#shadow idaten jump
yayakoishii · 18 days
Idaten Jump Episode Screencaps (21-30)
Because Google lied to me, here's Part 3!
All the Idaten Jump episodes have a cute pic at the end and I realised that while translating so I'm just gonna post them here as I translate the episodes <3 There's no actual point to this, I just wanted to put them together in one place because I thought they're cute and funny 😂
Ep. 21: I love this pic actually; my favourite! 💪🏼
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Ep. 22: Father son bonding time! 💢
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Ep. 23: I actually don't understand this one 💧
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Ep. 24: coming soon
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futuresafe · 6 years
Rating: General Audience Warnings: None. Mild language. Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya Relationship: Todoroki Shouto/Iida Tenya Tags: Pro Heroes, Mutual Pining, Reunions, Past Feelings Resolved, they both have gay panic, they’re pro heroes and gay what r u gonna do abt it Language: English Word Count: 1771 read on ao3 for optimal reading experience
Change comes naturally to everyone, of course he should expect this, especially of Tenya Iida. He always changed in U.A. Experience, tragedy, and life all factors to it. So he should expect it now more than ever.
It's been 10 years since they've graduated and only now do they talk again.
There are many things that’s changed since he attended U.A. One of those things being the simple fact he hasn’t seen the man standing before him since graduating all those years ago. It’s strange, he thinks, how close they once were only to be swept away by the complications of their lives.
Things have changed. He’s changed.
Tenya Iida has changed in the way he holds himself, radiating confidence, passion, and warmth. He sees it now in the way he holds out his hand for Shouto to grab on to as he pulls him away from the interviewers. He sees it in the way he still remembers how easily overwhelmed he would get around people and how he grins, a look in his eyes saying “you’ll be fine now.”
Iida’s changed in the way that he projects himself, once brimming with energy and no control over how loud he was, he’s now mellow and quieter. Shouto wonders briefly if something happened that caused him to become this way.
Iida’s changed in the way he looks and sounds; back in high school, he’d always been muscular, but now it seems he’s really bulked up, perhaps due to how tall he is now. That’s another thing, Iida is now… so much taller than he is. Before, they’d been pretty close in height but now Shouto has to look up at him to talk to him. His voice has gotten so much deeper, too, but still so full of passion despite how much quieter he’s gotten.
Iida’s changed in the way that a scar runs up his neck and to his chin. In the way there’s a cut in his right eyebrow. In the way he’s not wearing glasses anymore, (must be contacts, he concludes.) In the way his lips tug upwards into a smile when he notices Shouto been staring.
Oh fuck.
He’s been staring.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Iida starts and Shouto is so thankful he didn’t make a comment on him staring.
“Yeah… uh… sorry for not… texting you or anything. I lost all my old contacts.” Still as useless in a conversation as ever, with a side of anxiety over the fact it’s been ten years and wow Iida’s kinda handsome. No, he’s very handsome.
“Oh! That’s understandable, I doubt I would have been able to respond much anyways. The transition stage of me becoming the head of the Idaten Agency has been hectic. I’ve been keeping tabs on how everyone’s doing with their own careers though, so you don’t have to go into too much detail about how everything’s going for you if you don’t want to.”
Of course he’s that considerate that he’s kept track of the old class’s progress. Of course he tells him he doesn’t have to talk about his work life. Of course …
Stupid… handsome… Iida with his stunning eyes and radiant smile. Dammit.
What’s going on here? He thought he got over those feelings he harbored for him years ago. And they’re resurfacing? He would love to hit his feelings back so they don’t invade his thoughts so suddenly.
Or get swallowed up by the earth. Either one is fine.
“Yeah uh… it’s… been going okay. I guess. Just… doing what I have to do…”
Iida nods and smiles that full smile again and Shouto can’t help but look away, he’s afraid if he looks any more he will most definitely be red and Iida will most definitely notice and ask what’s wrong and he doesn’t want that.
“That’s good to hear!” Iida places his hands on his hips and he gives a curt nod, “Well, I should be heading back to give a report about today’s incident. It was nice talking to you again!”
“You too.”
Shouto almost has half the heart to ask Iida to stay a little longer, to catch up more, but by the time he opens his mouth to speak, he’s gone. Ah, that’s something that never changed. Tenya Iida was, and will always be, fast. Fast to start a conversation, fast to warm up to, fast to run, and fast to leave. One moment he’s in your life and the next he’s not.
How strange…
It’s not until he gets back to his home that he gets a text from an unknown number.
(  Missed working with you. :]  ) 1m.
(  This is Tenya Iida btw.  ) 40s.
(  I should have started with that, shouldn’t I?  ) 5s.
Shouto had forgotten how quick Iida was when it came to sending texts. Nonetheless, the corner of his lips twitched upwards as he started to text his response after saving him to his contacts.
