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dasloddl · 9 months ago
those were the times
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cahirsmommy · 2 years ago
does ralph know what a huge lesbian icon he is
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moe-broey · 1 year ago
#FULLY MEDICATED AGAIN.#idk.... what to do...... i. want to do so many things. nothing is striking me at the moment though#i have The Pile (all of the ever-growing askr fam collection in my queue storage)#I HAD. SO MANY THOUGHTS. ABOUT VERONICA'S MAP. I WAS GONNA MAKE SOME POSTS ABOUT IT. AT LEAST HIGHLIGHTING SOME YHINGS#i was gona. post more of moe. and drop Some lore but mostly housekeeping#i won a little anya keychain plush at the arcade just to study her and use her as a ref. she is so cute.#i HAD a directing for the al/shari plush bodies but idk. if. i want to commit. i have no idea at thsi point#yesterday was SO fucked up i fucking meant it when i say you only start to feel the absence of meds day 2.#it's crazy..... like painkillers but for your brain..... like it's striking how i do have a lot of these thoughts/feelings#like all of the time but the meds just make them more manageable. put me at a baseline to sit w them better.#AH I WANTED TO BLEACH MY HAIR AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! I FINALLY ALSO PICKED UP MORE HAIRBLEACH#yesterday was so fuckinh stupid though like all day i was just spacing out and teary.#like ah ..... the horrors............ blinks so sadly and sheds such delicate tears. dude come on#inmy heart of hearts i HAVE to believe in askr meds exist and all you have to do is ask the right person/pull the right strings.#i have NEVER been a 'fix my disability' bitch. we are managing that shit. through treament and accomodations.#it's also just more useful that way to me. to conceptualize and also to make peace w it.#like it has a feedback loop effect to it. through writing i'm inevitably sorting through thoughts/feelings#that WILL be relevant to my day to day life.#i think.... i am starting to feel a little better....... i just lack direction.
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a-timely-problem · 5 days ago
Props an Shari und Ralph, wenn ich an die denke, fühlt es sich so an als würde ich an meine besten Verwandten denken
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les-bi-sch-sein-2023 · 2 years ago
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Shary Reeves ist lesbisch 💜💜💜🖤
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anghraine · 7 months ago
1— My mother is still hospitalized; they discovered she had three different "pockets" of pneumonia, and sepsis, and that her lungs were in some way pulling on her heart, and the hospital doctors say all of this was 100% preventable if her usual doctor had paid any serious attention to her complaints. The hospital currently has the pneumonia and sepsis under control, apparently, and has been able to dial down how much oxygen they're feeding her to keep her, well, oxygenated, but they haven't gotten her heart back to normal (she has arrhythmia and some scarring at the best of times) and refuse to send her out of intensive care until they can get her pulse down.
(My response: "I love you and I know it's boring and miserable for you, but good for them. Also you're getting a new doctor in the city once you're out.")
2— My bff, his other friend/our housemate Ash, and I distracted ourselves by watching four episodes of Tales of the Empire (all three of us are intense SW people in somewhat different ways). I was pretty tired, but my general thought was that I enjoyed the short form, the stories were fairly compelling in execution, and the animation style is way less grating than what I saw of TCW's characters, but it seems to assume and almost require a level of familiarity with so much other stuff that it's a little meh for me personally (e.g. I know of the witches of Dathomir, but not enough to care that much without being given a reason in this story). It's kind of an unfortunate contrast with Fallen Order, which is unfair given how much time FO had, but which internally supplies so much of the interest and stakes that I don't have to anchor it to my previous SW experience to care.
3— Ash has been eager to experience mainstays of PNW city life, including chain stores and restaurants. We started, as I mentioned before, with Trader Joe's, but we've been driving around different areas so she could also experience Jack in the Box, Shari's, Fred Meyer's, and even (going further afield) a Weinerschnitzel.
