#shawn always needs to put an angle on it
rhinexstone · 4 months
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I cannot convey how badly I need a crossover involving these two
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sleater-cunty · 15 days
Why Trap (2024) works (essay/review)
A/N: i was really inspired to write about this film and how much I love it. i did a post on my substack where you can read it properly but there's a tumblr version under the cut <3
words: 1303
This week I had the pleasure of rewatching M. Night Shyamalan’s new film Trap (2024) for a second time. I was inspired to make this trip to the cinema after watching a particularly mouth-watering TikTok edit of Josh Hartnett last night (here’s a link). 
I think we tend to stereotype Shyamalan as the “twist guy” and while that’s not entirely incorrect, I think that moniker diminishes his talents. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t love all his films––The Village (2004) was mediocre, Old (2021) was fun but dumb, and Knock at the Cabin (2023) was frankly horrible but I had a lot of fun watching The Visit (2015), and Split (2016) has some pretty cool moments. Nonetheless, he’s still an acclaimed and skilled director, even if his dialogue sounds pretty alien. 
Trap, to me, is probably Shyamalan’s best film so far––and before you say anything, I haven’t watched the Sixth Sense (1999) (it’s been spoiled so much that I haven’t found the motivation to bother with it) or Unbreakable (2000) or Glass (2019). Anyway, Trap is awesome and I’m gonna talk about it now. 
It was incredibly difficult to focus on this watch of Trap because I was sooo distracted by the absolute dilf that Josh Hartnett is. Regardless, I wrote some stuff down during my viewing which stuck out to me. Major spoilers ahead.
Trap might be one of the most well-shot mainstream films of this year. You don’t see Shawn Levy pulling out the big guns for the new Deadpool movie––by big guns, I mean cinematographer Sayombhu Mukdeeprom. It’s funny to think that M. Night was watching Call Me By Your Name one day and thought, ‘I need this guy’. 
“Sayo lights very naturally, and he understands film … He knows how to expose it just right … He's very good with colours … It was the boldness of his choices that really drew me to him” –– M. Night Shyamalan on Cinematographer Sayombhu Mukdeeprom.  https://www.picturehouses.com/blog/m-night-shyamalan-on-trap-interview 
Working with Mukdeeprom was probably the best decision he’s made in his career thus far actually. I was in awe during this rewatch about how great this film looks (aside from daddy Josh Hartnett okay I’ll stop). 
Mukdeeprom takes the name Trap literally. Many of the shots are framed in a claustrophobic manner, putting the viewer in the eyes of the characters.
Our protagonist Cooper is constantly seen confined within the frame with various objects and walls framing him inside the scene. The architecture of the concert arena is filled with leading lines and angular shapes which enhance the feeling of confinement. One scene specifically that made me go insane was when Cooper went into the bathroom near the beginning of the film. The stall doors are this brilliant shade of red, a color that is constantly used as a motif and is seen throughout the entire film. 
Cooper is center frame and walks in a straight line toward the middle stall. The red stall envelopes him, only letting the top of his head peeking out. This detail is important because Cooper is very tall and that becomes apparent in every single scene he’s in with other people. He stands out in a crowd of short teenage girls and other concert-goers. There’s a cut where the camera shifts to an overhead shot. For once, Cooper is seen from the top down, this being a rare sight considering every close-up of him is shot from a low angle. In this top-down view, the red doors trap him in. 
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Any wannabe art student knows that the color red represents passion and anger, two movies all too common with serial killers. Whenever the color red is prominent in the frame, it always is representative of Cooper being trapped. He’s trapped in the bathroom stall, he’s trapped in a concert stadium, and, during one scene while walking down a very gray hallway, a red fire alarm and a red exit sign are highlighted. 
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A later scene shows Cooper’s phone, it’s red with a black case, symbolizing how his anger is being shielded from his family because of the two lives he’s living. There are also multiple shots where only half of Cooper’s face is seen, adding to the idea of a double life.
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Cooper’s linear approach to the movement is a constant during the film. He’s revealed to have OCD which explains his methodical behaviors. Whenever Cooper is walking from between locations, he is almost always centered in the frame and walks in straight lines. The leading lines of the stadium’s architecture only enhance this precision of movement. 
Cooper isn’t the only one trapped, however. Lady Raven, while on stage, is always seen through some sort of frame. The giant screens behind her while she’s performing confine her. Lady Raven’s stage design also features three large box-like structures in which she and her backup dancers perform within. This conveys the film’s main theme of being trapped in more than one way. In the literal sense, Lady Raven is trapped in this concert, being used as bait for a serial killer. One can also say Lady Raven is trapped by her fame (yes I know, phone bad book good, very deep). One scene shows her standing backstage before the encore visibly stressed.
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Another motif featured in the film is Cooper’s relationship with his mother. He occasionally has visions of his mother. One of my favorite shots in the entire film is the only split-diopter (I’m a slut for split-diopters). Throughout the film, Cooper is always seen as the largest figure in the frame, always taller than his surroundings, always standing out. However, in this split-diopter, the FBI profiler lady is in the foreground, dwarfing Cooper for the first time. This shot is just *chef's kiss*. Cooper’s mommy issues are put on blast as this older authoritative woman commands the frame, regressing him back into a frail little boy.  
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Another similar frame from this film comes from this same scene. During this scene, Cooper is on stage watching Riley perform as Lady Raven’s ‘Dream Girl’ –– Cooper is positioned in the bottom corner of the frame, making him smaller than the giant magnetron behind him showing Riley. This frame, I think, exemplifies Cooper’s redeemable qualities. Stay with me for a second, I mean, besides being a serial killer, he’s a really good dad. He got seats in row 44 for Lady Raven!!! He takes extra care to not mix his “work” and his family. Cooper during his breakdown near the end of the film even says “Never let the two lives touch”. 
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He goes out of his way to protect his family. I genuinely thought Cooper had killed his family during the bathroom scene near the end. The camera holds on the bathroom door with the back of Lady Raven’s head obscuring the middle of the frame. Everything suddenly goes quiet and then Cooper finally opens the door. I fully expected him to be covered in blood. Another detail about this scene that I liked was how Cooper, a very strong and sexy fireman, could have easily broken down the door but, due to this OCD, he chose the more neat option of fetching the key. 
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Trap is such a feast for the eyes, and I’m not just talking about Josh Hartnett. But, beyond that, it’s Shyamalan’s love letter to fatherhood. You can call Saleka the ultimate nepo-baby and that would be true, but, does it matter? M. Night made a movie for GirlDads™, why wouldn’t he cast his daughter? To everyone who doesn’t like this film, why do you hate fun? 
Why did I write this? Was it because I’m horny for Josh Hartnett? Yeah… Here’s another edit, thanks for reading (if you did).
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Keeping up with the Michaels- You Matter
Each of the kids struggles with mental health. So obviously read with cation
Tw- Mentions of ED, mentions of past alcohol abuse, mentions of depression. Its not really in detail. I'm just yk making you aware of the topics.
John hides his face in his arms. That was his best match this year and still the fans hated on him and put him down.
"You alright kid?" John looks up to see his Pa stood infront of him. "Tough night" John mutters. "Oh yeah, you really went for it tonight. Amazing match johnny" Shawn smiles squeezing his shoulder. John frowns. 'I wish they saw that' he thinks to himself. "Wish me luck, got a match against jericho again. Gonna be hard to up do your match" Shawn chuckles before walking out. "I wish" John whispers sinking down. He groans and taps his temple before forcing himself to move to the showers.
Shawn joins taker in watching John's match. "Is he doing alright?" Taker asks as he spots a look in John's eyes. "I believe so why?" Shawn asks. "Nothin, he's just been acting differently lately." Taker states. "I know he's been working harder in the ring. I just hope he doesn't push himself too hard." Shawn huffs. "We won't let him. Don't worry" Taker promises. Shawn just nods and watches John.
Something was wrong with his boy. It hurt him.
John rests his forehead against the punching bag as he tries to catch his breathe. He doesn't know what to do anymore. Why isn't he good enough for them? He tries so hard and they all still hate him. He pushes away from the bag and begins hitting it, hard and fast. He's gone bare knuckles for once.
In his mind he's trying to make himself feel something.
In his heart he knows he's punishing himself.
"Fuck!" He barks slamming his fist into the bag one more time before taking a step back. He looks down at his bleeding fists and sighs. He needs to get out of his head. He needs the fans and his coworkers to get out of his head. "Please..." he whimpers resting his head against the bag.
Leon was always a skinny boy. His sister always went on about how she wishes she had a waist like his. He didn't mind being small until he was a full time wrestler.
The fans started getting on at him for being too small, so he ate more. Worked his muscles more.
Between us, not much changed, Leon was still small, but one bad camera angle and the fans changed to fat shaming him.
So Leon began missing meals. Trying to become small again.
He then hears that he doesn't work hard enough, that he was handed everything.
So he begins pushing himself, working harder than anyone else. Barely taking breaks.
Pushing himself too far even for a demon.
Drew stands next to Leon, like always during promos, and can't help but notice the way Leon's hands shake as he speaks. He wants to put it down to nerves but he knows Leon. Leon doesn't get nerves, he loses himself in character and it doesn't bother him.
He doesn't mentioned it.
He watches Leon closely from then on.
Leon's back hits the floor and he fights for breath. This can't be healthy. He's tired. Hungry. Him! Hungry! He used to eat for the taste, he's never really experienced hunger before, it was a benefit him and his dad had. But now? Now that he was depriving his body its all he wanted.
"Hey, you alright?" Sheamus asks walking over. "Yeah, just need a minute" Leon whispers. Sheamus looks at him concerned. "You know, I saw you shaking the other night..and now your out of breathe...are you sure everything's okay?" Sheamus asks. "Yes, I'm fine. Just some demon stuff" Leon huffs forcing himself to sit up. He hates the wince that comes from him as his lungs burn and scream at him. "Alright man. Just know I'm always he-" "yea yea I know. Now cmon, I need perfect that more." Leon mutters as sheamus helps him up.
Sheamus notes how thin he feels.
Drew smiles as he holds the tag belt high. He forces the smile when he sees how bad Leon shakes as he holds his up. The moment the lights begin to fade to end the show Leon begins to fall. Drew is quick to drop the belt and catch the other, helping to soften his fall.
Cassie was sober, but she was definitely not happy.
The fans loved her, the other stars loved her.
And yet she wasn't happy.
She wasn't good enough. She wasn't strong enough.
She wasn't John or Leon.
She didn't bring fear to her opponents.
She wasn't a man.
Cassie leans against the wall as vince goes over the plans. "What about me?" Cassie asks watching as the boys celebrate their big matches. "Ah you and another diva have a five minute match before the main event." Vince shrugs before walking off.
That hurts cassie.
She's not like Leon or John. She can't be accused of using her family for fame because she can't even get good treatment from them.
"Toughluck fire cracker" Charlotte smirks at her before walking away. Cassies heart sinks.
It wasn't fair. Both of them were nepo babies. And yet Charlotte was treated like royalty and cassie trash. The fans liked cassie more and yet vince didn't see that.
Cassie started to hate life. Or atleast herself.
Maybe that's why she said yes to Austin. God she wishes she said no.
"Cmon what's wrong?" Austin smirks. "Im not in the mood Austin." She whispers. "So what? You didn't get a big match, it's fine. Divas will get a shot soon" Austin shrugs. Cassie shoves him. "Im not a diva! I am a wreslter" she snaps. "Samething, no?" Austin asks. "I mean your brothers are stars. You? Your not a star yet"
The words cut into cassies heart.
She knew it was true but to hear it come from a loved one? That hurt more.
Austin wasn't a loved one for long. He got what he wanted, he got a stage. He didn't need cassie anymore.
Cassie was starting to get that deja vu feeling.
People didn't need her, atleast not for long.
She can't help but cry against uncle Scott's chest. "Its alright chica" Scott murmurs. No. No its not, is what she wanted to scream.
When would she be good enough?
When would she be appreciated?
"I think I need time off"
"Your a rising star cassie, you can't take time off now!"
"I think I need time off."
"Your doing better! You and drew have a big match tonight!"
"I need time off.."
"You are my top star John! Don't be silly, a break now will halt your glamorous career!"
Shawn could kick himself. He saw all the signs and it took to his own son to faint in the ring for him to pull them all aside.
Taker sits back confused as shawn places a beer in his hand. Their kids are sat at the table. "You three wanna tell me what's going on?" Shawn asks from next to taker. Taker looks at their kids. John's knuckles are bandaged up, Leon can barely sit up and cassie looks like she's been crying for days straight. "Just tired" Leon shrugs, his eyes staring at his plate in need. "Take a bite." Taker speaks up. "Not hungry." Leon mutters forcing his gaze to the wall. "Been busy, that's all" John mutters before eating some pasta. "Well, I was getting married and now I'm not. I'm allowed to be off" cassie mutters.
"You staying sober?" Shawn asks. Takers eyes widen in confusion and cassie glares at Leon. "Wasn't me.." Leon mutters. "You thought I couldn't tell? Trust me, I was you. I was all of you at one point. I can tell. I thought it was a teenage thing, kids drink, they do. But then you continued and I knew it was me." Shawn explains. Cassie looks down. "And you got injuried and got clean. And I'm proud of you." He adds. "Im still sober." Cassie whispers. "All of us?" John asks quietly.
"Not believing your enough, not doing enough." He nods at John. John shrinks. He looks at cassie. "Depressed." She just stares at him. And then he looks at Leon. Leon who's still staring at the wall. "Insecure" "im not Insecure." Leon grits. "When was the last time you ate three whole meals?" Shawn asks, finally having the mans attention. "When was the last time you took a break? Stopped training so hard?" Shawn pushes. "Enough" Leon warns. "I watched you faint in the ring! You shake during promos! You are weak" Shawn spits. Leon stands up, knocking his chairs back. Taker watches as Leon's eyes flash purple in warning. The issue he finds is, it's a weak purple. Not his normal deep purple.
John jolts up and catches Leon as he falls. "Dont" Leon growls planting his hands on the table. John steps back. "Dont.." Leon whispers lowering his head. "I don't think you understand the pressure we are under" Leon forces out, looking back at his parents. "We have eyes on us every hour of the day. John works harder than most of us just to be booed and harassed. Cassie is one of the best women in this company and yet she's still fighting matches as if she's a rookie!" Leon snaps. "And you?" Taker asks. Leon opens his mouth but nothing comes out. "The Internet called him too skinny. And then they told him he was too fat and that he didn't earn his place in this company. He got it because of his parents." John mutters sitting down.
Shawn sighs and watches how Leon wraps an arm around his own waist. "I wish you lot would of talked to us." Shawn states. "What can we do to help?" Taker asks. "Nothing." John mutters. "I just wanna be a star" cassie whimpers as tears rush down her face. Leon glances at her as she hides her face in her hands. "I just want to be appreciated" she muffles. Leon grabs his fork with a shakey hand and takes a piece of pasta before eating it. His fist clenches against the table as a moan leaves his mouth.
Shawn smiles slightly. "God I missed that" Leon groans having some more. "Take it slowly. Don't make yourself sick" Shawn tells him. John looks at him. "Who helped you with this?" John asks. Shawn smiles sadly. "No one. Which Is why I want to help you" shawn states. "How do you stop it? All the voices telling you that your not good enough? How do you stop the teasing comments from coworker from getting to you?" John asks, instinctively pulling Leon's chair closer as the younger sits. "Smile." Shawn states. The kids look at him. "Talk. Smile. Smile to their faces, talk to a loved one. Don't let it build up. You can't let it build up" Shawn tells him.
He looks at cassie who's calmed down slightly. "You? You just need to set vince straight. Stop letting him and the others walk over you. You grew up with Leon and John, I know for fact you can raise your voice to get your point across. Stop worrying what others will think. You are a strong woman and you need to let them see that" Shawn tells her. Cassie flushes slightly. He glances at Leon who's still eating.
"And for someone who doesn't care about the opinions of us stupid humans you've really dedicated yourself to pleasing us." Shawn comments. Leon slowly looks at him. "I just like my vessel to look good" Leon states. "It does. Ignore them. You can be the best in the business and people will still nitpick. They love to see legends fall. Its all a game to them." Shawn states. Leon looks down at the pasta.
He lowers his fork as he takes in the dinner table. Cassie has a glass of water. Him, John and dad have beers. Cassie and John have big bowls of pasta, he doesn't. "Leon?" Taker asks. "You knew..you just wanted to hear us admit it." Leon mutters. "Cassie can tell you that's the first step." Shawn states. Leon looks at his bowl. "I can eat all this without feeling ill. But I cannot eat his or hers" Leon states. "Yes." Shawn nods. Taker looks at shawn.
He wasn't there to help Shawn. And he'll never forgive himself for that. But he will help his kids. "Ill talk to vince tomorrow. Tell him I'm sick of him holding you back and pushing Charlotte forward." Taker states. Cassie looks at him. "You should also talk to rhea more. She really adores you." Shawn adds. "Ill try" cassie smiles as she eats. She watches as a number is placed infront of her. "Shes asked me to give you this" Shawn smiles. Cassie accepts it.
Taker glances at John. "Call me out on raw." Taker tells him. John pauses and looks at him. "What?" John asks. "Im gonna put you over. You waste it, that's on you. I won't make it easy for you though." Taker states. John smiles widely. "No infact, I'll call you out on Monday. You better turn up" Taker warns. "Yessir" John smiles. It's small steps but taker knows it can help rebuild his kids.
"What magic trick you got for me da?" Leon mutters as he reaches for cassies water. Taker moves his finger and it causes the glass to move from Leon's reach. He glares at taker. "You forgot, that used to be my life. Not having to eat and then suddenly having to? That really fucks with your mind and body. I put on so much weight that I hated myself and forced myself to work harder to get it down." Taker states. Leon lowers his gaze. "Ill help you. Keep you on track, make sure your eating. Take that phone away from you." Taker tells him. Leon nods. "Okay.." he whispers.