(  yeah same  )
(  wasnt expecting 2 see u tbh  )
(  u rlly saved me  )
(  also i missed u 2 has it rlly been 10 yrs  )
(  Time seems to fly when we’re busy!  )
(  And it’s not a problem.  )
(  We should head somewhere to
 catch up some time.                    )
(  id like that  )
(  where?  )
(  There’s a cafe near my agency.  )
(  It just opened so I was intending on trying it.  )
     -   Tenya🏃 has shared a location    -
(  sounds good  )
(  Great! When would a good time be for you?  )
(  any times fine  )
(  How does Sunday at 1pm sound?  )
(  works for me  )
(  Alright! See you then! :]  )
Shouto stares at the screen, squinting. He pauses, brows furrowing. Did… Did Iida ask him out? Is that what just happened? No, no he’s just reading into it too much is all. Yeah, that’s it, just what his stupid subconscious wants him to believe.
His stupid subconscious also thinks Iida is stupidly handsome.
How is he going to survive this outing?
The answer is simple: he’s not. He’s standing outside of the cafe, hand hovering over the door, and the worst part is he’s late.
He lets out a breath and swings to door open. Once inside he starts to scan the room for Iida. Oh. There he is. He’s waving him down enthusiastically, arms swinging stiffly and Shouto thinks to himself There’s the Iida I knew .
He makes his way and sits down across from him, glancing around every so often should there be any fans or something.
There’s that look in Iida’s eyes again, the one that says “you’ll be okay.” And Shouto really wasn’t ever able to figure out how Iida read him so easily despite the fact his expression hardly ever changed. (That’s a fact he’s been made very aware of through the years.)
“Sorry for being late. I got lost.” Not a lie. He did get lost.
“That’s okay! You’re here now, so that’s what matters!”
Oh, that’s something else that’s changed. Shouto was sure he would’ve gotten a light scolding about punctuality but… huh… That’s… weird . He doesn’t know what he thinks about this Iida. The Iida he knew wouldn’t let it go by until he got it through his head.
“You’ve… changed.”
Iida seems to deflate at this and Shouto kicks himself in his mind.
“Ah… yes well, things have happened over the past few years. I suppose I’ve become more “relaxed” than I was back at U.A. It’s proven to be efficient for Idaten to work together better.”
Yeah no he… regrets saying that.
And still, Iida continues, “I suppose another factor is from my runin with a villain.”
“Is… Did you get the scar from that?” Another insensitive question, he realizes after it leaves his mouth.
“Yes. It was when I had just taken over the Idaten Agency. Unfortunately my teammates didn’t see eye to eye in how I lead things which lead to us getting distracted from the mission, they made it clear to me that Tensei and I have very different ways of leading which I was well aware of when taking the position. It was an eye-opening experience, to say the least. It’s been… difficult. But it’s nothing I can’t overcome.”
Still as stubborn as ever, it seems that hasn’t changed which is something Shouto’s glad for. It’s strange, he realizes, Iida has changed so much and yet he’s still as socially awkward as ever. It’s almost like he’s talking to a stranger.
He doesn’t like that.
“Oh… that’s rough.”
Iida clears his throat and nods, looking away, eyes distant and unfocused. He mulls over Iida’s words for a while and- oh… that’s another thing that hasn’t changed, unfortunately. It still seems he’s living in the shadow of his brother’s legacy, and that his sidekicks made it a permanent reminder of this in the form of scar is…
It makes him mad.
“Your brother’s probably really proud of you.”
“He is but… ah, here I am… We haven’t spoken in ten years and I am already airing all my grievances to you.” He almost seems ashamed of this and it makes Shouto’s heart ache for him.
“I don’t mind… We use to do it a lot. So I can… I understand.”
They’re virtually strangers but in this moment, Shouto feels 15 again, sitting in a hospital bed, feet away from Iida as he listens to the test results on his hand and how they talked for what feels like eternity.
“Thank you but… Still, it’s hardly fair of me to lay this all out on you but-” he cuts himself off mid-sentence as if just realizing something.
Shouto looks at him confused.
“Ah… I just realized.”
“I asked you out on a date, didn't I? This is a date.”
Shouto opens his mouth. Oh, wow, what a real curveball that sentence was. Of everything he was expecting out of Iida’s mouth it was not that. The topic really took a 180 there.
“S-sorry! Ah, I didn’t mean to jump that on you. I… It was- I mean, that’s to say. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I mean, that was highly inappropriate of me, I should probably go. It’s been 10 years. What was I thinking? I’m so sorry T-”
“Shut up.”
Iida shuts up, going rigid, standing completely still and… is he holding his breath?
He breathes.
“Let’s… start over…”
Iida gives him a confused look and watches as he stands up, holds out his hand, and looks up at him.
“I’m Shouto.”
His large hand envelopes his own, small hand, and he gently shakes it.
“Ii-… Tenya.”
“I wouldn’t mind… if this is a date.”
“You wouldn’t?”
“I… I liked you, a lot, in high school.”
“... I did too.”
“We were kinda stupid back then.”
“Utter delinquents.”
“Yeah, “I’m gonna hunt down and kill the hero killer”.”
“That’s not fair.”
“I never said I liked people who followed the rules.”
“Point taken…”
And that’s enough… This will be enough for him.
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