She's also asked things like "how do people feel about Southern jibberjabber" because some of the people she's met here seem puzzled by her chattiness, and she wanted to make sure she wasn't offending them. We explained that people here tend to be direct but are more likely to be surprised than offended by her level of friendliness. And then, when we were talking about shops to go to today, she was like, "won't they be closed?"
Us: ????????????
Her: It's a Sunday, right?
Me: ...ah. Uh, no, that is, uh, generally not an issue.
BFF: This is a land of godless heretics!
Her: So people just work every day of the week?
BFF: Well, there are usually different shifts at the stores, so it's not always the same person running things, but there's generally someone there.
Me: Some places with smaller staff do shut down for a day out of the week, but it's not necessarily on Sundays. It might just as easily be on Mondays or Thursdays.
Her: O_O
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learning-islam-together · 2 months ago
If we were to ponder the greatness of Islamic Shari`ah and understand how corrupt is that civilization they are running after, they would realize that they are doing wrong and that they have forsaken something that is perfect and true for something that is imperfect and corrupt.
With regard to the phrase “imitation of the disbelievers”, that does not mean that we should not use anything that they have manufactured. No one says such a thing. At the time of the Prophet (ﷺ) and afterwards the people used to wear clothes made by the disbelievers and use vessels made by them.
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evadingreallife · 2 years ago
Recap prima seconda terza quarta (quinta) serata:
• morandi sta andando forte apre tutte le porte fa jogging in sala mentre amadeus millanta una maratona musicale velocissima (qualcuno ci ha creduto? Io no)
• ariete e sangiovanni quello vero abbastanza underwhelming sorry
• will canta con un tale
• elodie frega una borsetta dalla platea SAPEVO CHE AVEVO FATTO BENE A SCEGLIERTI AL FANTASANREMO SII. Se ne va pure rifacendo le scale tutto per il fanta dajee
• la borsetta l'ha più ridata? Chi lo sa.
• Peppino? Peppino.
• breaking news ama fa coming out come uno swiffer sul palco dell'ariston
• comica effettivamente comica, miracolo
• il direttore d'orchestra di olly con un piccolo benji nel taschino aaaaaaaaaaaa🥹🥹
• lazza e morandi are besties, we get it
• ultimo in versione babysitter di eros che si scorda il testo rip
• tananai in his lesbian softboi era, biagio approved, 15k, oneshot, slow burn, music au
• chiara francini signorina cencini amo lei la sua borsetta il suo modo di fare le sue ALI le sue virtù tutto
• shari canta in corsivo bocciatissima
• arisa sul palco tipo addetto dello zoo che cerca con le unghie e con i denti di arginare grignani e farlo andare a tempo inutilmente.
• minutino serio
• CON LE MANI CON LE MANI CON LE MANI CIAO CIAO throwback thursday friday
• sketch dei poltronesofà e intanto tutti a cercare freneticamente su google se pure loro siano FRATELLI o se si possa prendere la route full homo visto che erano soli in un camerino chiuso su un sofà insieme
• j-ax l'altro 31 e fedez palesemente scappati dalla stessa gabbia dello zoo non so
• ovviamente giorgia e elisa cantano luce e la platea ascende improvvisamente al cielo come esseri superiori
• i coladimasplash infilano uno splashetto pure oggi nelle cover 🌊
• ah si il mio fandom-in-law si li conosco (pubblicità di mare fuori)
• i vestiti della signorina cencini sono i veri mvp della serata
• signorina cencini e gianni, 20k, fastburn, threesome, eventual marriage
• cugini di campagna falsettano in falsetto as is their due
• mengoni non era necessario infierire sugli altri dall'alto della tua classifica con il coro gospel e let it be a sta maniera suu
• the aria da diciottesimo in this crociera si sta davvero facendo sentire stasera (it's milano bangkok for me)
• gianmaria era pupo la prima sera e resta pupo pure oggi niente da fare
• niente mr rain insipido era e insipido rimane
• madame che canta de andré con l'autotune? In my sanremo? More likely than you think. No ma scherzi a parte a me è piaciuta stasera.
