#seventeen wonwoo timestamp
satoruvt · 1 year
[9:09 PM]
wonwoo, 507 words, fluff, sfw, no warnings.
a/n: life has been nothing but upsetting since ulting wonu. i love him a lot
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“You’re still out here?”
You jump a little in your seat, feeling your heart rush suddenly at the sound of another person. Wonwoo’s walking closer to the fire, hands in his pajama pants pockets with a small smile on his face. 
“Yeah,” you say after a moment, trying to catch your breath after your little scare. Wonwoo hums. “I can’t sleep well away from home.”
“Me either, most of the time,” he responds.
To celebrate the end of finals and the beginning of your most conscious summer yet, Soonyoung booked a cabin out in the middle of nowhere. Two and a half weeks of nature and quiet, which was enough to get you to come along. You don’t really know if you’d call it camping, the way Soonyoung and Jun do, but it’s close enough, for now.
You’d met Wonwoo twice before you came out here. The first time at Soonyoung’s house as you were coming and he was going, and the second at your university’s art exhibition. He’d looked dreamy then, round glasses and earthy tones, thoughtful and gentle.
He’s looked even better during this trip. No makeup and fluffy hair, comfy clothes and dirtied sneakers. Soft laughter and a quiet voice. Even now, in the warm, warm light of the fire, he’s tender. You’ve spent a lot of soft moments with him over the last two weeks, sharing thoughts about books and laughing at everyone’s antics.
(And… different moments. Intimate moments. Fingers intertwining and little gasping laughs and Wonwoo’s eyes in the low lamplight in your room.)
“Weird that the trip is almost over,” you murmur, looking at the sky. The stars are so bright away from the city. “Feels like we’ve been here forever.”
“Yeah,” Wonwoo says. Crickets chirp behind his voice with the flicker of the fire, a beautiful soundtrack. “Any plans once we get back?”
You sigh, rolling your neck before looking back at him. “Work, probably,” you say, hoping he senses the pain in your voice. He seems to, given the half-amused, half-pitying smile on his face. “You?”
Wonwoo hums, tapping his leg and looking around like he’s thinking, but you get the feeling he already has his answer. Especially when he looks at you. “Seeing you more often, hopefully,” is what he seems to decide on, lips pursed in a playful smile.
You will your suddenly pounding heart to calm down, pulling the blanket you brought outside with you further up your body as a momentary distraction. “Yeah? I’m not just a summer fling?”
You mean it jokingly, and you know Wonwoo can tell. But still, he’s kind in the way he answers, “nah. I think I like you a little bit.”
You meet his eyes over the flames of the fire, something a little more still unspoken between the two of you. Sweet and simple, and important even still. So you nod, look out at the forest again in hopes it’ll do something to cool the heat in your face.
“I think I like you a little bit, too.”
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flwoie · 15 days
[ 10:41PM ] — JEON WONWOO
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STARRING bf! wonwoo x gn! reader GENRE pure fluff, comedy, established relationship, college au CONTAINS kissing UGHHH, studying UGGHHH, wonu did not help you WORD COUNT 312 (lowercase intended ; semi proofread)
🗯 i wanna work with the nonchalant dreadhead no i wanna work with the nonchalant dreadhead (translation: hi guys im back from the dead. trust me i was trying to make a comeback but writers block hit me so hard that i couldnt work on any of my drafts so heres a timestamp i wrote last night)
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wonwoo enters the apartment, and it's empty. you're not in the living room or the kitchen like usual, and he doesn't hear the shower running, so you're not there either. he calls out your name, yet there's no response from you. seconds later, he hears your voice coming from the bedroom.
he makes his way to the room, and as he opens and peeks in through the door, he sees you sitting in front of your desk, with piles of papers laying on it. your head is resting on the table, attempting to not fall asleep and review for your exam.
"you should sleep," wonwoo suggests, coming closer to you and patting the crown of your head. you sit up properly and shake your head.
"i'm studying; i'll sleep at eleven." you grab your pencil, and the tip stays on a piece of paper as you're trying to think of how to answer the question.
"do you need help? if not, i'm going to go play some games."
"actually i do," you say, passing the paper to him. "my friend has my books, and i forgot everything." he analyzes the questions and places the paper on the table.
"it's easy; you got this," he assures, kissing your cheek as he watches you doodle on the paper instead.
"i can't do this; i don't have my books!"
"then use your pretty brain."
"my brain is not meant for science."
wonwoo cups your face into his hands and places a small kiss on your forehead. "now it is." he glances at the time on his watch and lets go of your face. "okay, go back to your studies; i don't want to disturb you. you have ten minutes left—use it wisely."
you nod and press a kiss to his lips, telling him good night after you pull away.
"good night, my love," he whispers.
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moonhoures · 11 months
[ 9:03PM — j. wonwoo ]
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warnings: 18+, minors do not interact, explicit smut, fem!reader, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, finger sucking
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Wonwoo had you caged beneath him at the edge of your bed, pounding into you for what felt like ages. The insides of your thighs were aching and slick with your juices. He had made you cum twice already, and he promised this would be the last one, then he’d finally let you rest. But the glimmer in his eyes might as well have been crossed fingers, because you didn’t believe him for a second. With the energy he had now, he could probably go for another round—or two.
