#shahdol News in Hindi
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nationalistbharat · 2 years ago
सिस्टम की मार:बेटी के शव को बाइक पर रख 70 KM की सफर पर निकल पड़ा मजबूर पिता, ज़िम्मेदार कौन?
नई दिल्ली:एक तरफ मध्यप्रदेश में बेहतर स्वास्थ्य व्यवस्था का ढोल पीटा जा रहा है। भारतीय जनता पार्टी की शिवराज सिंह सरकार की पीठ थपथपाई जा रही है। डबल इंजन की सरकार की दवाई देकर मध्यप्रदेश से लेकर दिल्ली तक वाहवाही की जा रही है तो दूसरी तरफ ऐसी तस्वीरें निकल कर आ रही है जो नसीब भयावह है बल्कि सरकार और सिस्टम पर धब्बा।मध्य प्रदेश की खस्ताहाल स्वास्थ्य व्यवस्था की पोल खोलती ये तस्वीर शहडोल जिले से…
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gojackenmitracoolas · 1 year ago
आम आदमी पार्टी का समर्थन करने वाले विपक्षी सांसदों को चिट्‌ठी लिखी है। https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdHPoaFN1qs युग चरण के साथ देखिये देश-विदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और बड़ी खबरें | आम आदमी पार्टी का समर्थन करने वाले विपक्षी सांसदों को चिट्‌ठी लिखी है। Has written a letter to the opposition MPs supporting the Aam Aadmi Party. जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय आज किसी ही वक्त यूजी कोर्सेज में एडमिशन के लिए पहली मेरिट लिस्ट जारी कर सकता है। Jawaharlal Nehru University can release the first merit list for admission in UG courses any time today. मिस यूनिवर्स इंडोनेशिया कॉम्पिटिशन में शिरकत के लिए विनर चुनते वक्त ऑर्गनाइजर्स पर 6 लड़कियों को तोपलिस्ट करने का आरोप लगा। Organizers were accused of top listing 6 girls while choosing a winner to participate in the Miss Universe Indonesia competition. राजस्थान में गेहलोत सरकार खेलों को बढ़ावा देने के लिए ग्रामीण और शहरी ओलिंपिक खेलों का आयोजन करवा रही है। In Rajasthan, the Gehlot government is organizing rural and urban Olympic Games to promote sports. शहडोल में बिड़ला ग्रुप की ओरिएंट पेपर मिल (ओपीएम) में बड़ा हादसा हुआ। A major accident took place at Birla Group's Orient Paper Mill (OPM) in Shahdol. Watch the latest Hindi news Live on the World's Most Loved News Channel on YouTube. Latest News about Politics , Sports , Entertainment, Crime at Yugcharan Channel. Un Biased News Reporting ! Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group to get Latest News Updates : https://chat.whatsapp.com/ESor6YJXGEIL9y7DZRCtim Subscribe our channel for the latest news: https://www.youtube.com/@yugcharan Like us: https://www.facebook.com/theyugcharan Follow us: https://twitter.com/theyugcharan Telegram : https://t.me/TheYugCharanpaper Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theyugcharan/ Website : https://yugcharan.com #today_breaking_news #Breaking_news #Latest_news #Hindi_News #News #NewsHindiLive #LiveTVNews #HindiNews #rajasthannews #election2023 #rajasthanelection #aamaadmiparty #kejriwal #ashokgehlot #misuniverse #congressnews #crimenews #bjpnews via Yugcharan News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbT6O9BlRulH48ph5QmCYEg August 10, 2023 at 12:17PM
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ivisonguitars · 1 year ago
आम आदमी पार्टी का समर्थन करने वाले विपक्षी सांसदों को चिट्‌ठी लिखी है। https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdHPoaFN1qs युग चरण के साथ देखिये देश-विदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और बड़ी खबरें | आम आदमी पार्टी का समर्थन करने वाले विपक्षी सांसदों को चिट्‌ठी लिखी है। Has written a letter to the opposition MPs supporting the Aam Aadmi Party. जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय आज किसी ही वक्त यूजी कोर्सेज में एडमिशन के लिए पहली मेरिट लिस्ट जारी कर सकता है। Jawaharlal Nehru University can release the first merit list for admission in UG courses any time today. मिस यूनिवर्स इंडोनेशिया कॉम्पिटिशन में शिरकत के लिए विनर चुनते वक्त ऑर्गनाइजर्स पर 6 लड़कियों को तोपलिस्ट करने का आरोप लगा। Organizers were accused of top listing 6 girls while choosing a winner to participate in the Miss Universe Indonesia competition. राजस्थान में गेहलोत सरकार खेलों को बढ़ावा देने के लिए ग्रामीण और शहरी ओलिंपिक खेलों का आयोजन करवा रही है। In Rajasthan, the Gehlot government is organizing rural and urban Olympic Games to promote sports. शहडोल में बिड़ला ग्रुप की ओरिएंट पेपर मिल (ओपीएम) में बड़ा हादसा हुआ। A major accident took place at Birla Group's Orient Paper Mill (OPM) in Shahdol. Watch the latest Hindi news Live on the World's Most Loved News Channel on YouTube. Latest News about Politics , Sports , Entertainment, Crime at Yugcharan Channel. Un Biased News Reporting ! Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group to get Latest News Updates : https://chat.whatsapp.com/ESor6YJXGEIL9y7DZRCtim Subscribe our channel for the latest news: https://www.youtube.com/@yugcharan Like us: https://www.facebook.com/theyugcharan Follow us: https://twitter.com/theyugcharan Telegram : https://t.me/TheYugCharanpaper Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theyugcharan/ Website : https://yugcharan.com #today_breaking_news #Breaking_news #Latest_news #Hindi_News #News #NewsHindiLive #LiveTVNews #HindiNews #rajasthannews #election2023 #rajasthanelection #aamaadmiparty #kejriwal #ashokgehlot #misuniverse #congressnews #crimenews #bjpnews via Yugcharan News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbT6O9BlRulH48ph5QmCYEg August 10, 2023 at 12:17PM
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tezlivenews · 3 years ago
मृतकों को टीका, बिना लगे दूसरी डोज का मैसेज... एमपी में कोरोना वैक्सीनेशन के आंकड़ों हेराफेरी
मृतकों को टीका, बिना लगे दूसरी डोज का मैसेज… एमपी में कोरोना वैक्सीनेशन के आंकड़ों हेराफेरी
हाइलाइट्स शहडोल में वैक्सीनेशन के आंकड़ों में हेराफेरी बिना वैक्सीन लगे ही लोगों को दूसरी डोज का आ रहा मैसेज नवभारत टाइम्स.कॉम कई लोगों ने इस फर्जीवाड़े की शिकायत की शहडोल सीएमएचओ ने कहा कि मामले की जांच करवाएंगे रविंद्र गिलशहडोलएमपी (Fake Corona Vaccination Record In MP) के शहडोल जिले में वैसे लोगों को भी कोरोना की वैक्सीन लगा दी गई है, जो अब इस दुनिया में नहीं हैं। वहीं, कुछ लोग ऐसे भी हैं,…
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halehulchal · 5 years ago
Viral & Trending | MP Latest News | न्यूज़ & भोपाल समाचार
Halehulchal is an entertainment website that is made to keep yourself updated from mp latest news, from adventure to travel, from lifestyle to technology, from people to history, from viral to photography, from weird to bizarre buzz. We offer all the latest Madhya Pradesh news along with trending kinds of stuff so that you don't miss any updates about current affairs.
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bansalnews · 4 years ago
प्रदेश के शहडोल जिले (Shahdol News) में आने वाले गांव में एक बुजुर्ग ने अपनी पत्नी की हत्या कर खुदकुशी कर ली। फांसी लगाने से पहले बुजुर्ग ने जमीन पर पत्नी की चरित्रशंका पर हत्या करना लिखा और फंदे पर झूल गया।
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years ago
जिस राजू के इंतजार में पथरा गई थीं मां की आंखें, 13 साल बाद लौटा वतन तो कुछ याद नहीं
जिस राजू के इंतजार में पथरा गई थीं मां की आंखें, 13 साल बाद लौटा वतन तो कुछ याद नहीं
संदीप मिश्रा/शहडोल: पाकिस्तान की जेल में सालों से कैद मध्य प्रदेश के शहडोल जिले के राजू को भारत सरकार की पहल पर सोमवार को रिहा कर दिया गया है. अंतरराष्ट्रीय अटारी सीमा से राजू को अपने भारत वापस लाया जा चुका है. लेकिन वहां उसे इतनी प्रताड़ना दी गई कि उसकी आवाज जा चुकी है, वह ज्यादा कुछ सोचने-समझने की हालत में नहीं है.  ये भी पढ़ें-बच्चे की तरह चहक उठे शायर एवं पद्मश्री बशीर बद्र, 46 साल बाद मिली…
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newsyaari · 4 years ago
Children Are Continuously Dying In Shahdol District Hospital Madhya Pradesh - मध्यप्रदेश: शहडोल अस्पताल में पांच और बच्चों की मौत, जानें क्या है इसकी वजह?
Children Are Continuously Dying In Shahdol District Hospital Madhya Pradesh – मध्यप्रदेश: शहडोल अस्पताल में पांच और बच्चों की मौत, जानें क्या है इसकी वजह?
