#shadows and a touch of magic
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Are you looking for a spooky read? Do you like urban fantasy or monster stories? Do you like stories about queer ladies dealing with monsters and getting into (and out of) shenanigans? Check out Shadows and a Touch of Magic.
From shadows that can be savior or destroyer to the creation of the first mermaids, Shadows and a Touch of Magic is a collection of monster stories and urban legends featuring women who love women full of fear, of love, of the strange, and of the whimsical.
Read on for a snippet from each short story 💜
"As she moved to the center of the room, trying to imagine her furniture here and herself living here, a cold breeze ghosted across the back of her neck. It raised the small hairs on the back of her neck and goosebumps down her arms." - Widow's Walk
"They were there again. The shadows that seemed to dip, sway and follow after her. Nijah Khoury glanced back as the edge of one shadow seemed to reach out towards her." - Shadowdancers
"“So, you want to be healed,” Amrita said after another sip of the wine. “What will you offer in return?”
“Anything,” Machi begged. “Anything I have. Please.”
“I heal you, you give me your first child. Fair’s fair, right?”" - Promises, Promises
"Thrilled that she was still alive, Cecily twisted in the water to study herself. Her tail was longer than her legs had been. She could feel power coiled in the muscles and ached to stretch her new body out." - To Become The Sea
"It called to her, stretched out lovely fingers and tempted her in. A small smile tugged at Haley’s lips as she listened. It sounded like the melody was coming from the opposite way of the lake again." - Feast of Sorrowed Breath
"She could clearly remember the last time she’d been swimming, the sun shining down on the blue water like it was today. That was years ago, however. No matter how many times she came to this pier, she never dared the water." - Trapped
"Have you ever heard of the smile maidens? I’d never heard of them before my travels and, at the beginning, I’d scoffed at the idea of them. It seemed such a silly name for a supernatural force that killed people or stole their souls." - The Smile Maidens
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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Shadow and Bone s02e08: “He's putting up a good fight… Like something's holding him on the other side.”
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offrozenmemoirs · 22 days
Thinking about Makoto's desire for intimacy being pushed down by his feelings of not deserving to be loved, how he's slowly coming around to being cared for and learning how to take his pain and sorrow to focus it on protecting others. Thinking about how he sometimes softly touches his party members and catches himself staring at them.
Love thinking about Makoto being a giant cat and affectionately wrapping himself around Maisie or Orchidus or putting his wings and tail around them.
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
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credit: Alice Maria Power
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drowningkeyborad · 11 months
Working on my old Bianca Di Angelo pjo fanfic and accidentally made her & Alabaster the perfect couple??
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antaripirate · 2 years
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spent a lot of time climbing paleo-glaciers today but i also made this :)
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If bond points remaining consistent between summoned instances of a Servant are a case of Gameplay and Story Segregation, explain this.
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author-main · 1 year
Twi can be a little messed up and hungry for dark magic... as a treat
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blujayonthewing · 9 months
Gimmiiiieee secret for one of those funky gnomes?
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
After her friend and mentor, the circus' escape artist, died in a suspicious water escape accident, Idri's had an intense fear of deep water and of drowning. She doesn't want anyone to know about it partly because she finds it embarrassing, and partly just because it's connected to something painful that she's trying to 'cope with' by just simply Never Thinking About It Ever. She ALSO, more recently, has a more serious but less personal secret, which is that it turns out said mentor was not actually killed in that incident, but that his death was faked by a friend who knew he was being targeted for murder, and secretly took his place... he still has enemies, and fears that if word gets out that he's not actually dead, it might put more of his friends and colleagues in danger. Idri takes his trusting her with this information very seriously, and is determined to never tell a soul.
