#shadowrun glory
mr-groovyart · 1 year
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i dont have the current willpower needed to finish these
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uhobme · 2 years
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Been playing the Shadowrun games
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messerkampf · 1 year
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This is the funniest thing to ever happen to me
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pigeonrocks · 2 years
dragonfall doggies
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bigmsaxon · 6 days
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Seemed like a good time to polish up this piece from February as well. Got the idea from a Cammy/Chun Li artwork I've always liked.
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subjectsix · 1 year
wouaghhhgh hello. gimme like. a week and im back online
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txttletale · 6 months
What's your shadowrun games ranking? A couple of them are on game pass and I've been getting really into crpgs lately.
hong kong > dragonfall > the first one
the first shadowrun doesn't have permanent party members, which really drags it down. it means it just can't have the kind of slick interesting writing that makes the other two so good. dragonfall has a razor-tight plot and some great characters but is brought down by two key factors: its hacking gameplay is notably more annoying than hong kong's, and one of the main companions is an annoying misogynist that i hate.
hong kong, on the other hand, is a nearly perfect game. first of all, it's a really vivid bringing to life of a part of the world that, yknow, you don't get a lot of urban fantasy about. it is so refreshing to see it not doing the Fantasy Races Stand In For Real Races shit and instead have clearly east asian goblins, dwarves, orcs, etc. the gameplay is fun, the quests have a really good set of options that make nearly any playstyle feel rewarding, i really like how it gives you a set backstory but lets you make choices within it to still create and define your own character, and most of all the cast absolutely clears. i like glory as much as the next lesbian, but is0bel, gobbet, racter (one of my favourite depictions of a low-empathy character in media), and gaichu are some of the best characters i've seen in video games. duncan is there too.
plus the side cast! jomo, MAXIMUM LAW, crafty, reliable matthew, auntie... there is so much life and depth to the characters in hong kong. you can go on the computer and read in-universe forum posts by shadowrunners. it's a living breathing world and by far the best thing ever done with the shadowrun IP. play shadowrun: hong kong
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antisocialxconstruct · 3 months
tagged by @mystery-salad
(it took me way too long to even manage to remember five different games I've played LOL)
taggingggg @axperjan, @yondamoegi, @nyoxt-was-here, @foxholemonster but no pressure of course :3
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demilypyro · 7 months
Follow-up to the person who talked about Sebille in Divinity 2, based on "tall women", have you tried Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall? I'm a big fan of Eiger, the Troll sniper, even though the most popular character is Glory the cyborg.
Yall are telling me about games I've never even heard of. What is this, a Diablo clone?
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subspaceskater · 2 days
oh hey now that asks are back i was wondering with you reblogging the art of glory and eiger a few days ago- have you played the shadowrun crpg trilogy?
i have! i thought they were really fun i liked them a lot
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revindicatedbyhistory · 3 months
i like how shadowrun dragonfall has a steam achievment for completing glory´s storyline but not for that of any other companion. deserved tho
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mr-groovyart · 1 year
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Hard coded band ending with Glory, can't seem to not get it no matter what i do ;c
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atomicwrongs · 4 months
It's such a shame that I get really bad GM burnout if I run too many games at once, because whenever I'm reminded of all the fun systems I have access to, I wanna run oneshots/mini-campaigns SO BAD
Like, I got secondhand copies of FATE Classic and Accelerated at the game store and I love it!! There were also copies of Warhammer: Wrath and Glory, Vampire: The Masquerade, Shadowrun, and a bunch of other interesting TTRPGs. (I was thoroughly tempted by Tails of Equestria. For ironic reasons.)
I have digital copies from sales and bundles! Spectaculars, FIST, Thorn, Pine Shallows, Stacks of Goblins, Night of the Scarecrow - and then my beloved pile of homebrew systems I'm perpetually tinkering with, like PMD: Explorers of Fate, and Mind Over Martyrs, and I've got v5 of Guild of Good Deeds in the works, and then there's all my little oneshot systems-
Sure, I'll run D&D, but I'll never understand people who are utterly reluctant to branch out from it, because for every setting/genre that you want your DM to 'just adapt 5e' for, there are a dozen very fun systems that work better. Please try other systems. They're so good.
