#shadowman 9
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Shadowman 9 moeblobs
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s3e1 Shadowman 9 In the Cradle of Destiny
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is this supposed to be international? bc the peril partnership is canadian. maybe the fraternity of torment is like the west european version of the guild. but the unlicensed villains....that vexes me given the way the monarch is treated in shadowman 9 for supposedly arching without ALREADY being a member of the GCI. maybe it's because rusty is registered with the guild as a protagonist and for another villain outside the gci to arch him would be consider industrial poaching? hmmmmm.......
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I was rewatching Shadowman 9 and it suddenly hit me
Did Phantom Limb set Lady Au Pair up with those two little monsters so he could wreck her chance at being a solo villain? Later he calls them his sleeper agents and maybe he was just being extra crazy when he said that but he somehow knew that 21 was obsessed with her and it absolutely sounds like something he would do to her.
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Shadowman 9: In the Cradle of Destiny - Screenshots (part 3)
#venture bros#vbros#the venture bros#the monarch#phantom limb#dr. mrs. the monarch#dr. girlfriend#henchman 21#brock samson#henchman 24#the moppets#tim-tom and kevin#Episode Screenshots
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For the Christmas/Yule Ask Game:
2 & 9 for Marigold and Lothiriel?
Thank you for playing!
🎄 Christmas asks! ��
2. Two Turtle Doves: What is their idea of a romantic Christmas date? What kind of gifts do they get their significant other?
Lothíriel: First, some time outdoors, and a whirlwind ride on Shadowmane and Firefoot in the snow - or perhaps bundled up in the back of a swift-moving horse drawn sled. Then, a warm evening by the fire listening to the bards and sharing mead, before sneaking off for some cozy, intimate time together. When it comes to gifts, Lothíriel will bring her ladylike accomplishments to bear, and create a custom piece of jewelry or other accessory: i.e. a painted or semiprecious stone encrusted inkwell for Éomer to gaze at and think of her as he plods through his boring state correspondence.
Marigold: A cozy winter walk, culminating a snowball fight, followed by a five-course meal of holiday goodies she's cooked herself, and finally an evening by the fire reading out loud from one of her and Frodo's favorite books, i.e. the Shire version of A Christmas Carol. Oh, and the kids safely at Sam and Rosie's for the night! And when it comes to gifts, Marigold will make something handcrafted: a scarf, a new embroidered collar, a pair of mittens, a hat -- or, if she's feeling like a splurge, a new waistcoat made by her brother-in-law, the taylor Boffo Banks, with embroidered highlights added by herself.
9. Nine Ladies Dancing: Share some pictures or create a moodboard for the character's perfect Christmas wardrobe?
Lothíriel (left) ; Marigold (right)
#lotr#lotr headcanon#lothiriel#lotr headcanons#christmas#flowers of mordor au#the golden hall#marigold gamgee
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Hellfir3.wad: Hellfire III MAP05: Hell's Haven (-343, -389, 8) Author: Shadowman Date: 2019-03-11 Description: The wad contains 9 maps. The story tells how the monsters occupied Doomer's native school. Your task is to get into the school and eliminate the demons until they have finally managed to bully the brains of the younger generation. But what the hell awaits you after school - nobody knows...
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[Gaming] Mega Man Robot Serial Numbers
When it comes to the Mega Man series, most of the games label the boss characters as "Dr. Wily Numbers". I think the rare exceptions are in Mega Man 1 and Mega Man 9. When it comes to my fan works, however, I tend to use a robot's "point of origin" as its serial number.
Here's a handy-dandy list of them — some canon, some made up.
