#shall we date Bridget
memoria-99 · 3 months
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Drew something for Blood in Roses!
Like in WH, I slightly changed something about the canon characters and added my OCs.
Unlike WH though, didn't changed much about canon ones cuz they are already interesting.
So what I changed are...
Witch MC's power. She looked kinda powerless as a witch compared to the hunter MC. So for the balance, I decided to make her more powerful. Now she's a genius in potions, including the one giving life to lifeless beings(like creating Rosapast), and the master of curse and blessings.
Hunter MC's name. I can't agree both MCs could have a same name when their history and appearance are different. I think the devs were just too lazy to give another name for the second one. I call her Ruby, because that was the first name that came to mind when I saw her. I think it quite suits her eye and hair color. So the witch MC is Mina, and the hunter MC is Ruby for me.
I didn't change anything for Bridget and Matilda. I decided they're more than fine just the way they already are.
And there are my two OCs.
The silver haired one is Clara, the daughter born between Tatiana and Harold.
The dark blue haired one is Alice, the incarnation of the blue rose.
I'll write more infos about these two in another post.
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kay-selfships · 9 months
so i uh. did end up playing the old otome games i used to play (essentially all from the shall we date series) and now i’m falling in love with the games again
only issue is that i like SO many characters from those games (not even including those whose routes i haven’t done yet) that my f/o list will probably double in size if i include them. oh well lmao
oooo plus i wanna try to redraw some of the cgs but with a s/i that actually looks like me instead of the ‘canon appearance’ of the mc !!!
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selznick · 8 months
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im so normal about her, i prommie
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trickster-kat · 2 years
Blood in Roses Hunter Masterlist (2)
Witch Masterlist
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Coming Soon!
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
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Serenade(Premium) Toccata/Farewell(Normal)
Witch Masterlist
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wondergotham · 20 days
Blades of Destiny
Request: "Hello, if its okay with you, I was wondering if I could request a James!Hook x reader where the reader is new to the school and they meet hook in class and the lesson that day is about sword fighting, and he underestimates the reader but when it comes to them both having to fight each other the reader beats him. He is immediately smitten with the reader and wants to know more about them. Sorry if this sounds silly, please feel free to ignore"
Pairing: James Hook x Reader
Descendants Masterlist
Gif Credits: @ menheim
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You were very nervous for your first day at Merlin Academy. Even though you had met some friends already during orientation it still didn't shake off the nerves rushing through your body.
After being dropped off you waited outside Principal Merlin's office as he had instructed. You were sitting there for a few minutes until the door opened.
"Good morning Y/n how are you feeling?" He asked.
"Good morning Principal Merlin. I'm a bit nervous but it shall pass." You could only hope.
"Don't worry child it happens to the best of us. But! To ease the tension I have assigned a few students to help you get situated. I'm sure you're familiar with them." He gestured to the door.
Before you could ask what he meant Bridget and Ella walked out of his office.
They both waved and had prominent smiles on their faces. You were relieved he had chosen them. The two friends you made at orientation.
▪──── ⚔ ────▪
"I shall leave you ladies now. Bridget and Ella will be helping you get to your classes and obtain any other school supplies you might require. If you need anything else feel free to let me know." He said warmly.
"Thank you, Principal Merlin." You smiled as he walked away.
"Surprise! It's so great to see you again!" Bridget exclaimed as she pulled you into a tight hug which you welcomed immediately.
"I'm so glad you both are helping me out it's already so much to take in." You admitted.
"Bridget and I were new once too. We know exactly how it feels. Just take it easy don't let it overwhelm you." Ella also pulled you into a hug.
The bell suddenly rang causing you to look at each other.
"That means we have 2 minutes to get to class," Ella informed while Bridget pulled out a piece of paper.
Your class schedule.
"Luckily you have Potions with me and Ella. Let's go, it's gonna be sooo much fun!" She exclaimed while pulling your wrist softly to the direction of the class.
Ella chuckled as she followed.
▪──── ⚔ ────▪
To your surprise, the day had gone by quickly. Bridget and Ella were truly the best friends you could ask for. You knew that your friendship would grow even stronger as the time passed.
