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torntruth · 1 month ago
━ some prompt from here for @shadow-cleric , always accepting. / " i'm not above violence. '' for Karlach.
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THE LAUGH THAT FELL FROM KARLACH'S LIPS ALMOST HAD A HINT OF CACKLE TO IT . it's , unfortunately , not hard to see which moments that she may lose her bit of sanity that she's clinging to. THAT TIEFLING IS DEFINITELY A WAR-TORN EX-SLAVE OF WAR . and the fury of avernus was tired.
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" i didn't think you were , shads. don't look at me like i think you're a naive damsel in distress. i just hope you don't have a knack for cruelty. " karlach winks after those quiet words , especially since she could be so loud. THEY WERE MEANT SOLELY FOR SHADOWHEART'S POINTY EARS .
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unascended · 2 months ago
thread for @shadow-cleric cont. from here
AND THEN IT DAWNS ON HIM, if he is free to walk in daylight, can he be free of Cazador too?
Astarion's master's simpering voice still lingered, echoing and calling to him from the outer fringes of his mind. Reminding him of the rules, and that he must come home as he had been bidden. The law, as is typical of true vampires. He had to do as he was told or there would be consequences. His hide was on the line. Quite literally, too.
As it was, this first day away from his master had shown him that one inescapable law for all vampires had somehow released him from its grasp. He could walk in the sun. It did not burn him as it should have, and Gods when he'd fallen from that ship and survived, his first thought had been of the irony of attaining even some minute distance between himself and Cazador only to burn alive immediately. It would've served him right, he'd thought - but no.
Astarion had stood in the sun and lived. He'd spent an entire day in it with nary a charred crack in his perfect flesh. That alone proved there may yet be more laws he could break. His fangs bared in a near manic grin, gleaming in the moonlight streaming down over the camp... and his sleeping companions.
They were beginning to look awfully good, and he was far worse than peckish. Centuries of starvation and there may be nothing to stop him from committing a terrible sin. His decision was made and there was a pretty little neck with his name on it. The cleric's. She could simply heal herself if he went overboard, and he wouldn't go overboard. He'd stop himself. (When had he ever? He was far from perfect as Cazador so loved to remind him.)
Perhaps it was his excitement and fear waging war as he shuffled his trembling limbs over to Shadowheart's bedroll that had soiled his little plan. Or perhaps it was his audacity in wrapping his pale fingers around her delicate throat to savor the feeling of her pulse thrumming and then fluttering against his fingertips. Whatever it was, as he crouched beside her and leaned over her with his fangs bared and glistening with saliva, it happened in slow motion. Even slowed, in his hunger he was unable to will his body to retreat.
The hunger roared louder in his ears than any pulse he'd ever heard.
Yet over that roar he heard it. The way her heartbeat quickened. The catch in Shadowheart's breath as her eyebrows drew together in what at first seemed like consternation, then dissolved into something far more akin to want. How familiar.
Grassy green met bloody garnet and a flush flooded Shadowheart's cheeks. As if a switch had been thrown, Astarion's demeanor immediately shifted. The roar of hunger swallowed instead by instinct, as if on automatic. It was clear she was aroused - if not by the red of her face then by the shift in her scent, and if he leveraged this right...
He could still dine, and this time it wouldn't be on rats or bugs.
Astarion put on a smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes, but did not reach them, as if it were a mask. His teeth were quickly concealed by a salacious twist of his lips as if they'd never been poised to take a bite. He could be honest later, if he was lucky. And equally dishonest, not that he cared. All he cared for was testing his new wingspan so to speak.
"I suppose that may not be the proper way to wake a lady, darling, but I was concerned..." He purred, playful fingers teasing lightly over her tender, humming pulse-point and grazing their way up to her soft cheek. "What ever were you dreaming about, my dear? By your pulse, I thought it was a nightmare. I'm sorry for disturbing you."
No he wasn't. He knew what this was really about.
Astarion licked his lips and sat back on his haunches, finally pulling his hand away from temptation. "I'm sure we could relish a conversation about those sordid details." He may have been tipping his hand the tiniest bit, but he simply must first give the impression that his touch wasn't about that. At least not at first.