His breath was hot and ragged. His fingers clutched onto your thighs like anchors. His hips snapped relentlessly against yours, making the bed creek quietly with his movements. His hair was still a little fluffy from the shower he had taken hours prior, but sweat was starting to form in his roots, making it damp.
“________, you okay?” he asked you through huffed breaths.
Your eyes were shut tight while you tried to focus on your orgasm, but you opened them to look at him when he spoke to you, “Uh huh.”
“Good,” his fox-like eyes looked at you with an amount of love that was too pure for the sinful moment you were having.
After your reassurance, his pace picked up slightly, making your hands grasp onto his waist a little tighter. He thrusted deeper into you every few strokes, like he was coaxing your release to him. He grunted each time he bottomed out inside of you, feeling your warmth completely envelope him just how he loved it. He also loved the way your head fell back into the sheets involuntarily. The way your mouth slacked open from how well he was fucking you. The way your legs pulled up around him as if you couldn’t get enough, even when he was giving you everything he had. Cute, he thought to himself.
He leaned down, capturing your lips in an intense, wet kiss. His deep moans vibrated against your mouth, making you hum back in response. You whined when he pulled away.
“How does it feel, baby?”
Your eyes closed once more. You could feel yourself on the precipice of releasing again. You could practically taste it, “So good, Wonwoo, you always make me feel so good. I’m so close. So close. So clo- Augh-“
It was then your eyes shot open again, and Wonwoo was looking at you with sadistic amusement. He had reached up and hooked his thumb into the corner of your mouth, effectively shutting you up. When he succeeded in doing so, he stuck his other thumb into the opposite side of your mouth, spreading your lips open.
He leaned in close again, speaking in that low tone that made your pussy clench, “You talk too much, y’know that?”
When you simply nodded, he sneered at you. How pathetic you looked when you were being fucked like this. But you were so good for him, he didn’t care. He found it adorable even.
He slipped his digits from your mouth as he bent down to kiss you again, this time more hungry and fervent than before. He thrusted faster than before, wanting to bring you over the edge. He pushed your thighs further up with his hips, allowing himself a new angle to achieve. You moaned against his lips and tongue. When he disconnected them from yours, his hands slipped further down to the base of your neck and shoulders, holding you still as he thrusted into you ruthlessly. His breath was shaking a little from how close he was getting to his own orgasm. Any moment now . . .
You were cumming, clenching around him sporadically. His name tumbling from your lips repeatedly because he was the only thing your pretty, dumb brain could think of in that moment. And he ate it up, a smirk on his lips just before he came inside of you, filling you up for the third time. The skin between your thighs and your sheets were soaked, without a doubt. Your legs were sore and begging for the relief that a good bath would give them right about now. Your arms fell down against the bed. Your chest heaved with each deep breath you took.
Your boyfriend’s hand skimmed over your skin, from your shoulders, down your torso, to your waist where his fingers rubbed you in the most soothing way, “You took that so well. Are you ready to stop?”
Before you even mustered the energy to nod, he was adding:
“Or should I reward you for being so good to me? Hm? You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
You shook your head. Your voice was as weak as your body, fading off when you responded, “Too tired, Won . . .”
He sighed, knowing you had reached your limit for tonight. He nodded in understanding and patted your thighs in encouragement, “Alright, let’s get you taken care of.”
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ thank you for reading! if you enjoyed this timestamp, please feel free to leave a like, reblog, and/or a message in my inbox! i would love to hear your feedback! ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
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💌 taglist: @bruh-changbin @bluesoobinnie (& i’m tagging @hoshiseon bc i think you’ll enjoy reading this as much as i did writing it 🤭)
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weird-bookworm · 5 months
warning! implied periods + cramps, mention of burning and crying
the first thing wonwoo hears as soon as he enters the house is a comically offended 'ow!'
naturally, he follows the origin of the exclamation and finds himself in the kitchen, watching you as you pout at your finger and glare at it like it killed the entirety of your lineage. to him though, you just looked adorable with your puffed cheeks and soft lips.
he notices a pot of water on the stove, now boiling, and the empty hot water bottle next to it. suddenly, it all makes sense.
diverting his eyes back to you, he speaks softly, "want me to do that for you instead?" his eyes twinkle as your expression morphs into one of happy surprise in a split second, the offending finger all but forgotten.
you bound towards him like an excited puppy, and looking like one too, drowning in your (his) oversized hoodie, thick sweatpants and fuzzy socks. he opens his arms when you get near, and lets out a loud oomf as you collide against his chest and squeeze him tightly.
barely a second passes before you're running to the stove and expertly transferring the boiling water into the hot water bottle. you close the cap and smile your adorable smile at him, while his tired brain is still catching up with having you in his arms one moment and then you disappearing the next.
you seem to be zooming around a lot today, because the next thing he knows, you've wrapped his arm around your neck and you're already walking towards your bedroom.
"i cried today because i missed you, and then you messaged me so i've been in a good mood, but then i started getting cramps so i boiled some water and then almost burned my finger," you grin up him sheepishly. he doesn't know whether to comfort you for crying earlier or ruffle your hair for being so adorable.
"well then, good for you i'm here now," he lets go of you to take out some fresh clothes but gives you a cute smile while you make yourself comfy on the bed.
the day ends with him cuddling you the entire night as you snore away into the dreamland, content with being in the arms of the person you love.
