#sharomuzu high school
thetwoultimates · 5 years
The Rules of the Sharomuzu Killing Game
Rule #1: The students may reside only within the cruise ship. Leaving the ship is a punishable action that will be faced with immediate reaction.
Rule #2: "Nighttime" is from 10 pm to 7 am. Some areas are off-limits at night, so please be cautious while exploring your surroundings.
Rule #3: Sleeping anywhere other than the dormitory will be seen as sleeping in class and punished accordingly. Sleeping in other student's rooms is not considered "sleeping outside of the dormitory".
Rule #4: With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore the S.S. Sharomuzu at your discretion.
Rule #5: Violence against headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as is destruction of surveillance cameras.
Rule #6: After a certain amount of time, the headmaster will give the students a simple motivation, and choose between them someone to be the "traitor". The traitor must complete the task given to them, with the individual rules given, or will be punished accordingly. Revealing who the traitor is is against the rules.
Rule #7: Additional school regulations may be added if necessary.
Rule #7: Once a murder takes place, a class trial will begin shortly thereafter. Participation is mandatory for all surviving students.
Rule #8: If the traitor is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed. This makes the killer, or the "blackened", go unpunished if they are not one and the same.
Rule #9: If the guilty party is not exposed, they alone will graduate, and all remaining students will be executed.
Rule #10: Lending your e-Handbook to another student is strictly prohibited.
Rule #11: The guilty party may only kill a maximum of two people during any single "Killing Game."
Rule #12: Attempting to break into locked rooms is strictly prohibited.
Rule #13: Monokuma will never directly participate in a murder.
Rule #14: A body discovery announcement will occur when three or more students discover a body.
Rule #15: If two different murders by two different murderers occur at the same time, only the one whose victim was found first will be judged.
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Meet the participants! (3/16)
Template taken from RosenThorns! Check 'em out! — MonoMod.
Name: Airi Chisaka.
Gender: Female.
Age: 16 (presumed).
Birthday: May 5.
Height: 5"9' (175cm).
Weight: 154lbs (70kg).
Appearance: She's a small, curveless girl, with pale green eyes. She has white hair that goes all the way to the top of her back, which she usually wears in two buns on the sides of her head; her hair is wavy, with a straight bang that usually covers her eyebrows, easy to create knots but very easy to brush. It seems that her white hair is a family trait, with most of her siblings having similar hair, something that apparently comes from their paternal grandfather. She doesn't usually put anything in her hair, but sometimes she puts ribbons on it.
Another ugly duck :(
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Personality: Airi is a very shy and quiet girl, not talking much unless she considers it to be very important, with a very realistic worldview and without exaggerating for good or bad in any situation: she speaks her mind, and keeps it that way unless someone has been hurt deeply about it and she is wrong, in that instance she will apologize for what she said. Usually she acts rationally and does her best to follow a calculated and planned path for her — yet she becomes easily emotional when her ----- is the subject, or when something or someone she cares about is being discussed or endangered. Despite her seemingly cold nature, she simply doesn't have enough social skills to show what she feels, and expresses herself more by simple gestures than words.
Airi has as much low self-esteem regarding her body, personality and talents as possible. As taught from a young age, she should be better than her siblings at all costs, and being shy and emotionally stable is a "masculine" thing, so they are considered traits she shouldn't have. Although she has no personal grudge against her brothers and sisters, she studies every day to be better than them, and to not be rejected and excluded by her family, although expressing that perhaps she could finally have peace in that scenario. Airi often acts very distant from others, but insists on giving them nicknames, whether they like it or not; however, she takes them very seriously, understanding their feelings — but putting logic above that. By her suspicious nature, demanding evidence for every argument given, she is a valuable addition to a team with her intelligence and resilience.
Status: Alive (as of now!).
Affiliation: Chisaka Corporation, Sharomuzu High School, class 101.
Mother: Mei Chisaka.
Father: Yuki Chisaka.
Older brothers: Kosuke, Shota and Aoto Chisaka.
Younger siblings: Reina, Fuka, Rento.
Friends: Izamu Adachihara, Nobuyuki Atari.
Romantic Interest: None, yet! Doesn't that make you upset, abnormal?
Pet: A cute little cat named Aki.
Talent: the Ultimate Dollmaker.
