#shake and sexy bro **craig**
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the-rogues-nest · 8 years ago
Nicknames for Dads (By Desmond himself) Part 1
Joseph: Josie, blondie, ocean salt, Josie and the apostles, Jo-Bean, Jo-Jo, Jimmy Bluffet, Jose (legit Joe-say), vanilla bean, Pink pastor, minister man, bible boy, bible Joy, cryptid keeper (when referencing his good friendship with Robert), buttercream blondie, sailor savior and tuffle
Robert: Robbles, Rupert, Rubert, Rob-a-ton, Rob, Robert Grimes, Bert/Burt, Bat-Bert, Rob Bertana, stabby, Sasbert, Robsquatch, Bob, Bobert, Bobby, Robby, Robert 'Fight me' Small, pepper and salt (referring to him and Joseph), Mister drink and die and Robble works
Damien: Basty, Dame, D, Bat-Dam, Nectar, Petals, Pupmarch, Doodle Dame, Taxadamy, Min, Damon (Damien+Diamond), Dog whisperer, I.D (I.T D), velvet wings, gorgeous, Handsome Damsom, Lovemarch, Victorian Vamp, flower powered fiction writer, Marchels and DD
Craig: Keg, Bro-Cahn, Ketchup Keg, Craig ball, wheatgrass with a sweet ass, Shakes, mister runs-a-lot, salad shot, Craigstpher, BROcolli, dudeabro, Brother Kale, Papa Craig-carrot, CC, health nut, stressed onion and condiment king
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sceptilemasterr · 6 years ago
ES Act 2, Scene 1 - A Mystery Solved
Title: Endless Summer: The (un)Official Screenplay
Main Pairings: Estela x Ian (M!MC), Jake x Alyssa (F!MC)
Other Pairings: Craig x Zahra, Grace x Aleister, Michelle x Sean, Diego x Varyyn
Genre: Full Rewrite
Rating: PG-13 for swearing, violence, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: The next morning, amidst heavy tensions, Lila discovers what might have happened to the guests.
Previous Scene: Party Crasher
Masterlist: Link
Note: Yes, I am splitting the acts differently from the Choices version, to keep them more in line with the screenwriting convention of “act” placement! Also, looks like the sibling rivalry’s starting to brew this chapter...
Everyone is seated at the tables, eating breakfast. Sean sits with Craig, Raj, Michelle, and Diego at one table, while Jake sits with Aleister, Grace, Zahra, Alyssa, and Quinn at another. Estela sits by herself, well apart from the others, and Lila is nowhere to be found. Most of them are nursing hangovers of varying severity.
JAKE: God dammit... Pippi, pass the coffee, would you?
Quinn hands him a full coffee pot. He refills his cup.
JAKE: Gonna need twelve more cups to get rid of this headache.
ALYSSA: I just want to sleep for a week.
ZAHRA: Ughhhhh...
At Sean’s table, Michelle slides a full glass of water over to Diego.
MICHELLE: Diego. Seriously. You need water.
DIEGO: I don’t feel like drinking anything after last night.
MICHELLE: Trust me. You need to hydrate.
CRAIG: Yo, Meech, does that really help?
MICHELLE: Of course it does! Here.
She passes Craig the pitcher of water. He starts drinking straight out of the pitcher.
MICHELLE: Ugh. Craig, no, don’t drink too fast, you’re gonna-
Craig suddenly doubles over and vomits some water onto the carpet beside him.
MICHELLE: ...Yeah. That.
SEAN (sighing): I’ll go clean it up...
RAJ: I know what you dudes need! Be right back!
Raj gets up and heads back into the kitchen. Ian enters from the lobby, rubbing his eyes.
IAN: Morning everyone-
The room goes quiet when he enters. Ian stops.
JAKE: Hey, look. It’s “The Boy Who Cried Monster.”
ALYSSA: I am never gonna forget your scream as long as I live. If only I’d recorded it!
IAN: ‘Lyss, come on, do you really think-
ZAHRA: You shut that party down faster than the cops!
IAN: Look, I wasn’t lying! There really was something out there, and if you want to pretend like things haven’t been weird since we got here, then-
ALYSSA: Calm down, Ian, it was just a joke-
SEAN: Are we really doing this right, now, guys?
DIEGO: Can’t we all just calm down? Does it really matter?
Ian shakes his head in frustration and walks to the counter.
IAN (muttering): I’m not crazy.
Raj emerges from the kitchen, holding a large plate of something that looks like omelets stuffed with oysters, banana, pickles, and other strange ingredients.
RAJ: Presenting... the Raj Hangover Cure 9000!
He frowns when he notices the awkward silence in the room.
RAJ: Something wrong, dudes?
Ian says nothing, but takes a few cold pancakes from the counter and puts them onto his plate. As he turns back toward the tables, Alyssa catches his eye and glares at him.
ALYSSA: Next time, just stay in your room, would you? At least then you don’t have to ruin everyone else’s fun, too.