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taglist: send an ask or comment 🥰
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heennnngggggarae · 6 months
01.35 PM
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A/n : Since HHU drabble has the most vote, here it is! also I know I mentioned floor time here BUT it's not the same as the therapy form with the same name so please don't come for me, anyway as usual, please like and/or reblog if you like it, and don't be shy to tell me what you think about it! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAY EVERYBODY!
Before Wonwoo stepped into the apartment he expected 2 things.
The first one being greeted by the sight of you playing with the cats since you told him it’s your day off, and the second being the apartment lights are on. Not being tripped by your body laying down on the floor in the dark, and when you don’t move at all concern fills him instantly. 
No answer. Shit, are you hurt? Did you faint? Or worse DEAD?!?!? No, Wonwoo’s a logical person, there’s no way he’d think that, but when it comes to you it seems like logic flew through the window.
He approached your body before shaking it softly. “Babe?”
No movement, but there’s a pulse from where he held your hand, and your breathing isn’t as relaxed so you’re not sleeping.
Oh thank God. the second you answered him with your own question he wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tight. 
“I thought you were dead,”
“What? I’m not dead,” You straighten up before wrapping your arm around him for comfort. 
He kissed your forehead before resting your head on his neck. He smells of sweat and musk, but there’s a hint of fruit in it making you inhale his smell deeper.
“You were laying on the floor, not moving even after I tripped,”
“Sorry, I was having my floor time”
He hummed, the vibration went through your head, calming you in a sense.
“Floor time? What’s that?” 
Silence filled the room before you answered him.
“Just me laying down on the floor, thinking about stuff”
“What stuff?”
“I don’t know, anything”
He hummed again before letting you go.
“Mind if I join you?”
You smile before pushing him off.
“Go take a shower first, and I might consider it”
He chuckled as he stood up to go to the bathroom, now realizing the apartment was quieter than before, he asked you.
“Where’s our cat?”
“Vernon and Seungkwan are babysitting them”
“Oh. WHAT?!”
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jjuniehao · 2 years
[08:41 pm]: jeon wonwoo
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“did you know that snails can nap for up to three years?” you whisper, hopeful eyes staring up at your boyfriend’s face from your place on his chest, desperate for even just a crumb of his attention.
are you being a little dramatic? probably. but wonwoo should be used to your dramatics by now.
you can’t even blame him for being this engrossed in the book he’s reading — after all it’s the book you were supposed to read together, only for you to sheepishly admit to finishing it all by yourself in just two days. wonwoo just gave you a disapproving look and told you that he’d postpone all date activities until he finished the book as well in order to get you two to be even again.
this was your punishment, of sorts.
wonwoo just hums, one of his hands leaving the pages of the book to rub along your back in acknowledgment and before you can get the chance to bathe in the little attention he spared you, his hand is gone again.
you sigh dramatically, body going limp and letting your head fall down against his chest. “did you know that lack of attention will cause a broken heart?” you try again, not looking at him this time but rather choosing to nuzzle into his neck instead.
you seem to catch his attention this time, since his eyes leave the page for the first time in an hour, small smile playing on his lips and brows raised in question, “is that so, baby?”
you nod silently, sighing deeply for full dramatic effect. he hums as if in deep in thought, his hand finding the back of your head, pressing you a little closer to himself.
“and how do we prevent a broken heart?” he murmurs, letting the book fall shut and placing it on the bedside table. you can’t bite back the smile that breaks out on your face, because evidently, you won.
“well, first, a kiss,” wonwoo hums in response, urging you to keep going, “then a backrub and…maybe some takeout from the dumpling place we like?” you lift your head to finally look at him, hopeful spark in your eyes at the prospect of your favourite dumplings, only to be met with the goofiest, most smitten look you’ve ever seen on your boyfriend’s face.
“in that specific order?” wonwoo grins and you pretend to think about it for a second, even rubbing your chin for good measure. “no, as long as all three conditions are met, heartbreak is averted!” he snorts at you, suddenly reaching forward and pulling your face closer, peppering soft kisses all over.
wonwoo squishes your face, love downright pouring out of his eyes, “i love you,” he places a kiss on your forehead, almost as if to emphasise his point, “let’s get you your dumplings and that backrub, hm?”
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sluttyminghao · 10 months
3:17 am x wonwoo!
[03:17] wonwoo x fem!reader - dirty talk, early morning fucking mentions
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"baby? are you awake?"
you hear a soft groan escape his tired lips before he's heaving his broad body over to face you, eyes not even opening. he was a light sleeper, so you knew it wouldn't take much to rouse him from his slumber.
"what's wrong, sweetheart?"
his low dulcet tone has flames licking inside your belly, your panties only flooding with more arousal. you're sure that you're completely soaked by now, but you need to focus on your boyfriend.
"can you fuck me? please?"
the sentence has his eyes shooting open and he's looking at you confused, but when you slowly spread your legs and show him just how soaked you really are, he can't help but groan out and palm himself at the sight.
"well, when you ask so nicely, i guess I cant say no to you. lay down and I'll fuck you from behind, sound good?"
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jeonghantis · 1 year
[ 11:27 PM ]
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pairing ⇝ jeon wonwoo x reader.
tags ⇝ angst, smut, exes that still fuck
warnings ⇝ language, graphic sexual content, gn!reader but female body parts, ambiguous ending(?), emotional pain. lmk if i missed anything
word count ⇝ close to 1.4k words
minors do not interact.
smut tags under cut.
