#sex exercise
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makenna-made-this · 6 months ago
Okkkkkk so where is Chicken Miku?
Anon the way i dropped everything when i saw this
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(based on the Onagadori chicken breed)
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christyfeliciano · 1 year ago
Exercise For Hips - How to Strengthen and Stretch Your Hips
Strengthening and stretching your hips are integral in order to avoid pain, injury and future damage - not to mention create a more toned physique!
Start by sitting comfortably on the floor, with soles of your feet together and knees softly bent. Move right leg out in a circular fashion until it feels comfortable to do so.
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Leg Lifts
Leg lifts are an important exercise to strengthen hips, yet many times they're performed incorrectly, leading to strain in the lower back and muscle imbalances.
Make sure your hands are placed flat on the floor by your sides or placed beneath your knees for stability, engaging your core and glutes to maintain an anatomically neutral lower back position. Raise one leg straight up until chest height; once at its highest point pause for several seconds before slowly lowering back down towards starting point on floor and repeat for desired number of repetitions.
Add resistance to increase its difficulty by using weighted dumbbells or resistance bands as resistance. Doing this will enable you to work your hip and butt muscles even harder; for those suffering lower back pain, placing yoga or foam rollers between their knees for extra support could also prove effective.
Performing prone leg lifts correctly will strengthen your abdominal, core and hip muscles as well as allow you to walk, stand and move with greater ease during many activities. By strengthening your hips you'll be able to go hiking, take long walks, run races and play sports without experiencing aches and pains affecting you - plus doing these exercises regularly may reduce chronic hip pain risk!
Knee-to-Chest Stretches
The Knees-to-Chest Stretch targets the hip flexors and lower back muscles to relieve tightness that could otherwise cause low back pain. Simply lie back with one leg resting against the floor while pulling its opposite leg toward your chest until you feel a stretch in both hips and low back - this exercise can be repeated daily in order to prevent or relieve pain in these muscles.
Start this exercise slowly by stretching just one leg at first to ensure a gentle introduction and no discomfort occurs. As soon as that has taken place, gradually raise both legs together if possible - however passive stretching should always be used first as this reaches lower back muscles more effectively when your legs and hips are as relaxed as possible.
Position yourself comfortably on your back, using a pillow or support pillow behind the knee if necessary, and bend the left leg at the knee. Slowly draw it toward your chest using either your hands on its back for assistance if necessary - hold for 30 seconds then switch legs.
This stretching movement targets both hip flexors and lower back muscles to relieve disc herniation and pain in lumbar vertebrae, providing relief to sitting users by loosening up lower back muscles. It is an effective stretch for anyone seated for extended periods and looking to relieve tightness in lower back muscles. This exercise also helps to increase more sex pleasure and good hip shape.
Sit-to-Sit Stretches
Sitting for long periods can tighten up hip muscles. This seated stretching exercise will help loosen them and decrease risk of injury or discomfort when working, studying or playing sports.
Begin by sitting comfortably on a chair with feet no wider than the width of your hips, with feet together, feet touching no wider than hip-width apart and weight distributed equally between both feet. Shift your weight back onto one foot while leaving the other foot straight, slowly turn left shoulder as far as comfortable for 5 seconds and hold there, before returning back to center and repeating on other side for additional stretching benefits to neck and shoulder flexibility. This exercise also improves posture.
Butterfly stretch is another seated hip stretch you can do while sitting, which begins by starting in long-sitting position but gradually moving the hips towards butterfly stretching pose. To avoid an arch back arching too quickly while stretching this way.
To perform this stretch, begin by sitting in a chair with both feet flat on the floor and knees bent at right angles. It is best if the chair doesn't feature arms as this will inhibit hip movement. Next, cross your right ankle over left knee using hand pressure against this leg until body relaxes into stretch further.
Hip Circles
Hip circles are one of the best dynamic exercises you can do to develop flexibility and strength in the hips, helping to develop both flexibility and strength simultaneously. They target both hip flexors and posterior chain muscles such as gluteus medius - an adductor muscle responsible for rotational movements of the thigh - through standing hip circles alone or at the end of a warm-up session, using sticks, poles, or simply by standing on one leg. Prone hip circles (also called "pigeon stretching") add an extra intensity by forcing someone's knee bend outside at front before then extend back behind them again for further challenging effect on hip flexors flexors flexors flexors to engage.
Like with all dynamic stretching and movement patterns, the key to successful hip flexor strengthening exercises lies in always leading with your hips and pelvis instead of your torso. Doing otherwise could result in injury as it causes lower back and shoulder rotation - not something desired when trying to build strength in hip joint tissue.
For maximum intensity and focus when performing hip circles, combine them with other lower body movement drills like lunges or glute kickbacks. By doing so, you'll target outer hip muscles which often go untouched when doing other exercises - strengthening these outer muscles will result in stronger glute muscles overall! This is important because stronger outer hip muscles create a more stable and powerful glute region overall.
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digitalfossils · 3 months ago
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getnzkedpaidregain · 5 days ago
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wanna tell you a secret my OF is free
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valend · 2 months ago
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this is how i see lams im sorry
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gorps · 4 months ago
Did the 4b movement actually achieve anything in SK? I keep seeing people talk about it here as if it would do something, but I haven't seen any evidence that it's improved anything in SK.