Melliwyk honestly fucking hates secrets at this point in the adventure, lmao. No more secrets! No fucking secrets forever!! They only ever cause problems she's so sick of things being kept secret for ~good reasons~ that always just make everything worse for no reason!! I mean she probably has some personal things that are private or embarrassing that she wouldn't want people to know about, obviously, who doesn't, but even a lot of those things are either widely known even if not necessarily by her friends (the incident with her former roommate), or things she's told them by now (the fact that her 'hood' is a novelty nightcap enchanted to give the wearer pleasant dreams, and she wears it all the time because she's nightmare-prone, especially when she unexpectedly falls asleep)
Felix went missing for awhile. He has no idea what happened during most of that time, but the last thing he remembers was witnessing a caravan camped just off the road being attacked by.... something. Huge, looming humanoid shapes of pure darkness, seemingly draining the life essence of the people in the caravan. He was spotted before he had a chance to do anything, and a creature grabbed his arm, but a voice called for it to leave him alone... After he woke up, he found his skin had turned completely grey where the creature touched him; it doesn't hurt or feel different in any way, and the mark hasn't spread, although the hand was so big that its print takes up most of his arm. He's been trying to learn literally anything about what he saw and what happened to him, but he hasn't told anybody, and he keeps his arm covered at all times.
Indigo would hate if the truth got out about what happened to their eye, where they now have an obviously false golden one. It's not, like, actually a big deal, but they give a different answer every time anyone asks, so if people knew the truth it would ruin the bit. Indigo lies recreationally so there are a lot of things about their personal life and backstory that they keep dead secret for no other particular reason than that it's fun for them. The only thing cooler than having been mentored by an ancient dragon is casually never ever mentioning it, you know?
ask about my characters! :3c
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Corvus Quill Press has unfortunately closed. Because of this, I have re-published Shadows and a Touch of Magic myself. It’s available in both ebook and paperback formats. Check it out here 😊💜
amazon . com/dp/B07JMHGQWQ
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katierosefun · 1 year
ugh i love you stories about people who aren’t entirely sure whether something is real or not i love you stories about people who slip through the cracks and aren’t entirely sure how they got there ugh i love you stories about people who think that they’re pretty normal outside of that one interesting quirk they have and then they realize that they’re all abuzz in this strange new world where nothing makes sense but everything suddenly makes sense i love you stories that are about magic but also about real life i love you stories about the creepy-crawly things that tell you not to turn around for some reason, you know that feeling you get when you’re told you shouldn’t turn around, close the closet door, don’t open your bedroom door, don’t you dare turn around you know that feeling you get when you feel as though you’ve been somewhere before you know that feeling you get when you aren’t sure if you’re sleepwalking or not but your head feels detached from the rest of your body i love you stories that try to explain that specific feeling i love you stories about how the world is so much crazier and scarier and more beautiful than you could ever imagine but also more horrifying than you could ever imagine i love you stories where the ultimate conclusion is that the world is horrific and beautiful and you belong right into its disastrous, nonsensical fold
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a-world-in-grey · 2 years
Do you think that, hypothetically, it would be possible for the oracle line to do similar to the the LC where they share their magic? Or do you think it is something that is specifically just an LC thing because of the different things the LC magic can do?
Honestly, I have no idea.
My hc is that Bahamut's Blessing is Light, Life, War, and Steel. Unlike the other Astrals, Bahamut split his Blessing into two separate ones. So the LCs predominantly get the War and Steel while the Oracles get the Light and Life. Not that there isn't some crossover - I hc that both lines have armigers, and that the LCs ability to make potions and other curatives are a watered down form of Oracle healing. And in the end, the base for the armiger and warping is all based on Bahamut's domain of Light.
LCs share magic by creating a bond between them and the person they are sharing their magic with. A link between souls, in other words.
That said, Bahamut's domain has nothing to do with souls.
Which begs the question of why Lucis Caelums can share their magic.
The two theories I'm juggling are that a) the Crystal is what enables Lucis Caelums to link their souls, which then begs the question of how the Crystal does that and if enables the ability for all Lucis Caelums or only those that grow up in close enough proximity or some other mechanism, but means that only Lucis Caelums can share their magic, or b) it's magic itself that allows people to create such bonds, and it's only the Lucis Caelums that know how to do it in the current day/have the magic to do so, which would enable the Oracles to share their magic so long as they know how to do so.
@secret-engima any thoughts on this?