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smut tags ⇝ marking, slow to rough sex, unprotected sex, creampie, praise, dirty talk. pls lmk if i missed anything
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“We shouldn’t be doing this,” murmured Jeon Wonwoo as he greatly contrasted his uttered words when he sinks teeth into the flesh of your shoulder, adding another splotch of red to the array he’s left all over your chest.
You mirrored his sentiment, but did not speak it aloud. Instead, you let your body betray you as well, bucking your lower frame against his with your fingers threading through his dark curls, pulling him impossibly closer than he already was.
Wonwoo groaned, his warm breath caressing your skin, and his hands gripped your waist to pin you back down onto the mattress for his hips to dig deeply into yours. You feel him growing heavily against your clothed, throbbing core, and you let out a whimper both at the relieving pressure of it and at how it’s immediately not enough.
“Shit, you’re driving me crazy,” he grunted, tearing his mouth away from your neck to stare you down, lust a glimmering onyx in his eyes. “This is the last time I’ll ask you. Are you sure you want this?”
No, you wanted to say. No, because I’ll miss you again when it’s over. The pain that came after it all was excruciating. It blooms in your chest, slowly searing through your veins until you’re consumed whole and forced to feel nothing else. You’ll be haunted again once he walks out your door, seeing wisps of his smile when you shut your eyes and hearing the echoes of his laughter when the room goes still. No, you did not want it, but this was the closest you’ll get to having what you both once had. You wanted that again. You wanted more than this.
But again, you did not speak it aloud. You reached for his face and pulled him in for a kiss and let it all fade—the worry, the fear, and the pain. You focused on the feeling of his mouth, how you once believed it was a perfect fit on yours and how it still was. There was a moment of hesitation from Wonwoo before he’s easing up on you, having your lips meld in tandem with each other in a steady rhythm. 
Then you’re removing clothing off of each other’s heated bodies, leaving them strewn all over your bedroom floor without so much of a care. You’re still kissing him when he aligns himself at your weeping slit, then you’re parting your lips with a broken moan when he slips inside. He moves quickly to press kisses against your face, thumb swiping at a stray tear trickling down your cheek, as sweet praises fall from him.
“That’s it, angel,” he whispered over your ear before placing his lips against your forehead. “Relax for me a bit more, okay? You’re doing so well.”
You’re sobbing into his shoulder, sounding like an absolute mess of babbles, but you could not help it when you finally felt so complete. The hollow ache carved deep inside you was repleted to the brim, healing everything marred by the pain of your yearning. You let yourself savor it all, trying to commit every feeling to memory, because at the end of it all, you knew it was all temporary. No matter how many times you fall into bed with Jeon Wonwoo, the pleasure was fragile and fleeting, and you’d always be left alone more wounded than you were at the beginning.
“Are you okay?” Wonwoo asked softly, cradling your cheek with his palm, concern scrawled over his face.
You nod, trying for a smile with quivering lips as you lean into the warmth of his hand. “I am,” you said, voice cracking. “I’m okay. You can move now.”
He gave you an apprehensive look, unbelieving. But you quickly flatten your soles out on the bed as leverage as you begin to slowly fuck yourself up on him, to distract him from seeing past your crumbling self.
“Fuck,” Wonwoo exhaled out shakily, sparing a moment just to watch yourself use him so desperately, completely at awe and completely turned on by it all. After a few very messy strokes you make, he takes the reins, grabbing your thighs to spread them widely apart before pounding hard into you. His ruthless pace trembles your bones and you could do nothing but let him abuse your cunt as you whine high in pitch and volume. 
“Still so tight,” Wonwoo groaned, face pressed against your throat as he began to mouth at it, sucking and licking at your pulse points. “You haven’t let anyone else fuck your cunt, haven’t you?”
Your confirmation came out as an airy mewl, your arms thrown over his torso and nails digging into the muscled expanse of his back, drawing red angry lines all over.
The next thing he says catches you off guard, completely throwing you in a loop of great disarray and bliss. “This pussy is still mine, yeah?” Wonwoo had growled, emphasizing with a hand brought to press down hard on your clit. “All mine?”
You’re gasping, arcing into him with pleasure singing throughout your body. “Yes!” you sob out again. “It’s yours. All yours, Wonwoo. I’m all yours.”
When that last sentence left your lips, you’re immediately alarmed with a sharp intake of breath, your gaze frantic as you search Wonwoo’s face. But Wonwoo wore a smile, eyes glinting. Before you could really take in what that had meant, his fingers worked deft circles on your clit and his hips angle just right to brush against the golden nerves settled deep in you. 
It was messy. Moisture daubed the dips and curves of your bodies as you continued to seek after your own highs. Wonwoo’s movements had become increasingly heedless by the second, almost animalistic. The repeated, pointed thrusts against the nerves inside you had you sobbing into Wonwoo’s neck once again. The clenching, warm walls around Wonwoo had him heaving, his chest staggering. 
Then, your eyes meet. Reflecting flames of want flared.
Wonwoo pressed against you hard, fitting snugly inside as he painted your inner walls with thick, hot cum. The moan that left Wonwoo was both lecherous and heavenly at the same time, his large frame completely maddened by violent tremors of his orgasm.
