#sg smokescreen
toomanybrainrots · 11 months
Sooo, I had an idea and I happened to see you were one of the few people to even acknowledge an SG version of Smokescreen.
How about this: Shattered Glass!Smokescreen is an Autobot who is VERY disillusioned with the cause. Has absolutely no illusions of glory or true loyalty to Optimus. Cold and calculating tactician/strategist as a result of his environment but secretly desires peace. (Inverting canon Smokey's desire to be a great warrior) Really ironic because SG!Optimus actually kinda likes Smokescreen (as much the dude is capable of it) because of all the times he saved OP's life and contributed heavily to Autobot victories during his comparatively short tenure on Earth. (Inverting how canon Smokey had to prove his loyalty and abilities) What the Autobots don't know is that Smokescreen is going through the motions of the "ideal soldier" that he was (unsuccessfully) indoctrinated with during his time with SG!Alpha Trion at the Hall of Records and doesn't quite know if he can break out of that persona.
Whereas regular Smokey had to temper his idealism when faced with reality and war, SG!Smokey's character development is about reawakening his idealism and realizing that Optimus cannot decide what is right for him.
Oooh! I like this
SG!Smokescreen, overtime, starts to break out of the "ideal soldier" persona that SG!Alpha Trion indoctrinated him with, and starts to realize that Optimus can not decide what is right for him and starts being independent, making his own choices and decisions with little to none of Optimus' influences. He's probably gonna get a redemption arc later, maybe a bit like Dreadwing in which he leaves the Autobots but doesn't join the Decepticons. Or maybe he sacrifices himself but I'm leaning more towards the redemption arc thing.
Another idea as I was typing this, is that SG!Alpha Trion may or may have not indoctrinated Smokey with the "ideal soldier" persona for him to potentially be the next Prime that would take over if or when SG!Optimus dies.
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Perchance To Dream: Thinking about what pre-war jobs SG Decepticons and Autobots should've had (in the SG universe there never was functionism, and education was free or affordable, so they could have different jobs from their canon ones if they wanted. Many of them also didn't have canon pre-war jobs).
Bumblebee and Smokescreen didn't have jobs because they were children, Ratchet was still a doctor, and Shockwave was still a scientist. Beyond that, i haven't really decided.
Megatron could be a nurse like he apparently originally wanted in IDW1, or a writer (maybe on a nicer Cybertron you could live off of writing). On the other hand if SG Megatron was a nurse, that could be how he meets several people before the war (like Shockwave, and maybe even Optimus). In either case something horrible or interesting would have to happen for SG Megatron to end up as a leader.
I've heard things about SG Megatron and teaching??
But the nurse thing would be ~interesting symbolism~
SG Starscream definitely should be a scientist as a treat
With Optronix you can keep with the baseline tfp route of archivist or go with the canon SG route of cop
I'm almost inclined to suggest sg Knockout runs a free clinic, either that or I've thought about SG Knockout as a painter
I think? SG Soundwave was a DJ or a TV host before the war? Though I feel like this would go in interesting directions following with this being a TFP based au
Shit /definitely/ went down for Megs to be in charge, and there are so many directions we can go there
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galaxii-star · 5 months
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the medieval au of shattered glass humanformers that ive been brewing,,
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velathetanager · 9 months
What does the SG!humans thinks of the SG!autobots?
Fowler thinks all of them are different shades of crazy, especially Optimus Prime. He's honestly surprised none of them have realized he's playing both sides yet.
Jack is alright with Arcee, scared of Optimus, and indifferent to most everyone else. He thinks what Ratchet did with Vincent is funny (but he's no longer dumb enough to say it out loud because of what Vincent almost did to him when he did).
Raf loves Bee like a father and gets increasingly nervous when he's not around (which Bee wants). He thinks Optimus Prime is basically Bee's creepy dad, Ratchet is a mad scientist that keeps looking at him weird, Arcee is Bee's big sister that's weird about Jack, and Smokescreen is Bee's cool little brother; if Bee isn't around, he will usually go hang out with Smokescreen. If neither are around, he stays in one secluded corner of the base.
Vincent HATES most of the Autobots. He blames them for what happened to him, and he only really listens to them because he was literally programmed to. He gets along with Smokescreen, though. He thinks the Phase Shifter is cool. As for Wheeljack, Vincent doesn't like him either, but he'll put up with him because he doesn't want him to stop letting Miko visit. Miko is the only one who understands, and he doesn't want to lose that.
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hardygalwrites · 2 years
Originally posted to FFN on the 31st of July, 2017
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 50 (Misc.) – Week 52 (Misc.) →
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you would not believe how little these two actually show up on screen at the same time . . .
Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
But You're Not
It frustrated Ratchet when bots came to him saying Bumblebee wasn't acting like himself. Did they really expect him to just bounce back after what had happened to him? No bot could just bounce back from something like that! Some bots just hid their trauma better than others, and Bumblebee, for all his field experience, had never been through something that required him to learn that skill.
'Until now,' Ratchet thought sadly.
He may have been born into this war, but Bumblebee was still a youngling.
'Well... not anymore.'
Ratchet watched as Bumblebee angrily pushed a concerned comrade aside. *I said I'm fine!*
Few is Better than None
Bumblebee nudged his teammate. "C'mon, Smokescreen, what's wrong?"
Smokescreen sighed. "I don't wanna sound childish or anything, but honestly, I'm kinda jealous of you guys. Everyone who's come home so far either knows or recognizes at least one of you as friends, or even heroes. And I know, I know - reputation, being known, that's not important - but still! That's something I've wanted for as long as I can remember, and I can't help but feel... kinda disappointed I wasn't able to get there."
"...Well... At least  we  know you. And personally, I'm glad we do. That's gotta count for something."
"Heh. Thanks, 'Bee."
War Stops For No Age
Bumblebee was a fine soldier. Inexperienced, a little overenthusiastic, and sometimes even naïve, but he still had the makings of a warrior. That didn't stop his comrades from teasing him and treating him like the little brother he was (much to Bumblebee's vocal indigence). Because though Bumblebee's comrades certainly respected him as a fellow Autobot and soldier, they were also aware that Bumblebee was still a kid. It was all they could do to ensure he kept that youthful enthusiasm for as long as possible.
Because in the end, war doesn't care who you are. If they didn't care, no else would.
Who is to Say What is Dark?
"You are not me," the other bot drawled. "I wouldn't be caught dead with my finish in that state."
Knock Out scoffed. The bot looked just like him, barring the paint color, state of the finish, and general demeanor. Honestly, did this bot get any medical work done with the amount of time clearly dedicated to that spectacularly pristine, red finish?
"Perhaps you're a clone," the other bot mused, again with that unnecessary drawl. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I do a little... examination?" He brought out a buzzsaw.
Knock Out sighed. Figures his counterpart in this world would be a maniac.
You Just Made a Big Mistake
The 'Cons outnumbered him significantly, he wasn't exactly in peak physical condition, and he had absolutely no one to back him up. Bumblebee wasn't discouraged, though. No, he was angry.
It wasn't often Bumblebee got angry. Frustrated and annoyed maybe, but not angry. But these 'Cons seemed determined to get a rise out of the young leader. And considering what they’d done, Bumblebee acknowledged that they had succeeded.
"I don't know what you want," Bumblebee said, vocals dangerously low. "I don't know if this is part of some overcomplicated scheme, or what. And right now, I don't care. Give me back my team."
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blueskyscribe · 2 years
I just binge read all of life in glass houses and it was. So damn good. I understand if you never want to finish it but even just having that taste of it was incredible! I love your characterisation of Knockout SO damn much. And the world building is just stellar. I find myself so invested in Soundwave, admiring Starscream, fascinated by Smokescreen… And oh my god waiting for the shoe to drop (kinda) for Bee to really finally see all of KO’s trauma and horrible coping mechanisms and repression….!!! Their chemistry was so apparent on the page. What a feat of writing. I was pretty much glued to my computer. So thank you for that <3
Thank you for this beautiful comment!! And sorry it has taken me so long to respond; I was preparing for a toy show so I delayed responding because I wanted time to compose a proper response.
I loooove Knock Out, he's my absolute favorite (unseating Starscream from that position . . . Sorry Screamer, you're still my second fave) and I'm so happy you enjoyed my characterization of him. He's just such an interesting character, a Decepticon but not especially bloodthirsty; he seems pretty ambivalent about his job most of the time. Mostly he seemed to be a Decepticon because Breakdown was and because the Decepticons were "the winning team." Very pragmatic.
I remember one of the reasons I wanted him in a Shattered Glass fic was because usually in regular universe / mirror-verse crossovers (canon or otherwise) the regular world villains team up with the evil mirrorverse versions of the heroes. And I knew Knock Out would never do that. He is not going to join a bunch of violent strangers living under a rock, that is simply unsafe and foolhardy. Teaming up with an enemy from his own universe is safer. Taking refuge with the soft-hearted good-guys is safer. And then when he does feel safe, yeah, all his baggage starts unpacking itself and he's just trying to crush it back down while Bumblebee watches him like "WTF. Why are you so weird."
It's definitely a story I want to continue, I have a lot of plans.
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dat-lil-shark · 5 months
Transformer Prime x Poppy Playtime
I don't know why I put this much effort into this.
All I know is that there is some holy voice in the sky telling me to do it.
