#sh. chapter seven
yanderecrazysie · 5 months
Twisted Zoo: Chapter Two
This is based on the stories of a keeper reader with the octotrio by @ashensgrotto and @merakiui .
Also @twistedcece @cenatour @ursinaw @xiaopleasecomehome @bearshideout @koebishrimpuwu @v-sh @help-whatdoimakemyusername @secret-potion @magmdnv @sunshine-for-serotonin @mel-star636 and @thisisafish123 wanted to be tagged! Let me know if anyone else wants to be tagged for future chapters. If you no longer want to be tagged, please tell me! (I hope the tags worked, I'm new to having a tag list!)
Summary: You’re a brand new zookeeper at The Halfling Zoo- a place where half-animals live in captivity. Your job is simple- feed them and study them. Your main worry is that one of the more dangerous halflings might kill you. 
Unfortunately, that may become the least of your worries.
Previous chapter: Chapter One
Next chapter: Chapter Three
WARNINGS: none for now
Note: All characters are aged up, since there will be mature themes in future parts.
Also, I can’t promise I’ll finish this. I suck at finishing stories.
Note 2: I’m in love with Ruggie, so I accidentally made half of this chapter about him. Oops.
You decided that the best course of action would be watching from afar. The hyenas were afraid of you, the king of the lions didn’t like you, and the wolves were wary of you. All in all, not the greatest situation.
You didn’t know what you expected. Did you really think they would all love you from day one? They were half-animals, after all. They had the instincts of wild animals, not domesticated pets.
Still, you were determined to make them like you. The hyenas would probably be easiest, once they warmed up to you. The wolves would probably get used to you eventually. The lions- well, that was a tricky situation. They all followed Leona, so you’d have to win him over before you could win over the entire pride, and that would not be easy.
You grabbed your journal and pen from your locker and walked to the savannah exhibit’s door. This time, you had brought a water bottle with you, prepared for the upcoming heat you would have to face. You had also bought binoculars from one of the vendors, knowing you would need it if you were going to keep some space between you and the halflings.
You entered the exhibit, wincing at the heat that hit your skin. You scanned the dry land for the hyenas and found them lounging around the watering hole, talking amongst themselves. You stepped behind a large rock and leaned over it, raising your binoculars to your eyes.
It was impossible to hear what they were saying, but they seemed to laugh a lot. You really wished you knew what they were saying, but if you approached them, they would probably stop their conversation and focus on getting away from you.
Day 1
There are seven hyenas and they all seem to be close to each other, as they stick together in a group. Their conversations seem to be humorous, as they are often laughing. This could be from their hyena half, as hyenas are known for their “laugh”.
Each of the halflings are easily differentiated by their hyena ears and tail. They all seem to be around 5’5, but even the tallest ones do not hit 6 feet. 
They are relaxed until a female approaches them. In this case, all seven hyenas are male, so the problem starts when a female keeper tries to feed them or study them up close. They suddenly become extremely wary or even frightened and are very hesitant to come anywhere near a female keeper.
The best way to calm them down, I believe, is to show them that you are not aggressive like female hyena halflings are. It doesn’t get rid of their fear, but it definitely helps.
You peered through your binoculars and watched the six hyenas as they drank from the watering hole- most of them scooping water into their palms and drinking from their hands, while others put their head down to drink directly from the source.
Wait- six hyenas? Weren’t there seven?
You felt a hot breath on the back of your neck and you spun around, heartbeat skyrocketing. There, standing behind you, was the hyena halfling you had talked a little bit with when you were handing out breakfast.
He retreated to a safe distance and sat down, cross-legged, studying you curiously, a slight smile on his face as though he was proud that he had frightened you. Suddenly, you were all too aware of the claws on his fingers and the unnaturally sharp canines that shone in the sunlight when he flashed you a lazy smile.
“Shishishi,” he giggled, eyes locked on you, waiting for your reaction.
“You scared me, Ruggie!” you said, your heartbeat starting to go back to its normal pace.
His grin only widened. You noticed his eyes flickering from you to your notebook.
“Oh! Are you interested in my notebook?” you asked, holding it out to him.
Ruggie frowned, looking a little offended, “I can’t read.”
Oh. You felt your cheeks growing warm. Of course a halfling, who had spent his life in the wild and then captivity, wouldn’t know how to read. It was a miracle that any of them had picked up enough English to be able to speak it.
“Do you want me to read it to you?” you asked.
Ruggie’s eyes widened and he cocked his head at you. Finally, he shook his head. A little disappointed, you closed your notebook. “That’s alright. Did you want to talk?”
Ruggie shook his head once more and you felt yourself at a loss for words. You weren’t sure why he was still here if he wasn’t interested in talking. One of the other hyenas made a whooping sound and Ruggie responded with his own hyena noises, turning his attention to the other hyenas for a moment before he turned back to you.
You decided to try to get him to speak to you, “So, did you enjoy breakfast? You had three servings, after all.”
Finally, Ruggie nodded then, as an afterthought, added, “I like donuts better.”
“Donuts?” you couldn’t help but laugh, “Would you like it if I brought some?”
Ruggie’s eyes widened, “Donuts?”
“Yeah!” you said happily, “My boss said I could bring you guys anything, as long as I paid for it with my own money.”
He looked at you like you had hung the stars in the sky, “Donuts!”
Ruggie called back to his friends with a series of whoops and other hyena noises and they responded back enthusiastically. You wished you could understand their language.
You turned back to your notebook.
It seems like hyena halflings like sweets or, at least this group likes donuts. One of them, the one named Ruggie, seems like he has warmed up to me a little. We talked a little, mostly about donuts, but I feel like he isn’t as scared of me as the others are.
Ruggie seemed to have had enough, because he stood up and, with a curious glance back at you, he ran off to join the others, kneeling by the watering hole to drink along with his peers.
You were a little disappointed by how short the conversation had lasted, but more than anything, you were excited that you had a conversation with a hyena halfling at all. Ruggie still seemed a little wary of you, but much more comfortable with your presence than earlier.
It was a step in the right direction.
You were not looking forward to seeing Leona, but you were already in the savannah exhibit and the lions weren’t too far off. The pride’s positions were the same as this morning’s, with Leona lounging on the large rock while the other lions sat and laid on the grass beneath him. The lions were either napping, grooming their hair, or just talking quietly amongst themselves.
The lions were not frightened by you and why would they be? They had a killer bite and claws on each hand. They regarded you lazily, as if you bored them a little.
“Hello, everyone!” you did your best to not sound as terrified as you felt. None of the lions stopped what they were doing for you, continuing their actions as if you weren’t even there.
You hadn’t even noticed at first that Leona was awake, until you glanced at the rock, hoping to get a reaction from him. 
He sat up on the rock, staring at you with an impassive expression. Despite his lack of a warm welcome, your heart soared. This was your chance!
“Hi there!” you said cheerfully.
He looked down his nose at you, clearly not impressed by your greeting.
“Did you have a good nap?” you asked.
Leona continued to stare at you, unimpressed with your attempts at earning his attention.
“So, I know your name is Leona, but would you like to know mine?” you asked hopefully.
Leona’s eyes turned to the right, as though he was making a decision. Finally, he spoke in that slow, rumbling voice of his, “Whatever, I don’t care. Go ahead”
You smiled up at him, pleased that you had gotten his permission, even though he wasn’t as interested as you had hoped, ��I’m (Y/n), it’s nice to officially meet you.”
Leona laid back down but didn’t close his eyes, watching you as you looked back at him.
“Did you eat your steak? I don’t want you to go hungry.”
Leona’s eyes widened a little, as though you had taken him by surprise. And maybe you had.
His gaze evaded yours as he responded to your question, “Yes, I ate it.”
“Oh good!” you smiled happily up at him.
Leona studied you closely, clearly unable to read you. Leona tilted his head and turned away from you, “Is that all you need?”
“I’ll write in my notebook, if you’d prefer me to do that.”
Leona grunted in response and closed his eyes.
The lion halflings are not shy like the hyenas, but they are hesitant to talk to me. I feel as though, if I earn their king’s acceptance, I will be able to talk to them all. The king has started to talk to me, even if it was only a few words.
The lions are taller than the hyenas, most around 6 feet tall. They are easily differentiated by their lion ears and tail. There are 19 lions, with most being female, and only one cub.
Unsurprisingly, the lion halflings spend a good chunk of their time sleeping. I assume this is from the lion part of them.
“Did you want to read what I wrote?” you asked, sensing Leona’s eyes on you. Your eyes met his and he held your gaze for a few moments before growling, “I’m going to sleep.”
He flopped back down on the rock and closed his eyes again, his breathing becoming rhythmic almost right away.
You didn’t want to bother Leona when he was trying to fall asleep, so you sneaked away, sending an unrequited wave over your shoulder to the other lions. Maybe if you weren’t so determined to get out of the heat, you would have noticed the eyes boring into the back of your head.
The walk to the wolves’ exhibit was a long one. After all, you had to cross half the savannah before making it out into the back hallway meant for staff. Then, you had to push through the crowds to get to the wolf exhibit. At least the crowds weren’t too bad, since evening was on its way.
You were excited that the sun was falling. You’d be able to watch wolf halflings at their preferred time of day. After all, wolves hunted in the twilight hours.
You hoped that didn’t mean they’d see you as prey.
The exhibit door opened easily and you found yourself breathing the air in deeply. It took you a moment to discover just why you liked the wolves’ enclosure so much. Mountain air. Somehow, some way, the zoo had made the enclosure smell like the mountains. The air was even a little thinner here than it was on the pathways.
These wolf halflings must have been living in the mountains when they were brought to the zoo. The thought made your heart hurt a little. Were they offered a deal to live in captivity or were they captured and brought here by force? You didn’t like to think about it too much.
This wasn’t your battle to fight.
The keeper who fed the wolves their evening meal walked past you with full buckets. As she passed you, she gave you a word of advice, “You aren’t gonna find them all together like they are at mealtimes. They all split up, especially in the evening.”
You nodded, a little disappointed. That could make it harder to find them, much less study them. Plus, it’s not like you could look in several directions at once. This might be a little more complicated than you thought.
Or maybe it’ll be fine, you reassured yourself, trying to stay positive.
You reached a steep, downward slope and decided it was probably the best vantage point you would find. You found a nice place to sit down between a cluster of rocks and took out your binoculars. 
It took almost half an hour for you to see any movement. Down, at the base of the hill, one wolf halfling walked close to the barrier between the wolves and guests. He had his back hunched in a sort of prowl, and you realized that he was probably in hunt mode. 
Excited, you pulled out your notebook to make some notes.
Your pen froze above the paper when you heard a growl.
You slowly turned your head, and what you saw made your blood run cold. A buff wolf halfling with dark gray hair and pin-pricked ears had his lips drawn over his fangs in a snarl. He was growling so ferociously that flecks of spit flew in your direction. His yellow eyes dilated as he grew closer, back hunched as though he were ready to lunge for your throat at any moment. 
You gulped, forcing yourself to stay completely still. You were afraid, if you moved, you’d have your throat torn out before you could blink.
The wolf took one step closer, growled one last time, then lunged.
The halfling seemed to stop midair and, before you knew it, he was lying on his side in the dirt a few feet away. The cause of his sudden stop was made clear after a few terrified moments, when your eyes turned upwards.
The white-haired wolf halfling stood with his shoulder still out in front of him. You realized that he had shoulder-checked the older wolf during his attack. Shakily you smiled at him.
“Thank you so much!”
The dark-skinned halfling took a seat on one of the rocks surrounding you. You studied his features, everything from his white tail to his white ear tips. He, on the other hand, watched the older wolf warily.
The older wolf pushed himself to his feet, shaking the dirt from his clothes. His yellow eyes glared at you, but he limped off in the opposite direction, disappearing into the shadows of the trees. 
The white-haired halfling turned his attention back to you. You decided to offer your friendship to him.
“My name is (Y/n), what’s yours?”
He stared at you for a moment, before his rumbling voice said, “Jack.”
“It’s nice to meet you Jack,” you said, trying not to come across as too excited to be talking to him. You didn’t want to scare him away with your eagerness.
Jack continued to stare, his golden stare softening a little when he said, “Not safe.”
He didn’t seem to have a very good grasp on the English language, but that was understandable. It didn’t seem like the wolves were all too friendly toward humans.
“I have to stay,” you explained to Jack, hoping he would understand.
“Not safe,” Jack replied. He got up from his sitting position and crossed the distance between you in less than a second. You watched, trembling, as his one of his clawed hands took hold of the back of your shirt collar. 
You blinked owlishly as Jack began to carry you by the collar, stunned by his behavior and not wanting to tick him off by fighting. From what you could tell, he didn’t seem to want to actually hurt you, but you didn’t want to push your luck.
After a long walk, Jack set you back down on your feet. He pointed one clawed finger behind you. “Not safe.”
You turned around and, to your surprise, you were met with the exhibit door. Comprehension dawned on you. He wanted to keep you safe.
“No, no, I’m okay,” you soothed, “I have to study-”
“Not safe,” Jack responded, voice even gruffer.
You tried to come up with the perfect solution. You had to soothe Jack but you also had to do your job.
“Well, you could protect me,” you suggested.
“Pro-tect?” Jack’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, keep me safe,” you replied. Jack took a while to think that one over. Finally, he nodded.
He followed you back to your spot like an obedient puppy, but refused to sit down, choosing instead to hover over you, eyes darting in all directions.
Day 1
Wolf halflings tend to be around 6 feet tall, distinguishable by their wolf ears and tails. There are 12 of them in this zoo, with 6 females and males each. 
Some of the wolf halflings are very aggressive, and this seems to amplify in the evening hours, possibly because these are their hunting hours. One wolf, however, acts in a protective manner towards me.
It is interesting to note the wolf halflings appear to be in hunting mode despite just being fed.
All of the halflings, save for one, have hair and fur in different shades of gray, while one has white hair and fur.
You didn’t see any other wolves for the next few hours and you eventually decided it was time to go home. Jack shadowed you on your way to the exhibit entrance. You waved goodbye, and he mimicked the action awkwardly.
Laughing a little, you went home for the day.
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lemonlover1110 · 9 months
Baby Steps
Satoru Gojo
[Chapter 29] Growing Family
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
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*this is really the last chapter, thanks for sticking with me in this cute adventure🥹
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Seven years after Seiji is born, you constantly find yourself thinking about destiny and your first discussion with Satoru about it. Neither of you are sure, but you’re happy that this is how your life turned out. You love waking up next to him as his wife and proceeding to start off your day with him and your kids. With your seven-year-old Seiji and your five-year-old Saori. 
You both have teaching jobs– Of course, they’re very different. Satoru teaches three teenagers, one of them being Megumi, while you teach a classroom full of at least twenty second graders. Satoru always tells you that you’re one of the reasons he decided he wanted to become a teacher, apart from the part that he’s the strongest (you still have no idea what he means) and that’s his duty. You have a much bigger home than before; yet neither Megumi nor Tsumiki live with you anymore so many rooms are empty, however, considering the fact that you have two young children, the house is still very lively.
Satoru still had a great idea to fill up the empty rooms, and that’s how you find yourself expecting your third child with him. You swear to Satoru this is the last baby you’ll have, but that’s what you said when you gave birth to Saori. It’s easy to forget how bad pregnancy and childbirth are when you watch Satoru being the best possible father to your kids.
“Daddy, can you help with my homework?” Seiji asks, even though you’re the one that teaches his grade level and knows what his teacher is teaching. Apparently you’re great at explaining things but daddy just does it better, and you feel your eyes roll to the back of your head as you watch Seiji approach his father with the notebook. 
“Sure thing, buddy. Wait till Saori finishes with my nails.” Satoru answers, watching as his daughter paints his pinky nail a blue color. She was going for pink since it’s her favorite color but then she decided that blue would match his eyes (in reality she couldn’t find the pink nail polish and didn’t want to admit that she lost it). It’s fine though, her father will just buy her another one. “Wow, look at you. You’re doing such a great job.”
“I know.” Saori answers, so focused on not making a mess and painting her father’s whole finger. Satoru manipulates his infinity every time that she’s clearly about to paint his whole finger. 
“Saori, will you hurry up?” Seiji asks, clearly annoyed. He wants to get finished with his homework so he can watch TV, since you told him he could watch his show after he was finished with homework. You offered to help, but he turned you down.
“Don’t rush your sister, Seiji.” Satoru says, and he watches how Saori sticks her tongue out at her brother, causing Satoru to sigh. “Don’t stick your tongue out at your brother, Saori.”
“I can help you, Seiji.” You pop into the living room, where your husband and kids are. You find yourself bored for once in your life because Satoru took care of everything.
“It’s okay.” Seiji responds, making you pout. He does usually accept your help, but during your third pregnancy you’ve been a victim of pregnancy brain. You don’t think you’ve ever felt dumber, so stupid that even your seven-year-old notices.
“Saori, honey, will you paint my nails next.” You say and she perks up. For the first time Satoru fails, not turning his infinity on and getting nail polish all over his finger. She smiles brightly and nods her head.
“I’m done with you, daddy.” Saori tells her father, and he laughs as he looks at the unfinished hand. He stands up and walks over to Seiji to help him with his homework. You take Satoru’s seat and extend your hand to your daughter. “Do you want blue as well, mommy?”
“What other colors do you have?” You ask.
“I used to have pink.” She replies, which makes you laugh. She doesn’t have it anymore so you don’t see the point in bringing it up. She begins to paint your nails, and she’s awfully concentrated until she finally speaks up, “When’s my baby brother or sister getting here?”
“Around two more months.” You answer. You’re due in December, a little while after Satoru’s birthday. A month after her birthday. “Are you excited to be a big sister, honey?”
“Yeah.” She answers. She’s focused, therefore, she can’t talk. You stare at her, watch how concentrated she is. She has to push her white hair out of her face since it covers her vision. The more you stare at her, the more you realize how neither of your kids look like you and you hope that the third time around you give birth to your twin. “When’s my birthday?”
“In a month.” You respond since you won’t count down the weeks until her sixth birthday. You can’t believe just how fast she’s growing up, it feels just like yesterday when you found out that you were pregnant with your baby girl. You smile, watching as she paints your whole finger. Satoru has shown you his infinity, yet you still find yourself surprised how she never messes up Satoru’s nails. “Woah, you completely missed the nail there.”
“Sorry.” She apologizes yet she continues to make the same mistake. You aren’t paying too much attention to it, you just listen to Satoru explain to your son how to do his homework. You’re sure that you could explain it better, but you still smile. You never really thought you’d be here seven years later, but here you are.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
Satoru isn’t the type of man that goes to bed early– Well, he wasn’t. Up until he had two babies under two and ever since he had to handle a very energetic Seiji and a crybaby Saori, he’s been going to bed since eight at night. When you put both of your kids to bed, you both go to bed as well. His head barely touches the pillow and he’s passed out.
This specific night though, when his head touches the pillow, a scream comes from his daughter’s room and he sprints out of bed and to her room. He literally just put her to bed, there’s no way that she already had a nightmare. Seiji isn’t much of a prankster either so he’s ready to kill just about anyone.
Satoru finds his little girl with her knees to her chest. She buries her head in her knees, and she covers her ears. Satoru looks around, turning on the light. He’s about to ask what’s wrong since his eyes don’t see anything, but he feels the energy. His eyes land on the half open closet and he begins to walk towards it.
“Is everything okay, Saori–” Seiji comes running into the room after hearing his sister scream. He’s much slower than his father, but regardless he’s here.
“Go to your room, Seiji. Take your sister.” Satoru orders and Seiji does as instructed, even though it takes some effort to get Saori out of the room but he succeeds. Satoru fully opens the closet and a sigh leaves his body seeing the small curse. Nothing scary to him, but surely scary for his baby girl. 
He exorcizes the curse with no issue before walking out of the room and going to Seiji’s room. Seiji comforts his little sister, who’s trying to hide under the blue blanket that Seiji let her borrow. There’s a frown on Satoru’s face as he walks over to his babies and sits on the edge of the twin bed. He engulfs his kids in a hug.
“I’m sorry you saw that, Saori.” Satoru mutters. He feels guilty that the curse that he holds is passed down to his children. He’s known they can see them, but he tries to protect them as much as he can. Sometimes he can’t though. Satoru’s parents want him to start training his son as well, after all, Seiji is a descendent of the Gojo clan but Satoru doesn’t want to do that. He wants his kids to be free of this all. 
That’s not his decision to make though.
“Everything’s gonna be okay while daddy is here.” Satoru reassures them. He kisses the top of their heads, and just holds them while he can.
“What happened?” You show up a little too late. Getting up from your bed is the hardest exercise that you face lately. Satoru chuckles, it’s not like you’re really going to understand anyway. He doesn’t want you to.
“The kids are sleeping with us tonight, honey.” Satoru says, picking both Seiji and Saori from the bed and carrying them to your bedroom. You slowly follow behind, already out of breath by simply getting up from bed and going to Seiji’s bedroom.
When you stand in the doorway, you watch how Satoru tucks them in the middle of the bed, filling their faces up with kisses. Maybe it wasn’t exactly planned, but you’re glad you’re with him and the fact that he’s the father of your kids. Now, as his wife, you can’t imagine spending the rest of your days with someone else and you can’t imagine a father more perfect than him– Of course he has his flaws but they hardly poke through.
He often asks if you think he’s doing well as a parent, worried that he’s messing everything up. You can’t even begin to say how proud you are of him, and how you think he’s a far better parent than you are. He loves to remind them that their father is always there to help them, protect them, and love them. Maybe that’s why you agreed to have a third child with him, plus the process is always fun.
“I love you two so much.” Satoru says, and while he should lay down with them, he’s no longer tired, and when he looks back at you it seems like you aren’t tired anymore either. “We’ll be right back, do you want to watch some TV for a bit?”
They nod their heads and Satoru turns the television on. They’re too agitated to go to sleep as well. Letting them stay up for half an hour isn’t the end of the world. He then walks over to you, and throws his arm over your shoulder. You walk out of the room and go downstairs to the living to sit down for a moment and talk. It’s rare that you find yourself alone to just talk.
When you take a seat, a moan leaves your lips, and he furrows his brow. You grab his hand and put it over your belly, and your baby doesn’t waste time kicking. No matter how many times he’s felt it, it always amazes him. He always looks so in awe, and he doesn’t remove his hand until his baby kicks a couple more times. He then pecks your lips, muttering, “Thank you so much for this.”