Talent Description: Airi received her title through her amazing skills at making dolls by hand, besides being the CEO of the most important corporation when it comes to children's entertainment, having turned into a very popular celebrity amongst children and easily one of the most known people in Japan, having millions of people trying to acquire the first copies of her dolls. Airi designs all of the toys for her company, and makes the first samples of each by hand, thus making the first samples the most disputed. She puts even more care into her dolls, making them in all sizes and styles, but making it so they fit the current trends and the seasons — be them traditional Japanese dolls, steampunk dolls, Lolita dolls, gothic dolls, there is always one for your needs. Airi has a vast knowledge in history, geography and the costumes all around the world, specially when it comes to clothing; she knows much about people's behavior and about their feelings, being very good with understanding others before they even understand themselves. She possesses much anatomical knowledge, to keep the proportions correct, and knowledge in politics and finances for her company.
Mental Abilities: One of the most perceptive and strategic out of all the participants. She is really good at seeing through people's lies and acts as an impartial judge in any dispute, besides a great lie detector. She puts all of her efforts into doing the best job into uncovering all the truth and doing it correctly. She has a fair amount of intelligence when it comes to sewing.
Physical Abilities: She is well trained in capoeira, and has a good amount of natural strength. She depends more on her strategies than on her body, being very patient and waiting to see how her enemy acts before reacting. She has pretty good stamina, but wouldn't stand for as much time as an athlete would. Her resistance is little, unless she is going right against someone she can see and fight back.
|Killing Game Status|
Participated: Currently participating in the Killing Cruise Trip! As of now, one of the 16 living participants~!
The only part of her past that you need to know, for now: she was isolated from others, being treated very badly by her mother for her lack of social skills, unlike most of her siblings. Her father and older brothers were constantly forgetting her, and she spent her days playing in her room alone, being educated by her mother that she should be better than her siblings — otherwise she would be absolutely worthless and be thrown away. After her father discovered her talent as a dollmaker, she went to work in the toy production company as the head of design, quickly becoming famous and gaining the affection of her father and older siblings while still being abused by her younger siblings. Want more? Be patient!
As a sign of good faith for your collaboration with our Mastermind! @ask-despair-ultimate
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thetwoultimates · 5 years
Cendrillon and her Romeo
I'm sorry, mother. And goodnight.
It's time for the adults to sleep.
As a 17-years-old, already considered a genius at Sharomuzu High, Airi had mastered the art of disguising herself. She had allies inside of her mansion, as well, so she had simply asked to change places with one of the servants — a young and tall girl, that was sleeping on her bed and disguised as herself, while she wore the maid uniform and fled in the middle of the night.
Going through security had been easy, for her, who knew it from top to bottom. Getting through the men guarding the entrance, saying she was going to meet her boyfriend now that her shift was over and acting very embarrassed to add some flavor to her performance as the shy servant, was also very easy. After all, it was no lie.
As she ran off, in the dark of the night, she couldn't help but smile to herself.
She was good at planning when she wanted to plan. She was good at disguising when she wanted to do so. She could do anything, as long as she put her mind into it.
With that, she reached the meeting point.
The back of an arcade, that was closed during the night.
"...Y'know, you're reading too much Arsène Lupin, to send me a calling card as an invitation." He was smiling, holding a small letter between his fingers. It was her very well-crafted, roundabout way to ask him to come to her.
"It wasn't an invitation", she chirped, throwing herself into his arms. He catched her, surprised, but laughing. "It was an order. I am here to steal your heart, as I said in the card. Surrender to my will."
"You're getting more and more demanding, huh? Can't say it doesn't make me fall even more for you~."
Hachirou gently kissed her forehead, but she got on the tip of her toes and stole a kiss from his lips. If his hair wasn't red enough, his cheeks now certainly were. His eyes were glowing with that.
"You're pushing my patience too far, Shortcake. You know me." It sounded like a playful threat, as much as she could see the seriousness into his eyes. He wasn't kidding about how he was feeling.
He never played around with Airi. When it came to how any of them felt... He was deadly serious.
It made her heart jump every single time.
"Who said I want your patience?"
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thetwoultimates · 5 years
光 (Hikari)
"...Do you really think this is okay? I mean, it is the middle of the night... And you still are hurt by that dispute with Iza—"
"Why would that matter? I wanna do it."
Airi sighed, resigned. She looked hesitant, glaring constantly to the bandages covering his forehead. Hachirou looked as serious as always, like he was ready to put up a fight against whatever threat was coming his way.