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to be honest i really LOVE making these type of crossover arts. Like the Transformer SG x Cinderrella last time you all loved. Tell me in the comments if you want to see more AUs like these in the future.
(By the way. Try to see if you can find all the hidden characters:
(Also just to clarify I DO NOT SHIP STARSCREAM AND SLIPSTREAM they are just there to reference some of the in-game childrens drawing of Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Wuggy! Where they are holding hands and got cute little hearts)
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random-fandom1984 · 6 months
TFP! Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader
Requested by @alex21705
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●It is midday, and you're patrolling somewhere in Louisiana, when a thunderstorm hit ●You called for a Groundbridge, and just as you passed through, a lightning bot struck the portal, and you didn't get to react in time as it pulled you in like a Black Hole ●When passing through, you expected to be in some sort of different Shadow Zone, but no; it was an alternate reality! ●To say you were confused was an understatement. Why are your colleagues suddenly so... nice? Why are their paint jobs different? Why was your closest friend so adorable?! What do you mean they didn't have another bot named C/n?! ●You weren't used to this nice, go-to happy atmosphere, especially Ratchet and Optimus NOT being psychopaths. But you weren't complaining. ●You were assigned to be Bumblebee's partner when going on patrols and missions, and you were confused.
-Optimus: I'm sure you're familiar with Bumblebee. Although he might not be like your world's version of him, I'm sure he will make you feel welcomed. -Bumblebee: *Beeps in confirmation* :) -C/n: ... Don't you mean Goldbug? -Bumblebee: *Beeps in confusion* ? -Optimus: No?
●So, the meeting was going great! ●As time passed by, you grew to like this place. Everything was peaceful when their world's version of Decepticons weren't trying to destroy shit. ●When you first arrived, you were aggressive, on guard like everyone and everything was going to attack you at any given moment. ●But the more you spent time here, you've cooled down a lot. You asked questions about topics like a toddler would, letting your interest be know that aren't about slaughter, murder, torturing; in fact, you started losing interest in those things! Spending time in this universe actually made you start seeing the brighter things in life. ●Not only that, but the more you started changing to a life a peace, you... started getting nightmares about what will happen when you return, and they see the changes. Most likely torture you without a second glance, possibly kill you for straying against the Autobot cause. But what will hurt most is what will Goldbug do when he sees the new you? You've known how he is with your world's Decepticons, basically a mini-Optimus in the making. ●But, of course, Bumblebee saw how nervous you were being, and confronted him about your behavior is when you let everything of your being fall apart, telling him that your scared. Scared of what will possibly happen when you return. It's not like you can stay in their world forever; you'd have to go back at some point. ●In response, he'd pull you into a hug, rubbing your back plates in a slow, gently manor, beeping in a tone that can be music. The first time he did this is when you felt your spark thump, and you just hugged him back, and the both of you fell into recharge, not once letting go are letting your grip become loose in the slightest.
-Raf: Bumblebee? Where are you? It's time for me to go- *Hears familiar beeping in the next room* Bee? Oh! *Looks in the room as see's Bumblebee hold C/n in his lap, arms wrapped around them as their arms are wrapped around his waist, both sleeping away* I'll just ask Ratchet. *Walks away*
●As time goes on, the pinning becomes so obvious majority of the team is just groaning in annoyance, they get that this is adorable but just get together already! ●Usually, whenever he gets upset over something, he would seek you out, and just wraps his arms around you because when he's with you, he doesn't want you to leave and holding onto you is his only security of that never happening. ●There was only one bot that he was jealous of, that's in his world, and it's Smokescreen. Ever since he's joined the team, he's been dropping pick-up line after pick-up line, and making your laugh! It should be him causing him to make you laugh, not him! ●The funny thing is that you like it when he seeks you out for comfort, causing you to quietly laugh at his adorableness. If Bumblebee finds out about this, he'll make sure to do that every single time he finds himself in the same room as you. 1 for Bee, 0 for Mr. Destiny Child. ●Often times, ever since Ratchet has gotten closer to find out a way to send you back home, Bumblebee has been trying to convince you to stay, and honestly... you've been considering it. ●I mean, on the one hand if you go back home, you'll see your team again! But on the other hand, ...you would probably get tortured for changing your ideals. ●And so, with a heavy spark, you decided to stay!
●Goldbug has been searching for you. You should've came through the Groundbridge and back to base. ●The others suspected that you were probably captured by the Decepticons, but they didn't bother. One less bot to waste Energon resources. ●But not Goldbug. He hasn't rest ever since you've disappeared. The bot he fell in love with just disappears? No. There's gotta be an explanation for this. ●Forcing SG! Raf to look through security cameras in the area you were in, he found out why. Stupid thunderstorm. But... at least this gives him a lead to find out where you went on his own. ●He will not rest until he finds you and returns you back.
