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albanthannasr · 7 years ago
“If you are living through affliction and pain, remember Allah, call out His name, and ask Him for help. Place your forehead on the ground and mention His praises, so that you can obtain true freedom. Raise your hands in supplication, and ask of Him constantly. Cling to His door, have good thoughts about Him, and wait for His help — you will then find true happiness and success.”
'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. “Don't be sad.”
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superrubkiddosyl · 6 years ago
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#repost @liyanamusfirahnetwork • • • • @suciganic Will be one of the many vendors participating at this event. See you #suciganiclovers there!! #suciganicresellers · · · · Introducing to you the 4 professional therapists who have been working hard hand-in-hand with the team to bring you #healingheartssg. We will be sharing more about them in the next few days inshaAllah. Ladies, how these 4 ladies can help you to go through your pain is beyond the pep talks & general advices. They know the tools, therapy systems & coping mechanisms that they will share with you. With over decades of accumulated experience between them, inzah @liyanamusfira. Let them guide you as you heal your hearts that yearn the peace to understanding the trials gifted to you by the Almighty. Register today at 🖥www.liyanamusfirah.com #itsherblessedlife #lmnetwork #liyanamusfirah #womanworthsg #learnislamsg #muslimahsg #modernmuslimah #islamsg #ppissg #mentalhealth #sgmuslimah #sgmuslim #muslimsg #islamicposts #lmnxppissg #eventsg https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp4P65tBHdC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hi2eusi1nupm
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dewiinhousewrapspa · 9 years ago
I have reached...have not started gym yet but after consumed Forever Therm i kept Perspire so much while walking from the bus stop to the stafium and gym....wow so fast it take effect...already felt fat burning...awesome #foreverlivingwithspaworkshopsg #foreverlivingproducts #sgmuslim #muslimahsalonsg
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albanthannasr · 7 years ago
“By supplicating to Him you are performing one of the highest forms of worship. If you are persistent and sincere in your supplication, you will achieve freedom from worry and anxiety. All ropes are cut loose save His, and all doors are shut save His. He is near; He hears all and answers those who supplicate to Him.
"Invoke Me [and ask Me for anything], I will respond to your [invocation]." (Qur'an 40: 60)”
'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. “Don't be sad.”
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albanthannasr · 7 years ago
"And when harm touches man, he invokes Us, lying down on his side, or sitting or standing. But when We have removed his harm from him, he passes on his way as if he had never invoked Us for a harm that touched him!"
Qur'an 10 : 12
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albanthannasr · 8 years ago
1. Allah SWT has legislated dua as our relationship with Allah
2. Dua is worship. Dua is ibadah.
3. Dua is one of the most beloved acts of worship
4. Etiquette of Dua
a) Praising and Glorifying Allah SWT. Using his names and his attributes.
b) Sending selawat to Rasullulah SAW.
It is said that our dua is suspended between the heavens and the earth until we send salah and salam to the Prophet SAW
c) Making dua that your whole heart is attentive to, sincere to, emotional and connected to Allah. A heart that is certain Allah will answer.
Allah does not require you to make dua in the Arabic language. In fact, speak a language you are most comfortable with, speak it with sincerity, speak it with love, with longing, with desperation.
Allah SWT loves his servants that rely upon him and humbles themselves before him.
d) shouldn’t just ask for dunya, dua should include akhirah. A good dua has both in the equation.
5) One of the best example of a dua.
rabbana atina fiddunya hasanah
Grant us good in the life
wafil akhirati hasanah
Grant us good in the hereafter
waqina ‘adzabannar
And save us from the punishment of the hellfire.
Equation = 1 part dunya + 2 parts akhirah
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albanthannasr · 8 years ago
The Seventy-Seven Branches of Faith
The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said “There are some 60 or 70 branches of faith. The highest is to bear witness that ‘There is no god but Allāh and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allāh’ (lā ilāha illallāhu muhammadur rasūlullāh). The lowest is the removal of harm from the road. Modesty is also of faith.” [1]
The “Seventy-Seven Branches of Faith” [2] is a collection of Qur’anic verses and Prophetic narrations compiled by Imām al-Bayhaqī [d. 458 A.H], Allāh be well pleased with him. In it, he explains the essential virtues that reflect true faith [imān]. These seventy-seven branches are some of the essential attributes and characteristics that a true believer should have or strive towards having.
Complete Iman in reality consists of three components:
1. Confirmation by heart of all the essentials of Iman 2. Confirmation by tongue of all the essentials of Iman 3. Confirmation by actions of all the essentials of Iman
Thus, the ”77 Branches of Faith” are divided into three categories:
1. the first of which concern the intention, belief and action of the heart, 2. the second concern the use of the tongue, 3. and the third concern all the remaining parts of the body.