IAN: Come on, ‘Lyss-
She shakes her head and looks away. Ian sighs and takes a seat at Sean’s table, between him and Diego.
SEAN: Hey, Ian, it’s all cool. Jake’s just bein’ a dick. As usual.
IAN: Thanks, Sean. I appreciate it.
Sean smiles at him as Raj sits back down on Diego’s other side, sliding his new dish over to Craig.
RAJ: There. Try that.
DIEGO: Uh... Raj, your cooking’s great and all, but I dunno if I’d trust that.
Michelle wrinkles her nose at the dish as Craig heaps some onto his plate.
CRAIG: Anythin’ to get rid of this stupid headache.
He starts scooping some into his mouth. Sean laughs.
SEAN: Better you than me!
CRAIG: It’s actually not bad! Y’all are missin’ out!
MICHELLE: Craig, you’ve eaten a rock before.
CRAIG: Hey, that was for ten bucks!
The door from the lobby swings open once again. The conversation dies down as Lila enters.
LILA: Good morning, everyone! I have a special announcement to make!
Everyone stares at her, most of them still too hungover to say much.
LILA: ...Right! Anyway, Jake! Remember when you asked me where everyone had gone?
JAKE: Bluhhhhh... Sure?
LILA: Yes! So, I’ve been looking for information in the staff offices all morning, and I found this!
She slams a set of papers down onto the table in front of Jake.
JAKE: Jeez, Dimples, not so hard-
He stops talking when he reads the heading of the top paper. Suddenly curious, he picks them up and starts skimming their contents.
JAKE: “Evacuation shelter... emergency alert system... in case of hurricanes, viral outbreaks, volcanic eruptions, or other natural disasters...” Hang on, this is-
LILA: Where everyone went! Exactly!
SEAN: Hold up. There hasn’t been any natural disaster here...
ALYSSA: I don’t see you with any better ideas!
JAKE: Thanks, Princess-
CRAIG: I dunno about you guys, but I ain’t going to no spooky-ass shelter-
JAKE: Shut it. Where’s this shelter? I don’t see a location or a map here...
LILA: Well, I haven’t actually been there, but I saw some signs along the trail earlier!
JAKE: Good enough for me. I’m going. I’m losin’ cash every second I waste here.
Jake stands up and walks over to join Lila.
ALEISTER: It does seem prudent to investigate the situation further. I shall come as well.
GRACE: Count me in too! I’ve been meaning to get a closer look at some of the local plant life on the island anyway.
QUINN: I’ll go too!
JAKE: ...Princess? You in?
Alyssa glances over at Ian once before nodding.
ALYSSA: Sure. What’s there to be afraid of?
DIEGO: Wait, you’re going too? Why?
Alyssa blushes and turns away.
ALYSSA (flustered): Diego! That’s- that’s not- None of your business!
Diego nudges Ian and smirks.
DIEGO: Looks like somebody’s got a crush on the dashing, handsome, rugged, sexy, charming, hunky, gorgeous-
ALYSSA (very quickly): O-KAY! Let’s go, everyone! Time’s a-wasting!
Ian smiles in spite of himself at Diego’s teasing.
JAKE: Alright, you cowards can stay here where it’s nice and safe. The rest of us, let’s head out!
He scowls at Sean before leaving the restaurant with the rest of his group. Sean shakes his head and leans his elbows on the table as Zahra walks over to join them.
SEAN: “Coward,” really? That guy’s really getting on my nerves.
IAN: ...I just hope they don’t run into that... that thing I saw.
CRAIG: Not that I don’t believe my bro, and he believes you... but, you sure it wasn’t just, like, a big reindeer or something?
MICHELLE: Reindeer? In a tropical jungle?!
CRAIG: ...Hey, it could happen. Right?
ZAHRA: No. No, it really couldn’t. Ian here probably just couldn’t handle his liquor, eh?
IAN (annoyed): I’m just about the only person here who didn’t drink anything last night! I know what I saw!
DIEGO: Well, I believe him-
CRAIG: ‘Course you do, you’re his best friend-
The group begins to argue once more, until Estela walks over to them and thumps the blunt end of her spear on the center of the table.
ESTELA: He’s telling the truth.
An awkward silence follows.
CRAIG: ...Who the hell are you, and how would you know?
Estela rolls up her pant leg, revealing her bandaged wound.
ESTELA: What do you think did this?
She leaves before any of them can utter another word. Ian glances after her gratefully.
ZAHRA: Well. Guess that settles it. Now if you’ll excuse me-
She collapses face-first onto the table, sound asleep.
Next Scene: The Princess and the Wolf
Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @mysteli @edgydepressedchoicesthot @bbaba-yagaa @endlesshero1122 @endlessly-searching-for-you
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otherluces · 7 years ago
Happy freaking Valentine's Day to me! Thank you Metro, I loves you (although if I really wanted to, I probably could have been lame and sent an anon message to myself ^^() ). Also I’m basically answering these through the lens of my story because...I don’t know, it helps me flesh it out more. Also @andiamaprincess I see you sent me this one, too.
