#sharia law exists up your ass
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nightguide · 2 months ago
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loudlytransparenttrash · 7 years ago
thoughts on this #metoo thing?
I think the intentions were good, I’m all for encouraging genuine victims to speak out and report sexual abuse to the police, but just with almost every other liberal campaign, there’s a sneaky, crooked undertone to this noble looking hashtag. 
To criticize black lives matter is to criticize blacks, to criticize feminism is to criticize women, to criticize Islam is to criticize Muslims, #metoo continues this fallacy, to question these women and their horror stories of white guys raping and grabbing everyone is victim blaming and supporting rape culture. 
The problem with this expectation for us to shut up and believe every accusation the #metoo heroines make is we must concede women aren’t human. Humans lie and do terrible, dishonest things for personal gain or as revenge all the time, sometimes they just do it for the hell of it, why must we exclude women from this human behavior? 
This is why the entire left remain utterly flabbergasted Donald Trump is still our President. Article after article, report after report, we read how Trump is “accused of sexual assault” (by women who conveniently waited until right before America voted) “and he’s still a fucking President!? W.T.F!?” 
They have become so used to men being fired and kicked out of school the moment an accusation is made against them, their minds cannot comprehend how Trump is still in office. The whole Title X farce proves how desperate these people are to rid us of due process. The moment we lose due process though is the moment we stop being an advanced society and join Islam in the stone age - a prospect which makes the creeps ashamed to be American salivate.
Sure, we must take every allegation seriously and every one of these people deserve to be listened to, but we must also inquire and be certain of guilt before we start locking people up and throwing away the key. As Christina Hoff Sommers says, it’s a terrible leap backwards when we replace the old lie of women always lie about rape with the new lie of women never lie about rape. 
My other issue with it is its vagueness. Just as we saw with the Women’s March, those burly broads had no coherent message and zero idea what they were protesting against. Some were hating on Trump, some were dressed in giant vagina costumes and others were cheering for Linda Sarsour’s calls for Sharia law. Is #metoo about rape, sexual abuse or just a hashtag women can use to complain about awkward first dates? Because being raped at knifepoint and being complimented on your ass are two very different things but sit without a care under the same #metoo hashtag. 
The ease of rape and sexual assault being grouped with a story about a moment where a girl was made to feel uncomfortable while getting lunch is precisely why young women are today convinced they live in a rape culture. The entire 1 in 5 myth is a direct product of this conflation. We either tackle rape and sexual assault or we tackle annoying jokes made in the office, attempting to mix both into the one category only cheapens the crime and trivializes the real victims. 
I have one final issue with it. #metoo is nothing but a social media trend. We act as if it’s some brave, groundbreaking response from courageous women but as evident of how fast social media trends are abandoned when something better comes along, remember the #yesallwomen was an identical campaign and was just as popular and supposed to be just as influential, yet it too was eventually replaced with a new trending woe everyone wanted to feel a part of and three years later most people can’t even remember it existing. Sadly #metoo will be met with the same fate. 
Social media campaigns may seem great while they’re in their peak fashion but they provide no substance to real issues and they’re quickly forgotten the moment something new grabs our attention. It’s sad because we all would support a unity of voices against sexual violence and silent victims, and on face value this is what #metoo is and any reason to encourage victims to speak out, I’m all for, so for that reason alone I support it, but the usual left-wing sentiments plagued throughout this trend is too great to ignore or fully get behind. 
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hg47 · 4 years ago
47 Reasons Why I Fear Islam - (Reason 28)
-28-Yes, moderate Muslims can be productive members of Western society; but only if they are “Bad Muslims” according to their own religion, or if they are “deep-cover agents” playing a “long-range” or “sleeper” game for the eventual destruction of non-Islamic forces. ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Into-Infidels-Lynn-Editor-Copeland/dp/0882643452/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380152447&sr=1-2&keywords=INTO+THE+DEN+OF+INFIDELS In the book INTO THE DEN OF INFIDELS Edited by Lynn Copeland is the story of Leila, who as a child, hears about this wonderful person going around doing good.  Innocently, she asks her father to get her a Bible so she can read about Him.  Her father erupts into a rage and beats her face black and blue, while shouting at her that THE BIBLE IS CORRUPTED!  CHRISTIANS ARE INFIDELS! ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Myth-Islamic-Tolerance-Treats-Non-Muslims/dp/1591022495/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380476667&sr=1-1-fkmr0&keywords=MYTH+OF+ISLAMIC+TOLERANCE+%28THE%29+edited+by+Robert+Spencer In MYTH OF ISLAMIC TOLERANCE (THE) edited by Robert Spencer the different value systems of Islamic ideology and Judeo-Christian traditions are compared.  For Jews and Christians, wars are hateful, while peace is the ideal.  For Muslims, wars are divine; to die during jihad against Infidels is the highest act a Muslim can perform. ++++------- A quote from Saudi imam Sheikh Muhammad Saleh sl-Munajjid: “Muslims must…educate their children to jihad.” ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Islam-Terrorism-teaches-Christianity-violence/dp/0884198847/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380596025&sr=1-1&keywords=islam+and+terrorism+mark+a+gabriel In the book ISLAM AND TERRORISM Mark A. Gabriel, Ph.D. argues that whenever a Muslim in the media says that Islam is a religion of peace, that this statement is: A) Wishful Thinking.  S/He sincerely believes s/he can explain away the unpalatable parts of the Koran.  (@hg47 – or s/he takes the orthodox long view that once Islam conquers the entire world by war that peace will reign, and that therefore, Islam is a religion of peace because the ultimate result will be peace, regardless of how many billions of Infidels have to be murdered to accomplish this.  Considering that different Islamic sects hate each other nearly as much as they all each hate the Jews, this calls for some seriously heavy-duty wishful thinking!) B) Deceit with the intent to attract converts or lull the enemy Infidels into a false sense of security. ++++------- http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2010/August/Islamization-of-Paris-a-Warning-to-the-West/ Dale Hurd on the Islamization of Paris, France, and how this should be a warning to the West.  Muslims, because of their growing numbers and constant threat of violence, have extorted the French government to give Muslims a privileged status. ++++------- tweet ~ Now the Mid-East/North-African Youth are blaming their leaders for their problems. I bet their new leaders will shift blame to Israel & USA. ++++------- http://townhall.com/columnists/michaelbrown/2013/05/26/is-radical-islam-normative-islam-n1606129 Michael Brown on whether the millions of peace-loving Muslims who dislike violence in the name of Islam are believing in conformity to the essential nature of Islam. ++++------- http://www.patheos.com/Resources/Additional-Resources/How-Pervasive-Is-the-Threat-of-Political-Islam-David-French-06-06-2011.html For me the most interesting statement from this article by David French about the conflict between Islam and Israel was this sentence by an Israeli official, talking about every Muslim move against Israel: “Our difficulty is that we begin any UN process with the automatic opposition of all 57 members of the OIC.” @hg47 says - Just as the GOP within the House of Representatives marches in unison firmly against anything President Obama tries to accomplish, so the Organization of the Islamic Conference begins with 57 votes in the United Nations against anything Israel attempts to accomplish. ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Stealth-Jihad-Radical-Subverting-America/dp/1596985569/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380589061&sr=1-1&keywords=stealth+jihad+robert+spencer In STEALTH JIHAD Robert Spencer writes about what Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR said about Muslims in America secretly practicing polygamy, saying that Islamic scholars differ on whether polygamy is proper within the United States.  Spencer argues that this is more evidence of Islamic supremacism.  Many Muslims believe that they may disregard American laws if these laws conflict with Islamic teachings.  (Muslim ghettos are ruled internally by Sharia law where women are property which may be beaten and/or raped at will by their owners.) @hg47 says – Here in the States, we have our own home-grown pliggys.  The Mormons.  Several years ago, best estimates gave the Muslims at least double the number of secret plural marriages as Mormons.  I’m willing to bet that Muslims are now 3-5 times the Mormons in active secret practicing polygamists in the good old USA.  Go, Islam! ++++------- tweet ~ If Muslims put down their weapons…a prosperous Palestinian State in 1 year. If Jews put down their weapons…the end of Israel in 1 week. ++++------- http://wizbangblog.com/content/2011/04/05/poisoning-islam.php Jay Tea argues here that targeted acts of blasphemy against Islam, deliberately committed by those in the West in such quantity and quality as would send the Islamic hard-core extremists into frothing fits of rage would indeed cause violence and deaths, but might also tilt moderate Muslims away from supporting the extremists. ++++------- http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2011/0304/Why-Europe-is-turning-away-from-multiculturalism Robert Marquand on avoiding naiveté about violent jihadi cells in an open society but also not denouncing millions of patriotic British Muslims. ++++------- http://www.npr.org/2010/12/13/132026958/iraqi-christians-flee-wave-of-targeted-violence Christians in Iraq get threats by verbal phone calls, threats by text messages, letters mailed to them with bullets inside.  