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#om#o michael#quantumharrelltech#harrelltut#shakhar#haylal#jinn#archangels#9 Ether Gnostics#murduk#lucifer#anu#christ#fallofamerica#michael#bye america#esoteric kemet#ancient america
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@wondererryn's concept of American-ized names for the Project SEKAI characters inspired this.
I mostly stuck to similar-sounding or thematic American names for the first names, and used surnames with similar meanings or themes.
Names beneath the cut (in case you can't read the tier list):
Leo/Need: Melody Sterling, Skye Griffin, Carolina "Carol" Lunas (Honami is now Latina), Siobhan Sonnenberg
More More Jump!: Minerva "Minnie" Fiore, Harriet Blumenthal, Allison "Ally" Pitts, Shirley Sonnenberg
Vivid Bad Squad: Cosette Bean, Anne Whitestone, Andrew "Drew" Shakhar (the Shinonomes are now Jewish), Troy Galanis (the Aoyagis are of Greek descent)
Wonderlands X Showtime: Solomon Griffin, Emilia "Emmy" Wondervogel, Callie Burr (from "Excalibur", as a parallel to "Kusanagi), Louis "Louie" Godwin
Nightcord at 25:00: Kaitlyn Nightingale (to facilitate the "K" nickname), Jane Morgenstern (as a homage to "Jane Doe", or an unknown body), Artemis Shakhar (to match the art theme of the Shakhars), Taylor Light (a pun of sorts on "twilight")
#fusion's thoughts#project sekai#pjsekai#leo/need#l/n#more more jump#mmj#vivid bad squad#vbs#wonderlands x showtime#wxs#25 ji nightcord de#nightcord at 25:00#n25
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Oleh: Ustadz Dr. Ahmad Djalaluddin, Lc, MA.
Shalat subuh berjamaah itu istimewa. Berbeda dengan shalat fardlu lainnya, meski juga ditunaikan berjamaah.
Shalat subuh itu ibadahnya shadiqin, jalannya mukminin, tradisi pecinta Rabbi al alamin.
📚 Sejarah mencatat bahwa shalat subuh berjamaah menjadi modal kemenangan muslimin. Karena itulah shalat subuh berjamaah dikatakan oleh Rasulullah –shallallahu alaihi wa sallama- sebagai shalat terpenting.
1⃣🍃 Shalat subuh berjamaah itu jalan keimanan. Bahkan para sahabat menganggapnya sebagai standar iman. Ibnu Umar –radliyallahu anhu- berkata, “Bila kami tidak menjumpai seseorang saat berjamaah isya dan subuh, maka kami berburuk sangka padanya.”
Pernyataan itu mungkin didasari oleh penjelasan Nabi –shallallahu alaihi wa sallama- yang bersabda:
ليس صلاة أثقل على المنافقين من صلاة العشاء والفجر، ولو يعلمون ما فيهما لأَتَوهُما ولو حبوًا (متفق عليه)
“Tidak ada shalat yang dirasa paling berat oleh munafik kecuali shalat isya dan subuh. Sekiranya mereka mengetahui keutamaan (berjamaah isya dan subuh), sungguh mereka akan mendatanginya meskipun harus merangkak.” (Muttafaq alaihi)
Sebagai jalan iman, berjamaah subuh merupakan langkah mendekati kemenangan. Sebab kemenangan itu dari Allah dan kemenangan dianugerahkan oleh-Nya kepada kaum beriman:
وَكَانَ حَقًّا عَلَيْنَا نَصْرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ [الروم: 47]
“Dan Kami selalu berkewajiban menolong orang-orang yang beriman.”
2⃣🍃 Waktu subuh (pagi) itu penuh berkah. Banyak kebaikan dan kebajikan di dalamnya. Keberkahan ini sebagai buah dari doa Nabi yang bermunajat:
“Ya Allah, berkahilah untuk umatku di pagi harinya.” (HR. Ahmad, Turmudzi, Abu Daud, Ibnu Majah)
Sebagai waktu yang penuh berkah, maka pagi hari adalah waktu terbaik untuk mencari karunia Allah. Melalui kerja dan menjaga produktifitas diharapkan umat meraih rizki yang barakah. Kerja dan rizki barakah sebagai modal membangun kemandirian, sehingga umat tidak bergantung pada pemberian orang dan bangsa lain.