"You kids aren't us. You don't have to do this alone." Taker tells them. "Sorry" they all mutter. "Please..please just come to us next time." Shawn sighs. "We will" John nods. "Good." Shawn sits.
"This is really nice by the way" Leon admits. "Good, because your dad made it" Shawn smirks.
Taker chuckles as the kids slowly lower their forks, staring at him in shock. "What? I've been taking lessons" Taker shrugs. The kids look at each other. "No way" "it wasn't me. I've been out all day." Shawn states. "Wow...well its really nice dad" John huffs. "Thanks kiddos. Now eat" Taker smiles.
You don't have to suffer alone btw. There will always be someone you can talk to.
Now the fic.
I feel like I've created this image that Leon is a very powerful demon. He is. But still. He seems to have no weakness and I do things like mention he's injuried but then state he can't get injuried.
Leon can heal damage done by humans. He cannot heal damage done by himself or magic things.
Accidents are included by damage done himself.
Also I hated the idea of both Shawn and taker being clueless to cassies drinking problems and well just felt like Shawn would know and was about to step in when cassie got herself help.
And John? Well John's still fairly knew to this fam so we have to sprinkle some trauma in for him.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Tom is already rehashing some things, like too many homages to the nineties run, Zucco's daughter plot point, Beatrice had ideas for societal reform he's taking that and giving it to Dick. It'll probably be half hearted, but it stings that Beatrice left just a few issues ago and she's already completely forgotten for the sake of DickBabs or a love triangle.
Like the thing about the nineties runs is I mean, as much flack as we give various elements of them, there’s so much from that time period that was good? Great, even! Just....myself and the writers seem to have very different opinions on what the most interesting elements of the nineties comics were, oh well.
And omgggggg I’m still so mad about Bea, and its literally Shawn Tsang all over again. The writers keep introducing new, interesting characters, investing just enough time and focus into them to have us interested in them and wanting to see more.....and then they toss them aside to go back to drawing from the same well as always.
And the thing is, this isn’t even about me not really being a Dick/Babs shipper, because honestly, I’m not enjoying the Dick/Kory stuff in what I’ve seen of Titans Academy either, and for the exact same reason:
When they create new characters like Shawn and Bea, they KNOW they’re starting from scratch and need to build interest in those characters from the ground up. So they’re forced to put their best foot forward. There’s no short cut there, if you want people to care about a brand new character you have to give them REASONS to care. You have to make those characters likable, you have to make people WANT to root for them, you have to hook them with intriguing backstories that don’t feel formulaic and new angles that don’t feel just derivative of older characters, and that’s how we got stuff like Shawn’s history as a former sidekick to a villain and now running a support group for rogues trying to turn their lives around, and Bea’s work in societal reform.
But then the second they stop having the patience to build the new characters up enough that the interest in them can actually start to reach the levels that lets older characters last and grants longevity....they just toss them aside and move on....except they never really move on, just backwards. Because the problem with so MANY superhero couples, far from just Dick and Babs or Dick and Kory, is just....how lazy it seems to make so many canon writers. They just fall back on rehashing the same old tropes and just updating popular moments that resonated with fans in the past, now just recreated with a slightly more modern twist but without ever really being anything new. 
Even with ships that I’ve never really been sold on in the past like Dick/Babs, I’ve always said, there’s usually nothing stopping me from GAINING interest in them.....its just....the writers have to GIVE ME A REASON TO. And so many of DC’s writers just aren’t even trying. They’re just moving parts around and pushing characters together in various arrangements like everyone’s just a puzzle piece that you can mix and match however you want......and then just basically expecting readers to be interested purely because of who the characters are, or because it hinges on a nice moment that they then milk the hell out of without ever expanding that into building actual STORY around these moments but rather just squeezing each one til they get everything they possibly can out of it and moving on to the next as though its all just about chasing the next soundbite...because it is! LOL.
And honestly, this problem extends far beyond just the Nightwing title or the Batfam or Taylor’s run or writing in particular.....its a company wide issue right now. In fact I would bet just about anything that its a matter of editorial edict, that even before Taylor started his run DC said okay here’s the approach we want everyone taking with their stories right now:
And that’s like.....its all about banking on nostalgia and the comfort of the familiar right now. I think Taylor is drawing all these elements straight from the 90s Nightwing comics, like Blockbuster and Dick having been a cop, etc, because these are the elements of past Nightwing stories that are so well known. Its the same reasoning behind why they put Tim back as Robin and so many of their new characters are just new spins on old faves like Punchline and Harley Quinn, and why they’re pushing all these older ships that haven’t been together in ages and why specific team lineups are reappearing....its because nostalgia is the name of the game for DC right now, and all their writers are just pulling together threads of classic stories that have stood the test of time, figuring anything that landed particularly well with fans in the past will sell with people here and now, and weaving these threads together and brushing over them with a modern social issues veneer. 
As an approach, its basically all just about repackaging previously successful story moments and elements with just enough changes or in just new enough a configuration that readers aren’t likely to complain en masse that like “hey we literally already read all this. We’ve already BOUGHT these issues. When we were kids.” Its minimizing creative risk while maximizing monetary profit. Spend as little creative capital as possible outside of anything that’s already been successful in the past and as such is a relatively proven quantity, instead of testing new material that’s an unknown and runs the risk of falling flat and thus not being profitable.
And see, I’d almost guarantee that all THAT, that whole line-wide approach to DC’s storytelling, is because the powers that be looked at the last several years of stories and how many of THEM fell flat with readers, and decided that the problem was they’d BEEN trying too much new stuff and readers just didn’t like it. Because they WERE concentrating on presenting totally new stories and building up new ideas throughout their books.....but readers have been pretty vocal for years now about being disenchanted with most of DC’s major stories. And so DC I think looked at that and came to the conclusion that okay, people just don’t want new right now, they want the familiar.
But like.....DC’s problem IMO was never that they were trying new stuff? The reason so much of their new and original storylines weren’t gaining traction or bringing in readers and kept shedding old readers had absolutely NOTHING to do with them being new and previously unseen storylines, which makes falling back on nostalgia very much a non-solution to entirely the wrong problem.
No, DC’s problem for years has been that they’ve been all about spectacle instead of story. There’s ZERO emotional pay-off to any of their biggest plot twists or character beats, and emotion is LITERALLY what people read stories for. Its all about racing to the climactic action packed finish of every storyline and then immediately resetting everyone back to square one and jumping straight into the next big story, without ever giving the events of any of their stories time or reason to MATTER to the characters.....and if they don’t matter to the characters, our proxies that we’re viewing these stories through, then why should any of it matter to us? Why should any of it linger, dig in roots, resonate with us as moments that left an impact and that we accordingly want more of?
And again, like because I’m a Dick Grayson focused blog I’ve obviously largely been focused on how much I dislike the SPECIFIC reactions or non-reactions to so many of the major beats in his stories.....but it was spread throughout their entire line.
Bruce and Selina almost got married....but why should anyone care outside of Tom King’s title when nobody else seems to, no other characters feel anything about this, and Bruce in none of his other appearances seems the same as ever without any reminder that he just almost got married but then didn’t.....and if the characters don’t ever seem to be affected by or feeling a need to revisit or reflect on recent stories, why should we bother remembering them either? 
Jason was dramatically and fucked-upily (yes its a word, I totally looked it up and everything) exiled from Gotham....and then all of that is undone in a single issue with one low-stakes awkward conversation between him and Bruce. Damian quits as Robin and goes off the map and everyone in his family is like “hey don’t we have a littler brother, I feel like we did maybe” for one panel per story arc, and that’s it. Roy’s back from the dead and everybody’s like oh hey cool instead of the kind of return we used to get like when Donna came back and everyone was like oh shit, this MATTERS, because we MISSED you....just like Dick’s death never mattered to anyone but fans of his character because much like I was just saying earlier with them not really giving me a reason TO emotionally invest in Dick and Babs’ relationship if I wasn’t already, same thing with the aftermath of Forever Evil. They didn’t give anyone else reason to emotionally invest in that as something that HAPPENED to Dick and that he was AFFECTED by....because the writers didn’t bother writing him as all that affected by it and it was just like oh he’s a spy now, all that was last year’s content, we’ve moved on, keep up.
And on and on it goes. Ric Grayson was the same problem all over again. Rinse and repeat down the line with everyone from Wally to Donna and etc etc etc.
THAT’S why DC’s stories have been falling flat. It has nothing to do with people not being interested in new ideas, characters or directions, its that’s ALL they were giving us, but it was like just reading wiki summaries of events just alongside pretty art, but no real emotional weight or substance to anything we were reading....and thus, literally nothing that we couldn’t get much the same outcome from if we just...stuck to reading wiki summaries after the stories were over, with no real need to follow along with them. For years most fans have basically just been about keeping up to date with changes in the characters’ lives, but without feeling any real need to watch those changes unfold and play out.
And so honestly I worry we’re just gonna be subjected to a company wide rehashing of old and familiar storylines, directions and character beats, but repackaged and delivered in the exact same way DC was delivering us their new stories and ideas these past years....and its basically going to have the same results, because its the same problem. They didn’t actually fix anything by switching gears, they just shuffled around the actual issue.
And DC’s just gonna be like well now wtf are we doing wrong, we were so sure this would work, everyone LOVES nostalgia right? Did we pick the wrong stories and character beats to bring back?
When really its like......it honestly doesn’t matter WHICH stories and beats they rehash, because its not about them picking the ‘right ones,’ the real keepers, the stories that everyone really WAS eager to see brought back or made new again.....
Its about like, the only reason any of those stories or beats or dynamics stood the test of time and are still familiar and well-known....is because the stories AROUND those moments and ideas gave us reason to emotionally invest in them and retain them as crucial to our view of the characters and things that would resonate and stay with us for a long time.
It was never that any of those ideas or stories were just so innately brilliant that they couldn’t help BUT linger in the overall reader consciousness...it was the fact that we CARED about what happened in those moments and stories.
*Shrugs* But I mean hey, what do I know? I’m just a dude on the internet lolol. 
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delu-jean · 3 years
𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 (𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭)
Hello! As this event takes place, requests will be closed since juggling both will be a little tiring! 
-> Thanks: Thank you guys for 100 follows! I’m glad my writing is something others can enjoy, and I’ll keep on doing my best to both improve, and deliver. 
-> Song-Fic/ Song Lyric Event: There are forty five prompts with different song lyrics! Some angst, and others fluff, but all revolve around romance~
->Each fic will revolve around the lyric specifically, or the entire song!
->Eg of fic with just the lyric (specifcially): I may use the lyric as a line you, or another character would say, it might pop up when needed, and etc. A fic example would be: “Before You Go” (Nanami Kento x fem!/reader). 
->Eg of fic with entire song: Basically a song-fic
->Eg of fic wihtout lyrics in it: I present the lyrical prompt at the beginning of the fic, and write w/o needing to use it as an actual line, or anything else. 
->Whichever is found fitting, will be used!! ^^
->Either way, the fic will be written about that lyrical prompt!! :))
Rules: (A must)
This event is one for (fem!xreader) x (<inserted male reader>) 
He needs to be a character from one of the five fandoms I write for! 
Jjk, Mha, Haikyuu, Aot, and Demon Slayer
If your guy isn’t on the list, by all means, request and I’ll tell you if I feel like I can write for him!! ^^
-> Link to the M.list <-
This is a non-nsfw event, and topics over 18+ aren’t allowed!! 
You can only request one character per prompt, unless, the prompt calls for two! (Even then, you can choose to only ask for one) 
My rules still apply for this event, if you would like specifics, please do ask, or look through the rules post! 
-> Rules <-
You can request more than one character (max would be two) = ☆
"What if I said I'm sorry, what if I made a scene? Wouldn't that make you mine again, you're all I'll ever need," -What If I Said I'm Sorry (Caliber)
"You won and she chose you, and she loved you, and she's gone…" -Its Over Isn't It? (DeeDee Magno Hall) ☆
"She's a she's a lady, and I am just a boy without a line," -Line without a hook (Ricky Montgomery) 
"Knew I was falling when I looked inside your eyes, and you said…'I know you are but what am I?" -What Am I? (Why don't we)
"I need a man who loves me like my Father loves my mom," -Like My father (Jax)
"You make my heart beat faster than adrenaline, you kiss away the pain of all the hell I’m in," -Medicine (James Arthur) 
"It's always one step forward, and three steps back. I'm the love of your life until I make you mad," -One step forward, and three steps back (Olivia Rodrigo) 
"Let's write our story, and let's sing our song. Let's hang our pictures on the wall," -Memories (Shawn Mendes) 
"Maybe you and I have history, but I don't think you know me. Have we met before?" -Have we met before (Eric Nam, Sarah Barrios) 
"Hey baby won't you look my way, I can be your new addiction~" -Everybody Talks (Neon Trees)
"She gets the flowers...right? The post made about her. A love that is perfect, a love I deserved, yeah. A love that I gave,” - She Gets the flowers (Betch MCcarthy) 
“I just heard you found the one you’ve been looking, that you’ve been looking for. I wish I would’ve known it wasn’t me,” -We Don’t Talk Anymore (Charlie Puth) 
“Even when we go through changes, even when we’re old. Remember that I told you I’d find my way back home,” -Way Back Home (SHUAN) 
“You say that it’s all just a blur, but I see you kissing her. No no, you gotta go, go, and I’ll be just fine without you,” -Goodbye Boy (Peg Parnivek)   
“You say that I'm too insecure, you want me to be someone else, but if I'm not the one you want...Just go ahead and walk right out the door,” -Who I am (NIve) 
“She’s In The Rain, you want to hurt yourself I’ll stay with you. You want to make yourself go through the pain. It’s better to be held than holding on,” -She’s In The Rain (The Rose) 
“If all it is is eight letters, why is it so hard to say? If all it is is eight letters then why am I in my own way?” -Eight Letters (Why Don’t We) 
“Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful angel. Love your imperfections every angle. Tomorrow comes and goes before you know...so i just had to let you know~” -Beautiful (Bazzi) 
“Congratulations, I heard you’re doing great...congratulations, how are you okay? I hate that you’re happy, I hope that you can’t sleep,” -Congratulations (Day 6) 
“I know I can treat you better than he can. And anyone like you deserves a gentleman,” -You Better (Shawn Mendes) ☆
“Congratulations, you’re finally leaving. Let’s throw a party here tonight, and toast to the end of you and I,” -Congratulations (Eric Nam) 
“Wise men say...only fools rush in. But I can’t help, falling in love...with...you,” -Fools Rush In (Elvis) 
“Don’t say you miss me, when you don’t call. Don’t say you’re hurting, without the scars. Don’t say you’re here tonight without tomorrow too. Don’t say you love me, unless you do,” -Don’t Say you Love Me (Fifth Harmony) 
“A lifetime of laughter at the expense, of the death of a bachelor,” -Death Of A Bachelor (Panic At The Disco)
“She told me that she loved me by the water fountain. She told me that she loved me and she didn’t love him. And that was really lovely cause it was innocent, but now she has a cup with something else in it…” -Water Fountain (Alec Benjamin) -> Oikawa x Reader ☆
“And I don’t need a reason to keep on dreaming. That we can with this stupid thing...called love,” -Lose (Nikki)
“Don’t take this personal, but personally, I think you should get with somebody like me. But worst of all...you don’t even see,” -Personal (The Vamps) 
“But you got a lot of great songs 'bout a lot of shit guys, you did more with 3 minutes than they'll do with their lives. And we'll buy ourselves houses with our heartbreak songs, screw everybody else who ever treated us wrong,” - Three Minutes (JP Saxe) ☆
“I’ve got all my money on you, got all my dollars on you. And I feel like a million bucks, a million bucks, and I give no f**ks when I’m with you,” -Million Bucks (Smallpools) 
“She put my name in yellow hearts. Her favourite colour like the stars. I didn’t listen very hard, when she told me she was crazy from the start,” -Yellow Hearts (Ant Saunders) 
“And I want you to cry, cry for me. Like I cried for you baby, cry for me,” -Cry For Me (Twice) 
“Please don’t let this love die young, please don’t let this love die young. If I’m going to lose someone, don’t let it be you,” -Love Die Young (Eric Nam) 
“Ain't never felt this way, can't get enough so stay with me. It's not like we got big plans. Let's drive around town holding hands,” -ILYSB (Lany)
“Maybe I don’t want to be just friends, see you only on the weekends. Sorry hope you understand, I like you a little too much for that,” -Just Friends (JORDY) 
“Golden eyes, if it ain’t you girl I don’t want to try. Baby, baby, baby you’re my diamond shine,” -Golden Eyes (Layto) 
“I like me better when I’m with you. I like me better when I’m with you. I knew from the first time, I stayed for a long time cause~ I like me better when I’m with you,” -I Like Me Better (Lauv) 
“Hey pretty Stranger, I think you look cute, I don’t think I’ve ever met someone like you,” -Your Text (Sundial) 
“And They say, Chivalry is dead. So let a real man pick up the slack, and treat you with respect,” -Chivalry Is Dead (Trevor Wesely) 
“And I Know there’s no making this right, and I know there’s no changing your mind. But we both have each other tonight. So if love is nothing more than just a waste of your time, waste it on me,” -Waste On Me (BTS) 
“I hope he treats you better than I ever could. Cause you deserve the world times two and the perfect afternoons. For you to find who fills your heart even if I’m not the one you choose,” -Chicken Tendies (Clinton kane) ☆
“It’s bittersweet to think about the damage we do, cause I was going down but I was doing it with you. And I say that I hate you with a smile on my face,” -Favourite Crime (Olivia Rodrigo) 
“Find me, in another place in time. If only, if only you were mine. But I’m already someone else’s baby,” -Baby (Clean Bandit) 
“And I might never stop your sorrow, fix you up good as new. But that don’t mean that I can’t hold your hand in mine,” -Someone You Like (Girl And The Dream Catcher) 
“Cause when you said jump I said ‘how high?’ But when I jumped you said ‘goodbye,’ “ -Walked Through Hell (Anson Seabra) 
“I want to love me, the way that you love me. Oh, from all of my pretty, and all of my ugly too, I love it when I see me from your point of view,” POV (Ariana Grande) -> Giyuu x Reader
Have fun :)
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robinsdearest · 3 years
Ketchup Packets
Tim Drake x Reader
Peanut Butter and Oreos (Part 1) They’ll be okay (Part 2) Bobby pin (Part 3) Ketchup Packets (Part 4)
Tim threw another piece of notebook paper into the trash. It hit the other balls of wadded up notes and bounced away. How long has he been hunched over his desk? Tim glanced up to look at the clock. A couple days, maybe. A couple hours since the last cup of coffee, definitely. He groaned and slid a hand across his face. Stubble scratched his fingertips.