Part 2?
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toomanybrainrots · 1 year
Got random ideas for a shattered glass au for TFP and RB and im sharing them here
Starting with TFP, Optimus would definitely be in the place of Megatron, as Autobots are evil here. SG!Optimus is a ruthless and cold tyrant that shows zero mercy towards anyone, not even his fellow Autobots. He sees the Autobots as minions and pawns he could dispose of ay any minute, he only keeps the useful ones.
SG!Ratchet is a cold-sparked and cynical medic, who is willing to use his fellow Autobots to get the results he wants. He may be a medic, but he's not afraid to get his servos dirty to get his results.
SG!Bulkhead is a wrecker who is always angry, always snapping or lashing out at something or someone. He doesn't care one bit about anything or anyone he breaks, as he enjoys the feeling of wrecking and the destruction that he intentionally causes, having a cruel and arrogant demeanor. Due to that, he has broken many of Ratchet's gadgets, causing the two to despise each other and willing to sacrifice the other.
SG!Arcee is a sly and cowardly femme, willing to scarifice anyone that is in her way as long as she gets out alive in the end, having a cold-sparked and cruel demeanor. She has plans to overthrow Optimus, as she sees herself to be more of a fit to be the leader of the Autobots. She and SG!Airachnid have quiet a history together, considering she had killed her previous partner before her very optics, and was the reason her partner, Skyquake, had fallen.
SG!Bumblebee is a loyal and silent scout, as his voicebox had been ripped out by Optimus himself as a punishment for disobeying him and a warning for the others, yet he sees that he deserved the punishment. He has eyes everywhere on the Ark, always knowing what is happening and relaying to Optimus. He is merciless on the battlefield and will not hesitate to off his opponents if necessary.
SG!Wheeljack is a cold and calculating scientist wrecker, who's experiments are bizzare and almost inhumane. He is a servant of logic first and foremost rather than a servant of Optimus. He does not care for anyone, simply seeing all of them as tools to further his experiments, which perfectly describes his relationship with Bulkhead.
SG!Ultra Magnus is a wrecker commander who is loyal to Optimus and the Autobots, but rarely does he take anything seriously. Yes, he gets the job done but he is, what Bulkhead and Wheeljack describe, a fool who does not deserve his title or his respect, a sentiment that is shared by everyone but Optimus, as the Prime doesn't care if Ultra Magnus is annoying or not, simply seeing him as a useful pawn he can manipulate and use.
SG!Smokescreen is mature and calculating, despite his young age. The rookie takes everything seriously, never joking around at all. Smokescreen is one of the only two bots that Bumblebee seems to have taken a liking to, often seen with him or nearby when a bot seeks one of the two out.
Now Recue Bots, who aren't exactly Rescue Bots.
In this SG universe, they are a faction that was founded by the Autobots and full of gladiators, wreckers and criminals, to cause disasters for the Autobots to come and swoop in and "save the day", to be the knights in shining armors and deceive the rest of Cybertron. But, the Rescue bots had defected, refusing to cause these disasters no more, which angered Optimus, a lot. SG!Heatwave and his team had managed to escape Optimus in their spaceship, having to go in stasis to hide their life signals away from the Autobots, the others were not as lucky.
I still don't know what to do for the Rescue Bots, i have ideas but I'm still working on them so yeah
I just wanted to ramble about this
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Hi!! ❤️🇻🇳 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) love from Vietnam for u writing~
*Mention: A lil kill and violence here ಠ_ಠ*
So, I was cooking, and then...my mind come an ideal for Shattered Glass Au ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What happen when Megatron Daughter meet SG!Megatron!!
I images that, SG and Origin world got a portal connect two world together.
What reaction when Buddy first see SG!Megs? I think she gonna be scared and hid in her room.
What reaction when she saw SG!Megatron is a great patient, loving dad toward her just like OP?
Will she get close to him and call him "Dad"?
(I think SG!Megs gonna teary when he hear her call him that 🥹, I'm not cry...)
Because SG!OP very violence, to make SG!Megatron fight him in Cybertron.
OP decide to kidnap and kill small sparkling Buddy infront of SG!Megatron.
SG! Megatron: I'm happy...cause you still alive in this world, lil one...
(I'm not crying 🥲...nope...)
And what punishment will happen to Megatron when SG!Megatron hear he, himself in this world abused Lil Buddy while he supposed to cherish and protect her, not be her nightmare 🥲
SG!Megs: I'm sorwy...
Buddy: Not your faul...dad...
SG!Megs: *Tear split out of his eye* I'M NOT DERSERVE YOU!!! WOAHHHHH!!!
Prepare any tissues at hand, they will be used.
