#shadow warly
sapphire-drawings · 1 year
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Aaaaand finally, comic update
The boys are finally back in camp but tired af Can't wait to get out of the night setting cuz it's driving me nuts having to shade it all
Update... Hopefully next month??? Not sure where I was supposed to go from here... I'll think about it
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starving-mimi · 1 year
If any other survivor killed fuel weaver, would they transform into nightmare creatures as well? Or is it just a deranged scientist thing (imaging Warly as a way Jones type 👀)
while it would make sense for the one being transformed being the one that killed it, no.
why? because it's my AU and i said so Because no one else sat on the nightmare throne and They have a stronger pull on Wilson or Maxwell
and now you may ask, but why isn't Maxwell affected too/would he be affected if he was the one who killed it? Well, also no, why? long story short, charlie hates him and would you REALLY give what is supposed to be a gift to someone you hate? smh 😔
sorry for the disapointement, have your horribly drawn warly because i can't draw
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mayabunny23 · 3 months
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Eye + Skin headcanons for the DST (and DLC) characters
Wilson - Willow - Wolfgang - Wendy WX-78 - Wickerbottom - Woodie - Wes Maxwell - Wigfrid - Webber - Winonia Charlie - Warly - Wortox - Wormwood Wurt - Walter - Wanda - Charlie The Shadow Queen Walani - Wilbur - Woodlegs - Wilba Wheeler - Wagstaff - Abigail - Abigail (Ghost Version)
Notes and boring info below cut vvv
This was also me trying to draw more diverse eyes and their shapes also sorry most of them are in different sizes oof :')
Wormwood's eyes on the left is during a full moon or Alter is being silly while the right is his eyes normally.
Wilbur is there too but i drew him as a normal monkey so lol also did not include Wonkey because that's not an actual character
Included a pre-constant Charlie and a post Shadow Charlie, Maxwell does not get that treatment because I'm lazy lol
I'm sorry I made Warly look Mexican than what he actually is :c I was trying to go for a healthier skin tone for him then the one he has in Don't Starve.
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ancient-sentrypede · 5 months
The shadow thurible quotes suggest it smells different to each character, though most describe it as something relating to fire, or simply a foul odor. Here's my headcanon list of what each survivor smells from the thurible (and also the canon smells)
Wilson- chemicals Willow- burnt hair Maxwell-roses (of course) Winona- gasoline Warly- burning food Wortox- brimstone (brimstone means sulphur. so rotten eggs.) Wendy- saltwater, candle wax Wolfgang- caged animals, coal exhaust WX- I'm skeptical if they can smell, but it'd be mice Wickerbottom- burning paper, ink Woodie- sawdust, gunsmoke Wes- Soot Wigfrid- Newsprint Webber- Citronella Wormwood- cut plants, burning plants in general Wurt- fresh cooking, stone rubble Walter- blood, brushfire Wanda- I don't know. Old people?
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waokevale · 9 months
Soo when you say wilson is of shadow origin and has always been weird, is there any sort of reason? Like was he born like that just because of Their natural influence that was happening even before the codex? Or was it more as in his power started as a child ( since thats when the whole codex thing happened) and he just got cursed by it? Or a mix of the two with the merge of the constant and the real world simply accelerating/ boosting the corruption he already had?
( also i'd love to know everyone power on a 1-10 scale like you did for charlie and maxwell 👉👈 )
Love your AU btw!
Well...Let's say he was always 'special', since his parents got involved with a very peculiar group before he was born, but the release of the constant's magic did in fact trigger those powers to expand. So you got that right.
And hmm, I guess I could give away a couple of those power comparisons, but I should also take in consideration their combat abilities, since one's isn't power isn't all that there is.
Wendy & Abigail – 3/10 (In combat it's usually Abigail in charge of the body since she's more skilled, while Wendy bullies the opponents shadow basically )
Webber - 4/10 (His Venom helps although he rarely uses it since he's scared of killing ppl)
Wurt (when she's in a body of water) 4/10, otherwise 3.5/10
Walter – 3/10 (if he knew about his abilities more, that would've been at least a 6.5)
Warly – 4.5/10 (3/10 otherwise) While his abilities don't help with combat, he focused on his agility and weapon throwing.
