loveam-links-blog · 12 years
We want you to become a part of LoveAM's Youtube Channel!
Although we just started this blog a few days ago, we've already received a lot of questions, concerns, requests and tons suggestions. The number of viewers on our blog has been continuously growing. A suggestion that really stood out to us and Team LoveAM has decided to create a YouTube channel. 
What exactly will be uploaded to this YouTube channel?  Every week (or every two weeks), we will be uploading a "LoveAM Exclusive Cover" done by one of our featured artists. This is not only a chance for all musicians to gain more views, subscribers and views but it also opens up opportunities (collaborations, events, etc). And it's also a great way for people to discover new music and meet new people!
◊ Add us on facebook to participate in LoveAM's YouTube Channel! 
*NOTE: Only musicians that have been featured on our blog can participate in LoveAM's YT Channel 
◊ Click here to become a featured musician on our blog
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loveam-links-blog · 12 years
Frequently Asked Questions
Last updated on February 26, 2013
LoveAM was created on... February 23, 2013!
What exactly does “LoveAM” stand for? Love A Musician!
What is Love A Musician? Love A Musician is a blog created by a group of musicians out on the search for other incredibly talented musicians! We’re here to help each and every single one of you meet other musicians and meet new opportunities!  
What inspired you guys to create the page? We know what it feels when you put yourself out there for people to appreciate yet you only get a few views. We know how it feels when you work extremely hard on something but you feel like no one acknowledges or recognizes you. We're here to help break that! We'll be your constant motivation. ;)  
What are your tumblr URL's? We plan to stay anonymous. We are not here to promote ourselves. We are here to help open opportunities for other fellow musicians.  
What can we know about the people behind LoveAM? We're all musicians. We all study/studied music.  We're all from NYC. We're female ;).  We are all 18!  
Will you ever reveal yourselves? Maybe in the far, far future.
How do we become featured on your blog? Easy! Send us a submission! Click here to read more about it.  
How do you come about picking the people that are featured?  There are several ways: (1) We stumble upon someone who we think is extremely talented on Tumblr or YouTube. (2) They are requested by one of our followers. (3) They simply send us a submission on our submissions page!  
Do you accept everyone? For the most part, yes, we do. All musicians who are recognized, requested or submitted to LoveAM will receive a message from us. We will reject someone only if we believe that the person may be an impostor, fake, troll, etc. or if we believe they need improvement. They will be sent a detailed message explaining why we decided not to write a review (which is very rare, so don't be discouraged).  
Who are you currently reviewing? We have a full list here! 
Can a person be featured more than once? Yes, most certainly! They will just have to resubmit themselves to us.  
What steps do you take to write a review?  Step 1: Approaching.  a) If we recognized them first -- We send them a message letting them know that we want to interview and write about them! We ask for their permission.  b) If they were requested -- We send them a message explaining that they were requested by someone. We also ask for permission to interview and write about them!  c) If they sent a submission -- We immediately proceed to Step 2. *The process ends here if they do not give us the permission to write about them*  Step 2: Decisions, decisions!  This is where we make the choice on whether or not we would like to feature them on LoveAM. We “skim” through their work and if we like what we see, we proceed to step 3. Scroll back up to question #10 to see what happens if we deny an artist.  Step 3: We send them a set of questions to answer.  Step 4: We wait for them to respond with their answers. Meanwhile, we listen and review their work. We take notes and write down anything that we think is important to mention in our blog entry (ex: our favorite cover and/or original). Step 5: We review their answers and start writing!  Step 6: We let the person know that they are featured. Step 7: PUBLISH THE POST!!! 
Does LoveAM have a YouTube? Indeed we do. There is nothing up yet but we plan on getting exclusive videos up by March! *Click here to subscribe to us.  *Click here to find out what our 'top secret' plans are for LoveAM's channel.
Can we add LoveAM on Facebook? Unless you have already been featured on our page, no. We will only be using Facebook as a way to keep in contact with those who have already been featured because they will also be featured on our YouTube channel.  *Click here to find out what our 'top secret' plans are for LoveAM's channel. *Click to view and like our LoveAM fan page to receive updates!
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loveam-links-blog · 12 years
Who's on our list?
Please note that we do not update this page every day! 
Bea Go √ Click here
Isabell Thao √ Click here
Amanda Yang ≈
Rey Zapanta √ Click here
Lainey Darleeng »+
Kathryn Cacho Click here
John Quiwa ≈
Izzy Salinel √ Click here
Justin Kim ***
Austin Luu ***
Arnold Laguna »+
Danny Tran ≈
Christian Donares --
Tori Kelly ≈
Ryan Bandong/Mitchell Grey ≈
ReyRoyale *
JanJan Mijares *
Kim Vallido ≈
*** (almost done) Check back in a few hours (or tomorrow) to see what we've got to say!!  ¨waiting for response¨ We have already messaged the artist and are waiting for them to message us back with their approval. *We do not promote anyone's work without them knowing! 
* (currently under review)  We are in the process of getting to know them by messaging them through tumblr or email & listening to their music. By this time, we've probably already started writing about them.
» (postponed)
R (requested) The artist sent us a request to save their review for a later date.
+ (more) We believe that this artist should upload more youtube videos before we begin our reviews on them. In other words, we want to hear more!
-- (problems) We are experiencing problems. This may vary from problems within our team as well as problems with what our artist has provided to us (fakes, posers, or suddenly "missing" or stopped responding)
√ (reviewed!)  The best symbol of all! The artist has already been reviewed. A link will appear beside the symbol. No link? The review hasn't been published yet! Check in later :)
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