The message: leave Iraq or die. ++++------- http://www.citizenwarrior.com/2009/05/terrifying-brilliance-of-islam.html Citizen Warrior on how all Infidels in non-Islamic states are enemies, and how deceiving the enemy is useful in war. ++++------- http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/WTARC/2010/eu_terror1036_10_20.asp Oskar Freysinger, the leader of the Swiss People’s Party, covers many things in this excellent speech.  I highly recommend you click on the link and read it all.  (I have linked to it many times in this book, on the theory that readers who just drill down to follow points on Islam that hold a personal interest to them may find the link on one of their few drill downs.)  One key point is that Muslim ghettos governed internally by Sharia law in violation of the laws of the host nations are creating internal invisible borders within Western nations which are growing in size and numbers, and which regard this territory as holy Islamic land which may never be taken from Muslims under threat of jihad and holy war, just as Muslims will forever attempt to retake the territory of Israel. ++++------- tweet ~ I am suspicious of any religion whose holy books are statistically more Anti-Semitic than Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF. ++++------- http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/hate-trial-for-farright-politician-geert-wilders-2097090.html This article is on the Wilders hate trial.  Prosecutors argued that Wilders was inciting hate against Muslims.  Wilders argued that he was telling it like it is.  As a result, Dutch voters are rethinking their religious tolerance because of immigrants who may be taking advantage of the Dutch system. ++++------- A quote from Saudi imam Sheikh Muhammad Saleh sl-Munajjid: “This is the greatest benefit of the situation: educating the children to jihad and to hatred of the Jews, the Christians, and the infidels.” Educating your children to war?  Educating your children to hate Jews?  Educating your children to hate Christians?  And Muslims consider this a proper education?? ++++------- http://www.prisonplanet.com/did-911-really-change-everything.html This article is a piece of work.  Did 9/11 really change everything?  Or was it simply an excuse to implement existing plans? @hg47 says – Conspiracy buffs should check out the above link.  Sadly, I actually agree with much of it.  Personally, and this is just me, I think Cheney was the real boss, and (lightweight) Bush was his front-man, subtly controlled by flattery, repeated suggestions, and appeals to “the right thing to do.” My take?  After 9/11 there was a HUGE We-Need-To-Kick-Some-Muslim-Ass impulse in American culture; the Pearl Harbor syndrome.  Unfortunately, there was no logical target, and we did not want to attack Saudi Arabia.  However, a case could be manufactured against Iraq, long a desired area to do something about.  Just as Muslim preachers use pretext to fire up a Muslim mob during sermon and aim the mob at a detested Infidel target, I believe the United States used pretext to attack Iraq, claiming “Weapons Of Mass Destruction.” In my view, Colin Powell was the sanest man in all of this.  He repeatedly argued against attacking Iraq.  Ultimately, though, as a former soldier and former General, Colin Powell saluted his Commander-In-Chief and followed orders (destroying his own reputation when no WMDs were found, after Powell’s persuasive voice to the world).  Whether Cheney really thought there were WMDs in Iraq, or whether he gave orders to fabricate the evidence, I don’t know.  But Cheney got Bush fired-up, and Bush got Blair fired-up, and a Coalition was born.  In my opinion.  Go, USA! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Go-To-29+ +Go-To-Beginning-Of-47-REASONS-WHY-I-FEAR-ISLAM+
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theknittingdiscourse · 4 years ago
I'd post a video of Chantry Binx but I don't want to give her any views. This is the woman who sang 'cry me a river's when a man was trying to bring up men's issues of suicide rates. This is a woman who BELEIVES IN THIS. this is your cohort as it where so I will treat you accordingly.
"Because progress is being made, and for that VERY reason there is proof of a patriarchal society that is slowly but steadily going away."
But not too much progress because if women get the draft then how can they actually be called equal right? I mean after all if men and women are 100% equal you should support all women BY LAW BE REQUIRED TO SIGN THE DRAFT IN ORDER TO VOTE.
But this is assuming. I am fine for being an ass are you?
"And please tell that to the 33mil young girls in in Peru that have been forced to give birth to a child caused by rape."
33 million is a large number. Which is also a fucking LIE OF A NUMBER. 33 million is the ammount of people lost to covid apparently though.
But let's find this number in rape/birth.
Nope. There is nothing on this number so citation please. I can link you to an interesting and in depth pdf about reproductive rights in Latin American. However.
Latinos are often devoted in a religious manner. So this is more of an issue with religion rather than patriarcy. (There is abortion in the Bible in fact). Though again the assumption here is that you believe all religion (say for Islam probably lol) is highly patriarchal. In which it is designed solely and utterly by men for men to oppress women.
Which is why so many many people literally worship the virgin mary almost more so that christ himself.
"Denying women’s issues WORLDWIDE by the argument of men’s issues leads to no solution. Instead, let’s acknowledge a system that is broken to better the lives of everyone"
But we aren't talking worldwide. We are talking about the here and now. We are talking about young (American) men killing themselves in record numbers. What we can do NOW to help them. Chanty Binx says fuck them all and so do you.
"Mens issues can be addressed when all women have access to abortion" I assume. As if that will ever happen so long as religious freedom exists.
"Finally, because I am not very fond of pointless internet debates,"
"I'm not fond of debates i loose because I'm a shitty person?"
" I am aware of statistics of both men and women’s issues and, when I see them, they just prove my point of how the issue of patriarchy is systemic."
Systemic implies a methodically placed PLAN in which women are kept under heel. This only applies to a few nations. Some of which are the heads of women's rights on the UN still right?
Endemic however applies to us western folks in America. Where slowly but surely progress is being made. This word doesn't even really apply to unfortunate cases in Latin America. As still even there there is progress being made.
Ask yourself, where has progress not only has been slowed but also kicked back? Cause its not here in America. Or in the UK. Until they allow sharia law of course. Which is something part of 'the squadtm' wants.
"This is dense,"
Then use the fucking paragraph key you MORON. its there for a reason.
"and I certainly can’t explain the whole thing on tumblr, "
Why not? There CERTINALLY isn't a character limit. And we have 'read more' thing which prevent infinite scrolling. This just tells me 'I could tell you but I'm fucking lazy' its the 'Google it bitch' reply.
"which is why I recommend you to read some of feminist’s historical work so that you can better understand the theory of the movement."
You mean works by Erin Prizzy? Sure. I'll do that. Or is she not feminist enough when she started to give a shit about men?
"Men’s issue of suicide, for example, has an explanation on how, according to psychologists, men have much more difficulty reaching for help in the case of the mental health issue, mostly depression."
"Cry me a river."
Is that enough of an explanation why? Its because that men are expected to not be big pussies. Who are the ones who's voices are the loudest on this issue? The ones with a megaphone outside who pulled the fireplace and send in terrorist threats. That is who. Men CAN'T talk about their issues in the open because people mock them for it.
But I have seen change. I have participated in thus. Johnny Depp is a great example how we are changing. How someone who had all but video evidence can be hurt by PROGRESSIVE FEMINISM which has been stating women can't be abusers.
"since men are, in many countries, the ones who work more for the family, household, etc, there are more likely to end in poverty and, by consequence, women as well."
You are still stating its mens fault women are poor. Because men themselves are poor. This line couldn't get any more stupid if you tried. 'Poor people are poor because they are poor!' No shit sherlock. But this isn't the sole problem of PATRIARCHY. It is however a systemic issue. Just not one you personally don't want to talk about. Because it's politics. Not patriarchy.
"Men are also victims of murder. In fact, 79% of homicide deaths are constituted by men, and are killed by other men."
You've got a long way to go before you hit par my friend.
"There is a long list of issues I could talk about and explain in further detail. But I prefer not to since I know you don’t have interest in understanding my arguments,"
Oh please. Tell TAKA what their interests are like a good PATRIARCH. Or do you not see this as a double standard? I've had it done to me lots as a woman. I can't be interested in shit with another woman telling me I'm stupid or just trying to get dick.
"since perhaps you see this as an attack to your personal ideas."
If you want to know what my personal ideas are you need to hit harder to home or actually you know. Ask. My personal ideals are that men and women are as equal as they can be. However it is STUPID to assume that there isn't a sexual difference.
"Sincerely, it is not. In the same way, it is important to not undermine women’s issues."
It isn't undermining women's issues just by asking for shelters to be built for male victims of abuse.
"91% of victims of rape are women"
No. They are not. Period.
The law says penetration must occur in order for rape to happen. This means men can only be raped if the are penetrated. This number also leaves completely out prison rape.
40%. That is about a true number as we can get. 40%. There are literal posts on Facebook ethereal women gloat about drugging and RAPING MEN.
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Yet are these things bandied about? Are they TALKED about? Fuck no. You see that image? Three results down and we get one that even MENTIONS men can be raped by women.