You also met Charming, he was cool but Ella still hadn't warmed up to him. Which was amusing to you because you thought they would look cute together.
You smiled at the thought before glancing at your schedule. Your last class was Swordsmanship.
"Ooh James Hook is the best student in that class! Every new student has to duel with him on the first day." Bridget informed. A bright smile on her face. "If you choose that class as an elective, of course."
"It's the one class he's good at and that's only because he's a pirate," Ella huffed not sounding as impressed as Bridget.
"What's he like?" You asked. "I know you pointed him and his friends out at lunch but is he really that bad?"
"Well...." Bridget trailed off.
"He loves being mean to other students. He's arrogant, vain, and thinks everyone wants to date him. He struts around the hallways like he owns the place, always cracking sarcastic jokes at the expense of others. His smirk is infuriating as if he believes his looks alone are enough to command attention and admiration." Ella rolled her eyes.
Charming spoke up, "Whenever someone challenges him, he dismisses them with a wave of his hand, convinced that any criticism is just jealousy. He surrounds himself with the other VKs to feed into his ego, laughing at his jabs and affirming his self-centered view of the world. It’s as if he thrives on making others feel small, using his "charisma" to mask his insecurities."
"Yet beneath that polished exterior, there’s a vulnerability he’s too proud to show. Deep down, I wonder if he knows how empty his bravado is—or if he’s just too afraid to find out." Bridget concluded.
All of this information was overwhelming. I guess he really is as bad as his friends.
The realization settled in your gut like a lead weight, mixing disappointment with a sense of betrayal. You had hoped for something different, a glimpse of the person he could be beneath the bravado.
But now, faced with the harsh truth, it was clear: he thrived in their toxic environment, feeding off the same negativity.
"I guess I'll have to watch my back and see how I'm going to beat him." You realized nervously.
"Hey, you told us you've been sword fighting since you were 10. Don't sell yourself short you'll be okay." Charming said confidently.
"Yeah don't let what we told you get to your head. Figure out his weakness and that's how you'll win." Ella winked. "Plus Charming is in your class too so you won't be alone, he'll give you pointers."
Bridget placed her hand on your shoulder, "We believe in you. But please be careful because sword fighting is very dangerous."
A small laugh escaped your lips. "Thank you guys seriously. I'll see you after class?"
They nodded as you and Charming walked into the classroom. At least one of your friends was in Swordsmanship with you.
"You can sit next to me." Charming pointed to the empty desk next to his. "And don't let James Hook intimidate you. Like Ella said, everyone has a weakness."
You nodded before sitting down. But from the corner of your eye, you detect a certain individual staring at you.
James Hook.
Did you already make an enemy without even interacting?
You would soon find out.
▪──── ⚔ ────▪
After introducing yourself to your newest classmates the only thing that kept replaying through your mind was the young pirate that couldn't take his eyes off of you.
He stared at you like you were the only person in the room, his gaze intense and unyielding. It was as if your classmates and professor around you faded away, and all that mattered was that moment. His eyes held a mixture of curiosity and challenge, making your heart race.
There was a flicker of something deeper—an unspoken connection that sent shivers down your spine. You could feel the weight of his scrutiny, as if he was trying to decipher your thoughts, to peel back the layers of your defenses. It was both thrilling and unnerving, leaving you torn between wanting to confront him and wanting to retreat.
In that instant, you realized he was not just the arrogant figure everyone else saw; there was a complexity beneath that facade that intrigued you. It made you wonder what lay behind that piercing gaze, what stories he carried, and what truths he might reveal if you dared to look closer.
But at the same time if he was anything like Charming and Ella had described you couldn't get close to him. He was bad news.
"The best way to practice is by dueling. We'll start with James and Y/n." You were shaken from your contemplation.
You turned to Charming with slight fear in your eyes. The time had come to face the infamous Captain Hook.
"Students please move to the side of the classroom. James and Y/n come to the front and take your marks." Professor Hecat instructed.