“Enjoy it while it lasts because this is the last time we’ll have a kid.” You tell him, and he sweetly smiles at you, pecking your lips again. You rest your head on his shoulder for a minute, and he enjoys the moment. You appreciate the unusual silence. You’ve gotten used to so much noise, and you’ll grow to miss it if you sit in silence for too long. You still appreciate it.
“How’s Kaya?” He asks, interrupting the silence.
“She’s planning the baby shower. She’s going crazy.” You respond, and you hear him chuckle.
“Isn’t she due soon? She shouldn’t be stressing over a baby shower.” He says and you hum in response. You wouldn’t know either way, you opted out for a baby shower the second time around since you were already stressed enough planning a wedding and handling Seiji. Every time you’re reminded, you laugh due to the fact that your father was right about the fact that Satoru would knock you up months after Seiji’s birth.
“She’s due around Halloween– Maybe two weeks before Saori’s birthday.” You answer. That’s so soon, Satoru only prays that her water doesn’t break during the baby shower and that he has to handle all the chaos. Satoru knows Daisuke is absolutely freaking out about it all; Satoru knows that feeling all too well, he’s still freaking out even though this is his third baby.
“Our baby will finally have a little cousin this time around.” Satoru comments and you chuckle. Seiji didn’t need a cousin, he had his younger sister. This new baby doesn’t though, and you’re adamant on not having more kids which he understands since he’s not the one that carries them for nine months.
“What ended up happening in the kid’s room?” You ask, and Satoru takes a long minute to answer. There’s no point in lying. He lied so much to you when you first met, he can’t do that anymore while you’re his wife. You swore you’d leave him if you ever caught him in a lie again, and now he tells you the truth even when you can’t see it. He doesn’t see the point in telling you a problem that you can’t solve.
“Well… Uhm… A curse.” He answers, and you remove your head from his shoulder. You slowly nod your head in response, and you aren’t really sure how to answer that other than,
“Oh yeah…” There’s some things that you’ll never understand about them nor about your husband. You don’t like to think about the fact that there are some issues that you’ll never be able to help them out with, only Satoru can help them.
You sit in absolute silence for a minute as you get lost in your thoughts. Satoru watches you, wondering what goes on in your mind.
“Are you okay?” He asks, and you sigh. You can’t try to play it off as if you’re okay because you expect him to remain honest with you, it’s hypocritical to lie to him.
“Yeah, it’s just… What if you aren’t around and a similar issue comes up. How would I handle that?” You ask, and he wraps his arm around you, bringing you in for a hug. He kisses the top of your head, his hand going down to rest on your belly. “I just feel useless for some stuff, Satoru.”
“You aren’t useless, baby.” He responds. He doesn’t want for you to think about this– He doesn’t want to think that you’re useless in any way. It makes him recall an incident from five years ago, and he hid the truth to not worry you. “Can I confess a lie I told you?”
“Better be from before we got married.” There’s a frown on your face, and Satoru chuckles.
“You remember when Seiji was three and Saori two, how they went running to you crying about a bug that you could not find?” Satoru asks, and you remember the incident clear as day. You were scared shitless but you still went after the bug to kill it; when you couldn’t find it and they kept crying about it, you just comforted them while Satoru dealt with the problem. “There wasn’t a bug, it was a curse. But you still managed to deal with the problem, even when you didn’t know what it was.”
“That does make me feel better.” You smile at him before kissing his lips. “I love you. You always know the right thing to say.”
“I love you too, baby.”
“Seiji, stop!” Saori yells at her brother who keeps messing around with her tiara. You’ve already struggled getting into a kangaroo onesie to go out with them, you’re already far too tired to stop their bickering. You have no idea why you agreed to go trick-or-treating with them, you doubt you can walk too much. In your defense, you promised you’d do it two months ago, and your circumstances now are much different than before. You should’ve known that by Halloween you’d be in a much different mood. You only glance at Satoru, who lays down on the bed and stares at the phone, and he stands up to deal with it. “Seiji!”
“Seiji, what are you doing?” Satoru yells, walking out of the bedroom to go to where his kids are at. Satoru crosses his arm as he looks down at the seven-year-old who wears a superhero costume, ready to go trick-or-treating. Seiji tries to play it off as if he’s doing nothing, but he’s holding his sister’s tiara in his hands. Satoru sternly says, “Give it back and apologize.”
Seiji drags his feet, walking over to his sister to give her back her tiara. When Saori gets her tiara back, she runs to her father’s side and hugs him. He picks his little princess up from the floor and kisses her forehead. She sticks her tongue out at Seiji, making Satoru sigh and say, “Don’t do that.”
“Mommy! Saori is being mean to me!” He yells, hoping to have a parent by his side. You’re forced to leave your room to deal with it, even after your efforts of not dealing with it.
“What’s happening?” You ask. You look at Satoru and Saori before looking down at Seiji. Before Seiji responds, Satoru says,
“I got it handled, honey.” He puts Saori down on the floor again, “Apologize to your brother, Saori.”
“What for?” She responds, giving her father doe-eyes, which always work. He looks away, at his son.
“Apologize to Seiji for sticking your tongue out at him.” Saori crosses her arms before dramatically turning to her brother. She mutters an apology which is good enough for the minor offense. When you’re no longer needed, you begin to walk away, but you don’t get too far before your name is called again.
“Is Megumi still going with us?” Seiji asks, and you nod your head in response. You then look at your husband.
“Change. We have to get going soon so we get home early.” You order, and Satoru has no option but to do as you say. That’s what he signed up for when he chose to marry you. 
When you’re back in your room, you lay down on your bed, grabbing a picture frame that’s beside your bed and looking over it because every time Megumi is brought up you’re reminded of the little family you had six years ago. It’s an old photo of baby Seiji, Megumi, and Tsumiki. Looking at Tsumiki’s precious smile almost always makes you cry, and when the tears well up, they spill as you laugh at Megumi’s awful smile.
Maybe you should’ve appreciated those times more, but you had a lot on your plate. It’s not like you can stop time or stop awful things from happening. You’re still happy with your life right now.
The picture frame is snatched from your hands, and you glare at your husband. He looks at the picture before he puts it down on the nightstand. He leans down, and kisses you, “Don’t start getting sentimental now, it’ll ruin your night.”
“I’ll try not to.” You respond. He takes a seat on your side of the bed, his hands resting on your belly.
“I got a call.” He announces, and it makes your brows raise. He clears his throat, “We’ll have to go trick or treating without me. It’s an emergency.”
“Oh?” You reply. You want to be upset about it, but you know he doesn’t do it on purpose. Satoru is the first one to be bummed out about missing time with his kids. “I can take the kids out.”
“No! I want you to stay here till I get home.” He sounds defensive, and you know better. It’s rare when Satoru says no, so you’ll listen. He pecks your lips, telling you, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” His head goes down and he presses a couple of kisses on your belly before he promises,
“I promise, I’ll be back as soon as possible. We gotta take these kids trick-or-treating together.”
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loveharlow · 3 months
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PAIRING ‧₊˚ JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚[2.9k] A week after John B and Sarah were lost at sea, you and JJ navigate a new living situation and unsuccessfully avoid the inevitable grief process, leading to a private memorial as you honor a fallen brother.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, mentions of death, grief avoidance
A/N‧₊˚ I think these little 3-chapter pauses between each season are gonna be my favorite things because it focuses sooo much more on just TR and JJ <3 but this first one really focuses on their grief over John B
˗ˏˋ series masterlist ˎˊ˗
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IT’D BEEN A WEEK SINCE JOHN B AND SARAH DISAPPEARED. Shoupe said that the department wasn’t calling the search off just yet but you knew they weren’t looking. There’d been no updates, no boats out on the water — it was as if the entire station had retired. 
Metal clanked against wood as JJ set the wrench down on the work table — music playing lowly in the background as the blonde worked on your car. The two of you were in John B’s Surf Shack at The Chateau, the car halfway pulled in so JJ could work outside of the heat, but the sun was relentless. The hood was flipped up as the boy inspected and toyed with the parts — sweat dripping down his forehead from his damp strands of hair, shirt long abandoned as he stood only in a pair of army green cargo shorts and his signature worn-down, unlaced combat boots, shark tooth dangling from his neck.
“Are you gonna keep staring or do you wanna help?” JJ asked, leaning his hands on the exterior of the car, eyes squinting from the sun as he looked up at your figure that was sitting on top of the worktable, feet swinging as you watched him.
“When I tried to help, you told me to, and I quote, ‘sit my unhelpful ass down somewhere’.” You reminded the boy, cocking your head as you took a sip of the beer you’d retrieved from the house. 
“Maybe because when I asked you to hand me the box end wrench and you handed me a pair of pliers?” He sassed back, standing from his leaned over position and walking closer to you, snatching up his own beer and taking a long swig. 
You shrugged. “Same difference.”
“Hate to break it to you, princess, but no it's not.” JJ chuckled, leaning against the work table. His eyes drifted down to where you were scratching your ankle as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. “I told you like ten times to stop scratchin’ it. It ain’t gonna help.” He reprimanded, setting the beer down and taking your ankle in his hands, leveling it in front of him.
You groaned as he swatted your hand away. “But it itches, so bad.” You whined. “Probably because you did it with a needle and pen ink.” You pouted, both of you inspecting the small, scraggly ‘P4L’ tattoo on your ankle. “How come yours doesn’t itch?” You asked, referring to the matching tattoo the blonde had done on himself.
“It does.” He told you, pulling out a small thing of vaseline from his shorts and scooping some up on one of his fingers. “I’m just not a pussy.” He joked, side-eyeing you as he gently applied the jelly over the artwork. 
Just then, Marley came running into the shack, almost knocking JJ off of his feet. You bursted out into a fit of laughter as the blonde steadied himself, staring down the dog. “You fuckin’ mutt…” He muttered, letting your leg swing back towards you gently. 
“Hey,” You warned, plucking his arm. “Watch it, or I’ll have her piss on your pillows.”
“Yeah, yeah…” He waved off, walking out of the shack and into the afternoon sun. "I'm takin' a breather from your piece of shit on wheels. That thing needs way more than TLC..." He told you over his shoulder. You quickly hopped off the table and followed after him, whistling for Marley to follow your lead.
"Don't blame my car because you have the skills of a mechanic from Craigslist." You defended as JJ led you all the way down to the boat pier behind The Chateau, both of you sitting down on the wood, kicking off your shoes to let your toes hit the water. Marley laid down behind you two.
He chuckled lightly before you fell into silence. That’d been happening a lot lately. It wasn’t uncomfortable, though. In the week you and JJ had been learning to live together at The Chateau, you’d grown to just sit in silence with him. Quiet mornings, lazy nights. Neither of you had to speak or force a conversation — just bask in the company of one another, knowing you still had someone. 
There were days like this — where things seemed almost normal, but only for a moment. But then it was as if you’d both simultaneously realize that nothing was normal and it probably never would be ever again, that realization never failed to cast a cloud over the atmosphere.
John B was gone. He wasn’t on another marathon from DCS, he wasn’t out cleaning boats to keep the lights on at The Chateau — he was just gone. And something inside of you felt so empty. Ever since you were kids, toddlers, it was always you, John B, and JJ. And even when you made each other mad or sad, you always came back together in the end.
Now, it was just the two of you. Sure, you had Kie and Pope but that was different. John B was their friend too but there was a deeper grief that they couldn’t understand. But JJ could.
“You remember, in third grade, when John B asked out that girl and she told him no ‘cause he had cooties?” JJ asked, a small smile on his features as he stared down at the water. You laughed, shaking your head.
“And when he tried to hug her she screamed and the teacher gave him a lecture about consent.” You laughed, looking up at the sun. “But maybe he needed it. I remember after, he apologized and shook her hand instead.”
“She still wouldn’t go out with him, though.”
“You wanna know something funny?” You asked, turning to face him as he looked at you. “I ran into her when I moved to Figure Eight. She lives on the lower end now. It’s so crazy because she ended up getting chlamydia from some guy and then passed it to his best friend.”
“Holy shit.” JJ laughed loudly, his bright smile on full display. You wished to see his smile like that more often. JJ usually tried to seem happy and carefree, but it was a sight to see when it was genuine. As his laughter died out, he had a look of contemplation on his face.
You nudged his shoulder to gain his attention. “What're you thinkin' about?”
He bit the inside of his cheek for a moment, eyes scanning your face. You didn’t know what for. Then he reached into the pocket of his shorts, hand fishing around for a moment before he pulled out something — a pastel green dog collar with a heart shaped named tag. He laid the object out in his grease covered palm and extended it over for you to see.
Your eyes fleeted between the collar and his face, a look of nervousness as he avoided your eyes. Taking it from his hand to hold in both of yours, you huffed out a laugh. There were ridges on the edges, as if the fabric of the collar had been hand-cut. “...Did you make this yourself?”
“Yeah, it’s nothing.” He dismissed, scratching the back of his neck and attempting to seem nonchalant about the gesture. “I wasn't doing shit, got bored. If you, uh, if you turn it over-” You wasted no time, flipping the name tag to the other side, eyes landing first on the ‘if lost, please call…” note then drifting lower to see ‘P4L’ engraved in the metal beneath your phone number.
“Um, yeah that.” JJ finished. “It’s honestly nothing. It's fine if you think its stupid, I just figured-”
He never got to finish his nervous rambling as you pulled the boy into a hug. His arms staggered before hugging you back, going around your waist and almost pulling you into him. “Thank you.” You mumbled into his neck. "And it's not stupid. I love it." You could feel small tears leaving your eyes and making home on his sweaty skin, you just hoped he didn’t notice.
“Are you crying?” He asked, pulling back from the embrace and taking your face in his hands. “Oh, shit. Please, don’t cry.” He panicked, using his thumbs to wipe the tears from your cheeks, leaving grease trails behind in their wake, the gesture making you chuckle sadly.
You don’t know what made you cry. You hadn’t cried in a full week. “Sorry, sorry...it's just that everything is so messed up.” You sniffed. “I wish I could go back to last year. Before my dad died, before all that shit with Rafe, before my mom became someone else, before John B...” You choked out, trying to remove your face from his hands but he wouldn’t let you. “If finding the gold means losing the only people I have left one by one, then fuck it.”
“We don’t know if he’s, y'know.. they’re still looking-”
“No, they’re not.” You scoffed. “They just don’t want to tell us that. Because if they do, they know we’ll start looking for ourselves and they’ll have four more dead kids on their hands.” You doubted, struggling to hold back more tears. JJ simply used his hold on your face to pull your head into him. Something about the gesture made you burst out into sobs, muffled by his chest. Most people would find such a genuine, serious gesture from JJ Maybank odd or rare. But in all your years of knowing him, JJ understood emotions better than most people, he just lacked the ability to show them sometimes.
He was there when they found your dad’s body, all of your friends were. The police only let you through because you were his daughter but when the wind blew the tarp off of his bloated, pale body, JJ was the only one who threw all caution to the wind and ducked under the caution tape, weaved through like ten police officers and caught you before you fell to your knees in the sand.
JJ was one of the most empathetic people you knew, but he’d never cater to his own needs as much as he did for others.
“I miss him, too.” He said solemnly, taking a shaky deep breath. “Believe me, man.” He scoffed, but his voice wavered prompting you to lift your head to look up at him, sniffling. “Bree was my brother. I can’t even tell you how many times he was just there for me. He got me out of a lot of shit and I always gave him shit for it. He would always tell me he just didn’t want me to end up like my piece of shit father and I was always such a dick about it. I knew it was because he cared but I…” He sighed, wiping the stray tear that had fallen from his eye with the butt of his palm. “I just wish I had been a better friend. I know I get us into a lot of shit and I’m impulsive and-”
“You were a good friend.” You cut off his monologue of martyrdom, sitting up straighter to look at him directly, using one hand to cup the back of his neck as you spoke. “John B loved you. Yeah, he might’ve gotten a little pissed whenever you got all trigger happy-” You joked, eliciting a small laugh from JJ. “-But he always understood that’s just who you are. He always cared about you all the same. He would’ve done anything for you.”
“And now he’s…shit, he’s gone.” He sniffed, wiping under his nose as he avoided your eyes, a frown on his face. “And I don’t have anyone like that anymore.”
“You have me.” You smiled pitifully. “I may not be a six-foot, brunette male who's oddly obsessed with bandanas but I think I can fill his spot. Make it work, somehow.” You joked playfully.
JJ scoffed, shaking his head. “Nah, you have your own spot.” He told you, his blue eyes finally finding the courage to meet yours again. “No one could replace Bree. Or you. You were the two people I never wanted to lose in life. And now he’s gone and I don’t know what I’m feeling or what the fuck to do about it because I’ve never felt it before. And sure, I want to fight for him and get the gold back but now I’m scared that that might mean we lose someone else and I don't know what I’ll do if the person we lose is you.”
You shook your head, pressing your forehead against his. “You’ll never lose me. Even if I’m not here.” You reminded, fingers scratching at the hair on the nape of his neck. “And even if John B is gone gone, he’s still here. Probably telling us to grow a pair, right now.” You chuckled despondently, both of you somewhere between laughing and crying.
All of a sudden, a wet, rough tongue hit the side of both of your faces — Marley apparently feeling left out from the exchange. The action had the two of you pulling apart, shielding your faces from the attack of dog kisses. She was like a light, her typical high energy making you feel just a little less sad inside. “Alright, alright…” You said, lightly pushing the dog back as she panted and wagged her tail so fast it made her whole body wiggle.
Just then, you realized you still had JJ’s gift clutched in your palm, peering at the object before beckoning Marley to come closer and commanding her to sit. She was still panting, mouth open and tongue out as you buckled the collar around her neck, adjusting it to fit and spinning it so the heart tag sat where it was supposed to, her name engraved in JJ’s handwriting.
As soon as your hands were off of her, she turned her attention to JJ, burying her head in his lap and rolling over on her back, wanting the blonde to rub her stomach. It was like she knew he’d made it for her.
“She must like you.” You said, voice a bit scratchy now. 
JJ shrugged, caressing the animal’s stomach with a small smile on his face. “I guess she’s alright.” He trailed off playfully. You admired them for a moment, the sight making your nerves settle in a way they hadn’t been able to in the last seven days.
For a moment, everything was calm. This was peace.
“Hey, JJ?” You piped up, the boy’s eyes leaving the dog as he looked at you in a questioning manner. “I know we’re waiting on Kie and Pope to actually memorialize JB but would you want to do something, just me and you? Not to leave them out or anything, I just thought we could, I don’t know, mourn him differently. He was a part of us.”
He pondered on the idea for a moment before nodding. “Yeah… yeah, I think he’d like that.”
You simply nodded in response, getting up from the dock to go into The Chateau, not even bothering to put your shoes back on. Entering the house, you looked around for something that sparked an idea on how you could honor John B. You spotted an empty glass bottle — write a note and send it out to sea? No. That didn’t seem right. 
Still looking around, your eyes found two tealight candles on the coffee table, untouched and never lit. You hadn’t recalled them being there before. Picking up the two candles in one hand, you headed back outside, the sun beginning to set and casting an orange hue over the water in front of you the closer you got to JJ and Marley.
Sitting back down, you handed one of the candles to JJ. “Just something small.” You told him, the blonde taking the small candle from you and reaching into his pocket to retrieve the lighter he typically carried with him. Marley had her head in his lap, less energetic than she was just minutes prior. Her big, puppy eyes just watched the two of you light the candles as the sun got lower in the sky by the minute.
“Should we, like, say something before we let them go?” JJ asked, eyes on you. 
“It’s up to you.” You shrugged. Just then, Marley got up from his lap, running through the grass and to the trees. You didn’t bother to chase her, she always came back.
JJ’s fingers of his free hand drummed on his thigh as he thought. When he finally had something, he shifted his weight and held the candle carefully in his hand. “To Bree.” He started, voice shaking. “My best friend, my brother, and the unluckiest guy I’ve ever met. I promise to not pimp your shortboard.” He said, looking at the flame swaying from side to side, before looking at you, waiting for you to say something.
Your nerves jumped a bit, not really knowing what to say. You figured something was better than nothing. “To John B. One of my greatest friends, my trauma twin, and the best DCS fugitive I’ve ever met.” You spoke, looking out at the sunset. 
“Love you, man.” JJ finished, reaching his long arm down to gently set the candle on top of the water, watching it slowly drift away. You followed his lead, having to bend down a bit further to let the candle hit the water safely. Both of you sat silently, watching the two miniscule flames drift further out with the waves. You wondered how far they would make it before they went out.
Suddenly, the patter of paws came running back, Marley wedging her way between the two of you with a stick between her teeth. The dog got dangerously close to the edge of the pier you were sitting on before letting the stick drop from her jaws and hit the water, sitting down between you and JJ as she panted.
You heard about cats leaving gifts for people of significance, maybe this was her version of a candle. The action made you and JJ look at each other before laughing and hugging the dog in sync. She reveled in the attention, tail wagging ferociously.
You and your friends had a long way to go before anything would feel okay again. But just having each other was enough, right now. You couldn’t rush grief. You’d just have to let things take their course and hopefully one day, John B wouldn’t be such a sad memory.
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feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
SVN Taglist; (let me know if you'd like to be added!) @esquivelbianca @fallingwallsh @calmoistorm @i-love-ptv @liability28 @rivaiken @sophiahristov @rafxcameronss @ldrvinyl @purplerose291 @boo22sstuff @heartsforandrewgarfield @coolgirl458 @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account @jujubeaz @ellobruv (striked means i'm unable to tag you!)
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melodyanqel · 7 days
𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 ── ✧ sh. (i. spring day)
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congratulations! you have been invited to the romance reality show 'We Got Married' where you will live with your co-star like a married couple. but what will you do when you find out you are marrying your favorite idol?
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✿ pairing: idol!seonghwa x fem!idol!oc
✿ genre/tags: fluff, developing relationship, idol au, fake marriage, reality show
✿ word count: 1.3k words
✿ note: the first chapter is here! i honestly wasn't expecting to grab so many people's attention or be interested in the story. but tysm and i hope you all enjoy!
✿ melodyanqel taglist: @hwa-stars @forever-atiny @moonvol6
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❪ March, 2024 ❫
Spring awakens with a chatterbox of greens, cherry blossoms are bright and lively, and the winter snow uncovers a new beauty of nature.
The place is cozy with the delicious smell of fresh baked pastries, and brewing teas and coffee. Soon enough, a young beautiful woman steps inside the cafe like a radiant goddess.
