#shag pile rug
ourfag · 5 months
this one is actually p close to canonverse its still 1717 and ed is still blackbeard but there is some kind of blue pudding on the loose
blue pudding is SO fascinated by humans and loves exploring their fabrics and their music and their languages and their foods and among its own kind its earnest gentleness makes it a bit of an outcast
blue pudding enters ed with intent to eat his brain but then notices there’s a gut wound that ed seems upset about so he heals that up instead and says hello and ed’s life suddenly becomes orders of magnitude less boring
there is one difficult conversation they have where blue pudding asks how long it takes for a person’s brain to regrow and ed tells him actually that doesnt happen and blue pudding is like “so there are just people walking around out there without brains? weird!” and ed is like no there arent and blue pudding is like “there are and i know this because im the one whos been eating their brains” and ed is like oh. those people are um. those people are dead you killed those people. and blue pudding is Distraught :( (ed can sympathize)
i havent decided how they arrive at the name “stede” but i do know he makes the active decision to mirror ed’s gender so their genders can be twinsies
their version of “suiting up” is a little more variable than in superhero comics. stede tends to leave parts of ed uncovered unless there’s an immediate danger to them. one of their favorite collaborative forms is when stede gives ed a mermaid tail. when they’re on land stede becoming clothes is pretty common bc he likes to be stylish. he also goes out of his way to cover himself in patterns/textures. the only time he is Smooth Goo instead of Goo With Damask Pattern or something is when he’s in a hurry or very upset
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veritas-scribblings · 3 months
grey - @bartylusmicrofic - words: 840
Regulus carefully steps his way across the lawn. Over the years, with the lack of maintenance, Riddle House has fallen into a state of disrepair. The weather and the elements have eaten away at the window shutters. Loose, broken tiles, which have fallen from the roof, have been stacked neatly along the outside of the house. Ivy continues to grow unchecked up all facades, threatening to swallow the manor house entirely. There’s something unnerving about the stark contrast between how well-kept the grounds are compared to how dilapidated the house is.
‘The groundskeeper still lives here,’ Evan explains, casting his torch light low so they can creep up the drive and towards the front door. ‘But he never goes inside, so we should be fine.’
The front door opens easily and Evan leads them inside. The entrance hall is grand, though it is blanketed in dust and spiderwebs, which trail upwards to the rusted, dirty chandelier.
‘Apparently,’ explains Evan, shining his torch around the room, ‘Lord Riddle’s son ran away with some local girl, Merope Gaunt, but then had an affair and abandoned her while she was with child. So her brother came to the manor in the dead of the night and butchered the entire family for the offence. Right carved them up. They say the house is haunted. Violent, sudden deaths normally lead to hauntings.’
‘And we’re here because you’re hoping to find the dead bodies?’ Barty asks sceptically. ‘I hate to break it to you, but we’re not going to be smuggling dead bodies out in your backpack.’
Regulus rolls his eyes, trailing after Evan who takes them through what looks like a sitting room. The wallpaper is peeling. There’s graffiti on the walls. Piles of books scattered on the floor. They’re here twenty, maybe thirty years too late if Evan’s looking for fun artefacts.
‘No one’s smuggling any dead bodies out,’ Regulus snaps. ‘They were cleaned up by the police, dumbass. Do you really think they just left them laying about?’
‘Not dead bodies,’ Evan says with a shrug, peering at a photo frame that lays on the rug in the middle of the room. The glass is shattered and the picture is so faded and dusty that Regulus can’t make who is in it. ‘Maybe ghosts. I wouldn’t mind seeing a ghost. For, you know, educational purposes..’
‘Evan’s talking about ghosts!’ Barty frowns and asks, sulkily, ‘Why am I a dumbass, but Evan isn’t?’
‘Because he loves me more,’ Evan snickers. He leads them through a winding pathway of abandoned rooms, evidently searching for something.
‘He does not! Tell him, Reg.’ Barty must pull a face behind Regulus, because Evan cackles again. ‘Yeah, well, Reg has sex with me, so obviously he loves me most.’
‘That’s your determinant for love? Who Regulus has sex with?’ Evan turns around slightly to give Barty a pitying look. And then, a little more playfully menacing, ‘Hey, Reg, how would you fancy a quick shag in a haunted house? We can traumatise the ghosts.’
‘Absolutely not!’ Barty throws his arms around Regulus from behind, pulling Regulus backwards into a fierce, possessive embrace. He rests a cheek against the top of Regulus’s head, using his free hand to flip Evan off. ‘Mine, bitch.’
Barty tugs Regulus back even more, pivots slightly so he can kiss Regulus. It’s a firm, aggressive kiss that’s a little bit teeth. Regulus does have half a mind to struggle and pull away just to see how Barty will react. Because Evan, Regulus knows, is baiting Barty for the fun of it, and Barty will never not get territorial where Regulus is involved. There’s something so very endearing about it that Regulus can’t help but humour Barty.
‘And for the record, Barty,’ Evan says, scoffing and walking off, ‘I will not be standing guard while you and Reg shag for revenge in Lady Riddle’s bedroom, or whatever idea you’re currently entertaining.’
‘Aw.’ Barty pouts a little, looking down at Regulus pitifully. ‘You wouldn’t, would you?’ he asks, because Barty is your proverbial only child who has never learnt to share.
‘I’m not having sex with either of you in a haunted house,’ Regulus retorts, following Evan to what he presumes will be the drawing room where the Riddles were ‘carved up’. ‘It’s disgusting in here. We’d be liable to catch a disease.’
They come to a stop, approaching the drawing room, when there’s a thunk in the distance. It’s a slightly metallic sound, like someone whacking the ground with something heavy.
thunk. thunk.
Evan, the absolute freak, looks excited, whirling around towards the direction of the sound.
‘Groundskeeper?’ Regulus mouths silently as Barty sidles up beside him so he can drape an arm around his shoulders. In what Regulus assumes Barty thinks is a ‘protective’ sort of way.
Evan shrugs. Shining his torch ahead of him, he takes a few steps forwards. Because obviously he has never seen a horror movie in his life: you never follow the sound, you never seek it out.
