milevenxdepression · 2 months
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✰ the sounds good feels good legacy challenge ✰
a while ago i started this challenge and never got around to finish it. but here it is! a sims legacy challenge inspired by my favourite album. hope you enjoy!
if you don't like any prompts feel free to change them, especially if you don't have certain packs. use as many mods or any lifespan you like!
use the hashtag #sgfglegacy, i would love to see your posts!
this challenge is inspired by dizzywhims’ sour and simlidge’s harry’s house legacy challenge. <3
rules and gens under the cut!
generation zero: money ✰
you’re 20, you’ve just graduated from a music program and are ready to start your life. your big dreams: become rich and famous, and everybody in the place should catch that feeling.
traits: music lover, outgoing, erratic
aspiration: fabulously wealthy
skills: guitar, singing, dj mixing
career: entertainer, musician branch
regularly perform for other sims
go on vacation every season when you reach the musician branch
date and elope with someone you've met when partying
generation one: she's kinda hot ✰
all the money your mom and dad have made you a bit spoiled, so you drop out of college and see sim after sim. when you realize all your partners only want you for your money, you decide to give it all away. you’re alright though.
traits: materialistic, self-absorbed, romantic
aspiration: serial romantic
skills: media production, acting, charisma
career: social media, internet personality branch
drop out of college after one term
every time you break up with someone they take 2k of your money
have a kid with one of your one night stands and donate all your money when they become a teen
generation two: hey everybody ✰
with your parent not leaving you any of their money, you decide it’s not the end of the world, because you don’t want it anyway. you just want to raise a happy family with as little money as possible, living in a dream suburban home.
traits: family oriented, cheerful, neat
aspiration: successful lineage
skills: research and debate, parenting, baking
career: education, professor branch
have a mini-job during high school and college to support yourself
move to the suburbs and own a white picket fence home with your partner
have at least three kids and quit your job once you reach level 10 to be a stay-at-home-parent
generation three: permanent vacation ✰
you’re sick of your parents’ and siblings‘ conformity and rebel your way through high school. in college you’re known for the campus-wide protests you hold. frustration and desperation with society lead you to wanting to change the system.
traits: self-assured, vegetarian, good
aspiration: neighbourhood confidante
skills: logic, charisma, video games
career: politician, politician branch
move out the moment you turn into a young adult
hold one protest a week, marry someone you met protesting
have kids, but then divorce your partner, taking all kids with you
generation four: jet black heart ✰
growing up in a very messy and loud household, writing is your only escape. as a young-adult you try to work over your depression, but it isn’t until you meet a certain someone that you burst back into colors, returning to life.
traits: gloomy, perfectionist, romantic
aspiration: bestselling author
skills: writing, painting, knitting
career: writer, journalist branch
stay in most days and rarely go out with friends until you meet your partner
meet said future partner by having to interview them for your work
write three bestsellers and earn 20k with paintings.
generation five: catch fire ✰
you’ve fallen in love for the first time and then they cheat on you. you’re devastated. you go through college never getting over them. but since survivor’s guilt can be so unkind, they come back to start a family with you.
traits: bro, loves outdoors, active
aspiration: bodybuilder
skills: fitness, charisma, snowboarding
career: athlete, professional athlete branch
get cheated on by your bf/gf when you’re in high school
distract yourself by pouring everything into sports
eventually marrry the sim who cheated on you in high school
generation six: safety pin ✰
you can tell that your parents' relationship is not what they make it out to be and them brushing over it, has always bothered you. but then a broken boy meets a broken girl and the two of you are unstoppable and in love like no one else.
traits: creative, art lover, cheerful
aspiration: party animal
skills: painting, piano, dancing
career: painter, patron of the arts branch
meet another broken sim and run away together with 500§ between the two of you
have paintings worth 50.000§ in your home
adopt at least one child and have one of your own
generation seven: waste the night ✰
growing up all you want to have is a love like your parents. you do experience it, but one faithful night ends it all. to get distracted you drown yourself in coursework, hoping not to make the same mistakes again.
traits: ambitious, overachiever, bookworm
aspiration: academic
skills: research and debate, programming, logic
career: law, judge branch
be in a romantic relationship, but be mean to them in an argument and break up
complete three uni degrees and don’t flirt with anyone
meet and marry someone new, but always keep a little distance
generation eight: vapor ✰
you didn’t think it would ever hit you like this, but you are addicted to your partner and you need to be around them all the time. even though they sometimes seem kind of distant and make it sound so sweet when they lie to you.