All decked out in a spring outfit which consists of a pink flower dress, white cardigan, frilly socks, and black Mary Jane shoes. Her pretty face etched a timid smile. “Hello.” She politely greeted the employees behind the counter. 
But she didn’t notice that someone had been waiting for her. 
2 hours ago - KQ Building
“Okay, let’s take a ten-minute break!”
A male voice tells his seven members. He was panting heavily and paused the music on the computer. His aura gives off such confidence and demand yet with a loyal heart, like a true captain. Hongjoong takes a sip from his water bottle and his dark brown eyes watch his members. Some talked about the dance while some were lying on the floor to catch a breath.
Suddenly, Hongjoong notices a bright red object outside. The practice room’s door was a bit see-through, so he could spot it clear as day. Hongjoong puts down the water bottle on the desk to check it out. 
As soon as the captain takes a look, a whole PD crew is in front of him. A big smile draws on his handsome makeup-free face. “Oh! Hello!” Hongjoong politely greeted. The producer points at the red mailbox by the door to take it. Hongjoong snickers and brings in the object.
“What is that, hyung?” 
The maknae, Jongho, his eyes widened owlishly at the mysterious mailbox. Yunho, San, and Wooyoung looked bewildered at their captain.
Hongjoong shrugged. “I don’t know, but we will find out together. Everyone in the middle.” He tells them and they obey his command. After setting down the mailbox, Hongjoong opens it to pull out a pink envelope with a sticker sealing the letter. 
Yeosang’s eyes brighten. “Guys, look! It’s from We Got Married if you remember the show.” He points his finger at the iconic logo as a sticker. 
Mingi furrowed his full eyebrows. “There’s a new season?” The deep-voice rapper is bemused. Hongjoong responded, “Let’s see if you are correct, Mingi-ya.” He tears open the envelope to read the letter inside. 
You are selected to join Korea’s #1 romance reality show “We Got Married” where you’ll spend a whole year with your co-star, living as a married couple. We will be sure to provide safety and care throughout the love journey. Plus, there are missions and thrilling events along the way. We hope you have a happy and healthy marriage, 🐰⭐
The emojis reveal who is chosen as the husband and groom. 
“Eh?! Seonghwa hyung?!” San perks his head at the oldest member.
Instantly, all eyes were on him. Seonghwa is speechless with boba eyes popping out of his socket. 
But within seconds, the members all burst out cheering for him. Jongho carries the still-shocked Seonghwa in bridal style and twirls him. Yunho and Mingi played with the lights while Hongjoong, Yeosang, San, and Wooyoung did a conga line and chanted, “Park Seonghwa is getting married!” 
After their mini-celebration, the group sat on the floor and discussed the future of Seonghwa’s future marriage. The PD crew even asked him who would be the lucky bride and sister-in-law. They all assumed it would be someone close to Seonghwa’s ideal type. But he admits to them, “I honestly don’t mind if they are not because I’ll still love them for who they are.” His response made the guys awestruck.
“Wow, hyung. I didn’t know you were that manly.” Jongho spoke with sarcasm. 
The guys laughed out loud when Seonghwa sighed in displeasure. 
He has the letter in his hands and keeps looking at it. Hongjoong could sense the uneasiness of his best friend. The captain pats the oldest’s right shoulder. “Hey, you should be excited. Why are you so nervous for?” He giggles lightheartedly. Seonghwa can get nervous, but this is the most he has ever been. 
His skittish behavior caught everyone’s attention. They had worrisome faces because Seonghwa was more than the oldest member of ATEEZ. He is like their big brother, whose gentleness and softness have so much adoration by many. Seonghwa shares his thoughts. “There was a moment when we talked about relationships. You all considered that I’ll be the best husband to my spouse. So, I’m uncertain if I can live up to the statement.” He confesses his vulnerability. 
Yunho is on his right and pats his other shoulder like Hongjoong. “You’ll do great, hyung. Not everyone is perfect or understands how marriage works at first. We also don’t know as well. But we can give you support and help if you need it.” He assured Seonghwa. 
Of course, they’re ATEEZ and more than just a group. 
A family and a safe place. 
Wooyoung hops out of his spot to back-hug Seonghwa. “We love you, hyung! We want you to be happy!” He presses a sweet kiss on the eldest forehead. Seonghwa grimaced by his overly affectionate friend. In a sincere voice, “Thank you.” He says and is forever grateful. In unison, the guys came to Seonghwa in a big, suffocating group hug.
“Yah!! I can’t breathe!!” He yells out loud and tries to move himself. Despite literally getting crushed by love, he is enjoying it. 
Replacing the casual look with a dapper appearance, Seonghwa sits on the stool and is wearing a refined dark gray blazer, white dress shirt, black pants, and dress shoes. His ebony locks are elegantly curled and set in place. 
“Hello, I’m Seonghwa of ATEEZ.” The man’s deep, velvety greets the viewers that are watching. 
Q. Are you familiar with We Got Married?
Seonghwa nodded. “Yes. I didn’t fully watch the show when it aired because I was still in school and training under the company. I’ve only seen clips of legendary artists paired up, and I was intrigued by how they handle marriage while having an idol life.” 
Q. Do you think you’ll live up to your group’s statement?
A sheepish laugh escapes from his plump lips. “At first, I thought it was a joke because we make up silly sayings. But I didn’t expect it to come true.” He takes a deep breath to compromise himself. “I’ll do whatever I can to make my wife feel like she is the luckiest woman.” Seonghwa declared genuinely. 
Mission of The Day: Try to surprise your bride.
When the producer explained about the task, Seonghwa was giddy yet anxious. He’ll disguise himself as a barista at a dog-centric cafe and surprise his future bride. 
After freshening up, as in putting Seonghwa in a uniform and a mask to hide his face, the PD crew drives him to the destination. A camera on the headliner records him texting his members. Seonghwa says, “My group is eager.” He chuckles merrily. “They want all the information about today. It feels like they’re my parents.” In which, he is unsure to tell them about this reality show. 
Will he introduce his wife to his family?
Even though it’s for entertainment, Seonghwa becomes curious if they’re interested to know more about his fake spouse. Well, that has to wait. He brushes it off and cares more about the current time.
Subsequently, the producer announced the arrival at The Wal’z dog cafe. “We are here. Good luck, Seonghwa.” They give him their best wishes. He thanked them wholeheartedly because he hadn’t stopped the nerves from skyrocketing. 
When he enters the place, he is greeted by adorable furry friends. “Hi~” Seonghwa immediately bends down to pet their soft fur. “Wow. I feel less nervous now.” He is convinced that he just needs some comfort from the dogs. 
Seonghwa pouts, “I’m sorry. I have to work now.” He apologizes to the smiling furballs. However, they didn’t seem to care because they wanted pets. 
Eventually, the male idol begins his mission by heading to the counter and pretending to act like he is a barista. Although it may be for the show, Seonghwa actually wanted to learn how to make the drinks and pastries. 
He’ll possibly make them for his wife. 
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series masterlist
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smutinlove · 8 months
Dedicated to my dirty whores <3 @jas2010 @carlsdarling @taylormarieee @loveforcarl @hiro--aoki
A cute masterlist showing ALL my dirty smut, fluff, and angst &lt;3
I'm UselessBitch4205 on Wattpad <3
I write for:
-Carl Grimes
-Dick Grayson
-Jason Todd
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Smut —Carl gets jealous when Ron tries to hit on you
Smut—Carl gets rough
Smut—Slutty slut
Smut-Dinner with Grimes—You and Carl decided to host dinner at your place. But you wanted to tease Carl, so you wore an extremely short dress.
Smut—Just sex
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Suggestive—Eyes apparently don't lie
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Fluff—Reader writes a love letter/appreciation letter
Fluff-Cabin—Carl Grimes asks to marry you
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Angst—Carl, Rick, and Glenn notice that the reader hasn't been eating/sleeping. They force an intervention.
Angst—Reader cries about Carl's death
Angst—Reader dies. Carl cries. (Lineup)
Angst—Reader hurts herself. Carl comforts her.
Angst —Carl comforts an insecure reader. SH WARNING
Angst leading to fluff—Carl goes on a scavenging trip but gets lost. The reader goes to look for him.
Angst—After Negan kills readers father figure, Glenn Rhee, she and Carl start to fight a lot. One day, after an intense fight, Negan suddenly arrives to Alexandria. He manipulates the reader to Carl.
Angst/fluff—Dad figure Glenn. Carl hangs out with Enid a lot, making the reader jealous. !argument
Angst/fluff—Shy/sensitive reader. Carl and reader fight because she sneaks out and Rick scolds Carl, making him apologize.
Angst/fluff—Dad figure Glenn. Reader runs away because she hates Enid and her father figure adopted her. Carl finds her.
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Chapter One: The Woods
Chapter Two: Undetected
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
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Small Series
You were my light part 1 —The daughter of the now dead Negan Smith is walking in the woods. She thought she was alone. But she wasn't.
You were my light part 2
You were my light part 3
You were my light part 4
You were my light part 5
You were my light ALTERNATIVE ENDING—The daughter of Negan Smith wakes up from what she thought was real but was a dream. She wants to find him. Y/N Smith wants to find Carl Grimes.
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Dick Grayson
NSFW Alphabet—for the ladies who noticed the lack of dick grayson content.
SFW Alphabet—for the ladies who know dick grayson is just another softie <3
Breeding Kink—Dick sees how good you are with Roy's daughter and wants to put a baby in you.
Wayne Gala with a twist—Dick sees men staring at you but he wants them to know that YOU are HIS. (Basically hot sex in bruce's office)
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Jason Todd
NSFW Alphabet—you know what this is, love.
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Draco Malfoy
Smut —Sex with the Slytherin prince.
Smut—Your secret boyfriend is Draco Malfoy.
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Glenn and Maggie
Fluff—It's some cute fluff. (Glenn and Maggie are badasses in this too)
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WORDS BURN HARD - BY UselessBitch4205 on Wattpad <3
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madi-writes-things · 2 months
Nobody Pt. 6
(C.Sturniolo X Reader)
Chris and Y/N never seemed to get along, but sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places
Word Count: 1,318
TW:MASSIVE WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER!!! (TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, MY WRITING IS NOT WORTH YOUR HEALTH), Cursing, SH (not in detail, but it is talked about), Blood, Panic Attacks, Hurt Comfort, SUI ATTEMPT, Crying, Really Depressing, lots of POV swaps, Not Edited
A/N: Thank you for all of the support that I’ve been getting for this story, this chapter is really heavy… PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Please do not read if it will negatively impact your health, this story on tumblr is not worth it. I’ll put a brief summary at the beginning of the next chapter, for those who need to skip. This is probably the worst that it will get. Love you guys so much 🥰
-Madi <3
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I woke up to Chris wrapped around my waist, just like I had for the last seven months. I don’t know how much longer I can handle this facade, but I also don’t know if I can let it go. The worst part is that I can’t even vent to my best friend, seeing as he is the cause of this whole situation. I stare down at Chris, his hair is so soft. I feel the burn of tears in my eyes, trying best to stop them from falling. Failing miserably.
My sniffles cause Chris’s to lift his head up to look at me. “What’s wrong?” I tell him it’s nothing, not a big deal. I can tell he doesn’t believe me, he sits up looking deep into my eyes. “You can tell me anything Y/N, you don’t need to feel embarrassed or anything.” I just cry harder. He pulls me into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around me as I burrow my face into his shoulders.
we stay like that for an indeterminate amount of time. I cry until I physically can’t anymore, Chris doesn’t make me explain myself.
Chris’s POV
I barely sleep anymore.
Y/N has been drifting away for months now, and it scares the shit out of me. I’m scared that if I fall asleep she’ll sneak past me and relapse. I can’t imagine what I would do if I lost her, I don’t know who I would be.
I’m scared to leave her alone, to the point that I don’t even want to leave her to go film with my brothers. The fans have commented on how many videos we’ve made at our house, rather than our usual car videos. I just tell Matt and Nick that I feel bad leaving her alone without us.
I knew it was a mistake to leave her alone tonight, but the fans were getting suspicious. We made the decision not to tell the fans, since we didn’t plan for this charade to go on for so long. I don’t know if I can end it, I’m too in love with her to imagine laying in an empty bed again.
Y/N’s POV (start of the really bad stuff)
The guys left to film a car video, it’s been months since they did that. I haven’t been alone long enough to think about relapsing, but sitting alone in Chris’s room, the feeling of loneliness is crushing me.
I need to distract myself. Chris would be so disappointed in me if I didn’t, and I can’t call him while he’s recording. I’ll cook myself something for dinner, the guys will be happy to eat when they get home.
Dinner came and went, and I still didn’t feel better. I was scared to call Chris, I didn’t want to bother him and his brothers. It was a mistake.
I stare down, my legs tore to shreds and the wounds on my wrists, I need help. I don’t think I really want to die, I was just overwhelmed. I can’t let them find me dead. I can’t make them hurt the same way that I have. I need to call someone.
I reach for my phone, trying desperately to open it. The blood on my hands makes everything harder, but I can’t get up to get a towel. If I stand up I’ll surely pass out. I’m already lightheaded, just hoping that Chris answers my call.
Chris’s POV
I’m laughing with my brothers and I don’t notice it at first. A small buzz in my pocket. There it is again. As soon as I pull it out I panic.
“Guys! Stop talking real quick.” I immediately press the answer button. “Baby… is everything okay?”
No response. Fuck.
“Matt we need to go home.” He gives me a worried look, but before he can say anything I’m talking into the phone again. “Baby, I need you to talk to me… tell me everything is okay.”
there’s a second before she responds, I can tell that she’s been crying based on the sniffles from her end. “I fucked up Chris.”
My heart drops.
“go faster Matt!” Fuck. “What happened, I need you to tell me what you did!” I don’t mean to yell, but I’ve never been more scared in my life.
“I don’t want to die…” No. This isn’t real. It cant be.
“You aren’t going anywhere, I promise.” I quickly turn to nick and tell him to get 911 on speed dial. “Please just keep talking to me, I need to hear your voice.”
Matt breaks multiple laws in an attempt to get home, but I don’t notice. My whole focus is on keeping Y/N talking. When we get home we all rush upstairs.
“Nick, go sit in the loft.” He looks offended when I say it. “She wouldn’t want you to see her like this, I don’t think she’d ever forgive me if I let you.” He stays where he is. “Please Nick!” My voice cracks as I say his name. He leaves with tears In his eyes.
“Matt I need you to get the first aid kit from under her bed, it should have everything I need.” With that I open the door to the bathroom.
the scene in front of me is like something straight out of a horror film. I can’t even tell where the blood is coming from. I immediately rush to her side.
“I’m so sorry… I tried to distract myself, I promise.” She’s rambling, but I don’t mind. I’m trying so hard not to cry, but she looks so pale.
“don’t apologize, I’m not mad, nobody is mad” it doesn’t stop the tears, she’s still a sobbing mess beneath me.
Matt returns with the kit, clearly distraught. “It’s okay Matt, it doesn’t look like she needs stitches.” He looks frozen in place, and his breathing is erratic. Shit. “Go sit with nick… she’s going to be okay.” After a few moments he finally pulled himself out of the doorway.
by the time I’m done cleaning her up, Y/N’s tears have dried up. “You don’t need stitches…” I stare at the deep lines that run across each wrist. “But it would make the scars smaller, do you want to go to the hospital?”
“NO!” She’s shaking her head violently. “Please don’t make me go, they’ll take me away again!” I can see the tears forming again.
“ok, we don’t have to go.” I grabs the butterfly bandages, and start pulling the skin together, before tightly wrapping it with gauze. She’s more covered in gauze wrapping than actual clothes at this point. I carry her to my room and get her changed, before taking her to the loft.
Chris changed me, being very gentle around my gauze, and then he set me down on the loft couch next to Nick and Matt. I hear him mumble something about them staying with me while he cleans up.
I can see the relief in Nicks eyes when he sees that I’m alive, Matt just locks eyes with me and leaves. I never meant to upset him, but I can’t seem to find the tears for it right now. I fall into nicks chest and he just holds me.
I tell Nick everything. The relapse. The fake dating ruse. The fact that I really do love Chris.
He just tells me that it’s okay. He promises me that he’s not mad.
Once Chris is done cleaning the bathroom floor, he takes me to lay down in his bed. He’s so gentle when he snakes his arms around me, careful not to hit my arms or legs.
“I told Nick…” he just stares into my eyes. “You don’t have to pretend to love me anymore, there’s no point in lying anymore.”
“who said I was pretending?”
@unbruisable @bernardsbendystraws @sturniolo-fann
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apollyonsdarksecrets · 10 months
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You can call me, Sir.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven
Summery: She’s reserved, emotionally cut off, and spiraling down a dark path; one she can’t get out of on her own. Aaron Hotchner may be her only help, but at what cost? When he shows up to her hotel room, contact in hand, she realizes it may be more than what she bargained for.
Warning: 18+ Only MDNI SMUT. Language, BDSM, Dom Aaron, emotionally detached reader, typical CM violence, childhood trauma, abusive father figure, age gap (reader 25 Aaron 40) doesn’t line up with a specific time line, use of Y/n because story is set in 3rd person for the first half then switches POV, last name for reader is Smith,
Specific chapter warnings : Failed CPS case, implied abuse with belt, clothes shopping (I tried my best to be as body neutral as possible), sugar daddy Arron, sales lady is rude towards reader, Things are getting spicy, first rules, use of pet names, reader is described as having hair long enough to sweep over one shoulder, trying on clothes, Let me know if I need to add anything!
A/N: The amount of love that has been shown for this story so far has absolutely filled my heart! I’m sorry this chapter took a minute to come out, I got married last week sooooo 😍 that slowed the process down a little. Haha 💜
9 years ago
The worst part was the way her nose stung, like a million tiny needles stabbing her all at once. But she had to breath through it, because only selfish, weak, incompetent people cried. So she forced her thoughts solely on the older woman who sat across from her, her grey hair loose around her shoulders, and the bright pink blazer she wore with matching skirt. ‘I think name is Deloris?’
Not what you would have thought when you heard the term ‘CPS worker’. She smiles at the young teen as if she was Y/n’s best friend and there isn’t a care in the world as her fountain pen taps against her yellow notepad. “You’re mother must have been a lovely woman.”
A muscle in Y/n’s jaw twitches, but she manages to return Deloris’ smile briefly. “She was.”
“So is that really the reason you have been skipping school?” Her green eyes were full of mock sympathy, and Y/n can only assume how many of these ‘troubled teen cases’ she has had to work.
“Yes ma’am.” It was the 8th anniversary of Y/n’s mother’s death. Today. She can hear her father in the other room, moving about the kitchen, pretending to not be listening through the thin walls. Y/n squeezes the pillow in her lap tighter to her churning stomach, already anticipating how the rest of the night will go.
“I’m sorry, dear. I know losing a loved one can be hard, but that doesn’t mean we can go about making things hard for the ones we still have.” Deloris tilts her head, her lips in a slightly pout as she regards Y/n, who only bites her cheek to keep quiet. She drops her chin to her chest, fanning shame with a small nod, placating the woman. “Good. I’m going to go talk with your father now, I hope you understand the severity of the situation you’ve almost caused. I expect to hear you are in school tomorrow.”
Deloris doesn’t take long in the kitchen with Y/n’s father, her pitchy laughter grating on Y/n’s ears. Her father escorts the worker to the door, his hair is combed, beard neat and he’s dressed still in his work clothes. A fitted grey collard shirt and jeans. His usual Forman outfit. At one point in Y/n’s life she can remember thinking her dad had been very handsome, but that had all been before the drinking.
“Have a good evening Miss. Deloris.” Her fathers southern accent is always laid on heavy whenever he is trying to impress someone, or to get his way. And for most of his life it worked well. Y/n wonders sometimes if that is how he had charmed her mother.
As the pine door shut, Y/n closed her eyes, taking a steadying breath before the storm. When she opens her eyes again, she’s staring at the brown tweed couch across from her, out of the corner of her eye she can see her father’s still form in the archway of the living room.
The sound of leather hissing through his denim belt loops makes her stomach drop, her breath quicken in her already tight chest. “Gone an got me in trouble huh?” He folds the worn leather over in his hands, snapping it together watching as she jumps in her seat. Her gaze remains focused on the spot Miss. Deloris had occupied, the old springs and cushioning holding her shape. “You ain’t learned trouble girl.”
Present Day
It’s almost unbearable how cold it is outside, the dark clouds over head threatened to snow on the busy sidewalk as you shove your hands as far into your jacket as they will go. Aaron is pressed against your side, his arm wrapped around your back, directing you through the crowd and to the front of a large store.
Chic’s End
Your nose scrunches slightly at the different mannequins in the brightly lit windows who’s clothing is on the higher end of fashion. Pieces you’d never find in your own wardrobe. Aaron guides you towards the door but you stop abruptly shaking your head. “Hotch, aren’t there places a little less… fancy?” Your tone gives away your discomfort as you scan the nearly empty store.
Aaron sighs, stepping around you so he can look you in the eye. “Rule number one: call me Aaron when it’s just the two of us, Hotch is too formal. Now I’m sure there are, but you deserve to be a little spoiled…” He pauses, his phone vibrating in his pocket making him frown. “Now go inside, let me check this and I’ll be right in.” As he fishes for his phone he pulls open the door for you, letting you walk in with a small head rush.
‘Our first rule?’
You take the moment you have some to look around the store front, a few customers are mingling about the rows of clothing, associates putting away inventory or helping their guests. A brunette is standing at the register, her hair sprayed and pinned into a tight bun atop her head. She glances at you, her nose turned up at your simple outfit, without a word of welcome she goes back to her work.
The door is opening a moment later, a small bell going off as Aaron steps in, the icy breeze trying to follow. “Sorry, David was checking in.” His voice reaches the woman at the counter, grabbing her attention. She watches as he shrugs out of his winter jacket, her gaze fixing on the flash of jewelry on his wrist with a smile.
“Is he okay?” You ask, handing Aaron your own jacket as he hangs them on a coatrack.
“Oh yes, he’s-.”
“Good afternoon, is there anything I can help you with?” You turn, the same woman from before now standing in front of you. She’s wearing a form fitting black dress, the apparent dress code for the establishment, a silver name tag pinned to her collar reading ‘Denise.’ Gone is her dismissive attitudes from before, her blue eyes staring intently at Aaron with a sly smile.