This is my interpretation of SG! TFP, it may change in other works if the plot needs it.
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality meeting SG! Megatron
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Hurt and Comfort, mentions of violence and death, nothing graphic though, Cybertronian reader
It was a normal day on base.
Buddy was watching a movie with the kids on the projector.
Bee and Smokescreen had just gotten back from patrol.
Arcee was talking with Optimus and Ratchet about something.
The Wreckers had managed to get Magnus to throw a lob after days of pestering.
Truly a lovely day.
Until the portal spawned in the center of the base.
“Oh, not this again!”--Buddy
Buddy shields the kids with her frame.
“What do you mean again!”--Miko
“Trust me this has happened more times than I would like to have! The travel is awful and the lands are worse!”--Buddy
“And that’s story to tell for another time!”--Ratchet
“How do we stop it?!”--Wheeljack
“You don’t! You either get sucked in or something—”--Buddy
The light disappears.
“—something comes out.”--Buddy
There in the middle of the bases floor were three mechs sprawled out, groaning from their rough landing.
Three very familiar looking mechs…
Oh no…
The kids could feel Buddy shake at the sight of the newcomers.
The three mechs stood up and scanned their surroundings.
There was no doubt that they were Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave.
They had different paintjobs with similar frame structure, but that wasn’t what Buddy was focusing on.
She was focusing on the blue optics staring at her.
The blue optics she once looked into when she was a sparkling.
The blue optics of Megatron.
Buddy and SG! Megatron staring at each other.
Optimus and Ratchet immediately get in front of her.
Starscream and Soundwave stand up slightly in front of their leader who was just starting to stand.
Tense silence.
Megatron holds eye contact with Prime.
“We do not mean you any harm.”--Megatron
“And how do we know this isn’t a trick Megatron?”--Ratchet
Megatron looks at Starscream and Soundwave.
All three drop their weapons, surprising the Autobots.
“As I said before. We do not mean you any harm.”--Megatron
“You are not our Megatron, am I correct?”--Optimus
Megatron nods.
“We come from an alternative universe. You seem to know my name as Megatron. This is my loyal Second in Command, Starscream.”--Megatron
“Two words I never thought I’d hear in a sentence.”--Smokescreen
“And my third in Command Soundwave.”--Megatron
Almost everyone visibly jumps back.
“Did—did he just speak?”--Wheeljack
“Yeah? I talk all the time!”--Soundwave
“Sometimes more than usual Soundwave.”--Starscream
“Yeah. Sorry about that one time Screamy.”--Soundwave
Starscream shakes his helm fondly as Soundwave scratches the back of his neckcables.
“We come from a world that is near opposite to yours.”--Megatron
“How do you know that?”--Ratchet
“Our chief scientist, Shockwave was experimenting on the latest relic we managed to acquire from the Autobots. There was no telling what they were going to do with such a relic. Shockwave had enough time to tell us some of the basics before the blast came through.”--Starscream
Optimus nods at the new information.
“How are you guys getting back home?”--Smokescreen
“Shockwave was making a failsafe in case something like this happened. In theory we should be back in a couple of hours. But seeing as he was halfway done with it when the flash came in… a week at most.”--Soundwave
Megatron turns to Prime.
“Will you allow my mechs and I a place of refuge until then?”--Megatron
Prime thinks before agreeing.
Optimus in turn begins to introduce himself and the rest of the team.
He named Buddy last.
This certainly had gotten a reaction from the three Cons.
“This is Buddy, our archivist and technical support of the team.”--Optimus
All three mechs stare a bit at Buddy.
Soundwave kneels down and gently pats Buddy’s helm.
“It’s--it’s good to see ya kid.”--Soundwave
He stands back up, making room for Starscream to kneel.
He offers her his servo to shake.
Buddy shakes it hesitantly.
Starscream just smiles.
“Pleasure to meet you Buddy.”--Starscream
Buddy took the first step towards this Megatron.
It wasn’t the fact that he took a step backwards that surprised her the most.
It is his optics.
What happened to him?
Buddy slowly approached the giant and held out her servo.
Slowly he grabbed her servo.
It was shaky.
Nothing like the strong death grips she had grown accustomed to.
After the exchange it was settled that the three Decepticon’s would stay until their Shockwave got them home.
It was extremely tense around the base.
Starscream, strangely, got along well with some of the bots. This just surprised them when they found this Starscream to be way more tolerable than the one they knew.
For one, he wasn’t trying to kill Megatron ever second.
Starscream was surprised to hear his counter part wanting to do that to his leader.
He would never try and do that to his Megatron!
He was also caring to others, which was another shock to the team.
Bumblebee trips on a stray cube, slightly skinning his knee.