Wes – 4.5/10 He had to get better at combat, since Maxwell keeps sending him on missions, Max claims he could've easily been a 6/10 if he tried harder.
Winona – 5/10 her gadgets and combat ability make up for her power.
Wickerbottom – 5/10 (if she used her spells more often, would've been about a 7)
Maxwell – 5.5/10 (has more limitations set than Charlie)
Charlie – 6/10
Wigfrid – 6/10
Wolfgang – 6.5/10 (has at least 15 years of military training on him + his power certainly enhances those abilities)
Woodie – 6.5/10 since he's more in control of his various forms and their quirks
WX-78 – 6.5/10 when equipped with Winona's upgrades, without them, 4.5/10
Wortox – 6.5/10 (though he rarely engages in combat, his teleportation and life draining ability certainly helps. if he did, he would've probably been a 7 at least)
Willow – 7.5/10 though she's normally restrained into using only some of her abilities so 4.5/10
Wormwood – 7.5 4/10
Wilson – normally a 2/10 has little combat skill and is one of the newest hires. (In a monster form, which he can't control he's around 8/10)
Wanda – if she wasn't constantly supervised she would've easily been a 10/10, shes limited to being about a 6.5/10
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cameoappearance · 1 year
Every Don’t Starve character when a shadow rift opens
Wilson: "Something sinister's on the horizon." Willow: "Did anyone else see that weird glow?" Wolfgang: “Maybe is best to not go toward creepy light, yes?" Wendy: "That glow... does it lead to my doom?" WX-78: "SOMETHING EVIL IS HAPPENING WITHOUT ME!" Wickerbottom: "As nonsensical as it sounds, there is something dark about that "light"..." Woodie: "I don't like the look of that light." Maxwell: "Something's stirring..." Wigfrid: "Hark! 'Tis a most unnatural light!" Webber: "What was that creepy light?" Winona: "I've got a bad feelin'..." Wortox: "Calling that "light" wouldn't be quite right." Wormwood: "Glowy!" Warly: "What was that eerie glow?" Wurt: "N-not scared of weird light, florp!" Walter: "What was that weird light? We should check it out, Woby!" Wanda: "Something has shifted..."
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plushee-cant-draw · 2 years
oKAy uh Wilson rework real *Chucks all the new quotes I could find at you* I... Can't find any that are Wilson specific for some reason? Normally rework quotes are under a section titled their name or sm, but anyways have quotes for the weird shadow pillar and pig hound... thing idk, copyed and pasted directly from the code below the read more:
-- DREADSTONE = "It seems to reflect shadows instead of light.", HORRORFUEL = "It sends a terrible shiver down my spine.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Freeing him might not have been my best idea.", IMPRISONED = "I feel almost sorry for him.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "There's something glinting inside the marble.", EXPOSED = "A pillar of impossibly hard stone.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Lightweight, sturdy, and snazzy!", DREADSTONEHAT = "To keep my brilliant brain safe and sound.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "Terrible and beautiful all at once.", HORRORFUEL = "It makes my teeth chatter.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "I have decided on fear!", IMPRISONED = "I don't know whether to feel fear or pity.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "Perhaps I could free the poor creature?", EXPOSED = "Ah zut, that stone is far too tough for me to break.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "A fine peice of armor.", DREADSTONEHAT = "My head feels safer already.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "As off-putting as it is, it could be useful.", HORRORFUEL = "It gives me a terrible feeling...", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "I knew I shouldn't have involved myself!", IMPRISONED = "I shouldn't involve myself in these things.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "They seem breakable... but I don't think that'd be wise.", EXPOSED = "Oh botheration. I think I just remembered something...", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "It should keep me well protected, at least.", DREADSTONEHAT = "That stone turned out to be rather useful.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "It is cold... and beautiful.", HORRORFUEL = "There are always more horrors to come.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Kindness only begets more pain...", IMPRISONED = "What a pitiful creature.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "We are all tethered to this place in one way or another.", EXPOSED = "It is too strong, and I am too weak.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Let the darkness surround me.", DREADSTONEHAT = "What's the point?", },
