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the false dreamer and the shadow of his past
#tes#the elder scrolls#morrowind#voryn dagoth#dagoth ur#sharmat#tfw bro turns into an evil god#tesblr#sirnik art#my art
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sermon 13 annotated
These were the days of Resdaynia, when Chimer and Dwemer lived under the wise and benevolent rule of the AMLSIVI and their champion the Hortator. When the gods of Veloth would retreat unto their own, to mold the cosmos and other matters, the Hortator would at times become confused. Vivec would always be there to advise him, and this is the second of the three lessons of ruling kings:
this is the typical introduction to the "three lessons of ruling kings" sermons, of which there are, you guessed it, three.
'The secret syllable of royalty is this: (You must learn this elsewhere.)
as we learn in the previous sermon, sermon 12, the secret syllable of royalty is CHIM.
'The temporal myth is man.
i think this is actually a bit vague. yes, it could refer to "man" as "the human races of tamriel," i.e. nords, cyrods, bretons, redguards, etc. in which case, yeah, they don't live as long as elves do. but this could also refer to "man" as "humanity" in a broader sense, as in all mortal beings. even elves must die of old age eventually. (usually, at least.)
further, i think the overall phrase has a bit of a double meaning. my first impression was, "man is temporal, mortal, short-lived in the grand scheme of things, and therefore less important (mythical) than fact (reality)." however, i think you could take it another way: "man's temporality, his temporariness, his short-lived nature, is a myth, in that myths can be made of him long after his mortal demise." a great man lives long after he dies, because he was great, and made a name for himself through his actions in life.
'The magical cross is an integration of the worth of mortals at the expense of their spirits.
i thought long and hard about this part. i consulted other sources, and didn't care for their analyses, however intentional their conclusions might have been to the original text. i wanted an explanation less out-of-universe, more intrinsic to the setting. and here's what i came up with: the "cross" is the dual nature of anu and padomay, not as two extremes of a single axis, -∞ and ∞, but as two axes forming a plane of potential.
in this case, these two axes of anu and padomay are "an integration" of "the worth of mortals" (padomay giving dynamism and originality via chaos to mortals) "at the expense of their spirits" (the static concept of their being given via anu's order). these two concepts of "dynamism" and "staticism" (not sure that last one is a real word but work with me) are NOT opposites on a single spectrum, but dual spectra conjoined at an origin point. (we'll get back to that later.)
Surround it with the triangle and you begin to see the Triune house.
this part is easy. the triangle is, originally, the three good daedra (azura, boethiah, and mephala), and now the tribunal (sotha sil, almalexia, and vivec respectively). this concept of "houses" we see in multiple contexts throughout the lessons reappears.
It becomes divided into corners, which are ruled by our brethren, the Four Corners: BAL DAGON MALAC SHEOG.
technically, the corners existed prior to the triangle surrounding the cross. but okay, vivec. this is pretty simple, as well: the four corners of the house of troubles, molag bal, mehrunes dagon, malacath, and sheogorath. i'm not sure if you can like, place them in their own quadrants on this graph? if you can think of a good way to do this, let me know.
Rotate the triangle and you pierce the heart of the Beginning Place, the foul lie, the testament of the irrefutable-for-a-span.
here's the origin point! i'll be honest, i don't know what vivec means by "rotate the triangle." what does that even mean…….just spin it forever and ever until it's a circle? maybe… who can say! the origin point of the graph, "the Beginning Place," is…well. several things. it's a kind of "genesis" of two kinds. (this duality is, as you may have noticed, common in this sermon, as well as in the lessons in general.) the initial creation of the aurbis, but also the Convention which settled it into its current state. the initial conception by lorkhan is a "foul lie" in that he supposedly tricked his fellow et'ada into creating it, thereby trapping them within it. the Convention is a "foul lie" in that it designates auri-el as the chief of the aurbis, the origin of time itself.