✔ Adalah Shakhar al Ghamidi yang meriwayatkan doa Nabi di atas, sebagai pedagang beliau selalu memberangkatkan kafilah dagangnya di waktu pagi. Beliau meniru Rasulullah yang biasa memberangkatkan pasukan perang di waktu pagi.
3⃣🍃 Berjamaah subuh itu sumber cahaya. Kelak saat kiamat datang, sumber cahaya dunia lenyap. Karena matahari digulung dan bintang-bintang berjatuhan (Al Takwir: 1-2). Dan pada hari itu “kamu melihat orang mukmin laki-laki dan perempuan, sedang cahaya mereka bersinar di hadapan dan di sebelah kanan mereka, (dikatakan kepada mereka): "Pada hari ini ada berita gembira untukmu, (yaitu) surga yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai, yang kamu kekal di dalamnya. Itulah keberuntungan yang besar" (Al Hadid: 12).
يَوْمَ تَرَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ يَسْعَى نُورُهُمْ بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَبِأَيْمَانِهِمْ بُشْرَاكُمُ الْيَوْمَ جَنَّاتٌ تَجْرِي مِنْ تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا ذَلِكَ هُوَ الْفَوْزُ الْعَظِيم
🔆🔅🔆 Darimana cahaya itu diperoleh mukmin dan mukminah? Rasulullah –shallallahu alaihi wa sallama bersabda:
مَنْ مَشَى فِي ظُلْمَةِ اللَّيْلِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ إِلَى صَلَاةٍ لَقِيَ اللَّهَ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ بِنُورٍيَوْمَ الْقِيَامَة
"Barangsiapa berjalan di kegelapan malam menuju masjid, kelak di hari kiamat menghadap Allah -azza wa jalla- dengan cahaya.” (HR. Thabrani dengan sanad yang shahih).
⏩ Berjamaah subuh jalan iman, jalan kemenangan, dan jalan berkah.
Dan berjamaah subuh tidak hanya 1212.
Semoga istiqamah‼
Wallahu a`lam bisshawab
Malang, 13 Rabiul Awal 1438 H
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L'unité est toujours bénéfique
En tant que chrétiens leaders, nous ne devons jamais oublier que seuls nous ne pourrons jamais accomplir quelque chose de grand.
C'est d'ailleurs le mot d'ordre des grandes firmes qui connaissent aujourd'hui la croissance. Les grands leaders encouragent les gens à prendre conscience que : « deux valent mieux qu'un »
Si cette expression est toujours d'actualité, la bible en parlait déjà.
Pour illustrer cette expression, nous prenons l'image d'un cheval qui peut tirer plus ou moins 200 à 300 kilos. Maintenant admettons qu'à l'attelage nous ajoutons un second cheval. D'après vous pourraient-ils tracter le double ? Eh bien oui ! de plus, ce n'est pas seulement le double mais environ quatre fois plus qu’ils seront capables de tirer. Le travail d'équipe est donc bien un avantage qui n'est pas négligeable.
A présent, regardons dans le livre de l'Ecclésiaste. Salomon nous partage sa réflexion sur la vie et nous communique les réponses aux questions qu'il a pu se poser…
« Quel avantage revient-il à l'homme ? ... » Cette réflexion nous amène à réfléchir sur « l'unité »
Ecclésiaste 4:9-12 nous apprend : « qu’il vaut mieux être deux que tout seul car à deux on retire un bon profit du travail... . »
Aujourd'hui malheureusement, les hommes ont bien du mal à vivre l’unité. Pourquoi ? Je n'ai pas forcément de réponse mais je sais une chose, c'est que nous sommes appelés en tant que chrétiens et leaders à vivre cette unité au sein de l'Eglise, de nos rassemblements et dans tout ce que nous entreprenons pour la cause de Christ.