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पढ़ें अमर उजाला ई-पेपर कहीं भी, कभी भी।
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ख़बर सुनें
ख़बर सुनें
जबलपुर के शहडोल जिला अस्पताल में बच्चों की मौत का सिलसिला थमने का नाम ले रहा है। पिछले 60 घंटे में यहां पांच और बच्चों ने अपना दम तोड़ दिया है। अलग अलग बीमारियों की वजह से और समय से पहले बच्चे की डिलीवरी होने के कारण मौतें हो रही हैं। इनमें दो से…
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newsyatra · 4 years ago
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Tiger hunters caught after three months | तीन माह बाद पकड़ में आए बाघ के शिकारी – शव को जमीन में गाड़ दिया था डिजिटल डेस्क, जबलपुर। किसी के लिए भी प्रॉपर्टी खरीदना जीवन के महत्वपूर्ण कामों में से एक होता है। आप सारी जमा पूंजी और कर्ज लेकर अपने सपनों के घर को खरीदते हैं। इसलिए यह जरूरी है कि इसमें इतनी ही सावधानी बरती जाय जिससे कि आपकी मेहनत की कमाई को कोई चट ना कर सके। प्रॉपर्टी की कोई भी डील करने से पहले पूरा रिसर्च वर्क होना चाहिए। हर कागजात को सावधानी से चेक करने के बाद ही डील पर आगे बढ़ना चाहिए। हालांकि कई बार हमें मालूम नहीं होता कि सही और सटीक जानकारी कहा से मिलेगी। इसमें …
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dlsnewsindia · 4 years ago
Indore Gwalior Jabalpur and Shahdol total lockdown on today
Indore Gwalior Jabalpur and Shahdol total lockdown on today
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Updated: | Sun, 02 Aug 2020 12:39 PM (IST)
Total Lockdown in Madhya Pradesh: According to the central government’s guide line, in view of increasing corona infection cases in Madhya Pradesh, a lockdown has been kept in all cities on Sunday. On the other hand, the lockdown is being kept in the areas affected more than Corona on Saturday. Today, total lockdown has been kept in all…
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sonita0526 · 5 years ago
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मासूम को आग से सेंका, हालत गंभीर, कारनाम खन्नौधी प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र का  डिजिटल डेस्क शहडोल। जिले में स्वास्थ्य सुविधाएं लगातार बदहाल होती जा रही हैं। जिला चिकित्सालय के बाद अब खन्नौधी प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र में नवजात के इलाज में गंभीर लापरवाही बरती गई है। यहां पदस्थ नर्स ने इलाज के नाम पर बच्चे को आग में सेंक दिया। गंभीर हालत में उसे जिला चिकित्सालय के एसएनसीयू में भर्ती कराया गया है। …
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superbabaaghori-blog · 6 years ago
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bansalnews · 4 years ago
शहडोल जिला अस्पताल (Shahdol District Hospital) में 26 नवंबर से अब तक 13 नवजात बच्चों की मौत हड़कंप मचा हुआ है। हालांकि इस मामले को लेकर अब सरकार भी चौकन्नी हो गई है। इसी के चलते मध्य प्रदेश के स्वास्थ्य मंत्री प्रभुराम चौधरी आज शहडोल का दौरा करेंगे।
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newsyaari · 4 years ago
Eight Children Died In Shahdol Civil Hospital In Madhya Pradesh Due To Pneumonia - मध्यप्रदेश: शहडोल जिला अस्पताल की 20 बेड की क्षमता, भर्ती थे 32 बच्चे, अब तक आठ ने तोड़ा दम
Eight Children Died In Shahdol Civil Hospital In Madhya Pradesh Due To Pneumonia – मध्यप्रदेश: शहडोल जिला अस्पताल की 20 बेड की क्षमता, भर्ती थे 32 बच्चे, अब तक आठ ने तोड़ा दम
न्यूज डेस्क, अमर उजाला, भोपाल Updated Wed, 02 Dec 2020 10:39 AM IST
नवजात शिशु (प्रतीकात्मक तस्वीर) – फोटो : social media
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मध्यप्रदेश के शहडोल के जिला अस्पताल में दो और नवजात शिशुओं की मौत हो गई है। पिछले पांच दिनों में इस अस्पताल में कुल आठ…
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newsyatra · 4 years ago
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Tiger hunters caught after three months | तीन माह बाद पकड़ में आए बाघ के शिकारी – शव को जमीन में गाड़ दिया था डिजिटल डेस्क, जबलपुर। किसी के लिए भी प्रॉपर्टी खरीदना जीवन के महत्वपूर्ण कामों में से एक होता है। आप सारी जमा पूंजी और कर्ज लेकर अपने सपनों के घर को खरीदते हैं। इसलिए यह जरूरी है कि इसमें इतनी ही सावधानी बरती जाय जिससे कि आपकी मेहनत की कमाई को कोई चट ना कर सके। प्रॉपर्टी की कोई भी डील करने से पहले पूरा रिसर्च वर्क होना चाहिए। हर कागजात को सावधानी से चेक करने के बाद ही डील पर आगे बढ़ना चाहिए। हालांकि कई बार हमें मालूम नहीं होता कि सही और सटीक जानकारी कहा से मिलेगी। इसमें …
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years ago
Bharat Bandh updates | Delhi Police tightens security at border points
Bharat Bandh updates | Delhi Police tightens security at border points
Samyukta Kisan Morcha, the umbrella body of over 40 farm unions spearheading the farmers’ agitation, has called for an all-India Bharat Bandh.  “As this historic struggle completes 10 months, SKM has called Monday [September 27] to be observed as Bharat Bandh against the anti-farmer Modi government,” the SKM had said in a statement. The bandh will be held from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. during which all government and private offices, educational and other institutions, shops, industries and commercial establishments as well as public events and functions will be closed throughout the country, it said.
