commander-gloryforge · 4 months
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some characters i dont post so much :)
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ratasum · 3 months
Pride Month Showcase - Umbra Shadowshot
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A gladium who wandered as a lone mercenary for a while after losing her warband to the betrayal of her legionnaire, Umbra Shadowshot is what may best be described as a perky goth. Despite her appearance and her necromancy and her ability to hear, see, and speak with the dead, she's energetic and outgoing. Since joining up with Rosie and Ginny in Heart of Thorns, she's become an immovable part of the team and a source of support for the mysterious Rata Novus survivor Xeonna. Umbra is a lesbian!
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brighan · 1 year
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Another commission for @threadedcanes (Twitter) of her hunter Damian!
I got this frame from the new Trigun anime stuck in my brain, so I am glad I could use this as an excuse to use it for inspiration! I really had fun with this pose.
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Patreon | Ko-Fi
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rivaldi22 · 1 year
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Commission of @thesafehex's Hunter, Morana-1, right before the moment of her Shadowshot's release. Thank you for commissioning me! 🙏✨💖
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epsilonhybrid · 27 days
would anyone be interested in doing the encore: overture exotic mission with me :D ? im having a hard time solo :P
anyones welcome !! no toxicity !! just dm me and we can schedule something out :)
EDIT: a pair of absolute legends helped me through and i got it done right away thank u so much to everyone who commeted ^_^ !!!
if someone needs help with the mission or any other activity feel free to dm me id love to help :D i might need to get dual destiny done soon !!
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ginasedai · 2 years
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~Welcome back, my dearest Calliope...
...Oh, how we have missed you, darling~
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ollie-jpg · 2 years
d2 servers are back up maintenance is done i’m about to waste my entire day
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abidethetempest · 6 months
settling an argument with my Titan friend bc i said Nova Bomb is the best super bc it looks like the purple tower ball and this HEATHEN said Ward of Dawn was a better purple ball
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allthecastlesonclouds · 7 months
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hi! screaming! hello! i'm so so sorry if you were looking for actual ghost stories because it's. the title of a fanfic i'm writing currently (is linked here). and they're my darlings so i'm going to talk so much about it anyway but sorry if that's not what you were looking for :| i do love ghost stories so i did put one in the tags :D
all of them are 24/25ish in this au which. i am not quite. fig did not go to college. gorgug's going to a community college. kristen was intensely homeschooled. adaine got to applying to college and then killed her dad (which put a damper on things). riz and fabian went to the same college.
imma list power sets / costumes / vigilante names here too! the BKs have all been revealed and there's nothing too dramatic that's going to happen
Fig (Mockingbird): Shapeshifting, audio manipulation, accelerated healing, fire immunity (due to heritage). Red rhinestone masquerade mask; fiery feather overcoat/grey tights/combat boots.
Adaine (The Oracle): Divinatory visions, heightened strength/speed, flight, elemental manipulation. also, she has a sword. Blue cloth mask+veil; white leotard/tights + blue floating cloths/scarves(?).
Riz (Shadowshot): shadow teleportation (not manipulation!), accelerated healing, heightened strength/speed. Black cloth mask; black cape over a brown leotard+tights.
Kristen (Sunlit): light manipulation, heightened strength/speed, accelerated healing, flight, healing. Gold mask with sun+moon spokes; basically a recolored squirrel girl.
Fabian (Silver): heightened strength/speed. he's got spiderman's costume without a crystal design replacing the spider.
Gorgug (n/a): metal manipulation, metal animation, heightened strength/speed.
also if anyone wants to hear about the playlist i am so so happy to tell you about the playlist
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thefangirlthatwaited · 4 months
Encounter (Chapter 167) - A Destiny Universe Story
Crow x Guardian
I stood before the door, my heart pounding, a sense of foreboding washing over me, and a wave of familiarity engulfed me.
“Ruby, your heart rate is elevated,” Stell observed, her voice laced with concern.
“I can feel it,” I whispered, my hand splayed out on the door. The pulse of dark energy... It couldn’t be. I jumped back as the door opened, revealing the impossible.
“Is that...?” Artemis asked, unable to finish her question. Before us was none other than the Black Heart. The room looked the same as the day I was here with my original fireteam.