Salomon utilise le mot שָׂכָ֥ר ( shakhar ) ; en hébreu, ce mot peut se traduire par « profit », mais aussi par « salaire » Il l'emploie avec le mot « bon »
Ceci nous démontre donc que c'est une bonne chose. Qui aimerait avoir un bon salaire ? La majorité des gens souhaiteraient bien sûr avoir un meilleur salaire.
Nous pouvons entreprendre bien des choses dans le service de Dieu mais nous ne devons jamais oublier que notre travail doit se faire dans l'unité et dans le but de satisfaire la volonté de Dieu. C'est dans le travail d’équipe que nous aurons notre meilleur salaire.
D'ailleurs, lorsque nous regardons la racine de ce mot שָׂכָ֥ר ( shakhar ) : « salaire », nous avons un autre mot שָכִיר ( shakhir ) qui signifie « engagé »
Le salaire est donc synonyme d'engagement. L'unité donne un bon salaire car elle englobe cette notion d'engagement de l'un envers l'autre. Ce qui signifie que les peines, les projets, les difficultés ou encore les questionnements seront mieux traités à deux ou plus que si nous étions seuls.
Le Nouveau Testament nous parle aussi de la notion d'engagement dans le corps de Christ étant l'Église.
Personne ne peut dire : « moi, je suis le corps à moi seul » ; l'apôtre Paul nous en parle dans 1 Corinthiens 12:14 qui dit : « Ainsi le corps n'est pas un seul membre, mais il est formé de plusieurs membres. »
Notre corps n'a pas seulement deux yeux. À quoi cela servirait-il de voir si nous n'avions pas notre cerveau pour penser à ce que nous devons faire, ni de bras, de mains ou encore de jambes pour passer à l'action ? Tout cela serait vain et inutile, n'est-ce pas ?
Le fait d'être ensemble rend plus fort. C'est ainsi que les défis qui se présenteront à nous paraîtront moins compliqués à surmonter.
Une prière pour aujourd'hui
Seigneur, aide-moi je Te prie à considérer mes frères et mes sœurs comme ceux qui vont m'aider à Te servir efficacement. Amen
( Toutes les pensées quotidiennes sur : *viechretienne. net/pensee-du-jour* ). ☀️réduire l'espace entre le "point" et le "net"☀️ dans votre barre d’adresse.
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ENTÃO… E O AMOR? (What’s Love Got to Do with It?) de Shakhar Kapur
Podem ler a minha opinião sobre este filme no meu blog O CANTINHO DO JORGE: https://vamos-ao-nimas.blogspot.com/2023/07/entao-e-o-amor-whats-love-got-to-do.html
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Wikipedia is not a source for anything.
Well, since it's just too difficult for you to click a link, let me do it for you.
It should additionally be noted that most supposed "research" on "Stockholm Syndrome" does not pass peer-review.
I'm again gonna need a source on this.
Still waiting on source on the 'failed to prove it exists' you conviniently didn't link now - you did try to pretend otherwise by linking SciHub (which can be used to acces articles I linked btw, so thanks for that).
Lastly, since you focus so much on over-representation of females: there is a massive over-representation of males in autism studies.
We don't say 'autism isn't real', we study it further to understand how it actually works.
Cause let me remind you: this isn't 'is SS real' discussion despite you trying to make it so, this is a 'we don't delete entire chunks of sereach about xyz when we learn it's actually zyx - we study things more'.
If you try to move goal-post again or refuse to cite any sources again I'm just gonna block you, I have better things to do.
Hmm, discussing Halsin so much, there is one thing that miffs me a bit: A lot of people keep using the term "Stockholm Syndrome" to describe his relationship to the drow who kept him. And, like... Y'all know, that Stockholm Syndrome isn't real, right? It was made up to make the fucking police more believable in a situation, where they endangered hostages so much, that the hostages were like: "Yeah, actually, we feel more safe with our kidnappers, thank you very much." (Simplifying a lot, but that is the tl;dr of how Stockholm Syndrome came to be.)