Jason’s voice almost scared him. Almost. “Timmy, my dude, you have to stop working.” He kept scribbling as Jason walked over to lean against the wall adjacent to the crumbling despair that was Tim. Jason poked his face. “I didn’t even know you could grow facial hair.” Tim slapped his brother’s hand away and continued to write his notes down. 
It had been three months since your plane went down. Three months since your parents had died. Three months since you slipped through Tim’s fingers. He dove into work to try and figure out what happened the morning of your plane crash. He hasn’t stopped working to find you in three whole months.
Parts of your plane sat scattered around the BatCave. Background checks for everyone at the airport that day, the days before and after laid loosely on the ground by Jason’s feet. Everything and everyone was clean. The owner of the plane your group borrowed publicly stated there was a fuse shortage in the engine causing it to explode, and subsequently, sent your plane barreling down into the ocean. News reporters claimed everyone from that flight deceased- the five supposed survivors not even missing anymore, all reported to be lost at sea. But Tim knew better- he knew you were alive. He knew it, had this gut feeling. Bruce always told him to trust his gut. Or did Superman say that? No, it was definitely the main bat. Or was it Diana…
Jason whacked the back of Tim’s head. Tim finally looked up at the Red Hood, scowling. Jason had to bite back a laugh: he knew how much pain Tim was still experiencing. Hell, he was dead for a while and no one bothered to search for him like Tim was doing for Y/N. “Come on man, let’s go get some grub. You look like you haven’t eaten in weeks.”
“Only a day.” Tim corrected. Another whack to the back of the head.
With the drive from the mansion into Gotham City and eventually to some burger joint, Tim couldn’t believe he was wasting time when he should be out searching for you. Even after three whole months of investigating, Tim was still coming up short. Every lead finished with a dead end. Every tangent lead to a backwash story that was publicized to explain the crash. Tim stared down at his tray of fries as Jason flirted with the cashier. Tim sorted through the files of his brain as he continued to work each angle of the investigation. Everything fit together but nothing made sense. Jason flung packets onto the table stirring Tim out of his trance. Jason was flaunting how he got a phone number from the cashier and waved around the receipt where it was written. Tim stared down at the packets on the table. Ten- what an odd number to grab. Tim counted five mustard packets and five ketchup packets. Tim reached for a ketchup packet, grimacing when he picked up the one that was busted open leaking on to the table. Of course he would grab the one that…
Tim immediately shot up and grabbed Jason by the collar. Jason choked on his bite of food as he dropped the rest of his burger. “Oi, dunce face, what in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Jason fumbled into the passenger seat of the car as Tim shoved him forward, sprinted around to the driver side, and then started the car. Tim started rambling. Jason had a hard time keeping up.
“Why didn’t I think of that?” “Think of what? How you ruined my burger?” “Of course I wouldn’t have looked into the victims.” “Me. I’m a victim, you burger murderer.” “All of those doctors, all seemingly connected in one way or another.” “Doctors?” “Doctors, Jason! God, I’m an idiot. The one that wasn’t connect has got to be the leak. The leak that doesn’t fit but allows everything to make sense.” “Alright, I’m calling Alfred. Timmy, we need to get you checked out.”
Tim slammed on the breaks at the red light. The two brothers stared at each other, neither one moving. The light turned green, but Tim didn’t accelerate.
“Jason I’m talking about Y/N.” Jason’s face turned into a serious frown, and Tim continued. “I never looked into the doctors that were supposed to go on the mission trip. How could they be considered suspects when we see them as victims?” Tim held up the leaking ketchup packet. “One of them is the leak, the cause of the problem.”  Jason’s lips turned into a snarky grin. He nodded his head towards the direction of the mansion, and Tim turned his eyes back to the road.
He finally figured it out. He was going to find you. His brain went into overdrive back at the cave. Jason called Damien and Dick down to help sort things out as Tim furiously worked into the rest of the night. The other boys made calls and printed papers as Tim searched through all ten people on your flight. 
Tim had to narrow down who he couldn’t verify. Nine doctors and one medical school student. Seven doctors, excluding both your parents. Five, excluding the other doctors he knew personally. Four, excluding the doctor Bruce dated a while back- the Russian one, he thinks as he scans over her name. Three left. Damien drops a stack of files next to Tim. The youngest brother briefly puts a hand on Tim’s shoulder before quickly withdrawing and returning to Dick’s side. A quick scan of the discarded stack reveals two of the last three doctors had confirmed deaths, dental records verifying their respective bodies at the site of the plane crash. One left.
Tim stopped typing. Bruce walked down the stairs and stood next to the oversized computer; the main bat was dressed in the suit, cowl pulled off, ready to go on patrol. He glanced around the room to his birdies, and lastly his eyes fell on Tim. Red Robin stared at the screen as the last doctor stared back at him. Tim found his ketchup packet.
Shawn Ramirez. A plastic surgeon from Metropolis- invited to the mission by Mr. Y/L/N. Ramirez was born in Washington and had only lived in the big city for four years: most recent addresses put him in Texas, and before that California. Before California, he moved internationally to practice medicine in Africa. More specifically, Ethiopia. Where the mission was planned to go. Where Y/N was supposed to be. 
Ramirez had worked for the Ethiopian military; a surgeon who traveled the continent looking to heal. At some point in time, Ramirez had visited Europe with the military. No less than a week later, Ramirez was back in the states working as a plastic surgeon. What happened in Europe?
Dick handed Bruce a stack of files. Looking through them, Bruce’s frown turned ever so slightly down. Bruce then handed the files to Tim, who spared a quick glance at Batman before turning his attention down to the file. Flipping through the papers, Tim froze at the known associate. Part of the League of Assassins known to the world only as Abadi- an elitist who weaseled through militaries and governments for fame and fortune in the name of Ra’s al Ghul. Abadi was a known villain amongst the bat and birds as Bruce is the one that nearly took the man’s eye out, leaving a gashing scar from eyebrow to chin, forcing the villain to wear an eye-patch. Abadi’s last known location was a small island off of Cape Verde, just a couple hundred miles from the plane’s crash landing.
Tim turned the chair around to see the rest of the family dressed in their suits: Bruce, Dick, Jason, Cass, Damien, and even Alfred. Alfred held out Tim’s Red Robin costume. “Master Tim.” Alfred was the first one to speak in hours since Tim and Jason returned home from the burger shop. “Please bring them home.” Tim reached for the suit, but was met by Alfred’s hand. The butler squeezed his fingers, and Tim simply nodded in understanding. The group hustled to the Bat Plane; inside, Batman ordered the birds for flight paths, site takeover analysis, and rescue plan. Tim sat at the back of the plane while the others worked. Tim was going to go save you, he was finally going to be able to tell you. And then, like a light switch, everything turned bright.
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omegatheunknown · 3 years
In which, not to get ahead of myself here, AEW puts on one of the best major wrestling shows in several years*, following the simple yet effective principle of giving the people what they want and sending everyone home happy and hungry for more.
- The incredibly 'Nitro' ending of the go-home Dynamite, which ran a little long on the 'heels beat everyone up and strut around like assholes almost too in desperate need of comeuppance' bit, short of garbage raining into the ring, did actually increase the heat for both promoted matches. Again, not rocket science, but executed perfectly. Catharsis was on the card, and catharsis went over several times Sunday. - Again, it's time to move on from the Casino theme, shuffling the deck and drawing suits really only detracted from the Battle Royale and seemingly always throws the production crew a curve. If they haven't hammered it by now, it's not going to happen. - Bit unhappy about the PAC/Andrade situation, but still over the moon with Andrade's promo style and Chavito being unhelpful at best.
Best Friends and Jurassic Express v The Hardy Family Office and The Hybrid 2 (**) - Not usually much to say about a loaded-up multiteam boondoggle, particularly when the show has yet to begin, but there were some moments worth sitting up to take notice -- there's a lot of talent in the ring, even if Jack Evans/Angelico aren't going to be more than mid-level mooks, little matchups with guys like Luchasaurus and Chuck Taylor are opportunities for innovative/weird spots. - Really this match exists to show-off Jungle Boy, play his theme song twice, and work him in to the aforementioned spots. I don't rightly know what Jungle Jack's ceiling is, but it sort of feels like he's plateauing, at least this version of himself. - Dan Lambert thing is interesting in that it doesn't seem to easily lead to something obvious... I mean who are Scorp and Ethan Page feuding with by proxy here, the concept of contemporary professional wrestling? Orange Cassidy and Kenny Omega?
*Main Card
Miro (C) v Eddie Kingston for the TNT Championship (***1/2) - 'Redeem Deez Nuts' T-shirts now available -- and made immediately redundant now that Miro has graciously redeemed Eddie's nuts. - Imagine looking at Miro, listening to Miro talk, and not really being able to figure out this guy is money. Also imagine panicking when he took a little while to find his groove in AEW. 'The Redeemer' is both entertaining and terrifying, and this match delivered heavily on the promise of two big fellas smacking together repeatedly. - Not only does Eddie's arsenal of power moves target Miro's neck, he may also be quite difficult to put in the full reclined camel clutch. Or he'd quite literally snap in half. It didn't come to that. - Weird heel turn by Bryce's attention span and the overall weirdness of the finish is all that kept this from being an excellent match, otherwise this was a tremendous curtain jerker and started off a dangerously fun run of pure adrenaline.
Jon Moxley v Satoshi Kojima (****) - The stakes were nebulous, the build was abrupt, yet this was a fantastic match and tremendous showcase for an underappreciated great who has been more or less just toiling for a bunch of years as a NJPW Dad. Same deal for Nagata, and I assume Tenzan is the same, Taka Michinoku even -- let's see it. - I have to assume the Cozy Lariat might have put Mox down, but Kojima otherwise played the hits (Koji Cutter, Piledriver, Brainbustaaaa) in a big way and Moxley once again proved he's become a very well-rounded wrestler who can match the intensity of just about any former IWGP champion. - More to the point-- KAZE NI NARE -- out of nowhere, too. Or out of nowhere to those not paying attention to the whereabouts of Minoru Suzuki (Right, he's just over here to fight Daniel Garcia and not Mox?), which I guess is to my own peril. Wow, though. Surprise Number 1- a complete surprise, and a welcome one. Let's have it.
Dr Britt Baker, DMD (C) v Kris Statlander for the AEW Women's Championship (****) - I love Kris and her best friends but she didn't have a prayer of dethroning Britt. She got one promo, several weeks ago, and though she did make a meal of Hayter and Rebel, the chase has been abrupt and not given much discussion, other than Mark Henry and whomever else acknowledging what is extremely evident -- Statlander is stronger than she looks, and she looks really strong. They've got her doing Cesaro-level 'modify your grip while holding your opponent's entire weight' nonsense, and it's amazing and scary. - Even with the reign of the good doctor not being credibly threatened, this was an excellent match that demonstrated the continued growth of the competitors in the women's division, even as it underlined that their storylines remain undercooked and perfunctory: Orange Cassidy whipping off his shades to urge Stat to get up was a beautiful moment. Britt's Panama Sunrise, also, too sweet. Statlander eating shit on her 451 and her pendulum moonsault was properly brutal, as were Britt's curb stomps. Really great match between these two. - Again, if they had bothered to write anything into this story, such as Kris' alien physiology making her immune to the lockjaw or something... actually, maybe that's a terrible idea. it's an idea. Undefeated challenger is defeated, on to the next for Dr Britt. Statlander and OC should tag against some of the boys.
The Young Bucks (C) v The Lucha Bros for the AEW World Tag Team Championship(*****+) - Can't not mention the insane entrance lined up for Fenix and Penta. It was bewildering, it was enchanting, it was aggressive, it was hype. It also reminded everybody how very badly we all wanted the Lucha Bros to win. The crowd has been setting new peaks with their volume since Punk showed up, but things were absolutely thunderous and ecstatic at the end of this match. Absolutely valid response. I yelled on the couch. - Nick's facial hair was a bigger tell that it was time for the Bucks to lose than anything else about this build. There's literally nowhere to go from there -- they've done the hair, the bandanas, the kicks, the animal print, the dangly earrings -- peak visual heel for this time and place. - Sincerely thought this was going to be too much of a full sprint spot-fest (the PWG-esque circle of trading blows is not really 'my thing') but even so they kept finding gears, and ramping and ramping and adding blood and brutality along the way. Even a bit of levity, with the tacked up sneaker, followed by the sincerity of Penta throwing himself in harm's way to protect his brother. Immense match, I think you'd have to go back to the Bucks vs the Addiction and MCMGs Ladder War to find a more thrilling tag team gimmick match. - If there's a single flaw to be found it's in the production not really settling on wide angles for simultaneous action at the start of the match. They figured it out. - Rey Fenix is the best luchador in the world.
Women's Casino Battle Royale (**1/2) - If nothing else, this really shows off that they now have a surplus of women's wrestlers who deserve time to hang in the ring. Unsurprisingly, the match picked right up when Thunder Rosa and then Jamie Hayter got to the ring, with additional props to Tay Conti and Jade Cargill, who was dumped rather unceremoniously given her general booking... - Okay, there was something else. Welcome to the rechristened Ruby Soho, who I've not seen a lot of outside of her extremely limited showcase in WWE, but she has so many friends in the back and in the industry and that's never for nothing, not in wrestling, anyway. Intrigued to see where she fits, and if the women ever get more than a match per show. - Touched on this in the preamble but this was the roughest part of the night for the home viewer, just weird decisions on cutting away from various entrances to show... nothing in particular happening. Also while the commitment to not-kayfabing the countdown clock is... admirable? It makes the pacing hinky. - Almost everyone who got new gear for tonight was looking like the white ranger -- Nyla, Swole, Bunny, someone I'm missing. Except Anna Jay, whose stars and glitter gear looked great.
MJF v Chris Jericho for the fate of Jericho's in-ring career (***) - MJF's unauthorized homage to Y2J's entrance: good. Fozzy's guitarist going off tempo with the instrumental Judas: weak, and would've been sad if this were the end for Jericho. Especially as the build has felt... muted, somehow. - Props to the commentary for continuing to feed the red herring of 'in AEW,' as a caveat to stipulation, it did feel like... a remote possibility that MJF would win. - Credit to Aubrey for calling this one down the middle and not putting the fix in for her friend Jericho, and I guess the Dusty finish will give MJF plenty to gripe about. - MJF wrestles with a pure heel style, holds, chops, blocks, and Jericho is fifty years old, so the level of wrestling on exhibition in these matches is well beside the point. It was solid to good, and I was fighting burn out from the first half of the card's level of excitement.
CM Punk v Darby Allin (***1/2) - There are a couple benefits of Darby as a dance partner, and it's certainly better than having to watch Punk return against like, QT Marshall or Shawn Spears. Darby does make everyone look slow, but he can also be tossed around, and this raises his profile even in defeat, obviously. That said, the stakes here are... meta, at best, in that we want to see the man look good and justify the hype. It's a weird thing to root for. He certainly does look good. (Tights? Tights!) - It's fun to theorize about actually booking an angle where Punk is rusty and needs to regain his prowess, and maybe he'll stumble, but maybe the most we get out of that angle is hitting the GTS a little close to the ropes so Darby falls right out of the ring, in what was, for me, the spot that justified this whole match. - Sting's proud step-dad aura is still a hell of a thing, I really liked the end of the match kudos all around. - Match was good, hard to hang my emotions on. I wasn't watching WWE when Punk was in WWE. Definitely feeding off the excitement of others a bit here, and he sure can talk. I'd like to see him cultivate a stable, certainly.
Paul Wight v QT Marshall (n/r) - ...popcorn match? QT Marshall is like the anti-Daniel Garcia in that while his prominence and presence is just as inexplicable, I don't want it to continue, and he doesn't justify it in the process. - Match was two minutes longer than it needed to be.
Kenny Omega (c) v Christian Cage for the AEW World Championship (****1/2) - Crowd was both burnt out and more or less waiting for the post-match angle. Which I get. it's hard to cruise to the main event and having seen all the different things we've already seen on this card, even a singular performer like Kenny Omega and a legend with whom he (surprisingly? fittingly?) has superb chemistry with in Christian Cage were up against it to deliver something memorable. - Context dependent, I can definitely see rating this below their Rampage match, especially since... I mean Christian isn't winning the AEW title off Kenny at this or probably any other event. - But! It was really good! It was very good! They really do match-up well, and Kenny's v-trigger has rarely looked more devastating than when it knocks Christian flat. Christian got cut open in a novel and initially worrying way, and Kenny followed up a botched moonsault with a harder version of the same move off a rail, but it was a really great match and it deserved more energy than was available.