-- DREADSTONE = "It's evil-lookin', but tough as nails.", HORRORFUEL = "Makes the usual nightmare goop look almost pleasant by comparison.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Yeesh big guy, I was just tryin' to help you out!", IMPRISONED = "That pig's seen better days.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "That marble doesn't look structurally sound to me.", EXPOSED = "I stand corrected. That rock ain't goin' nowhere.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "That's some real high-grade protective equipment.", DREADSTONEHAT = "Lookin' sharp! Literally.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "A stone as black as night.", HORRORFUEL = "A goop most foul.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "I'm sensing the answer is foe.", IMPRISONED = "Friend or foe?", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "A terrible fate, to be locked in this state.", EXPOSED = "Why hide this stone inside?", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "All blows will be blocked by this armor of rock.", DREADSTONEHAT = "A stone fortress for my brain.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "We're not sure if we like that rock.", HORRORFUEL = "It makes our spider skin crawl.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Hey! We were just trying to help!!", IMPRISONED = "He doesn't look like a normal pig. Or even a normal werepig.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "We feel bad just leaving him like that...", EXPOSED = "We can't break through it!", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "It's kinda scary, but it keeps us safe!", DREADSTONEHAT = "A pointy helmet to match our pointy teeth!", },
-- DREADSTONE = "It's just a rock, what's so scary about a rock?", HORRORFUEL = "It can't be THAT bad... can it?", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "I thought he'd be a bit happier to be free...", IMPRISONED = "We can't just leave him like that, Woby! We've gotta help him!", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "Hey, what's that stuff inside?", EXPOSED = "Oh, it's just a different kind of rock.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "It looks like an evil knight's armor. Neat!", DREADSTONEHAT = "Never forget to wear your dark helmet.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "Pretty rocks!", HORRORFUEL = "I-is just goop! Not scared!", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Grrr! You just big stinky pig!", IMPRISONED = "Nyeeeeehhh!!", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "Heehee, stinky pig all locked up!", EXPOSED = "Rock too hard for breaking, florp.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "So pretty... it mine!", DREADSTONEHAT = "It real good for headbutting, flort!", },
-- DREADSTONE = "Petrified nightmares.", HORRORFUEL = "That's the good stuff.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Say pal, why don't we talk this out?", IMPRISONED = "You went nosing around places you shouldn't have, didn't you?", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "I can just make out something dark within.", EXPOSED = "That stone would be useful, if only it could be broken.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Black never goes out of style.", DREADSTONEHAT = "Darkness is never far from my mind.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "Is just rock, not scary! ...Right?", HORRORFUEL = "S-scary...", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "H-how about friendly game of arm wrestle, yes?", IMPRISONED = "Angry piggie has gotten more muscles!", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "Mighty Wolfgang could break pillar!", EXPOSED = "Mighty Wolfgang could... not break pillar.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Wolfgang doesn't need scary rock armor!", DREADSTONEHAT = "Ha! Wolfgang's head is already hard like a rock!", },
-- DREADSTONE = "A stone of ill omen.", HORRORFUEL = "The sight of it chills even my courageous Viking heart.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "You leave me no choice, beast! To arms!", IMPRISONED = "The beast hath been consumed by foul magic.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "The pillar is weakened... mayhaps it could be broken.", EXPOSED = "Only something of great might could crack that foul stone.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "It will serve me well, despite its origins.", DREADSTONEHAT = "Ready to bear the brunt of battle!", },