What better way to bait a trap than to let her spill the beans first?
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darkdevoured · 2 days ago
" did you just try to impress me? ''
@shadow-cleric || these prompts
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“If my intention had been to impress you, love, you would’ve known.” Whilst Shar praised secrecy and sticking to the shadows, Hela’s actions did not necessarily mirror that belief unless she absolutely had to, the same with carrying out her will. Her actions oftentimes contradicted her heritage, and that’s exactly how she preferred it to be. That way, she could truly stealth her way through, with all these mortals blissfully unaware of her true nature.
Most, though Shadowheart is not one of them. She knew. And whilst Hela usually steered clear from dedicated worshippers of her mother, there’s something about the cleric.. perhaps it’s that sharp wit, that defiance within her eyes or even the fact that she seemed not afraid to treat her normally. “But do tell.. would you have wanted me to, Shadowheart? is that what you secretly desire from me?” Ever the tease, Hela kept her eyes on the cleric with devoted intensity, not allowing even the smallest of reaction to escape her.
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crimesought · 14 days ago
My  muse  nearly  confesses  but  quickly  backtracks.  “It’s  nothing.  Forget  I  said  anything.”
𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐂  𝐑𝐏  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 // @shadow-cleric
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They had been sitting together keeping watch. Idly chatting while the others slept the night away. Cassian even had scooted closer to her side. Sensing she was going to confess something. But she backtracked. A frown crossed his face.
"I don't mean to pry but was it really nothing?" He asked softly looking away from her.
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calamitism · 22 days ago
@shadow-cleric: ( cont. from here )
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The Sharran--sorry, Shadowheart's approach comes as a surprise to Isobel. The other cleric had harbored enough irritation towards her from the very beginning that, even if Isobel understood she was grappling with new realizations, she hadn't expected the other to go out of her way to seek her out
...and yet, here they are.
So Isobel treats her the same way she would any person seeking the aid of a cleric of Selune. It's easier that way. It's the same way she addressed most of the refugees from Last Light, keeping distance for the sake of peace and her own personal safety.
Except her own truth is out there now too. She is Ketheric Thorm's daughter, and she had been risen.
There's something painful in the way that Shadowheart describes her own feelings, a sense of drowning now that everything is out of place. One of Isobel's hands rests over her own chest as she considers her own place, and suppresses the urge to cough.
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"In truth? ...you're asking the wrong person, I'm afraid," Isobel admits to her, a soft frown on her lips. "I ignored it while I was residing at Last Light. Tried to distance myself from the memory of my father and the reality of his present monstrosity. I told myself it was for the safety of the refugees but... I just didn't want to think about it," She shakes her head. Stakes were far too high for her to even consider processing it yet.
"...I'm not certain what the Moonmaiden would have to say, but in my experience, you can't ever truly escape loss. Even if you choose to let go of the memories, that empty feeling doesn't fade," She thinks of her father. She thinks of her mother, who passed when she was still so much younger... "But you can try to accept that it's there. And carry on anyway. It's all any mortal can do."
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unascended · 1 month ago
HER TONGUE WAS DELIGHTFULLY BARBED. It made Astarion wonder if it would taste like poison were he to chew on it to draw blood. The urge to bite back in the literal sense boiled hideously under his skin. Skin that felt ugly and raw at the implications of her response. How dare she.
They were seated before the campfire, stars hung in the inky black above but nearly blotted out by the brightness of the full moon and fire. The others were asleep, but Astarion was quivering with the desire to cause a scene. To tear into this little princess who thought she was special because she was the favorite of some goddess and suffered a little because of it.
Four fingers drummed in a line against his knee. Sensation intended to reel himself in. He could stick to words. He was used to using them while restrained, and he was good at it. One of Cazador's least favorite qualities about him, as he so often liked to remind him.
"At least I have them to remind me who I shouldn't trust, my sweet." Astarion sneered, his gaze focused with visceral intensity on hers. Hopefully she wasn't so addled with memory loss as to have forgotten how to decipher double meanings.