You were just as gone, your eyes rolled up all the way to your skull. When you feel his warm release, your lust and greed are quick to possess you. Your hips lift again and ride out the waves of Wonwoo’s orgasm, milking out every single drop of cum out of his system. Wonwoo, though completely overtaken by his bliss, meets your pace albeit very sloppily but determined. It only takes a couple of more strokes until a vicious shudder ricochets throughout your body. Your mouth goes slack with one last cry of Wonwoo’s name, your cunt pulsing violently around the still-spurting length as your own arousal gushes out, making a mess between your heaving bodies. 
It’s silent for a while, only the sound of your breathing and his breaking through the air. Your bodies, slicked of sweat and mixed arousals, were heavy with exhaustion, barely moving as you both splay out on the mattress beside each other. You looked at each other and an air of uncertainty floated around you, just like it had many times before.
You were about to break the gaze away first, to head first into your bathroom to clean yourself up and save yourself from the sight of Wonwoo leaving. But for the second time that night, Wonwoo catches you off guard and reaches a hand out to hold onto your wrist.
“Stay,” he said. A word you wish you had said since the day you both decided to end your relationship. An action you wished he had done.
“Wonwoo,” you start off shakily.
“Just for while,” he insisted, eyes pleading. “Please?”
You chew on your bottom lip, hesitating. But your heart gave out in the end, and you lay right back down, inside the comforting cage of Wonwoo’s arms.
“I’m sorry,” Wonwoo breathed, pressing his lips against your temple. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m sorry too,” you whispered back and nestled closer into his warmth, concealing your teary gaze away.
There, you lay together enveloped in silence, matching the rise and falls of each other’s chest, and settle in the flickering embers of the love you had for one another.
note: woof. i know this was random, but i feel like i had to get the angst out of me to move on to other writings. this is completely self-indulgent and written in one go. so once again, this is not proofread. i hope you enjoyed reading nonetheless :)
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mysafehaneul · 4 months
Timestamp! Aquamarine Au!
Wonwoo x Reader
Part of this Series.
Angst, Hurt comfort, a child and a dog and some ice-cream.
TW: Mention of Chondrosarcoma.
You found yourself leaning against the kitchen counter, hands still gripping the smooth slab as you watched the water slowly dry in the sink. Your gaze was fixated on the droplets that fell and scattered; your fingertips still damp from washing your cup earlier.
The evening dress clung to your body, a reminder of the office event you had attended on behalf of your father. A wave of sadness washed over you, the ache in the lump of your throat intensifying as your eyes stung with unshed tears. Memories played in your head, and life didn't feel the same ever since you found out about
your father's diagnosis with Chondrosarcoma. The feeling of impending loss loomed over you, lurking in the corner, ready to impose itself on you at any moment.
It had been two days since you lost your appetite, preoccupied with your father's condition and the transition of the company's management. Meanwhile, Noel was away for the summer with Jeonghan and Victor and their son, and your daughter was about to start preschool. Everything seemed to be falling into place, yet the taste of the tea you had just drank still lingered on your tongue.
As you stood there lost in your thoughts, you felt sturdy yet careful footsteps approaching you. The familiar scent of his being, fresh from a pre-bed shower, reached you before his arms wrapped around your waist. His hot breath on your neck sent shivers down your spine as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. His lips left a tingling sensation as they moved to speak.
"Everything will be alright," he whispered, his voice a comforting reassurance in the midst of uncertainty.
You drew in a breath, feeling your chest constricted as your brows scrunched in distress. Despite your efforts to control your voice, it still came out tight. "My father is dying, Won. What could possibly become alright?"
"Y/N," Wonwoo stood straight, pulling you closer to his chest as his hand gently caressed the top of your head, your head now resting against his shoulder. "Don't say that. You know I talked with Doctor Jung, and he's hopeful that there is still a chance. If we go forward with the treatment, then he can…"
"I know that, but at what cost, Wonwoo?" Your voice shook, tears streaming down your face. "He's 70 years old, and he refuses it. He says he'd rather live out his days than lease them in exchange for pain. And I don't understand what's wrong with my mother that she's supporting him in this."
Your knees wobbled, but Wonwoo tightened his grip, carefully sitting down on the floor with his legs crossed and placing your shaking body on his lap. He pressed kisses on top of your head, then nuzzled his forehead against your back, his heart breaking at seeing you like this – his strong wife who always pushed through no matter what hurdles life threw at her.
"How can they be so selfish? Why didn't they think of me? Doesn't what I want matter?"
"Your points are valid, Y/N, and I know that," Wonwoo began, gently removing your hand from your face to look at you, providing reassurance. Mascara ran down your eyes, leaving a trace in its wake, and your lipstick was slightly smudged. The sight made him hate himself for being unable to take away your pain.
With downcast eyes, you spoke, your voice filled with childlike innocence that left no doubt that even though your daughter took after him, she inherited all her mannerisms from you. "But I need my father. I'll always need my father. I can't fathom the day where I pick up my phone and dial his number, and he won't be there to pick up after the second ring and tell me, 'Don't worry, I'll take care of it,' Wonwoo. I hate to think about it. Even a thought like that makes me feel like someone has taken the roof off my head and left me in a room surrounded by walls."
Wonwoo could feel a lump arising in his throat as well. He reached out to kiss your tears, but you moved your head and buried your face in the crook of his neck, circling your arms tightly around him. He shut his eyes and did the same.
"Why do I have to be the one always losing people around me? Why can't I–"
"Please don't finish that sentence, please, Y/N," his voice wobbled as he tightened his embrace.