traits: loyal, generous, foodie
aspiration: mixologist
skills: mixology, gourmet cooking, parenting
career: critic, food critic branch
call your partner every morning and night
when you move in together woohoo every two days until your first kid
have your partner get pregnant from someone else/get someone else pregnant, but raise it as your own
generation nine: castaway ✰
you also go through a big break up in your 20s, except you also have a kid beside you, your partner having walked out, leaving you stranded. so you pack up your things and the two of you move to the countryside to start a peaceful new life.
traits: animal enthusiast, family-oriented, loves outdoors
aspiration: country caretaker
skills: gardening, flower arranging, wellness
career: gardener, botanist branch
have a kid with your partner and then have them leave you all of a sudden
move to the countryside and run a farm
never marry and raise your kid as a single parent
generation ten: the girl who cried wolf ✰
you are bored of the countryside and of your high school partner, who loves you a lot. you cheat on them during college and date around a bit. but no one can love you like your first and no matter how much you two fight, they’re not leaving.
traits: hot headed, non-committal, high maintenance
aspiration: villainous valentine
skills: entrepreneur, fitness, media production
career: social media, public relations branch
have a bf/gf in high school who adores you
cheat on them with someone from a different city and follow them there
date around in said city, but eventually marry your high school sweetheart
generation eleven: broken home ✰
your parents say they’re in love, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it. you’d hope, you’d pray, you were waiting it out, but you eventually grow to hate everyone around you. except for that one person who introduces you to a very, very bad world.
traits: kleptomaniac, evil, loner
aspiration: seeker of secrets
skills: mischief, programming, handiness
career: secret agent, villain branch
keep happy relationships until you become a teen, then lose all of them
meet someone who works as a criminal, have them be your only positive relationhip
never officially date them but have kids together
generation twelve: fly away ✰
you try to get away from your family as soon as possible, wanting to take your heart to the end of the world. you want to see everything and know everyone, which sometimes leads you to forget what - or who - is most important.
traits: adventurous, outgoing, creative
aspiration: friend of the world
skills: writing, painting, mixology
career: freelance writer or artist
skip college and move to a different world right out of high school
have lived in four different worlds throughout your life
marry someone from the second world you’ve moved to. have multiple kids, neglect one of them
generation thirteen: invisible ✰
neglected by your parents, you don’t know yourself, until you meet someone who does. together you raise a kid and scared for them to grow up the way you did, you maybe pay a little too much attention to them.
traits: paranoid, family oriented, jealous
aspiration: super parent
skills: parenting, cooking, pet training
career: culinary, chef branch
keep a close relationship with your siblings, but not with your parents
meet someone out on the street. reject them first, thinking you’re not good enough
helicopter-parent your kid
generation fourteen: airplanes ✰
you find shelter in your best friend with your parents always up your way. when you turn 18 you start to rebel against them and together with your best friend, now partner, you move to san myshuno with nothing to lose in this city.
traits: party animal, goofball, romantic
aspiration: city native
skills: photography, media production, comedy
career: style influencer, stylist branch
spend more time at your best friend’s house than your own as a teen
move into an apartment with your partner in san myshuno
get eloped on ‘a night out on the town’ day
generation fifteen: san francisco ✰
growing up the city is all you know, this is where you fell in love, never thinking it would end. but then they pass and you move to the mountains where you find a new life and new love, but never forgetting (with) who you originally were.
traits: perfectionist, good, loyal
aspiration: mt. komorebi sightseer
skills: logic, programming, skiing
career: salaryperson, expert branch
fall in love with someone from san myshuno. have them pass away
move to mt. komorebi and max your career before dating again
marry a mt. komorebi native and have kids. have pictures of your first love in your house
generation sixteen: os / co ✰
after 16 generations of love, loss and heartbreak, you are very scared of losing your partner, so you break up with them out of fear. but with the way the universe works you find your way back together and you let the good times roll.
traits: gloomy, romantic, loves outdoors
aspiration: inner peace
skills: wellness, gourmet cooking, piano
career: conservationist, marine biologist branch
break up with your partner when you reach a relationship level of 100
after some time get back together with your true love
have a long and peaceful life and never have kids. thank u for playing :)
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