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fluttereyes · 2 years
Shag Pile Rugs x 12
Nothing says cosy like a nice shag pile rug in front of the fire or that nice plush comfort when you step out of bed.
A collection of shag pile rugs, 12 on one mesh. All bevelled not flat. Original mesh by Baufive.
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1800titz · 1 year
TDIAG teaser? 🛻
“Master bedroom,” he slips the door open, and Isla’s irises bounce from window to window — they suffuse the room with what she imagines would be bright, refreshing daylight. Now, it comes in the form of a warm, yellow glow with the time of day. 
“Very roomy,” she comments. It is. The square footage of the space, she’s sure, has to be roomier than the master bedroom of the first showing, but perhaps the emphasis on the broadness of the space has to do with the sheer fact that the first showing had been bare, and this room holds furniture — even still, the space is bigger. Despite the queen sized bed, throned by the waxy, wooden headboard, the nightstands that mirror either side of the mattress, and the matching wooden dresser, the space is open. 
“S’no reno’d Sweeger Ave,” the realtor supplies, wandering a handful of steps behind her as she makes her way into the room, “But it’s roomy, like you said. Bright. Beautiful windows — lots of light. Can you imagine yourself here?” 
It’s a queen sized bed. Isla is not wearing panties, and she’s reminded of this particular fact as she stares at it and imagines Eros bending her over the edge of the mattress. She thinks of Harry’s chest pressing up behind her as his broad, ring-clad digits slide over her waist, settle on her stomach. She thinks of his mouth pasting to the crook of her neck, sponging kisses over the expanse of her skin as his soft breaths caress her nerve endings. She thinks of him walking her forward, his crotch glued to her hips. She thinks of fingers grappling for wrists and a firm grip as he manhandles the joints behind her back with ease. She thinks of him flipping her skirt up and discovering that she’s bare beneath it, thinks of a palm fondling, of croons in her ear on what a filthy, naughty girl she is, of his fingers slipping lower and his teeth grazing over her neck and—
“Accent wall there, long curtains with a sheer layering, sleek furniture set, a rug,” the male taps his foot over a stark area of the floorboards, just ahead of the footboard of the bed, “Nice shag rug. Right here.” 
Shag rug. 
Shag rug — textile categorized by longer, heavier pile, so as to have the appearance of being shaggy. Isla imagines a white rug in tufts, warding her brain from mental images of the man physically shagging her on said rug. Yes. These are all very …compelling suggestions.
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clochanam · 3 months
she's begun to accept cause and effect is a load of shit. no offence to those who keep believing in it. but she can't sit here and tell you, with a straight face, that the naturally obvious cause ( her working extra hours just to make life a little more comfortable in LA ) is related to the naturally obvious effect ( her unfurling a cashmere blanket over a shag rug in a seventies-style hotel room while caleb frowns at her from the gigantic circular bed behind her ). it makes no sense. it's fine that it's happening, she's honestly thrilled that it is, but don't expect her to comprehend the logic that doesn't exist here.
she's just throwing down a couple of cushions when @cagedchoices speaks up, frown fading for a matter-of-fact chuckle that might just be the first time she's seen him smile this week.
i'm not letting you sleep on the floor.
" ah, you're no fun. " she waves a hand dismissively. then reconsiders. her bed is a thin fluffy rug on polished hardwood floorboards with a see-through blanket and cushions that hold more dust than feathers. the sofa makes a pile of rocks feel like a goose-down bed. the bed, however, is one of the cosiest things in the country. a fond regular was all too happy to let her spend the night; a happiness she feels would be diminished if they knew she was sharing the night with another. it'd be selfish, really, not to make the most of it.
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" okay. you want the blanket? " she's already moving away from her terrible makeshift bed to the cloud beside him, peeling back the burgundy covers. " back home, twenty degrees is considered a heatwave. this mid-thirties craic is killing me! never expected to complain about a life in america, but... well, at least it's exciting. and i have good company! "
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owmylasagna-blog · 1 year
The Ed Must Go On
Eddy prepares for a last minute gig. Edd helps.
A familiar clatter punctuated by loud profanities compelled Edd to emerge into the living room. Much to his dismay the place had been turned upside down, drawers open, piles of paraphernalia strewn on surfaces and the floor. Edd could feel the incensed energy radiating from his partner.
Eddy riffled through one of the shallow top drawers of the break front. He stifled a yell and threw a pack of AA batteries back inside, the sound making Edd flinch.
“Where are the goddamn scissors?”
Edd sighed: if only Eddy would let him label the drawers with their contents, maybe these sort of headaches would be avoided. The vintage veneers had won that battle: a triumph of form over function.
Scanning the room in an effort to help Eddy in his search, the taller man’s eyes fell on the kitchen shears precariously teetering on the edge of the record player stand. Eddy had grabbed them and on second thought cast them aside as a last resort: he knew Double Dee detested mixing up the scissors from their intended use.
Edd took the shears, clasping them in both hands to his chest, and joined Eddy’s side. The angered man slammed the drawer shut, the hardware clacking from the momentum, before tearing into the one adjacent to it and pulling out fistfuls of user manuals and take-out menus.
No more than a foot away the shimmer of stainless steel blades peaked out from beneath their most recent mail. In his periphery Eddy registered movement, then witnessed his partner produce the elusive utility scissors from right under his nose. Edd calmly presented them to Eddy and it took everything in the shorter man not to erupt in a fit.
“I hate when you do that,” grumbled Eddy, a poor stand-in for the truth which was that he hated his utter lack of object constancy.
Snagging the scissors and stomping his way to the coffee table Eddy planted himself on the floor and started turning the garment laying on their shag rug inside-out. Edd returned the kitchen shears to the knife block, the floorboards of their pre-war apartment creaked as he tentatively crossed the living room. He peered over Eddy’s hunched shoulders.
“A dress?” Edd questioned. A long groan escaped Eddy while he hacked away at the armhole.
“Sandra Oh-No-She-Didn’t’s out on her honeymoon, Mother Mayhem rolled her ankle and Patty Melt got the effin’ flu so your brilliant boyfriend here volunteered to host drag trivia tonight.”
Double Dee knelt down beside said brilliant boyfriend, watching as he successfully extricated one sleeve and began cutting away at the other.