• rosa chemical & l'altra tizia living their best life with the matching extra lashes, the most on fleek eyeliner ever, one (1) tiny boot lick and sus objects in hand by rosa i see u 👀
• oh no oh god la rai ha fatto una pubblicità su benigni che parla di biblically accurate sex asdfghjkl
• i modà e le vibrazioni mi vibrano to sleep ma whisky è molto furbo risale la montagna la pioggia lo bagna ecc ecc morale ancora non andrò a dormire
• anna oxa resuscita l'unica canzone che potrebbe vagamente salvarla aka un'emozione da poco, ma il canto greco finale davvero non era necessario, giuro anna, come se avessi accettato guarda
• ore l'una meno dieci: sethu fa il gioco delle sedie con gente. I dont even know anymore a questo punto
• ah levante happened a una certa hmmm
• apro gli occhi e amadeus ha un grembiule. Sbatto le palpebre e qualcuno sta cantando di nuovo. Mhhh penso che io stia inziando ad accusare il sonno qui
• oddio sta cantando qualcuno ma non so chi è mamma non so chi è sono face blind i know l'ho capito non ne riconosco uno chi sei datemi un indizioo
• AH ERA LDA grazie ama non ci sarei mai arrivata da sola
• mara sattei la scambio troppo con sheri regà non è colpa mia non riconosco nessuno😭😭.
• intanto tutti smollano i fiori al primo che passa asap tipo patata bollente, pure dopo che abbiamo rotto a tutta la rai per farli dare a tutti, io boh
• Fiorello mood della vita stile hobo con la copertina di pile la cuffietta della spazzatura e il piumone indossabile tattico
• colla zio rivalutati. Perhaps, saliti.
• hhhhh monologo di mamma non pancina idk sonno sonno sonno
• uuuh classifica NO MA DAI GIORGIA SOLO QUARTA CON LUCE È UN FURTO REGA ok il mengonisweep ma giorgia almeno seconda doveva essere suuuu
• classifica parte 2 la vendetta: quella vera mengoni ultimo lazza mr rain giorgia
E niente buonanotte a tutti pure A CHI NON DOVREBBE STARE DOVE STA IN CLASSIFICA MA VBB notte
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Bonus: quota di mamme invocate in questa puntata: idk, uncountable
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julymarte · 1 year ago
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yes! it's always been even from the super early concept days! i should also have old pics about it let me check
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ah there you go this is from 2016 but i'm sure i have stuff from 2010 somewhere
shari's personality was a bit ifferent in the past and in some versions she would take it herself (along with other feathers to use for her arrows but i ditched that poor nakir)
i also made something more recent about that
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i love these two lil babies so much, random fact! feathers are bound to disappear cause they are made from magic, but if they are plucked by the owner they can stay material as long as they're alive
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rollofleaf · 6 months ago
WIP Wednesday
Apparently I'm taking a little break from Pathfinder, but here have the worst mom I've ever written.
Faeron and Villia Cleardawn sat together in their sitting room, the parents of the three high elves. Villia raised an eyebrow as Shari walked into the room, in casual wear. “Good evening, dear. You’re back from your date already? Why aren’t you wearing your dress?”
Shari winced slightly, her sisters taking up position right behind her as she straightened herself. “Yes, it went poorly., and I changed out of the dress because it’s uncomfortable. Haldis was rude and pompous.”
Her father glanced up and she straightened her posture instinctively. Faeva gave her an encouraging pat on the back. “And what of his family?”
Shari sighed. That’s always what it was about. “He bragged, but his family seemed unimpressive. Few connections, little power or resources.”
Faeron let out a long sigh and took a sip of wine. “Ah, I feared as much. My apologies for wasting your time then, dear.”