Rate the Ship -  
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs - I generally don’t like to call various ships OTPs cause I ship nearly everything, but given my obsession with these little fuckers lately, I’ll use the term for nowHow long will they last? - Til death, but that doesn’t mean they won’t have their struggles and rough patches - just because you’re total bros with your partner doesn’t mean you don’t fight about stupid shitHow quickly did/will they fall in love? - a couple months, but that was more of that puppy love/new relationship energy dynamic...it takes about a year for them to say I love you and really mean it on a deep, meaningful levelHow was their first kiss? -Drunken, but sweet...unfortunately Clyde doesn’t remember it in the morning, but Kenny...
Who proposed? - Clyde tried to, but his plan went horribly wrong and he got really upset (maybe a little crying). Kenny caught the gist of what he was trying to do, and by the end of the night, Kenny just said yes while they were snuggling in bed (it takes a few minutes for Clyde to catch on, but once he does, he practically smothers Kenny with kisses and a bear hug)Who is the best man/men? - CraigWho is the Maid of Honor? - KarenWho did the most planning? -They were pretty equal in the planning. It wasn’t intense planning, like long sessions with binders and stuff, but whenever one of them thought of something they wanted, they just sort of blurt it out to the other. Clyde even sometimes woke up Kenny in the middle of the night to tell him something like “we should have a big screen TV with Super Smash Bros. hooked up at the reception!”Who stressed the most? - ClydeHow fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. -(borrowing from my own un-fancy wedding) They rented a cheap hall for a venue, had a potluck reception, and went DIY for most everything else. They’re not destitute, but not wealthy, and they both agree that spending a lot of money on a big fancy wedding is fucking dumb.Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? -Stuart, but he shows up anyway, promising that he won’t drink...he does, but thankfully only drinks like two beers and generally behaves himself (this is my father in law from my wedding...he called me a bitch like 3 days before our wedding, probably cause I said he couldn’t drink there (and he was drunk when I said this to him))
Who is on top? - They switch, but if they had to pick a preference, Clyde likes to top more often because he has to be in the right mindset for receivingWho is the one to instigate things? - Whomever has the erection first and starts grinding on the otherHow healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right nowHow kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s headHow long do they normally last? -Kenny is kinkier than Clyde, but Clyde does enjoy the getting occasional spanking...really I’d probably call them a 5, but the description of a 5 includes butt stuff which...well most of what the do is butt stuff, so....Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - They try, but some days you just can’t finish, some days you manage to have a couple. They don’t stress about it.How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. -depends on their mood, Kenny is typically the dirty talker, as when Clyde has tried, it just ends up sounding more silly than sexy, they tend to like rougher sex, but sometimes they enjoy more gentle “lovemaking”How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - again, no ABO hereHow many children will they adopt? - one...Clyde would probably make a kickass dad, but Kenny was nervous, afraid he’d become his parents...Clyde tells him he’s nothing like his parents and that he can help break the cycleWho gets stuck with the most diapers? - They take turns, they’re not assholesWho is the stricter parent? -Kenny, who overcorrected a bit from his extremely passive parents. He’s not authoritarian though.Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? -Neither...they’re usually filming their kids doing the stuntsWho remembers to pack the lunch(es)? -Kenny Who is the more loved parent? -I like to think that their kid would brag about how they had the two coolest dads in the worldWho is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? They try to help out with fundraisers when they can, but they don’t really attend PTA meetings...Who cried the most at graduation? -ClydeWho is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? -Kenny
Who does the most cooking? - ClydeWho is the most picky in their food choice? -Clyde (cause Kenny is still stoked to be eating at all)Who does the grocery shopping? -BothHow often do they bake desserts? -once a week for Sunday dinnerAre they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? -They love their meat, but they eat well-balanced meals (they want to instill healthy eating on their kid, Clyde because he ate a bit too much as a kid, Kenny because he barely ate at all)Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? -Kenny - Clyde always cooks tasty food, so Kenny tries to plan a fancy anniversary dinner, but it never turns out quite like the recipe said it wouldWho is more likely to suggest going out? -Kenny - Clyde likes to go out, but he prefers to stay at home and snuggle on the couchWho is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? -you’d think Clyde because he can get forgetful, but he’s an ace cook - Kenny is more likely to get distracted preparing a side dish and forgetting that the stove was on
Who cleans the room? - RoombaWho is really against chores? -ClydeWho cleans up after the pets? -They’re both actually good about this because they love their pets and want their living area to be cleanWho is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? -both - it’s a quick, effective cleaning technique ^^()Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? -Their child - they love their dads, but they can be kind of embarrassing...Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? -Kenny - Clyde loses his petty cash all the time
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - ClydeWho takes the dog out for a walk? -The whole family goes to the dog park (cause SP had a dog park by this point....)How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? -Kenny and Karen get a little extreme with holidays, as it was some of the better times they had as kids, so Kenny has Karen come over and they decorate the shit out of the living roomWhat are their goals for the relationship? -To be happyWho is most likely to sleep till noon? -They’re both sleeping to noon on the weekends. When their kid is young, they climb into bed and sleep between themWho plays the most pranks? -Clyde
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ddaddsprompts · 7 years ago
Imagine suffering from adult bedwetting
This imagine was requested privately via instant messenger. None of the scenarios involve the fetishisation of the topic and with the exception of Craig’s scene, which hints at NSFW themes (not related to the condition), all are safe for work. However, I still put it under a read-more because of the subject matter.