You let your emotions take over, and the sobs soon turned into silent tears. During that time, your husband silently rocked you, rubbing your back and planting kisses periodically. You didn't know how long you both sat there, but the night had surely grown darker, and his hair was dry.
When his voice hushed, "There will be times when life makes us realize that our mortality is the ultimate and unescapable fact. Thus, it makes it necessary for us to live it while we can. Instead of crying, fighting, and complaining, I think you should spend time with your father and make the most out of it so that you don't have any regrets again about the things unsaid and the opportunity to make new memories with him and our kids."
You shook your head in understanding. "Okay."
You wiped your face with the back of your hand and moved away from his neck, his eyes trained on you with the same gaze as the night in London where he proposed to you.
"Since when did you become so philosophical?" you gave him a small smile.
Catching on to your attempt to lighten the mood, he said, "Just ever since I married this woman. You may know her very well. Or Maybe it's a girl-dad effect."
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head at his antics, a small smile gracing both of your lips. You leaned in and planted a kiss at the corner of his lips, pulling back as both of your foreheads rested against each other.
"Have faith, my love. Let's try and talk with him about the treatment together, hmm?"
You took a breath as you were about to move off and go change your dress. The pitter-patter of small feet and four paws slowly rushed down the hall.
"You didn't put her to bed?" you asked, your eyes still closed. "I did," both of your heads still connected.
"Hush, Denny, you're making too much noise. You're gonna wake papa and mama up," the voice was now coming from the other side of the kitchen island as both of you were hidden from plain sight. "I am going to grab the chair and get the ice-cream, but don't bark, okay?"
"How is she going to move the chair?" you whispered to your husband.
"That's what I also want to know."
There was a little screech from the dragging on the floor, then a little huff resounded. "This is heavy," the cute voice concluded. There was silence for a few seconds when the patter against the floor resumed.
You both exchanged looks when Iris opened the pantry and brought out the kitchen step stool. With a look of triumph written across her face, she made her way to the other side of the kitchen where the fridge, as well as the two of you, were sitting, with Denny wagging his tail, giving the telltale sign that this was not the first time they were doing this and he was well aware of what was about to come.
"We wouldn't need this if Oppa were here," she said, looking at Denny, when you said, "Is that right?" making her startled and drop the tool. "Hello Iris, fancy seeing you here way past your bedtime."
Your daughter looked at you, then at her father, eyes widened. "Mama, Papa."
You raised your brows in acknowledgement, Wonwoo's failed suppressed chuckle slipping past. "What are you doing with that, baby girl?" he said.
She moved away from the tool and approached where both of you were sitting and said, "Papa, Denny woke me up and he wanted ice cream."
Wonwoo looked at you and then at Denny before amusing his daughter, "Is that right, Denny?" Denny, none the wiser, gave a bark.
"Well, if Denny wants it, then we can give it to him. You can go to bed."
"Noo," she yelped, then looked down and pouted. "So did I."
You and Wonwoo exchanged amused looks as he said, "Hmm, ice cream does sound like a good idea. What do you say, Mama?"
You couldn't help but chuckle as both of you got up. You wiped your face with the kitchen towel and reached out for the ice cream bowls.
When Iris asked, "What were you guys doing on the floor?"
AN: I have an exam tomorrow but I am kinda sad, and can't take this scene out of my head, Its cringe might delete it later. I know I must focus on the cheol fic but ya know the same'ol writter's bloc. Wish me luck for my exam.
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3raaaachachacha · 2 years
10:09 pm
Jeon Wonwoo x Kim Mingyu x female reader / 639 words / angst / smut
Warnings: unprotected sex, threesome, oral male receiving, dirty talk, cursing, degrading
Disclaimer: contains 18+ content; minors do not interact
Day fourteen of kinktober - jeon wonwoo x kim mingyu  x threesome
⊱ ──────────────────────── ⊰
You couldn’t stop your loud noises as your boyfriend’s friend continued to ram into you from behind, allowing you to keep eye contact with Wonwoo. He sat in the chair across the room, slowly pumping his leaking cock as he watched your fucked out self take it like the good girl you were. Mingyu was in heaven. The man never knew he needed to have a threesome like this. He wasn’t even sure he would have the chance to since he didn’t think anyone, especially Wonwoo, would be into something like that.
Wonwoo stood up with a smirk before taking your chin in his hand, angling it to align with his throbbing cock, “Open up baby,” He stated before inserting himself into your warm hole. He groaned to himself from the instant relief he felt.
“She’s such a good girl. So obedient and she likes it rough,” Mingyu groaned with a smirk on his face as he kept his fast pace with you, making you pant onto Wonwoo’s cock.
Your boyfriend’s hand caressed your face, chuckling to himself, “Are you enjoying this baby? You love having all this attention on you?” You nodded your head as you looked up at him with your best puppy dog eyes, knowing he could cum then and there.
Wonwoo removed himself from your mouth, signalling Mingyu you switch positions with him as you tried your best to catch your breath. Mingyu carefully pulled out of your clenching core, feeling the orgasm you felt coming on die down, whimpers leaving your red lips. You gazed up to see your boyfriend’s best friend staring down at you with hungry eyes, “Gonna make me cum babe?” He chuckled, winking down at you before inserting himself into your tired mouth, “Better.”