"It's okay you got this," Charming said, a reassuring smile spreading across his face. "Show him what you're made of."
As he walked towards the other side of the classroom you made your way to the front and grabbed a sword.
You stood on one side of the mat as James Hook walked up.
"Time for a proper Merlin Academy welcome." James chuckled as he made his way to the other side of the mat. He held his sword in his right hand.
You stood poised, your blade glinting under the silver light. The air was thick with tension as James Hook circled you, a smirk playing on his lips.
You knew this young pirate wouldn't be going down without a long and tough fight.
“Think you can best me, new girl?” He taunted, twirling his sword with practiced ease.
“Confidence won’t save you, Captain,” You replied, eyes narrowed. “You of all people should know, never underestimate the opponent.”
James was taken aback he did not expect such confidence from you. Yes, you were beautiful and intelligent but he was certain he would be able to intimidate you at least a bit.
It didn't seem like it though. This only caused him to become more intrigued.
"I want a fair duel. No cheating. You may begin." Professor Hecat announced.
Focus. Don't let the new girl distract you.
With a swift movement, James lunged forward, his sword aimed at your midsection. You sidestepped, the tip of your blade grazing past him.
He retaliated instantly, slashing diagonally, but you parried, the clash of metal ringing out through the classroom.
Occasionally a few students let out gasps and whispered amongst each other.
You and James danced around each other, swords clashing in a flurry of strikes and blocks. Your footwork was precise, and each step was calculated.
You feigned left, drawing James into a trap, then spun right, aiming a quick thrust that he barely dodged.
“You aren't so inexperienced darling,” he admitted, breathing heavily now. “But beginner's luck won’t win you this fight.”
“Perhaps not,” You said, determination igniting your spirit. “But I won’t yield.”
With that, you unleashed a series of rapid strikes, each one more aggressive than the last. James struggled to keep up, parrying desperately.
"Go L/N!" Charming clapped his hands.
The rest of the class seemed to hold their breaths, the only sounds were the clash of steel and labored breaths.
Finally, in a moment of distraction, James overextended, leaving himself vulnerable.
You seized the opportunity, disarming him with a swift twist of your wrist.
His sword clattered to the ground, and you held your blade close to his throat, “Yield,” You commanded, your voice steady.
James’ smirk faded, replaced by a grudging respect. “Alright, lass. You’ve won this round.”
The air was still, filled with the echoes of their fierce encounter.
"What an astonishing sight. Very well done Miss L/N." Professor Hecat applauded.
The rest of the class started clapping. It was rare for someone to beat James Hook. The only one who had ever done it was Charming. After that no one.
Until now.
"Class is dismissed, everyone. I will see you all again tomorrow." Professor Hecat stated before retreating to her office that was behind another door in the classroom.
"I'll meet you outside. You did amazing by the way." Charming said before walking out.
You lowered your sword, your breath still coming in sharp bursts. James stepped back, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender, a flicker of admiration in his eyes.
“Impressive darling,” he said, a hint of a smile returning. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
You sheathed your sword, the tension easing as you caught your breath. “You underestimated me, pirate. Maybe that’s your greatest weakness.”
Beautiful girls like you are my weakness.
He chuckled softly, the sound echoing through his chest. “Perhaps. But I’ve learned a valuable lesson tonight. Luck seems to be on your side.”
“It's not luck,” You replied, a spark of pride in your voice. “I’ve trained hard for this moment.”
He nodded, his expression turning serious. “We both have our paths to walk. But maybe we can learn from each other instead of fighting.”
You studied him, weighing his words. “Are you suggesting an alliance? After all this?”
“Think about it. We both aim for the same goal, albeit from different angles. Together, we might stand a better chance against the greater threats looming over us.”
You hesitated, the weight of his history with your new friends pressing down on you. “Trust isn’t easily given, James. I've heard things about you already and it's only my first day here.”
“I know,” He admitted, his tone earnest. “But give me a chance to show you who I actually am. If you don't like it then I will leave you alone."
You contemplated his words, the tension in the air thickening as you weighed your options.