Post-Show - Calling back and inverting the end of Dynamite, The Elite strut about the ring, slightly less stoked than they were on Wednesday, but with the Bucks smiling through the pain, and Jungle Boy once again subjected to violence for his misguided heroism, Kenny 'not much a promo' Omega lays down a killer line about nobody being fit to challenge him who isn't unavailable, already tired or dead. - The Undertaker ADAM COLE, BAY BAY as Surprise #3 was a minor stroke of brilliance, and a fun swerve because while it's exciting to see him, his appearance at this point in the narrative does nothing to solve the problem of The Elite beating up Christian and Jungle Boy. Unless he's still sore about his unsolved murder, which he isn't. Storytime with Adam Cole is back and it's beautiful. Also Jungle Boy died for this. - Okay. But. Just. Okay. CM Punk and Bryan Danielson are All Elite. They will hopefully tag together. Bryan will head to NJPW, almost definitely. Minoru Suzuki just walked in and started slugging on Mox. The Forbidden Door is wide open. Will Kenny Omega one day return to Wrestle Kingdom? There are so many possibilities and they are all very exciting. This was a phenomenal show and it didn't have Hangman Page, Cody Rhodes, FTR, Santana and Ortiz, PAC, Andrade, Sammy Guevara, Team Taz, and the rest.
- Wrestling is good, actually. Imagine watching like five hours of wrestling and loving wrestling at the end of it.
*What competes- WK11, Dominion 2018, 2019, DoN 2019, 2021.. All-In, probably. Wrestlemania 30. A few Takeovers. Kris Wolf's retirement show...
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mangora · 3 years
Wait here’s my TMA/TD fear-assignment master post (gen 1-3 only sorry I couldn’t think of any strong ones for gen 4):
Gen 1:
Gwen: Buried (her fear of being buried alive, yes, but also I think it’d be fun bc you know she looks like a corpse)
Courtney: Eye (I love archivist Courtney. Also the fact she needs knowledge and access to knowledge through things like the cheating incident and her PDA, but it destroys her...mwah, Jon shit)
Duncan: Desolation (he destroys everything he touches for his own satisfaction. His relationships, private property, exc.)
Cody: Lonely (no matter how many people he talks to or matches together he’s always single and alone, and his social awkwardness wards people off)
Owen: Vast, maybe Web (his fear of flying and also being voted out quickly and his vying for attention are Vast 100% but also the fact Chris used him as a spy in TDA speaks to web)
Noah: Web (his unwillingness to be manipulated by Alejandro or forced to participate by other players is very webby)
Heather: Web or Hunt (she’s manipulative and almost always gets what she wants, but also her preying on others and being adamant about her goals is Hunt shit so idk)
Lindsay: Flesh (her fear of being not beautiful? Flesh 100%)
Beth: Lonely (she’s always trying to be nice or be like others but never gets the attention she wants from it)
Trent: Stranger (his fear of mines, the way everyone finds his number nine compulsion so uncanny, the way he’s put off when Gwen starts acting different in TDA? Yea that’s the stranger. I could definitely see a statement where he talks about always seeing mimes mimicking him and he begins to mimic others and can’t stop)
Katie and Sadie: Stranger (the parallels with Breekon and Hope kill me. They act and look so uncannily alike. Could be interesting if one of them started mimicking the other too and the other is disturbed)
Izzy: Spiral (shes fucking wild)
Eva: Slaughter (full of rage)
Bridgette: Hunt (her fear of being in the woods and her connection with animals is all Huntcore)
Geoff: Web or Lonely (seeing as he’s such a party dude, I could see him being terrified of what it’s like to not be surrounded with people, but also the way he becomes more manipulative in TDA is kinda web-ish)
Leshawna: I honestly dunno. I wanna say Slaughter because of her attitude towards Heather, but also her realist view reminds me of a Spiral victim like Helen, and her actions in TDA are reminiscent of a Web avatar. I’m gonna say Slaughter is the strongest.
Harold: Dark (fear of being sneaked up on by ninjas first off, but also considering how much he knows about everything, I think being in the dark would terrify him)
DJ: Hunt (his animal curse in WT but it manifests to be like way worse)
Ezekiel: Corruption or Hunt (him going feral and becoming a monster is classic corruption but his determination to win through any means necessary is very Hunt)
Tyler: Lonely (his need to impress everyone with his sports stunts and his constant attempts to get Lindsay to remember him? Yea lonely)
Justin: Flesh (his fear of being ugly and the importance he puts in his looks are classic Flesh behavior)
Alejandro: Flesh (he’s manipulative like a Web avatar, but also a lot of his charm comes from his looks, and his fear of putting gross food in his body is very Fleshy)
Sierra: Eye (she knows everything about everyone dude)
Gen 2:
Zoey: Lonely (she grew up ostracized in a small town and has a hard time making the friends she longs for, she’s definitely tied to the Lonely)
Cameron: Eye (once again, knows everything, and wants to experience everything. I could see him as Courtney’s runner-up or assistant, and marked by the buried because I can imagine his bubble would make him scared of being trapped again)
Mike: Web (he’s afraid of doing bad things against his will)
Mal: Slaughter (he just wants to fuck shit up and hurt people)
Vito: Flesh (also puts a lot of importance in his looks)
Manitoba: Hunt (explorer man)
Svetlana: Flesh (since she puts so much time and love into gymnastics, I think an incident involving injury would freak her tf out)
Chester: End (he’s old and wants to make the most of that)
Brick: Dark (he’s afraid of being lost without direction, as well as the literal dark)
Jo: Hunt (shes focused on winning almost exclusively)
Dawn: Extinction (she’s afraid of the earth and creatures on it withering away)
Anne Maria: Lonely (she puts so much emphasis on being seen and loved and gets volatile when people challenge that)
Scott: Web (he’s a master of scheming, what more should I say)
B: Eye (he’s afraid of others knowing about him and can’t give things up easily, but will use his knowledge to help when needed)
Staci: Stranger (she makes up so many lies for no gain besides attention and upsetting people. She’s like a car wreck you can’t look away from)
Dakota: Corruption (marked by the lonely because she needs attention to function, but I think her becoming dakotazoid and the terror she had getting there points to corruption. Also allegory of Hollywood destroying her blah blah blah)
Sam: Desolation (his self worth is put into material objects like video games and the destruction of them is shown to ruin him)
Lightning: Hunt (I know his body image leans into Flesh but his determination to win and arrogance are like that of a natural predator)
Gen 3:
Shawn: Extinction (I think he’s marked by corruption too because of his fear of zombies corrupting him, but the mass tragedy angle and doomsday prepping is very extinction-like)
Jasmine: Buried (claustrophobia, yea, but also her fear of being trapped by her feelings for Shawn point to buried. This ones kinda loose though, I could see her connected to the web or hunt too)
Sky: Flesh (similar to Svetlana, I think an injury as a gymnast would destroy her, also a big part of flesh is pride, and losing her pride and winning streak freaks Sky out)
Dave: Corruption (his germaphobia as well as his insistence on being with or ‘infecting’ Sky...yea that’s the corruption)
Scarlett: Eye (she knows a lot and uses it to watch and manipulate others)
Max: Web (he’s very methodical, if not smart, in his scheming, and him being outwitted by Scarlett freaked him tf out)
Ella: Lonely (I mainly say this for her fear of being hated by Sugar. I could also see Buried bc shes upset about Chris trapping her by revoking her ability to sing)
Leonard: Spiral (could also lean into Stranger, but his ability to convince so many people to believe in something that doesn’t exist purely with his own belief in magic is very Spirally, plus his frustration with Dave is much like Micheal’s with Jon when he could see through his bullshit, and him losing his ability to cast physical magic is very much like a Spiral victim’s descent back into humanity)
Beardo: Dark (put simply, we don’t know much about him, and he disguises any recognizable trait with sounds. Could also be Stranger)
Sugar: Hunt (fear of losing, exc. also the way she preys on others weaknesses for her own game, pun intended? Yea)
Sammy (I will not call her Samey in this house): Lonely (Amy traps her in a world where no one will talk to her or validate her ideas, it’s pretty sad. Could also see her touched by the Eye during her time impersonating Amy)
Amy: Web (she’s great at manipulating others into liking her)
Topher: Stranger (him trying to replace Chris and disillusion others to it is a pretty not-them move)
Rodney: Lonely (the fact that he’s constantly misunderstood and can’t connect with others because of it. Sad)
Feel free to add your own input! I’m not 100% sure on quite a few of these and some of the traits of the fears overlap (Stranger and Web, Hunt and Slaughter, exc.) so uh beans
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2018shawn · 4 years
63 + 71 with shawn pls
63. “You look so hot I could fuck you senseless right now.” | 71. “Wider, baby. I said wider.”
ooooooh my GOD this is a personal fave of mine i liked writing this one......
~~~ saucy saturday/sunday ~~~
to say shawn was an old friend of yours, that you used to fool around with, would be putting it lightly. very, very lightly. because, as a matter of fact, he was the most mind-blowing, toe-curling, stomach-knotting sex you’d ever experienced. and you’d never, ever forget it. it was hard to forget it, especially when he’s stood across the expensive bar, eyes wandering up and down your body when you weren’t looking. the way you sipped at your straw. the way your eyes crinkled when you laughed at some other stupid guy’s lame jokes. the way you pulled in your bottom lip when you finally made eye contact. 
the music was loud, but the lust was louder. so he knocked back the remainder of his whiskey, wincing as it burned down his throat, before slamming his glass onto the bar. his friend furrowed his eyebrows, but when he saw the way shawn was focusing on you through the crowds of people, it all made perfect sense. just as brian was about to make some snarky comment about how much shawn pined and lusted over you, they curly haired boy was already half way across the bar, strutting in your direction as if he’d been set a determining mission.
he was dressed in his smartest suit, for the opening of the bar, and fate almost seemed like a real thing when he towered next to you, your eyes gazing over his emerald green tie that matched perfectly with your identical coloured dress. “hi.” he simply said, cutting off any conversation with your other... man friend. little did shawn know, that man friend was more interested in the co-ordination of the outfits than getting into what was underneath your dress and although you thought you should tell him, that your friend was simply not interested in women, you thought playing on it would be more fun. and also, why should you tell him? he ditched you for a PR relationship that ended up down shit’s creek without a paddle. and now here he was, storming over as if he owned you and the ground you walked on. 
“hey, shawn.” he gulped at how effortlessly his name fell from your tongue, forgetting how amazing you sounded when you purred his title. your friend excused himself, even he feeling awkward at the sexual tension. “long time, no see.”
shawn shoved his hands into his pocket, mostly because he needed to resist wrapping his hand around your waist, but partly because he was kicking himself for not coming over with some form of game plan. instead here he stood, shifting awkwardly before you, lost in your ongoing beauty to form a single sentence. “uh, yeah, too long.” he cleared his throat, trying to pull his game together and he wondered what it was that you had over him, that no one else did. no one else even came close. 
“how’ve you been?” you sipped again on the straw to your incredibly strong flavoured cocktail and tried your hardest to hide the sensation of what felt like pure vodka hitting the back of your throat. 
“good, working hard. keeping my head down.” 
“yeah, i saw about your horrific break up in the news, must have been awful.” you spoke with such monotone words; words that oozed sarcasm and you hated how bitter you sounded, but you were. shawn promised you a lot, he promised you a happy life. amazing opportunities. talks of a life long relationship. until it turned out to be a mere fling. but somehow, you couldn’t turn your 6 inch heels and walk away. 
“someone’s bitter.” he laughed, almost evilly and you wanted right there and then to show him what he was missing. 
“someone deserves to be.” you spat back taking another sip of your drink and although it had been in your hand for 30 minutes or so, you’d drank more in the last 3 minutes than you had the entire time. there was a silence. a moment of you both staring into each others eyes to see who would break first and you were determined for it to not be you. 
“well, you look nice, anyway.” he chirped, trying to open a can of compliments in order to win you back. because he needed you back. even when you weren’t with him, mentally he had you there. 
you scoffed, rolling your eyes and popping out your hip so all your weight fell to one side of your body. “nice? you ditch me and see me again after 2 years, and all you have is nice?” 
he knew you were feisty, and hell, he knew he was in the wrong for practically dumping whatever arrangements you both had, without a trace. but he thought someone, somewhere, mixed with a little bit of fate, had brought you both back into the same room, wearing the same colour, with the same intentions. “fuck sake, y/n.”
“well, i’m just saying. it’s funny how you think you can waltz back over here and give me a pathetic compliment and woo your way back into my pants, mendes.” 
he raised his eyebrows, and you suddenly felt nervous. small. submissive. your bratty attitude only ever led you to one thing with shawn, and most of the time it was you underneath him, crying out his name in pleasure. “want me to be really honest?”
“first time for everything.” you couldn’t help but keep them coming, but he knew he deserved the scolding,
“You look so hot I could fuck you senseless right now.” he casually spoke, like the room wasn’t filled with a hundred other people. like anyone could be listening into their conversation. like it couldn’t get leaked to the press and ruin his perfect innocent, pop star reputation. 
the heat from your cheeks travelled down your body, butterflies whirling around your lower stomach, until it rested in your sensitive area. your heels clicked against the hard, marble floor as you shuffled awkwardly. “yeah well...” you spat, your mind working into overdrive to think of another witty remark. “do it, then.” 
they were the only words he needed to be brushing past you, tugging at your arm as he did so like you were a little doll he’d picked off the shelf. your legs could barely keep up with his long strides, and you wished you’d opted for a comfier heel if you knew you’d be practically jogging through the hallways of a fancy bar that was decorated with flower walls and champagne fountains. you spat his name once or twice, trying to pull your arm from his grasp as he led you both down to the bathrooms, eyes setting on one of the open doors and ushering you both in. it was no use, trying to escape from him, because once you were in, you were in. 
his hands pushed against your shoulders, guiding you backwards until you were level against the door and pushing it closed with your weight. he was incredibly close, lips almost grazing against each other as he reached down and turned the lock and the sound click of the metal made you feel nervous and legs feel weak. there didn’t need to be anymore words for him to finally plant a kiss upon your lips, starting slow to make up for all the lost time. the time he’d stupidly thrown away for some pathetic publicity stunt.
you had forgotten how he felt; soft but needy. his lips worked forceful against yours, hand returning from the lock and cupping the frame of your face. he tilted you up slightly, getting a better angle, but even so, he kept his hand in place there, pushing down when you tried to turn your head away. you weren’t sure how long you were there, how long you got lost in the smell of his cologne and touch of his lips. but after what felt like 2 seconds, he released your jaw, bending down and wrapping his hands around the back of your thighs. 
your legs instantaniously wrapped around his hips, heels scrapping against the lower of his back as you clung on. his hair was an open invitation, your hands finding a happy place as they roamed through, whilst his grasped at your waist, knuckles almost white in colour because he never wanted to let go. he turned you both, and you had no idea what your surroundings even looked like, because the entire time you’d been in the room, you’d been latched to one another. feeling the coldness of a countertop against your almost on show ass, you let your body relax and settle against it, legs loosening slightly around his hips, although not enough for him to not be pushed into you. 
hips barely knocked against each other, the small opening of your legs just a mere fraction of how close he actually wanted to be. you could already see a bulging area in the centre of his pants, and you didn't;’t see a reason for all of the pleasantries; sure, the foreplay was fun, but it had been far too long since you’d had the feeling of his pulsing length gliding into you. “god, you’re fucking incredible.” shawn muttered, detaching from your lips to pepper a trail of kisses down your neck and across your bare shoulder.
“thought i was just nice” you breathed, a moan following when he nipped at the skin of your collar bone and soothed it with the wetness of his cool tongue. despite your bitter words, you toyed with the buckle of his stupidly expensive belt, the clanking taking over the sound of your stifled moans. 
“you know you’re always more than just nice.” he admitted, eyes looking up from where he was situated below your jaw, trying to gauge a reaction. the only reaction you could give was to continue unbuckling his belt, followed by the buttons of his trousers, and then finally, the zipper. his breath hitched as your hands grazed across the hardness of his cock that was captivated in his calvins, and he thought it was the most electrifying touch he’d ever felt. 
he used his hands to push your legs wider as you continued to free his throbbing length, trying to shuffle up as close to you as physically possible. “wider.” he breathed in your ear, not feeling satisfied that he was close enough as his cock sprung free and simply skipped past your needy folds. you nodded, wriggling your ass a little and opening as much as you thought the dress would allow. 
taking himself in his own hand, as yours roamed through his hair and across his broad back, he lined up with you, making sure to push your panties to the side. he was getting frustrated, with how closed your legs were because he needed to be skin on skin deep within you and he needed it more than ever. his hands hiked up your dress as his cock slid into your entrance, almost ripping the delicate material as he lost control of all his emotion. you both muttered a string of inaudible words as he pushed as deep into you as he could, but of course, it was not good enough for him. “Wider, baby. I said wider.” 
your hips now free from the restrictive material of the dress, you were able to spread your legs as wide as they could go, shawn even taking hold of one and holding it against the counter edge so he’d get the perfect spot. he was sloppy and needy, but you liked it that way. when it was too rehearsed it felt forced. not like this; the way you could feel that one prominent vein rubbing against your juicy lips as he thrusted in and out of you, the sound of his pelvis smashing against yours, the reflection of him in the mirror on the wall opposite you, your desperate face trying so hard to contain the screams. it all felt too heavenly, and you knew it wouldn’t be the last time he would be making up for ditching you for his fake relationship.
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shawn taglist:  @imaginashawnns @fallinallincurls @mendesficsxbombay @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @fallinfortom 💓
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wondershawns · 4 years
Kaleidoscope (Chapter 7) [S.M.]