- Mod Mare
It’s been so long since you last did ‘it’ – so long you kind of hoped that you were cured, now, despite what the doctors always told you. You still wear the absorbent underwear and your covers and mattress are covered in protective fabrics, though, because your parents didn’t raise you a fool and you’d rather be safe than sorry. Alex had always been understanding of your condition and ever since they died, you hadn’t shared a bed with another person except Amanda, so there never had been the need to explain it. Until now.
🥃 Robert wanting to take it slow meant it took months until you first stay over at his place and share a bed with him. He acts like you’ve been together for ages, dressing down to his boxers so nonchalantly the thought of sexual urges doesn’t even cross your mind, you’re too surprised. And nervous. Robert flops down and rolls on his side, where he props himself up by his elbow so he can stare at you. He raises an eyebrow and pointedly looks at your shirt and trousers, which are still on your person and not the floor like his. You blush, playing with your buckle. “You don’t have to stay,” he grunts out. “It’s not that…” His eyebrow wanders higher. “I can borrow you some sleeping pants if that’s the issue.” You shake your head again and reach down to unbuckle your trousers. Before you can change your mind or grow too nervous, you pull them down. When Robert doesn’t say anything, just continues to look confused, you realise he probably doesn’t recognise your underwear for what it is. “I, um… I have nocturnal enuresis.” His look is still blank. “I… sometimeswetthebedatnight.” It takes a few moments for him to decipher what you just said. He opens his mouth but you interrupt him. “This underwear is absorbent and I have pads so nothing will get on your sheets I just thought you should know in case you’d rather not I—“ He throws his shirt at your face. You pause. “Get in.” He rolls his eyes and that’s it. The topic’s over. Relieved, you sink down on the mattress and Robert immediately pulls you into his arms. Turns out he’s got a secret too: He’s a cuddler.
🍸 Joseph dropped by while you were cleaning your house and immediately started to help despite your protests. It’s a work in progress, getting him to do nothing and just relax. At least you managed to stop him from grabbing the vacuum cleaner and delegated him to throwing the laundry into the tumble dryer. You just finished cleaning the living room and unplugged the vacuum to carry it to Amanda’s room when he calls for you. His voice comes from your bedroom and indeed, you find him there, holding… You’re glad that you’re not holding anything, as you would have dropped it at the sight of Joseph with the protective cover that used to be on your mattress in his hands. “Hey, Y/N, I was wondering whether that’s supposed to go into the normal wash or does it need hand-washing?” There’s no mistaking what the cover is for, as the company’s slogan pretty much states what their products are for. You’re surprised to see him holding it at all; sure, it’s dry, but you still expected disgust. “Y/N?” Joseph’s concerned tone of voice pulls you from your thoughts. You smile and make a dismissive gesture, which he doesn’t seem to fully believe, but he drops the topic. “Normal wash is fine.” He nods and throws the cover on the pile of laundry in the corner. “I told you to run the tumbler, not the washing machine.” Joseph winks and drops a kiss on your head as he walks past you. “I like to help.” You roll your eyes and follow him. If he won’t make a big deal out of it, you wouldn’t, either.
☕ Mat and you had been on a gig by a band you’d never heard of before, but the music was awesome and the audience even more. By the time Mat parks his car in front of his house, it’s already dark outside, the middle of the night, and you’re practically dead on your feet. So when Mat asks whether you want to spend the night at his place, you don’t even think twice before saying yes and follow him inside. Carmensita is at a friend’s house, so there’s no need for staying quiet as you get ready. You never leave the house without your absorbent underwear on and pads in your pockets, so naturally, you have them with you now, too. Mat gives you a spare toothbrush and you excuse yourself for a moment so you can brush your teeth and get changed. Had you been more awake, you probably wouldn’t have done it, but how things are, you throw the wrapper in the direction of the bin. You turn around before you notice that you missed and it landed on the floor next to it. Mat goes into the bathroom once you’re outside; you sit on the bed and wait for him to get back. When he does, it’s obvious that there’s something on his mind. He pauses in the doorframe and looks at you for several seconds, just standing there, making you more nervous with every passing second. You clear your throat, which seems to break him out of whatever trance he’d been in. He blushes and slips in behind you. You turn around and curl into him, your head on his chest.