What about a female pedophile who raped a student then later FILED FOR CJILD SUPPORT ON HER VICTIM AND FUCKING WON.
How is that for progressive? How is that for the statistics of rape? Why don't you use a really fucking number on them before I give more citations.
"It will take 108 years to close the gender gap,"
Sure yeah. Want to spout more buzz feed video propaganda which is almost never sourced and never has actually fucking hard data behind it? Or so you want to actually address problems?
"Only eight countries give women equal legal work rights as men,"
What countries are these? *smiles*
"Every 90 seconds a women dies during pregnancy of childbirth,"
Yes because birthing children is HARD and the majority of people are not in fully western countries with 'perfect' Healthcare systems.
"women account for 70% of the population"
Prove it.
"Living in absolute poverty and, just to cut this short, in 19 countries, women are required by law to obey their husbands."
Did you ever think that the reason why it 'could' be 70% is because men are killing themselves to try to provide for their families? Or did you not even soar a thought about men? Oh who am I kidding you don't give two fucks about mens problems.
"This statistic do not demonize men, they just prove that the issue is systemic and, moreover, needs to be fixed."
"We can talk about men’s issues and acknowledge the nature of sexist violence,"
Oh but we can't. Cause women need to be addressed fist because as we all know know womens problems are more important always.-sarcasm.
"but denying patriarchy by making men’s problems a simple argument,"
I have yet to even TOUCH on circumcision friend-oh. This can get conpilcated. You don't want that because it ruins your own view that men are the root and cause of all problems just by being born male. Or am I ASSUMING this of you? Be sure to correct me if I am wrong.
"And trying to deny women’s issues, does not lead to a solution, but a rather a prolongation of the problem at hand."
But denying mens issues doesn't hurt anyone. Sure jan. Fuck off. I want men to be healthy and happy. I want women to be healthy and happy. But you know what they say. If wishes were fishes we'd live in the sea.
Wishing and hoping doesn't change things. Yelling about how men are the root and cause of all problems when this is not always the case is not how to go about it either. Why don't you actually TRY to address problems men face in our society and maybe you'll be at a par level with these internet debates.
Until then have a nice day.
stop trying to deny patriarchy by using men’s issue as an argument. in fact, men’s issues are caused by a patriarchal society as well. don’t pretend you care for men’s problems when you just use them as a mere argument against women’s issues to prove your point. just stop the misogyny, thanks.
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
Some 15 years ago, I wrote my first column for KONK Life. Sharia Law.
Though centuries old, only then had Sharia begun to receive notice in the U.S. Most U.S. citizens were of no concern. It was the religion of the Muslims. Islamic law. Based on precepts of Islam found in the Quran and Hadith. Did not affect us.
I thought differently.
Sharia Law had come up a few times in State cases. In certain instances, the judges applied Sharia Law rather than the law of the U.S. or the State in which the case was being tried.
Sharia Law was tough. Totally inconsistent with our laws. There was another consideration. My belief at the time and even today, if you wanted to live in the U.S., you live by U.S. law. If not, go home from whence you came.
Many at the time thought I was unreasonable. They were blind to the future.
Today, many Muslims reside in the U.S. Most, good citizens. Some still live their lives under Sharia Law. In the dark, a Sharia Law system exists for those who prefer such to U.S. laws.
All this a prelude to what has been happening in Brunei. Brunei is a small Muslim nation in East Asia.
In 2014, the Sharia law was codified and introduced as law at the national level. Many provisions alarming. Scary. Like those who engaged in gay sex and/or adultery were to be stoned to death.
They stoned for various reasons back in the days of Christ and before. Recall the story of Jesus who came upon a woman about to be stoned. Christ said, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”
A protest cry arose immediately in 2014 in Christian countries and the U.N. Total opposition. Not in this day and age was the cry.
Pressure has been building for 5 years. Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah recently announced that the law would not be enforced.
Better than nothing. Still leaves me uncomfortable. Throw it off the books so discretion cannot be claimed as a reason to use it some time in the future.
That is where the stoning punishment remains at the moment. In abeyance, in Purgatory. Not Hell.
To fully appreciate the harshness of Sharia Law, consider what happens to a thief. First offense, his right hand is amputated. Second offense, his left foot.
Brunei’s law applies to children and foreigners. Even if not Muslims.
My admonition: Don’t engage in illicit sex if visiting Brunei. The possible penalty for a few minutes pleasure not worth it.
Two other situations involving those of the Muslim faith in the news.
Today is the beginning of Ramadan. A holy Muslim time. One month long. All Muslims must abstain from food and drink from dawn to dusk. The purpose to bring worshipers closer to God.
There is another area of denial. Sex. No sex at all for one month.
Now to China.
Only 2 years ago was it discovered that China has internment camps for Muslims. Can be described as concentration camps.
It is estimated 1-2 million Muslims are so confined and subject to all kinds of abuses.
The world little complains. The media relatively silent. Sounds like what was happening in Germany in the late 1930’s and to the mid 1940’s.
The 3 Muslim stories provided for informational purposes. The world should know. More should be aware.
Yesterday began with Hot Dog Church around 5. Not many were in attendance. About 8 ladies. Included were Donna and Terri. Laurie bartending. Enjoyed a couple of drinks and then went to dinner with my lesbian wives at La Trattoria.
Tiffany bartending. Dink stopped by to say hello. A very nice guy!
Michael showed up. I have not seen him in years. He was already a Key West native when I started coming 30 years ago. I knew him from Atlantic Shores. Now gone. Today a part of the Southernmost Complex.
Atlantic Shores was a motel and beach bar. The deck holding the beach bar easily held 100 people. Most bare assed. Totally nude.
I am a voyeur by nature. Visited almost daily. However, kept my bathing suit or shorts on. A coward!
Michael was there daily in his sunday suit. Always a deep brown tan. Hair always long. An athlete’s body.
Donna knew him at Atlantic Shores back then. Though I did not know Donna at the time. She cavorted with nothing on.
When they speak of old Key West, Atlantic Shores was a part of the flavor.
While dinning at the bar, I saw what might be my future. The bar was full. An elderly couple came in around 7:30. Asked Tiffany how long for seats. She said at least an hour. There were already others waiting.
The man told Tiffany they couldn’t wait. They would take a table. “We have to be back to the nursing home by 9:30.”
Whether you like Karl Marx, agree or disagree with his political views, it cannot be denied he has been an influential figure in world history.
Marx was born May 5, 1818. He wrote the Communist Manifesto, the basis of Marxism. He was the first true Communist.
The last 2 sentences of the Communist Manifesto drove Communism for close to 2 centuries: “Workers of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains.”
Great Britain rejoices this morning! Most of the world also! Meghan Markle, an American married to Prince Harry, gave birth to a baby boy. He will be seventh in line to the throne.
Meghan delivered at home. By prearrangement. Her desire.
Tonight will find me at Dueling Bartenders. One of Key West’s best events.
Enjoy your day!
GAY SEX AND ADULTERY…..STONED TO DEATH was originally published on Key West Lou
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krungle · 7 years ago
Newsflash: if your kids don’t feel safe around you, it’s not your job to fucking argue with them about why you’re the safest parent in the world. If your kids don’t feel safe around you, you’re a bad parent. If your kids can’t express their emotions and concerns and have some modicum of autonomy, you’re a bad parent.
Parents are not supposed to be their children’s friends. Parents are supposed to teach their children lessons on how to think and behave so that they don’t get into real trouble with others, bosses, and the police. Sometimes this means everything from scoldings to punishments. If you are afraid that you will be punished by your parent for something you did the fault is not with your parent but with you. You did wrong and now you want a pass on the consequences for your actions by saying ‘a good parent wouldn’t punish me.’
It’s a bunch of crap! Get your head out of your ass and start behaving like a decent human being rather than the spoiled entitled brat you want to be!
Don’t touch my fucking posts. My parents are abusive and I’m speaking from an abuse victim’s point of view. Nowhere did I mention parents needing to be their child’s friend. I said that if your child is afraid of you, you are doing something wrong.
You are supposed to care for and support your child(ren) emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. If your child is afraid of you, you are not caring for them emotionally or mentally. If you have hit your child or denied them food, you are not caring for them physically.
If you share the views of the asshat above, don’t touch my fucking posts and don’t have kids. If you tell an abuse victim that their abuser was and is in the right, you’re doing nothing to help the abuse victim recover from their experiences.
You don’t know what my experiences are like. You haven’t lived with the fear I live with. Don’t tell me I’m a fucking “spoiled entitled brat” when you know absolutely nothing about me.
Sounds like a spoiled brat to me.
What I learned from a 2x4 in my step-father’s hand: don’t get caught.
A belt, hand or switch on the behind is not abuse. A 2x4 is.
Sending a kid to bed without supper is not abuse. Sending a kid to school without breakfast because they refuse to get out of bed is not abuse.