You feel something in your chest squirm, making you take a step in front of Aaron as you pull your best smile into place. “Oh thank you, but we are just-.”
A warm hands is suddenly on your shoulder, pulling you into Aaron’s side. “We’re looking for some work attire; blouses, pants, skirts and such. Along with more casual wear.” He squeezes your shoulder as you slide him a disgruntled look.
Denise regards you with a tight lipped smile, nodding her head slightly. “Of course. Right this way.” She turns on her heel, an extra sway in her her step that makes you roll your eyes as you pull out of Aaron’s grip following her. He follows behind a few paces, regarding you with masked amusement.
She takes you to the back of the store, pointing out the sections of racks you’ll need and where on the walls you can find work appropriate pants and skirts. Denise turns to Aaron once again, stepping to close for comfort as she stares openly at his suit. “You know, we have the latest in Brioni’s suit jackets that I think would complement you rather well, Mr…” She brushes her hand against his arm and your eyes widen.
“No thank you. I’ll let you know if we need any further assistance.” Aaron comes to stand beside you, his expression hard to read as he places a hand on your lower back. Denise’s eyes narrow slightly, her smile faltering before she pulls her emotions back.
“Please do.” She saunters of, throwing one last look over her shoulder.
You laugh unbelievably, “Jesus… she was a bit forward.” You turn toward the rack beside you, picking up the first shirt your eyes land on. It’s a simple white blouse with navy blue pinstripes, the neckline is a little low for your taste but otherwise it’s very pretty. You pick up the tag and instantly drop it, your mouth falling open.
“What?” Aaron asks, sliding the clothes along the pole, looking through the selection.
“This! These clothes are way to over priced.” You turn the tag towards him, and he squints at the small numbers. ‘75.56’. He frowns slightly and you think he’s about to agree with you, call this whole ridiculous thing off until he shrugs.
“That’s not so bad.” He grins at the incredulous look you level him, showing perfect teeth. “Darling you’ll come to realize the value that comes with certain things. Soon enough you’ll see the value in yourself as well.” He chucks you under the chin softly and you think that’s it.
You’re going to explode.
Everything it too much.
“Hotch, I can’t just let you waste that kind of money on me. You don’t know what you will need it for later, bills, or -.”
Aaron steps into your space again, bending down until he’s eye level with you and you clam up. His eyes are dark, burning with an intensity that has your shoulders slumping slightly. When he speaks his voice is quiet but direct, leaving no room for misunderstanding. “What did I say our first rule was?”
You stammer, your grip tightening on the fabric still in your hands. “You said… to call you Aaron.”
“Correct. So that’s one. Now, when I say I am doing something for you, buying you something, getting you something; do not doubt me. If I couldn’t, I wouldn’t. Do I make myself clear?”
All you can do is nod, your throat dry and tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth. “Good girl. Now if you really find calling me Aaron to difficult, you can always call me sir.” You suddenly look like a fire had been lit underneath you, your face flushing a new shade of red he’d yet to see before. You turn away from him, trying to hide your emotions and aggressively shuffle through the clothes before you.
Aaron straightens with a satisfied smile.
An hour in and there is a mount pile of clothing in the cart in front of you. Everything you’ve selected draped over one side and everything Aaron selected on the other. You had found a discount rack, the red tags a twisted mess by now, but the 15% off sign did little to quell the guilt eating you.
“Okay… this is more clothes than I think Garcia even owns. I think we should-.” You’re talking absently, glancing up only to find Aaron is walking in the opposite direction of the checkout. “Oh for the love of all things holy.” You quickly follow, pulling the cart behind you as the hangers rattle together. He stops in front of a display of eloquent evening gowns and you follow his stare to the forefront of the display. A deep emerald green satin dress takes your breath away, with a sweetheart neckline and a slit that goes half way up the mannequins thigh. You peak around the back in awe, it plunges well down to the lower back, a sheer material with beautiful rhinestones occupying the negative space.
Aaron watches as you pick up the bottom of the dress, rubbing the buttery material between your fingers. “I would love to see you in it.”
You shake your head, though your focus remains on the dress. “There’s no reason to, when would I ever wear this? Besides we’ve been here for nearly an hour, if we don’t leave soon I’m sure Denise is going to jump your bones.”
Aaron chuckles at that with a shrug. “You might not be wrong, she’s been lurking around the corner ever since I took my jacket off and she caught sight of my watch.” You glance down at his wrist as he shows you a golden Rolex. You hum in understanding, putting the two together. A handsome, stylish man, with a nice suit and a watch that coasts a couple of grand. She sees dollar signs. “Go ask her for a fitting room.”
Glancing around you notice she’s no more than ten feet away, pretending to be busy with an already neatly arranged display of sweaters. You walk over, hands clasped behind your back. “Excuse me?”
She doesn’t bother to look up, her head tilted as if in contemplation as she stares at the stack in front of her. “Yes?”
Your jaw clenches slightly, but you smile regardless. “I’d like to try that green dress on, where are your dressing rooms?” That finally catches her attention, she looks around you to the dress your talking about and then to the cart beside Aaron, the red tags turned her way. With a bemused smile she finally looks you in the eye.
“Sorry, that dress isn’t on sale, dear. Maybe come back some other time.” Her high voice carries farther than she thinks, reaching Aaron who’s eyebrows raised in surprise before furrowing as anger bubbles in his chest.
Before you can say anything he is by your side, startling you both. “She didn’t ask you if it was on sale. She asked if you had a fitting room.” Denise pales, his voice is harsh and edged making her shift on her feet as she begins to stammer
“Well I… it was just-.”
“Just what? It’s a simple question, this is a clothing store so you must have fitting rooms. She would like one opened.” Denise can no longer keep eye contact, her gaze flickering from his face and away again. “Now.” The command in his voice makes her move, her mouth agape and she’s pointing indirectly over her shoulder. She turns, quickly walking away and you’re left to stunned to react. Aaron’s hand finds your back again, pushing you forward, his other hand on the end of the cart.
The dressing area is three beiges booths with deep red curtains for doors. A large mirror takes up one wall that is lit up like Time Square during Christmas, and there are mirrors in the booths as well. “You said the green dress?” You nod, giving her your size and she’s running off again, her head down and face red. Aaron takes a seat in one of the mahogany chairs, folding his arms across his chest. He’s watching Denise leave with that same look he gives every unsub as they are being hauled off to their final destination.
“Um… thank you, for… for that.” You speak up, breaking the silence waiting on Denise to return.
He doesn’t look at you as he speaks, his black shoe tapping the polished floor. “You don’t typically show when you’re upset or irritated, I had to step in. I also couldn’t stand by and let you be berated like that.”
This time it’s you who crosses their arms, glowering at him. “I wasn’t showing I was upset, so what she was being rude? It didn’t affect me.”
His lips pull into a sarcastic smile, head shaking. “Sweetheart, I’ve been working with you for three years, nearly four. When you get upset over something, even if it is trivial, you dig your nails into your palms. Most likely because you would rather focus on that then what’s stewing in your mind and your chest.” You blink at him, awareness washing over you as you shake out your hands, crescent indents marking your flesh.
Before you can snip at him Denise is back, placing the dress in one of the rooms and leaving without a word. Aaron raises an eyebrow and you huff, turning and walking into the booth before snatching the curtain closed. You take a moment to breath, your annoyance merging on anger as you begin to undress.
You have to force yourself to remember this is all apart of the contract, this is all small steps to whatever greater end goal he has. You can’t fully trust he’s doing this out of the kindness of his heart, no one is like that. Working a career where you catch murderers and kidnappers and rapists has shown you such. The thought lingers at the back of your mind that maybe he’s pushing you to break and go to therapy where they will force your leave. It wouldn’t happen, you’ve come to far to let anyone treat you that way.
You step out of your pants, bending down to pick them up when you notice movement in the mirror. You look up, making eye contact with Aaron from where he sits and you go still. The only thing that moves is your heart as it suddenly jumps into double time.
Aaron’s eyes slowly rake over your body, the hunger in his eyes evident even from where you stand and you can feel your body respond. Heat rushes through your veins, leaving you lightheaded. He shifts in his seat, your eyes dropping to where he tugs at his pants legs, a noticeable bulge in his lap that makes your guts clench. From anxiety? Want? Curiosity? You aren’t sure. You quickly look away, his smile turning wolfish as you straighten and spin around, giving him a full peak at the matching black bra and panties your wearing before yanking the curtain fully closed.
All you can hear is the blood rushing in your ears, your fingers suddenly tingling and your lungs working for air. Shakily, checking the curtain again and again you strip out of your bra, and pull the dress over your head. The satin is soft and cool, the green leaving your skin glowing in the light. It hugs your body in ways you wouldn’t of imagined and you… like it. It screams seduction, fun, and someone you’re not but someone you once might have wanted to be…
The only issue is you can’t zip it yourself. You struggle for a few minutes, contouring your body this way or that, but you can’t get the zipper more than half way up your back.
Reluctantly you pull the curtain aside just enough to peak your head out, your eyes instantly finding Aaron’s. He raises an eyebrow, his hands clasped together in his lap and you are more than aware of why. “I need her help.” Your voice is floaty and you clear your throat. “I can’t zip it up.”
“I’ll help you.” He stands, crossing the small distance in three long strides, quicker than you can reject his help.
“Wait- no, I’m-.” But he is pulling the curtain away from the other side and you curse the interior designer with a flourish of silent profanities. In the small space he seems larger than life, all broad chest and long limbs. He steps closer and you back up, an all to familiar dance you two have rehearsed before.
He holds his hand out, a gesture of reassurance but he is still looking at you like a starved man. “Spin around, pretty girl.” Your legs feel suddenly numb, like you’d never used them before in your life as you continue to stare. “It’s okay.” He whispers, taking another half step forward.
“It’s fine, it fits well enough without it zipped I’m sure it’ll fit great when it is.” You fight to keep your body lose and face expressionless, trying to mask the feelings bubbling in your guts. Aaron doesn’t say anything, only continues to stare you down, gaze never wavering. “Really.”
“Turn around.” You don’t want to listen, but the timber of his voice makes your body ache in a way that catches you more by surprise than anything else has these past 24 hours. Cautiously you lay your hand in his, letting his pull you in before spinning you around so you’re facing the mirror. He sweeps your hair over your shoulder, his fingers grazing across the naked skin pulling gooseflesh to the surface.
You stand as still as possible, hardly breathing as he gently slides the zipper up. His palms spread across your ribs, warm through the thin fabric. “What do you think?”
“It’s a beautiful dress.” You whisper quietly, trying not to back down from his stare.
“You make it beautiful.”
“You’re only saying that.” He pulls you closer, your back hitting his chest, your body molding to his. A gasp disappears on your lips, his hips pressing into you lower back his erection prominent making you shiver.
“I can promise you I’m not.” His hand slips to your stomach, splaying across your abdomen, and a small noise hitches in your throat. He tilts his head down, pressing a tinder kiss to the crown of your head and all you can focus on is where he’s touching you and where he isn’t, but where you want him to. Your panties are suddenly slick feeling as you shift against him, his erection digging further into your ass.
“Aaron…” You try to warn, and he watches the way your eyes flutter, the shields you’ve so desperately and carefully constructed cracking under the weight of his stare. Some logical part of your brain, buried beneath the mush of your thoughts, is screaming and begging to run away. But how long had it been since you’d felt that fire in the pit of your stomach, curling your toes and making your thighs pinch together?
You’re about to open your mouth, say something, anything at all, when he is suddenly pulling away. “Come out here so I can get a better look at you.” Aaron steps behind the curtain leaving you to your spiraling thoughts and an ache you’d never imagine. Your face is flushed, eyes wide and pupils blown out over the color of your irises. It’s hard to keep the air in your lungs from rushing out in soft pants.
All you can think is that if this is how you react to a few simple words and actions, you’re screwed.
The next half hour is spent paying for your clothing, a bill Aaron wouldn’t allow you to see, then moving the bags from the car to your hotel room. You stare at them now, laid out on your bed with furrowed eyebrows and your thumbnail caught between your teeth. How would you get these in your bag and on the plane with as little notice as possible?
“Maybe we can go get you another duffle bag tomorrow.” Aaron answers as if he could read your thoughts, and if you didn’t know better you would say he did.
“It’s okay.. Thank you for the clothing.” You manage, giving him a tight smile as you glance to where he is standing at the foot of the bed.
The entire car ride was filled with tension, his presence alone setting you on edge, all while he remained calm driving down the busy streets and helping you to your room.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” He smiles at you, possibly more so from your compliance, his eyes like coffee. “Would you like to join me for lunch?”
You bite your nail harder, looking back to the bags. “I’d like to just order my food to my room, I need to get this organized and finish my reports.” You expect him to argue but he only nods, coming around the bed and kissing the top of your head before he walks towards the door.
“I’ll check on you in a little while.” With that he leaves, and as the automatic lock slides into place you crumple. You sit heavily on the bed, running a hand through your hair like it might comb your thoughts back into place.
What are you doing?
What is he doing?
You groan in frustration, the feeling of not having control over what happens next beating on your bones and muscles. You haven’t relaxed since this began and you have a feeling you won’t for a long time to come.
If you would like to be tagged in the next parts please comment below and I will gladly add you! Thank you all for your support!
@kneelforloki @hmett20 @axionn @ncis0mrs0gibbs
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ldrfanatic · 2 months
i think your house is haunted
Theodore Nott x Reader "13" Series pt 6
warnings - death, alteration to the original harry potter storyline (slight for now, will become major in the following chapters)
translator series masterlist <previous next chapter>
slytherin boys masterlist works
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Theo had no idea why he'd agreed to this. Deep down, he knew that running from his father was an effort in vain. And when he finally found them, Y/n would be killed. He knew. But looking at the beautiful girl across from him, he wasn't sure he cared.
The pair of you had been on the run for a few weeks now. Occasionally, you'd get an owl from one of the Greengrass sisters. They'd been keeping tabs on you and updating you on the flip side of the war. And Theo, too smitten with the light in your eyes that the letter brought, didn't have the heart to tell you how dangerous it was. Soon, you wouldn't be able to send or receive owls from anyone.
One night, as Theo was preparing dinner in the kitchen of your most recent hideout, a black owl came in through the open window and dropped a piece of folded up parchment onto the kitchen table in front of you. He watched as you unfolded the letter and further, as tears gathered in your eyes.
"Dolcezza? What's happened?" He approached you and took the letter from your hands.
My Dearest Friend,
I write to you with a heart heavy with fear, for I know not where you are or how you fare in these dark times. Every moment that passes without word from you is a torment I cannot bear. I know that you are clinging desperately to hope amidst the encroaching shadows that threaten to consume us all.
Theodore Nott is entwined in the sinister tapestry of his father's legacy, a fate he cannot escape. My heart aches for him, for the innocence lost, for the boy he once was now overshadowed by the sins of his bloodline. But my dear friend, I implore you, do not sacrifice yourself for that boy and his doomed fate.
The Death Eaters draw ever closer, their malevolent presence looming like a specter over all we hold dear. I fear for Theo, I fear for you, I fear for us all. I know your heart yearns to protect Theo, to shield him from the cruel hand of fate. But there is nothing more we can do for him now. They will not rest until they have him and your defiance will only lead to tragedy. Do not let your love for him condemn you both.
Please, my dear friend, heed my words. Return to Hogwarts where we can face this darkness together. Leave Theo to his fate, for there is nothing else we can do for him now. I cannot bear to lose you, not now, not ever.
With all my love,
Astoria Greengrass
As he finished looking over the letter, glass shattered in the living room and heavy footsteps were heard.
"They've found us."
Two rather nasty looking men in dark robes came into view. They pointed their wands directly at you and Theo. Immediately, you began to cry. But Theo stood with a ticked jaw and resolve present in his eyes. "Mulciber. Macnair." He walked over to where the half-prepared dinner sat on the counter and took a few french fries into his mouth. "I must say I'm a bit surprised my father didn't come himself."
Mulciber took a step closer to them and and cocked his head at Theo. His wand was inches from your head and Theo's heart dropped. Macnair smiled evily. "Now now Theodore. Be a good boy and come with us. We'll leave the poor girl be."
Theo stared between you and the Death Eaters for a few long seconds. Suddenly, your short sobs turned into irrepressible laughter. Mulciber inched closer to you with a confused look. "Think this is funny you stupid girl?"
Your eyes locked with his and you smirked. "Yes actually. You don't know it yet. You haven't got the pleasure of knowing him the way I do. But when all this is over, he will kill you."
Theo felt pride looming in his chest. A sadistic smile flittered along his lips. "Darling, perhaps now is not the best time for flirting." He watched as you shrugged carelessly. Then, just as Theo taught you, you swung your fist into Mulciber's face and a sickening crunch sounded. Theo pulled his wand from his pocket and fired a quick curse at Macnair who blocked it at the last second.
He felt your small hand grasp his own and pull him into a nearby broom cupboard. As the door shut, darkness enveloped. You only remained in the small space for a few seconds as Theo held you close to his chest and you disapparated from the scene. Once he felt his feet touch the floor, he immediately pulled you into a deep kiss.
Standing there, watching you almost die, Theo finally admitted something to himself that he'd been avoiding. It was time for the pair of you to strike back. It wasn't enough to hide away in the shadows. Something had to be done. Theo was determined not to leave you, ever. But if that was going to be the case, then he had to get rid of the one person threatening you. Nott Sr.
"Yeah Theo?"
"I'm done waiting."
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You tried to ignore the hustle and bustle of dozens of people crowded around the Weasley Burrow. You also tried to ignore the feeling that you were putting all these people in danger. It was finally time for Bill and Fleur's wedding, and Mrs. Weasley had created the most beautiful set up for the event.
As you stood out looking at the rolling hills, a small throat cleared behind you. When you turned, Hermione was standing there in a red dress, her hair pulled back.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Seeing as she'd started dating Draco Malfoy in fifth year, you supposed Hermione was probably one of the only people who could possibly understand why you were doing the things you were.
"Theo wants to take the fight to his father." It wasn't hard to see that she clearly did not want to talk about the scenery. Hermione had been a friend of yours throughout your years at Hogwarts. When she started dating Draco, you'd grown a little closer, but not much. "That's understandable."
You turned to her finally with a furrowed brow.
"Is it? It seems to me like he's just going to get himself killed."
Hermione shook her head and hugged you close to her. It was nice to know that you had at least one friend on your side through the coming war.
"Theodore may bear the burden of his father's sins, but he is not his father. He loves you deeply, fiercely. And he wants the threat of his father to be gone because he cannot bear the thought of any harm coming to you. He will not rest until you are safe."
As Hermione spoke, you knew she was right. Theo's father was a threat to the both of you.
"What if we can't win?"
"I'm not sure. I wish I could be of comfort. But whether you win or not, at least you'll have fought the battle together." Hermione grew quiet and looked down at her shows. "It's a privilege I wish Draco wouldn't of denied us."
It was your turn to hug Hermione.
"It's alright, Y/n. I know that we'll have another chance. I won't rest until we can live happily, free from Voldemort's influence."
"Neither will I."
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The wedding reception was in full swing after a beautiful ceremony. You were dancing with Theodore, who looked rather handsome in his black suit. The dark green button down underneath made his eyes pop just the way you liked. You leaned closer to him and laid your head against his collar bone.
Just as he leaned to whisper something in your ear, a patronus burst through the roof of the tent. All the guests stared on in mortification as the voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt filled the room.
"The ministry has fallen. They are coming."
Instant panic flooded the room as wizards and witches began disappearing, some disapparating and others simply fleeing on foot. Seconds later, clouds of black smoke were tumbling about with evil laughter bounding through the air. In the chaos of the crowd, Theo's being slipped away from your own.
"Theo?! THEO!"
You cried out helplessly into the air but the noise level was much to loud. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione disappear with a twist followed by a loud pop. Still, no sign of Theodore.
In a blink, Mulciber appeared in front of you, crooked teeth twisted into his disgusting smile. "Well, well. Funny seeing you here, pretty girl." He fired a curse at you that you narrowly deflected.
He was much older and therefore much more experienced than you. His curses and jinxes quickly grew too much to block and before you knew it, you were backed into a corner. On one side, Mulciber, and on the other, Greyback. You ducked as they each fired the cruciatus curse at you. The two curses met in the middle with a firey red boom.
Just as you made to run, green flashed and Mulciber dropped dead. You looked up at your rescuer to find Theodore stepping over his thick body and drawing his wand on Greyback. Apparently, he hadn't expected Theo to act so ruthlessly. The wolf smoked out within the minute, bursting through the cloth ceiling of the tent, multiple Death Eaters following behind him.
With the chaos finally subsiding, Theo pulled you into his arms.
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"Where are you going, Theo?"
You reached out sleepily for your boyfriend who'd slipped out of his place in bed next to you. Mrs. Weasley had been kind enough to let you stay at the Burrow until the two of you figured out your next move. In the past two days, you'd grown quite close to Ginny Weasley, who often kept you company while Theo chattered off with Remus Lupin and Kingsley Shacklebolt.
"Just to the bathroom, cara mia."
The answer was satisfying enough and you rolled over to face the wall.
In the darkness of the room, Theo stumbled. His vision clouded with tears.
When you awoke the next morning to an empty bed, panic filled you. After searching the Burrow for nearly an hour, and still no sign of Theo, you began to fear the worst.
"He's not here, Y/n."
Ginny's voice sounded from behind you. When you turned, the redhead was looking at you oddly. She seemed... sad.
She held out a folded piece of parchment towards you. You took the note with shaking fingers, unfolding it to see Theo's familiar handwriting.
Y/n, I want you to know that leaving you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. It tore me apart to walk away, but I had to do. My father has become a problem that I can no longer ignore, and it's a burden that I cannot allow you to bear. You deserve so much more than to be dragged into the mess that is my family. I beg of you, my love, take care of yourself. Surround yourself with people who cherish and protect you. You are a light in my life, and I can't bear the thought of that light dimming because of me. I promise you, I will return. Please believe in me, and please forgive me for leaving you behind. It was the hardest decision I've ever made, but it was the only one I could make.
Until we meet again, know that you are always in my thoughts and in my heart.
With all my love,
taglist @moonlightreader649 @svt-dk97 @thatdammchickennugget @helendeath @fandom-life-12 @bouquetolegoflowers @maryvibess
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sayafics · 10 months
Dance of Shadows - Chapter I
Hi guys, I hope you enjoy the first chapter of this series!
