fantasyizlife · 6 years
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My Savagez looking sexy as fuck today!!
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tomgcsglasses · 7 years
The Christmas Party - Part 1 (TGC)
Tagging: @ontheoddoccasioniwritestuff, @glynnecarney and @prettyboytgc
You took one last look in your full-length mirror, ensuring every part of your outfit was perfect. Scanning your outfit from head-to-toe, your dark brown hair loose, cascading past your shoulders and ending with flawless waves just above your chest. Your burgundy, off-the-shoulder-dress hugging your body and accentuating your envious curves as it fell to the floor. The dress was accessorized with long, glittery earrings and black stilettos. To complete the look was your make-up - which you’d spend hours on - smokey glittery eye shadow, contoured to perfection, highlight glowing at every angle and your lips, matte, full and plump. Your earrings, eye shadow and lipstick all matched your dress. You were surprised with how well you cleaned up, you don’t usually spend this much time and effort with events like this, but you’re thankful that you did. You had to admit you looked good.
Once you were satisfied with your appearance, you grabbed your black clutch bag and made your way to the event. 
The atmosphere within the office was electric this time of year, the chaotic and frantic notion of your fellow colleagues seemed to have disappeared as everyone was excitedly chatting at the annual work Christmas party. Your company hired out the local assembly room, which was quite a surprise because that was one of the fanciest venues in the city. They really went all out this year. You scanned the room, surveying the decor, the huge 1920′s chandelier hanging in the middle of the room, the party lights slowly dancing around the room caressing the hundreds of well-dressed adults engaging in riveting conversations. Not bad work. Not bad. The bass was thumping as music was being played in the background, it was way too early to open up the dance floor and people weren’t ready to let themselves dance in front of people they worked with. As you continued to scan the room, you felt your heart come to a halt. Shit. You felt your heart pound underneath your dress. Suddenly, you felt restricted and the urge to cut yourself free was getting all the more enticing. There he was. The man you’ve been silently crushing on since the day he walked through the doors of your building just over a year ago. You noticed a waiter approaching you with a tray full of champagnes, you grabbed two, smiled at him and knocked back one of the glasses.
“Easy tiger, you’ve just arrived.” You felt someone whisper in your ear. You whipped your head around and sighed in relief when you saw your best friend of 9 years. Rory is your right hand man, your go to in every thing. From your first ever date, to choosing your outfit for the first day of work, he was there. 
“Don’t sneak up on me like Rory!” You smacked him on the arm. 
“Well, well, well.” Rory said slowly. “Don’t you look divine tonight?” He said, smirking a little as he gestured to your outfit. 
“Why thank you.” You giggled as you lifted the glass up to your lips and gulped the champagne. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” You glanced over his outfit, he was wearing a white shirt, tucked into dark blue trousers accompanied with the same colour waistcoat and tanned shoes. 
“Go on then. ‘Gis a twirl.” Rory winked. You did so, placing your right foot over your left and slowly twirling. Once you were facing him again, you curtsied. The two of you erupted into laughter, fooling around when someone tapped Rory on the shoulder. You stopped laughing and straightened your posture a little, not really aware of who the person was. 
“Alright mate?” the all to familiar voice said to Rory. Your eyes widened as you figured out who it was, you froze, heart beating faster by the minute. You could feel the blood pumping furiously around your body as you tried to compose yourself. Their voices all but a buzz as they were engrossed in their conversation, you weren’t really paying attention it as you were focusing on not passing out there and then. 
“You know Y/N Tom?” Rory asked, dragging you back to reality where your crush was standing opposite you; looking flawless as usual. You gulped, finishing the rest of your drink whilst you discretely checked Tom out. His short blonde hair quaffed to the side, his blue eyes sparkled with the assistance of the party lights and soft lighting from the chandelier. His white shirt, buttoned all the way up was tucked into his black trousers, matching his black jacket. He completed the suit with a neat bow tie and shiny black shoes. Is this boy trying to kill me with his good looks. I can’t breathe right now. 
“Oh yeah, of course, hey Y/N.” Tom turned his attention to you, his blue eyes glistening as his body faced you. He leaned in wrapped one arm around your waist, gently pulling you in for a hug
“H-hi.” Your voice hoarse, you coughed a little. “Hi.” You repeated and smiled. You returned the hug, a little taken back when you felt a spark run through your body. You felt your knees go slightly weak with the limited space between the two of you. You could feel his hard chest against yours. You melted a little when he tightened his grip on you.