“Impossible... The Black Heart. Destroy this abomination!” Osiris ordered, his voice echoing with urgency. His words jolted me from my daze, and I felt a surge of adrenaline. I loaded my guns, and with a determined nod to Artemis and Shadow, we leaped into action.
“Ruby, you’ve done this once before. How do we kill it?” Shadow asked as we took cover from Goblins’ rifles.
“Those statues... They came to life, and when we killed them, it destroyed the heart.” I explained.
“But they’re just statues,” Artemis stated. She spoke too soon. The ground began to rumble, and the first of the three statues came to life. 
“You had to say something, didn’t you?” I loaded my Graviton Lance and jumped in with Void Light at my fingertips. I launched my Shadowshot, and Artemis and Shadow went in with their Arc, killing the first of the three statues. We repeated the process two more times before the room pulsed with energy, and the Black Heart began to react. Lightning erupted as the Black Heart collapsed on itself and died. I fell to my knees, feeling as exhausted as I did the first time I fought it.
“The Black Heart was a failed copy of the Veil. Imperfect, but potent nonetheless. This was a simulation of their prior effort. The Sol Divisive must have been using it to bond their collective with the Darkness. They broadcast that connection, harmonizing its frequency with the Veil, in order to take its place and shut us out. They could not have managed this feat without guidance from the Witness. And now, you have seen to it that they will not disrupt us again.” I threw my helmet to the side, pissed off that the Vex managed to simulate the Black Heart. 
“Thank you, Osiris. We’ll be back soon.” Artemis replied.
I stood up, dusting off my cape, a sudden surge of panic gripping my chest. My fingers fumbled with the clasp of my armour, desperate to free the necklace that held Crow’s heartbeat. The stone, usually a steady pulse, now throbbed with an erratic rhythm. I clutched it, my heart racing in sync with the stone as I tried to establish a connection with Crow.
“Something’s not right,” I gasped, my heart pounding in my chest. 
“What’s wrong?” Artemis asked. 
“Stell... Contact Mara!” I ordered.
“On it!”
“Ruby!” Artemis’s voice rang out, filled with panic, but it seemed to get lost in the air as I anxiously waited for Mara’s response. The seconds dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity, until finally, I heard the Queen’s voice.
“Ruby,” She sounds out of breath as well.
“Mara, what’s going on? Crow-”
“He’s made it,” Mara’s voice crackled through the radio, and Artemis rushed to steady me.
“He’s through the portal?”
“His heart,”
“I can feel it racing as well, but.”
“Nothing else.”
“Thank you, Mara.”
“You’ll join him soon, Ruby.” She assured me before the call ended.
“Let’s get back to the Tower,” I said. 
I shook my head. “Artemis, I’m fine now. Come on.” I held out Stell and transmated back to the Dreaming City.
Full Chapter on Ao3
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home :)
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ratasum · 7 months
I know Valentine's Day has passed but there were some options I clearly left off people were sad about. So I've included them here int his poll.
Images under the cut, as before.
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astraldrake · 1 year
posting a second of these as well splitting them up bcs they're fairly long subject: scene from around the time of d1 vanilla, from Darren's pov. not going to give context for this one because i think no context is needed. i trust this one a little more to speak for itself.
The flowers wave gently in the breeze, red and white petals drifting gently ||they will bloom forever|| .The Vex crawl through the garden like ants, digging their tunnels and building their mounds of harsh geometry, their patterns ||The Pattern|| timeless and unyielding . Over it all, the heart pulses, a rippling shadow that whispers of terrors yet to come. || It grasps at you, draining your strength. Your wounds cannot heal while it remains. It hurts. It hurts. Like the countless knives that stole your body and strength.|| The heart beats again, singing its song of ruin to the Minds that supplicate to it. ||The end comes and you despair. It Hurts. IT HUR-||
Darren bolts upright in his hammock, heart pounding in his ears, his breathing quick and heavy.  His mind races, he’s had this dream before. Whatever keeps trying to talk to him is getting more insistent, louder.
 He’s broken from his thoughts by the indignant meowing of Lucky, apparently unhappy that her nice warm human bed had decided to suddenly move beneath her.