“Oh! Here let me.”--Starscream
Starscream pulls out a mini mesh kit to fix the joint.
Confused Bee noises intensifies.
Soundwave got along best with the kids and younger Bots.
It was only natural.
There almost wasn’t a second where he wasn’t making some sort of noise, whether it be music or talking, much to Ratchet’s dismay.
It was rare to hear him go silent.
He has mixed feelings about his counterpart’s silent but deadly behavior.
Mainly because he can’t stand so much stillness, ironic being the master spy he was.
Soundwave and Miko jamming out to some rock ballads.
Ratchet looking with horror from afar.
“Oh Primus… there’s two of them now…”—Ratchet
Megatron stays mostly by Prime’s side as the two would have nice talks.
He was the slowest to be integrated into the group.
He did ask about his counterpart, but he noticed that no bot would outright talk about his alternative whenever Buddy was in the room.
There were always side glances towards Buddy’s direction.
Worried glances.
One thing each of the Decepticons noticed fast was that Buddy was never left alone with any of them.
Usually, she was accompanied by a bot or two.
But whenever Megatron came, it almost doubled in numbers.
Soundwave was the one who brought it up one day as he plopped down next to her.
“So, Buddy… how’s your Megatron doing? I mean why haven’t we seen him with you?”--Soundwave
“We aren’t exactly… on talking terms Soundwave.”--Buddy
“How come?”--Soundwave
Buddy looks over at Soundwave and the other Con’s nearby.
“I think you might want to sit down for this.”--Buddy
They quickly sat down by Buddy, as some of the other bots sat down close by.
She knew why, but she continues.
She took a vent in before telling them her story from the beginning.
From the moment Megatronus found her.
From the times she remembered being in Orion Pax’s care.
From the times she was snuck into the gladiator quarters.
From when she met Soundwave and the minicons.
From the Senate meeting.
From the last time seeing Orion and Ratchet.
From when the war started.
From when the training had begun.
From when Megatron left, leaving her to control the army.
From Megatron’s return with the Dark energon.
From Megatron’s worsening training and ideals.
From Megatron’s second death and her having to take care of the army once more.
From Starscream’s ideals and the pushing.
From Megatron’s return.
From The Slash.
From the worse training to date.
From Soundwave snapping.
From Soundwave giving Buddy away to Prime.
The Decepticons had gone silent.
Soundwave was the first to reach out for a hug.
It felt familiar, yet different.
Starscream was the next.
Who knew Starscream could give out good hugs?
Then Megatron…
After a pause he asks if it was okay to hug her.
Buddy had leaped into his open arms before he could finish the sentence.
She buried her faceplate into his neck cables hugging tightly.
Megatron hugged tight too but minded his strength and size.
He gently stroked her back.
“I’m… I am so sorry Buddy.”--Megatron
Buddy lightly hiccupping in Megatron’s neck cables.
“I am so sorry little one.”--Megatron
Buddy finally faces Megatron.
“It—It wasn’t your fault. You had—had nothing to do with my Megatron’s actions.”--Buddy
“…Something happened to my alternative, didn’t it?”--Buddy
That was when he told her about his Buddy.
From when he found her in the alley.
From raising her with his friend Orion Pax.
From meeting Starscream and Soundwave.
From the Senate meeting.
From the last time she would see her uncle Orion storm out of the chamber.
From the time Nemesis Prime had arisen.
From the time she had been a shining beacon of hope amongst the soldiers.
From the time she disappeared.
From the time Soundwave and him found Prime holding her by her neckcables, struggling out of his grip.
From the pleas.
From the last ‘love you’.
From the blast of the cannon.
From holding his daughter’s offlined corpse in his servos.
From moving to Earth.
From the continuation of the war.
Buddy only hugged him tighter.
He needed it.
They both needed this more than anything.
It was at that moment the light came through.
It was time for them to leave.
The Cons saying their good-byes to everyone.
“If you ever end up in our universe, wouldn’t recommend it, feel free to ask for any of us! Maybe we can show you the base!”--Soundwave
“I’ll keep that in mind.”--Smokescreen
“Thank you again for your hospitality.”--Starscream
“You’re welcome Starscream.”--Optimus
The Cons turn to Buddy, each giving their own long hugs.
Megatron and Buddy give the longest hugs.
“Stay strong little one.”--Megatron
“Same to you, big guy.”--Buddy
Megatron and Buddy give each other one last look before the three walk to the light and vanish just as fast as it came.
They both knew that the alternative couldn’t replace the other, they lost to time. But it still felt good knowing that somewhere in the universe, one was alive and well.
