foolsocracy · 2 years
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maybe-its-micheal · 3 years
If characters in dsmp were ponies, what would their cutiemarks be?
I think Techno's would be a sword, or maybe a damage pot, since clearly he's a good fighter. Theres also the possibility it would be the Anarchy A, though. Maybe even books, to represent study, or an emerald to nod to his greatest strength
Tommy's could be a lot of things. Discs, even a jukebox, something that represents friends, or determination. It could also be something very simple though, like oak, or a dandelion in its white fluffy stage, which are both things he likes which I think say a lot about him if you look into it. It could be a stick, or two sticks. He also could have gotten it during the L'mamburg era- maybe the flag? If so, he probably wears a cloak or something to keep it hidden. And then, of course, there's perhaps the most tragic possibility of all: he's still a blank flank. I think that would be very sad, but also very possible... hes young. He doesn't know who he is yet. But still, yes been through so much
Dream's is easy, it would be a smile. It used to symbolize commradery between friends, but now it's interpreted to be about manipulation
I think Quackity's would be an anatomically correct heart- theres a lot of possible symbolism there. Strength, of course, as well as vulnerability. He wants to be powerful, he's very determined, and he cam also be brutal if need be. Then, of course, there's the time he ate Schlatt's heart
Sam's could be redstone! He is good at that. I dont think it would be anything to do with the prison, since he probably already had it by the time he started it. Something simple and nïave to nod at the softer, more gentle person he used to be
Wilbur's would EASILY be cards. I know Quackity is the casino guy, but Wilbur is always look at things like some sort of strategy game. He's playing it out. Thinking. He's aware of the other players, and he intends to win, even if that means everyone else looses. And when he was in purgatory, he played solitare! It could nod to that. Or, it could be a music note. He is a songwriter, and has a way with charm. It seems like a nod to a sweet, carefree man from before... everything. And then, of course, it comes fill circle with his unfinished symphony
Phil's I think would have something to do with wings. Not just to symbolize flight, but also to wrap around his son. Something parental. Or something else to show his kind, relaxed nature, though he can be quite violent when necessary. Theres also the possibility of the hard-core heart though! That would be neat, it shows his skill, how long-lasting and powerful he is, but also his greatest vulnerability
I think Niki's would be bread, or cake, or some sort of baked good. Not only is it about her being a baker, though, ita about her providing for others. She's changed so mych throughout the course of her story, but the one thing that's remained the same is that she wants to be able to support those she loves
Tubbo is tricky, like Tommy. He could also be a blank flank still, or it could be a bee, a nuke, something to show friendship, anything. I think whatever it is, though, he got it while Tommy was dead in prison.
Ghosrbur's is blue! No one knows how it changed, but it did. Ghostbur says its because he and Alivebur are separate people. It could also be books, though, since he used to be big into history and have his library, or even a potion
Speaking of big into history, Eret! Could be books, or a museum, but thats more recent, and there's something deeper in those interests. I think it would be a scale, or a crown. They sacrificed a lot for what they thought was right, afterall, and are quite famous for a certain decision. Of course, Eret is much older than that decision. Maybe it's something from her old life with Foolish? If so, his cutiemark would be like a relic- the only memory they get to have from that time, etched into his skin
And that brings us to foolish. I think it would be a totem. It could be gold, or scaffolding, or a building block, but that all came more recently. We can't forget his past, either. Some other posibilites are a lightning bolt, or something to do with death/the ocean
Ok thats all for now!
I'll leave you with this:
Wilbur (he never used his magic for much)
Phil (obviously)
Ghostbur (thats right, he switched it up!!!)
Jack Manifold
Earth Ponies
Mamacita / Girl Dream
Dream (previously unicorn, tra&sf]+med $y $&!*$×&@[)
Eret (previously earth pony, transformed by Dream)
Dream XD
Mexican Dream
And Wilbur used to be one, transformed by his son (L'manburg's only other unicorn) the day the war ended, but after dying he reverted back to being a unicorn
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