I know the teaser was an excerpt of another chapter after Aemma died, but I wanted to add some context/depth to Daemon and Saenyra's relationship before that, since there's such a long gap in the timeline before he returns to Kings Landing after beating the Crabfeeder.
I hope I got the timeline right, and I do hope this lives up to your expectations! Please let me know what you think, all comments and reblogs are appreciated <33 thank you to everyone who showed love on tha teaser excerpt!
Next Chapter
Saenyra had just spent the last few hours lounging in the library, browsing through books ranging from histories of the Seven Kingdoms and how they came to be, to the myths and legends of dragons and other beings which lurked the lands they inhabited and the seas they wished to rule, to charming scrawls of love written in between lines of literature and poetry.
She had finally found a book she was content with, eager to return to her room before divulging its contents. If she were to hurry, she was sure she would be able to finish before it was time for dinner.
With the book held in one hand, Saenyra used the other to gather the skirt of her dress. Whilst her sister preferred to adorn herself in gowns of black and red - the designs grand yet mature for her age, Saenyra deigned to dress herself in shades which resembled the skies on a warm autumn eve or the sun on a bright summer's day. She would parade around the Keep in hues of yellows and blues, greens and pinks - whatever it was that her heart so desired.
As she made her way through the Keep, eyes roving around the walls as she treaded through corridors and weaved past bowing knights and respectful Lords, she turned the corner only to bump into a solid figure.
Saenyra stumbled back, her hand letting go of her skirt to brush against her forehead as she took in the figure in front of her, a slight pout on her lips. Her eyes found her smudged reflection glinting in a shining and tainted armour, gleaming in the light of a new day but stained with the signs of a bloodied battle.
Her eyes continued their path until they met a set of familiar violet hues.
Before her stood Daemon Targaryen, looking as though he had slaughtered an army single-handedly. His eyes were bright with the thrill of a good fight. He looked lively, and if she peered closely enough, she could see how he trembled with unbound energy that coursed through his veins.
At the sight of his niece, the one so quiet and quaint who looked up at him with wide eyes and parted lips, Daemon found an unfamiliar softness seep into his features, "niece, my apologies."
He rarely saw his little niece around the Keep when he did come, he preferred to keep company with whores and dragons.
It was with poorly hidden determination that Rhaenyra would find him, trailing his every step.
When Rhaenyra had found him before his bloodbath in the city, he had gifted her a necklace. A piece of shared ancestry, a piece of home. Now, glancing at Saenyra's bare throat, he wished it had adorned her instead.
Daemon was not one for apologies, even Saenyra was aware of that. So, to hear the words brought a heat upon her cheeks as her gaze became down-turned, "I fear I must apologise too, dear uncle. I must have become too distracted with my thoughts."
A smirk tugged at Daemon's lips at the sight of her bashfulness, amusement colouring his features as he spoke, a teasing tone tainting his innocent words, "ah yes. I believe it is only right if you make it up to me then, don't you think?"
Daemon had never spoken to his neice in such a way, too fearful of what his brother might do. Of what he, himself, might do.
Daemon could not be the reason his darling niece shed tears. He would not forgive himself if he was the reason she were to break.
Seanyra's head had never looked up so fast, eyes flitting around the corridor as she leaned closely, as though she was sharing a secret - "of course. Only if you promise not to tell Kepa." Father.
The easy slip of High Valyrian made Daemon heady with the desire to hear it again, and his eyes burned into her at the eagerness she showed as she was desperate to make things right. His smirk grew broader at the show of her naivety, but still - he would make no fool of his sweet neice, his little 'nyra.
"Anything for my Zaldrītsos." Little Dragon.
Her heart twisted slightly at the endearment, despite the heat that flushed her body once more - although said good-naturedly, the word was a stark reminder that the only dragon the girl had was the one pumping through her blood. It was a subtle reminder of the differences between Saenyra and her sister, of how Rhaenyra has conquered a dragon and emanated a fierce and challenging nature, whilst Saenyra was simply a dragon by name.
Daemon could see how her eyes dimmed at the word, hated how her smile wavered - the Seven Kingdoms would rave about the similarities between Daemon and Rhaenyra, how the two had fire running through their veins and charging their souls, how they would burn each other to ash should they get too close. And with Saenyra, they would whisper about her lack of spark, how she didn't have the charm of a Targaryen, nor the fire of one too.
All that tied her to the Targaryen line was her silver-white hair and lilac eyes.
But a part of Daemon, a dark and repressed echo that grew louder as the days went by, found that he preferred it as such. She was a calm summer evening, a quiet winter's day.
Daemon was chaos, and Saenyra was peace.
Her voice broke him out of his reverie, "so, what is it that you want?"
There was a curious smile on her lips, her eyes searching his as she became impatient. He huffed a laugh, teeth bared in a broad grin - "I guess you shall have to wait and see."
Daemon knew what he would ask. He had been thinking of doing so from the moment he had stepped foot back in King's Landing and seen his Saenyra. She had grown tall, her hair flowing down her back is careless ruffles, flowers twisted between the intricate braids that adorned her head as a circlet rested atop her brows. Her gowns were tight fitting, the neck would swoop low, or her arms would be bare of fabric, and sometimes, if he was lucky, careful patterns would be cut into the lining of her waist to reveal the milky skin that lay underneath.
Daemon would be lying if he said a part of him hadn't grown feral at the sight, something dark and desperate coming to life within him as his desires for Saenyra grew stronger.
It was something unexpected, especially by him. He had expected, if anyone, it would be Rhaenyra he would pursue. The two were in a silent battle for the place of heir at Viserys' behest, fervent prayers that the next child Aemma gave birth to would not be a boy. So it would make sense to present a united front. To present themselves as a joint option, a better choice to the other heirs Viserys would force his wife to bear.
But Rhaenyra and Daemon had the fire of a dragon running through them, and they would ultimately burn each other and leave nothing but destruction in their wake.
Daemon cleared his throat, forcing himself to stray from his traiterous thoughts and focus on his task - he had to attend the meeting with the Council, he had to reach Viserys before they filled his head with lies about Daemon - before they seeded doubt and had him sent from the Seven Kingdoms once more.
"I must take leave now, dear niece."
Daemon skirted around the girl, his golden cloak billowing behind him, the soft and bloodied material brushing against her cheek in an imitation of affection he longed to show himself. His moves were slow and sluggish as though he was hoping she'd stop him. And she did exactly that - "where are you going, Kepus?" Uncle.
He inhaled sharply at the Valyrian word, there was a frown on her lips as her head twisted in question and Daemon felt as though he would kneel for her and give all of himself right there, if she had simply asked.
Her hand came to hold his own as she tugged at his fingers. Daemon risked a glance down, eyes tracing over her nimble fingers and how they dwarfed against his own. She tugged again, "Kepus."
The word was stressed and elongated, hoping to catch the man's attention as he kept gazing off to a place far from where she could see.
"The King wants to see me," it wasn't a complete lie, but it was an easy one, "I wouldn't want to keep them waiting."
She nodded, understandingly. But there was a part of her left unsure by his words, Daemon was never one to obey with such ease - always at the ready to challenge those around him, including his own brother. Even if he was King.
It seemed, however, his words were enough to snap her into a state of disinterest, she turned away from him with such ease and continued on her way, a soft "I shall see you later, then," passed over her shoulders with a friendly smile as she walked away from him.
Daemon found he could do nothing but watch.
Saenyra hadn't left her chambers much after her encounter with her uncle - with no dragon to tend to, and the lack of duties as a second-born and the burden of being a girl, she had no pending responsibilities. Left in the confines of her room, she made due with what she had - her books.
There was not much else to do in King's Landing, with no Kingsguard assigned to her yet, she was not free to roam the cities that belonged to her father.
Saenyra ate in her chambers, despite the call for her to join her family in her father's - were she to join, she was sure the room would be full of praises for a successful Rhaenyra - whether it was how she was getting on with her lessons with the Septa or a new dragon-riding trick mastered, or whispers of possibilities of their future son - a new heir and a new King in the making.
Anything but Saenyra.
All throughout the hours of the night, even as she laid her head to rest, her mind would tiptoe back to the voice of her uncle.
Despite all his time in the Keep, and all his trips out, Saenyra had never been able to bond with her uncle the way she wishes she had. The way Rhaenyra had.
Daemon had been the Master of Laws, the Master of Coin, and now Commander of the City Watch. And throughout it all, she had been unable to bond with her uncle in a way she was desperate for ever since she was a child. She remained oblivious to his glances and heated stares, to the dark whispers in his mind and the temptation that lurked under every passive graze and touch.
It was instead Rhaenyra who found him, who bonded with him. Who found common ground in their love for riding and dragons and violence. Rhaenyra who adored her uncle as he adored her. As everyone adored her, in a way Saenyra craved for them to cherish her.
The two would gush over dragons and tales of battles and wars, a wistful tone taking over Rhaenyra's voice as she spewed questions at her uncle whenever he dined with them, and a look of admiration would sparkle in Daemon's eyes as he answered every question with ease.
Saenyra would sit quietly, never speaking aloud unless spoken to, and even that was quite rare. So, for her uncle to say he wants something from her? It was a surprise, indeed. And a bubbling sensation of guilt began to fester as she realised that she felt excitement build at the prospect. What would Rhaenyra think? Would she be hurt? Jealous?
Saenyra was not blind to how Rhaenyra was captivated by Daemon, how she craved him and called to him. Although Daemon was both of their uncle, there was an unspoken claim placed upon him from the moment Rhaenyra was old enough to articulate her fascination with the man. A silent boundary, a whispered challenge Saenyra had never dared to overstep. And she was worried she may now.
Would he ask to take her dragon-riding? Perhaps he would ask her to steal him some lemon cakes, as he had when she was much younger? Or maybe he would ask for a favour she couldn't provide.
Perhaps, he wanted her help to get Rhaenyra something. Or to tell her something.
Saenyra wasn't blind to Daemon's own infatuation with her sister, whether it was because of her claim to the throne or her violent beauty. The man was enamoured, even if he tried to deny so.
She resigned herself to the idea of having to wait until Daemon had finally asked her whatever it was he decided, a frustrated sigh escaping her as she rolled onto her side and faced the open balcony windows, watching as the soft winds blew a quiet tune through the curtains. Her eyes traced over the dark shadows of King's Landing, her eyes finding the moon and seeking comfort in its shallow glow.
With steady breaths, she fell asleep quickly, her mind flashing with images she had long learned to ignore. What good is being a dragon dreamer when you are unable to tame one?
In the cities of King's Landing, Daemon had taken to throwing himself in the arms of lust as he sought out ways to expel his energy and frustration in the brothels of Silk Street.
He had been here for perhaps hours now, gyrating and grinding against the softness of his paramour. Mysaria wasn't a quiet lover, her moans drawing an audience as he pounded relentlessly, chasing a high that escaped him at every turn.
No matter how hard he tried, how much he relied on his imagination - it wasn't what he wanted. This wasn't who he needed.
The meeting with the Small Council hadn't ended badly, but Otto's reminders of his duties to the Bronze Bitch of the Vale continued to follow him. A dark reminder that although his marriage was not consumated, in the eyes of the Seven Kingdoms and in the eyes of his brother, Daemon was a married man. And even if Targaryen men had taken on second wives before, he knew his brother would never accept such an ordeal.
But still, such moral obligations hadn't stopped him from chasing his pleasure in brothels and amongst whores. Yet, Mysaria's dark hair was a pitying reminder of the woman he felt no love nor lust for and so proved to be a dampener for his fun, amongst other things.
He sighed out of frustration, halting his hips as he laid his head against Mysaria's shoulders. He pulled out roughly, tugging a blanket over his naked form as he trudged towards the window in a hollowing mix of rage and despair. His eyes found the stars, seeking comfort in their luminous glow as his mind flitted over myths and legends of constellations etched into the dark sky.
Mysaria followed, consoling the man as she praised him. But her words had no effect on him, so she offered him something more instead.
"I could bring in another? Perhaps one with silver hair."
Daemon was tempted to say yes, urged to give in to his fantasies and imagine.
But it wouldn't be what he wanted. No, the whores of Silk Street - the bastards of the Targaryen line, although their hair grew white it wasn't the right shade. Too different for him to be able to pretend.
And Daemon didn't want to pretend.
Twisting his fingers and tugging strands of golden-white hair were a mere illusion for the girl he pretended he wanted.
The girl he truly desired was one he would never taint, her hair brighter and longer - the wisps of her soft, white hair were their own streaks of light, like beaming stars in the night sky.
No, it wouldn't be the same.
It wouldn't be what he wanted - what he needed.
Daemon Targaryen wanted Saenyra. But he knew he could not have her.
He would not take her, for fear of corrupting her. Of ruining her, and breaking her beyond repair.
Taglist: @marihoneywk @ahristata @gracielikegrapes @luanasrta
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hellbornsworld · 9 months
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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
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Surprise! Your parents have been keeping a secret from you - you are royal princess and sole heir to the throne. To break the news to you, your parents have sent you to a neighboring kingdom where seven handsome, irresistible princes will teach you all you need to know about becoming the next ruler.
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# BOOK 1 The Four Kingdoms |
There's a fire in her. If loved correctly, she will warm your entire home. If abused, she will burn it to ash.
# BOOK 2 Pyramids |
She didn't need a crown, because she wasn't a queen.... She was a goddess.
# BOOK 3 Dynasty |
You can say she's crazy, but her eyes see the spirits of the past.... She talks to them.... And they talk back.
# BOOK 4 Mist |
You watch her walk away and it hits you that she is an entire ocean And you were wrong, so very wrong Because you let her go Thinking she was just a girl
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x OFC/Fem!Reader
Summary: Wednesday finds it's pleasant talking to you. There's a rhythmic back and forth, easy to follow along. So, why is it that you've been making bets and comments in your latest conversations that are way too emotionally charged for someone like Wednesday to know what to do with the static and friction.
Warnings: Competitive!Wednesday. Jealous!Wednesday. Competitive!Enid—she's gonna win that trophy again. Thing—should be getting paid honestly. Xavier—only knows losing.
Series Masterlist | Library Blog | AO3
Reminder there’s no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Note: This is a little longer to make up for the short chapter last time 🤏 let the action begin! I hope you enjoy it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) also yes i did change part 6's graphic nobody say anything shh
Part Six
Flashover: Noun. The moment a conversation becomes real and alive, which occurs when a spark of trust shorts out the delicate circuits you keep insulated under layers of irony, momentarily grounding the static emotional charge you've built up through decades of friction with the world.
It was the day before the Poe Cup race, and everyone was finishing the last touches to their boat. 
"Are you sure this is okay?" You ask with a tilt of your head.
Enid and Wednesday glanced at each other.
They say it simultaneously, and you give them an amused smile.
"I mean it's not, not okay," Enid explains to you. "I need to win this trophy a second time in a row, alright?"
Enid finishes polishing the last of the boat, waving the two of you off as Yoko comes in, holding a jumpsuit that makes Wednesday's lip part slightly and sigh. Placing her hand on the small of your back, she begins to push you to walk away.
"Aren't you going to stay and finish helping?" You ask curiously, though not resistant at all to being led away. 
"No," Wednesday drones. "I'm only entering as Enid is down a rower. My conditions were that I'm copilot again this year and that outside of giving my input and checking on the boat, I wouldn't be forced into their team-bonding."
You give her an amused smile, stopping as the two of you stand in the empty hall. Turning to face Wednesday, her eyes are alight with curiosity, even if the rest of her face doesn't show it. 
"Wednesday," you call her name softly, your smile lingering on your lips. 
The ravenette peers back at you, and you feel memorized by how long her lashes are. It takes you to then admire her smooth skin—even if it lacks life. Wednesday's lips are also supp—
"What," Wednesday drives you back to reality. Her eyebrows are furrowed, confused by your intensive study of her face and silence.
You bring the crook of your finger to your mouth, clearing your throat with a cough, trying to suppress the blood rising to your cheeks.
"I was just wondering if you're ever bothered about the fact that we're..." your voice drifts off as you think about the correct way to label the two of you, "involved, and you don't have my number. I have yet to hear even one possible nickname for me from you."
"Why?" Wednesday asks with a raise of her brow. "Are you offering it to me without?"
You smile with a shake of your head. "I'm afraid not," you say but don't look sorry at all. "Rules are rules, Wednesday."
"Rules are made to be broken," Wednesday pushes back. "If I had followed every inane rule since arriving at this penitentiary, everyone would've been none the wiser and perished."
"Hm," you hum, conceding with a nod. "I would argue more that despite your lack of knowing the rules, everyone survived."
Wednesday glares at you, and she's about to demand that you explain, but you cut in before she can say anything.
"I'm enchanted by rule-breakers, Wednesday, but only by those who know the rules well enough to break them," your smile is teasing, but Wednesday can't help but tense her shoulders and stifle her frown. She's about to say something when she spots movement from the side of her eye.
That lanky, stuttering boy. 
"F-Fae!" He started hesitantly but grew more confident when he saw you smile his way.
"Hello, Henry," you politely greet. "How are you today? Are you heading to the practice room?"
He nods eagerly. "I'm good, and yeah. I swear I can do something cool if you can come see it next time," he smiles shyly back but doesn't give you time to accept or decline. "Are you going to the Poe Cup race tomorrow?"
You nod. "Yes, Bianca has asked me to come cheer for her."
Wednesday bristles. 
"Will you be going?" You ask Henry.
He looks regretful as he shakes his head no. "Unfortunately not. My father's birthday is this weekend, and I'm picking out his gift rather last minute. I'll be heading into town mulling over what I could possibly get the perpetually unsatisfied man."
You look on pityingly at him. "I'm sure he'll be happy with what you get."
"Yes," Wednesday cut in. "If not, then get him something he will undoubtedly be miserable with."
Henry looks at Wednesday strangely while you try to hide your chuckle behind your fist. 
"Well, Henry, Wednesday and I better head to class. I'll let you know who wins the race." You wave him goodbye, and he happily returns it back. He looks at Wednesday, waving at her too, but she merely stares at him before turning away to walk with you. 
As they're walking, Wednesday can hear footsteps. There's a nagging feeling in her stomach and a pricking feeling on the back of her neck. She turns her head back to look at the lanky boy but sees him sitting under one of the arches of the hall.
The sight leaves Wednesday confused, but she turns her head back to you. 
"You're cheering for Bianca?" Wednesday asks flatly, leaving out any emotions in her tone that could reveal her feelings.
"Well, she did ask me very early on," you reveal, slowing your walk down as you're in no rush to get to class. 
Wednesday follows your pace, disgruntled by the sudden change in speed and your answer. "You have pledged your allegiance to the wrong side as I will be defeating Bianca for the second time in a row. Switch or you will taste defeat right along with her."
You lick your lips, trying to not laugh. "I don't know. Bianca mentioned she had a very strategic plan. It's possible she may win."
"Over my dead body. Thing is aggrieved with you."
"Thing isn't even here," you point out, laughing. "Alright," you grin. "Why don't we make a little bet?"
"And what exactly will the winner get?"
You look up slightly in thought before looking over to Wednesday. "How about the winner gets to plan the first date?"
Wednesday comes to a dead stop. She looks at you, a little wary. "First date?"
You nod. "I think we're due for our first one." You seem like you're going to say something else but pause for a moment before sighing. "Damn, we really have all of this backward. At this rate, we'll end up doing everything else before you get my number."
Wednesday mildly scrunches her nose, her lip curling at your comment. "Why on earth would I want to plan our...our..." Wednesday can't seem to get the words out. "A date," she forces out instead.
You smirk at her. "Because if I plan it, I might subject you to a night of snood-wearing, hair-braiding, nail-painting, 2000s romcom movies date night."
Wednesday's eyes widen, looking ghastly at the suggestion. Disgust is written all over her face, and it takes everything you have to not burst into laughter. "I thought dates were supposed to be enjoyable for both parties."
"I have to keep you on your toes," you say, trying your best to sound serious. 
They start walking again, and Wednesday's eyes flitter back and forth as she considers your words. "Would you really subject me to that kind of torture?" She doesn't know whether to hate you or be proud.
"No," you admit, unable to continue your charade. "But now you know there is an appeal to being able to choose the activities we do."
The two of you stop in front of the class door, and most people have already arrived. 
"Good luck in the race, Wednesday," you say softly, starting to walk into the classroom. 
Wednesday feels the tension in her ease at your well-wishes and soft tone. 
You look back at her with a brow raised. "And maybe next time, ask me earlier to come cheer for you."
Wednesday clenches her jaw, following after you as she snaps back. "Perhaps don't agree to cheer for the enemy regardless of how early she asks."
It's irritating when you can sense when there is and isn't a bite in her tone because you only turn around, giving her a smile that makes her own lips threaten to match.  
The sun beats down on Wednesday, making her normally cool skin feel clammy under her catsuit. The race was about to begin soon, and Enid was yammering something to her, but she wasn't listening. 
Looking around, Wednesday spots you chatting with Bianca, looking impressed with the sirens' boat. Her lips purses mildly in irritation as she turns back to Enid.
"What's the matter?" Enid asks, but Wednesday doesn't give her an answer, forcing her to search for what could irritate her best friend and roommate. Enid finds it immediately.
"It's totally fine," Enid dismisses, trying to comfort Wednesday. "Once we win, faerie berry will be celebrating with you."
"You already used that one," Wednesday ignores everything else Enid says, "and it's foul."
"To you," Enid says, stinking her tongue out. "I'll have you know it made Fae laugh."
"What's the point of having the nickname if you're going to call her Fae anyway," Wednesday points out. "Admit it. You've run out of ideas."
"O-m-g, just shut up," Enid scrunches her nose at her roommate. "This is what I get for trying to comfort you while your girlfriend cheers for someone else."
"She's not my—" Wednesday feels the heat flare up in her cheeks, even if it doesn't show (thankfully). But Enid cuts her off and starts dragging her towards the canoe.
As they all sit in their positions: Wednesday and Enid in the middle, Yoko at the front, and another girl at the back. The crowd settles and they prepare to hear the signal. 
Ajax isn't participating this year, so there is no one to distract Enid. Or so Wednesday thinks, but Enid turns her head around and smiles at her boyfriend.
"Focus, Enid," Wednesday sighs. 
The gunshot goes off, and everyone begins to paddle rigorously. It's similar to how last year started off. Everyone except Wednesday is unaware of the secret siren lurking under the waters. The first boat is eliminated almost immediately. 
