#sfwc “Flirting with disaster”
Short Fiction Weekly Challenge
Time for a new prompt from the Short Fiction Weekly Challenge, tumblr edition.  Let it spark your imagination.  Any character, any fandom, any original world.   Reblogs welcome!
Post your story to your blog and send the link to Short Fiction Weekly Challenge!  We’ll send the link out to all our followers to enjoy.
This week’s SFWC prompt:
Week of November 10, 2023
Chance Meeting: Stories are full of chance meetings. Sometimes they set the story in motion. Sometimes they push it in a new direction at a critical time. Sometimes it solves a major problem just in time. Your character might find their love interest this way--or an enemy, a mentor, or a stalwart ally. They might encounter someone from their past and their circumstances illustrate a possible path your character might take, for good or ill. Who does your character bump into this week? What happens? 
Feel free to continue submitting stories for any prompt.  A masterpiece missed the deadline?  Don’t let it gather electronic dust.  Submit it anyway and Short Fiction Weekly Challenge will publish it.  
This week’s featured previous prompts are: 
Price of Admission: Many spaces or events charge to get in, and sometimes those prices aren’t in money. Perhaps your character needs to profess certain beliefs. Maybe they need to give up something of value. Perhaps they have to leave something behind, or promise to adhere to certain standards of behavior. What is the price, and what does your character hope to gain by paying it? Are they willing, or are they forced? Do they feel it’s worth the price they pay, whether it’s in coins or credits, vows or blood? Why do they want to get in, anyway? Can they get out if it’s not what they hoped for?
Flirting With Disaster: Even the most risk-averse character gets into sticky situations, or they should if you're doing your job as a writer. Then there are others who live their entire lives on the edge. This week, write about a time when things were so, so close to going wrong. When the table shook beneath the house of cards but didn’t quite fall. Or maybe it did.
Got an idea for a prompt?  Submit it here.
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SFWC Blast from the Past!
As with the regular challenge, post your story and submit the link to SFWC; we’ll reblog it to our followers. The main prompt, posted Friday, still includes two featured previous prompts. 
Happy writing!
This week’s Blast from the Past prompt:
Flirting With Disaster: Even the most risk-averse character gets into sticky situations, or they should if you're doing your job as a writer. Then there are others who live their entire lives on the edge. This week, write about a time when things were so, so close to going wrong. When the table shook beneath the house of cards but didn’t quite fall. Or maybe it did.
Have a suggestion for a prompt? Submit it here!
More prompts, you say? Visit the Prompt Archive!
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SFWC Blast from the Past!
As with the regular challenge, post your story and submit the link to SFWC; we’ll reblog it to our followers. The main prompt, posted Friday, still includes two featured previous prompts. 
Happy writing!
This week’s Blast from the Past prompt:
Flirting With Disaster: Even the most risk-averse character gets into sticky situations, or they should if you're doing your job as a writer. Then there are others who live their entire lives on the edge. This week, write about a time when things were so, so close to going wrong. When the table shook beneath the house of cards but didn’t quite fall. Or maybe it did.
Have a suggestion for a prompt? Submit it here!
More prompts, you say? Visit the Prompt Archive!
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Short Fiction Weekly Challenge
Time for a new prompt from the Short Fiction Weekly Challenge, tumblr edition.  Let it spark your imagination.  Any character, any fandom, any original world.   Reblogs welcome!
Post your story to your blog and send the link to Short Fiction Weekly Challenge!  The link will appear in our feed and the site index, and your blog gets listed on the Participating Blogs page.
This week’s SFWC prompt:
Week of February 1, 2019:
You're Not the One I Was Looking For: It's fun to set your character up with the perfect match. The One They've Been Dreaming of. Hold that thought--what about someone else? Someone close, maybe overlooked. Someone who's right for your character in all the ways that matter, but not necessarily the ones your character thinks are important. Maybe they catch your character on the rebound; maybe they've been there all along but never thought about your character in a romantic way. Maybe a casual hookup turns into something more. This week, consider your character finding, not the one they were looking for, but The One just the same.
Feel free to continue submitting stories for any prompt.  A masterpiece missed the deadline?  Don’t let it gather electronic dust.  Submit it anyway and Short Fiction Weekly Challenge will publish it.  
This week’s prompt not for you?  Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive.  Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.  
This week’s featured previous prompts are:
Head of the Class - Our characters have been to academies, universities, boot camps, and the universal school of hard knocks: as students, as teachers, or maybe as maintenance, assistant, or thief. Write about your character's education.
Flirting With Disaster: Even the most risk-averse character gets into sticky situations, or they should if you're doing your job as a writer. Then there are others who live their entire lives on the edge. This week, write about a time when things were so, so close to going wrong. When the table shook beneath the house of cards but didn’t quite fall. Or maybe it did.
Got an idea for a prompt?  Submit it here.
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Short Fiction Weekly Challenge
Time for a new prompt from the Short Fiction Weekly Challenge, tumblr edition.  Let it spark your imagination.  Any character, any fandom, any original world.   Reblogs welcome!
Post your story to your blog and send the link to Short Fiction Weekly Challenge!  The link will appear in our feed and the site index, and your blog gets listed on the Participating Blogs page.
This week’s SFWC prompt:
Week of September 15, 2017
Flirting With Disaster: Even the most risk-averse character gets into sticky situations, or they should if you're doing your job as a writer. Then there are others who live their entire lives on the edge. This week, write about a time when things were so, so close to going wrong. When the table shook beneath the house of cards but didn’t quite fall. Or maybe it did.
Feel free to continue submitting stories for any prompt.  A masterpiece missed the deadline?  Don’t let it gather electronic dust.  Submit it anyway and Short Fiction Weekly Challenge will publish it.  
This week’s prompt not for you?  Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive.  Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.  
This week’s featured previous prompts are:
That's Cheating! - Some characters are honest and trustworthy to a fault.  Others less so.  The vast majority are somewhere in between.  Where does your character fall?  Do they play by the rules or make up their own?  Have they been the victim of a cheater?   At cards, a merchant, or even a relationship?  Do stakes or situation matter, or will your character cheat (or not) any time?  
Ships that Pass in the Night: Sometimes, two important characters miss each other completely.  Perhaps they’re actively avoiding each other: hiding, in disguise, or incognito.  They might notice one another, but without recognition.  Perhaps their circles are so different they don’t realize who they've seen.  Maybe they don't even do that much, passing like ships in the night.  This week, write about the encounter that might have happened, but didn't.
Got an idea for a prompt?  Submit it here.
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