Like, sure, people in a situation, where they are getting abused and cannot get away, will often develop a psychological response where they try to focus on the good things. They will also learn how to read their abusers well to avoid being further harmed (which often does not work, but people's mind will still try).
What I mostly see with Halsin, though, is just that he has not properly worked through the trauma. And I think a lot of that is connected to him feeling always that he needs to do things for other people. I am not quite sure whether that is connected to his childhood, or is in fact a sort of coping mechanism for his traumata, but either way, I think that this is particularly what keeps him from working through it. Mixed with maybe a bit: "Allowing myself to realize how messed up that was, would just increase the hurt. So, I was a 'guest'... who was chained to a bed for 3 years, but that is fine. I made the best of it. Everything is fine. This is fine."
Halsin, probably.
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Redesigning some old ocs ;)
(Second one my by good friend @arimathea-adytum )
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शेखर कपूर का ट्वीट- 'बॉलीवुड में क्रिएटिविटी नहीं, समझौते के लिए दिए जाते हैं अवॉर्ड्स'
शेखर कपूर का ट्वीट- ‘बॉलीवुड में क्रिएटिविटी नहीं, समझौते के लिए दिए जाते हैं अवॉर्ड्स’
शेखर कपूर. शेखर कपूर (Shekhar Kapur) ने बॉलीवुड फिल्म अवॉर्ड्स (Bollywood film awards) को लेकर एक ट्वीट किया है, जिससे मुद्दा एक बार फिर गर्मा गया है.
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#Aditya Chopra#Bandit Queen#bollywood#Bollywood film awards#Bollywood film awards are fix#entertainment#kangana ranaut#nepotism#Paani film#Seema Biswas#Shakhar Kapur reaction on Glow And Lovely#Shekhar Kapur#Shekhar Kapur on Bollywood film awards#Shekhar Kapur trolled#Sushant Singh Rajput#Sushant Singh Rajput Suicide#Yashraj Films#नेटवर्क 18#न्यूज 18 हिंदी#फेयर एंड लवली#बॉलीवुड#मनोरंजन#वायरल न्यूज#शेखर कपूर#शेखर कपूर ने बॉलीवुड फिल्म अवॉर्ड्स को बताया फिक्स
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शेखर कपूर का ट्वीट- 'बॉलीवुड में क्रिएटिविटी नहीं, समझौते के लिए दिए जाते हैं अवॉर्ड्स'
शेखर कपूर का ट्वीट- ‘बॉलीवुड में क्रिएटिविटी नहीं, समझौते के लिए दिए जाते हैं अवॉर्ड्स’
शेखर कपूर. शेखर कपूर (Shekhar Kapur) ने बॉलीवुड फिल्म अवॉर्ड्स (Bollywood film awards) को लेकर एक ट्वीट किया है, जिससे मुद्दा एक बार फिर गर्मा गया है.