The young Chisaka, who didn't knew him that well yet, couldn't notice how nervous he actually was. This was the first time he had ever not pushed her away... It was the first time he took the lead.
"...Put you hand here—" He reached for her right hand, placing it gently in his shoulder. "—and the other one will hold mine."
"I know how to waltz, Hachirou Budou, the Ultimate Gamer", she snapped, quickly taking his other hand as he placed his free one on her waist. "Do not treat me like a child."
"I was trying to be nice, you rude little cunt!", he scoffed, looking away from her. He was glad the dark of the night prevented her from seeing the dark shade of red in his cheeks, as he cringed on the inside for his own action.
"A cunt or not", she proceeded, looking up at him, "will you lead the dance now or will I have to wait for you forever?"
...Isn't she a snarky one?
He didn't question it, however, giving one step ahead. She followed his cue, stepping behind at the same moment. His movements were clearly stiff, but he was trying his best to not let his anxiety get into the way of doing what he was able to do.
They moved carefully, in the deck of the ship, the moon hidden by the clouds that had prevented the light of the sun the whole day. He didn't take his eyes off of his feet, as much as he kept his head up. With a heavy sigh, Airi let go of his hand, holding Hachirou's chin.
"Look at me while we dance, Hachirou Budou."
He did. He couldn't help but feel his eyes light up with the vision he had.
Long, wavy white hair, flowing with the calm breeze.
Small, delicate fingers holding his face gently.
Shining green eyes that looked straight into his, with no doubt or fear, with such a clear resolve.
...The moonlight couldn't compare to the one who he was seeing. Not even a thousand stars could compare to the reflection of the light he saw into her. With a smile, he didn't look away from her — he didn't turn his back to the truth of how he felt.
He moved, and she moved with him; he, silently, was giving in to his first love.
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thetwoultimates · 5 years
Hachirou was, yet again, all alone. He didn't feel all alone, however. He felt... At peace. Laying down, in the highest point of the cruise ship he had grown to have bittersweet feelings about, he looked up at the starry sky. A beautiful sky, gracing him with the shine of the moon and all of its companions.
He thought. It had been a while since he didn't stop and think.
Airi had given him a new perspective into things. Nobuyuki and Izamu had accepted who he was, just like Airi, and stood by his side. With them, he didn't have to pretend to be something he wasn't; he didn't have to expect betrayal at each turn, when alongside those three.
He remembered Airi's words.
"Someday, I will grasp the truth in my hands, even if it isn't what I've been expecting".
...That wasn't like him at all. He wasn't someone pursuing the truth of the events; he didn't want to solve the puzzle, to win the game. He wanted to find something else.
"The right path... How laughable." He stopped, shaking his head just a little bit. He locked his eyes into the moon, smiling under his mask. "The path of my own choice... How lovely."
Under the gently swaying moon, he closed his eyes, trying to find strength to face the next day — the motive had been presented, the secret traitor had been chosen.
"No matter how far that dream may seem... I don't wanna let my dream just be a dream!"
He didn't realize he had screamed those words, alone, under the ever-changing sky, until he heard them ring in his own ears. He got up, looking down at the rest of the ship and at the endless, suffocating sea he had gotten used to. He had been hiding his weakness from everyone, so that they would believe that he was strong. That was the road he had followed with all his heart, and so it was too late to go back now. But
Keeping a calm face and staying strong, the only one he didn't need to fool was himself.
Looking up at the moon illuminating the night sky, he smiled. A genuine, happy smile — the smile he got praise for, by the person he was hoping to see when he went down again.
"No matter how far a star is, its light will still reach, right!? By believing in my strength, by placing hope into my strength, I'll shine brighter tomorrow than I did today! Under this same moon, I'll always be chasing my dream no matter how far away it may seem. And someday, I'll definitely grasp it!"
He nodded, before slowly leaving.
He didn't speak the last part, the one that resonated inside of his heart, however; he knew it well enough, so much he didn't find meaning in speaking those out loud.
"As a promise to that one person."
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thetwoultimates · 5 years
Hachirou - 61, 81 Airi - 70, 80 Both - 89, 92
61— Which season is their favorite?
Autumn. He likes how the weather feels like, and how the colors look in nature during fall. But, besides that, his best memories are the ones in autumn, specially with Airi. He doesn't tell her that, but it's just because of her that he enjoys staying outside.
81— Are they bothered by the sight of blood?