🌹 It’s your fourth date and like you had on the first one, you spend it at Damien’s manor. From the moment he opened the door, Damien looked nervous. As time flew by, it only got worse. His hands were shaking, his skin even paler than it normal. You tried to ask him what was wrong over and over again, but he always said everything was fine. Once or twice, he looked like he was about to say something, but he never did. That only happens later, long after the sun has set and Damien turned on the lights in his garden. He leads you over to a bench, surrounded by flowers of various colours, but doesn’t sit down. You frown. He doesn’t look at you, but at the flowers, his gaze distant like he is lost in thought. “Y/N.” You flinch, not having expected him to speak all of a sudden. “There’s something I have to tell you. A… secret, if you will. It is not that I’m ashamed, but past experiences make me… cautious. I don’t know how…“ He trails off with a frustrated noise. You can tell he’s struggling to find words. “How about I tell you a secret first and then you tell me yours?” You aren’t sure what gives you the courage, but you can’t stand seeing him so tense. He frowns, but nods. You take a deep breath. “I have nocturnal enuresis. I still wet the bed sometimes.” Damien says nothing for a few moments, clearly taken by surprise. Then, he smiles and it seems a heavy weight falls off him. He puts a hand on your shoulder. “Y/N, I’m trans.” You reach up and put your hand on his. “TOLD YOU,” a voice suddenly calls. You look up just to see Lucien close his window again. Damien blushes furiously.
🎣 The prospect of letting Brian in on your secret fills you with naked fear. As bad as that thought makes you feel, he doesn’t seem like the type of person who’d understand. So you don’t tell him, even as your relationship grows more and more serious, not even as he starts to talk about you moving in with him. He never noticed your special bedsheets or underwear and no incidents happened. You know you’d have to tell him at some point, but that point, you hope, lies in the far distant future. Of course, given your luck, it doesn’t. Brian’s bed would have been big enough for the two of you, but somehow, he got the idea to build a new one from scratch into his head, so that’s what he does in his backyard. He’s halfway done by the time you realise that it would be too big for your absorbent bedsheets and mattress cover, which you had hoped to sneak past him. “Um, Brian, quick question: What are the dimensions of the bed?” He lowers his hammer and looks over at you with a frown. “Why?” “So I know what size the mattress and the sheets need to be. You built the bed, the least I can do is buy everything else.” Brian shakes his head. “No, no, I’ll buy it. I know someone who sells them at a—“ “Brian,” you interrupt. The words are out of your mouth before you can think about it. “I need a special mattress, mattress covers and bedsheets. I have a medical condition, I sometimes wet the bed.” Brian blinks, eyes wide. You brace yourself for the inevitable comments, but they never come. He just nods and fishes out a piece of paper and pen. “Okay, so it’s 72" wide—“
👟 You moved in with Craig a few weeks ago. Somehow, you managed to convince him to take your covers instead of his without him asking too many questions, so the topic never came up until now. The girls are at their mother’s place for the weekend, which means some quality time with your bro, which involves lots of cuddling, watching TV and having sex. Both of you are naked at this point, having spent the last ten minutes kissing each other on the couch, exploring the skin you revealed. “Lube?” You ask against Craig’s lips. He mumbles something about not wanting to go upstairs to retrieve it from the bedroom, so he disappears in the bathroom. You patiently wait… and wait. When it feels like he’s been away for hours, you get up to see what he’s up to. He’s standing in front of the opened cupboard, holding a bottle of something in his hands. When he notices you, he turns around. Your heart drops when you see he’s holding your lotion, which you preventatively hadn’t thrown away, even though you haven’t used it in ages. Craig looks at your face, then lowers his gaze to the bottle again. You hold your breath. Then he unscrews the cap and cautiously sniffs at it, much to your confusion. “It’s no vanilla-scented lube,” he hums, “but it will do.” He grins that sexy, face-splitting grin of his that never fails to make your stomach flutter and pulls you against him. You obediently follow, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning in for a kiss.
📖 Ever since your problems started, you took to setting alarms at random intervals throughout the night, so you’d wake up and could use the toilet instead of… well. Alex had quickly got used to them and learnt how to sleep through your phone quietly playing whatever song you used as your alarm at that point in time and then, after their death, you slept alone. So when you first spend the night over at Hugo’s place after you got together officially, you forget to warn him. The gentle tunes of your alarm wake you up sometime around three am. You automatically reach out to turn it off and sit up with a yawn and a stretch. To find Hugo glare at you from between strands of his loose hair, barely awake. “Shit, I’m sorry, I forgot—“ With a yawn of his own, Hugo sits up and rubs his eyes. “Why are we up at… three am. Y/N, why do you have an alarm for three am?” Late, or early, depending on one’s perspective, as it is, you can’t think of an excuse that would stand his scrutiny. Not that you want to lie to him to begin with, which only leaves the truth. “I have nocturnal enuresis.” Hugo frowns, you can practically see the gears turn in his head. Then understanding dawns in his face. “Do you have any more alarms?” “Another one at five.” Hugo nods and sinks back into the waiting embrace of the mattress. “I’ll get used to it.” He closes his eyes, so he doesn’t see your expression of pure relief.