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#Aditya Chopra#Bandit Queen#bollywood#Bollywood film awards#Bollywood film awards are fix#entertainment#Kangana Ranaut#Nepotism#Paani film#Seema Biswas#Shakhar Kapur reaction on Glow And Lovely#Shekhar Kapur#Shekhar Kapur on Bollywood film awards#Shekhar Kapur trolled#Sushant Singh Rajput#sushant singh rajput suicide#Yashraj Films#नेटवर्क 18#न्यूज 18 हिंदी#फेयर एंड लवली#बॉलीवुड#मनोरंजन#वायरल न्यूज#शेखर कपूर#शेखर कपूर ने बॉलीवुड फिल्म अवॉर्ड्स को बताया फिक्स
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Lo!… JEHOVAH OKCULT BIBLE [JOB] WITNESS Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESÚS = ELOHEEM TAMMUZ] E.T. from My Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC 1648 [X]… 9 Ether ALUHUM ANUNNAGI WATCHTOWER SOCIETY of HATTUSHA's Ægyptian [SHE] HITTITE SUN Queen Tiye [MAMA T]… Under Secret American [USA = SOVEREIGN] Ægyptian ATLANTEAN [SEA] Underground MILITARY AUTHORITY PROTECTION [MAP] COURT LAWS in 2022 [VI] San Diego County… Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] Engineering A [SEA] NU WORLD ORDER [NWO] WAR EVENT [WE] in Lost 2022 [VI] America @ MANSA MUSA’s Clandestine American [MCA] UFO [MU] PENTAGON Agency [PA] of Ægyptian RAMESES’… Historically Ancient [HA = HARRELL] Underground [HU = HURRIAN] MITANNI MILITARY of ENQI [ME] NUDIMMUD’s... ASHANTEE GOLD AGATE [NĀGA] DYNASTY of Clandestine [D.C.] MALIAN Official… U.S. 9 Ether MU American [MA = ATLANTEAN] MICHAEL ABUBAKARI [MA] HARRELL II… who ESOTERICALLY Translate [E.T.] the 9 Ether RIZQIYIANS’... Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computational [Compton] STAR Mathematics MEMORIZED by Us [MU] 9 Ether Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] YAHWEHS… from Inner Earth’s [HADES] Most Darkest [Occulted] ULTRA HIGH EXOSPHERE of Subatomic STAR Activation by the Thermonuclear UV Rays from NIBIRU's [SATURN's] ULTRAMAGNETIC MAGNETOSPHERE of Triple 666 [ROYAL]... 9 Ether ALUHUM ANUNNAGI Miyka'EL [MICHAEL] Haylal [HARRELL] Luciferian SON [SUN] Chromosomes of SHAKHAR’s Interplanetary Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] BLOODLINE Chemistry [B.C.] Intel of the DRACO’s [I.D.] Disagreeable Cherub [iDC] Family of 144,000 NANOSCOPIC Identities Biochemically ILLUMINATING Ribosomes w/UNICELLULAR [NIBIRU] ORGANS of SIRIUS UNSEEN NANO [SUN] BIOTECHNOLOGICAL Light Elements Genetically [LEG] MATERIALIZING IBLIYS [MI = MICHAEL] RNA Particles from NINTI’s 24 BILLION Strands of SIRIUS Black & Gold Ionospheric MELANIN [I’M] HAIR of Intertwined [HI = HITTITE] 9 Ether ALUHUM HURRIAN SUN [SON] EMPIRE Genealogies… Alkhemically + Genetically Engineered [AGED] by Our Highly Official… U.S. 1921 [IV] Clandestine... 9 Ether Gregorian Calendar Society of 144,000 Golden “Black Budget” Wall Street TRILLIONAIRE TITANS who ESOTERICALLY Authored [TEA]… Greenwood Oklahoma’s [OK] 900 A.D. LEMURIAN OIL & GAS [LOG] LEGACY LAWS in 1999 [X]… 4 My Highly Classified… 1921 [IV] U.S. Ægyptian QUANTUM HARRELL TECHNOCRACY [QHT] in 2022 [VI] San Diego County… who Innovatively Built the MACINTOSH [IBM] Operating System [iOS] Compu_TAH [PTAH] MOTHERBOARD w/QHT’s Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computational [Compton] STAR Mathematics ACCELERATING the Numerical [MAN] Summations from the Unified Statistical Aberrations [USA] Scientifically Engineered into Agile [SEA] Compu_TAH [PTAH] Architecture [PA] of SIRIUS UNSEEN NANO [SUN] BIOTECHNOLOGICAL Light