Study partners - Closed RP with sevhalfbloodp4
Lily Hunter were a Pureblood Ravenclaw student in Hogwarts, she was one of the best students there, seeing as the perfect student but she were also considered as the 'other Lily' as she were friends with Lily Evans at one point but no one knew why they stop talking to each other, she were also teased due her blind eye that she cover her hair and she had a long white hair so she were always called as the 'Ice Queen' of the school since she could have a cold attitude towards others aside her shyness.
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She just ignored everyone and focus on her studies, right now she were at the library, having a look at a few books as she enjoy it better then going around school gossip and fool around.
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starwrittenfates · 1 month
@sevhalfbloodp4 continued from HERE
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With this reply, green eyes watched him carefully, sensing more to this than he was letting her know. Perhaps she could take a wild guess that he was being picked on again, and by who else than at least two to three certain Gryffindor's she had in mind. However, Lily knew better than to ask Severus about it. Instead, she would ask the other boys later.
"I see." She replied with a smile. "But why do you need to study more? You're probably already one of the top students in all your classes. There's no doubt you're incredibly intelligent. It's not as if you can't handle whatever Professor Slughorn throws at you."
Lily had to get him out of here and away from the others as much as she could. He couldn't stay in the library forever, and nor did she want to herself. "Oh, I know! Why don't we go to Hogsmeade together? I need to grab some supplies anyway."
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lightcreators · 1 month
@sevhalfbloodp4 continue from here
Severus's dark eyes flicked over the boy, and he could not help the smirk which curled at the corners of his lips. Draco may have fooled everyone else, especially Potter, hell, even himself, but Severus had a gift for seeing through people, and he was not fooled, not even in the slightest, no matter how hard his god son attempted to protest.
"You...are at your wits end..." he said, in a slow drawl. "I beg of of you, to let me assist you...do you have any idea how far I've gone to ensure your safety? I have taken...the unbreakable...vow.."
You are at your wits ends. Alright, this was exactly the sentence he emotionally, mentally, physically KNEW exactly, inside every degree of his soul, than he didn't wanted to hear, especially not from Snape. There always had been consciousness he had been carefully watched by his eyes, which could be deeply problematic concerning his little meddling business … What if, within their double act together, in their separate and different union to protect Potter, he considered that he was going a little too far on the traitor's plank ? Well, actually, he was an traitor --- but it wasn't an knoweldge he wanted concerned villains to know. For one second, as remembrance it concerned Snape and not someone else, he forced himself, deeply within desire of immediate answer of his features, to bring frontal dark glance. I beg of you, to let me assist you. That would have been perfect if Potter wasn't the one insisting within the world of shadows to do the exact same thing, in which he pulled illusions further and rejected what necessery help he needed … ❝  I need to ensure your safety too, just in case you forget. ❞  Immediate bounce back enjoyed that sentence as good manner to an slight discreation. He didn't wanted someone else to be sacrified than him, and nothing could save him than taking somehow, somewhere the responsability about how he was condamned in long term to death … ❝  I just have trouble sleeping, it's not a big deal, really, I'm very, very fine. ❞  He attempted in a rough way.
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starwrittenfates · 1 month
Severus sat in a secluded corner of the library, his eyes flickering over the text in the textbook in front of him, as he attempted to phase out everyone and everything else in the room, leaving him alone with this thoughts so that he would not have to face reality, or deal with any of the arrogant dolts he was forced to put up with on a daily basis.
As he turned the page, however, his hands moving swiftly and smoothly across the paper, he heard a familiar voice nearby, causing a jolt to his heart, and he nearly leapt from his seat, as his eyes shot upward.
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Lily figured she might find him here. She walked into the library, looking for any secluded corners, before finding the person she was looking for. "Sev!" She exclaimed happily, taking a seat at the table, placing her books upon it.
"I thought I'd find you here. How are you doing?" She could tell something was bothering him, even if this type of behavior wasn't unusual for him.
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