Here are the latest developments:
Madhya Pradesh | 4.10 pm
No major impact of Bharat Bandh in Madhya Pradesh
The Bharat Bandh had no major impact in Madhya Pradesh on Monday as day-to-day and commercial activities went on as usual.
Eyewitnesses said road traffic was normal in the state capital Bhopal and commercial hub Indore.
However, talking to PTI, Rashtriya Kisan Mazdoor Mahasangh national president Shivkumar Kakkaji claimed, “The bandh called by farmers against the three laws and for demanding guaranteed MSP for crops has been successful.” He further claimed that the outfit had given relaxation from the shutdown to Bhopal as most of its residents are (private and government sector) employees and not farmers, but the protest was successful in the farming community-dominated small towns of Nimar region, Shahdol, Umaria, Raisen and Silwani. Kakkaji said he was sitting in the “control room” in Bhopal and was getting reports that the shutdown call was “successful”, and added that no untoward incident was reported from anywhere.
Peaceful protests were also seen in districts like Vidisha and Satna. — PTI
Indore, M.P. | 4.07 pm
Indore unaffected
The Rashtriya Kisan Mazdoor Mahasangh’s Indore unit president Rajkumar Patidar said they had planned to stage protests at the Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) campuses and other places, but the district administration did not give them permission for it.
The RSS-affiliated Bharatiya Kisan Sangh (BKS) did not support the bandh.
Its Indore-Ujjain unit president Kamal Singh Aanjna said,”We want the issues related to farmers to be resolved through discussions with the government in a peaceful manner.” — PTI
Kerala | 3.00 pm
Strike almost complete in Kollam
The dawn-to-dusk strike called by Samyukta Kisan Morcha was almost complete in Kollam with nearly all business establishments remaining closed and vehicles keeping off the road. While some private vehicles, including those transporting patients, were seen, few KSRTC buses, taxi services and autorickshaws operated on Monday.
All shops, restaurants and other business outlets, including those functioning in interior regions, downed their shutters. Though stray incidents of protesters blocking the vehicles were reported, the strike was generally peaceful in the district. While vehicles and employees of the health department on duty were not affected, most offices registered very low attendance.
Trade unions from fishing, cashew and plantation sectors took out marches and conducted dharnas in different parts. — Navamy Sudhish
New Delhi | 2.55 pm
Farmers’ demands legitimate, Centre should consider them: Kejriwal
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal requested the Centre to consider the demands of farmers protesting against the three farm laws, saying it will not be “bowing down” before anyone if it does so.
“We are celebrating the birth anniversary of Bhagat Singh. He made the supreme sacrifice for the freedom of the nation. He did not fight for freedom for a day when farmers have to sit on the streets and protest for a year to get their demands considered,” he said on the sidelines of an event to launch a tourism app for Delhi at the secretariat.
“The [central] government should consider their demands. Considering farmers’ demands will not be like bowing down in front of anyone as farmers are also people of our country,” Mr. Kejriwal said. — PTI
Arunachal Pradesh | 2.50 pm
Bharat bandh fails to evoke any response in Arunachal Pradesh
Bharat Bandh failed to evoke any response in Arunachal Pradesh, a senior police officer said in Itanagar.
All services, including public transport, banks and commercial establishments, were operating normally in the frontier State, he said.
There have been no protests and life remained normal in the state capital, Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) Superintendent of Police (SP) Jimmy Chiram said.
There was no impact of the bandh in other parts of the State as well, a senior government official said, adding, the State government has taken enough precautions to prevent any untoward incident during the day.
Government offices, private establishments, educational institutions remained open, while banks, post offices worked normally, the SP said. — PTI
Assam | 2.40 pm
Bharat Bandh fails to evoke response in Assam
Assam remained unaffected by the Bharat Bandh as public transport operated as usual, markets were open and offices registered usual attendance.
The Opposition Congress, which supported the bandh, did not organise any protest programme in the State.
In Guwahati, members of the SUCI (Communist) took out a protest rally in the morning, raising slogans against the three farm laws. They were detained by the police near the Ulubari point.
There were no reports of any other protest or demonstration from across the State.
Congress State president Bhupen Bora urged the people to come out on the streets in support of the bandh, but party workers were missing.
The Raijor Dal and Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) also extended their support to the bandh. — PTI
Andhra Pradesh | 2.25 pm
YSR Congress, TDP’s support to bandh exposes their double standards: BJP MP
BJP MP G.V.L. Narasimha Rao tweeted on Monday that the support extended by YSR Congress (YSRC) and TDP to the Bharat bandh called in protest against the three farm laws, which they endorsed in the Parliament, exposed their double-standards.