Wednesday finds it suspicious that Kent heads towards her boat despite knowing she has a net prepared. But she's not left with much choice and has Thing activate the first switch. 
Just as last year, the siren is caught in her net. When Thing comes back onto the boat, he describes how the siren slowly sinks to the bottom as he tries to claw his way out. Wednesday hums, her eyes continuing to focus ahead as she paddles.
They reach the halfway point, and when Wednesday looks, she sees you peacefully sitting at the edge of the wooden dock, your feet free of shoes and socks as they languidly dip in the water. 
You send her a small wave and smile at her, which she doesn't return. But then you also look at Bianca, who has also spotted you, and send her two thumbs up at being slightly ahead.
Wednesday rows more forcefully. 
When they reach the Crackstone's crypt, Wednesday runs off to grab their flag as she did last year. She's highly sure that Thing won't be able to distract anyone else from deserting their boat, so Enid and Thing will need to get creative. 
"Hope you don't plan on taking a cat nap this time, Addams," Bianca quips as she catches up to Wednesday. 
"Why not?" Wednesday monotones, not bothering to look over. "I did last year and still managed to beat you."
"That was beginner's luck," Bianca snappishly says before smiling. "Just like fencing."
"We'll see," Wednesday answers with finality before out-running the siren to the crypt. 
Xavier has already grabbed his flag, flashing Wednesday a cocky smile as he passes her. "I'm not losing this year, Wednesday!"
She doesn't pay him any mind as she runs up to grab their own flag. She grasps it, ready to run back, when something catches her eye from the side. Amongst the yellow and green leaves lay a single vivid cobalt teal petal. Leaning down, she goes to pick it up. The second her fingers touch it, her body seizes. 
Controlling her gift has become better over the summer, and she can stop herself from falling over, but she can't contain how it feels like livewire ripping at her skin, unnerving her. 
"Jericho grows these flowers—draeconiums. They're usually harmless and have a short bloom lifecycle."
"They bloomed under an eclipse."
"Poisonous sap—harder than any metal."
"It's the only thing that can cut off a faerie's wings."
Wednesday feels like she's choking. She sees blood coating her hands along with stray black feathers. Darkness slowly clouds her vision until it's all she can see.
"Did you think because I smiled at you that I was kind? That I wasn't capable of hurting you?"
Wednesday's eyes snap open. She looks around and finds herself still standing in front of the crypt, gripping the pole of her flag until her knuckles are white.
"Don't tell me you're winded." Bianca runs up, grabbing her flag and not even sparing Wednesday a glance. "Guess I should work you harder in fencing."
Wednesday doesn't say anything, beginning to run back to the boat. 
The voice was distinctly clear. After all, Wednesday hears it every day and even dreams about it sometimes. She hears it every night she applies the salve to your wrecked wings. The only thing that throws Wednesday off balance is the acid in the tone—in your voice. 
She looks at the creased cobalt teal petal in her other hand.
What was a draeconium petal doing on the island?
The second half of the race becomes tense. 
Kent seems to not have escaped from the net, which Wednesday found odd. He must've been hiding somewhere. 
Suddenly, the Amontillado team starts to sink, and Xavier lets out a big groan, slumping in the back.
"What did you do?" Wednesday asks.
"Thing and I switched it up this time. I distracted them and Thing drilled holes at the bottom of their boat," Enid wickedly grins just as Thing comes out from hiding under, dragging a cordless drill. "I bought that over the summer. It's waterproof!"
"How did you distract them?" Wednesday was curious. 
"My feminine wiles." Enid looks so innocent that Wednesday almost couldn't tell if she was being serious or not. 
Now it was just the Black Cats, and the Gold Bugs left, and it seems Kent decided to make his appearance known then, coming up to push the Black Cat's boat, steering them off course and towards the buoy. 
Thing throws himself into the water, swimming under the canoe towards the siren, who is smirking. Just as Thing is about to punch Kent in his face, another siren pops up from behind, securing Thing into a bag and pulling the string closed tight despite the thrashing.
Wednesday waits a few more seconds, but the answer becomes clear, especially when she sees two tails splash up briefly from the water. 
Thing doesn't swim back up from the water, and their boat is still being pushed off course forcefully. Wednesday turns on the second switch, which activates the harpoon spikes on the side of the boat. This year, they implemented a few more that would be underwater to deter sirens from getting close. 
It seemed while Wednesday expected Bianca to bring more sirens to assist her under the water, Bianca had also anticipated Wednesday knowing and preparing their boat to adjust. 
Therefore, the queen bee siren had prepared something unexpected at the very end. 
Their boat suddenly stops being pushed off course but then something worse happens. In the water, the two sirens work in tandem, swimming in rapid circles, and a whirlpool near the Black Cat's boat forms with speed, beginning to drag their unwilling boat toward disaster. 
"Paddle!" Enid screams, but it's useless. 
Thing was trapped under. 
It wasn't like he would die or anything, but there was no way his fingers would have enough strength to swim away from the forming whirlpool. He would be sucked in, swirling around until he likely hit the bottom of the river, exhausted and unable to swim back up. 
They were just past the halfway point. Wednesday had seen you as she paddled back, looking just as relaxed and languid. Now, you were peering furiously into the water as if trying to find Thing. 
Your head snaps up, locking eyes with Wednesday as she is being pulled into the whirlpool. She isn't too worried as she's an adept swimmer, and the most challenging obstacle would be holding her breath long enough to make it through to the end of the whirlpool and not slam her head at whatever was at the bottom, then have enough air to swim back up. She hopes her teammates are capable of doing the same.
If she didn't drown, she might try to find the opportunity to discover where Thing was trapped.
But then Wednesday watches you stand, loosening the tie around your neck, discarding it on the ground before you roll your skirt's waistband down several times and pull it higher up your body so the length is above your knees. Then, she watches you do a perfect dive into the river. 
The first feeling Wednesday experiences is apprehension because Wednesday doesn't even know if you can swim. Why wasn't that one of the things she asked you? 
But she only knows right now that there's a continuous rapid whirlpool, getting stronger by the minute. If you get sucked into that, and you aren't an adept swimmer, you will certainly, at the very least, drown. 
It would be okay for Thing and sirens, but definitely not creatures that needed air. 
Wednesday throws her oar back into the boat, ready to throw herself into the water, when Enid grabs her wrists and yanks her back down. 
"Enid!" Wednesday snaps, feeling that apprehension grow into something worse when you haven't popped back up for air yet. 
"You can't jump down there, you idiot!" Enid snaps back. "Unless your skin can absorb water and turn it into oxygen or you're hiding gills somewhere, you'll drown! Our best bet is to paddle into the moving downstream of the whirlpool and slingshot ourselves around and out."
"Yes, however—" Wednesday starts to argue but is cut short when the rapid current of the whirlpool and the pull of their boat suddenly begin to slow down. 
The look of confusion passes through everyone's face, especially Bianca's, as she paddles past Wednesday.
Eventually, the water is still again, and the heads of the sirens responsible for the whirlpool pop out of the water.
"Fuck!" Kent shouts with his hands to his eyes, rubbing them. "I can't see anything!"
The other one near their boat pops up, looking frantic. 
"Why is it suddenly dark?" She sputters, holding out her hand as she wades through the water, trying to find something. Her hand slaps against the Black Cat's boat, and she looks alarmed. "Hello? Is anyone there?"
"Are you blind?" Enid waves her hand in front of the girl's face, but there's no reaction. She even jumped at Enid's voice, not realizing how close she was. "It's very much still daylight out."
Wednesday looks into the girl's eyes but finds something amiss. 
The girl is still sputtering, asking for help, but Enid is more ruthless than Wednesday thought, especially since it seems like the siren's vision is slowly returning.
"Peace and love to you but goodbye!" Enid shouts as she directs everyone to start paddling. 
Wednesday paddles but looks to the side, where she sees an arm shoot up and grab the edge of the wooden dock. Another arm shoots out, and you're hoisting yourself up onto it. Thing is on your shoulder, and relief floods Wednesday's body. 
Wednesday locks eyes with you, catching you wringing the bottom of your dress shirt and skirt. You smile at her before mimicking the gesture of her paddling, telling her she should paddle faster. 
Turning back to the course, Wednesday puts her back into paddling. It seems that this year, Bianca learned her lesson, building her boat with deadly weapons, and prepared for the worst-case scenario of Wednesday somehow catching up.
Just as Wednesday paddles up next to the Gold Bug's boat with the spikes out, Bianca activates the harpoons from her boat, forcing them to keep their distance. The sirens have planted spikes around their entire boat to prevent the Black Cats from trying to get them on another side. With her team being stronger paddlers, Bianca gives Wednesday a victorious smirk as she paddles away.
But—Wednesday had banked on the fact that Bianca would grow smarter. She activates the third switch on the boat. A lid opens up at the bow of their canoe, and a small harpoon cannon rises. 
"Don't miss," Wednesday threatens Yoko, who waves her off dismissively with a hand and grabs onto the handles. 
"What?" Yoko smirks. "Do you think my eyes being in the dark with the sunglasses on would impede my perfect vision? I only bumped into a wall 6 times this week."
Wednesday doesn't comment back, mostly because Enid already seems too high-strung at this moment that she's confident the werewolf would kill her vampire best friend if the girl missed the shot. 
Yoko spends only a few moments aiming before shooting, the harpoon shooting out with force, piercing right into the opening hole of one of the spikes on the Gold Bug's boat. 
"See!" Yoko grins. "All that worry for nothing." Yoko presses a button to reel the harpoon, and as it yanks back, it rips a hole into the Gold Bug's boat.
Water quickly fills Bianca and her team's boat, and they're left bitterly watching the Black Cats row by them a second year in a row. 
The cheers are deafening as they return to the dock, with everyone jumping and screaming.
"Yes, yes, yes!" Enid screams, hugging Wednesday as the girl grunts with displeasure but allows it. "This better be the only highlight of my year!"
Wednesday finds it amusing before she turns and scans the crowd. She sees you in the far back, trying to not draw any attention to yourself. Your hair is still damp, but your clothes look relatively dry as you've been standing in the sun. Thing isn't anywhere to be seen, assumedly going back to the dorm room to rest. 
You're not cheering or clapping, but you're beaming, seemingly pleased at Wednesday's victory. 
"You're getting really good at this school spirit thing. I know you have no beef with Bianca this year, but you have to admit that it feels good to beat her again," Enid conspiringly whispers. 
Wednesday turns her head to look at Bianca, who is climbing out of the water, looking vexed. "Defeating someone always feels good," Wednesday smirks. "But it feels better when there's a reason to."
That's what her fencing rival gets for asking you to come and cheer for her. 
Wednesday knocks on the door of your room carefully. She's never been to your room before, but she does like how isolated it seems. The room is further down the hall, away from others.
"Come in." Wednesday hears the muffled voice on the other side of the door. 
Turning the knob, Wednesday enters to find you standing at your full-length mirror, drying your hair. You're in casual clothing, a sight that Wednesday is used to. Wednesday, herself, was wearing a striped black and white long-sleeved shirt and a black sweater over that. 
"Hey," you look at her through the mirror, smiling as you lock eyes with her. "Not going to celebrate with your teammates?"
"I told Enid I'd think about it," Wednesday says, recalling the same words she told the blonde last year. Of course, she had been thinking about it if you were there, but Thing brought her a note from you saying to come meet you after she was done celebrating.
Therefore, Wednesday opted to skip if you weren't going. 
You chuckle, not commenting on it. "Do you want some tea?"
Wednesday nods, looking down at the fuzzy black rug and a small round coffee table a few feet away. She strides her way around before sitting on the floor at the coffee table.
There are two mugs and a cordless electric kettle in the middle of your coffee table that you open up before grabbing a water bottle to pour its contents in. You shut the lid before turning it on, and the sound of water heating fills up the room.
Wednesday takes a moment to look around the room, noting how similarly plain it was like hers (her side, at least). The room was much smaller than Wednesday's, but it was obvious it was your room alone. 
You had little personal items, mostly photos you'd taken with your friends. Instead of a twin bed like everyone else, you had a queen-size tucked in the corner. Beside it, against the wall and in front of a window, was a long desk, enough for two people to work on it if they squished. But it was barren besides a laptop and a photo of you and Bianca and you with Enid and Yoko. 
At the end of your desk stood the full-length mirror. There was a reach-in closet on the opposite side of the room, filled with your clothes that hung neatly. A lot of them looked new and unworn. 
There was little walking room, but Wednesday found it comfortable. 
"You don't have a roommate?" Wednesday asks, even though the answer is obvious.
"No," you shake your head. "It'd be impossible to hide my wings with a roommate and I need to let them out every night or they'd be very, very sore. Not to mention how miserable I'd be keeping them for that long."
"It must be nice," commented Wednesday.
You shrug. "I'm used to it, I suppose. But sometimes I'm envious of the whole…" you wave your hand in a vague motion, "roommates thing. It seems nice."
Wednesday snorts derisively. "You say that without knowing Enid's habit for snoring and singing horrid pop music. It's hard to get work done sometimes."
You finish drying your hair, letting the rest of it air dry. You hang the towel on the mirror's edge before sitting down next to Wednesday, your shoulder bumping hers. "Well, you're welcome anytime here, even if I'm not around if you want some peace and quiet," you offer. "Usually if I’m here, I'm not doing anything much except on my laptop and with earphones in."
Wednesday fidgets with her fingers at your tempting offer. "I see you've fallen into the downfall of our age—technology."
You laugh, the back of your hand covering your mouth. It's such a melodic sound that Wednesday can't help but think of her vision earlier and the acid in your tone. 
Was it even possible?
The water finally finishes heating up, and you place the tea bags into the two cups before pouring hot water into them, sliding one mug in front of Wednesday, who nods in thanks.
"I will admit that I've fallen into binging Netflix shows or documentaries, and the occasional snooping of Enid's blog, but I can't say it's an addiction of mine," you reveal. "Fae realms aren't as modern as the outside world. We have things like electricity, heating, and plumbing but technology isn't as prevalent. It's more used for research than it is for entertainment."
"I see," Wednesday tilts her head at the information. She wishes her mother would hurry up with that goddamn diary. 
"I believe a lot of the younger generation is fighting for change but a lot of high lords are against it," you sigh.
Wednesday doesn't know what to say. She's not knowledgeable enough about fae realms to comment on it. But you change the subject before she can even attempt to think of an answer.
You turn to her, a crooked smile on your lips. "Congratulations on today," you say softly. "You were very impressive."
Wednesday shrugs off your laudatory. "Victory was only possible because of you," she acknowledges. She turns to you, narrowing her eyes. "You did something to those sirens. It caused them to be temporarily blind."
You nod. 
"Is that your power?"
You vaguely nod again, swaying back and forth as if that's only part of the answer.
"One of them, yes." You finally say. "It's a mild form of psychic powers. I'm not actually physically impairing their eyes, but rather clouding their mind, cutting off certain brain signals so that they think it's pitch black."
"I'm not really good at it," you hurry to say after, as if worried. "I don't have a lot of practice, and it can only last a few minutes at best."
"That is impressive," Wednesday genuinely compliments. 
You feel the heat rise in your cheeks and rub the back of your neck shyly. "Thanks," you mumble.
Wednesday senses your discomfort and decides to not push you about your powers for tonight. 
"I thought you were rooting for Bianca," Wednesday says quietly. "We had a bet, did we not?"
You tilt your head at Wednesday, almost as if you're confused by her words. And then you're leaning closer to her. 
Wednesday is impossibly still. The air suddenly feels electrically charged, sparks forming as the silence drags on. It was infuriating and intoxicating how you could turn the mood so fast.
"Wednesday," you call her name softly, silkily, making the ravenette twitch. "Are you a competitive person?"
"Most definitely." Wednesday answers without hesitation and in a tone that almost seems proud. "I can be obsessive, single-minded, and I don't often lose."
"I'm not a competitive person at all," you admit to her, leaning closer. "I make bets all the time without a care if I win or lose them."
You had taken a sip of your tea earlier, and Wednesday could feel the heat of it on your breath. She could practically feel the heat radiating off your lips. 
"That's ridiculous," Wednesday tries to keep the steel in her voice, but she feels something in the back of her throat wavering.
"Is it?" You retort back quietly. "If I make the bets, I can tell you now that I'm winning either way."
The words take a moment for Wednesday to process. Her eyes focus, recalling the bet, and she feels her stomach knot. 
"I don't care who plans the date," you say the words out loud, forcing Wednesday to publicly acknowledge it. "Because in the end, we'll be having a date."
You smile, and it causes your lips to brush against Wednesday, and her eyes flutter close.
"Although, I do admit it will be fun to watch you attempt to plan a date that will entertain us both," you tease. 
Wednesday's eyes snap back open, glaring at you. "Don't get ahead of yourself," she raises her brow at you. "If I can't be sure to plan the best date, I may settle to plan the worst one."
"Worst?" You try to not laugh.
"It would end in tears…on your end. Uncomfortable displeasure on mine."
"And the best?"
Wednesday is silent.
You let the silence linger between the two of you, basking in the proximity of Wednesday Addams. 
"Want to make another bet?" Your eyes flitter up to look into Wednesday's gaze.
"Exactly what kind?" Wednesday asks. Given your revelation, she knows she should say no, but curiosity has always been Wednesday's killer.
Wednesday watches you observe her, studying every meticulous feature of her face as if searching for something. Wednesday is stiff, but she's leaning closer even if she doesn't realize it.
"If you stay completely still for the next five minutes, I'll refrain and wait to kiss you on our first date," you say, moving somehow closer to Wednesday's face, tilting her face more against hers. Your lips brush but never fully touch. "If you move, you have to kiss me right now."
Everyone knows that Wednesday can stay still long enough to make people believe she's dead. You must've known that, especially having listened to people telling you about last year's events. 
So, Wednesday thinks about what this bet is about. 
"If I make the bets, I can tell you now that I'm winning either way."
And regardless of the results of the bet, you'd get a kiss.
Wednesday swallows, feeling something strange happen to her by just your words. 
It's the kind of revelation that feels emotionally charged. It's a build-up of all the time she has spent with you and pathetically pined after you. 
Wednesday is a very competitive person. She detests losing. It brings pity, rage, and self-disgust.
Yet, because it's you, there's an underlying spark of trust in defeat. 
Wednesday Addams didn't mind losing to you.
Licking her lips, Wednesday moves her hand, grabbing the edge of your shirt at your stomach to anchor herself. She tugs, pulling you closer, and presses her lips against yours.
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atvace · 10 months
Lady Dior and the Seven Dilfs
Call of Duty men x Female!Reader
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(y/n) got demoted from the FBI inspector general down to sergeant because of her valiant move in a drug smuggling mission. she has been assigned to task force 141.
"what a bunch of fuckers." she thought.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
available to read in AO3 and Wattpad!
• not owning any character, they belong to their creators whatsoever
• slow building, eventual porn, character development. slow update because I need to play the campaign first
• not so accurate, might ooc a lil
• Los Vaqueros, Mexican Cartel, Kortac included
● This was originally written in my Wattpad (@Atvace) but I decided to post it here too for more recognition.
●warning: Harsh words, incoming shameless smut (non-con will have a warning in the chapter intro), drug addiction, smoking, drinking (me, im sorry), sh, sa, ptsd, mention of rape, angst (from the comics), F/M/M type a smut, etc. chapter that contains smut will have the TW.
copy my work, I hope your cat makes biscuit to your face with their murder mittens and leaves claw marks all over yo shit face, I hope you did your homework but forgot to publish it so you got an F, I hope your mom forgot your lunch and you starved for the rest of the day, I hope a roach fly to your face when you're taking a huge shit, I hope when you take that huge shit it's so huge you got hemorrhoid for the next 5 months
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
215 notes · View notes
iyeonjuni · 2 years
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pairing: king!sunghoon x fem!reader
genre: contractual marriage, modern royalty!au, slowburn, e2l, s2l, social media au + written, fluff, angst
synopsis: kicked out by her step sister, y/n begins working small jobs to chase her dreams. what y/n never would have thought was that she would get tangled up in the affairs with the king of decelis. nevertheless form a contractual marriage with him— each for their own benefit.
warnings: sunghoon is an asshole (sorry), profanity, will mention more in each chapters
featuring: rest of enhypen, lia from itzy, ningning from aespa
note: this is a remake of my smau of the same title! kind of inspired by the kdrama ‘the last empress’ minus the illegal stuff and the cheating 😭😭 kinda cinderella inspired too if i really reach there 😭
DISCLAIMER: THIS IS FICTIONAL! none of the characters represent the idols in real life nor associated with them in any way.
start date: november 21th, 2022
status: ongoing
taglist: open (SEND AN ASK PLEASE)
profiles: #teamhoon / victims of debt + others
one. till it begins
two. till we meet
three. till i see through you (written)
four. till he’s trouble
five. till they meet again (written)
six. till the world knows
seven. till he rebels
eight. till it blows up
nine. till it gets messy
ten. till one reasons
eleven. till one desires
1K notes · View notes
dwobbitfromtheshire · 6 months
Stuck Between a Jock and a Metalhead
Summary: Nancy, on a whim, decides to visit Steve at Scoops Ahoy, which leads to her overhearing confessions from Steve that leads her to think about the decisions she's made. A few days later, she decides to come back. She finds him being hit on by the town freak. What's a girl to do? Oh, get stuck in a freezer with the both of them.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Nancy scribbled furiously in her diary as she wrote about the last few days. She talked about Eddie and Steve. . .Steve’s family. She felt so guilty about not really noticing or paying attention to his home life. She couldn't believe that his parents couldn't find any room in their heart to love him. She also discussed the goings-on at work. She had filled several pages already. The word pansexual stared up at her from the page with several question marks behind the word, and she glanced at the picture of Barb at her desk.
Nancy couldn't help but think about what she told Eddie and Steve. She really didn't think about dating anyone before Steve came along. As she thought about it, her attraction to Jonathan grew as she looked hard at the person he was trying to be for her, someone who was willing to break the rules for her. . . For her friend Barb. She had wanted to believe that he was doing it for Barb, and he had gone to great lengths to protect his brother. It was why she was willing to ignore everything else. She also realized she was attracted to Eddie because of the way he interacted with Holly. The first time that she had interacted with Steve. . .
Nancy was walking in the hallway when she saw someone rush past Steve and Tommy H. The person, not seeing where they were going, knocked all of the books out his hands and Steve's.
"I'm sorry, I didn't see you. I'm late for class," the fluffy haired boy said.
