#sf9 rowoon mlm
pandabunfics · 5 years
You Already Have One (Rowoon x Male Reader)
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Requested by: @unlikelyps4playstationzonk​ 
So this is my attempt at writing your request, I don’t know if this is what you wanted, but it’s what I came up with.
Summary: You and Rowoon attend a fancy party, Rowoon was invited as a part of SF9, When Rowoon becomes busy with taking photos, someone strikes up conversation with you.
Disclaimer: This is FICTION, so everything written is a work of fiction and not real, everything in this does not reflect on him as a person in real life.
Rowoon x Male Reader
We walked along the stone path leading to the front door, this house was massive, I looked at Seokwoo, looking dashingly handsome in his new suit.
"Everything okay?", he said looking down towards me.
"Yeah. Just thinking about how nice you look in a suit.", I said looking into his eyes.
"Cute.", he said with smirk forming on his lips.
"Shut Up." I retorted, returning my attention the door.
He rang the doorbell, there was about 30 seconds of silence before someone finally opened the door.
"Oh, hello, you must be Rowoon of SF9. I'm Jinsoo, come in." Jinsoo stated in a very cheerful manner.
"Thank you, this is my boyfriend, y/n." He said gesturing in your direction.
Jinsoo smiled, looking at you, "Hi, welcome, your members should be  in the dining hall or in the lounge. I have to go but I will see you both later on at some point.", She said with an uncomfortably cheery smile.
You and Seokwoo begin walking towards the dining hall through multiple hallways with multiple paintings covering the gold walls.
"Wow, this looks so expensive." You begin looking around almost starstruck by how high class this place appears, Seokwoo smiles at you in reply. You two finally get to the lounge, there's so many people in these rooms, hundreds to thousands it feels like. Seokwoo easily finds the members and begins walking towards them pulling you alongside. Everyone greeted you normally, Inseong, Dawon and Youngbin hugging you as normal, Chanhi and Hwiyoung going with high fives and nodding at Taeyang, Zuho and Jaeyoon. 
Soon after meeting with the members, they all had to go to the side to take photos, being idols made photos a common thing to happen in your relationship, however you didn't expect to be left alone for over an hour, when they had all gone and started talking with other people, you just took yourself to find some food and get a drink. After sitting on this red, velvet couch for a few minutes someone on who was seated on the other end began speaking to you.
"Hey, you look lonely, mind if I ask how your night’s been?" Stated this blonde man, holding a small glass of wine that was almost empty.
"Uh, sure. I'm y/n, and you are?" You said putting you hand out for him to shake.
"Chanwoo, nice to meet someone so handsome at such a dull event." He said with a smirk on his face looking you up and down.
"Uh huh..that's so....nice..(I guess)." You say with a sense of overwhelming discomfort in your voice. However showing your discomfort with his compliment and him looking you up and down, he continued.
"You ever been to a place like this before? Somewhere so high class, with so many people willing to pay so much money, for such simple things." He spouted, in an attempt to hint at something more than just material goods.
"Nope, I'm pretty used to the simple life." You spoke with disdain in your voice, at this point you had moved further away from Chanwoo hoping you could get him to understand how uncomfortable he made you feel, however he just moved closer to you, now you're praying Seokwoo would just interrupt this and get you out of there, perfect, an idea came to mind thinking about Seokwoo.
"Hey, I'll be right back, I'm just going to check on my boyfriend to see how he's doing, won't be a moment." You say beginning to stand up, but Chanwoo grabs your hand and pulls you back on to the couch, throwing his arm around your shoulder.
"You shouldn't worry too much about a boyfriend, why don't you worry yourself with someone who could give you all you could ever want, all you need to do is trade a little of your time for that." Chanwoo had a firm grip on you, implying he wasn't going to let go.
"What are you trying to get at?" You bluntly ask with stern expression on your face, whilst attempting to pry his arm off from around your shoulder.
"I'm merely asking if you'd like to trade some...I don't know sexual favours for some riches. Does that sound nice 'Baby'." You shudder at the sound of being called 'Baby” by this pervert. Still trying to pry him off of you, by now you two had been sitting like this for a few minutes and Seokwoo had walked back into the lounge noticing you sitting with some guy who was way too close for comfort. He rushed over to you. He yanked you up off the couch and without saying anything else as he began walking away, dragging you alongside with him outside.
"What was that?!" He began shouting, looking visually distressed. The other members could hear him, but they knew just to leave it alone and let you two handle yourselves.
"I don't know, he began propositioning me with money for sex and wouldn't let go of me, what was I supposed to do?!" You shouted almost as loudly as him.
"Call for me!" Seokwoo was clearly angered by the situation, he was clearly looking to start something with Chanwoo but before he could even move you placed your hands on his cheeks to bring his focus back onto you.
"I know what you’re thinking but, Hyung, don't. It's not worth it." You stated firmly looking him in the eyes.
"You’re right. You are right. You know what I'm going to do instead?" Seokwoo said looking down at you.
"What?" You questioned raising an eyebrow at his newly forming smile.
"This!" He smiled wider, snaking one of his arms around your waist and bending down to put another arm behind your knees, picking you up.
"SEOKWOO PUT ME DOWN!!" You shout, clinging to Seokwoo's neck, trying not to fall. He giggles in response to your immediate panic.
"I love the way you cling to me." He laughed, slowly placing you back down.
"Next time just try a hug instead of trying to give me a heart attack!" You shout back with a panicked voice.
"Nah, sounds kind of boring." He says giggling, slipping his arms around your waist and pulling you into a tight hug. He kisses the top of your head and holds you for a while, before finally letting go. He looks up to the sky giving you time pull his tie a little pulling him down for you to kiss him, when you pull back from the kiss he pulls you back in for another one, this one being much longer.
"That was much better than be carried around." You whisper softly.
"Maybe I should try this more often, huh?" He replies.
The rest of the night continued as normal except now Chanwoo was nowhere to be found. You asked around a little bit and no one knew a blonde guy named Chanwoo, not even Jinsoo knew who he was, however she did show concern about you safety.
"I'm never leaving you alone ever again." Seokwoo blatantly stated while pulling over out the front of your apartment building.
"What?" You raised an eyebrow at the random sentence that interrupted the comfortable silence.
"I don't want anyone to ever proposition you like that ever again. So I'm just never going to leave your side anymore." He grinned with the goofiest smile possible.
"I'm touched." You roll your eyes at his antics.
"Are you still staying the night?" You ask.
"Yeah, duh, I'm not leaving you alone, remember?" He winked at you.
You both burst into laughter from his very forward weird form of flirting.
"Good to know I have obtained a bodyguard after all this." You say as he places his hand in yours.
"You already had one." Seokwoo says as he leans over to kiss you.
So yeah, I hope you enjoyed your request, or I hope you enjoyed reading this, I’m used to writing in bullet point format so this was new to me.
If you want to make a request here are my Rules and my Masterlist
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