"the testament of the irrefutable-for-a-span" is the kalpa, the cyclical period of time when the aurbis, the world as we know it, holds steady. it's irrefutable in its reality, its realness. but only "for-a-span"; it cannot hold forever.
this "origin point" serves a dual-dual purpose as being a representation of not CHIM itself, but the realization that brings about CHIM: the gnosis of the nature of the world.
Above them all is the horizon where only one stands, though no one stands there yet. It is proof of the new. It is the promise of the wise.
this refers to a concept which i don't think is ever referred to in-game (unless eso has proven me a liar once again) called "amoranth." amoranth is kind of like super CHIM: if CHIM is the gnosis that the world is the dream of anu, then amoranth is supplanting anu as the new dreamer of a new dream. this is something explored in kirkbride's C0DA, if you're interested.
Unfold the whole and what you have is a star, which is not my domain, but not entirely outside my judgment.
you might imagine this refers to almalexia somehow, since her domain is the stars. but given what we know about the sharmat, dagoth ur, from sermon 15, it's safe to say this is about him. generally speaking, you could say "the stars" is ayem's domain, whereas "a star" probably refers to the sharmat and the heart of lorkhan. vivec knows he cannot understand or master what the sharmat understands and masters, but he can yet judge it as false, nonetheless.
The grand design takes flight; it is transformed not only into a star but a hornet.
i'm not 100% sure what i think is meant by "hornet" here. here's my best guess: the grand design (the aurbis) takes flight (becomes active), and it is buzzing about with life (a hornet).
The center cannot hold. It becomes devoid of lines and points. It becomes devoid of anything and so becomes a receptacle. This is its usefulness at the end. This is its promise.
as a result of the hornets flitting about the world, the origin point at the center "cannot hold". this line, "the center cannot hold," is a direct reference to a line from william butler yeat's poem "the second coming," which i don't know much about beyond that. the title of the poem is evocative, of course, of the second coming of christ, the apocalyptic end of all things.
i believe "devoid of lines and points" COULD refer to the ongoing collapse of towers in tamriel, with "lines" being "towers" and "points" being "stones." without these reference points to tie down meaning on nirn, it becomes "devoid of anything," nearly meaningless, and therefore "a receptacle," a vacuum of meaning waiting to be filled.
'The sword is the cross and ALMSIVI is the Triune house around it.
confirming that the triangle is the tribunal, but also claiming that the cross and the sword are identical. refer to my post on sermon 23, the scripture of the sword. this also connects to the theme of duality in this sermon.
If there is to be an end I must be removed. The ruling king must know this, and I will test him. I will murder him time and again until he knows this. I am the defender of the last and the last. To remove me is to refill the heart that lay dormant at the center that cannot hold.
i think most of this is self-explanatory. the ruling king in these sermons refers both to nerevar and nerevarine. vivec "killed" nerevar and has persecuted the nerevarine cult, "killing" each attempted incarnation as they come. vivec is supposedly trying to teach nerevar (rather, his reincarnating soul) that he is an obstacle to the conclusion (said conclusion being the defeat of the sharmat and the "refilling of the heart", a.k.a. lorkhan's heart, now taking on the symbology of "the center that cannot hold") that must be defeated in some way in order to bring about the conclusion. in our story, vivec is defeated by proof rather than combat (canonically, at least). he is "the defender" until the truth he defends can no longer be denied.
I am the sword, Ayem the star, Seht the mechanism that allows the transformation of the world. Ours is the duty to keep the compromise from being filled with black sea.
okay, i know i said that "star" singular almost always refers to the sharmat/heart of lorkhan, with "stars" referring to ayem and her domain, but this is like, the only exception in the lessons. all other "star" references are either sharmat/heart or literal stars/astronomical objects.
"the compromise" here is aurbis, a blending of order and chaos, staticism and dynamism, anu and padomay. "the black sea" is the pure void of padomay outside the aurbis.
'The Sharmat sleeps at the center. He cannot bear to see it removed, the world of reference. This is the folly of the false dreamer. This is the amnesia of dream, or its power, or its circumvention. This is the weaker magic and it is barbed in venom.