After being in the Sharomuzu Killing Game, it makes him uncomfortable, but he's used to react quickly by treating whatever injuries caused the blood or searching for the source. Those are more knee-jerk reactions than anything else.
80— Are they a morning person or a night owl?
Airi is, by habits, a morning person. She always had to wake up early to eat breakfast and study, and nowadays to work, so she can't stay sleeping for much. She doesn't have the urge to sleep until 4 a.m., but forces herself to sleep early so she can be ready for the day.
70— How do they feel about animals? Do they have any pets?
She doesn't feel very strongly about any animal besides cats; she has one, after all. He's a tabby cat, named Aki. She found him after a day of working in the designs of autumn dolls, and gave him the name of the season he was found in. She loves him dearly, and her older brothers take care of him while she's away.
89— What is their D&D alignment?
Airi: Lawful neutral.
Hachirou: Neutral good.
92— Describe them as a John Mulaney gif.
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thetwoultimates · 5 years
☀️ for Amai?
☀️ — What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been?
Wrong blog! Kihihi!
Airi loves detective novels and making dolls; using those two hobbies together, she has made a collection of diverse dolls representing detective novelists, real life detectives and her favorite fictional sleuths. She loves it dearly, and sees her collection whenever she feels upset. About people, she feels the happiest around her older brothers, her father and her close friends.
The happiest she has ever been was the day the Killing Game ended.
She feels extremely happy seeing children happy with her work.
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thetwoultimates · 5 years
(Holy shi- I would commit murder by the second trial not gonna lie.)
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"...Hiro-chan did it. She killed Yuu-chan because she was chosen as the traitor, and her rules were to switch places with her victim after murdering them. She even had to change masks with Yuu-chan and keep it on until the body announcement was placed, so she could pretend she hadn't killed anyone."
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thetwoultimates · 5 years
What were the motives anyways?
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"...Russian roulette, but with our loved ones. That was the first motive."
"Forcing us to use Monokuma masks with blades on the back of it and only taking it out when someone died, was the second motive."
"Everyone would receive someone else's worst and most hurtful secret, was the third motive."
"Monokuma took away one personal item from each student; he would only give the items back after a killing occurred, was the fourth."
"If no one killed within 12 hours, all participants would be placed into an area with their worst fear; if repeated three times, one room would ensure death, was the third motive."
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thetwoultimates · 5 years
👑 ❓ -( random drabble)
👑 — If your OC was made royal (or is royal) how would they use their power? Are they a good leader or bad? Do their subjects like them or is it ‘off with their head’? Do they enjoy being royal?
Airi would, most certainly, be the best queen she could. She would try to be a fair ruler and make sure that everyone was satisfied with her reign, besides making it so her country doesn't go bankrupt or gets attacked. She tries her best to stay positive and be very warm and welcoming, but her naturally closed personality doesn't allow anyone who doesn't share her interests to get close. She's a good leader, even though she would rather not be a leader; her subjects love her, however.
❓ — A random fact or short drabble! Or make up your own question to ask the OC!
Airi looked up at the endless sky, that she had grown so used to — the sky that overlapped with the sea, the sky that was reflected in the waves she had to endure for so long. Slowly, almost like it could break with the touch, she took off her headphones.
They were a gift from someone who was dear to her. A gift to soothe her, alongside a MP3 Player, that was meant for her to listen to whenever she was alone.
With a simple movement, she threw it out in the ocean—
"...Hey. You let this fall."
But it didn't get very long. Hachirou had grabbed the headphone's cable, pulling it back into his hands before it could fall. The small Chisaka heir turned to him, her face filled with a slight frustration.
"Why did you get it back?" She sighed, crossing her arms. Her cold glare didn't intimidate him like it would, before, because he knew she wasn't really upset.
"I know you already said you won't need it anymore because you're not alone, but... Can I keep it? It's... A memento from Shinichi-kun, after all."
She looked at him. Hachirou sounded sincere. ...Partially. If she hadn't known him, either, she wouldn't be able to tell he was hiding part of the truth.
He, himself, felt alone.
With a gentle smile, she put the headphones on his head, kissing his cheek softly.
"...Just remember that I am by your side. You're not alone, as much as you feel otherwise."
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thetwoultimates · 5 years
An ultimate diplomat?
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"Yup! That was Shinichi-kun! The kid was smart, prodigious, even! You wouldn't guess how many conflicts were stopped and even prevented just by his presence in a meeting! Shinichi-kun and I were rivals during our first year, too~ all for the sake of love!"