Mega Man Serial Number Codes
[DRN/DLN] Dr. Right / Light Numbers (1, 9)
[DWN] Dr. Wily Numbers (2, 7, 8, 10, 11)*
[CQN] CRORQ Numbers (Mega Man (DOS))
[RWN/LWN] Dr. Right / Light & Wily Numbers (3)
[DCN] Dr. Cossack Numbers (4)
[BLN/PMN] Blues / Protoman Numbers (5)*
[MXN] Mr. X Numbers (6)**
[RKN/MKN] Rockman / Megaman Killer Numbers (World 1, 3, 4)
[SRN/SDN] Space Ruler / Stardroid Numbers (World 5)
[MWN/GEN] Mega World / Genesis Unit Numbers (Wily Wars)
[KGN] King Numbers (& Forte (Super Famicom))***
[DMN] Dimension Numbers (& Forte (WonderSwan))
[ZON] Zodiac Numbers (Strategy)
Notes and Things
* Dr. Wily didn't create a majority of the Robot Masters he used in his attacks. However, he did rescue and/or repurpose them. Examples include Shadowman, Shademan, Clownman, Tundraman… He canonically made the ones from 2 and 5, however. Despite that, one could still call the ones from 5 the "[BLN] Blues Numbers", or maybe even the "[DKM] Darkman Numbers".
** This one comes from the Megamix manga. It's likely for the same reason most boss characters are "DWN". I'd personally call them "[RCN/RTN] Robot Championship / Tournament Numbers", as a neutral label.
*** Some of King's robots were made by him (supposedly) while some rose up under his banner, so again… same as DWN and MXN.
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week 9: optimo lynx - shadowman (male match)
received 09.13.2024
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its a good thing im not an academic bc apparently u can title ur papers whatever the hell you want and id be titling it all shit like “shadowman 9 and the cradle of destiny”
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8, 9, 17 and 18! 🐤
8: Russman! I was rlly interested when part of his backstory was revealed in Buried (and then fully expanded upon on the comics). I also like a lot of his lines (especially the ones where the perk drinks fix one of his illness/disabilities).
9: The Panzer. Did you know 2 can spawn in one round? I didn't (i bet it goes up to like 4 or sumn).
17: On a smaller scale—I'll change how the announcer worked in BO3/BO4. It seemed to be...the shadow man???? or sumn??? idk. i just know it wasn't samantha despite the announcer mimicing her voice. I think it would be interesting if the announcer for BO3/4 had a chance of mimicking RICHTOFEN'S voice too (Just an excuse to have announcer richtofen in modern zombies without mods).
I would also change the stuff surrounding the Great War seeing as when we see it we have no active participation in it. Maybe just as a great calamity that'll plague both the apothicans and the keepers. The Great War instead would be the backstory of how Monty and the Shadowman kept their feud on for so long. Both being from the apothicans and keepers respectively (and the GW wiping out all of their ppl except for them).
The calamity being the result of the apothikeepers and their actions to try and delay their oblivion. Cus their devotion to either uphold (or destroy) their laws are actually damaging other parts of the multiverse. Monty will still be a villain like Shadowman, cus that was actually rlly fucking cool. A very rough idea but basically, i'd make shadowman and monty be the bigger badder richtofen and maxis conflict in bo2 that they're supposed to be. Which speaking of...
18: there's this post i made comparing monty and shadowman to richtofen and maxis and ofc the post i made about victis and the origin staves; besides those, i think richtofen has a crazy ass sneeze. He'd sneeze like 8 times in one go, and by the end of it he literally looks like he's dying.
I also think Misty's a cat person. Everyone's always surprised when she says she'd rather have a cat than a dog.
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s3e1 Shadowman 9 In the Cradle of Destiny
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[insert eyes emoji] 17 and 26!
thank you <33
17. what’s your favorite painting? and describe how it makes you feel?
I'm gonna cheat a little and say Fountain of Youth by Richard Hambleton. Watched a great documentary about him, Shadowman, 6-ish years ago, and I still haven't forgotten his shadows. On first glance, it makes me feel excited, energized, like I want to jump too; looking at it more, it becomes spookier, something more eerie; and then finally, esp knowing Hambleton's history (many of his friends & peers died young, including both Harding & Basquiat; his struggles w/ addiction, poverty, and isolation), it becomes something sadder.
26. which of the 7 deadly sins do you struggle with the most? and which the least?
maybe a curve-ball here: I struggle with Wrath/Anger, in that it's not the sin I feel most often but it's the hardest for me to get a hold on. I'm a quintessential Enneagram 9 in that I'm normally I Don't Get Angry I'm Chill With Everything :)) which means in practice I can be really out of touch w/ my anger and/or it gets very internalized; being mean to others is a no-no, but being mean to or getting angry with myself, well. my inner angry voice can get pretty vicious! (or, for another angle, how I can really enjoy feeling irritated & annoyed sometimes. not great.)
the least is Envy. generally I love seeing good things happen to other people! success and happiness for my friends or people I know means I get to feel good too.