"the center" ("that cannot hold") here refers to both meanings of the center, as both the irrefutable genesis of reality and the heart of lorkhan specifically. the sharmat wants a "world of reference," a world of false reality (for a "false dreamer", since anu is the true dreamer) to rule over. he forsakes the truth for a lie, "the amnesia of dream," and thereby finds a power, albeit a "weaker magic" that is "barbed in venom," in downsides.
'This is why I say the secret to swords is the mercy seat. It is my throne.
we've heard this before, from sermon 11: "The secret of weapons is this: they are the mercy seat."
what's the "mercy seat?" well, biblically, it's the lid of the ark of the covenant, where God's divine presence dwelt. but the bible doesn't exist in tamriel, so what would it mean within the setting's context?
well, we know that ayem is most commonly associated with "mercy" as a concept. but i don't think this really refers to her. vivec sees violence as his own kind of "mercy," as both as a coup de grâce, or mercy stroke, to put down the wounded after battle with the victor, but also a "sharpening" of the wounded into the victor. as God Himself, free from the restraints of luck, vivec decides the victor…and he decides when the defeated may become the victor later, after becoming stronger in their defeat. this plays into the themes of trauma and recovery in the lessons.
I am become the voice of ALMSIVI. The world will know me more than my sister and brother. I am the psychopomp. I am the killer of the weeds of Veloth.
by writing the lessons vivec becomes "the voice of ALMSIVI," the one willing to tell the truth, however couched in poetry and mystery as he is inclined to do so. "the world will know" him more than his "sister and brother," both because canonically he survives them both, but also due to his religious significance in the tribunal temple. almalexia is certainly an important figure in the temple, even walking among her children as their mother, but vivec contributes more to the spiritual lives of their devotees through his writings.
a "psychopomp" is a figure in a mythology who carries the dead to their afterlife destination; the ones you've most likely heard of are the egyptian anubis, the greek charon, and the norse valkyries. vivec claims to carry the "weeds of Veloth" directly to the afterlife by killing them personally.
Veloth is the center that cannot hold. Ayem is the plot. Seht is the ending. I am the enigma that must be removed. These are why my words are armed to the teeth.
another "center that cannot hold"???? you betcha. vivec sees veloth (here referring to morrowind itself, not to the prophet) as the stage for the center's "unfolding," seeing as it was where the heart of lorkhan landed, and where gods (tribunal, dagoth ur, numidium and thereby talos) were made (and eventually unmade).
ayem is the plot because her anticipation is the prince of plots, boethiah. seht is the ending because his anticipation is azura, prince of (dawn and) dusk. vivec is an "enigma," a kind of puzzle that the nerevarine must solve in order to know truth, in order to defeat the sharmat and close this treacherous chapter of history. but what good's a game without stakes? an "enigma" without "words…armed to the teeth"?
'The ruling king is to stand against me and then before me. He is to learn from my punishment. I will mark him to know. He is to come as male or female. I am the form he must acquire.
the nerevarine ("the ruling king") stands against vivec as apocryphal messiah of the cult, then before him when vivec can refute them no more. they learn from vivec's "punishment," which is, again, twofold: both the punishment of the cult and dissident priests, and also the punishment vivec endures, as a lonely god. the nerevarine's form doesn't matter ("male or female"), because vivec's didn't matter.
'Because a ruling king that sees in another his equivalent rules nothing.'
if you don't inherently see yourself as better than everyone else, you cannot be "a ruling king." this is why the nerevarine must prove themselves worthy to defeat the sharmat:
"Hortator and Sharmat, one and one, eleven, and inelegant number. Which of the ones is the more important? Could you ever tell if they switched places? I can and that is why you will need me." - Sermon 11
by which vivec again asserts that he, as God Himself, is the decider of fate, not chance. vivec fills the role of observer in the enantiomorph between hortator and sharmat, nerevar and voryn, nerevarine and dagoth ur.