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A/N: I can’t believe this is the last chapter I’m posting for this series like WHAT how did we get there so fast. Anyway, I hope this is as satisfying to read as it was for me to write.
Word count: 2024
Warnings: A few hints of smut but really just a bunch of fluff
“Morning honey,” Shawn brushed a hand through her hair when she opened her eyes, blinking once before shutting them again and crawling over his chest.
“Hi,” She mumbled against his chest, kissing over his heart before resting her cheek on his skin.
“How did you sleep?” He traced his fingers up and down her spine, smiling to himself when Melissa shivered at the touch.
“I slept like a baby,” She moved up to kiss his shoulder, his neck and then his cheek. “You really exhausted me,”
“Sorry,” He grinned like a moron when he saw her lips were still swollen from how hard they were kissing the previous night.
“Guess we had a lot of frustration to make up for,”
“Yeah,” He traced his finger down the slope of her nose, making her giggle before surprising her by rolling over her and pinning her down underneath his body.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Making you feel good?” He bit his lip tentatively, waiting for her to agree.
“Bold of you to think you can achieve that,” She gave him a taunting look.
“Is that why you were moaning so loud last night?” He raised his eyebrows, not backing down.
“Shut up,” She whined, smacking him in the face with a pillow.
“Ow! I was being nice!”
“Sure,” She snorted, grabbing his shirt and sliding it over her arms before buttoning it to hide her chest.
“Damn, always so grumpy in the morning,” He muttered, finding his boxers and getting up to put them on.
“I need food, c’mon,” She rolled her eyes and sauntered to the kitchen, biting back a smile when she thought back on the previous night.
She cooked breakfast for both of them and tried not to let herself be distracted by Shawn behind her. He kept on putting his hands on her hips to press his chest to her back, making her fall into him while he kissed her neck and left a few more light red marks on her skin. She let him for a minute, pushed him off and refocused on her task. Shawn simply smiled, never discouraged as he started all over again, keeping their little game of push and pull going.
“Baby,” She whimpered when she caught his wrist to stop his hand from sneaking between her legs.
“Mmh?” Shawn stilled his hand but kept on nipping at her jaw, licking over the gentle bites.
  He let her win, stepping back so that they could take a moment to enjoy the food while it was still warm. His foot bumped hers under the table, making her give him a warning look that only made a smug smile grow on his face. He behaved while they ate, but as soon as they were cleaning up he stole another heated kiss and lifted her to sit her on the counter.
“Bubs, let’s just clean first,” She cupped his cheek to hold his face still, and he reluctantly stepped back to obey.
Shawn finished cleaning up while she stayed on the counter, happily letting him do the rest of the work since she had cooked. He put the last plate away with a stupid smile on his face and turned to her to rest his hands on her thighs.
“You know, morning sex is a great way to start the day,” He slid his fingers higher, stepping forward when she parted her legs to let him stand close.
“Oh yeah?” She cupped the back of his neck and toyed with the short curls there, angling his head towards hers so that she could brush her lips against his.
“Mmh, think you could be convinced?” He murmured as his hands moved to her inner thighs and closer to her center.
“It’s a possibility,” She giggled close to his lips, so stuck in her bubble of joy with him that she didn’t hear the keys turn in the lock of her front door.
“What the actual FUCK?” Brian yelled when he walked into the kitchen with wide eyes, making Shawn jump away from her.
“What are you doing here?” She slid down the counter and tugged the hem of Shawn’s shirt lower on her body.
“I’m bringing the rest of your stuff and helping you move the furniture around like you asked me to. Clearly looks like you’ve got other plans for the day though,” He crossed his arms over her chest, making her feel like she was a child being scolded.
“Uh, shit, I forgot, sorry,” She stammered under his glare.
“Yeah right,” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Care to explain how long you’ve been lying to me exactly?”
“I haven’t been lying to you,” She frowned, glancing at Shawn who was nervously running his hand through his hair, still in nothing but his boxers in the middle of her kitchen.
“Sure, so you never told me there was nothing going on between you?” He called her out, frustrating her even more because back then she really thought she wasn’t attracted to Shawn. Hate was a lot closer to love than she had thought.
“There wasn’t!” She exclaimed, wishing she didn’t have to explain herself so much.
“We talked about this less than a week ago!”
“Bro, really,” Shawn tried to intervene, but the way Brian looked at him shut him up.
“Brian don’t be an ass,” His sister immediately glared at him.
“I wouldn’t be an ass if you told me the truth,”
“I did!” She insisted. “We were just friends, then we got into another fight and Shawn came over last night to apologise, nothing happened before then,”
“The fuck,” He muttered anyway, and Shawn jumped in again.
“We were going to tell you, we literally just woke up,”
“Whatever, just don’t be gross in front of me,” He rolled his eyes.
“We’re gonna get dressed,” Melissa decided, dragging Shawn back to her room so that she could at least cover up.
The two exploded in nervous laughter as soon as the door closed, looking at each other and clutching their stomachs at the situation they ended up in.
“Why didn’t you say he’d come over?” Shawn whisper yelled, swatting her arm playfully through a giggle.
“You’re pretty distracting when you’re trying to have sex with me!” She shoved his shoulders to have him fall back on the bed.
“Fuck,” He grunted, dragging her with him and securing her tightly on top of his body.
“As much as I’d love to stay like this,” She sighed into his neck. “We should really get dressed before he gets mad at us,”
“Fine,” Shawn agreed. “Let’s do this fast cause I want you all to myself today,”
“I have a feeling he won’t want to stick around too long,” She picked a slightly oversized shirt to replace his and give it back to him and opened her drawer for underwear. “Stop staring,” Melissa pulled her panties up her legs, noticing his pout because he would have rather undressed her than watched her put clothes back on.
“I can’t help it,” He caught her wrist and tugged her into his chest. “You’re beautiful,”
“Shawn, you’ve seen plenty of beautiful women naked in your life,” She chuckled while he wrapped an arm around her waist and used his free hand to cup her face.
“Maybe I have, but I didn’t love any of them,” His thumb rubbed back and forth over her cheek slowly and his eyes never left hers.
Melissa’s heart skipped a beat at the words and her eyes watered, causing her to look down and close them. She wrapped her arms around Shawn tightly, burying her face in his neck and finding comfort in the way he squeezed her against his chest.
“I love you too,” She whispered so low that for a second he worried he imagined the words, but the way she looked at him when she pulled away from the hug told him everything he needed to know.
Brian waited patiently for them to come out fully dressed, and they all went down to his car to carry the rest of Melissa’s boxes up to her apartment. He didn’t comment on their relationship again, it was obvious they had been saying the truth, and if this had only started last night he didn’t want to awkwardly put them on the spot before they had a chance to talk things out.
They stacked the labelled boxes in the right places, her essentials were already there, most of her clothes, bathroom supplies and enough things in the kitchen for her to be able to cook. This was everything she’d need to decorate, along with some more clothes, books and everything she liked to keep around her.
She explained how she wanted to move the furniture of her living room and Shawn and Brian did most of the work. She could easily have helped but Shawn wouldn’t let her lift instead of him, and if Brian had to stand and stare he’d get annoyed that he came over for nothing.
“Is that it?” The redhead wiped his palms over his jeans, eager to get home and away from the obviously horny couple. “That shit was heavy, I’m not moving it again,”
“Yeah, it was quite heavy,” Shawn confirmed because he had more plans in mind for the day than lifting furniture.
“Good thing I had two strong men to help then,” She gave them her angel eyes. They were both used to it, but it was the kind of thing she did that could make them forgive her for anything. “Thanks for coming over Bri,”
“Yeah, sure,” He pulled his keys out of his pocket. “I’m probably gonna head back before traffic gets bad,” He told her but was mostly ignored compared to Shawn who was already back to joking with her.
“What would you do if I didn’t workout, uh?
“I’d have to move things myself, but I’m glad you do cause with those arms it’s no wonder you lifted me so easily,” She teased, boosting Shawn’s ego and making him smirk cockily.
“That’s disgusting, bye,” Brian fake gagged and left without hesitation, slamming the door behind himself.
“You think he’ll get over it?” Shawn laughed as he walked to the kitchen for a glass of water.
“He’ll have to,” She hopped up on the counter, excitement bubbling inside of her when Shawn came to stand between her legs to kiss her so that they’d be back in the position they were before Brian interrupted them.
“Well, now that he’s gone,” He kissed her neck, smiling when she tilted her head to the side for him. “I’m getting hungry, and there’s something sweet I really want a taste of,”
“Please baby,” He kissed his way down her chest, hooking a finger into the collar of her shirt to pull it down so he could have more access. “Wanna eat you out so bad,”
“You’re trying to kill me,” Her chest heaved with her next breaths. “Fuck,”
“Can I?”
“Yeah let’s just- let’s just go to the bedroom,”
“Hold on tight,” Shawn wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to the edge of the counter so that she could hook her legs around him.
He carried her to the bedroom with his hands on her ass to keep her close to him, and he let her down on the bed before attaching his lips to her skin again.
“What did I do to deserve you?” She sighed happily when he took his sweet time teasing the spots he had marked on her neck the previous night.
“I don’t know love, but whatever it was I’m so fucking thankful,” He lifted his head to look at her, his hand rising to cup her face.
“Shawn?” Her voice was soft when she called out his name, all of her walls falling down in front of him. “I never want to fight with you again,”
“I won’t let that happen,” He promised, running his thumb over her cheek. “You deserve to be loved, and I’m going to give you all the love in the fucking world.”
I can’t really process the fact that this is the end, but I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone that read up until here, it means a lot to me.
Please let me know what you thought of the series and reblog!
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sleepy-achilles · 11 months
Ik I don't write smut,
But that doesn't mean I don't have set positions for my ships. Talk of sub and dom and bottom and top stuff below.
Hbtaker- Top Taker and Bottom Shawn. Takers 100% a dom and shawns 100% a pillow princess. He's the perfect sub for takers dom. He can push taker but also bring him back down to earth. Whilst Taker knows exactly what he needs when Shawn doesn't. He knows when to drop Shawn and when to bring him back up. Taker learned very quickly that someone had tainted sex for shawn and put all his effort into fixing that, reassuring Shawn that, yes he's allowed to be loud, lube is a must, yes he can touch and pull at takers hair. They fit. Shawn also taught taker a few things. Also, in a/b/o verse, takers the alpha, shawns the omega.
John- without giving to much away about him upcoming storyline, hes a switch. His partner needs to have control taken from them sometimes whilst john sometimes needs to take control, so they honestly go of whatever the other is needing. John would be a beta or an alpha. The same for his partner.
Deon- they are my juicy couple. My favourite thing to do whilst writing them is not making it clear who tops and who bottoms. The reality is, both boys are switches. But whilst Leon is normally a dom in his relationships with drew the switch is hit. Drew understands Leon better than most, which is why even on top Leon has the more sub role. A service top. Whatever you want to call it. Leon has such a dominating life that when it's just him and drew, he needs to be in that headspace. And well, drew normally takes a back seat, especially when tag teaming with Leon, so he doesn't mind taking that dom headspace when it's him and drew. But he loves being pampered, despite what the fans think, drew loves being on bottom, he has that secret pillow princess in him. He deserves it and with such a willing service top? He'd be stupid to not get it. Drew is 100% an alpha whilst Leon is either a omega or a alpha. Depends what the story angle is that I'm going for.
Cea (kinda like sea, idk I thought their ship name being ocean related would be cute)- cassie doesn't care, she's a pillow princess and she's proud as fuck of it. She's grown up with a male dominated family, she deserves to be treated like the princess she is. Rhea is a stone top. She prefers giving rather than receiving. Cassie doesn't mind, she does feel guilty sometimes but rhea is quick to reassure her that she gets off more on cassies pleasure then she does her own. However, cassie does sometime have to take on a more dominant role, especially with rhea joining the judgement day. Rhea sometimes needs that tension taken off her. She needs to be bossed around, put in her place. It's tough for cassie but rhea will always make sure she receives the right amount of aftercare after. Cassie is an omega and rhea is a Alpha.
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
Undertaker’s Streak never should have been broken
Nearly 7 years later and I still think it was dumb to end the streak. I even think it was dumber to let that steroided freak of a part timer be the one to do it. It did not help or elevate anyone. It ended one of the few things I had to watch on Wrestlemania every year. 
The Streak was special, sacred, a spectacle and important. 
It was stupid. Brock Lesnar did not need it. He’s Brock fucking Lesnar, the Beast Incarnate. There was absolutely NOTHING he needed to build up. All he needed was to look good trying to end The Streak.
Someone like CM Punk or Bray Wyatt, yes I agree they would’ve been better, but considering how both men were treated by WWE, do you think it would’ve done anything for them when it’s all said and done?
You killed the golden goose. You killed the one reason why old school fans like me actually fucking gave a fucking damn year after year after shitty storyline after shitty storyline. I was done with WWE after the Benoit murders due to how they cultivated an environment that allowed Benoit to lose his fucking mind. But I had one bright spot. The Undertaker and his Streak. And you killed it for Brock?
I don’t care if it was Vince or Taker’s call. Letting Lesnar to be the one to do it was fucking stupid. Where in the  hell did anyone involved with this stupid decision think this was a remotely good idea? You would have thought that if going into it you knew that this special thing was going to come to an end, this special thing that so many wrestling fans like myself and so many more held near and dear and sacred to their hearts, you would go out of your way to make this feel like something truly transcended, something truly iconic, something that truly would stand the test of time. But instead what you decide to do was drop The Streak after TWO DECADES of fucking investment to a guy who's a part-timer that advertises a sandwich shop on his short pants and his matches. Bad build up in a bad match and a bad decision as it happened. It's one, it's two and it's three! It was surreal not only because the streak was over and the realization the truth smacked us across the face like a ton of bricks, but it's over like after two decades and THIS is how it ends after over two decades after so many memorable moments and so many memorable matches and so many times where you feel it was this close ti veubg vrijeb abd then somehow someway it wasn't. This is how it's decided that it's gonna end? This is gonna be the nightcap to over two decades of fucking legend? Over two decades of awesome? Over two decades of accomplishment? Over two decades of something that will never ever be touched again by anything in the WWE or professional wrestling as a whole? This unfullfilling, unsatisfying completely idiotic piece of shit is what we got instead and to me the truth of the matter is it will always feel like it was a great big slap in the fucking face. It's like after all this time, Vince laughed and was like "eh, fuck you fans, who needs you, this is how we're gonna do it" and this is dumb on so many different levels. Of all people, Taker decided he wanted to drop his streak to Brock fucking Lesnar...why? Let's evaluate this for a second. This is the same Brock less near the heading into Wrestlemania XXX was 1-2 and from a logic standpoint this sure as shit doesn't make any sense at Wrestlemania. Need I remind everybody that this is the same Brock Lesnar that just one year earlier couldn't beat Triple H at Wrestlemania 29. The SAME Triple H, OH THAT BY THE WAY The Undertaker beaten him in back to back years at Wrestlemania!Including what was a glorified two-on-one handicap match the end of an era Hell In A Cell Match where Shawn Michaels was a special guest referee and not to mention he beat him in 2001 at Wrestlemania 17. So Brock Lesnar, a guy with a career losing record at Wrestlemania, the guy that couldn't beat Triple H, another part-time wrestler at Wrestlemania 29, is now able to beat The Undertaker who was 21-0 at Wrestlemania and had beaten Triple H THREE TIMES at the biggest even of the year...THREE FUCKING TIMES! And Lesnar couldn't do it once.... 7 years fucking later and it didn't do shit for Lesnar or shit for WWE in general. Need I remind you WWE gave it to someone who left the WWE high and motherfucking dry after Wrestlemania 20. Do we all forget how much time and energy and investment the WWE put behind Brock Lesnar in his first two years on the main roster in the WWE for all the people who still defend this bullshit decision, these are all the same idiots who pissed and moaned about Cena and Roman. DING DONG DUMB DICKS. Do you not realize if Brock Lesnar didn't leave the company high and dry after Wrestlemania 20, they wouldn't have had to sit there and build up John Cena and later Roman Reigns to the point where they had to play it safe with them so they wouldn't be big enough to leave?? At least Cena stayed until he felt his time was over. Roman is awesome and his status is well deserved. Brock did not deserve it. It was dumb 7 years ago and it's still incredibly dumb and stupid. Of all the people in the Streak who could've beaten it, you're telling me Brock Lesnar is greater than CM Punk, Batista, HHH or Shawn Michaels. I would've accepted John Cena or Roman Reigns and it actually would've fucking meant something. Brock was never around much, he's made it pretty fucking clear he doesn't care about WWE, the fans or wrestling in general, all he cares about is fucking money. You wasted two decades of build up for this part-timer and waste of fucking money and again, it was not worth it and incredibly stupid. You could've given it to CM Punk and he would've stayed. You could've had HHH win at at the end of an era match and it still would've meant something. At least with HHH being involved in the day to day operations of the WWE, imagine how much more it would mean if HHH had actually been the one to end the Strak at Wrestlemania 28 end of an era match and then he turns around and loses to Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania 30 But no, you gave it to someone who didn't give a flying shit about the fans or professional wrestling. 7 years later and this decision was still fucking dumb. You can say whatever you want about Cena and trust me I was not a fan and I would've been just as mad 7 years ago if he was the one to end the streak because of what it represented to me as a wrestling fan, at least I would've known that he would have respected it, he would have appreciated it, he would have understood it and you actually would have gotten more long-term return on that very very long-term inveestment that you made as the WWE into that Undertaker character into the freaking streak! And what did it end up doing? Really at the end of the day what was the point of this? I mean if you really think about it, here's some things that have just really stand out to me. The fact that it was The Undertaker's call doesn't make it the right call. 7 years later I don't believe it was the right decision. Even those people that we respect the most sometimes make the dumbest decisions possible. This was dumb, it's just one of these things, well it was a great, shocking and surprising moment in Wrestlemania, well I bet it fucking was and the reason nobody saw it coming was because of a bad build up, a bad match in a dumb booking decision. It was a bad post-match reaction to it. It created a terrible Wrestlemania moment and some very detrimental dire bad consequences to the night to think about it. Instead of talking about Daniel Bryan's victory, they would be talking about Undertakjer's streak being broken and the shock and awe. Shock and surprise is not always good. You could take a shit or yank out your privates in the ring and I promise you tons of fans in that arena would be thinking what the fuck just happened? That's pretty much what happened. Who did this benefit? NO ONE! Did the fans want this? NO ONE FUCKING WANTED IT! Did it benefit the WWE? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT! The decision to end the streak was incredibily selfish. This was something a lot of fans were incredibily emotionally invested in. This was the only thing that kept me interested in WWE and Vince just had to ruin it. Vince just had to go with his old "eat shit and like the taste of it mentality" and shove this fucking part timer down our fucking throats for the next 6 fucking years. Choosing to end The Streak was selfish, incredibily selfish and incredibily stupid. I don't care if Undertaker wanted it to be over, The Streak still mattered. Why not preserve your legacy with the streak intact? Let's look at your career after the streak. Bad matches and you still come back every year. Taker was very loyal to Vince and the WWE, so why the fuck would you choose to let the asshole who left WWE 10 years ago when they clearly needed a star for the tremendous honor of breaking your legendary undefeated streak? You could've chosen a young guy who needed and deserved the honor to enhance his career. If The Undertaker doesn't care about his Streak, Legacy or career, then why should we? Why the fuck should I? 20 years and it was for nothing. Taker might be at peace with it, but I never will be. 7 Years and I am still pissed. It was incredibily selfish for Taker, Vince and the WWE to sit there and decide at Wrestlemania 30 to end it when it should have been all about Daniel Bryan and it should have been all about him overcoming the odds and obstacles. It ultimately became about The Undertaker  and his Streak ending. I will always believe the decision was a dumb one and I will never accept it.