“Couldn’t you wear something you already have in the closet?” Edd suggested. There certainly was plenty to choose from. He couldn’t see why Eddy was adding more stress to the situation.
“Yeah, if I wanted to look like an overstuffed sausage,” Eddy griped, then snipped the sleeve clean off.
It had been almost a year since the last time he’d dolled up and in that time he’d put on a bit more weight. He’d thrifted this old frock at the last second just for the job but the sleeves had been so constricting he feared losing feeling in his arms half way through the evening. They had to go. Hit with a pang of guilt, Edd awkwardly fidgeted with the side seam of his house pants.
Eddy threw the scissors aside and lifted the dress up.
“Well, that looks like shit,” he grimaced at the jaggedly frayed arm holes. He dropped the garment in disgust and shoved the heels of his palms into his eye sockets, growling in frustration. “Fuck me.” Double Dee reached out a sympathetic hand and caressed Eddy’s thigh.
“Oh, don’t despair, my love. Let me find the sewing machine.”
He patted Eddy’s knee before getting up from the floor and scurrying to the hall closet. Once the machine was set up on the dining table, Edd instructed his partner to put the dress on inside-out. Eddy stripped down to his boxer briefs and shimmied into it.
Eddy wiggled impatiently as Edd painstakingly pinned the fabric in place.
“Would you stay still!” Edd reprimanded through clasped lips, where he was holding a few sewing pins.
“These sequins are drivin’ me nuts, babe.”
“Just… a few… more… and done. Mind the pins as you remove that. Actually, let me help you.”
As Edd unzipped the back and guided the sleeves over Eddy’s shoulders, he couldn’t resist trailing a few kisses along the nape of his lover’s neck. This area was Eddy’s weak spot. His eyes rolled back and he smiled.
“Mmm,” he hummed, delighted, “now that’s what I call customer service.”
“This would be highly unprofessional.”
Eddy’s shaved hairline tickled Edd’s nose as he inhaled deeply.
“I should report you, ya perv.”
The dress dropped around Eddy’s feet and Edd’s arms wrapped around his naked torso. He planted a few more kisses from the crown of Eddy’s head to the stubble of his left cheek. The affection released some of Eddy’s wound-up tension. They kissed on the mouth before Edd gave a squeeze and asked, “Would you like me to come tonight?”
“Oh I bet you would.”
Edd simply glared back. Eddy sighed before trivializing the question with another quip, “What, you like me or somethin’?”
“You know it’s gonna go past your bedtime-”
Edd frowned. “I’ve managed well enough before on less sleep.”
“And it ain’t like you’ve got a team.”
“Some of my coworkers could be enticed.” There was a pause. Edd caressed the hairs on Eddy’s arms.
“Yeah?” Eddy responded in a softer, curious tone. His mouth curled into a goofy smile. It wasn’t every day that Double Dee made last minute plans.
Eddy turned to face his adorable partner when he got a foot-full of sewing pins.
Eddy jumped into the air and into Double Dee’s arms. The lankier man staggered under the weight, sputtering high pitched whines from the exertion, until they both collapsed on the couch in a heap.
After getting a bit… distracted… on the couch, Edd inspected the parts of his sewing machine. He dropped the foot and slowly applied pressure to the pedal as he fed in the fabric.
“Now, see, Eddy, I needed to secure the lining to the outer fabric like this to get a tidy seam.”
The absent tone of that utterance made Edd pause and look up from his work. He raised a brow at Eddy, who was rapidly tapping away a message on his phone. Double Dee cleared his throat and the other man looked up.
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt for you to become acquainted with some basic sewing techniques. Then you wouldn’t need me for every minor alteration.”
“But it’s better when you do it,” Eddy winked.
“You can lead a horse to water…”
“Aah I’m messin’ with ya,” Eddy replied, waving a hand limply on his wrist before clasping both hands together with a clap, “So which side is facing what again?”
Edd smirked as he detailed the construction of the seam, Eddy intently listening. It was refreshing to know the version of Eddy that had outgrown the exploitative labor practices of his youth, more often than not opting to learn new skills and pitch in his handiness when needed. The first armhole completed, Eddy nudged Edd’s elbow.
“Do I get a crack at it?”
Eddy took over Edd’s seat and slowly started the machine up.
“So I was thinkin’ I’d wear the black wig, but the red wouldn’t look half bad either.”
“I like the black more,” Edd said, crossing his legs.
“Then it’s settled. Blonde.”
“Why even bother asking my opinion then,” Edd tilted his chin up smugly.
“Sometimes you don’t know what you want till someone suggests somethin’ you don’t want.”
“Hmm,” Edd absently hummed in reply, watching Eddy’s hands closely, “sorry, do you mind if I- “ he motioned to the machine.
“Here we go,” Eddy raised his hands like it was a stick-up.
“What's that supposed to mean?” Edd prickled. He scooted his chair closer to Eddy and repositioned the fabric. Eddy just leaned back, crossing his arms.
“You know. It’s your way or the highway.”
“Well I can’t help that you were pulling the fabric too taut. Your seam is going to be cockled.”
“Maybe I like my seams cockled.”
“Eddy, please. Can you- “ Edd stopped himself with a huff. Eddy had to sympathize just a little: the poor guy was tortured by the mundane on the daily. The shorter of the two men stood from the table.
“You finish that and I’ll put on espresso.”
Double Dee considered this an agreeable arrangement.
“Thank you, dear.”
With the seam ripper he went to town undoing Eddy’s stitches. Eddy just snorted, refastened the straps on his robe, and headed to the kitchen where a good house floozy belonged.
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moroccanlooms · 6 months
This unique and authentic vintage Beni Mguild moroccan rug comes from a tribe of the Moroccan Middle Atlas. Beni mguild morocco wool berber rugs are known for their base with geometric designs across the carpet.
Size: (178cm x 301cm) (6’ x 10’)
This amazing berber traditional hand-knotted patterned extra large area rug is stunning with it’s pink, blue, ivory, charcoal degrees…
Handknotted with 100% natural dyed and good quality WOOL on a wool base. Medium thickness with medium to low piles.