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wildfane · 2 years
with your warriors reconstructed map thing, who does each cat represent out of the og ones?? like, i'm pretty sure ashfur has become aiden,,, but who's lucy and della? maybe its really obvious but i have not read or interacted with anything wc related for a loooong time. if you don't mind answering this haha
aiden does represent/is the equivalent to ashfur! and the rest of em:
sadie - squirrelflight
bruno - brambleclaw
della - bristlefrost
lucy - rootspring
the shadow - shadowsight
they have altered personalities (some more than others) and unique backstories. there aren’t “clans” or any cat colonies present, just this core cast. sadie and bruno live on their own with their only daughter, della. i should note that della has some sparkpelt and alderheart in her too but the role she fills is more bristle
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The Umbra King by Jamie Applegate Hunter, 385pages, published September 20th 2022 - 🌟🌟🌟🌟 This book caused me a solid reading slump after I finished it, I was so invested and wanted nothing more that to read more. I went into the book thinking book one and two were out thanks to Kindle and how it was formatted, so I was even more disappointed when I finished and found out the second one was in fact not ready to read. All of that said I want to make it very clear that I recommend this book a thousand times over and think anyone who needs another morally gray female in their lives should devour this book ASAP (especially seeing as it is available on Kindle Unlimited). Below is some of what you can expect to find if you read this amazing book by @jah.hdj.books -enemies to lovers -dark fantasy -shadow manipulation 😉 -alphahole king with a painful past -touch her and you die -who did this to you? -revenge plot found family -female serial killer -fated lovers/mates -beauty and the beast
With all of that said I can't wait for y'all to read this book so we can both be obsessed with Caius and Aurora (Rory).
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orcelito · 2 years
also. what they dont tell you about being a sorcerer (5) bard (1) is that
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you get a F U C K ton of spells
#speculation nation#fang#d&d#and ALL!!!! of them are prepared#im used to playing a wizard with many many spells but u can only have a handful prepared at a time#fang can use Any of these at Any time (spell slots permitting)#and he got detect magic (unlimited) from his eldritch invocation (feat). and darkness from a shadow sorcerer feature#fang really is just all *finger wiggles* about his magic. he doesnt understand it. but BOY can he do a lot of it#he described today his fireball as 'if i think Really Hard and Point... i can make Big Things happen'#AGHHHHHH i love him so much tho. he's still so squishy but i love him sooo much#AND!!!!!!!!!! i have healing spells now too. thank god#5 sorcery points on top of all this. AND two bardic inspiration#fang really is just like. absolutely overflowing with magic. but super fucking casual about it#he does not!!! understand what he's doing!!!! he's just like playing the flute and feeling smth different with his magic#& he's just like 'Huh." decides to play around with that. and suddenly he knows 6 more spells#and he can HEAL!!!!!!!!! im so stoked about that lmfao#i did NOT take vicious mockery bc i already have Mind Sliver as a psychic damage cantrip AND chill touch. two damage cantrips#vicious mockery is kinda the iconic bard thing but just. idk minor illusion seemed more useful to me.#probably gonna keep it at 1 bard level at least until i get my shadow wolf. so im taking shadow sorcerer level next level (whever that is)#I WANT MY BIG PUPPYYYYYYYYYYYYY big boy loves to bite. i need him#i would have him if i didnt take bard level... but it's ok.... the versatility is worth it#fang is the most hilariously influential person that exists and everyone just has to deal with it#he walks around changing people's lives & he's just like 'eh dont worry about it' b4 leaving to continue on his way#tunnel vision. very task-focused. unless he gets distracted in which case it is tunnel vision on the distraction#he regularly went on swims in the fuckin ocean alongside the boat bc he's got a fancy cloak that lets him breathe underwater & he loves it#i literally love him so much guys i Cannot describe how much i love him#i wish his charisma was higher lol BUT it's ok. we just need to get to level 9 so i can increase smth (with sorcerer 8)#tho hmmm levels 2 and 3 bard look so good too... hmmmmm#difficult choices lol. ah well
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groveofsouls · 7 months
tag dump six ft. general charas part one !!
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