"I think Steve deserves better than that. I mean, you could have seriously hurt him. Kiss his feet, I think that would be hilarious, don't you think, Stevie boy?" Tommy laughed.
"Knock it off, Tommy," Steve glared at him. "What's wrong with you?"
"I really am sorry," the boy said.
"It's fine. No harm done," Steve said as he helped pick up his books.
"I'm just messing with the boy, Steve," Tommy giggled as he squeezed the boy's shoulder tightly. "Just trying to keep things. . . Orderly. . .isn't that right, freshman?"
Steve scowled and peeled his fingers off the freshman, shoving Tommy.
"Stop it, Tommy, this isn't like you. Stop trying to be like those asshole basketball players. Just because we're on the team. . . ," Steve muttered and turned to the boy. "Go on to class, you did nothing wrong."
The boy scurried off while Tommy laughed at him.
"Shoving me. . .does someone want to play rough?" Tommy asked, and then he rolled his eyes.
"I didn't join the team to become a bully, Tommy," Steve said. "It was one thing when you bitch about someone behind their back. This just makes you look like an asshole."
"Don't be such a baby, Harrington. I was just joking," Tommy said. "Don't be such a coward."
"Right," Steve said and watched him walk off.
It was one thing to stand up to a bully, but it was another thing to stand up to your friend when he's acting like one. He had been so nice and understanding to the freshman. . . She had never seen it before, but she finally understood what everyone was talking about when Steve Harrington was so handsome. She could see it now. Maybe that's why she had been so shocked when he broke his camera because at first she had seen it as something a bully would do. Her attraction to people clearly weren't looks, but their actions. The more she thought about it, the more she thought about Barb.
"This isn't you, Nance."
She always knew about Barb from the beginning. She had been a lesbian, boys hadn't held her interest at all, and maybe because Nancy hadn't shown any interest at all at first, maybe she thought Nancy was like her. She wondered if Barb had been trying to protect her character or her sexuality. It was probably both. She knew about Barb's own fears of being forced into a heterosexual relationship, and it had been the reason why Barb hadn't told her parents. Barb would never know if her parents would accept her or not.
"Nancy?" Her mother's voice startled her out of her thoughts.
Nancy jolted. She hadn't even noticed that the door had opened and her mother's head had appeared in the doorway.
"Hey," Nancy said softly.
"I thought you would be in bed by now. I just came to check on you," Karen said. "Is everything okay?"
"You'd love me no matter what, right?" Nancy asked.
"Of course," Karen asked. "What's brought this on?"
"Mommy, would you still love me if I fell in love with a woman?" Nancy asked.
Karen looked at her in surprise before smiling and cupping her face.
"Of course, I would," she replied and paused. "Are you in love with a woman?"
"Well, no. I think I just realized that it doesn't really matter what someone's gender is, I think I'm open to the idea of falling in love with a woman," Nancy said. "I could definitely see myself with a woman, but right now. . .no."
"Well, you've always fought for what you wanted, and I always admired that about you," Karen said. "I'll always support you."
"What if I wanted to rob banks for a living?" Nancy asked.
"It depends on what you wanted to do with the money," Karen said, and they both laughed.
"What if dad has a problem with it?" Nancy asked.
"Then I'd shoot him," Karen said, and Nancy laughed. "Thank you for talking to me about it. I'm here if you need to talk about it some more."
"I think I'm ready for bed now," Nancy said. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Karen said and hugged her tightly.
Nancy went to sleep that night, loving her mother more than ever. She had some flaws, but loving her children unconditionally wasn't one of them. As she drifted off to sleep, she realized the fluffy haired boy who Tommy had tried to force to kiss Steve’s feet had been Eddie's friend, Gareth. She eventually fell into dreamland, where she dreamed of Eddie and Steve chasing after a gaggle of children surrounded by trees and woodland creatures. The kids ran toward Otis, Steven, and Irene. Otis and Steve were wearing their uniforms. Irene was in a lovely blue dress with her red hair all pinned up. Suddenly, it changed. Nancy was the one in the blue dress, except there was a fedora on her pinned up hair, and she was typing away on her typewriter while the kids danced around her, blowing her kisses. Steve and Eddie were dancing in each other's arms in their uniforms, kissing each other deeply with each dip. They pulled Nancy into their arms and kissed her. Of course, the dream ended with Nancy trying to stop Eddie from making their new baby his new drummer.
Nancy woke up with a smile on her face, but she wasn't sure why because the dream had been really weird. She blushed as she got ready for the day, thinking aboutthe dream. It wouldn't be like Otis, Irene, and Steve because if all three of them were together, Nancy wanted all three of them to be. . . Well, not platonic, that's for sure. She looked at the clock and saw that she had gotten up early. Nancy headed downstairs and saw Mike helping his mother make breakfast in the kitchen.
"I knew it! I knew you liked helping mom in the kitchen," Nancy said teasingly.
"Nancy!" Mike exclaimed.
"You're going to scare him away," Karen said playfully. "It's all thanks to Steve that Mike realized it's not just a woman's job."
"And thanks to dad passing on his genes to me, being a terrible cook, isn't just a man's job," Nancy grinned.
"Hey," Ted said, walking into the kitchen with Holly. "We can make coffee and toast. That's something."
Nancy giggled.
"Speaking of Steve, you've been spending a lot of time with him lately," Karen said, looking at her knowingly.
"Oh, man, are you guys getting back together?" Mike asked, scrunching up his nose.
"Stop acting like you hate Steve. We all know how much you love him," Nancy said teasingly. "And no, we're just friends."
"I suppose it wouldn't be the worst thing if you guys got back together," Mike rolled his eyes.
"Was that hard? It's okay. You can go back to being an angsty teenager," Nancy said and Mike huffed.
"Heard Steve was thinking about reopening his grandfather's salon," Ted said. "Otis was a good man. It would be nice to see that up and running again."
"Hmm, yeah. I helped him go through his grandfather's things the other day. It certainly sounds like he's a much better man than Steve’s father," Nancy said.
"Steve is lucky that he takes after Otis rather than John," Ted said.
"Steve would love to hear you say that," Nancy said.
"Is Steve’s daddy an asshole?" Holly asked and Mike snorted.
"Holly!" Karen and Nancy exclaimed.
"Yes, but also, don't say that," Ted said.
"Anyway," Nancy said, struggling not to laugh. "Steve offered to take me to work today. He doesn't have to go in until later."
"Oh, maybe you can call him, and he can be here early to have breakfast with us," Karen said.
"That would be awesome," Mike said, and then he scowled. "Whatever, I don't care."
Nancy laughed and used the kitchen phone to call him.
"You've been requested by my mother and Mike to come here early to eat breakfast with us," Nancy said.
"And Holly! Holly wants Steve here too!" She shouted.
"And Holly, too," Nancy laughed.
"Alright, let me finish getting ready, and I'll be there," Steve said.
Holly was the first one to greet him as soon as he walked through the door and threw herself into his arms.
"Steve, it's good to see you," Ted said, holding out his hand.
"Ted, man, it's great to see you," Steve said, shaking his hand. "Quick, say something funny!"
Ted laughed and wacked him on the head with his newspaper. Steve handed Mike a comic book after greeting Karen with a hug.
"Finished reading up on our favorite comic book hero!" Steve exclaimed and Mike beamed.
"And? What did you think?" Mike asked.
"Hm, little disappointed with the ending, but I can't wait for the next issue," Steve said.
"Yeah, me too," Mike said.
Having Steve join them for breakfast made Nancy happier than when Steve joined them in the past. Maybe it was because she was more aware of how great it was to have him around. Steve insisted on helping clean up after breakfast, and Nancy insisted on helping him. They worked in comfortable silence with them occasionally flicking water at each other while hip bumping each other, breaking the silence with their giggles. Once they were done, Steve and Nancy said their goodbyes before heading towards the door. Steve was stopped by Holly.
"Are we going to see you more, Steve?" Holly asked.
"I hope so," Steve replied.
"Definitely," Nancy said, grinning at him.
"Good, cause I missed you," Holly said.
"I missed you too," Steve said and shared a soft smile with Nancy as Holly hugged him.
They pulled away in Steve's car, singing along to Madonna. After a couple of songs, Nancy looked over at Steve.
"Thanks for driving me to work," Nancy said.
"It's not a problem, happy to do it," Steve grinned.
"You know, my parents are thinking about getting me a car for my birthday," Nancy said.
"And how do you know that?" Steve asked.
"I might have overheard a private conversation," Nancy said.
"Nancy Wheeler, you sneek!" Steve laughed.
"What? I need to practice my sleuthing skills," Nancy said, rolling her eyes. "It was a complete accident."
"Right," Steve grinned. "Oh, looks like we're here. Uh, I hope you have a good day and that those assholes don't get to you."
"Not even they could get to me today," Nancy said.
"Yeah. Are you having a good morning?" Steve grinned.
"Definitely," Nancy said.
"Oh! Eddie called earlier. He wants us to check out his band tonight. Are you interested?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, that sounds like fun. So, are things going well then?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah," Steve replied.
"I'm happy," Nancy said softly.
"Me too," Steve said.
Nancy leaned over and hugged him tightly. She breathed in his scent for a moment, breathing in the smell of his hair. She could tell that Steve was doing the same, and she smiled. She climbed out of Steve’s car and started walking towards the front door when she saw Jonathan sitting in his car staring at Steve's pulling out of the lot. He looked so sad and for a moment she felt sad for him but then it was gone. She walked into the building, putting Jonathan out of her mind.
Later that evening, Nancy ate a quick dinner with her family and then waited patiently for Steve to pick her up. She spent a lot of time trying to decide on her outfit, but she figured Eddie might want them to come as they are. She settled on a nice pair of jeans and a ruffled blue shirt. When they left, Nancy and Steve made sure to say goodbye to everyone, including Holly, who was pouting about not getting to see Eddie play.
"The Hideout is exactly what I pictured," Steve said when they walked in.
It was small with not a whole lot of customers, but Nancy thought it had character even with the rickety looking stage in the back. . .if you could even call it a stage. They saw Eddie sitting at a table with Jeff and Gareth as well as another person she didn't recognize. Nancy and Steve made a beeline for him. Eddie whooped at the sight of them, pulling both of them into a hug.
"So, glad you guys could make it," Eddie said. "You're in for a hell of a treat. Nancy, you've already met Jeff and Gareth. Steve, you haven't. This is Frank. Say hi, Frank."
"Hi, Frank," he said with a laugh.
"No, that's not what I - ugh, whatever. I'm really glad you guys are here," Eddie said.
"Glad to be here, it's a nice place," Steve said.
"Oh my God, you really mean that. Do you need your eyes checked, man?" Jeff asked.
"Probably," Steve said casually.
"Why - ," Gareth started to ask.
"You know what, let's get set up," Eddie said in amusement.
"But he - " Gareth started to say.
"Hey, I know you!" Steve exclaimed, snapping his fingers at him.
"Jesus, you remember that. I ran into you once," Gareth said.
"Yeah, well, Tommy was an asshole. Sorry about that, by the way," Steve said.
"It's fine, you dropped his sorry ass so, it makes you cool in my books," Gareth said. "You can't apologize for anyone's shitty behavior, only your own, and you were never a shitty person."
Eddie and Nancy smiled at Steve before Eddie walked off with his band. Nancy continued to smile at him.
"Nothing," Nancy said softly.
They found a table close to the stage. Steve and Nancy settled on ordering a couple of cokes, wanting to stay clear-headed for Eddie's performance. They were both surprised when they started playing Queen, Steve’s favorite band. Nancy thought it was really sweet that Eddie was serenading Steve, especially when he was beaming at him as they played "Bohemian Rhapsody" and then "I Want To Break Free." Eddie played "Toto" by Africa, which caused Steve’s eyes to light up. The last song they played was "Love is a Battlefield." Nancy enjoyed the way Eddie played so passionately. They all did, but it felt like Eddie was pouring his entire soul into the music. Nancy's cheeks flushed, and her heart raced at the sight of him.
"Hot," Steve and Nancy said.
"Really? You think so?" Steve asked.
"I have eyes, don't I?" Nancy asked.
When Eddie hopped off the stage, they immediately pulled him into a hug and beamed with pride.
"You were all so good," Nancy said.
"Definitely, I figured you would play heavy metal," Steve said.
"Well, that is our genre, but we respect all music in this band, and Queen always rules," Eddie said.
"You were really good on the drums, Gareth," Nancy said. "Definitely better than a newborn baby."
"What the fuck kind of compliment is that?" Gareth asked.
"Oh, I dreamed last night that Eddie replaced his drummer with a newborn baby," Nancy said.
"You replaced me with a newborn baby, Munson?" Gareth asked in mock offense.
"I can't control what I do in someone else's dreams, Emerson!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Well, you could try," Gareth said sternly.
Gareth then poked him with his drum stick and wiggled his eyebrows at Eddie, who scowled.
"Let me get you a drink," Eddie said.
He pulled Steve and Nancy into a booth before ordering them more coke.
"So, you ever think of making it big?" Steve asked. "Because you totally could."
"Nah, I tried that before but I fucked it all up trying to work a job with my dad but turns out he was just conning me and the girl who was going to help me, well, she only managed to get me an audition for a record label and not the rest of the band. I'm not sure if I want to do without the boys, honestly, and now I think I just want to make music. Nothing else matters," Eddie said. "It's whatever, though. My dad's officially out of my life and even though I fucked it up with Paige, I still get to play my music."
"That sucks about your dad, man," Steve said. "He's missing out on a great son. It's his fucking loss."
"Thanks, man," Eddie said.
"Well, all of you are talented," Nancy said, touching his hand. "So, you guys play here every Tuesday?"
"Every Tuesday," Eddie replied.
"Well, I think you got two more audience members," Steve said.
"That's fucking great!" Eddie laughed and slapped the table. "Are you guys going to the fourth of July fair?"
"I hadn't really thought about it," Steve said.
"Me neither," Nancy said.
"You guys want to go with me?" Eddie asked. "You guys could meet me there. It could be fun."
"I would like that," Nancy said. "I'm pretty sure that Holly wants to go with mom and dad anyway. By the way, Holly is very disappointed they she didn't get to see her Teddy play. So, you might have to give her a private concert."
"I would love to give the princess a concert. We usually play Saturday at Gareth's in his garage," Eddie said. "Bring the little lady on by."
They talked for a long time until Nancy started to get sleepy, and she pulled Eddie into a tight hug. She couldn't wait until they saw each other again.
Chapter Nine
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moondustpugh · 24 days
Permanent December
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Sara have been best friends for a while now and when Sara had started dating Wes, you realized he also had a best friend. Joe. But somehow, you and Joe tend not to get along all the time.
Author's Note: I never realized how long these chapters were. I can't believe I wrote this much. LMAO. Anyway, here's part 2 and I apologize for the loonnggg chapter. I hope ya'll enjoy anyway!
Wordcount: 6K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten
Time flies when you are busy. Time flies when you have occupied your mind all year about the December trip that was coming up. You had to remind yourself that you weren’t going to Germany this year. Instead, you would be flying to London. It felt like it was just yesterday when you were walking around the Christmas market in the freezing cold winter air, and Joe had just insulted you again. Calling you old and raggedy like the doll you were holding. He had apologized to you twice that night, but you didn’t even bother listening to it because you knew it wasn’t genuine. It bothered you all year long that those words had repeated inside your mind over and over. You didn’t even know if you were just being dumb or sensitive, but it just bothered you so much. 
“So, Joe offered that we could stay at his place when we arrive in London.” Sara said through the speaker phone. 
You were standing on your tiptoes in the middle of your closet, trying to reach for your suitcase hidden on the top shelf. You had a few days to finish packing for your London trip, and you were just glad that your boss let you go for a month. It wasn’t like he had a choice. You have been working your ass off all year long just to collect enough PTO for this trip. 
“Oh, no, thanks.” You grunted as you finally reached your suitcase and set it down on the floor. “I could just pay for a hotel.” 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. You staying at Joe’s house? Seeing his face every morning for the whole month of December was the last thing you wanted to do. Plus, you get to have your own privacy if you stay in a hotel. 
“Are you sure? We don’t have to pay.” Sara tried to convince you.
“Yeah, I’m okay with the hotel. You could stay there though or with Wes. I don’t mind.” 
You started throwing random clothes on your suitcase. Just thinking about the thought of seeing Joe for a whole month was making you feel frustrated.
“Okay, I’ll stay with you in the same hotel.” You could hear Sara chuckle through the phone, and you swore you could imagine her shaking her head on the other side of it. 
You still haven’t told Sara how you really felt about Joe and how much you just wanted to punch him on the face. You would ask Sara questions about him sometimes just to see if he really acted like that towards other people, but it seemed like he only acted like an ass towards you. 
You sent the details of your hotel to Sara that night after you finished packing. Besides the thought of Joe, you were actually pretty excited to see London. You haven’t visited there yet, and Sara had talked about how beautiful the city was, so you let your thoughts stay there. You let the positive thoughts occupy your mind and focus on the good instead. 
Your flight arrived at the same time as Sara’s in London and of course, you two had planned it out like this. As you waited for your luggage at the baggage claim, you were greeted by Sara’s cheerful voice from a distance. You turned to see where her voice came from and saw that she already had her suitcase and the two men tagging along behind her. 
Oh, great. He came. 
She was all bundled up in her heavy winter coat and scarf, and it made her look so tiny next to Wes and Joe. 
“It’s so cold, but I’m glad we’re here.” Sara hugged you tightly. 
“Welcome to London!” Wes had pulled you into a hug also.
“Thank you. The city looked beautiful through the plane’s window.” You smiled, your eyes shifting towards Joe behind them.
You weren’t surprised when you saw that he was busy on his phone. He didn’t even gazed up once towards you. Did Wes just dragged his ass to the airport, and he didn’t have a choice but to come? 
“Well, you’re going to love it.” Sara added. “We’ll take you around to see the best places and eat the best food.”
“That sounds heavenly.” You laughed softly before grabbing your suitcase from the baggage carousel. 
“Hey, mate. I have to go.” Joe chimed in, patting a hand on Wes’ shoulder. 
You and Sara exchanged looks as Joe whispered something in Wes’ ear and immediately, Wes’ expression turned into some kind of understanding between them two before Joe turned to you and Sara and gave both of you a tight lipped smile.
“Welcome.” He muttered before walking away.
“Just don’t forget tonight, mate!” Wes called out to Joe who looked back over his shoulder and nodded his head before directly heading out towards the two sliding doors.
You guessed it right. Wes had dragged his ass to the airport because they were two peas in a pod but since he had greeted both of you—not even a warm welcome— he had done his job and decided to go home. 
“What’s tonight?” You asked Wes.
“Oh, Wes is throwing a little welcome party for us. Just a few friends.” Sara explained as the three of you walked out of the double doors.
The winter air immediately greeted you as you pulled your winter coat closer to your chest. The hotel wasn’t too far from the airport and popular places to go to. You figured it would have been easier to walk to places when you booked it, and you were right. It was smacked down right in the middle of the city. 
Luckily for the both of you, Sara’s room was just next to yours. You settled into your room and sliding the curtains open, you were welcomed by a beautiful view of the city.
It was unreal. 
It was like how you saw in the movies. The sunset was just setting above the horizon, and you admired every building that was in front of you. Each had a different style of architecture, and you knew some of them were very old. Older than you probably. You knew some things about the city since you spent some time reading about it before the trip. You even tried learning some British slang that totally failed on you. 
You were so deep into the British slang hole that you started texting Sara some, and she couldn’t take you seriously at all, especially whenever the both of you would talk on the phone. She would just keep laughing, and you couldn’t help but laugh with her as well. You sounded like an idiot. 
“Stop it!” Sara would say, giggling so hard. “It’s like you are a whole other person.” 
“I’m just preparing for this trip.” You would give her an excuse and then you would start using it just to annoy her sometimes, and it would just make you laugh when she got all cringey over it. 
You weren’t going to lie though. You were starting to actually enjoy it. 
“We’ll take the tube to go to my flat.” Wes had said later that night. 
You couldn’t help but chuckle and nudged Sara, making her roll her eyes. She knew exactly why you were teasing her because you definitely had used those words to her before. 
The tube was crowded that night and so the three of you had found yourselves getting squeezed by each passenger left to right all the way to where your stop was. Walking out of the station, you tried your best to memorize where you were and the name of the streets because that was just how you were. You wanted to know where you were and how you were able to reach a certain destination, so you could never get lost. 
You saw colorful Christmas string lights covering the exteriors of the buildings as the three of you walked down the pavement and towards Wes’ building. Wreaths or garlands hung on the front doors. It was all cozy and beautiful.
You had seen a bit of Wes’ apartment before whenever Sara would facetime you when she was in London. Once the three of you entered his flat, your eyes studied the place and couldn't help but think how it was exactly how you imagined. 
You saw there were several people in his apartment already. 
Jesus, how many friends did they have?
One stuck out of the crowd, and it was Joe sitting on the sofa, talking with two men and all of them holding a bottle of beer in their hands. Wes and Sara had pulled you around the room and introduced you to their friends, and they were all really nice and welcoming with you. 
“Here. To get your mind off of you know who.” Sara whispered, nudging your arm with hers.
Ah, that you know who. 
That stupid jerk you dated for the last two months, thinking he was nice and ended up to be a narcissist asshole. Sara knew about it because on the day you decided to ghost the guy, you were on the phone with her ranting about how much of a narcissist he was and while you were talking to her, he was trying to contact you. You shook your head at Sara, chuckling softly and took the bottle of beer from her. You didn’t even like the guy that much anyway but still, he was a jerk. 
“Please. He’s out of my mind already.” You rolled your eyes and clinked the beer bottle with hers and both of you took a big gulp from it. 
You watched as Wes grabbed Sara away from you and turned up the volume of the speaker and danced with her, making you laugh as you watched them together. 
You never really told Sara, but you were really happy for her. You were so happy that it was Wes that she had found, and you hoped that they were the ones for each other in the end. Wes was such a nice guy, and you could see how much he loved her. You knew he’d do anything for Sara. That was why you never understood how he was friends with someone like Joe. Sure, they have known each other since primary school but really? Joe was such an ass. 