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galaxii-star · 2 years
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Shattered Glass : Smokescreen X Star
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goodwhump-temp · 11 months
Shows, movies, anime, & cartoons (Organized Alphabetically by TV Title)(pinned) - Message me if any of this is outdated! Organized whump of my posts
Ray Palmer | Arrowverse Jake Peralta | Brooklyn-99 Tangerine | Bullet Train Richard Castle | Castle Ryan | Castle Johnny Gage | Emergency! (1979) John Carter | E.R. Peter Bishop | Fringe Simon | Firefly Malcolm | Firefly Mike Schmidt | FNAF Movie Tom Mason | Falling Skies Matt Damon | Jason Bourne Jake Green | Jericho (2006) Hawkeye | M*A*S*H Steven Grant | Moon Knight Thomas Shelby | Peaky Blinders Shawn Spencer | Psych Daniel Jackson | SG1 Trip Tucker | Star Trek: Enterprise William Riker | Star Trek: TNG Rodney McKay | SG: Atlantis John Sheppard | SG: Atlantis Sam Winchester | Supernatural (S1-S15) Mark Wahlberg | Ted 2 Hughie | The Boys Shaun Murphey | The Good Doctor Dick Grayson | Titans Rust Cohle | True Detectives Cordell Walker | Walker Ryan Gosling | Multiple movies Owen Strand | 9-1-1 Lone Star
Hajime Nagumo | Arifureta: From Commonplace To World's Strongest Ciel Phantomhive | Black Butler Ichigo | Bleach Yukio Okumura | Blue Exorcist Rin Okumura | Blue Exorcist Akutugawa | Bungo Stray Dogs Atsushi | Bungo Stray Dogs Yuu Otosaka | Charlotte Lelouch Lamperouge | Code Geass David Martinez | Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Allen Walker | D. Gray Man Saiki K. | Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Natsu | Fairy Tail Grey | Fairy Tail Yuki | Fruits Basket Edward Elric | Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Edward Elric | Fullmetal Alchemist: 2003 (+ the Movie) Shoyo Hinata | Haikyu!! Nanase Riku | IDOLiSH7 Kuroko | Kuroko No Basket Cheng Xiaoshi | Link Click Lu Guang | Link Click Deku | My Hero Academia Natsume Takashi | Natsume's Book of Friends Yuito Sumeragi | Scarlet Nexus Kirito | Sword Art Online Cid Kagenou | The Eminence in Shadow Naofumi | The Rising of the Shield Hero Ashiya Hanae | The Morose Mononokean Vanitas | Vanitas No Carte Yuri | Yuri On Ice
Boimler | Star Trek: Lower Decks Ezra Bridger | Star Wars Rebels Bumblebee | Transformers: Prime Optimus Prime | Transformers: Prime Ratchet | Transformers: Prime Smokescreen | Transformers: Prime Jack Darby | Transformers: Prime Lance | Voltron: Legendary Defender Robin | Young Justice Blue Beetle | Young Justice Batman | Justice League / Unlimited, JLA + Movies..
Johnny Cage | Mortal Kombat
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zyuna-arts · 11 months
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The main cast of Decepticons from my Shattered Glass AU Crimson Fate, which you can find on AO3. I have my own take on Shattered Glass which is why I consider it more of an alternate universe with basic SG elements of Autobots being antagonists and Decepticons are protagonists.
AU notes:
The marks under Knock Out's optics are like a birthmark unique to Velocitronians.
All Seekers have fangs and sometimes hiss/roar at each other. They're a bit like big cats.
Smokescreen, a Decepticon?? Yes, because why not. This decision was mostly because I wanted him and Knock Out to be on friendly terms with each other.
Ravage can talk. He also transforms into a motorbike and doesn't need to be commanded by Soundwave. Soundwave is his direct reporting superior, but anybody can ask for Ravage's help as long as Soundwave isn't against it.
Miko is a year older from her canon self and is a combo of all 3 kids: she has her original personality, Jack's maturity & Raf's intelligence.
Agent Fowler is a bit younger and fitter but also more stern. Imagine a serious Terry Crews.