-- DREADSTONE = "There's something off aboot it.", HORRORFUEL = "That stuff can't be good for ya.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Not even so much as a \"thank you\", eh?", IMPRISONED = "Whatever he's got better not be contagious.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "Looks sturdy... ish.", EXPOSED = "That's some firmly planted stone.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Luce says black ain't my colour.", DREADSTONEHAT = "Gotta protect the old noggin', eh?", },
-- DREADSTONE = "Eww, why does this rock feel so cold and clammy?", HORRORFUEL = "That must be what nightmares have nightmares about.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "You jerk! I was just trying to help!", IMPRISONED = "Looks like somebody's having a bad day.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "How crazy would I have to be to try and break that pillar?", EXPOSED = "It won't break. I didn't try that hard, but still.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "It's fine I guess.", DREADSTONEHAT = "Do I have to wear it? On my head??", },
-- DREADSTONE = "Metamorphic, if I'm not mistaken.", HORRORFUEL = "Highly concentrated ectoplasmic residue.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "This creature has terrible manners.", IMPRISONED = "My, how did it end up in this state?", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "How odd... the marble appears to be encasing something.", EXPOSED = "It will require much greater force than I can muster to break it.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Extremely durable, and surprisingly lightweight.", DREADSTONEHAT = "Thankfully, the material has no adverse effects on the mind.", },
and lastly,
-- DREADSTONE = "Pretty", HORRORFUEL = "Scary...", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Why so mad?", IMPRISONED = "Stuck. Poor Twirly Tail", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "Where you grow from?", EXPOSED = "Where you grow from?", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Pretty rock clothes", DREADSTONEHAT = "Rock for head", },
No clue what this means, I just saw the weird shadow pig on my dash and instantly went "Is-Is this real? not a mod, reAL?"
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tentajack · 11 months
WIP tag game
rules: make a new post and post the latest line in your WIP & tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
Soft tagged by a mutual, so have a whole paragraph:
The snow falling around him had shrank into tiny flecks of ice, light enough that the clouds overhead were letting more light through, but Warly had little comfort, knowing that dusk would come sooner than later to cast the constant in shadows again. He continued forward; the further away from the former tent he could get, the better the chances were he could find something useful, perhaps even something to eat. The freezing moisture around and in his legs and shoes would at least remain as a good distraction from the gnawing hunger in his gut.
If you see this post, consider yourself tagged!
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peanut-tyrug · 1 year
Not me making a DS Moonbound AU /lh
There’s a WHOOOOLE lot more under the cut. It’s a REAAALLLLLY long post. Have fun reading :) /lh
Note: A few ideas may be subject to updates/changes
My ideas so far
-There is this thing called The Lunar Order (basically consists of the Moonbound Survivors). They watch over the small village that lays beneath Alter and they’ve sworn their allegiance to the Light.
-Moonbound Maxwell leaves the Order in favor of the Shadows, so do a few others. A majority of Order still remains, but Maxwell, blinded by the Shadows, wishes to bring destruction to the Order and the village below.
Ideas for the Survivors’ roles
- Protagonists -
Wormwood - Alter’s descendant and the main leader of the Order. Also the creator of the Order
Winona/Wanda/Wickerbottom - The big leagues in the Order. They’re the main watchers of the village.
Wilson - Still mostly a scientist. He does experiments/studies on Lunar Magic to see how it could benefit the Order.
Wolfgang/Wigfrid/Woodie - The brutish fighters of the Order. They normally are alone preparing for when a major attack on the village occurs (I do have a reasoning for why I put Woodie in here give me a second /lh).
Wes - The Sandman of the village. He’s sleeping during the day, but is awake at night to help everyone in the area with falling asleep. He’s normally in his shrunken form to be more inconspicuous, but whenever necessary, can make himself a more human-like height. He does have wings and a wand too. He’s a pixie.
Warly - I fr don’t have an idea for him rn. It’s changed a few times but I CANNOT think of anything that would work, but also correlate to the Moon.