Speaking of him, your attention was caught later that night when you were standing in the corner of the room and heard all of their friends laugh at some joke Joe just told. You were on your fifth bottle of beer, and you weren’t going to lie, you were a bit drunk already, and you have been staring at Joe for a while now. You haven’t even noticed until now that your eyes were planted at him all night. You saw how he would mingle with everyone, talk to everyone, and make jokes with everyone. Not once had he laid an eye on you, and you stood there, seeing the exact person that Sara had described many times to you. It was almost like he was a totally different person in front of them.
“Honestly, I think he just hates me.” You had told Sara one night through the phone. “He never talks to me and when he does, he makes some stupid jokes.”
Sara would laugh through the phone and said, “He doesn’t hate you. He’s just reserved but once he gets more comfortable around you, he opens up.”
“Yeah, well… I’m sticking to my theory that he hates me.” You argued. 
And you were right. That theory has stuck for four years now. It was a shame. You thought as your eyes trailed down to his shiny black chelsea boots then up to his fancy trousers and brown corduroy button up shirt where the top two buttons were opened. Your eyes then trailed to the two chain necklaces that were around his neck.
He was cute and handsome but what an ass. 
Maybe you were really that drunk that you were having these thoughts all of a sudden. Your eyes then traveled to his bum and you pursed your lips softly. 
Yeah, what an ass.
You finished the rest of your beer and ran your fingers through your hair, feeling hot all of a sudden. You were getting drunk, and the room was starting to spin a little bit through your vision. You grabbed a hold of the edge of the table that was next to you for a moment before you let your feet walk you towards the balcony to give yourself some fresh air. 
It was freezing, but the cold air was helping you sober up a little bit and your rosy cheeks were thanking you so much for the small breeze that was hitting your skin at the moment. You closed your eyes and smiled, feeling the breeze and enjoyed it for a minute before you were interrupted by the sliding door opened behind you.
You fluttered your eyes open and looked over your shoulder to see Joe standing by the doorway, a cigarette tucked between his lips and a lighter on his hand. 
“Um… I’ll come back later.” He said, ready to slide the door closed.
You rolled your eyes and sighed. “It’s fine. You can come out.”
Joe stared at you for a moment and you could see the hesitation in his eyes. What? Was he scared of you? Did he really hate you so much that he wanted to wait until you leave to have a smoke break? 
Eventually, he stepped out and closed the door behind him. You stepped aside to give him some room since the balcony wasn’t that big either. Joe lit up his cigarette and blew a puff of smoke into the air. You pulled your coat closer and folded your arms in front of your chest when a strong cold breeze hit both of you. There was that awkward silence between you two again and you could feel the tension in the air. It was thick.
“How was your flight?” Joe asked, breaking the silence.
God, you were going to do small talk now? Your head was already spinning from all the alcohol. 
“Fine.” You shrugged. 
Another silence took over, and you tilted your head back to gaze up to the sky just to distract yourself from whatever awkwardness that was going on between you two. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea for you to agree for him to join you out here. You pushed those thoughts elsewhere as you focused your attention to the stars, but you were so caught up and dizzy that you leaned back, lost your balance and almost stumbled towards the chair that was right behind you. Joe was quick to drop his cigarette and reached his arms behind you, ready to catch you. But you were able to hold on to the steel railing, stopping yourself from completely falling backwards.
Your eyes widened, and you froze for a moment, feeling the blood rushed to your cheeks from embarrassment.
“I’m fine.” You cleared your throat and stood up straight, showing Joe that you didn’t need him to help you out. 
Shoulders back, chin up. 
Your hands, however, held onto the railing tightly, making sure that you were able to balance yourself. Suddenly, you heard a small laugh coming from Joe, and you glanced towards his direction.
“What’s so funny?” You asked, voice ice cold and obviously offended that he was laughing at you. 
“You know, if you can't hold your alcohol too well, you shouldn’t be drinking this much.” He smirked as you gave him a cold glare again.
Good god. Can he just shut up for once? 
You bit your lower lip, stopping yourself from saying something that you would regret later on when you were sober. Of all the people in this apartment, he picked you out of the crowd to pissed you off, didn't he? Same old Joe, just different country. You just never understood how Sara and Wes liked him so much, especially when they always said that he was kind and nice because obviously, he wasn’t. 
“You know, Joe. You don’t need to lecture me on what I can and cannot do because obviously, you don’t genuinely care anyway. You just like to piss me off.” You blurted the words out, a hint of frustration and anger seeping through your voice. “For fuck’s sake, waste your time on someone else.” 
You shook your head and walked around him, making your way back inside. Joe had kept his distance from you for the rest of the night, and you were sort of glad because you just needed some peace tonight. First night in London, and he already had pissed you off. 
Later on that night, you found yourself looking for Sara, but she was busy in the kitchen with Wes, eating different snacks that he had brought out from the fridge. You could see that she was a bit drunk too but not drunk enough that she didn’t know what she was doing.
“Hey.” You went up to them. “It’s getting late. I think I’m going to head out.”
Sara was sitting on the kitchen counter, munching on some piece of sourdough bread as she held up her index finger indicating for you to wait as she swallowed the bread that she was eating.
“Wait. I’ll come with you.” Sara jumped off the counter, gazing up to Wes. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“You don’t have to go with me. I think I can find my way back.” You suggested. 
You didn’t want to be a bother, especially if she still wanted to spend more time with Wes. You just wanted to go home because you were obviously tired and you literally had a long flight before this.
“No, don’t be silly. I’ll come.” Sara stood on her tiptoes and kissed Wes before saying goodbye to him.
“Thanks for tonight.” You smiled, giving Wes a hug before heading out of the kitchen to grab your coat. 
You heard Wes called out for Joe that you and Sara were leaving but all he did was nod and waved at Sara. You didn’t even bother expecting anything from him. You said your goodbyes to the rest of their friends and headed out to the door first, waiting for Sara to finish her goodbyes. As soon as Sara walked out the door, she immediately linked her arm with yours and both of you walked out of the building. 
“‘Twas fun, right?” Sara giggled.
Oh, she was definitely a bit drunk. 
“Yeah, it was. I didn’t realize how many friends Wes and Joe had.” You giggled as you both walked down the pavement. 
The alcohol in both of your systems was helping warm both of you up from the cold. It was a good thing both of you were linking arms together because you both could barely walk straight down the pavement as you two just giggled together. By the time you reached the corner, Sara had dragged you to the opposite side away from where the tube station was. 
“Wait, the tube is the other way.” You said, but Sara was quick to shush you. “Where are we going?”
“There’s this cute little pastry shop down the street that is open ‘till late.” 
“It’s 10pm?” 
Before you could even argue anymore, Sara had pulled you inside the shop. There was a couple inside eating pastries and one worker that was sitting behind the counter, looking bored from the magazine that he was reading. 
“Hmmm.” Sara slipped her arm off from yours and studied the variety of pastries in the glass case in front of her. 
It took about a few minutes for the both of you to decide and order. Soon after, you both had found yourselves sitting on one of the small tables, eating the delicious pastries you two had picked out. 
“It has been a while since we both hung out together alone.” Sara mentioned. 
Matter of fact, Sara was right. You have been so understanding with her relationship with Wes that you just now realized that it really had been a while. Wes or Joe had always been there, and it was not like you saw each other all the time. For the last few years, every time you visited Germany, Joe and Wes were there too. It didn’t bother you at all. You were fine with them being there because you knew it made Sara happy but thinking about it now, it did make you miss all those times when you two would hang out together and have a girls’ night at the Christmas market. 
“Well,” You laughed softly. “You have been pretty busy.”
“I’m sorry I have been so caught up with Wes.” Her lips had started pouting again.
“Oh, no! Don’t ever be sorry. I totally understand.” You gave her a reassuring smile, realizing that Sara was starting to get emotional.
It kind of made you laugh a little bit because she was always like this when she had a bit too much alcohol in her. She would get emotional and affectionate, and she would start spilling out some things that she had been keeping inside of her. You were always there for her to comfort her, listen to her or sometimes, just teased her that she was being emotional again.
“We should have at least one day just us girls from now on.” Sara stated. “Promise, we will start doing that!”
You couldn’t help but grin at her idea and agreed with her. It was a good compromise, and it was a good balance at least. When you both had finished your little snack, you headed towards the station to take the tube back to your hotel. It was already past midnight when you two had arrived back, and you immediately crashed on your bed. 
The first night in London wasn’t bad at all. You already had met some new people at Wes’ little house party, and you were able to actually see the things you had studied about London for the last however many months. The next morning, it was snowing a little bit in the city, and Wes had come to pick you and Sara up for some little sightseeing around the city. 
To your surprise, Joe wasn’t there. Did he actually reject Wes’ invite this time? Either way, your day became a bit more peaceful with just the three of you. Honestly, you didn’t mind Joe’s presence. Even though it looked like he minded your presence. That was why it bothered you so much. If he hadn’t been such an ass, making some stupid little comments or jokes, you thought maybe you two probably would have gotten along well. 
Even if he didn’t speak much to you, you didn’t mind him being there because you knew he was best friend’s with Wes. Sara had always brought you along and so, Wes bringing Joe along was completely normal. You tried your best to be understanding for the last few years but sometimes, Joe just knew how to push your buttons.
However, Joe wasn’t there with you today, was he? So, you focused your attention on the things that actually mattered. Wes and Sara had taken you to ride one of London's infamous big red buses that you always see in pictures and movies. The three of you sitting on the top deck, taking pictures together, and Wes would volunteer to take yours and Sara’s together. 
You were pretty surprised how much history you had learned from Wes that day. He and Sara had shown you around London and pretty much the whole tourist spots that they could think of, and you were nothing but thankful for the both of them because London was beautiful. It was gorgeous. You now understood when Sara had told you all about it. You understood why she was so excited to show you around. Then, the rest of the afternoon was spent at one of their favorite restaurants in SoHo.
“You know this is where Wes first took me on our first date here in London.” Sara smiled at her boyfriend that was sitting next to her.
“Well that means he knows you well because from the looks of it, the food they serve here are your favorite ones.” You grinned, looking up from the menu that was in front of you.
“Technically, it was Joe who suggested this restaurant. He loved this place, and he took me once here. Then, I decided to take Sara because I know she would love it.” Wes added.
For someone who was such an ass, you could give credit to Joe for having good taste in food at least. You weren’t sure if that was because he was just into some expensive fancy shit all the time, or he genuinely just knew how to pick a good restaurant. Night fell when the three of you had exited the restaurant and the neon signs around SoHo had lit up the streets. 
“Okay, who’s up for a little pub drinking?” Wes wiggled his brows excitedly to Sara.
“You know I’m always up for that.” Sara replied, a playful grin was tugging on her face.
“I could go for a drink.” You shrugged, looking at Sara as she linked her arm with yours, while Wes led you both down the block to the pub he had chosen. 
You stared at both of your friends with brows furrowed. That wasn’t the normal reaction you usually would get from them. They were both overly excited with the idea and before even questioning your friends, you had received your answer the moment you entered the pub. 
He was sitting by the bar with a pint of beer in his hand and another extra one that was sitting in front of him.
“Hey, mate!” Wes greeted him, squeezing his shoulder lightly. “Look who’s here.”
Wes turned to you and Sara with a big playful smile on his face, and you glanced at your best friend who was giggling. Something was going on, and you had a bad feeling in your stomach. You raised an eyebrow at Sara who just gave you a shrug, acting like she didn’t know what was going on. 
Oh, that was such bullshit. 
You knew Sara too well, and you knew when she was faking it. What were these two doing? You narrowed your eyes at her as she grabbed your hand and followed behind Wes where Joe was at the bar. 
“Thanks, mate. I owe you.” That was all you heard from Wes before turning to face you, that playful grin was still plastered on his face. 
“Come, sit.” Sara said, pulling the stool next to Joe and handing you the extra pint of beer that was in front of him.
“What?” Your eyes shifted back and forth at Sara and Wes, waiting for them to tell you what was happening.
“I have a little surprise for Sara and so, we are gonna go ahead, but Joe here…” Wes turned to his best friend, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. “...could keep you company.”
Oh, absolutely not.
Your eyes widened at Sara. Did they really just set you up? Did Sara really just set you up? What was going on? 
“I’m okay. I could go back to the hotel.” You jumped off from the stool that you were sitting on and tried to pass your way between Sara and Wes.
“You don’t want to waste a good beer.” Joe’s voice stopped you in your tracks.
You froze for a moment and bit your lower lip. You knew Joe was only doing Wes a favor, and you knew that he actually didn’t want to be here if he had a choice. Well… fine. Joe was going to be an ass? You were going to be a pain in his ass tonight then. You put a small fake smile on your face and nodded your head at your friends.
“You’re right.” You said, sitting back on the chair. “I don’t want to waste a good beer.”
“Great!” Wes exclaimed. “You two have the best time, okay?” He pointed his index finger to the both of you and said, “Not too much though.”
You gave Wes and Sara a fake smile, taking the glass of beer and holding it up in the air before taking a big gulp from it. You remembered that promise you gave yourself last year back in Germany. You would torture Joe with your presence since he always wanted to make stupid jokes with you or make stupid little comments. You could already see how bored he was because he just stayed silent the whole time. After finishing your first pint, you had a little courage to finally break the tension between you two.
“So, are you going to pay for my drinks tonight or Wes is paying for this?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Joe just finished his glass also and shook his head. “I’m paying for it.”
“Great.” You smiled and turned to the bartender behind the counter. “Can I get four shots of tequila please?”
Joe watched you slug down those four shots right away and then ordered another round. He didn’t say one word. He never did anyway. So, you just kept going. He never said anything nor complained about it and throughout the night, it was starting to piss you off that he just never reacted in any way. 
Was he a fucking robot?
 He just sat there and watched you all night. You even tried to offer him a shot of tequila but he refused.
“No, that’s okay.” He had told you. “I’m good with my beer.” 
You hummed disapprovingly, shaking your head before taking the shot. It looked like the plan to piss him off wasn’t working at all. You paused for a moment as you started to feel your head spin, but you weren’t there yet. You could still handle yourself. Joe had excused himself to go to the restroom later that night when the bartender had handed you a drink that you didn’t order.
“It’s from that gentleman.” He said, pointing at the man across the bar from you.
He was cute, and you were kind of getting bored with Joe just staring at you all night, so you waved the guy over. He sat on Joe’s empty chair and introduced himself to you as Theo. You both started talking, and he had asked you where you were from since he could tell you weren’t from London at all. You didn’t know how much time had passed because you two were having a good conversation and the sight of Joe had disappeared. You didn’t even realize that it had been an hour because until now, Joe hadn’t come back from the restroom.
He probably went home. 
That’s what you thought until your little conversation with Theo had turned bitter. He had mentioned how he knew about Joe and thought he was a bad actor. He mentioned how actors were fake and arrogant people before he started trailing his hand up on your thigh. 
“Is he bothering you? You look a little bored, darling. I can make your night better.” Theo’s hand slowly slid up your thigh.
You pushed his hand away from you, feeling a bit uncomfortable. Joe may be an ass to you, but he didn’t know Joe. He was a stranger. Sure, you may think he was an ass from his little stupid jokes, but him saying shit about Joe when he didn’t know him at all just to make himself look better? Just so he could take you back to his place? And the audacity he had to touch you? You could literally knock him out right now. 
“We should go.” You heard Joe’s familiar voice.
You turned to see Joe standing next to you, his sharp glare only at Theo, his gentle hand on your back. You could tell Joe looked pissed. You weren’t going to lie, you were kind of glad that he was here, but you weren’t going to show him that. You weren’t going to let his ego win either. 
“She doesn’t want you, mate.” Theo declared. 
“Fuck off.” Joe barked at him before turning his full attention to you. “Let’s go.”
“She doesn’t want to be with you, mate. She was still talking to me.” Theo chimed in again, and you could see Joe’s nostrils flared in anger.
You have never seen him like this. This was the first time you saw Joe like this. You could see the blood rushing up to his neck and face then you watched as Joe turned to Theo again and moved his face closer to him.
“I said fuck off before I have someone kick you out.” Joe growled, slowing his words down to make sure Theo understood every word of it.
Alright, you had enough of this. You jumped off from the stool and tugged on Joe’s arm. He was still giving Theo a death glare but as soon as he felt your hand on his arm, he turned to look at you, brows furrowed and face slowly relaxing.
“Let’s go.” You murmured and walked out of the pub.
The last thing you wanted was some trouble. You didn’t even wait for Joe to follow behind you. You just wanted to go back to the hotel, so you started walking down the pavement without even looking back. 
The cold winter air was blowing on your face and hair, and you pulled your coat closer to your chest. Then, you heard heavy footsteps behind you that you only figured it was Joe. 
You were pissed. 
You were pissed because Joe could push your buttons so easily and your little plan to give him a taste of his own medicine had backfired. Instead, you listened to some man talk shit about him just so he could get to you. You were pissed because you just didn’t understand what you did to Joe just for him to hate you so much. You were pissed because men kept treating you like shit. 
“Are you okay?” Joe asked, his fingers softly curling around your forearm to stop you from your tracks. 
God, you wanted to cry. Why? You didn’t even know. You were just tired of being so understanding and being so nice. Maybe the alcohol was making you a bit emotional too, but you were just exhausted. You were pissed and you were frustrated. It wasn’t like you to really act like this, but you had too much to drink tonight, and you would probably regret it the next morning but nothing or no one was stopping you at this moment.
“You know what, I didn’t need your help!” You yelled at him, turning to face him with an anger expression on your face. Joe froze from the reaction he received from you. There was a few inches of gap between you two and Joe’s eyes widened in surprise. 
“I don’t even know why you act like you care when you don’t! You just like to piss me off all the time for no damn reason ever since you met me!”
“I don’t—” Joe shook his head, stunned at what you told him. 
“I know you hate me, and I don’t know why, but can you just please stop pestering me for once? Just leave me alone for fuck’s sake!”
You felt the tears welling up in your eyes and you immediately turned away from him, making sure he didn’t see you break down. Your cup had overflowed, and you didn’t know where that came from but at the same time, it felt good to let out all the emotions you have been hiding for the last few years. 
“Just fucking leave me alone.” You muttered before continuing down the pavement and leaving Joe still frozen in his place.
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @munsonluvrr @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf @mvnsonlover
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justash02 · 1 year
Womanizer; 09~
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A/n; lemme know if you have feedback! It’s always welcome! So are Requests! Text me! I’m nice:>
Plot; Everyone who knew who Tom Kaulitz was knew that he was girl crazy, he's very well known for having girls around him all the time.
Pairing; Tom Kaulitz x fem reader.
Previous chapter -> next chapter.
Master list
“You make me feel like a teenager in love.”
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"You're such a loser." Clair said next to me laughing, I jumped a bit. "You fucking startled me, ass." She just winked at me before grabbing my phone reading over the messages.
"I might become totally obsessed with you, bro you're love for this boy is so noticeable blind people might even see it." Laughed Clair as she threw me the phone back.
"Tell him to meet up with you tonight, we're almost done rehearsing." She pointed at the clock, wiping her sweat off of her forehead, my eyes followed her finger and yeah, it was 5.
Before I could say anything my phone went off.
A sudden urge to off myself appeared out of no where as Clair started moaning in my ear when I picked up.
"Damn, not even gonna show me how you're making her moan like that. That's even harsh for you, Y/n/n."
Ah, he just called me Y/n/n.
"I can make you moan like that too if you want me to-" oops.
My eyes widened as I quickly hung up, I threw my phone behind me onto the clothing from Adam and Ben and jumped up.
"I did not just say that."
"Oh yeah, you did."
Suddenly Clair phone started ringing, "Unknown number, I wonder who it could be." She said while smirking, she picked up the phone and held it to her ear to hear the other line.
"Oh hey, Tom. You wanna talk to Y/n/n?" She giggled out before handing me the phone, I tried to give her the phone back but the damage was done.
"Got too embarrassed baby?" I could hear the smugness off of his lips.
"I was just joking."
"Yeah sure, baby. Well? Wanna go on that date tonight maybe? I've some stuff planned." He said, the softness of his voice actually surprised me, but we gotta focus. We must stay focused.
"Sure! Does around seven sound good? And what type of clothes should I wear?" I mindlessly played with the strings of my sweatpants, waiting for him to respond.
"Just something casual, shit gotta bounce babe." We said our goodbyes, i hung up and put my hand over my mouth.
Before I could progress what just happened Clair jumped up and hugged me, "you're going on a date with Tom Kaulitz!" She said excitedly grabbing my hands and jumping up and down.
"You're going on a date with him?" Adam said walking on, bruh. "Yeah." I said smiling dryly at him, I went over to the side of the room to grab my bag.
But as I went to walk passed Adam he grabbed a tight hold off of my arm, "Keep your band members in mind, he's not worth it." He grunted through his teeth.
I pulled my arm out of his grip, I poked my finger in his chest; "Stop acting like my boyfriend, you're my friend, my leader but not my boyfriend. Keep talking to me like this and see what happens." I said sternly, his baffled face was worth millions as I nodded, "Glad that's clear now." I said before walking off to our apartment.
After a shower, finding a comfy but nice outfit and putting some make up on I was finally done. The thought of going on a date with Tom send some butterflies through my stomach.
Ah shit.
I quickly grabbed one of my shoulder bags and threw it on before walking to the front door. I unlocked the door with my key and peaked from the side of the door.
"Wow hey." He said smirking, he looked me up and down, his eyes following over my body, any curve? He would find them.
Oh shit I forgot my deodorant; "Wanna come in for a bit? I forgot something in my room." He just nodded and stepped in, he put off his shoes making me smile, European behavior.
"Wanna see my room?" I asked, tripping over some of my words, "Yo, Y/n/n you really do wanna make me-" I quickly slapped my hand over his mouth making his eyes widen for a short time.
Before I could tell him to stop talking about it his finger tips gently caressed over the skin of my lower back as he has done so many times by now. But never does it get any less effective.
I let my hand fall from his mouth before looking down, his fingers slowly went over to my chin, guiding me to look at him once again.
"What are you so nervous for?" He whispered, his eyes flickered over at my lips, "You make me nervous." I uttered out. He smiled, placing his hand onto my cheek.
Without thinking I leaned into his touch, feeling more save then I've ever felt. "You make me nervous too, Y/n/n." I haven't noticed I had closed my eyes from the comfort of his touch, slowly I opened my eyes and noticed he was extremely close.
His minty breath his my face as he smiled at me, "Let me kiss you?"
Taglist; @oh-kurva @erensslut @ladyofladies @just-a-gay-loser @woodandwaxwings @hazashiovo @jay14344 (if I didn’t tag you I couldn’t find you!)
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