If you really want to ‘recover’ from your alleged ‘abuse’ the first step is to forgive. If you do not forgive then hatred will eat you up and force others away from you by your own behavior. Also the stress from your hatred and anger will cause you physical ailments such as high blood pressure, insomnia, muscle spasms, headaches, and a reduced immunity system among other physical problems.
The only way to avoid or reverse these is to forgive.
So get your head out of your ass and realize your parents did the best they knew how and you probably didn’t make it any easier on them and love them for trying anyway and get on with your life.
#spoiled brat
#discipline your kids
After this post the OP blocked me, sent me anon hate mail and probably his friends, too, then he got one of his friends to post the following:
@krungle I’m sorry, but you’re really fucking wrong. As per the childwelfare.gov website, which states legally within the US what is and is not considered child abuse, both striking your child with ANY tool and sending them to bed without supper/not feeding them is child abuse. From the section on physical abuse: “Physical abuse is generally defined as ‘any nonaccidental physical injury to the child’ and can include striking, kicking, burning, or biting the child, or any action that results in a physical impairment of the child.” Not feeding your child is considered child neglect and is also abuse. From the child neglect section: “Neglect is frequently defined as the failure of a parent or other person with responsibility for the child to provide needed food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision…” You’re wrong, and if you have children, you’re also an abusive asshole. You’re also an asshole for trying to invalidate @defiantsuggestion’s abuse as a child, and if you had said that straight to our faces, there’s a 100% change I’d kick you in the balls and beat the shit out of you. Have a nice day.
Me now:
“Striking a child that causes physical impairment” is a bit more than a simple spanking. To suggest that spankings are ‘abuse’ is to ignore the courts ruling on this matter. Again there is a line to follow, such as using electric cords or other objects or with enough force to scar or fracture. The term ‘rule of thumb’ comes from the Biblical use of the rod which could be no thicker than a man’s thumb. Personally I disagree with this and believe a switch should be much thinner. Although the Bible says ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’ this does not mean to not use the rod sparingly. In fact the Bible’s proper translation would be closer to ‘not use the rod and spoil the child’. If one misbehaves after being an adult the pain can be quite a bit more than a simple parental spanking and that is the point of a spanking: to show a child that his or her actions will lead to pain in their lives if they do not act better.
“ “Neglect is frequently defined as the failure of a parent or other person with responsibility for the child to provide needed food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision…” “ Again you are twisting the law to meet your ends rather than actually looking at what it says. Sending a person to bed without supper is not neglect and some would say not doing so as a punishment would constitute not providing proper supervision to a misbehaving child. A person can go three days without water and three weeks without food. In fact today’s youth are over-fed as a rule so even a day or three without food would do a person no harm and possibly good as it would shrink the obese couch potato’s over-stretched stomach and make that kid less likely to snack, snacking on things that often have less nutritional value and more calories than a Cobbler or Pie dessert would have (Pecan Pies aside). But admittedly, forcing a child to a three-day fast, even if it does absolutely no medical harm anyway one can look at it, is probably more than a judge would deem acceptable. But to send a kid to bed without supper is not something any but the most liberal judges would deem unacceptable, and they would be overturned on appeal after the child was put into a foster home where true abuse is many times more likely to occur including rape and real physical abuse. Also, putting a lock on a refrigerator door is not abuse in and of itself either.
watergirl1996, " there’s a 100% change I’d kick you in the balls and beat the shit out of you. Have a nice day “ is the definition of cyber-bullying and unlike what I have said isn’t illegal, your words are illegal in most states and western nations now and if you attempted said action irl could be punishable by death in many places. Everything from Western self-defense laws (including the Castle Doctrine) to Sharia law and Orthodox law about a female striking a male. It is because of these things that parents punish their children for acting poorly by sending them to bed without supper, taking away their phones and computers and spanking them. It is because your parents do not want to see you in prison or in a graveyard they they punish you, not because they are demons who want to cause as pain on you as possible.
I was no angel as a child. I had diagnosed physical and learning disabilities that led to me getting in trouble at school which got me literally abused with a 2x4 from my stepfather. I know there is a line that exists and I believe I know where that line exists and I have yet to see an unoverturned court ruling that disagrees with me. Instead of insisting that anyone change their ways (as I was too afraid to speak out against my stepfather) I learned how to weigh my actions against the punishment that I might suffer for it if I get caught. Actually I began that lesson with my Granny who used a switch (more threat than actually use) but it took a dire turn with my stepfather.
I also learned not to do stupid things that would get me caught. Things like if you break into a haunted house to keep the flashlight pointed down or even off so it could not be seen from the road and to be quiet so you could not be heard from the road. If the people with you could not do these things it was best to leave and chuckle at them the next day after their parents had to go to the police station to pick them up.
My senior year I went to many keg parties in north San Diego County. Thanks to myself and my friends there were plenty of drugs at those parties but we never got caught. We would sometimes play tag with the cops on Valley Parkway, again never got caught. We would make bonfires and drink and smoke pot and hash and do other stuff and we made sure we had a good field of vision and a second way out; again we never got caught.
I have found that most people that complain the loudest about getting in trouble don’t know how to think ahead enough to stay out of trouble. Instead of trying to get yourself put into foster care, try to obey house rules and learn how not to get caught. Crying about getting a spanking or going to bed without supper won’t get anything but laughter from most people, not sympathy.
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quakerjoe · 8 years ago
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“Here’s my rebuttal to this pilfered top ten list. Text: Over here on the left we are every bit as patriotic as you pathetic losers claim to be; the thing is that we love our Constitution and our flag like mature adults and not like children fed a steady diet of jingoism and paint chips. Since you asked “What else?” here are ten things that make conservatives piss themselves: 10 – Brown people. The fact that we will be a majority minority country in a few decades means you white peckerwood redneck, guntarded assholes are terrified because A] You know you will lose whatever sway you have left as a voting bloc B] You all know how conservatives have treated minorities historically 9 – Imaginary gun grabs. No one wants to take your compensators. No one. The left just wants to make sure that the insane, the wife beaters, scumbags with criminal records and everyone deemed unsafe to fly the friendly skies can’t get their hands on AR-15s. While you morons look at your arsenals does it ever occur to you that you got played by the NRA who used the boogeyman of the Kenyan Muslim Socialist Usurper who never fucking showed up to get you to dole out bajillions to the domestic arms industry? 8 – Imaginary FEMA camp internment complete with FEMA coffins and guillotines. Also RFIDs. Also imaginary UN invasions. Also imaginary martial / sharia law. Also Jade Helm. Also go fuck yourself. 7 – Someone, ANYONE, who says “Happy holidays!” instead of merry Christmas. The unimaginable fucking horror of getting a plain red cup to go cup of coffee while you’re celebrating Saturnalia really also seems to chap your fat asses. 6 – A university education. This one is kinda sad because the same education that would make you idiots marginally less idiotic could potentially prepare you for a life where you’re not waiting for coal to make a comeback or for factory jobs to stop getting taken by microchips. 5 – Gay people getting treated like, well, people. Because OMFG, how horrible it must be for aging Christian bigots to see gay people getting married and raising families and getting the same tax breaks and job benefits as everyone else. It’s just as bad as when the coloreds started using the same water fountains and restrooms as you did and could sit in the same parts of the movie theater as all y’all. 4 – Science. 3 – Sharia Law. Unless, of course, it’s the kind of religious law that stems from a right wing protestant or Cafeteria Catholic interpretation of the Bible that would justify your ability to treat gay people, atheists or anyone else outside of your standard interpretation of Bronze Age bullshit that you yourselves could never live up to. Never mind that the flavor of god you profess would have you beat your swords into plowshares and your spears into pruning hooks while feeding the poor, healing the sick and praying where no one could see you pray. Who needs THAT gay commie crap? Amirite? 2 – Taxes. Sure, no one likes having to pay up when the tax bill comes but it’s not like the 1950s where the top rate was up around 90%. Even so we GOT something for our money back then: Highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, dams and all kinds of great stuff, including a public education system, that led us to having the greatest economy in the world. You idiots scream about taxes when you’re paying less than you ever have before but God-for-fucking-bid there’s ever a bad can of Vienna Sausages on a shelf in Pocatello because you morons will be the ones screaming ‘WHERE THE HELL WAS THE GOVERNMENT?’ louder than anybody else. 1 – History. Because if you people knew your history, even basic American history, you would know that the Civil War was inevitable and that it was fought over whether or not slavery would continue to exist in these post-revolutionary United States and that your Orange Messiah skipped the part where the rest of us learned this basic fact. If you morons knew your American history you would stand there, mouths agape like the rest of us, when Cheeto Mussolini said Andrew Jackson had very many sads over the Civil War knowing that our 7th POTUS died 15 years before the Civil War began. You would also realize that the Electoral College was set up to keep know-nothing populist demagogues like Trump far, far away from the levers of power in this country. Fear not snowflakes: You’ll be experiencing buyer’s remorse very soon, perhaps even worse than Czar Putin currently has it.”