This is what was said to the Hortator when Vivec was not whole.
remember sermon 12, the pomegranate banquet. vivec has lost his "feet" and his "head" to "molag bal," "the king of rape." lots of quotations there because none of that is literal. vivec was raped (not literally by molag bal) and lost his sense of self, his sense of self-worth. he has not yet "repaired" himself, brought himself back together from the trauma he endured.
i'm not sure if vivec actually said anything like this to nerevar during this time. he could have been trying to put up a facade, to pretend nothing was wrong, doing what he usually does in advising the hortator. or this could just be a literary contrivance, putting this sermon here. it's hard to say.
and as always,
The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
#tes#tesblr#morrowind#36 lessons of vivec#vivec#nerevar#nerevarine#hortator#dagoth ur#sharmat#almalexia#sotha sil#vehk#seht#ayem#almsivi#tribunal temple
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i did this dagoth ur picture for @nerevar-quote-and-star‘s pinup challenge only for my wife to tell me 75% way through the picture that this is in fact not a pin up. so.
this is all i got
maybe on another prompt ill get it right 😔 oh well
anyways if the ash vampires dont drink blood why are they called vampires???? false advertising. let dagoth ur drink some blood
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#elder scrolls#morrowind#dagoth ur#sixth house#sharmat#sketch#the elder scrolls#queer artist#transgender#nonbinary#monochrome#inkwork#ink pen#sketchbook#traditional art
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The Triumph of Dagoth Ur
I've made this overpaint of the famous Moreau's piece in 2016. Alas most comments I've got on this one from Reddit, remark on the Heart looking like a dog's dick, which I assume is kind of roundabout way of saying the painting lacks visual cogency. One of this days I'm going to whip this one into shape it deserves to be in.
P.S: The serpent symbolizes the Cyrodilic Empire, whose emblem is a dragon.

-Jupiter and Semele-
#lorkhan#dagoth ur#voryn dagoth#tes#morrowind#gustave moreau#art#nerevarine#vivec#tes lore#dunmer#cyrodiil#morrowind art#tesblr#painting#sharmat#sixth house#house dagoth#elder scrolls lore#vvardenfell#symbolist art
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it was never yours to begin with!
#art#morrowind#tes morrowind#the elder scrolls#the sharmat cannot accept a reality that denies him#to live as he does is only to dream.#crayola marker; pencil; colored pencil; watercolors; tempera paint#dagoth ur
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Corrupted Shamat from the unwilling dreamer Au.
Chicken scratch with micron pens but I like how it looks. It somehow makes him look more deranged
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"Something wrong is happening in Morrowind. The Great Houses became more fragile in their political relationship, the Tribunal went wild in censoring and arresting, in fear of new arising ordinators cult, that occupied Red Mountain, and endless strikes of nature disasters.
Something wrong with him too. Only one dream since arriving in Vvanderfell of masked man in long blue robes calling him his friend, asking to help. Stranger is promising to open a truth about his true heritage, but only in exchange for one thing.
And he convinsed one thing is the reason why all these events are happening right now"
#tes#morrowind#indoril nerevar#voryn dagoth#reverse au#reverse au i created not so long ago but desided to make something only now#instead of voryn nerevar took a role of sharmat#he obviously got poisoned by power of lorkhan heart but not like original ig#red text is meant for dagoth house descendant who basically is reincarnation of voryn dagoth#dagoth house still destroyed as well as in original but ash vampires here as well#and now in alliance with dissident priests#tribunal is in troubleeeeee hahaha#im rly be happy if someone ask questions ab au cause im hungry for endless au creatings hjahdhdlk#nerevoryn#in a weird way tho???