He pointed out that the YSRCP and TDP backed the farm laws wherein a slew of reforms were envisaged to improve the lot of farmers. Now, they threw their weight behind the farmers’ unions agitating against the said laws, as part of their opportunistic political agenda, the MP observed. – V. Raghavendra
Jharkhand | 2:10 pm
Markets shut, roads blocked as Bharat Bandh affects life in Jharkhand
Vehicular movement was disrupted in several parts of Jharkhand on Monday as supporters of the Bharat Bandh blocked roads and highways.
Shops were shut in state capital Ranchi, while government offices and banks functioned as usual.
In Ramgarh district, protesters blocked the Ranch-Patna highway and Ramgarh-Bokaro highway for some time, disrupting traffic, Superintendent of Police Prabhat Kumar told PTI. – PTI
Goa | 2:05 pm
Bharat Bandh fails to evoke response in Goa
All services, including the public transport, banks, trains and commercial establishments, were operating normally in the coastal state, a senior police official said.
“There have been no protests. Life remained normal,” he said.
There was no impact of the bandh in the State, he said, adding that enough precautions were taken to prevent any untoward incident during the day. – PTI
Rajasthan | 1:50 pm
Farmers take out rallies, hold meetings in many districts of Rajasthan
Farmers took out rallies on the major roads and held meetings. The effect of the shutdown was visible in many districts of the state, including Ganganagar, Hanumangarh, Bikaner, Sikar and Nagaur. Mandis and markets were partially closed in the cities and towns of these districts. The agitating farmers blocked the major roads and held meetings.
The bandh also affected train services in the border districts.
In Jaipur, farmers led by the Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) took out a rally on tractor-trolleys. – PTI
Uttar Pradesh | 1:30 pm
Farmers’ call for Bharat Bandh has full support of SP: Akhilesh
Expressing his support to Bharat Bandh, Samajwadi Party (SP) president Akhilesh Yadav on Monday said the ruling BJP, which is not giving respect to farmers, has lost the moral right to remain in power.
He also claimed that the farmers’ movement has started becoming a cause of disintegration within the BJP “Samyukta Kisan Morcha’s ‘Bharat Bandh’ has full support of the SP. The arrogant BJP, which is not giving respect to the ‘annadata’ [farmers] of the country, has lost the moral right to remain in power. The farmers’ movement has started becoming a cause of disintegration within the BJP,” the former Uttar Pradesh chief minister said in a tweet in Hindi with the hashtag #BJP_Khatam (BJP finished). – PTI
संयुक्त किसान मोर्चा के ‘भारत बंद’ को सपा का पूर्ण समर्थन है।
देश के अन्नदाता का मान न करनेवाली दंभी भाजपा सत्ता में बने रहने का नैतिक अधिकार खो चुकी है।
किसान आंदोलन भाजपा के अंदर टू��न का कारण बनने लगा है।#भाजपा_ख़त्म
— Akhilesh Yadav (@yadavakhilesh) September 27, 2021
Bihar | 1:22 pm
RJD, Cong workers block highways, rail in Bihar
Highways, roads and railway tracks were blocked in several places across Bihar on Monday as Bharat Bandh evoked a mixed response in the state.
RJD and Congress workers blocked roads in Patna, Bhojpur, Lakhisarai, Jahanabad, East Champaran, Begusarai, Madhepura and Nalanda districts, affecting the movement of the traffic.
In Patna, RJD workers blocked the road near Buddha Smriti Park, burning tyres in protest against the three farm laws. – PTI
Odisha | 1:00 pm
Markets shut, public transport off the roads in Odisha
Markets were shut and public transport stayed off the roads as the Bharat Bandh hit normal life in Odisha on Monday.
Supporters of the shutdown, including members of Congress and the Left parties, picketed at important junctions across the state amid rains, demanding repeal of the three farm laws.
Roads were blocked at different places in Bhubaneswar, Balasore, Rourkela, Sambalpur, Bargarh, Bolangir, Rayagada and Subarnapur, among others.
The protesters also blocked the railway lines at Bhubaneswar station, affecting train services in the State capital. PTI
West Bengal | 12:59 pm
Left activists block roads, rail in Bengal
Left activists blocked roads and railway tracks across West Bengal on Monday in support of the Bharat Bandh, while normal life remained largely unaffected in the state.
Markets and shops were opened as usual, while public transport operated almost normally, except for a few hitches.
Government and private offices registered usual attendance. Educational institutions are shut in state the due to the COVID-related restrictions. – PTI
Kerala | 12:55 pm
Hartal peaceful, total in Malappuram, Palakkad
All public transport vehicles, including autorickshaws, stayed off the road in most towns in Palakkad and Malappuram. However, private vehicles like cars and bikes were seen crisscrossing. The rains that lashed Malappuram and Palakkad after 10 a.m. forced people remain indoors.
