#sh: ted x andromeda.
messrmoonyy · 3 years
I think it would be cute if you wrote something about tonks meeting lyall lupin for the first time, I've always wondered what their first interaction would be
I ended up losing a massive chunk of the middle of this and had to rewrite it, and almost JUSY deleted the whole thing in annoyance. but I do like this request, so here it is. enjoy!
And The POV shifts half way through. Just an fyi.
Pairing: Remus lupin x Nymphadora Tonks
Warnings: none
check my masterlist if you wanna see my other writing and feel free to drop me a request!
“ you’re worrying about nothing. It’s gonna be fine “ Nymphadora said as she hopped around trying to pull on her boot, she’d already fallen over twice and Remus was somewhat waiting for the third time “ I mean it’s no big deal right? It’s not like you and him are best buds- You’re not round there every weekend. If he doesn’t like me I just.. won’t have to see him. Really Remus I. I don’t know why you’re so worried “ she huffed in between some of her words as she continued to battle with the boot that just didn’t want to go on over the three pairs of socks she had on. Though watching the whole event was slightly easing his nerves actually “ fucking boot “
They were going to visit his father. More out of a simple common decency than a true want or desire to visit. He felt it was only polite that he introduce his father to his soon to be wife.
He’d sent his father a letter a week ago so that it wouldn’t be a complete bombshell of a meeting. Contact with his father had been little to none since the first war. They wrote to each other maybe once every few months, just to check The other was still alive. But with the heightening of the second war he’d been in contact a little more frequently to ensure his father was protected. And he’d actually gone to visit him in person for the first time in 10 years 9 or so months ago. And it had been awkward as ever and he’d not stayed very long.
But after writing and informing him of his upcoming marriage to Nymphadora, Lyall had asked to meet her. Remus had planned to just say he’d never received such a letter and not even tell Dora about it. But she’d read it over his shoulder as he sat contemplating it on the sofa and insisted they went.
He was still trying to recover from the slightly wobbly first meeting he’d had with Doras parents two weeks ago. That hadn’t exactly been a barrel of laughs. Ted had been very welcoming, very much the mirror of his daughter. But Andromeda has been slightly more cold. He had excepted it in a way, she was a Black after all. And no matter how much she had distanced herself from them, that air of superiority was still faintly there. Though she had warmed to him towards the end of The night- even after a slight tiff at the dinner table between herself and Nymphadora after Andromeda had shared her concerns of her daughter marrying a werewolf. Which he guessed were all completely valid points. But he believed they were on the same page of a sorts now.
But Lyall was a whole new ball game. He didn’t have an exactly wonderful relationship with him. Hadn’t done since the night Remus was attacked. Hope had been the one to love and protect and treat her son with all the same kindness and care. If not more. But Lyall had distanced himself greatly. He could barely stand to look at Remus most days as he was growing up. Even less so when Hope had died. But maybe things would be different now. He hoped they would anyway.
After watching Dora struggle for a few more minutes with her boot he pushed himself out of his chair at their little table. He walked over to her, nodding his head at the kitchen counter, and placed his hands gently on her arms to help her up. He knelt down with a slight wince as his aching knees creaked, still in that seemingly never ending throbbing period the week or so after the moon, and carefully loosened off the tight laces.
“ you are unbelievably optimistic “ Remus said as he slipped the boot from her foot that she’d only managed to wedge halfway, not looking up at her as he spoke. She’d see right through him and see his nerves if he did.
“ aren’t I always? “ she was “ what’s he like then anyway? Your dad? “ she asked as he continued loosening the laces she’d tightened to the extreme in her attempt to yank the boot onto her foot. Remus didn’t particularly know how to answer the question. Because maybe the Lyall Lupin that Remus had known as a child had changed. Or perhaps not. Either way he didn’t feel as know he really knew his father. They were strangers really.
“ quiet “ he said as he finally loosened the laces enough for Dora to wiggle her foot into the boot, which he laced up for her in a neat bow “ maybe if you didn’t wear so many socks you’d get into your shoes more easily “ he said as he tapped her ankle to signal he’d done before rising to his feet.
“ I get cold feet “ she said with a shrug before hooking her boot behind Remus’ leg and tugging him closer “ now don’t change the subject. Tell me about your dad. What am I walking into? “
Again, Remus didn’t really know how to answer her. He was going in just as blind as she was. Remus could lie and tell her everything would be alright, the Lyall Lupin was an energetic soul and happy and loved to laugh and tell bad jokes. Bit Remus hadn’t know that man since he was 4 years old. He’d grown up knowing a man that resented him, that could look at him with guilt and sympathy. Not like his son. Like a victim. A stranger.