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leisurelypanda · 8 years ago
Life is Good chapter 7
In return for the flowers, Andrew decided that the best way to thank Craig was a dinner and movie night. The kind of date they never seemed to have time for, which was insane considering their first date when they became a couple was camping out in the middle of the woods for a weekend. Fortunately, Damien instantly agreed to watch the girls when he heard about Craig’s gesture (an arrangement which worried Craig, but Andrew insisted they’d be fine). They had dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant, then headed to the movie theater.
 When they arrived they stood staring at the show times. There was a rom-com, an action flick, and a couple horror movies since it was almost Halloween, a possessed space-cowboy movie, a suburban prostitute/serial killer movie, and a witch/vampire medieval movie. The theater also showcased various classic horror movies for the Halloween season. One in particular coming up soon was a French movie, Les Diaboliques.
 “What do you think bro?” Craig asked. “Classic scary movie or modern scary movie?”
 “Ooooh bro, I don’t know,” Andrew said with excitement. “Possessed space-cowboys sounds like a horror spin on Firefly and I’m all about that.
 “But also Les Diaboliques is a classic. I’ve always wanted to see it on the big screen, but alas, the movie is a little younger than our parents!”
 “It’s a 1950s French movie,” Craig said. “How bad could it be, dude? And what’s Firefly?”
 Andrew glared playfully at his bro. “Just for that, we’re seeing Les Diaboliques. You’re gonna eat those words, bro. And what do you mean by ‘What’s Firefly?’ I can’t believe we’ve been together this long and you don’t know what that is! This is a travesty and I have to fix it.”
 Craig smiled and took his hand and laced their fingers together. “I think I’ll be fine, bro. Whatever you say.”
 They approached the booth and ordered their tickets. The teenager behind the glass window looked at their choice. “Oooh good choice,” she said. “And great timing! You two got the last two tickets! Enjoy!”
 They heard a few groans from the people in line as the sign above blinked from the show time to “Sold Out”
 “No going back now,” Andrew grinned, taking his bro’s hand as he walked through the doors to the concessions stand. “Though it sounds like we could make a killing selling these tickets.”
 Craig rolled his eyes. “Whatever you say, dude. How bad could it be?”
  Craig was really trying to play it cool. The truth was he was a bit nervous about seeing the movie. It turned out to be about a school principal’s wife and mistress who, upon discovering that they’re being played, decide to kill the asshole. But it definitely wasn’t what Craig expected of modern horror movies. No gore or torture or jump scares. This one had him sitting on the edge of his seat and holding his bro’s hand. He peaked at Andrew at some point in the movie and his boyfriend looked at him and smirked as he leaned in and whispered, “Is this scary enough for you, bro?”
 Craig really needed to stop giving the universe so many chances to put his foot in his mouth. It was getting old at this point, but he was determined to make it through the date for his bro’s sake.
 He must have been shaking because Andrew covered the hand he was holding with his other hand. It was warm and soft and steady, like somehow his bro had become a fan of horror movies since their college days. “Hey,” he whispered. “I got you, bro.” Andrew kissed his hand for emphasis.
 Okay, okay. I’m good. We’re good, Craig thought. Nothing to worry about.
 At that moment a hand reached out and grabbed one of the women on screen and several people screamed along with her, including Craig. God dammit, universe!
 It wasn’t a bad movie, though. It was great! There was a lot of psychological horror, rather than the stuff he’d come to expect from horror movies. Like Saw. God, he couldn’t stand Saw, and there was absolutely no way those movies would show up in his house as long as his girls lived there.
 Well, maybe when they turn 16, if they’re somehow into that sort of thing by then, he thought.
 Craig was enjoying himself, despite being scared to death half the time. He could see why this movie in particular was a classic in the horror genre. And truth be told, even though he could handle modern horror movies, he wasn’t really a fan of them. Though maybe if he watched them with Andrew he could be, if his bro was a fan of those movies, too. He’d make it through this one in one piece, first, of course.
  “So what did you think, Craig?” Andrew asked as they made their way out to the car. “Good movie?”
 Craig opened the door, practically jumping from all the adrenaline in his veins. “Bro, that movie was great! That ending fucked with my mind! That entire movie fucked with my mind, man! Would it be wimpy of me to say that if you hadn’t been holding my hand I’m not sure if I could’ve made it through it?”
 Andrew grinned and leaned over to kiss Craig on the cheek. “No, it makes you a brave man who can admit that he was afraid. Very sexy.”
 Craig blushed a bit. “How did you make it through the first time?”
 Andrew thought back for a bit. “Let’s see… it would have been with Alex shortly before we adopted Amanda, and we were at home, he held my hand while I hid behind a pillow. I stayed up the whole night with the lights on until the sun came up and fell asleep at work the next morning.”
 Craig smiled and started the car. “Good thing it’s a Friday, then.”
 They rehashed the movie during the drive home. Every time Craig jumped, every time someone in the audience screamed, and every time Andrew screamed (it was good to know that his bro had been scared as well). By the time they arrived at Damien’s house, Craig felt like he might be able to sleep that night, provided Damien hadn’t terrified his girls or something.
 They knocked politely at the door and a moment later, Damien stood there with his three girls in tow smiling with delight.