The flicker of sincerity in his eyes was hard to ignore, but the memories of what you’d heard about him—stories of arrogance and bullying—loomed large in your mind.
“It's not just about me,” you finally said, your voice steady but laced with uncertainty. “It’s about my friends. They’ve warned me about you, and I can’t just brush that aside.”
James nodded, his expression shifting to one of understanding. “I get it. My reputation precedes me, and I can’t blame you for being cautious. But I promise you, I can change.”
His words hung in the air, a fragile promise that both intrigued and unsettled you.
Could someone truly change, or was it all just a facade?
You thought of the potential alliance—how it could strengthen your position against the real threats you sensed on the horizon.
“Just give me a chance,” he urged, his voice softening. “Let’s work together. If I prove you wrong, maybe you’ll see that there’s more to me than what everyone else thinks.”
You took a deep breath, the weight of the decision pressing heavily on your shoulders. “Alright, James. I’ll give you a chance. But know this: if you betray my trust, I won’t hesitate to cut ties.”
A flicker of relief crossed his face, and you couldn’t help but feel a mix of hope and apprehension.
James took your hand, a genuine smile breaking across his face. “I can assure you love I do not plan on doing that.”
You nodded still a bit hesitant.
As you both stood there, the possibility of something new—an alliance, a friendship—began to take root, even as the shadows of doubt lingered.
Now the hard part. You had to figure out how you were going to tell Bridget, Ella, and Charming.
They were not going to believe this.
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Thank you to the anon who requested this! I loved writing it. It was my first time writing a sword-fighting scene so I hope I did it justice lol.
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lavender-gayz · 7 months
Part 2 of Lizzie the Musical commentary – responses to @thegirl20 comments
Responses to @thegirl20’s comments on Part 2 of Lizzie the Musical at Southwark Playhouse Elephant – Some Little Moments That I Love
Here’s a link to my Part 2 again: Part 2!
@thegirl20’s very thoughtful comments are copied in black below
responses from me are set out in this shade of purple below
tg20: Living for these commentaries. I’ve added some thoughts.
tg20: (When I reference the script below, you can access it on the Lizzie Broadway Licensing page and click on ’Read for Free’. It’s not the full script, unfortunately, but it’s interesting to see what’s in there as stage directions and what isn’t.) gayz: This is such a handy resource, thank you! I cannot believe Alice is canonically described as a luscious pear in the character intros.  tg20: This got very long so…. gayz: Oh no, a long post about Lizzie the musical!! How awful :)
tg20: THIS IS MY JAM - Shattercane and Velvet Grass was the song that stayed with me after I saw the show for the first time. That melody haunted my dreams. It’s still a fave. tg20: (Fun fact - one time Lauren brought the teapot down so hard it broke one of the legs off.) gayz: This was an early fave for me too! Lauren noticeably damaging a teapot midway through the song is hilarious. I also witnessed a prop mishap at a show – one of the coat racks doubling as a corpse fell apart while Mairi was moving it to a standing position. She kept her cool and just fixed the base back onto the coat rack and went, ‘There we go. Where were we? Right, I was so sorry to hear about your father – ’ and just continued her conversation with Shekinah / Emma. The professionalism!
tg20: I didn’t know that Emma was hanging around in the aisle! In Manchester, I think both she and Alice were in the little alleys that ran up the sides of the stage giving the atmospheric backing vocals (I could only see Alice from my seat but I assume Emma was on the other side). So is it possible that Alice was in the other aisle at the same time? gayz: Oh that is cool to know! Yes, in that case it is entirely possible that Alice was downstairs in the other aisle directly beneath me. On the other hand, Emma just seemed to be standing in the aisle and not singing along? Or maybe I just missed it!