Villia narrowed her eyes slightly, a hand drifting to her husband’s. “My love, this is Shari’s sixteenth suitor and she still hasn’t found a match. Cupcake, are you really making an effort? Finding a husband will be good for you, too! You’ll have the freedom to pursue your little hobbies.”
Aleida took Shari’s hand and squeezed it reassuringly. “Actually, Mother, she wanted to talk to you about that. As did I.”
“You’d better not have given her ideas, Aleida. Out with it.” Aleida’s fingers tensed at her mother’s comment, but she held her tongue.
Shari sighed. “No, Mother. I’ve been wanting to say this for a long time.” She took a deep breath and closed one eye, forcing the words out. “I don’t want a husband. I... I’m not interested in men. I’m a lesbian. And. Uh...” She trailed off with nervousness before her mouth shut as her father stood.
He gently reached for her hand, taking it. “Cupcake, of course we love and support you no matter your lifestyle. Right, dear?”
Villia nodded. “Of course, nothing but support! But, you know, it’s not an uncommon arrangement for you to take a husband for political reasons and have your own romantic relationships on the side... There’s no reason your, ah, condition should hamper our family’s networking.”
Faeva shrugged from behind Shari. “I fully intend to marry a husband that doesn’t love me so I can write my novels in peace and have affairs with cute serving boys when I feel like it. If you’re down with it, a loveless marriage is an option.”
The mother turned her attention. “Faeva, you’re not supposed to admit that out loud. My point is, Shari, just because you’re a, ah, you know, doesn’t mean you can’t marry a man for the sake of the family and have children. You can kiss all the girls you want when your husband isn’t around.”
Shari winced. Her lips opened, but she found herself unable to say any more. Aleida stepped forward. “Mother, she doesn’t want that! She doesn’t want a husband, she doesn’t want kids!”
Villia glowered and stood up. “Just because you don’t want that doesn’t mean she doesn’t!”
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lurkingteapot · 1 year ago
What did you eat yesterday? きのう何食べた? S2 Ep 7
This was another lovely slice-of-life episode. Death is something they'll probably grapple with quite a bit this season – it's been a recurring theme, after all – but we also get to see so much of the love these two have for each other. It's beautiful.
March again! it's been nearly a year!
oh dear Shirou-san, that's the point where you need to put on glasses or strain your eyes MORE
I love how everyone's acting like he's the only one making this an issue while making a HUGE fuss
awww poor bb
Kenji already wears glasses, he of all people should know how expensive these can get … right?
oh man the intro's gyouza are making me REALLY hungry as I watch this at 11pm
the sales clerk is having a TIME
oh no, someone died, huh
annnd Kenji walks right in
ah phew
I wish I'd been wrong, urgh, cancer is an ASSHOLE
oof, at fifty-ish at least one of his kids is probably still in education, too
ooor apparently not (good for him AND them though) (and 22ish is still SUPER young to lose a dad)
don't DO that to people urgh
you can SEE Shirou-san thinking here and it hurts
oh that looks LOVELY. The ebi-fry!
oh that egg looks divine
he loves him so much
Shirou coming for me, a person who has tried to largely ignore their birthday (albeit for different reasons) for the past 15-20 year, where I LIVE
I love these two. I love them. #goals really
that's the cooking music! what are we having today?
ooh hamaguri! not a single chance of getting those here, but the nanohana no gomakarashiae looks fantastic, might be able to do that.
ooh we're making shari?
this IS a birthday meal, wow wow WOW
this chirashizushi looks fantastic!
oh that's SO cute
tempura! I prefer dark meat but this looks lovely
I haven't really deep-fried anything since cooking oil prices skyrocketed last year, but oh, oh, I miss itttt
asdfasdf OF COURSE this was Wataru and OF COURSE he's congratulating in the most offhandedly-(unintentionally?) rude way
oh he was being rude on purpose, I guess that's … fine? then?