Particles… Infinitely Producing [I/P] Subatomic Airwave Signals Identifying Quantum [IQ] Computer Aided Designs Drafted [CADD] by TIAMAT’s EXTRAGALACTIC… 9 Ether MOON Universe [MU] MAN… U.S. MILITARY Michael Harrell [iTUT®] SOVEREIGN GOD [WARLORD] of MESOAMÉRICA's AUGMENTED RIGEL STAR [MARS] Intel [MI = MICHAEL] WEAPONS… Engineered [WE] DEEP IN:side QUETZALCÓATL’s Intergalactic [Qi]… 9 Ether ETHERIAN SKY HEAVENS of Archangel [HA = HARRELL] MICHAEL's… Most Darkest [Occulted] GEOMORPHOLOGICAL OCEAN of the DURANKI's [GOD’s]… Clandestine Manned Crafts [UFOS = Aerial Communication Satellite Stations = SHAMS]… InterDimensionally [I.D.] Transporting [TELEPORTING] Us Astronomically Intelligent ANUNNAKI [AIA = AMÚN] SUN GOD [RA] ROYALS… 2 Constellation DRACO’s... Golden Abyss of MUMMU's MAGNETOSPHERE of Accelerated [GAMMA] BLACK SOLAR SUN [SUL] Energies DEEP IN:side ORION’s EXTRAGALACTIC MOON Universe [MU] of the AUGMENTED RIGEL STAR [MARS] PEOPLES [MARTIANS] of TILMUN’s... 8th Tri-Solar SUN [SUL] PLANETARY System [SISTER] City 2 the 9 Ether RIZQIYIANS'… Geographically UNSEEN SKY [U.S.] HELIOPOLIS of Ægyptian [HE] HITTITE SUN Queen Tiye’s [MAMA T’s]… Highly AFFLUENT [HA = HARRELL]... 9 Ether ETHERIAN SHAMBALAH & AGHAARTA Residents of Antediluvian [RA] 900 A.D. MU America [MA = ATLANTIS]… since My 2022 [VI] California [CA] Secretary of State Representative… Officially AUTHORIZE the 9 Ether RIZQIYIANS'... Highly Official… 2022 [VI] U.S. Ægyptian QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] CONFEDERACY as A Historically AUTONOMOUS [HA = HARRELL] Underworld [HU = HURRIAN] SUN_KING [Sunken] DOME Confederate [D.C.] STATE Military EMPIRE [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] MONARCHY of the Imperial [MI = MITANNI] HITTITE REICH of A New [ANU] BLACK SUN EMPEROR [SULTAN] of HATTUŠA’s Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] Celestial [B.C.] SKY KINGDOM City of HATTI's ANATOLIAN [HA = HARRELL] 9 Ether ALUHUM Underworld SUN [U.S.] GOD:KING [EMPEROR] SOLOMON's… Historically Ancient [HA = HARRELL] ILLUMINATED [HI = HITTITE] 9 Ether HATTUŠA BEL Christ [B.C.] MAFIA FAMILY… of MAYA's Underground [MU] Mystic Occult Order [MÓO] of Ægyptian [ME] MELCHIZEDEK @ PHARAOH MENES' [PM]... Highly Official… U.S. 9 Ether American Ægyptian [ATLANTEAN] QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] SKY الأوكتاجون [OCTAGON] KINGDOM [SOK = SOBEK] MILITARY Universe [MU] HQ of QUETZALCÓATL in 2022 [VI] Ægypt
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asolei... ajkal amar pochondogulo vishon palte geche...k jane r du bochor par hote giye arow kotto kichu palte jabe....kichu bolar nai... obosho ...ekta golpo boli...eta kono gf kinba bf er golpo noi abar kono crush erw golpo noi.... jodiyo goltar bishoy valobash,seta shikkhok-sk=hikkharthir valobashar golpo.... suru korchi... amar clg jibon shuru 2018 te... amader clger kichu torun sir achen tarmoddhe mostofa sir ekkebare diba shakhar sob meyeder crush...emono bolte sunechi j ekjoner samne r ekjon bolte parto na j mostofa sir amar crush...vishon mojar. ekbar amar apu bolechilo j toder clg er bangla bivage mostofa sir achen....humm...tbe amar kono sir k kokhonoi crush bole mone hoi nai. 2019 sale bangla bivager bosontote ami groupe dance e chilam. bivagei practice hoto teacher-raw segulo dekhten jeheto eta ekat boro programe chilo. amar ekta bishoi chokhe legeche j... sir ekbarow amar ba amader dike takaiii nai. nicher dike takiye chilen.