“ I don’t know “ he said honestly after a moment of thinking “ you know we haven’t talked much. He’s… he’s quiet now. Keeps himself to himself. Mopey “ Nymphadora have a small nod and chewed on her lip for a moment, deep in thought.
“ should I tone it down a bit? Mum said I can come across a bit.. Loud sometimes. Mad as a box of pixies “ Remus smiled in a mild sympathy and shook his head, brushing her hair away from her face gently.
“ no. Don’t be anything but your normal, wonderful self. You don’t need to change for the approval of my father. I love you because you’re mad as a box of pixies darling “ a grin spread across her face and she planted a kiss on his lips before hopping off the counter.
“ well I best finish getting ready then aye? “ he watched her with a smile as she stood in front of the mirror faffing around with her hair for a bit. He let her get on with it and tried to distract himself from the ever looming trip to his fathers, re reading the address they would apparate to again and again. Just for something to do.
He wished they were going to visit his mother instead. Hope would have adored Nymphadora, he was certain of it. She’d have been amazed at her gifts, in awe of her determination and her stubbornness too. They were so alike. It was one of the reasons he’d used Hopes old ring to propose to Nymphadora in the first place. But they weren’t meeting Hope. They never would be either.
“ right. You ready? “ Dora asked as she turned away from where she’d been doing one last check of her hair in the mirror by the door a few minutes later “ Remus? “ he nodded slightly and just took a moment to look at her, admire how beautiful she looked. She’d hadn’t toned herself down one bit for the visit. She had mentioned a slight concern that Lyall might find her a bit too ‘ in your face ‘ before today too, but after the little kitchen chat… she was very much her usual self. He loved her as she was, so unashamedly herself and he didn’t need her to change just because of his father.
Her hair was morphed into waves to just below her chin, an amalgamation of different shades of blue that made it look as though it were shifting colour everytime the light caught it. Bright and bold as she always was “ oi, Remus. Staring into space “ her fingers clicked in front of his face and his cheeks warmed slightly making her smile.
“ sorry. I was simply admiring “ she brushed some none existent creases from her black dress and gave him a warm smile.
“ I look alright then? Sure it’s not too much? “ he brought a hand up to cup her cheek and shook his head.
“ beautiful as ever “ she smiled again and looped her arms around his neck.
“ soppy sod “ she kissed him gently, standing up on her tip toes to reach him better, but pulled away far too quickly for his liking “ now stop wasting time. We’ll be late “ he internally groaned and realised there really was no more time wasting to be done. It was going to happen whether he wanted it to or not. So he sucked it up and held onto her hand as they left his cottage and passed the apparation line.
As always just lately his skin prickled with the fear that someone may be watching them, most of the order had commented that they had been followed at least once in the last few months. So he didn’t hesitate before pulling Nymphadora into his embrace.
“ hold on and focus on me “ he said quietly and placed a kiss to the top of her head before apparating with a crack.
The cold sea air hit her the second they appeared in the tiny welsh village that Lyall lived in, suddenly quite pleased with her three pairs of socks. She’d always wondered if it’d be quite nice to live by the seaside, but the bitter night chill coming off the sea was quite the deterrent. She really was a city girl at heart. She only partially unravelled herself from Remus’ hold when they’d regained their bearings from the apparation, staying huddled to his side and front to steal his warmth. He was always warm, his blood practically boiling within his veins, he was practically her very own portable heater.
“ cold? “ Remus asked softly and wrapped his arm around her as they made their way down the street to Lyalls house. Remus had encased the property in as many protective spells as he could think of on his last visit, so a little distance was needed on their arrival.
“ bloody freezing “ he gave a small chuckle and she took it as a good sign. He wasn’t as stressed as he’d seemed back at home. Though it very quickly changed when they reached Lyalls house. He paused at the front gate and Tonks gave him a moment, she knew it must’ve been hard. She just hoped the evening went well. She didn’t particularly care whether Lyall liked her or not, his answer wouldn’t change Remus’ mind. And Remus was the only opinion she cared about. Though it would be nice if he did like her. Just a bit “ ready? “ she asked after a moment, worried that they were standing out in the open for too long. He gave a small nod and they walked up the garden path.
The house itself was much different to her own parents home. Andromeda and Teds house was pretty big. A beautiful country home with Andromedas pin perfect garden, with all its beautifully pruned flowers and bushes. And Teds garden gnomes that he’d had to convince Andromeda for months to have.
Lyalls home was far more modest. The garden wasn’t exactly a mess but wasn’t as tidy. It seemed to have tools lying around that signified Lyall must have a vegetable patch somewhere. The house was small and she guessed that as it was only him there, that was really all the space he’d need.
Remus froze again on the door step and she looked up at him with a sympathetic smile.
“ when you’re ready. Take your time “ she said softly and reached to squeeze his hand reassuringly. But before Remus really had much more time to process the door creaked open.