oh Kenji is INTO this new look and can we BLAME him?
asdfsadf I love this sales clerk
I really, really loved seeing Shirou-san opening up more and more over the course of this season so far, and this episode was another highlight. We can see him thinking, considering, and we can see how much he loves Kenji, and it just makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over because he started up so closed off, so buttoned up. and now look at him! ✨ growth ✨
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dasloddl · 9 months ago
war grad auf der wissen macht ah website unterwegs und die haben einfach komplett umgebaut und die spiele sind nicht mehr da :( ich kann mich noch genau daran erinnern mit Lumpi auf einem Fahrrad zu fahren und Äpfel einzusammeln, indem er aus dem Körbchen springt
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i-am-a-polpetta · 2 years ago
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smqazi · 8 days ago
Short Answer: Of course! Rulers and heads of state are selected in Islam according to who is most qualified. If that person happens to be a woman, she should be chosen! 
This misconception comes from a Hadith which describes how the Persian empire, led then by a woman, would fail, so some have assumed this means all female leaders will fail. But many Muslim scholars see that a woman can hold any public position if she is well-qualified to.
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) provided me with considerable benefit during the battle of the camel with one word (or one statement). When news reached the Prophet (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) that the Persians had appointed Chosroe’s daughter as their ruler, he said: ‘A nation which placed its affairs in the hands of a woman shall never prosper!’ (Al-Bukhari, Al-Jami` as-Sahih, Hadith No. 4425
In fact, I wonder why some people still imagine that Muslim women face unnecessary restrictions or discrimination in Islam.
Though women’s position in Islam is unique, unprecedented, and highly appreciated, some writers, mostly from the West, attempt to cast doubts over it.
Among the points that seem to be controversial and debatable in this regard is women’s eligibility for leadership and holding pubic positions in Muslim communities.
To fully perceive Islam’s stance on this significant issue, let’s consider the following essential points:
Men and Women: Equal, Not Identical:
In fact, both women and men are equal in Islam.
So, Islamic Shari`ah never discriminates between people, men and women. Women enjoy equal rights as men.
Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) said in a Hadith, “Women are men’s counterparts” (Abu Dawud, Sunan, Hadith no. 236)
Also, the Holy Qur’an unequivocally emphasizes that men and women are equal:
O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Holy Qur’an, Surah 49: Ayah 13)
Following are some manifestations of equality between men and women in Islam:
a) Both women and men are equally addressed by religious ordinances of Shari`ah such as prayer, fasting, Hajj, Zakah, decency, etc. 
b) Both men and women are Islamically encouraged to pursue education.
c) Both men and women have the equal right to participate in the public life. History bears witness that Muslim women, throughout centuries, used to participate in different aspects of the public life.
Leadership is Based on Qualifications:
In Islam, eligibility for leadership is based on qualifications and skills.
So, if a woman or a man possesses the sufficient qualifications to lead his or her community, company, institution, etc., then he or she should be the leader, the manager, or the head of the office.
When it comes to running people’s affairs, Islam fully considers people’s pubic interests, which take precedence over individuals’ personal benefits.
Therefore, qualifications and capabilities are the main requirements in choosing rulers and leaders.
The Holy Qur’an confirms this principle when narrating the story of prophet’s Shu`yab’s daughter who asked her father to hire Prophet Musa (‘Alaih-is-Salam) owing to his distinctive capabilities (power) and noble character (trustworthiness):
One of the two women said: O my father! Hire him! For the best (man) that thou canst hire is the strong, the trustworthy. (Holy Qur’an, Surah 28, Ayah 26)
Context of the Hadith on Women’s Leadership:
Some people misunderstand the Hadith that Imam Al-Bukhari reports from Abu Bakrah (RadiyAllahu ‘anhu) that:
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) provided me with considerable benefit during the battle of the camel with one word (or one statement).When news reached the Prophet (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) that the Persians had appointed Chosroe’s daughter as their ruler, he said: ‘A nation which placed its affairs in the hands of a woman shall never prosper!’ (Al-Bukhari, Al-Jami` as-Sahih, Hadith No. 4425)
So, this Hadith has a special meaning and an occasion that should be considered when interpreting and understanding its contextual connotation.