tg20: I go back and forth about what my interpretation of who is influencing who is to be honest. Did Emma leave the book purposefully to help Lizzie along with her ‘what if Mrs Borden dies first’ idea? Did Bridget purposefully not pack it so that she could give it to Lizzie? Bridget does seem to be the background antagonist at various points, but when Emma returns from Fairhaven, it’s clear she had expected Mrs Borden to be dead, but not the father. So it’s a hard one. gayz: I agree, it’s a hard one. My interpretation from the first show was that it was Bridget, rather than Emma, who wanted to show Lizzie the book of household poisons – it just seemed like such a weird thing for someone to want to take with them on a trip. But then again, as you say, Emma did seem like she had expected Mrs Borden to die at some point during Emma’s trip…
tg20: Alice makes good on the invitation from this morning and comes over to hang out! - One of my favourite things is Alice standing to the side of the stage, straightening out her skirt and fixing her hair, waiting for Lizzie and their date. So cute. Also, sometimes MQB really leaned into the flirting of ‘Shall we go upstairs?’ And sometimes she played it quite innocently and sweet. And both were valid. gayz: Yes, I loved that too!!! So cute and both so valid!!
tg20: The milk, the milk that comes in a can - That bloody milk speech. I assume the cast must hate that speech. It amuses me that the writers took that almost wholly as is from the court records and just dropped it in. I am glad they didn’t make it into a song, though. gayz: The milk speech! It’s just so hilariously long-winded. I love it.
tg20: I do enjoy Lauren expressing her increasing frustration at Alice’s very sensible responses to the poisoned milk claims. She turns away and frowns.
tg20: One of the things I noticed in London that I hadn’t in Manchester (again, I could only see down one of the side stage bits) was that Bridget was listening to this conversation while sweeping up. So she heard the ‘We were all sick, all but Maggie’ and she didn’t look happy about it. gayz: Yes! At the first show I went to, Ayesha was playing Bridget and she looked extremely offended by this.
tg20: IT’S JEALOUS PEAR TIME - I love the sexy pear song. It gave me a lot of feelings the first time I saw it, front row centre. A lot of feelings. Alice’s metaphor of Lizzie as a rose is interesting though. Lizzie consistently likens herself to birds, wanting to fly away to freedom. Birds and trees go together, so Alice could have stuck with the bird thing, but she didn’t. She wants Lizzie rooted firmly to the ground. gayz: Oh my gosh, the first time I saw it I hadn’t listened to the soundtrack yet so you can only imagine my mounting excitement: ‘is she constructing an elaborate story where she’s a pear?’ ‘gathering up in skirts, you say?’ ‘will you lay next to me??’ ‘WILL YOU BITE THROUGH THE SKIN TO THE SWEET FLESH WITHIN???’ ‘SHE’S LUSCIOUS TO THE TASTE AND IS ALWAYS EATEN IN GREAT HASTE????’ I was absolutely under the impression that they had a friends-with-benefits situation and that Alice wanted Lizzie to engage more with her feelings, lol. And ooh, that is an interesting point about Lizzie seeing herself as a bird and Alice seeing her as a rose…I guess with the rose we get the duality of it being something beautiful and something dangerous so we get the progression from Will You Stay to Will you Lie, whereas birds, um, probably eat pears? I suppose Alice could have chosen to be something other than a pear…
tg20: (A weird thing that I noticed is after their initial near kiss, Lizzie gets up and should say ‘I have to be on my way’ (because it rhymes with ‘will you stay’) but Lauren routinely said ‘I have to go’. Idk why it stuck out to me so much. ELH said the correct line.) gayz: Oh yes, I also noticed that Lauren says ‘I have to go’ instead (I listened to the soundtrack a lot between shows so any differences really jumped out)! I figured she was just modernising it, but it’s quite odd that she says this and ELH doesn’t. Hmm. Perhaps an aversion to extra syllables?! I hadn’t noticed that ‘on my way’ rhymes with ‘will you stay’ but you are correct of course! I guess ‘I have to go’ sort of goes with ‘hear of all your woes’.
tg20: Alice during this whole song manages to be vulnerable, sweet, commanding, cute, powerful, protective, alluring, sexy, masterful, seductive and innocent. And that’s impressive. Huge kudos to MQB. gayz: Yes, these excellent adjectives all apply here!!! All the awards for MQB, honestly.