“You look gorgeous Y/N.” Tom whispered in your right ear, sending shivers down your spine when his hand snaked their way down south to your hips.
“Thank you.” You giggled a little, pulling away. “I like your bow tie.” His bow tie? Really?!
Tom chuckled. “’Tis a good bow tie.” You laughed. Tom opened his mouth to say something when he got interrupted. 
“Y/N! You look radiant. Where have you been hiding that bod?” Your boss, who looks like she’s ready to take on the dance floor, stumbles to you. She embraces you into a tight hug, almost suffocating you in the process. You hug back, then pull away. She puts her hands on your shoulders and as she checks you out. “You my friend, look utterly divine.” She slurred out. She stumbled back and Tom caught her before she could fall. “Oh thank you Tom dear.”
Tom looked at you. “I think we should call her a taxi back home.” He chuckled slightly, drew out a chair and carefully placed your boss onto it. He then took out his phone and excused himself. Two minutes later he returns. “Taxi’s coming here in 10.” You nodded. 
You and Rory were in a deep conversation when you heard a groan, you turned your heads to find your boss’s legs in the air and her arm dangling just above the floor. “Oh no.” You said to yourself, you rushed to her left side re-adjusting her so she was sitting firmly on the chair.
“Your hair is s-so soft.” Your boss slurred. “H-h.” She hiccuped. “H-how do you get it-t like that-t?” She asked, shoving her face into yours so you can smell the array of alcoholic beverages she had consumed this evening. You crinkled your nose at the smell. You glanced to Rory who was finding it amusing and laughing with Tom, widening your eyes which was a signal for his help. He just laughed and shook his head. Tom leaned his back and chuckled at the state of his boss annoying you. You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to your boss. “T-tell me your s-secret Y/N. I-i want to k-know.” She hiccuped in your face, her mouth smelt like a mixture of rum, champagne and gin. You gagged slightly. Your boss’s right arm slipped and she toppled over a little. Your right foot ready to jump to the other side, when you saw Tom go to her other side; setting her straight. You looked up and mouthed a ‘thank you’ to him. He smiled and mouthed back ‘it’s okay’. Thankfully Tom got the text, you knew this because he fished through his pocket and glanced at his phone.
“Taxi’s outside.” You nodded. Tom put your boss’s arm around his shoulder, you doing the same. You both carefully lifted her up, as Rory was behind carrying her clutch bag. You all slowly walked to the taxi, Rory opened the door as Tom went first taking her arm off his shoulder. It was hard work, but you eventually got her in and the taxi driver drove off. You all watched the taxi until it was out of sight. 
“Wasn’t she a handful?” Rory asked laughing. 
“I need a drink.” You said. With that you turned on your heel and made your way back inside to the party. The boys followed.
The more the night went on, the more you drank, the louder the music got and the less everyone cared about their reputation around their work colleagues. Copious amounts of champagne, shots of jager, vodka, tequila, rum and cocktails was consumed, which meant one thing. The more you drank, the less you cared. About anything. Rory dragged you along, which caused you to link hands with Tom, the three of you making yet another trip to the bar. The bartender lined up three shot glasses, expertly pouring the liquor Rory chose for this round. Once it was done, Rory passed the shots to you and Tom. You clinked the shots and downed them, slamming them down on the counter once you were finished with them. 
“Let’s dance!” Rory shouted in your ear. You scrunched your face with disapproval. “C’mon Y/N, you know you want to.” He winked at you, poking you in your ribs playfully. 
You sighed. “Fine. Lead the way then boss.” You waved your hand, letting him go first.
“I love you.” He leaned in and pecked your cheek, grabbed your hand and led you into the dance floor. You took a hold of Tom’s hand as you both let Rory enter you into the jungle of hot, sweaty bodies dancing and grinding to the music. Once you were in the centre of the dance floor, Rory let go of your hand, you let go of Toms and you formed a circle; all of you re-joining with your colleagues. Rory turned you around so your back was facing Tom and away from him, placed his hands on your hips as you started shaking your hips along with the music. You could feel the alcohol getting to you a little - ok, maybe a lot, along with the music being played, you ran your fingers through your hair as you and Rory started dancing like hooligans. Both egging each other on to perform ludicrous moves, which to your surprise grabbed the attention of every male on the dance floor - including one in particular. They all were attracted to you, like a moth to a flame. You didn’t pay much attention to them because you were having too much fun with Rory. Eventually, they got bored and slowly moved away. 