Wendy/Webber/Wurt/Walter - Webber and Wurt are training to become fighters. Walter is learning how to become one of the big leagues. Wendy isn’t really interested in any of it and prefers to be with Abigail over anything. The others tried to get her interested but failed. They chose to let her do her own thing instead of trying to get her involved in smth she may not want to be involved with. Abigail wants to be a fighter though. Wendy fully supports her and watches her train.
- Protag Notes -
Wes and Wickerbottom are like parents to the children.
Reason for why Woodie is a fighter:
Woodie - I had an idea that (I think came from his description?) he can willing change in and out of his various were-forms. His uses these forms optimally for fighting whenever necessary.
Webber - Due to Lunar Magic, he had been hostile. Through Wes and Wickerbottom’s help, he became more friendly. He can be formidable in fighting though.
Wurt - I had an idea that Lunar Magic caused Merms to be hostile. Wurt however, bc she has not fully turned into a Merm, doesn’t really have this quality. However, this hostility can be triggered. Like Webber, docile, but a formidable opponent.
- Antagonists -
Maxwell - The once Wilson’s assistant has become the King of the Shadows after turning his back on the Order in favor of the Darkness.
WX - Another Lunar fighter now turned merciless automaton after finally letting themselves embrace the evil inside them.
Wortox - Once an angelic, guard for the Lunar Kin, now, after embracing the devil in him, has been consumed by the Shadows.
Willow - She realized it’d be more fun to light the village ablaze with crimson fire instead providing it a bright light to follow (for context: Willow has the ability to create light. Said light was used to light up the village or make the Moon look brighter).
I think that’s basically it.
I came up with ALL THIS in the span of a couple hours btw.
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bencompetence · 2 years
WARLY: You’re a pretty brave boy, aren’t you?
WALTER: Yes, sir! I’m not afraid of anything, sir. Except maybe bees.
WARLY: Ah, mon ami. We all have our little phobias. Is it the buzzing or the swarming?
WALTER: Well, sir. It’s mostly that I’m allergic to them, so when they sting me, it hurts real bad, which causes me to start thinking I might die, which then causes me to confront my own mortality. Once I get into that place, mister, I sort of just can’t stop thinking about my inevitable death and whether it will come sooner or later, and it’s this fear that the shadow creatures use to pry open a doorway into my reality, where they claw out the lights and try to eat my face.
WARLY: I. I See…
WARLY: Would you like some ice cream?
WALTER: Yes, please!
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maybe-its-micheal · 2 years
The cage thing??? The increased abilities of the duelests????? A third example‽‽‽‽ He can do stuff now that he couldn't before.
When he made the deal with Charlie she gave him a taste of more power.
For a lot of the reworked survivors there are good canonical explainations for their new abilities- Warly has had more time to experiment with the ingredients the Constant provides, and can now make specialized, bennificial dishes; Wickerbottom has been living here longer and has made observations and written about them, creating new books.
Maxwell got more magic by making a deal with Them.
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mayabunny23 · 2 years
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During my time of having no internet, i had been listening to some undertale music and thought about this au.
here is a list of all the ""roles"" the Don't Starve cast are in:
Frisk - Wurt & WX-78 Chara - Wendy & Wilba Flowey - Wormwood Napstablook - Wes Ruins Dummy - Shadow Wilson Toriel - Wickerbottom Sans - Wanda Papyrus - Wolfgang Snowdin Shopkeeper - Woodie Undyne - Wigfrid & Winona Monster Kid - Webber & Walter Mad Mew Mew - Willow Geston - Woodlegs Gaster - Wagstaff River Person - The Random Character person Alphys - Wheeler Mettaton - Wilson Muffet - Charlie BurgerPants - Warly Asgore - Maxwell.
I will explain more about this au in either one post or a google doc idk I don't got a name for it yet
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bcrcavcd · 2 years
The Postern rattles and shakes to life.
It wasn’t an uncommon sight to Wendy now. When the portal was still a mess of machine parts, she had been one of the first to arrive through it, alongside the strongman and the mime. Ever since then, people would pass through it. The faces were unfamiliar to her then, but now she had come to depend on them. Even with the numbers, this world was just as cruel as the last one, but at least she didn’t have to go through it alone. At least there were some who could take care of the tasks that Wendy wasn’t much good at.