Undertaker never should have lost. As Arn Anderson said “He should still be sitting here unbeaten. It's as special as anything has ever been, it's more special than anybody that won a world title. It's one of those things that comes along every so often and the character fits the angle. Leaving him undefeated would've been perfect. Let him walk away, let him retire, let him get put in the hall of fame all in one year and let that record, whether it would be 30-0, that's something monumental.”
And yes, I do believe Undertaker should have been undefeated with 30-0 and retire with the Streak in tact. After defeating Brock, these are potential Streak victims I could foresee
Wrestlemania 31:Sting(JUST THINK ABOUT IT. Undertaker returns after Wrestlemania XXX, no Bray Wyatt and we’re on the road to Wrestlemania, before he could even make his announcement. All of a sudden everything goes black. And we hear this  “When a man's heart is full of deceit... It burns up, dies... And a dark shadow falls over his soul... From the ashes of a once great man, has risen a curse...A wrong that must be righted... We look to the skies for a vindicator, someone to strike fear into the black hearts of the same man who created him... The battle between good, and evil has begun... Against an army of shadows, lies a dark warrior...The prevailer of good... With a voice of silence... And a mission of justice... This is Sting.” Sting’s classic Crow theme plays and as he makes his entrance to the ring. The stare off happens. Sting aims his bat at Taker and challenges him to Wrestlemania. Undertaker’s eyes goes white and gives him the throat cross. Sting vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania 31. Sting makes his debut in a way he should have appeared in WWE challenging The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. The Pheonom vs The Icon. WWE’s legend vs WCW’s legend. Perfect.)
Wrestlemania 32:Braun Strowman
Wrestlemania 33:Roman Reigns
Wrestlemania 34:Kurt Angle(Ronda would be facing Stephanie in a singles match instead, so we get the match we should have gotten at Wrestlemania 22)
Wrestlemania 35:Elias
Wrestlemania 36:AJ Styles
Wrestlemania 37:Aleister Black
Wrestlemania 38:The Fiend
The night prior, Undertaker is inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame. At Wrestlemania, Undertaker beats The Fiend and becomes 30-0. The night after he announces his retirement and a tribute show for The Undertaker goes off. The perfect send off for The Undertaker.
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captainsjack · 4 years
There needs to be more Shus h/c: I've been imaging lately Shawn getting into a massive fight with Henry, the kind were his Dad is really out of line and he can't joke his way through it bc he's been hit where it HURTS. Gus is there naturally, and Shus is married in the scenario bc I say so. They have to pull over on the way home bc Shawn actually breaks down despite his best efforts not to. Gus is a good protective husband and does his best to calm him down, but Shawn is QUIET for days after. p1
p2. Henry comes over to apologize and Gus opens the door, seriously considers punching him face, but ultimately lets him in. Henry and Shawn make up as much as they ever do, but Gus refuses to talk to him for months bc he's still furious at him for hurting Shawn that much. Would love to hear you elaborate on this with your own hc and thoughts <3
ok the fact that i’ve written something very similar to this (well at least thought about it) ?? buddy we’re just on the same wavelength here !!
but honestly ?? just what you said is perfect, i don’t even know what to add !!
to be fair, i am a bit sympathetic to henry, so i’m not quite sure exactly what he would say that’s so out of line, but i do like the concept.
i’d definitely say this is within the first season. like shawn’s trying his best to make an effort with his dad, despite everything that’s happened. and it’s mostly because he feels a bit guilty about not inviting henry to the wedding. like shawn and gus got married a bit over a year before s1, and so henry hadn’t moved back yet, and even if he had been in santa barbara at the time, shawn was still pretty sure he wouldn’t have invited him anyways (gus is completely on shawns side and actually hasn’t even spoken to henry since high school, but i digress, that’s a different plot).
anyways, when shawn saw henry for the first time in idk how long, neither of them really mentioned the whole Wedding Ring Thing until henry said something during the dog house scene and they awkwardly talked about it (again, a concept for a different post).
so they both had a bit more sympathy for how their relationship has gone wrong, and both were trying their best to make things better even though it was hard (because missing your sons wedding is a real blow no matter how much you know you’ve fucked up in the past). and so things sort of have changed for the better at least a little bit and shawn thinks that, maybe, just maybe, he can forgive his dad just a bit and things can be civil.
and so when shawn and gus are at henry’s (idk what for) and henry says something, it hits shawn a hell of a lot harder than it would’ve in the past. because he wasn’t expecting it (well, at least not as much). he’d thought they were at least ok for now.
and idk what henry says, but it’s clear to shawn that whatever niceties had been in place the last couple of months had just been a figment of shawn’s imagination. of him trying to cling to a shred of a normal relationship with his father.
it wasn’t something shawn could just laugh off or roll his eyes and make a joke. it stings. a lot. and shawn kind of just flinches and he tries to be subtle about it, but he can’t hide the hurt that flashes across his face.
gus tries to defend shawn right away, once henry says the thing. his body is filled with an amount of hatred he hasn’t felt since he had found out shawn had left town and had known it was all henry’s fault. everything in his body goes tense and he’s unconsciously angling his body in front of shawn, harsh words flying out of his mouth unstoppable.
but shawn kind of just huffs out a laugh and shakes his head. he puts his hands up in a “whatever” gesture, body already turning to the door. “forget it man, let’s just go” he says to gus, and he doesn’t wait for a response before he’s already out the door and halfway to the car.
gus just stands there, watching the door swing shut, before he glares at henry one last time and follows shawn. he makes sure to slam the door extra hard.
shawn’s leaning against the passenger door, his face expressionless, and gus knows shawn well enough to know that there’s nothing he can say to make things right. so gus just carefully looks at him, and shawn’s still staring at the ground, and he unlocks the car and they start driving.
the silence that fills the car is heavy, and it makes gus feel like he can’t breathe. he tries to focus on the road, hands gripping the steering wheel so hard it hurts, but he can’t help but keep glancing over at shawn.
shawn’s resting his head against the window, and his face looks dull and exhausted, and every inch of his body feels like lead. he’s so fucking tired of everything, and no matter how much he tries to stop the dam from breaking, he can’t. it takes too much energy to force everything down, and right here, right now, it’s just him and gus and the dark night road, and so he gives up. the ice around his heart breaks - fully breaks - and for the first time in 10 years, he really truly accepts the fact that his father has always, and will always, hate him.
the sobs lurch out of his chest with an amount of force he hasn’t experienced before, and before he can draw in another shaky breath, the car stops and gus’s arms are around him. and he can’t stop no matter how much he tries, and his chest hurts, and he can’t fucking breathe. he clings onto gus’s shirt so hard his nails dig into his palms through the material.
gus just sits there, half in his seat and half on the console separating him and shawn, and he’s holding shawn to his chest like his life depends on it. he murmurs “it’s okay, you’re okay” and “i’ve got you, i’m right here” and “it’s not your fault, it’s never been your fault” over and over again, in the hopes that something, some string of words, will bring any sort of comfort to his husband.
he doesn’t know how long shawn cries, but it’s long enough that his back starts to hurt and he has to reach over and turn off the car so they don’t waste the battery. shawn’s breaths are still shallow and shaky, but his grip on gus has loosened and gus’s shirt has begun to dry.
“what do you need?” gus asks softly, face pressed into shawn’s hair.
“nothing, just you.” and he can’t get out any more words than that, but he doesn’t really need to. because gus is the only thing he has ever, and will ever, need, especially now.
“okay,” gus whispers, and he holds shawn tighter.
they sit like that, squished in the blueberry on the side of the road, car barely parked, until the stars and moon brighten, the streets grow quiet with the night, and shawns heartbeat slows and his breaths come out more even.
in the following days, gus can count on his two hands the number of words shawn has spoken. gus does the talking for the both of them, and, thankfully, shawn’s at least okay enough to laugh at a few of his jokes. but it’s not the sound gus has grown accustomed to - it’s forced, a bit hollow, and he knows in the bottom of his heart there’s something missing. some part of shawn has broken and he doesn’t know if it can be fixed.
he takes off a few days from work, and they spend their days watching movies, cartoons, cuddling, and playing games (half the words on gus’s metaphorical hands are “uno”). shawn doesn’t mention psych or his dad.
neither does gus. he doesn’t know what to say. what is there to say? “are you okay?” that’s too broad of a question and gus knows shawn isn’t okay. “do you want to talk about it?” gus knows shawn will just shrug and say there’s nothing to talk about.
when shawn’s ready, he’ll bring it up, and gus knows that. he also knows that the only way shawn will be able to move on from this, is if he talks to henry. gus knows there’s not much damage control he can do unless henry is there, present in the conversation.
that’s the only reason why gus doesn’t just punch him in the face and slam the door when one sunday morning, he finds henry on the other side of the dark oak doorway.
shawn is in the shower and gus can hear the water turn off as he meets henry’s eyes with a tired glare, and so gus steps out into the hallway with him and closes the door.
“what?” he asks stiffly. and all of a sudden he’s 18 again, in front of the man who he’s just told he hated.
“can i talk to him?” henry quirks an eyebrow up, shifting in anticipation of entering their apartment.
gus defensively steps backward, hand blocking the doorknob. “why?” he asks.
henry sighs. “gus...”
gus’s lips are pressed in a tight line and he doesn’t respond.
henry sighs again. “look, i- i was wrong, okay? can you just let me apologize to him?”
“what, so you can say you’re sorry and then just do it again two days from now? no thanks,” he snaps.
henry frowns and opens his mouth to respond, but gus beats him to it.
“no, look. i know how this works okay? you’re an ass, shawn’s upset, you barely apologize, and shawn works like hell to find some ounce of forgiveness so he doesn’t have to deal with this feeling anymore. and then it happens again. and again. and i’m not letting you do it anymore.”
henry’s pretty shocked, so all he can say is gus’s name again.
gus shakes his head, and stabs a finger in henry’s direction. “no. you will walk in there, apologize, and mean it.” every word is stiff, harsh, and direct. “and then you will never talk to him again.”
henry blinks.
“not until you make an appointment with a therapist. and even then, you will only talk to shawn if he wants you to.”
henry’s still silent.
“this, all of this,” gus waves his hand around them, “is on you. it’s your fault, and it’s up to you to fix. shawn does not owe you anything.” gus pauses. “are we clear?”
henry’s never been met with this much authority before and he’s also pretty shook that he may never be able to see his son again (because he knows gus and he knows he’s dead set on these rules - this boy is the sweetest person henry’s ever met, but he can ice someone if he really means it. (i mean, he and gus lived in the same city for years after high school and gus did not see or speak to him once, and santa barbara’s not that big)).
and so henry kind of just blinks and says “okay.”
and gus’s shoulders relax just a fraction of an inch and he nods his head curtly. “wait here.”
when gus opens the door, it’s his intention to go find shawn and explain what’s going on, but instead, he finds shawn in the hallway, a shocked expression on his face, clearly having heard everything.
shawn kind of just blinks at him, and gus sighs and gently grabs his arm, leading him to the bedroom. shawn gives him a questioning look as gus shuts the door, and gus frowns and says, “he doesn’t get to hear all this.” (maybe it didn’t make a lot of sense, but, gus was mad, and he didn’t think henry deserved any more information in regards to anything shawn was thinking or feeling, so he didn’t want him to overhear their conversation).
gus asks shawn how much he heard, and shawn says everything. gus makes it clear that in no way is shawn obligated to hear henry out or accept his apology. but gus also makes it clear that shawn needs to do something about all of this (he also suggest therapy to him too - the irony that both spencer men are in desperate need of therapy and that madeline was a therapist, is not lost on him). he tells him that he knows shawn isn’t okay and shawn agrees.
for the first time, he actually admits that things with his dad can’t be ignored and that he needs help. because both gus and shawn don’t want shawn to go on like this.
and so after they talk, gus let’s henry in and henry apologizes. shawn’s still quiet and obviously awkward and uncomfortable (it’s not often he hears henry admit that he’s wrong), but he mutters “thanks” and before henry can try to awkwardly hug him, gus pushes him out and locks the door.
he pulls shawn to his chest and shawn melts into him, finding comfort in the only person that has ever mattered to him. shawn kisses gus’s collarbone softly, head resting in the crook of his neck, and he says quietly, “i love you.”
gus squeezes his husband tighter, tells him he loves him too, and then kisses him softly.
gus makes them waffles, makes shawn an appointment with a therapist, and they resume their star wars marathon.
for the first time in four days, shawn makes a joke. and when he joins gus’s laughter, it’s the same sound gus had memorized 25 years ago. it’s bright, happy, and bubbly, and it fills gus’s chest with unwavering love, but also a hope he’d thought he’d lost before.
things were going to be okay - gus was sure of it.
askjdhfk i was NOT expecting to write this much but apparently i have Thoughts about this.
anyways, i absolutely love this concept and i love you for sending this.
(also “shus is married because i said so” bABE IF THATS NOT ME EVERYDAY)
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softboywriting · 5 years
Welcome To The Pack | Mendes Triplets Series | Part Seven
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Summary: You’re a human who has moved in with the Mendes triplets as their newest housemate. You’ll have to learn to navigate life with werewolves, college classes, and your feelings for each guy. [fluff] [tattoos/piercings]
Word Count: 2.2k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Peter walks around the house gathering laundry. You and the boys have a set schedule for who does what chores and makes dinner throughout the week. Wednesday is laundry day for Peter. If he doesn't have enough to preoccupy the washer for the day he will collect everyone else's and do it too.
"Hey, got anything you need washed?" Peter asks from your bedroom doorway, basket propped out on his hip. There's a small tattoo on his inner bicep that you can't recall ever noticing before.
"No, I don't. I tossed all my bath towels and stuff down the chute yesterday." You get up and cross the room to grab one of Shawn's hoodies that is laying on your chair. "I have this, but I don't know if it needs washed. Shawn left it in here the other night."
Peter holds the basket out and you drop it in. "What was he in here for?"
"Watching TV. His remote broke and he needs another one." You shake your head. "I think he stepped on it or something."
"Sounds like Shawn."
"Yeah," you chuckle and touch his arm. "When did you get that?"
"The swallow?" He asks, looking down to the small bird on his arm. "About a year ago."
"I never noticed it. It's nice."
"It's our thing." He smiles. "Shawn's got the one on his hand y'know?"
"Yeah! It is the same huh?"
"Exact same. Raul is getting his this week. He has been trying to decide where to get it forever."
"Oh, that'll be fun. Where did he decide on?"
"Ribcage just under his heart. They're a reminder that we're always going to be each other's home even when we fight and want to wring each other's necks. Because the swallow represents love, family and loyalty."
You smile and nod. "That's sweet. I wish I had something that special."
"You do." Peter runs a hand over his hair. "You're part of this pack."
"While I'm here. One day I'll move out though. Besides, I'm not a wolf, and I'm definitely not blood related."
"You're pack forever. You belong here, with us. We don't just call anyone our packmate. You've left your mark on us as much as we have on you." Peter shift the basket on his hip and pushes his glasses up. "I don't want you to leave."
"I'm not. Not anytime soon." You put your hand on his shoulder. "I promise I won't leave you Peter."
"Good." He grins. "Now follow me, I've got a dryer warm sweatshirt for you if you like."
"A man after my heart."
He shows his fangs, nose scrunching up and lip curling as he lets out a growl. "Definitely. I'm gonna eat it up. Don't you know I'm a wolf?"
"It's all yours." You laugh and he laughs too. It was a joke but...it almost felt like it wasn't. You do truly care for Peter. _____________________
"What are you doing after class?" Raul asks as he steals your french fries at lunch. He's taken you to the diner down the street from the campus for a quick bite. The boys won't let you go anywhere alone after the nightshade incident. Peter is working on getting cameras for the house to detect any further attacks.