Remus didn’t look much like his father. Small similarities were there but nothing that really struck her as the same. Even the height was a difference. She wondered if Remus got his height from his mother instead.
“ dad “ Remus finally spoke, a little quieter than she thought he’d meant to. He cleared his throat and turned slightly towards Nymphadora, his hand gripping hers even tighter “ this. This is Nymphadora Tonks… my fiancé “ Lyall himself still hadn’t spoken and she felt a slight awkwardness filling the air. And she always had the instinct to just ramble when she felt awkward. So she couldn’t really stop herself.
“ hi! Really great to meet you “ she said with the brightest smile she could muster and held her hand out for Lyall to shake. He took it a little tentatively but shook it.
“ it’s very nice to meet you “ his accent was quite thick and it made her wonder if Remus would have picked it up a little more if he’d not been forced to moved around so much as a child, or left home so young. Sometimes on certain words she thought she caught a slight tinge of it. But overall it wasn’t really there “ come on. It’s quite cold out tonight “ Remus placed a gentle hand to her back to guide her inside and made sure to reseal the charms on the door when it closed.
It was much warmer inside, it felt quite cosy actually. She could smell a fire burning and what seemed to be roast beef cooking somewhere on the house. It reminded her a bit of Remus’ cottage. Homely.
Lyall led them through into the living room and she and Remus sat down together on the sofa, Lyall taking the chair opposite. He sat towards the edge, his hands clasped in front of him, and that mildly awkward silence crept in again and had to restrain herself from blabbing out something. Anything.
“ so. Where did you both meet? “ Lyall said after a few more moments and Tonks glanced up at Remus. She didn’t know if Lyall was aware of the order and that would really be the cherry on the already shit cake, accidentally outing the order. So she left him to it
“ at work “ he simply said “ Nymphadora works for the ministry, she visited Hogwarts on Ministry duties whilst I was in my teaching position there “ he lied smoothly. The lie added significantly more time onto their relationship and she wondered if he had done that purposely. Especially after her own parents had expressed concern at the timeline of their relationship.
“ and. She knows? “ Tonks did bristle slightly at the way Lyall spoke as if she wasn’t there for a moment, only glancing at her as he looked over at Remus “ about- “
“ yes. I know “ she said quite matter of factly, before clearing her throat slightly. Remembering she was trying to create a good impression here. She took a breathe and shifted a little closer to Remus “ I know. And I don’t care about it either. We deal with it. In fact I’m in the process of learning how to brew wolfsbane “ she hadn’t actually told Remus that yet, but it kind of slipped out in some attempt to prove she was good enough almost.
Remus’ eyes darted to her as she said it, his features softening at the knowledge she was attempting to make his monthly horrors easier. She knew when they got home he’d probably start fretting over her wasting her money on him, or some other useless argument. It it wouldn’t change her mind. She was so close to getting it right and she was determined to get it perfect. Even out if simple pure stubbornness at this point.
“ it’s an incredibly hard potion to brew “ Lyall said slightly harshly.
“ yes well shes very talented “ Remus quipped back at his father.
“ the ingredients are expensive too “
“ I have the funds. I’m an auror “ she neglected to tell him that she had in fact been sacked several months ago, on suspicion of just about everything she could possibly do wrong in the eyes of the ministry. It was either leave quietly or find herself sat on trial. But in the current circumstances she was starting to see it as a good thing. She was engaged to a werewolf after all. And people had been killed for less just lately.
“ I am surprised “ Lyall spoke again, seemingly hell bent on his attempts to throw a negative at every positive they could give him “ I read recently about the tightening of the anti werewolf legislations. There are loopholes for Aurors? “
“ we understand now isn’t… ideal “ Remus said and she couldn’t help but notice he sounded a little defeated. She silently prayed he wouldn’t end up falling into one of his moods after they left. When he simply seemed to become the sadness person to walk the earth, sometimes sobbing to her that he wasn’t good enough. But he sat a little straighter instead “ but Nymphadora and I- we…. I love her. Very much so. We’re willing to take the risks to prove it “ he’d starting referring to them as a ‘we’ much more frequently. No longer speaking as though Nymphadora was risking so much alone, or carrying such a burden in loving him. He was finally seeing them as a team. Equals.
The conversation didn’t particularly improve much even when they sat at the table for dinner. It was a mostly silent affair with Lyall occasionally popping up to say something else or question something else.
Remus held her hand under the table, his fingers fiddling with hers, anxiously twisting her engagement ring around her finger. She wondered why he was still so anxious around his father. Even after so many years. She was half tempted to silently cast a calming spell, to try ease his nerves and get him to relax a little. She had full contact of his hand, it’s be easy enough to do. But she didn’t like to without asking him first. Even if she did think it would help. Though from how Lyall had been behaving she guessed she couldn’t blame his nerves.