“Sorry about that girl, didn’t mean to scare you.” He mutters, as she hops onto the floor of the ship, and wanders off to find another place to rest. Too awake now to return to sleep himself, Darren tugs off his blankets and clambers out of the hammock.
 The ship interior is dark, lit mostly by a mix of permanently active emergency lights and the ambient glow of sunlight bouncing off the planet below. He makes his way over to the window, staring out at the swirling surface of Venus, clouds shifting over its surface. The crew is here on a salvage run, hoping to snag either enough raw materials for needed repairs, or some fancy golden age tech they can pawn off to the same effect. 
He’s not excited to run recon for this. Most of the place is House turf, and what isn’t is either infested with vex, picked clean, or crawling with guardians. It’ll be a risky job unless they get lucky, and they can’t afford any more bad luck. Not after their last job, an otherwise simple glimmer excavation that went sideways when they ran afoul of a particularly aggressive nightstalker. The bastard had narrowly missed Braltris and Ebreviks with their shadowshot. Ahkris had taken their head off and chucked both it and their body down the nearest ravine, while he’d kept and eye out for their ghost, who’d been smart enough to keep hidden and out of the crew’s way.
Darren sighs to himself. He can save the dread at their circumstances for later. The Albatross and her crew have seen harder times, they’ll get though this all the same.
 He turns away from the window and crosses to the other end of the ship, flicking on a lamp attached to the side of a table. The light illuminates a shattered crow drone, one of several he’d snagged through various means, it’s tracking device thoroughly disabled. 
Beside it lie several pieces of paper, one is rough map of meridian bay, another a series of scribbled notes, a third is a rough sketch of the heart he keeps seeing in his dreams. He knows that it all fits together somehow, that the heart the dreams want him to kill is in the Black Garden, and that the reef awoken know where the gate is. He wonders if his ghost has had any luck picking the drone’s brains.
“Corvi.” he says into the dark. A formality. She already knows he’s awake, and he knows she doesn’t sleep.
“Need something?” She materializes at his shoulder.
“Any luck with the files?”
“Not much so far, this stuff’s encrypted to hell and back, more heavily than any of the others I’ve dug around in.” Corvi twists her shell, fidgeting. “We’re on the right trail, I think, but I’m not sure how far we want to chase this rabbit.”
“The dreams haven’t steered us wrong before.” He argues, rubbing at his eyes. “Besides, it’ll only get worse the longer we take.”
“I know, but whatever this thing is, there’s a lot of important people with eyes on it. I’m worried we’re stepping too close to the spotlight.”
“Ahkris doesn't have to come with me.” It’s a weak argument and he knows it. 
“I know, but she's not going to let you do this alone.”
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dxrk-hunterguardian · 1 month
• Introductions, OC information and Relationships, and RP Rules
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Hello to those that follow me, I am a Female Human Hunter Guardian that has no fireteam, but survives on the light alone, I was suggested to use Tumblr to Role-play on, and here we are.
• OC Profile Information and Relationships
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Name: Unknown(often called “Guardian”)
Age: 31
Class: Hunter
Subclass: Gunslinger with Golden Gun when first resurrected at the cosmodrome but is now a NightStalker with Shadowshot.
~Character Information
She isn’t a big laughter, very smart, often has a serious tone towards others, she unfortunately has a parasite entity that’s been inside her body before resurrection, the link with the parasite started in her new form when she was training at The Tower.
Since then, she is haunted with night terrors of her past life and hallucinations cause of the PTSD that she has no control over, her Ghost would try to help, but it doesn’t always work.
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(This happens to her at the forsaken part)
~Character Information
With Cayde-6 dead, she’s more cold, dark, doesn’t care, often hides her fear from everyone, her Ghost would try to help, but she brushes it off and tells him to not worry.
• Cayde-6: A Friend, more of a romantic relationship(Friends to Lovers).
She calls him an idiot a lot, it’s the sign that she eventually likes him, within his comfort, she’s able to calm herself from the panic attacks from her hallucinations, she does feel safer and protected when Cayde stays with her.
She definitely hates it when Zavala comes in and ruins the whole thing between them, she does keep secrets in between her and Cayde.
OC(Other Characters)
Terra(Kingdom Hearts)[Older Brother]
Terra often has doubts about his sister having a romantic relationship with Cayde, causing The Hunter Vanguard to lose trust in him.