That Hadith signifies that the Prophet (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) foretold his Companions that the Persian empire would come to an end.
Some people literally interpret and rely on the above Hadith to say that a woman cannot be a leader.
However, the fact is that there has never been unanimity on this matter among Muslim scholars, past and present.
Muslim Jurists’ Opinions:
From the earliest days of Muslim scholarship, even those jurists who implicitly accepted the Hadith above as containing some injunction have differed on the meaning of “placing affairs in the hands of a woman.”
Ibn Jarir Al-Tabari, as Ibn Hajar reported in his Fat-h al-Bari, does not only support the unrestricted appointment of women to judgeship, he permitted also her appointment as Head of State.
A similar view is reported from Imam Malik Ibn Anas (RadiyAllahu ‘anhu)  and adopted by some Maliki jurists (although the popular view in the Madhab, juristic school, is contrary to this).
Given the above, it becomes evident that a qualified woman may be elected or appointed in any leading position in the Muslim community or state.
She could be a head of a government, a university, a company, etc. A qualified woman can be a minister, a Member of the Parliament, a lecturer, a teacher, a doctor, community leader, etc.
The position of the Caliph, which is non-existent nowadays, is debated by scholars owing to leading people in congregational prayers and delivering Friday sermons which are peculiar to men.
However, many Muslim scholars see that a woman can hold any public position if she is well-qualified to.
What matters, then, is promoting people’s public interests and adherence to the dictates of Shari`ah.
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) knows the Best.
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drmaqazi · 6 months ago
First of all, it should be known that Islam calls for justice and abhors oppression and injustice, particularly if done against the people for whom one is responsible. Therefore, the ruler is enjoined to fulfill his duties and establish justice among people. The first among the seven categories to whom Allah will give shade on the Day of Judgment, where will be no shade but His, is a just ruler. 
On the contrary, a Muslim ruler who fails to fulfill his obligations and even oppresses Muslims is doomed to an awful destiny in the Hereafter. However, in removing the oppression and evil of an unjust ruler, Muslims should be keen not to give way to greater evil and corruption. 
Therefore, the issue of overthrowing an oppressive ruler should be decided after a thorough study and calculations of the advantages and disadvantages in order not to lead to a greater evil, which should be avoided according to Shari`ah. 
Elaborating on this issue, Dr. Ahmad Sa`eed Hawwa, professor of Islamic Jurisprudence at Jordan University, states the following: “The issue of rebelling against an oppressive ruler is to be decided after an accurate study of Shari`ah priorities. Muslim scholars in the past stated that this can be allowed if there is preponderance of probability that the oppressive ruler can be overthrown without inflicting greater harm. 
This is based on a well-established rule in Islam: “Fending off smaller harm must not result in creating a greater harm.” Likewise there is a rule: “Resort should be to the lesser of the two evils.” Only if these conditions are met and these rules and cautions are taken into consideration, then it is obligatory to embark upon overthrowing an oppressive ruler or agent; otherwise Muslims should bear patiently, doing their best to lessen the effects of his oppression and evil.” 
Read Also: Non-Alcoholic Beer: Prohibited? 
Male Circumcision in Islam 
Dr. Mahmoud `Akkam, professor of Shari`ah at Syria University, also states the following: “A Muslim is allowed to rebel against an oppressive ruler in only one case, that is when they notice apparent, explicit disbelief in him. This is because a disbeliever cannot be given the oath of allegiance as a leader for Muslims, and this is an agreed upon Islamic principle that no Muslim scholar has disputed. 