Strong and durable carpet thanks to incredible skills of the weaver. It has survived for many years and will stand for years and years to come. A vintage treasure in great condition of incredible cultural value.
In very good vintage conditions. As vintage can vary in age, please be aware that vintage items may have previously be use and may show some signs of use.
Ready to ship, delivery in approx 1 week.
We ship worldwide from Morocco with DHL Express.
For cleaning, we recommend a regular vacuum cleaning, we highly recommend dry clean ( we don't recommend steam cleaning, because the hot steam could cause some damages on the wool). From time to time, you can expose the rug to direct sunlight in a sunny day.
-Ready to ship, delivery in approx 1 week.
We ship worldwide from Morocco with DHL Express.
In our shop you will find:
Handmade Moroccan Wool Rug with Geometric Patterns
Vintage Moroccan Tribal Rug with Vibrant Colors
Traditional Moroccan Berber Rug with Intricate Design
Colorful Moroccan Kilim Rug for Boho Home Decor
Handwoven Moroccan Beni Ourain Shag Rug in Neutral Tones
Moroccan Runner Rug with Diamond Pattern and Fringe Detail
Authentic Moroccan Boucherouite Rug with Recycled Fabric
Black and White Moroccan Rug with Modern Geometric Design
Moroccan Area Rug with Tassel Detail and Rich Texture
Moroccan Azilal Rug with Abstract Motifs and Bright Colors
Handmade Beni Ourain Wool Rug with Diamond Pattern
Authentic Beni Ourain Tribal Rug in Cream and Brown
Vintage Beni Ourain Moroccan Rug with Timeless Design
Beni Ourain Shag Rug with Soft Texture and Neutral Tones
Large Beni Ourain Area Rug with Geometric Motifs
Modern Beni Ourain Rug with Contemporary Design
Beni Ourain Runner Rug with Fringe Detail and Bold Pattern
Black and White Beni Ourain Rug with Minimalist Style
Beni Ourain Kilim Rug with Colorful Stripes and Tassels
Thick Pile Beni Ourain Rug with Plush Texture and Warmth
Also, don't forget to follow us on Instagram to keep up to date with our latest rugs, plus, see how we weave, clean, treat… our rugs! Find us: @moroccanlooms
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marvus-xoloto · 2 years
I was looking at the background art for volume 11 again bc like. The room is the eyes to the soul and all that. Haha definitely not back on my hyperfixed game.
Anyway, I'm overanalyzing mallek's background art benath the cut.
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GOD I always forget how much of a slob he is. Mallek self shippers are so strong. From left to right:
The SEVERAL husk towers, now being either discarded or repurposed. So Mallek does buy / reroute new tech pretty frequently. Note how his couch is falling apart: he does not care for the finer things regarding comfort, only his hobby.
WAIT LMAO NOTE WHAT APPEARS TO BE TISSUES ON THE COUCH?? AND SOCKS ALL OVER??? Either the man is crying in this room or.... 😳😳😳
On that note why are there socks on his floating shelves. Mallek doesn't do laundry confirmed: the hoodie he gives you must be musky as hell.
Not only does he hoverboard, he LONGBOARDS. Very cool B)
Swim trunks on the floor implies Mallek knows how to swim, and he likely swims in the sewer thing beneath his hive.
His workspace and shelves are actually reasonably tidy?? Wait a second....
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Some sort of grubs on the floor in the pile of trash by his coon- likely game grubs or food, I'm guessing, since they're white. OR?? Mallek terrible father confirmed?? /j
I'm sorry but I would not get in that musty ass crusty slime coon. So much bacteria that the coon itself is growing legs so it can clean itself.
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His limo! It's important to note that this limo background gets reused in Marvus's route, but Mallek's came first.
Note the camera above the TV and gamer controller (which is so hilarious: a joystick and one button. It's 100% a minecraft controller then). Could this imply that Mallek is a streamer?? He's always come across as rather private to me (side note: steaming in his coparatively tidy limo really hits my funny bone). Comprimise: Mallek is a streamer with one of those AI sprites instead of his face, ykwim?? Idk what they're called.
Mallek either canonically drinks alcohol, or the drinks just come with the limo.
He's drinking that same juice that Xefros does. For the life of me, I can't remember what it is/does, but iirc isn't it supposed to be good for psychic ability? Mallek is implied not to be psychic, however. Maybe it's just troll monster. Idr....
LMFAO i noted this when I deep dived into Marvus's limo, but I love the chair by the mini fridge having TWO seatbelts and what appears to be a booster seat?? Manlet Marvus move over, it's Manlet Malleks turn lmao.
SHAG RUG!!! So disgusting, you know that thing has dirt and crumbs in it.
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More slobbery -_-'
So desperate for clean silverware that he pulled the whole drawer out. My man you are RICH just hire a cleaning service. Please.
He does not have a kitchen table. It's kind of implied he either sits in one of those (rocking??? lmfao) chairs or eats while sitting on the floor (on the random yellow mat).
I noted this detail a few years ago, but it's my favorite: Mallek keeps houseplants (possibly implied to be recently watered?).
Mallek keeps fruit in his hive, but it looks like he doesn't actually eat it. I wonder if it's wax fruit.
I'm sorry but looking at this image, I can not imagine Mallek actually cooks. He eats cereal and gets delivery and he's gotten grub sauce EVERYWHERE. There is no stove in his kitchen. Hell, no microwave either.
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WHOSE LUSUSES ARE THOSE?? Kinda cute ngl. Does this imply ceruleans can also have semi aquaric and/or water loving lususes?
Speaking of parallels: so it's not just purplebloods who litter.
Other bluebloods come down here, I wonder if they're friends with mallek?? Also note the cerulean sign being tagged in indigo. Inchresting...
The graffiti reads "suck my nook" and the yellow caution sign reads "do not block." In case you were curious.
I like the idea that mallek comes down here when he can't sleep: you can see that light gets filtered, so I wonder if he could be safe from the sun down here? Irradation nonwithstanding...
That's all! I am insane, so I enjoy deep diving into stuff like this.