- The Voice of Reason
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mithliya · 5 years ago
I’m so glad you took your head out of your ass long enough to actually ask Middle Eastern people how your mansplaining over us about our regions may not be perfect! :) here’s the statements I’ve corrected which you ended up deflecting from
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“and are so because of religion” mhm except the Middle East became more tolerant after Islam came along, and then became less tolerant overtime (as in, generations later). Religion in itself isn’t the root. Saudi was under sharia before Saudi even existed. And yet, it is far more restrictive now than it was in the times of the prophet Muhammad, or the times of the caliphate. strange how that works. maybe, JUST MAYBE, the history of the Middle East and our current situation is far more complex than just “yeah Islam came around and now women are property”.
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This is why I brought up Saudi. “you’re on tumblr so you haven’t lived under sharia law” I tried being respectful but being talked down to about my own region when your info isn’t perfect? Nah. there are Saudis in Saudi Arabia who are on tumblr. Emiratis in Emirates on tumblr. Both of those countries have stricter implementations of Sharia law than Oman (which, by the way, is probably more culturally conservative than Emirates but whatever), for example, yet I’ve not seen anywhere near as many Omanis on tumblr. In many countries, including my own, there are blocked websites. In a few countries, a lot of tumblr is blocked. In my country, too. that doesn’t mean that if you find some of us on tumblr that it somehow indicates anything about our country’s religious laws. That’s stupid as hell. Tumblr is just not popular in the Middle East, Twitter & Facebook are, but that doesn’t mean anything.
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you were wrong here too. Saudi is not a theocracy and most of the Middle East is not under a theocracy. The only theocracy is Iran. But it’s ok, common mistake. And you were wrong in saying I live in a “culture without Sharia”, especially when your basis was “you’re on tumblr”. Stupid as fuck considering as I said, there are Saudis on tumblr. maybe your view of the Middle East is hypersimplistic and you don’t somehow know enough to be able to speak over people who have actually lived there. Idk. Crazy suggestion on my part isn’t it?! That you might not know more about Middle Eastern countries than people who’ve actually been to, nevermind lived in, said countries? I know it’s wild but try to consider that crazy suggestion of mine.
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This was when I knew you were just using google and surface level info to speak over me on my own damn country. As I said, homosexuality was technically legalised but it wasn’t purposeful. People are still punished for being homosexual and that is not something people are open about in Bahrain. you might as well have quoted the law stating that we have the right to liberties such as freedom of speech, expression, and press, and then told me my aunt couldn’t possibly have been imprisoned, tortured, and then exiled for reporting the news on the events in Bahrain. you’d be wrong there too, by the way.
You showed me you didn’t know enough about the Middle East when you assumed what our law books say have any actual difference on our lives. Might as well say Saudi no longer treats women as property because women can “vote” in Saudi now.
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here you imply that our official religion is Islam but that’s about it. when it’s not. we are ruled by sharia law. Apostasy is illegal so we can’t opt out of it. If you’re born Muslim, you’re Muslim. If you try to opt out, you’re a criminal. There’s a sharia court and a court that isn’t for non-muslims specifically (not atheists, but Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc). Islam is taught and is mandatory in Bahrain’s schools. modesty laws are a thing that non-muslims must also adhere to. Sex outside of marriage is illegal. Public displays of affection are illegal. Publicly criticising Islam is also illegal.
The reason Bahrain sharia isn’t strict is because as a culture, Bahrain has always been more liberal culturally.
as for your tags, yeah sharia is bad. I’m all for secularism and think implementing religious law is not a good idea. that doesn’t mean I have to agree with your simplistic and western perspective of the Middle East that our issues are as simple as sharia law and religion. Maybe you can argue that for Iran, but that’s not exactly relevant to a lot of the Middle East.
Society deems rape, spousal abuse, and genital mutilation as comedic topics, so long as the victims are males.
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 8 years ago
Reasons to be a leftist in the 21st Century
[translated and slightly modified from an article I read. DISCLAIMER I do not own anything except my own additions, where noted.]
Because you can consider yourself morally superior to everybody else without ever having to practically prove what your superiority consists in. It suffices that you pose it as an axiom.
Because you have the freedom to maintain that true politics is limited in philosophical quotations and the recitation of noble desires with which pretty much everybody (especially Peter Pan) agrees.
Because you can criticise everything without offering a counter-proposal. The answer to everything is “love” [own note: cf. “open-mindedness”, “tolerance”]
Because you are a priori right in every discourse, since you are not obliged to construct and submit arguments. In case your opponent demands them, you can easily leave them dumbfounded by asserting that s/he has never studied history (which, by the way, is ALWAYS on your side) [own note: Alternatively, come up with some convoluted reason to declare them sexist, racist or homophobic. That ought to shut them up].
Because you have the most beneficial relation to capitalism possible. You take advantage of it in the way, time and degree that you desire (e.g. by consuming its goods, offering your services to it, being rewarded by it) but theoretically you are its permanent detractor. Thus, you manage to benefit from its positive aspects, while at the same time you renounce its “monstrous evils” -  given that, formally, you disagree with it and, as is well known, all that matters in your world is ideology, i.e. what you believe and say you are.
Because you are able to be philosophically opposed to the concept of power or authority and consider anyone who wields it (in any form and intensity - from the local school principal up to the PM himself) inhumane, but also approve of it with immense joy when it is exerted by you or anyone of your persuasion.
Because you can defy every procedural framework and democratic tool when they are imposed and used by non-leftist folks (because, in your judgment, “they are not pro-human” (now ain’t that deep)) but also demand their strict observance when those whom you like call upon them.
Because you deserve to and, to be exact, enjoy the exclusive privilege to label every application of a law which you don’t particularly like as fascistic and totalitarian, as well as designate the state involving the legal status quo which you dislike as fascistic. In the meantime, you have the right to state your satisfaction in the implementation of the exact same laws and democratic institutions - as long as the government is of leftist leanings.
Because you enjoy the exclusive privilege to produce authentic judgment on violence, as well as constantly invent new sub-categories of it, regardless of the dictionary definitions or plain sense because, clearly, you know better. In the same framework, you hold the absolute right to detest violence and put under the umbrella of its vague definition anything that displeases you, but also call for its use against your enemies, because then it is not “violence”, it’s “justice”. [own note: usually expressed in terms such as “the oppressed have every right to lash out against their oppressors”]
Because your arsenal of arguments consists primarily of absolutes which are not subject to scrutiny under reason and/or science, because, as everybody is aware, sciences and degrees are bought/sold/corrupted things who estrange man from true knowledge [own note: to this you may add, ad libitum, that “evidence and logic are obsolete constructs of the cis white heteropatriarchy”]. Thus, you have the ability to support everything but also deny everything, without bearing any sort of burden of proof for your allegations.
[my own addition] Because, depending on your metaphysical beliefs in the context of your leftism, you can also have a special relationship to science as well. When your opponent happens to be a theist, you can very simply refuse to debate with “retards like him/her” by playing the “Science has proven that God does not exist lol who could ever take you and your arguments seriously” magic card, with no examples or citations needed even for that, but when peer-reviewed articles prove that the gender pay gap can be traced back to causes unrelated to institutionalised sexism, then “the results are obviously rigged” and “traditional logic and reason are patriarchal constructs”. Or, more concisely: theists bear a burden of proof for the existence of God, but your claim that there are 145 genders must be taken as gospel.
Because you can shun the education system, school, college, university, classes, studies and separate disciplines, but at the same time assert an active role in the structuring of the curriculum and administration of colleges and universities.
Because your former life means jack s**t once you decide to join the “enlightened” left. From the moment on that you embrace leftist dogma and modify your speech accordingly, you are a true missionary and whatever you say gains extra importance and a poetic gravitas. Your whole record is wiped clean and you are a saint in everybody’s eyes. [own note: if you want some evidence off the top of my head, take a look at the organisers of the vagina demonstrations women’s marches. Hint: if you find an ex-torturer and a Sharia apologist among them, don’t say I didn’t warn you.]
[own addition] Because, once you are a leftist saint, or at least seek protection under the wings of the Almighty Church of Leftism, you get a free pass on things ten times as controversial as what you criticise others for. By way of example, you can compare opposition to no-measures immigration to genocide, but when you say “kill all men” it’s ‘just a joke’. Likewise, when you deem your child trans in its third year of age, you are a ‘hero’ of ‘progress’, but a couple raising their kids in a Christian worldview and way of living are “indoctrinating them” and it counts as child abuse.
Because while, formally, you are strongly opposed to discrimination and labelling, you are entitled to lump all your intellectual opponents together into one enormous category, apply to that category the label that suits you and cast stones at them at will.