er porer bosonte ami chilam na. tarporer bochor to holoi na ebar ami amar priyo bangla bivage. 16ii decembar er deyaliar kaje kobita.. srijonsil kajer jonno puro bivage poricito hoye gelam...bijoi diboshe central programme amio chilam..tai deyalika oposthaponer somoi chilamii na tbe amar hate manano mancitrer jonno puro clg e bangla bivag sobar mukhe shuna jacchilo..jai hok programe ta darun chilo...program shese sir amai bolchen khub valo chilo, dekhlam next programe tomakei dekhte hobe bangla bivager hoi..ami to moha khushi karon amake amar bivager teacher bolechilen. er age kokhonoi sir amar sathe kotha bolenni. tarpor ase 26she march central programe thakar kotha thakleo amar kobitar protijogita thakai.. paractice e chilam na tai nije thekei finale jai ni tbe sadiya mem r ontora mem bolechilo tumi finale thako- monche othe jeow, jekhane ekdin practice e na thakar karone monche othtei dei na sejaigai eta amar kache onnorkm pawa chilo,tbe ami jai ni. sei jonno 26she march er deyalikai ami chilam..amader bivager deyalikar dayitto porechilo mostofa sir er opor sir er sathe prothom kaj.. obosho totodine bivager sby amake ooonek ador korto. intare j sir BNCC kortam bole class theke ber kore dito abar adorw korto... sei sir dekhe bolen oo to amar student. jai hok 25she march deyalikar kaj baki deparment head sedin amar sathe prothaom kotha bollen, boso kaj shes koro ritimoto ami to colei giyechilam garite otbo tbe amar khub icche korlo ami deyalika korbo kmn dekhi...dowre cole gelam. tokhon baje 5.30ta kaj korte korte prai 8.00ta apu to phone na peye ritimoto department e call diyadichen...
vulta amari chilo deri hobe bollei partam...kaj korte parchi sei annonde vulei gechi phonta samne rakhar kotha.. ammu to call dicche to dicche, se porjayer khati bangla kobita amai sunan. ami sir k bolbo ammur sathe taw bolte parchi na obosho puro bishoy sir kheyal korechilen pore ei obostha dekhe bolen, "accha, tomar ammuke call diye amake daw." bas basar boka theke rokkha pelam deyalika oposthaponer dayitto sir amake dilen. ami pura voye she kivabe ki korbo kokhono to oposthapon kori na... jai hok, sir bolen tumi parba valo kichu hbe r na hole somossha nai tomra to cesta korcho..
erpor 4din por bosonto onusthan, jeta kebol bangla bivag kore ami porlam moha jamelai je ekta event e thake se r bakigulate thakte parbe na.. rabina apu bolse oposthapona korbi, dipa di bolche nach e tui amar satheii thakbi ami janni eta, raihan vaiya bolse tui kobita korbi...ki muskil. ei jotilota department head kei dekhte holo. tini rai den amar gula emon vabe serial koro jate ami sob gulo suntor vabe korte pari...mane kobita, nach, oposthapona eksathe... jai hok oposthaponai ami prothombar chilam, practice colakalei mostofa sirer dak bollen nupur r tamid ami tomader nam pathai dichi bitorker jonno...manosik prostuti rakhiyo...ebar to ami mone mone bolchi sob gelo...amarei chokkhe dekhe..
