finalgirlagatha · 4 years
asking for a friend here, but does anyone know if tedros has a middle name? also while we’re at it, does agatha have a last name or a middle name?? if they don’t any suggestions? again, asking for a friend ahaha
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Just gonna write out all of my ideas for a Sophie and Filip are Twins au
-Filip gardens, and he just enjoys the outdoor and animals, logs all of the bugs he find among his flowers
-Fil is as Popular with the Ladies as Sophie is popular with the Guys
-He gets along ok with Agatha, they would interact minimully but if put into a situation where they had to interact one on one they would get along
-He obviously wasnt chosen to go to the school, and really didn't want to in the first place anyways, but he always tried to support Sophie with her dream of being a princess, if he did he would probably be a Never like his sister
- Sophie is the only one who's allowed to cut and use his Flowers without permission, but there are certain ones that are off limits even to her
- I am personally electing for The Books after the 3rd book do not happen in this au, as well as the Sophie and Agatha are actually sisters doesn't happen/doesn't exist because it's stupid, is never brought up again after its revealed and I simply hate it
- Sophie after becoming the Dean of Evil, she convinces Filip to help her with the redecorating of the Castle, specifically the gardens, he doesn't mind because he gets free food and housing, and he gets to get away from his father
- he doesn't have the best relationship with his dad, having to deal with him while Sophie was at the school, which was mildly unbearable for him
-He also uses Make up, Sophie taught him how to when they were younger and I mean the prettier the better
- His magic would either be Pink or Green, Pink because sometimes twins are like that man, and it would simply be interesting, or green because you know, gardening, plants
- Filip is gay and Sophie is Aro-Ace, she just sort of gives off that vibe, idk man
- most of Filips friendships have been with Women, since as a child he spent his time with his mother and sister, and just stayed close with his sister,and he is kind of awkward around other men
- he's seen as "The Nice Twin" of the two of them, often helping out people with their gardens and such, he has a good reputation
- Sophie is pretty much the same as in the books, maybe a bit snarkier but thats only really with Filip
- similar to how he's outwardly portrayed in the book he's very awkward around other boys and doesn't "Act like a boy"
- despite his reputation as "The nice twin" both him and Sophie have a mean streak, but he's much better at hiding it, backhanded comments and mean things disguised as compliments are what he uses
- Tedros doesnt meet him during his and Agatha's time in their Village, he probably visited only Agatha at some point but felt it really wasn't his business as long as his sister was safe he didn't care
- Tedros meets Filip during a visit to Sophie with Agatha and he absolutely does a double take and once/if they become friends Tedros absolutely ends up with a huge crush on Fil, and his flirting is misconstrued by Fil as being annoying
- quick stuff for my au, Later into the relationship, a little after the end of the 3rd book, Agatha and Tedros realize that they're not in love in the way they thought, they're still "Soulmates" or what ever this book calls it., But the romance was all heat of the moment, they continue for the wedding because the old men who run Camelot would be pissed, but they're relationship is simply very close friends
- They are both planning on seeking out other romantic relationships after the wedding, only continuing the marriage for the "good of the kingdom" Tedros doesn't want to end up in a loveless and unhappy marriage, so they don't try to force themselves to be in love romantically, man I'm just doing this as a dig at the stupid implications of the book saying the most fulfilling relationships have to be romantic, let them be platonic soulmates bestie
- Sophie and Filip's father dislikes them mostly because they remind him of their Mother, and they don't act like he wants them to, Sophie is a boisterous and loud girl who doesn't stay home and cook and clean like he wants her too, and Filip is a sharp but awkward boy who just wants to live a quiet life and garden, instead of chop wood and other manly things like him
Feel free to add any more ideas in the tags or comments, I just want to talk about this au with someone
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nigtmarepotter · 9 years
A true princess didn't hide from her fate behind the shied of Good.
The Last Ever After
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