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constance-michaela · 1 year
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The Second Chapter (of eight)
Draped as carefully across the seat and arms of the other arm chair was a black silk dress and white nylon, lace trimmed pinafore: the outer apparel of a uniformed maid. There was no underwear there though or stockings because these were still being worn by the maid whose dress and pinafore these were. A pair of pretty white lace trimmed knickers of which the maid had evidently been relieved lay discarded and crumpled, evidently thrown onto the shag pile rug between the arm chairs during the excitement and heat of passionate sexual exchange.
The Marchioness had woken up. She had enjoyed a night of unusually deep sleep and felt refreshed. As usual, she allowed herself time to lie quite still, on her back and reflect on many things as she made the transition from sleep to rest, to wakefulness and up and positively onwards with the day.
Today though, she felt a particular sense of warmth and well-being. She also felt invigorated. Much of her naked body ached satisfyingly in the manner only exercise could bring. Her vulva throbbed gently, a wonderful reminder of the lesbian activities she had enjoyed with another during yesterday until late in the evening. Her breasts tingled and her nipples felt quite sore in their response to their prolonged distention as a result of sustained sexual excitement. She knew her breasts, neck and other parts of her body would proudly bear the characteristic red marks caused by sustained kissing.
Her thighs felt stiff, too. She supposed this was as a result of the repeated orgasms she had enjoyed and been astonished by. The Marchioness had found herself completely exposed to a combination of lightness of touch, tenderness and a dexterity of hand beyond anything she had previously experienced.
In short, the Marchioness knew she had been completely fucked. Repeatedly.
She felt ecstatic.
She wanted to get fucked like it again and fuck the person who had done this to her.
That person lay sleeping contentedly, peacefully and quietly on the Marchioness’ right.
It was that person to whom the dress and pinafore draped on the arm chair belonged.
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247-plumbinginc · 2 years
Need A Good Emergency Plumber - Trusted, Local Chicagoland Plumbers
We don't often think about all those pipes hidden in the walls of our houses, but when they go wrong we certainly start thinking about them. That's when an emergency plumber comes in handy. This article looks at the role of the plumber in society.
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After our ceiling has somehow managed to relocate itself on your floor, and there an endless stream of water splashing on your favourite shag pile rug - you know it's time to call in the emergency plumber. It won't come as a surprise to most of us to find out that emergency plumber firms offer a 24 hours service, so if your pipe decides to hemorrhage H2o at 3am, it won't be a problem.
The bill might be a problem - but it's cheap compared to the price of letting all that water drip through to Mrs' living room below. But although we don't often think about the possibility of needing an emergency plumber, it might be worth thinking about sourcing a reliable plumber.
Especially during winter, it is a good idea to have a look on the web and find some reliable candidates that offer emergency plumber services. Just because they are called a plumber does not necessarily mean they are going to do the job as well as you require. Check the given website for a good track record in emergency plumber services. A reliable plumber will have several years of experience in handling these kind of call outs.
Check that your emergency plumber services has a wide range of skills. As well as dealing with the classic burst pipe situation, a good plumber will also be able to handle a range of gas boilers - although these tend not to require emergency attention in the majority of cases.
As with many services, it is a good idea to find out about any happy customers - or indeed find out about any unhappy customers. A really confident plumber will probably put up a few happy comments on their website for potential customers to see. Another way to guess that a plumbing company is doing well - and therefore should be reliable - is to analyse their website.
A well laid out website, with an easy to use navigation layout points to a company that is making money and has a lot of return customers - because their plumbing services are reliable. This would give the impression that their emergency plumber services are similarly reliable.
24/7 Plumbing, Sewer & Water is a woman owned and operated, full-service, residential & commercial service plumbing company in the Chicagoland area. Our company is licensed, bonded, and insured for your protection and peace of mind. For more information please visit: https://247plumbinginc.com
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bluepaisley · 5 hours
Exploring Different Types of Rugs and How to Choose the Perfect One for Every Space
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Choosing the perfect rug for your home involves more than simply picking a design that appeals to your taste. The right rug can transform a room, bringing comfort, style, and functionality together. Whether you are searching for a statement piece or a subtle complement, it’s essential to consider different types of rugs and where they best fit within your space.
Types of Rugs
Persian Rugs Known for their intricate patterns and high-quality craftsmanship, Persian rugs are timeless pieces that can add elegance to any room. Handwoven using wool or silk, they are often rich in color and detail. These rugs are perfect for formal living rooms, dining areas, or spaces where you want to make a bold statement.
Best For: Living rooms, dining rooms, entryways
Style Tip: Pair a Persian rug with antique or traditional furniture for a classic, refined look.
Oriental Rugs Similar to Persian rugs but encompassing a broader geographic range, Oriental rugs originate from regions such as India, China, and Turkey. They are celebrated for their artistic patterns and vibrant colors. Oriental rugs can serve as a focal point in larger rooms or complement vintage décor.
Best For: Living rooms, bedrooms, offices
Style Tip: Match the colors of the rug to accent pieces in the room for a cohesive design.
Shag Rugs With their thick, plush pile, shag rugs are incredibly soft and comfortable underfoot. Their texture makes them ideal for cozy spaces where you want to create a sense of warmth and relaxation. Shag rugs are available in a wide variety of colors, making them versatile enough for contemporary or playful designs.
Best For: Bedrooms, family rooms, playrooms
Style Tip: Use shag rugs in rooms where comfort is key, and choose neutral tones to avoid overwhelming smaller spaces.
Flatweave Rugs Flatweave rugs, such as kilims and dhurries, are thin and lightweight, making them perfect for high-traffic areas. These rugs are often made from wool or cotton and feature simple geometric designs or stripes. Their durability and ease of care make them a popular choice for busy households.
Best For: Hallways, kitchens, dining rooms
Style Tip: Layer a flatweave rug over a neutral area rug to add texture and interest to the room.
Modern Rugs Modern rugs feature sleek, minimalist designs that fit well in contemporary spaces. They often come in neutral tones or bold, abstract patterns, depending on the desired effect. These rugs are ideal for open-concept living areas, adding a touch of sophistication without overwhelming the space.
Best For: Living rooms, offices, bedrooms
Style Tip: Choose a modern rug with geometric patterns to add structure to an otherwise free-flowing space.