 “How were they?” he asked.
 Damien smiled. “They were delightful. River slept almost the whole time, so she might be a bit restless tonight.”
 “Mr. Bloodmarch read us Frankenstein!” Hazel said.
 Damien chuckled. “Some of it, at any rate,” he admitted. “I fear the tale is a bit lengthy to read in a single evening. I hope your evening was enjoyable. It is far too lovely a night to not take advantage of.”
 Andrew smiled. “It was great. We saw Les Diaboliques.”
 Damien paled. “Oh dear, that’s quite a movie. It’s… a classic. And… utterly appropriate for the season.”
 Briar tugged on Andrew’s pant leg and he leaned down to pick her up. “Can you take Dad out for another date sometime so we can hear the rest of it?” she asked.
 Andrew chuckled. “Well, I’d love to take him out on more dates, but why don’t we ask Mr. Bloodmarch how he feels about it? Maybe if you ask nicely he’ll agree.” He put Briar down.
 The twins looked up at Damien, eyes full of wonder and innocence. “Please Mr. Bloodmarch?” They pleaded. “Will you babysit us again and read us the rest of the story?”
 Damien smiled and bent down to look them in the eyes. “My stars, it’s wonderful to see young kids so interested in literature,” he said. “I’d be delighted to, my dears, but only if you behave for your parents.”
 “We will!” they promised.
 Craig smiled and looked down at his watch. It was nearly 10:30! “It’s getting late,” he said, taking River from Damien. “We’d best be getting home. Thanks again, dude!”
 Damien waved. “My pleasure! Good night!”
 As they walked back to their house Craig had the sneaky suspicion that Damien might make goths out of his girls. Though if they turned out like him, that might not be so bad. “So girls,” he said. “You got any ideas for what you wanna be for Halloween?”
 Apparently his suspicions were justified. “I want to be Dr. Frankenstein!” Briar said.
 “Frankenstein?” he asked. “You want to be a monster?”
 Briar rolled her eyes. “No dad, Dr. Frankenstein is the guy who made the monster. Hazel wants to be Frankenstein’s monster.”
 Oh God it’s happening already, Craig thought. Next to him, Andrew chuckled.
 “At least one of them wants to be a doctor,” Craig said to him.
 “Yeah,” Andrew replied, approaching the house. “A doctor with a god-complex and a penchant for grave robbing, but still.”
 “I’m trying to be optimistic, bro,” Craig said as he turned the key and opened the door.
 Home sweet home, he thought.
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the-rogues-nest · 7 years ago
Desmond might've spent more time cooking than getting dressed- obvious from the hole filled Danger Zone tee, Gryffindor sweats and mismatch lion and ape slippers- but he was never one to care much. With about three containers of food and an ice cold giant thermos of water, Des makes his way to the hospital.
He had a vague memory of Craig not liking hospitals or at least always looking super super uncomfortable in em. He couldn't imagine how much this was bugging that stressed kale chip named Craig. Des manages to sneak in with the food to his neighbors room and knocks with the water in hand, offering a small smile. "Hey there Craig master flex."
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shreyamistry · 7 years ago
Prompt 97: “Don’t Touch Me!” Joel is Emrys’ Ex-Boyfriend. Joel had betrayed Emrys’ trust when he cheated on him with another guy. Because, he felt threatened by Emrys’ bisexuality, and presumed he would cheat on him. Emrys broke up with Joel a week before he left for La Huerta. When Jake and Emrys came back after defeating Rourke they went to a bar near campus. Joel wants to reconcile with Emrys, but reacts negatively when Emrys refuses to get back with him. Jake intervenes this confrontation.
“Don’t touch me!”
Jake x Emrys x Joel
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Emrys looked forward to his night out with his new husband, after everything that went down on La Huerta, he was ready to finally enjoy himself and it fret about having to save the world. He wanted more and he could finally have that with Jake, and sure the bar was such a little thing to be excited about, but after everything he deserved it.
He and Jake decided to go to a place not far off campus, Quinn and Michelle had planned to meet up with them, and Diego and Craig talked possibilities of meeting them as well. Grace promised to be more adventurous but chickened out, and promised to drag out the old ball and chain and enjoy the night with them.
Jake and Emrys of course arrived to the bar first, finding themselves sitting at the bar, Emrys humming to himself absentmindedly waiting for the bartender to tend on the pair.
“Whiskey straight.” Jake nodded at the bartender who smiled, with a soft nod letting his eyes fall to Emrys who sat on the bar stool looking over the specials on the menu before him.
“Ugh… pft.” Emrys sighed looking over it a few more seconds.
“The usual Emrys?”
“The usual?” He asked, confusion taking over his tone looking over the bartender trying to remember his face.
“You come here once a week and order the same drink. Come on, you don’t get drunk enough to forget me do you? The Blue Hawaii. ” The bartender asked, and then it hit him. After all the drama and hectic times on the island, he couldn’t even remember his normal everyday life and fun he had with his friends beforehand, it hadn’t been as long for them as it had for him and rest of his friends, it felt so surreal and overwhelming.