tg20: And I agree the kissing is definitely mutual in this production. I have heard people saying that Lizzie is already thinking of manipulating Alice by using her feelings at this point, but I don’t take that away from it at all. I think it’s genuine attraction and affection on both sides, regardless of what happens later on. gayz: Yay and yes, I’m so glad we both saw this the same way!
tg20: Somehow, another banger! - Genuinely, a song about decapitated pigeons should not go this hard, but it does. gayz: It really does! Why ARE all these heads off?!
tg20: I didn’t notice laughter at the final show, but it is understandable. Everything is so very far from fine. gayz: Maybe it was just the mean people in the balcony!   tg20: Mercury Rising - For me, this is the weakest song in the show. It’s sung beautifully and the staging is suitably dramatic, but it feels like the only filler song. I mentioned elsewhere I wish Bridget had got a funny solo rather than this. (Although in the script it is implied that Bridget is supposed to be a banshee, and that’s why she’s always doing the banshee wails and why she is involved in the precipitation of the deaths. Which is an interesting idea.) gayz: For me, Mercury Rising is a slow song where they give us a little space to breathe while ramping up the tension even more after Why Are All These Heads Off. Sort of like that bit in rollercoasters where you’re just coming off a really steep downward bit and you’re very slowly climbing up again and you know it’s going to be even more insane when you eventually reach the peak. That being said - justice for Bridget! Banshees can want people to have breakfast, too.
tg20: I love the chaos of Somebody will do something. There’s so much going on and it’s another full on banger. gayz: It really is!
tg20: (I didn’t love the choice they made in London to project Lizzie’s face onto the back wall during this number though. They didn’t do that in Manchester and I’m not sure it worked. Especially with Lauren’s blonde hair, it blended in with the set too much. I blame Sunset Boulevard.) gayz: I think I only noticed it at the first performance – it didn’t leave much of an impression on me! For the subsequent productions I was focused on the (real-life) Lauren running around with her axe. What are they doing on Sunset Boulevard?
tg20: BRIDGET is the one to hand Lizzie the axe – I don’t know if this is how they do it in all productions - It is in the script, so she’s definitely supposed to be integral. gayz: That is so cool to know, thank you!
tg20: ‘OOH Miss Lizzie you startled me’ - I adore this line, and I adore that Mairi delivered it just a little bit differently every time I saw it. I love it when actors play around with delivery and try different things. Bridget just coolly getting a wee fright when Lizzie barges out and then making no mention of the fact that she’s covered in blood and holding a dripping axe just delights me. gayz: I know, right! Hear no evil, see no evil etc.  
tg20: ‘HE’LL WISH HE’D HAD THAT SON,’ - One of my favourite line deliveries. Both Lizzies nail it with the right combination of unhinged, angry and just a little bit gleeful. gayz: Yes! That sense of triumph! You go, Lizzies.
tg20: Can’t wait for act 2!! gayz: Thank you so much! I really appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts with me as well :)
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I absolutely love that GAME
And I think Voice actors and music in games is way too under appreciated
So I pay attention to it
Plus I played that game (still do) when it only had 2 characters out (I fell out of playing it for a while bit now I'm back) and they were Rupert and his brother. MAN
Right when u see Mammon alone with the mask on and I'm FREAKING OUT
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destinyumechan · 4 years
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...now I want to go to S1 and kick the S1 Bridget so much 😅 so she's not a spoiled child there, she's legit just playing the part to be the shit she is there 😑
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memoria-99 · 8 months
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Floating cats
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bbbartblog · 4 years
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I drew this back in December of 2018.
A self-indulgent doodle of Mina kissing Bridget~
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selznick · 8 months
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i honestly love young briget's spritework with the heart eyes, wish her adult version has that (and ive just not seen it yet)
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mallorygrayson · 5 years
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Oh it's nothing I'm just hanging out with my wives having a good time and all
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peacefulrestvalley · 5 years
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I'm sorry Bridget!! 😭
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thecrazyanimegirl · 6 years
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MC your gay is showing ;)
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jenniferb19 · 6 years
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Blood +Roses Bridget Route Chapter 2 CG.
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