"Do you want to go somewhere with me?"
"I'm somewhere now?" You swat his hand away from your fries so you can actually eat some.
Raul disregards your swatting and grabs a handful quickly. "I mean somewhere else dipshit."
"Dipshit? How kind of you. Makes me definitely want to go somewhere else with you."
Raul pinches the bridge of his nose and growls. "Sorry, sorry. I...I'm nervous?"
You raise your eyebrows. Raul, admitting he has emotions other than indifference? Shocker. "About what?"
"My tattoo. I'm getting-"
"The swallow right? Peter told me."
"You're nervous about getting a tattoo? But don't you have others?"
Raul nods and lifts his jacket sleeve up, revealing the sleeve tattoo you knew was there from the first time you met him. It's a silhouetted forest with the moon shining through the trees and it wraps around his whole arm, the sky decorated with swirls of stars and hues of blue and purple. It's beautiful. You wish you saw it more often, or you could just take the time to really study it. It’s like a painting on his body. Beautiful.
"Isn't that way more painful than a simple swallow?"
"Yeah...but...I sort of got really wasted while I had this one done. I wasn't going to survive hours on end of needle work on my arm sober." Raul tugs his sleeve back down and runs a hand through his hair. "I don't want to do that again either. I don't like myself when I'm drunk."
"So you want me to go with you?"
"Mmhmm. Peter and Shawn are gonna go too, but I thought I'd invite you along. They say the rib cage is painful to get tattooed but it's the only place I want the swallow.”
"Aren't werewolves supposed to be really tough?"
Raul gives you a look. "I have feelings. Things do hurt me still. I'm not superhuman."
"Maybe if you showed those feelings more often I wouldn't think you're different."
"Maybe if people didn't turn on me I would."
You frown, eyes meeting his. "I don't know who's hurt you or what they did but I swear not everyone is like that. I like you Raul, somehow, I do. But you gotta open up."
He growls, holding his head in his hands. "It's hard. Just...can we stop talking about this? I don't want therapy. Are you coming with me to get the tattoo or not?"
"Good. Thank you."
Going to the tattoo and piercings place turns into a fiasco. Of course Raul has his appointment scheduled to do the swallow, but his brothers seem to have other plans while you're all there. Shawn doesn't surprise you when he starts looking at the tattoo wall, oohing and awing over several very complicated designs. But Peter looking at the piercings does surprise you.
Raul gets set up in his chair, opting for one that's in the main room instead of a private area. The show off. You walk around and look at all the different stuff the shop does. Everything from first time ear piercings for little kids to photos of detailed tattoos the artists on staff have done. There is one photo on the wall you find familiar. It's Raul's arm, his sleeve tattoo. It's beautiful even in the photo.
Peter chats with a staff member nearby and you walk over to see what he's up to. He is standing at a glass case with several piercings demonstrated on foam models in it. "So it's just in and out then?"
"Yes, nose piercing is very quick." The staff member says smiling softly. She's a tiny little woman, but her blue mohawk makes her look bigger. "I don't have any appointments right now, if you wanna get one I'd be happy to help."
Peter looks to you sheepishly. "Should I get one?"
"Why not? But also, why?" You laugh, looking down at the selection of studs in the case.
"I don't know. Raul and Shawn have so many tattoos and piercings...maybe I could too?"
You lay your hand on his shoulder. "You don't have to be like your brothers. Don't feel like you have to do it just to fit in."
"I know." Peter closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Maybe just my ears? Or one ear? I want to be different. I'm just Peter y'know?"
"Yes, you're Peter." You chuckle. "And for what it's worth I like you just how you are. But if you want to get a piercing because you actually would like it, then go for it. Don't do it just because your brothers have."
"I'll think about it." Peter looks over to where Raul is pulling his shirt off. "Raul looks like he's about to get started. He'll want you there."
"He will?"
"Yeah. Trust me, he's going to cry and he's going to want someone who isn't his brother to hold his hand."
You raise your eyebrows. "Raul?That Raul?"
"Yep. Go on. I'll talk to Shawn about the piercing thing."
You wander over toward Raul and take a seat on a rolling stool on his right side. The artists gets his tools ready and preps Raul's rib cage. Hopefully this won't take long.
The moment the needle gun hits Raul's skin he's baring his fangs, eyes changing to a deep gold color. He has one arm up around the head of the slightly reclined chair for a better angle for the artist. With his other arm he grips the soft cushion of the armrest and you worry about the artists safety as time ticks by..
"Raul, hey," you lay your hand on his arm after a few minutes and he tears his eyes away from the ceiling to look at you. "Relax, take a deep breath."
"I can't," he groans. "I can't or he'll mess up."
The artist pulls back and gives Raul a moment to breath. "Take your time," he says coolly.
Raul has tears in his eyes as he says, "Alright I'm ready, go again." He's most definitely not ready because he rips the arm of the chair up and the artist has to stop to assess the damage.
"We'll cover the repair cost." You say quickly and you take Raul's hand in yours.
"Keep going," Raul growls, breathing heavily before the artist goes back in.
"Please don't rip my arm off," you say half jokingly and Raul shakes his head.
Ten minutes of agonizing silence passes. You just keep holding Raul’s hand and he grinds his teeth. "Maybe if we talked it'd go faster?"
"Can't talk much though. Breathing is hard."
"Okay, okay." You wiggle your fingers against his hand, his death grip absolutely killing you. "I'll talk?"
"Sure, or you can...fuck...can you put your hand in my hair?" He lets out a groan as the artist takes a break to let him breath. "I like my hair played with, it's calming. Please?"
You tentatively reach for his hair with your free hand, fingers carding gently through it. His hair is so dark, at least a few shades darker than Peter and Shawn's. It's thick and soft, no product in it today for sure.
Raul barely flinches when the artist starts to work again. He has his eyes closed, hand gripped tight in yours. "Don't stop," he mutters when you pull your fingers out of his hair. He opens his eyes and they're pure golden brown, like rich honey, and he stares at you, eyes half lidded.
"I wasn't going to," you mutter, eyes going to his lips. They're so soft looking, a little pink and puffy from him chewing on them due to nerves. Your heart skips, the thought of kissing him is suddenly so tempting.
"Keep talking."
"Okay. Your eyes are very pretty like this." He smiles, full on smiles like a bashfully shy boy talking to his crush. "You're doing really well."
"I think you're almost done." You look down at the artist and he's working on the tail of the bird.
"Your eyes are pretty too."
"Oh yeah? You never showed me what you painted with the color of them."
"Not done."
"Ohh. I see, it's a big project then?" You flex your fingers in his hair. "I bet it'll be incredible. I know you said you don't like when I tell you how good your art is, but it is so good. I love the roses, I hung it in my room."
"Thank you." He groans as the artist finishes and pulls away.
You wipe his cheek and he relaxes, lowering his arm from over his head. "I'm glad I could help."
"I thought you two were going to start making out at one point." Shawn says from a seat behind you.
You turn and he's got his head to the side, laying against a reclined chair while the girl with the blue mo-hawk from earlier is setting up a tray with implements beside him. "You jealous?" You ask jokingly.
"If I was?" Shawn quips.
"Then I guess you'd have to suffer."
Shawn puts his hand over his heart. "You wound me."
"Oh psh."
Peter walks out of a back area and you see him holding a cloth to his face.
"What'd you do Peter?" Raul asks, standing up and gently putting his sweater on.
"Oh shit he did it." Shawn says with a laugh.
Peter gets closer and pulls the cloth away to reveal a black stud in the lower left part of his lip. "What do you think?"
You cover your mouth and let out a giggle. "Its so-"
"Damn Peter." Raul laughs, hand coming down on his brothers shoulder. "Didn't think you had the balls."
Peter shrugs. "I gotta do something crazy some time right?"
"It's nice." You smile, stepping closer and looking at the tiny stud. "I definitely wouldn't have the guts to do it."
"Maybe someday we could get you to get something though," he smiles.
Shawn reaches out for you, flexing his hand. "Hold my hand?"
You take it and he squeezes it while he gets cartilage pierced. You laugh as he groans, grinning into the pain while the employee works quickly to get a stud in. Shawn is such a weirdo. A simple outing turned into such an event. These boys will be the death of you.
End Part Seven
Thank you for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed this and reblog to support and encourage myself and fellow writers. Next part coming soon! - A
Custom header per part made by the incredible delicateshawn
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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stilesloverdaily · 5 years
I’m Proud Of You
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Shawn Mendes x Latin!Fem!Reader
Words: 2k
Note: mentions of a restraining order, legit the tiniest piece of spanish, based this on a dream I had. slightly smut implied, fluff
The zip to your red and white striped jumpsuit, was slid up up your back, Shawn’s soft hands resting on your hips afterward. He swayed the two of you for a moment, and you couldn’t help the small smile that graced your face.
This was your first real appearance as a couple, the Latin American Music Awards, Shawn’s song with Camila was nominated which is why your tall, white, brown haired boyfriend and you were going. Both of you had been spotted around in public after the Camila situation died down, but the fans thought you were his friend as they thought Camila was still dating your Canadian boyfriend.
You and Shawn had technically been dating before the ‘Shawmila’ dating stunt. At first you were fine with it, but then you were threatened by Camila who wanted Shawn for real, which although you knew wasn’t gonna happen, you broke up with Shawn mid-tour as it ‘wasn’t your scene after all’, not mentioning the Camila part, as you want them to succeed anyway. Shawn eventually flew to where you lived after finding out from Connor exactly why you broke up. 
Fast forward, here you two were happy, the tour had finished, you were living together with Brian, and you’d never been happier. After Camila harassed and assaulted you twice, you got a restraining order against her without the public knowing to keep Shawn’s reputation and Cuban woman’s as it was the right thing to do; no matter how you were treated. They had a song together and it was best to do it under wraps. 
You eventually told Shawn and informed Camila through her lawyer. Brian having helped you, was by your side during the whole thing as you’d thought of the idea whilst having a drink by the pool at the house (a Cola for you and him a beer, as you weren’t much of a drinker).
The contract between Shawn and Camila for dating had ended the week before the LAMAs. Meaning you could both go together, Shawn wanting to take you anyway as you were Latin American, not 100% but half.
You bit your lip bottom lip out of nerves, as this would be a proper outing as a couple, not a friends. Shawn’s hand came up from your waist to move a piece of hair to behind your ear, pressing a kiss below it. “Ready, gorgeous?”
Smiling, you hummed in agreement. You turn it his arms, eyeing his outfit, white pants with a red dress shirt, the shirt fitting him nice around the biceps and chest. His top buttons were undone, showing of the little chest hair he had, which until you had met Shawn, you didn’t like chest hair. “You look charming.” His soft locks were gelled to perfection as always.
“You look absolutely breathtaking.” Shawn looked between your nude painted lips, and brown eyes surrounded by a red shadow with a white inner corner and highlight. Mascara graced your lashes, a layer of concealer on your face set in place with setting powder, your makeup not being much as that’s how you liked it. The gold metal belt around your waist helped tie in your tan skin tone. The shoes on your feet were a red heel.
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Blushing, you looked up at his beautiful light brown eyes, “Are you sure, you want to do this? I mean what about Camila and the restraining order? What will the fans say? What about- ”
You were cut off by Shawn’s soft lips, his smile noticeable through the kiss. After a moment, he pulled away, “Of course I’m sure, I love you and I talked to the people running the event and they are making sure Camila and you don’t sit near each other. The fans already love you even though they thought we were friends. I’ve seen edits about you on instagram and any other queries are just you worrying about things, it’ll be fine. I promise. Plus, I’ll need a translator.”
Chuckling, you smile at the thought that through everything he’s stuck with you, and although you have this restraining order he still wants to be seen with you and for you to come with him, even going as far as organising that you sit a certain distance from her. “I love you, you know that?”
He grins and his eyes look at you holding nothing but love. “Oh, I know. Trust me.” He kissed you again, careful not to mess with your lipstick.
The two of you were about to walk the red carpet, your hands were fiddling with each other, your tattoo on your wrist catching your eyes. Breathing in, you think of the man next to you chatting with the lady about to announce your arrival. She held signs saying ‘Shawn Mendes & His Date’ followed by your name. The fact that your name was on a laminated sheet of paper made you both nervous and confident, like you were supposed to be there.
Shaking your head, you try to rid of the negative thoughts, like how you suddenly felt bloated and ugly. Shawn placed his hand on your lower back, instantly calming you. The April weather of Vegas made you feel the perfect temperature. The lady who was just talking to Shawn led the people in front of you to walk on to the carpet, whilst Shawn turned to you.
“Alright, so we’ll walk on when motioned to.” You nod, taking slow breaths. “We’ll get shouted at from all angles, but just look in different directions at the paps. We will be taking joint photos then single photos, just to show off outfits.” The fact you would be photographed without Shawn in front of all those people made you tense. He felt it and added, “It’ll be fine and I’ll be close by, it will be about a minute and if you need to leave, just say my name.”
Breathing out, you nodded as the lady came back. “Your turn.” She spoke to you and Shawn with a slight accent.
Shawn’s hand stayed on your lower back as you walked out with the lady holding the sign to the paps. You matched Shawn’s pace, not wanting to walk too fast or too slow. Gulping, you stopped on the marker with Shawn, and smiled at the flashing cameras, trying not to blink too much.
You’d seen Shawn do this many times, and with his anxiety he seemed fine, so you relaxed.
People shouted your name and his as you stood and posed with him, making it look as natural as possible. Soon, it was time to take single shots, so Shawn moved to the next marker and you stayed where you were.
You smiled with teeth and not, your arm on your waist, leg extended a little, looking over your shoulder and looking forward. Trying to show the outfit as much as you could, whilst still making it natural. This kinda made you nervous, but honestly, mainly confident and sexy.
Glancing to Shawn after a moment, he was ushering you to him which you obliged to, as you might have messed your eyes up with those flashing lights. Both of you moved further down the carpet to the billboard interviewer, who asked about both of your outfits and the nomination. She then mentioned how Shawn had brought you to which he replied sweetly, “I wanted to bring someone special as this is my first time at the Latin American Music Awards, so I brought Y/N to share this experience with and also translate the Spanish spoken. But mainly, cause I thought it was about time to.”
He said no more, even though it was clear the interviewer wanted more, but we were ushered from the carpet into the venue. Apparently, Camilla was arriving. We were shown to our seats on the right side of the Venetian, the stage in full view.
“I’m proud of you.” Shawn whispers in your ear.
Smiling you whisper back, “Espero que ganes, preciosa.” [I hope you win, gorgeous].
“I have no idea what you said, beside preciosa, but it sounded beautiful coming from you.” He leaned in and kissed your lips.
Shawn had obviously won ‘cause he’s amazing and talented. Him and Camila walked on stage to accept the award before disappearing backstage, leaving you alone for a bit which was uncomfortable, but he soon reappeared apologising. But you didn’t care, cause he’d won and you loved his smile, and the hard work he puts into his projects. Oh, and you loved him.
You were both at the after party now and were dancing to Mi Necesita, you were low key grinding against Shawn, which he really didn’t mind. His hands followed your sides down to your legs, making you all hot and bothered. Shawn leaned his forehead into your neck, which wasn’t as much of a bend since you were in heels, trotting kisses along your neck as you leaned back into him with a smile on your face.
Oh, how you loved him. 
His hands slid from your thighs upwards to your waist, resting on it as you swayed. “You wanna get out of here?” He whispered into your ear.
You smiled, nodding. Turning in his arms, you saw his lazy boyish smile, kissing his lips quickly. “Come on, Bub.” You motioned with your head to head to the exit, your hand in his. “I have an idea where we can go.”
Your shoes were somewhere on the floor with his, you had made a quick stop at the drugstore. Shawn held you close as you danced away in your laces, your feet gliding together. Lips tangled with each other as you kissed, smiles on both your faces. His cheeks were rosy as was his chest, his chest hairs teasing you.
Pulling away, you chuckled at how cute he looked.
There your 6”2 boyfriend stood, rosy cheeks, hair a mess because of your curious hands, shirt untucked from his white dress pants, nose red, and of course, the ice skates laced on his big feet. You held a hand to your face as you shamelessly checked him out. Shawn spun in a circle when he noticed you checking him out, being dramatic, he bowed afterwards. Laughing, you almost slipped in your own skates, he quickly helped you regain your balance before, you smirked and skated off, pushing him playfully. 
“Oh, I see how it is.” He skated after you, as you giggled. Shawn watched on as he chased you, a smile on his face at how cute you were. You still had your jumpsuit on, hair down, his jacket on you as you were cold and to finish off a perfect look, the ice skates on your feet. Now, you were fast, but he was leaner and faster with his hockey experience.
He caught up, grabbing your waist through his jacket which swamped you, spinning you in his arms. You laughed as he tickled you slightly, wrapping your legs carefully around his hips, as your eyes held contact. His brown eyes held on your eyes, a look of love held in them. Both of your lips held each other in a passion filled kiss, one filled with love and happiness.
The rink only had you two in it, along with Marty the Janitor who always let you two lovebirds skate around late at night. Even if it was spur of the moment and you had to stop to get socks.
Shawn was proud of you in every way. The award show, the red carpet and how far you’ve come in general, with your confidence and anxiety. He loved you and stood by you through every second.
“I’m proud of you.” Shawn whispered against your lips as he pulled away slightly, his eyes finding yours again.
Your fingers ran into the hair on the back of the neck, and you couldn’t help but smile at his words and how he leaned into your hands as you scratched the back of his hair. Shawn’s head fell back and leaned down and kissed his Adam’s apple, forcing a small moan from him. 