(50 Q's)
#ask game#i was looking up wrath on wikipedia (i know lol) but the passive anger section was just. hmm. this feels very familiar
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Shadowman 9: In The Cradle of Destiny - Screenshots (part two)
Phantom Limb started talking, they're all acting like they just witnessed a brutal murder just off screen.
#venture bros#the venture bros#vbros#dr. girlfriend#dr. mrs. the monarch#watch and ward#phantom limb#the monarch#dr. venture#rusty venture#henchman 21#gary fischer#henchman 24#Episode Screenshots
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The Venture Bros. #29: “Shadowman 9: In the Cradle Of Destiny” | June 1, 2008 - 11:30PM | S03E01
The Venture Brothers are back! And we only had to wait over a year and a half between seasons.
I personally like to consider seasons 1-4 to be “classic” Venture, with "Operation: P.R.O.M." being the series' peak. This season is maybe my least favorite out of those four seasons. Maybe that’s because this is the first season I ever actually anticipated. I didn’t really get into the show until season two was midway through, so this season was doomed to let me down for that reason.
I do believe the show started getting too far up it’s own ass beginning with this season. The main story of this episode is about the Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend being interrogated by the Council of 13 as a pretense to give us a shitload of flashbacks, many of which revolve around previous episode references. A real “for the fans” affair. I thought the show was really strong during the first two seasons, which had a nice balance of episodic stories while dipping into lore-laden character story arcs.
I don’t really want to go beat-by-beat with the plot here, but I’ll try to sum it up in a way that makes sense. This one picks up where the last one leaves off. Dr. Girlfriend has revealed something to the Monarch. The writing fails the show a little bit here, because the reveal I guess is she said something to the effect of “I’ve applied ourselves for duoship with the Guild of Calamitous Intent” which isn’t exactly punchy. I remember re-watching that episode and thinking that what she told him was somehow still a mystery; it’s not super clear that what’s happening in this episode is an answer to that mystery.
Primarily what’s happening in this one is, The Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend have been violently taken from their honeymoon and brought to the Council of 13, who hold the newlyweds captive (separately, at first). They go through The Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend’s pasts; showing how they met, and examining whether or not they are worthy of being made “official” in the eyes of the Guild. We learn that the Monarch has been operating outside the system, and that he began his life of villainy without going through the proper channels.
We also see a little bit of how those proper channels operate. We see Dr. Girlfriend, then known as Lady Au Pair, get assigned to Phantom Limb, after being presented with several manufactured and pre-packaged backstories and character themes. This stuff can be reasonably funny and world-buildy, but the whole bureaucracy aspect of the Guild is one of the more joyless aspects of the show. It’s meant to be a source of conflict for The Monarch, who doesn’t like playing by the rules, so I accept it. But it’s essentially the same comedic take an SNL sketch would use, and that comparison makes me uneasy.
We learn that The Monarch was once a henchman for Phantom Limb, that Henchman 24 was actually also a henchman with The Monarch. The Monarch was Shadowman #9, hence the title. The Monarch falls for the future Dr. Girlfriend, but she’s creeped out by him. Shadowman #9 becomes the Monarch to fast track his rising in the ranks in the world of super villainy, but also to win the heart of the future Dr. Girlfriend and steal her away from Phantom Limb. He didn’t clear any of this with the guild, which is a no-no.
We also learn some other things, like the Monarch being the one who blew up the science lab when Dr. Venture was in college. This is the explosion that blew off Baron Underbheit’s jaw. We also expand on a brief flashback from “I know why the Caged Bird Kills”, where we see Myra beating the shit out of The Monarch after a failed ambush on Venture compound.