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fridge-reviews · 9 months
The Best Games of 2023
Welcome once again to the my personal list of games I enjoyed this year. Yep, it’s my list, feel free to disagree with me but it won’t change anything. So, here are the rules;
These are games that I’ve played and reviewed this year.
The list is in alphabetical order, its not a top 10, these all feature because of how good I consider them to be.
The games don’t have to have been released this year.
Everyone clear on the rules? If not feel free to reread them.
Beacon Pines
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This is a game I backed on Kickstarter after watching one of my favourite Youtubers showcase it. I absolutely loved this game to the point of feeling sad when I had completed it that it was over. This game totally captivated me and had me want to explore the various endings it has.
Curse of the Dead Gods
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This is a roguelite game of risk and reward, do you keep the rooms lit and see what enemies are coming for you or do you fight in the darkness where your attacks are more potent but you can't see what's coming until its upon you. That is only one of the many risks you can take that may grant rewards, curses and glory await you within this game.
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If Daniel Mullins creates a game I have to play it, that's how it works at this point. Inscryption preys upon one of my weaknesses in both video and real games... deckbuilding. But once I thought I had a handle on the mechanics, they shifted and everything changed. Play this game and marvel at how strange and wonderful it is.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengance
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“Gloriously stupid”, that's how I described this game and I'm sticking by that statement. It's so massively over the top in everything it does. An absolute must play!
Road 96
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This game was something special. You could call it a walking simulator but that would not do this game justice at all. What makes this game special are the characters you meet as you go through your various playthroughs, from incompetent bikers to conflicted truckers and cops who just want to do good when surrounded by the bad ones. I've recently bought the separate expansion 'Mile 0' because I just want to experience it again (but differently).
Shadowrun Games
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Okey, this is a bit of a cheat since this is about three games at once but I'm still counting it. My favourite of the three was Shadowrun: Hong Kong because of the way the story builds up. If you're ever in the market for a cyberpunk game (that isn't Cyberpunk 2077) I heartily recommend these.
System Shock (Remake)
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Another game I backed on Kickstarter, and I'm so glad I did. I loved System Shock 2 and always found it very hard to go back it's predecessor. This remake removed the clunkiness of the old game for me entirely.
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Toem is a wonderful, slow paced game all about photography. Photography is something of a passion for me so this game really spoke to me. Of course, there is more to it than merely taking virtual pictures, there are puzzles, quests and side missions to accomplish.
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Cosy games seem to be a genre that's growing in popularity quite quickly and this game is pretty much the poster child for the genre. Something I really appreciated about the game was the unfolding narrative that you uncovered from what you unpacked into the various rooms and houses you followed the character into.
Vampire Survivors
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Just as Unpacking is the poster child of the cosy genre Vampire Survivors is the poster child (and possibly the original progenitor) of the 'bullet heaven' genre. What I find rather amazing is the level of support this game has been given by its creator, with lots of regular free updates that add in content as well as a couple of paid for expansions it really feels like this game will never truly die.
This year has been amazing for those of us that love to play video games, with lots of truly fantastic games appearing with regularity. Of course, that hasn't been the case for the ones creating the games, developers are still being fired and removed for all sorts of stupid reasons and of course they like to target the newly established unions. I hope more unions appear and give these corpos the bloody nose they are asking for.
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klawphish · 1 month
Now that I've played all three of the Shadowrun CRPGs, I can say I recommend them for fans of the genre. They're on the shorter end (~10-20 hours for the full campaign), but they're cheap ($50 for all three on Steam) and honestly it's nice to not have to sink 100+ hours into every playthrough. Lots of fun character options, great characters (shoutouts to Glory, Gobbet, and Is0bel) neat setting that it avoids getting bogged down in, and the combat is fun once you get your build online (except for the Matrix sections, which you can thankfully turn god mode on and keep achievements). Downsides are 'standard' fantasy racism in character creation (which feels like a setting/publisher requirement since everything else ignores that trolls, for example, are somehow innately less likable and smart), one character type (deckers) being basically mandatory for 90% of missions, and every main character build requiring a deep Charisma investment for dialogue even if you have to invest in your primary stat just to keep up.
I'd rank it as Dragonfall > Hong Kong > Returns, but it's close between the top two. Overall, I give it an 8/10.
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bigmsaxon · 7 days
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Happy ten year anniversary to the standalone Shadowrun Dragonfall - Director's Cut!
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