Because you have the freedom to speak on behalf of “the people”, without any authorisation by anybody.
Because you have the most convenient relationship with logic. Whenever you want or are forced to collide with it, you aren’t irrational as anybody else would be, you’re just a romantic revolutionary who wants to make the world a better place.
Because you can continually reinforce your position (which is either way dominant) by invoking the struggles of others, with whom you are not connected in any way beyond your imagination.
Because your left-ness is something akin to an honorary title, which shall accompany you throughout your entire life and shall buy you positions, distinctions and glory, without your actually being obliged to do anything for that or possess any ability or talent.
Because you have the mind-bogglingly surreal advantage of stigmatising as apolitical [own note: or, just as easily, fascist, medieval or nazi] anyone whose political convictions fall to the right of yours.
[own addition] Because, if you are a leftist but also consider yourself Christian, things could not be better for you! Not only can you conveniently label any conservative a racist/misogynist/homophobic/islamophobic bigot, but when it comes to Christian conservatives in particular you can also confidently shout that they are not true Christians and gleefully proclaim how God will burn their asses in Hell eternally and you will be laughing. (Yes, fellow leftist ‘Christian’, the “love your enemies and pray for them” commandment only applies to others; you are a cute, special little snowflake and you don’t need to burden yourself with anything resembling courtesy or ethics or bearing your own cross and all that jazz...)
Because it is ex officio self-explanatory and universally accepted that you belong to the group of the greatest Fighters for Social Justice and, at the same time, the most oppressed among all citizens, just because you participate in rallies and believe that the state owes you extra stuff and special treatment.
Because you can always decry propaganda while simultaneously declare yourself unaffected tby it - and in this you see no contradiction.
Because you have the most peculiar and schizoid relationship with the state. It is obliged to pay you, recompense for you, educate you, take care of you, employ you, spoil you, not tire you, foster you and do likewise for your children and the only thing you have to do is point out how bad and incompetent it is.
[own additions henceforth] ...until a left-wing government is elected and then you insist that we must give more and more and MORE power to the state or else the entire country is doomed. When, after all that, you have a right-wing government again, only then and not a moment earlier you have to remember that it is bad to trust the state with excessive control and call for curbing its power.
Perhaps most importantly: Because you can spend years on end being allergic to any sign of dissent, labelling whomever disagrees with your ideology hateful or bigoted or whatever modern synonym is available and shutting down all debate, but when people get disillusioned by your collective attitude and turn en masse to other platforms and ideologies, you are under no obligation to assess your actions and words so far and consider the possibility that you might have been wrong; nope, it MUST be their fault and this only proves that they ARE hateful, bigoted, misogynistic, racist, homophobic, climate-change-denying Bible-thumpers after all and that YOU HAVE BEEN RIGHT ALL ALONG!
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giftofshewbread · 7 years ago
Subtle Social Justice Serpents
Subtle Social Justice Serpents :: By Patrick Wyett Published on:
September 7, 2017
One of the more heartbreaking markers of these last days is the onset of the great apostasy. While true Christians understand our times as prophecy foretold, some may not understand how deep and subtle false teaching in the church has become.
“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” (Genesis 3:1)
In this context “subtle” means crafty, clever, cunning and devious. The serpent in Genesis was a form for the Devil.  While Eve didn’t recognize who she was dealing with, Jesus describes Satan for us in John 10:10 as a thief who comes “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy“. He is the Father of Lies who has many adopted children.
Yet many Christians, including pastors, act as if biblical warnings against false teachers are meant for others, not them. They have not been vigilant or sought God’s counsel through prayer, instead relying on their own understanding and that of likewise deceived friends and authority figures.
“But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:3)
In recent years, minds have been corrupted by a subtle lie that’s gained traction in the body of Christ. It’s called “social justice”, and it’s not just for communists anymore.
Social justice is a facet of Cultural Marxism, which as the name implies, wages cultural war against the foundations of Western Civilization, including and specifically Christianity.
Oh Laodicean Church, where is the spiritual discernment? This is nothing more than leftist political ideology wrapped in Christian-sounding rhetoric targeted for church consumption.
“Social justice” distorts scripture to emphasize “good works” in an effort to change political society to pacify aggrieved factions, deemphasizing the greater need to reach out to lost souls in need of salvation.
Jesus didn’t come to change the political order, He came to save the world. When He comes again, that’s when the political order will be finally and perfectly changed to His ideal, not that of fallen man. That’s when the enemies of God will get their justice.
Christian compassion and charity (love is another word for charity) are important teachings and proper actions as the Holy Spirit leads us. Needed sermons can and have been preached on these fruits of our faith without mingling it with the lie of social justice.
Social justice isn’t the Gospel of Christ or even part of that gospel. The word “gospel” simply means “good news.” The bad news is we’re all sinners, wretched before a Holy God because of our rebellion. His perfect justice dictates that all of us deserve Hell. We’re incapable by and of our works to achieve anything but God’s judgment. The “Good News” is:
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
The sinless Son of God, Jesus, came into the world to suffer and die in our place, having the wrath of God that we deserve instead placed on Him, that by His shed blood, His willing sacrifice for us, that we might be “saved” if we would but repent of our sins and believe on Him. He died, was resurrected on the third day, and is coming again for those obedient faithful who love Him.
To stray from this simple message is to adulterate the gospel, exchanging truth for what the apostle Paul calls “another gospel.”
“I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1:6-8)
So repugnant is such a twisting of the Gospel of Christ, that Paul repeats himself in the next verse.
“As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1:9)
Pastor, if you’re preaching “social justice” you’re reinforcing what congregants in your church hear from openly Marxist teachers, professors and other deceived influences. Satan is the author of confusion and that’s exactly what you’re contributing to.
Many such pastors are well-intentioned and sincere. I assure you, they’re sincerely wrong.
“Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that those of us who teach will be judged by a stricter standard.” (James 3:1)
All who labor for the faith need to have solemn understanding here. Liberalism and Marxism are the same side of a satanically-minted coin. They are diametrically opposed to Christianity.
So what, exactly, is social justice? It’s an umbrella term for a variety of leftist political ideas, having at its core the forced redistribution of wealth.  This foundational concept is culled from “The Communist Manifesto” written by Karl Marx with an assist from Friedrich Engels in 1848.
“My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.” —Karl Marx
Thus, all Marxist theories are aggressively atheistic, and at least in the revolutionary phase, rely heavily on coveting what others have earned.
“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.” (Exodus 20:17)
As Thomas Sowell has stated, “Envy plus rhetoric equals “social justice.”
A point to remember; Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Nazism (aka National Socialism) are all derivatives of Marxist theory. It’s not Communists on the left and Nazis on the right, it’s all left, which is completely godless, totalitarian government. If Marxist methodology sounds eerily like Islam, it’s because the two share the same architect; Lucifer.
When Black Lives Matter loots and riots, they’re pressing their concept of social justice. Antifa attacking whomever they disagree with? They’re fighting for social justice. It’s about the “oppressed” demanding their “rights”, as in their right to coerce others to concede to their demands.
To a Muslim, not being allowed to live under Sharia Law is oppression. Homosexual oppression can mean a society not fully and forcibly embracing their agenda.
Look for key words like: justice, privilege, vulnerable and oppression.
All Marxist revolutions are “sold” as being on behalf of the poor, the oppressed and the downtrodden.  As we know from the 20th century, when Marxism went from political theory to bloody application, it’s really about the acquisition of total power for the leaders of the revolution. The “oppressed” who are duped into fighting for the cause, once successful, are either slaughtered or enslaved.
For perspective, acclaimed communist organizer Saul Alinsky was a champion of social justice. Two of his more famous acolytes are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Yes, “social justice” has a purpose.
Antonio Gramsci was an Italian Marxist philosopher who witnessed the fall of Czarist Russia to the communist forces of Vladimir Lenin. Gramsci surmised that Lenin’s tactics of stirring up the masses of poor into a communist revolution, successful in that predominately low tech, agrarian nation, would not work in an industrialized, prosperous, and predominately Christian country like the United States due to its opportunity and willingness to address actual injustices.
Therefore Gramsci postulated a more subtle route of conquest, one of infiltrating a nation’s culture and destroying it from within. Said Gramsci:
“The civilized world has been saturated with Christianity for 2000 years, and a regime grounded in Christian beliefs and values could not be overthrown until these roots were cut.”
A quote attributed to Joseph Stalin embodies this same thought:
“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”
Former FBI Agent, Cleon Skousen, in his seminal 1958 book, The Naked Communist outlines specific communist plans for the destruction and takeover of our society and nation. He lists 45 goals toward those ends. Here’s a handful for your perusal. I urge you to look up the rest.
Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books,  magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it  violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
Other stated goals, over time, have been modified:
Use technical activist decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions and laws by claiming their activities existence violate civil rights and/or the Constitution.