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ghost-woods · 11 days ago
wip wednesday
I'm in the process of re-working a major plot point in my multi-chapter wip, so this is a snippet from a cartwebb one-shot (essentially pwp) instead. basic premise is: what if spider didn't die in s3, and river went to confront him about things and then they fucked about it
“No, right, of course not,” River says sarcastically. “You were just a pawn.” “This is a foreign concept to you, I know, but I was just doing my job.” Spider not taking the bait is disappointing, but River will get him there eventually. He always does.   Tilting his head to the side, River pretends at consideration. “Funny. Reminds me of an old saying about just following orders.”  Spider does have the decency to look mildly offended by that implication, at least.  “Hardly. I’m not saying I was plotting to poison the man’s soup, but I’m glad it’s looking like I won’t have to stomach any more lunches with Judd.” He sighs, standing and coming around to lean against the front of his desk. “I didn’t know Tearney was going to pull that, obviously. And you won out in the end, so…” Webb shrugs, letting the sentence trail off.  This close, River can see how tired he looks. It doesn’t elicit any sympathy; River has been tired for years.
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salva · 2 months ago
they're not kidding when they say meds and exercise are good for you. but they forgot to add hot lesbian sex. its also extremely important and extremely good for your mental health
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I like how Ijuuin has a muscular body despite his workload you know damn well Usagi is freeloading on the Usami genes and his chaotic lifestyle so he's not really toned. He'll be fattened up by Misaki trust
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camgoloud · 2 years ago
i’m pretty sure this was done on the tlt subreddit once before but i haven’t seen it here and i’m curious to know tumblr’s opinions on the topic! personally i like the second two much more than the first—gtn didn’t really grab me that much and i wouldn’t have even called myself part of the fandom until i decided i might as well give htn a go and immediately got sucked in—but i’m guessing that most people’s experience is different, since the first book seems like the most popular based on the impressions i’ve gotten. also feel free to put in tags where you’d rank the short stories (as yet unsent and doctor sex) relative to the books! i would have stuck those in the poll too but there are. 120 different ways to order 5 unique objects
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ahdriking · 1 year ago
Y'all imma come out and say it. Sex and nudity in film and TV is cool, and I actually really like it. In fact, I'm MORE likely to watch a show if I know it has sex and/or nudity in it. Call me a freak, but I find there to be so much value in the expression of human sexuality, no matter how complex or banal. Provided it is non-exploitative to real people, sex and intimacy and nudity on film seems to me to be a vital component in the expression of the human experience.
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prolibytherium · 27 days ago
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I am going tobe absolutely fucking real I don't think describing the experience of a significant amount of trans people as legitimate is appropriate to frame as 'running cover for taking away medical care from those who need it'. Both statements made here are, in fact, a radical perspective on the right to bodily autonomy.
I definitely understand where it's coming from because there's a lot of attempts to use the fact that you CAN be trans without medically transitioning to sneakily tack on transphobic rhetoric ('yeah testosterone makes you ugly' 'a neopenis/neovagina doesn't even 'work' what's the point' '[transmasc cryptoterfs and co making thinly veiled attempts to describe HRT/top surgery as mutilation of your precious 'Female' Body and corruption of your mind via introducing the Evil 'Male' Chemicals]'). I would also very much agree that agitating for full access to and the lifesaving necessity of trans medical care is a central, critical issue, and takes priority over assurances that you don't Have to medically transition.
That shouldn't come at the expense of framing trans people who do not medically transition/do not undergo a 'full' transition as somehow regressive or damaging to the trans community by expecting THEIR OWN exercise of body autonomy to be respected. You do know that trans people who do not transition do not structurally benefit from this in any capacity right? It MIGHT provide a very basic safety net as maintaining plausible deniability in passing as a cis person of the wrong gender (often with associated emotional tolls) and that's it. Attacks against transitional medicine aren't on the basis of 'I'd be fine with the transgenders if they just didn't go on HRT/get surgery', it is the head of the spear being used to remove us (and most SPECIFICALLY and pointedly trans women) from existence. The end goal is to, at the very least, force trans people completely into the closet via a culture of transphobic violence and lack of access to medical care, and at best to fully eradicate us one way or another.
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the-cryptographer · 4 months ago
that post several mutes of mine reblogged about needing more doms that aren't about selflessly helping their sub explore their desires and are more about using their sub as a vessel to purge their own violence and need in order to feel purified and whole has taken over my brain but in a bad way where these are not opposite ends of a spectrum but in fact both encompassed by anders dragon age who both desperately needs to know he is a good boy doing a good job helping out his sub and also desperately wants to purge his own desire and aggression and resentment and will inevitably do so given the right (or wrong depending on your pov) mood swing. but also i know i'm in the minority for people who see him on the dommy side of switch in the first place so 🙃
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sewerpalette · 10 months ago
Thinking about if all subnautica leviathans were humans in college for a little art exercise.
Please I can’t be the only one: Void chelicerate, ghost and shadow HAVE GOT to be alt/emo kids, and I BET YOU they would have actually named themselves void, ghost and shadow like little edgelords.
Also sea trader is a camping enthusiast.
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roseworth · 1 year ago
i have a theory that my upstairs neighbor got a curse placed on them so every day after the sun goes down they have to do the loudest jumping jacks possible for an hour or they'll die
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lazy-universes · 1 month ago
the fact that once you're getting close to 30 taking care of yourself is an active effort that involves meal planning and exercising just so you won't fall apart like a goddamn jenga tower when bending down makes me lose it a bit
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