Abdul Hakim Murad, professor of Divinity at Cambridge University, was the first to translate this work into the English vernacular.[3] As the book is no longer in print, here then are theSeventy-Seven Branches of Faith:
30 Qualities are Connected to the Heart
1. To belief in Allāh Most High. 2. To believe that everything other than Allāh was non-existent. Thereafter, Allāh Most High created these things and subsequently they came into existence. 3. To believe in the existence of angels. 4. To believe that all the heavenly books that were sent to the different prophets are true. However, apart from the Qur’an, all other books are not valid anymore. 5. To believe that all the prophets are true. However, we are commanded to follow the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ alone. 6. To believe that Allāh Most High has knowledge of everything from before-hand and that only that which He sanctions or wishes will occur. 7. To believe that Resurrection will definitely occur. 8. To believe in the existence of Heaven. 9. To believe in the existence of Hell. 10. To have love for Allāh Most High. 11. To have love for the Messenger of Allāh, ﷺ. 12. To love or hate someone solely because of Allāh. 13. To execute all actions with the intention of religion alone. 14. To regret and express remorse when a sin is committed. 15. To fear Allāh Most High. 16. To hope for the mercy of Allāh Most High. 17. To be modest. 18. To express gratitude over a bounty or favour. 19. To fulfill promises. 20. To exercise patience. 21. To consider yourself lower than others. 22. To have mercy on the creation. 23. To be pleased with whatever you experience from Allāh Most High. 24. To place your trust in Allāh Most High. 25. Not to boast or brag over any quality that you posses. 26. Not to have malice or hatred towards anybody. 27. Not to be envious of anyone. 28. Not to become angry. 29. Not to wish harm for anyone. 30. Not to have love for the world.
7 Qualities are Connected to the Tongue 1. To recite the Testimony of Faith [Kalimatu-sh Shahādah] with the tongue. 2. To recite the Qur’ān. 3. To acquire knowledge. 4. To pass on knowledge. 5. To make supplications [du’a] to Allāh Most High. 6. To make invocations [dhikr] of Allāh Most High. 7. To abstain from the following: * lies, * backbiting, * vulgar words, * cursing, and * singing that is contrary to the Sharī’ah.
40 Qualities are Connected to the Entire Body
1. To make ablution [wudū], take bath [ghusl], and keep one’s clothing clean. 2. To be steadfast in offering the prayer [salāt]. 3. To pay the tithe [zakāt] and Sadaqatu-l Fitr. 4. To fast. 5. To perform the Hajj. 6. To make i’tikāf. 7. To move away or migrate from that place which is harmful for one’s religion [din]. 8. To fulfill the vows that have been made to Allāh Most High. 9. To fulfill the oaths that are not sinful. 10. To pay the expiation [kaffārah]for unfulfilled oaths. 11. To cover those parts of the body that are obligatory [fard] to cover. 12. To perform the ritual slaughter [Udhiya/Qurbani]. 13. To enshroud and bury the deceased. 14. To fulfill your debts. 15. To abstain from prohibited things when undertaking monetary transactions. 16. To NOT conceal something true which you may have witnessed. 17. To get married when the nafs desires to do so. 18. To fulfill the rights of those who are under you. 19. To provide comfort to one’s parents. 20. To rear children in the proper manner. 21. To NOT sever relations with one’s friends and relatives. 22. To obey one’s master. 23. To be just. 24. To NOT initiate any way that is contrary to that of the generality of the Muslims. 25. To obey the ruler, provided what he orders is not contrary to the Sharī’ah. 26. To make peace between two warring groups or individuals. 27. To assist in noble tasks. 28. To command the good and forbid the evil. 29. To mete out punishments according to the Shari’ah, IF it is the government. 30. To fight the enemies of religion [din] whenever such an occasion presents itself. 31. To fulfill one’s trusts (amana). 32. To give loans to those who are in need. 33. To see to the needs of one’s neighbour. 34. To ensure that one’s income is pure. 35. To spend according to the Sharī’ah. 36. To reply to one who has greeted you. 37. To say yarhamuka-Llāh [Allāh have mercy on you!] when anyone says alhamduli–Llāh [all praise is for Allāh] after sneezing. 38. To NOT cause harm to anyone unjustly. 39. To abstain from games and amusements contrary to the Shariah. 40. To remove pebbles, stones, thorns, sticks, and the like from the road.
References: [1] Sahīh Bukhārī
[2] Al-Bayhaqī, Shu’ab al-Īmān.
[3] al-Qazwīnī, 1300. Mukhtasar Shu’ab al-Imān. Translated from Arabic by TJ Winter, 1990. India: The Quilliam Press.
[4] AA al-Tahanawi. The 77 Branches of Faith. F. Rabbani on Sunni Path website [Online] Available from: http://spa.qibla.com/issue_view.asp?HD=7&ID=103&CATE=24.  [Accessed 30 Dec 2013].