Wonwoo aligned with your soaked core, rubbing his tip along the sensitive bud as your body slightly thrashed backwards to get the desired touch, only to have your boyfriend stop you, “Naughty girl. Thought you were going to be good for me. You were so good for Mingyu. Guess I’ll have to remind you who owns you.”
Without another word, your boyfriend sunk into your core as a squeal left your lips. The sound vibrating onto Mingyu’s cock as he held tightly onto your hair, fucking into your face as moans left his parted lips. Wonwoo’s hands tightly gripped your hips, feeling bruises starting to form for you to reminisce on later. His thrusts were deep yet fast as he fucked you with a meaning.
“If you’re gonna act like a naughty slut, then I’ll treat you like one,” He smirked down at your shaking form, only increasing his pace, “Your body reacts so well to me. You love when I fuck you like this, huh?” He asked, growing closer to his own high. You nodded your head frantically as Mingyu’s thrusts slowed down before stilling in your mouth. His warm, salty cum ran down your throat as you took everything he gave you with pleasure.
“You can be a good girl for Gyu, but not me?” Mingyu removed himself from your mouth as Wonwoo pushed your head down onto the bed, ramming into you at an animalistic pace, “Then I’ll fucking make you.”
Loud moans escaped your lips as tears followed from how amazing your boyfriend was fucking you. He has never fucked you so hard that you cried. His finger went down to your clit, moving in fast circles, knowing he was about to cum.
“Come on now, cum for me. Be a good girl for once and listen to me,” Wonwoo demanded as you cried out in pleasure, finally coming onto his cock. He followed suit, stilling inside of you to catch his breath.
He lightly smacked your ass before pulling out, “Remember to be a good girl for me next time baby.”
⊱ ──────────────────────── ⊰
- Admin 🦋
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Your favourite kisses with him are the lazy ones. Bodies pressed together in harmony as your lips move slowly in sync. There’s no memory of who started this kiss, as you become lost in how sweet he tastes. Harmonic sighs leave his mouth as you slowly become more tangled in each other. You’re addicted to the way his slender fingers rub circles against your hip and thigh and the feeling of his hair against your own finger tips. You breathe in his sweet aroma as his lips move in perfect sync with your own. This feeling of falling into each other never ceases to move you, as you realise that his love is your oxygen, your lifeline, your reason.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 2 years
Oct 13th [Wonwoo + Temperature Play]
[9:38] You rested back, a plush pillow under you and your back against the front of the armchair. Your legs were splayed out on the soft rug that was laid out along the floor. A warm fire crackled in the fireplace in front of you, bathing your body in warmth that had you sinking back and relaxing, your body threatening to sleep. Despite Wonwoo’s teasing ministrations before now that he had gone to get something the warmth just felt so cozy you wanted to sink into it.
It didn’t help that you had a silk scarf blocking your vision. Well, you supposed it helped all of his touches to feel that much more intense, but it didn’t keep you awake now that he had left you feeling comfortable and cozy in front of the fire. A yawn pulled your lips just as you heard his soft footfalls on the floor.
“Not falling asleep on me, are you?” Wonwoo chuckled.
“I don’t know,” you grinned. “I’m pretty cozy.”
You heard him next to you, then sensing him sinking to his knees. He shifted you forwards a little so he could settle behind you, placing you between his legs and now giving you his warm chest to lean back against. There was a dull, soft thump as something was placed next to the two of you.
Wonwoo kissed your neck gently, just below your ear. “Allow me to wake you up.”
His lips kissed along your neck slowly and he wrapped one arm around your waist. You sucked in a sharp breath as something cold, hard and wet was pressed to your skin between your breasts. You sat up a little straighter, fingers digging into his thighs as he dragged the ice cube slowly up your skin to your neck.
“Much more awake now,” you breathed.
Wonwoo chuckled. “Can’t have you falling asleep before we have any real fun.”
“It was just so c-cozy,” your joking tone stuttered as he dragged the ice back down, slowly moving towards your nipple. Before he got there he pulled it away and a whine escaped past your lips as you fell back against him, only realizing then that you had pressed forwards into his touch.
“And yet here you are, yearning for more ice.” He hummed.
“It’s so nice,” You moaned. Your body was bordering on hot from the fire but the ice was cold, leaving a trail over your skin that left goosebumps in its wake. He brought the ice back to your body, this time drawing it along your inner thigh. You let out a gasp at the sudden sensation and heard him chuckling in your ear.
“You’re so cute.”
“You always say that when I can’t see anything,” you giggled.
“Because it’s true,” he kissed your neck again. “You never know quite when it’s coming.” He moved the ice away from you again. “Never know quite where it will land next time.” You let out a soft cry as he pressed the ice gently to one of your nipples. His arm around your waist kept you from moving too much as he teased the sensitive spot, drawing a few whimpers from you before pulling his hand away.
You bit down on your lip, squirming a little as he moved, trying to anticipate what would come next. He moved the arm around you, instead using that hand to press a piece of ice to your stomach and slowly draw it over your skin. You felt the way arousal rushed through you from each unexpected touch. Your back arched a little into his touch as he dragged the ice up your skin.
A cry fell from your lips as you felt his fingertips, now cold from the ice, press against your clit. His lips found a spot along your neck to suck as he drew his cold fingers through your folds, gathering your slick before rubbing circles slowly into your clit.