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thetwoultimates · 5 years
I firggin love the idea of a killer being allowed to live.
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"Those were... Hard times. That rule made things even harder. It took a lot to forgive Michiko-san and Tomomi-san."
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Meet the participants! (2/16)
Once again, template taken from RosenThorns! Check 'em out! — MonoMod.
Name: Nobuyuki Atari.
Aliases: Nobu-chan (by Airi), Shinozuka Hatsuharu (pen name for romance novels).
Gender: Male.
Age: 17 (presumed).
Birthday: August 21st.
Height: 5"0' (154cm).
Weight: 95lbs (43kg).
Appearance: He has a slim, small body, making him look calmer, effeminate, almost, with a thin, elegant face. He has vibrant yellow eyes, unlike his sister, with her pale yellow eyes. Nobuyuki has shoulder-length black hair, which he usually wears in a ponytail on the back of his head; it's incredibly messy despite his attempts to keep it in an acceptable state, and his bangs always fall into his eyes, often disrupting his work. However, when he cut it off, they kept rubbing his forehead, so he decided to pin it with a hairpin — apparently a gift from a friend. He always wears an eyepatch in his left eye for some reason.
Another one to whom Picrew was terrible. Stay strong, warrior. 😔👌👏👊
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Personality: Nobuyuki is a cold, pessimistic boy, who is generally rather calm and doesn't seem to care whether or not people agree with the things he believes in or thinks. He initially comes off as confident, but is later revealed to have self-esteem issues, often comparing himself to his twin sister, a famous geisha, who was kept as the heiress to the geisha family they were born in while he was put up to adoption for being a boy. His mother seemed to despise men more than anything else, and expressed that to him on his only visit to their geisha house. When Izamu was being treated poorly by Rei, the aerialist, for being a "dirty boy", Izamu noted how angrily defensive Nobuyuki became.
Nobuyuki has an extreme grudge against his birth family and uses their last name as a mean to show his spite, and how he "hasn't forgotten about them". He is much more tolerant to those who don't know his family or don't call him by his last name. Despite seeming to be closer to other men, he doesn't tolerate any sort of perverted actions from other boys or extremely stupid behavior, often being the one to call out his classmates for doing things like spying on the girls. His insecurity often leads him to just accept whenever someone insults him, but he's quick to defend those who defended him before or who he knows don't deserve it. He reveals that he often writes about protagonists who defend their friends and never waver on their beliefs, but are extremely insecure on their core, because of how he thinks writing shouldn't be just a mean to express ideas, but to express how the writer feels.
Nobuyuki believes that no one could have any sort of positive emotion towards him, with his lack of worth and his "terrible personality", but he often feels lonely when alone and tries to find someone who can just silently stay by his side while he writes or does something at random. He really wants to be appreciated and respected, and to prove that he's good enough for the Atari family name, despite his hatred towards how the family works and the beliefs they raise their children with. Nobuyuki has troubles trusting even those who are the closest to him, and needs constant reassurance that they care and love him, and often does the same as a way to show his mutual love and trust for them despite his insecurities.
Status: Alive (for now!).
Affiliation: Sharomuzu High School, class 101.
Previous Affiliation: Atari Family.
Biological mother: Sakura Atari.
Biological father: Unknown.
Foster mother: Yui Sakamoto.
Foster father: Hayato Sakamoto.
Half-sisters: Haruto Atari, Erica Atari.
Twin sister: Kaoru Atari.
Relatives: His relatives are all from the Atari family, and he disregards their existence with all of his might.
Friends: Izamu Adachihara, Airi Chisaka.
Romantic Interest: None (yet!).
Talent: Ultimate Detective Novelist/Mystery Writer.
Talent Description: Nobuyuki acquired his title through his immense popularity as a writer, the numerous awards he received with his books, having millions of people reading whatever he wrote and anxious for more stories with his amazing protagonists, most importantly Kenshin Edogawa, who, in his books, is "Kogoro Akechi's successor as a detective". He writes, as Nobuyuki, about marvelous mysteries that can only be cracked open by the most intelligent and perceptive of the readers, his fans creating numerous sites and forums dedicated to solving his fictional cases; he has worked, as well, with the police to help them in murders, with his great knowledge on the subject. As Shinozuka, he is only behind Toko Fukawa as the greatest romance novelist in all of Japan. He started writing for the fun of it, being a fan of murder mysteries. It made him quite the skilled detective, though he considers that just a hobby, and gave him knowledge on criminal behavior through searching and working as a detective himself, besides anatomical knowledge and various information about history, geography, human behavior, politics and such themes that he has to portray in his books.
