 3 (maybe 2 idk) children together <3
It also features Magdelaine Cousland and Tia Surana as minor background characters. Maggie escapes Castle Cousland and starts heading to Denerim. She encounters Tia. who managed to escape from the Circle, and both of them travel together from then - and then they fall in love, and also end up as a Cousland x Surana x Anora thing <3 Love my lesbian queens. 
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blarfkey · 6 years ago
OC Stats
Thanks for @shiroyuri for tagging me. I have to fight against the idea that doing anything with my OCs outside of fic is ridiculously self-indulgent, so I decided to do this. I cannot art, so I have avatars made from Rinmaru games.
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Ellana Lavellan -- Modern AU for Dear Fen’Harel
Full name: Ellana Lavellan
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demi/Bi (doesn’t know about either of these yet)
Pronouns: She/her
 O T H E R S
Family: Parents deceased. Raised mostly by Keeper Istimaethoriel, though most of the clan also took turns/looked out for her.
Birthplace: Wycombe, Dales, Orlais.
Job: Computer Science Major at Skyhold University
Phobias: Dealing with past grief, sharks, hornets, small spaces and the danger of suffocating in them.
Guilty pleasures: Lazy days reading (since she grew up working all the time) swimming in the river on a hot day, shooting pool at the Hanged Man
Hobbies: reading, frisbee, boxing with Iron Bull, hiking and exploring the outdoors
 M O R A L S
Morality alignment: Chaotic Good
Sins: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth
Virtues: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility
 T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
disagreeable/agreeable – until you piss her off.
 R E L A T I O N S H I P S
otp: Solas x Lavellan
Acceptable ships: Ellana/Josie, Ellana/Zevran Ellana/Harding (in a small corner of my mind).
brotp: Dorian, Merrill, Varric, Cassandra, Krem
notp: Sera (too crazy), Iron Bull (already taken), Alaistair (like her brother), Cassandra (scary) Varric (reminds her too much of her dad).
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Shay Cadash -- Thick as Thieves
Full name: Shayla (named after Shayle) Cadash
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pan
Pronouns: She/Her
 O T H E R S
Family: Father (deceased) Mother (deceased) Aunt, Cousin, Grandmother, giant extended crime family.
Birthplace: Ostwick
Job: Lyrium Smuggler and sales recruiter for the Carta, technically the heir to the Ostwick branch of the Carta.  
Phobias: spiders, betrayal, fanaticism
Guilty pleasures: teasing the stoic people around her for a reaction, reading Cassandra’s romance novels, cake
Hobbies: drawing, pranks, singing (in deep privacy)
 M O R A L S
Morality alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sins: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth
Virtues: Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility
 T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
 R E L A T I O N S H I P S
otp: Solas/Cadash
Acceptable ships: Varric/Cadash, Sera/Cadash,  
brotp: Cassandra, Dorian, Varric
notp: Vivienne (reminds her too much of scary grandmother), Iron Bull (would break her in two) Blackwall (too dad-like).
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galaxywhale · 2 years ago
I'm gonna give you a ship you've never talked about just for funsies: Leliana x Cassandra
ohh interesting 👀 thank you Olivia!! 😁
ship ask game
Don’t ship it
1. Why don’t you ship it?
I think… I’m honestly just not invested enough in either character. I actually don’t like Cassandra much and I’m pretty neutral on Leliana (I love her just… not enough that my brain spends a lot of time thinking about her outside of my characters/events). And when I think about them, it just feels like a work relationship/coworkers who are maybe friends more than anything else.
2. What would have made you like it?
maaaybe if I’d been able to interested in either of them in relationships outside of each other too? I’ve made 2 wardens now who were meant to romance Leliana and they always end up with somebody else (Shayla with Zevran and Malinda with Alistair) and I never got into Cassandra’s romance either. And maybe I liked Cassandra more too but idk. I feel like maybe it’s just a “there’s nothing wrong with it but it’s not for me” ship 😅
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I can definitely see why somebody could like it! There’s a lot of potential there for a badass power couple bonding over their connection to the chantry and being high ranking officials in a major organisation trying to save the world together which is a super interesting potential dynamic 😊
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kirkwallgremlin · 4 years ago
🖊 for any oc
Thank you ❤️ I picked Shayla Tabris bc I’ve been on a bit of a Shayla kick lately
🖊 The first time Shayla really lets any of her walls down and relaxes properly is at the Dalish Camp, sitting around the fire listening to Dalish folktales and history. She’s fascinated and becomes much more animated and it’s also the first time that Zevran really notices her and realises that he would actually very much like to know her better. He thought she was pretty and interesting before then but that’s his first oh moment.
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kirkwallgremlin · 5 years ago
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@elffyness tagged me to make my oc and love interests here so presenting:
Thaddeus Amell x Morrigan
Frankie Brosca x Alistair Theirin
Shayla Tabris x Zevran Arainai
Tagging @laurelsofhighever and @briarfox13 if either of you would like to try or anyone else can go ahead and share yours too 😊❤️
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kirkwallgremlin · 5 years ago
Alistair x Brosca, set in my multi-Warden AU (which is really only relevant bc one of the other Wardens is mentioned)
Swords met in a clash, flashing as they caught the light from the campsite fire. Alistair twisted, dodging to the side to avoid the follow up blow as Sten’s sword bounced off his shield, swinging a blow of retaliation as the Qunari adjusted to compensate.
These sparring matches weren’t an uncommon occurrence around the campsite. With the ongoing risk presented by the new normal of their lives, a risk that seemed to increase with every passing day, the need to keep your skills sharp was essential. The opportunity to break the monotony that started to creep in after day after day travelling was an added bonus.