The cold feeling was electrifying, making every hair stand up in the best way possible. It set your senses alight and sparked arousal, making you impossibly wetter. His fingers worked your clit as you started to move your hips along with his motions and he grabbed another ice cube to trail over your skin, hot from the fire and leaving cold water dripping down your skin. 
All too soon he pulled his fingers from your clit and you let out a whine, squirming and gripping his thighs and wanting more.
“Patience, sweetheart,” he murmured, nibbling at your ear and only serving to make more heat pool in the pit of your stomach.
“For what?” You meant to ask lightly but it came out sounding much more desperate than you intended.
“This,” he murmured, bringing his fingers back to your heat. You let out a broken moan as he pressed two cold fingers into your awaiting heat, sending shocks of pleasure rushing through your body. “Heat my fingers up with that pretty pussy of yours, alright sweetheart?”
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ox1-lovesick · 1 year
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★ key: ☁️ - fluff ; 🥀 - angst ; 🍄 - requested ; 🐙 - crack ; 🗯️ - texts ; 🎬 - series
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────── 최승철 🍒
────── 윤정한 😇
────── 홍지수 🦌
────── 文俊辉 😼
────── 권순영 🐯
────── 전원우 🐱
────── 이지훈 🍚
────── 이석민 ⚔
────── 김민규 🐶
────── 徐明浩 🐸
────── 부승관 🍊
────── 최한솔 🐢
────── 이찬 🦦
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★ OX1-LOVESICK all rights reserved. do not copy, distribute, translate, alter or repost my work without my explicit permission.
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enmerald · 2 years
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[ 21:09 ]
"why am I grieving for someone who isn't even dead?" you sobbed into wonwoo's chest, his strong arms wrapped around you. the warmth radiating from him warmed your cold skin.
"shh, it's okay sweetheart, let it out."
wonwoo was your childhood best friend. he's always been there for you since the beginning. when you spoke your first word, he smiled fondly at you when he heard his name come from your small lips.
when you won first place in the one mile event at your school track meet, he picked you from the ground and spun you around, his fresh mint breath fanning your face as he cheered with you.
and even now, when seokmin broke up with an hour ago at your favorite coffee shop, wonwoo answered your phone call and brought with him your favorite chocolate bar and his hoodies to comfort you.
why couldn't you have fallen in love with him?
this thought plagued your mind constantly. you knew wonwoo had fallen in love with you. he confessed to you during your last year of high school when you told him about your plans of studying abroad for your undergraduate degree.
but despite him being patient with you, it seemed as if your stubborn heart will never accept his love.
"wonwoo, why must i fall in love with the wrong people over and over again?" you lift your eyes and look at wonwoo through your tear-filled eyes.
his sad smile broke you and when he spoke, "because you can't control what your heart wants," a new wave of fresh tears fell from your eyes and you leaned forward.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen act with their s/o who's shorter than them
requested by anon : Svt and a reader shorter than them? ^_^
notes: just a reminder that i can also take requests for single member timestamps/drabbles etc!
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wonwoo, dokyeom, hansol
vv sweet. bends down to allow you to hug him better. lets you lean your head against his shoulder, or his arm, if you can't reach. even if he's sweet, he's still an annoying little shit, so sometimes he'll put things high up just so that you can shuffle towards him and mutter that you need his help. loves when you wear his sweaters, bc if they give him sweater paws then you're absolutely engulfed by them
jihoon, minghao
tbh i don't think your height rlly matters to him all that much, in the best way possible. if you complain about how no one is taking you seriously bc you're on the shorter side, he encourages you to start working out like him so that the rest of the members can't even think of making fun of your height without fearing for their life. also loves when you wear his clothes because damn why do they look better on you than when they're on him
seungcheol, jeonghan, mingyu, chan
once put all the cooking spices on the top shelves of the cupboards to see what you'd do when you needed them while making dinner. was horrified when you started clambering up the countertop, balancing on tiptoe rather precariously to see into the back of the shelf. now constantly underestimates how tall you are, putting stuff ridiculously low bc he doesn't want you to get yourself hurt, which is nice, but a little weird
joshua, junhui, hoshi, seungkwan
finds you the most adorable. dotes on you like you're something so precious. will randomly coo at you and pinch your nose affectionately bc you're just so smol. either gets kicked in the shins for that or is rewarded with a flustered smile, depending on your mood. very seriously asks you if you can't see if you're in a crowd with lots of taller people, will offer to lift you up before quickly taking it back bc he can't carry you for that long
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request guidelines
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heennnngggggarae · 7 months
01.36 AM
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“It’s weird” your voice breaks the silence 
“What is?” He replied
“It’s the stars” you pointed to the glow in the dark stickers you and Wonwoo had just put on the night before. “It’s light blue and not the disgusting neon green I used to hate” 
The sheets rustled before you felt an arm on your waist pulling you closer to his chest. 
“You did ask if we could have the blue one instead of the green one…” Wonwoo said with a rasp in his voice, having been woked up barely 5 minutes ago.
“I know, but I got used to the green that I felt weird seeing the blue ones” “you’ll get used to it, just like the green one,” Wonwoo hummed before stroking your hair softly.
You tilted your head before speaking in a more soft tone, “Just like when you first moved in, and I can’t sleep well because I’m afraid if I move too much I’ll wake you up?”
He chuckled before moving his hand to stroke your back, “Just like that, honey, just like that”
(“You can’t even sleep without me now”
“In my defense, you make a really good pillow”)
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