She wondered what sorts of worlds this person may have been from. She had heard of Warly’s travels through a more tropical archipelago, and Wormwood’s jaunt through what could only be described as “The Aporkalypse”. Although most of the others had similar times to Wendy in their own corners of the constant, she felt her morbid sense of curiosity peeking through the shadows once more.
This was, until, the new arrival was revealed. It was someone all too familiar to the girl. Wendy rubs her eyes, thinking it was some sort of trick of the light, or that she had dreamed such a scenario to life. But no, the sight before her didn’t change. And for the first time in a while, she felt tears brim to her eyes.
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waokevale · 9 months
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@joyflameball (for some reason after I saved your ask as a draft I wasn't able to edit it, so I had to screenshot it instead)
Anyway, here are the answers:
Wortox doesn't exactly align with the shadow gang, he's pretty neutral and free-spirited to be honest. He's been slightly coerced and is indebted to them, but overall doesn't want to get too involved with them unless he has to. Wormwood...Is a little quirky like that. And he may or may not be a tad perfidious.
If you mean psyche wise, some took it well, some didn't, but had to adapt. Warly deliberately sought out to corrupt himself, in order to heal his dying mother. He's not opposed to the idea of being slightly corrupted. Wigfrid got corrupted by accident and decided to become a vigilante hero with said power, so she also took it well. For Wickerbottom it came natural, she was one of the first to accept and cherish her abilities for various reasons, some regarding her past. Honestly most aren't opposed to the abilities themselves, just the negative side effects that come with them. But if you mean power-wise, I made this post, explaining somewhat everyone's powers atm.
Wilson was always a bit weird, but his family blamed it on skin condition, ailments etc. So he had no way of knowing and no way to prepare for dealing with his developing powers. After they started augmenting, his denial basically activated with every excuse in the world, and when he had no way of logically justifying it, he tried to hide them, obviously ashamed and fearful of being hunted down and shunned.
As far as everyone is concerned, there is no nightmare throne. There can't be just one person who can randomly take control over the world at any point. Instead, They managed to get sucked in with a couple of corrupted rifts of each alignment. | On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being 'light powers that help boosting basic chores' to 10 being godly and world ending, Charlie and Max fall somewhere around 5.5-6/10, so pretty powerful, but nowhere near eldritch level entities.
Good. That was the intent behind their designs, alongside Wormwood. I'm glad it worked.
I'll give you a few crumbs of lore.
There is no portal into the constant since constant is already out there in the world.
Instead, their deal is Woodrow doing some supernatural research for him.
But since there is no portal, when they go rogue, Wagstaff has no other way to get rid of them but to terminate them. Due to his guilt, he hesitates and they manage to break free and escape.
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cameoappearance · 1 year
Every Don’t Starve character seeing a Swimming Horror
(like the other shadows they can’t be examined in-game, but they have examine quotes in the files anyway)
Wilson: "Yikes! Get me back to land!" Willow: "You can swim? Horrible!" Wolfgang: "If it's a fight you want, Wolfgang will oblige!" Wendy: "I want to put some distance between myself and that!" WX-78: "HORROR HAS THE ABILITY TO SWIM" Wickerbottom: "Oh dear, I'm seeing things..." Woodie: "I don't want nothin' to do with that, eh!" Maxwell: "I've had enough of your kind, fiend." Wigfrid: "Are you here to give me a Viking's funeral?" Webber: "AHH!" Walani: "AH! I'm losin' it!" Warly: "No need to come any closer, sir." Woodlegs: "Back ta th'depths with ye!" Wilba: "'TIS BUT A SWIMMING SHADOW" Wormwood: "Yeep!" Wheeler: "This is why I prefer to stick to the sky." Wagstaff: "A creature made of the dark fuel! I must get closer!"
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