Initially Frankie had sat by the fire to sharpen the edge on her sword as she watched but the environment had become a distraction, and sharpening a blade was not a safe task for distracted minds and hands. Her current job was ensuring her armour was polished to the meticulous standards she aimed so hard to maintain. While her hands worked, her eyes watched the way both men moved, the moves they made, the strategies they used to counteract the threat of the other.
“Wait a moment, how did you do that?” Alistair exclaimed as Sten almost forced the shield from his hand. “Come on, show me?”
“It’s a nice view, isn’t it?” Leliana’s voice sounded from beside her and she jumped.
“They’re both excellent swordsmen,” Frankie said, eyes still on the men as her hands fussed over the metal surface of her breastplate.
“Indeed they are.” There was a hint of amusement in Leliana’s voice. “But I suspect there may be one more than the other who catches your eye.”
Frankie tried to ignore the warm flush in her cheeks, even as she protested having any idea what the woman was talking about.
“There is no shame in looking,” Leliana continued. “Especially when he might be noticed looking in much the same way.”
“He wouldn’t be looking at me,” Frankie said softly, not exactly sure how to explain or define the feelings triggered by that thought. Did she want Alistair to be looking at her? What did she want him to be thinking if he was?
“You’re much too hard on yourself,” said Leliana, her laugh lighthearted, friendly. “But even if he does not, there is still no harm in watching or admiring. We all do sometimes, although some perhaps more than others.” Her head turned to look across the camp to where Zevran sat with Morrigan and Shayla*. Given the assortment of jars in front of them, Frankie couldn’t help but wonder if the elf was teaching them about some new poison or potion. No doubt she’d hear about it later if it were useful.
There was no doubt Zevran watched Alistair sometimes. Shayla did too, and Morrigan, but their watching was different - much more disdainful than admiring. But was Zevran’s watching the same as her own?
With that thought planted, Leliana excused herself to practice the lute she’d acquired at the last town, leaving Frankie to polish her armour alone as the faint music drifted across the camp.
Across the fire, Alistair managed to successfully disarm Sten, seemingly to the Quinari’s disgust. As he shouted his triumph, he glanced up around the fire. His face lit up in a grin as he met Frankie’s gaze and she gave him a shy smile back, raising her hands in a silent imitation of a clap, knowing he wouldn’t hear a real one.
The smile disappeared as Sten took advantage of his distraction, sweeping his feet out from under him. Alistair’s affronted cry echoed across the campsite as he hit the ground. Frankie tried not to laugh as she looked away, returning her attention to her armour. Satisfied with the standard of her breastplate, she turned her attention to her pauldron, determined to focus and stop letting the men sparing distract her. Footsteps sounded and she glanced up, checking to see who approached her.
“You’re looking very polished,” said Alistair as he reached her, cocky grin on his face at his own pun as he positioned himself beside her. “Oh look, I can see my face is that one.”
“Are you done losing to Sten?”
“I wasn’t losing! I won...some bouts. Well, one of them. Almost two.”
“Out of how many?” She gave him a quick sideways look to check that her teasing wasn’t bothering him but he had his usual good natured expression, with just a hint of mock offence.
“Hey! The important thing to note is that I didn’t lose all of them. Just… just most of them. Besides, it was a kindness, really. I wouldn’t want to make poor Sten deal with losing all the time if I unleashed my true strength, he might get upset.”
“How very noble of you to spare his feelings like that,” Frankie joked, enjoying the casual familiarity of the interaction.
“That’s me,” he grinned at her. “Noble through and through.” He winced slightly at the words, seemingly recognising it wasn’t the best choice of words considering their recent conversation about his heritage.
“What was Sten teaching you?” she asked in an attempt to change the subject as she set the pauldron aside, reaching for her next piece of amour.
“He had this cool disarming trick. You don’t see it coming and then bam, suddenly you’re standing there not holding a sword or a shield! Not ideal when it happens to you but useful, I imagine, if it’s a darkspawn or a bandit standing there in front of you suddenly all surprised and weaponless.” Alistair picked up her jar of polish and looked at it closely as though trying to work out something about the paste within.
“That does sound useful.”
“Maybe I could teach you! We could practice together.” He continued to inspect the jar of polish as Frankie’s hand stilled atop her armour.
“I’d like that,” she said with a smile. “Maybe tomorrow though. I didn’t spend all this time polishing this scuff it up that soon.”
Alistair beamed at her. She liked it when he smiled. She liked it even more when it was directed at her.
“Deal,” he said. “Do you want some help with this? Not to brag but I have spent a lot of time polishing armour in my life. I’m practically an expert by now.”
“I’d like that,” Frankie repeated, watching as Alistair reached for one of the gauntlets lying on the ground beside them.
She still didn’t know if Alistair watched her like she watched him, but he was her friend - her best friend, really - and she took comfort in that. As long as she had that, she wasn’t sure anything else was necessary.
[Also on ao3]
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kirkwallgremlin · 5 years ago
I wanted Ellas to romance Zevran, that’s why I made him and developed him but now I’m like what if he was in the multi Warden au too 🤔 but he can’t be in the AU and romance Zev bc Shayla is romancing Zev
I could have Shayla x Zev x Ellas but I feel like that wouldn’t work for Shayla (although Zevran and Ellas would probably be down for that), or I could change Ellas’ story or I could just make a new Mahariel or have two versions of Ellas but idkkk
I’m probably overthinking this bc I haven’t even started trying to write this yet but hmm
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