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#tinyass dagoth head while he was laughing maniacally#I gotta fix some voice lines and behaviors for him#screenshots#not art#the fact that his subtitles pop up and you can hear him while you're in Raven Rock makes it funnier#Like they have enough problems man the ghost of the sharmat is NOT their priority
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Severed Destiny idea
Almalexia being actually not that bad. Haj-deek thinks "ok I remember hating her and she helped kill me. I'm letting Vivec teach me, so if she's willing to be different--"
until the helmet comes off and Almalexia sees Haj-deek is not in fact facially disfigured like she was claiming. sees the face that has prevented her from recharging her god batteries
and then the shit hits the fan
#shes both enraged that haj-deek looks so much like dear old dad and pissed theres evidence nerevars incarnate banged the sharmat#vivec is breathing into a paper bag rn#nerevarine#morrowind#almalexia
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I wanted somewhere to post my random thoughts. I maybe might have found it.
Also, the Dagoth Ur fan art here is incredible. Wtf was I ever doing on Reddit?
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A new Nate the Great adventure!
Nate the Great and the Star Spangled Parrot, by Andrew Sharmat/Illustrated by Olga and Aleksey Ivanov, (June 2024, Delacorte Press), $14.99, ISBN: 9780593805558 Ages 6-9 Nate the Great’s back on the case, and this time it’s a double whammy: first, his friend Pip asks for Nate’s help locating his drone parrot, Penelope. The next day, his friend Claude asks for help finding his “brand new” friend,…

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#Aleksey Ivanov#Andrew Sharmat#Delacorte Press#detectives#drones#Independence Day#mystery#Nate the Great#Nate the Great and the Star Spangled Parrot#Olga Ivanov#parrots
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Post-canon Vivec be upon ye!
Some headcanons: •He had a few potions prepared just in case so he doesn't really age for now and won't get infected with some serious illness.
•Was absolutely mentally wrecked from losing his divinity (as if the return of his old friend that he had murdered wasn't enough) but surprisingly it helped him deal with some other mental problems in the end.
•Travels Tamriel with Sotha Sil (yes I couldn't just put up with his death), who is now a big dwemer-ish quadruped mecha thanks to the Clockwork City and his past experiments. Sil's soul is the same but his body is now very different, although he doesn't seem to mind. Vivec doesn't mind as well, using Sil as transport :D
•Smokes a hookah or a pipe 24/7, the only reason he didn't damage his voice yet is probably Azura not wanting him to screech like a cliff racer cuz Vivi definitely isn't giving up singing under no circumstances.
•Made up an insane backstory for himself and Sotha Sil, pretends to be one of those heroes who once were prisoners, tells everyone he found mecha-Sil in a dwemer ruin and managed to repair him.
•Shows off for a living. Sings, tells stories (mostly made up and about himself), occasionally sells trinkets.
•Avoids sleep until passing out, has bad dreams quite often and blames Sharmat on it (it's just consequences of his tough life). Additionally doesn't really like staying tet-a-tet with his thoughts for long.
•He and Sotha Sil try their best to care for each other, although Vivi doesn't always understand what a big mecha might need and often doesn't let Sil know about how he feels cuz he's too proud and cool to be sad or scared. But they slowly open up more to each other. Overall they get along really well.
•Used to be quite skinny as a god but it's chubby Vivi era now.
#the elder scrolls#tes art#tes morrowind#morrowind#vivec#dunmer#i guess... since he's all gray now#my art#fasta draws#wow that's a lot of text i sure hope i didn't make any stupid mistakes :D#i avoid designing my post-canon sotha sil at all costs cuz designing mechas is scary#but it's also interesting so i hope i'll make a couple of sketches
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Doodle dump! Voryn edition:

Corrupted Shamat:


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1 of 7. Dagoth Araynys
Dirt Regent of Mamaea, called "Evermin" and "Keeper of the Photostatic Numen". Appointed entrant of Vivec by the will of the Sharmat. Chief artist of the Sixth House, memory was his chisel. Turning thought to stone, he created the so called ash statues and propagated them throughout Vvardenfell. Immune to the concept of distance and length, he carved as far as Cyrodiil without impediment. From his etchings we learn the mighty lessons of multiplication and patience needed for awakening dreams.
ispired by @ijiwaruuma ash vampires design and this topic in particular
Tureynul Araynys Odros Vemyn
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