Mental Abilities: The most perceptive and strategic out of all the participants. He's good at puzzles and games that surround solving something, putting all of his efforts into doing the best job into uncovering all the truth and doing it quickly. He has a fair amount of intelligence when it comes to domestic tasks, but is way better at codes, riddles and mysteries.
Physical Abilities: Nobuyuki is well trained in taekwondo, despite not having much natural strength. He depends more on his strategies than on his body, but he knows exactly how to use it, why, when and what to use it for. He has pretty good stamina, but wouldn't stand for as much time as an athlete would. His resistance isn't the highest, but good enough to put up a fight.
|Killing Game Status|
Participated: Currently participating in the Killing Cruise Trip! As of now, one of the 16 living participants~!
The little bit of his past that you need to know, for now: he was put in the orphanage as soon as his mother didn't have to give him food herself, since her whole family is an Utopia of women who hate men and work as geishas, swore that he'll prove himself better than them and was adopted by a loving family, but never forgot how the Atari family wronged him. Want more? You'll have to wait, impatient brat!
Finished again? Cool! Now we have 14 more to show you, before the big beginning!
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Meet the participants! (1/16)
Template mercilessly rippen off of RosenThorns! Go check it out! — MonoMod.
Name: Izamu Adachihara.
Aliases: Iza-chan (by Airi), Hope Freak (by Daiki).
Gender: Male.
Age: 17 (presumed).
Birthday: February 2nd.
Height: 5"8’ (174cm).
Weight: 130lbs (58kg).
Appearance: Izamu is a tall, thin young man with calloused hands. Izamu has short, yet soft, curly hair with a small ahoge — also curly — on his head, beige and brown at the ends. It seems that no matter how hard he tries to comb his hair, the ahoge never stops getting up. He gave up at this point; the hair goes to the base of his neck at the back and has spiky bangs. He has blueish grey eyes.
Picrew made him even uglier, nyeheheheheheheh!
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Personality: Izamu is a kind-hearted, sweet young man who acts rather calm and is truly friendly to all the people he meets at first, no matter if they agree or disagree with the things he believes or thinks. He is initially tolerant and patient, keeping his views to himself, but later reveals to have various issues with controlling his anger, often lashing out on those who are acting in a displeasing way with his friends and family. Izamu despises those anger fits, and always feels guilty about them, but it's rare that he has some control over those. When Izamu was being mistreated by Rei, the Supreme Aerialist, for being a "dirty boy", while Nobuyuki defended him, he had no problems with taking the insults, proving he cares less about himself than about the others.
While being a really playful guy and usually getting along with the jokesters, Izamu can be quite naive and fall for their pranks often, taking their obvious sarcasm as truth. However, he proves himself to be extremely hard to fool when the situation calls for it, revealing himself to only pretend to lack awareness. Izamu actually believes that hope is the ultimate good and goal of the world, and that despair is nothing but a stepping stone for hope; everything made on the name of hope is good, even murder, and he is thus dubbed a hope freak by his best friend. While he usually doesn't talk much about his views on hope, being embarrassed to be considered a weirdo for it, he bursts into speeches about how amazing it is whenever he gets the chance. He tries to spread hope in non-harmful ways, usually by charity and kind actions and words, but claims that he wouldn't mind becoming violent if it "was for the sake of hope".
As someone who has been in despair more than once, living with a poor family and being raised in a less than ideal environment, Izamu tries his best to cheer others up and keep them happy, just like his friend and family did to him while he was still a child. He's caring and tries his hardest to stick to the truth, even if he doesn't care about lying if it will bring forth hope and the facts. Izamu tries to see the best in everyone, and usually suffers for that, but never lets himself believe blindly in anyone's words. He appreciates company, and seeks out people to surround himself with, but says he would rather have one close friend he could only see one day a year than a thousand acquaintances he could see every day. He's quite independent, even if he tries to rely on others here and there, and ends up assuming the role of a leader way more often than he would want to.
Status: Alive (for now, at least!).
Affiliation: Sharomuzu High School, Class 101.
Father: Sota Adachihara.
Mother: Koharu Adachihara.
Aunts: Aya Adachihara, Chiharu Adachihara, Sachiko Tsuji.