Continue discrediting American culture, history and Christian heritage, by degrading all  forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all    good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless  forms.”
Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and leftist special-interest groups (BLM, Antifa, Muslim organizations  like CAIR,, anarchists, Marxists, and the LGBTQ crowd) should rise up and use “united   force“  to solve economic, political or social problems.
And lastly:
Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
Many Christian colleges and seminaries have been infiltrated with this same “social” religion, known in its current incarnation under the benign label of “social justice.”
We should know better, “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices [tactics]” (2 Corinthians 2:11).
Satan has gotten an advantage because far too many are ignorant of his devices.
When a sermon on social justice was preached at my church several months back, it raised some concerns. Three of us took those concerns to the church elders.
“Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.” (1 Timothy 5:19)
We interpreted no sinister motives, surmising that the pastoral staff merely didn’t understand the history and true objectives of “social justice.” We wished to share our understanding and knowledge to help our elder team in an area, which by their admission, they were unfamiliar with.
To their credit, they took us seriously. To our dismay, they rejected our counsel, ultimately questioning our motives for “confronting” them. Pride is a destructive thing for anyone to harbor, especially those in a position of church authority. Couple this with a complete lack of discernment even after being presented with the truth.
I still love those guys but such revelations are very disconcerting.
Thereafter I listened to a wonderful sermon on calling out false teachers and teachings from Second Timothy. One of the best I’ve ever heard on the topic.
It certainly had the feeling of being aimed at all of us who questioned social justice.
It’s a difficult proposition to attempt to take Satan’s blinders off of the eyes of those whose admiration and loyalty are to “celebrity Christians”—big names who write self-aggrandizing books and speak at packed conferences to push their enlightened “modern” ideas on what Christianity means.
“This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matthew 15:8-9)
Our discussion degenerated into the elder team defending a “celebrity Christian” messenger of social justice who had enthralled some of the church leadership rather than focusing on social justice itself. It came down to the chief elder putting his faith in the opinions of those other elders whom he loves and trusts, those who follow the teachings of Russell D. Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, which is the public-policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Moore is touted as an evangelical theologian. A theologian is one who studies and is an expert in theology. Not to disparage the reputation of godly theologians, but Satan is the world’s foremost theologian. The relevant issue here is what directs the theologian, biblical truth or satanic deceit?
A disclaimer here, I’ve been told that I hold a harsh view of Dr. Moore. In my defense it’s not just Russell Moore, but any subtle social justice serpent (or other false teacher) who does Satan’s bidding in the church. Tim Keller, Jim Wallis and John Piper also come to immediate mind.
As a dear Brother in Christ reminds me, even the best of men are still just men.
These aren’t the best of men.
Yes, they look and play the part of respected Christian teachers. Is that surprising?
“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” (2 Corinthians 11:11-13)
Allow me to make a distinction here. The deceived believe the lie, the deceiver believes in the lie. That is to say, those deceived fall for the lie, believing it to be true. The deceivers, like those mentioned by name above, know better. They understand what they’re doing.
When one runs into unbiblical teaching in their churches, one of three things needs to happen. Either the pastor needs a change of mind and heart, the church needs a new pastor or the attendee needs a new church. This is where we pray for the pastor and elders, the church, and what we as individuals should do. Be patient but be persistent. God’s will, not mine or yours, be done.
“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” (Romans 16:17-18)
My wife and I both got the same answer to our prayers independent of each other, about three hours apart.
Don’t concern yourself if there’s a better church option out there. God’s already considered this. Trust Him that He knows what He’s doing, especially when you don’t. Be obedient, not doubting. Pray earnestly.
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” (Ephesians 5:11)
It’s a hard thing to leave our church but that’s what God’s told us to do. Under these circumstances, it would be a harder thing to stay. We’re at peace.
“Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” (1 Timothy 5:19-20)
Let these words serve as my public rebuke here, and to all who preach social justice.
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
To take a stand against unsound doctrine is to invite criticism and even ostracism. Been there, done that. Steel your mind to this possibility. I may lose friends over what’s been written;
“…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)
0 notes
nightguide · 6 days ago
method of attraction: cereal killers (ending mornings)
miticide (mites): (red jewel) (speech is red laced)
smwc: anything red coded is for men to see is why you're seperated from your partner even if you don't work the same psyche apart (ends cruelty absurdly, ending one neighbourhood your friend nearest to you would have had if they had sex in front of you (your joy)
sh: humilliation by the highest crown in confusion by land laws (her fame outranks your politics (anal sex went to depression is on your face by stench of loss insight (bunny best friend not even physically talking to you (your shame)
sh8: money is made of anything (you're going to hell either way, my friend)
monotheistic setback (joy in love: saturns pride)
2. aerostatics (ballooning): (hope supression: decent witching)
smwc: you're able to learn only just a macrocosm of a university you think you are (day wasted on having too much fun: you're the diverse narrative of the cutest best friend next to you)
sh: you're hell to the vagina room subtext (nobody can find you: latest insecurity is how fast you think your sh*t flushes without you blocking it, so you're in trouble and my music (highest heart) dictates you (which is why your partner is busy writing than singles rn busy out there righting (against you) lol, they h8 you
sh8: you're not that clever as you think you are (you're the highest end against type now)
3. ugly mother complex: nudism (you hate is what gets you that extra)
smwc: never the sexiest man alive, isn't it (bunny deserves more attitude is gone to shits (physical proof than 'physical proof' if i find him funny cute (he's asking for help)
sh: i can read faces (best at building society is why titanic meta-drama is now made done for you (they think you 5nk it)
sh8: top 1% can suck my... (and they have an early made scripted narrative made out of purely, you. you lose)
and a messenger came to Job and said, "The cattle were plowing, and the she-donkeys were grazing beside them,
Iyov, chapter 1: 14
what you cared about
smwc: money
sh: charity (purely less of you (more of me: why your partner is hating himself on the green grass you smeared your sh*t on, hence the cows)
sh8: allah dissed you by imitation, eat moo milk, haha
hate speech: tautology (honey and disgrace: it's in your food)
smwc: your greatest eckhhhh is in your food (possibly a tv gory reference is physical (dissing pigs, now huh?)
sh: you are one horny thought away from marrying your cousin (leona lewis logic from there on, i know a friend)
sh8: mirrors don't alude you (your ghost buds in your reflection are having sex and this is why you don't have any friends to pity support your 'abcess' right now to convince me sharia law in your argument got better attention with a cow manifest orgy compliant to your little willy making you setback to your alliance you think you have running the universe when you're set up to be alone, 'you're crazy', it's true, 'you don't have a life and you should probably get a job' loser equation equals you
2. fuck your fucking fuck (profanity alliance: enosis)
smwc: all Allah talks about is cows, yeah. prove that (your life)
sh: 'who you talking to', fucking man-whore
sh8: you're laughing at your own jokes is why donkeys are agoraphobic (you innocent but you act like you chonk a lotta cock that he doesn't even exist and you're watt-pad reliant, your logic is biased, you're late to everything, you're early if 'allah' sees your penis and he sees you fit (you have no life)
3. (cartoon mom): 'why' (pidgin: donkey ass useless keanu reeves suck ass fucker (word is out there)
smwc: message. job. the. cattle. she-donkeys. gays.
sh: get a job you nasty hoe (worst case scenario already happened)
sh8: *your south park scenario just ended* so a messenger just came to eat cock and he just swore to never eat it again (and it changed your life forever, you're like 40 and you're bullied for being in an orgy you did not have, and that's your public humiliation, and you're so heartbroken that you gone and rot with life and has no meaning (same goes for all of you, *middle finger*)
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giftofshewbread · 7 years ago
Subtle Social Justice Serpents
Subtle Social Justice Serpents :: By Patrick Wyett Published on:
September 7, 2017
One of the more heartbreaking markers of these last days is the onset of the great apostasy. While true Christians understand our times as prophecy foretold, some may not understand how deep and subtle false teaching in the church has become.
“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” (Genesis 3:1)
In this context “subtle” means crafty, clever, cunning and devious. The serpent in Genesis was a form for the Devil.  While Eve didn’t recognize who she was dealing with, Jesus describes Satan for us in John 10:10 as a thief who comes “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy“. He is the Father of Lies who has many adopted children.
Yet many Christians, including pastors, act as if biblical warnings against false teachers are meant for others, not them. They have not been vigilant or sought God’s counsel through prayer, instead relying on their own understanding and that of likewise deceived friends and authority figures.
“But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:3)
In recent years, minds have been corrupted by a subtle lie that’s gained traction in the body of Christ. It’s called “social justice”, and it’s not just for communists anymore.
Social justice is a facet of Cultural Marxism, which as the name implies, wages cultural war against the foundations of Western Civilization, including and specifically Christianity.
Oh Laodicean Church, where is the spiritual discernment? This is nothing more than leftist political ideology wrapped in Christian-sounding rhetoric targeted for church consumption.