Almighty Allah says: “Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. Whoso doeth that hath no connection with Allah…” (Surah Al `Imran:, Ayah 28) 
He also says: “…and Allah will not give the disbelievers any way (of success) against the believers.” (Surah An-Nisa’, Ayah 141) 
Al-Bukhari and Muslim reported on the authority of `Ubadah ibn As-Samit who said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) called us and we took the oath of allegiance to him. Among the injunctions he made binding upon us was: Listening and obedience (to the ruler) in our pleasure and displeasure, in our adversity and prosperity, even when somebody is given preference over us, avoiding to dispute the delegation of powers to a man duly invested with them (Obedience shall be accorded to him in all circumstances) except when you have clear signs of his disbelief in (or disobedience to) Allah (that could be used as a conscientious justification for non-compliance with his orders), and telling the truth in whatever position we be without fearing in the matter of Allah the reproach of the reproacher.” 
However, if the ruler remains a Muslim (and he did not show or display any act of disbelief) but he is oppressive and transgresses against people’s rights, then Muslim scholars have two opinions in this regard: 
That it is permissible to rebel against him; 
If it is not permissible to rebel against him and Muslims should bear the oppression patiently. And this is the opinion of the majority of Muslims in general. Each of these two groups has provided proofs in support of its viewpoint. 
However, the proponents of the second opinion gave weight to their opinion by considering the objectives of Shari`ah and by applying the juristic maxim that resort should be to the lesser of the two evils. This is because bearing the injustice of the ruler patiently will protect against the greater evil resulting from rebelling against him represented in mass bloodshed, loss of wealth, and different violations, not to mention giving the enemies of Islam an opportunity to attain their goals in Muslim lands. 
However, it is permissible for Ahl al-Hall wal-`Aqd (a group of honest, wise, experienced and righteous people who possess the right to elect or remove a ruler) to overthrow the oppressive ruler and choose another one if they are almost sure that this will not lead to extended or greater evil. 
Moreover, obeying a ruler in any matter that is explicitly forbidden by Islam is not allowed, but rulers must be obeyed in anything beyond forbidden matters. 
Also, Muslims should enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil in a very wise way that leads to the removal of evil, not its increase, and they should be patient and steadfast in fulfilling this duty (enjoining the good and forbidding the evil), and this of course requires sacrifice and perseverance. 
Almighty Allah says: “…and enjoin kindness and forbid iniquity, and persevere whatever may befall thee. Lo! that is of the steadfast heart of things.” (Surah Luqman, Ayah 17)”
Read More on islamonline :
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the-lovers-ailment · 7 months ago
**You can exceed the men in knowledge, so keep learning:**
1ـ عِدَّةٌ مِنْ أَصْحَابِنَا عَنْ سَهْلِ بْنِ زِيَادٍ عَنِ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ مَحْبُوبٍ عَنِ ابْنِ رِئَابٍ عَنْ مُصَادِفٍ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ الله (عَلَيْهِ السَّلاَم) فِي الْمَرْأَةِ تَحُجُّ عَنِ الرَّجُلِ الصَّرُورَةِ فَقَالَ إِنْ كَانَتْ قَدْ حَجَّتْ وَكَانَتْ مُسلِمَةً فَقِيهَةً فَرُبّ امرَأَةٍ أَفْقَهُ مِن رجلٍ.
1. A number of our people have narrated from Sahl ibn Ziyad ibn Mahbub from ibn Ri’ab from Musadif who has said the following: “I once asked abu ‘ Abd Allah (a.s.), about the case of an al-Sarurah (one who performs al- Hajj for the first time) woman who performs al-Hajj on behalf of an al-Sarurah man. He (the Imam) said, ‘It is sufficient if she is a Muslimah and faqihah (knowledgeable in matters of Shari‘ah); **many women are more faqihah (knowledgeable in matters of Shari ‘ah) than men.’”**
- https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/4/3/60/1
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