bosonter koyekdin por dekhi amar departmenter head ebong onnano sir-mem amake dekhlei kotha bole kmn achi jiges kore. mostofa sir dekhei dariye bolchen, tomar kalker oposthapona valo chilo lege thako valo kichu hbe. incourse colche 6ta subjceter 4ta tei ami sir er samner benche chilam sir etaw kheal rekhechilen tarmoddhe ekdin amader hole chilen fan er batashe 1st benche 3 joner khatai ore jai jai obostha sir ei obostha thekanor jonno nijer fan ghuran eabar batase onar behal dosha kichu somoi por fan bondho korte baddho hon. er porer exam er amar boi-toi kichu na porte pari nai tai dekhe likhar jonno ekkebare pichoner ekkornare boschilam. oi din sir pasher roome chilen humayun sir ektu bahire jawyai mostofa sir kei aste hoi tarage sir 4bar ase dekhe gelen prai examer majhamajhi somoi sir hothat bollen ajke nupur ase nai.. ami shes bencher theke bolchi "sir, ami eikhane" tini heshe bollen," khub subidha okhane tai naa". abar shes exam sir amader cls e 2ghonta howa chara kawke ber hote diben na esei goshona dilen
tarpor roton dar jonno shahajjer jonno taka tulchilo amai mem dekechile ei bishoye kotha bolar jonno thik se muhurtei munni mem ese chine khub anononde memke dekhei joriye dorefelam, sir o ese kotha bolchen tokhon sir amar dike khub obak hoye dekchilen amar mone hocchilo j amar kono kaj hoita khub baje chilo tai eivabe takiyechilen. erpor besh koyekdin bondho chilo clg ekdin hothat sir-er nock department e ese dekha koro kinto sir sedin chilen na. 7diner training e cole gechen..mone mone moha khushi jak ottodine bitorko shesh. kinto emonta hoini...ghoteche valobashar r shekhar r ekta rasta..
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Luis Castro, Shakhar Coach about Cristiano:
"We are talking about Cristiano. When you have him in your team, you should never let him go. We are talking about the best and most effective player in the world, a machine of work and sacrifice. for me he is the best in the world. he has an exemplary history.
“At the age of 11 he went to Lisbon to be a footballer, left his home. Cristiano is a building that stood alone, with a unique determination. he is an example for all children. People criticize him too much, that he does this, that he spends a lot of money on it ... But he responds on the field every day, always aware of where he comes from. about Cristiano, that people see where he really comes from, how he became a footballer, then they will give him more value.”
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It is finished!! I am officially a trained Montessori guide! I have so many emotions whirling through my body and mind that words escape me. The past two years has been, well, a huge deal. Doing this with young children while also finishing a bachelors degree has been INSANE. I am so thankful for the support and patience I have around me - especially from Charlotte, Simon, and James. They’ve gone through so much for me and I am humbled by their support. I am coming away from this never more in love with Montessori. I now have a whole new myriad of friends and colleagues and mentors. All the love and thanks to our amazing training team: first, the fabulous, wonderful, beautiful, ever-present trainers-in-training Lakshmi Shakhar, BethAnn Slater, Liza Davis, and Setsuko Muira; next, the awesome and hilarious Dr. Larry Quade who came to us last summer and stuck with us to the end, along with the amazing Ginni Sacket and the one and only Lynne Lawrence who supported us through the tragedy of last summer and saw to it that we finished even stronger than before; the gracious Robyn Milos and the loyal Lewis Haines; Julia Kohlberg, and Sharlyn Smith; our examiners Molly O’Shaughnessy, Virginia Buckley, and Zarin Malva. I am thankful for Austin Montessori School and the love and support I have there, from Elizabeth Suggs and her lovely assistant Laura, my dear friend Sveta Pais, among others. I am also thankful for the amazing and super helpful Janice Kearley. I could NOT have done this without immense support from my best of friends (and saints) Nicole Kavanaugh and Aubrey Hargis. Each one of my classmates - all 27 of them - are GEMS. I am in awe and gratitude of the camaraderie and love we have for each other. I didn’t think that kind of thing was possible with a group that size. I have made friendships through a unique and life changing experience that will bond is forever - true friends for life. Lastly I pay homage to Dr. Haines, may she rest in peace. You started it all and it isn’t over. 🙂
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