When attendance in government offices was minimal or almost nil in both districts, educational institutions, business establishments and shops remained largely closed. However, some small grocery shops were open in village areas. – Abdul Latheef Naha
Private vehicles on roadin Kozhikode on the hartal day.   | Photo Credit: K. Ragesh
  Puducherry | 12:53 pm
AITUC members stage road roko in Puducherry
Members of the AITUC staging a road roko, Shops and establishments remained closed and Police personnel on patrol at the new bus stand, during the nation wide Bharat bandh called by Farmers organisations in Puducherry on Monday, September 27, 2021. – S.S. Kumar
  Tamil Nadu | 12:41 pm
Farmer bodies stage protests in Tamil Nadu
In solidarity with the nationwide strike demanding repeal of Centre’s farm laws, farmer bodies and Left parties on Monday staged protests in several parts of Tamil Nadu.
In a protest held here, State Secretaries of the CPI and CPI(M), R. Mutharasan and K. Balakrishnan respectively, Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi chief Thol. Thirumavalavan and functionaries of the ruling DMK affiliated Labour Progressive Federation participated.
They raised slogans demanding the Central government to repeal the three contentious farm laws and not privatise public sector enterprises. – PTI
Maharashtra | 12:35 pm
No impact in Mumbai; shops, transport operating as usual
Commercial establishments and local transport were operating as usual in Mumbai on Monday and the city police also did not deploy an extra security force at key junctions and roads in the wake of the Bharat Bandh called by farmer unions against the Centre’s three agri laws, officials said.
Congress workers, holding placards, assembled at some places like Andheri and Jogeshwari and shouted slogans against the farm bills, but other than that there was no impact of the bandh in the city so far. –PTI
Telangana | 12:30 pm
Bharat Bandh calls evokes mixed response in Telangana
TSRTC buses, cab services, auto-rickshaw and other transport services were plying on the road as usual. However, the movement of people was curtailed largely due to incessant downpour due to the Gulab cyclone in the Bay of Bengal. 
Despite calls given by various trade unions in the city and across the State, all commercial establishments and business houses were operating normally. Political parties and farmers unions who supported the bandh call were also not to be seen enforcing strict compliance with the call. Thanks to the inclement weather, the police also did not deploy much force anticipating a lacklustre turnout. However, several teams deployed around the Assembly in view of the ongoing monsoon session. “We anticipated there won’t be much response to the call in the State, so did not deploy forces,” a senior officer said. – Abhinay Deshpande
Kerala | 12:20 pm
Harthal near total in Thrissur
Various political parties and organisations taking out protest rallies and dharna in Thrissur on Monday in support of ongoing farmers agitation. – K.K.Najeeb
  Punjab | 12:05 pm
Farmers block highways at many places in Punjab
Farmers on Monday blocked highways and other roads at many places in Punjab, where the ruling Congress said it firmly stands by the farm unions’ call for Bharat Bandh against the Centre’s three agri laws.
In neighbouring Haryana too, there were reports of protesters blocking some highways, including in Sirsa, Fatehabad and Kurukshetra.
There were also reports of farmers squatting on rail tracks at a few places in the two states.
In Punjab, a complete shutdown was observed at several places, including Moga, where farmers blocked the Moga-Ferozepur and Moga-Ludhiana National Highways. – PTI
Members of Bhartya Kisan Union Ugrahan block the railway tracks during farmers’ Bharat Bandh strike, at Dhablaan village near Patiala, Monday, September 27, 2021.   | Photo Credit: PTI
Kerala | 12:00 pm
Normal life affected in Wayanad
Normal life in the district was affected by the dawn to dusk hartal  called by the Joint Committee of Trade Unions on Monday  in the state to express solidarity with the farmers on agitation against the agricultural reforms introduced by the BJP-led government at the Centre.
Attendance was very low in government offices and financial institutions. Only nine out of the 138 employees turned up for the duty at the Collectorate here, Additional District Magistrate, N.I. Shaju said.
While the KSRTC and private buses as well as taxis were stayed off the road , people were seen riding two wheelers , private vehicles.
The shops and business establishments were closed the district as the merchants associations have also expressed solidarity with the protest. – E.M. Manoj
  Andhra Pradesh | 11:57 am
Heavy rain in A.P. dampens ‘Bharat Bandh’
Heavy to very heavy rain since the wee hours of Monday dampened the ‘Bharat Bandh’ in Andhra Pradesh. Many non-NDA parties have extended support to the nationwide 10-hour strike on Monday called by farmers protesting against the three agri laws under the aegis of the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM).
In AP, the YSR Congress government lent support to the bandh and suspended RTC bus services and declared holiday for schools on Monday.