The B-story is the Moppets have taken over The Monarch’s henchmen. They rebel because of the Moppet’s uncouth nature, but they prove to be impossibly tough and hard to best in a physical confrontation. Their leadership is ultimately constructive, as he gets the henchmen and others to rebuild the Monarch’s cocoon. 24 gets knifed by the Moppets after dumping a cooler of Gatorade on them. In the coming episodes we see him recuperating. Most of the promos should have included clips of him recuperating. COMING UP ON THE NEXT VENTURE BROS: 24 RECUPERATES. Why didn't they do that?
The Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend are granted their duoship. In a post-credits scene, we see a current-day Phantom Limb kill a retired Mighty Manotaur, getting revenge based on a lie the Monarch tells. So, Phantom Limb survived the previous season, now with a mechanical arm. The Manotaur is said to be MIA in a later episode, and here's why. "Nobody retires from the Phantom Limb's shit list" is a great line. Hopefully you're watching this on blu-ray, which is uncensored. I don't know what I would do if there was some kind of barrier between me and some cuss words on a cartoon show.
This episode revels in lore while giving the show more stuff to speculate about. The Council of 13 are all portrayed in shadow, offering a potential for some kind of big reveal. The commentary track reveals that they’re all just the silhouettes of pre-existing characters with extra modifications. They aren’t meant to be identified as those characters, though; it was just a way to quickly “design” new characters. There’s also a scene where the Monarch charms the future Dr. Girlfriend at a Phantom Limb party by telling her a story about Captain Sunshine’s weapon malfunctioning, causing the good Captain to believe that The Monarch is invulnerable. This serves as the explanation for a scene a full season later when they confront one another on screen.
A lot of the humor in this one feels like an afterthought. The scenes with the Council of 13 especially feel like they’re just adding splashes of humor to an info dump. The character stuff is on point, though, and there are a few laughs. Henchman 21 suggesting that the Moppets might go double-Villechaize is a dark, funny reference to Hervé Villechaize’s real-life suicide. The jokes about what the Council do and don’t have video footage of is fun, especially the reveal that they had to change the music coming out of the Monarch’s stereo when he gets it on with the future Dr. Girlfriend (it’s heavily implied that it was supposed to be a Sugarcubes song).
The commentary track, which was recorded before season four, reveals that the title of the episode is Jackson and Doc’s favorite so-far. The original title included the phrase “Rise of the Usurper”. There’s also a lot of Eiger Sanction discussion. They also concede that this episode is especially pieced-together, “but it works”. I agree that overall this works, but it does suffer. Doc Hammer gleefully spoils the end of the season for those stupid enough to watch the commentary before finishing the whole season, which is rude!
I think a smarter thing to do would have been to either make this an hour-long episode by sandwiching the lore-dumps between scenes of an actual fun and more typical adventure story. Or, they should have played two episodes back-to-back on premiere night. I remember feeling like this was less of a season premiere. It feels like they're setting the table, and the actual meal hasn't started yet. Eventually Adult Swim started producing little videos that summed up the important story beats from previous seasons before the premiere of the next, and this episode most resembles one of those videos. It’s all technically stuff we’ve never seen before, but you can’t help feel the clip-showiness of it all. But it’s still Venture Brothers, and that’s nice.
Dear Adult Swim 2021, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I have initiated legal proceedings against you, and this letter serves as formal notice of the lawsuit filed against you. Enclosed with this letter are the necessary documents related to the case. Please review them carefully.
WHAT!? Why!?? What did I ever fucking do to you??? Tell me at once.
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2023-24 commissions list (some may be pending)
1. Rocketeer
2. TNMT Last Ronin
3. The Wasp
4. Agrivar
5. Mandalorian
6. Logan (Wolverine)
7. Erica Slaughter
8. Jane Foster
9. Spitfire
10. Vampirella
11. Gray Hulk
12. Chamber
13. Nighthawk
14. Iron Fist
15. Hellboy
16. Fortnight Sam Wilson and Captain America
17. Shadowman
18. Power Princess
19, Thundra
20. Wolverine
21. Scarlet Witch
22. Hulk
23. Dr. Strange
24. Jack of Hearts
25. Spiderman vs The Menace
26. Dani Moonstar
27. Skeletor
28. Jonny Quest and cast
29. Longshot
30. Spiderman Punk and Joe Fix-it Hulk
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