“Oh god, do I love you.”
Tagged: @itsnolongerteen​ @justsomewritingsandshit​
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marlahey · 4 years
wsitd part fifteen (sneak peek)
a shawn mendes rpf fic rating/warnings: can anyone tell I still find fandom really annoying misc notes: so...hello again. literally so much has happened since the last time you saw me, so much that all I can really say at this point is that I hope you’re all safe and well, despite everything. I swore I wouldn’t abandon this fic and I haven’t! thank god for that. I wish I could’ve finished it for today as planned, but my job’s been nuts for the last few weeks and it totally ruined my writing mojo. in any case, here’s the first last ~3k of we stumbled in the dark. happy second birthday, wsitd. I can’t believe how old you are, suddenly. thank you to everyone who’s messaged me over the last little while and especially in the last few months when this last part was only like 300 words deep and felt so vast and scary. I can’t tell you how much your support has meant to me.  (oh and pls just pretend for the sake of an upcoming scene not found here, Taylor’s Lover is already out in the world. just– just pretend. you’ll see.)  so without further ado:  (previously; start at part one here; find all parts here) (toronto; now) Shawn wants to FaceTime. Slide to answer.
His voice appears first. “Before you say anything, it’s not as bad as it looks.” “What–” You straighten automatically. “Shawn? Are you okay?” Bruises. On his beautiful face. Bruises and a tiny cut below his left eye, the beginnings of a scab along his jaw. Shawn’s rueful expression calms the start of your heart, like jumper cables jolting a battery into a steady rhythm. “I’m an idiot.” “What happened?” you demand, trying not to sound shrill or hysterical. He’s not dying. But his face. “You’re going to laugh at me.” “I won’t.” You’re too glad to hear from him – it’s been two weeks of rain checks and brief goodnight calls. Shawn sighs. The soft light of whatever room he’s in makes his features hazy. It’s late in Nashville. “I fell off a Bird.” “A what now?” “It’s a…” Shawn chuckles like he knows what he’s about to say sounds ridiculous. “Like a motorized scooter?” “Is that even a thing?” Your phone pings with messages: too-high, too-bright angles of him grinning, one hand on the handlebars of said motorized scooter, shots from behind of Parker and Geoff that are too blurry to be Kelsey’s work. Your heart pangs. “So totally worth it, huh?” He laughs. “Yes. Absolutely. I just wanted to tell you first before I like, story it or whatever. Didn’t want you to worry.” “Aren’t you performing? That country music thing?” “Tomorrow,” Shawn nods. You’re too late to conceal your wince. “National television, I know.” “Good thing you’re not just a pretty face?” He laughs so hard that he tips out of frame. Joy blooms inside your chest. “Ow. I think I bruised a rib. Damn El, way to kill a guy’s ego.” “Yeah,” you retort, “because your ego definitely needs taking down a peg.” It’s so easy with him. Somehow you’d forgotten that, amidst everything. A strange kind of sadness sticks in your throat. It clearly shows on your face because Shawn tilts his head. “What is it?” You almost say, nothing. “I miss you,” comes out instead. It feels like weakness, this honesty. You couldn’t really articulate why. “I’m sorry, I–” “I miss you too.” Shawn cuts you off so rarely in conversation that you genuinely stop out of surprise. His smile softens, oddly serious, as though he can hear the lost words: I know I put us here. “Every day.” There’s nothing accusatory in it, nothing reluctant or angry. Shawn says, I miss you, like he’d say, I love this song, with unequivocal certainty and ease. How can you feel better and worse at the same time? “One day at a time, right?” Shawn says gently. You nod. It’s what you agreed, after all. “You should get some rest,” you say. “Near death scooter experiences have to be exhausting.” Shawn snorts, his laugh crinkling around his eyes. It settles you in a way that you have to hang onto, in the days to come. “You sure you’re okay?” you ask, partly so he can’t pose the question himself. “Totally fine, El. I promise.” He’s giving you the out and you both know it. Shawn’s fingertips brush the edges of his camera, like he’s reaching for you through it. (He’s probably just adjusting his grip, but it’s a nice thought nonetheless.) “Call me tomorrow?” he asks. “We have the day off. Maybe we can watch a movie or something.” “Sure. Sweet dreams.” Shawn never hangs up first. He’s always still looking when you end the call, like he’ll never be able to stare for long enough. *
(new york; then) You If you only had one day in NYC what would you guys do with it?
Parker How much time are we talking actually? You As of right now?  Charlie Precision is essential Sinclair. You 37 hours. I’m on the red-eye out tomorrow. You Already packing. No one asks why, though you’re sure there are questions. The band doesn’t voice them in the group chat, much to your relief. Geoff Sophie’s all over it. Have you guys eaten dinner? Shawn Nope, cancelled our reservation last minute. Geoff Be ready in 45. Coming to get you. Brian PIZZA. PIZZA. PIZZA. Suddenly there’s like a hundred pizza emojis blowing up your phone. You’re still laughing when Ava comes to check on you. The laughing might become crying but no one needs to know that. * (toronto; now) “I’ve been thinking about getting another tattoo.” “Oh yeah?” You’d nearly forgotten how much you miss home. High Park in the spring may not be Hyde or Central, but it’s yours all year round – even if you missed cherry blossom season by a mere two weeks. You’ve been lamenting it for three minutes, Shawn mhmm-ing in your ear at appropropriate intervals. He’s in a park too, a brief respite from rehearsal. It’s nice to trade photos of the view and pretend to be together. Tell me something new, you’d asked. This qualifies. “Is this another impulsive itch?” “I thought you liked my little meditative man!” “Oh I love it,” you assure him. You can picture Shawn’s false offense so clearly, struggling not to grin like a loon in front of an eldery couple sitting on a bench as you walk past. “I’ll never forget how terrible you and Brian are at it, and I love that you now have matching tattoos as a permanent reminder.” Shawn mhmm’s again, like he doesn’t believe you. Your cheeks hurt from trying not to laugh. “I’ve thought about it, you know.” “What, meditating?” “No you goof.” You lose that fight against a giggle, a stupid smile. “I mean, nothing against meditating. I’m sure my therapist would recommend it.” “Okay, so what have you thought about?” It sounds just suggestive enough – even in broad daylight at two in the afternoon – that a shiver races up your spine. He doesn’t mean that. But now that the idea’s in your head, you’ve definitely thought about that. “El? You still there?” “Yes!” you say, a little too high pitched. You have to clear your throat. “Hi. I meant a tattoo. I’ve been thinking about a tattoo.” Shawn mutters something too low to catch, your attention caught by laughing children chasing each other across the grass. “Sorry, what was that?” “Nothing.” He’s a terrible liar, but you let it slide. “That’s awesome! Do you know what? Or where? How is this the first I’m hearing of this?” Fondness for him swells like a wave. You shrug before you remember Shawn can’t see you. “I think I just wanted to put a lot of thought into my first one. Not...jinx it, or something? You have to be 18 right, so I figured if I still wanted it by my birthday that I’d just…” “Just what?” You swallow around a sudden knot. How the hell do people maintain long distance for years at a time? This feels like agony. “Get it when we came home from tour. I was gonna… I was gonna ask you to come with me.” “I still could, if you want.” “You’re only home a few days,” you object, half surprised even as the words leave your mouth. “You promised your parents you’d spend that time with them.” “Are you planning on getting a massive sleeve or something, El?” You snort. “No. I just...I know how precious your time at home is to you.” Shawn doesn’t say anything for a moment. Anxiety drops like a stone in your stomach. “I mean, if you get it soon, it’ll be pretty much healed by the time I’m back in the city. Might be a good idea.” You wish sometimes he wouldn’t let you off the hook so easily. “And if you were really mean, you wouldn’t even tell me what it was and I’d have to wait forever to find out.” “I haven’t completely decided yet,” you admit. “I know the artist I’d love though, down on Bathurst. I’ve been stalking her Instagram for like two years. I’ll send it to you.” “Can’t wait. I gotta go, I’m back at the venue. But I’ll call you later?” “See you Shawn. Have a great show.” “And El?” “Hmm?” “Unless you’re planning on getting it like, down your spine or something, it doesn’t hurt as much as everyone says. I dunno how much that scares you, but...it shouldn’t. You’re like, one of the bravest people I know.” A pause, in which you genuinely don’t know what to say. “That’s kinda dramatic. It’s not like, war or something. God. You know what I mean right? It’s really not that bad, I promise.” You haven’t cried in nineteen days. You’re not starting now. “Yeah. Thank you.” I love you. You’ve been swallowing those words for so long and you have no idea why. *
@lightsshawn: she’s gone guys we did it @cruelsummermp3: did what? @dancingwithshawn: got rid of ellie - she hasn’t been seen in three weeks! @afterglow: what the fuck is wrong with you guys? * Shawn For the record I said “Fuck that’s hot.” Shawn And then I thought it might be Shawn Too much. You Not too much at all. You Definitely not.
(new york; then) “Next!”
“I never thought I’d be so happy to line up for pizza.” You’re shoulder to shoulder with other patrons in Prince Street Pizza, inhaling the delicious scents of dough and cheese with Kelsey, Kristin, and Ava. The boys have bee-lined for the first available table that’s definitely too small for all of you, while Ava points out all the famous faces that line the walls beneath fairy lights. “I’m glad you’re here,” you tell her, barely loud enough over the din. Your sister just squeezes you gently. “Remind me to print some photos and buy some lights when I get home. I’m really digging this vibe.” “Think you’d get some use out of this?” Sometimes you could swear Ava’s purses are like Mary Poppins’.
“What the– when did you get that?” “From your Amazon wishlist, silly.” Your sister presses an Instax camera into your bewildered hands. “They’re cheaper here. I thought it might…” Ava’s smile softens. “Ease the sting a little. Be a nice project for your room? And I didn’t want you to lose that photography spark.” Not crying. “Did you put film in this already?” Ava nods. “Have at ‘er. Tonight seems like a good night.” You throw your arm around her neck, pointing the camera at your faces, twisting away from the people in line just behind you. The flash is so bright but it hurts in a way that’s almost sweet. “Next!” As predicted, there’s definitely not enough room at the table when you and the other women arrive with The Fancy Prince and a Spicy Spring pizzas. Shawn waves wordlessly towards him, sliding from the absurdly tall chair to offer it to you. As you clamber up, his arm snakes back around your chair and he steps back closer to you. On the outset it’s a space saving measure. But Shawn seems pretty comfortable eating with you essentially tucked against him. You can’t say you mind either. *
They sneak you into a bar.
(or more operatively, Kelsey slides a fake ID into your back pocket on the subway platform while you’re timing a shot of the train arriving. You gawk at it so long that you nearly trip through the doorway. It’s identical to your Ontario license – so much so that you have to check your wallet to make sure you haven’t irresponsibly lost your ID – save your birth year. Ava pointedly avoids your eyes. “Did you have something to do with the fact that I’m suddenly magically 21?” you ask Shawn. Just as he was pleased to eat pizza in close proximity, Shawn seems delighted to wrap his fingers just a few inches above yours around the centre pole inside the subway car. Looking up at him now, you know with a striking certainty that you’ll never tire of it either: the sharing space, the strokes of intimacy that seem so carefully brushed when you touch – incidental seconds hiding more yearning that you thought yourself able to feel. (You wonder if it’s mutual. You hope so.) Shawn just raises his eyebrows, reaching for the card between your fingers, but you jerk it back. “Oh no way are you seeing my driver’s photo.” “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” he says, reaching into his back pocket. Shawn tightens his grip against the pole, stepping even closer as the car shifts back and forth. Something in your gut wants to flush at his words but he’s already extending an identical card to you, unabashed. The voice inside your head that used to see wanting whenever he looked at you now speaks in insistent imperatives: want. want. want. “Shawn Mendes.” You lower your voice in mock shock. “Are you telling you have–” you cast a furtive glance around the subway car, and he chuckles– “a fake ID?” Shawn tips his chin down towards you so that his mouth nearly touches your temple. “Don’t tell, El.” (You do flush this time, damn him.) The youthfulness of his face on his license startles you in a strange way. You forget sometimes that despite the two-ish years (and entire career) between you that makes Shawn feel much older sometimes, twenty isn’t exactly ancient. He can’t even legally drink tonight, for Pete’s sake. “You’re so cute,” he says quietly, like a secret. Your cheeks are hot when he hands you the counterfeit back to you. “And no, nothing to do with me.” “Will this even work? Don’t people get their licenses stolen by bars all the time because Americans don’t understand the concept of different countries?” Shawn shrugs. “Guess we’ll find out.”) You don’t end up needing the fake in a stroke of good luck, but it burns a hole in your pocket nonetheless. (Kristin hands you a red lipstick as you stand in line – “Just in case we gotta sell it.”; it makes Shawn double take in the reflection of the window.) Sophie exchanges pleasantries with the doorman at Hollow Nickel and he waves the group inside to a modest weekday crowd. “We got the first round,” says Geoff. Brian and Charlie blow a series of kisses. “Love you too, dorks.” Sophia returns with two bottles of red and a question in her eyes, to which Ava says, “Fries for everyone?” “Hear hear!” Parker tips his beer. “Got a toast in you, Sinclair?” “A toast?” All evening you’ve been thinking about Paris. And as everyone looks with warm expectancy, you finally have the words you didn’t then. “My birthday was one of the most memorable nights of my life. And I think I was worried that it was the only night like that I’d ever have. But it wasn’t really the city that I loved.” You can’t look right at Shawn. “Thank you.” You lift your glass. “For making that night and every night of this amazing journey so wonderful. I know we’ll see each other again, but I guess – we have tonight, and we’ll always have Paris. I love you guys so much.”
Not crying. “To you Sinclair!” Charlie tilts his bottle with a grin. “We’ll miss ya.” The sound of everyone reaching forward and their glasses clinking hurts too, in that same sweet and painful way. *
(toronto; now) Hey, it’s me. I think you’re either asleep or in rehearsal so don’t even worry about not picking up. I know it’s just a volunteering thing at the humane society but I’m like, weirdly very nervous about it, like god what if all the dogs hate me Shawn? How the fuck would I go on after a blow like that? I’m kidding. But only mostly. I just wanted to hear your voice before I went in. Even if it was just your answering machine. Is that lame? Probably. Anyway...god Ellie, wrap this up. I’ll let you know how it goes. *
You This is Earl and I love him with my whole heart You Sent an image You Look at those ears he’s like a bat I’m dying. Shawn Loved your photo You I’m considering him a good luck charm for my Sick Kids application. You How was the show? Shawn Good :)   It’s unlike him to be so monosyllabic, smiley notwithstanding. Especially about a show. You Where are you? A crosswalk light turns in your favour. You’ve been walking just behind a couple with a giant white Samoyed, admiring his beautiful fluffiness as he sat at his owner’s heel. “Appa, yip yip!” The dog gets up immediately to walk. Holy shit I’m gonna die.  
You’re literally typing Shawn oh my god I just–  when your phone rings in your hand. “Hi.” You catch your reflection in the glass of a restaurant. Do you always look this happy when you talk to him? “El.” Shawn hasn’t said your name like this in a long time – not since In My Blood’s release. It immediately deflates your The Last Airbender excitement and you stop in your tracks; Appa’s swinging tail disappears around the corner.   “Can you ask me again?” You turn down a local greenspace next to your building. The bustle of Queen Street fades and you press your phone closer to your ear. “Where are you, Shawn?” “Back in the hotel in Raleigh. You know that hammock thing by the window?” “In your story, sure. What time is it?” You know the answer, of course. Same time zone. “Eleven something.” Nerves pinch at the base of your spine. “And how do you feel in that hammock thing in Raleigh at eleven something at night?” Shawn sighs. “A little better now that I’m talking to you.” Your stomach jumps. “But? What is it?” The line is quiet for a moment, though you can still hear Shawn’s even breath. “I feel like I’m not doing enough.” “What do you mean?” “Remember what you said when you were filling in your application for Sick Kids? You have all this time and energy so you may as well use it to help other people?” “Yeah…I mean I spent a good portion of my day cuddling cats, but–” He huffs a gentle laugh in your ear and it feels like a victory. “Yes. I remember.” “I just feel like… like I could be doing more to help. What’s the point of having all these followers or this like, platform, if I can’t do good with it?” It seems important to choose your next words carefully. “You know your music really helps people, right? Like Morgan, from London? Like me?” Shawn sighs again. “Yeah. You know how much that means to me.” “I’m not saying you can’t or you shouldn’t look to do more – I dunno, fundraising or educating, or whatever. You’re right, you can and do reach so many people. But it’s not like Instagram is gonna solve every single major social issue in the world, or that you or any single person has all the answers or right opinions.” “I feel like an idiot sometimes,” he says, like a shameful admission. “I literally only have a high school diploma and I feel like, out of my depth all the time.” “It’s not fair that people expect you to speak about every trending topic of the day,” you insist. You can feel yourself on the edge of getting worked up, a surge of overprotectiveness you haven’t felt in a long time. “That’s not your job. What happens when you say something well-intentioned and it blows up in your face?” “That’s what I’m afraid of.” “Shawn…” It takes a second to straighten out all the thoughts now whirling around in your head. “I understand what you’re getting at. And I admire you for it, more than you know. I’m sure there’s a way to help people and use your platform in a productive way without all the...noise.” He’s quiet for a long time. “God, I miss you.” It’s ridiculous how he can still make you blush, even from hundreds of miles away. “I miss you too.” “Are you home yet?” “Just about to get in the elevator. Can I call you back?” “Yeah. Wanna watch something?” “You’re not tired?” “No. Just wanna be with you for a bit, if that’s okay.” There’s no one around but you bit back another stupid smile anyway. “Always okay.”
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