“Social justice” distorts scripture to emphasize “good works” in an effort to change political society to pacify aggrieved factions, deemphasizing the greater need to reach out to lost souls in need of salvation.
Jesus didn’t come to change the political order, He came to save the world. When He comes again, that’s when the political order will be finally and perfectly changed to His ideal, not that of fallen man. That’s when the enemies of God will get their justice.
Christian compassion and charity (love is another word for charity) are important teachings and proper actions as the Holy Spirit leads us. Needed sermons can and have been preached on these fruits of our faith without mingling it with the lie of social justice.
Social justice isn’t the Gospel of Christ or even part of that gospel. The word “gospel” simply means “good news.” The bad news is we’re all sinners, wretched before a Holy God because of our rebellion. His perfect justice dictates that all of us deserve Hell. We’re incapable by and of our works to achieve anything but God’s judgment. The “Good News” is:
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
The sinless Son of God, Jesus, came into the world to suffer and die in our place, having the wrath of God that we deserve instead placed on Him, that by His shed blood, His willing sacrifice for us, that we might be “saved” if we would but repent of our sins and believe on Him. He died, was resurrected on the third day, and is coming again for those obedient faithful who love Him.
To stray from this simple message is to adulterate the gospel, exchanging truth for what the apostle Paul calls “another gospel.”
“I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1:6-8)
So repugnant is such a twisting of the Gospel of Christ, that Paul repeats himself in the next verse.
“As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1:9)
Pastor, if you’re preaching “social justice” you’re reinforcing what congregants in your church hear from openly Marxist teachers, professors and other deceived influences. Satan is the author of confusion and that’s exactly what you’re contributing to.
Many such pastors are well-intentioned and sincere. I assure you, they’re sincerely wrong.
“Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that those of us who teach will be judged by a stricter standard.” (James 3:1)
All who labor for the faith need to have solemn understanding here. Liberalism and Marxism are the same side of a satanically-minted coin. They are diametrically opposed to Christianity.
So what, exactly, is social justice? It’s an umbrella term for a variety of leftist political ideas, having at its core the forced redistribution of wealth.  This foundational concept is culled from “The Communist Manifesto” written by Karl Marx with an assist from Friedrich Engels in 1848.
“My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.” —Karl Marx
Thus, all Marxist theories are aggressively atheistic, and at least in the revolutionary phase, rely heavily on coveting what others have earned.
“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.” (Exodus 20:17)
As Thomas Sowell has stated, “Envy plus rhetoric equals “social justice.”
A point to remember; Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Nazism (aka National Socialism) are all derivatives of Marxist theory. It’s not Communists on the left and Nazis on the right, it’s all left, which is completely godless, totalitarian government. If Marxist methodology sounds eerily like Islam, it’s because the two share the same architect; Lucifer.
When Black Lives Matter loots and riots, they’re pressing their concept of social justice. Antifa attacking whomever they disagree with? They’re fighting for social justice. It’s about the “oppressed” demanding their “rights”, as in their right to coerce others to concede to their demands.
To a Muslim, not being allowed to live under Sharia Law is oppression. Homosexual oppression can mean a society not fully and forcibly embracing their agenda.
Look for key words like: justice, privilege, vulnerable and oppression.
All Marxist revolutions are “sold” as being on behalf of the poor, the oppressed and the downtrodden.  As we know from the 20th century, when Marxism went from political theory to bloody application, it’s really about the acquisition of total power for the leaders of the revolution. The “oppressed” who are duped into fighting for the cause, once successful, are either slaughtered or enslaved.
For perspective, acclaimed communist organizer Saul Alinsky was a champion of social justice. Two of his more famous acolytes are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Yes, “social justice” has a purpose.
Antonio Gramsci was an Italian Marxist philosopher who witnessed the fall of Czarist Russia to the communist forces of Vladimir Lenin. Gramsci surmised that Lenin’s tactics of stirring up the masses of poor into a communist revolution, successful in that predominately low tech, agrarian nation, would not work in an industrialized, prosperous, and predominately Christian country like the United States due to its opportunity and willingness to address actual injustices.
Therefore Gramsci postulated a more subtle route of conquest, one of infiltrating a nation’s culture and destroying it from within. Said Gramsci:
“The civilized world has been saturated with Christianity for 2000 years, and a regime grounded in Christian beliefs and values could not be overthrown until these roots were cut.”
A quote attributed to Joseph Stalin embodies this same thought:
“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”
Former FBI Agent, Cleon Skousen, in his seminal 1958 book, The Naked Communist outlines specific communist plans for the destruction and takeover of our society and nation. He lists 45 goals toward those ends. Here’s a handful for your perusal. I urge you to look up the rest.
Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books,  magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it  violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
Other stated goals, over time, have been modified:
Use technical activist decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions and laws by claiming their activities existence violate civil rights and/or the Constitution.
Continue discrediting American culture, history and Christian heritage, by degrading all  forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all    good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless  forms.”
Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and leftist special-interest groups (BLM, Antifa, Muslim organizations  like CAIR,, anarchists, Marxists, and the LGBTQ crowd) should rise up and use “united   force“  to solve economic, political or social problems.
And lastly:
Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
Many Christian colleges and seminaries have been infiltrated with this same “social” religion, known in its current incarnation under the benign label of “social justice.”
We should know better, “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices [tactics]” (2 Corinthians 2:11).
Satan has gotten an advantage because far too many are ignorant of his devices.
When a sermon on social justice was preached at my church several months back, it raised some concerns. Three of us took those concerns to the church elders.
“Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.” (1 Timothy 5:19)
We interpreted no sinister motives, surmising that the pastoral staff merely didn’t understand the history and true objectives of “social justice.” We wished to share our understanding and knowledge to help our elder team in an area, which by their admission, they were unfamiliar with.
To their credit, they took us seriously. To our dismay, they rejected our counsel, ultimately questioning our motives for “confronting” them. Pride is a destructive thing for anyone to harbor, especially those in a position of church authority. Couple this with a complete lack of discernment even after being presented with the truth.
I still love those guys but such revelations are very disconcerting.
Thereafter I listened to a wonderful sermon on calling out false teachers and teachings from Second Timothy. One of the best I’ve ever heard on the topic.
It certainly had the feeling of being aimed at all of us who questioned social justice.
It’s a difficult proposition to attempt to take Satan’s blinders off of the eyes of those whose admiration and loyalty are to “celebrity Christians”—big names who write self-aggrandizing books and speak at packed conferences to push their enlightened “modern” ideas on what Christianity means.
“This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matthew 15:8-9)
Our discussion degenerated into the elder team defending a “celebrity Christian” messenger of social justice who had enthralled some of the church leadership rather than focusing on social justice itself. It came down to the chief elder putting his faith in the opinions of those other elders whom he loves and trusts, those who follow the teachings of Russell D. Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, which is the public-policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Moore is touted as an evangelical theologian. A theologian is one who studies and is an expert in theology. Not to disparage the reputation of godly theologians, but Satan is the world’s foremost theologian. The relevant issue here is what directs the theologian, biblical truth or satanic deceit?
A disclaimer here, I’ve been told that I hold a harsh view of Dr. Moore. In my defense it’s not just Russell Moore, but any subtle social justice serpent (or other false teacher) who does Satan’s bidding in the church. Tim Keller, Jim Wallis and John Piper also come to immediate mind.
As a dear Brother in Christ reminds me, even the best of men are still just men.
These aren’t the best of men.
Yes, they look and play the part of respected Christian teachers. Is that surprising?
“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” (2 Corinthians 11:11-13)
Allow me to make a distinction here. The deceived believe the lie, the deceiver believes in the lie. That is to say, those deceived fall for the lie, believing it to be true. The deceivers, like those mentioned by name above, know better. They understand what they’re doing.
When one runs into unbiblical teaching in their churches, one of three things needs to happen. Either the pastor needs a change of mind and heart, the church needs a new pastor or the attendee needs a new church. This is where we pray for the pastor and elders, the church, and what we as individuals should do. Be patient but be persistent. God’s will, not mine or yours, be done.
“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” (Romans 16:17-18)
My wife and I both got the same answer to our prayers independent of each other, about three hours apart.
Don’t concern yourself if there’s a better church option out there. God’s already considered this. Trust Him that He knows what He’s doing, especially when you don’t. Be obedient, not doubting. Pray earnestly.
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” (Ephesians 5:11)
It’s a hard thing to leave our church but that’s what God’s told us to do. Under these circumstances, it would be a harder thing to stay. We’re at peace.
“Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” (1 Timothy 5:19-20)
Let these words serve as my public rebuke here, and to all who preach social justice.
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
To take a stand against unsound doctrine is to invite criticism and even ostracism. Been there, done that. Steel your mind to this possibility. I may lose friends over what’s been written;
“…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)
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