SOCIALS: Linktree
Art © zyuna
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micah-pl · 2 years
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If Ur blorbos are going against eachother i don't care 💜✨💜✨
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Rodimus and TFP Soundwave
TFP Optimus and IDW Soundwave
IDW Drift and IDW Perceptor
IDW Wing and IDW Brainstorm
IDW Skids and Cyberverse Soundwave
Cyberverse Perceptor and G1 Bumblebee MTMTE Riptide andWheeljack
Jazz and Sideswipe
Thundercracker and IDW Tarantulas
TFA Optimus and TFA Starscream
Rescue Bots Blades and TFP Breakdown
TFA Megatron and TFP Knockout
Cyberverse deadend and cyberverse astrotrain
G1 Hook and G1 Mixmaster
Sunstreaker and MTMTE Whirl
Cyberverse Soundwave and IDW Thundercracker
IDW Rodimu sand IDW Brainstorm
IDW Starscream and Ratchet
tfp starscream and tfp bulkhead
IDW Knockout and IDW Thunderclash
G1 Wheeljack and IDW Rung
Tarn and Kaon
Nightbeat and IDW First Aid
Thrash Earthspark and Chase Rescue Bots
Powerglide G1 and IDW Ratchet
TFP Ratchet and SG Ratchet
IDW Soundwave and SG Soundwave
Cyberverse Starscream and SG Optimus Prime
SG Skyfire and G1 Ratchet
G1 starscream and TFP Dreadwing
IDW Ambulon and Cyberverse Clobber,
Armada Starscream and ES Hashtag
Prime Bumblebee and MTMTE/Lost light Drift
Bayverse Hot Rod and Cyberverse Soundwave
Cyberverse Whirl and MTMTE/Lost Light Skids
MTMTE/Lost Light Chromedome and MTMTE/Lost Light Rewind
MTMTE/Lost Light Cyclonus and G1 Ravage
MtMTE/Lost Light Tailgate and G1 Skylynx
Cyberverse Perceptor and MTMTE/Lost Light Minimus Ambus
G1 Jazz and Cyberverse Thundercracker
Prime Smokescreen and Cyberverse Cheetor
Last bot standing Rodimus and MTMTE/Lost Light Fulcrum
IDW 2005 Ravageand IDW: Sunder.
TFP Mercy: Helex and Lord Imperious
Deliciousness and TFP Mercy: Overlord.
IDW: Prowl and Browning.
TFP Mercy: Froid. and TFP Mercy: Rung.
TfpMercy: SunderBoulder and HighTide
Tfrb Blurr and ES Nightshade
RBA Medicx and RBA Whirl
ES Twitch and TFA Blurr
MTMTE Swerwe and Cyberverse Shadow Striker
Tfp shockwave and IDW elita-1
IDW Wingblade and Bumblebee from his movie
TFA shockwave and ES Megatron
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pits-of-kaos · 2 years
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Round One is ready!
Follow the tournament’s progress HERE.
Results Spreadsheet (if the above site is down)
A reminder: Pictures are irrelevant except when a continuity is specified beside a name.
The fastest way to vote on all of the matches is to click the ‘PoK: Waterlogged Cats’ tag on this post and go through them from there. If you’re just looking for specific matches, carry on. This post is for you.
I will post round two tomorrow (Sunday) between 8-9pm EST.
Hound vs. Jetfire (IDW) ✧ Blitzwing vs. Glowstrike
Trepan vs. Hook ✧ Alpha Trion vs. Waspinator (Beast Wars)
Sen. Shockwave (IDW) vs. Nemesis Prime (Earth Wars) ✧ Chromedome vs. Sideswipe (SG)
Ravage (IDW) vs. Wildrider ✧ Rampage vs. Hardshell
Bumblebee (IDW) vs. Slipstream ✧ Grimlock (IDW) vs. Ramjet
Sentinel Prime vs. Offroad ✧ Airachnid vs. Predaking
Astrotrain vs. Trickdiamond ✧ Knockout vs. Depth Charge
Bonecrusher vs. Snarl ✧ Sideswipe (IDW) vs. Leozack (Victory)
Hellbat vs. Soundblaster ✧ Brawl vs. Scavenger
Cyclonus vs. Broadside ✧ Breakdown vs. Warpath
Unicron vs. Smokescreen (IDW) ✧ Sunstreaker (IDW) vs. Skyquake
Froid vs. Dead End ✧ Bluestreak (IDW) vs. Long Haul
Blackarachnia vs. Goldbug (SG) ✧ Tyrest vs. Topspin
Black Shadow vs. Swoop ✧ Kup vs. Roadbuster
Chromia vs. Scrapper ✧ Brainstorm vs. Quickstrike
Flamewar vs. Tracks ✧ Deathsaurus vs. Sludge
Jazz vs. Acid Storm ✧ Star Saber (IDW) vs. Doubledealer
Blast Off (IDW) vs. Motormaster ✧ Lockdown vs. Afterburner
Barricade vs. Nightbird ✧ Bombshell vs. Steeljaw
Getaway vs. Mixmaster ✧ Ironhide vs. Cryak
Sixshot vs. Scourge ✧ Rodimus Prime (IDW) vs. Bludgeon
Shadow Striker vs. Blaster (SG) ✧ Wheeljack vs. Slug
Galvatron vs. Thrust ✧ Jhiaxus vs. Dreadwing
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noodleblade · 8 months
Make a poll!
oh.... o.k.
uhhh i set the poll for a day but like i'll just go with whatever has the most votes in like half an hour.
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