#sg1 10x13
drjohndisco · 4 months
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also. thinking a lot about the version of rodney from sg1 10x13.
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rodneymckays · 3 years
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@leiasighwalker asked: Rod McKay (McKay and Mrs. Miller) or Rodney McKay (The Road Not Taken)
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SG-1] 10.13: The Road Not Taken
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Sam doing the Science thing is cute!
Oh dear… Poor Cam… Sorry.
“Didn’t you see my sign?” [pointing to the sign, very much not on the door:] “You mean this sign?”
;w; Where is my Daniel. Poor Vala must feel as miserable as I do about this.
That’s so creepy. Sam disappearing… oh fuck, that noise cannot be good.
Did… did Sam just get sucked into nothingness??
Well that doesn’t look good, how’d she get there?
Major?? LORNE?? What the – Who is Bennet?? WHAT THE HELL??
Leader of SG1?? Lorne??
Sam… what did you do?
New rule: Sam is not allowed to play with science unsupervised.
So… Other!Carter isn’t there…
Other!Carter was trying to build a ZPM??
This hurts my head… but what happened to Other!Carter?
Well hell, this other world is seriously screwed over…
Lee looks terrified that he’s going to be fired.
Sam doing the disappearing trick is always fun.
Other!Sam was married to McKay?? I can’t even.
He must never know. I love him, but nobody can tell him. Ever.
They moved the White House under Cheyenne Mountain??
General Landry?? Wha— President?
Landry is lucky he’s underground. Can you imagine the teenagers being told their iPads are going to run out of charge?
Uhoh… big ships are big. Sam… I don’t want to rush you…
Make it Spin!!
Pfft. The Ori are probs confused af.
…she’s gonna kill Landry.
It’s election year, isn’t it.
What the actual fuck Landry?
*is suspicious* I’m trusting Sam rn. I know nothing here, but if she’s concerned, I am too.
McKay! …is wearing glasses?
Oh thanks Bill, now he’s never going to let her go.
Oh Landry… you shouldn’t have done that. Sam is incredibly clever and has the potential to be very vicious. She fought in wars dammit, she’s not some sweet little ornament you can push around.
Oh dear… Sam… you’ve been talking to an empty TV for… at least a minute.
Sam getting up in the President’s face.
Pfft. And on the other side of the multiverse, Bill is skulking around Sam’s Lab with a sound dish.
“You were in jail.” “Oh not again.”
They… talked to an empty room… for two weeks. :D
I love this squad.
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stargatelov3r · 2 years
The universe in The Road Not Taking is kinda like the mirror universe in star trek isn’t it?
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stargatecaps · 5 years
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zavuya · 6 years
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stargate365 · 5 years
Bonus: The Best of Samantha Carter [Poll]
Date/Time: Oct 19th. 18:00 UTC. [USA: 11a/1p/2pm | UK: 7p | C. Europe: 8p]
Bonus Theme: The Best of Samantha Carter
Please comment or Reblog on your top two choices. More than two choices will result in the first two listed being counted.
In the Event of a two-parter topping the boards, we’ll be putting the second choice back into the pool. Feel free to suggest episodes for future viewing.
Ex. SG1 4.06 and SGA 2.14 | Ex. Suggesting: SGA 5.05, SG1 10.06
SG1 1.04 Emancipation : Sam gets stuck in a dress.
SG1 3.12-13 Jolinar’s Memories + The Devil You Know : We all go to Hell.
SG1 3.14 Foothold : Sam saves the SGC.
SG1 7.08 Space Race : What it says on the tin.
SG1 10.13 The Road Not Taken : Sam goes to a Parallel Universe
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stargatecaps · 5 years
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stargatecaps · 6 years
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zavuya · 7 years
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zavuya · 7 years
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zavuya · 7 years
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