The main opposition Telugu Desam also supported the bandh, along with the Congress and the Left parties. However, some places in the State did witness rallies supporting the bandh. Communist Party of India and CPI(M) cadres took out a rally on the streets of streets in front of closed shops in response to Bharat Bandh call on Monday, September 27, 2021. – PTI
Communist Party of India and CPI(M) cadres took out a rally on the streets of streets in front of closed shops in response to Bharat Bandh call on Monday, September 27, 2021   | Photo Credit: R.V.S. Prasad
  Delhi | 11:52 am
Parts of Delhi witness traffic snarls due to road closures, diversions
Parts of the national capital witnessed traffic snarls on Monday morning as police closed some key roads to prevent any untoward incident during the Bharat Bandh called by farm unions against the Centre’s three farm laws.
The Delhi Police has increased security checks at its border points which led to the slowing down of traffic and it informed commuters about road closures and traffic snarls on Twitter.
According to police, roads around the historic Red Fort as well as the dual carriageway at Ghazipur border were closed for traffic. – PTI
Kerala | 11:37 am
Hartal near total in Kochi
The dawn-to-dusk “bandh’ on Monday in support of the all-India lockdown under the aegis of the farmers’ collective against the Union govermnets’ farm laws, backed by various political parties, labour and trade unions, found its echo in Kerala with public transport coming to a standstill even as heavy rains lashed the district from early hours on Monday.
Schools and colleges are closed and no public transport vehicles are visible on highways. There are a few private vehicles on the roads, mostly two-wheelers. Hotels and business establishments are closed. The district has also seen about six to eight mms of rain per hour throughout the day on Monday, causing a big barrier to movement of people and vehicles.
Kerala State Transport Corporation schedules have been cancelled in the district. Sources in KSRTC Aluva depot, one of the busiest in the state, said none of the 37 schedules operated on Monday on account of the lockdown. – K.A. Martin
Kerala | 11:34 am
Hartal near total in Kottayam and Pathanamathitta
The nation-wide general strike called by the Samyukt Kisan Morcha has brought normal life to a halt in both Kotttayam and Pathanamathitta districts.
The public transport system has come to a complete standstill since the morning while the shops, commercial institutions and government offices too remain closed. The Mahatma Gandhi university, Kottayam, has postponed all examinations scheduled for the day.
Meanwhile, a few private vehicles could be spotted on the road. The long-haul services run by the Kerala State Road Transport corporation wound up operation by Sunday midnight. Braving the heavy rains that has lashed the region since Sunday midnight, members of various trade unions took out processions in support of the strike. – U. Hiran
Andhra Pradesh | 11:26 am
Cadres of Left parties stage protests braving rain in Telangana
Braving intermittent rain, scores of activists of the Left and other Opposition parties came out on the streets in Khammam and elsewhere in the district this morning in support of Bharat Bandh, buttressing farmers’ demand for scrapping of the Centre’s three farm laws.
Members of a host of unions and mass organisations representing farmers, labourers and people from various walks of life joined the protest organised by the Left parties in front of the new bus stand in the district headquarters town on Monday morning. Senior leaders of the CPI (M), the Congress, the CPI and the CPI (ML-New Democracy), the Telangana Rythu Sangham, the CITU, the DYFI, the PYL and a clutch of other mass organisations led the protest demonstrations in the town. – P.Sridhar
  Left parties stage protests in front of a bus stand during the Bharat Bandh.   | Photo Credit: G.N. Rao
  Kerala | 11:20 am
Hartal near-total in Thiruvananthapuram
The dawn-to-dusk hartal backed by Left Democratic Front (LDF) and United Democratic Front (UDF) has been near-total in Thiruvananthapuram during the early hours of September 27.
The hartal that was announced in response to a call for a nationwide bandh by Samyukt Kisan Morcha has remained peaceful with no untoward incident being reported from any part of the district thus far.
While public transport vehicles remained off the roads, few taxis, auto-rickshaws and private vehicles could be seen in various parts of the capital city. There have been no reports of their movement being obstructed by hartal supporters. Commercial establishments have remained closed. – Sarath Babu George
  Delhi | 11:17 am
Auto, taxis operate normally in Delhi; shops open
Autorickshaws and taxis plied normally and shops were open in the national capital on Monday, with their unions and associations extending only “in-principle support” to the Bharat Bandh called by farmers but deciding not to join the strike.
The auto, taxi unions and traders bodies said their livelihood has already been hit hard due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown so they were not joining any strike. – PTI
Karnataka | 11:15 am
No Bharat Bandh in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi
There was no response to the Bharat Bandh in the coastal Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts on Monday.
Normal life was as usual with the public transport system operating as usual. The government and private offices, educational institutions and all commercial establishments remained opened.
Meanwhile, Raita, Dalita, Karmika Janapara Chaluvaligala Okkuta has said that it will block the National Highway 75 (Bengaluru-Mangaluru highway) at B C Road for some time in the noon. – K. Raviprasad
  Karnataka | 11:13 am
Members of farmers associations and Congress workers held protests in Belgavi
Response to the Bharat Bundh called by farmers organisations was lukewarm in Belagavi district. However, members of farmers associations and Congress workers held protests in several places.