“Yeah, the usual is…perfect.”
Jake stood awkwardly behind his boyfriend, he didn’t know how to save him from the awkward small talk he and the bartender were making. Poor guy. After a few more words he departed to make drinks for the pair as Jake turned to face Emrys enjoying his beautiful face. His hand resting on Emrys’ shoulder to get his attention before leaning in to whisper to him.
“You look good tonight, Boy Scout,” Jake whispered in Emrys’ ear, his hands falling onto Emrys’ waist, the warmth of his breath grazing the tips of Emrys’ ear causing him to blush.
“You’re such a flatterer,” Emrys laughed, “You look hot,” Emrys smirked back, letting his head fall back against Jake’s shoulder.
“Now who’s flattering people-“ Jake was caught off by the contact of someone’s arms pushing Jake away wrapping them around Emrys causing the pair to be shocked into silence as he began to speak.
“Ems!” The voice called out excitedly, “who would have thought I’d see your sexy ass around here. Wouldn’t mind seeing you more exclusively, maybe at my place.”
“Gross, Joel. Get the hell off me.” Emrys groaned pushing off the man standing before them. He almost prayed Jake wouldn’t remember who Joel was, he knew it’d just cause him some trouble. “I don’t want to see you.”
“Baby, come on-“
“Maybe, you should step back Jack.” Jake interjected, pushing on Joel’s chest.
“Whatever asshole lay off or I’ll shove my foot so far up your ass you’ll be tasting dirt for years.” Jake threatened looking him in the eyes, Joel laughed at his attempt to scare him off shrugging him off completely.
“Let the piece of ass speak for himself,” Joel snickered, “come on, baby, you know you want to come home with me? Look at this dork-“ Joel added gesturing to Jake, “come on shaggy hair and Sargent type? It’s pathetic, no offense douche.”
The smirk on Joel’s face enraged them both, who did this asshole think he was. Emrys was finally fed up. “Get lost, alright? You left me because I’m bisexual, you have self-esteem issues, you’re an asshole, and a biphobic piece of shit, so leave us the fuck alone.”
Joel’s smirk flattens, his arms crossing across his chest. He nods, sucking on his teeth letting out a soft noise before throwing his fist towards Emrys. Emrys yelps in response preparing for impact, too shocked to react only to realize the fist never came.
“Don’t touch me, and definitely don’t touch him or I’ll make you regret.” Jake spat at him, gripping Joel’s fist tightly within his own. “Don’t embarrass yourself, walk away.”
“You should marry that guy, Emrys.” The bartender whispers to him watching Joel get his ass handed to him by Jake, setting the blended fruity blue cocktail down beside him along with Jake’s glass of whiskey. “He’s sexy as hell when he’s being protective.”
Emrys held back a laugh listening to the bartender, as Joel shaked in his shoes more patrons watching them from around. A few hushed whispers being exchanged, a few supportive smiles sent in Emrys direction.
“Who are you to tell me what to do?” Joel sputtered, his exterior beginning to diminish. The douche bag angry aesthetic beginning to fade into the sad angry douche aesthetic. “I can do whatever I want it’s a free country.”
“Don’t make me be the asshole here who kicks your ass,” Jake muttered, his grip tightening around Joel’s fist. “I bench 350, I bet you couldn’t even bench 35, Geronimo.”
“Whatever,” Joel growled, trying to pull his hand away from the deathening grip. “Let go of me.”
“Your pathetic ass better be out of our view then, you’re no one.” Jake shrugged, holding the tight grip around his hand. Joel didn’t want to give in, but even this killed him, the right grip pained him completely, but he complied anyway. The looks they were still receiving from other patrons, the noisy bartender watching sucking a drink noisily through a straw.
Joel jerked his hand again, grabbing a drink off his table beside him. He looks at Jake before tossing the contents in the cup at him soaking both Jake and Emrys. “Fuck you guys, I’m hot anyone would be lucky to have me. Im getting out of here.”Jake and Emrys brushed him off ignoring him instead of retaliating with the drunken mess, Jake handed Emrys a napkin using one of his own to wipe at Emrys face. “You okay?” Jake whispers, leaning in and placing a soft kiss on Emrys’ cheek.
“I’m fine. Thank you. I love you.” Emrys smied, he kissed Jake on the lips stroking his cheek softly with his left hand. The warmth of his lips resonating in his mind, the scent of Emrys, everything that made Jake fall for his husband.
“You’re too good to me.”
“Yo, bros! Why did we just see some guy crying outside muttering your name?” Craig interrupts their moment, with Diego by his side, Quinn, and Michelle on the other sharing quizzical looks with Emrys, Diego pretending to not remember who Joel was and ignoring the quizzical looks.
“Just some loser, come on, the party just got started, tough guy.” Jake smiled, leading the group towards the dance floor, his grip on Emrys’ hand refusing to lessen to show a form of protectiveness.
 Prompts found here! Please request one, I love doing these!
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