How to Choose the Perfect Rug for Every Space
When selecting a rug, consider both the aesthetics and functionality of the space. Here are some tips for choosing the right rug for different rooms in your home:
Living Room In a living room, the rug acts as a foundation that pulls together all the furniture and decor. For larger rooms, opt for a rug that accommodates all your seating, allowing the front legs of your chairs and sofa to sit on the rug. Persian or modern rugs often work well, depending on your design style.
Bedroom Comfort is key in the bedroom, making shag or plush rugs an excellent choice. Place the rug under the bed, ensuring that it extends out at least a few feet beyond the bed's edges. This creates a soft landing for your feet each morning.
Dining Room A flatweave rug is an ideal option for dining areas as it is easier to clean and maintain. When selecting a rug for this space, make sure it's large enough to accommodate the dining table and chairs, even when they’re pulled out.
Hallways and Entryways In these high-traffic areas, durability is essential. Flatweave or low-pile rugs are excellent choices as they can withstand heavy foot traffic and are easy to maintain. Additionally, Oriental or Persian runners can add elegance to these spaces.
Outdoor Areas Don’t forget about your outdoor spaces! Outdoor rugs are designed to handle weather conditions and can help define seating areas on patios or decks. Look for materials like polypropylene or synthetic blends that are durable and weather-resistant.
Enhancing Your Space with Rugs
Rugs do more than just protect your floors. They provide texture, color, and warmth, which can define the atmosphere of a room. Whether you want a rug to make a bold statement or quietly complement your décor, the key is balancing style with practicality. Remember that the right rug can transform a room, making it feel more connected, cozy, and inviting.With these insights into the different types of rugs and where to place them, you can confidently choose the perfect rug for every space in your home, enhancing both functionality and style. Visit Blue Paisley today to know more.
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Machine Washable Rugs, Bedroom Rugs, Living Room Rugs, and Cheap Rugs: Stylish & Affordable Solutions for Every Room
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Rugs play a vital role in transforming the look and feel of any space, from cozy bedroom rugs to durable living room rugs. Whether you’re looking for machine washable rugs for easy maintenance or cheap rugs that don’t compromise on style, the right rug can elevate your home décor while serving practical purposes. Let’s explore the benefits of these different rug types and how they can enhance your home.
Machine Washable Rugs: Convenience Meets Style
Machine washable rugs have become a game-changer in home décor, offering both style and ease of maintenance. These rugs are perfect for high-traffic areas or homes with pets and kids, where spills and messes are inevitable.
Effortless Cleaning: With machine washable rugs, you no longer have to worry about professional cleaning or spot treatments. Simply toss them in the washing machine, and your rug will look as good as new.
Durable Materials: These rugs are typically made from durable, stain-resistant materials like polyester or cotton blends, designed to withstand frequent washing without losing their shape or color.
Variety of Styles: Machine washable rugs come in a wide range of designs, from bold and modern to neutral and traditional, ensuring you can find one that complements your home’s style.
Bedroom Rugs: Comfort and Warmth Underfoot
A bedroom rug can transform your sleeping space into a cozy and inviting retreat. Whether you prefer plush textures or simple, understated designs, a rug can add warmth and comfort underfoot, creating a soft landing when you wake up in the morning.
Comfort and Softness: Bedroom rugs made from materials like wool, shag, or high-pile fibers offer a luxurious feel, making your bedroom a more comfortable and relaxing space.
Size Matters: When choosing a bedroom rug, it’s important to consider the size. An 8x10 or 9x12 rug works well under a queen or king-sized bed, creating a balanced look that extends beyond the furniture and anchors the room.
Create a Relaxing Atmosphere: Neutral tones, soft pastels, or subtle patterns can help create a calming environment in your bedroom, while vibrant or bold designs can add a touch of personality and style.
Living Room Rugs: The Centerpiece of Your Space
The living room rug is often the focal point of your home’s main gathering area. Whether you’re entertaining guests or lounging with family, the right rug can tie the room together, provide warmth, and offer comfort underfoot.
Anchor the Room: A well-chosen living room rug anchors the space, helping to define seating areas and create a cohesive design. Opt for a large area rug that fits all your furniture to avoid making the space feel disjointed.
Durable and Stylish: For living rooms, durability is key. Look for rugs made from wool, synthetic blends, or natural fibers like jute, which can handle high foot traffic while still offering a stylish look.
Statement Pieces: Choose a rug with bold patterns or vibrant colors to make a statement, or go for neutral tones and subtle designs for a more understated, sophisticated feel.
Cheap Rugs: Affordable Style for Any Space
Decorating on a budget doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style. Cheap rugs are a great way to update your space without breaking the bank, offering a variety of options that cater to different styles and room sizes.
Budget-Friendly Options: Many affordable rugs are made from synthetic materials like polypropylene or polyester, which are both durable and easy to clean. These rugs are perfect for areas that experience a lot of wear and tear, such as entryways, kitchens, or kids’ rooms.
Variety of Styles: Despite their lower price point, cheap rugs come in a wide range of designs, colors, and patterns. From modern geometric patterns to traditional Oriental-inspired designs, you can find an affordable rug that matches your home’s décor.
Perfect for High-Traffic Areas: Cheap rugs are ideal for spaces like hallways, kitchens, or playrooms, where you want the convenience of a stylish rug but don’t want to worry about potential damage or stains.
Choosing the Right Rug for Your Space
When selecting a rug for your home, consider both the practical aspects and your design preferences. Machine washable rugs are perfect for busy households, while bedroom rugs offer softness and comfort. Living room rugs act as a centerpiece for your main space, and cheap rugs are a budget-friendly way to update any room without compromising style.
From the practicality of machine washable rugs to the warmth and comfort of bedroom rugs, the right rug can dramatically enhance your home’s look and feel. Living room rugs add a sense of cohesion and style to your gathering space, while cheap rugs allow you to experiment with different designs and patterns without spending a fortune. Explore the many options available to find the perfect rug that suits both your lifestyle and budget.
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swiftcarpetcleaners · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Rug Cleaners, Rug Laundry, and Sofa Cleaning in Adelaide
Keeping your home clean and fresh is essential for creating a healthy and inviting environment. When it comes to maintaining the cleanliness of your rugs and sofas, professional services are invaluable. In Adelaide, residents have access to top-notch rug cleaners, rug laundry services, and sofa cleaning Adelaide experts who ensure your home stays spotless and comfortable. Let's explore the benefits and services provided by these professionals.
