#shadow and sonic getting it on if you know what i mean 😳😳
starberrycookie · 2 months
Guys what did he mean by this? Knock him up? Gay? Ayo? 🤨📸
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Also I will post pt 2 from poll results tomorrow or so, just had EXTREME art delay and will make up by posting like two pieces this week I'm so sorry guys 😭😭😭
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artemistorm · 8 months
My thoughts on the new update
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Nice double vanishing point perspective! (This is what I'm learning about in art class right now.)
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So Sky WAS running all around and that's why he was out of breath going down stairs in the last comic.
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Holy smoking Sonic the Hedgehog that guy is fast. Also, can confirm: running with knife-hands does in fact make you run faster.
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Close up of that face ehehehe >,'C
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XD this is so funny. But who do you think said it?
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It looks to me like it was Legend who said it based on where Sky and Warriors are looking. Here, let me make it clearer with laser eyes:
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Also Warriors is Mr. Grumpypants. He's probably in army-intel-and-strategy mode. Or he he's just irritable after getting no sleep, wrangling a bunch of hot-blooded teens, and watching his friend almost die and miraculously recover.
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Eyyy! Wild's got his new sword! He was probably just showing it to Twilight. From this angle, it looks like he and Twilight are holding hands. Also, Time has humongous hands.
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Loving these dark spooky forest vibes. I'll definitely be doing a panel-background repaint of one of these.
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Yeah! You glow girl!
(Teeheehee I just wanted to make that joke. That's the only reason why I put this panel here tweeheehee)
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My face when I saw this sword on the ground: 😳😃 because oh my Hylia I want that sword so bad. I love scimitars. In other news, you know what I don't see on the ground? The Shadow's cursed axe of Horrible Evilness. I wonder if Sky noticed.
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Yup. Portal. There we go! No one's surprised except for Sky. But check out what's in the foreground. That helmet. Wasn't that the Shadow's helmet when it/he was in [giant metal knight] form? (I can't remember what the name of the monster type was. Something nut I think.)
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This face. Enough said.
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Oh boy. Wild's face when he realizes that he didn't 'kill' it--or it resurrected. Also Sky, you drink up that stamina potion. You deserve it.
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Time looking rather fine. Or like he's in an anime title sequence. And he's speaking like he swallowed an 1850's fireside poetry book again. (I think it's endearing.)
And there we go! My first thoughts on this comic. Oh! JK! One more thought!! VV
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It doesn't say 'Dawn Pt 8' so does that mean the next arc starts in the next comic? 👀
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kaylatoonz · 2 years
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Amy the Sonic Heroes fan💕
What if they introduced Amy as a fan girl in the films (turning the slander into an interesting trait).
Amy's psychic abilities (yes I like to believe she is psychic) are more advanced to the point she can see fragments of the past and future. this allows her to see many of the gang's adventures and she quickly becomes a fan (she even made her own fan t-shirt, kinda like fleetway Amy).
Despite wanting to join them on their adventures she felt like she would hold them back (Amy doesn’t give herself too much credit). She was content with viewing their adventures from the sidelines until she receives a vision that could spell disaster for her heroes. So she set off to help them the best she can and maybe get an autograph along the way.
In her arc, she would go from a fan/outsider to a friend and team member.
She starts off putting the team on a pedestal calling them by their hero names (Blue justice, Double threat, and Red warrior) and mentioning their feats. As the adventure goes on she realizes they're just like her, making mistakes and still figuring things out (sonic needs a certain someone to help hold the team together). Eventually, she starts treating them like friends and calls them by their names or friendly nicknames. In return, the team does the same while also encouraging her to give herself more credit.
by the end, she proves to herself and the team that she can be a valuable member of the team (she is the heart of the team).
extra context:
top left- Amy's first encounter with sonic and company (Amy: Oh my Chaos you guys are Sonic Heroes!!😍)
bottom left- The gang's reaction to Amy their first fan. Tails is flattered and surprised to have a fan (Tails: Gosh I didn’t think I would get fans like you guys) while Knuckles reassures and praises him (Knuckles: Well of course fox who wouldn't be amazed by your feats). Getting another fan for Sonic adds to his ego but this is different he can't help but find his new pink fan kinda cute. This makes Sonic nervous (Sonic: W-w-well, of course, I'm great! but YOur great too!! I mean I don’t k-know you but I-I know we could be great together...😳 I MEAN team!! team! Great as a team! you want to join our tribe...😬) .
bottom right- During one of their battles Amy's shirt gets ruined and she is upset because she handmade it. Sonic notices and has an idea later to make it up to her.
top right- To give Amy a warm welcome by recreating her shirt with the addition of her symbol to represent her being a part of the team. Sonic choose a heart to symbolize Amy, reasoning that she is the heart of the team that helped hold them together and those that were lost (Shadow). Knuckles being knuckles questions if this also has anything to do with how he feels about Rose. Sonic being Sonic denies this and gets into a messy fight with Knuckles that poor Tails get caught in between. by the end, Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails are covered in ink/paint as they nervously (minus knuckles) present their messy gift to their new team member. Amy is overwhelmed by the effort.
I think it would be cute/funny if Amy accidentally breaks the fourth wall by mentioning things that didn’t happen yet (or stuff that happened from the games).
Amy: I thought it was so cool when you fought [insert god sonic has fought]
Knuckle: ....
Tails: ...
Sonic: I don't remember fighting [insert god sonic has fought]
Knuckles: Lady Rose that is not possible we have faced many foes together and alone but we haven't yet faced a god 👀
Sonic: excuse me I fight a WHAT!
Tails: ... that's not possible ...
Amy: Mm this might not have happened yet (or this timeline) oops spoilers...😅
Sonic: ...👀
Tails: ...👀
Knuckles: ...👀
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spiderman616 · 2 years
Omg hi bestie😳 I suck soooo bad at explaining things sorry if these are really vague or whatever(and also if you’ve already talked in detail abt this, I don’t think you have but y’know) anyways question: what do you think shadow and zonic are like, like together? (and im not meaning like ship wise but you can answer for that too if you really want to ig.) do you have any specific thoughts on this atm? How do you imagine them interacting like directly, for the first time and how do you think they would? I would like to hear any thoughts you have abt these two fellas🤲
hmmmm well i think this is also something very dependent on situational factors but i can NOT see them getting along all too well. something something you hate the qualities you see in yourself. both are very authoritative and quick to take control of the situation, but zonic is JUST silly enough to get on shadow's nerves and shadow is too stubborn to really get along with zonic. He's willing to compromise, yes, but not willing to just straight up follow orders from zonic unless it benefits him somehow. But Zonic doesn't respect Shadow enough to prove his worth, so if they worked together it would just be a lot of bickering and the only reason they don't get themselves killed is because of their own skills and powers carrying them. Both are very much acquired tastes in terms of relationship anyways so I do think friendship could be established it would just need to be right place right time kinda thing. However if they were pitted against each other, (like idk maybe shadow gets arrested for going to sonic x) it would be an easy win on Zonic's end since he already knows Shadow's tricks, and Shadow wouldn't know about Zonic's biggest advantage over him (control collar essentially removes Shadow from the fight, as he relies heavily on his Chaos powers)
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