Uncles: Hideki Tsuji, Jirou Tsuji.
Cousins: Kyou Tsuji, Ryuunosuke Adachihara.
Grandparents: Aneko Adachihara.
Friend(s): Nobuyuki Atari, Airi Chisaka, Daiki Komuro.
Romantic Interest: None (for now, what can happen in a trip like this!)
Talent: Ultimate Blogger.
Talent Description: Izamu acquired his title through his immense popularity as a blogger, having millions of people reading whatever he posted daily. He usually writes about what he likes and the issues he sees in the world, inspiring others to change it and be kinder to others — his charity events are very profitable to various orphanages, hospitals, asylums, and so forth. He started blogging just for fun, but as time went on, he got patronized by others thanks to his content. He has a nice way with words, convincing people of his point and keeping them interested in what he has to say. While he does have the gift of the written word, which he mastered, he has a harder time expressing himself verbally. Izamu usually can't keep his hands still when he doesn't have something to type with, thanks to the long time he spends doing so.
Mental Abilities: He's really good at noticing small details, even if he doesn't link everything at once, and can solve problems with ease when he feels on his natural environment: a place where he can talk and be listened to before anyone answers. He's not the best with exact logic, but compensates that with creativity and willingness to act.
Physical Abilities: He's strong enough to make it hard to take him down, while having average resistance and average stamina. Nothing too noticeable.
|Killing Game Status|
Participated: Currently participating in the Killing Cruise Trip! As of now, one of the 16 living participants~!
Everything in its time, curious little brat! You'll have to wait until this is revealed~!
Oh, already ended? Neat! Now you will have to expect more from him, from when this killing game actually begins!
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thetwoultimates · 5 years
Give us the dets on em!
Ultimate Hacker Chisaka Airi:
Still the fourth kid of the Chisaka family, but not the head of the design department. No interest whatsoever in the family business, actually a game developer publicly!
Her mother was less than pleased with it.
As soon as the game industry proved itself to be profitable, though, her mother got her to work in Atlus. She's a big fan of the Shin Megami Tensei series, so she was happy with it.
A lot more sociable, but still rather cold with others.
Better with showing her feelings.
Better with expressing herself verbally.
Still the Ultimate Hope of Sharomuzu.
Became a hacker out of boredom; she wasn't planning any game at the moment, so she started hacking into systems to see how easy it would be to break them. She was so entertained with the task that she kept doing it, feeling challenged with each new intricate system.
A huge fan of anime, manga, games and series. Usually gushes about them at the littlest provocation.
Childhood friend of Budou Hachirou.
Got her headphones from Hachirou.
Ultimate Dollmaker Budou Hachirou:
Still the son of a drunken man who was abandoned by his wife; however, became the ultimate dollmaker out of a hobby. He had nothing better to do, so he started making dolls out of the materials he had at home. When he began doing them at school, the teachers saw his talent and made their best to expose it. They succeeded.
The head of design in the Chisaka Corporation, contracted by Chisaka Yuki himself.
Was very bullied by his classmates for doing a "girly thing", but he was admired mostly by the girls and the others.
Met Airi when she still didn't come out as trans, but picked up on her gender and made her thousands of dolls.
A big fan of anime, games, manga and series. Usually gushing about them with Airi.
Better at showing his feelings, but more reserved.
Not so wary of others.
One of the only people who knows Airi's actual talent, besides her mother and the Sharomuzu High staff.
Airi's only friend as she grew up, and the one who owns her cat, Aki.
Uses glasses to appear more fragile.
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What do you guys want for xmas?
Izamu: I want a way to escape! ...And a blog of my own!
Nobuyuki: My way back home, and some ink and paper.
Airi: Equipment for dollmaking.
Daiki: Blue Mountain coffee beans, and a Sojiro Sakura cosplay.
Katashi: Whatever my young lady wants to give me.
Hachirou: ...a place in Persona 6's development team.
Hiroko: A trip to the USA, I want to practice on those beautiful American beaches!
Takako: Some sleep, honestly...
Moriko: I want to see amazing writers abandoning their fears and publishing what they want!
Yuuna: I want my laptop back... And contact with Atlus, to say I'll be a bit late...
Rei: Make-up. Fabulous make-up.
Susumu: Something not better than a really good book.
Michiko: A decent staff not composed of Monokuma.
Shinichi: I really wish I had a new dartboard with some darts. It's a nice hobby of mine!
Tomomi: Better classmates, please~!
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