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Rug Cleaners Adelaide: Why Professional Cleaning Matters
Rugs add warmth and style to any home, but they also attract dirt, dust, and allergens. Over time, these particles can accumulate and become embedded in the fibers, making it difficult to remove them with regular vacuuming alone. This is where professional rug cleaners in Adelaide come in.
Benefits of Professional Rug Cleaning:
1. Deep Cleaning: Professional rug cleaners use advanced equipment and techniques to reach deep into the fibers, removing dirt and allergens that regular cleaning can't.
2. Prolonged Lifespan: Regular professional cleaning helps maintain the integrity of your rugs, preventing wear and tear and extending their lifespan.
3. Stain Removal: Experts are skilled at removing tough pet stains and smells without damaging the rug's fabric, ensuring it looks as good as new.
4. Hygiene and Health: By eliminating allergens and bacteria, professional cleaning contributes to a healthier indoor environment, especially important for those with allergies or asthma.
Rug Laundry Adelaide: A Specialized Service for Delicate Fabrics
Rug laundry services in Adelaide offer specialized care for your delicate and valuable rugs. Unlike regular carpet cleaning and washing, a professional rug laundry involves careful handling and cleaning techniques tailored to the specific needs of each rug. Many modern tufted rugs have complex care requirements which make pet stains, pet smells challenging to remove from freedom and Hali rugs 
Why Choose Rug Laundry Services:
1. Gentle Cleaning: Rug laundry professionals use gentle yet effective cleaning solutions that preserve the texture and color of your rugs.
2. Expert Handling: With expertise in various types of rugs, including Persian, Oriental, shag pile, Moroccan, middle eastern and antique rugs, these professionals ensure your prized possessions are treated with the utmost care.
3. Customized Treatments: Each rug is assessed individually, and a customized cleaning plan is developed to address its specific needs, ensuring optimal results.
4. Convenience: Swift rug laundry services offer free pickup and delivery options, making it easy for you to maintain clean rugs without any hassle.
Sofa Cleaning Adelaide: Refresh Your Upholstery
Sofas are one of the most used pieces of furniture in any home, making them prone to stains, spills, and general wear and tear. Professional sofa cleaning services in Adelaide can rejuvenate your upholstery, leaving it looking and feeling fresh.
Advantages of Professional Sofa Cleaning:
1. Deep Cleaning: Just like with rugs, professional sofa cleaners use advanced equipment to remove dirt and allergens from deep within the upholstery than vacuuming alone cannot reach.
2. Stain Treatment: Experts can effectively remove stains from various types of fabric, including leather, microfiber, and cotton, without causing damage.
3. Odor Removal: Over time, sofas can absorb odors from pets, food, and other sources. Professional cleaning eliminates these odors, leaving your sofa smelling fresh and clean.
4. Extended Lifespan: Regular professional cleaning helps preserve the condition of your sofa, ensuring it remains comfortable and attractive for years to come.
Choosing the Right Professionals
When selecting rug cleaners, rug laundry services, or sofa cleaning experts in Adelaide, it's important to choose professionals with a proven track record of excellence. Look for companies that:
• Use eco-friendly cleaning products.
• Have positive customer reviews and testimonials.
• Offer transparent pricing and free quotes.
• Are experienced in handling a variety of materials and fabrics.
Maintaining the cleanliness of your rugs and sofas is crucial for a healthy and welcoming home. By opting for professional rug cleaners Adelaide, utilizing specialized rug laundry services, and entrusting your sofa cleaning to experts, you can ensure your home remains spotless and comfortable. Don't wait until dirt and stains become a problem—schedule a professional cleaning today and enjoy the benefits of a fresh and hygienic living space.
For more information on professional rug cleaning, rug laundry, and sofa cleaning services in Adelaide, visit Swift Carpet Cleaners and discover how they can help keep your home in pristine condition.
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elenagold236 · 2 months
Discover the Charm and Comfort of a Cheap Fluffy Rug
In the realm of home decor, rugs play a crucial role in enhancing the aesthetic appeal and comfort of a space. Among the various types available, fluffy rugs have gained immense popularity for their plush texture and luxurious feel. If you're looking to add a touch of coziness to your home without breaking the bank, consider exploring options for a  cheap fluffy rug. These affordable, soft additions can transform your living space, making it more inviting and stylish.
Why Choose a Fluffy Rug?
Fluffy rugs, often referred to as shag rugs, are known for their deep pile and soft texture. Here are some compelling reasons to incorporate a fluffy rug into your home decor:
Comfort and Warmth: The thick, plush fibers of a fluffy rug provide a cushiony surface that feels incredibly comfortable underfoot. This added layer of softness makes it a perfect choice for living rooms, bedrooms, and play areas where comfort is paramount.
Aesthetic Appeal: Fluffy rugs add a sense of luxury and sophistication to any room. Their voluminous texture can make a bold statement, drawing attention and adding depth to your decor.
Noise Reduction: The dense fibers of a fluffy rug can help absorb sound, reducing noise levels in your home. This is particularly beneficial in high-traffic areas or rooms with hard flooring, where echoes can be a problem.
Versatility: Available in a wide range of colors, sizes, and shapes, fluffy rugs can complement various interior styles, from modern and minimalist to cozy and rustic. This versatility makes them a practical choice for any room in your home.
Finding the Perfect Cheap Fluffy Rug
When shopping for a cheap fluffy rug, it's important to consider factors such as size, material, and color to ensure you find the best fit for your space. Here are some tips to guide you in your search:
Size and Placement: Determine the size of the rug you need based on the dimensions of your room and the placement of your furniture. A well-sized rug should anchor your furniture arrangement, defining the area and adding a cohesive look to the room.
Material: Fluffy rugs are made from various materials, each with its own set of characteristics. Synthetic fibers like polyester and acrylic are popular for their affordability, durability, and ease of maintenance. Natural fibers like wool offer a more luxurious feel but may come at a higher price point. Consider your budget and the level of care you're willing to invest when choosing the material.