“Rory! I didn’t know you still worked here.” A high-pitched voice came from across the circle. You and Rory both looked up, as his eyes widened in surprise.
“No way?! Holly, what are you doing here?” Rory gasped. He squeezed your hand, then moved across the circle so he was opposite you. You didn’t care much, as you were in your own world, dancing to the music and having a good old time. You felt two strong arms snake around your waist, you turned your head to your right to find Tom dancing next to you. His hands squeezing your hips a little, leaning in to your ear.
“You ok darlin’?” He asked. You nodded and he nodded back. “Good.” You both danced a little, before he leaned back in again. “Did you want to grab a drink?” You nodded.
“Yes please.” He nodded, taking a hold of your hand and began to make his way through the crowd, apologizing to everyone who shot him a dirty look. Eventually you both made it to the bar. Tom leaned across the counter, trying the balance himself as he got the bartender’s attention. He shouted across his order, getting you what you’ve been getting all night. The bartender nodded and went on to make the drinks. Tom turned to you and leaned in to your ear.
“Have I said how gorgeous you’re lookin’ tonight Y/N?” He whispered in your ear, his lips grazing the lobe a little. You shivered slightly, you grabbed the counter to regain your balance. 
“You look rather handsome yourself.” You leaned in closer, giggling as your hands grazed over his bow tie - which was now loose with his top two buttons open - and down his shirt. You looked into eyes and bit your lower lip. You saw something change in his eyes, but you got interrupted.
The bartender gave Tom the drinks, he took one and gave it to you. “Here ya go lovely.” He said. You blushed and took a long sip, sighing deeply when you felt the rum coursing through your veins. You and Tom were having a conversation by the bar, when you felt someone fall into you. You were a bit startled, but saw that it was Rory. He was stumbling around, you finished your drink and placed it on the counter, helping Rory with his balance.
“I think we should get going.” You said to Tom, gesturing to Rory who had his head on your shoulders. Tom nodded and knocked back the rest of his drink too.
“Let’s go.”
You switched on the light, as Tom carried Rory onto the sofa. Rory hunched over on and then titled his head back and opened his eyes. 
“Can I have a cup of coffee?” You nodded, making your way to your kitchen, putting water in the kettle and letting it boil. You then retrieved a cup from your cupboard, filling it with 4 spoons of coffee. Once you stirred the coffee, you cradled it in your hands as you sat down next to Rory. You cautiously gave him the cup, once it had cooled down a little and sat with him until he had finished it. “Thank you love.” Rory turned to you.
You inspected his eyes. “Are you ok? You can stay here if you want?” You asked.
Rory shook his head. “It’s okay, I live down the road, I’ll make it.” 
“Are you sure?” You asked. 
Rory nodded. “I’m positive.”
“Okay. But you’re staying on the phone to me until you’re in your bed!” You insisted. 
“Okay! Deal.” Rory placed the mug down and slowly stood up. He hugged you tightly, giving you a kiss on the cheek. He then hugged Tom.
“Get home safely pal.” Tom said. Rory nodded, fishing through his pockets and retrieved his phone. He dialed a number, you saw your phone flashing in your hands and saw it was Rory. You answered and started speaking to him. You stayed on the phone with him, you were with him throughout the entire journey home, you heard the jangling of his keys, the curses as he tried to find the right key, the celebration when he finally entered his threshold and finally him getting into his bed.
“Okay, I’m in the bed.” Your phone flashed, it was Rory sending you a selfie of him in bed with his suit from the party still on. You giggled a little. 
“Good. Get a good night’s sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow love.” You said, blowing a kiss down the phone you hung up. You sighed happily to yourself.
“Did he get home ok?” Tom asked, who was sitting on the sofa.
You nodded. “Yes he did.” You smiled. 
“Okay.” Tom stood up. “I’ll guess I’ll be going then.”
You thought for a second. “Did you want a cup of coffee, y’know, before you leave?” 
Part 2
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smaragdine · 3 years
1000 psychic damage watching tommy write sexytom as his username
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crayzeddowney · 11 years
Slumber Party with Tom Hiddleston
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parisluv00 · 11 years
Personally I liked it, no fuck that I loved it
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amazingtomhiddleston · 12 years
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Tom having some fun :)
(Thor party years ago)
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amazingtomhiddleston · 12 years
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amazingtomhiddleston · 12 years
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Who would not want to be kissed like that? I'm Hot
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amazingtomhiddleston · 12 years
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