[5] Jalali. The 77 Branches of Faith. [Online] Available from: http://taqwa.sg/v/articles/77-branches-of-faith/. [Accessed 30 Dec 2013]
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albanthannasr · 7 years ago
Or do they envy men for what Allah has given them of His Bounty? (Qur'an 4 : 54)
“Jealousy is a disease that wreaks havoc not only on the mind, but also on the body. It is said that there is no repose for the jealous one and that he is an enemy wearing the garb of a friend. In doing justice to the disease of jealousy, one can say that it is a fair one, for it begins with its bearer, killing him first.
I forbid both you and myself from jealousy, because before we can show mercy to others we must first show it to ourselves. By being jealous of others, we are feeding misery with our flesh and blood and we are giving our sound sleep to others.
The jealous person lights a fire and then jumps into it. Jealousy begets grief, pain, and suffering, thus destroying what was once a calm and virtuous life.
The curse of the jealous one is that he contests fate and contends that his Creator is unjust.
How like a disease is jealousy, yet unlike other diseases — the one afflicted by it receives no reward in the Hereafter. The jealous person shall remain in fury until the day he dies, or until the good fortune of others departs from them. Everyone can be reconciled except the jealous one, because reconciliation with him requires that the blessings of Allah are removed from you or that you give up your talents and good qualities. If you were to do this, then perhaps he would become happy despite himself.
We seek refuge in Allah from the evil of the jealous one, a person who becomes like a black poisonous snake, finding no repose until it releases its venom into an innocent body.
So stay far away from jealousy and seek refuge in Allah from the jealous person, because he is constantly watching you.”
‘Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. “Don’t be sad.”
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albanthannasr · 7 years ago
“An act of charity is like perfume — it benefits the user, the seller, and the buyer.”
'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. “Don't be sad.” iBooks.
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albanthannasr · 7 years ago
“He who spends his wealth for increase in self-purification, and has in his mind no favor from anyone for which a reward is expected in return; except only the desire to seek the Countenance of his Lord, the Most High. He surely will be pleased [when he enters Paradise].“
Qur'an 92 : 18-21
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albanthannasr · 7 years ago
““No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in the Book of Decrees — before We bring it into existence.” (Qur'an 57: 22)
The pen has dried, the pages have been lifted: all events that shall come to pass have already been written.
“Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us.” (Qur'an 9: 51)
Whatever has befallen you was not meant to escape you, and whatever has escaped you was not meant to befall you: If this belief were to be firmly ingrained in your heart, then all hardship and difficulty would become ease and comfort.”
‘Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. “Don’t be sad.”
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albanthannasr · 7 years ago
“Allah has willed for this world to be filled with two opposites: good and evil, righteousness and corruption, happiness and misery. Thus goodness, uprightness, and happiness are for Paradise; evil, corruption, and misery are for the Fire.
The Prophet (bpuh) said:
"This world is cursed along with all that is in it, except for these: the remembrance of Allah, what follows it (i.e. good deeds and whatever Allah loves), the scholar, and the student.”
'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. “Don't be sad.”
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albanthannasr · 7 years ago
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest
“To the degree that you remember Allah, your heart will be calm and cheerful. His remembrance carries with it the meaning of total dependence upon Him, of turning to Him for aid, of having good thoughts about Him, and of waiting for victory from Him. Truly, He is near when supplicated: He hears when He is called and He answers when He is invoked, so humble yourself before Him and ask of Him sincerely. Repeat His beautiful blessed name, and mention Him as being alone worthy of worship. Mention His praises, supplicate to Him, and ask forgiveness from Him: you will then find — by the will of Allah — happiness, peace, and illumination.”
Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. “Don't be sad.”
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albanthannasr · 7 years ago
“Everything that has gentleness in it is beautified, and whatever lacks it is spoiled.
There are certain people whose personalities are like magnets, attracting everyone who is nearby, simply because they are loved for their gentle talk, their good manners, and their noble deeds.
Winning the friendship of others is an art that is mastered by those that are noble and pious; a circle of people constantly surrounds them. Their mere presence in a gathering is a blessing, and when they are absent they are missed and asked about.”
'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. “Don't be sad.”
ps: I wished I was such, maybe it isn't my time yet, maybe it isn't in my lot. Allah alone knows best.
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albanthannasr · 7 years ago
“In proportion to the level of your faith — strong or weak, firm or wavering — will you be happy and at peace.
"Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a true believer; verily to him We will give a good life [in this world with respect, contentment, and lawful provision]. And We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do [i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter]." (Qur'an 16: 97)
The 'good life' that is mentioned in this verse refers to having a firm faith in the promise of our Lord and a steady heart that loves Him. People who lead this 'good life' will also have calm nerves when afflicted with hardship; they will he satisfied with everything that befalls them, because it was written for them, and because they are pleased with Allah as their Lord, with Islam as their Religion, and with Muhammad as their Prophet and Messenger.”
'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. “Don't be sad.”
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albanthannasr · 7 years ago
Faith is life itself
"Those that are wretched, in the full sense of the word, are those that are bereft of the treasures of faith. They are always in a state of misery and anger.”
'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. “Don't be sad.”
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