Most government and private offices and shops and eateries were open in the morning. NWKRTC buses and private vehicles were running as usual. Schools and colleges remained open. Similar scenes were witnessed in Chikkodi, Gokak, Saundatti, Athani and other towns.
Farmers tried to stop buses from leaving the NWKRTC bus stand in Belagavi in the morning. This delayed departure of some buses. However, police dispersed them after some time. – Rishikesh Bahadur Desai
Delhi | 11:10 am
Operations of trains under Northern Railways impacted
Operations of atleast 25 trains under Northern Railways impacted till now. “More than 20 locations are being blocked in Delhi, Ambala and Firozpur divisions. About 25 trains affected,” Northern Railways said. – Yuthika Bhargava
Kerala | 10:48 am
LDF and UDF extend support to Bharat Bandh
The hartal  called by trade union affiliated to LDF & UDF – led LDF and the opposition Congress – led UDF to extend support to the nationwide Bharat Bandh of protesting farmers has paralysed regular life in Kozhikode district .
Government and private offices, shops and commercial establishments , banks are remaining closed. Medical stores and milk booths are functioning.
Buses and autorickshaws are off the road. Only a few private vehicles especially two wheelers  could be seen on city roads and on national highway.
The hartal which is being observed from  6 a.m. will end at 6 p.m. – Biju Govind
Karnataka | 10:43 am
Bharat Bandh has little impact in Bengaluru
Bharat Bandh call given by Samyukta Kisan Morcha, seems to have had little impact on normal life in Bengaluru.
All businesses were open and public transport services, including autorickshaws and cabs, are functioning as usual. Most traders’ bodies and transport associations announced moral support to the bandh call, but refused to close businesses citing losses they have already incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Farmers and Kannada organisations have begun rallies from multiple points around Bengaluru – K.R. Puram, Mysuru Road, Maurya Circle – and are all set to converge at Town Hall by 11 a.m. from where they will proceed to a protest rally at Freedom Park. Police have detained farmer leaders and protestors at different points in Bengaluru, drawing the ire of farmers. – K.V. Aditya Bharadwaj
Various organisation lend support to Bharat Bandh at Town Hall in Bengaluru, September 27, 2021   | Photo Credit: K. Murali Kumar
  Karnataka | 10:37 am
More support for Bharat Bandh from Dharwad, Hubballi
The call for Bharat Bandh opposing and seeking repeal of farm laws has received support from various organisations in Dharwad and Hubballi. These have voluntarily come forward to extend support to the Samyukta Kisan Morcha, which is leading farmers’ agitation at New Delhi borders for over nine months now.
Addressing presspersons in Dharwad on Saturday, S.R. Hiremath, convenor, Samyukta Horata, Karnataka, a group of various organisations, said that farmers, businessmen, the general public and youth had extended their voluntary support.
Delhi | 10:34 am
Delhi Police tightens security at border points
The Delhi Police has beefed up security in border areas of the national capital in view of the Bharat Bandh called by farmer unions against the Centre’s three agri laws on Monday. A senior police officer said adequate security arrangements have been made to maintain the law an order situation and prevent any untoward incident in the national capital during the bandh.
Patrolling has been intensified, extra personnel have been deployed at the pickets especially across the border areas and every vehicle entering the national capital is being thoroughly checked, according to the police. – PTI
  ‘Bharat bandh’ today will be historic, says Bharatiya Kisan Union
The Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) has described the increase in purchase price of sugarcane by the Uttar Pradesh government as a “cruel joke” and said Monday’s ‘Bharat bandh’ would be “historic”. “Yet another promise of the BJP government proved to be just a ‘jumla’,” said BKU national spokesperson Rakesh Tikait.
Describing the ₹25 per quintal hike as a strike “on the interests of farmers”, Mr. Tikait said farmers of western Uttar Pradesh would participate in the bandh called by Samyukta Kisan Morcha with renewed vigour and it would be a “historic” event.
New Delhi | 10:27 am
Rahul Gandhi voices support for farmers, slams govt as ‘exploitative’
Expressing support for protesting farmers, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Monday said the farmers’ non-violent ‘satyagraha’ is still resolute but the “exploitative” government does not like this and that is why a ‘Bharat Bandh’ has been called.
The Congress has asked its workers, state unit chiefs and heads of frontal organisations to take part in the ‘Bharat Bandh’ called by farmer unions to protest against the Centre’s three agri laws.
Posting rhyming lines in Hindi on Twitter, Mr. Gandhi said, “Kisano ka ahimsak satyagraha aaj bhi akhand hai, lekin shoshankar sarkar ko ye nahi pasand hai, isliye aaj Bharat Bandh hai (Farmers’ non-violent satyagraha is resolute even today, but the exploitative government does not like this and that’s why it is Bharat Bandh today).” – PTI
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