Though when Remus dismissed himself to use the bathroom. There was a silence as Remus left the room and Tonks sat fiddling with her hands. She wasn’t one to be nervous. Or awkward. But she felt an awkwardness so strong it made her shift in her seat a little. She felt as though Remus had let he’d dumped all of his nerves onto her as he’d left the room.
“ you do realise that you are taking a very large risk. Especially in the current situation “ it had been silent for so long that his speaking startled her slightly and she looked at him a little confused. “ marrying a werewolf… it’s unheard of. For good reason “ she held her tongue as he continued to speak “ it seems a shame to limit your life by marrying him. You’re young. A good job. You could loose it all. You’d never be able to live a normal life with him. Never have a family. I’d be surprised if you will actually be able to find anyone to even marry the pair of you “
“ I’m in love him. I don’t care what he is or what his condition means risking. I love him. And he loves me. That’s all that really matters. Especially in the current situation “ she kept her voice calm, thinking that Remus wouldn’t be too happy to have her screeching at his father “ we’ve already started to arrange things for the wedding. I’ve never wanted kids anyway. And no job is worth more to me than Remus is. And as for my age? Please, you don’t think I’ve already heard that one before? I’m a perfectly sane minded adult who knows exactly what I’m doing and I can make my own choices. I don’t particularly care what others think about it either “ her voice had picked up slightly towards the end but Lyall didn’t seem phased by it. In fact he looked as though he pondered on her words for a moment, before nodding his head slowly.
“ I just have to warn you. You understand? I’ve seen the affect it has on the people who love him and who he loves. His mother… “ he trailed off, his voicing catching in his throat as he so clearly struggled with Hopes memory. Even so many years on “ she tried to care for him. Love him the same “
“ and why didn’t you “ he seemed taken aback by her words and she was surprised she’d actually said them. But they hadn’t exactly gotten off on a good path to begin with, so there was no real harm in making it any worse now. She thought then that she saw something by the door, but a glance in the direction and she saw nothing. But she wasn’t stupid. She wondered how long Remus had been listening.
“ I blame myself “ she stopped herself from telling him he should. That it was his fault. That his own big headedness had left a tiny Remus traumatised and changed for life. That it was his fault he’d been outcast and alone. But she held her tongue “ the guilt I had every time I looked at him… and even now. It twists my stomach. I feel sick with it “
“ he needed love more than ever, he still does. And you turned him away. I won’t. I won’t stop loving him I won’t run away because I feel sorry for him or guilt or whatever. I’m not going anywhere. Which is exactly what you should have done too. “ Lyall didn’t speak again for a few moments before a small, sad smile pulled at his face.
“ Hope. She would have liked you “ she didn’t like that he seemed as though he was changing the subject. But the thought that Hope Lupin, Remus’ pride and joy, would have liked her sent her heart a flutter “ you’re like her. You know what you want. You won’t let others change your mind. I still think it best to be wary of your situation, but I know I can’t change your mind “
“ you can’t “ she confirmed and turned her head as Remus finally returned. She pretended not to notice the small smile on his face. She got the idea he’d been listening the entire time. Lyall looked between the pair of them before smiling and focussing on Remus.
“ your mother would be very proud of you “ she heard Remus’ sharp intake of breath at the statement and his eyes looked glassy. As if he were fighting back his tears. Remus wasn’t particularly good with emotion and Lyall didn’t seem to be either. So when Lyall stood up then she got the feeling their conversations were over. It had been a heavy night.
Nymphadora helped to clean away their plates and when Lyall assured her he didn’t need her to wash up, that she was a guest, she wandered back out of the kitchen to find Remus.
He was in the living room by the fireplace, looking at the row of picture frames. She walked beside him, placing a gentle hand to his back.
“ that your mum? “ she asked softly, looking at the frame Remus had in his hands. It was a moving picture of a woman smiling, sat on what seemed to be a picnic blanket. Her face was kind, soft, she looked like one of those people that just simply could never be mad. A heart so pure that nothing but happiness radiated from her.
“ yes “ Remus almost whispered, his full of adoration for the woman in the picture. He didn’t speak much of his parents but he had told her briefly of Hope. And how highly he held, how much he truly adored her.
“ you look like her “ Remus’ face softened at the sound of that, as of it had been the greatest praise he could’ve ever received “ you have her eyes… kind eyes “ she pressed her face against his arm and reached out for another picture “ I wish I could have met her “ Remus shifted to wrap his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side.
“ she would have loved you. She’d have been amazed at your abilities. She was always so interested in learning about magic… she had your sense of humour too “
“ completely lost her marbles then? “ she teased and Remus laughed for the first time that evening.
“ yes. Completely “
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