Color and Pattern: The color and pattern of your rug should complement your existing decor. Neutral tones can create a serene, cohesive look, while bold colors and patterns can add a playful or dramatic touch. Think about the mood you want to create in the room and choose accordingly.
Benefits of Buying a Cheap Fluffy Rug
Opting for a cheap fluffy rug doesn't mean compromising on quality or style. Here are some benefits of choosing an affordable option:
Budget-Friendly: A cheap fluffy rug allows you to enjoy the comfort and aesthetic appeal of a plush rug without straining your finances. This is particularly advantageous for those who love to update their home decor frequently.
Easy Maintenance: Many affordable fluffy rugs are made from synthetic fibers, which are known for their durability and ease of care. They can withstand regular vacuuming and occasional spot cleaning, making them a practical choice for busy households.
Style Experimentation: Investing in a lower-cost rug gives you the freedom to experiment with different styles, colors, and textures. You can change your rug seasonally or whenever you feel like refreshing your decor, without feeling guilty about the expense.
Caring for Your Cheap Fluffy Rug
To ensure your fluffy rug remains in good condition, follow these simple care tips:
Regular Vacuuming: Vacuum your rug regularly to remove dust, dirt, and debris. Use a vacuum with adjustable height settings to avoid damaging the fibers.
Spot Cleaning: Address spills and stains immediately by blotting the area with a clean, damp cloth. Avoid rubbing, as this can push the stain deeper into the fibers. Use a mild detergent or a rug-specific cleaner if necessary.
Shaking and Fluffing: Periodically take your rug outside and shake it to remove loose dirt and fluff up the fibers. This helps maintain its plush appearance.
Professional Cleaning: Depending on the material, consider professional cleaning once or twice a year to keep your rug looking its best.
Conclusion: Enhance Your Home with a Cheap Fluffy Rug
A cheap fluffy rug is a fantastic addition to any home, offering comfort, style, and practicality without a hefty price tag. By carefully considering factors like size, material, and color, you can find the perfect rug to complement your decor and elevate your living space. Whether you're looking to create a cozy nook in your bedroom or add a touch of luxury to your living room, a fluffy rug is sure to make a significant impact. Explore options for a cheap fluffy rug today and discover how this simple accessory can transform your home.
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rugsaustralia · 3 months
What Are Textured Rugs? Exploring the Richness of Textured Fibers in Home Décor
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At All Modern Rugs, we understand the power of well-chosen rug to transform a space. But what if you crave something beyond color and pattern? Textured rugs are more than just floor coverings, textured rugs are tactile experiences, adding a new dimension of depth and visual intrigue to your home décor.
Textured rugs, available at our Australian store, enhance your home décor by adding a new dimension. Unlike their flatweave counterparts, textured rugs boasts a captivating interplay of raised surfaces, loops, and varying pile heights. This creates a dynamic visual effect, while also offering a plush and inviting experience for your feet.
The Richness of Textured Fibers
The beauty of textured rugs lies in the vast array of materials used to create them. Here are some popular options, each offering a distinct character:
Wool: A timeless classic, wool rugs provide luxurious softness and natural bounce, Hand-knotted wool rugs, with their intricate textures, add a touch of charm.
Shag: Characterized by a long, deep pile, shag rugs are the essence of plush comfort. They introduce a sense of informality and playful style to a room.
ChunkyKnit: This trendsetter brings a touch of handcrafted warmth. Chunky knit rugs, often made from wool or recycled materials, create a unique textural statement.
JuteandSisal: Natural fibers like jute and sisal offer a beautiful, organic texture. Flatwoven or braided, these rugs add a touch of rustic elegance and are perfect for high-traffic areas.
Benefits of Textures
Textured rugs are not just visually appealing; they offer practical benefits as well:
Improved Audibility
Enhanced dimension
Zoning and definition
Hides wear and stains
Aesthetic appeal
Visit or textured rug store in Australia or online store to find the richness of textured rugs and enhance your home décor to a whole new level of comfort and style.
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carpetrepair2 · 3 months
Carpet Repair Excellence with Carpetrepair: Serving Manchester and London
Carpets are an intrinsic part of both aesthetic appeal and comfort in homes and businesses across the United Kingdom. Carpetrepair stands out as the industry specialist in "Carpet Repair Manchester" and "Carpet Repair London," dedicated to delivering exceptional repair services that breathe new life into your treasured carpets. With advanced techniques and a commitment to quality, Carpetrepair is your go-to solution for renewing carpets without the expense and hassle of a complete replacement.
The Essence of Professional Carpet Repair
Precise carpet repair is both an art and a science, a delicate balance of matching patterns, fibers, and colors to create a seamless finish. In cities like Manchester and London, where both contemporary and traditional decor is prevalent, having a service provider like Carpetrepair that understands the nuances of a variety of carpet types is indispensable.
Carpet Repair Manchester: Local Expertise for Your Flooring Needs
Manchester is a bustling hub with a diverse range of residential and commercial spaces, each with unique carpet repair requirements. From restoring cherished antique rugs to fixing modern office carpet tiles, Carpetrepair has the local knowledge and expertise to handle "Carpet Repair Manchester" with unparalleled precision.
Carpet Repair London: Professional Solutions for the Capital's Carpets
Within the cosmopolitan landscape of London, the reputation of Carpetrepair for "Carpet Repair London" services stands tall. Whether it's a luxurious shag pile in a chic London apartment or a bespoke carpet in a historic townhouse, Londoners trust Carpetrepair for impeccable restoration work.
Unveiling Carpetrepair's Wide Range of Services
At Carpetrepair, we pride ourselves on a vast array of services that cater to the diverse carpet repair needs of Manchester and London. Some of the specialized services we provide include:
Burns and Stain Repairs: Whether it's a small cigarette burn or a stubborn wine stain, our technical prowess ensures these blemishes become a thing of the past.
Pet Damage Restoration: For households with furry friends, our pet damage repair service tackles everything from scratched areas to chewed corners.
Re-Stretching and Fitting Correction: To combat unsightly lumps and stretched-out spots, our re-stretching services will ensure your carpets are smooth and safe to walk on.
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