@unascended cont.
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AND SHE'D BE DAMNED IF SHE'D let herself spend one more drunken night over a bottle of wine down by the river , letting her tongue UNTIE and her unbridled mouth spill fragments from her missing memory before one infuriating vampire.
Neither did she need to reveal the fact to him that she couldn't remember most things , about herself , just to let him use all of it, against her later.
And yet, here they were, exchanging mnemonics.
" Well poised inquiry, Astarion ," The Sharran priestess glared into his direction. " But before I lend you with a reply to a question you already know the answer to, may I ask something in return -- what is worse , to have no memories at all, or to have only bad ones? "
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maareyas · 2 months ago
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In Pursuit of Absolution
Your name is Silver, and you are a cleric. Your journey begins in the frigid outskirts of the Winterlands. After an encounter with infernal magic, you were accused of witchcraft and banished from the only home you've ever known. "I...I will fix this. I have to...!" Alone with your grief, you set off on a journey to rid yourself of your curse...and hopefully be accepted back home.
I'm giving the hedgehog catholic guilt :] As always, Silver is Going Through It in the octopath au. He has the most lore and plot thus far!!
no border version and closeups under the cut:
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shuuda-arts · 2 years ago
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A Brush in the Teeth (Fire Emblem, Shadow Dragon)
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cultofthewyrm · 2 months ago
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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Cleric by CRAZYRED (Shim jae-woo)
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harpershigh · 8 days ago
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"I—" What was the problem with some naps anyway? She'll have enough time to lay down when she's dead. "If you won’t take my word for it, then go ahead, ask a cleric. She’ll tell you — I’m just fine."
Will you not, @shadow-cleric ?
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@darkurgc doesn't like to be babied by Jaheira everyone boos
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"That's—" Jaheira raised a finger, warning in her voice oh shit, oh shit, I’ve been called out.
"That's not the point," she's lying through her teeth so hard she could hear Mielikki weeping in the distance. "I take plenty of care of myself, thank you very much."
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unascended · 21 days ago
'' So, Astarion. Rumour has it, that you have a large secret. "
@shadow-cleric is playing with fire.
IT WAS HARD TO RESTRAIN A FIT OF LAUGHTER. Here Astarion had thought Shadowheart didn't enjoy his particular brand of humor. Yet there she was, humoring him. It was delightful, actually. He'd be preening if only he weren't choosing to lean into the bit.
A lecherous grin broke across his face, hip cocking with a hand resting against it while the other cupped his own cheek in an utter mockery of flirtatiousness. Astarion wiggled his eyebrows. "I most certainly do. Why - would you like to see it?"
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elaanaa · 1 year ago
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nameless-is-nameless · 3 months ago
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save me TTRPG characters...
TTRPG characters save me
playing around with more character designs for the PCs in the Curse of Stradh campaign I'm running- here they are with their canon heights
from left to right and to top to bottom
@wethekeegsta 's Tyrannus
@pianissimoe 's Kestrel
@chopshajen 's Zhouzhen
Freya and Lester (who's players don't have tumblrs)
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aemiron-main · 3 months ago
thinking about owens saying that the mindflayer is “connecting” the hosts vs Henry and Patty saying that they’re “connected” to eachother-
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-and then that vs connie talking about wanting to “connect” kids from all over the state:
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Anyway! This is part of a much larger post re: Mystra & TFS & 153646 other things but that bit from Owens specifically was driving me insane tonight.
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nuka-rockit · 1 year ago
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forgot I never posted this. this is the final version of my Rime of the Frostmaiden PC, Zephyrus (aka Zeph)! the campaign ended a few months ago, and he went from wide eyed fish-out-of-water monk/amateur spy to Twilight Cleric multiclass/chosen of Selûne Harper agent! I had a lot of fun with him and he went through some serious character development I did NOT expect
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aellostomb · 4 months ago
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Shadow heart WIP, been wanting to draw her forever and I love her dark justiciar armor 😍
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