(Other Destiny characters that she’s related to will be here soon)
No God-Mode, not fun for a lot of people.
I’m a calm gamer and roleplayer, have a life outside of social media, often busy.
Definitely not try to sexual harass me, you’ll be blocked immediately if you do, do not spam me on DM, I’m not always open to interact when not role playing.
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jillybean-seighdrasov · 2 months
Stardust and The Crow ch 198
“That storm…”  Raven started to say.
“It’s building, growing stronger.  Good.  If the Witness doesn’t want us to come this way, it means we’re on the right track.”
“Oh, so that is what this is, a welcoming party, greeeaaaat.”  Stacy rolled her eyes as she reloaded her auto rifle.
“Why the hell does the right track have to have an Ogre.”  Seighdra growled as she could see the purple eye blast aim for one of the other team members.
“Not one, but THREE!”  Gorignak yelled as she dodged out of the way of the Ogres’ eye blasts.
“Let’s take ‘em down team!”  Jevar said as he launched a rocket into the middle of the three Ogres and damaging them.  Stacy fired up her Shadowshot making the final kill blow.
Shawn and Jolvar worked on the little guys, while Seighdra took down the Shrieker.
“We who have been bound…”  It sounds like those statues are prisoners of the Witness, just as Zavala believed.”  Targe said as he tried to analyze the statue’s riddle.  “I hope he feels vindicated.”
“The statue said that Zavala will ‘become one among its many.’  Was that a threat or a warning?”  Raven asked as the team ran through an area that seemed a little unwelcoming.  The air was a bit toxic until they made it back into the Pyramid buildings.
“Judging by the guards, our next contact is in here.”  Targe informed as the team hit another one of those wonderful Prismatic shielded fuckers. 
“We really need to stop running into those bastards.”  Seighdra huffed as she summoned Targe so they could speak with the Veiled Statue in the room.
read on ao3 ch 198
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
See S-tier Destiny 2 loadouts with this fan-created website
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Players can rapidly share and display their loadouts to their peers thanks to a new Destiny 2 loadouts website. The website, which a Reddit user last week published to the DestinytheGame subreddit, enables Guardians to rapidly display their in-game loadouts, which may include mods, armour, weaponry, and other details useful for creating S-tier setups in the FPS game. Reddit user SmashBoy originally shared and claims to have created the site, which is called blackarmory.app. The name is a homage to a secret weapon foundry run by Ada-1, and the only surviving member. Anyone can view the website, and those who want to post their loadouts can log in with their bungie.net accounts and select which loadouts to publish. Guardians can also add a description and use tags such as ‘PvP,’ ‘Raids,’ or even ‘Fashion,’ which help viewers quickly filter builds and allow them to sort them by ‘Latest’ or ‘Popular.’ Players cannot include seasonal artefact mods or non-core loadout components such as Sparrows, Ghost shells, and ships, but fortunately, SmashBoy plans to add those options in the future. See S-tier Destiny 2 loadouts with this fan-created website: A Guardian uses Strand abilities in combat.While Destiny Item Manager (DIM) has options for people to create and compare loadouts, this site functions differently as it operates as a centralised place for players to get ideas for builds based on what others have posted. For many, this is tremendously helpful as it can be challenging to keep track of what Exotics provide boosts to abilities, what mods are the most useful in PvP or PvE settings, and what weapons will do the most damage given Bungie’s regular balancing updates, such as the one coming with this week’s midseason patch. In an undated update to the original post, the author suggests it’s been a “crazy 24 hours” but that the site is now live for mobile devices. At the time, they said the site had more than 6,000 website visits, 500 authenticated users, and more than 150 loadouts created and liked. The site’s top build is titled Orpheus copium, a Hunter Void build. It leverages the Shadowshot: Deadfall Super ability and the Orpheus Rig Exotic leg armour, providing energy for targets tethered by Deadfall anchors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr70cyLnO8k If you’re struggling with buildcrafting in Bungie’s popular multiplayer game, check out our Destiny 2 subclass guide to get an overview of the differences in character archetypes before heading to the Black Armory site. You’ll also want to see our guide to Destiny 2 Lightfall Exotics to see how to incorporate them to develop the most powerful builds of the season. Read the full article
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